HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00003_Annual Performance_20240903 (2) the public is necessary to completely solve this problem. Over the past year, WSFU Utilities personnel have conducted • November-December 2023: Water-sewer Did you know?bill message: Grease and so-called flushable wipes cause outreach following sewer backups to educate customers in those areas on the proper disposal of cooking grease,fats costly raw sewage backups in your home.Avoid the mess and expense:CAN the GREASE and NO WIPES in PIPES. Only and other oils. In addition, maintenance personnel have been cleaning the publicly maintained portions of sewer flush the four Ps:Pee, Poop, Puke and(toilet)Paper! Visit cityofws.org/grease and cityofws.org/nowipes for details. connections to keep sewer main lines clean and free of grease,as well as tree roots and debris. .,_ • Nov. 9, 2023: Can the Grease was featured at a turkey fry .a . r '4 .,, a't'° r =;, demonstration by the Winston-Salem Fire Department with + rx '• '.6r4, e •, During FY24,WSFC Utilities continued efforts to reduce SSOs by spending more than $6.6 million on the rehabilitation of . 31,545 feet of gravity sewer mains, 90 manholes,and 175 service laterals. The rehabilitated sewer mains primarily coverage from all television news outlets in the market. K s �. p,. ranged in size from 6"to 15".The mains were rehabilitated by means of pipe bursting, cured-in-place lining of pipes, • Nov. 7, 2023, and December 19, 2023: TWO holida • cookin { total replacement, or a combination of these methods.The enhanced condition of rehabilitated sewer mains and y g ! L----it: �" Can the Grease and No Wipes in Pipes news releases, social r °" U,,;,tte,� ` ., manholes not only contributed to the reduction of SSOs, but also aided in the reduction of inflow and infiltration (I&I) by - -. media and web NEWS. Received coverage in Ask SAM (WS decreasing and/or eliminating access points for storm water runoff and groundwater to enter the wastewater collection Journal) and interviews on ABC45 and WXII. ' �- 3 - system.These I&I trouble spots were further identified by 34 miles of smoke testing. In addition, WSFC Utilities performed CCTV inspection of 321,024 linear feet of sewer mains. Staff and contractors also improved access to the •March 14, 2024: Booth at Real World Forsyth high school - collection system through inspection and mowing/clearing of approximately 71 miles of easements. event at Salem College with grease/wipes info and literature. Ill•March 2024: Forsyth Creek Week sponsorship,water plant tour,State of Our Water panel discussion (FOG,wipes, , , . r �� nutrient management), Jamboree eventspromoted FOG/wipes campaigns andspin-to-winp izes 4 `any41 and r r' ,L [ Grease! Throw, the S tketrashinstead •April-June 2024: Colorful Can the Grease two-sided English/Spanish bill insert included in water-sewer bill. . , .it fir --- - _-- — Apil2024 & 2024: of --- •• 17, May 23, Proper disposal ,�,,,1,« �.v:......... cookingoil (at 3RC EnviroStatio in Ask SAM • o -• cu ak .4;",..0*.,„, :: .. � ies • 7 bins . 0' - - i'" . .-- r •April 20, 2024: Our high-traffic corner booth at the • _ Earth Day Fair provided nonstop engagement for Customer involvement continues to play an important role in the reduction of SSOs. Our Can the Grease and No Wipes h instead :. approx. 9,000 attendees with the debut of our eye _ ' �,' �` in Pipes campaigns educate the public on the hazards of dumping fats, oils or grease (FOG) in drains and flushing wipes , � u:g___ rejl,. ., ,,,, e44,0‘, popping Can the Grease and No Wipes in Pipes and other non-biodegradable products down the toilet,No Wipes in Pipes helps customers of all ages realize the ¢"{ +' ( "r; "bottom" line is you should only flush the Four Ps: Pee, Poop, Puke & (toilet) Paper. See more at cityofws.org/nowipes wrapped van plus enthusiastic staff sharing FOG/wipes — ' - t k,,, d ,,_ campaign literature, activity sheets and spin-to-win �' - �, z and cityofws.org/grease. prizes. ''" -1,-5, t s Community Outreach & Education •April 24, 2024: FOG &wipes info and promo items shared at RJ Reynolds"Environmental,Social &Governance" staff event. •July12& 16, 2023: Wake Forest University's • May 3, 2024:Wastewater plant supervisor explained plant process & y m ! �•� •, V c F Bioscience Institute summer immersion . - --y.e'�a , V - If - 10 shared FOG/wipes info and activity sheets for Career Day at Smith Farm program toured Elledge WWTP with 60 high ti`1 'k�40 i� `` • . ; 0 i . k a - Elementary. school students from across the country, ' . '. I • ,—yr i, . ;� _ k411i i _ . Our English-Spanish Plumber Responsibilities } ( sheet, Good Neighbor Policy brochure, and •Sept. 9, 2023: FIESTA sponsorship booth r '� t i. g ' .t r' �, § '' S webpages at cityofws.org/gnp are an ongoing :..=. promoted FOG/wipes campaigns, �. , ' j°. * r ''- effort to educate the public about the benefits of English/Spanish coloring books and spin-to-win . - 4.+� �' a backwater valve device. I prizes like Can the Grease branded spatulas, ; )_,i - can lids, magnet clips, potholders,towels,etc. " Lastly, staff continued to identify and plan for projects to reduce SSOs,as well as infiltration .0_ t — - and inflow into the wastewater collection system. In addition to the benefits of reducing •Sept. 14& 15, 2023: Industrial customers toured Elledge WWTP. SSO volume and the reduction of water getting into the system,these projects have the •Sept. 21, 2023: City of Winston-Salem University presentation included our FOG and wipes information, plus outdoor added benefit of decreasing the amount of wastewater treated,thereby reducing overall demos of the CCTV system and jet-vac truck. operating costs. •Oct. 2, 2023: Booth at Carolina Classic Fair with literature, wipes& FOG info and prize wheel. To report a wastewater spill, please contact the CityLink 24-hour customer service line: 336-727-8000. For questions •Oct. 21, 2023: International Village sponsorship boothpromoted FOG/wipes cam ai campaigns andspin-to-win rizes. regarding our programs or this report, contact Gale Ketteler, Utilities Public Information Officer at 336-747-7414 or g p p p gp gketteler@cityofws.org.This report is available at the front desk of Stuart Municipal Building, 100 E. First St., the Forsyth County Central Library, by request at CityLink, and at cityofws.org/wwreports. 4 5 Performance Summary of Wastewater Collection System—FY24 Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO) There were two sanitary sewer overflows at the wastewater treatment plants in FY24. On Jan. 24, a pipe failure caused 27,000 gallons of non-potable water (NPW)to spill on the ground near Archie Elledge WWTP. Staff quickly pumped the SSO w/ SSO w/ NPW back into the vault, fixed the line and only 5,400 gallons reached Salem Creek. On Jan. 28, heavy flooding from a Fiscal Year No. of Notice of >1,000 gal in >15,000 gal in SSO Volume (gal) rain event caused a valve to fail at Muddy Creek WWTP and 13,360 gallons spilled into South Muddy Creek. Within five SSOs Violations Surface waters Surface waters minutes, staff decreased plant flow, resolved the issue and reopened the valve. Total 63 17 19 6 315,968 A summary for the WSFC Utilities Mercury Minimization Plan can be viewed at cityofws.org/2723/Dental-Amalgam- Discharges. SSO occurrence attributable to: No. of SSOs Percentage byCause SSO Gallons Percentage byVolume = The remainder of this document includes details about g g �: it ; system discharges and overflows from our wastewater Grease 9 14% 21,665 6% ' ifcollection system and preventative maintenance Roots 14 23% 23,830 7% _ r - t "a , programs established to prevent potential problems. . . • Debris 11 17% 42,955 13% '¢i : . WSFC Utilities' goal is to have zero sanitary sewer .. ;•` 1. . ,i _ 1 overflows (SSO)from the wastewater collection Inflow& Infiltration 0 0% 0 0% • ,� ,;� ` system. However, during the last fiscal year, 63 events Vandalism 4 6% 30,280 9% r r r I F 4 totaling 0.0025%of the wastewater collected, resulted Pipe Failure 8 12% 21,545 6% '- •'15 {` — j in spills or overflows from the collection system.Tables Lift Station Equipment Failure 0 0% 0 0% -_ f i in this report provide a summary of collection system Severe Natural Causes 6 9% 186,360 58% .�, . _ w overflows reported in FY24. 0 0 Other 11 19% 13• ,413 4% - _ Bypass Pump Failure 0 0% 0 0% "17°'r'"'''' ' = Since the passage of the North Carolina Clean Water E _ Act in 1999 the total annual SSOs have been tracked ANNUAL TOTAL 63 100% 315,968 100% against the baseline of fiscal year 1998-99. Diligent preventative maintenance continues to reduce SSOs since the baseline year. In fact, FY24 had a significantly lower number of SSOs(63) since reporting began in 1999 (189). Our success reducing SSOs incorporates Geographic Information Systems(GIS)with our computer maintenance management system, Cityworks.Together, these two Details of Wastewater Collection System—FY24 systems display historical work-order information that directs our crews to areas with recurring issues. Management uses this same data on capital projects designed to alleviate the causes of repeat SSOs. Month/Year Probable Cause of Total SSO SSO Volume in Location of SSO SSO Volume(gal) Surface Waters In FY24, WSFC Utilities completed Year 8 of the Collection System Improvement Program,which helps prioritize and 7/7/2023 Pipe failure 75 75 1865 Runnymede Rd schedule preventative maintenance measures based on inspections conducted in the field. Inspections range from 7/13/2023 Other 400 400 5066 Overdale Rd routine cleaning to closed-circuit television (CCTV), and are tracked in Cityworks.To collect more uniform data and 7/17/2023 Debris 200 200 1101 West First St. increase efficiency, both of our CCTV camera systems operate on WinCan,which integrates with Cityworks. All the 7/21/2023 Roots 30 30 695 Amanda Place information collected from the field is seamlessly entered into our preventative-maintenance scheduling tool, 7/24/20023 Other 583 583 2195 South Main St. FreeFlowH20.This streamlines the decision-making process for cleaning, rehabilitation and/or replacement of our 7/26/2023 Grease 1,250 625 326 Oak Ridge Dr. collection system infrastructure. These systems allow our field personnel to identify and submit information directly to a 8/14/2023 Debris 100 20 158 McGreggor Rd supervisor with a few keystrokes.This information also helps CityLink, our customer service call center, convey issues to 8/15/2023 Debris 20 20 340 North Main St the customer in a timely manner. 8/16/2023 Debris 780 394 4250 N. Patterson Ave. Major causes of preventable SSOs in FY24 were attributed to grease deposits, debris accumulation (including wipes) and 8/24/2023 Debris 200 0 5350 University Pkwy root intrusion. Because of this, funding has been approved for FY25 for more preventative cleaning of the collection 9/8/2023 Pipe Failure 20 0 501 South Hawthorne Rd system. Proactive cleaning has reduced SSOs by preemptively targeting areas prone to the three major triggers. In FY24, 9/25/2023 Other 25 25 600 South Cherry St. WSFC Utilities cleaned more than 480 miles.That's more than a quarter of the 1,825-mile gravity wastewater collection 10/10/2023 Grease 600 300 935 Hanes Mall Blvd system. In-house personnel cleaned nearly 120 miles of publicly owned/maintained sewer lines, and contracted crews 10/11/2023 Roots 20 0 3729 Crosland Rd cleaned 360 miles at a cost of$2,121,825. Of those miles, nearly 80%were proactively cleaned, as opposed to reactive. 10/12/2023 Debris 9,125 8,212 3801 N. Liberty St. Proactive cleaning goals will continue to increase in the next fiscal year. 10/16/2023 Roots 100 0 155 Cook St. 10/22/2023 Vandalism 21,750 21,750 696 Hanes Mall Blvd. In 2003, a Grease Interceptor Ordinance was adopted, which regulates the operation and maintenance of residential, 11/11/2023 Pipe Failure 50 0 929 Aureole St. commercial, and industrial grease trap interceptors. This ordinance alone has been effective in reducing the amount of 11/18/2023 Debris 850 0 2020 Cloverdale Ave. grease-related SSOs since its adoption. In 2003,the total number of SSOs spiked at 269.The following year it dropped to 11/24/2023 Roots 50 0 3544 Burnley Dr. 241, and the count has declined steadily since that time.While this ordinance has been effective,further assistance from 6 3 WQ0031314. During this compliance period, a total of 313.7 dry tons were hauled from Swann WTP and applied on Probable Cause of Total SSO SSO Volume in farmland in Yadkin County.Thomas WTP hauled 475.54 dry tons of residuals to the city-owned and operated Hanes Mill Month/Year SSO Volume (gal) Surface Waters Location of S50 Road Landfill,and a total of 792.74 dry tons of residuals were hauled from Neilson WTP and applied on farmland in 11/30/2023 Other 200 200 3800 Reynolda Rd Davidson County. 12/7/2023 Residential Grease 50 0 1339 Glen Oks 12/12/2023 Pipe Failure 50 50 738 Graves St. 12/18/2023 Residential Grease 850 850 800 North Cameron Ave. - ,t - - _ i 12/21/2023 Residential Grease 7,200 0 4409 Bent Tree Farm Rd. _ jt = '40Bigr-1"Ii; '• "` 12/22/2023 Vandalism 2,330 2,330 1040 Hanes Mall Blvd. ----_ :: n�� i;� -. 12/23/2023 Residential Grease 115 115 1717 Curraghmore Dr. Y� I -- 12/29/2023 Roots 300 300 175 Mercantile Dr. "" ' ? 4 `� A i , 1/2/2024 Residential Grease 8,400 2,400 2620 Claremont Ave. ' AI 1/2/2024 Pipe Failure 1,650 1,650 110 Thomas St. Swann,Thomas&Neilson Water Treatment Plants 1/7/2024 Roots 5,775 5,775 1755 Janita Dr. 1/9/2024 Severe Natural Causes 37,340 37,340 1717 Buena Vista Rd. Archie Elledge and Muddy Creek WWTPs had three violations of their permit limits during FY24.There was one violation due to bioassay sample results at Archie Elledge WWTP,which was retaken. Muddy Creek WWTP experienced one 1/9/2024 Severe Natural Causes 39,640 39,640 3656 Reynolda Rd. violation for exceeding weekly total suspended solids(TSS) limits and one for exceeding the monthly TSS limits.The - 1/18/2024 Other 150 150 4474 Carrie Ave. corrective action was chemical treatment changes to help reduce effluent TSS.The Biosolids Dryer Facility reported no 1/18/2024 Pipe Failure 1,500 750 1646 Thompson Dr. violations of permit limits during the reporting period. 1/29/2024 Severe natural Causes 54,000 54,000 4561 Cooper Rd. 1/30/2024 Residential Grease 50 50 1600 Mansfield As in past years,the two wastewater treatment plants have over-performed at removing contaminants before releasing 1/30/2024 Other 4,700 1,175 4497 Ogburn Ave. treated water back to Salem Creek and the Yadkin River. Our permits state that effluent allowed shall not exceed 15%of 1/30/2024 Other 600 600 2300 N. Patterson Ave. the influent value.That means with 24,741 tons of pollutants collected (influent), up to 15%(3,711 tons)would be 1/31/2024 Roots 450 450 117 Lakeview Dr. allowed in our discharge (effluent).That's more than five times what was actually released.Thanks to our excellent 2/5/2024 Other 25 25 2300 N. Patterson Ave. infrastructure and processes, plus the dedication and diligence of our staff, only 660 tons of pollutants were discharged 2/12/2024 Roots 25 0 2290 Sallies Lane this past fiscal year. That is less than 3%of the pollutants originally present in our influent. We are very proud our 2/18/2024 Roots 1,650 0 219 Stanaford Rd. wastewater treatment staff consistently surpasses requirements imposed by the State of North Carolina's Division of 2/19/2024 Debris 100 100 1717 Buena Vista Rd. Water Resources. See the chart below. 2/20/2024 Debris 7,500 7,500 145 Highland Ave, 2/22/2024 Severe Natural Causes 42,750 42,750 463 Harper St. Wastewater Treatment Efficiency FY 2023-24 2/26/2024 Severe Natural Causes 12,600 12,600 166 Winfield Ridge Rd. Tons of Regulated Pollutants 3/3/2024 Roots 150 150 3796 Guinevere Lane 3/8/2024 Roots 9,800 500 3989 Peters Creek Pkwy 30,000 24,741 3/14/2024 Vandalism 900 0 1374 Glen Center Dr. 3/25/2024 Residential Grease 3,150 3,150 1307 Waybridge Lane 20 000 4/4/2024 Pipe Failure 18,000 18,000 4300 Old Greensboro Rd. cn 4/4/2024 Other 630 630 5428 Esher Dr. C 4/14/2024 Roots 250 250 1340 Beaverton Trail 10,000 4/22/2024 Roots 30 0 1700 Calvary View Lane 3,711 4/27/2024 Roots 900 0 5220 Little Brook lane 660 5/3/2024 Roots 4,300 2,150 800 Whispering Brook Dr. 0 5/13/2024 Other 125 0 7751 Topsider Dr. 5/20/2024 Severe Natural Causes 30 0 2070 Bowen Blvd. • Received at Treatment Plants 6/2/2024 Vandalism 5,300 4,240 4243 Tise Ave. 6/7/2024 Pipe Failure 200 0 3376 Middlebrook Dr. iii Allowed in Discharge by Division of Water Quality 6/10/2024 Other 3,400 1,200 800 Whispering Brook Dr. 6/21/2024 Other 2,575 2,575 800 Whispering Brook Dr. © Actually Discharged by Treatment Plants Winston-Salem/ FY 2023-2024 63 315,968 276,279 Forsyth County • Effluent (pollutants) measured include biochemical oxygen demand (BOD),total suspended solids(TSS), and - nitrogen (NH3). • Permit states effluent allowed shall not exceed 15%of the influent value. 2 7 Winston-Salem/Forsyth County 4)„, liti I ities Water•Wastewater•Solid Waste Wastewater Collection & Treatment System Performance Report for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 -°-- _ ,_ • '. r- - ..,..„..... . -.. _ ............., . .- :„T. ..., ''''.-119' Archie Elledge Wastewater Treatment Plant Muddy Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Permit NC0037834 NPDES Permit NC0050342 This report is published annually and released to our customers in accordance with the requirements of the North Carolina Clean Water Act of 1999 and provides information on the Publicly Operated Treatment Works (POTW) and Collection System operated by Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Utilities (WSFC Utilities). It covers the period of July 1, 2023,through June 30, 2024 (FY24). WSFC Utilities operates two wastewater treatment plants with a combined treatment capacity of 51 million gallons per day.The wastewater collection system includes 1,825 miles of sewer lines and 45 lift stations. During the period covered by this report, a total of 14,255,480,000 (14.2 billion) gallons of wastewater was collected and treated at these facilities. Following the removal of solids and pollutants, 12,616,180,000 (12.6 billion) gallons of water was discharged into Salem Creek and the Yadkin River. It is important to note that the treated water returned to these waterways is of a higher quality by most parameters than the water in the river itself. WSFC Utilities staff works hard to meet and surpass the mandates of the North Carolina Clean Water Act and the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits.These permits regulate the , operation of the treatment plants, the disposal of biosolids, and the operation and maintenance of our collection system. Staff attend Collection and Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Operator schools to improve their skills and obtain appropriate certification and training in order to uphold these standards. The two wastewater plants operate under the permits listed in the photo captions above, and the wastewater collection system operates under NPDES Permit WQCS00003.The treatment and disposal of residual biosolids produced by the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County plants is accomplished by anaerobic digestion, followed by processing in a biosolids drying facility at the Archie Elledge • • • WWTP under Permit WQ0029804.The biosolids dryer facility produced 1,135 dry tons of pelletized biosolids during tiI'ties FY24, which were beneficially applied to farmland. Following a Nov. 9, 2023, incident at the dryer, operations were Water••Wastewater••Solid Waste halted and 4,445 dry tons of"cake" residuals were hauled to the city-owned and operated Hanes Mill Road Landfill. The water system has three additional NPDES permits: Swann Water Treatment Plant (WTP) operates under General wsfcutilities.org Permit NCG590003, Thomas WTP under General Permit NCG590044, and Neilson WTP under Permit NC0086011. All three water plants operated within compliance of their permit conditions during this performance period.The treatment process at the water treatment plants generates a Class-A residual that is land-applied under Permit 8 1