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SW6240705_Stormwater Report_20240927
Harnett C 0 U N T Y FYZ NORTH CAROLINA strong roots . new growth Stormwater Permit Application Northwest Convenience Center r PID 050634 0019 03 Harnett County, North Carolina May 2024 k\ CAt�I�ii! \\ t�> 0 n. A _ 40654 ,rt This page intentionally left blank. Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 Contents Contents Contents ......................................................................................................................................i A. Project Narrative................................................................................................................. 1 1. Existing Conditions.......................................................................................................... 1 2. Proposed Site Plan.......................................................................................................... 1 B. Stormwater Flows............................................................................................................... 1 1. Pre-Development Conditions........................................................................................... 2 2. Post-Development Conditions ......................................................................................... 2 C. Wet Pond Design................................................................................................................ 3 Attachments Attachment A— USGS Plan Attachment B— Soil Survey Report Attachment C — Precipitation Frequency Data Attachment D —Stormwater Flow Attachment D.1 — Pre-Development Calculations Attachment D.2 — Post-Development Calculations Attachment E—Wet Pond Calculations Attachment E.1 —Wet Pond Design Calculations Attachment E.2 — NCDEQ SCM C-3 Wet Pond Attachment E.3—Wet Pond Operation and Maintenance Agreement Attachment F — Property Deed and Boundary Plan Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 �1J� Contents This page intentionally left blank. Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 Project Narrative A. Project Narrative Harnett County General Services is proposing to construct a new solid waste convenience center to be located on a parcel off Oakridge River Road in Fuquay Varina, North Carolina. The parcel is identified by PID 050634 0019 03 and PIN 0634-54-0565 and is currently owned by Harnett County. The total site acreage is 28.26, see Attachment A for the site location on USGS map. A boundary survey was completed by Benton W. Dewar and Associates and has been incorporated into the application drawings. A copy of the Deed and Boundary Plan is included as Attachment F. The County is finalizing a Site Plan Permit and Driveway Permit and has obtained an Erosion and Sediment Control Permit(HARNE-2023-070) from NCDEQ for the proposed construction. In the future, the County may locate a recreational facility and parking area at the site, but this work is not included in this application. Existing Conditions The existing site is currently undeveloped and has been used for timber plots and agricultural purposes in the past. The site soils consist of Bibb soils, Cecil fine sandy loam, Dothan loamy sand, Fuquay loamy sand, Pacolet fine sandy loam, and Wehadkee loam (Attachment B). The property is located within the Avents Creek — Cape Fear River subwatershed of the Cape Fear River Basin. Avents Creek is classified as a WS-IV;HQW stream and therefore a Post- Construction Stormwater Permit is required. Avents Creek is located approximately 1,850 feet through vegetated (forested) buffer from the proposed Wet Pond stormwater control device. Proposed Site Plan Upon entering the parcel via Oakridge Road, a solid waste convenience center will be located on the left. The solid waste convenience center will consist of over the wall drop off C & D, and two MSW containers with back-in unloading stalls. An at grade recycling container will be located opposite of the unloading stalls with a drive-thru drop-off lane. To the right of the entrance, will be a future multi-use athletic field with parking areas and support facilities to be constructed during a future phase of the project. The proposed development of the convenience center will include disturbance of 5.88 acres, with 1.80 acres of impervious area or 6.35% of the site. The impervious areas consist of paved driveway entrance, gravel roadways and parking areas, concrete pads for materials and roll-off container storage and building roof from the attendant shelter (100 SF). B. Stormwater Flows Stormwater run-off rates and volumes were analyzed for the pre- and post-development conditions using HydroCADTM modeling software program. The SCS Method was used within the model to calculate the peak runoff and an IDF curve was generated from precipitation data gathered at Erwin station from the NOAA Precipitation Frequency Data Server (Attachment C). The peak flows for the 10-year, 24-hour storm events were generated by the model. The modeling was completed for the immediate 26.5-acre area of the site that discharges to the wooded areas upgradient of Avent Creek. Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 Stormwater Flows Drainage areas for pre-development and post-development conditions were delineated from the site along with each respective time of concentration. These acreages, time values, and corresponding land cover were entered into the model. The stormwater control measure (wet pond and drainage swales) were modeled using the reaches and ponds within HydroCADTM SCM specifics including surface area, outlet dimensions, elevations, and slopes were entered into the model. The SCM devices were assigned their corresponding drainage areas to depict how runoff would flow on site as shown on the routing diagram of the post-development HydroCADTm report. The two point of analysis for the pre- and post- development flows is the existing ravine on site located to the southwest of the proposed stormwater management are and to a low area located on the southern side of the property line as shown on figure in Attachment D. Pre-Development Conditions The existing site is currently undeveloped that is mostly wooded with an existing agricultural field adjacent to Oakridge River Road. The high point of the property is located along the northern property line and slopes downward towards the southwest corner of the property. There are currently no stormwater management devices located onsite. For analysis purposes, four drainage areas were delineated and analyzed for pre-development conditions (Figure 1). Runoff generated from the western portion of the site, delineated as Areas 1 and 2, flows off-site to the southwest into an existing ravine and eventually into Avents Creek. Flow from the southeastern portion of the site (Area 3) discharges to the south property line and into a ravine off-site and eventually into Avents Creek. Flow from the central and eastern portion of the site, Area 4, discharge toward Oakridge River Road and is intercepted by an existing drainage ditch that flows off-site to the south. The pre-development drainage analyses are included in Attachment D-1. z. Post-Development Conditions For the Post-Development conditions, the site was delineated into four drainage areas and one sub-area based on proposed grades and discharge locations (Figure 2). The proposed facility will include a stormwater conveyance channel that collects runoff from the conveniences site and wet pond maintenance road that discharges into a stormwater wet pond for treatment, detention of peak flow, and controlled discharge via an outlet structure with orifices and weirs prior to discharge over land to Avents Creek. The post-development drainage analyses are included in Attachment D-2. The wet pond will be operated as a temporary sediment basin during construction with the use of a skimmer. The skimmer will be removed once the site is stabilized so that discharge is controlled by the orifices. Drainage Area 1 includes western portions of the site that discharge off-site via sheet flow and shallow concentrated flow into the wooded buffer upland of Avents Creek. The area also included the wet pond. A drainage Swale will cut-off and redirect run-off from the undisturbed areas from entering the proposed wet pond. Drainage Area 2 included undisturbed wooded areas and the western portion or the convenience site and wet pond maintenance road. Runoff from these areas area collected in a drainage Swale Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 Wet Pond Design and directed to the wet pond sediment forebay and wet pond for treatment prior to discharge to the wooded buffer upgradient of Avents Creek. Drainage Area 3 includes the eastern portion of the convenience site and run-off from this area is collected by the drainage Swale that directs flow to the west, joining flow from Area 2 prior to discharge into the sediment forebay and wet pond. Drainage Areas 4 includes the southeastern portions of the existing agricultural field and the proposed entrance drive. Run-off from these areas will be collected in a roadside Swale and discharged to existing ditch along Oakridge River Road that discharges via overland flow via the wooded buffer before entering Avents Creek. Drainage Area 5 includes the eastern portion of the existing agricultural field and its runoff flows to the east where it is collected in the roadside ditch along Oakridge River Road. The ditch discharges beneath the new site driveway in a proposed 30-inch culvert prior to discharge into the wooded buffer southeast of the convenience site and eventually into Avents Creek. C. Wet Pond Design The proposed wet pond design calculations are included in Attachment E.1. Details of the proposed pond grades and outlet structure are included in the proposed construction drawings, attached by reference to this application. The wet pond is designed to treat a drainage area of 8.123 acres with 1.379 acres of impervious area and has a design volume of 5,980 CF and main pond volume of 14,566 CF. The wet pond includes a 6-foot wide vegetated shelf and an average depth of 4.62 feet. The wet pond includes 6 inches of sediment storage for a volume of 738 CF. In addition, the sediment forebay has a proposed volume of 2,214 CF which is within the range of 15% to 20% of the main pond volume in accordance with NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual Guidance C-3 (Attachment E.2). The design volume discharge is regulated by three (3) 0.5-inch orifices at elevation of the permanent pool of 322.14 MSL. The drawdown is calculated to be completed over a period of 4 days. The wet pond discharge from a 1-year, 24-hour storm event is less than 0.10 cfs and thereby minimizes any impact to the receiving channel upstream of Avents Creek. An executed copy of the Operation and Maintenance Agreement is included in Attachment E.3. Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 �1J� Wet Pond Design This page intentionally left blank. Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 Wet Pond Design Attachment A — USGS Plan Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 �1J� Wet Pond Design This page intentionally left blank. N Harnett NW CC and Park W-�-E Harnett 0 0.05 0.1 s0.2 0.3 C 0 U IN T Y GIS/E-911 Addressing Miles NORTH CAR0L[NA June 5, 2019 1 inch= 1,000 feet AVENTS CREEK PROPOSED SITE WS-IV;HQW W DE2 1427 Q �:J W J + Cd L H 0 Z Sources:Esri, HERE,Garmin, Intermap,increment P Corp.,GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN,GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NIL,Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China(Hong Kong),(c)OpenStreetMap contributors,and the GIS User Community L E G E N D Recycle Center City Limits — NC Parcels Landfills _ Airport us CapeFearRiver Surrounding County Boundaries MajorRoads Roads Federal Property Interstate Railroad Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 �1J� Wet Pond Design This page intentionally left blank. Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 Wet Pond Design Attachment B — Soil Survey Report Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 Wet Pond Design This page intentionally left blank. _USDA United States A product of the National Custom Soil Resource Department of Cooperative Soil Survey, Agriculture a joint effort of the United Report for States Department of N RCS Agriculture and other Harnett County, Federal agencies, State Natural agencies including the North Carolina Resources Agricultural Experiment Conservation Stations, and local Service participants dIL i y, 0 MMMMMMMMMM 1,000 ft May 30, 2019 Preface Soil surveys contain information that affects land use planning in surrey areas. They highlight soil limitations that affect various land uses and provide information about the properties of the soils in the survey areas. Soil surveys are designed for many different users, including farmers, ranchers, foresters, agronomists, urban planners, community officials, engineers, developers, builders, and home buyers. Also, conservationists, teachers, students, and specialists in recreation, waste disposal, and pollution control can use the surveys to help them understand, protect, or enhance the environment. Various land use regulations of Federal, State, and local governments may impose special restrictions on land use or land treatment. Soil surveys identify soil properties that are used in making various land use or land treatment decisions. The information is intended to help the land users identify and reduce the effects of soil limitations on various land uses. The landowner or user is responsible for identifying and complying with existing laws and regulations. Although soil survey information can be used for general farm, local, and wider area planning, onsite investigation is needed to supplement this information in some cases. Examples include soil quality assessments (http://www.nres.usda.gov/wps/ portal/nres/main/soils/health/)and certain conservation and engineering applications. For more detailed information, contact your local USDA Service Center (https://ofFces.sc.egov.usda.gov/locator/app?agency=nres)or your NRCS State Soil Scientist(http://www.nres.usda.gov/wps/portal/nres/detail/soils/contactus/? cid=nres142p2_053951). Great differences in soil properties can occur within short distances. Some soils are seasonally wet or subject to flooding. Some are too unstable to be used as a foundation for buildings or roads. Clayey or wet soils are poorly suited to use as septic tank absorption fields.A high water table makes a soil poorly suited to basements or underground installations. The National Cooperative Soil Survey is a joint effort of the United States Department of Agriculture and other Federal agencies, State agencies including the Agricultural Experiment Stations, and local agencies. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has leadership for the Federal part of the National Cooperative Soil Survey. Information about soils is updated periodically. Updated information is available through the NRCS Web Soil Survey, the site for official soil survey information. The U.S. Department of Agriculture(USDA)prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require 2 alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.)should contact USDA's TARGET Center at(202)720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800)795-3272 (voice)or(202)720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 3 Contents Preface....................................................................................................................2 How Soil Surveys Are Made..................................................................................5 SoilMap.................................................................................................................. 8 Soil Map(Harnett County NW Convenience Center)...........................................9 Legend................................................................................................................10 Map Unit Legend (Harnett County NW Convenience Center)............................11 Map Unit Descriptions (Harnett County NW Convenience Center).................... 11 Harnett County, North Carolina.......................................................................13 Bb—Bibb soils, frequently flooded.............................................................. 13 CeB—Cecil fine sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes.................................... 14 CeD—Cecil fine sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes..................................15 DoB—Dothan loamy sand, 2 to 6 percent slopes....................................... 16 FaB—Fuquay loamy sand, 0 to 6 percent slopes....................................... 17 PaE—Pacolet fine sandy loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes............................ 19 W—Water....................................................................................................20 Wh—Wehadkee loam, frequently flooded...................................................21 References............................................................................................................23 4 How Soil Surveys Are Made Soil surveys are made to provide information about the soils and miscellaneous areas in a specific area. They include a description of the soils and miscellaneous areas and their location on the landscape and tables that show soil properties and limitations affecting various uses. Soil scientists observed the steepness, length, and shape of the slopes; the general pattern of drainage; the kinds of crops and native plants; and the kinds of bedrock. They observed and described many soil profiles.A soil profile is the sequence of natural layers, or horizons, in a soil. The profile extends from the surface down into the unconsolidated material in which the soil formed or from the surface down to bedrock. The unconsolidated material is devoid of roots and other living organisms and has not been changed by other biological activity. Currently, soils are mapped according to the boundaries of major land resource areas (MLRAs). MLRAs are geographically associated land resource units that share common characteristics related to physiography, geology, climate, water resources, soils, biological resources, and land uses(USDA, 2006). Soil survey areas typically consist of parts of one or more MLRA. The soils and miscellaneous areas in a survey area occur in an orderly pattern that is related to the geology, landforms, relief, climate, and natural vegetation of the area. Each kind of soil and miscellaneous area is associated with a particular kind of landform or with a segment of the landform. By observing the soils and miscellaneous areas in the survey area and relating their position to specific segments of the landform, a soil scientist develops a concept, or model, of how they were formed. Thus, during mapping, this model enables the soil scientist to predict with a considerable degree of accuracy the kind of soil or miscellaneous area at a specific location on the landscape. Commonly, individual soils on the landscape merge into one another as their characteristics gradually change. To construct an accurate soil map, however, soil scientists must determine the boundaries between the soils. They can observe only a limited number of soil profiles. Nevertheless, these observations, supplemented by an understanding of the soil-vegetation-landscape relationship, are sufficient to verify predictions of the kinds of soil in an area and to determine the boundaries. Soil scientists recorded the characteristics of the soil profiles that they studied. They noted soil color, texture, size and shape of soil aggregates, kind and amount of rock fragments, distribution of plant roots, reaction, and other features that enable them to identify soils.After describing the soils in the survey area and determining their properties, the soil scientists assigned the soils to taxonomic classes(units). Taxonomic classes are concepts. Each taxonomic class has a set of soil characteristics with precisely defined limits. The classes are used as a basis for comparison to classify soils systematically. Soil taxonomy, the system of taxonomic classification used in the United States, is based mainly on the kind and character of soil properties and the arrangement of horizons within the profile.After the soil 5 Custom Soil Resource Report scientists classified and named the soils in the survey area, they compared the individual soils with similar soils in the same taxonomic class in other areas so that they could confirm data and assemble additional data based on experience and research. The objective of soil mapping is not to delineate pure map unit components; the objective is to separate the landscape into landforms or landform segments that have similar use and management requirements. Each map unit is defined by a unique combination of soil components and/or miscellaneous areas in predictable proportions. Some components may be highly contrasting to the other components of the map unit. The presence of minor components in a map unit in no way diminishes the usefulness or accuracy of the data. The delineation of such landforms and landform segments on the map provides sufficient information for the development of resource plans. If intensive use of small areas is planned, onsite investigation is needed to define and locate the soils and miscellaneous areas. Soil scientists make many field observations in the process of producing a soil map. The frequency of observation is dependent upon several factors, including scale of mapping, intensity of mapping, design of map units, complexity of the landscape, and experience of the soil scientist. Observations are made to test and refine the soil-landscape model and predictions and to verify the classification of the soils at specific locations. Once the soil-landscape model is refined, a significantly smaller number of measurements of individual soil properties are made and recorded. These measurements may include field measurements, such as those for color, depth to bedrock, and texture, and laboratory measurements, such as those for content of sand, silt, clay, salt, and other components. Properties of each soil typically vary from one point to another across the landscape. Observations for map unit components are aggregated to develop ranges of characteristics for the components. The aggregated values are presented. Direct measurements do not exist for every property presented for every map unit component. Values for some properties are estimated from combinations of other properties. While a soil survey is in progress, samples of some of the soils in the area generally are collected for laboratory analyses and for engineering tests. Soil scientists interpret the data from these analyses and tests as well as the field-observed characteristics and the soil properties to determine the expected behavior of the soils under different uses. Interpretations for all of the soils are field tested through observation of the soils in different uses and under different levels of management. Some interpretations are modified to fit local conditions, and some new interpretations are developed to meet local needs. Data are assembled from other sources, such as research information, production records, and field experience of specialists. For example, data on crop yields under defined levels of management are assembled from farm records and from field or plot experiments on the same kinds of soil. Predictions about soil behavior are based not only on soil properties but also on such variables as climate and biological activity. Soil conditions are predictable over long periods of time, but they are not predictable from year to year. For example, soil scientists can predict with a fairly high degree of accuracy that a given soil will have a high water table within certain depths in most years, but they cannot predict that a high water table will always be at a specific level in the soil on a specific date. After soil scientists located and identified the significant natural bodies of soil in the survey area, they drew the boundaries of these bodies on aerial photographs and 6 Custom Soil Resource Report identified each as a specific map unit.Aerial photographs show trees, buildings, fields, roads, and rivers, all of which help in locating boundaries accurately. 7 Soil Map The soil map section includes the soil map for the defined area of interest, a list of soil map units on the map and extent of each map unit, and cartographic symbols displayed on the map.Also presented are various metadata about data used to produce the map, and a description of each soil map unit. 8 Custom Soil Resource Report PQ Soil Map (Harnett County NW Convenience Center) Pe W13M e91400 eM500 Belem e91700 eM800 W190D 69M woo Berm 69mo0 MM D eem egm se MO 35°31'28"N I -� I I I I a� 35°31'28"N s �z _ 8 r D o �A f a � Soil Mafia may not tie u�liel �t this sole. 35°30'57'N - I 35°30'S7'N 6913D0 e1400 eM500 e91em 691700 eM800 eM900 6=M WOO e9M0 69230D 69M emm e92e0D 69= 3 3 b bo Map Scale:1:6,680 iP printed on A landscape(11"x 8.5'D sheet Metiers N 0 50 100 2D0 300 Few 0 300 600 1200 1800 Map projection:Web Mercator Comer coordinates:WGS84 Edge tics:UTM Zone 17N WGS84 9 Custom Soil Resource Report MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest(AOI) Spoil Area The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at Area of Interest(AOI) Stony Spot t 1:24,000. Soils Very Stony Spot 0 Soil Map Unit Polygons Warning:Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Wet Spot ^r Soil Map Unit Lines Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause Other misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil 0 Soil Map Unit Points g pp g y .- Special Line Features line placement.The maps do not show the small areas of Special Point Features contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed Blowout Water Features scale. Streams and Canals Borrow Pit Transportation Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map Clay Spot Rails measurements. Closed Depression Interstate Highways Gravel Pit Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service US Routes Web Soil Survey URL: Gravelly Spot Major Roads Coordinate System: Web Mercator(EPSG:3857) Landfill Local Roads Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator Lava Flow Background projection,which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area.A projection that preserves area,such as the Marsh or swamp Aerial Photography Albers equal-area conic projection,should be used if more Mine or Quarry accurate calculations of distance or area are required. Miscellaneous Water This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as Perennial Water of the version date(s)listed below. Rock Outcrop Soil Survey Area: Harnett County,North Carolina Saline Spot Survey Area Data: Version 15,Sep 10,2018 Sandy Spot Soil map units are labeled(as space allows)for map scales Severely Eroded Spot 1:50,000 or larger. Sinkhole Date(s)aerial images were photographed: Jun 15,2015—Dec 9, Slide or Slip 2017 oo Sodic Spot The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps.As a result,some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. 10 Custom Soil Resource Report Map Unit Legend (Harnett County NW Convenience Center) Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI Bb Bibb soils,frequently flooded 1.1 0.6% CeB Cecil fine sandy loam,2 to 8 72.5 38.6% percent slopes CeD Cecil fine sandy loam,8 to 15 73.8 39.3% percent slopes DoB Dothan loamy sand,2 to 6 0.6 0.3% percent slopes FaB Fuquay loamy sand,0 to 6 24.8 13.2% percent slopes PaE Pacolet fine sandy loam, 15 to 0.1 0.0% 25 percent slopes W Water 5.7 3.0% Wh Wehadkee loam,frequently 9.3 4.9% flooded Totals for Area of Interest 187.9 100.0% Map Unit Descriptions (Harnett County NW Convenience Center) The map units delineated on the detailed soil maps in a soil survey represent the soils or miscellaneous areas in the survey area. The map unit descriptions, along with the maps, can be used to determine the composition and properties of a unit. A map unit delineation on a soil map represents an area dominated by one or more major kinds of soil or miscellaneous areas. A map unit is identified and named according to the taxonomic classification of the dominant soils. Within a taxonomic class there are precisely defined limits for the properties of the soils. On the landscape, however, the soils are natural phenomena, and they have the characteristic variability of all natural phenomena. Thus, the range of some observed properties may extend beyond the limits defined for a taxonomic class. Areas of soils of a single taxonomic class rarely, if ever, can be mapped without including areas of other taxonomic classes. Consequently, every map unit is made up of the soils or miscellaneous areas for which it is named and some minor components that belong to taxonomic classes other than those of the major soils. Most minor soils have properties similar to those of the dominant soil or soils in the map unit, and thus they do not affect use and management. These are called noncontrasting, or similar, components. They may or may not be mentioned in a particular map unit description. Other minor components, however, have properties and behavioral characteristics divergent enough to affect use or to require different management. These are called contrasting, or dissimilar, components. They 11 Custom Soil Resource Report generally are in small areas and could not be mapped separately because of the scale used. Some small areas of strongly contrasting soils or miscellaneous areas are identified by a special symbol on the maps. If included in the database for a given area, the contrasting minor components are identified in the map unit descriptions along with some characteristics of each.A few areas of minor components may not have been observed, and consequently they are not mentioned in the descriptions, especially where the pattern was so complex that it was impractical to make enough observations to identify all the soils and miscellaneous areas on the landscape. The presence of minor components in a map unit in no way diminishes the usefulness or accuracy of the data. The objective of mapping is not to delineate pure taxonomic classes but rather to separate the landscape into landforms or landform segments that have similar use and management requirements. The delineation of such segments on the map provides sufficient information for the development of resource plans. If intensive use of small areas is planned, however, onsite investigation is needed to define and locate the soils and miscellaneous areas. An identifying symbol precedes the map unit name in the map unit descriptions. Each description includes general facts about the unit and gives important soil properties and qualities. Soils that have profiles that are almost alike make up a soil series. Except for differences in texture of the surface layer, all the soils of a series have major horizons that are similar in composition, thickness, and arrangement. Soils of one series can differ in texture of the surface layer, slope, stoniness, salinity, degree of erosion, and other characteristics that affect their use. On the basis of such differences, a soil series is divided into soil phases. Most of the areas shown on the detailed soil maps are phases of soil series. The name of a soil phase commonly indicates a feature that affects use or management. For example, Alpha silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is a phase of the Alpha series. Some map units are made up of two or more major soils or miscellaneous areas. These map units are complexes, associations, or undifferentiated groups. A complex consists of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas in such an intricate pattern or in such small areas that they cannot be shown separately on the maps. The pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar in all areas. Alpha-Beta complex, 0 to 6 percent slopes, is an example. An association is made up of two or more geographically associated soils or miscellaneous areas that are shown as one unit on the maps. Because of present or anticipated uses of the map units in the survey area, it was not considered practical or necessary to map the soils or miscellaneous areas separately. The pattern and relative proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar.Alpha-Beta association, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example. An undifferentiated group is made up of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas that could be mapped individually but are mapped as one unit because similar interpretations can be made for use and management. The pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas in a mapped area are not uniform.An area can be made up of only one of the major soils or miscellaneous areas, or it can be made up of all of them. Alpha and Beta soils, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example. Some surveys include miscellaneous areas. Such areas have little or no soil material and support little or no vegetation. Rock outcrop is an example. 12 Custom Soil Resource Report Harnett County, North Carolina Bb—Bibb soils, frequently flooded Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol. 3snw Elevation: 80 to 330 feet Mean annual precipitation: 38 to 55 inches Mean annual air temperature: 59 to 70 degrees F Frost-free period. 210 to 265 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Bibb, undrained, and similar soils: 80 percent Johnston, undrained, and similar soils: 10 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Bibb, Undrained Setting Landform: Flood plains Landform position (two-dimensional): Toeslope Down-slope shape: Concave Across-slope shape: Linear Parent material. Sandy and loamy alluvium Typical profile A-0 to 6 inches: sandy loam Cg1 -6 to 60 inches: sandy loam Cg2-60 to 80 inches: loamy sand Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 2 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Poorly drained Runoff class: Low Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): High (1.98 to 5.95 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 0 to 12 inches Frequency of flooding: Frequent Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate (about 7.2 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 5w Hydrologic Soil Group: A/D Hydric soil rating: Yes Description of Johnston, Undrained Setting Landform: Flood plains Down-slope shape: Concave Across-slope shape: Linear Parent material. Sandy and loamy alluvium 13 Custom Soil Resource Report Typical profile A-0 to 30 inches: mucky loam Cgl -30 to 34 inches: loamy fine sand Cg2-34 to 80 inches: fine sandy loam Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 2 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Very poorly drained Runoff class: Ponded Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): High (1.98 to 5.95 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 0 inches Frequency of flooding: Frequent Frequency of ponding: Frequent Available water storage in profile: High (about 9.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 7w Hydrologic Soil Group: A/D Hydric soil rating: Yes CeB—Cecil fine sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol. 3spl Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 37 to 60 inches Mean annual air temperature: 59 to 66 degrees F Frost-free period. 200 to 240 days Farmland classification: All areas are prime farmland Map Unit Composition Cecil and similar soils: 90 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Cecil Setting Landform: Interfluves Landform position (two-dimensional): Summit Landform position (three-dimensional): Interluve Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material. Saprolite derived from granite and gneiss and/or schist Typical profile Ap-0 to 7 inches: fine sandy loam Bt- 7 to 40 inches: clay 14 Custom Soil Resource Report BC-40 to 55 inches: clay loam C-55 to 80 inches: sandy loam Properties and qualities Slope: 2 to 8 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate (about 8.2 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 2e Hydrologic Soil Group: A Hydric soil rating: No CeD—Cecil fine sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol. 3sp2 Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 37 to 60 inches Mean annual air temperature: 59 to 66 degrees F Frost-free period. 200 to 240 days Farmland classification: Farmland of statewide importance Map Unit Composition Cecil and similar soils: 85 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Cecil Setting Landform: Interfluves Landform position (two-dimensional): Summit, shoulder Landform position (three-dimensional): Inter hive Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material. Saprolite derived from granite and gneiss and/or schist Typical profile Ap-0 to 7 inches: fine sandy loam Bt- 7 to 40 inches: clay BC-40 to 55 inches: clay loam C-55 to 80 inches: sandy loam Properties and qualities Slope: 8 to 15 percent 15 Custom Soil Resource Report Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate (about 8.2 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 3e Hydrologic Soil Group: A Hydric soil rating: No DoB—Dothan loamy sand, 2 to 6 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol. 2wb94 Elevation: 50 to 660 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 69 inches Mean annual air temperature: 55 to 70 degrees F Frost-free period. 190 to 310 days Farmland classification: All areas are prime farmland Map Unit Composition Dothan and similar soils: 82 percent Minor components: 18 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Dothan Setting Landform: Interfluves Landform position (two-dimensional): Shoulder Landform position (three-dimensional): Interluve Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Linear Parent material. Loamy marine deposits Typical profile Ap-0 to 7 inches: loamy sand E- 7 to 13 inches: loamy sand Bt- 13 to 40 inches: sandy clay loam Btv-40 to 79 inches: sandy clay loam Properties and qualities Slope: 2 to 6 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained 16 Custom Soil Resource Report Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high (0.20 to 0.57 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 36 to 59 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Salinity, maximum in profile: Nonsaline to very slightly saline(0.0 to 2.0 mmhos/cm) Available water storage in profile: Moderate (about 6.8 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 2e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Forage suitability group: Loamy and clayey soils on rises and knolls of mesic uplands (G 1 33AA321 FL) Hydric soil rating: No Minor Components Norfolk Percent of map unit. 8 percent Landform: Interfluves Landform position (two-dimensional): Shoulder Landform position (three-dimensional): Inter hive Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Linear Hydric soil rating: No Fuquay Percent of map unit. 5 percent Landform: Interfluves Landform position (two-dimensional): Shoulder Landform position (three-dimensional): Inter hive Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Linear Hydric soil rating: No Orangeburg Percent of map unit. 5 percent Landform: Marine terraces Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope, shoulder, summit Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex, linear Hydric soil rating: No FaB—Fuquay loamy sand, 0 to 6 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol. 2wb9d Elevation: 160 to 660 feet 17 Custom Soil Resource Report Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 69 inches Mean annual air temperature: 55 to 70 degrees F Frost-free period. 190 to 310 days Farmland classification: Farmland of statewide importance Map Unit Composition Fuquay and similar soils: 85 percent Minor components: 15 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Fuquay Setting Landform: Interfluves Landform position (two-dimensional): Shoulder Landform position (three-dimensional): Inter hive Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Linear Parent material. Sandy marine deposits over loamy marine deposits Typical profile Ap-0 to 10 inches: loamy sand E- 10 to 28 inches: loamy sand Bt-28 to 44 inches: sandy clay loam Btv-44 to 80 inches: sandy clay loam Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 6 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high (0.20 to 0.57 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 40 to 61 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Salinity, maximum in profile: Nonsaline to very slightly saline(0.0 to 2.0 mmhos/cm) Sodium adsorption ratio, maximum in profile: 4.0 Available water storage in profile: Low(about 5.8 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 2s Hydrologic Soil Group: B Forage suitability group: Sandy over loamy soils on rises, knolls, and ridges of mesic uplands (G133AA221 FL) Hydric soil rating: No Minor Components Dothan Percent of map unit. 7 percent Landform: Interfluves Landform position (two-dimensional): Shoulder Landform position (three-dimensional): Inter hive Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Linear 18 Custom Soil Resource Report Hydric soil rating: No Candor Percent of map unit. 5 percent Landform: Marine terraces Landform position (two-dimensional): Footslope, summit, shoulder Landform position (three-dimensional): Interluve Down-slope shape: Convex, linear Across-slope shape: Convex, linear Hydric soil rating: No Blaney Percent of map unit. 3 percent Landform: Ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope, shoulder, summit Landform position (three-dimensional): Interluve, side slope Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Hydric soil rating: No PaE—Pacolet fine sandy loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol. 3sg5 Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 37 to 60 inches Mean annual air temperature: 59 to 66 degrees F Frost-free period. 200 to 240 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Pacolet and similar soils: 85 percent Minor components: 13 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Pacolet Setting Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down,slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material. Saprolite derived from granite and gneiss and/or schist Typical profile Ap-0 to 5 inches: sandy loam E-5 to 8 inches: sandy loam Bt-8 to 29 inches: clay BC-29 to 38 inches: sandy clay loam C-38 to 80 inches: sandy loam 19 Custom Soil Resource Report Properties and qualities Slope: 15 to 25 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: High Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate (about 7.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 4e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Hydric soil rating: No Minor Components Spartanburg Percent of map unit. 8 percent Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Hydric soil rating: No Bethlehem Percent of map unit. 5 percent Landform: Hillslopes on ridges Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Convex Hydric soil rating: No W—Water Map Unit Composition Water. 100 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Water Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 8w Hydric soil rating: No 20 Custom Soil Resource Report Wh—Wehadkee loam, frequently flooded Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol. 3sgv Elevation: 80 to 330 feet Mean annual precipitation: 38 to 55 inches Mean annual air temperature: 59 to 70 degrees F Frost-free period. 210 to 265 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Wehadkee, undrained, and similar soils: 80 percent Wehadkee, drained, and similar soils: 10 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Wehadkee, Undrained Setting Landform: Depressions on flood plains Down-slope shape: Concave Across-slope shape: Linear Parent material. Loamy alluvium Typical profile A-0 to 7 inches: loam Bg- 7 to 58 inches: loam Cg-58 to 84 inches: sandy loam Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 2 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Poorly drained Runoff class: Very high Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 0 to 12 inches Frequency of flooding: Frequent Frequency of ponding: None Available waterstorage in profile: High (about 10.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 6w Hydrologic Soil Group: B/D Hydric soil rating: Yes Description of Wehadkee, Drained Setting Landform: Depressions on flood plains Down-slope shape: Concave Across-slope shape: Linear Parent material. Loamy alluvium 21 Custom Soil Resource Report Typical profile A-0 to 7 inches: loam Bg- 7 to 58 inches: loam Cg-58 to 84 inches: sandy loam Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 2 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Poorly drained Runoff class: Very high Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 0 to 12 inches Frequency of flooding: Frequent Frequency of ponding: None Available waterstorage in profile: High (about 10.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 4w Hydrologic Soil Group: B/D Hydric soil rating: Yes 22 References American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials(AASHTO). 2004. Standard specifications for transportation materials and methods of sampling and testing. 24th edition. American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM). 2005. Standard classification of soils for engineering purposes.ASTM Standard D2487-00. Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of wetlands and deep-water habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service FWS/OBS-79/31. Federal Register. July 13, 1994. Changes in hydric soils of the United States. Federal Register. September 18, 2002. Hydric soils of the United States. Hurt, G.W., and L.M. Vasilas, editors. Version 6.0, 2006. Field indicators of hydric soils in the United States. National Research Council. 1995. Wetlands: Characteristics and boundaries. Soil Survey Division Staff. 1993. Soil survey manual. Soil Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 18. http://www.nres.usda.gov/wps/portal/ nres/detai I/national/soils/?cid=nres142p2_054262 Soil Survey Staff. 1999. Soil taxonomy:A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. 2nd edition. Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 436. http:// www.nres.usda.gov/wps/portal/nres/detail/national/soils/?cid=nresl42p2_053577 Soil Survey Staff. 2010. Keys to soil taxonomy. 11th edition. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. http:// www.nres.usda.gov/wps/portal/nres/detail/national/soils/?cid=nresl42p2_053580 Tiner, R.W., Jr. 1985. Wetlands of Delaware. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Wetlands Section. United States Army Corps of Engineers, Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers wetlands delineation manual. Waterways Experiment Station Technical Report Y 87-1. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National forestry manual. http://www.nres.usda.gov/wps/portal/nres/detail/soils/ home/?cid=nres 142p2_053374 United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National range and pasture handbook. http://www.nres.usda.gov/wps/portal/nres/ detail/national/landuse/rangepastu re/?cid=stelprdb 1043084 23 Custom Soil Resource Report United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National soil survey handbook, title 43041. http://www.nres.usda.gov/wps/portal/ nres/detai I/soi Is/scientists/?cid=nres 142p2_054242 United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2006. Land resource regions and major land resource areas of the United States, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Basin. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 296. http://www.nres.usda.gov/wps/portal/nres/detail/national/soils/? cid=nres142p2_053624 United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1961. Land capability classification. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 210. http:// www.nrcs.usda.gov/lnternet/FSE—DOCUMENTS/nrcsl42p2_052290.pdf 24 Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 Wet Pond Design Attachment C — Precipitation Frequency Data Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 Wet Pond Design This page intentionally left blank. Point precipitation frequency estimates(inches) NOAA Atlas 14 Volume 2 Version 3 Data type: Precipitation depth Time series type: Partial duration Project area:Ohio River Basin Location ni North Car( USA Station Name: DUNN 4 NW Latitude:35.3247° Longitude:-78.6881° Elevation (USGS):200 ft PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES by duratior 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 5-min: 0.437 0.513 0.594 0.659 0.734 0.791 0.844 0.894 0.954 1.01 10-min: 0.697 0.821 0.951 1.06 1.17 1.26 1.34 1.42 1.51 1.58 15-min: 0.872 1.03 1.2 1.33 1.48 1.59 1.7 1.79 1.9 1.99 30-min: 1.2 1.43 1.71 1.93 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.78 3.02 3.22 60-min: 1.49 1.79 2.19 2.52 2.93 3.25 3.58 3.9 4.34 4.69 2-hr: 1.75 2.12 2.63 3.06 3.63 4.09 4.56 5.06 5.72 6.29 3-hr: 1.86 2.25 2.81 3.29 3.94 4.49 5.07 5.68 6.53 7.28 6-hr: 2.22 2.68 3.35 3.94 4.73 5.41 6.13 6.89 7.97 8.91 12-hr: 2.61 3.15 3.96 4.68 5.67 6.52 7.42 8.41 9.82 11.1 24-hr: 3.05 3.7 4.74 5.58 6.75 7.72 8.73 9.8 11.3 12.5 2-day: 3.57 4.32 5.49 6.42 7.73 8.81 9.93 11.1 12.8 14.2 3-day: 3.8 4.59 5.79 6.76 8.1 9.19 10.3 11.5 13.2 14.6 4-day: 4.03 4.86 6.1 7.09 8.47 9.58 10.7 12 13.7 15.1 7-day: 4.67 5.6 6.95 8.02 9.49 10.7 11.9 13.2 15 16.4 10-day: 5.33 6.38 7.78 8.87 10.4 11.5 12.7 14 15.6 17 20-day: 7.18 8.53 10.2 11.6 13.4 14.8 16.2 17.7 19.7 21.3 30-day: 8.95 10.6 12.5 13.9 15.9 17.3 18.8 20.3 22.3 23.8 45-day: 11.4 13.4 15.5 17.2 19.3 20.9 22.5 24.1 26.2 27.8 60-day: 13.6 16 18.4 20.2 22.5 24.3 26 27.7 29.9 31.6 Date/time (GMT): Thu May 30 12:52:27 2019 pyRunTime: 0.0106019973755 Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 Wet Pond Design This page intentionally left blank. Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 Wet Pond Design Attachment D — Stormwater Flow Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 �1J� Wet Pond Design This page intentionally left blank. Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 Attachment D.1 —Pre-Development Calculations ■ Attachment D. 1 — Pre- Development Calculations Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 �1J� Attachment D.1 —Pre-Development Calculations This page intentionally left blank. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 N 3 6� Q 3 3rO� ^o D M o M 3 LEGEND: 0 O h O M 3 EXISTING CONTOURS O LOC LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION �h0 t-MUt-r-M i r UINIC 3 360 — — — — — — — — — — BUFFER ZONE APPROXIMATE EDGE OF TREE LINE 6s - - - - - - - - - E911 TOWER RADIUS TOWER FENCE ADJACENT PUBLIC ROW o W W W— 6"WATER MAIN 350 x AREA 1: 11.609 AC � 3 50'BUFFER 3SS TIME TO CONCENTRATION co x_ 100 LF SHEET FLOW l\ 1068 LF SHALLOW CONC co ME911 COMMUNICATIO M co �i TOWER MLO .V iY) 345 EXISTING FENCE LINE I — 3 NCS 335 M o 35'FRONT BUFFER Aso pVF�SR42� p I M ° °qQ Row ,)C;ss PROPERTY LINE tq C j� AREA 4:6.740 AC �j0 �c� 325 ho TIME TO CONCENTRATION 100 LF SHEET FLOW 3 S 506 LF SHALLOW CONC 5 I °� 290 �O AREA 2:5.131 AC O O �cS` PROPERTY LINE lr� TIME TO CONCENTRATION j U 100 LF SHEET FLOW 600 LF SHALLOW CONC IMITS OF CONSTRUCTION O � Q a 2 ?� 275 N � M o M N W� 315 o s 3 XISTING 6-INCH N o ry oo M C) WATER 3 WATER MAIN N 3�Q 295 `� OZ ``) N N 305 I S\ \\ I s O N AREA 3: 1.231 AC�11- c� .3 Lo�N C', 3p0 M TIME TO CONCENTRATION I )o B 100 LF SHEET FLOW 3 226 LF SHALLOW CONC I APPROXIMATE LOCATION Q O� OF THREE EXISTING TREES s O 2�S �O 345 IN FRONT OF TREE LINE 280 nj/ APPROXIMATE 3 EXISTINGVREE LINE o N 275 N c� O N � N p N O N I — 320 � 345 N 315 Aso doh 310 295 305 �I M �ryh AVENTS CREEK ��O 0 290 300 <p A N 28S\� 29S 00 4o; N NTIRE SITE DRAINS THROUGH NATURAL M � CHANNELS IN DRAWS AND INTO ADVENT CREEK 290 N2>U J 285 <V NOTES: O� O O6 26S a 255 60 280 c�°O 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND PROPERTY LINES OBTAINED FROM `�So 275 HARNETT COUNTY GIS. 250 270 ��`bh 330 2. PROPERTY BOUNDARY SURVEY COMPLETED BY BENTON W. Cn 255 DEWARE AND ASSOCIATES, APRIL 30, 2019. CD N N CD ��h `L�o 255 60 ?6 65�2�Q 2�5 ,ZgQ 2S5 285 32S 3. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT#BA-CU-18-18 APPROVED 6/11/18. 26Q 2 10 0 J PROJECT MANAGER J. MURRAY, PE Harnett EXISTING CONDITIONS PROJECT ENGINEER A. MCGREW, PE CD HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas C Q U N T Y HYDROCAD MODEL DRAWN BY A. MCGREW, PE NORTH C A R O LI N A KEY N.C.B.E.L.S. License Number: F-0116 strong roots a new growth 555 Fayetteville Street, Suite 900 HARNETT COUNTY Raleigh, NC 27601 C 05/2024 ISSUED FOR BIDDING SHEET 919.232.6600 B 01/2023 REVISED BASED ON REVIEWER COMMENTS NORTHWEST CONVENIENCE CENTER 0 T. 2" FILENAME OOG-02.dwg C) A 10/2022 ISSUED FOR PERMITTING OOG-01 ISSUE DATE DESCRIPTION PROJECT NUMBER 10354679 SCALE 1" = 75' v 1 HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 4 [DO] Area 4 NCDOTtad Ditch cB 1 C1 Existing Culvert Area 1 i 2 3 D4 D1 Area 2 At 3 Dit Next to Road D w [D2] D3 v D5 Draw Dr w Draw D6 D7 Draw Outfall to Avent Creek `��®��� a .A _ 40654 SUbcat Reach On Link Routing Diagram for 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Conditions Prepared by HDR, Inc, Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD®10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Conditions Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 2 Area Listing (all nodes) Area CN Description (acres) (subcatchment-numbers) 15.192 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B (1, 2, 4) 11.258 55 Woods, Good, HSG B (1, 2, 3) 26.450 58 TOTAL AREA 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Conditions Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 3 Soil Listing (all nodes) Area Soil Subcatchment (acres) Group Numbers 0.000 HSG A 26.450 HSG B 1, 2, 3, 4 0.000 HSG C 0.000 HSG D 0.000 Other 26.450 TOTAL AREA 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Conditions Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 4 Ground Covers (all nodes) HSG-A HSG-B HSG-C HSG-D Other Total Ground Subcatchment (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) Cover Numbers 0.000 15.192 0.000 0.000 0.000 15.192 >75% Grass cover, Good 1, 2, 4 0.000 11.258 0.000 0.000 0.000 11.258 Woods, Good 1, 2, 3 0.000 26.450 0.000 0.000 0.000 26.450 TOTAL AREA 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Conditions Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 5 Pipe Listing (all nodes) Line# Node In-Invert Out-Invert Length Slope n DiamMidth Height Inside-Fill Number (feet) (feet) (feet) (ft/ft) (inches) (inches) (inches) 1 C 1 354.50 351.00 137.0 0.0255 0.012 12.0 0.0 0.0 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC-Existing Conditions Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 6 Time span=5.00-20.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 301 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1: Area 1 Runoff Area=11.609 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.24" Flow Length=1,164' Tc=28.9 min CN=58 Runoff=1.39 cfs 0.230 of Subcatchment 2: Area 2 Runoff Area=5.131 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.21" Flow Length=700' Tc=22.2 min CN=57 Runoff=0.59 cfs 0.091 of Subcatchment 3: Area 3 Runoff Area=1.231 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.17" Flow Length=326' Tc=22.4 min CN=55 Runoff=0.08 cfs 0.017 of Subcatchment 4: Area 4 Runoff Area=8.479 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth>0.33" Flow Length=606' Tc=13.1 min CN=61 Runoff=2.92 cfs 0.231 of Reach DO: NCDOT Road Ditch Avg. Flow Depth=0.42' Max Vet=2.10 fps Inflow=2.92 cfs 0.231 of n=0.035 L=1,130.0' S=0.0146 '/' Capacity=201.86 cfs Outflow=2.01 cfs 0.226 of Reach D1: Draw Avg. Flow Depth=0.12' Max Vet=0.22 fps Inflow=1.39 cfs 0.230 of n=0.400 L=500.0' S=0.0620 '/' Capacity=252.99 cfs Outflow=0.76 cfs 0.206 of Reach D2: Draw Avg. Flow Depth=0.10' Max Vet=0.24 fps Inflow=0.59 cfs 0.091 of n=0.400 L=430.0' S=0.0977 '/' Capacity=211.86 cfs Outflow=0.33 cfs 0.084 of Reach D3: Draw Avg. Flow Depth=0.02' Max Vet=0.14 fps Inflow=0.08 cfs 0.017 of n=0.400 L=228.0' S=0.1667 '/' Capacity=432.67 cfs Outflow=0.05 cfs 0.016 of Reach D4: Ditch Next to Road Avg. Flow Depth=0.54' Max Vet=0.53 fps Inflow=2.01 cfs 0.226 of n=0.400 L=500.0' S=0.0720 '/' Capacity=49.87 cfs Outflow=1.31 cfs 0.216 of Reach D5: Draw Avg. Flow Depth=0.22' Max Vet=0.29 fps Inflow=1.05 cfs 0.290 of n=0.400 L=982.0' S=0.0570 '/' Capacity=120.90 cfs Outflow=0.73 cfs 0.237 of Reach D6: Draw Avg. Flow Depth=0.10' Max Vet=0.18 fps Inflow=1.35 cfs 0.232 of n=0.400 L=1,720.0' S=0.0500 '/' Capacity=198.54 cfs Outflow=0.38 cfs 0.119 of Reach D7: Outfall to Avent Creek Avg. Flow Depth=0.20' Max Vet=0.24 fps Inflow=0.90 cfs 0.356 of n=0.400 L=130.0' S=0.0385 '/' Capacity=132.42 cfs Outflow=0.90 cfs 0.339 of Pond C 1: Existing Culvert Peak Elev=355.29' Inflow=2.01 cfs 0.226 of Primary=2.01 cfs 0.226 of Secondary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=2.01 cfs 0.226 of Total Runoff Area= 26.450 ac Runoff Volume = 0.570 of Average Runoff Depth = 0.26" 100.00% Pervious = 26.450 ac 0.00% Impervious= 0.000 ac 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Conditions Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 7 Summary for Subcatchment 1: Area 1 Runoff = 1.39 cfs @ 12.35 hrs, Volume= 0.230 af, Depth> 0.24" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr ly 24h Rainfall=3.05" Area (ac) CN Description 5.230 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 6.379 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 11.609 58 Weighted Average 11.609 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 13.3 100 0.0200 0.13 Sheet Flow, Grass: Dense n= 0.240 P2= 3.70" 15.6 1,064 0.0520 1.14 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 28.9 1,164 Total Subcatchment 1: Area 1 Hydrograph ❑Runoff ,. 99 cfs Type II 24hr 1y 2h Rainfall=3.a5" .... R not Area=11. 09 ac ................. 1 Runoff:Volume=0.230 of Runoff Depth>0.24" FIOw Len : th=1,164' Tc=28:9 min CN=58 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Conditions Type 1124-hr ly 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 8 Summary for Subcatchment 2: Area 2 Runoff = 0.59 cfs @ 12.26 hrs, Volume= 0.091 af, Depth> 0.21" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr ly 24h Rainfall=3.05" Area (ac) CN Description 1.483 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 3.648 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 5.131 57 Weighted Average 5.131 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 9.1 100 0.0200 0.18 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 3.70" 13.1 600 0.0233 0.76 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 22.2 700 Total Subcatchment 2: Area 2 Hydrograph 0.65 ■Runoff .............. ... 0.59 cfs 0.6 T 1. 2.4h r . 0.55 ........ ..... yp� Ow ly 24h f air fall=3 0.505.11.......... ................................................................. ............... ............... ......... 0.45 F�..0 n off.... #re ........_5..._1..3._1.....ac......... ............. ........................... 0.4 RuMoff'Vol:m: =0.091 af..... ....... ............... .. ...................... .................... R 0.35 u:noff De:pth>0.21" 0.3 Flow Len th=700' LL ......................._......................._ ....... _........................._ ............... _........................_ .. ........................._ ............... 0.25 Tv: .................................................:......................................................................................... .. .....22 min 0.2 _ CN 47 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Conditions Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 9 Summary for Subcatchment 3: Area 3 Runoff = 0.08 cfs @ 12.29 hrs, Volume= 0.017 af, Depth> 0.17" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr ly 24h Rainfall=3.05" Area (ac) CN Description 1.231 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 1.231 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 20.0 100 0.0200 0.08 Sheet Flow, Woods: Light underbrush n= 0.400 P2= 3.70" 2.4 226 0.0973 1.56 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 22.4 326 Total Subcatchment 3: Area 3 Hydrograph .......................................................................................................... ........ ............... 0.09 ■Runoff ...................................................................... ................ .... ............... ................ ............... ............... ............... ................ ............... 0.085 o.oa as .........................................,..................................................;.......................................................................... 0.08 Ty. e..._1_..._24' _r......... 0.075 ............... ........ 1 24h Rainfall: 3.45 0.07 y n ff Ar 1. 1_ 0.065 R.I.I............o.................................e.s�_...................... ..............xa.C.......... 0.06 0.055 R.u.":off Vol: M :0 017 of _ ........................................... 0.05 ........................ ...................................................................................................................... ............................Runoff....Q..ep: th>..O.....1.7' 3-LL 0.045 ..........................,.........................;.................... _ ............... ................ ....... .........o oWLen 0.04 Ff t1 =326 ...... 0.035 Tc ...................................................:.........................,....................................................................... ............ .............. 22:4 in 0.03 0.02 0.02 ............. ............... ................ .............. 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Conditions Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 10 Summary for Subcatchment 4: Area 4 Runoff = 2.92 cfs @ 12.09 hrs, Volume= 0.231 af, Depth> 0.33" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr ly 24h Rainfall=3.05" Area (ac) CN Description 8.479 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 8.479 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 9.1 100 0.0200 0.18 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 3.70" 4.0 506 0.0198 2.11 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Grassed Waterway Kv= 15.0 fps 13.1 606 Total Subcatchment 4: Area 4 Hydrograph ......................... ......................... ......................... ............... ❑Runoff 3 2.92 cfs Type 11 24-h r "ly 24h Rainfall: 3.05" ............................................ Run : ff Area=8.�79 ac 2 Runoff Volume=0 231af . Runoff Depth>0.33" Flow Length=606' T 13.1 min c. . 1 CN=61 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Conditions Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 11 Summary for Reach DO: NCDOT Road Ditch Inflow Area = 8.479 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 0.33" for ly 24h event Inflow = 2.92 cfs @ 12.09 hrs, Volume= 0.231 of Outflow = 2.01 cfs @ 12.35 hrs, Volume= 0.226 af, Atten= 31%, Lag= 15.4 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 2.10 fps, Min. Travel Time= 9.0 min Avg. Velocity = 1.20 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 15.7 min Peak Storage= 1,084 cf @ 12.20 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.42' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 30.0 sf, Capacity= 201.86 cfs 1.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.035 Earth, dense weeds Side Slope Z-value= 3.0 7' Top Width= 19.00' Length= 1,130.0' Slope= 0.0146 7' Inlet Invert= 372.00', Outlet Invert= 355.50' Reach DO: NCDOT Road Ditch Hydrograph ...................................................................................................................... _ ............... .......... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... Inflow 2.92 cfs ❑Outflow 3 Inflow Area::8.479 ac Avg. Flow: Depth:0.42' Max Vel: 2.10 fps .............. ............ 2- 2.01°`S n^0.035 L=11130:0' S=0.0'146 T ................................................................................................... Cap : city=201 .86 cfs 1 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Conditions Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 12 Summary for Reach D1: Draw Inflow Area = 11.609 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 0.24" for ly 24h event Inflow = 1.39 cfs @ 12.35 hrs, Volume= 0.230 of Outflow = 0.76 cfs @ 13.47 hrs, Volume= 0.206 af, Atten= 45%, Lag= 67.2 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.22 fps, Min. Travel Time= 38.1 min Avg. Velocity = 0.15 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 54.4 min Peak Storage= 1,745 cf @ 12.84 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.12' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 174.0 sf, Capacity= 252.99 cfs 28.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 10.0 7' Top Width= 88.00' Length= 500.0' Slope= 0.0620 7' Inlet Invert= 316.00', Outlet Invert= 285.00' Reach D1: Draw Hydrograph Inflow 1.39cfs ❑outflow Inflow Area=11 .609 ac Avg. Flow; Depth=0.12' Max ps . e 1 n^0.400 tV 0.76 cfs L=VOOi O' LL S=0.0620 '/' acity=262.99 cfs ------------ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC-Existing Conditions Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 13 Summary for Reach D2: Draw Inflow Area = 5.131 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 0.21" for ly 24h event Inflow = 0.59 cfs @ 12.26 hrs, Volume= 0.091 of Outflow = 0.33 cfs @ 13.15 hrs, Volume= 0.084 af, Atten= 44%, Lag= 53.7 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.24 fps, Min. Travel Time= 29.3 min Avg. Velocity = 0.17 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 42.1 min Peak Storage= 576 cf @ 12.66 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.10' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 126.0 sf, Capacity= 211.86 cfs 12.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 10.0 7' Top Width= 72.00' Length= 430.0' Slope= 0.0977 7' Inlet Invert= 327.00', Outlet Invert= 285.00' Reach D2: Draw Hydrograph Inflow 0.65 0.59 cfs ❑oUtfIOW 0.6 tnftor r.....Area�5 131 ae ... ..........:.. ............... . .......... _ , 0.55 ............................................................................................................................................................... ................ .............................. ...... ......... ........ ,.......... r4vg. Flow Depth-0.10 0.5 Max Vel l 0.24 f s 0.45 ....................... ...... .............. .......................... ............. ............... _ ............. .............. ..............p ....................... ............................. .............. ........................._ ..... _ . d 0.4 .......... .......... ......n.........0...""" ". .�......... 0.35 0.33 cfs .............. 0 0 .........i..... .......... 3 ............................................ ` �/ 0 0.3 = LL S 0.0977 1 0.25 .................................................I.............................................................................................. a.pcty=21.1 �_ 6 _cs 0.2 0.15 ................................................................................................................................................................ ... .............. ............... .............. 0.1 ............................................................................................................................................................ ................................ _ ............... ........... 0.05 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Conditions Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 14 Summary for Reach D3: Draw Inflow Area = 1.231 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 0.17" for 1y 24h event Inflow = 0.08 cfs @ 12.29 hrs, Volume= 0.017 of Outflow = 0.05 cfs @ 13.21 hrs, Volume= 0.016 af, Atten= 38%, Lag= 55.0 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.14 fps, Min. Travel Time= 26.3 min Avg. Velocity = 0.14 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 26.3 min Peak Storage= 82 cf @ 12.77 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.02' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 195.0 sf, Capacity= 432.67 cfs 20.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 15.0 7' Top Width= 110.00' Length= 228.0' Slope= 0.1667 7' Inlet Invert= 353.00', Outlet Invert= 315.00' Reach D3: Draw Hydrograph ...................................................................................................................................................... ..................................._ .............. .............. ............... ........................_ .............. .............. [ Inflow 0.09 0.08 cfs '""""" Outflow ............................................................................. 0.085 Inflow area= 2 a ................................................................................................................................................. ............................. ... .............. ............. _ ............. .............. 0.08 ,.... ............................................................................................................................................................... ...... ►vg Fl......................... ................................................ _....................... 0.07 ......................:........................:........................;............. ............. ...... ..... .. Maxel: ._ 4 _#�5 0.065 ......................................................................:.........................:................................................................ .............. _ .............. _ .............. ............... ........................_ .. 0.06 ...................... n4 Q 0.055 o.os cfs 0.05 L .............. .. 2.................... 8. 3 0.045 ..................................................................... S= 6.6.7 ,1. 0 .. ..... .. .. LL 0.04 ......................,........................,.........................................................................,........................,................ .......... ......... ............... 0.035 tty=432 67 Oft 0.03 ......................,........................,..................................................,................... ....... .............. .............. 0.025 ........................................................................,.........................:................... .............. ..... ........ .............. .............. 0.02 .......... 0.015 .............. .........................................................................,.........................:................... .............. ... ........... .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. .............. 0.01 0.005 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Conditions Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 15 Summary for Reach D4: Ditch Next to Road Inflow Area = 8.479 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 0.32" for ly 24h event Inflow = 2.01 cfs @ 12.35 hrs, Volume= 0.226 of Outflow = 1.31 cfs @ 12.83 hrs, Volume= 0.216 af, Atten= 35%, Lag= 29.0 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.53 fps, Min. Travel Time= 15.7 min Avg. Velocity = 0.33 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 25.4 min Peak Storage= 1,241 cf @ 12.57 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.54' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 36.0 sf, Capacity= 49.87 cfs 3.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 3.0 7' Top Width= 21.00' Length= 500.0' Slope= 0.0720 7' Inlet Invert= 351.00', Outlet Invert= 315.00' Reach D4: Ditch Next to Road Hydrograph Inflow ...................................................................................................................... ... .................................................. ............... ...............20 _..... ❑Outflow 2 Inflow Area:8.479 ac Avg. Flow: Depth:0.54' Max Vel: 0.53 fps 1.31 cfs n^0.400 H � 1 L- 000 1 S-0.0720 '/' Capacity=49.87 cfs 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Conditions Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 16 Summary for Reach D& Draw Inflow Area = 16.740 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 0.21" for ly 24h event Inflow = 1.05 cfs @ 13.41 hrs, Volume= 0.290 of Outflow = 0.73 cfs @ 15.24 hrs, Volume= 0.237 af, Atten= 31%, Lag= 109.8 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.29 fps, Min. Travel Time= 55.7 min Avg. Velocity = 0.23 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 70.5 min Peak Storage= 2,436 cf @ 14.31 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.22' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 93.0 sf, Capacity= 120.90 cfs 10.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 7.0 7' Top Width= 52.00' Length= 982.0' Slope= 0.0570 7' Inlet Invert= 285.00', Outlet Invert= 229.00' Reach D& Draw Hydrograph Inflow os as ❑Outflow Inflow.Area=16740. a _ 1 Avg. Flow Depth=022' Max Vet:0.29 fps n=0.400 0735 L=98Z.0' LL S=O.Q570 T Capacity=120.90 cfs 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Conditions Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 17 Summary for Reach D6: Draw Inflow Area = 9.710 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 0.29" for ly 24h event Inflow = 1.35 cfs @ 12.84 hrs, Volume= 0.232 of Outflow = 0.38 cfs @ 17.31 hrs, Volume= 0.119 af, Atten= 72%, Lag= 268.1 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.18 fps, Min. Travel Time= 162.2 min Avg. Velocity = 0.15 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 186.0 min Peak Storage= 3,696 cf @ 14.60 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.10' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 159.0 sf, Capacity= 198.54 cfs 20.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 11.0 7' Top Width= 86.00' Length= 1,720.0' Slope= 0.0500 7' Inlet Invert= 315.00', Outlet Invert= 229.00' Reach D6: Draw Hydrograph Inflow 1.35 cfs ❑outflow Inflow Area=9.710 aC Avg. Flow Depth=010' K 1=01 fps 1 n=0.400 L=11720.0' LL S=0.0500 T Capacity=198.54 cfs 0.38 cfs 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Conditions Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 18 Summary for Reach D7: Outfall to Avent Creek Inflow Area = 26.450 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 0.16" for ly 24h event Inflow = 0.90 cfs @ 16.45 hrs, Volume= 0.356 of Outflow = 0.90 cfs @ 16.70 hrs, Volume= 0.339 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 14.9 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.24 fps, Min. Travel Time= 9.2 min Avg. Velocity = 0.20 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 10.9 min Peak Storage= 495 cf @ 16.55 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.20' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 117.0 sf, Capacity= 132.42 cfs 18.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 7.0 7' Top Width= 60.00' Length= 130.0' Slope= 0.0385 7' Inlet Invert= 229.00', Outlet Invert= 224.00' Reach D7: Outfall to Avent Creek Hydrograph 1 Inflow 0.90 cfs ❑outflow In 'low Area=26.�450 ac °�S Avg. Flow Depth=020' Max Vet:0.24 fps n=0.400 L=130.0' LL S=0.0385) '/' C pa city=13E2.42 cfs 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC-Existing Conditions Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 19 Summary for Pond C 1: Existing Culvert Inflow Area = 8.479 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 0.32" for ly 24h event Inflow = 2.01 cfs @ 12.35 hrs, Volume= 0.226 of Outflow = 2.01 cfs @ 12.35 hrs, Volume= 0.226 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 2.01 cfs @ 12.35 hrs, Volume= 0.226 of Secondary= 0.00 cfs @ 5.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 of Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Peak Elev= 355.29' @ 12.35 hrs Flood Elev= 357.00' Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 354.50' 12.0" Round Culvert L= 137.0' RCP, end-section conforming to fill, Ke= 0.500 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 354.50' /351.00' S= 0.0255 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.012 Concrete pipe, finished, Flow Area= 0.79 sf #2 Secondary 357.00' 50.0' long x 100.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.68 2.70 2.70 2.64 2.63 2.64 2.64 2.63 Primary OutFlow Max=2.01 cfs @ 12.35 hrs HW=355.29' (Free Discharge) L1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 2.01 cfs @ 3.02 fps) Secondary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 5.00 hrs HW=354.50' (Free Discharge) L2=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Pond C 1: Existing Culvert Hydrograph Inflow .................................................................................................................. 0 . .................................................. ............. ............. ............................................. Outflow 20 o PrimaryInfow:Area=8.4j9a: c 0 Second a ry1 cfs2. 2 Peak Elev=355.29 N U 3 0 1 LL 0.00 cfs 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC-Existing Condition Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 20 Time span=5.00-20.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 301 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1: Area 1 Runoff Area=11.609 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth>2.00" Flow Length=1,164' Tc=28.9 min CN=58 Runoff=21.62 cfs 1.937 of Subcatchment 2: Area 2 Runoff Area=5.131 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth>1.92" Flow Length=700' Tc=22.2 min CN=57 Runoff=10.82 cfs 0.822 of Subcatchment 3: Area 3 Runoff Area=1.231 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth>1.75" Flow Length=326' Tc=22.4 min CN=55 Runoff=2.31 cfs 0.180 of Subcatchment 4: Area 4 Runoff Area=8.479 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth>2.28" Flow Length=606' Tc=13.1 min CN=61 Runoff=28.83 cfs 1.614 of Reach DO: NCDOT Road Ditch Avg. Flow Depth=1.30' Max Vet=4.01 fps Inflow=28.83 cfs 1.614 of n=0.035 L=1,130.0' S=0.0146 '/' Capacity=201.86 cfs Outflow=25.05 cfs 1.601 of Reach D1: Draw Avg. Flow Depth=0.74' Max Vet=0.67 fps Inflow=21.62 cfs 1.937 of n=0.400 L=500.0' S=0.0620 '/' Capacity=252.99 cfs Outflow=17.57 cfs 1.884 of Reach D2: Draw Avg. Flow Depth=0.66' Max Vet=0.72 fps Inflow=10.82 cfs 0.822 of n=0.400 L=430.0' S=0.0977 '/' Capacity=211.86 cfs Outflow=8.69 cfs 0.804 of Reach D3: Draw Avg. Flow Depth=0.19' Max Vet=0.46 fps Inflow=2.31 cfs 0.180 of n=0.400 L=228.0' S=0.1667 '/' Capacity=432.67 cfs Outflow=1.98 cfs 0.176 of Reach D4: Ditch Next to Road Avg. Flow Depth=2.05' Max Vet=1.11 fps Inflow=25.05 cfs 1.601 of n=0.400 L=500.0' S=0.0720 '/' Capacity=49.87 cfs Outflow=20.51 cfs 1.579 of Reach D5: Draw Avg. Flow Depth=1.23' Max Vet=0.79 fps Inflow=24.94 cfs 2.688 of n=0.400 L=982.0' S=0.0570 '/' Capacity=120.90 cfs Outflow=17.88 cfs 2.575 of Reach D6: Draw Avg. Flow Depth=0.59' Max Vet=0.50 fps Inflow=22.48 cfs 1.755 of n=0.400 L=1,720.0' S=0.0500 '/' Capacity=198.54 cfs Outflow=7.83 cfs 1.549 of Reach D7: Outfall to Avent Creek Avg. Flow Depth=1.15' Max Vet=0.67 fps Inflow=19.98 cfs 4.125 of n=0.400 L=130.0' S=0.0385 '/' Capacity=132.42 cfs Outflow=19.92 cfs 4.094 of Pond C 1: Existing Culvert Peak Elev=357.27' Inflow=25.05 cfs 1.601 of Primary=5.70 cfs 1.128 of Secondary=19.35 cfs 0.473 of Outflow=25.05 cfs 1.601 of Total Runoff Area= 26.450 ac Runoff Volume =4.553 of Average Runoff Depth = 2.07" 100.00% Pervious = 26.450 ac 0.00% Impervious= 0.000 ac 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Condition Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 21 Summary for Subcatchment 1: Area 1 Runoff = 21.62 cfs @ 12.25 hrs, Volume= 1.937 af, Depth> 2.00" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 25y 24h Rainfall=6.75" Area (ac) CN Description 5.230 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 6.379 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 11.609 58 Weighted Average 11.609 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 13.3 100 0.0200 0.13 Sheet Flow, Grass: Dense n= 0.240 P2= 3.70" 15.6 1,064 0.0520 1.14 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 28.9 1,164 Total Subcatchment 1: Area 1 Hydrograph 23 ■Runoff 22 21.62 cfs _ « . ............. 21 ......................... Type i�. 24.11r........ 20 ..........:...........................:..........................«.........................«..........................;...........................;............... ...... ........ .... 19 18 17 .........................;..........................;...........................;.................. Runvf Area=1809e 16 ......................._................................................................................................... ... ... ........ ................ 15 ....................._..................................................................................... Rang#f Voame-1,g7 e . 14 ................................................................................................... ................. .. ................ ................. 13 .................. ..............................Ru.n.O.f ....De:pth+`� { 0'�.......... 3 12 ......................................................................................................;...................................................................... .................................................................................... _....................................................._.........................._ ............... 0 11 ......................._..................................................................... h. .. LL FI6w Lengt �64' 10 ......................._ ......................... ........................................... .. ............................ ..........................._........................._ ................ ................ _.........................._ ............... g ......................._.............................................................................................................................. ...... ................ ................. ............... TG=2-8: 9 m: in .......................................................... ..... ........................ ................ .............. _ ............... ............... ............... _ ............... ...................._ ............. ..................7 _ g ......................._ ......................... Chl-�5.8 5 ................................................................................................................................................... .. ........... ................. ............... ................ ................ ................ ............... q ........................................................................................................................................................................ .. ................. ................ ................ .........................._ ............... 3 ................................................................................................................................................................ .......... ............... ................ ................ ................ ............... 2 .................................................................................................................................................................. ..... .......... 1 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Condition Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 22 Summary for Subcatchment 2: Area 2 Runoff = 10.82 cfs @ 12.17 hrs, Volume= 0.822 af, Depth> 1.92" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 25y 24h Rainfall=6.75" Area (ac) CN Description 1.483 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 3.648 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 5.131 57 Weighted Average 5.131 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 9.1 100 0.0200 0.18 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 3.70" 13.1 600 0.0233 0.76 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 22.2 700 Total Subcatchment 2: Area 2 Hydrograph 12 ■Runoff 10.82 cfs 11 Ty 24�h r . pa i 10 .. 26y 24h Rair�#a1l=67 ..... 9 Ru nbff,4rea=5, 31 Oc.......... 8 .......................................................................................................................................................................... ............... Ra - noff Volume-O. 22 of . R _ uno f Dpth1 3 6 .....:..... .....:..... Flow Lein th-700' LL 5 Tq#22G................ .... 4 ............................................................................................ ................ ................. 3 2 1 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Condition Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 23 Summary for Subcatchment 3: Area 3 Runoff = 2.31 cfs @ 12.17 hrs, Volume= 0.180 af, Depth> 1.75" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 25y 24h Rainfall=6.75" Area (ac) CN Description 1.231 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 1.231 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 20.0 100 0.0200 0.08 Sheet Flow, Woods: Light underbrush n= 0.400 P2= 3.70" 2.4 226 0.0973 1.56 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 22.4 326 Total Subcatchment 3: Area 3 Hydrograph ❑Runoff 2.31 cfs Type 11 24 :hr 2 5y 2�4h Rainfall=6.7 Runoff Area=1. 31 ac Runoff:Volume=0.180 of Runoff Depth>1.75" FI L h= ' p LL . . _vw _e�gt , _3�fi 1 Tc=22 4 min CN=55 . OL 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Condition Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 24 Summary for Subcatchment 4: Area 4 Runoff = 28.83 cfs @ 12.06 hrs, Volume= 1.614 af, Depth> 2.28" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 25y 24h Rainfall=6.75" Area (ac) CN Description 8.479 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 8.479 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 9.1 100 0.0200 0.18 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 3.70" 4.0 506 0.0198 2.11 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Grassed Waterway Kv= 15.0 fps 13.1 606 Total Subcatchment 4: Area 4 Hydrograph 32 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............... ................ ................ ................ ............... ■Runoff 30 28.as as .............. ................ 28 ell 24-h r T. ... ...... ............. _ ................ _ ..................................._: .....' Yp 26 ........................ .............. .......................1 26V 24h Rain fall=6 75" 24 ......................._,...........................,.............................................. ................................... ..... ......... a�.... 22 Runoff .7.t3..... ......... ...................._. 20 ......................... .............. ................ ..._....R.u..lip.. ?.ff._V. ?. .u..m. ...=_'I...G._'1..4.._af......... w 18 p n ................................................................:................................ D ,......................... Runoff p�pth�2 3 16 ............. ................ ................. ... .......... ................ .............. o Flow' Le'ngth_606 FL: 14 ....................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................._....................................................._..........................:......................... 12 TG _13�� min ..................... ........ ................ ................. 10 ................................................................................................. ................ ................. ....... ................ CN- 8 6 4 2 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Condition Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 25 Summary for Reach DO: NCDOT Road Ditch Inflow Area = 8.479 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 2.28" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 28.83 cfs @ 12.06 hrs, Volume= 1.614 of Outflow = 25.05 cfs @ 12.19 hrs, Volume= 1.601 af, Atten= 13%, Lag= 8.1 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 4.01 fps, Min. Travel Time= 4.7 min Avg. Velocity = 1.79 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 10.5 min Peak Storage= 7,216 cf @ 12.11 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 1.30' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 30.0 sf, Capacity= 201.86 cfs 1.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.035 Earth, dense weeds Side Slope Z-value= 3.0 7' Top Width= 19.00' Length= 1,130.0' Slope= 0.0146 7' Inlet Invert= 372.00', Outlet Invert= 355.50' Reach DO: NCDOT Road Ditch Hydrograph .................................................................................................._j................................................_.................... Inflow 32 Outflow 28.83 cfs 30 Inflow Area:8.4�79 ac ........... .............. .............. ............... 28 25.05 cfs 26 Avg. Flo pe �th=10 ........................i..................................................i........................_i....... ............... 24 ........... ............... ........... ... ......ax e , s ps zz 20 .......... ............... ....... ti 18 ,.., ..................................................................................................._..................................................I...... .......... ............... ............... ............... ............ �.... _ ... .... .......... 3 16 LL 14 S�V.© 6: / ........................:.........................;.........................;................................................................................ ....................................................................................................................;.........................:.................... 12 ...........................................................................; ........................ CaPOcit�=201.$_6 dfs 10 ........................:.........................:.........................;........................_..........................:......................._.... ...... ............... ............... ............... 8 ........................:.........................:.........................;........................_..........................;................. 6 ............................................ ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... 4 2 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Condition Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 26 Summary for Reach D1: Draw Inflow Area = 11.609 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 2.00" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 21.62 cfs @ 12.25 hrs, Volume= 1.937 of Outflow = 17.57 cfs @ 12.61 hrs, Volume= 1.884 af, Atten= 19%, Lag= 21.2 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.67 fps, Min. Travel Time= 12.5 min Avg. Velocity = 0.29 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 28.7 min Peak Storage= 13,185 cf @ 12.40 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.74' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 174.0 sf, Capacity= 252.99 cfs 28.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 10.0 7' Top Width= 88.00' Length= 500.0' Slope= 0.0620 7' Inlet Invert= 316.00', Outlet Invert= 285.00' Reach D1: Draw Hydrograph C Inflow 24 i ......................... . ..... ❑oUtfIOW 23 ........... ...........................................................i i................................................_ - .............. - ..............: ::: :::: - : ::::: ...............:::::oflow: a-�� 6dgac22 21 .................................................i................................................._I......................... 20 ........... ,qV .........F...o ... .�, .. .i} .0.. .4�.......... 19 ...... _ ............... ............... _ ............... ............... 1 17 8 ............................................ JV ................... .... ....................:............ ..e.11 15 n- .��.fl........... 14 ............................................ w 3 12 .2 1 u10 .................................................................................................._......................... 9 .................................................................................................._j................................................_............. .... apci / 2a2. 9 ifs 7 .............. .............. _ .............. ............... _ .............. ............... 6 .................................................................................................._............................................. .......... ............... ............... 5 .......... ............... 4 .......................................................................... ................ ............... _ ............... ............... _ ............... ............... 3 ............................................................................................................................................. 2 1 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Condition Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 27 Summary for Reach D2: Draw Inflow Area = 5.131 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 1.92" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 10.82 cfs @ 12.17 hrs, Volume= 0.822 of Outflow = 8.69 cfs @ 12.45 hrs, Volume= 0.804 af, Atten= 20%, Lag= 17.1 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.72 fps, Min. Travel Time= 10.0 min Avg. Velocity = 0.32 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 22.6 min Peak Storage= 5,253 cf @ 12.28 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.66' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 126.0 sf, Capacity= 211.86 cfs 12.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 10.0 7' Top Width= 72.00' Length= 430.0' Slope= 0.0977 7' Inlet Invert= 327.00', Outlet Invert= 285.00' Reach D2: Draw Hydrograph 12 ................................................................................................................................................ Inflow 10.82 cfs '......................... ❑Outflow 11 .................................................:................................................._I................................................_............. Inflow Area 5 31 a 10 .................................................................................................._ ....... ..........._..AV ...Q ... .e *. .(�.�.( .(�.�.......... v vv 9 at-0 .......... ..._;... 8.69 cfs ..... ..._,..... Max V - 72 f s 8 n^0.00 7 ......................................................................................... L 43 00'. 6 LL S-0.0977 T 5 .................. .. 4 .......................................................................... ..................................................I.......... apcit =211.$_6 ifs 3 .................................................................................................._.......................................... 2 ......................................................................... ......................................................... ......... ............... _ ............... ............... _ ............... ............... 1 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Condition Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 28 Summary for Reach D3: Draw Inflow Area = 1.231 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 1.75" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 2.31 cfs @ 12.17 hrs, Volume= 0.180 of Outflow = 1.98 cfs @ 12.41 hrs, Volume= 0.176 af, Atten= 15%, Lag= 14.2 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.46 fps, Min. Travel Time= 8.2 min Avg. Velocity = 0.19 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 19.7 min Peak Storage= 982 cf @ 12.27 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.19' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 195.0 sf, Capacity= 432.67 cfs 20.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 15.0 7' Top Width= 110.00' Length= 228.0' Slope= 0.1667 7' Inlet Invert= 353.00', Outlet Invert= 315.00' Reach D3: Draw Hydrograph Inflow 2.31 cfs ❑outflow Inflow Area:1 .231 ac 98 5 Avg. Fiow Depth-0.1 2 Max Vel: 0.46 fps n^0.400 L=2280' 0 S=O.fi677, LL 1 Capacity=432.67 cfs 0 -------------- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Condition Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 29 Summary for Reach D4: Ditch Next to Road Inflow Area = 8.479 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 2.27" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 25.05 cfs @ 12.19 hrs, Volume= 1.601 of Outflow = 20.51 cfs @ 12.41 hrs, Volume= 1.579 af, Atten= 18%, Lag= 12.8 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 1.11 fps, Min. Travel Time= 7.5 min Avg. Velocity = 0.50 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 16.7 min Peak Storage= 9,343 cf @ 12.28 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 2.05' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 36.0 sf, Capacity= 49.87 cfs 3.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 3.0 7' Top Width= 21.00' Length= 500.0' Slope= 0.0720 7' Inlet Invert= 351.00', Outlet Invert= 315.00' Reach D4: Ditch Next to Road Hydrograph .................................................._..............................................................................._..................................................._...................................................._..................................................._..................................................._.................................................. ................................................ .................................................................................. ......................... ............... ............... ............... ............... ❑Inflow 28 25.05 cfs Outflow ........................:.........................:.........................;.............................................. ............... ......... .......... ... t_Hfito Area=8 47.9 ......................... 26 24 Av . Flow! De th:_ 2.05 ........... ............... . ............... ............... 22 20.51 cfs Maxyel=1 1.1 fp 20e _ . _ . , n^04.0.0 H 16 U L-_ 00 0 3 14 .2 12 ............... .........:..................................................:...................................................,.................................... S 0 0720 10 ................................................................................. Capac y ' 9 $7 cfs ......... .............. .............. 6 ............................................................................................................................................................ ......... ............... ............... ............... ............... _ ............... ............... 4 ...................................................................................................... 2 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Condition Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 30 Summary for Reach D& Draw Inflow Area = 16.740 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 1.93" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 24.94 cfs @ 12.56 hrs, Volume= 2.688 of Outflow = 17.88 cfs @ 13.17 hrs, Volume= 2.575 af, Atten= 28%, Lag= 36.2 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.79 fps, Min. Travel Time= 20.8 min Avg. Velocity = 0.42 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 38.6 min Peak Storage= 22,363 cf @ 12.82 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 1.23' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 93.0 sf, Capacity= 120.90 cfs 10.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 7.0 7' Top Width= 52.00' Length= 982.0' Slope= 0.0570 7' Inlet Invert= 285.00', Outlet Invert= 229.00' Reach D& Draw Hydrograph .................................................................................................._................................................_.................... Inflow 24.94 as ❑Outflow Inflow Area=fi6.70 aC 24 �, Av ........FI_ow D_e th.=.1 23 ............... 22 J p n 07.g. fps.....................M ........................................ _ ............... ........................._ ............... ........................._ ....................:...... ...................20 c. e0 7 18 =0.40 16 L=98 .0' 3 14 .............................................._................................................_................ ........... ............... - 12 ........ .................................._;................................................_;....................... 10 C paucity='I0.9 cfs s ........................:.........................;.........................;..................... 6 ...................................................................................................1.................................................I................ ......... ............... ............... ............... _ ............... ............... 4 ............................................ ............... ............... 2 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Condition Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 31 Summary for Reach D6: Draw Inflow Area = 9.710 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 2.17" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 22.48 cfs @ 12.41 hrs, Volume= 1.755 of Outflow = 7.83 cfs @ 13.76 hrs, Volume= 1.549 af, Atten= 65%, Lag= 81.3 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.50 fps, Min. Travel Time= 56.9 min Avg. Velocity = 0.29 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 99.6 min Peak Storage= 26,756 cf @ 12.81 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.59' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 159.0 sf, Capacity= 198.54 cfs 20.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 11.0 7' Top Width= 86.00' Length= 1,720.0' Slope= 0.0500 7' Inlet Invert= 315.00', Outlet Invert= 229.00' Reach D6: Draw Hydrograph .......................................................................... ..................................................................... _ ............... _ ............... ............... _ ............... ............... _ ............... ............... 25 ............................................ ............... ............... C Inflow 24 ,.. 22.48 cfs Outflow .......................:.........................i................................................._I................................................_....... 23 :.............f #fo�iv.....Ares+.9...7. ..{�.....a. .......... 22 .................................................................................................._.......................................... .. ............... ............... ............... .......................................... 21 ....._. V.* .........F... W...D. �I-O..... .. .............. 20 18 ...................................................................................................I.................................................I....................... .........I.......................................... C7..x...�f�.�.�.�..���.....r�.s.......... 16 ........................._ ............... �0......A n, 00 15 ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... w14 ............................................................................................... ............... ............... ........... ............... ............... ............... V — .s. ..�.......... 13 ...7. 3 12 .................................................................................................._............................................. S0000 / 10 ........................................................................................................................................................................ .. ....................... ............... ............... ............... ............... _ ............... 9 7.83 cfs _a.p_ .cat t..-1 4.... :8... ....�fs........... 7 .......................................................................... ..................................................I................... ...... ............... _ ............... ............... _ ............... ............... 6 .................................................................................................._.......................................... ......... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... 5 ............................................ .. ............... ............... ............... 4 ............................................ ........ ............... ............... ............... ............... 3 uwu 2 1 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC—Existing Condition Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 32 Summary for Reach D7: Outfall to Avent Creek Inflow Area = 26.450 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 1.87" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 19.98 cfs @ 13.49 hrs, Volume= 4.125 of Outflow = 19.92 cfs @ 13.58 hrs, Volume= 4.094 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 5.5 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.67 fps, Min. Travel Time= 3.3 min Avg. Velocity = 0.40 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 5.4 min Peak Storage= 3,890 cf @ 13.53 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 1.15' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 117.0 sf, Capacity= 132.42 cfs 18.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 7.0 7' Top Width= 60.00' Length= 130.0' Slope= 0.0385 7' Inlet Invert= 229.00', Outlet Invert= 224.00' Reach D7: Outfall to Avent Creek Hydrograph .................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... _ ............... ............... C-Inflow 22 Outflow 19.98 cfs .....«..... .....i..... 21 II flV YM....�I�i��L V...�.5 ....�.�........ 19.92 cfs 20 ............................:......................... 19 �............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... 18 Avg. I_ovx Q�pth �1 15 17 ............... ............... ..........Max el_# .67 fps ........ 16 ........................:..................................................:...................................................:......................... 15 .................................................................................................._.................... .......... ............... 14 ...T.. ........i.........................i.........................:. 13 12 -0 .. 0 10 ........... '. .Q.. .8. ..._.��......._................................................_.......................... 9 .......... ............... ............... ............... .................... ..... 8 ............... ............... _ ............... ..............._..... Ctipa ity _1_32 A�2 _Cfs 7 ........................:.................... ....... ............... 6 ............................................................................................................................................. ............... 5 .................................................................................................._................................................_......................... ............... ............... ............... q ............................................. ....................................................._.......................................... 3 ............................................................................................................................................................................. ......................... ............... ............... .. 2 1' 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 20221019_Harnett County_NW CC-Existing Condition Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 10/19/2022 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 33 Summary for Pond C 1: Existing Culvert Inflow Area = 8.479 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 2.27" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 25.05 cfs @ 12.19 hrs, Volume= 1.601 of Outflow = 25.05 cfs @ 12.19 hrs, Volume= 1.601 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 5.70 cfs @ 12.19 hrs, Volume= 1.128 of Secondary= 19.35 cfs @ 12.19 hrs, Volume= 0.473 of Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 5.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Peak Elev= 357.27' @ 12.19 hrs Flood Elev= 357.00' Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 354.50' 12.0" Round Culvert L= 137.0' RCP, end-section conforming to fill, Ke= 0.500 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 354.50' /351.00' S= 0.0255 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.012 Concrete pipe, finished, Flow Area= 0.79 sf #2 Secondary 357.00' 50.0' long x 100.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.68 2.70 2.70 2.64 2.63 2.64 2.64 2.63 Primary OutFlow Max=5.70 cfs @ 12.19 hrs HW=357.27' (Free Discharge) L1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 5.70 cfs @ 7.26 fps) Secondary OutFlow Max=19.13 cfs @ 12.19 hrs HW=357.27' (Free Discharge) L2=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir (Weir Controls 19.13 cfs @ 1.40 fps) Pond C 1: Existing Culvert Hydrograph ......................:......................................................................,......................,......................,.......................:........................:..............................................,......................,.......................:........................:.............................................. ......................I......................................................................................................................................... .............. ............. ............. ............ ............. .............. ............. ............. - -- _Inflow 25.05 cfs L oUtflow ............................................................................................................. _ ..... ....... zs.os ofs �Primary Inflow Area=8 y7_wC Secondary 28 4 y ............................................................................................r.................................................. ............................................................... ............a............. 26 V3 . Peak 1e : 57 7 24 22 .......................................................................................... .....:............ 19. 2035 cfs 18 H 16 ....................................................................................................................... .. ..................................................... 3 14 ............. ............. ............ _ ............. .............. ............. ............. 0 LL 12 10 8 s 6 4 2 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 Attachment D.2—Post-Development Calculations D2 ■ Attachment D.2 — Post- Development Calculations Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 �1J� Attachment D.2—Post-Development Calculations This page intentionally left blank. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 N 3 6� I Q 3 M o M 3 LEGEND: 0 M 3 EXISTING CONTOURS LOC LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION 41- t-MUt-r-M I T UIVC 3 360 - - - - - - - - - - BUFFER ZONE APPROXIMATE EDGE OF TREE LINE �s — — — — — — — — — — E911 TOWER RADIUS �� 3ss 3 —xxxxx TOWER FENCE ADJACENT PUBLIC ROW o W W W— 6" WATER MAIN 350 50'BUFFER �x AREA 1:9.848 AC Cl) 3SS TIME TO CONCENTRATION z_ 100 LF SHEET FLOW 827 LF SHALLOW CONC _ i 3gs � coo m ME911 COMMUNICATIO _^-� TOWER _ _ 355—355 M 345 EXISTING FENCE LINE I X � � — 3 NCS 35'FRONT BUFFER (6U pVF�SR42� p �' �k/C °qo 3�ss ROw j, O — /ON DITCH(D PROPERTY w rJ0 (DID) �cS 3 ' 25Y 24H MAX VELOCITY 5.17 FT/S �. AREA 4 DRAINS TO EXISTING NCDOT ROW SWALE NO 3S0 AREA 4:4.518 AC IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MADE i �jO c�� 32ro v c�2 O TIME TO CONCENTRATION 100 LF SHEET FLOW S 30 506 LF SHALLOW CONC �s w�°' O cS` PROPERTY LIN AREA 1.1: 1.769 AC _� U 285 � �� �-- TIME TO CONCENTRATION � �-� 280 AREA 5:2.222 AC 275 0 / 186 LF SHALLOW CONC U, TIME TO CONCENTRATION o 100 LF SHEET FLOW `� Q 175 LF SHALLOW ONC I O �ss\O N M Mw0 C SWALE(S1) r I 24H MAX VELOCITY 6.11 FT/S ACCESS DRIVE SWALE(SO) 25Y 24H MAX VELOCITY 1.99 FT/S\ o N �h 315 0 i XISTING 6-INCH Nry o M p i 3 WATER MAIN w .3S Spt5` s <9 N \ O N AREA 3: 1.231 AC w N IM TIME TO CONCENTRATION �O 100 LF SHEET FLOW 3 B 220 LF SHALLOW CONC \ r O N UTLET PROTECTION TO BE 4j PROPERTY LIN PLACED FOR IMPROVED CULVERT \�LIN �3 29p 285 O M \355 s N2�5 34S AREA 4 AND 5 DRAIN TO 345 P O N N N `L7 o M 33S 3 EXISTING NCDOT ROW SWALE NO IMPROVEMENTS CDEst M 3 C SWALE(S2) \ 3 0 TO BE MADE o N 265 0 30 25Y 24H MAX VELOCITY 5.98 FT/S 3 3S / w 345 s'�s N 15 Aso 310 � 320 M o^0 315 N M 32S o 000 AVENTS CREEK M � N NTIRE SITE DRAINS THROUGH NATURAL 290 S MO M;; � CHANNELS IN DRAWS AND INTO ADVENT CREEK � N 2�p 285 N� NOTES: Q� O O6 26S rr 255 60 280 ��0 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND PROPERTY LINES OBTAINED FROM `So 275 HARNETT COUNTY GIS. 330 2. PROPERTY BOUNDARY SURVEY COMPLETED BY BENTON W. 40 DEWARE AND ASSOCIATES, APRIL 30, 2019. CD `L�� 23h2��' h 2to0 255 60 60 265� �7p 2�5 2g0 285 2$ 32S 3. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT#BA-CU-18-18 APPROVED 6/11/18. 2 0 J a PROJECT MANAGER J. MURRAY, PE Harnett PROJECT ENGINEER A. MCGREW, PE PROPOSED CONDITIONS CD 0 C o U N T Y HYDROCAD MODEL HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas DRAWN BY A. MCGREW, PE NORTH C A R O LI N A KEY N.C.B.E.L.S. License Number: F-0116 strong roots a new growth N 7 555 Fayetteville Street, Suite 900 HARNETT COUNTY co Raleigh, NC 27601 C 0 /202 ISSUED FOR BIDDING NORTHWEST CONVENIENCE CENTER SHEET 919.232.6600 B 01/2023 0 T. 2�� FILENAME OOG-02.dwg REVISED BASED ON REVIEWER COMMENTS A 10/2022 ISSUED FOR PERMITTING 00019 OOG-01 s ISSUE DATE DESCRIPTION PROJECT NUMBER 10354679 SCALE 1" = 125' 1 HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA O Area 4 [DO] ONCDOT Ro d Ditch Area 4 � ISO] 1 O ❑ Area 1 Access Drive Swale ce D D � 1.1 2 O O Diversi n Ditch 1 P Area 1.1 Area 3 Replaced C Ivert � O � ❑ �B D 1 Pond C2rea 3❑ [si] [D3] [D:4] Dra [D2] Swale Proposed Culvert [S2] Draw ch Next to Road Draw CC Swale [D5] Draw [D6] [D7] Draw Outfall to Avent Creek a A _ 40654 Z7 GINS I1 11k1�\\\�� �/� 7 6 Subcat Reach on Link Routing Diagram for 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Conditions Prepared by HDR, Inc, Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD®10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Conditions Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 2 Area Listing (all nodes) Area CN Description (acres) (subcatchment-numbers) 18.218 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B (1, 1.1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 1.645 96 Gravel surface, HSG B (1.1, 2, 3, 5) 0.150 98 Paved parking, HSG B (5) 6.511 55 Woods, Good, HSG B (1, 1.1, 2) 26.524 62 TOTAL AREA 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Conditions Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 3 Soil Listing (all nodes) Area Soil Subcatchment (acres) Group Numbers 0.000 HSG A 26.524 HSG B 1, 1.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 0.000 HSG C 0.000 HSG D 0.000 Other 26.524 TOTAL AREA 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Conditions Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 4 Ground Covers (all nodes) HSG-A HSG-B HSG-C HSG-D Other Total Ground Subcatchment (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) Cover Numbers 0.000 18.218 0.000 0.000 0.000 18.218 >75% Grass cover, Good 1, 1.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 0.000 1.645 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.645 Gravel surface 1.1, 2, 3, 5 0.000 0.150 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.150 Paved parking 5 0.000 6.511 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.511 Woods, Good 1, 1.1, 2 0.000 26.524 0.000 0.000 0.000 26.524 TOTAL AREA 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Conditions Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 5 Pipe Listing (all nodes) Line# Node In-Invert Out-Invert Length Slope n DiamMidth Height Inside-Fill Number (feet) (feet) (feet) (ft/ft) (inches) (inches) (inches) 1 1 P 318.00 317.00 66.0 0.0152 0.011 24.0 0.0 0.0 2 C 1 354.00 351.50 137.0 0.0182 0.012 30.0 0.0 0.0 3 C2 334.40 330.50 45.0 0.0867 0.012 30.0 0.0 0.0 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC-Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 6 Time span=0.00-120.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs, 12001 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN Reach routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method - Pond routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1: Area 1 Runoff Area=9.848 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.29" Flow Length=830' Tc=24.0 min CN=58 Runoff=1.33 cfs 0.238 of Subcatchment 1.1: Area 1.1 Runoff Area=1.761 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.35" Flow Length=286' Tc=9.2 min CN=60 Runoff=0.65 cfs 0.052 of Subcatchment 2: Area 2 Runoff Area=5.131 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.53" Flow Length=500' Tc=11.8 min CN=65 Runoff=3.19 cfs 0.226 of Subcatchment 3: Area 3 Runoff Area=1.231 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.99" Flow Length=326' Tc=22.4 min CN=75 Runoff=1.21 cfs 0.102 of Subcatchment 4: Area 4 Runoff Area=6.257 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.38" Flow Length=606' Tc=13.1 min CN=61 Runoff=2.19 cfs 0.200 of Subcatchment 5: Area 4 Runoff Area=2.296 ac 6.53% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.61" Flow Length=275' Tc=10.3 min CN=67 Runoff=1.87 cfs 0.117 of Reach DO: NCDOT Road Ditch Avg. Flow Depth=0.36' Max Vet=1.99 fps Inflow=2.19 cfs 0.200 of n=0.035 L=1,130.0' S=0.0159 '/' Capacity=210.84 cfs Outflow=1.46 cfs 0.200 of Reach D1: Draw Avg. Flow Depth=0.12' Max Vet=0.21 fps Inflow=1.42 cfs 0.620 of n=0.400 L=500.0' S=0.0620 '/' Capacity=252.99 cfs Outflow=0.72 cfs 0.620 of Reach D2: Draw Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vet=0.00 fps n=0.400 L=430.0' S=0.0977 '/' Capacity=211.86 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach D3: Draw Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vet=0.00 fps n=0.400 L=228.0' S=0.1667 '/' Capacity=432.67 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach D4: Ditch Next to Road Avg. Flow Depth=0.62' Max Vet=0.57 fps Inflow=2.65 cfs 0.317 of n=0.400 L=500.0' S=0.0720 '/' Capacity=49.87 cfs Outflow=1.74 cfs 0.317 of Reach D5: Draw Avg. Flow Depth=0.17' Max Vet=0.26 fps Inflow=0.72 cfs 0.620 of n=0.400 L=982.0' S=0.0570 '/' Capacity=120.90 cfs Outflow=0.50 cfs 0.620 of Reach D6: Draw Avg. Flow Depth=0.11' Max Vet=0.19 fps Inflow=1.74 cfs 0.317 of n=0.400 L=1,720.0' S=0.0500 '/' Capacity=198.54 cfs Outflow=0.45 cfs 0.317 of Reach D7: Outfall to Avent Creek Avg. Flow Depth=0.20' Max Vet=0.24 fps Inflow=0.95 cfs 0.937 of n=0.400 L=130.0' S=0.0385 '/' Capacity=132.42 cfs Outflow=0.95 cfs 0.937 of Reach DD: Diversion Ditch Avg. Flow Depth=0.05' Max Vet=1.82 fps Inflow=1.33 cfs 0.238 of n=0.022 L=240.0' S=0.0375 '/' Capacity=734.43 cfs Outflow=1.32 cfs 0.238 of Reach SO: Access Drive Swale Avg. Flow Depth=0.24' Max Vet=1.05 fps Inflow=1.87 cfs 0.117 of n=0.030 L=540.0' S=0.0037 '/' Capacity=72.46 cfs Outflow=1.31 cfs 0.117 of 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 7 Reach S1: Swale Avg. Flow Depth=0.22' Max Vet=3.52 fps Inflow=4.01 cfs 0.328 of n=0.022 L=390.0' S=0.0269 '/' Capacity=340.18 cfs Outflow=3.93 cfs 0.328 of Reach S2: CC Swale Avg. Flow Depth=0.31' Max Vet=3.67 fps Inflow=4.13 cfs 0.328 of n=0.022 L=455.0' S=0.0233 '/' Capacity=49.84 cfs Outflow=4.01 cfs 0.328 of Pond 1P: Pond Peak Elev=323.32' Storage=25,085 cf Inflow=4.36 cfs 0.380 of Primary=0.14 cfs 0.382 of Secondary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=0.14 cfs 0.382 of Pond C 1: Replaced Culvert Peak Elev=354.63' Inflow=2.65 cfs 0.317 of Primary=2.65 cfs 0.317 of Secondary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=2.65 cfs 0.317 of Pond C2: Proposed Culvert Peak Elev=335.19' Inflow=4.01 cfs 0.328 of 30.0" Round Culvert n=0.012 L=45.0' S=0.0867 '/' Outflow=4.01 cfs 0.328 of Total Runoff Area= 26.524 ac Runoff Volume = 0.935 of Average Runoff Depth = 0.42" 99.43% Pervious= 26.374 ac 0.57% Impervious = 0.150 ac 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 8 Summary for Subcatchment 1: Area 1 Runoff = 1.33 cfs @ 12.27 hrs, Volume= 0.238 af, Depth= 0.29" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr ly 24h Rainfall=3.05" Area (ac) CN Description 5.230 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 4.618 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 9.848 58 Weighted Average 9.848 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 13.3 100 0.0200 0.13 Sheet Flow, Grass: Dense n= 0.240 P2= 3.70" 10.7 730 0.0520 1.14 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 24.0 830 Total Subcatchment 1: Area 1 Hydrograph ❑Runoff 1.33 cfs Type II 24-hr 1y 24h Rainfall=3.05`' _ .Runo , Ate 48 air 1 RunpffVQlume0. 3$ of Runoff Depth=0.29"' FIaW Length=830' Tc=24.0 m i n CN=58 L W4.K44�04;� 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 9 Summary for Subcatchment 1.1: Area 1.1 Runoff = 0.65 cfs @ 12.04 hrs, Volume= 0.052 af, Depth= 0.35" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr ly 24h Rainfall=3.05" Area (ac) CN Description 1.314 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 0.407 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 0.040 96 Gravel surface, HSG B 1.761 60 Weighted Average 1.761 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 8.0 100 0.0700 0.21 Sheet Flow, Grass: Dense n= 0.240 P2= 3.70" 1.2 186 0.2500 2.50 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 9.2 286 Total Subcatchment 1.1: Area 1.1 Hydrograph 0.7 ■Runoff .............. 0.65 cfs ...... _............................i........................................... ...... ...... ..... ..... ................................. ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ...... .... ..... 0.65 0.6 .............. ......................... .....:..... fall=3 _5 , 0.55 am 0.5 R..0 n off...Area..=.1.....7,.6._,�.....a ......... 0.45 RunOffVplume= .05z af........ 0.4 ' 3 0.35 o LL 0.3 0.25 TC-9.2......rn.1_n_........ .......................... .......:...............:............ .... ..... ..... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... ..... .... ..... 0.2 CN:60 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 160 165 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 10 Summary for Subcatchment 2: Area 2 Runoff = 3.19 cfs @ 12.06 hrs, Volume= 0.226 af, Depth= 0.53" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr ly 24h Rainfall=3.05" Area (ac) CN Description 2.748 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 1.486 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 0.897 96 Gravel surface, HSG B 5.131 65 Weighted Average 5.131 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 9.1 100 0.0200 0.18 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 3.70" 2.7 400 0.0233 2.46 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Unpaved Kv= 16.1 fps 11.8 500 Total Subcatchment 2: Area 2 Hydrograph ❑Runoff 3.19 cfs .......................... .........................:................................................,................;................................. .... _ ..... _ ...... ...... ..... T 3 1y 24h Rainf6ll=3.05`' Runoff Area=5.131 ac Run_OffYQlume .0.�2.5 of . H 2 Runoff:Depth=0.33 ' Flow Length=500' T&11.8 min ......................... ............................................................................................................................... ..............._ .... _ ..... ..... ..............._ .... _................ ..... ..... 1 CN:65 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 11 Summary for Subcatchment 3: Area 3 Runoff = 1.21 cfs @ 12.17 hrs, Volume= 0.102 af, Depth= 0.99" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr ly 24h Rainfall=3.05" Area (ac) CN Description 0.000 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 0.482 96 Gravel surface, HSG B 0.749 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 1.231 75 Weighted Average 1.231 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 20.0 100 0.0200 0.08 Sheet Flow, Woods: Light underbrush n= 0.400 P2= 3.70" 2.4 226 0.0973 1.56 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 22.4 326 Total Subcatchment 3: Area 3 Hydrograph ❑Runoff 1.21 cfs Type II 24-hr �y2�h Rai 1 Runoff Area=1.231 aC Run : ff Volume 0.102 of Runoff Depth=0.99"' FIoW Length=326' TC=22.4 m i n CN: 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 12 Summary for Subcatchment 4: Area 4 Runoff = 2.19 cfs @ 12.09 hrs, Volume= 0.200 af, Depth= 0.38" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr ly 24h Rainfall=3.05" Area (ac) CN Description 6.257 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 6.257 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 9.1 100 0.0200 0.18 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 3.70" 4.0 506 0.0198 2.11 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Grassed Waterway Kv= 15.0 fps 13.1 606 Total Subcatchment 4: Area 4 Hydrograph ❑Runoff 2.19 cfs _ _ _ype r . : . . : : . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1/ 1y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Runoff Area=6.257 ac RunOff V: I : me=0.20b of Runoff Depth=0.38" LL Flow Len th=606 . .....:..... .... 1 Tc=13.1 14. min GN=6"I 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 13 Summary for Subcatchment 5: Area 4 Runoff = 1.87 cfs @ 12.04 hrs, Volume= 0.117 af, Depth= 0.61" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr ly 24h Rainfall=3.05" Area (ac) CN Description 1.920 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 0.226 96 Gravel surface, HSG B 0.150 98 Paved parking, HSG B 2.296 67 Weighted Average 2.146 93.47% Pervious Area 0.150 6.53% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 9.1 100 0.0200 0.18 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 3.70" 1.2 175 0.0285 2.53 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Grassed Waterway Kv= 15.0 fps 10.3 275 Total Subcatchment 5: Area 4 Hydrograph 2 ........... ❑Runoff 87 cfs Type II 24-hr 1y 24h Rainfall Runoff Area=2.296 aC NU RunfVlume0 , 17ofpQ 0.�Run_offDepth " 1 Flow Length=275' LL T&10.3 min GN=67 0- ILL: 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 i5 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 14 Summary for Reach DO: NCDOT Road Ditch Inflow Area = 6.257 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.38" for ly 24h event Inflow = 2.19 cfs @ 12.09 hrs, Volume= 0.200 of Outflow = 1.46 cfs @ 12.19 hrs, Volume= 0.200 af, Atten= 33%, Lag= 6.2 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 1.99 fps, Min. Travel Time= 9.5 min Avg. Velocity = 0.91 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 20.6 min Peak Storage= 830 cf @ 12.19 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.36' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 30.0 sf, Capacity= 210.84 cfs 1.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.035 Earth, dense weeds Side Slope Z-value= 3.0 7' Top Width= 19.00' Length= 1,130.0' Slope= 0.0159 7' Inlet Invert= 372.00', Outlet Invert= 354.00' Reach DO: NCDOT Road Ditch Hydrograph Inflow 2.19 cfs ❑outflow I pflow , rya. 5.2 7 a 2 r4vg. Flog Depth=0.3C' Max Vet=1 .99 fps .46 cfs n=0.035 L=1 ,130.0' 3 ...... . ..... o LL S-0 0159 T 1 Cap:city=210.94 cfs --------------- 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 15 Summary for Reach D1: Draw Inflow Area = 17.971 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.41" for ly 24h event Inflow = 1.42 cfs @ 12.30 hrs, Volume= 0.620 of Outflow = 0.72 cfs @ 12.83 hrs, Volume= 0.620 af, Atten= 49%, Lag= 31.9 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.21 fps, Min. Travel Time= 38.8 min Avg. Velocity = 0.11 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 78.1 min Peak Storage= 1,685 cf @ 12.83 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.12' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 174.0 sf, Capacity= 252.99 cfs 28.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 10.0 7' Top Width= 88.00' Length= 500.0' Slope= 0.0620 7' Inlet Invert= 316.00', Outlet Invert= 285.00' Reach D1: Draw Hydrograph Inflow 1.42 cfs ❑outflow In 'Iow Area=17.971 a Avg.; Flog Depth : 0.12' .....:..... .....:..... .....:..... .....:..... Max: e p 1 n=0.400 U L=500.0' 3 0.72 cfs LL S=00620 7' Cap:city=252.99 cfs 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 16 Summary for Reach D2: Draw Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 126.0 sf, Capacity= 211.86 cfs 12.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 10.0 7' Top Width= 72.00' Length= 430.0' Slope= 0.0977 7' Inlet Invert= 327.00', Outlet Invert= 285.00' Reach D2: Draw Hydrograph 1 ❑Outflow Avg. FlOW Depth=0.00' Max Vet=0.00 fps n=0.400 N L=430.0' V S 0.0977 T LL Capacity=211 .86 cfs 0.00 cfs 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 17 Summary for Reach D3: Draw Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 195.0 sf, Capacity= 432.67 cfs 20.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 15.0 7' Top Width= 110.00' Length= 228.0' Slope= 0.1667 7' Inlet Invert= 353.00', Outlet Invert= 315.00' Reach D3: Draw Hydrograph 1 ❑Outflow Avg. FlOW Depth=O. Q' Max Vet=0.00 fps n=0.400 N L=228.0 V S=0.1667 T LL Capacity=432.67 cfs 0.00 cfs 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 18 Summary for Reach D4: Ditch Next to Road Inflow Area = 8.553 ac, 1.75% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.44" for ly 24h event Inflow = 2.65 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume= 0.317 of Outflow = 1.74 cfs @ 12.35 hrs, Volume= 0.317 af, Atten= 34%, Lag= 11.8 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.57 fps, Min. Travel Time= 14.5 min Avg. Velocity = 0.21 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 40.0 min Peak Storage= 1,516 cf @ 12.35 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.62' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 36.0 sf, Capacity= 49.87 cfs 3.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 3.0 7' Top Width= 21.00' Length= 500.0' Slope= 0.0720 7' Inlet Invert= 351.00', Outlet Invert= 315.00' Reach D4: Ditch Next to Road Hydrograph Inflow 2.65 cfs ❑outflow I: flouv Area=8.553 ac Avg. Flog Depth=0.6 ' . .......... ..... Max e 2 = .57 : ps n= .400 1.7 cfs U L=500.0' ........................................................... 7 .. 0I.0 2.0.......................LL ..............:. ...._................:............._.............._:...............:............._.. ..._i.... ....i..... .......... ..._i.... 1 Gapao:4=49.87 cf.43 0 ]A 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC-Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 19 Summary for Reach D& Draw Inflow Area = 17.971 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.41" for ly 24h event Inflow = 0.72 cfs @ 12.83 hrs, Volume= 0.620 of Outflow = 0.50 cfs @ 14.01 hrs, Volume= 0.620 af, Atten= 31%, Lag= 71.0 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.26 fps, Min. Travel Time= 63.5 min Avg. Velocity = 0.13 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 130.1 min Peak Storage= 1,906 cf @ 14.01 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.17' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 93.0 sf, Capacity= 120.90 cfs 10.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 7.0 7' Top Width= 52.00' Length= 982.0' Slope= 0.0570 7' Inlet Invert= 285.00', Outlet Invert= 229.00' Reach D& Draw Hydrograph .............................................................................................................................................. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... .... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... 0.8 ❑Oultf ow 0.72 cfs ............_i............. ..._i...............i......................... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 0.75 n low Qea_ ............................. ..... ................ .... 0.7 I Flo.... .... 0.65 : ..... .. _ .................... .. 0.6 Va e. ................... .......... ..... ........................ ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....0.55 0.50 cfs ..... ..... _ ..... .... _ ..... ..... _ ..... ..... ..... _ ..... ..... _ ..... ..... _.............._..............._........................ .� ..._ .......... 0.5 .. 00 ............_..... ..............:............................_'.............................;...............................'...............;...............................;...............................'.............................._ .... .... _ _ 0.45 �......... 3 0.4 O ............_... .............................._......... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... .... LL 0.35 ... 0570 .1. .. .... ...A........... �* t �.. f .....:..... ................ ..;............................;..........................................................................;........................................ ..... .... _ .... .... _ ..... ..... _ ..... ..... .... 0.3 .................................................................... _ ..... Cy- .. ..,.a�u......�if��.......... 0.25 .�. . 0.2 .... .... ..... ..... ..... ..............................._.............................._.............._..............._.............._................ ..... ..............................._.............. 0.15 .............. .......... ................... ..... ..... ..... .... .... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... 0.1 0.05 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 20 Summary for Reach D6: Draw Inflow Area = 8.553 ac, 1.75% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.44" for ly 24h event Inflow = 1.74 cfs @ 12.35 hrs, Volume= 0.317 of Outflow = 0.45 cfs @ 13.84 hrs, Volume= 0.317 af, Atten= 74%, Lag= 89.0 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.19 fps, Min. Travel Time= 152.4 min Avg. Velocity = 0.09 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 307.4 min Peak Storage= 4,130 cf @ 13.84 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.11' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 159.0 sf, Capacity= 198.54 cfs 20.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 11.0 7' Top Width= 86.00' Length= 1,720.0' Slope= 0.0500 7' Inlet Invert= 315.00', Outlet Invert= 229.00' Reach D6: Draw Hydrograph Inflow 1.74 cfs ❑outflow Inflouv Are a: ac Avg. Flog Depth=0.11' Max Vet=0.19 fps n=0.400 1 4=1 ,720.0' LL 0500 T Ca:p:city=198.54 cfs 0.45 cfs 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 21 Summary for Reach D7: Outfall to Avent Creek Inflow Area = 26.524 ac, 0.57% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.42" for ly 24h event Inflow = 0.95 cfs @ 13.96 hrs, Volume= 0.937 of Outflow = 0.95 cfs @ 14.06 hrs, Volume= 0.937 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 6.5 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.24 fps, Min. Travel Time= 9.0 min Avg. Velocity = 0.10 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 21.3 min Peak Storage= 513 cf @ 14.06 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.20' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 117.0 sf, Capacity= 132.42 cfs 18.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 7.0 7' Top Width= 60.00' Length= 130.0' Slope= 0.0385 7' Inlet Invert= 229.00', Outlet Invert= 224.00' Reach D7: Outfall to Avent Creek Hydrograph ................................................................................................................................................. _ _ ..... ..... ..... _ ..... ..... F Inflow ....:......................... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ......... 0.55 cfs ; ❑Outflow 1 095 ds Inflo�W Area=26.524 ae r4vg. Flog Depth=0.2a' Max Vel=0.24 fps n=0.400 U L=130.0' .2 S=0:0385 7' ap:city=132.42 cfs C . 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 22 Summary for Reach DD: Diversion Ditch Inflow Area = 9.848 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.29" for ly 24h event Inflow = 1.33 cfs @ 12.27 hrs, Volume= 0.238 of Outflow = 1.32 cfs @ 12.30 hrs, Volume= 0.238 af, Atten= 1%, Lag= 1.6 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 1.82 fps, Min. Travel Time= 2.2 min Avg. Velocity = 1.01 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 3.9 min Peak Storage= 175 cf @ 12.30 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.05' Bank-Full Depth= 2.00' Flow Area= 44.0 sf, Capacity= 734.43 cfs 14.00' x 2.00' deep channel, n= 0.022 Earth, clean &straight Side Slope Z-value= 5.0 3.0 7' Top Width= 30.00' Length= 240.0' Slope= 0.0375 7' Inlet Invert= 325.00', Outlet Invert= 316.00' Reach DD: Diversion Ditch Hydrograph Inflow 1.33 cfs ❑outflow 1.32 cfs I n 1b : Area=91.848 a ........... Avg.; Flog Depth : 0.05�' ax e: ps 1 n=0.022 N L=240.0' LL S=0:0375 7' Cap:city=734.43 cfs 6 1 07 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 23 Summary for Reach SO: Access Drive Swale Inflow Area = 2.296 ac, 6.53% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.61" for ly 24h event Inflow = 1.87 cfs @ 12.04 hrs, Volume= 0.117 of Outflow = 1.31 cfs @ 12.12 hrs, Volume= 0.117 af, Atten= 30%, Lag= 4.7 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 1.05 fps, Min. Travel Time= 8.5 min Avg. Velocity = 0.34 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 26.4 min Peak Storage= 672 cf @ 12.12 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.24' Bank-Full Depth= 2.00' Flow Area= 21.0 sf, Capacity= 72.46 cfs 4.50' x 2.00' deep channel, n= 0.030 Short grass Side Slope Z-value= 3.0 7' Top Width= 16.50' Length= 540.0' Slope= 0.0037 7' Inlet Invert= 358.00', Outlet Invert= 356.00' Reach SO: Access Drive Swale Hydrograph 1.87 cfs 2 Inflow ❑Outflow 1: flouv Area=Z.296 ad Avg. Flog Depth=0.24' Max Vel=1 .05 fps 1.31 cfs n=0.030 y .............. ...............i....................................................... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... .... U 1 S w540-01 00037T LL Ca : a: 4=72.46 cfs 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 24 Summary for Reach S1: Swale Inflow Area = 6.362 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.62" for ly 24h event Inflow = 4.01 cfs @ 12.10 hrs, Volume= 0.328 of Outflow = 3.93 cfs @ 12.12 hrs, Volume= 0.328 af, Atten= 2%, Lag= 1.4 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 3.52 fps, Min. Travel Time= 1.8 min Avg. Velocity = 1.23 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 5.3 min Peak Storage= 435 cf @ 12.12 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.22' Bank-Full Depth= 2.00' Flow Area= 28.0 sf, Capacity= 340.18 cfs 4.00' x 2.00' deep channel, n= 0.022 Earth, clean & straight Side Slope Z-value= 5.0 7' Top Width= 24.00' Length= 390.0' Slope= 0.0269 7' Inlet Invert= 330.50', Outlet Invert= 320.00' Reach S1: Swale Hydrograph Inflow ......................................... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 4.01 cfs .......... .......... _ _ ❑Outflow 3.93 cfs 1: fl:ouv Area: .362:ad. 4 Avg. Flog Depth=0.2 ' M _ . . ......_:......... ..: ..................... .. ax a ps 3 n=0.022 N w .......... .......;...............«..............«............._i...............i...................... 2 S=0 0269.T Capac t034p.18 cfs 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 25 Summary for Reach S2: CC Swale Inflow Area = 6.362 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.62" for ly 24h event Inflow = 4.13 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.328 of Outflow = 4.01 cfs @ 12.10 hrs, Volume= 0.328 af, Atten= 3%, Lag= 1.6 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 3.67 fps, Min. Travel Time= 2.1 min Avg. Velocity = 1.33 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 5.7 min Peak Storage= 497 cf @ 12.10 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.31' Bank-Full Depth= 1.00' Flow Area= 7.0 sf, Capacity= 49.84 cfs 2.00' x 1.00' deep channel, n= 0.022 Earth, clean & straight Side Slope Z-value= 5.0 7' Top Width= 12.00' Length= 455.0' Slope= 0.0233 7' Inlet Invert= 345.00', Outlet Invert= 334.40' Reach S2: CC Swale Hydrograph Inflow 4.13 cfs ❑outflow .............,........... ........«...............i...............«............._i............... .... l an rea= 34.01 cfs ..4 Avg.; Flog Dept.h=0.31' Max: - . . ......... 3 n=0.022 U _ '1 L............................ .... .... .... ..... .... - ..... LL 2 S=0 0 33 ' ' Capacity=49.84 cft 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC-Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 26 Summary for Pond 1 P: Pond Inflow Area = 8.123 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.56" for ly 24h event Inflow = 4.36 cfs @ 12.11 hrs, Volume= 0.380 of Outflow = 0.14 cfs @ 22.49 hrs, Volume= 0.382 af, Atten= 97%, Lag= 622.6 min Primary = 0.14 cfs @ 22.49 hrs, Volume= 0.382 of Secondary= 0.00 cfs @ 0.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Starting Elev= 322.14' Surf.Area= 8,230 sf Storage= 14,450 cf Peak Elev= 323.32' @ 22.49 hrs Surf.Area= 9,840 sf Storage= 25,085 cf (10,635 cf above start) Flood Elev= 327.00' Surf.Area= 17,014 sf Storage= 73,645 cf (59,195 cf above start) Plug-Flow detention time= 2,363.5 min calculated for 0.050 of (13% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 944.3 min ( 1,850.3 - 905.9 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 318.50' 73,645 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below(Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 318.50 1,496 0 0 319.00 1,770 817 817 320.00 2,590 2,180 2,997 321.00 4,996 3,793 6,790 322.00 8,046 6,521 13,311 323.00 9,363 8,705 22,015 324.00 10,855 10,109 32,124 325.00 12,730 11,793 43,917 326.00 14,856 13,793 57,710 327.00 17,014 15,935 73,645 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices (Turned on 3 times) #1 Primary 318.00' 24.0" Round Culvert L= 66.0' RCP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 318.00' /317.00' S= 0.0152 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.011 Concrete pipe, straight & clean, Flow Area= 3.14 sf #2 Primary 322.14' Tube/Siphon/Float Valve 2.500" Diameter, C= 0.600 20.0' Long Tube, Hazen-Williams C= 130 Inlet/ Outlet Elev. = 0.00' /322.00' Starts@322.14' Breaks@322.13' #3 Device 1 324.25' 44.0"W x 6.0" H Vert. Orifice/Grate X 4.00 C= 0.600 #4 Device 1 325.50' 48.0" x 48.0" Horiz. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at low heads #5 Secondary 326.50' 25.0' long x 15.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.68 2.70 2.70 2.64 2.63 2.64 2.64 2.63 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 27 Primary OutFlow Max=0.14 cfs @ 22.49 hrs HW=323.32' TW=316.06' (Dynamic Tailwater) 1=Culvert (Passes 0.00 cfs of 31.44 cfs potential flow) L3=Orifice/Grate ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 4=Orifi ce/G rate ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 2=Tube/Siphon/Float Valve (Tube Controls 0.14 cfs @ 4.05 fps) Secondary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 0.00 hrs HW=322.14' TW=325.00' (Dynamic Tailwater) L5=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Pond 1 P: Pond Hydrograph ❑Inflow 4.36 cfs ❑oUtfIOW _............... ............. ea�.8......'�...�.3...aC ❑Primary _ I �c7 n# O�-'Ar �Secondary Peak Elegy= 2 .32 4 drag y 3 ............;........ ......:..........................................;..............;..............;............................_ ... .... .... _.............._ .... .... .... .... _ ... N U 3 0 LL 2 1 0.14 cfs 0.14 cfs 0.00 cfs 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC-Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 28 Summary for Pond C 1: Replaced Culvert Inflow Area = 8.553 ac, 1.75% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.44" for ly 24h event Inflow = 2.65 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume= 0.317 of Outflow = 2.65 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume= 0.317 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 2.65 cfs @ 12.16 hrs, Volume= 0.317 of Secondary= 0.00 cfs @ 0.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 354.63' @ 12.16 hrs Flood Elev= 357.00' Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 354.00' 30.0" Round Culvert L= 137.0' RCP, end-section conforming to fill, Ke= 0.500 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 354.00' /351.50' S= 0.0182 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.012 Concrete pipe, finished, Flow Area= 4.91 sf #2 Secondary 357.00' 50.0' long x 100.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.68 2.70 2.70 2.64 2.63 2.64 2.64 2.63 Primary OutFlow Max=2.65 cfs @ 12.16 hrs HW=354.63' TW=351.45' (Dynamic Tailwater) L1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 2.65 cfs @ 2.71 fps) Secondary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 0.00 hrs HW=354.00' TW=351.00' (Dynamic Tailwater) L2=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Pond C 1: Replaced Culvert Hydrograph Inflow 2.65 cfs oUtfIOW 2.65 cfs I h W: rea-8.;553 ac Primary z.ss as a Secondary Peak EI: =354.63" 2 N U 3 0 LL ----------------- 0.00 cfs 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Condit Type 1124-hr 1 y 24h Rainfall=3.05" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 29 Summary for Pond C2: Proposed Culvert Inflow Area = 6.362 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.62" for ly 24h event Inflow = 4.01 cfs @ 12.10 hrs, Volume= 0.328 of Outflow = 4.01 cfs @ 12.10 hrs, Volume= 0.328 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 4.01 cfs @ 12.10 hrs, Volume= 0.328 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 335.19' @ 12.10 hrs Flood Elev= 337.00' Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 334.40' 30.0" Round Culvert L= 45.0' RCP, end-section conforming to fill, Ke= 0.500 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 334.40' /330.50' S= 0.0867 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.012 Concrete pipe, finished, Flow Area= 4.91 sf Primary OutFlow Max=4.01 cfs @ 12.10 hrs HW=335.19' TW=330.72' (Dynamic Tailwater) L1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 4.01 cfs @ 3.02 fps) Pond C2: Proposed Culvert Hydrograph ❑Inflow a.o�ots �..... ..._..... _ Primary 4 a°' s Inflow Area=6.362 ad Ptak EIeev=33a.19' ............................................................ ........................ .... .... .... . ........................�............. 30:0 3 Round Culvert N 3 n Gf 0 2 " L=46.0' .....:..... 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 165 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC-Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 30 Time span=0.00-120.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs, 12001 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN Reach routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method - Pond routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1: Area 1 Runoff Area=9.848 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=2.24" Flow Length=830' Tc=24.0 min CN=58 Runoff=20.88 cfs 1.839 of Subcatchment 1.1: Area 1.1 Runoff Area=1.761 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=2.43" Flow Length=286' Tc=9.2 min CN=60 Runoff=6.73 cfs 0.356 of Subcatchment 2: Area 2 Runoff Area=5.131 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=2.91" Flow Length=500' Tc=11.8 min CN=65 Runoff=21.52 cfs 1.244 of Subcatchment 3: Area 3 Runoff Area=1.231 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=3.93" Flow Length=326' Tc=22.4 min CN=75 Runoff=5.04 cfs 0.403 of Subcatchment 4: Area 4 Runoff Area=6.257 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=2.52" Flow Length=606' Tc=13.1 min CN=61 Runoff=21.47 cfs 1.316 of Subcatchment 5: Area 4 Runoff Area=2.296 ac 6.53% Impervious Runoff Depth=3.11" Flow Length=275' Tc=10.3 min CN=67 Runoff=10.89 cfs 0.595 of Reach DO: NCDOT Road Ditch Avg. Flow Depth=1.13' Max Vet=3.84 fps Inflow=21.47 cfs 1.316 of n=0.035 L=1,130.0' S=0.0159 '/' Capacity=210.84 cfs Outflow=18.97 cfs 1.316 of Reach D1: Draw Avg. Flow Depth=0.99' Max Vet=0.79 fps Inflow=39.22 cfs 3.845 of n=0.400 L=500.0' S=0.0620 '/' Capacity=252.99 cfs Outflow=29.66 cfs 3.845 of Reach D2: Draw Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vet=0.00 fps n=0.400 L=430.0' S=0.0977 '/' Capacity=211.86 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach D3: Draw Avg. Flow Depth=0.00' Max Vet=0.00 fps n=0.400 L=228.0' S=0.1667 '/' Capacity=432.67 cfs Outflow=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Reach D4: Ditch Next to Road Avg. Flow Depth=2.15' Max Vet=1.14 fps Inflow=28.18 cfs 1.910 of n=0.400 L=500.0' S=0.0720 '/' Capacity=49.87 cfs Outflow=23.15 cfs 1.910 of Reach D5: Draw Avg. Flow Depth=1.28' Max Vet=0.80 fps Inflow=29.66 cfs 3.845 of n=0.400 L=982.0' S=0.0570 '/' Capacity=120.90 cfs Outflow=19.45 cfs 3.845 of Reach D6: Draw Avg. Flow Depth=0.58' Max Vet=0.50 fps Inflow=23.15 cfs 1.910 of n=0.400 L=1,720.0' S=0.0500 '/' Capacity=198.54 cfs Outflow=7.76 cfs 1.910 of Reach D7: Outfall to Avent Creek Avg. Flow Depth=1.35' Max Vet=0.73 fps Inflow=27.20 cfs 5.755 of n=0.400 L=130.0' S=0.0385 '/' Capacity=132.42 cfs Outflow=27.06 cfs 5.755 of Reach DID: Diversion Ditch Avg. Flow Depth=0.27' Max Vet=5.17 fps Inflow=20.88 cfs 1.839 of n=0.022 L=240.0' S=0.0375 '/' Capacity=734.43 cfs Outflow=20.83 cfs 1.839 of Reach SO: Access Drive Swale Avg. Flow Depth=0.73' Max Vet=1.99 fps Inflow=10.89 cfs 0.595 of n=0.030 L=540.0' S=0.0037 '/' Capacity=72.46 cfs Outflow=9.71 cfs 0.595 of 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 31 Reach S1: Swale Avg. Flow Depth=0.59' Max Vet=6.11 fps Inflow=25.18 cfs 1.648 of n=0.022 L=390.0' S=0.0269 '/' Capacity=340.18 cfs Outflow=25.00 cfs 1.648 of Reach S2: CC Swale Avg. Flow Depth=0.74' Max Vet=5.98 fps Inflow=25.47 cfs 1.648 of n=0.022 L=455.0' S=0.0233 '/' Capacity=49.84 cfs Outflow=25.18 cfs 1.648 of Pond 1P: Pond Peak Elev=324.79' Storage=41,247 cf Inflow=30.53 cfs 2.004 of Primary=18.39 cfs 2.006 of Secondary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=18.39 cfs 2.006 of Pond C 1: Replaced Culvert Peak Elev=356.67' Inflow=28.18 cfs 1.910 of Primary=28.18 cfs 1.910 of Secondary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow=28.18 cfs 1.910 of Pond C2: Proposed Culvert Peak Elev=336.77' Inflow=25.18 cfs 1.648 of 30.0" Round Culvert n=0.012 L=45.0' S=0.0867 '/' Outflow=25.18 cfs 1.648 of Total Runoff Area= 26.524 ac Runoff Volume =5.753 of Average Runoff Depth = 2.60" 99.43% Pervious= 26.374 ac 0.57% Impervious = 0.150 ac 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 32 Summary for Subcatchment 1: Area 1 Runoff = 20.88 cfs @ 12.19 hrs, Volume= 1.839 af, Depth= 2.24" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 25y 24h Rainfall=6.75" Area (ac) CN Description 5.230 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 4.618 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 9.848 58 Weighted Average 9.848 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 13.3 100 0.0200 0.13 Sheet Flow, Grass: Dense n= 0.240 P2= 3.70" 10.7 730 0.0520 1.14 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 24.0 830 Total Subcatchment 1: Area 1 Hydrograph . . 23 ................................................................................................................................................. ..... ..... _ ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ..... _..............._ ...... ...... ...... ..... ..... _ ..... ■Runoff 22 20.aa cfs ..._..... .......... .......... 21 ..............._........... _............ .......:................,...............;.......... _ ........._:..... ............... r . 19 ............................................................_................;............................................................_..............._............. .. fit......... 4 in. 11- .7 18 ...............................;...............;...............;................;................................ .J5.. ....... ......... ......R ................... .................�?.............5............... 17 .......................... ........:..... R , n y�_f �1r _ _ �Q 16 ........................... .......................,...............,...............,................................................,...............,.............................................................................. ...........�/.........,...............,.....Qr_s..........17.....�..........5:7......f�t......... . . 15 R n ff V 1 m ,1. f . u...........�............. u..............e......................8 ....I ........ 13 ..................................................................._......... ...... ff ©_e th 2.24 12 Runo 3 11 - ILL ....... ...... ...... ...... ..... ..... ...... ... . ... ........... 9 ..... ...... ...... ...... . 2 0 .............................. .................................................. 7 ................ . 6 ............._....... .................................................................._........................................... _..............._ ...... CN-5S 5 ................................................... ...... ...... ..... _..............._ ...... ...... ...... ..... ..... _.............. 4 ..... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ..... ..... ...... ...... ...... 3 ...................................................................................................................... _ ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... _ ..... _................_ ...... ...... ...... _ ..... _ ..... _ ..... 2 ......... ...... ..... ..... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ..... ..... ...... ...... ...... ..... ..... ..... 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 33 Summary for Subcatchment 1.1: Area 1.1 Runoff = 6.73 cfs @ 12.01 hrs, Volume= 0.356 af, Depth= 2.43" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 25y 24h Rainfall=6.75" Area (ac) CN Description 1.314 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 0.407 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 0.040 96 Gravel surface, HSG B 1.761 60 Weighted Average 1.761 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 8.0 100 0.0700 0.21 Sheet Flow, Grass: Dense n= 0.240 P2= 3.70" 1.2 186 0.2500 2.50 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 9.2 286 Total Subcatchment 1.1: Area 1.1 Hydrograph ............................................................................................................................................................... ...... ...... ...... ..... ............... ...... ...... ..... ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... : uno 7 6.73 cfs TYP II 24- r ..... .... _ .... _ .....e ..... ..... ..... _.......... 5 24 Rain fall=6.75"y # unof�F Ares-1 .6� a c 5 Ru n : ff V: I : me 0. 56 of N ............._........... ........,.............._.............._;.............._...............,.............._.............._;.............._.............._!................;.............._.............._.............._........ ...... ..............._ .... 4 Runoff pth=2.43' LL ..... ..._........... ............. .......... .... _ FIawLen NOW -286 g 3 Tc : 9.2 nin .... .... .... ..... ..... .... ...... 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 34 Summary for Subcatchment 2: Area 2 Runoff = 21.52 cfs @ 12.04 hrs, Volume= 1.244 af, Depth= 2.91" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 25y 24h Rainfall=6.75" Area (ac) CN Description 2.748 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 1.486 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 0.897 96 Gravel surface, HSG B 5.131 65 Weighted Average 5.131 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 9.1 100 0.0200 0.18 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 3.70" 2.7 400 0.0233 2.46 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Unpaved Kv= 16.1 fps 11.8 500 Total Subcatchment 2: Area 2 Hydrograph 24 ❑Runoff 23 ..............................................._................_................. ...... ...... ..... ..... ................. ....... ...... ...... ..............................._................_................. ...... ...... ..... ..... ................ 21.52 cfs 22 ................«...............«...............«........... ...... ...... ..... ..... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... 21 ........... ............._i............ .........i................«.... «....... ......... . 20 19 .... C h ..C ......... 18 1 ............... Ru nbf Ae =S,_ _ 16 .......................... ......................................... 15 er"1...to ,Rt�nQ#f �/olum 24�; _fit . 14 .......................... w ......... ........... ........... ....:..... V Runo#f-Depth 2.91" 3 12 .......................... ............................................................................................... ..... ..............._ ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ..............._..............._ ...... .................................. ............... 0 11 .... LLFfoWLength_ 00, . 10 ............._........... ............................................................................................... _ ..... _ ..... _ ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... - ..... _..............._ ...... ..............._ ..... _ ..... g .....:..... -rc_, .gmph 8 ......................... ............................................................................................... ..... _ ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ..... _ ..... _ ...... ................................. . 7 CN: 6 ........... 5 ........... ............................................................................................... _ ..... _ ..... _ ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... _ ..... _ ..... _ ...... ...... ...... _ ..... _ ..... _ ..... q ......................... ............................................................................................. ..... ..... _ ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ..... _ ..... _ ...... ...... ...... ..... ..... _ ..... 3 ...... ........................................................... ...... ...... 2 ............................. ....... 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 35 Summary for Subcatchment 3: Area 3 Runoff = 5.04 cfs @ 12.15 hrs, Volume= 0.403 af, Depth= 3.93" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 25y 24h Rainfall=6.75" Area (ac) CN Description 0.000 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 0.482 96 Gravel surface, HSG B 0.749 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 1.231 75 Weighted Average 1.231 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 20.0 100 0.0200 0.08 Sheet Flow, Woods: Light underbrush n= 0.400 P2= 3.70" 2.4 226 0.0973 1.56 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 22.4 326 Total Subcatchment 3: Area 3 Hydrograph ❑Runoff s.oa as ............................................................................................................................ ...... ...... ..............._................_ ...... ...... ..... ..............._ ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 5 Type II 24-Ir 25 : 2�41 Rainfall : ...... ..... ..... ..... 4 = Runoft Area 1.231 ac RunpffVQlume0.403 of 3 Ru:noff:Depth=3. 3'' _ _ FlowLenth=326'g ............._............ ................................. ........:......... ..... ..............._................ ..... ..... ..... ..... ............... ..... ................................ .....T .2 C min:CN 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 36 Summary for Subcatchment 4: Area 4 Runoff = 21.47 cfs @ 12.06 hrs, Volume= 1.316 af, Depth= 2.52" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 25y 24h Rainfall=6.75" Area (ac) CN Description 6.257 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 6.257 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 9.1 100 0.0200 0.18 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 3.70" 4.0 506 0.0198 2.11 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Grassed Waterway Kv= 15.0 fps 13.1 606 Total Subcatchment 4: Area 4 Hydrograph 23 ■Runoff 22 21.47 cfs 21 ............ .........i............................................................_i................i...................................... ape �� �4 20 ........................................................................................................ _ ..... _ ...... ....... .........:..... 19 ........... 2.5 / 4I7 Fairlfa �, 18 ....................................................................................................................... _ ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ...................._ ...... ...... ...... ..... ................._ ..... 17 ...... F u nOf �4t�e -6 � �£ 16 ..... 15 R me=-1.... ._1..6.....a.f........ Unoff\ft�ltt 14 ............._............ ............................................................................................... ..... ..... _ ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ..............._................_ ...... ...... ...... ..... ..............._ ..... w u 13 .. .. 12 ............ RttnoffDept ��" 3 0 11 .......................... .......:...............................................................................................;........................................ �G+.O.��.......... LL Ffow Len ,th_ 10 .......... ...................... .............. .... ..... ..... ...... . ..._:..... g .......... ................................................................ ..... 8 ...... 7 ...... ................................................ _ ...... ...... ...... _..............._..............._ ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... _ ..... _..............._................6 ........... ............................................................. GN: 61 5 / ......................... .............................................................................................. ..... ..... _ ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ..... _ ..... _ ...... ...... ...... ..... ..... _ ..... 4 .......... ............................................................ 3 .......... ............................................................................................................. _ ..... _ ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... _ ..... _................_ ...... ...... ...... _ ..... _ ..... _ ..... 2 ..... 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 37 Summary for Subcatchment 5: Area 4 Runoff = 10.89 cfs @ 12.02 hrs, Volume= 0.595 af, Depth= 3.11" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 25y 24h Rainfall=6.75" Area (ac) CN Description 1.920 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 0.226 96 Gravel surface, HSG B 0.150 98 Paved parking, HSG B 2.296 67 Weighted Average 2.146 93.47% Pervious Area 0.150 6.53% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 9.1 100 0.0200 0.18 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 3.70" 1.2 175 0.0285 2.53 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Grassed Waterway Kv= 15.0 fps 10.3 275 Total Subcatchment 5: Area 4 Hydrograph 12 ■Runoff .............................................................:................:.......................... ..... _ ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ..... _................_ ...... ...... ...... ..... ..............._ ..... 10.89 cfs ....._.. 11 ape 101 ...............:...............:..... r ..... f1116:75 9 — ........... Ru nft _, _, ; � Ares-2296 air - _ _ f _ _RUnQ#f-\lolume4iiM of N 7 � w Runoff De th 3 � 3 6 p LL F1t w Len th=275' . ..._;..... 514. ........... .....:..... .....:..... ........... .....:..... .....:..... .....:...... 4 ...... ................................................ 3 2 ------------------------------------------------------------ 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 38 Summary for Reach DO: NCDOT Road Ditch Inflow Area = 6.257 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.52" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 21.47 cfs @ 12.06 hrs, Volume= 1.316 of Outflow = 18.97 cfs @ 12.11 hrs, Volume= 1.316 af, Atten= 12%, Lag= 3.2 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 3.84 fps, Min. Travel Time= 4.9 min Avg. Velocity = 1.34 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 14.1 min Peak Storage= 5,577 cf @ 12.11 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 1.13' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 30.0 sf, Capacity= 210.84 cfs 1.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.035 Earth, dense weeds Side Slope Z-value= 3.0 7' Top Width= 19.00' Length= 1,130.0' Slope= 0.0159 7' Inlet Invert= 372.00', Outlet Invert= 354.00' Reach DO: NCDOT Road Ditch Hydrograph ..............................................._................................................_................................................_................................................_................................_.............._..............................._.............._..............................._.............._.............................................. F Inflow24 ...................................................................... .....:..... .....:..... 21.47 cfs Outflow 23 .....:..... .....:..... . 22 ........._ ........�nflov� Area= 27 a 21 .............:........... .....................:.............................................:........................................................................ _ ..... ..... - .... _ ..........................._ .... _ ...... ..... _ .... _ ..... ................_ .... ........................................................................... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... 20 18.97 cfs h" 1.13 "�" "" k Flo : ................. ; ax a ps 16 .......... . 15 ............_ 1'1"-0 036........ 14 w u 13 �13 . 12 ............_ .......................................................................................................... ...... ..... ...... .... 0 11 .... ..... ..... _ ..... _ ..... ..... _ ..... _ ..... ..... _ ..... _ ..... ..... _ .... _ ...... ............. ... ..... . . ........ .......i...�........... LL 9 ..... ....................................... _ ..... ..... ..... _ ..... ..... ..... _ ..... ..... 8 p :CI :::::::::: :'�:: ::".. 4:::::C:fS::::.::::: 7 ............... .......................................................................................................... ..... _............................... ..... _............................... ..... _............................... ..... _.............................. ...... _.............. 6 .............. 5 .............. 4 ............. .............................................................................................._............... ..... _..............._............... ..... _.............._................ ..... _.............._................ ..... _.............._............... ...... _.............. 3 ............. .................................................................. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ...... ..... .... ...... ..... .... ..... ...... .... 2 1 0-' 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 39 Summary for Reach D1: Draw Inflow Area = 17.971 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.57" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 39.22 cfs @ 12.20 hrs, Volume= 3.845 of Outflow = 29.66 cfs @ 12.33 hrs, Volume= 3.845 af, Atten= 24%, Lag= 8.1 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.79 fps, Min. Travel Time= 10.6 min Avg. Velocity = 0.13 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 61.8 min Peak Storage= 18,832 cf @ 12.33 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.99' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 174.0 sf, Capacity= 252.99 cfs 28.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 10.0 7' Top Width= 88.00' Length= 500.0' Slope= 0.0620 7' Inlet Invert= 316.00', Outlet Invert= 285.00' Reach D1: Draw Hydrograph ............................._............................_j.......... ..... ..... .... [ Inflow Outflow 3942 .22 cfs ....:..... .....:..... .......... ........... ........... . 38 36 ..... u4vg Flo : [1ph 09 34 .. .. .. ...... .....:..... ........... .......... ........... ........... . V. 11: 32 29.66 cfs a.Yl..._ i..'.. .. .`9....fps . .......... 30 ...............:..............................................:............................... ..... .... ...... ..... .... 28 ................ ......................:............................................................................ 0400 _ 26 ...............I.............................._................ ..... .... ................. ..... .... ................. ..... .... ................ ...... .... w t 2400.0 22 ...............:.............................................:............................................. ..... ..... .... ...... ..... .... ...... ..... .... 0 20 �70:0V.. ..._�. �........... LL 18 ............ .................................................................................................................................................... ..... .... _ ...... ..... .... _ ...... ..... .... _ ..... ...... ....16 ..... 1 C6 actr 52. ... ... ..... .....2 ..... ..... .... ......................... ....................................... ............ ..........2 ...... ..... .... _ ...... ..... .... _ ..... ...... .... 10 ................................................................ ........ 8 _.........................................._.........................................._........... ..... _ ..... _ ..... ..... _ .... _ ...... ..... _ .... _ ...... 6 ........................................................................................._........... 4 2- 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 40 Summary for Reach D2: Draw Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 126.0 sf, Capacity= 211.86 cfs 12.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 10.0 7' Top Width= 72.00' Length= 430.0' Slope= 0.0977 7' Inlet Invert= 327.00', Outlet Invert= 285.00' Reach D2: Draw Hydrograph 1 ❑Outflow Avg. FlOW Depth=0.00' Max Vet=0.00 fps n=0.400 N L=430.0' V S 0.0977 T LL Capacity=211 .86 cfs 0.00 cfs 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 41 Summary for Reach D3: Draw Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 195.0 sf, Capacity= 432.67 cfs 20.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 15.0 7' Top Width= 110.00' Length= 228.0' Slope= 0.1667 7' Inlet Invert= 353.00', Outlet Invert= 315.00' Reach D3: Draw Hydrograph 1 ❑Outflow Avg. FlOW Depth=O. Q' Max Vet=0.00 fps n=0.400 N L=228.0 V S=0.1667 T LL Capacity=432.67 cfs 0.00 cfs 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 42 Summary for Reach D4: Ditch Next to Road Inflow Area = 8.553 ac, 1.75% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.68" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 28.18 cfs @ 12.09 hrs, Volume= 1.910 of Outflow = 23.15 cfs @ 12.17 hrs, Volume= 1.910 af, Atten= 18%, Lag= 4.8 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 1.14 fps, Min. Travel Time= 7.3 min Avg. Velocity = 0.30 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 28.2 min Peak Storage= 10,151 cf @ 12.17 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 2.15' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 36.0 sf, Capacity= 49.87 cfs 3.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 3.0 7' Top Width= 21.00' Length= 500.0' Slope= 0.0720 7' Inlet Invert= 351.00', Outlet Invert= 315.00' Reach D4: Ditch Next to Road Hydrograph Inflow :..... .....:..... .....:..... ..._:..... Outflow 28.18 cfs - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30 0A ea=85ad1n r............_;........... 28 .. .............................._..............._..............................._ .... _ .............._..............._ 26 AVaI.....Flo�nr....De'pth-215 ..24 23.15 cfs .......«............._i...............«...............«............._i.......... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ...... ..... .... ...... ..... .... ..... ...... .... .......... . 22 .....:..... M 20 ..............................«.......... .... ..... ...... .... w 18 w 3 16 O ............_i ...................._i...............«......................... ............ ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ...... ..... .... _y. ............. ......;............................................;............._...............................;............................................................. ..... .............._ ...... ..... .............._ ...... ..... .............._ ..... ...... .... 12 10 ........... Ca : pa . ............. .... _..............._ .... .... _ ... _.................................... _.............._.................. ..._:..... ........... .. 8 6 .............. .;...............;..............;............................................... ..... _ ..... _ ..... ..... _ .... _ ...... ..... _ .... _ ...... ..... _ .... _ ..... ...... _ .... 4 2= 0= 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 43 Summary for Reach D& Draw Inflow Area = 17.971 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.57" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 29.66 cfs @ 12.33 hrs, Volume= 3.845 of Outflow = 19.45 cfs @ 12.59 hrs, Volume= 3.845 af, Atten= 34%, Lag= 15.5 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.80 fps, Min. Travel Time= 20.4 min Avg. Velocity = 0.16 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 101.8 min Peak Storage= 23,763 cf @ 12.59 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 1.28' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 93.0 sf, Capacity= 120.90 cfs 10.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 7.0 7' Top Width= 52.00' Length= 982.0' Slope= 0.0570 7' Inlet Invert= 285.00', Outlet Invert= 229.00' Reach D& Draw Hydrograph Inflow ............. 32 29.66 cfs ;..... .....,..... ..... Outflow I.n 30 — awe rep— , � ...................;......... .... ... _ ..... .... ... _ ..... .... .............._ .................................... 28 ......................................................................................... ..... _ .... � ........F..l.onr.....D. h=..�....2.$.............. 26 9 p ( 24 a ._V.e .�..... .......... .... 22 - ... 19.45 cfs ..... ..... ..... _ ..... ..... ..... _ ..... ..... ..... _ ..... ..... .... _ ...... ..... .... _ ...... ..........M.— . .., 20 1g — i ............................................. ................ ..... _.............. 3 16 o �nn FL 14 V0 ..._1.{�........... .....:..... .....:..... .....:..... .....:... .w. 12 //++ //++ ................._..........................................._..........................................._..........................................._...............:. .._ ... .].t.l.. .... .... .. .. ...... _.. .......lt. .. ........... 10 .............:. .;...............;...............;...............;...............;..............................._............... _..............._............... _.............._................................_.............._.............. 8 .......... .................................................................... 6 4 2= 0= 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 44 Summary for Reach D6: Draw Inflow Area = 8.553 ac, 1.75% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.68" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 23.15 cfs @ 12.17 hrs, Volume= 1.910 of Outflow = 7.76 cfs @ 12.57 hrs, Volume= 1.910 af, Atten= 66%, Lag= 23.7 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.50 fps, Min. Travel Time= 57.1 min Avg. Velocity = 0.12 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 244.8 min Peak Storage= 26,581 cf @ 12.57 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.58' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 159.0 sf, Capacity= 198.54 cfs 20.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 11.0 7' Top Width= 86.00' Length= 1,720.0' Slope= 0.0500 7' Inlet Invert= 315.00', Outlet Invert= 229.00' Reach D6: Draw Hydrograph ................................................................................................................................................ ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ...... ..... .... ...... ..... .... ..... ...... .... 23.15 cfs ❑Outflow 24 ............ .....................................f.............................................f......................................... r6"-8. ....a..c.......... 1: 0 A. Avg: ROWv D h=0 5$ 20 .... ...... ..... . .... . ..... ...... .... Max Vel= .50 f 18 ........................ ............................................................. .... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... ... ..... 16 ............_........... .... {}.= ..�4VV .......... N u 14 L— 720.0 3 �+ 0 12 �70:000 LL 10 7.76 cfs C act.... =' 98.54.....cf$. .......... .......... ..... 6 ..... _ ..... ..... .... ................. ..... .... ................. ..... .... ................ ...... .... 4 ............. ............... . ............... .. ................................................................................ _ ..... ..... ..... _ ..... ..... .... _ ...... ..... .... _ ...... ..... .... _ ..... ...... .... 2- 0= 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 45 Summary for Reach D7: Outfall to Avent Creek Inflow Area = 26.524 ac, 0.57% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.60" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 27.20 cfs @ 12.59 hrs, Volume= 5.755 of Outflow = 27.06 cfs @ 12.63 hrs, Volume= 5.755 af, Atten= 1%, Lag= 2.4 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.73 fps, Min. Travel Time= 3.0 min Avg. Velocity = 0.13 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 16.6 min Peak Storage= 4,827 cf @ 12.63 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 1.35' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00' Flow Area= 117.0 sf, Capacity= 132.42 cfs 18.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.400 Sheet flow: Woods+light brush Side Slope Z-value= 7.0 7' Top Width= 60.00' Length= 130.0' Slope= 0.0385 7' Inlet Invert= 229.00', Outlet Invert= 224.00' Reach D7: Outfall to Avent Creek Hydrograph Inflow 30 Outflow 27.20 cfs 28 ... 27.06 cfs ......«............._i...............«...............«............._i...............«...............«.......... ..... ..... ..... idW A1re 26 524 aC — ............... ...... _............_..........................................._........................................... 26 ............... _ A9 Flow Dph � 5'. .... = 3 .......... 24 22 Max Vel= ....7.3....E .. ........... 0 ps ... 20 _ 18 H 1 16 — 3 LL S-00385 T ............................................................................................................................................. .... .............._ ..... .... .... _ .... ..... .... 12 ..........._. — 10 Pkft ...............:............ _ .....:..... 8 ... ...............:..............:._.... .....:..... . .._:..... .....:..... .. 6 ..........................................:...............................................;..............._ ..... _ ..... ..... _ .... _ ...... ..............._ .... _ ...... ..... _ .... _ ..... ...... _ .... 4 2= 0= 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 46 Summary for Reach DD: Diversion Ditch Inflow Area = 9.848 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.24" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 20.88 cfs @ 12.19 hrs, Volume= 1.839 of Outflow = 20.83 cfs @ 12.20 hrs, Volume= 1.839 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.4 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 5.17 fps, Min. Travel Time= 0.8 min Avg. Velocity = 1.64 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 2.4 min Peak Storage= 966 cf @ 12.20 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.27' Bank-Full Depth= 2.00' Flow Area= 44.0 sf, Capacity= 734.43 cfs 14.00' x 2.00' deep channel, n= 0.022 Earth, clean &straight Side Slope Z-value= 5.0 3.0 7' Top Width= 30.00' Length= 240.0' Slope= 0.0375 7' Inlet Invert= 325.00', Outlet Invert= 316.00' Reach DD: Diversion Ditch Hydrograph C Inflow 23 ...... ..... .... _ ..... ...... .... Outflow 20.88 cfs 22 20.83 cfs ......_:..............:.............:...............:........ 19 ................ Avg..'......lo�v..... 1.ep. h-.o...2: :::::::::: 17 Max el-5.17 fp 16 ............. ......................................................................................................... ..... ..... _ ..... ..... .... _ ...... ..... .... _................................ 15 n=0.022 14 N w 13 4 ;. o ..... �........... 12 . 3 ..... .... LL ............. .....................I............._«...............«....................... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ...... ..... .... y..0 :...1.....� .... 9 .............................;...............,..............;............................................. 8 .............. pkIty=73443.... .fs.......... ... 6 ...... _.............. 5 ............. ................................................. ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ...... ..... .... ...... ..... .... ..... ...... .... 4 .......... .................................................................................. _ ..... ..... ..... _ ..... ..... .... _ ...... ..... .... _................................ 3 ........................... 2 1 --------------- 0-' 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 47 Summary for Reach SO: Access Drive Swale Inflow Area = 2.296 ac, 6.53% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 3.11" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 10.89 cfs @ 12.02 hrs, Volume= 0.595 of Outflow = 9.71 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.595 af, Atten= 11%, Lag= 2.6 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 1.99 fps, Min. Travel Time= 4.5 min Avg. Velocity = 0.51 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 17.8 min Peak Storage= 2,638 cf @ 12.07 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.73' Bank-Full Depth= 2.00' Flow Area= 21.0 sf, Capacity= 72.46 cfs 4.50' x 2.00' deep channel, n= 0.030 Short grass Side Slope Z-value= 3.0 7' Top Width= 16.50' Length= 540.0' Slope= 0.0037 7' Inlet Invert= 358.00', Outlet Invert= 356.00' Reach SO: Access Drive Swale Hydrograph Inflow 12 ............ Outflow 10.89 cfs 11 ..........................................._..............................;.......... ..... _ ..... _ ........_..........hiflow.....A.r...ea- ,.29.6....ac.......... 10 .. 9.71 cfs ....................._i...............«............................_i.......... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...._; �4�rg HOW �p�h=pE7 9 _ Max: Ve 9 9 f ......................... .. p n= s : = 40..0_ L 5 6 o .......... LL s-00037 5 ............. .................................... a 4 .....................................................................................................:..............................:...... ............... api y _I � _s 3 ..... 2 ............. ....................................................................................................... ..... _ ..... _ ..... 1= 0= 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 48 Summary for Reach S1: Swale Inflow Area = 6.362 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 3.11" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 25.18 cfs @ 12.06 hrs, Volume= 1.648 of Outflow = 25.00 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 1.648 af, Atten= 1%, Lag= 0.8 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 6.11 fps, Min. Travel Time= 1.1 min Avg. Velocity = 1.77 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 3.7 min Peak Storage= 1,596 cf @ 12.08 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.59' Bank-Full Depth= 2.00' Flow Area= 28.0 sf, Capacity= 340.18 cfs 4.00' x 2.00' deep channel, n= 0.022 Earth, clean & straight Side Slope Z-value= 5.0 7' Top Width= 24.00' Length= 390.0' Slope= 0.0269 7' Inlet Invert= 330.50', Outlet Invert= 320.00' Reach S1: Swale Hydrograph .....:..... .....:..... .....:..... .....:..... Inflow 28 25.18 cfs ❑Outflow 26 25.00 cfs rya=.5.3. .2....a.. .......... tinfi W A. 24 .............. ......................,...............;..............................,...............;..............................,...............;............................._.............................................;..................................... .. Av Flown De t.............. :0:50 _. ........._ ....... .... .... .... ... ..... .... 22 20 .......... .....:..... .....:..... 18 _ in16 ............_I ...................._I........................................ ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ...... ..... .... ...... w L=390.0' 3 14 .............I ....................I............................................I.......................... _ ..... ..... ..... _ ..... ..... .... _ ...... ..... .... _ ...... ..... :r ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... . .......:..... ............_ ......... Cpcty34018c 8 6 ............. ..............................................................................................._................ ..... _............................... ..... _............................... ..... _............................... ..... _.............................. ...... _.............. 4 .... ....:............................................:............................................. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ...... ..... .... ...... ..... .... ..... ...... .... 2- 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 49 Summary for Reach S2: CC Swale Inflow Area = 6.362 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 3.11" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 25.47 cfs @ 12.05 hrs, Volume= 1.648 of Outflow = 25.18 cfs @ 12.06 hrs, Volume= 1.648 af, Atten= 1%, Lag= 0.9 min Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 5.98 fps, Min. Travel Time= 1.3 min Avg. Velocity = 1.88 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 4.0 min Peak Storage= 1,916 cf @ 12.06 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.74' Bank-Full Depth= 1.00' Flow Area= 7.0 sf, Capacity= 49.84 cfs 2.00' x 1.00' deep channel, n= 0.022 Earth, clean & straight Side Slope Z-value= 5.0 7' Top Width= 12.00' Length= 455.0' Slope= 0.0233 7' Inlet Invert= 345.00', Outlet Invert= 334.40' Reach S2: CC Swale Hydrograph Inflow 28 cfs ❑Outflow 25.47 ►�} 26 25.18cfs I1lfl"ov.....Area=f.. . .. ....�.. .......... 24 Av Flow: De'.........JDI th"* .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 22 : Max: e p20 18 n"=o" VL.......... 16 L=45v.0 314 o o LL 12 �/. ...� .....:..... .....:. n.... .............. 10 N Q .....:..... .....:..... ..._;..... . 8 .... ..............._ .... _ ..... ..............._.............._ ..... ..............._.............._ .... ................_....................... .....:..... ..._: ..... .....:..... ..._: 6 4 ..... .... ...... ..... .... ..... ...... .... 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC-Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 50 Summary for Pond 1 P: Pond Inflow Area = 8.123 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.96" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 30.53 cfs @ 12.06 hrs, Volume= 2.004 of Outflow = 18.39 cfs @ 12.20 hrs, Volume= 2.006 af, Atten= 40%, Lag= 8.1 min Primary = 18.39 cfs @ 12.20 hrs, Volume= 2.006 of Secondary= 0.00 cfs @ 0.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Starting Elev= 322.14' Surf.Area= 8,230 sf Storage= 14,450 cf Peak Elev= 324.79' @ 12.20 hrs Surf.Area= 12,330 sf Storage= 41,247 cf (26,797 cf above start) Flood Elev= 327.00' Surf.Area= 17,014 sf Storage= 73,645 cf (59,195 cf above start) Plug-Flow detention time= 660.4 min calculated for 1.674 of (84% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 468.0 min ( 1,316.9 - 848.9 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 318.50' 73,645 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below(Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 318.50 1,496 0 0 319.00 1,770 817 817 320.00 2,590 2,180 2,997 321.00 4,996 3,793 6,790 322.00 8,046 6,521 13,311 323.00 9,363 8,705 22,015 324.00 10,855 10,109 32,124 325.00 12,730 11,793 43,917 326.00 14,856 13,793 57,710 327.00 17,014 15,935 73,645 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices (Turned on 3 times) #1 Primary 318.00' 24.0" Round Culvert L= 66.0' RCP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 318.00' /317.00' S= 0.0152 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.011 Concrete pipe, straight & clean, Flow Area= 3.14 sf #2 Primary 322.14' Tube/Siphon/Float Valve 2.500" Diameter, C= 0.600 20.0' Long Tube, Hazen-Williams C= 130 Inlet/ Outlet Elev. = 0.00' /322.00' Starts@322.14' Breaks@322.13' #3 Device 1 324.25' 44.0"W x 6.0" H Vert. Orifice/Grate X 4.00 C= 0.600 #4 Device 1 325.50' 48.0" x 48.0" Horiz. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at low heads #5 Secondary 326.50' 25.0' long x 15.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.68 2.70 2.70 2.64 2.63 2.64 2.64 2.63 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 51 Primary OutFlow Max=18.38 cfs @ 12.20 hrs HW=324.79' TW=316.81' (Dynamic Tailwater) 1=Culvert (Passes 18.18 cfs of 36.39 cfs potential flow) L3=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 18.18 cfs @ 2.48 fps) 4=Orifi ce/G rate ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 2=Tube/Siphon/Float Valve (Tube Controls 0.20 cfs @ 5.96 fps) Secondary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 0.00 hrs HW=322.14' TW=325.00' (Dynamic Tailwater) L5=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Pond 1 P: Pond Hydrograph ........... .....:..... .....:..... .....:..... ........... .....:..... .....:................ ........... .... Inflow 30.53cfs......... ................................i..............i............_.................................................... ... .... .... .... ... .... oU fflOW Secondary Primary ❑.... Oove = ar..................................i......... .... .... .... .... ....34 )32 �........... 30 ....................... .... .... .... .... .... .... 28 �+ J fora......................... � �7 c . 26 24 ..................... ..................................................................................... .... .... .... _ .... .... .... .... _ .... .... ... _ .... _ .... .... ... _ .... 18.39 cfs 22 18.39 cfs 20 .. .................................................................................................... .... .... _ .... .... .... .... _ .... .... ... _ .... _ .... .... ... _ .... N U .......i..............................i............................................. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... ... .... 18 3 ................................................................... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... 0 16 14 12 ................................................................... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... ... .... 10 .... 8 .................................................. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... ... .... 6 4 0.00 cfs 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC-Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 52 Summary for Pond C 1: Replaced Culvert Inflow Area = 8.553 ac, 1.75% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.68" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 28.18 cfs @ 12.09 hrs, Volume= 1.910 of Outflow = 28.18 cfs @ 12.09 hrs, Volume= 1.910 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 28.18 cfs @ 12.09 hrs, Volume= 1.910 of Secondary= 0.00 cfs @ 0.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 356.67' @ 12.09 hrs Flood Elev= 357.00' Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 354.00' 30.0" Round Culvert L= 137.0' RCP, end-section conforming to fill, Ke= 0.500 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 354.00' /351.50' S= 0.0182 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.012 Concrete pipe, finished, Flow Area= 4.91 sf #2 Secondary 357.00' 50.0' long x 100.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.68 2.70 2.70 2.64 2.63 2.64 2.64 2.63 Primary OutFlow Max=28.15 cfs @ 12.09 hrs HW=356.67' TW=352.98' (Dynamic Tailwater) L1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 28.15 cfs @ 5.73 fps) Secondary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 0.00 hrs HW=354.00' TW=351.00' (Dynamic Tailwater) L2=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Pond C 1: Replaced Culvert Hydrograph Inflow ......... 28.18 cfs ._............................. .... .... _ .... .... .... .... _ .... .... ... _ .... _ .... .... ... _ .... _..... ..._............... ..... L_Outflow 28.18 cfs r N Primary ..................................................................................... ea-8- 53 ac 28.18 cfs "f Gw A ❑Secondary 30 �........... 28 P.eak _ _Iev= S_ .fiT.............. 26 ...._........................................................................................................... .... _ .... .... .... .... _ .... .... ... _..............._ .... .... ... _ .... 24 22 20 18 U ' 16 0 LL ....,..... 12 .... 10 .... ... .... ... .... 8 ............. .... .... .... 6 4 o.00 as 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 20220116_Harnett County_NW CC—Construction Cond Type 1124-hr 25y24h Rainfall=6.75" Prepared by HDR, Inc Printed 1/17/2023 HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 11397 ©2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 53 Summary for Pond C2: Proposed Culvert Inflow Area = 6.362 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 3.11" for 25y 24h event Inflow = 25.18 cfs @ 12.06 hrs, Volume= 1.648 of Outflow = 25.18 cfs @ 12.06 hrs, Volume= 1.648 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 25.18 cfs @ 12.06 hrs, Volume= 1.648 of Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 336.77' @ 12.06 hrs Flood Elev= 337.00' Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 334.40' 30.0" Round Culvert L= 45.0' RCP, end-section conforming to fill, Ke= 0.500 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 334.40' /330.50' S= 0.0867 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.012 Concrete pipe, finished, Flow Area= 4.91 sf Primary OutFlow Max=25.15 cfs @ 12.06 hrs HW=336.76' TW=331.09' (Dynamic Tailwater) L1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 25.15 cfs @ 5.23 fps) Pond C2: Proposed Culvert Hydrograph zs.fa as ❑Inflow 28 Prima ry 26 25.18 cfs ;........................................................... ;..............................;............._.............................. ;............................. ' �nfloW Area=6.362 ac 24 El: 36.7 2 _ea 2 ev . ........._ ... .... 20 .....:..... .....:..... H 16 ..............: ............ ,....... er 18 :Round Culv 14 n.".Q..�012 3 : 0 _ L 45 10 .............: ......................................:...............:...............................:.............. ..... ...... .... ..... ...... .... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... .1 8 6 ............ ........................................................................................................ ................_.............._ ..... ................_.............._ ..... ..............._ ..... ...... ..... _ ..... ...... ..... _ .... 4 ............ .................................................. ..... ...... .... ..... ...... .... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... .... 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 Attachment E—Wet Pond Calculations Attachment E — Wet Pond Calculations Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 �1J� Attachment E—Wet Pond Calculations This page intentionally left blank. Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 E.1 ■ Attachment E. 1 — Wet Pond Design Calculations Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 �1� Attachment E.1 —Wet Pond Design Calculations J This page intentionally left blank. Harnett County Wet Pond Calculations �\ � .CARp�!%� O Using Simple Run-off Calcuation to determine Design Volume °' A 40654 Simple Method for Runoff Volume ,� .,GINS;. Rv = 0.05 + 0.9 * la Where: Rv = Runoff coefficient(unitless) IA = Impervious fraction(unitless) DV = 3630 * Ro * Rv*A Where: DV - Design volume(cu ft) RD = Design storm depth(in) A = Drainage area(ac) Where IA is 1.379/8.123 Rv=0.05 +0.9* la or 0.05 +0.9*(1.379/8.123) Rv= 0.2027884 Then determine the design volume (Dv) Where RD is 1 inch Dv=3630*Rd*Rv*A or 3630*1*0.203*8.123 Dv= 5,980 From Equation 1 in the NCDEQ stormwater Design Manual the main pool volume was determined using Equation?: Main Pool Volume,Veep VMP = 0.87* HRT * DV 5 Where: 0.87 = Factor to adjust for the volume in the forebay V., Main pool volume,not including the forebay(cubic feet) HRT = Required hydraulic residence time(14 days) Ts = Average time between storm events(5 days) Dv = Design volume(cubic feet) Vmp=0.87*(Hrt/Ts)*Dv or 0.87*(14/5)*5,980 Vmp= 14,566 The Average Depth is found using Equation 3 Equation 3. Average depth when the shelf is partially or Fully submerged and the shelf is being excluded from the average depth calculation VPP— shelf Davg= };hnftnm of shrl f Where: Da A - Average depth(feet) VP - Main pool volume at permanent pool elevation(feeP) %heu = Volume over the shelf only(feet')-see below Ab.noa ofvwf = Area of main pool at the bottom of the shelf(feet) Vshaif= 0.5*DepthMa,o,,,shalf*Perlmeterpe,M poa*Wldtha brna gad pan of ahaif Where: Depth.axnv—h.9 = Depth of water at the deep side of the shelf as measured from the permanent pool(feet) Perimeter,,,,,,pod = Perimeter of main pool at the bottom of the shelf(feet) Widths,,,ah d P rW.nag = Width from the deep side to the dry side of the shelf as measured at permanent pool(feet) Where Vpp is= 14,581 CF Vshelfis0.5x1.0X235If* 6ft= 705 Area of Bottom of Shelf is 3003 sf Davg= 4.62 ft Sediment Storage is from EL 318.5 to 319.0 Sediment Storage= 738 CF Forebay Storage to be 15 to 20%of Wet Pond Storage Wet Pond Storage = 14566 CF Forebay Vol = 2184.9 to 2913.2 CF Measured Forebay Volume = 2214 CF Drawdown Time 3 1-inch Orifices at EL 322.14 Orifice Equation for Outlet Flow An orifice is simply a hole. In the design of SCMs, orifices are often used for drawing down the design volume. It is important to determine the size an orifice correctly so that the appropriate detention time provided. The basic equation for discharge from an orifice is: Q = CD A (2 g Ho)a.s VVhere: Q = Discharge(cfs) Co = Coefficient of discharge per Table 6(unitless) A = Cross-sectional area of orifice entrance(sq ft) g = Acceleration of gravity(32.2 ftlsec2) Ho = Driving head from water surface to centroid orifice(ft) "usually use Ha/3 to compute drawdown through an orifice to reflect the fact that head is decreasing as drawdown occurs" Table 6: Values of Coefficient of Discharge for Orifices,Ca {Malcom 1989) Entrance Condition Typical default value 0.60 Square-edged entrance 0.59 Concrete pipe,grooved end 0.65 Corrugated metal pipe,mitred to slope 0.52 Corrugated metal pipe,projecting from fill 1.00 Figure 6: Schematic of Orifice Flow {Malcom 1989) I I:. Q R, Where Cd = 0.60 and Ho is 2.11' Q= 3 x(0.60*(0.5/12)*(0.5/12)*3.14/4)*(2g*2.11/3)^0.5 Q= 0.0165099 cfs Dv= 5,980 cf Drawdown Time = 362178.7 sec 100.6052 HR 4.191883 days SUPPLEMENT-EZ COVER PAGE LOAD SUPPLEMENT FORMS PROJECT INFORMATION 1 Project Name Northwest Convenience Center 2 Project Area ac 28.26 3 ICoastalll Wetland Area ac 0 4 ISurface Water Area ac 0 5 1 Is this project High or Low Density? Low 6 1 Does this project use an off-site SCM? Yes COMPLIANCE WITH 02H.1003(4) 7 Width of vegetated setbacks provided feet 1850 8 Will the vegetated setback remain vegetated? Yes 9 If BUA is proposed in the setback,does it meet NCAC 02H.1003 4 c-d? N/A 10 I Is streambank stabilization proposed on this project? NUMBER AND TYPE OF SCMs: 11 Infiltration S stem 12 Bioretention Cell 13 Wet Pond 1 14 Stormwater Wetland 15 Permeable Pavement 16 Sand Filter 17 Rainwater Harvesting RWH 18 Green Roof 19 Level Spreader-Filter Strip LS-FS 20 Disconnected Impervious Surface DIS 21 Treatment Swale 22 Dry Pond 23 StormFilter 24 Silva Cell 25 lBayfilter 26 Filterra LOAD SUPPLEMENT FORMS DESIGNER CERTIFICATION 27 Name and Title: Jeffrey S.Murray,Vice President 28 Or anization: HDR Engineering, Inc.of the Carolinas 29 IStreet address: 555 Fayetteville Street,Suite 900 30 ICity,State,Zip: Raleigh,NC 27601 31 1 Phone numbers : 919-232-6682 32 Email: I jeffrey.murray@hdrinc.com Certification Statement: I certify,under penalty of law that this Supplement-EZ form and all supporting information were prepared under my direction or supervision,that the information provided in the form is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete,and that the engineering plans, specifications,operation and maintenance agreements and other supporting information are consistent with the information provided here. Designer CARO aA _ Signature of Designer 40654 ,o �GINSL�'`��:. I i 1 O 5/17/24 Seal Date WET POND 1 Drainage area number A 2 Minimum required treatment volume cu ft GENERAL MDC FROM 02H.1050 3 Is the SCM sized to treat the SW from all surfaces at build-out? Yes 4 Is the SCM located away from contaminated soils? Yes 5 What are the side slopes of the SCM(H:V)? 3:1 6 Does the SCM have retaining walls,gabion walls or other engineered No side slopes? 7 Are the inlets,outlets,and receiving stream protected from erosion Yes 10- ear storm)? 8 Is there an overflow or bypass for inflow volume in excess of the Yes design volume? 9 What is the method for dewatering the SCM for maintenance? Drawdown Orifice 10 If applicable,will the SCM be cleaned out after construction? Yes 11 Does the maintenance access comply with General MDC(8)? Yes 12 Does the drainage easement comply with General MDC(9)? N/A If the SCM is on a single family lot,does(will?)the plat comply with 13 N/A General MDC(10)? 14 Is there an O&M Agreement that complies with General MDC(11)? Yes 15 Is there an O&M Plan that complies with General MDC(12)? Yes 16 Does the SCM follow the device specific MDC? Yes 17 Was the SCM designed by an NC licensedprofessional? Yes WET POND MDC FROM 02H.1053 18 Sizing method used SA/DA 19 Has a stage/storage table been provided in the calculations? Yes 20 Elevation of the excavated main pool depth(bottom of sediment 318.50 removal)(fmsl 21 Elevation of the main pool bottom(top of sediment removal)(fmsl) 319.00 22 Elevation of the bottom of the vegetated shelf(fmsl) 321.00 23 Elevation of the permanent pool(fmsl) 322.14 24 Elevation of the top of the vegetated shelf(fmsl) 322.00 25 Elevation of the temporary pool(fmsl) 324.25 26 Surface area of the main permanent pool(square feet) 4066 27 Volume of the main permanent pool(cubic feet) 14581 cf 28 Average depth of the main pool(feet) 4.62 ft 29 Average depth equation used Equation 3 301 If using equation 3,main pool perimeter(feet) 235.0 ft 31 If using equation 3,width of submerged veg.shelf(feet) 6.0 ft 32 Volume of the forebay(cubic feet) 2214 cf 33 Is this 15-20%of the volume in the main pool? Yes 34 Clean-out depth for forebay(inches) 24 in 35 Design volume of SCM(cu ft) 5980 cf 36 Is the outlet an orifice or a weir? Orifice 371 If orifice,orifice diameter(inches) (3)0.5 Inch Orifices 38 If weir,weir height(inches) 39 If weir,weir length(inches) 40 Drawdown time for the temporary pool(days) 4 41 Are the inlet(s)and outlet located in a manner that avoids short- Yes circuiting? 42 Are berms or baffles provided to improve the flow path? Yes 43 Depth of forebay at entrance(inches) 24 in 44 Depth of forebay at exit(inches) 12 in 45 Does water flow out of the forebay in a non-erosive manner? Yes 46 Width of the vegetated shelf(feet) 6 ft 47 Slope of vegetated shelf(H:V) 6:1 48 Does the orifice drawdown from below the top surface of the No permanent pool? 49 Does the pond minimize impacts to the receiving channel from the 1- Yes yr,24-hr storm? _ 50 Are fountains proposed?(If Y,please provide documentation that No MDC 9 is met. 51 Is a trash rack or other device provided to protect the outlet system? Yes 52 Are the dam and embankment planted in non-clumping turf grass? Yes 53 Species of turf that will be used on the dam and embankment Fescue/Bermuda 54 Hasa lanting Ian been rovided for the vegetated shelf? Yes R Please use this space to provide any additional information about the 55 wet pond(s): 2 DRAINAGE AREAS 1 Is this a high density project? No 2 If so,number of drainage areas/SCMs 0 3 Does this project have low density areas? Yes 4 If so,number of low density drainage areas 1 Is all/part of this project subject to previous rule 5 versions? No FORMS LOADED DRAINAGE AREA INFORMATION Entire Site LID 1 4 Type of SCM NA Wet Pond 5 Total drainage area(sq ft) 1231005 353846 6 Onsite drainage area(sq ft) 1231005 353846 7 Offsite drainage area(sq ft) 0 0 8 Total BUA in project(sq ft) 78190 sf 78190 sf New BUA on subdivided lots(subject to 9 permitting)(sq ft) New BUA not on subdivided lots(subject to 10 permitting)(so 71890 sf 78190 sf 11 Offsite BUA(sq ft) sf sf 12 Breakdown of new BUA not on subdivided lots: Parking(sq ft) Sidewalk(sq ft) Roof(sq ft) Roadway(sq ft) 78190 sf 78190 sf Future(sq ft) Other,please specify in the comment box below(sq ft) New infiltrating permeable pavement on 13 subdivided lots(sq ft) sf sf New infiltrating permeable pavement not on 14 subdivided lots(sq ft) sf sf Existing BUA that will remain(not subject to 15 permitting)(sq ft) sf sf 16 Existing BUA that is already permitted(sq ft) sf sf 17 Existing BUA that will be removed(sq ft) sf sf 18 Percent BUA 6% 22% 19 Design storm(inches) 1.0 in 1.0 in 20 Design volume of SCM(cu ft) 5980 cf 21 Calculation method for design volume 3630'Rd'Rv'A ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please use this space to provide any additional information about the 22 drainage area(s): A single drainage area is connected to the Wet Pond. Subareas were delineated in the HydroCAD analysis for purposes of sizing conveyance channels and piping for the 25-year,24-hour storm. Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 E.2 E2 ■ Attachment E.2 — NCDEQ SCM C-3 Wet Pond Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 �1J� Attachment E.2—NCDEQ SCM C-3 Wet Pond This page intentionally left blank. Environmental NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual Quality C-3. Wet Pond , I a r - � r Design Objective A wet pond shall be designed to capture the design storm and release it slowly over a period of two to five days via a properly design outlet structure. The first outlet in the structure is designed to be above the bottom of the pond, thus creating a permanent pool of water. Stormwater shall have an adequate flow path to bring about removal of TSS through dilution and settling. The pond shall be designed in a manner that protects the device, the areas around the device and the receiving stream from erosion. The pond also must be maintained properly to prevent the resuspension of captured sediments. Design Volume The design volume for a wet pond is equivalent to the volume that is retained for a two to five-day period between the temporary pool elevation and the permanent pool elevation. Important Links Rule 15A NCAC 2H .1053. MDC for Wet Ponds SCM Credit Document, C-3. Credit for Wet Ponds C-3. Wet Pond 1 Revised: 11-23-2020 Environmental NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual Quality Table of Contents Guidance on the MDC MDC 1: Main Pool Surface Area and Volume MDC 2: Main Pool Depth MDC 3: Sediment Storage MDC 4: Location of Inlet(s) and Outlet MDC 5: Forebay MDC 6: Vegetated Shelf MDC 7: Drawdown Time MDC 8: Protection of the Receiving Stream MDC 9: Fountains MDC 10: Trash Rack MDC 11: Vegetation Recommendations Recommendation 1: Outlet Structure Recommendation 2: Emergency Spillway Recommendation 3: Irrigation Recommendation 4: Safety Recommendation 5: Temperature Control Design Variants Maintenance Old Versus New Design Standards C-3. Wet Pond 2 Revised: 11-23-2020 Environmental NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual Quality Figure 1: Wet Pond Example: Plan View FOUNTAIN(OPTIONAL FEATURE) VERIFY EROSION AND RE-SUSPENSION OF SEDIMENT WILL NOT OCCUR; DO NOT PLACE NEAR OUTLET MAIN POOL / SCM MAINTENANCE AND SURFACE AREA AND VOLUME SIZED USING EITHER: ` ACCESS EASEMENT (a) HYRDAULIC RETENTION TIME METHOD;or (b) THE SAIDA AND AVERAGE DEPTH METHOD VEGETATED SHELF / FOREBAY MINIMUM WIDTH:6 FT 15 TO 20 PERCENT MAXIMUM SLOPE:6 H:1 V \ OF MAIN POOL VOLUME VEGETATED SIDE SLOPES RECOMMENDED SLOPE:3 H:1 V \ PLANTED WITH NON-CLUMPING TURF GRASS / TREES AND WOODY SHELVES NOT ALLOWED OUTLET STRUCTURE PLACE INLETS AND OUTLETS TO AVOID SHORT-CIRCUTING AND DESIGN FOR EROSION PROTECTION INLET STRUCTURE i/ PLACE INLETS AND OUTLETS TO AVOID SHORT-CIRCUTING j AND DESIGN FOR / EROSION PROTECTION EMERGE NCY SPILLWAY / /// /// PROVIDED FOR MAJOR MAJOR // / / / // // / STORMS AND DESIGNED // / TRANSITION FROM FOREBAY TO FOR EROSION j //i MAIN POOL SHALL FLOW AT A PROTECTION / / / j NON-EROSIVE VELOCITY C-3. Wet Pond 3 Revised: 11-23-2020 KICEnvironmental NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual Quality Figure 2: Wet Pond Example: Cross-Section View 1 FOREBAY MAIN POOL SURFACE AREA AND VOLUME (a)15 TO 20 PERCENT OF MAIN POOL VOLUME SURFACE AREA AND VOLUME SIZED USING EITHER: (b)ENTRANCE SHALL BE DEEPER THAN EXIT (a)HYDRAULIC RETENTION TIME METHOD;OR (C)WATER FLOWING OVER FOREBAY DAM (b)THE SAIDA AND AVERAGE DEPTH METHOD SHALL FLOW AT NON-EROSIVE VELOCITY A IF DEPTH<30INCHES,CLEAN OUT FOREBAY EMBANKMENT MIN.WIDTH: 10 FT FOR TEMPORARY POOL EMERGENCY SPILLWAY MAINTENANCE DESIGN TO DRAW ACCESS DOWN BETWEEN TWO AND FIVE DAYS 8, MIN:6' TEMPORARY POOL -------------------- --------------------- -------- -- MAIN POOL \ 0 VEGETATED SIDE SLOPES SEDIMENT STORAGE MAIN POOL DEPTH VEGETATED SHELF RECOMMENDED SLOPE:3 H:1 V MINIMUM SEDIMENT AVG.DEPTH:N TO8' MINIMUM WIDTH:6 FT PLANTED WITH NON-CLUMPING STORAGE DEPTH OF 6" 'OPTION TO EXCLUDE MAXIMUM SLOPE:6 H:1 V TURF GRASS;TREES AND SUBMERGED PORTION VEGETATION:MINIMUM OF 3 WOODY SHELVES NOT OF VEG.SHELF FROM DIVERSE SPECIES OF ALLOWED CALCULATIONS HERBACEOUS,NATIVE SPECIES;MIN.50 PLANTS PER 200 SF OF SHELF C-3. Wet Pond 4 Revised: 11-23-2020 Environmental NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual Quality Figure 3: Wet Pond Example: Cross-Section View 2 VEGETATED SHELF MINIMUM WIDTH:6 FT MAXIMUM SLOPE:6 H:1 V OUTLET STRUCTURE MUST BE SIZED T0: VEGETATED SIDE SLOPES (a)DRAWDOWN TEMPORARY RECOMMENDED SLOPE:3 H:1 V POOL IN TWO TO FIVE DAYS TRASH RACK FRONT AND BACK EMBANKMENT SLOPE (b)DISCHARGE RUNOFF FROM REQUIRED REQUIRED TO BE VEGETATED 1-YR,24-HR STORM TO MINIMIZE HYDROLOGIC IMPACTS 6'MIN. EMBANKMENT SH LF WI TH MINIMUM WIDTH:10 FT FOR MAINTENANCE ACCESS TEMPORARY POOL PROPOSED GRADE MAIN POOL OUTLET PIPE ________________ ___ EXISTING GRADE NO I DEWATERING METHOD WET PONDS SHALL HAVE A METHOD TO DRAW DOWN STANDING WATER TO FACILITATE MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION MIN.6'SEDIMENT (E.G.,SKIMMER OR PUMP) STORAGE Figure 4: Wet Pond Example: Outlet Structure TRASH RACK(REQUIRED) WEIR(OR OTHER METHOD) TO ESTABLISH TEMPORARY POOL RISER CREST \4 ORIFICE OUTLET TO ESTABLISH TEMPORARY POOL NORMAL POOL MUST DRAW DOWN •. TEMPORARY POOL IN ' TWO TO FIVE DAYS NORMAL PO OL I1IIII Y3I1IIII OUTLET PIPE DEWATERING METHOD WET PONDS SHALL HAVE 777 — — — — — — METHOD TO DRAW DOWN STANDING WATER TO FACILITATE MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION(E.G., SKIMMER OR PUMP) •� . ANTI-FLOTATION SLAB ANTI-SEEP MEASURES ARE RECOMMENDED C-3. Wet Pond 5 Revised: 11-23-2020 Environmental NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual Quality Guidance on the MDC MDC 1. MAIN POOL SURFACE AREA AND VOLUME. The main pool of the wet pond shall be sized using either: (a) The Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) Method; or (b) The SA/DA and Average Depth Method. The calculation of the volume or area of the main pool under this MDC does not include the volume or area of the forebay. The forebay will be added to the main pool per MDC 5 below. The Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) Method is based on setting a ratio between the permanent pool and temporary pool volume that results in a stormwater residence time of at least 14 days. This method does not create a direct correlation between the pond's surface area and average depth but instead allows the designer to determine the pond geometry that works best for the site. Ponds designed under the HRT Method will typically have an average depth of eight feet or less. If a pond's average depth does exceed eight feet, then the equation below shall only apply to the portion of the pond that is above the eight-foot average depth threshold. (In other words, the deep portions of the main pool shall not be considered to provide pollutant removal.) The total main pool volume is determined by the following equation: Equation 1: Main Pool Volume, VnmP VMP = 0.87 * T T * DV s Where: 0.87 = Factor to adjust for the volume in the forebay VMP = Main pool volume, not including the forebay (cubic feet) HRT = Required hydraulic residence time (14 days) Ts = Average time between storm events (5 days) DV = Design volume (cubic feet) The SA/DA Tables with Average Depth Method is based on providing a minimum surface area to drainage area ratio depending on the percent imperviousness in the drainage area and on the average depth of the pond. The required minimum percentages are outlined in Table 1 (Piedmont and Mountains) and Table 2 (Coastal). Because these numbers are expressed as percentages, the required surface area of the wet pond would be calculated by multiplying the drainage area by the value found in Table 1 or Table 2, and then dividing the result by 100. C-3. Wet Pond 6 Revised: 11-23-2020 Environmental NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual NIC Quality Table 1: Piedmont and Mountain SAIDA Table (Adapted from Driscoll, 1986) AveragePercent Permanent Pool Depth Impervious Cover 10% 0.51 0.43 0.37 0.30 0.27 0.25 20% 0.84 0.69 0.61 0.51 0.44 0.40 30% 1.17 0.94 0.84 0.72 0.61 0.56 40% 1.51 1.24 1.09 0.91 0.78 0.71 50% 1.79 1.51 1.31 1.13 0.95 0.87 60% 2.09 1.77 1.49 1.31 1.12 1.03 70% 2.51 2.09 1.80 1.56 1.34 1.17 80% 2.92 2.41 2.07 1.82 1.62 1.40 90% 3.25 2.64 2.31 2.04 1.84 1.59 100% 3.55 2.79 2.52 2.34 2.04 1.75 Table 2: Coastal SAIDA Table (Adapted from Driscoll, 1986) AveragePercent Permanent Pool Depth Impervious Cover 10% 0.78 0.61 0.44 0 0 0 20% 1.48 1.04 0.87 0.70 0.52 0.35 30% 2.18 1.65 1.39 1.13 0.87 0.70 40% 2.96 2.26 1.83 1.39 0.96 0.78 50% 3.65 2.87 2.35 1.83 1.31 0.96 60% 4.35 3.31 2.78 2.26 1.74 1.13 70% 5.22 3.92 3.22 2.52 1.83 1.31 80% 5.92 4.52 3.65 2.78 1.91 1.57 90% 6.53 5.05 4.18 2.96 2.44 1.74 100% 7.13 5.92 4.87 3.83 2.78 1.83 C-3. Wet Pond 7 Revised: 11-23-2020 Environmental NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual Quality MDC 2: MAIN POOL DEPTH. The average depth of the main pool shall be three to eight feet below the permanent pool elevation. The applicant shall have the option of excluding the submerged portion of the vegetated shelf from the calculation of average depth. Depth is an important engineering design criterion because most of the pollutants are removed through settling through the water column. Very shallow wet ponds may develop currents that can re-suspend materials; on the other hand, very deep wet ponds can become thermally stratified or anoxic and release pollutants back into the water. When calculating the average depth, only the main pool is considered. The forebay is excluded from the calculation. Depths between 8 and 20 feet may be allowed when an existing excavated area is being converted to a wet pond. For ponds deeper than 8 feet, only the main pool volume in the first 8 feet of depth may be used for the HRT method and the 8.0-foot depth column should be used for the SA/DA method. Because the cross-sectional area of a wet pond generally varies with depth, the average depth of the wet pond is not equal to the total depth from the main pool surface to the bottom of the pond. The average depth must be calculated using either Equation 2 or Equation 3 below. Equation 2 calculates a ratio of the total volume of the main pool to its surface area, and can be used for all wet pond designs. When all or part of the vegetated shelf is submerged, designers have the option to use Equation 3. In Equation 3, the volume of water above the vegetated shelf is excluded from the calculation. Equation 2. Average depth when the shelf is not submerged or the shelf is being included in the average depth calculation VPP Davg = SA Where: Davg = Average depth (feet) VPP = Main pool volume at permanent pool elevation (feet3) SA = Main pool area at permanent pool elevation (feet2) C-3. Wet Pond 8 Revised: 11-23-2020 KICEnvironmental NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual Quality Equation 3. Average depth when the shelf is partially or fully submerged and the shelf is being excluded from the average depth calculation VPP-Vshelf Davg = t9bottom of shelf Where: Davg = Average depth (feet) VPP = Main pool volume at permanent pool elevation (feet3) Vshelf = Volume over the shelf only (feet3) -see below Abottom of shelf = Area of main pool at the bottom of the shelf(feet2) Vshelf- O.5* Depthmax over shelf* Perimeterperm pool * Widthsubmerged part of shelf Where: Depthmax over shelf = Depth of water at the deep side of the shelf as measured from the permanent pool (feet) Perimeterperm pool = Perimeter of main pool at the bottom of the shelf (feet) Widthsubmerged part of shelf = Width from the deep side to the dry side of the shelf as measured at permanent pool (feet) MDC 3: SEDIMENT STORAGE. The forebay and main pool shall have a minimum sediment storage depth of six inches. To achieve this goal, the designer should design the entire wet pond per the MDC and then add an additional six inches to the depth for sediment storage. In other words, the six-inch depth for sediment storage must be excluded when calculating the average depth of the wet pond and when using the HRT Method. It is recommended to consider adding more depth to reduce the frequency of cleanouts required for the wet pond. MDC 4: LOCATION OF INLET(S) AND OUTLET. The inlet(s) and outlet shall be located in a manner that avoids short circuiting. The most direct way of maximizing the flow path between the inlet and the outlet is to design a long, narrow pond. In fact, long and narrow but irregularly shaped wet ponds usually appear more natural and therefore may have increased aesthetic value. If local site conditions prohibit a relatively long, narrow facility, baffles may be placed in the wet pond to lengthen the stormwater flow path as much as possible. Baffles should extend to at least the temporary pool elevation. Where possible, the width of the pond should expand near the outlet to facilitate settling. C-3. Wet Pond 9 Revised: 11-23-2020 Environmental NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual Quality M DC 5: FOREBAY. A forebay that meets the following specifications shall be included: (a) Forebay volume shall be 15 to 20 percent of the volume in the main pool; (b) The forebay entrance shall be deeper than the forebay exit; (c) The water flowing over or through the structure that separates the forebay from the main pool shall flow at a nonerosive velocity; and (d) If sediment accumulates in the forebay in a manner that reduces its depth to less than 75 percent of its design depth, then the forebay shall be cleaned out and returned to its design state. Forebays are required on all inlets to a wet pond to collect sediment for easier removal and to dissipate the flow energy prior to the stormwater entering the main part of the wet pond. The forebay should be configured for energy dissipation to avoid re-suspension of sediment previously captured in the forebay. One of several engineering means of energy dissipation is to have the inlet pipe submerged below the permanent forebay pool level, provided that the inlet placement does not serve to re-suspend previously captured sediment. The volume for the forebay shall be 15 to 20% of the main pool volume. If the pond has more than one forebay, then the total volumes of the forebays shall be 15 to 20% of the main pool volume. See Figure 5 for guidance on forebay design. Figure 5: Forebay Diagram Influent stormwater To main pool I 60 in 40 in MDC 6: VEGETATED SHELF. The main pool shall be equipped with a vegetative shelf around its perimeter. The minimum width of the vegetated shelf shall be six feet and the slope shall be no steeper than 6:1 (horizontal to vertical). The designer may choose the precise placement of the vegetated shelf with regard to the top of the permanent pool. The vegetated shelf may be completely submerged with the permanent pool perimeter as its outer boundary, completely above the permanent pool with the permanent pool perimeter as its inner boundary, or partially submerged at permanent pool. A vegetated C-3. Wet Pond 10 Revised: 11-23-2020 KICEnvironmental NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual Quality shelf is not required around the perimeter of the forebay, although the designer may provide one if it suits the project. MDC 7: DRAWDOWN TIME. The design volume shall draw down to the permanent pool level between two and five days. The design volume shall be retained for two to five days; however, this requirement does not apply to any peak attenuation volume that the pond is designed to handle. However, the hydraulics of any peak flow attenuation capacities should be considered when calculating the two to five-day drawdown rate. MDC 8: PROTECTION OF THE RECEIVING STREAM. The wet pond shall discharge the runoff from the one-year, 24-hour storm in a manner that minimizes hydrologic impacts to the receiving channel. Eventually, there will be more technical information available on this MDC. For now, it is being researched at NCSU. MDC 9: FOUNTAINS. If fountains are proposed, then documentation shall be provided that they will not resuspend sediment or cause erosion in the pond. Fountains are optional, decorative wet pond Figure 6: Fountain in a Wet Pond amenities. DEQ advises that fountains be designed as follows: 1. The fountain should draw water from fewer than two feet below the permanent pool to avoid resuspending solids. �, �-, ��� ��•� -. 2. Separated units (where the nozzle, pump and intake are connected by tubing) should be used only if they draw water from the surface in the deepest part of the pond. 3. The falling water from the fountain should be centered in the pond, away from the shoreline. - - -` MDC 10: TRASH RACK. A trash rack or other device shall be provided to prevent large debris from entering the outlet system. See Chapter A-5 for more information on trash racks and other devices that may be used to prevent large debris from entering the outlet system. C-3. Wet Pond 11 Revised: 11-23-2020 Environmental NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual Quality MDC 11: VEGETATION. The following criteria apply to vegetation in and around the wet pond: (a) The dam structure, including front and back embankment slopes, of the pond shall be vegetated with non-clumping turf grass; trees and woody shrubs shall not be allowed; and (b) The vegetated shelf shall be planted with a minimum of three diverse species of herbaceous, native vegetation at a minimum density of 50 plants per 200 square feet of shelf area. The wet pond design should include a landscape plan that has been prepared by a qualified design professional licensed in North Carolina. The landscape plan should provide specifications for the vegetation species, installation, and the post-installation care. The landscape plan shall cover the dam, embankment slopes and the vegetated shelf. On the dam and the dam and embankment slopes, turf grass provides stability and enhances access to the facility for maintenance. DEQ recommends perennial grasses such as hybrid Bermuda or centipede in the Coastal Plan and Piedmont, and cool season turf grass such as fescue and bluegrass in the Mountains. Weeping love grass is not allowed because it does not provide long-term slope stabilization. Trees and woody shrubs shall not be planted on the dam or embankment slopes and any volunteers should be removed as part of regular maintenance actives. However, trees and shrubs may be planted outside of the embankment slopes and can serve to shade the wet pond, along its south, east, and west sides. Shading reduces heating of the water and helps to reduce algal blooms and the potential for anaerobic conditions. Figure 7: Vegetated Shelf(University of Idaho) LA } a 1-1 �Y•, y k ,e' � r ��if :r�4R ° � p��{:nil ft ti •�. J �',y/�fk';,1 The plants on the vegetated shelf are important to discourage waterfowl (a source of nutrients and bacteria directly to the wet pond) and protect the shoreline from erosion. Vegetated shelves also enhance safety by discouraging children from entering the pond. The designer should design for the hydrologic conditions of the vegetated shelf. Table 3 below lists plants for vegetated shelves that will remain submerged and partially submerged between storm events. If the vegetated shelf will be above the permanent pool and/or the permanent pool drops C-3. Wet Pond 12 Revised: 11-23-2020 Environmental NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual fc. Quality between storm events due to infiltration, plants that are adapted to drier conditions should be specified. Wetland seed mixes shall not be used. Table 3: Plants for Submerged and Partially Submerged Vegetated Shelves Botanical Name Common Name Asclepias incarnata Swamp Milkweed Carex tenera Quill sedge Chelone glabra White Turtlehead Eupatoriadelphus dubius Dwarf Joe Pye Weed Eupatoriadelphus fistulosus Joe Pye Weed Eupatoriadelphus maculatus Spotted trumpetweed Hibiscus coccineus Scarlet rose mallow Hibiscus laevis Halberdleaf rosemallow Kosteletzkya virginica Seashore Mallow Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal flower Lobelia elongata Longleaf lobelia Lobelia siphilitica Great blue Lobelia Rhynchospora colorata Starrush whitetop Saccharum baldwinii Narrow plumegrass C-3. Wet Pond 13 Revised: 11-23-2020 Environmental NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual Quality Recommendations RECOMMENDATION 1: OUTLET STRUCTURE. The following recommendations apply to the outlet structure: (a) A drawdown orifice should have a turned-down elbow in order to prevent trash or other material floating on the surface from clogging the pipe. (b) The riser should be placed close to the embankment to facilitate maintenance and reduce flotation forces. (c) The design engineer should calculate flotation force for any outlet design subject to flotation forces. (d) Measures should be provided along the barrel of the principal spillway to prevent piping. (e) Durable materials, such as reinforced concrete, are preferable to corrugated metal in most instances. The riser should be placed in or at the face of the embankment such that maintenance access is facilitated and flotation forces are reduced. In addition to achieving the 2 to 5-day drawdown period, outlets should be designed for ease of maintenance. One possible configuration option of the outlet piping that simplifies maintenance and reduces the potential for obstruction is the submerged orifice arrangement shown in Figure 3 at the beginning of this chapter. Durable materials, such as reinforced concrete, are preferable to corrugated metal in most instances. The riser should be placed in or at the face of the embankment. By placing the riser close to the embankment, maintenance access is facilitated and flotation forces are reduced. The design engineer must present flotation force calculations for any outlet design subject to flotation forces. See Chapter A-5 for more information about designing outlet structures. RECOMMENDATION 2: EMERGENCY SPILLWAY. It is strongly recommended to provide an emergency spillway to prevent structure failure of the embankment structure during large storm events. Emergency overflow spillways should be designed with hardened materials to prevent structural failures, which are expensive to repair and can pose safety risks for persons and property downslope of the wet pond. RECOMMENDATION 3: IRRIGATION. Irrigation is allowed but the designer should maintain some water in the permanent pool, specify appropriate plants for the vegetated shelf, and consider human health issues. Irrigation from wet ponds is allowed. Irrigation from a pond will help the site better match pre- development hydrology by soaking surface runoff into the ground between storms. It will also increase the storage capacity in the pond for the next storm. Drawdown should not eliminate the permanent pool since the settling accomplished in the pool is a vital mechanism for pollutant removal. Also, plant species that are drought-hardy should be selected for the vegetated shelf. The owner should be aware of potential health issues with spraying water stored in a wet pond. Algal growth and the associated cyanobacteria produce toxins that may be released in an C-3. Wet Pond 14 Revised: 11-23-2020 KICEnvironmental NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual Quality aerosol form. There is a documented case where irrigation spray from an algae-laden wet pond caused several citizens to become ill. Although there does not seem to be evidence of such adverse effects occurring in North Carolina, a property owner should be cognizant of the potential liability from such a situation. Improperly treated stormwater can contain other types of harmful bacteria that, when placed in human skin contact, could be a health issue. As with all irrigation, caution should be taken to make sure that spray does not occur on lands that would result in surface runoff to streams or erosion on bare areas. RECOMMENDATION 4: SAFETY. Engineering design features that encourage safety are recommended. The permanent pool of water presents an attractive play area to children and thus may create safety problems. Engineering design features that discourage child access are recommended. Trash racks and other debris-control structures should be sized to prevent entry by children. Other safety considerations include using fences around the spillway structure, embankment, and wet pond slopes; using shallow safety benches around the wet pond; and posting warning signs. Fencing of wet ponds is not generally aesthetically pleasing but may be required by the local review authority. Another method is to engineer the contours of the wet pond to eliminate steep drop offs. Riser openings should not permit unauthorized access. End walls should be fenced to prevent falls if they are a sufficient height to cause a safety concern. RECOMMENDATION 5: TEMPERATURE CONTROL. The follow recommendations pertain to reducing the warming of stormwater in a wet pond: (f) Trees and shrubs can be planted to maximize pond shading, primarily along the south, east, and west sides of the basin to reduce temperature impacts. (g) The outlet structure can be modified to withdraw from a deeper point in the permanent pool to reduce temperature impacts. These recommendations should be considered in trout waters; however, they are helpful to protecting all streams throughout North Carolina. Outlet structures designed to withdraw water from deeper in the wet ponds should be designed sufficiently above the bottom of the wet pond to prevent the withdrawal of sediment from the pond. Design Variants DESIGN VARIANT 1: FLOATING WETLAND ISLAND (FWI). FWIs may be added as an optional enhancement to wet ponds to increase their effectiveness at removing nutrients. The additional nutrient credits are described in the SCM Credit Document. FWIs should adhere to the following MDC or an alternative design with equal or greater effectiveness: C-3. Wet Pond 15 Revised: 11-23-2020 KICEnvironmental NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual Quality (a) The maximum depth for the wet pond shall be 6 feet to ensure that the stormwater is in contact with the roots of the wetland plants. (b) Wetland mat material shall float, be durable, non-toxic, and capable of supporting plant life, allowing root growth freely through the bottom into the water column. (c) Floating mats shall be spaced evenly from bank to bank perpendicular to the flow. Floating mats shall be at least 10 feet away from the outlet structure to prevent clogging. (d) Vegetation shall be obligate wetland plants that are capable of developing thick root masses that hang two to three feet in the water column for optimal water interception. (e) Plants shall be installed at a density of one plant per 2 square feet. There shall be a minimum of 85% aerial coverage of plants on the mats. (f) Anchor cable shall be as long as the maximum depth of the pond. Stainless steel or durable plastic cables are recommended for connecting the FTW to a weighted anchor such as cinderblocks at the bottom of the pond). The anchor cable should be inspected annually. (g) Prior to installing FWls, the wet pond should be inspected for invasive aquatic weeds so they can be removed. Planting material should be peat moss or potting soil (per manufacturer's recommendations) installed in pre-drilled holes in the floating mat material. (h) Fencing should be should be initially be installed over the island to prevent geese & wildlife intrusion while plants are being established. Twine or deer fencing is recommended. Maintenance Important operation and maintenance procedures: 1. Immediately after the wet pond is established, the plants on the vegetated shelf and perimeter of the basin will be watered twice weekly if needed, until the plants become established (commonly six weeks). 2. No portion of the wet pond will be fertilized after the first initial fertilization that is required to establish the plants on the vegetated shelf. 3. Stable groundcover will be maintained in the drainage area to reduce the sediment load to the wet pond. 4. If the pond must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain will be minimized as much as possible. 5. Once a year, a dam safety expert should inspect the embankment. 6. The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. C-3. Wet Pond 16 Revised: 11-23-2020 KICEnvironmental NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual Quality After the wet pond is established, it should be inspected quarterly and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County).. Records of operation and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and shall be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. Table 4: Sample Operation and Maintenance Provisions for Wet Ponds SCM element: Potential problems: How to remediate the problem: The entire SCM Trash/debris is present. Remove the trash/debris. Regrade the soil if necessary to Areas of bare soil and/or remove the gully, plant ground The perimeter of the wet pond erosive gullies have formed. cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer application. Unclog the pipe. Dispose of The inlet pipe is clogged (if the sediment in a location applicable). where it will not cause impacts to streams or the SCM. The inlet pipe is cracked or The inlet device otherwise damaged (if Repair or replace the pipe. applicable). Regrade the swale if necessary Erosion is occurring in the and provide erosion control swale (if applicable). devices such as reinforced turf matting or riprap to avoid future erosion problems. Search for the source of the Sediment has accumulated to a sediment and remedy the depth greater than the original problem if possible. Remove design depth for sediment the sediment and dispose of it storage. in a location where it will not cause impacts to streams or The forebay the SCM. Provide additional erosion protection such as reinforced Erosion has occurred. turf matting or riprap if needed to prevent future erosion mmm problems. C-3. Wet Pond 17 Revised: 11-23-2020 Environmental NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual NIC Quality Remove the weeds, preferably Weeds are present. by hand. If pesticide is used, wipe it on the plants rather than spraying. Best professional practices Prune according to best show that pruning is needed to professional practices. maintain optimal plant health. Determine the source of the problem: soils, hydrology, disease, etc. Remedy the Plants are dead, diseased or problem and replace plants. The vegetated shelf dying. Provide a one-time fertilizer application to establish the ground cover if a soil test indicates it is necessary. Remove the weeds, preferably Weeds are present. by hand. If pesticide is used, wipe it on the plants rather than spraying. Search for the source of the sediment and remedy the Sediment has accumulated to a problem if possible. Remove depth greater than the original the sediment and dispose of it design sediment storage depth. in a location where it will not cause impacts to streams or the SCM. The main treatment area Algal growth covers over 50% Consult a professional to of the area. remove and control the algal g rowth. Cattails, phragmites or other Remove the plants by wiping invasive plants cover 50% of them with pesticide (do not the basin surface. spray). Shrubs have started to grow on Remove shrubs immediately. the embankment. Evidence of muskrat or beaver Consult a professional to The embankment activity is present. remove muskrats or beavers and repair any holes or erosion. A tree has started to grow on Consult a dam safety specialist the embankment. to remove the tree. C-3. Wet Pond 18 Revised: 11-23-2020 Environmental NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual Quality An annual inspection by an appropriate professional shows Make all needed repairs that the embankment needs immediately. repair. Clean out the outlet device and Clogging has occurred. dispose of any sediment in a gg g location where it will not cause The outlet device impacts to streams or the SCM The outlet device is damaged Repair or replace the outlet device. Weeds or volunteer trees are Remove the weeds or trees. growing on the mat. Floating wetland island (if applicable) The anchor cable is damaged, Restore the anchor cable to its disconnected or missing. design state. Erosion or other signs of Repair the damage and damage have occurred at the improve the flow dissipation outlet. structure The receiving water Discharges from the wet pond are causing erosion or Contact the local NCDEQ sedimentation in the receiving Regional Office. water. https://www.bae.ncsu.edu/extension/ext-publications/water/protecting/sea-grant-stormwater- ponds-factsheet.pdf Old Versus New Design Standards The following is a summary of some of the changes in wet pond design standards between the archived version of the BMP Manual and the current MDC for wet ponds. It is intended to capture the highlights only; any wet pond MDC that are not captured in this table are still required per 15A NCAC 02H .1053. • d manual requirements Drawdown time for the 2-5 days 2-5 days design volume Sizing SA/DA tables SA/DA tables or HRT method (designer's choice) Vegetated shelf min width 10 feet 6 feet C-3. Wet Pond 19 Revised: 11-23-2020 Environmental NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual Quality Vegetated shelf max 10:1 6:1 slope Vegetated shelf location Halfway above and halfway below Flexible; can be entirely above or the permanent pool entirely beneath the permanent pool or partway; vegetated shelf plants should be adjusted accordingly SHWT requirements Permanent pool shall be within 6" No requirements regarding SHWT of the SHWT(either above or below) or a liner shall be provided LS-FS downslope of pond Required Not required 90% TSS pond design Allowed to stand alone as an No longer relevant, SA/DA Tables alternative to providing an 85% are for the 85% pond. Also, SA/DA pond with a LS-FS Tables pertain to sizing the main pool, with the forebay added later; that is why the values are 15% lower. Minimum length to width 1.5:1 with 3:1 recommended Specific ratio not given; instead, ratio inlet(s) and outlet shall be located to avoid short circuiting. Forebay size Forebay required to be 20% of Forebay required to be 15-20% of the overall wet pond volume main pool volume Forebay design Not specified Forebay should be deeper at the entrance, shallower at the exit. Fountains Table limiting pump power Fountains allowed as long as they do according to pond volume not resuspend sediment or cause erosion around the perimeter of the pond. Trash rack Not required Trash rack or other device to exclude trash from the outlet structure required. C-3. Wet Pond 20 Revised: 11-23-2020 Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 E.3 E3 ■ Attachment E.3 — Wet Pond Operation and Maintenance Agreement Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 �1J� Attachment E.3—Wet Pond Operation and Maintenance Agreement This page intentionally left blank. Operation & Maintenance Agreement Project Name: Northwest Convenience Center Project Location: 1971 Oakridge River Road, Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 Cover Page Maintenance records shall be kept on the following SCM(s). This maintenance record shall be kept in a log in a known set location, Any deficient SCM elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired, or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the pollutant removal efficiency of the SCM(s). The SCM(s) on this project include (check all that apply &corresponding O&M sheets will be added automatically): Infiltration Basin Quantity: Location(s): Infiltration Trench Quantity: Location(s): _.—_— Bioretention Cell Quantity: Location(s): _— Wet Pond Quantity: 1 Location(s): Western portion of site Stormwater Wetland Quantity: Location(s): Permeable Pavement Quantity: Location(s): Sand Filter Quantity: Location(s): Rainwater Harvesting Quantity: Location(s): Green Roof Quantity: Location(s): Level Spreader- Filter Strip Quantity: Location(s): Proprietary System Quantity: Location(s): Treatment Swale Quantity: Location(s): Dry Pond Quantity: Location(s): Disconnected Impervious Surface Present: No Location(s): User Defined SCM Present: No Location(s): Low Density Present: No Type: acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed for each SCM above, and attached O&M tables. I agree to notify NCDEQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Responsible Party: Chad Beane Title& Organization: Harnett County Solid Waste Director Street address: 200 Alexander Drive City, state, zip: Lillington, NC 27546 Phone number(s): 910-814-6004 Email: cbeane@harnett.org Signature: Date: ( Z( z I, ��� a Notary Public for the State of �pJYc ��d County of B4V do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this 2- day of t11X—_ and acknowledge the due execution of the O r tons p a' tenance Agr meat . Witness m band official seal,ub OTA 44 coo`" EY"M-Ez My commission expires ` 5/19/2024 Version 1.5 Page 1 of 1 Wet Pond Maintenance Requirements Important operation and maintenance procedures: Immediately after the wet detention basin is established, the plants on the vegetated shelf and - perimeter of the basin should be watered twice weekly if needed, until the plants become established (commonly six weeks). No portion of the wet pond should be fertilized after the initial fertilization that is required to establish the plants on the vegetated shelf. _ Stable groundcover will be maintained in the drainage area to reduce the sediment load to the wet pond. If the pond must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain will be minimized as much as possible. At least once annually, a dam safety expert will inspect the embankment. Any problems that are found will be repaired immediately. The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. After the wet pond is established, it will be inspected quarterly and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.6 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of operation and maintenance shall be kept in a known set location and shall be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. SCM element: Potential problem: How to remediate the problem: The entire wet pond Trash/debris is present. Remove the trash/debris. The perimeter of the wet Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to remove the gully, plant ground pond erosive gullies have cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one- formed. time fertilizer application. The inlet pipe is clogged (if Unclog the pipe. Dispose of the sediment off-site. applicable). The inlet pipe is cracked or otherwise damaged (if Repair or replace the pipe. The inlet device applicable). Erosion is occurring in the Regrade the swale if necessary and provide erosion control swale (if applicable). devices such as reinforced turf matting or riprap to avoid future problems with erosion. Sediment has accumulated to a depth Search for the source of the sediment and remedy the problem greater than the original if possible. Remove the sediment and dispose of it in a location design depth for sediment where it will not cause impacts to streams or the SCM. The forebay storage. Erosion has occurred. Provide additional erosion protection such as reinforced turf matting or riprap if needed to prevent future erosion problems. Weeds are present. Remove the weeds, preferably by hand. If pesticide is used, wipe it on the plants rather than spraying. 1 Wet Pond Maintenance Requirements (Continued) SCM element: Potential problem: How to remediate the problem: Sediment has accumulated to a depth Search for the source of the sediment and remedy the problem greater than the original if possible. Remove the sediment and dispose of it in a location design sediment storage where it will not cause impacts to streams or the SCM. depth. The main treatment area Algal growth covers over Consult a professional to remove and control the algal growth. 50% of the area. p g Cattails, phragmites or other invasive plants cover Remove the plants by wiping them with pesticide (do not spray). 50% of the basin surface. Best professional practices show that pruning is Prune according to best professional practices. needed to maintain optimal plant health. The vegetated shelf Determine the source of the problem: soils, hydrology, disease, Plants are dead, diseased etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide a one- or dying. time fertilizer application to establish the ground cover if a soil test indicates it is necessary. Weeds are present. Remove the weeds, preferably by hand. If pesticide is used, wipe it on the plants rather than spraying. Shrubs have started to Remove shrubs immediately. grow on the embankment. Evidence of muskrat or Consult a professional to remove muskrats or beavers and beaver activity is present. repair any holes or erosion. The embankment A tree has started to grow Consult a dam safety specialist to remove the tree. on the embankment. An annual inspection by an appropriate professional shows that Make all needed repairs immediately. the embankment needs repair. Clogging has occurred. Clean out the outlet device and dispose of any sediment in a gg g The outlet device location where it will not cause impacts to streams or the SCM. The outlet device is Repair or replace the outlet device. damaged. Weeds or volunteer trees Remove the weeds or trees. are growing on the mat. Floating wetland island (if applicable) The anchor cable is damaged, disconnected or Restore the anchor cable to its design state. missing. 1 Wet Pond Maintenance Requirements (Continued) SCM element: Potential problem: How to remediate the problem: Erosion or other signs of damage have occurred at Repair the damage and improve the flow dissipation structure. the outlet. The receiving water Discharges from the wet pond are causing erosion Contact the local NCDEQ Regional Office. or sedimentation in the receiving water. 1 Wet Detention Pond Design Summary I^►-t Pond Diagram WET POND ID FOREBAY MAIN POND WP Permanent Pool El. 322 Permanent Pool El. 322.4 Temporary Pool El: 322 Temporary Pool El: 324.5 Pretreatment other Clean Out Depth: 1 Clean Out Depth: 3.4 than forebay? NO Sediment Removal El 321 Sediment Removal El 319 Has Veg. Filter? No Bottom Elevation: 320 Bottom Elevation: 318.5 ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY 1 Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Site Plan Application—June 2019 �1J� Attachment E.3—Wet Pond Operation and Maintenance Agreement This page intentionally left blank. Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 Attachment F—Property Deed and Boundary Plan Attachment F — Property Deed and Boundary Plan Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 �1J� Attachment F—Property Deed and Boundary Plan B3617 - P699 For Registration Kimberly S. Hargrove Register of Deeds Harnett County, NC HARNETT COUNTY TAB Id # Electronically Recorded 050634 0019 03 2018 Jun 26 02: 57 PM NC Rev Stamp: $ 1110. 00 Book: 3617 Page: 699 - 701 Fee: $ 26. 00 Instrument Number: 2018009124 06- 26- 2018 BY : SB NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax: $ 1 , 110.00 NO TITLE SEARCH NOR TAB ADVICE GIVEN Parcel Identifier No. 050634 OOl 9 03 Verified by County an the day of , 20 By: NUJI/Box to: Dwight W. Snow. Attorney at Law: P.O. Box 397, Dunn., NC 28335 This instrument was prepared by: Currie Tee Howell, Attorney. Adams. Howell. Sizemore & Lenfestey, P.A. Brief description for the Index: 28.29 +/- acres off OakridgeKiver Road THIS DEED made this 22nd day of June., 201 8, by and between GRANTOR GRANTEE Jam my Scutt Mayon and wife, Sharon County of Harnett, a Political Pearce Masan Subdivision of the State of North Carolina 6412 Burt Road PO Box 759 Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 Ullington, NC 27546 Enter in appropriate block for each Grantor and Grantee: name, mailing address, and, if appropriate, character of entity, e.g. Wrporatian or partnership. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fie simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Buckhom Township, Harnett County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXIT 1 BIT "A" If checked, this property is the principal residence of the Grantor. NC Bar Association Form No. 3 0 1976, Revised 0 1/112014 ArintPri by Aarpomp.nF with the hIf Rar AacnriAtinn Submitted electronically by " Dwight Snaw Attorneys at Law" in compliance with North [arolina statutes governing recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement with the Harnett [aunty Register of Deeds . B3617 - P700 The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book 1164, Book 584 and Boob l 32 8 Page 8, A map showing the above described property is recorded irt Plat Cabinet F, Slide 588-A (Tract one) and Mai Book 99, Page 24 (Tract Two), Harnett County Registry. TO HAVE AND TO HELD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premiss in fee simple, has the sight to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, other than the following exceptions: This conveyance is expressly made subject to the lien created by all the Grantors' real 2018 Harnett County ad valorem taxes on said tract of land which the Grantee(s) agree to assume and pay in full when dui. Subject to all easements, rights-of-way, covenants and ether restrictions as shown on the public record or as would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the land,. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first above written. Grantors}: SEAL) Jam Scott Mason Z7 (Sk"C(k LW C Sharon Pearce Mason State of . - County or City of I, the undersigned Notary Public of the County or City of UxkxQ.,.o and State aforesaid, certify that Jammy Scott Mason and wife, Sharon Pearce Mason personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed. Witness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal this day of June, 2418. 114C My Commission Expires: � .•`�' �'�i , Notary Public Affix Seal) �" f• � q V �y Nato Printed br Typed Name ry rr 4W C. Ile- 4ep A'� t4OTA&�. ir,0\) 01 ;x co �t�r ssraw fXPIRES mI I ce a LIC C) couo-'a d14lflllll0 NC Bar Association Form No. 3 O 1976, Revised @ 111f2410 Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar Association B3617 - P701 EXHIBIT "A" TRACT ONE: BEING all of that tract of land contauuag 13.84 acres, 0.56 acre of which dies withsn the road right of way of Oakridge River Road (SJL 1418), as is shown on the plat entitled "Boundary Survey for hammy Scott Mason & Sharon Pearce Mason" dated May 29, 1996 and revised an dune 111 1996 which appears of record in Flat Cabinet F, Slide 588-A. Harnett County Registry, to which reference is hereby made for a more definite and precise descn"ption. By deed recorded in Bank 650, Page 758, Harnett County Registry from Revels Tractor Co any, Inc., Charles T. Revels received a ane•half undivided intemt, Bobby J. Revels received a ane4ounh undivided interest and Willi= A. Hipp received a one-fourth undivided interest in the above described property ., TRACT TWO.0 BEGINNINO at an urn pipe set in the southern boundary line of the 13 .85 acre tract of property previouslyi conveyed to Gramtees by deed recorded in Bork 1164, Pages 584w586, Harnett County Registry, said begmmg point being North 60149' 3711 West 3 . 10 ft. from the paint where the sQutheastern comer of said 11.85 acre tract lies at the western marlin. o��akridge River Road �S. R-s 1418}; thence along and with the saut,hern boundary of said tract North 600 49' 3 7" West 207.85 4 ft. to an exist i�ag axon pipe fat edge of field/pm" e forest; thence continuing with said southern ae North 60" 49137" West 334.62 ft, to an existing iron pipe; thence with the westem fine of such 13.85 acre tract North. 0611281 15" East 331 -m-81 ft. to an existing iron p1pe (c*ntrol comer); thence a new ling North $5° West��' 15" 43 1 .10 ft, to an koa pipe set, a canner in, the line of the propeny owned now or formerly by Lawrence Wells and Vada 5. Wells described by deed recorded in Book 319, gage 42 1, Harnett Co uaty Registry; thence a new dividing line South 05* OW 00" West 1 a l 1 .00 :ft. to an iron pipeset; thence as another new dividing line South 87* 40' 46" Fast 45936 ft, to an iron pale set; thence South 79* 29 3 6" East 1 I 1 .$0 fit. to an "iron pipe set; thence North 831 3 0' 46" East 4 43.56fit. to a� �ir�npig� set; thenceNoah. ��° �9' 41 " East 138.3? ft. to as ironpipe set; thence North ; 400 46! 46" E 173. 13 fL to an iron pipe s Wit; thence North 050 28' 55" East 33.66 fit. to an iron pipe set; thence North 26* 27" Easy 21 S.i 4 ft. to the poim g .nd place of BEONNING2 sand beoag all of that parcel of properly containing 15.00 acres, more or less, as sown as the surrey entitled "Recvmb�atton Survey for Jammy Scott Mason and Sharon Pe=e Mason!' filed. for record. as Map #99r24, *lathe Huuett County! North Carolina, Registrar. By deed recorded ux Book 650, Page, 758, Harnett County Registry from Revels Tractor Company, lac., Charles T. Revels received a one-half undivided interest, Bobby I Revels received a one-fawrth uudivided interest and William A. Hipp received a cne-fourth undivided interest in the above described property. Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 �1J� Attachment F—Property Deed and Boundary Plan DP - 0f15t1N0 IRON PIPE D - DRAINAGE EIS - EXISTING IRON STAKE G - GAS LINE NCSR 140to ECSB - D«(IS�iiNG COTf�ON SPIKE S - SANITARY SANER EPIC - IXISTING PK NAIL W - WATER v y� EN - EXISTING WUL E - ELECTRIC BETTY WELLS TILLEY TRUST ERS - EXISTING RAILROAD SPIKE T - TELEPHONE IPS - IRON PIPE SET Fli - FIRE HYDRANT D.B. 2954 PG. 618 p I5S - IRON STAKE SET WM - WATER M Z � SITE � H S N - NAIL SET- RAILROAD SPIKE SET WV - WATER VALVE \ PKS - PK OR MAG. NAIL SE! CO - SEWER CLFANOUT EIP N � R/W - RIGHT OF WAY TP - TELEPHONE PEDESTAL 2 CL - CENTERLJNE U? - UTILITY POSE v 6.M. - BOOK OF MAPS Ei. - ELEVATION I � VICINITY MAP (no scale) P.B. - PLAT BOOK MH - MANHOLE eL S 80�5O � � g "E f INTERSECTION M.B. - MAP 800K 6C - BACK OF CURB �O TIED.B. D BOOK 90M T SB - SEr BACKCP - COMPUTED POINT � 8 036'36"W CN ap 2 � �CS EP - EDGE PAVEMENT M 32 .86' ON .• r, s LINA GEOOE110 SURVEY otiw OVERHEAD � O (p S �\A\/.���'?� rECSiw w NOTES _ _ EIP S 86'35 42 � E Z NEl P N C GRIDAIL ElTP c4 R / AREA BY COORDINATES. EIP COORDINATES o THIS PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED IN A FEMA MAPPED 430495� N — 645oO27.,663EIP FLOOD HAZARD AREA. FEMA MAP # � NC GRID E — 4035a894*990 � ZONE X; EFF. DATE 10/3/2006, — 367327 COORDINATES ELEV. SUBJECT TO ABOVE AND OR UNDERGROUND N — 644,963.235 � lJTit!'fIES AND OR EASEMENTS. E — 2pO35;,0124,531 NO TITLE SEARCH WAS PROVIDED TO THE SURVEYOR., ELEV. — 337.597 NC GRID COORDINATES FROM GPSmi-VRS � M co �, 3 OBSERVATIONS. NAD 83(2012S) ELEVATIONS NAVD 88 GPS UNIT — SPECTRA PRECISION SP--*80. M p I •-+ � � REFERENCES D.B. 3617 PG. 699 MAP # 99"-24 U A C- MAP 2007-427 D.B. 646 PAGE 582 OTHERS AS SHOWN � O EIP—NAIL EIP NC GRID 28. 263 ACRES COORDINATES � N — 644,635130 FOR RECISTRRTION TO ROAD R/W E - 2t035j835m190 � Klmberl S . Hai rove � ELEV. - 360.763 REGI�TER OF SEEDS W � Harnett County NC 2019 MAY 07 04 : : 54 PM BK : 2019 PG : 142-142 LU 0o �t ^ � I � CALLS ALONG ROAD R W FEE : y21 . 00 INStRUMENT # 2019008924 � �� Fq -10 � N COURSE BEARING DISTANCE TWESTER � N� to �'� w a � p i o Low* 1 S 108 1 7'30"W 80090" I I III III I II� III ¢zm < o � z N ' L-m-&2 S 13*44'33"W 23 *00' IIHI �IIIIIIII 2019005924 EIP IL El Oo� ,trl�o N 63¢4 77 RAVEL 2 3 Ne `V 0�0 2 48 '(1i L 2 TPA I, BENTON W. DEWAR, PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR � ElP NO. L-3040, CERTIFY: �i THAT THE SURVEY IS OF AN EXISTING PARCEL OR PARCELS OF LAND Epp UP OR ONE OR MORE EXISTING EASEMENTS AND DOES NOT CREATE EIP A NEW STREET OR CHANGE AN EXISTING STREET, S 03853' 27"W =� DCINGPASEET SI S S U TI � pDSB D�CEL° EIP 3170'FOR .THE EMN " I � �� OFL: D ESCRIE 3 IN A SINGLE, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LEGALLY RECORDED SUBDIVISION THAT HAS BEEN OR MAY BE LEGALLY CONVEYED aS� � BRYAN & TERRI HOWELL v \ BOUNDARY SURVEY FOR THE O \ D. B. 3683 PG . 427 � TO A NEW OWNER BY DEED IN IT'S EXISTING CONFIGURA110N. � BENTON W. DEWAR NCPLS 3040 EIP `2 P . O . BOX 759 LILLINGTON , NC 27546 REVIEW OFFICER'S CERTIFICATE 459 * 69 gip ��83119'�Elp DEED BOOK 3617 PAGE 699 STATE O F NORTH CAROLJMEIP ' '' N 89615' 15"W N 80*4g35E� 5 6�• 26 PIN # 0634 *-- 54wwm0565b000 I, REVIEW OFFICER OF ow,m. CERTIFY �. S 81846 ' 20"W BUCKHORN TOWNSHIP THAT E MAP OA PLAT T04HICH THIS CERTIFlCATION 4160 isAMxEqME�( Rr REQUIREMENTS FOR RECORDING. I HARNETT COUNTY — NORTH CAROLINA ANNI6 L. REVELS, et al SCALE 1 " = 120 — APRIL 30 , 2019 D.B. 2788 PG. 625 MAP # 2007 -427 120 0 �� - � . .�N CAFj� ''�., 120 240 360 ib 0 1. A ---------- 0fossia V I, BENTON W. DEWAR, CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER ' = �;•QO0 N, 9 MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY4w � Q GRAPHIC SCALE — FEET 40 SUPERVISION DEED BOOK f%F PAGE 4 MAP AVE PAG�T�; HARN COUNTY THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYEDmobs ARE CLEARLY INDICATED AS DRAWN � Lv3040 NORTH CAROUNA�FROM INFORMATION FOUND IN DEED MAP BOOK — PAGE —' ' < (� THAT THE RATIO OF PRECISION OR POSITIONAL ACCURACY AS C&CULATED IS = A '9�L� El 'Q` : FILED DATE � � TIME ` '2� BENTON W. DEWAR AND ASSOCIATES ; THAT THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE '- �'�(;'•- SURD. � T�N w. ��' MAP NUMBER � �Ci ' � � PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR WITH G.S. 47-30 AS AMMENDED.. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIG ATRUE, �,, LICENSE NUMBER AND S THIS 7*".. DAY OF _, A.D. 20 191 � " " " ""�, Y 5. ARG VE 5920 HONEYCUTT ROAD �� _ � REGIST21t.0 DFJD � � � � � �.. � ^ HOLLY SPRINGS , NC 27540 Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 �1J� Attachment F—Property Deed and Boundary Plan Harnett County Solid Waste Department I Stormwater Permit Application—May 2024 Attachment F—Property Deed and Boundary Plan HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas 555 Fayetteville Street, Suite 900 Raleigh, NC 27601-3034 919.232.6600 NC License F0116 hdrinc.com ©2024 HDR, Inc., all rights reserved