HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05033_Well Construction - GW1_20240828 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For lmcn IUseONLY: The form can be toed for single or multiple steles I.Well Contractor Information: 14,wan BOYS Stefan Smith PROM I To eterlef Tn)\i Well Contractor Name R. ft. to. (I. 3576A NC Well Contractor Certification MutterI S,OUTER CASING Ito►miiiii-eased new OR LINER III likable) FROM : TO MiNTTFR 110K11VATS. N\TTRIAI. SAEDACCO 0 ft. . 29 rt. 1" is. SCH-40 PVC Compass Nate to.INNER CASING OR TARING t.r.Yermalld ii d4.op) PROM TO DIAMETER THK'A\F55 N\Ti'RI\I 2.Well Construction Permit ill ft. ft. to. Liu all applicable urn pererili li r.County.State,Variance.Inferborl ea.) -- R. It 3.Well I-se i check Sell owl: ( 17.S(REEN Winer Supply Well: f retool TO MANNTER AlOT 17JJ THt(liirNs MATNMI. _ OAgricultural pMunicipal/Publk 29 R. 34 R 1" 010 SCH-40 PVC PRE-PACK OGcothennal(HeatingCooling Siip lr•1 [Mesodermal Wafer Supply'(sitlale) IL It. in. - Olndustnal+Commercial OResidemiad Water Supply bilmn d) llrdT To MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD t AMOUNT ❑&npation 0 ft. 25 R'. Portland tremie Non-Water Supply Well: H R. R. Elkton'tonne ❑Recovery Injection Well: R- n. ❑.Aquifer Recharge ❑Ciroundw:ater Rentcdia Lion 19.SA�•��♦-YELPAQC�tmuRpolr) ❑Aquifer Stontgc and Recovery ❑Saline\Hamer 27 I TO MATRRIAI. r.NP1.ACFNK\t NFttMn ( R. 34 R. Sand 2 ❑Aquifer Test ❑5tommatcr Drainage r__ fI, R. pE'enmcntal Technologs ❑tiahsidcncc('otiml 20.ORII.USG 1.O(r 1a11acb addilional speeds if airman) ❑Geeothemwl(Closed Loup i ❑Tracer roost to Dry sirnOs,tmi..%h dra..,r"nvnrsnrr.WON.r.de.) ❑Geothermal(HeattntC'ooliug Rem nu ❑Other te\plam under 421 Rentedts) 0 R. 15 n. sand ft. II. 4.Date W'ell(s,Completed: 7/26/24 Well IDOMW-27 Sa.W >< ` n. ourWell Location: R. II. Towngate Cleaners It. n. 1024 Facility'trercr\la,... Faedtq MU Of applicable) • n.Y rt. )fxv`r:ri F:f ;•'r,cy►q.r, 715 N Howe St. , Southport, NC, 28641 ft • rl • D'tAiCyllGa Pinsical Ad ivhs.Cm.andZtp �21.Rt_s1ARkS J Brunswick Bentonite seal from 25-27' ('outlay Parcel Idcsoda.du,t,No IPINt Sb.Latitude and Longitude in ikgmes/minutes/seconds nr decimal degrees: 22.Certification: Of wet)field,mw Iaillenb'at.,dli:I nl1 4051 53.923577 N 78.02337E W 8/8/2024 _ SignaldY�of Cc.. ted Well Contractor Date 6.Is(ate)the well(sk It Peron istt t ur OTemporan M tiVliTg!kit font,I kearbe certify alai the well tAl tem tttrrrl con necied 117 accordance tart 154 NCAC OK.0I110 or I SA AICAC 02C 0200 Well CanaNrn lion Straad,rdt and rlaa II 7.Is obis a repair to as skating well: I9Yes or ❑NIL ropy of chit record hat fora provided to the urn owner if ilia at a repair fall,oar<mrwr well•amigo.WO rujurnarraal IOW a epktin rho iN.lree of Mr repair!marl f21 remark.,.lr,n...or t.Ni the fad'.(of chit form 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You Ills) use the had,of this page to pros ode additional well site details Or well Ii.Number of wells constructed: 1 construction details. You mos also attach additional pages if necessary. for malnplr n+icr molt.a 91NI-N]aer•up/4.N't'IIS OAf ,all,Our tame raastsfrtwOon tom rum ulektlir one from. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTLONS 9.Total well depth below laud surface: 34 (no 2.1a. For All Wells: Submit this font) %%ohm iu days of completion of well For madrrpk wells lit all depth,ifdrpeL•.I:rraar,plr-?Ps)Isi'.,o°rR 10111 Con tnlctlnn to the following- II.Stalk water level below tap of canny (ft.I Division of Water Resources,Information Processing knit. flower keel it above madam.ate"+' 1617 Mail Service['enter.Rakish,NV 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter:3.75" tin.) 24b.For laicedon Weis ONLY: In addoan to sending the form to the address in 2aaabose. also submit a copy of this form within ut dins of completion of well 12.Well construction method:DPT construction to the following. 41 C.anger.treat.cable.direct push.et. Ohisitn of Water Resources,I.ndcrNntund Injection Control Program. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONI 1: 163E Mail Sets ice(enter.kakigh,N( 2769'9-1636 13a.Yield Igpm► \ta-thn i.it test: 24c.For Water Supple 8 Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within :0 day'sof completion of lilt.Disinfection type: 1m„un1- well construction to the county health department of the counts where constructed Fenn GW-1 None Carohal Oeponntem of Ern Ilomll:au tel Natural Resources-Bra Sloe of Woe(Resouca Res toed August 2011