HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05525_Well Construction - GW1_20240913 . .i .„. . " • .:T.. ,. . • , ... . .. . ..,:•• • lirgy. , coNSTRyCnoN RECORD GW4' For Internal Use Only: I . „ 1.Well Contractor PP:it:motion: . . , _ __ , , .. _ . - . , . ,,,,-.. . ,S ..., . _ "„:;;• .4 ... rafil_WATROZORES11:4*Zgi::' ..• .,,,..IL: • .,. , 1;::'• ..:.-'.1."2:::,:. -..,; "-_ - : - FROM_ TO_ ..' 'DESCRIPTION 11 'V ' •ft. , ft, : . _ _ a._.. ________, ..q.40:.. 9 tIVA _5trtfat 5rflf 513 i-- A G PlA C la • -ft. ; , IC 0 NC il Contractor Ceilification Number 1-7 . • d .,_ , 1.4.1'01121tR-HaNN-07(fOnliMeiiienirD13:10NEIVOriritesilifel ;Yadkin Well Cof.rIpany, Inc. ,.',_• , - •FROM, :TO. . DI - _ raamerass _ 'MAT ER I id* • . _ ft. ._ ft. ' In. -•> '' " CompanyName . ., ie gA ' =7".C...,latiRRIGSING:ORiTIRliG4litrirmillaiiiiiageo*,--:;:7--••-___ _-_-•:_'• 2.Well Construction Permit li: CI(CI i&2,-- 22s2.3 .FROM ,TO . DIAMETER• THICKNESS. - BIATntrAL' . . • ...' List all applicable well construction permits(i.e.UM,Cowry State,Variance:eta) -ft. IbMit' /j6'in'. 1 W ea)V ' , R. Itt. •..: 3.Well Use(check well use): ft: . Water Supply We ll: alataitalk--:::-,722 -:;_lnl,s2711:',.7:::,=1...N.:•ir•rs.fiiii.VEtii'iiiitizr-:.......'::•f•ZIT..' - , . FROM _TO. _ ,DIAMETER:..SLOT SISIZE .,.TRICKNESS, MATERIAL - .S. DIAgricultural DM.unicipal/Publid ': ft ft. OGeothennal(Heating,/Cooling Supply) (113feSidenlial Water Supply(single) ' ft. I 'ft; '- - ' - - - - - . •,,., ini'' Olndustrial/Commercial OResidentirdWater Supply(Shared): 'visr.mixtr.-74- :,,...--; -:- '- ----• • = -- - ---- • i•-•-r''...7.-'''.. • ClInigation OWells>100,000 GPD' _ , ,FROM TO' _ _ . DiATERIAL._ EMPLACEMENT meTiksistAMoure. Non-Water Supply Well: . ' 0_ft' ;39,1L &6.841-VeA..9tati V _Ziats5 Cit,.: . ElMonitoring DRecovery _ _ : ft; ; ft. Injection Well: -1. - ft. ft. - • CIA0er Recharge OGroundtrater Reniediation i -- - , O , . illkSANDMIRWV313331XCICSMiailiteim '': ''-'1 C4iiifer Storage and Recovery DSlilinity Battier FROM_ 'TO . . MATERIAL . EMPLACEMENT METHOD - • ,,. OAcinif er Test OStormwatertitaiiiage ,, ft. ft ' 1, I :Experimental Technology OSUbsidende-COntrot '1 ft. .i ft. . .__ _. . .. . q.....,_ ,_-- •'.%,••-• OGeotherinal(Closed Loop) . ElTricer il2013GIOG(ittlie'lilidulraliketiriffiefiiiiiniy)a7125S.,1:1T-7.111,:t::,JF.'--!• gr FROM 'TO DFSCREPTION,Ceder,Idirdeets,sollittek tYpe, ab slze,,ete.)- 1'. OGeothermal(Heating/Ccioling Return) D Other.(explain under#21 Retnerksi. • Date Well Started -7.-ib- ai 1....) ' 0 ft- ! .tO ft. • ril l'-I. (.r .'z 4.Date Well(s)Completed. 747- -1tai ':,weura# ./ 14,13t 4 15,r) ft. ft*Il ‘ $...04:r,c9rphl-K., .., 5a.Well Location: •'''',,,40.' Phone#:33C-$C41. og'S"g .. ,77 r)ft. 'Ift.I t, ic c • -- r „ , : t. 11... gartg t_ ... r: 4 i , aret yeleoi ttle-yeeiV , ft, ' _ft. -k if 14;AirtP 4 T;Yd C.; Canet/ - - - - . ''''':Th ir""9 1 ,t9 9.-.•-•-.... Facility/OwnerName k', Facility lDit(if applicable), , ft: , ft. - 17'',-+- '..,01.... 4‘i ."".i.." I ' i.. : ..1„ 9 / ge."-4-'Tree /dap. Yq;Elit lit v iiie , ft. ft, - --- j _ - - - - SU 1 :.'- 202 -1 - ' ' ' i' Physical Address,City,and zip '' NC: a77055 ft. ft.- - -- • ' -Ka KC A .. . . _ 0.1.1.w.awats, .,,,:_. •,.:,:.,,,,:f.s!.1:::-.i,,,51....,„..sit;i-5,...11-..vp7;;;;:can-,...2y,.4i..1,,z:,..tii,i;c5.;‘,;:-..-. ' - . Pared Iderdification,No.(AN), "-• 1247C.-.4.'7 _CO6 Zttr‘5._Iti 41" 'FA '- 5Raitew2, -T INA, 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutek/seconds or decitial degrees: - -- --- - (if well field,one let/long is sufficient) .,-....1 22.Certification: . 75. . SC o 12.2L1 .- 8.0#: cr4A 3‘1_ Vir e ---27 .-- .N ,.., . A.7./ ------ . . 1 . ' 6.Is(are)the well(s): laPiermanent or OTemporary Signatireo C ' ad Well Contrail& Date' • *signing thisfoi7n;Ihereby ad.*that the wellarwas fwere):eonstrueted in accordance with 7.1s this a repair to an existing well: IllYea Or 1 15A NCAC 02C.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 war Con:frith:1mi Windards and that a copy . gilds is a repair,Jill out known well construction information and eipleigthenatiire afthe of this record haS been provided to the wen:on-men repair under#21 remarks section or on the back of thisAnn: • 23:'Site diagram or additional well:details: .•, You May use;the back Of this page to provide additionW.Well construction info P 8.For GeoprobeJDPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal WellS hiiVing the sante (add'See°Vet'in•Remarks Bet):YOU may also attach additional pages if nec.essary. -\ , constmction,only 1 GW/1 is needed Indicate T)OTAL NUM:MIR of*ells• ----.' - drilled: • . ..._____, / 24:simurrAL INSTRUCTIONS, • 9.Total well deith below land surface: loCaS_ . For multiple wells list all depths if different(example-3g20-0'- :2@.1007. (ft)' Submit this GW-1,Within 30 days of well completion per the foRowingi 24a For AR Wells: Origimil,form-to Division of Water Resoluta, (bWR), 10.Static water level below top of casing: ::. 19,6._ . , ., __ If water level is above casing,use"+" „ 0-4 Ifif-. atiodYrbeetting Unit,1617MSC,Raleigh,NC27699,1611 - . 11.Borehole diameter: ' C. oxLiElit Off: 1 ...•.1-(6.7,.. 24b.For Injection Wells:Copy to,DVM,U3 iidergrolind.Injection Controlcup Prograni,1636 MSC,.Raleigh,Ng 276 99.166 , 12.Well construction method:A-lie taalloray 0 au. - 24e.For Water Supply and Open-Loop Geothermal-Return Wells:Copy to the (i.e.auger,rotary,cable,direct push,etc.) county-cavil-cantle:nal health department of the'county where installed- kA FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: t,- Z i 24d.For Water Wells producing over 100,000 GPD:Copy to DWR,CCPCUA 4 'Permit Prognini,1611 MSC,Raleigh;NC 276994611 13a.Yield(gpm)• t, Method of test: Allti . 7., . : Date Site Visited; 3...-.1k.-.2 Y . 70% hth Amount: li g,,, oZ 13b.Disinfection type: • Site Visited-By: 0 Cria.. - .2 c-• -...„, . - . .,, ..,....., .-; Form GW-1 1 I .'.';•'''''':-.. .North Carolina DemitinentofEme nmental Quality-Division of Water Resources Revised 6-6-2018, * "J Price: 1- - . . • ,,-.,_ . , . 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