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GW1--06144_Well Construction - GW1_20241014
I. I! WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD \\ " For This form canbc used for singlear-tnrrltipkniEs I 1.Well Contraettlr Information: V • I . /4.WATER ZONES-. . , Tyler Brown " " Fttost TO • DESCRIPrtt)N ' WellConrlmgorNinie R. R, I I 4625 rt. rt.. • I I . NC•Wd!Conna¢ratCcni1tcntionNwtlrer 'IS:OUTER CAS ING(rorm utllitisidne0s)OR-LINER(tfai flcab1e) •- • Mom TO , : • DIAMETER- THICKNESS' MATERIAL SAEDACCO • ft., R., In. Conrpauay Name • ' . .16:-.INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal erased-Ionp1',',;' ' •' FROM. •_To _-_ ottatrTSR ,THICKNESS 11MATERIAL 2,Wc11.ConstructionPertnit>r: 0 R. 6 It.- 2" SCB-40 PVC • ' l ru rdl apprticrrble wit prrnrits.li c.Coamnvr Sraa•;.Vnriaiwe,1I fe'a9nrt exc.); •R.• R. in,' . 3.Wcll.Use(clicvkwdluce1: I7:SCRct:N • Water Supply Well: • - ." :' FROrt TO .-DI.METER stOTStu: TIUCKN1SS. I S)AT11UAM, Cli\Sticultitrat ❑MunicipaliPEbtic 6 ft. 16' R; 2" in 010 SCH-40 PVC ©Geothermal(Heatingr'Cooliag Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(single) ft. (L in, . . ®IndustrialfConunctcial CiResidemtfal\VaterSupply(sugared), a GROUT• _. ; • FROM' . TO - " '.MATEREAL - - EMPLACEM6TME1HOD 4AMODNT ❑➢mention- . ' . . . .' 0 fr. "3" ' ft. Portland pour Non-WatcrSupp,lp�ell:, . ®Monitoring - . . DRccoseiy. ' . R. ft." Injection Wed:- - . . R." q„ ' ' clAquifer Recharges l7Gjotlidw ticr Rcmcdiation- •19 SANDIGRAVEL PACK(it:Oldi.il.kt• - . : ' 'mom' ' ' TO' 'MATRRL14 • ENIPLACI\UNTA nToon • ❑AquiferStortgertnd Rccovcty ❑Salinity Barrier a - ft. 16 ft. Sand f 2 . ❑AquifcrTest, ❑Stonnitiatcr Drainage 7 • ft. ft: . ❑Eq,erinlental Teelinotog' ❑Subsidence Control . •'20:DRILLING LOG(sltacli.additional sheetsifncccssarvl ' ❑Geotherrual(Closed Loop) ElTricer. • -PROM - to DESCRIPTION hubr.hantac,i,wn'nkklrasr.gsaa.rre.der . ❑Geotlieuuat(Healing:Caoling Return) ❑Other(e rplain under 421 Retnaltsl .o R• 5 . R, - . . . " . 5 "IL. 10 • it. t.T� w 4:Bate FVetl(I)Coulpleted: 9/3/24 Well Il)itNW-2. 10 R, 16 ft. ,-N.�.-,.S.:.,,c : ;r' . . • 5a.Well Lucatlum it, ft . - 0CT r' .G 2024 Former Variety. Pickup R. ft ■ FacilityiOnncrilmoc. .FactiityLDP..(ifapplicablc) R.e� ft. • 1T - _ -` 875 US-70 W., Garner, NC, 27529' :R, ft,_ - • , .L'"'-:-'-;:r ' Plnsical Address.City.and Zip It.RIAIARKs . . • Wake Bentonite seal from 3-4'!•' . • • Caaiuty . - Pareel!dcntiricction-No,(PIN) ib..Latitirdeatid Longitude in degrces/minutcslscennds or decimal degrees' 22,Ccttifratioii, . . I (If troltfield,ors lat,7oug ig sadllcknt)" f N NY. � _ / /,,.?—~ 9/25/2024 • SiiniI i:•ofCcitifled Well Contractor Date • • 6.blare)the wells):.Z1Permautemt or 1:Temporary •By;signhag Mir fans.'I irerebp(entry dirt:ho well(s)war(nwsJ ctmrtr cried ht.ac orrImrce • with(5A NG4C OW,0I0.9 or'1SA NCCIC 02C.0201)W U Constrri.rlar Staa ands and dxrr a - ' 7.L.this a repair to an existing well: DYes• or l No egirofMak record has lhienprevided"tarbe n.,11reaer. If ihls'ir a ii palr:fill EAR 1ao,iz well caarnarctfon iuformmton and r.tpiahr the nature of rhe rsprirnr der•$3l remarks srcrian ar ad the brut fed*form. . 23.Site:diagram or additional Well,dettits:"You-may use the back of this page'to.provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 • --• - construction details. You•slay also auaelt additional pages if necessary. . Far'tnulrtplc hafeeilon eir non-were supple•welts ONLY'with rlae same eanitettetion,\bar MO I sabmtr'am fomi.- SUBMITTAL INSTUCT1ONS 9:Total well depth below land surfaice: 30 ((p.) 2.1a. For ALL Welk.'Subnut this'boon within 36 days of completion of welt For malripfci.dls list tiff deprhsIfdt�t'ereat(exarnp(r-3ri209'oar/2@xoo) construction(odic Rationing: - • - II tn.Static water level below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, Unmet level is above eashtg,ale"+" 1617 Malt Service Center,Raleigh,NC-277699=1617" I1,Borehole diameter,8.25" . (in,) 24Ib.FITInfeetiou Weill ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 2.4a above.also submit a copy of this,form within 30 days of.completion of well 12.Well cOnstitt.ctiou"Method:BSA couslmctimt cork following: (Lc.anger.rotary, direct glish etc.) r '• 1 'Division of Water Resources,Uudergmund InJectiou•Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mali Service Cent I r,Raleigh,NC 27699.1636E 13a Yield(gppm) Method of test: 2•Ie.For Water Supply&IntcctfualWettc: Also-subulit one copy of this fotui Within 36 days of conlpletion.of lilt.Disinfection(pet Amount: well construction to the comity fu filth deportment of the county:where constructed. . - Foiw Gt.t Noult Cow.lira Dpanutcni of Env iroruis to and Natural Resources—Di:islon ofWater Rr_orrees Revised August:ol3