HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05784_Well Construction - GW1_20240926 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: The form can be used for singk or Imdtipk cells 1.Wdl Contractor Information: la.WATER ZONES Rich Lemire YMISI TO I DIKSC Rill ICON Well Contractor Nana: ft. ft. f 2593A ft. ft. NC Well Contractor Collimation Nutterj IS.OUTER CASING(for nulls-cased weis1 OR LINER(Y applicable) nom To l DI,NFTFR THInCilsti NVTTIO%I. SAEDACCO ft. ft. M. i ('um sun Nang '-16.INNER CASINO OR Tl.'RING t%ember-mat closed-Wain ;ROM To 111t%N1TI.R fullts'r.s NI%IIIOU 2.Well Construction Permit N: 0 ft. 35 ft. 2 In. SCR-40 PVC Lin all applicable well prneitr!Le.Conner.Sane.Variance,Injection er,:) ft ft in. I.Writ I'n 1ehvel:well use): 17.SCRUM 11ata•rNupph %%ell: ►Rost TO Dls%trtFR stDTsirs tHklOtlNS MAT1tmaL A:;n.ultul:J LI?vlunicip:l6Atbhc 35 R. 50 h. 2 OIL010 SCR-40 PVC iGeothemtal IHeafin 'Cooling Supply I'Residential Water St ft' ft. IN. iz pP tpph'(single) IR GROUT I lndustriafCommercial I IResidennal Water Supply(shored) 1EOM TO MATFBfNL FNfH_yCEMH9TMF1RODaAMOUNT 7lmgatmo 0 ft. 31 ft PORTLAND TREMIE Non-W'atcr Supph Welt: R. ft — ®Monnonne ❑Rceovcr Injection Well: ft- ft. p I_❑ nl Aglitter Recharge ❑Ciroundwatcr Rccdiation t9.SAN AVEL PACK ft applNyble) r*ON , TO M-tFRt%I Rtl(MJL(T-NIENIMI1HHln ❑Aquifer Storage and Rccovcn ❑Salinity Barrier 33 ft. 50 ft. SAND $2 ❑Aquifer Tess ❑Stomnsatcr Drainage a ft. ❑Espcnmcntal Tozhnologv ❑tiabstdcn:c Control 211.DRILLING LOG Wiwi aillOi0,eul,—Meet,if oecessar.I ❑Geuthennal(Closed Loop I 0 Tracer t1ROM TO orsciurtIION I,,he,horde,•.,,•dLY,wh in Lir.gra.war.ok I ❑Geothermal(HeatingtC•ooling Returnt ❑Other(explain under N21 Bewails) 0 ft 12 ft. BACRFILL 12 rt. 50 ft. BROWN SILTY SAND 4,Date well(s)Completed: 8-30-2024 Well ID11MW-2 R. ft. 5a.Well Location: A. ft PORT CITY EXXON R. ft. Faclin.Owner Name Fac lils MN(if applicable) 388 W. Plaza Dr., MOORESVILLE, NC, 28115 H. p• 1,.." Plirvied Addiesz Cx,.and Zip It.REMA,ak. EP 2 I.r (024 IREDELL BENTONITE FROM 31' TO 33'. Commomm 1'.ncc]hknld,c:ainn No INN! Ar,..•-'•at IJe sb.Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification: Id welt 6.•Id.nta 1510ng Ic.,dfwaelnl N W _.Q/Yhv.-t.• 8/31/2024 Srgrulary of Cem Well Contactor Owe 6.Is(are)the wellls): XlPennanent or ❑Templrary g,,ionic ilia ham,l herein eerie";that the teeth's)our(tame)ermrrrnerrd In ae.ondmur with 154 NC4C 02C,OI t5 or 154 NCAC 02C.0200 Well Cosnrruca'on Swndor.i,and Awl a 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: OYes or EN* .,rrr of file record ha,hem pr.'14e4(to 1hr„rli owner. If this 1,a WNW'.(ill Mil tnaow well,orutru,non infhraa:tram and r%plain the swore of rhr repair under 021 remark,en t am or on the back of this form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells comntrncted: 1 cotnituctwn details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For maths*;nit,rh,n,a n.n-,,,ate,,upph wells ONLY wah rhr Yoe roost:scriMt ,,,s,no xa(xrtit rwr farm. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below laud surface: 50 (rt.) 24a. For AU Wells: Submit this form within iO days of completion of well For mrulrrplr aril,lint all depth,rftintrre m'enamor',• 76s200'p,s/28'If*YF construction to the following• lit.Static water lesel helms top of casing: 45 (!ti Division of Water Resources,Information Processing t nit. Ifstaler level n abort%xt!,•. 1617 Mail Service('cater.Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Bmrehok diameter:8.25" Oa.) 24b.for Inieedon Wells ONLY: hi addition to sending the fort to the address in 24a abase. also submit a copy of this form within 10 doss of completion of well 12,W cll construction method:AUGERS construction to the following. n c.auger.rcvar..cable.dircn push cic.I Division of Water Resources.Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mall Service Center.Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 Ile,Yield 24e.For Water Supph A Injection Welts: Wpm) Method of test: Also submit 011e copy of this form n ithin 10 day s of completion of I3b.Disinfection trpc Atnattet•________ ___- well constnction to the county health department of the county where eonsmicled Fonn GW-t Nonh Comtism D pmmnteru of Ern moment n t and Natural Resources-Disa.5n of Water Rootrcm Revised Moat 2013