HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171292 Ver 1_RES_RES Yadkin 01 UMBI_SAW-2017-01465_CompassPoint_MY4 Monitoring Report_20240910_20240912 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Corporate Headquarters 6575 West Loop South, Suite 300 Bellaire, TX 77401 Main: 713.520.5400 res.us September 3, 2024 Mr. Steve Kichefski U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Division 151 Patton Ave. Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 RE: Compass Point Year 4 Monitoring Report (SAW-2017-01465 | RES Yadkin 01 Umbrella Mitigation Bank) Mr. Kichefski, Please find attached the Compass Point MY4 Monitoring Report. In Year 4, vegetation and cross section monitoring was not required. MY3 results have been included in the report in lieu of new data. Four bankfull events were recorded on the stage recorder on DW1-B. Bankfull events have now been recorded in four separate monitoring years. The flow gauge on DW1-A recorded consecutive flow for 228 days in 2024. Visual assessment of the boundary found no areas of encroachment. Maintenance activities performed this year included planting livestakes in two areas of bank erosion on DW1-C, structure repair on cross section 1, bank repair at both cross section 9 and cross section 11, and a supplemental planting of 3-gallon container trees in two locations, one along DW1-B and the other along DW2-A. Comments from the MY3 Monitoring Report are addressed below and in the report. 1. Why is supplemental planting from low stem density in MY2 (submitted 8/31/22) occurring this winter as opposed to last? Better vegetative performance would be expected if issues are addressed quickly and replanting efforts occur as soon as possible after being identified. RES agrees that replanting efforts should occur as soon as possible after problems are identified. In this case, the project was undergoing a handoff internally during the time that the replanting should have been requested, and this task fell through the cracks. The delay and the fact that the project is in MY4 are the reasons why 3-gallon container species were used as opposed to smaller trees. 2. Thank you for including photos of the problem areas related to low stem density and stream bank erosion. Will any grading be associated with the stream bank locations? Approximately 20 linear feet of minor grading happened at both the repair at cross section 9 and the repair at cross section 11. Additional riffle material, brush toe material, coir matting, and seeding were used to facilitate stability and both areas showed stability during the most recent project walkthrough in August. Photos of the completed construction activities have been included in Appendix B. 3. The bankfull entrenchment ratio for cross section 14 has dipped slightly below the >2.2 threshold due to some aggradation. In the text vegetation growth is described as a potential cause. Will vegetation management be performed in this area? 2 Vegetation management has not been planned for the area at this time. MY2 and M3 were drier years which kept streams from being flushed out as well as necessary to push sediment and prohibit vegetation from establishing. RES is waiting to see cross section data from MY5 to determine if cross section 14 has stabilized itself within suitable thresholds or if the area needs some maintenance actions. 4. The request letter mentions there are two low stem density areas that will be supplementally planted, but the report (page 7) only mentions one. If there is a second, please indicate the area on Figure 2 and include it in the VPA photo documentation. Apologies. The second area has been added to Figure 2 and is included in the VPA photo documentation in Appendix B. 5. Please note that some vegetation plots are dominated by a single species (BP8, R2). Per the 2016 Guidance, and as indicated on page 4 of the report, any single species can only account for up to 50 percent of the required stems within any vegetation plot, and any stems in excess of 50 percent should not be used to demonstrate success. Noted. This will be taken into consideration next year during vegetation monitoring, and additional species will be planted if this issue remains. For VP8 next year’s data will tell us if any sycamores have died within the plot, and if any trees were missed during MY3 monitoring as the herbaceous vegetation was quite high within the plot. If we determine additional trees are needed, we will investigate the area around the plot to determine which species are doing well in the area, as it is quite shaded by nearby mature trees. The same protocol will be taken for any additional areas that show a dominance of one species. 6. Please continue to closely monitor cross section 12 and 14 to determine if remedial action will be needed. Noted that 2 areas of bank erosion on DW1-C will be repaired. We appreciate the inclusion of the photos for the VPAs and SPAs in the report. Please include photos of the repairs in next year’s report. RES will determine if cross sections 12 and 14 need any remedial actions after data collection in MY5. Photos of this year’s repairs have been included in the report in Appendix B. 7. The MY3 report noted that geomorphology data for MY3 was collected during May 2023. The MY2 data was collected in June and the MY1 data was collected in July. Each year geomorphology data collection has moved earlier and is too early in the monitoring year to adequately reflect MY3 progression. Please ensure MY4 collection is done later in the monitoring year and strive for consistency over the length of the entire monitoring period. Noted. MY5 cross section monitoring will occur no earlier than May 2025, and RES will make sure future monitoring events also occur at least a year after prior events. RES is requesting a 5% stream credit release (207.750 SMUs) for the completion of the MY4 report and a 10% stream credit release (415.500 SMUs) for fulfilling the stream bankfull requirement. Please see the enclosed credit release timeline and an updated credit ledger. Thank you, Katie Obenauf | Ecologist Project Name: Sponsor Name: USACE Action ID: NCDWQ Action ID: Non‐Forested  Wetland Credits Warm  Water Cool Water Cold  Water Riparian  Riverine Riparian Non‐Riverine Non‐Riparian Coastal 4,161 4,155 Scheduled  Releases Warm  Water Base SMUs WQ SMUs Scheduled  Releases Riparian  Riverine Riparian Non‐Riverine Non‐Riparian Scheduled  Releases Coastal 1 (Bank/Site Establishment)1, 2 15%624.200 15% 15% 12/31/2019 12/23/2019 2 (Year 0/As‐Built)3 15%622.300 15% 15% 10/30/2020 11/30/2020 3 (Year 1 Monitoring)10%415.500 10% 10% 12/1/2021 12/17/2021 4 (Year 2 Monitoring)10%415.500 10% 15% 12/1/2022 12/22/2022 5 (Year 3 Monitoring)10%415.500 15% 20% 12/1/2023 10/31/2023 6 (Year 4 Monitoring)5%207.750 5% 10% 10/25/2024 7 (Year 5 Monitoring)10%415.500 15% 15% 8 (Year 6 Monitoring)5%207.750 5% NA NA 9 (Year 7 Monitoring)10%415.500 10% NA NA Stream Bankfull Standard4 10%415.500 NA NA NA NA NA NA 10/25/20244 Total Credits Release to Date 60% 2493.00 Date Yadkin 03040101 2020 9/10/2024 County: 8‐Digit HUC: Year Project Instituted: Date Prepared: Actual Release  Date Potential Credits from As‐Built Survey Stream Credits Credit Classification Non‐Forested Wetland  CreditsForested Wetland CreditsStream Credits Current and Future Credit Releases Credit Release Milestone Wilmington District Mitigation Bank Credit Release Schedule 4 ‐ A 10% reserve of credits to be held back until the bankfull event performance standard has been met. 1 ‐ The first credit release milestone is based on the potential credits stated in the approved mitigation plan. 2 ‐ The first credit release shall occur upon establishment of the mitigation bank, which includes the following criteria:       1) Execution of the MBI or UMBI by the Sponsor and the USACE;       2) Approval of the final Mitigation Plan;       3) Mitigation bank site must be secured;       4) Delivery of the financial assurances described in the Mitigation Plan;       5) Recordation of the long‐term protection mechanism and title opinion acceptable to the USACE;       6) 404 permit verification for construction of the site, if required. 3 ‐ The second credit release is based on the credit totals from the as‐built survey, and may differ slightly from the credit totals stated in the mitigation plan. Contingencies (if any):  At As‐Built Credit Release :The site was built to design plans and guidelines barring a few deviations, including an easement change and stream structure changes. The easement change was a result of an easement area decrease (0.04 acres) at the top of DW1‐A. The easement was offset 30 feet from the parcel line, however, during the original survey an incorrect parcel line was used. Signature of Wilmington District Official Approving Credit Release Compass Point Stream Mitigation Project EBX SAW‐2017‐01465 20171292v1 Potential Credits from Mitigation Plan Forested Wetland Credits Total Potential Credits  Projected  Release Date Transaction Credits Released Credits Debited Current Credits Number To Bank From Bank Credit Balance Reserved Purchaser Project Permit Number Date HUC 1 624.200 12/23/19 2 622.300 11/30/20 3 415.500 12/17/21 4 426.000 North Carolina Department of Transportation B-5833, Bridge No. 29 SAW-2022-02123 12/6/22 03040101 5 415.500 12/22/22 6 674.000 NCDOT, Division 9 U-5824_NC66 widen SAW-2016-02028 8/8/23 03040101 7 415.500 10/31/23 8 152.000 North Carolina Department of Transportation Bridge No. 436, SR 1843, East Prong Roaring River, WBS 17BP.11.R.155 SAW-2023-01505 11/6/23 03040101 Total 2493.000 1252.000 1241.000 0.000 RES YADKIN 01 UMBRELLA MITIGATION BANKING INSTRUMENT COMPASS POINT STREAM CREDIT LEDGER (HUC 03040101) Monday, August 5, 2024 Credits Released: Task 1 Credits Released: Task 3 Credits Released: Task 2 Credits Released: Task 4 Credits Released: Task 5 COMPASS POINT MITIGATION SITE YADKIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA RES YADKIN 01 UMBRELLA MITIGATION BANK SAW-2017-01465 DWR ID: 2017-1292 V.1 YEAR 4 MONITORING REPORT Provided by: Bank Sponsor: Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC An entity of Resource Environmental Solutions 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 919-209-1056 September 2024 Compass Point 1 Year 4 Monitoring Report Mitigation Site September 2024 Table of Contents 1.0 Project Summary ................................................................................................................................. 2 1.1 Project Location and Description ......................................................................................... 2 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives ................................................................................................. 2 1.3 Project Success Criteria ......................................................................................................... 3 Stream Success Criteria ................................................................................................................ 4 Vegetation Success Criteria ......................................................................................................... 4 1.4 Project Components ............................................................................................................... 4 1.5 Stream Design/Approach ...................................................................................................... 5 1.6 Construction and As-Built Conditions ................................................................................. 7 1.7 Monitoring Performance (MY4) ........................................................................................... 7 Vegetation ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Stream Geomorphology ............................................................................................................... 8 Stream Hydrology ......................................................................................................................... 8 Wetland Hydrology ....................................................................................................................... 9 2.0 Methods ................................................................................................................................................ 9 3.0 References .......................................................................................................................................... 11 Appendix A: Background Tables Table 1: Project Mitigation Components Table 2: Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3: Project Contacts Table Table 4: Project Background Information Table Figure 1: Site Location Map Appendix B: Visual Assessment Data Figure 2: Current Conditions Plan View 2023 Vegetation Plot Photos 2024 Monitoring Device Photos 2024 Crossing Photos 2024 Stream Repairs and Supplemental Planting Areas Appendix C: MY3 Vegetation Plot Data Table 5: Planted Species Summary Table 6: Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table 7. Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot Species Appendix D: MY3 Stream Measurement and Geomorphology Data Overlay Cross-Section Plots Table 8. Baseline Stream Data Summary Table 9. Cross Section Morphology Data Table Appendix E: MY4 Hydrology Data Table 10. 2024 Rainfall Summary Table 11. Documentation of Geomorphically Significant Flow Events Stream Flow Hydrographs Table 12. Max Hydroperiod Table 13. Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Results Groundwater Hydrographs Compass Point 2 Year 4 Monitoring Report Mitigation Site September 2024 1.0 Project Summary 1.1 Project Location and Description The Compass Point Mitigation Site (“the Project”) is located in Yadkin County, approximately 4.5 miles northeast of Boonville. Water quality stressors that affected the Project included livestock production, agricultural production, and lack of riparian buffer. The Project presents 5,289 linear feet (LF) of stream restoration and enhancement generating 4,155 Cool Stream Mitigation Units (SMU) along three unnamed tributaries that drain directly to the Yadkin River. The Project is located in the Yadkin River Basin within Cataloging Unit 03040101, Target Local Watershed 030401011001, and NCDWR sub-basin 03-07-02. The current State classification for the Yadkin River at this location is Class C (NCDWR 2011). The Project’s total easement area is approximately 16.46 acres within the overall drainage area of 271 acres and consisted of cattle pastures and wooded areas. Grazing livestock historically had access to most stream reaches within the Project. The lack of riparian buffer vegetation, deep- rooted vegetation, and unstable channel characteristics had contributed to the degradation of stream banks throughout the Project area. The stream design approach for the Project combined the analog method of natural channel design with analytical methods to evaluate stream flows and hydraulic performance of the channel and floodplain. The analog method involved the use of a reference reach, or “template” stream, adjacent to, nearby, or previously in the same location as the design reach. The template parameters of the analog reach were replicated to create the features of the design reach. The analog approach is useful when watershed and boundary conditions are similar between the design and analog reaches (Skidmore et al., 2001). Hydraulic geometry was developed using analytical methods to identify the design discharge. The Project will be monitored on a regular basis throughout the seven-year post-construction monitoring period, or until performance standards are met. Upon approval for closeout by the Interagency Review Team (IRT), the site will be transferred to Unique Places to Save (UP2S). This party shall serve as conservation easement holder and long-term steward for the property and will conduct periodic inspection of the site to ensure that restrictions required in the conservation easement are upheld. Endowment funds required to uphold easement and deed restrictions will be finalized prior to site transfer to the responsible party. 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives Through the comprehensive analysis of the Project’s maximum functional uplift using the Stream Functions Pyramid Framework, specific, attainable goals and objectives will be realized by the Project. These goals clearly address the degraded water quality and nutrient input from farming that were identified as major watershed stressors in the 2009 Upper Yadkin Pee-Dee River RBRP. Compass Point 3 Year 4 Monitoring Report Mitigation Site September 2024 The Project goals are: • Improve water transport from watershed to the channel in a non-erosive manner in a stable channel; • Improve flood flow attenuation on site and downstream by allowing for overbank flows and connection to the active floodplain; • Improve instream habitat; • Restore and enhance native floodplain vegetation; and • Indirectly support the goals of the 2009 Upper Yadkin Pee-Dee RBRP to improve water quality and to reduce sediment and nutrient loads. The Project objectives to address the goals are: • Designed and reconstructed stream channels sized to convey bankfull flows that will maintain a stable dimension, profile, and planform based on modeling, watershed conditions, and reference reach conditions; • Added in-stream structures and bank stabilization measures to protect restored and enhanced streams; • Installed habitat features such as brush toes, constructed riffles, woody materials, and pools of varying depths to restored and enhanced streams; • Reduced bank height ratios and increased entrenchment ratios to reference reach conditions; • Increased forested riparian buffers to at least 50 feet on both sides of the channel along the Project reaches with a hardwood riparian plant community; • Treated exotic invasive species; and • Established a permanent conservation easement on the Project that excludes livestock from stream channels and their associated buffers. Limitations to achieving these watershed goals arise by remaining constrained to the project boundaries. While we are restoring the habitat and streams to stable and effective conditions that achieve our goals within the Project parcels, we are unable to influence the effect of all riparian buffers and livestock impact in other areas within the watershed. However, with responsible restoration and stewardship of the majority of reaches within this small watershed, overall watershed functionality and health will improve to meet the RBRP goals. 1.3 Project Success Criteria The Project follows the USACE 2003 Stream Mitigation Guidelines, and the “Wilmington District Stream and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update” dated October 24, 2016. Cross section and vegetation plot data will be collected in Years 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7. Hydrology data and visual monitoring will be reported annually. Compass Point 4 Year 4 Monitoring Report Mitigation Site September 2024 Stream Success Criteria Four bankfull flow events must be documented within the seven-year monitoring period. The bankfull events must occur in separate years. Otherwise, the stream monitoring will continue until four bankfull events have been documented in separate years. There should be little change in as-built cross sections. If changes do take place, they should be evaluated to determine if they represent a movement toward a less stable condition (for example down-cutting or erosion) or are minor changes that represent an increase in stability (for example settling, vegetative changes, deposition along the banks, or decrease in width/depth ratio). Cross sections shall be classified using the Rosgen stream classification method, and all monitored cross sections should fall within the quantitative parameters defined for channels of the design stream type. Bank height ratio shall not exceed 1.2, and the entrenchment ratio shall be no less than 1.4 within restored reaches. The entrenchment ratio shall be no less than 2.2 for all measured riffle cross-sections on a given reach. Channel stability should be demonstrated through a minimum of four bankfull events documented in the seven-year monitoring period. Digital images are used to subjectively evaluate channel aggradation or degradation, bank erosion, success of riparian vegetation, and effectiveness of erosion control measures. Longitudinal images should not indicate the absence of developing bars within the channel or an excessive increase in channel depth. Lateral images should not indicate excessive erosion or continuing degradation of the banks over time. A series of images over time should indicate successional maturation of riparian vegetation. Vegetation Success Criteria Specific and measurable success criteria for plant density within the riparian buffers on the Project follow IRT Guidance. Vegetation monitoring plots are a minimum of 0.02 acres in size and cover a minimum of two percent of the planted area. The interim measures of vegetative success for the Project are the survival of at least 320 planted three-year old trees per acre at the end of Year 3, at least 260 planted five-year old trees at seven feet in height at the end of Year 5, and the final vegetative success criteria is at least 210 trees per acre with an average height of ten feet at the end of Year 7. Volunteer trees are counted, identified to species, and included in the yearly monitoring reports, but did not count towards the success criteria of total planted stems. Moreover, any single species can only account for up to 50 percent of the required number of stems within any vegetation plot. Any stems in excess of 50 percent are shown in the monitoring table but were not used to demonstrate success. 1.4 Project Components The Project area is comprised of a single easement location along three unnamed tributaries to the Yadkin River, totaling 5,289 linear feet. There are eight stream reaches, DW1-A, DW1-B, DW1- C, DW1-D, DW1-E, DW2-A, DW2-B, and DW3, divided by treatment type. The Project is accessible Compass Point 5 Year 4 Monitoring Report Mitigation Site September 2024 from Pulliam Road. The stream mitigation components are summarized below. The one minor change from the Mitigation Plan credits was a result of an easement area decrease (0.04 acres) at the top of DW1-A. The easement was offset 30 feet from the parcel line, however, during the original survey an incorrect parcel line was used. This error was corrected in the recorded easement but was never updated in the design files. Therefore, the length of DW1-A is now 15 linear feet (6 SMU) shorter in As-Built than what was shown in the Mitigation Plan, causing a reduction in total credits from 4,161 SMUs to 4,155 SMUs. More details about project stream lengths and credits are provided in Appendix A. Compass Point Mitigation Credits Cool Stream Riparian Wetland Non-Riparian Wetland Totals 4,155 NA NA 1.5 Stream Design/Approach Stream restoration efforts along the tributaries of the Project were accomplished through analyses of geomorphic conditions and watershed characteristics. The design approach applied a combination of analytical and reference reach-based design methods that meet objectives commensurate with both ecological and geomorphic improvements. Treatment activities ranged from minor bank grading and planting to re-establishing stable planform and hydraulic geometry. For full restoration reaches, natural design concepts were applied and verified through rigorous engineering analyses and modeling. The objective of this approach was to design a geomorphically stable channel that provides habitat improvements and ties into the existing landscape. Specifically, treatments included Priority I and II stream restoration, Enhancement II, and Enhancement III. The Project has been broken into the following reaches: Reach DW1-A - This reach begins on the southwest end of the Project, flows northeast to a confluence with DW1-B and DW2-B, and totals 247 linear feet of Enhancement II. Open pasture was located adjacent to the reach. Enhancement activities included improving habitat through livestock exclusion fencing and riparian planting. The livestock exclusion fencing removed livestock access to the riparian areas and provides wildlife corridors throughout the Project area. A flow gauge was installed midway on the reach to monitor hydrology. Reach DW1-B - This reach begins on the southern end of the Project from DW1-A and DW2-B, flows north to DW1-C, and totals 1,948 linear feet of Priority I/II restoration. Managed pasture was located adjacent to the reach on the upstream end. The downstream end was surrounded by intermittently grazed pasture and disturbed secondary growth in an area with previous timber harvest. Restoration activities included constructing a new channel within the natural valley with appropriate dimensions and pattern and backfilling the abandoned channel. In-stream structures such as log sills, brush toes, and log vanes were installed for stability and to improve habitat. Habitat was further improved through buffer plantings and livestock exclusion. Buffer activities Compass Point 6 Year 4 Monitoring Report Mitigation Site September 2024 improve riparian areas that filter runoff from adjacent pastures, thereby reducing nutrient and sediment loads to the channel. Reach DW1-C – This reach begins on the north end of the Project from DW1-B, and flows northeast to a culvert crossing and DW1-D. This reach totals 566 linear feet of Priority I/II restoration, beginning immediately downstream of a bedrock drop structure at the bottom of DW1-B. Sections of the existing road were decommissioned in the easement and planted. Restoration activities included constructing a new channel within the natural valley with appropriate dimensions and pattern, cutting a floodplain bench and backfilling the abandoned channel. In-stream structures such as log sills, brush toes, and log vanes were installed for stability and to improve habitat. Habitat was further improved through buffer plantings and livestock exclusion. Livestock exclusion fencing removed livestock access to the riparian areas and provides wildlife corridors throughout the Project area. Reach DW1-D - This reach begins at the downstream end of DW1-C and culvert crossing in the northern end of the Project, and flows northeast to DW1-E. The reach totals 758 linear feet of Priority I/II restoration. Restoration activities included constructing a floodplain bench to aid in connectivity to the existing floodplain and constructing a new channel with appropriate dimensions and pattern. When possible, bed material was harvested and reused to create stable bed features. In-stream structures such as log sills, brush toes, and log vanes were installed for stability and to improve habitat. Habitat was further improved through buffer plantings and livestock exclusion. Buffer activities improve riparian areas that filter runoff from adjacent pastures, thereby reducing nutrient and sediment loads to the channel. Reach DW1-E - This reach begins on the north end of the Project, from DW1-D and flows north until it drains to the Yadkin River. This reach totals 432 linear feet of Enhancement III. Managed cropland was located adjacent to the reach. Enhancement activities included improving habitat through livestock exclusion fencing. Reach DW2-A - This reach begins on the southeast end of the Project, and flows west to DW2-B. This reach totals 760 linear feet of Enhancement II. Sparse woodland and managed pasture was located adjacent to the reach. Enhancement activities included targeted bank stabilization, riparian buffer planting, and installation of livestock exclusion fencing. An existing ford crossing was removed. Buffer activities improve riparian areas that filter runoff from adjacent pastures, thereby reducing nutrient and sediment loads to the channel. Reach DW2-B - This reach begins at the downstream end of DW2-A, and flows north to the confluence with DW1-A to become DW1-B. This reach totals 485 linear feet of Priority I Restoration. Actively managed pasture was present on both sides of the reach. Restoration activities included constructing a new channel within the natural valley with appropriate dimensions pattern and backfilling the abandoned channel. Native bed material was harvested when possible. In-stream structures such as log sills, brush toes, and log vanes were installed for stability and to improve habitat. Habitat was further improved through buffer plantings and livestock exclusion. A crossing was installed along this reach. Buffer activities improve riparian Compass Point 7 Year 4 Monitoring Report Mitigation Site September 2024 areas that filter runoff from adjacent pastures, thereby reducing nutrient and sediment loads to the channel. Reach DW3 - This reach begins on the south end of the Project at the adjacent powerline easement, and flows north to DW2-A. This reach totals 93 linear feet of Enhancement II. Disturbed woodland and intermittently grazed pasture was located adjacent to the reach. A maintained powerline easement is located adjacent to the reach. Enhancement activities included improving habitat through livestock exclusion fencing, and riparian buffer planting. 1.6 Construction and As-Built Conditions Stream construction, planting, and fencing was completed in June 2020. The Project was closely built to design plans and guidelines. One minor adjustment was made to the easement, causing a total decrease of 0.04 acres. The easement was offset 30 feet from the parcel line, however, during the original survey an incorrect parcel line was used. This change to the easement was already corrected in the original recorded easement but was not updated in the original mitigation plan. Therefore, the length of DW1-A is now 15 linear feet (6 SMUs) shorter in As-Built than what was shown in the Mitigation Plan, causing a reduction in total credits from 4,161 SMUs to 4,155 SMUs. A few other minor changes were made to structures during construction which are detailed in the redline version of the as-built survey in the As-Built Report (submitted August 2020). Project credits are based on design centerline, but as-built stream lengths are also shown on Table 1. Also, there were a few changes to the planting plan due to bareroot availability. Planting plan changes are shown in Table 5. 1.7 Monitoring Performance (MY4) Vegetation Vegetation data was not collected in MY4 per the approved mitigation plan. It will be collected again in MY5 and MY7. Data collected in MY3 is included in Appendix C for reference. Monitoring of the eight permanent vegetation plots and three random plots was completed during August 2023. Vegetation data is in Appendix C, associated photos are in Appendix B, and plot locations are in Appendix B. MY3 monitoring data indicates that 11 out of 11 plots are exceeding the interim success criteria of 320 planted stems per acre. Planted stem densities ranged from 324 to 1,052 planted stems per acre with a mean of 640 across all plots. A total of 19 species were documented within the plots. Volunteer species were noted in three of the plots. The average stem height across all vegetation plots was 3.8 feet. Current visual assessments of vegetation outside of the monitoring plots indicate that the herbaceous vegetation is becoming well established throughout the project. Two areas of low stem density along DW2-A (Figure 2) were planted in January with 3-gallon containers. Species planted included 11 red mulberry (Morus rubra), 11 blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica), and 13 persimmon (Diospyros virginiana). No invasive problem areas are reported in MY4. Compass Point 8 Year 4 Monitoring Report Mitigation Site September 2024 Stream Geomorphology Geomorphology data was not collected in MY4 per the approved mitigation plan. It will be collected again in MY5 and MY7. Data collected in MY3 is included in Appendix D for reference. Geomorphology data for MY3 was collected during May 2023. Summary tables and cross section plots are in Appendix D. Conditions have shown some change from As-built, cross section data from MY3 is similar to that of MY1 and MY2. Changes in the first few years after restoration activities are to be expected and MY3 data shows the stream is stabilizing as expected. The channel is stable and transporting sediment as designed. Three small areas were repaired on the stream in May. The piping occurring at cross section 2 was repaired, the bare bank at cross section 9 was matted and seeded, and the area of bank erosion noted near cross sections 11 and 12 was repaired with brushtoe and additional riffle material, then matted and seeded. Two additional areas along the stream (Figure 2) were planted with livestakes to protect the bank. Photos of construction and planted areas can be seen in Appendix B. The area just below the bedrock outcrop that was flagged for repair in MY3 was not repaired. Examination by our construction crew in May determined that doing any kind of repair to the area had a high risk of causing additional problems down the line. The hill adjacent to the area blocked most construction access, and several trees that are currently holding in the bank would have to be removed. Removing the trees or cutting into the hill for material/access would increase instability in the area. With the additional consideration that there has not been a significant increase in erosion in this area since construction, it is RES’s opinion that the high-risk repair is no longer warranted. This area will continue to be monitored, and if circumstances change then a repair will be reevaluated. Future monitoring events will continue to watch for aggradation and degradation. As requested in the As-Built Credit Release Letter, RES has included a photo of the culverted crossing on DW1- A in Appendix B. In MY4, there was water and substrate in all three of the culverts. RES will continue to include photos of this crossing. Stream Hydrology In June 2020, one stage recorder was installed on restoration reach DW1-B to document bankfull events and a flow gauge was installed on reach DW1-A to track the frequency and duration of stream flow events. Bankfull success criteria has been met with fourteen bankfull events recorded over the past five years with four in 2024. At least two bankfull events have been recorded each year since construction. The site is on track to meet its other hydrologic performance standards as evidenced by the DW1-A flow gauge recording consecutive flow for 228 days in 2024. Stream hydrology data has been included in Appendix E. The stage recorder and flow gauge locations can be found on Figure 2 and photos are in Appendix B. Compass Point 9 Year 4 Monitoring Report Mitigation Site September 2024 Wetland Hydrology Three groundwater wells were installed in June 2020. The goal of the groundwater wells is to track the hydrology in the jurisdictional wetlands on site post-construction. There is no hydroperiod success criteria for these groundwater wells. GW1 had 75 percent hydroperiod, while GW2 had four percent hydroperiod. GW3 was damaged in May during stream construction but was not notated by the construction crew and our ecology team did not become aware of the damage until the August collection. GW3 does show wetland hydrology before the damage occurred for 23 percent of the growing season. It is likely that GW3 maintained hydrology from the time it was damaged until it was replaced in August. Data for MY4 year is incomplete as the last collection event occurred on August 22, 2024, but all data collected since MY3 report submittal has been included in Appendix E. Relevant tables have been updated with the remaining 2023 data. It is expected that GW1 and GW3 will have a higher hydroperiod by the end of the MY4 growing season as both wells last year showed a hydroperiod for 100% of the growing season. GW2 is maintaining a similar hydroperiod from previous years monitoring. This and previous year’s data suggest that the wetland where GW2 is located is heavily influenced by precipitation, which has been on the low to normal range since project construction. This along with the well’s position on a slope are the likely causes of the well’s poor hydroperiod results. Photos show Juncus effusus surrounding the well, as well as standing water nearby during winter monitoring. It is RES’s opinion that while hydroperiod displayed by GW2 is not consistently at least 5%, the wetland it is representing is present and has remained unaffected by project construction. Wetland hydrology data has been included in Appendix E for GW1, GW2 and GW3. Groundwater well locations can be found on Figure 2. 2.0 Methods Stream geomorphology monitoring was conducted using a Topcon GTS-312 Total Station. Three- dimensional coordinates associated with cross-section data were collected in the field (NAD83 State Plane feet FIPS 3200). Morphological data were collected at 14 cross-sections. Survey data were imported into CAD, ArcGIS®, and Microsoft Excel® for data processing and analysis. Stream hydrology is monitored using stage recorders and flow gauges, which utilize automatic pressure transducers, and were installed within the channels. The stage recorders record frequency, duration, and stage of bankfull events and are programmed to record readings at an hourly interval. A surveyed elevation was recorded at the bed and top of bank at the stage recorder elevation, allowing for accurate bankfull events to be recorded. Flow gauges record frequency, duration, and stage of flow events and are programmed to read at an hourly interval. The height of the adjacent downstream riffle (from the gauge) is used to detect flow. Vegetation success is being monitored at eight permanent monitoring plots and three random plots for a total of 11 plots. Locations of random plots will vary from year to year and will be shown in Figure 2, and species and height will be recorded for all woody stems. Vegetation plot Compass Point 10 Year 4 Monitoring Report Mitigation Site September 2024 monitoring follows the CVS-EEP Level 2 Protocol for Recording Vegetation, version 4.2 (Lee et al. 2008) and includes analysis of species composition and density of planted species. Data are processed using the CVS data entry tool. In the field, the four corners of each plot were permanently marked with PVC at the origin and metal conduit at the other corners. Photos of each plot are taken from the origin each monitoring year. Wetland hydrology is monitored to document maintenance of jurisdictional groundwater levels in the stream restoration area (as requested by IRT). This is accomplished with three automatic pressure transducer gauges (located in groundwater wells) that record daily groundwater levels. One automatic pressure transducer is installed above ground for use as a barometric reference. Gauges are downloaded quarterly and wetland hydroperiods are calculated during the growing season. Gauge installation followed current regulatory guidance. Visual observations of primary and secondary wetland hydrology indicators are also recorded during quarterly site visits. Compass Point 11 Year 4 Monitoring Report Mitigation Site September 2024 3.0 References Harman, W., R. Starr, M. Carter, K. Tweedy, M. Clemmons, K. Suggs, C. Miller. 2012. A Function- Based Framework for Stream Assessment and Restoration Projects. US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds, Washington, DC EPA 843-K-12-006. Lee Michael T., Peet Robert K., Roberts Steven D., and Wentworth Thomas R. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Level. Version 4.2 Peet, R.K., Wentworth, T.S., and White, P.S. (1998), A flexible, multipurpose method for recording vegetation composition and structure. Castanea 63:262-274 Resource Environmental Solutions. 2019. Compass Point Mitigation Site - Final Mitigation Plan. Rosgen, D. 1996. Applied River Morphology, 2nd edition, Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, CO. US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). 2003. April 2003 NC Stream Mitigation Guidelines. USACE. 2016. Wilmington District Stream and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update. Skidmore, 2001. Appendix A Background Tables Table 1.  Compass Point ‐ Mitigation Assets and Components Existing Mitigation Footage Plan Mitigation As-Built As-Built or Footage or Mitigation Restoration Priority Mitigation Plan Footage or Credits Project Segment Acreage Acreage Category Level Level Ratio (X:1) Credits Acreage Comments DW1-A 315 262 Cool E II N/A 2.5000 105 247 99 Riparian planting, livestock exclusion, Permanent Conservation Easement, 15 LF lost at as-built due to easement change DW1-B 48 110 Cool R 1 & 2 1.0000 110 110 110 Full Channel Restoration, Planted Buffer, Exclusion of Livestock, Permanent Conservation Easement DW1-B 1,907 1,838 Cool R 1 & 2 1.0000 1838 1838 1838 Full Channel Restoration, Planted Buffer, Exclusion of Livestock, Permanent Conservation Easement DW1-C 604 566 Cool R 1 & 2 1.2000 472 566 472 Full Channel Restoration, Planted Buffer, Exclusion of Livestock, Permanent Conservation Easement; Blended ratio due to existing condition DW1-D 262 259 Cool R 1 & 2 1.0000 259 259 259 Full Channel Restoration, Planted Buffer, Exclusion of Livestock, Permanent Conservation Easement DW1-D 415 499 Cool R 1 & 2 1.0000 499 499 499 Full Channel Restoration, Planted Buffer, Exclusion of Livestock, Permanent Conservation Easement DW1-E 432 432 Cool E III N/A 7.5000 58 432 58 Riparian planting, livestock exclusion, Permanent Conservation Easement DW2-A 760 760 Cool E II N/A 2.5000 304 760 304 Riparian planting, livestock exclusion, Permanent Conservation Easement DW2-B 514 485 Cool R 1 1.0000 485 485 485 Full Channel Restoration, Planted Buffer, Exclusion of Livestock, Permanent Conservation Easement DW3 93 93 Cool E II N/A 3.0000 31 93 31 Riparian planting, livestock exclusion, Permanent Conservation Easement Project Credits Non-Rip Coastal Warm Cool Cold Riverine Non-Riv Wetland Marsh Restoration 3663 Re-establishment Rehabilitation Enhancement Enhancement I Enhancement II 434 Enhancement III 58 Creation Preservation Total 4155 Restoration Level Stream Riparian Wetland Elapsed Time Since grading complete:4 years 3 months Elapsed Time Since planting complete:4 years 3 months Number of reporting Years1:4 Data Collection Completion or Activity or Deliverable Complete Delivery Mitigation Plan NA Jun-19 Final Design – Construction Plans NA Apr-20 Stream Construction NA Jun-20 Site Planting NA Jun-20 As-built (Year 0 Monitoring – baseline) Jun-20 Aug-20 Supplemental Planting NA Jan-21 Invasive Species Treatment NA Mar-21 Year 1 Monitoring XS: Jul-21 VP: Sep-21 Sep-21 Supplemental Planting NA Mar-22 Year 2 Monitoring XS: Jun-22 VP: Aug-22 Aug-22 Invasive Species Treatment NA May-23 Year 3 Monitoring XS: Jun-23 VP: Aug-23 Aug-23 Supplemental Planting (Bareroot & Livestake) NA Jan-24 Stream Repairs NA May-24 Year 4 Monitoring XS: NA VP: NA Sep-24 Year 5 Monitoring Year 6 Monitoring Year 7 Monitoring 1 = The number of reports or data points produced excluding the baseline Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Compass Point Mitigation Site Designer RES / 3600 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 100, Raleigh, North Carolina 27612. Primary project design POC Dan Sweet & Frasier Mullen Construction Contractor Carolina Environmental Contracting Inc/PO Box 1905, Mount Airy, NC 27030 Construction contractor POC James Poe Survey Contractor Ascension Land Surveying PC / 116 Williams Rd., Mocksville, NC 27028 Survey contractor POC Chris Cole Planting Contractor H&J Forestry Planting contractor POC Matt Hitch Monitoring Performers RES / 3600 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 100, Raleigh, North Carolina 27612. Stream Monitoring POC Katie Obenauf Vegetation Monitoring POC Katie Obenauf Table 3. Project Contacts Table Compass Point Mitigation Site USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 03040101 Supporting Docs? SAW-2016- 02357 DWR # 18-0063 Mit Plan Mit Plan N/A Mit Plan N/A Yes Yes Essential Fisheries Habitat No N/A Historic Preservation Act Yes Yes Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA or CAMA) No N/A FEMA Floodplain Compliance Yes N/A Stream Classification (proposed) Perennial, Intermittent, Ephemeral NCDWR Water Quality Classification Regulatory Considerations Endangered Species Act Yes Yes Evolutionary trend (Simon) (existing) FEMA classification Parameters Applicable? Resolved? Water of the United States - Section 404 Yes Yes Water of the United States - Section 401 Project Drainage Area (Acres and Square Miles)271 ac (0.42 mi2) Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area 1% Stream Classification (existing) CGIA Land Use Classification Valley confinement (Confined, moderately confined, unconfined) Drainage area (Acres) Reach Summary Information Parameters Length of reach (linear feet) (designed) Physiographic Province Northern Inner Piedmont Table 4. Project Background Information Project Name Compass Point County Yadkin Project Area (acres) 16.46 Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude) Latitude: 36.269624 N Longitude: -80.638420 W Planted Acreage (Acres of Woody Stems Planted) 12.92 Project Watershed Summary Information River Basin Yadkin USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 03040101160010 DWR Sub-basin 03-07-02 DW1-A DW1-B DW1-C DW1-D DW1-E DW2-A DW2-B DW3 262 1,948 566 758 432 968 277 93 96 237 256 269 271 83 90 28 PPPPPPPP C4b F4/G4c C4b B4c E6 C4b G4c C4b C4b C4 C4/C4b B4c E6 C4b C4b C4b © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA 0 2,0001,000 Feet Figure 1 - Site Location Map Compass Point Mitigation Project Yadkin County, North Carolina Legend Conservation Easement Service Area - 03040101 TLW - 03040101090050 ©Date: 9/4/2024 Drawn by: KTO Checked by: JRM Do c u m e n t P a t h : R : \ R e s g i s \ P r o j e c t s \ N C \ 1 0 0 1 4 9 _ C o m p a s s _ P o i n t \ P R O \ C o m p a s s P o i n t C C P V . a p r x Restoring a resilient earth for a modern world © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA Compass Point Project 1 inch = 2,000 feet Appendix B Visual Assessment Data . > ?? ? R 11 13 3 1 4 12 7 6 9 1 0 2 8 5 14 3 2 11 2 3 4 5 7 8 6 © 2024 Microsoft Corporation © 2024 Maxar ©CNES (2024) Distribution Airbus DS © Figure 2- MY4 CCPV 2023 Compass Point Mitigation Project Yadkin County, North Carolina Date: 8/29/2024 Drawn by: KTO Do c u m e n t P a t h : R : \ R e s g i s \ P r o j e c t s \ N C \ 1 0 0 1 4 9 _ C o m p a s s _ P o i n t \ P R O \ C o m p a s s P o i n t C C P V . a p r x Restoring a resilient earth for a modern world 0 250125 Feet Legend Conservation Easement MY4 Stream Repairs MY4 Supplemental Planting Monitoring Devices R Ambient .Flow Gauge >Stage Recorder ?Wetland Gauge MY3 Fixed Vegetation Plot >320 stems/acre MY3 Random Vegetation Plot >320 Stems/acre Cross Section Mitigation Approach Restoration Restoration (1.2:1) Enhancement II Enhancement II (3:1) Enhancement III Reach Lines TOB Existing Wetland Checked by: JRM1 inch = 250 feet DW2-A DW3 DW2-B DW1-A DW1-B DW1-C DW1-D DW1-E VPA-1: Supplemental planting completed 1/10/2024 ~ 0.09 acres 20 container trees SPA-3: Bank repair completed 5/22/2024 VPA-3: Livestakes planted 1/10/2024 VPA-2: Supplemental planting completed 1/10/2024 ~ 0.15 acres 15 container trees SPA-1: Log sill repair completed 5/22/2024 SPA-2: Bank repair completed 5/22/2024 VPA-4: Livestakes planted 1/10/2024 Last Year’s Data Compass Point MY3 Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos (8/9/2023) Vegetation Plot 1 Vegetation Plot 2 Vegetation Plot 3 Vegetation Plot 4 Vegetation Plot 5 Vegetation Plot 6 Vegetation Plot 7 Vegetation Plot 8 Last Year’s Data Compass Point MY3 Random Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos (8/9/2023) Random Vegetation Plot 1 Random Vegetation Plot 2 Random Vegetation Plot 3 Compass Point MY4 Monitoring Device Photos Stage Recorder DW1-B (7/24/2024) Flow Gauge DW1-A (8/22/2024) Groundwater Well 1 (7/24/2024) Groundwater Well 2 (8/22/2024) Note Juncus effuses is dominant in herbaceous layer Groundwater Well 3 (8/22/2024) Compass Point MY4 Crossing Photos DW1-B Downstream (3/15/2024) DW1-B Upstream (3/15/2024) DW1-C (8/22/2024) VPA-4: Livestake planting downstream of Cross-Section 12 Black willow and silky dogwood planted Addressed Vegetation Problem Areas - January 9, 2024 Compass Point PhotoIssue Addressed / Location VPA-2: Low Stem Density Area / Near DW1-B, Vegetation Plot 3 15 trees planted. Mix of red mulberry, blackgum, and persimmon VPA-3: Livestake planting downstream of Cross-Section 10 Black willow and silky dogwood planted VPA-1: Low Stem Density Area Along DW2-A 20 trees planted. Mix of red mulberry, blackgum, and persimmon SPA-1: Repaired pipping occuring on the log sill structure at Cross Section 2. SPA-3: Bank Repair at Cross Section 11 Minor grading, installation of brushtoe material and riffle material for stability. Photo is before matting, seeding, and livestaking occurred. Repaired Stream Problem Areas - May 22, 2024 PhotoIssue Addressed / Location / Size Compass Point SPA-2: Bank Repair at Cross Section 9 Minor grading. Photo is before livestakes were planted. Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data MY3 Data   Appendix C. Vegetation Assessment Data   Table 5. Planted Species Summary Table 6. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary   Common Name Scientific Name Mitigation Plan % As-Built % Total Stems Planted Willow Oak Quercus phellos 15 14 2,200 Water Oak Quercus nigra 15 13 2,200 River Birch Betula nigra 15 13 2,000 Sycamore Platanus occidnetalis 15 13 2,000 Northern Red Oak Quercus rubra 10 13 2,000 Persimmon Diospyros virginiana 5 9 1,400 Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica 10 5 800 Yellow Poplar Liriodendron tulipifera 10 5 800 Crab Apple Malus angustifolia 0 3 500 Black Walnut Juglans nigra 0 2 400 Silky Dogwood Cornus amomum 0 2 350 Sugarberry Celtis laevigata 0 2 300 Elderberry Sambucus canadensis 0 2 300 Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis 0 2 300 American Plum Prunus americana 0 2 300 Blackgum Nyssa sylvatica 50 0 15,850 12.92 1,227 Total Planted Area As-built Planted Stems/Acre Plot # Planted  Stems/Acre Volunteer  Stems/Acre Total  Stems/Acre Success  Criteria   Met? Average  Planted  Stem Height  (ft) 1 324 40 364 Yes 1.9 2 809 40 850 Yes 3.1 3 364 0 364 Yes 2.5 4 728 40 769 Yes 4.3 5 971 40 1012 Yes 3.9 6 647 121 769 Yes 3.0 7 688 0 688 Yes 3.1 8 526 81 607 Yes 9.2 R1 445 0 445 Yes 4.9 R2 1052 0 1052 Yes 2.7 R3 468 0 468 Yes 4.2 Project Avg 640 46 673 Yes 3.8   Appendix C. Vegetation Assessment Data   Table 7. Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot Species EEP Project Code 201701465.  Project Name: Compass Point PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree Alnus incana gray alder Tree Alnus serrulata hazel  alder Shrub 3111 Betula nigra river birch Tree 999888555444111666444555 Celtis laevigata sugarberry Tree 111 111 Cercis canadensis eastern redbud Tree 2 2 2 Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 1 1 1 3 3 3 Cornus florida flowering dogwood Tree 111 Diospyros virginiana common persimmonTree 1 1 1 Juglans nigra black walnut Tree 2 Juniperous virginiana Eastern Red Cedar Tree 111 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree Malus  angustifolia southern crabapple Tree Morus  rubra red mulberry Tree 777444 111 Platanus occidentalis American sycamoreTree 1101011 223889222111101010111111222 Prunus americana American plum Tree 111666 Prunus laurocerasus Cherry laurel Shrub 111 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 111333 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 111222111666666111111111111171717 Quercus rubra northern red oakTree 555111222111 444111 111 Salix nigra black willow Tree 333444 889202021999181819242425161619171717131315111111262626121212 334444555444555667777445666666666 324 324 364 809 809 850 364 364 364 728 728 769 971 971 1012 647 647 769 688 688 688 526 526 607 445 445 2 1052 1052 1052 486 486 486 PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree 1 Alnus incana gray alder Tree 5 Alnus serrulata hazel  alder Shrub 1 1 4 Betula nigra river birch Tree 424242494950272727353535 Celtis laevigata sugarberry Tree 222111111111 Cercis canadensis eastern redbudTree 222111222444 Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 444555444444 Cornus florida flowering dogwood Tree 1 1 1 8 8 8 Diospyros virginiana common persimmonTree 1 1 1 7 7 7 Juglans nigra black walnut Tree 2 3 3 3 Juniperous virginiana Eastern Red Cedar Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 1 1 1 Malus  angustifolia southern crabapple Tree 1 1 1 Morus  rubra red mulberry Tree 121212121212151515202020 Platanus occidentalis American sycamoreTree 373741434348222224181818 Prunus americana American plumTree 777666777777 Prunus laurocerasus Cherry laurel Shrub 1 1 1 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 444444555555 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 373737303031252525464646 Quercus rubra northern red oakTree 151515171717191919656565 Salix nigra black willow Tree 7 7 7 2 174 174 183 177 177 185 127 127 136 219 219 219 18 18 19 12 12 13 10 10 12 14 14 14 640 640 673 651 651 681 467 467 500 806 806 806 size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Stem count Current Plot Data (MY3 2023) 201701465‐01‐R1 201701465‐01‐R2 201701465‐01‐R3 11 201701465‐01‐0008201701465‐01‐0002 201701465‐01‐0007201701465‐01‐0003 201701465‐01‐0004 201701465‐01‐0005 201701465‐01‐0006 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 11 0.27 1 0.02 11 0.27 11 0.27 1 0.02 1 0.02 11 0.27 1 0.02 0.02 1 0.02 Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Compass Point Annual Means MY3 (2023) MY2 (2022) MY1 (2021) MY0 (2020) Species count Stems per ACRE 1 0.02 1 0.02 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 201701465‐01‐0001 Appendix D Stream Measurement and Geomorphology Data MY3 Data 1 - Uses the as-built cross sectional area as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation 2 - Uses the current years low top of bank as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation Upstream Downstream 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Compass Point -Reach DW2-B - Cross Section 1 -Pool - Restoration MY0 2020 MY1 2021 MY2 2022 MY3 2023 Approx. Bankfull Low Bank Elevation 3X Vertical Exaggeration MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-XSA1 874.04 874.2 874.2 874.3 Bankfull Width (ft)1 10.9 11.1 24.1 11.0 Floodprone Width (ft)1 - - - - Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.3 Low Bank Elevation (ft)874.04 874.0 874.0 874.2 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)2 12.0 10.5 9.3 11.6 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio1 - - - - Bankfull Bank Height Ratio1 - - - - Cross Section 1 (Pool) 1 - Uses the as-built cross sectional area as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation 2 - Uses the current years low top of bank as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation Upstream Downstream 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Compass Point -Reach DW2-B - Cross Section 2 -Riffle - Restoration MY0 2020 MY1 2021 MY2 2022 MY3 2023 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Low Bank Elevation 3X Vertical Exaggeration MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-XSA1 873.63 873.7 873.8 873.7 Bankfull Width (ft)1 9.6 10.6 11.2 10.5 Floodprone Width (ft)1 50 >49.9 >49.9 >49.9 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.3 Low Bank Elevation (ft) 873.63 873.7 873.7 873.7 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)2 7.2 7.1 6.3 6.9 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio1 >5.2 >4.7 >4.5 >4.8 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio1 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 Cross Section 2 (Riffle) 1 - Uses the as-built cross sectional area as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation 2 - Uses the current years low top of bank as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation Upstream Downstream 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Compass Point -Reach DW1-B - Cross Section 3 -Pool - Restoration MY0 2020 MY1 2021 MY2 2022 MY3 2023 Approx. Bankfull Low Bank Elevation 3X Vertical Exaggeration MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-XSA1 868.42 868.5 868.5 868.4 Bankfull Width (ft)1 11.6 11.9 13.0 13.2 Floodprone Width (ft)1 - - - - Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2 1.9 2.2 2.2 2.4 Low Bank Elevation (ft) 868.42 868.5 868.5 868.3 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)2 12.8 12.2 12.5 11.7 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio1 - - - - Bankfull Bank Height Ratio1 - - - - Cross Section 3 (Pool) 1 - Uses the as-built cross sectional area as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation 2 - Uses the current years low top of bank as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation Upstream Downstream 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Compass Point -Reach DW1-B - Cross Section 4 -Riffle - Restoration MY0 2020 MY1 2021 MY2 2022 MY3 2023 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Low Bank Elevation 3X Vertical Exaggeration MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-XSA1 868.29 868.4 868.3 868.2 Bankfull Width (ft)1 12.9 13.9 13.6 18.1 Floodprone Width (ft)1 49.8 >50 >49.8 >50 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 Low Bank Elevation (ft) 868.29 868.3 868.3 868.1 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)2 11.1 10.3 10.8 10.1 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio1 >3.8 >3.6 >3.7 >2.8 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Cross Section 4 (Riffle) 1 - Uses the as-built cross sectional area as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation 2 - Uses the current years low top of bank as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation Upstream Downstream 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Compass Point -Reach DW1-B - Cross Section 5 -Riffle - Restoration MY0 2020 MY1 2021 MY2 2022 MY3 2023 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Low Bank Elevation 3X Vertical Exaggeration MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-XSA1 860.30 860.3 860.3 860.4 Bankfull Width (ft)1 13.0 18.2 13.3 14.3 Floodprone Width (ft)1 50 >50 >50.0 >50.0 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2 1.7 1.3 1.7 1.9 Low Bank Elevation (ft) 860.30 860.1 860.4 860.5 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)2 13.1 9.6 13.5 14.1 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio1 >3.8 >2.7 >3.8 >3.5 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio1 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 Cross Section 5 (Riffle) 1 - Uses the as-built cross sectional area as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation 2 - Uses the current years low top of bank as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation Upstream Downstream 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Compass Point -Reach DW1-B - Cross Section 6 -Pool - Restoration MY0 2020 MY1 2021 MY2 2022 MY3 2023 Approx. Bankfull Low Bank Elevation 3X Vertical Exaggeration MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-XSA1 859.88 859.9 860.0 859.6 Bankfull Width (ft)1 13.2 13.1 13.3 11.3 Floodprone Width (ft)1 - - - - Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.9 Low Bank Elevation (ft) 859.88 859.9 859.9 859.9 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)2 19.8 20.3 18.7 22.6 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio1 - - - - Bankfull Bank Height Ratio1 - - - - Cross Section 6 (Pool) 1 - Uses the as-built cross sectional area as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation 2 - Uses the current years low top of bank as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation Upstream Downstream 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Compass Point -Reach DW1-B - Cross Section 7 -Pool - Restoration MY0 2020 MY1 2021 MY2 2022 MY3 2023 Approx. Bankfull Low Bank Elevation 3X Vertical Exaggeration MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-XSA1 849.11 849.1 849.2 849.2 Bankfull Width (ft)1 15.2 16.6 16.9 15.3 Floodprone Width (ft)1 - - - - Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2 2.3 2.5 2.5 2.7 Low Bank Elevation (ft) 849.11 849.3 849.3 849.2 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)2 17.4 21.1 19.5 17.7 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio1 - - - - Bankfull Bank Height Ratio1 - - - - Cross Section 7 (Pool) 1 - Uses the as-built cross sectional area as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation 2 - Uses the current years low top of bank as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation Upstream Downstream 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Compass Point -Reach DW1-B - Cross Section 8 -Riffle - Restoration MY0 2020 MY1 2021 MY2 2022 MY3 2023 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Low Bank Elevation 3X Vertical Exaggeration MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-XSA1 848.97 849.0 849.0 849.2 Bankfull Width (ft)1 11.6 11.6 11.9 20.1 Floodprone Width (ft)1 50 >50 >50 >50 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.6 Low Bank Elevation (ft) 848.97 849.1 849.0 849.2 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)2 10.5 11.6 10.5 9.6 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio1 >4.3 >4.3 >4.2 >2.5 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio1 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 Cross Section 8 (Riffle) 1 - Uses the as-built cross sectional area as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation 2 - Uses the current years low top of bank as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation Upstream Downstream 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Compass Point -Reach DW1-B - Cross Section 9 -Pool - Restoration MY0 2020 MY1 2021 MY2 2022 MY3 2023 Approx. Bankfull Low Bank Elevation 3X Vertical Exaggeration MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-XSA1 842.19 842.1 842.2 842.2 Bankfull Width (ft)1 12.4 10.6 10.8 9.9 Floodprone Width (ft)1 - - - - Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2 2.2 2.5 2.5 2.5 Low Bank Elevation (ft) 842.19 842.4 842.3 842.4 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)2 14.4 16.8 15.8 16.7 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio1 - - - - Bankfull Bank Height Ratio1 - - - - Cross Section 9 (Pool) 1 - Uses the as-built cross sectional area as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation 2 - Uses the current years low top of bank as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation Upstream Downstream 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Compass Point -Reach DW1-B - Cross Section 10 -Riffle - Restoration MY0 2020 MY1 2021 MY2 2022 MY3 2023 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Low Bank Elevation 3X Vertical Exaggeration MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-XSA1 842.10 842.2 842.2 842.3 Bankfull Width (ft)1 12.2 13.3 16.0 13.7 Floodprone Width (ft)1 >49.9 >50.1 >50.1 >50 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 Low Bank Elevation (ft) 842.10 842.2 842.1 842.2 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)2 12.6 12.0 11.2 10.3 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio1 4.1 >3.8 >3.1 >3.7 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio1 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 Cross Section 10 (Riffle) 1 - Uses the as-built cross sectional area as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation 2 - Uses the current years low top of bank as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation Upstream Downstream 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Compass Point -Reach DW1-C - Cross Section 11 -Pool - Restoration MY0 2020 MY1 2021 MY2 2022 MY3 2023 Approx. Bankfull Low Bank Elevation 3X Vertical Exaggeration MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-XSA1 823.88 824.0 824.0 824.2 Bankfull Width (ft)1 14.7 15.7 19.5 22.1 Floodprone Width (ft)1 - - - - Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.0 Low Bank Elevation (ft)823.88 823.9 823.9 824.0 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2 )2 19.7 18.0 18.2 16.8 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 1 - - - - Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1 - - - - Cross Section 11 (Pool) 1 - Uses the as-built cross sectional area as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation 2 - Uses the current years low top of bank as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation Upstream Downstream 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Compass Point -Reach DW1-C - Cross Section 12 -Riffle - Restoration MY0 2020 MY1 2021 MY2 2022 MY3 2023 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Low Bank Elevation 3X Vertical Exaggeration MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-XSA1 823.07 822.9 823.0 823.0 Bankfull Width (ft)1 13.8 12.7 13.2 12.8 Floodprone Width (ft)1 51.3 >51.4 >51.3 >51.3 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2 1.2 1.6 1.7 1.8 Low Bank Elevation (ft) 823.07 823.1 823.1 823.1 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2 )2 10.3 12.4 11.8 13.3 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 1 >3.7 >4.0 >3.9 >4.0 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.0 Cross Section 12 (Riffle) 1 - Uses the as-built cross sectional area as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation 2 - Uses the current years low top of bank as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation Upstream Downstream 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Compass Point -Reach DW1-D - Cross Section 13 -Pool - Restoration MY0 2020 MY1 2021 MY2 2022 MY3 2023 Approx. Bankfull Low Bank Elevation 3X Vertical Exaggeration MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-XSA1 811.60 811.5 811.5 811.7 Bankfull Width (ft)1 13.6 13.0 12.9 18.7 Floodprone Width (ft)1 - - - - Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2 1.9 2.4 2.5 2.5 Low Bank Elevation (ft) 811.60 811.7 811.7 811.7 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2 )2 17.1 21.0 19.2 16.7 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 1 - - - - Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1 - - - - Cross Section 13 (Pool) 1 - Uses the as-built cross sectional area as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation 2 - Uses the current years low top of bank as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation Upstream Downstream 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Compass Point -Reach DW1-D - Cross Section 14 -Riffle - Restoration MY0 2020 MY1 2021 MY2 2022 MY3 2023 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Low Bank Elevation 3X Vertical Exaggeration MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-XSA1 811.03 811.2 811.1 811.2 Bankfull Width (ft)1 15.4 17.0 16.9 20.2 Floodprone Width (ft)1 41.8 >42.8 >43.3 >43.2 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.1 Low Bank Elevation (ft) 811.03 811.2 811.2 811.1 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2 )2 12.7 13.5 13.9 11.5 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 1 >2.7 >2.5 >2.6 >2.1 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.9 Cross Section 14 (Riffle) Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-XSA1 874.0 874.2 874.2 874.3 873.6 873.7 873.8 873.7 868.4 868.5 868.5 868.4 868.3 868.4 868.3 868.2 860.3 860.3 860.3 860.4 Bankfull Width (ft)1 10.9 11.1 24.1 11.0 9.6 10.6 11.2 10.5 11.6 11.9 13.0 13.2 12.9 13.9 13.6 18.1 13.0 18.2 13.3 14.3 Floodprone Width (ft)1 - - - - - - - 50.0 >49.9 >49.9 >49.9 - - - - - - - 49.8 >50 >49.8 >50 50 >50 >50.0 >50.0 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.3 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.3 1.9 2.2 2.2 2.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.7 1.3 1.7 1.9 Low Bank Elevation (ft) 874.04 874.0 874.0 874.2 873.6 873.7 873.7 873.7 868.4 868.5 868.5 868.3 868.3 868.3 868.3 868.1 860.3 860.1 860.4 860.5 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)2 12.0 10.5 9.3 11.6 7.2 7.1 6.3 6.9 12.8 12.2 12.5 11.7 11.1 10.3 10.8 10.1 13.1 9.6 13.5 14.1 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio1 - - - - - - - >5.2 >4.7 >4.5 >4.8 - - - - - - - >3.8 >3.6 >3.7 >2.8 >3.8 >2.7 >3.8 >3.5 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1 - - - - - - - 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 - - - - - - - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-XSA1 859.9 859.9 860.0 859.6 849.1 849.1 849.2 849.2 849.0 849.0 849.0 849.2 842.2 842.1 842.2 842.2 842.1 842.2 842.2 842.3 Bankfull Width (ft)1 13.2 13.1 13.3 11.3 15.2 16.6 16.9 15.3 11.6 11.6 11.9 20.1 12.4 10.6 10.8 9.9 12.2 13.3 16.0 13.7 Floodprone Width (ft)1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 >50 >50 >50 - - - - - - - >49.9 >50.1 >50.1 >50 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.9 2.3 2.5 2.5 2.7 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.6 2.2 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 Low Bank Elevation (ft) 859.9 859.9 859.9 859.9 849.1 849.3 849.3 849.2 849.0 849.1 849.0 849.2 842.2 842.4 842.3 842.4 842.10 842.2 842.1 842.2 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)2 19.8 20.3 18.7 22.6 17.4 21.1 19.5 17.7 10.5 11.6 10.5 9.6 14.4 16.8 15.8 16.7 12.6 12.0 11.2 10.3 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >4.3 >4.3 >4.2 >2.5 - - - - - - - 4.1 >3.8 >3.1 >3.7 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 - - - - - - - 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on AB-XSA1 823.9 824.0 824.0 824.2 823.1 822.9 823.0 823.0 811.6 811.5 811.5 811.7 811.0 811.2 811.1 811.2 Bankfull Width (ft)1 14.7 15.7 19.5 22.1 13.8 12.7 13.2 12.8 13.6 13.0 12.9 18.7 15.4 17.0 16.9 20.2 Floodprone Width (ft)1 - - - - - - - 51.3 >51.4 >51.3 >51.3 - - - - - - - 41.8 >42.8 >43.3 >43.2 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.0 1.2 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.4 2.5 2.5 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.1 Low Bank Elevation (ft) 823.88 823.9 823.9 824.0 823.1 823.1 823.1 823.1 811.60 811.7 811.7 811.7 811.0 811.2 811.2 811.1 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)2 19.7 18.0 18.2 16.8 10.3 12.4 11.8 13.3 17.1 21.0 19.2 16.7 12.7 13.5 13.9 11.5 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio1 - - - - - - - >3.7 >4.0 >3.9 >4.0 - - - - - - - >2.7 >2.5 >2.6 >2.1 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1 - - - - - - - 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.0 - - - - - - - 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.9 1 - Uses the as-built cross sectional area as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation 2 - Uses the current years low top of bank as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation Cross Section 14 (Riffle) Cross Section 9 (Pool) Cross Section 10 (Riffle) Cross Section 11 (Pool) Cross Section 12 (Riffle) Cross Section 6 (Pool) Cross Section 7 (Pool) Cross Section 8 (Riffle) Cross Section 13 (Pool) Appendix D. Table 9 - Monitoring Data - Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters – Cross Sections) Project Name: Compass Point Cross Section 1 (Pool) Cross Section 2 (Riffle) Cross Section 3 (Pool) Cross Section 4 (Riffle) Cross Section 5 (Riffle) Appendix E Hydrology Data Table 10. 2023-2024 Rainfall Summary 30 Percent 70 Percent September 4.00 2.33 4.86 1.52 October 3.69 2.11 4.45 1.04 November 3.13 2.35 3.65 1.82 December 3.54 2.29 4.26 5.86 January 3.89 2.80 4.59 7.30 February 3.49 2.41 4.16 1.90 March 4.66 3.21 5.55 4.55 April 3.56 2.22 4.31 1.86 May 4.31 2.90 5.16 4.85 June 3.93 2.26 4.78 0.71 July 4.10 2.93 4.85 4.29 August 3.33 2.36 3.95 7.31 September 4.00 2.33 4.86 - October 3.69 2.11 4.45 - November 3.13 2.35 3.65 - December 3.54 2.29 4.26 - Total Annual ** 45.64 41.65 49.09 43.00*** Above Normal Limits Below Normal Limits Month Average Normal Limits Project Location Precipitation* WETS Station: Yadkinville 6 E, 10.56 miles from the site *Project Location Precipitation is a location-weighted average of surrounding gauged data retrieved by the USACE Antecedent Precipitation Tool. Gauges used include Elkin, King, and Yadkinville 6 E **Total Annual represents the average total precipitation, annually, as calculated by the 30-year period. August precipitation totals are incomplete. Data is from 8/1/2024 thorugh 8/20/2024 ***Total Annual precipitation based on 12-month period from Sept. 2023 through Aug. 2024 Table 11. Documentation of Geomorphically Significant Flow Events Table 12. Table 13. Year Bankfull Events Maximum Height Over Bankfull (ft) MY0 2020 20.15 MY1 2021 20.05 MY2 2022 21.16 MY3 2023 40.68 MY4 2024 41.23 Year Flow Events Maximum Consecutive Flow Days MY0 2020 1 196 MY1 2021 1 266 MY2 2022 1 365 MY3 2023 1 365 MY4 2024 1 228 Estimated Date of Highest Event 11/12/2020 4/28/2023 1/9/2024 Flow Gauge DW1-A Stage Recorder DW1-B 7/9/2022 7/2/2021 Cummlative Flow Days 6/19/2020 - 12/31/2020 1/1/2021 - 9/23/2021 1/1/2022 - 12/31/2022 1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023 1/1/2024 - 8/22/2024 Days Hydroperiod (%) Days Hydroperiod (%) GW1 156 75 156 75 1 GW2 8 4 42 20 12 GW3 47 23 47 23 1 2024 Max Hydroperiod (Growing Season 5-April though 28-October, 206 days ) Well ID Consecutive Cumulative Occurrences Success criteria: ≥12% growing season hydroperiod Year 0/1 (2020)Year 1 (2021) Year 2 (2022) Year 3 (2023) Year 4 (2024) Year 5 (2025) Year 6 (2026) Year 7 (2027) GW1 NA 83 100 100 75 GW2 35 434 GW3 64 41 100 100 23 <5% 5-12% >12% Well ID Hydroperiod (%) Compass Point Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Results 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -40 -38 -36 -34 -32 -30 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Pr e c i p i t a t i o n ( i n ) Wa t e r L e v e l ( I n c h e s A b o v e / B e l o w S u r f a c e ) Date Compass Point MY4 GW1 Daily Precip (in)GW1 Growing Season Start Growing Season End Logger Depth Gap in data due to broken ambient. 156 Consecutative Days of Hydrology 4/5/2024 - 8/22/2024 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -40 -38 -36 -34 -32 -30 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Pr e c i p i t a t i o n ( i n ) Wa t e r L e v e l ( I n c h e s A b o v e / B e l o w S u r f a c e ) Date Compass Point MY4 GW2 Daily Precip (in)GW2 Growing Season Start Growing Season End Logger Depth Gap in data due to broken ambient. 8 Consecutative Days of Hydrology 5/14/2024 - 5/22/2024 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -40 -38 -36 -34 -32 -30 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Pr e c i p i t a t i o n ( i n ) Wa t e r L e v e l ( I n c h e s A b o v e / B e l o w S u r f a c e ) Date Compass Point MY4 GW3 Daily Precip (in)GW3 Growing Season Start Growing Season End Logger Depth Well broken during construction activities. Removed from field July 24th and replaced on August 22. Gap in data due to broken ambient. 47 Consecutative Days of Hydrology 4/5/2024 - 5/21/2024 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Pr e c i p i t a t i o n ( i n ) St a g e ( f t . ) Date Compass Point MY4 Stage Recorder DW1-B Daily Precip (in)SR DW1-B Top of Bank Max Event - 1.23 ft. above TOB 1/9/2024 Gap in data due to broken ambient. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Pr e c i p i t a t i o n ( i n ) Date Compass Point MY4 Flow Gauge DW1-A Daily Precip (in)FG DW1-A Downstream Riffle Elevation 228 Days of Consecutive Flow 1/1/2024-8/22/2024 Gap in data due to broken ambient. St a g e ( f t . )