HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06372_Well Construction - GW1_20241025 r WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW 1) . For I vseOnl L Well Contractor Information: .-5�* r&\J \ . S I t,� t n •0 n H.wATERzorES r a . Well Contemner N m • PROM IL TO R DESCRIP11� • . cal a • A R R t 1 NC well conaaaorcettiflcnnoaNumber I.I.OUTER CASING Pr multi-cased wills)OR MEW ) Stephenson's Well Drilling, Inc. FROM To °I'METIM TillOCIORM MATERIAL • Camomie= CI R ., It: 1GI/1 in. SI)e. ;-t r V c q� _ 16.INNER CATSOINGGOR (�omsCmaleland4aan) 2.Well Construction Pentad: N A _Lc f I�c ®n FRoa1 TO DIAMETER T M*TERLIt. at all applicable nil construction ' (Le.WC Cowl%aft Varianaa etc) N/A It. f I ITM 3.Well Use(check well use): ft. . Water8npplvWels t9.SCR>iCN BROM TO DIAMETER SWTS1T8 THI RIS mama ,ggticultural DMonicipaYPnblic Water ��tt. It. In.Geother Geothermal(HeafinglCooliingSupply) ORcsidential Wat rSupply(ogle) A m R. I to- Industrial/Commercial QjResidential Water Supply(shared) 18.mow 'Ration FROM TO DIATE IAL _I'2taLACEMENTAIETUOD.2AMOUNT Non-Water Supply Webs • . 0. it XQ f b Q,( QI;-L. 1'o tlr (o SO Ik1.-IRS`r Monitoiin - DRecovcty . _tL it,_ Q /�.r Infection elk R fk t (pilfer Recharge DGronnclwaterRmudietion 19 SAND/G YSL PACK titau ble>' Aquifer Storage and Recovery Eisalinity Barrier TO MAIERJM. PR &CEMEN MRTROD Aquifer Tar QStormwater Drainage R it. atimeatul Technology Control tt I•I. , Geothermal(Closed Loop) • DiTrucer • A DRILLING LOG(attaehadditlenstsheets ifneo r) Geothermal afeatingcooling Return) .f OtherKaplan uds#21 Reraadts) FROBT To rioxcmlwtnm ,r.�nn.ztc .a„e*aeua I . i I O Oi l 4.Date Well(s)Completed: \V—\--rx ol�well 1D# 0 - R (0 R' :-S" .,.N 1) v W� —i I . a.WelLocatlons' 10 R .a%s$ � ` Shc t, r Q c K `Q.A Aar\ Sr'S .r + _ _ Paciity/hveName Facility il(R cablc) R I. : a.- ,. d r ,; . • 3103 t. dt rr p,A e-czarr.0a r N,C.... a:lrQa. it j. OCT z 2024 Physical Address.Crry,and Zip ft. I' 21.REAR 1, G c.,,v Ile, County County, Parcel ldentifiaaionNo.(PIN) Sb.Latitude and longitude in d /mtmutesfseconds or decimal dew Ufa-ell Held,one latitongissufficient) • 22.Certlfcatlon: { - .IC.' —1' aJ.i' N 1 3 1' as"' w i i T . �-woe_'`' • 10- -,�.`k �, .1. ;•�Well Contraeto�ir i%, Date 6.3s(are)the well(s)Q1PermaneIt or Temporary . "' . - - Ity atatag adrjotra.Ilax*ee>t&that the ualgsllawr(tan)cod em ed la aadaace 7.1s tLit arepalr to an existing well: yes or [/No with Mimic O2C.0100 ar lid NCAC(12C.4209 Well COnstrumion Standardeoaddmt a fad ctvarepakfal ant lama welIcetnuufUaahjaaratien and made ate=weoftha con'ojthiatemrd has hew ptovM edtothenaaoxner. ,elratrrauherH2l reMorisseettan area the back gfr6tsjarar 23.Site diagram or additional well detail= 8.For GeoprobelDPT or nosed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide adrfit mel well site details or well construction,only I G I is needed. Indicate ofwells . COnstruetioadetails- Yonmay W also attach additional pggeS ifne euaury. drilled: -I- SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: . 9J (a) 24a.For All Wean: submit this farm within 30 days of completion of well For twill&!ervelLslist ail depths ifd t(ammple-3(422000�.gad30100') eonstmcdonto the£ollowing: ,, • is Staticwater level below top of casing: tj V (ft.) Division of Water1Resonrces,Information Processing Unit; !lively.level&above castnw we+C 1617 Mail Service Center,Rateigh,NC Z7699-1617 IL Borehole diameter: ' (in.) 24b.goriniectfon Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a p- above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method:-- r 1, �b.,'\, construcdonto the following: 1 (La auger,rotary,cable.dkcet pleb,etc) Divisionof Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 'FOR WATERSUPPL(Y�W►ELLS ONLY: 1636 Mil Service Center,Rateigb,NC 276994636 13a.Yield(gpm) v Method of test: CkA 3 Z 24e.For Water Sagnly&+Tallmaarr Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(2) above. sled submit one copy of this farm within 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type: p 1 i T !u 1 Amount: 1 lb completion of well constmetIcn to the county health department of the county when constructed. i, a....r:w--1 Noels Carolina Decrement of Oaality-Division ofWatetRtaotucts Revised 2-22-2016