HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000602_MS4 Annual Report (2023-24 FY)_20240830 NCS000602_GRANITE FALLS 2024 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT Reporting Line Year BMP Reporting Measurable Goal Comments No. (July 1- Ref. Metric June 30) Did Granite Falls submit the Annual Self-Assessment to NCDEQ prior to 3 3 1 August 31 each year? YES Did Granite Falls develop and distribute new educational fliers about illegal 13 3 3.6.3. dumping? YES 14 3 3.6.3. If so, how many educational fliers about illegal dumping were distributed? 25 Did Granite Falls attend at least two community events to disperse stormwater outreach materials/awareness through the use of interactive 23 3 4.B.1. educational games and activities? YES Blackberry Festival & Butterfly Festival If so, how many event attendees were engaged in stormwater 24 3 4.B.1. outreach/received stormwater information? 650 450(Blackberry) &200 (Butterfly) Did Granite Falls provide additional outreach supplement or alternative 33 3 4.6.2. outreach opportunities if the primary community event(s) were canceled? YES 2 events above 34 3 4.B.2. If so, how many attendees were engaged in stormwater outreach? Did Granite Falls have WPCOG provide instruction and stormwater Water Cycle, Enviroscape, SW 45 3 5.6.1. educational activities to youth? YES Workbooks 46 3 5.6.1. If so, how many WPCOG youth education activities/events were provided? 2 47 3 5.6.1. If so, how many WPCOG youth event participants were reached? 100 56 3 5.6.2. How many storm drains were stenciled? 0 Did Granite Falls create a presentation covering stormwater topics to be 65 3 5.6.3. presented in digital classrooms and/or provided to teachers? PARTIAL Needs to be updated If so, how many classroom presentations were provided by teachers or Tree Canopy Workshop for Teachers 66 3 5.6.3. staff? from surrounding counties 67 3 5.6.3. If so, how many students were reached by classroom presentations? Innovative SW Management DIS on Steep Slopes-Riverlink, Blue Earth; Study of Land Use Impacts and Options for SW Mgt,Atalie Fischer; Harmful Algal Blooms: Prolific Issue in Urban Did Granite Falls provide one presentation about one of the six NPDES Stormwater Ponds,Amy Grogan, Minimum Control Measures at each annual WPCOG Water Quality UNCW; Stormwater Policies & Projects, 79 3 7.6.1. Conference? YES Samantha Krop, Neuse River If so, how many attendees were reached during the annual WPCOG Water 80 3 7.6.1. Quality Conference stormwater presentation? 113 Did Granite Falls evaluate the target pollutants and audiences to identify 91 3 8.6.1. where outreach can be improved? YES 92 3 8.B.1. If so, were any revisions made to target pollutants? Sediment Runoff main issue 93 3 8.6.2. If so, were any revisions made to target audiences? 107 3 10.B.2. Was the annual selfTssessment uploaded to stormwater website? YES WPCOG Website Did any links, contact information, or documents on the stormwater web 108 3 10.B.2. page need to be updated? YES WPCOG Website 109 3 10.B.3. How many hits did the stormwater web page receive? 209 Did Granite Falls provide citizen education as part of the enforcement process for illicit discharges, illegal dumping and improper disposal of 120 3 11.B.3. waste? YES If so, how many educational citizen interactions were completed as part of 121 3 11.B.3. the illicit discharge and illegal dumping enforcement process? 100 130 3 12.B.3. How many stormwater hotline calls were received? 5 Did Granite Falls stormwater hotline staff receive training in general stormwater awareness, complaint call protocols, appropriate contacts for 135 3 12.B.4. referral, and typical stormwater issues? YES Did Granite Falls publicize contact information on the municipal Facebook Granite Falls SW Site &WPCOG 140 3 12.B.5. page, and the stormwater program and WPCOG webpages? YES Website How many messages were received via the web based complaint/ 145 3 15.B.2. reporting/input form? 5 Was the web based complaint/reporting/input form maintained/ 149 3 15.B.3. updated? YES Updated new link Residents & Code Enforcement mostly 158 3 16.B.1. Did Granite Falls maintain a Facebook page for stormwater messaging? PARTIAL called in Page 1 of 5 NCS000602_GRANITE FALLS 2024 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT Did Granite Falls utilize the Facebook page to promote public involvement in stormwater programs, events and projects and provide 159 3 16.B.2. outreach/general stormwater awareness messages? PARTIAL Need to Increase FB/Social Media If so, how many posts were made on the Facebook page related to the 160 3 16.B.2. stormwater program? Did Granite Falls participate in quarterly Water Resource Committee 173 3 17.B.1. meetings? YES If so, how many quarterly Water Resource Committee meetings did 174 3 17.B.1. Granite Falls participate in? 3 If so, how many attendees (total of all meetings) were at quarterly Water 175 3 17.B.1. Resource Committee meetings that Granite Falls participated in? 58 Did Granite Falls provide a survey to engage the public and gauge public 186 3 18.B.1. interest in stormwater issues and the stormwater program? YES WPCOG Website 187 3 18.B.1. If so, how many surveys were completed? 0 200 3 19.B.1. Did Granite Falls provide and promote volunteer stream cleanup activities? YES Lakeside Park (June 24') 201 3 19.B.1. If so, how many stream cleanup events were held? 1 202 3 19.B.1. If so, how many stream cleanup participants were there? 29 203 3 19.B.1. If so, how many trash bags were filled during stream cleanup events? 6001bs Did Granite Falls provide materials for volunteer stream cleanup activities 214 3 19.B.2. hosted by Granite Falls and WPCOG? YES Did Granite Falls supplement or replace stream clean-up time with outdoor educational activities if streams do not have adequate litter Event was sufficient for 29 volunteers 223 3 19.B.4. available for cleanup? YES over 4+stream clean-up If so, how many supplemental or replacement outdoor educational 224 3 19.B.4. activities were held? If so, how many supplemental or replacement outdoor educational activity 225 3 19.B.4. participants were there? Did Granite Falls update the existing MS4 map to include open channels, WPCOG is working on SW Mapping for 236 3 20.B.1. storm drain information and flow direction? YES Town of Granite Falls 237 3 20.B.1. If so, was at least 20%of the MS4 area mapped? Yes Did Granite Falls add newly constructed infrastructure to the existing MS4 244 3 20.B.2. map? YES In Progress 249 3 21.B.1. Did Granite Falls review the IDDE ordinance and update if needed? YES Did Granite Falls review/update priority areas likely to have illicit 256 3 23.B.1. discharges? YES Did Granite Falls perform dry weather inspections in accordance with the 263 3 24.B.2. SOP and schedule? PARTIAL In Progress of Outfall Inspections 264 3 24.B.2. If so, how many dry weather inspections were performed? 265 3 24.B.2. If so, how many potential illicit/dry weather discharges were identified? There are no major priority areas, outside new construction sites not 277 3 26.B.1. Did Granite Falls screen priority areas likely to have illicit discharges? PARTIAL following basic E&SC measures. 278 3 26.B.1. If so, how many illicit discharges were identified in priority areas? Did Granite Falls evaluate and assess the IDDE plan/program and revise if 285 3 26.B.3. necessary? YES 291 3 27.B.2. How many verified IDDE issues were identified? 300 3 27.B.3. Did Granite Falls enforce illicit discharge and illegal dumping violations? YES How many illicit discharge and illegal dumping violations/enforcement 301 3 27.B.3. actions were issued? 5 How many illicit discharge and illegal dumping violations/enforcement 302 3 27.B.3. actions were resolved? 5 313 3 27.B.4. Did Granite Falls establish and maintain a list of chronic violators? YES No Chronic Violators 314 3 27.B.4. If so, how many chronic violators were identified? Did Granite Falls evaluate and assess the IDDE Program documentation to 321 3 27.B.5. identify areas for improvement? YES 322 3 27.B.5. If so, were revisions made to the IDDE tracking sheet? YES MS4 Training Powerpoint &Youtube Did Granite Falls train new staff and contractors to identify and report made available to staff. WPCOG SW 332 3 28.B.2. illicit discharges, illicit connections, illegal dumping and spills? YES Admin trained. How many new staff and contractors were trained to identify and report 333 3 28.B.2. illicit discharges, illicit connections, illegal dumping and spills? Did Granite Falls utilize social media and the stormwater webpage(s) to 340 3 29.B.2. publicize contact information for IDDE reporting? PARTIAL 347 3 32.B.2. Did Granite Falls evaluate the IDDE complaint response time? YES 348 3 32.B.2. If so, what was the average response time for IDDE complaints/ reports? 24 hours Page 2 of 5 NCS000602_GRANITE FALLS 2024 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT MS4 Training Powerpoint &Youtube Did Granite Falls train new municipal staff on proper handling of made available to staff. WPCOG SW 359 3 33.B.1. construction site runoff complaints? YES Admin trained. How many new staff were trained on proper handling of construction site 360 3 33.B.1. runoff complaints? How many construction site runoff complaints were received from Sediment runoff from construction 361 3 33.B.2. municipal staff? 2 sites Did Granite Falls administer a public survey to receive perspective on 372 3 34.B.1. construction site runoff? PARTIAL Did Granite Falls publicize the ability to report concerns about construction Word of Mouth & link to WPCOG runoff issues via the online form on the Granite Falls and WPCOG websites Website with reporting tool or Hotline 373 3 34.B.4. and social media? YES Number Did Granite Falls maintain/update the adopted construction site waste 381 3 35.B.4. ordinance? YES Did Granite Falls train municipal staff on identifying and reporting 388 3 35.B.3. construction site waste violations? YES How many staff were trained on identifying and reporting construction 389 3 35.B.3. site waste violations? _ _ 397 3 35.B.5. Did Granite Falls enforce construction site waste violations? YES 398 3 35.B.5. How many construction site waste enforcement actions were issued? 3 399 3 35.B.5. How many construction sitewaste violations were remedied? 3 Did Granite Falls track the number of low-density and high-density plan 416 3 36 reviews performed? PARTIAL 417 3 36 If so, how many low density project reviews were performed? 1 C Con Metals Storage 418 3 36 If so, how many high density project reviews were performed? 0 419 3 36 If so, how many low density project reviews were approved? 1 420 3 36 If so, how many high density project reviews were approved? 0 Did Granite Falls maintain a current inventory of low-density projects and constructed SCMs, including SCM type or low-density acreage, location, A log has been created, more low 433 3 36 last inspection date and type of enforcement action (if any)? PARTIAL density inspection inspections needed. How many high density non-municipally owned SCM inspections were 438 3 36 performed? 6 443 3 36 How many low-density inspections were performed? 6 _ 448 3 36 How many post-construction enforcement actions were issued? 4 _ MS4 Training Powerpoint &Youtube Did Granite Falls train field and office staff in Stormwater Ordinance made available to staff. WPCOG SW 455 3 38.B.1. procedures and enforcement actions? YES Admin trained. How many staff were trained in Stormwater Ordinance procedures and 456 3 38.B.1. enforcement actions? 467 3 38.B.2. How many post-construction notices of violation were issued? 0 No post construction sites currently 468 3 38.B.2. How many post-construction Civil Citations were issued? 0 469 3 38.B.2. How many post-construction violations are still in process of abatement? 0 Did Granite Falls review post-construction procedures and documents and 478 3 39.B.1. update as needed? YES 497 3 42.B.1. How many pre-CO SCM inspections were completed? No new SCMs in the town were added 498 3 42.B.1. How many repeat pre-CO SCM inspections were completed? 499 3 40.B.1. How many permitted projects with O&M Plans received their CO? 500 3 42.B.2. How many SCM inspections were completed by municipal staff? 6 501 3 42.B.2. How many SCM inspections performed by municipal staff were failed? 4 How many qualified licensed professional SCM inspections completed with 502 3 42.B.3. documentation received? 0 WPCOG inspects annually 503 3 42.B.3. How many SCMs are under annual inspection enforcement? 6 Did Granite Falls conduct inspections of 504 3 42.B.4. 20%of low-density projects this year? PARTIAL Need to increase LD Inspections Did Granite Falls provide educational materials about low density developments during the issuance of zoning permits, distributed through 525 3 43.B.3. mailings, posted on social media, and handed out at events? YES 526 3 43.B.3. How many low density educational materials were distributed? 1 Did Granite Falls provide educational materials to developers about high density development during the issuance of zoning permits, distributed 535 3 44.B.2. through mailings, posted on social media, and handed out at events? YES 536 3 44.B.2. How many high density educational materials were distributed? 0 There were no HD projects Did Granite Falls establish/maintain links to all post-construction ordinances, manuals, policies, checklists, design standards, and/or other 543 3 44.B.3. materials on the website? YES There were no HD projects Page 3 of 5 NCS000602_GRANITE FALLS 2024 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT 550 3 45.B.1. Did Granite Falls maintain a Pet Waste Ordinance? YES 551 3 45.B.1. Did Granite Falls implement and enforce the Pet Waste Ordinance? YES How many educational awareness materials on fecal coliform pollution 559 3 45.B.2. associated with maintenance of septic systems were distributed? 20 How many municipal facilities were inspected to ensure good 567 3 47.B.3. housekeeping/spill prevention and control measures are implemented? 1 Public Works How many municipal facilities implemented corrective action(s)following 572 3 47.B.4. inspection? 1 579 3 48.B.3. Did Granite Falls review/maintain written spill response plans? PARTIAL Needs to be updated 580 3 48.B.3. How many spill response procedure plans were revised? How many non-reportable spills were documented according to the spill 589 3 48.B.5. response SOP? How many reportable spills were documented according to the spill 590 3 48.B.5. response SOP? 598 3 49.B.3. Did Granite Falls implement the MS4 O&M Plan? PARTIAL 602 3 49.B.4. How many MS4 inspections were completed? How many comprehensive stormwater training sessions for new staff were 610 3 50.B.2. held? How many new municipal and contractor staff received comprehensive 611 3 50.B.2. stormwater training ? 624 3 51.B.1. Did Granite Falls inspect the MS4 infrastructure? YES 625 3 51.B.1. How many MS4 catch basins were inspected? 188 626 3 51.B.1. How many MS4 conveyances were inspected? 188 627 3 51.B.1. How many MS4 issues were documented? 4 638 3 52.B.2. How many MS4 cleanings/maintenance actions were performed? Cleaned Every Catch basin monthly to Did Granite Falls maintain an inventory of municipally-owned SCMs with bi-monthly. Installed new inlet at end information including type,year built, date of last inspection and of Edgewater Ct. Fixed two sink hole 647 3 53.B.1. maintenance actions? PARTIAL next to catch basin . 648 3 53.B.1. How many municipally-owned SCMs are in the inventory? No Municpal owned SCMs Did Granite Falls develop/maintain a SCM Operation and Maintenance 649 3 53.B.2. Plan for each muncipally-owned SCM? PARTIAL No Municpal owned SCMs 658 3 54.B.3. How many municipally-owned SCM inspections were performed? N/A How many municipally-owned SCMs had documented 665 3 54.B.4. deficiencies/required maintenance? N/A How many municipally-owned SCM corrective actions/repairs were 666 3 54.B.4. performed? N/A Did Granite Falls ensure that only certified landscapers/applicators are 675 3 56.B.1. applying pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers? YES How many certified landscapers/applicators are applying pesticides, 676 3 56.B.1. herbicides and fertilizers? 2 Did Granite Falls implement standard operating procedures for vehicle and 684 3 57.B.3. equipment washing? YES 120 washings (95%are fire/police) 695 3 59.B.1. Did Granite Falls perform annual municipal parking lot sweeping? YES 696 3 59.B.1. Did Granite Falls remove litter/debris from municipal parking lots weekly? YES Did Granite Falls track conveyances/infrastructure that have frequent 697 3 59.B.2. problems with pollution to prioritize their maintenance? YES Did Granite Falls distribute educational flyers regarding street ruoff 708 3 59.B.3. pollution? YES How many educational flyers regarding street ruoff pollution were 709 3 59.B.3. distributed? 20 718 3 60.B.1. Did Granite Falls service public waste receptacles? YES 1245 719 3 60.B.1. How many trash bags were used/collected? weekly 728 3 60.B.2. Did Granite Falls collect litter on an as-needed basis? YES 729 3 60.B.2. How much trash was collected (pounds)? April 16th(32 participants, 50 lbs of Did Granite Falls perform at least two leaf collections between October rash). Public Works Staff cleaned as 738 3 61.B.1. and April? PARTIAL needed for fall 739 3 61.B.1. How many cubic yards of leaves were collected? 120 tons MS4 Training Powerpoint &Youtube Did Granite Falls train first responders on minimizing, collecting and made available to staff. WPCOG SW 748 3 62.B.1. disposing of fluids and other vehicular pollutants following an accident? PARTIAL Admin trained. How many first responders were trained on minimizing, collecting and 749 3 62.B.1. disposing of fluids and other vehicular pollutants following an accident? 758 3 62.B.2. Did Granite Falls equip and maintain spill kits in first responder vehicles? YES Fire Trucks are maintained 759 3 62.B.2. How many first responder spill kits were maintained/ refilled? Page 4 of 5 NCS000602_GRANITE FALLS 2024 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT How many public education materials about vehicle leaks/pollution 766 3 62.B.3. potential were distributed? 25 Did Granite Falls enforce significant vehicle leaks from parked cars under 773 3 62.B.4. the IDDE ordinance? YES How many enforcement actions were issued for significant vehicle leaks 774 3 62.B.4. from parked cars? 0 Page 5 of 5