HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0003437_Monitoring - 07-2024_20240903Monitoring Report Submittal ..................................................... Permit Number#* WQ0003437 Name of Facility:* Month: * July Queens Court WWTP Report Information Type * NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR Year:* 2024 Upload Document* Queens Court NDMR July 2024.pdf PDF Only 4.13MB Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). Confirmation Email Address: * fortin.contract@yahoo.com Name of Submitter: * Robert C. Howard Signature: tc& ; '0W1W-tae Date of submittal: 9/3/2024 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review Reviewer: Wanda.Gerald Is the project number correct?* WQ0003437 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes No Regional Office* Wilmington Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 9/17/2024 FORM : NDMR 05-16 ICON -DISC H ARG E MON ITORI NG REPORT � NO MR) Page ( or Peff"it No-, W00003437 Far-1 I K I Nam.*, Queens Court VVVVTP Cou nty+; C2rtorot Mcmth: July Yam: 2024 PPI; 1 Flow Mcasurin!g Point: U ErtF1uein • . CIFherit . No flow -LxnerMe(I ��r�meter I��r1���r1r1� int; _J Influent 12] mem Grojim +amr 40"eriikj ,�iar warer Parameter Code p 5DO 5o 00310 � OOD40 50060 31616 00610 006M 00620 00600 im OWO XC365 70300 00580 001550 30615 U680 di 0 LO oa c �' 24•hr hrs GPD mWL mg?L mq?L W100 mL mg1L rnq�L mglL rnWL ISU MWL rnWL rngL rrig1L mgtL 1 14:00 :2,T45 5 7.9 2 15:00 12,1505 3 5 e1 <4.2 0,9 21.7 22,6 71 11 <2.5 21.7 <0.02 3 15:66 13,1-99 5 7 4 11,45 9,7S8 5 7.8 5 12:00 10,065 5 7.9 6 10:0 17 F 10.05 8 09:00 10,510 10 7-9 9 12;00 10,034 2 10 el e,0.2 $,8 24.7 33.5 79 10.1 <2.5 24.7 -40-02 10 14;30 13.956 1 o 7.5 11E 14'00 9,478 10 7.9 12 15:00 12.420 10 7.8 1'3 10;52 10.�51 14 11:53 11,752 1.5 14:00 11,079 5 7.9 16 12:3+0 11.953 13 11 1 <0. 2 4.6 111 15.7 7.8 .5..55 <2. 5 11-1 <0. 02 17 14; 50 14.177 10 7.9 1$ 14: DO 12.318 10 7.8 10 14: 00 11-267 10 7.9 20 09; 45 8; 941 21 10,00 1 F11$ 22 14'. DO 11,968 3 7.8 23 14: 30 11. 7 �2 3 1 -c0.2 t 1.8 4.75 18.6 7,8 2.76 3.4 4.75 <.02 15:00 13.410 5 7.0 25 18-00 9, 9M 10 7.9 26 12:40 12,851) 11 7.B 27 10150 to. 1 15D 28 12.10 6,980 29 09:00 9.506 10 7.7 _ 30 13,57 10.714 24 .0 <1 -40.2 10.3 10.5 20.8 7.8 4.02 3.1 10-55 <0-02 31 1;04 11,985 $ 7,9 Arrerago; 11.358 4.83 67 7 1-GO 0-00 7.28 14-55 21.84 6.71 1 30 14 55 000 Dally Maximum: 14.177 2400 11100 1.00 0.20 11.88 24.70 55.50 7.90 11.00 3.40 24.70 0.02 Daily Minimum: 6,980 2.00 3.00 1 CO 0.20 0.91) 4.75 15.70 7.00 2.76 2.50 _ 4.75 0.02 6amplinq Type; Recorder Gxab Grab ab a-ab Grab Grab Grab Graf} Grab O b Grab Ga& AA-onthkyr UMIt , 000 10 14 4 20 - 6aRV Lien It: 43 - $aTnple FrequEatncy: c,:,iirluous Pee Pe•n-ii 3 Yaer 5 4Nsek See P-prrr d S_-e Parmit Sm R$rmiE See Permit $f Perm 5 X VMak 5 ftrrnit 3 x Y"r 8Re permit r R 1: N-D1rtP 15-1 NON-01 SCCHAR E MON[TOR 1NG REPQRT (NDMR) Rage t Name, NRMP: Kevin Stanley Sampling Person(!s) cor#ified Lah-mfatpries Name: -.Environmental Chemists, finic. #7729 N ame: Does all M Ori ito r ing data a rid sam p I i nq #requen c i es meet the req Iuirements -1 n Attac h Ment A of you r pe rm it? Corrrpliar�t L; plarlt If the Faaldy is non-coryipliani, p4eau explain in the space below the reaam(s) ttra f�i614y wx5 not iri ccwnpfian€e. Provide In your exolanaban Me! dakib(s) of the neon -compliance and describe lh a 00ffeC Ve :R t (S) taken. Attach additional ShWS if necessary. D 3o 49 7 >4C4.";Z_ e�117 C C11POMtR irf Respomible charge �ORC) C-�rtificadorl �Robert C, FE*ward — cartmcmon No.: D13 crado, ti'Vw 1111 1 Phone NrJmb r; 52-39 720 Has the cR�ngcdl si rite EhL% p , NDIVIR? Ye$ u No Signatu re ' Date By this r,rgnw.ure, I r erfttp tha Irfa r rx is a and acwnpie�e Mnowleig - -- -Pernnitt c-erVfoaEion Perry ,rote= l Queens Court VV rF i sig r»ng Off idial: Robert C. Howard Sig n ing cfficiaVs Tittg= . Operator Responsible in C Marge Phone Number 252-393-"80 SIg nafure Permit ExpGration: 1+30)2-024 I Date i CefVV. ender penally (3I I:hr, ON this dougnent gd III nrwrils wem pre"red under " dimoi'x w sgmnisex• b ar4ordan: a wO _3sy*;i0n d+*Qned Io assure LUI 311 quo-rl W porsdonna) property' galhe eu and evalualed the inrorft;jibii submMd. 9ased 00 rnx iinWi V Of the perecm 8r peons who manage the &item. or Ihooe pier-,, is dresomtkin br gatherrq the rnrernudirn. 1ho kfornramn fiub tilled it. to Chir. bcsk of Frry knowledge erg WkF.lruQ, a xuale, and eompInla, I ain awwre dial Ihefe.&e _qgnirwltper►afiaafor sL4miriig f*xk i9cfmaton, iZuding 1hap�=R&Lypf irmg and uMpft&fiment for Fnmving A*Akas. Mail 0riginaI anth. aivis ion of Wateir Resources nforn'ratl-on Processing Unit 16 17 Vail Service Ce nr Raleigh, North Carolina 271P>99-1617 FORM, N4R- NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR.2) Page f P6rrni# NQ-; VVQ0003437 Facility Name- j eens Go u rt WWTP Dora nty, Ca rleret7 M anth; July Year: 2-02.4 Did infiltration occur at 340 Naas; 1 5ito Name' 2 -site Mama: Site Namo; this facility? Area (acros): 0 0:35 Area lacres); O.M Area Area �aures); YES n - - Rate (GPDAI'); 7 89 Rate (GPDIWl : 7 ag Rato IGPa ); Ram (GPDV). Weather Feeeboa rd Site Ilifll#ml&d YF$ No Site InflatFdtad "ES NO Sitia 1YIflilltra �d? *'E5 ❑ ri0 site 11Ikr L YP Q NO 0 r'.i rr El 'C �F Gp Ta G QF �l C C C m Z O }, L f4rqj �} ID t U. LL WL +� ; m m °F fn if# F1 gal rein DpD-Rz ft GPDJfe fl: 931 min GRDlf� ft 9.01 min gall (nln ft 1 6,372 4.18 6,372 4.18 6,302 4.13 6.302 4.13 42 4L80 3.21 4,899 3-21 - 5 5,032 3.30 5.032 3.30 6 6,663 437 +4.37 71. 6.490 426 6,490 4.26 - - - 8 5,205 3.41 5,203 3.41 9 5.017 329 5,017 3, 2U 10 43.976 4513 6,978 4.58 11 4,739 3.11 4,730 3.11 12 1 6,210 4.07 6.210 4.07 13 5,180 3.40 :5.180 3.40 14 3,881 a. 66 501 3.86 16 559 3.63 5,639 3.63 16 5,976 a.92 5.976 Z-92 17 7rO88 4.65 7,068 4-65 18 6,159 4.04 6.1 4.04 19 5, 83s 3.69 5,633 3.69 20 4.470 2.93 4,47X) 2.93 21 5.059 .32 8,0 d 3.32 22 5. P9 3.92 6,979 3.92 s 23 5,768 3.78 :5.768 3, 78 24 B, 705 440 6.706 4.40 26 54 3.25 4.964 3.25 26 6,425 4-21 6.425 4.21 27 ,{}60 3.33 5 080 3M 28 3.490 2.29 4!�a 2.29 29 _ _ �7 3'.12 4.763 � 3.12 w _ 5,351 3.31 5.357 $:51 - .. - a1 5.994 3,93 5.994 3.93 - Monthly Loadin Gp 3.72 Year to date LoadingGPUM2 : 1-85_00 t85,00 FORM. JgDAR-;7 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION RERORT (NDAR-2) Did the appf cation -rates exceed the Him its in Attachment B of your permit? If not a basin, were the sites kept free of vegetation and raked? If not a basin, were there any lnatances of effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? It a ba in, were them any instances of br akout from the berms? page r Compliant _.. L:5q-G]FMplla.,j1 .je<npliarrt .' 1,1on-pllartt Rlon-I�pliBnk Was the onsite automatically activated standbypower source tested and operational 1?f iam Nw-car AwA rf the fadliky i5 non compliant, PlMe explain in the Spa :c below the reasonis) the facility was riot in cerrlpllonw. PrDvida in your' eVl@ natio n the dates) of the non�amplrance ar-d describe the corrective atrlian{s} taken. A�acAi addition@l sheets if rer 5ary. Operator in F#-E�s ible Charge (0RC) Certftation ORC: :Robert C. Howard i Certii!r.ation No,: SS6013 Grade: j VFW III Phone Number: i ,A Has tho OR Dr1ged since the w u� N�,�Fi 7..!-27 Signature 2 93-8720 C1 y� rf ND By hl������ur _- 1 -w-tlr rhaCi ie; art Iasau,rr C�4hebe I*-M b&a alf my Perm iltee C-ertification Perrrrdtt' Queens Court IAVJTF Signi rig Official' Robert C Howard Signing Officlal's Title; Operator Rey ns1bie in Charge Phone Kum l r; '252-ag:3.672 Permit ETp,: ;'4130f2D24 Date Signatu re I Date • � `- wnrfyr, under penaf y of Ww, Mal INS dreLLjpbrn , M 4111; IIMC-hMeMs v.FeN P, f!P 11-1 wider my drealim of ° yr i5im :p arr.�n� wfth a systa m Ceftgr*d kP WU" that ai qu: M04 personnel property 931herE i ,� fli+ail ed ih$ i9r8rfrt i�xi > .ad. Ba&ed ors my kw-Irp Of the per-, [r persoe S whO ffl*MN4 Me "em, or Wpme pertum dir4tfy re5p nslble fir gsftxHng the Inkanatn, the Wwmet;a-n elbMKW i5, W ire beM of my kr�iedpe arrd befief. VuB. 2=M1c,-and wmVete_ I am AwWv Oat Ihcre are sgnt<ma pwsibml for submildrS fake n�ti4n, iligMing Lhe PM&IbbLy N 5534$ and imprWrxrren♦ fir i7lm irV VrdabWS. Mail OdgI al and Two CopPe� 150: Derision of Water Resources Information Pmr-essing IJnit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Ca roI i era 27699-1617