HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC243113_ESC Approval Submitted_20241009 William Vinson Jr. (Acting)
June 25, 2024
Ashton Watson
5601 Wilkinson Blvd
Charlotte, North Carolina 28208
RE: Project Name: CLT Airport:4th Parallel Runway/NEAT Extension
Acres Approved: 155
Application ID: PA-005428
Permit Number: MECKL-2024-0125
Address:7535 Old Dowd Road
County: Mecklenburg
River Basin:Catawba
Stream Classification:WS-IV:Water Supply IV
Plan Type: Revised Plan
Dear Ashton Watson,
This office has reviewed the subject erosion and sedimentation control plan. We find the plan to be
acceptable with modifications and hereby issue this Letter of Approval with Modifications. The
Modifications Required for Approval are listed on the attached page. The Certificate of Approval must be
posted at the job site. This plan approval shall expire three (3) years following the date of approval, if no
land-disturbing activity has been undertaken, as is required by Title 15A NCAC 4B .0129.
As of April 1, 2019, all new construction activities are required to complete and submit an electronic Notice
of Intent (eNO1) form requesting a Certificate of Coverage (COC) under the NCG010000 Construction
General Permit. After the form is reviewed and found to be complete, you will receive a link with payment
instructions for the $120 annual permit fee. After the fee is processed,you will receive the COC via email. As
the Financially Responsible Party shown on the FRO form submitted for this project,you MUST obtain the
COC prior to commencement of any land disturbing activity. TheeNOlform may be accessed
atdeq.nc.gov/NCG01. Please direct questions about the eNOlform totheStormwater Program staff in the
Raleigh central office. If the owner/operator of this project changes in the future, the new responsible
party must obtain a newCOC.
Title 15A NCAC 4B .0118(a) and the NCGO1 permit require that the following documentation be kept on
file at the job site:
1. The approved E&SC plan as well as any approved deviation.
2. The NCGO1 permit and the COC, once it is received.
3. Records of inspections made during the previous 12 months.
Also, this letter gives the notice required by G.S. 113A-61.1(a) of our right of periodic inspection to ensure
compliance with the approved plan.
North Carolina's Sedimentation Pollution Control Act is performance-oriented, requiring protection of
existing natural resources and adjoining properties. If, following the commencement of this project, the
erosion and sedimentation control plan is inadequate to meet the requirements of the Sedimentation
Pollution Control Act of 1973 (North Carolina General Statute 113A-51 through 66), this office may require
revisions to the plan and implementation of the revisions to insure compliance with the Act.
Acceptance and approval of this plan is conditioned upon your compliance with Federal and State water
quality laws, regulations, and rules. In addition, local city or county ordinances or rules may also apply to
this land-disturbing activity. This approval does not supersede any other permit or approval.
Please note that this approval is based in part on the accuracy of the information provided in the Financial
Responsibility/Ownership Form, which you provided. You are requested to file an amended form if there
is any change in the information included on the form. This permit allows for a land-disturbance, as called
for on the application and plan, not to exceed the approved acres. Exceeding the acreage can be a
violation of this permit and may require a revised plan and additional application fee. In addition, it would
be helpful if you notify this office of the proposed starting date for this project.
Modifications Required for Approval:
Multiple requests from the first submittal were not answered completely.The following items need to be addressed
prior to the pre-construction meeting and plans addressing these issues need to be submitted to this office for the
file within two weeks.
1.Spillways are still shown in fill in multiple locations.Additionally,the rip rap spillway shown on CG-604 differs again
from later phases. Please address both issues.
2. Pipes on C-605 still disappear without warning or erosion control in later phases.Address how these pipes are
removed and what type of erosion control measures will be used.Silt fence is not appropriate as the only measure at
the bottom of slopes and in concentrated areas. Revise
3. Protection of lower areas on Sheet 606 and the followiing phases was not addressed like we discussed. Provide
erosion control measures at the top of the sheet for the period when the work area to the west is still higher in
elevation than the limits of disturbance.
4.The issue with slope drains for SB-3 was partially addressed by the addition of the note. However,there is no
direction to the contractor for diversion ditches to slope drains and no guidance on where to put the slope drains to
collect concentrated flow.
5. Reference to the demo plans was given, but the plans were not provided. Provide direction for how erosion will be
controlled during the removal of pipes in multiple locations.
6.Silt fence has been provided on CG-609 and in later phases, but the silt fence is shown to direct flow down slope
and not actually be caught at the proposed silt fence outlets.J-hooks or other additional measures are needed.
7.The flows on CG-610 appear to concentrate toward the construction entrance and bypass the j-hooks on the right
side of the sheet. Provide a basin to catch runoff prior to it leaving the laydown area.On Sheet CG-612,there is at
least one major low point that collects concentrated flow in the laydown area.A basin should be provided.
8.Sheet CG-625 has another major pipe installation (and a minor one that crosses it)that has no erosion control
information.The last phase shows extensive grading to the left of the plan with inadequate erosion control measures.
Revise.The pipes in gray are missing in the last phase with no erosion control information for the removal.
9.The pipes shown on CG-645 appear with major grading not shown on CG-710. Moving storage from the bottom
basin to the top basin was partially addressed with this submittal, but more information is still needed to show
erosion control measures during the massing grading n the left side of the plans prior to inlet controls being used in
the final grades of the NEAT-EXT.
10.Stockpile Sheet 604-The previous comment was that the diversion needed to be stabilized prior to the release of
bypass flow to it.The construction sequence says it needs to be in prior to SB-3 being established.These are not the
same conditions. Revise. It also needs a period shorter than 14 days for seeding and matting.
11.Silt fence is still shown directly at the base of the massive stockpile area.As mentioned previously,terracing is
needed and silt fence needs to have additional areas below the slope.See the Erosion and Sediment Control Manual
for appropriate usage of silt fence.
12. Existing pipes need to be shown on the stockpile plans as this information is not shown.
13.A diversion ditch and check dams are needed on the uphill side of the road to get flows into the basin on 621
instead of flowing out the construction entrance.
14. Pull slopes back from silt fence in the stockpile plans. High hazard silt fence is recommended instead of regular silt
15.The detail mentioned in the comment response sheet for Sheet 621 was not found. Provide this detail.
16. Provide information on how the slope drains will be modified as the stockpile grows.The pipes cannot be installed
in one phase.
17. Print the drawings so that an engineering scale can be used.As printed,the scale is 1" = approximately 53'.Also,
for this purpose, label slopes for the graded areas.
18.The construction entrance in the stockpile plans needs a water bar.
19.Where are the notes to stabilize the slopes every ten feet before advancing higher?
20.A basin is needed on CG-623 where the silt fence outlet is shown in the draw.
21.The slope interruption detail should have a maximum of 2:1 slope.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
Michael Maclntyre, PE
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Energy, Mineral & Land Resources
Land Quality Section
Enclosures: Certificate of Approval
Modifications Required for Approval