HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC243202_Site Plan or Location Map_20241016 „.„ A // CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 4,„.,,Ai ,. ,, , _. 11_ FOR PROJECT SITE I iiti h2 _? I I MAIRSHIBURN MANOR PHASE I $ 2 VOLUNTARY REZONING CONIDITIONS VICINITY MAP I. Anti-Monotony:In order to promote variation in home appearance,no single-family front SCALE:1'=2000' �I facade and primary siding color shall be duplicated for three(3)lots In a row,or directly NENIDELL, NORTH G/R.OL I 1'l`I lA across the street. For corner lots,this shall apply to the diagonal lots across the intersection.2. Garage doors shall contain windows or carriage style adornments. CASE NUMBER: GP23-2 3. The use of vinyl-siding materials shall be prohibited,except for trim elements of the dwelling SITE � t i f�unit facade. I= 4. All homes shall use roof eaves which extend at least 10 Inches from the facade plane. oHoER nro RSSON,A Var,EJOY 5 lnennER cru.ON,JOHN H 5. 100%of homes shall be ENERGY STAR CERTIFIED,and shall Include the following green • PIN 1785801429 standards: 175419612/ a.High Performance Toilets 1785603398 b.Water-Efficient faucets$flow-smart showerheads c.Energy Star Certified appliances \i'1 DEED BOOK/PAGE/MAP 019503,0032-019503,00537-019503,00526 d.Advanced Framing 8 Thermostats CURRE T ZONING RA/RR e.Minimum Mery 8 HVAG Filtration �/T CONTACTS - _ _ _ - -- - PROPOSED ZONING R7-CD F. Thermal Breaks I I N Conditioned Attics A.Town of Wendel o _ raj -- `- - MIN LOT 51zE Ali 40'SINGLE FAMILY LOTS-4500 SQ.FT. g. PlanningDepartment °_ ss 6 Ls S 40'SINGLE FAMILY LOTS-4500 5Q.FT. h. Spray Foam Insulation p r :� (�''^^'***,��, ��` y 50 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS 5000 SQ.FT. I. UV-Blocking Windows:Low-E Windows 15 E.Fourth Street , 1 - J. Sealed Insulated ducts Wendell,NC 2151q D 1 LAND USE RESIDENTIAL k.Los-To-Zero VOG Materials,Paints,Stains$Adhesives Bryan /� Y J, �' 1 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 134 UNITS Contact: Coates ®® I _ 134 SINGLE FAMILY UNITS S. All lots shall have sod installed in Front Yards. Corner Lots shall have sod installed on Phone: (qlq)365-4448 "t o r-�n/ 16 30'SINGLE FAMILY LOTS WATER AND SEWER SUMMARY TASLE INGLE FAMILY LOTS ALL yards. Email: BCoates@townofwendell.com 1 • I I�I �I `¢t � 43 SOTS 40'SSINGLE FAMILY LO75 WATER tie, . - ^4- TOTAL 51TE AREA 10023 ACRES FIRE HYDRANTS 1. All lots shall have a minimum 5'deepfront coveredporch or uncovered landingalongthe B.Wake County v `- - ®e+. _III _ ........a.... PHASE 14 2 AREA 4723 ACRES II front facade. Covered Front Porch or Uncovered Landing shall be allowed to encroach into Watershed Management __ %' +'"'`� _ ._ � r,o 7- LENGTH OF 6"WATERLINE 2,012 LF front setback no more than 3'. Waverly F.Akins Building pT'-- FLOOD PLAIN NONE __ -,-:-.� --� PROPOSED DENSITY 2.83 693 LF patiosquareRaleigh,NG 21601 LENGTH of 8'WATERLINE 331 S.SalisburySt 8. All lots shall have a rear or deck of 100 feet in size minimum adjacent to a � FIRM PANEL No 95720176500k PANEL 0440) WATER Mtlerc 134 t5/8'WATER METEfy rear facing exterior wall.Deck shall be allowed to encroach Into rear setback no more g _ ■' ' WATERSHED LITTLE RIVER WATER TAPS/SERVICE LINE 3551 LF than 5'. Contact: Karyn Pa eau •;U --- ,- - MINIMUM LOT WIDTH 30'PER CONDITIONAL DISTRICT EWER Phone: (gig)igb-816q „®--_ - - - OPEN SPACE ACTIVE OPEN SPACE 0.44 AG(REQUIRED) 34 q. The Community will have a Homeowners Association.Homeowners Association will be Email: karyn.pageau®wakegov.com itI 1.13 AC(PROVIDED) M om' responsible for the maintenance of all open space. LF OF 8'SEWER 3335 LF IMPROVED OPEN 134 AG(REQUIRED) 10. Foundations: Top of Slabs shall be elevated a minimum of 8 Inches above finished grade. G.City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department ' SPACE 4.69 AC(PROVIDED) PROJECTED 56'RR FLOW 40,200 6PD(15 GPD/UNIT) Finished grade shall fall a minimum of 6 inches within the first 10 feet away from the structure One Exchange Plaza SEVER CLEA,Noure - m 715 to ensure positive drainage.All Foundations shall be treated with masonry on the front and Suite 620 PASSIVE OPEN SPACE SSe AC(REQUIRED) 13a street-facingsides for a minimum of 10". 13.12 AC(PROVIDED) LF OF 4"SERVICE LINE Raleigh,NC 7%01 SETBACKS FRONT:10'(REQUIRED)20'(PROVIDED) 3,570 LF e P.O.Box 5q0 KEY � MAP 15'FRONT ON ALLEY LOTS a I I. Existing trees to be used to maximum extent possible to satisfy buffer requirements.Buffers K i 11/1/'{I- SIDE,3' will be supplemented with trees to satisfy UDO buffer requirements,Shrub layer to be Raleigh,NG 21602 REAR:25' E planted. Contact: SCALE: 1"=500' CORNER:15' 11' Phone:glq-qqb-3245 IMPERVIOUS AREA(EXISTING) 0 so FT(00oe) t 12. Existing Vegetation shall satisfy Street Yard Buffer Requirements along Marshburn Road Email: ublicutllit Infomralel hnc. ov 500' 0 500' 1000' 1500' IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPOSED) ROADS 255,,157 SQ FT where Existing Vegetation Is to remain undisturbed. p y g g WALKS 124,757 54 FT AMENITY CENTER 12,950 SG FT IS. Single family homes shall have two car garages. D.Town of Wendell Engineering Review SCALE 1" =500' PUMP STATION 5,625 5a FT Contact: Sam MacDonald 431,464 50 FT(20.99%) a 14. The development shall have the following amenities:Playgrounds(21,810 sf),Clubhouse(2,188 Phone: qlq-855-ggsq EROSION CONTROL,STORMWATER o sf),Pool(3800 sf),Outdoor Gym(1p00 sf),Bike Repair Area(816 SF)and shall all be • maintained by HOA. E. NGDOT N 56L FAMILY UNITS 134 UNITS AND FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT Division 5,District I Office MAX IMP PER LOT APPROVED o 15. Amenity center and playground to begin construction prior Recordation of Final Plats of PROJECT TEAM STREET DATA 4004 District Drive 30'LOT 16 X 2600 Sa FT Phase 2. Raleigh,NG 21601 CARDINAL RIDGE WAY 1,151 LF 40'LOT 75 X 3320 EROSION CONTROL■SEC-i 07522-2oz3 w 16. Maximum Block Length shall exceed 800'on Street"G"and Street"R" Contact: JeremyL.Warren,PE,District Engineer DEVELOPER MERITAGE HOMES MARSHROSE ROAD 325.7 STORMWATER MGMT.■SWF-ls7523-zo23 f g 3300 PARAMOUNT PARKWAY,SUITE 120 BEADW00D STREET 554 LF 476,100 5Q FT(23.14%) Phone: qlq-133-3213 w MORRISVILLE,NC 2/560 PHASE 142 IMPERVIOUS. 90069 59 FT(44.13%) FLOOD STUDY❑SWF- N/A IT. Street"1"typical section for Major Collector will provide a 11'Right-of-Way,q'Median IVY BROOK TRAIL 5391E o Email:Jlearren®nCdot.gov TOTAL SITE IMPERVIOUS AREA: 27.04 AG(27.00%) Island,with one II'travel lanes,one 5'bike lanes,and one 5'sidewalks on each side of the MORRIS 4 RITCHIE ASSOCIATES OF NG,PG. PINE HILL TRAIL 3B0 LF DATE 04/03/2024 center line.30"Rolled Gurb and Gutter will be provided along the Median Island and on the LAND PLANNERS, 530 HINTON POND ROAD,SUITE 104 FOXGLOVE ROAD 164 LF '�"'" .'/" O outside of the 5'bike lanes. CIVIL ENGINEER: KNIGHTDALE,TN: MR.J R 27545 RHODES GLEN STREET 2,058 LF ® E ao>um� CONSULTANT SIGNATURE " ti ATTN: MR JEREMY M KEENY,PE,PL5 e 18. Street"R"shall provide a 10 foot multi-purpose path along the southern right-of-way in lieu BATEMIAN CIVIL SURVEY COMPANY of sidewalk. SURVEYOR: 2524 RELIANCE AVENUE APEX,NG 21539 i' Iq. An Enhanced Streetscape shall be provided along southern right-of-way of Street"R"for EMAIL:INFO8E5,4TEMANGIVILSURVEY.GOM ALLEY DATA • It's entirety along subject parcel.The enhanced streetscape buffer shall consist of I canopy MORRIS 6 RITCHIE ASSOCIATES OF NG,PC. PRIVATE ALLEY A 469 LF Public Public tree per every 20 feet and 1 shrub per every 5 feet. ENVIRON. 530 HINTON POND ROAD,SUITE 104 PRIVATE ALLEY B 3n LF Sewer Collection/Extension System Water Distribution/Extension System CONSULTANT: KNIGHTDALE,NG 21545 met a Raleigh consens to the oonnection and extension of the The City or Raleigh consents to the connection and eaension of the O ATTN: MIR.JEREMY M KEENY,PE,PI-5 PRIVATE ALLEY C 178 LF C, CityCity's public water system as shown on this plan.The materiel and O 'ry's public sewer system as shown on this don.The material and 20.6'sidewalk shallbe provided along the north side of Street"B"from Subdivision Entrances Construction methods used for Nis project shall conform N the Construction methods used for the project shall aonrann to the O to eastern most project limits. standards and specifications or the City's Public utilities Handbook. standards and specifications of the CM's Public Utilities Handbook. City of Raleigh City of Raleigh 0 21. Mid-Block Pedestrian Grossing between Street B and Street A In Phase and 2 shall be PobicunItesoepammentPennaa 5-5469 Public utilitiesDepadmentPemtitp va-41 22 a provided with a 10'Multi-Purpose Trail.Trail shall be placed in Open Space to be maintained SEWER FLOW Authorization to Construct Authorization to Construct o by HOA.Open Space shall be a minimum width of 12'or greater.A minimum of 12'of Frontage 134 X4 BEDROOMS=536 BEDROOMS o at ALL right-of-way crossings shall be maintained.High Visibility Crosswalks shall be - Date 2 provided where Trail crosses streets.Low level lighting shall be provided along the 10' 536 9 75 GPDNNIT=40,200 GPO p Multi-Purpose Trail. 7 22.Single Family Rear loaded Alley lots shall provide a minimum frontage of 30'and a minimum ZH cq •••,•• `� o square footage of 3,500 square feet.Single family front loaded lots provide a minimum ...y/4,••, Y LR frontage of 40'and 50'and have a minimum square footage of 4,500 square feet and •` `:&Pss/ `' 5poo square feet respectively. I8Ro.8aL FOR 9 23.A maximum of 425 lots allowed. GIN OF RN.EIcSH-PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION 7/30/24 MA�RSHBURN MANOR P�"fASE 12 e/,e FI FCTRONIC APPROVAL:THIS APPROVAL 15 BEING ISSUED ELECTRONICALLY.THIS APPROVAL 15 ‘'•.''''./VG I NE*t'F,'�',•' f 24.Public Art Piece in Improved Open Space One shall be provided prior to receiving building ..,"4,. .. K. permits for anyLots In Phase 1.Public Art Piece shall be accessible topublic via access VALID ONLY UPON THE SIGNATURE OF A CITY OF RALEIGH REVIEW OFFICER BELOW THE CITY WILL M�,,,.•` '8 P "••t TOWN OF WENDELL WAKE COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA o easement and shall be review and approved by Town Committee for Public Art Approvals. RETAIN A COPY OF THE APPROVED PLANS.ANY WORK AUtHURIZED BY THIS APPROVAL Must 'I PROCEED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS KEPT OF FILE WITH THE CITY.711I5 ELECTRONIC ENGINEER'S SEAL rv25.A public SCM access easement shall be provided from 5CM I to the future commercial APPROVAL MAY NOT BE EDITED ONCE 155UED.ANY MODIFICATION TO THIS APPROVAL ONCE No. DATE REVISIONS o parcel adjacent to the Proposed Development to the west. ISSUED WILL INVALIDATE THIS APPROVAL. onan on..,wp,ners. MORR S $ RITGH E ASSOCIATES OF NG PCe > Cydney S.Terry a'ue.mama e,oGs'= 0 04/11/2024 ORIGINAL SUBMITTAL ENGINEERS,ARCHITECTS,PLANNERS,SURVEYORS.NEV LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS v MI W W n = F 26.A signal warrant analysis shall be conducted prior to the platting of the 300th lot. CITY OF RALE1SH DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL- __- _ zoz__>_"__ JOB No.: 21204 M k.6 ■ /. = 530 HINTON POND RD.,STE 104 wSHOW ! k P * k w'w- KNISHTDALE,NG 21545 21.The property at 1612 Marshburn Road will be given driveway access of Street R in 1 I hereby certify that this Plan was approved by the(Administrator)or(TRC)of J (q84)200-2103 accordance with NCDOT requirements for distance from intersection.In addition,a 6-foot the Town of Wendell on the 3nih day of AuquSt 2024 DATE: 07/21/2023 7 ucBIUE u C-4102 a privacy fence,with landscaping on the outside facing Street R,will be provided outside the • . WWW.MRASTA.GOM ENGN right-of-way and in accordance with regulations for sight distance triangles alongthe same a+ DR,AIEER: JMK JtGC(y�1llC6t ©2024 MORRIS&RITCHIE ASSOCIATES,INC. w property. y 9 gh 9 Administrator DRAWN BY: ER/JM IT DESIGN BY, JRM STATUS: REVISION .SI ICET: c, REVIEW W BY: JMK ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION o GO.O 0