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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00176_Response to NOV-2024-PC-0522_20240926 (2) 0 HIGH PRIORITY LINE (HPL) MASTER LIST HPL ID# HPL Name/Identifier HPL Type Location Description (i.e. road or stream crossing or intersection) or Beginning & Ending Latitude/Longitude Remarks Aerial Sub-waterway Line Contacting Surface Waters Siphon Line Subject to Erosion Line Designated as HPL DATE LOG OPENED: DATE LOG CLOSED: HPL ID#: HPL Name/Identifier: Location Description (i.e. road or stream crossing or intersection) or Beginning and Ending Latitude/Longitude: HPL Type: Assess the Following Conditions Supervisory Review Printed Name and Initials Date Operator(s) Printed Name(s) Accessible Leakage Corrosion Restraints Supports Alignment Erosion Joints High Priority Line Inspections Grease Trap Inspection Form [To be completed by Owner or Owner Representative] Customer Name Grease Trap/Interceptor ID: Grease Trap/Interceptor Maintenance Yes No Maintenanc Log Available on site? In management observing pumping to ensure it is done properly? Does service include complete pumping/cleaning of the trap and sample box, not just removing the grease layer Is the vault refilled with clean water, not with water alredy pumped out? Are enzymes/bacteria used? If yes, vender Name Kitchen Equipment/Devices Are the following kitchen devices plumbed to discharge to the grease trap/interceptor Are the following cleaned or maintained periodically? Dishwashers Is the clean up water discharged to the grease trap? Pot sinks, mult-compartment sinks, mop sinks, pre-rinse sinks If not, where is it discharged? Floor drains Food steamers Exhaust hoods and filters Food grinders/pulpers Floor mats, floors, and grill tops Steam kettle(s) Exterior of the grease traps/interceptors Can washer (s) Dumpsters Parking Lots, sidewalks Other: Are the appropriate pollution prevention and best management practices being followed? Is grease from fryers and food preparations collected in grease recycle bins? Are excess greases and oils removed from equipment and dishes with dry methods (e.g. scraping, towels) before rinsing? Are floors swept and cleared of food solids and debris mopping or hose down? Is spilled grease or oil cleaned using dry methods (e.g. towels, absorbants)? Are food solids from dishes, food preparation activities, and floor or sink baskets/screens in trash or compost collection bins? If No to any question, then BMP are not being followed. Refer to Collection ORC for Guidance Are additives or drain cleaners that contain emulsifiers (detergents) and/or degreasers added to drains? Note: Emulsifiers are not permitted Dry Clean Up Are serving wares, utensils or food preparation surfaces wipes clean before washing Do employees know not to allow FOG or food wastes into the drains? Are employees instructed to use dry methods before using water for cleanup? Are employees provided the necessary training and tools (runner scrapers, brooms, absorbent materials for spills) for dry cleanup? Employee Awareness Training Have employees received training on BMPs for handling oil and grease (spill prevention, dry cleanup, etc)? Are employees involved in keeping FOG out of drains? Are signs posted in key areas that remind staff to keep oil and grease out of drains? Are new employees trained on FOG BMPs and existing employees trained on a routine basis? Grease Disposal Are the outside oil and grease storage bins kept covered? Are the outside storage bins located away from storm drains and catch basins? Are dumpsters and grease recycling bins cleaned and checked for leaks often? Is there a spill prevention and countermeasures plan and materials available in the event of a spill? Grease Management Contractors Does your hauler/renderer have the proper legal licenses and permits to handle the oil and grease waste? Do you know how and where the waste grease is sent for final disposal? Visual Inspection Is there evidence that the grease trap/intercepter is overflowing or has overflowed recently? Signs of a overflow include: grase/debri and/or greasy water accumulation near trap/intercepter, greasy soil Visually inspect the depth of grease and solids: Does unit need to be cleaned? Does the unit appear to be operating properly? Does the unit appear to be in good condition? Are there visable cracks in the concrete walls or baffles? Is there significant rust or corrosion visable on metallic chambers or comparments? Do any pipes or baffles appear to be broken, plugged, or otherwise damaged? Are the lids and lid handles in good condition? Note observations here: Measure the depth of grease and sludge in the unit: Insert gauging stick to bottom of the unit to determine depth of fluid. Approximate the depth of sludge accumulated on the bottom of the unit by noting the depth at which a change in consistency occurred. Sludge depth may vary over the length of the unit. Use visual approximation to determine the depth of grease at the surface. Influent Chamber Second Chamber Effluent Chamber Other Grease in Sludge Is there a thick accumulation of grease, greater than 50% of the total capacity of the trap/intercepter? Is there a thick accumulation of solids, greater than 1/3rd the total capacity of the unit? Are immediate repairs needed? Note if cleaning schedule needs revised? GREASE TRAP (GT) MASTER LISTING GT ID # Establishment Name Establishment Address GT Location Description or Latitude & Longitude Required Pumping Frequency REMARKS Envirolink Field Report Project Name Project Number Contract Sheet Initials Upstream Manhole Information Downstream Manhole Information PI Priority Map Page Manhole # Yes/No Address Line Segment Information Street/Line Sketch Pipe dia. Pipe Type Ups Depth Dns Depth Drop line Yes/no Depth Hydrant Distance ft Flow Depth Cleaning Details Crew Leader # Passes Hard Tape Comments CCTV Details Date of TV Tape Number Video Footage Weather Joint Len. VTR to Location Reverse Surface M2M Deterioration L/M/H Billing Information Item # Quanity Unit Cost Total TV Use Only Loc Footage Clock Structural Project Manager Billing Date QC Use Only Reason for rejection QC Tape # QC Index As-built complete Approved by Annual Footage Requirement -----> feet Section of Line Cleaned Total Linear Footage Cleaned Field Report Reference From (Manhole ID#, location description, or latitude/longitude) To (Manhole ID#, location description, or latitude/longitude) Grand Total of Linear Footage Cleaned This Year → Sewer Line Cleaning Summary</t></si></sst>:</t></si><si><t>Does unit nee