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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241430 Ver 1_CAMA Application_20241011DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT Fnviranmenra! FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT QG<)Ilty 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: angela wood 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: 507/ 505 canal dr carolina beach, north carolina 28428 Longitude:77.5327 Latitude:34.0223 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Date of Visit Purpose of Visit Applicant Present? 7/24/2024 Site Visit No 10/l/2024 Site Visit No 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE - Application Received Application Complete Regional Office 10/2/2024 10/10/2024 DCM - Wilmington Regional Office 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan: Land Classification from LUP: Land Classification From LUPs (B) AEC(s) Involved: Estuarine Shoreline, Coastal Wetlands, Public Trust Areas, Estuarine Waters (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Private/Community (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing: N/A Planned: N/A (F) Type of Structures: Existing: Boat slips, Floating structure, Pier or dock, Platform, Covered Platform, Bulkhead(wood), Res. bldg.(single family) Planned: Bulkhead(below MHW/NHW vinyl) (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: Erosion Information Source: Annual Erosion Source 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: DREDGED W FILLED W OTHER W A Open Water 150 CW's above NHW C CW's below NHW 68 Shallow Bottom High Ground 1500 Non -Coastal WL (E) Total Area Disturbed: 1718 W (F) Primary Nursery Area: No (G) Water Classification: SB: Primary Contact Recreation, Tidal Salt Water Open to Shellfishing: No Field Investigation Report: angela wood DCM Major Permit Page I Field Investigation Report: angela wood DCM Major Permit Page 12 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant proposes to replace the existing bulkhead at two adjoining lots 1-3 feet waterward of the existing bulkhead, resulting in the filling of approximately 68 sq. ft. of coastal wetlands. 9. NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION: The project site is two adjacent waterfront properties, located at 505 Canal Drive and 507 Canal Drive, adjacent to the Carolina Beach Yacht Basin in Carolina Beach, New Hanover County. The lot at 505 Canal Drive is an empty lot with a docking facility and wood bulkhead. 507 Canal Drive is a single-family residence with a docking facility and wood bulkhead. Each property has a shoreline of 50' and both are stabilized by a bulkhead that are structurally attached at the interior property boundary. A patch of Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) exists waterward of the bulkheads at the interior property line of 505 and 507 Canal Drive and also at the northern side of 507 Canal Drive. 507 Canal Drive has a large platform that is waterward of the existing bulkheads and no coastal wetlands exist underneath the existing platform. General Permit 961719 was issued in 2015 for the replacement of the existing floating docks at 507 Canal Drive. General Permit 972347D was issued in 2019 to shift the existing pier and enlarge the fixed platform at 507 Canal Drive. State Permit 9163-97 was issued in 1997 for the installation of a bulkhead at 505 Canal Drive. 505 Canal Drive is bordered to the south by a duplex with a docking facility and 507 Canal Drive is bordered to the north by Anchor Bay HOA condominium and the HOA docking facility. The Town of Carolina Beach classifies the area as Conservation (open water) and Residential (upland). The waters in this location are classified as SB by the Division of Water Quality. The area IS NOT designated as a Primary Nursery Area (PNA) by the Division of Marine Fisheries and is CLOSED to the taking of shellfish. 10. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes to install 100' of vinyl bulkhead 1-3' waterward of the existing bulkhead that spans both 505 and 507 Canal Drive. According to application materials, the applicant states that due to the foundation of the existing house at 507 Canal Drive being approximately 10' from the existing bulkhead, it would be safer to vibrate the 15' tie backs into the soil as far west as possible. The application also states that being able to install a straight bulkhead without any turns across both properties, would increase the structural integrity of the proposed bulkhead. The proposed bulkhead would be installed 3' waterward of the existing bulkhead and Normal High Water (NHW) at 507 Canal Drive and slowly taper to approximately 1' waterward of the existing bulkhead and NHW at 505 Canal Drive (See narrative and drawing 2 Of 3). The proposed bulkhead would be backfilled with clean sand, resulting in the filling of approximately 68 sq. ft. of coastal wetlands below NHW consisting primarily of Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora. The proposed bulkhead would tie into the existing bulkheads at the adjacent properties and result in approximately 1,500 sq. ft. of high ground disturbance. There are no proposed changes to the existing docking facilities at 505 and 507 Canal Drive. The deck boards of the existing platform at 507 Canal Drive would be removed for installation of the proposed bulkhead, and then reinstalled Field Investigation Report: angela wood DCM Major Permit Page 13 11. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS: The proposed bulkhead would step out a maximum of 3' waterward of the existing bulkhead, resulting in the filling of approximately 68 sq. ft. of coastal wetlands located below NHW. Installation of the proposed bulkhead would result in approximately 1,500 sq. ft. of high ground disturbance. Increased turbidity levels should be expected during sheet pile installation. Name: Bryan Hall Date: 10-11-2024 Office: DCM - Wilmington Regional Office Field Investigation Report: angela wood DCM Major Permit Page 14 Permit Application Report Application ID Application Type Submitted App Complete Deadline Decision Expiration PA-1508 DCM Major Permit 10-02-2024 10-10-2024 12-25-2024 Primary Applicant Information Applicant Type Title Business Name Name Email Business Phone Mobile Phone Individual Ms. angela wood 9108997997 910 9851135 Physical Address Mailing Address Street 1 City State Zip Street 1 City State Zip 507 canal drive caroling beach NC 28428 507 canal drive caroling beach NC 28428 Additional Applicant Information Applicant Type Title Business Name ame Email Business Phone Mobile Phone Individual Mr. �Roscotroutman 828 850 0639 828 612 9400 Physical Address Mailing Address Street 1 City State Zip Street 1 City State Zip 505 Canal Drive caroling beach NC 28428 6078 Lynchburg rd Hickory NC 28601 Registered Agent Information Agent Type Title Business Name Name Email Business Phone Mobile Phone Business/Company innovatedMarinellc innovatedMarinellc 9108997997 9108997997 Physical Address Mailing Address Street 1 City State Zip Street 1 City State Zip 5324 Blue Clay Rd castle hayne NC 28429 5324 Blue Clay Rd castle hayne NC 28429 Project Information Project Name Project Type Disturbed Land Area (Scl Ft/Acres) 507 / 505 Canal Dr seawall Private/Community 100 Sq. Ft. / Acres Is proposed project located in national registered historic district or national register listed/eligible: False List of previous state or federal permits for work on project tract: N/A Project Location Information Address County River Basin Subdivision County Parcel ID Latitude Longitude 507/ 505 canal dr carolina beach, north carolina 28428 New Hanover Cape Fear n/a n/a 34.0223 77.5327 Project Discharges to State Waters Discharge Type Surface Runoff Sanitary Wastewater Industry/Commercial Effluent Vessel Wash Down Residential Other Wastewater/Stormwater Discharged Into Wetland? Discharge Same Salinity as Receiving Waters Is There Any Mitigation Proposed False False False Detailed Description of the Existing Development Located on the Property Existing Man -Made Features: 3 bed 2 bath , 2 story home on 507 canal residential dock on both 507 and 505 Existing Land Uses: Existing Wastewater Treatment/Disposal: city of �-arouna Qeac. Solid Waste/Fish Offal/Trash Disposal: city of Carolina beach Use and Daily Operations of the Project When Complete Proposed Development Purpose: install new 100ft of vinyl seawall 2ft to 3 ft Infront of existing wood wall to protect the land and cwl Buildings/Facilities/Units/Structures: Use & Daily Operations: Construction Methodology & Equipment: Install new vinyl sea wall using an excavator with vibratory hammer on a floating barge Development Activities Narrative Specifics: Application Narrative: Install new vinyl seawall Infront of existing failing wood bulkhead. The new wall will be built 1ft to 3 ft Infront of old seawall due to home structure being to close. The existing house foundation at 507 canal (north side) is where we would be going 2 to 3ft. Due to existing foundation, it will be safer to vibrate our 15 ft tie backs into the soil as far west as we can. Also, the property jogs out at 507 canal, it will benefit the integrity of the wall by running a straight line and squaring the property's up vs having to put 45-degree angles in the wall. (see attached drawing 2 of 3) Wall will be constructed out of 12ft vinyl sheets (12ft in ground 4 ft up). Sheets will be installed using vibratory hammer. Single 6x6 top whaler with 3/4 tie backs every 8ft. Boat Ramp Development Activity Included: False Boat Ramp Dimensions Length Width Avg Existing Depth I Final Project Depth I Distance Waterward of NHW/NWL Will Fill Material Be Placed In Any Of The Following Areas Area Sq. Ft. Affected Purpose of Fill in This Area Coastal Wetland/Marsh (CW) Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Shell Bottom (SB) Other Non -Coastal Wetlands (WL) Boat Ramp Structures Structure Type Length I Width Quantity Shoreline Stabilization Development Activity Included: True Has There Been Erosion in the Preceding 12 Months Amount of Erosion (Feet Within the Past 12 Months) True 1 Source of Erosion Amount Information wood bulkhead has holes leaking soil Shoreline Stabilization Type of Stabilization Describe "Other" Stabilization Bulkhead Type of Stabilization Material Describe "Other" Stabilization Material Vinyl Length Width Avg Distance Waterward of NWH/NWL 1 Max Distance Waterward of NHW/NWL 100 2 3 3 Sq Ft of Fill to be Placed Below Water Level Type of Fill Material Source of Fill Material 100 1 Sand n/a How Will Fill Material be Kept on Site and Erosion Controlled will not be kept on site - once on site will be put behind new wall Will Wetlands be Crossed in Transporting Equipment to Project Site Explain Steps Taken to Avoid/Minimize Environmental Impact False Living Shoreline Development Activity Included: False Piers & Docking Facilities Development Activity Included: False Excavation Development Activity Included: False Bridges & Culverts Development Activity Included: False Oceanfront Erosion Control Development Activity Included: False Temporary Structures Development Activity Included: False Utility Crossings Development Activity Included: False Freestanding Moorings, Buoys & Bird Nesting Poles Development Activity Included: False Log Removal/Marine Debris Development Activity Included: Yes/No Navigational Aids Development Activity Included: False Other Fill Below Water Level Development Activity Included: False Stormwater Structures Development Activity Included: False "Upland Development" Development Activity Included: False Energy Facilities Development Activity Included: False Aquaculture Development Activity Included: False Submerged Lands Mining Development Activity Included: False General Development Activity Details Required Marina Development Activity Details Required Acknowledgements understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the permit ® 1 certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project ® 1 further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge ® 1 certify that by clicking the submit button on this NC Division of Coastal Management application I acknowledge that I am signing and dating the application submitted therein Book 6543 Page 2243 BK: RB 6543 PG: 2243 - 2245 NC FEE $26.00 RECORDED: 2022008202 03/02/2022 NEW HANOVER COUNTY, 10:44:24 AM BY: SAMANTHA SPEAKER TAMMY THEUSCH PIVER EXTX $0.00 REGISTER OF DEEDS DEPUTY ELECTRONICALLY RECORDED NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED (Transfer to Revocable Trust) Excise Tax: N/A Parcel ID: R08818-004-005-001, MAP ID 313007.67.0525.001 R08818-004-003-000, MAP ID 313011.57.9377.000 Mail/Box to: K imberly H. Whitley, Patrick, Harper & Dixon L.L.P., PO Box 218, Hickory, NC 28603 Prepared by: Kimberly H. Whitley, Patrick, Harper & Dixon L.L.P., PO Box 218, Hickory, NC 28603 Brief description for the Index: 513 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, New Hanover County, North Carolina 505 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, New Hanover County, North Carolina THIS GENERAL WARRANTY DEED ("Deed") is made on the day of DOOA2022, by and between: GRANTOR GRANTEE DOUGLAS R. TROUTMAN and wife, DOUGLAS ROSCO TROUTMAN, CAROLYN LAIL TROUTMAN Trustee of the D. Roscoe Troutman Revocable Trust dated August 19, 2010, as amended 6078 Lynchburg Road 6078 Lynchburg Road Hickory, NC 28601 Hickory, NC 28601 Enter in the appropriate block for each Grantor and Grantee their name, mailing address, and, if appropriate, state of organization and character of entity, e.g. North Carolina or other corporation, LLC, or partnership. Grantor and Grantee includes the above parties and their respective heirs, successors, and assigns, whether singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter, as required by context. FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION paid by Grantee, the receipt and legal sufficiency of which is acknowledged, Grantors by this Deed do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey to Grantee, in fee simple, all that certain lot, parcel of land or condominium unit in New Hanover County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows (the "Property"): Tract 1 New Hanover County: PIN R08818-004-005-001, MAP ID 313007.67.0525.001 Address: 513 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, New Hanover County, North Carolina {PHD 01398637.DOCX 31 Page 1 of 2 submitted electronically by "Patrick Harper & Dixon L.L.P." in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement with the New Hanover county Register of Deeds. Book 6543 Page 2244 Lying and being situated in the city of Carolina Beach, Federal Point Township, New Hanover County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: Unit No. 1=A of Anchor Bay Condominiums, Phase I, as shown on those certain Condominium Plat Book 7, pages 294 through 295, and designated in that Declaration of Unit Ownership for Anchor Bay Condominiums of record in Unit Ownership Book 1336, page 968, together with a 0.1111 undivided interest in the common areas and facilities declared therein to be appurtenant to said unit. Said 0.1111 undivided interest shall be automatically reduced to a smaller undivided interest upon submission of other phases to the Declaration of Unit Ownership. The grantees, by acceptance hereof and by agreement with the grantors for themselves and their successors in interest and assigns, hereby expressly assume and agree to be bound by and comply with all the covenants, terms, provisions and conditions set forth in the Declaration of Unit Ownership and the Bylaws of Anchor Bay Condominium Owners' Association, Inc. of Record in Unit Ownership Book 1336, Page 968, New Hanover County Registry and all rules and regulations made thereunder, including but not limited to, the obligation to make payment of assessments for the maintenance and operation of the condominium and common areas which may be levied against said unit. This conveyance is made expressly subject to the Declaration and Bylaws hereinabove set out and to such covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements as are set forth in said Declaration and Bylaws, and the plans and specifications of Anchor Bay Condominiums as recorded in Condominium Plat Book 7, pages 294 through 295, New Hanover County Registry, together with the boat slip 2nd from North on Front, marked Slip No. IA. For further reference to the chain of title, see the Deed recorded in Book 1520, Page 1083, New Hanover County Registry. See also Estate File 18 E 226, New Hanover Clerk of Superior Court. The Property herein conveyed above does not include the primary residence of Grantors. Tract 2 New Hanover County: PIN R08818-004-003-000, MAP ID 313011.57.9377.000 Address: 505 Canal Drive, Carolina Beach, New Hanover County, North Carolina BEING all of Lot 13A, Block 8A, Carolina Beach as per map thereof recorded in Map Book 3 at Page 67, New Hanover County Registry, to which map reference is made for a more particular description. For further reference to the chain of title, see the deeds recorded in Book 1377 at page 715 and Book 1503 at Page 485 New Hanover County Registry. See also Estate File 18 E 226, New Hanover Clerk of Superior Court. The Property herein conveyed above does not include the primary residence of Grantors. Carolyn Lail Troutman joins in this conveyance solely to release any marital interest she may have. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Property and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to Grantee in fee simple. Grantors covenant with Grantee that Grantors are seized of the Property in fee simple, Grantors have the right to convey the Property in fee simple, title to the Property is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and Grantors shall warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, other than the following exceptions: 1. All easements, restrictions, and rights -of -way of record; and 2. Any local, county, state or federal laws, ordinances or regulations relating to zoning, environment, subdivision, occupancy, use, construction, or development of the subject property, including existing violations of said laws, ordinances, or regulations. {PHD 01398637.DOCX 3 } Page 2 of 3 Book 6543 Page 2245 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantors have duly executed this North Carolina General Warranty Deed, if an entity by its duly authorized representative. F Lyub-t� C&",W�OLIIO - Carolyn Lail Troutman STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CATAWBA I, a Notary Public for said County and State, certify that Douglas R. Troutman personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this _1 �" day of Ma 2022. My Commission Expires: I ® I At R, •.•.. STATE'OF-NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CATAWBA Noldy Public Print Name: r2c ef-ILL- L. c — [NOTARY SEAL] (MUS E FULLYLEGIBLE) I, a Notary Public for said County and State, certify that Carolyn Lail Troutman personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument. } r Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this 1 'fday of Vo Q11 camd. 2022. My Commission Expires: i '�) ( � -a3 Fi►- Y Y rM2�i o T A R )s r ti D U a\. 4` .................. .. {P1ID 01398637.DOCX 3 } Nota Publicr Print Name: �% ' '� L ' C " — [NOTARY SEAL] (MUST BE(fULLY LEGIBLE) Page 3 of 3 Book 6359 Page 1701 Prepared By and Mail To: P. Tilghman Pope, Esquire Pope Law Group, P.A. Post Office Box 928 Dunn, North Carolina 28335 Revenue: 0 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BK: RB 6359 PG: 1701 - 1702 NC FEE $26.00 202U�394U2 RECORDED. NEW HANOVER COUNTY, 09124/2020 TAMMY THEUSCH BEASLEY 03:17:38 PM EXTX $0 00 REGISTER OF DEEDS BY. KELLIE GILES DEPUTY ELECTRONICALLY RECORDED Parcel No.: R08818-004-004-000 WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED, made this -D day of September 2020, by and between Janice A. Lee and husband, John B. Lee, Jr., 1636 Jonesboro Road, Dunn, North Carolina 28334, hereinafter referred to as Grantor, and Angela Lee Wood and Bradley Allen Lee, 1664 Jonesboro Road, Dunn, North Carolina 28334, hereinafter referred to as Grantee; WITNESSETH: NOW, THEREFORE, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Federal Point Township, New Hanover County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: All of Lot 14-A, Block 8-A of the plan of Carolina Beach, according to a map Submitted electronically by "Pope Law Group, PA" in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement with the New Hanover county Register of Deeds. Book 6359 Page 1702 prepared by M. H. Lander, C.E., and duly recorded in Map Book 3, Page 67, in the Office of the Register of Deeds, New Hanover County. Also see Deed recorded in Book 2512, Page 766, New Hanover County Registry. THIS IS NOT THE PRIMARY RESIDENCE OF THE GRANTOR. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions: Easements, restrictions and rights -of -way of record. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. - NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY a Notary Public, do hereby certify that Janice A. Lee and eared before me this day and acknowledged the husband, John B. Lee, Jr., personally app execution of the foregoing instrument. �1f� ' loot , ��;A seal thisd )day of September 2020. WITNESS my hai'`�'N''1.,�,'. JZ' NOTARY P LIC -- °C MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:. a p �s F- Project Narrative — Site Address- 507/ 505 Canal Dr, Carolina Beach N.0 28428 Home Owners —Angela Wood 507 — Rosco Troutman 505 Agent —Innovated Marine LLC Proposal— New Vinyl Seawall Narrative The objective of this project is to prevent soil erosion behind the current wooden bulkhead. The replacement bulkhead will consist of vinyl sheets, each 12 feet long. It will feature a 4- foot exposure above ground and an 8-foot embedment below ground. The structure will include a single 6-inch by 6-inch top whaler and manta ray tiebacks at 8-foot intervals. We propose constructing the new wall 2 feet in front of the existing one due to the proximity of a house on the property. 3/4 Tie -back anchors will be driven 15 feet into the ground toward this house to avoid destabilizing it. Dismantling the old bulkhead poses safety risks and could lead to the house settling. The area behind the new bulkhead will be filled with sand and topsoil, and it will be equipped with four vinyl breather vents. We will be using a excavator with a vibratory Hammer to install the sheets and tiebacks. The excavator will be on a barge and will not disturb wetlands in process. We would like to but not exceed 3ft in front of 507 canal, (North end). By doing this, it will be safer to drive our tie backs 15ft back toward the existing house structure. This will also build a strait wall instead of putting 45-degree angles in the seawall. It will be structurally stronger, safer and better if we can obtain this amount waterward. Nw N °° U CL �w Z L0 O � w co LLJ E[LV w 20 ()— T PMR LL (M o W� �� o = O � = ww 13 z ppp 0 (m 0 ;.o z bib 2 ` 0 co c� �+ LOU vw �I co 0 z ELc� LOU ,sL (:3) m EL 0)o vJ aJ U J j z N 'Qi— W LOU �U � Z EL j L0 C� O U a .^y J U oL0 Q U L0 CASTLE HAYNE 4024 HOLLY SHELTER RD CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429-5536 (800)275-8777 09/10/2024 11:42 AM --- Product Oty Unit Price Price ----------------------------------- First-Class Mail* 1 $0,73 Letter Carolina Beach, NC 28428 Weight: 0 lb 0.80 oz Estimated Delivery Date Thu 09/12/2024 Certified Mail® $q,85 Tracking #: 70222410000105147417 Return Receipt $4.10 Tracking #: 9590 9402 8703 3310 7481 23 Total $9 68 First -Class Mail@ 1 $0 73 Letter Raleigh, NC 27609 Weight: 0 lb 0,80 oz Estimated Delivery Date Fri 09/13/2024 Certified Mail® $4.85 Tracking #; 70222410000105147400 Return Receipt $4.10 Tracking #: 9590 9402 8703 3310 7481 Total 30 $9.68 --------------------------------------- ------- Grand Total: $19.36 Debit Card Remit $1.9.36 Card Name: MasterCard Account #: XXXXXXXXXXXX7709 Approval #: 134920 Transaction #: 574 Receipt #: 031016 Debit Card Purchase: $19.36 AID: AOOOOO00042203 Contactless AL: US Debit ------------------- Text your tracking number, to 28777 (2USPS) to get the latest status. 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Postmark} Here Postmark Here l 00 W >- CV = >- oo N � bpi• Lij U') d CJ t�0 i-' U Li O L d c W CD 4k cz L fU C) C'i fe, (ry f`- rx r t�j �LO 1fuh�) (TJ ("7 ri CV Lx7 o � U) .-. 00O L(V C) N L N C>7 N C7 ' 4 Q) OO > CV w r— C.)0---\�—ItO +�-M� NQ ® 11 O ) s13 O7 eT - Q 01 C) + o\X:Cao (DI`�Y) X: OO-0 4-0 m a) c)Cl X +1 sv sll U a,- U U1 Cif • • +, "Q s6 '►— fN C+ eII N 4-- L C L `►— sCS -C-- E3r I— LF— X<C L sll en N i-' ell .3 � W +J d W +-+ sp LL _I � Eff -, I v LO en Lt7 IN r-+ '7 o� L C3 L N Cn m Q >N®�Q LLoQ �f3 .O tp CO m cna) --i coCt#4 CLnO� —c�CD CLO m i Z CD-6 t + -s ,s sat [ a�e m Q. x m m U C]c C3 O L C r6 O i E h -- I-- L t- X Q (A CM • + +� mm30c:w C a CL r r Q' e, CIWO 6956 10/11/24, 11:46AM® - USPS Tracking® Results ALERT. HURRICANES HELENE AND MILTON, FLOODING, AND SEVERE WEATHER IN THE SOU... USPS Tracking' FAQs > Tracking Number: Remove X 9589071052701951335507 Copy Add to Informed Delivery ( Latest Update Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 2:46 pm on October 7, 2024 in WILMINGTON, NC 28403. Get More Out of USPS Tracking: USPS Tracking Plus° Delivered Delivered, Left with Individual WILMINGTON, NC 28403 October 7, 2024, 2:46 pm In Transit to Next Facility October 6, 2024 Arrived at USPS Regional Facility FAYETTEVILLE NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER October 5, 2024, 9:34 am Departed USPS Regional Facility RALEIGH NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER October 1, 2024, 2:53 am Arrived at USPS Regional Origin Facility RALEIGH NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER September 30, 2024, 11:42 pm TI rD rD a v n 1 /3 10/11/24, 11:46AM® - USPS Tracking® Results Arrived at USPS Regional Facility FAYETTEVILLE NC PACKAGE SORTING CENTER September 30, 2024, 7:06 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility FAYETTEVILLE NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER September 30, 2024, 6:15 pm Departed Post Office CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 September 30, 2024, 4:39 pm Departed USPS Facility CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 September 30, 2024, 3:02 pm USPS in possession of item CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 September 30, 2024, 3:01 pm Hide Tracking History What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean?( Text & Email Updates USPS Tracking Plus@ Product Information Track Another Package Enter tracking or barcode numbers See Less /\ Need More Help? Contact USPS Tracking support for further assistance. u MA u 2/3 10/11/24, 11:46AM® - USPS Tracking® Results FAQs 3/3 Major ar oft Fee Schedule - (5� �zs0 Project Dame: County: �P� Check l�o &Amount: Development Type Fee DCM % DWQ % E (14300160143510009316256253) (2430016024351000952341) I. Private, non-commercial development that does not involve the filling or $250 100% ($250) 0% ($0) excavation of any wetlands or open water areas: If. Public or commercial development that does not involve the filling or excavation $400 100% ($400) 0% ($0) Of any wetlands or open water areas: t I I L For development that involves the filling and/or excavation of up to 1 acre of wetlands and/or open water areas, determine if A,B, C, or D below applies: Ilf(A). Private, non-commercial development, if General Water Quality; $250 100% ($250) 0% ($0) Certification No. 4175 can be applied: 1) I1l(B). Public or commercial development, if General Water Quality Certification $400 100% ($400) 0% ($0) No. 4175 can be applied: Ifl(C). If General Water Quality Certification No. 4175 could be applied, but DCM staff determined that additionai $400 60% ($240) 40% ($160) review and written DWQ concurrence is needed because of concerns related to water quality or aquatic life: r III(D). If General Water Quality $400 60% ($240) 40% 1 Certification No. 4175 cannot be applied: ($ 60) IV. Development that involves the filling andlor excavation of more than one acre $475 50% ($285) 40% ($190) of wetlands and/or open water areas: DCM Coordinator: Cameron Luck DYNAMICS DISTRIBUTION1 Yl N L & DYNAMI Circle one Bio R po 1 Permit for: Oversize Pla County: ry 4 Permit #: NN SHEET U) A DCM Offices: / Morehead City: ns (if ov/rsize) via USPS *cc Cam & AmanKnoup email wl, deed, comment sheet *MHC documentAmanda) Wilmington: OrZcopy ONLY USACE & DWR (wiro): Split Sheet Fee Chart (No recommendations) USACE Wilmington: airjflum-der & Carteret Co): PN, CL, Reports, Split Sheet _ use both Wilmington REG & r�j�e (NH/BR).- PN, CL, Reports, Split Sheet Rep emails for USACE `' Currey (NH/BR: PN, CL, Reports, Split Sheet Div of Water Resources: "Michael Meilinger - 401 (BR/NH/ON/Carteret): PN, CL, Reports, Split Sheet =11/taTlM7i5n - 401 (PN): PN, CL, Reports, Split Sheet Div of Water Resources: \-Sfyerl Montalvo for Karen Higgins: PN, CL, Reports, Split Sheet t phanie Goss rbara Dunn, barbara.menefee-dunn(a Marine Fisheries: im Harding DCM PlannerlWIRO: .Mike Christenbury Cultural Resources: Renee Gledhill -Earley environmental. review ov� Natural Heritage Prog. "Misty @ Natural.HeritapeQemail NC DOT: 1-David Harris _ Wildlife Resources: LiM�ia Dunn w/Reports State PropertyOffice: Walton: DEED Moser _ "Wanda Hilliard, Real Property Agent (Bio Reports only) Shellfish Sanitation: vK3p� Diaz ndrew Haines _ DEMLR: �-C istine Hall - Stormwater Section _ �n Sams - Land Quality Section Public Water Supply: �eidiCox City of Wilmington: Enforcement: Field Rep: p'{, - Agent: I DISTRIBUTED: `0 E 1224 Updated 10-2024 10/11/24, 11:45AM® - USPS Tracking® Results ALERT. HURRICANES HELENE AND MILTON, FLOODING, AND SEVERE WEATHER IN THE SOU... USPS Tracking' Tracking Number: 9589071052701951335484 Copy Add to Informed Delivery ( Latest Update FAQs Remove X Your item was picked up at the post office at 9:56 am on October 3, 2024 in BENSON, NC 27504. Get More Out of USPS Tracking: USPS Tracking Plus° r Delivered Delivered, Individual Picked Up at Post Office BENSON, NC 27504 October 3, 2024, 9:56 am Available for Pickup BENSON 402 S MARKET ST BENSON NC 27504-9998 M-F 0900-1700; SAT 0900-1200 October 3, 2024, 8:25 am 0 Arrived at Post Office BENSON, NC 27504 October 3, 2024, 8:25 am 0 Departed USPS Regional Facility RALEIGH NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER October 1, 2024, 2:53 am 0 Arrived at USPS Regional Facility I -n rD rD a v n 1/3 10/11/24, 11:45 AM® - USPS Tracking® Results RALEIGH NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER September 30, 2024, 11:30 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility FAYETTEVILLE NC PACKAGE SORTING CENTER September 30, 2024, 7:06 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility FAYETTEVILLE NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER September 30, 2024, 6:15 pm Departed Post Office CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 September 30, 2024, 4:39 pm Departed USPS Facility CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 September 30, 2024, 3:02 pm USPS in possession of item CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 September 30, 2024, 3:02 pm Hide Tracking History What Do USPS Tracking Statuses Mean?( Text & Email Updates u USPS Tracking Plus@ u Product Information u See Less /\ Track Another Package Enter tracking or barcode numbers 2/3 10/11/24, 11:45AM® - USPS Tracking® Results Need More Help? Contact USPS Tracking support for further assistance. FAQs 3/3 4D NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality October 11, 2024 2 Pages Star News Legal Advertisement Section Re: Major Public Notice for: • Angela Wood ROY COOPER Governor MARY PENNY KELLEY secretary TANCRED MILLER Director, Division of Coastal Management Hello: Please publish the attached Notice in the Thursday, October 17, 2024 issue. The State Office of Budget & Management requires an original Affidavit of Publication prior to payment for newspaper advertising. Please send the original affidavit and invoice for payment to Tanya Pietila at the NC Division of Coastal Management, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405, 910-796-7226 (Customer No. 489895). Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you should have any questions, please contact me at our Wilmington office. Sincerely, Tanya K. Pietila Permitting Support & Customer Assistance cc: MHC Files Cameron Luck — MHC USACE State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405 919 796 7215 NOTICE OF FILING OF APPLICATION FOR CAMA MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT The Department of Environmental Quality hereby gives public notice as required by NCGS 113A- 119(b) that the following applications were submitted for development permits in Areas of Environmental Concern as designated under the CAMA: On October 11, 2024, Angela Wood proposed to replace the existing bulkhead at two adjoining lots 1-3 feet waterward of the existing bulkhead, resulting in the filling of approximately 68 sq. ft. of coastal wetlands at 5071505 Canal Drive, adjacent to the Carolina Beach Yacht Basin in Carolina Beach, New Hanover County. Copies of these applications can be examined or copied at the office of Bryan Hall N.C. Dept. of Environmental Quality, Division of Coastal Management, 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405, (910) 796-7423 during normal business hours. Comments mailed to Tancred Miller, Director, Division of Coastal Management, 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, NC 28557-3421, prior to November 7, 2024 will be considered in making the permit decision. Later comments will be accepted and considered up to the time of permit decision. Project modification may occur based on review & comment by the public and state and federal agencies. Notice of the permit decision in these matters will be provided upon written request.