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WQ0010892_Monitoring - 10-2021_20211123
FORM:.NDMR 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT pane 1 of 1 Permit No::.WQ0010892 Facility Name: j Smithfield Fresh Meats:Corp: " ' County:. ; Bladen Month: October Year: 2021 ' PPI: -001, Flow Measuring Point: Effluent., Parameter Monitoring Point: Effluenf Parameter.Code _00310 i 31616 -. WQ01 = 00610' a ORC Arrival, Time ORC Time On Site BOD5' Fecal Coliform Reclaime, d Water`i Distribute d Ammonia `s a } 24hr', hrs mglL ; #/100 mL ;•'gallonst" mg/L .N/A I N/A ' 5:5�„ ,;, .. 1.0 . ,1 350 250, ..0.26 , 2 N/A WA 4:3 . "'91Q750f' 0.10 ; a_ 3: N/A-1 N!A .4 N/A •". NX:`- - 4:0 5.2 " . "1 274,880 • : 0.53 5 N/A .. N/A ;3i3E . ', 1.0". 1,429,620 ' 6.18 ... .DEC 6 WA.' .WA 4`4 14.: 1'192;500 0.52: ;% _.. <., 7 : N/A • WA ; 5.3., ,.:. . 2.7- _ 1,1240k . .0:35 . 8. WA .: ;'N/A 6i3 , :>- : 2 9 :1 227;25a . 0.25 s . 9. • WA . WA 35 =' ;1 178,OOQ 0.10 ' R` i�11 1�L1=u'Ii1L iitr:4 y �i[ir F� .:! • i� .10 : WA N/A, 3:1„ ,1 151,620; ; . 0.10 11 N/A N/A 3.9 , a 1.4". 1 080 000! ; - 6.24 - 12 N/A" : '' N/A !, 5:6, '.. . ' 3.6 ' 1 047.130 13 :. N/A - . , . WA 5:4,a ,; ':.. 1.0• . " .. ;1 270;1201 . .1:25 . 14 N/A- N/A 5:7.._,;; '.1.429: 33 r- a 15 WA N/A 5 9 2.0 . 1 289 3801 1.05: ' 16 N/A NIA: :',;,8:6 1116-120, 0:45 17 N/A N/A 4:6 ... :1 093,500l ` • 6.14 18 N/A WA -.5':9 < . 2.5 1 184"000_ .. 0.20..J 1g ..N/A - N/A '6;0° <1:0 1394636 0.66; 20 : "N/A- • . N/A 5:9 : '( 1 4 1 245:620 1.08 �/ 21 N/A N/A _ ". 6:9 ` :' 1.0, '1•,050,256f..:0.99 `•' . '. : . 22 N/A; WA 1.8 . 4 175;Z50; • : 0.55 23 N/A .- WA 4:1, . s %7.,087,750; 0.12 ''• r, 4 i`,? , .. > _ 24 N/A ; ' N/A ' a • '4 6q8,80 Qrt '. 0.10 25 N/A WA 5`.9 ,; 1.4 _- ,1, 104.9i30• 0:55 ; . 26 . 'N/A . N/A 5.5 ,, : : 1:8 . ; ;1,070,220 0.25 27 N/A - . N/A 5.3 -' '3.5 , 1 147 88011 0.31 ' 28 N/A N/A 5:1 3 0 : '_• 1 050,250' 0.10 :., .'. 29 N/A ` N/A 7:3 1 8 .. 1 032 50Q` i . 0:10 .. ". , 30 N/A WA n,• ;3:2 4051',120 j ` 0.10 WA 31 `976 630,: f. ;.0.10,• Average ,`5:0". <2.0,: 11;152;31W 0.41:. - Daily Maximum:.• 5.2. 1429,620 1.33' Daily Minimum 3:1, <1.0 .q10:75C • 0.10 = Sampling Type _66riipo'slte, , Grab =:Reco der; 'Composite Monthly Avg. Limit. .Daily Limit.. Sample Frequency: :See Pennft See Permit Continuous See Perm • , FORM: NDMR 03r12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page, of Sampling Persons) i Certified Laboratories . r. Name: Plant Personnel Name Smithfield' Fresh f eats Corp. . ':Name: Name: . Environmental Chemists, Inc. Does'.all'monitoring data and:sampling frequencies meet the.requirements in-Attachment'A of,..you�:permit?. I]6mplianr E1Nan-cgmpllant If tlie:facility. is non -compliant, please; explain in the space below the reason(s).the facility was.not in compliance., Provide in yourexplan�tion the dates) of the, non-compliance and.deschbe.•the corrective Operator in Responsible Gharge•(ORC) Certification. Permittee Certifidation ORG:' Timothy:L. Weaver 'Perini Smithfield'F.resh Meats'Corp. . Certification No.: 2.1875 SigningOfficial: - . • Donovan. E. Owens . .Grade: NC WW; Grade:4 '. Phone. Number:- .910=862-5248 Signing Official's Title: ; General Manager Has;theORC_changedsince the: previous. NDMR7. "i]Yes No Phone Number: . '910-862-5261-. Pei. it'Expiration:_ .5/21/2023 202-1 _. Signature - Date Signature' -;;':.:_., Date 13y this signature, I.certity.that this report is accurate and. complete to.the best of my.knowledge.. : . i certify; under penalty of law; that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in , accordance with a system designed to assure that, all qualified personnel properly gathered'and'evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who.manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for . %gathering the information, the in,,submitted is; to the best of my,knowledgq and belief, flue; accurate, and complete. I am aware that there.are significant penalties focsubmitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail•Original•and, Two Copies.to: Division;of Water Quality.. Information Process foling Unit !:. 1617 -Mail. Service Center Raleigh, -.North Calroliria-27699-1617