HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6240702_Property Deed_20240924 B4017 - P 316
For Registration Matthew S. Willis
Register of Deeds
01469416980010 Electronically Recorded
2021 Jul 22 1 1 ; 36 AM NC Rev stamp: $ 0, 00
Book: 4017 Page: 316 - 318 Fee: $ 26. 00
Instrument Number: 2021016878
47 - 22 - 2421 BY : ED
Prepared by and Mail to ,, Linn Matthews, Atty, 1103 W. Cumberland Street, Dunn, NC 28334
EXCISE TAB : Notre (traitsfer betiveen entities tvrtli same prhicipals)
Parcel ID No . .. 110680 0009 15
THIS DEED, made this ,/, r � ay of Judy, 202 1 , by and between T & L
COATS, LLC a NC limited liability company of 165 Sommerville park Read,
Raleigh, NC 28603 , hereinafter called GRANTER, and UNIVERSITY
STORAGE, LLC a NC limited liability company of 165 Sommerville Park
Road:, Raleigh, NC 28603 , hereinafter called GRANTEE.
The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said
parties, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall include singular, plural,
masculine or feminine as required by context.
That the grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the
receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents dies grant,
bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lob or parcel
of land situated in Gravy Township, Harnett bounty, North Carolina and more
particularly described as follows :
BEING all Of Lot 1, eontnhtrng 4. 696 ages as shows otz thatplat entitled ",Recvmhirzafion
Platfor Steivart Street Shops Lots I, 3 arrrl 4" dated April 26, 2021 by Robinson & Plaitte, P. C.
Land Surveying atid recot•ded in Map Ntimber 2021, Page 170, Hariiett Cotinty Registry.
Referetice to which is hereby made for greater certarrity of description.
submitted electronically by "Matthews Law group PC"
in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents
and the terms of the submitter agreement with the Harnett county Register of Deeds .
B4017 - P 317
All or a portion of that property herein conveyed does not include the
primary residence of a Grantor. (N. C . Gen. Scat. § 105 -317 * 2)*
The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by inst t
in Book 3661 , Page 813 , Harnett County Registry .
TO 14AVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid dot or parcel of land and all
privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple .
And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the
premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is
marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that grantor will warrant and
defend the title against the lawful cairns of all persons whomsoever except for the
exceptions hereinafter sated.
Title to the properly hereinabove described is subject to the following
excepti ons :
1 . General utility easements and rights of way of record .
2 . 2021 ad valorem faxes which are not yet payable.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set its hand and seal, the
day and year first above written.
A NC limited liability company
By +
Michael Lee Smith, Member/Manager
Y •
Th mas E. Brinley,-Ir, Me ': � berfManager
B4017 - P 318
I, Lynn A. Matthews, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that Michael Lee
Smith, Member/Manager of T & L Coats, LLC a NC limited liability company,
personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the
foregoinginstrument for flie purposes therein expressed.
Witness my hand wd notarial seal, this the -` i July, 2021
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: 5/31/26140 MAT
,,,.. . •���,,,
0 04i NOTARY . d4pp
P U 131-110�� i
I, Lynn A. Matthews, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that Thomas E.
Brinley, Jr., Member/Manager of T & L Coats, LLC a NC limited liability
company, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due
execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes ffierem' expressed.
Witliess my hand and notarial seal, this the � day Huly 2021
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: 5/31t26 %#*' &4 ,. •.Fty'•,
ARY '• �'
PU BI.IC�1ti ..,, f •ate
B3661 - P 813
For Registration Kimberly S. Hargrove
Register of Deeds
Harnett County, NC
Electronically Recorded
2018 Dec 17 1 2:D1 PM NC Rev stamp: $ 650. 00
HARNETT COUNTY TAB Id # Book: 3661 Page: 81 3 - 817 Fee: $ 26. 00
07059016070008 . Instrument Number: 2018017406
47069016980009 & 4601, 0010
12 - 17 - 2018 BY : MT
Parcel identifier Noo-M2016070ODS: 070690169800 10 and 07069016980009
Varified by County on the � day of -- . 20
y Rt-+ r
maiyBox to, GRANTEE
phis instrument was prepared by: Jonafta T. Sizemore, Attorftey, Adams. Howe],l., &a ze#uore & Lmfestay5 P.A,
Brief description for flic Index: 3 Lots off E. Stewart Streit. ats, NC
THIS DEED n1ade, this ���` day of Noveinber. 2013 by and between
Curr-Well Developments, LL.C. T & L Coats, LLC
(a Noilk Carolina 11mited liability
company) l65 S4nvneti-ville Park Read
21 Little Farm Circle Paleigh, NC_ 27603
Angier, NC 27501
Enter in appropriate block for each Grantor and Gilantee: line, itiailing address, and, if appropriate, character of entity,
corporation or partnersh�pa
The dos'gnatioa Ciranjor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, mid shaIl include,
singular, phiral, mawu[ine, fcminine or neuter as required by context.
WITNESSETH, that the Gmntc)r, for 9 valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby aAnowledged,
Ims and by these presents does grant, barjga'M, sell and c*nvey unto the Q�ntee in fee simple.,, all diat oertain lot or parcel of tand
situated m' Grove Township, Ha Couay, North Carohina and more pafflcularly described as follows:
The propedy hereinabove desoribed was aoqtiired by Grzator by ivstniinent recordfd in Book � Page 83 7 and Book .19 10, Page
All or a portion oftho property hemin conveyed � includes or X does not include the primary rosidence of Grantor.
A map showing the above described propeily lsr�����ded � Plat soak -, Page _ -
.Bar AS54Ci#IIIOCt FivTfNI NO. 3 0 1976, RCv[SiGd @ 111120 10
Printed by Agrument NYith The NC ear Association .
submitted electronically by " Matthews yaw group P["
in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents
and the terms of the submitter agreement with the Harnett County Register of Deeds .
B3661 - P 814
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appu.trtenances thereto belonging to the
Grantee in fee simple.
And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the rigltit to
convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will
warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, other than the following exceptions:
This conveyance is expressly made subject to the lien created by all the grantors' real 2019 Harnett County ad
valorem taxes on said tract of land which the Grantee(s) agree to assume and pay in full when due.
Subject to all easements, rights-of-way, covenants and other restrictions as shown on the public record or as world be
disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the land.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first above written.
Curr-We11 Develo menu L.L.C. Noah Carolina filmited
liability com�a�nv)
Currie Tee Howell, Member/Manager
State of - County or City of4a
i, the undersigned rotary Public of the County or City of� kvk and State aforesaid, certify that
Curie Tee Howell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is the Member/Manager of Curr-Well
Developments, L.L.C., a North Carolina Ifinited liability company, and that by autiYority duly given and as the act of such entity,
he signed the foregoing instrument in its name on its behalf as its act and deed. Wiftness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal, this
Z'l Gay of_ , N CJ VPY)n r Zoe
My Commission Expires: Ir U,
o#aiy. Public
(Affix Seal) Notary's ante or pe ame
§.�` L1.Y AtV�•,,fr
z �
NC Bar Association Form Na. 3 1976, Revise 4 1/If2010
Printed by Agreement ►vitlt the NC 13ar Association
B3661 - P 815
BEING all that certain tract or parcel of land containi ng 2.612 acres, more or less, situate
at the southeastern corner of the intersection of the southern margin of the right of way of
North Carolina Highway No. 27, . and the eastern margin of the right of way of grange
f Street in the Town of Coats, Grove Township, Harnett County, North Carolina, and being
more specifically described according to A map of survey entitled "Division of Nuna W.
Blackwelder" as prepared by Piedmont Surveying Company of Dunn, North Carolina,
dated April 3, 1976 as follows:
BEGINNING at an iron stake at the corner to the intersection of the southern margin of
the right of way of North Carolina Highway No. Z7 and the eastern margin of the right of
way of Orange Street (Orange Street being a 50 foot right of way), said beginn ing point �s
located North 79 degrees 21 minutes Easy 51 .88 feet from a sake at the southwestern
corner of the a foremen fioned intersection which is the beginning corner of the track
containing 3.04 acres, more or less, this day conveyed by Nuna W. Blackwelder, Widow, to
David Winfield BIackwelder; and runs thence as the southern margin of the right of way of
North Carolina Highway No. 27 North 79 degrees 21 minutes Easy 168.63 feet to an iron
stake, being a corer with the tract this day conveyed by Nuna W. Blackwelder, Widow, to
Johnny Richard Blackwelder and wife, Edna Ryals Blackwelder, said bract confai ning
2.616 acres, more or less; and tuns thence South 13 degrees 16 minutes Easy 467.91 feet to
an iron stake, a corner with the track heretofore mentioned as conveyed to Johnny Richard
Blackwelder and wife, in the line. of Lot Na. 2 conveyed to Barney M. Williams in the
Joseph Y. Williams division as described in deed recorded in Book 566, Page 139, Harnett
County Registry; rugs thence South 73 degrees 40 minutes West 319.05 feet to an iron
stake in the eastern margin of the right of way of grange Street, thence as the eastern
margin of the right of way of orange Street, North 4 degrees 51 minutes East 483.09 feet to
the point- of beginning.
The aforesaid described parcel of land is a portion of Tract No. 2 as shown on the map of
survey for the Division of the lands of John W. Williams Estate as prepared by Herbert L.
Johnson, County Survey or, dated October 22, 1941 ; reference is made to Deed Book 534,
Page 208, Harnett County Registry.
Being all that certain bract or parcel of land containing 3.040 acres, more or less, situate at
the Southwestern corner of the intersection of the Southern margin of the rEghf-of-svay of
North Carolina Highway No. 27 and the Western margin of the right-of-way of grange
Street in the Town of Coats, Grove Township, Harnett County, North Carolina, and more
fully described upon a map of survey entitled "Division of Nuna W. Blackwelder" as
prepared by Piedmont Surveying Company of Dunn, North Carolina, dated April 3, 1976
as follows:0
B3661 - P 816
BEGYNNING at an iron stake at the corner of the intersection of a Southern margin of the
right-of-way of North Carolina Highway No. 27 and the Western margin of the right-of�
way of Urange Street and runs thence as the Western margin of the ri ght-of-way of Orange
Street South 04 degrees 51 minutes West 482.78 feet to an iron sake in the Western margin
of the right-otmway of said street, said iron stake being a corner with Lot Na. 1 of the
Joseph I, Williams division, conveyed to Josie W. Nash as is described by Deed recorded in
Book 566, Page 140 - Harnett County Registry; thence South 79 degrees 40 minutes West
244-61 feet to a corner marked by a drive shaft in the Eastern dine of the fine occupied by
the Terre Hill Manufacturing Company, as described by Deed recorded in Book 577, Page
84, Harnett County Registry; thence North 04 degrees 52 minutes West 461 .21 feet to an
iron stake in the Southern margin of the r1*ght-of-way of North Carolina Highway No. 27,
said corner being located South 44 degrees 52 minutes East 56.99 feet from an axle found
w ithin the right-vf►vay of North Carolina Highway No. 27, marking the original corner of
Tract No. Z of the division of the lands of John W. Williams as surveyed by Herbert L.
Johnson, County Surveyor, and dated October 22, 1941 thence, as the Southern margin of
the rightwof-way of North Carolina Highway No. 27 the following two calls: North 76
degrees 58 minutes East 120.95 feet to a point; thence North 79 degrees 21 Minutes East
206.45 feed to the point of BEGINNING.
The aforesaid described parcel of land is a portion of Tract No. 2 as shown on the map of
survey for the division of the lands of Jahn W. Williams Estate as prepared by Herbert L.
Johnson, County Surveyor, dated October 22, 1941 -v referenceis made to Deed Book 534,
gage 208, Harnett County Registry.
BEING ail that certain tract or parcel of land containing 2.616 acres, more or less, lying
and being on the Southside of N.C. Highway No. 27 in the Town of Coats, Grove Township,
Harnett County, North Carolina, and being shown on a map of survey entitled "Division of
Nuna W. Blackwelder"' as prepared by Piedmont Surveying Company of Dunn, North
Carolina, and dated April 3, 1976, as follows:
BEGINNING at an iron stake i n the Southern margin of the right of way of N.C. Highway
No. 27, said beginni ng point being a corner with a tract this day conveyed by Nuna W.
Blackwelder, widow to Margaret Lucille B. Cooke and husband Curtis Ravon Cooke, said
tract containing 2.612 acres more or less; said beginning point is further described as
located forth 79 degrees 21 minutes East 168.63 feet from the Southeastern corner of the
intersection of the right-of�way of Southern margin of N.C. Highway Na, 27 and the
Eastern margin of orange Street; and runs thence as the Southern margin of the right-of-
way of N.C. Highway Na. 27 North 79 degrees 21 minutes fast 243.46 feet to an iron stake,
being a curer with the lands of Novl*e Morgan (being Lot No. 4 of the John W. Williams
Estate Division) as shown in Deed recorded in Book 273, Page 631 , Harnett County
Registry; thence South 13 degrees 16 minutes East 467.71 feet to an iron pipe, being a
corner wifh the hand of M. Lester Strickland, Jr. and being Lot No. 3 of the Joseph L.
Williams Division as described - in Deed recorded in Book 566, Page 135, Harnett County
B3661 - P 817
Registry, said corner is a point i"n the dine of the lands of Node Morgan; thence South 79
degrees 40 minutes West 243.55 feet to an iron stake, a corner wiffli the lands of Margaret
Luel"fle B. Cooke and husband as mentioned aforesaid ; thence North 13 degrees Tfi minutes
West 467.91 feet to the and place of BEGINNING.
The aforesaid described parcel of land is a porti"on of Tract No. 2 as shown an the map of
survey for the division of the lands of John W. Wj"lliams Estate as prepared by Herbert L.
Johnson, Count
y Surveyor, dated October 22, 1941*
See Deed Book 1712, Page 618.,
B3661 - P 813
For Registration Kimberly S. Hargrove
Register of Deeds
Harnett County, NC
Electronically Recorded
2018 Dec 17 1 2:D1 PM NC Rev stamp: $ 650. 00
HARNETT COUNTY TAB Id # Book: 3661 Page: 81 3 - 817 Fee: $ 26. 00
07059016070008 . Instrument Number: 2018017406
47069016980009 & 4601, 0010
12 - 17 - 2018 BY : MT
Parcel identifier Noo-M2016070ODS: 070690169800 10 and 07069016980009
Varified by County on the � day of -- . 20
y Rt-+ r
maiyBox to, GRANTEE
phis instrument was prepared by: Jonafta T. Sizemore, Attorftey, Adams. Howe],l., &a ze#uore & Lmfestay5 P.A,
Brief description for flic Index: 3 Lots off E. Stewart Streit. ats, NC
THIS DEED n1ade, this ���` day of Noveinber. 2013 by and between
Curr-Well Developments, LL.C. T & L Coats, LLC
(a Noilk Carolina 11mited liability
company) l65 S4nvneti-ville Park Read
21 Little Farm Circle Paleigh, NC_ 27603
Angier, NC 27501
Enter in appropriate block for each Grantor and Gilantee: line, itiailing address, and, if appropriate, character of entity,
corporation or partnersh�pa
The dos'gnatioa Ciranjor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, mid shaIl include,
singular, phiral, mawu[ine, fcminine or neuter as required by context.
WITNESSETH, that the Gmntc)r, for 9 valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby aAnowledged,
Ims and by these presents does grant, barjga'M, sell and c*nvey unto the Q�ntee in fee simple.,, all diat oertain lot or parcel of tand
situated m' Grove Township, Ha Couay, North Carohina and more pafflcularly described as follows:
The propedy hereinabove desoribed was aoqtiired by Grzator by ivstniinent recordfd in Book � Page 83 7 and Book .19 10, Page
All or a portion oftho property hemin conveyed � includes or X does not include the primary rosidence of Grantor.
A map showing the above described propeily lsr�����ded � Plat soak -, Page _ -
.Bar AS54Ci#IIIOCt FivTfNI NO. 3 0 1976, RCv[SiGd @ 111120 10
Printed by Agrument NYith The NC ear Association .
submitted electronically by " Matthews yaw group P["
in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents
and the terms of the submitter agreement with the Harnett County Register of Deeds .
B3661 - P 814
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appu.trtenances thereto belonging to the
Grantee in fee simple.
And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the rigltit to
convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will
warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, other than the following exceptions:
This conveyance is expressly made subject to the lien created by all the grantors' real 2019 Harnett County ad
valorem taxes on said tract of land which the Grantee(s) agree to assume and pay in full when due.
Subject to all easements, rights-of-way, covenants and other restrictions as shown on the public record or as world be
disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the land.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first above written.
Curr-We11 Develo menu L.L.C. Noah Carolina filmited
liability com�a�nv)
Currie Tee Howell, Member/Manager
State of - County or City of4a
i, the undersigned rotary Public of the County or City of� kvk and State aforesaid, certify that
Curie Tee Howell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is the Member/Manager of Curr-Well
Developments, L.L.C., a North Carolina Ifinited liability company, and that by autiYority duly given and as the act of such entity,
he signed the foregoing instrument in its name on its behalf as its act and deed. Wiftness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal, this
Z'l Gay of_ , N CJ VPY)n r Zoe
My Commission Expires: Ir U,
o#aiy. Public
(Affix Seal) Notary's ante or pe ame
§.�` L1.Y AtV�•,,fr
z �
NC Bar Association Form Na. 3 1976, Revise 4 1/If2010
Printed by Agreement ►vitlt the NC 13ar Association
B3661 - P 815
BEING all that certain tract or parcel of land containi ng 2.612 acres, more or less, situate
at the southeastern corner of the intersection of the southern margin of the right of way of
North Carolina Highway No. 27, . and the eastern margin of the right of way of grange
f Street in the Town of Coats, Grove Township, Harnett County, North Carolina, and being
more specifically described according to A map of survey entitled "Division of Nuna W.
Blackwelder" as prepared by Piedmont Surveying Company of Dunn, North Carolina,
dated April 3, 1976 as follows:
BEGINNING at an iron stake at the corner to the intersection of the southern margin of
the right of way of North Carolina Highway No. Z7 and the eastern margin of the right of
way of Orange Street (Orange Street being a 50 foot right of way), said beginn ing point �s
located North 79 degrees 21 minutes Easy 51 .88 feet from a sake at the southwestern
corner of the a foremen fioned intersection which is the beginning corner of the track
containing 3.04 acres, more or less, this day conveyed by Nuna W. Blackwelder, Widow, to
David Winfield BIackwelder; and runs thence as the southern margin of the right of way of
North Carolina Highway No. 27 North 79 degrees 21 minutes Easy 168.63 feet to an iron
stake, being a corer with the tract this day conveyed by Nuna W. Blackwelder, Widow, to
Johnny Richard Blackwelder and wife, Edna Ryals Blackwelder, said bract confai ning
2.616 acres, more or less; and tuns thence South 13 degrees 16 minutes Easy 467.91 feet to
an iron stake, a corner with the track heretofore mentioned as conveyed to Johnny Richard
Blackwelder and wife, in the line. of Lot Na. 2 conveyed to Barney M. Williams in the
Joseph Y. Williams division as described in deed recorded in Book 566, Page 139, Harnett
County Registry; rugs thence South 73 degrees 40 minutes West 319.05 feet to an iron
stake in the eastern margin of the right of way of grange Street, thence as the eastern
margin of the right of way of orange Street, North 4 degrees 51 minutes East 483.09 feet to
the point- of beginning.
The aforesaid described parcel of land is a portion of Tract No. 2 as shown on the map of
survey for the Division of the lands of John W. Williams Estate as prepared by Herbert L.
Johnson, County Survey or, dated October 22, 1941 ; reference is made to Deed Book 534,
Page 208, Harnett County Registry.
Being all that certain bract or parcel of land containing 3.040 acres, more or less, situate at
the Southwestern corner of the intersection of the Southern margin of the rEghf-of-svay of
North Carolina Highway No. 27 and the Western margin of the right-of-way of grange
Street in the Town of Coats, Grove Township, Harnett County, North Carolina, and more
fully described upon a map of survey entitled "Division of Nuna W. Blackwelder" as
prepared by Piedmont Surveying Company of Dunn, North Carolina, dated April 3, 1976
as follows:0
B3661 - P 816
BEGYNNING at an iron stake at the corner of the intersection of a Southern margin of the
right-of-way of North Carolina Highway No. 27 and the Western margin of the right-of�
way of Urange Street and runs thence as the Western margin of the ri ght-of-way of Orange
Street South 04 degrees 51 minutes West 482.78 feet to an iron sake in the Western margin
of the right-otmway of said street, said iron stake being a corner with Lot Na. 1 of the
Joseph I, Williams division, conveyed to Josie W. Nash as is described by Deed recorded in
Book 566, Page 140 - Harnett County Registry; thence South 79 degrees 40 minutes West
244-61 feet to a corner marked by a drive shaft in the Eastern dine of the fine occupied by
the Terre Hill Manufacturing Company, as described by Deed recorded in Book 577, Page
84, Harnett County Registry; thence North 04 degrees 52 minutes West 461 .21 feet to an
iron stake in the Southern margin of the r1*ght-of-way of North Carolina Highway No. 27,
said corner being located South 44 degrees 52 minutes East 56.99 feet from an axle found
w ithin the right-vf►vay of North Carolina Highway No. 27, marking the original corner of
Tract No. Z of the division of the lands of John W. Williams as surveyed by Herbert L.
Johnson, County Surveyor, and dated October 22, 1941 thence, as the Southern margin of
the rightwof-way of North Carolina Highway No. 27 the following two calls: North 76
degrees 58 minutes East 120.95 feet to a point; thence North 79 degrees 21 Minutes East
206.45 feed to the point of BEGINNING.
The aforesaid described parcel of land is a portion of Tract No. 2 as shown on the map of
survey for the division of the lands of Jahn W. Williams Estate as prepared by Herbert L.
Johnson, County Surveyor, dated October 22, 1941 -v referenceis made to Deed Book 534,
gage 208, Harnett County Registry.
BEING ail that certain tract or parcel of land containing 2.616 acres, more or less, lying
and being on the Southside of N.C. Highway No. 27 in the Town of Coats, Grove Township,
Harnett County, North Carolina, and being shown on a map of survey entitled "Division of
Nuna W. Blackwelder"' as prepared by Piedmont Surveying Company of Dunn, North
Carolina, and dated April 3, 1976, as follows:
BEGINNING at an iron stake i n the Southern margin of the right of way of N.C. Highway
No. 27, said beginni ng point being a corner with a tract this day conveyed by Nuna W.
Blackwelder, widow to Margaret Lucille B. Cooke and husband Curtis Ravon Cooke, said
tract containing 2.612 acres more or less; said beginning point is further described as
located forth 79 degrees 21 minutes East 168.63 feet from the Southeastern corner of the
intersection of the right-of�way of Southern margin of N.C. Highway Na, 27 and the
Eastern margin of orange Street; and runs thence as the Southern margin of the right-of-
way of N.C. Highway Na. 27 North 79 degrees 21 minutes fast 243.46 feet to an iron stake,
being a curer with the lands of Novl*e Morgan (being Lot No. 4 of the John W. Williams
Estate Division) as shown in Deed recorded in Book 273, Page 631 , Harnett County
Registry; thence South 13 degrees 16 minutes East 467.71 feet to an iron pipe, being a
corner wifh the hand of M. Lester Strickland, Jr. and being Lot No. 3 of the Joseph L.
Williams Division as described - in Deed recorded in Book 566, Page 135, Harnett County
B3661 - P 817
Registry, said corner is a point i"n the dine of the lands of Node Morgan; thence South 79
degrees 40 minutes West 243.55 feet to an iron stake, a corner wiffli the lands of Margaret
Luel"fle B. Cooke and husband as mentioned aforesaid ; thence North 13 degrees Tfi minutes
West 467.91 feet to the and place of BEGINNING.
The aforesaid described parcel of land is a porti"on of Tract No. 2 as shown an the map of
survey for the division of the lands of John W. Wj"lliams Estate as prepared by Herbert L.
Johnson, Count
y Surveyor, dated October 22, 1941*
See Deed Book 1712, Page 618.,