HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05952_Well Construction - GW1_20241009 'WELL CONSTRECT.ItiN'IitCORD(GUT4), For Internalvio-Qnly! --- Wellop:aiCO'Information:, ,.. , '. • • - ".. " --"--- - --- • -14:WATER:ZONES,. .7.,,,'-'-,';',.-i--:-::';n:!,!..' - FROM TO - . -DESCRIPTION,• Welibciiiiiatof Nuns -4 p.ti)!t.. ..t,„it.6!t:.; :. s44 -, 73 i- - _ .-._. _._._..., , ,._. ,. .. .._ '1, Ti,. ;..„.•,,R„rf!;. • :f.' Nornber,:,, . ,- .. sii,015T)ER:CAS-174G'(Icir.ritulti-eas. ed:wells')OR LINER(If an lienbli):-.- ,., •,.,, . .: .,,,,.. ., ;.,,.., ..,.‘,,, ....,, ei, . ,intim , ,.. .TO„ . niamnren. , .'morn ‘ MATERIA3: f e-pi2 i 1 't 4 --i . . - - •- le.,••*E.. :... (-(5."ft. '°, .• 6 ,14). laii .";,... A...i.', •;... 46:INNER,CASINTORTUBING,Miatlierrinildined4ohnIF,T,..":-.:. ,,,:t.",:,-..-",,,,--,-.,,..".- . •. 2.Well Construction Permit!!:- 1 ;.'•-!;''' -I,3(2,-.(1 •_.;..._ • i'eltie. 1') FROM TO, ' -- DIAMETER- ' THICKNESS` MATERIAL ,..1.stqII.#pplipablOvell caastrucikiniiimats P.- IC Caarq,Pate;V#rOrye,"etc.):- ft f;.. i _ . . in, 3.WelliTie(Cheek:Well use): , • ft., • 'It • , •in. ; - .47... . . ,...... ..• . .Wittg ...- :.SCREEDI 'F.'',!..,'TT'.': ....'!'..,,.'X i:..1::-..,-,' ''''',",,,-'.„ '....".',„',T-,"...- !".„Stipply:WellV,' ' FROM 'TO:--' DIAMETER SLOTS . THICKPIESS MATERIAL ,:pAgripultural C1MunitiPal/Palilie 15C/S1L' .5.Kci 'i.,,..: 'In. 57—za. 6.17 , JA91 , 9Geoocimaimeatiwtoolitig§OPPlY.)iiieSidentiat Water Supply(single) ft.: - ft.. / vo -1:11ndtittrial/Commorcial - -'- -'- - ; - • ; ' . _. • ['Residential Water Supply(shared) .:18.GROUT:"..f.;'."."-2-".:,'-.-.t'•,‘-•-°-•••••,•:'•.. ,--- • . --,: - "- •,::-..".t,-,-- --„,:-,:t611.:',;;.‘ ,::'',1 irrigation . E1Wells>;100,000 OPD . . • FROM TO ' - -DIATERLII;ft .. -EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUNT . : '•:. Non Water Supply Well: •-• . -- -. .-c2i-5 f4 .. :a, prz,ip.0/4, _ . . , DMoriitoriitg fillicovihy . ,, -ft. . _ .. it. : . ---.... - ,,,,...-•- ' Injection Well:: ' • . DAqulferRecharge . uva er- eitidiation. — - _ - -- • _ . _ . -------7- - —--- — 19:SAND/GRAVEL,PACK(if applianble pAgitifer Stowe:IndRecovery Ogaliirity Barrier FROM ' TO MATERIAL 'EMPLACEMENT METHOD .,_ ,1;14q4C*-tsi 13Sferinwater,Dminage 4.0 It' it , ,3X5-.-, '''.,.#e'LL'4e. /....,Ak.-4,,e(tAic,4e10.p, f; 1- . . . .. .. , ClExperiinental•TeChnology- pSubildence Control 'ft.' , ft. ClOcothermal(Closed Loop)' ( Tracer. •• 2VDRILLING.LOG(attneh addltionalibiets if neieseari) ,z. .- 7,"'... ',13Geathermal(Heating/Cooling Retusii). bOth'er(explain under 1121',Rehmiki), f FROM 1:' TO ,--.!E"CC°IPTION(nnl°14 hinInflf."Wind'°Pr'grain tire etc.) -- it... ". . ,,,, 4.Date IFell(s):ComPleted•''' ''''/;";:• C-if"Well 1D0' - .- - - /• - / fr. :ft, - .,-... .._ _ . . .. ft.- A Sa, ell Lotatidilf _ •lk :,- - .,-. . .. _ • , .8. ., , ;'. ciii):191:1_, :Jr..1 -.7 '''', '• • ?i,,-,•-- ft. 'ft. F ility/Onner Maine • ' y tity IDIf tit applicable). '" .14 .. . ,. • 1' . . _ griv--:-as-ito q 6 9= , $4, e' it '7-1) ei 0, . e: 4ysie6 Address City pad Zip, • ;ft.. : - It; '-".• • ' • • ' ‘ti,,,„_,,S,'t-,0-,,,t.-- ''-..:,-.7-1•'".-' - •.,,t •:;',-7,,,,::-.,-,4 . . ._. . L ' '..::.0-(---•'..._ 21iliEMARK.T.,,,',,..:-`."",--'...,. .?" -.7;;,,',1,'Z',F..;-.,--.";!"..._....-"-%:,,,Vi,-. ---.. ..-".• :"..,"'":, ,5 4.f ',644t "• •Piutel IdentifiCailisoNo;(pIN) .("e` -;//L7-'i'd. . .'. 1--%---_)---/ .- 1--- . . ..', .. 5b,Littitutle and longitude in degrees/ininutes/seConds or decimal degrees: -_, ., „ . • ''. , (it well.Eeltl,nn41/Imi is sufficient))' Cc rtlficatin - - : ;, • D?'- 19 N 1720' 1-6... - .33— w . . . ... • , , — . - • ;. / .- , . 1 . . . .. 6.Is(are)the Ar ermanen !t,, or ['Temporary i I led we2„....)r tor• t' . • Agnew ihistifirrn,,,flie;e0yeeila!ihriii/re tre/l(s):iim-titivie)eciirditiiil la air4skiirce with 7.1a this a repair to an existing well. ,,,[1'Yes'.-or Pifl' ..! 1.5;,1'.WCAC'.igq:010D'Or..15.4 NC...IC Nqc.oioo le41,4astrziallon,Slandards and that a copy If this Jr a repair,fiber larown well coariniaida Info ale!nnationexpIaln the nature oPhe. oft/its record has been provided to the iiykoivafr. repel.a...* 21 ;:;:arir tutalan or aa•tkeb.*of thtf forat.. - .'---1 23:Site ditigram'or:additionid Willsdetalls:'8.For Geoprobe/ElPT or Ciosed-Loop",Geothermal Wells having shMa, You:may use the back of this page to provide additional.well construction info 4 ,•:1 v t construction,only 1 'GW-1 is needed:-Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells '(dd:Seel:yeti,in:Item:Ail:Mx):Yon may.aLso,attach additional pages if necessary.. 1 = drilled: _ ... . 24:-SUI3AIITEALINSTRUCTIONS ..., 9.Total Weltdeith.below land surface:••• • ' '- - -', • - ' ,,,- •- - . • . . pt-- , Fol.:multiple'wells list all dipihs Vdrerent( mpte,,Jwoo.f and @loop ' (ft•-) Submit' thisOW.Ttwithip.Stl'slaY'siif,W•ell completion per the following It; , • • R"'"'"' , 24a.-Far.All Wellsr.briginel.lomt.'to Diyision of-Water Re.stiurcea'(DWR), 1 10.Static Water level below fop of caging: _, 0.: . vtl In coirnatipn,?rponAaing-l.Init;,.1017,41.6;itateik,li,NC 27699,1617 ' 1 11.Borehole diameter: ti •"(in) 24b:For Infection Wellsi'cop •tikDWR,,Underground Injection Control(liJC) r .,, , 12.Well construction method Al 14/,'-- -i 0 - -ik:—_,./ Ai Prograin,-1636 MSC;Ralei ,,K 27699-1636. • i , - : • 24t.-Far NVater Supply znribpen-toop Geothermal Return Wells f Copy to the (i.e auger;Mini;01#;,..flirea-pusb,sic) county environmental health department of the county where installed•• . - .. TORWATER'SlIpPLY:WELLSPNLY: , ! • _• - Copy to DWR,CCPCUA 24d,Mir Water-Wells producing over 100,060 GPD:•c - , Permit Program,1611 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1611 - - t., : ‘.-•.... 13a:_yield:(gpini 03.. ,Method of teat:- i4 fl .• 130.ojstiifeeilon type: - ... ; ',- Amount: 6 Form GW-I North Carolina Departmenfof Environmental Quality-DivisionorWater Resources ReViSed 6,6-2018 1• _ .. ., • , - i, • , .