HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000429_MS4 Annual Report (2023-24 FY)_20240830 m9n,o.„„... �.,,rvno �.,,,.,w,�.M, ao,..„an.�M„o„eMo„o,.n,N .102830 MoatAare..Program Label 5W10211.10 SW102.850 0 VI.11031160 label s. 0 .102•90 Label SW101910 .0 5.1103930 label sw,oz93° 20 swyoy9so 5.1103960 label swyoygyo 5W102980 22.13 SW101990 56 5.1103000 label SW10.3010 5W1.03020 SW10.30.30 0 .103040 label .10.3050 SW10.30150 The numberoldeanuo oartleloants. SI SW1.03070 0.5 SWI0.3080 numberolstrearn miles cleaned. 0.3 SW109090 Volu.er Mentterine label SW10.31.00 numberolvolunteers oartleloallne In monitorine broffams. 6illsoroerarn Isslated for 202S SWI031.20 numberolvolunteer monllofine stations established In the watershed. 6illsoroerarn Isslated for 202S SWI03140 numberolectIons that weretal,en as a result of the rnonitorine data-collected Ovvolunteers. 6illsoroerarn Isslated for 202S label SW103.0 "Me eves or land planted. 0.10111vestakinel SW1031.80 The number.planting events held. SW103190 11.1.6•1 SW1032.00 Does the Stonnwater management Proaram summarize what bestmanagernent oranIceswill be used..thefrecuentvolNeSIVIP.the measurable!tools foreac.m,the Implementation schedule.and tbe resoonsIble oerson Yes SW103210 label SW103220 Ilasthe develeoed er Ole In the process ofdeveloolne a storm sewer mao showlne the locatIon of all outlallsand the names and la.n of all recelvIne waters, Yes sw10„. Yes 503 SW1038.1.0 Yes SW103330 80% SW103340 SW103830 Stormwater manaeement Proaram describe tbe oermittee,plan to ensure aobroorlete enforcement oroceduresa.enlonssu.Mat the permit..Illicit discharee ordinance lor other renlatorvmechenIsml Is In Yes SW103360 SW1.03370 The beamillee owstimolement an Inspection onmam to*tea elm wea.er flows at system outrallsand...a mlnlmum.m.addressibe Labe SW103. Labe SW1038,0 Proceduresbr tracing the se.rce of an 1111c11dIsebaree.IndudinethesoeclfietechnlauesoennItteewIll use to detect thelow1100 olthe source. Labe 5W103.100 Labe SW103410 Proceduresbr evaluation ofOle Ulan to detect and elltrinatelllidt discherees. Labe SW10.120 SW1034.30 land.De Irrleallon: Labe SW10.0 Labe SW103.00 Labe SW1.60 Labe SWI03,70 Labe SW.M. Labe SW103.0S0 Labe Labe Sw3.0.10 Labe Labe Labe SW103540 Labe Sw10.0 Labe SW103560 Labe Sw3.0.70 Labe sw103580 Labe Sw3.0.0 Labe sw103,00 Labe Sw3.0.10 Labe sw103„0 Labe sw,0,630 SW103700 Sw3.03710 SW103720 SW103760 Sw3.03770 SW103780 Label 3 Sw103.990 Inteeer SW103900 tZ'1173:: Label SW10.0 The numberol oenallies upon the participant al Maul clumps. I-Issued.0.143 SW103950 SW100970 10tlusbial or Business Connections Label SW103980 SW1.03. The number.hell-risloconnedlons orloritIzetl. 0 SW104000 0 SW.010 The number.illicit connedionsfounel. 0 SW1.040.20 0 SW1.3.30. Recreational Sewage Label SW1.0.0 SW1.04050 The number.nodiscbarte areas mated. 0 SW.060 0 SW.070 The number.enbrced eases or recreational dumping. 0 SW1.0.1680 0 SanitarvSewer Overflows ISSOI Label SW10.11.00 SW.110 The numberol overflow eausesthat were Identified durimInsoedions. Wear SW.120 SW100.1.30 Wastewater Connections to the Stenn Drain System Label SW.. The numberol cliv weather monitorina activities performed. sw1041. SW.170 The numberol unwarranted connettlons found. SW104190 ConstruletionStegonnwater Runotr Control MN label SW101200 es SW.21.0 illbecermittee relles the 1.00411 Division of Lan“esources101.11)Erosion s.Sediment Control Proesam to comply.11,111s minInumneasure ref odvale development.than the NCOEN1101vislan of Land Resourtes Era bel SW10.1220 es SW.. illbecerminee relles a local aovervmemitto comply Wt.,.mlnimunmeasure.tlees the cerrnittee tonduct random Inspections of local la.clisturbina attivIllestut have a sselment and eroslon oan.I berm11.1ssueel o SW10.50 SW.260 iltbe Dermittee relles on a local aovernment comely W.this mlnimarmessure.does the cerrnittee reoort unresolved cancerns.10.111e local Rovemr0e01, es es SW.300 Doestbe Derminee have a tlellented oroararn to meet°.reoulrernents elan Erosion end Sediment.Con.1Proaram far adv.elevellooment,Ilf no ixo to SW10.501 es SW1.0.131.0 SW.32.0 DoestbeStormwater Manaaernent Prorkra.deuribe the mechanism lortlInance or other realatery methan1.1 the permlneewIll uss to reau.erosion and sediment con.ls constru.on sites and Awthe oermIttee es-Autheil.elven to Local GovernmentIStatute retreneed In SWAM SW1.0.330 SW1.04.3.10 Does the Permitke conduct site olan re,,ewls1.,ncluclinethe review al ore-construction site olans.M.incorporate consideratIon or Detente,waterouallW Imbeesi es 54.0.01350 SW10.60 54.0.01370 SW104380 54/1.061.30 SW104440 SW100520 5W101530 SW10.1.590 SY/1MM 11.1eisel S5=70 SW104920 5W10.1.0 5W104940 5W105000 SW105010 Label 5W1050.20 SW105030 54/105010 SW105050 54/105060 Wet mild, SW105070 54/105080 SW105090 54.1051.00 54.105120 infiltration basin, 54/1.05110 SW105150 SW105190 SW1052.30 .105260 label .105270 5W1.05280 NA SW105290 sw106300 Label ':n761'''°""'°"'rr"w"'r Label SW105560 SW105570 Yes SW105560 Label SW105590 SW105600 SW106610 SW105620 ,.6670 5,056. 5.105690 ::'1°0567:10 Label SW105720 SW106730 No SW105740 SWIOS750 Pollution M1 eventIon/60e6HouseXeeolne Sold label SW105760 SW10S770 Does the Stonnweler Meneeeknehl Program list tbe oennittee's munIcloal operellonsthatere Impacted bv thls operation and knalhlenance=gram, yes SW105780 SW105790 MunIcloal Operations Include: Label SWIOS800 yes SW1OSSIO Fleet MaIntenance yes SW165810 Airoort Yes SW103830 AnIrael Shelters Ho•CeuntvOwne6(Recently relocated wIthIn CIWLImIts1 SW10.40 Yes SW103860 Water Plants SW105860 Yes SW10.70 Transit Author. Ho SW105880 Yes SW1OSSSO Miens Ho•CeuntvOwne6 SWIOS900 No SW10.10 Flre Ratans Ho SWIOS920 Landfills No SW106930 Schools Ho SWIOS940 Padzs Yes SWIOS9S0 Waste Penellne Centers SWIOS960 yes SWIOSS70 Vehlcle Wash OneratIons yes SWIOS980 SWIOS9S0 Other SW106000 SW106010 Does the Stonnwater Manaaernehl Program describe env existine available tralnIrw materlalsthe oennIttee plans to use? SW106060 SW1060S0 Does the Stormmater Manaeement tleserlbe the oermluee's orecedures fer the onoo.dlsoosal of waste removed from the nermIttee's MS4 and the oennIttee's munIcloelonerations.incluelnedredaesooll.accurnu No SW106.13.11 lebel SW10612.0 SW106130 SW106160 SW106170 Yes SW106180 Y. SW106190 SW106200 Y. SW2062211 label SW106.0 ye, SW106230 yas SW10.10 yes SW106250 SW10.60 SW106270 SW10.80 SW106290 SW106300 Ves-Undated schedule of Inseettion will he to,he sooh newslart SW106310 SW106320 SW106330 SW106400 Label SW106410 21 SW1060.0 4 SW106430 0 SW106410 "Me number oil educational materiels distributed al earaees.auto sboo,a.other automobile-related businesses. SW20641611 label SW106660 SW10600 0 SW106680 SW2116490 Waal SW106600 430 SW106510 3 SW106620 SW106530 0 SW10.10 :1,06550 06S60 Label SW106570 0 SW1066.1 SW106590 0 0 SW106610 SW106620 label SW106630 SW106640 2so SW106650 Pet Waste Label SW106660 SW106670 The number 01,00er-5[000er"statlons Installed 30 SW106680 SW106690 ft.salt Application and storage Label SW106700 SW106710 The number of emoloveestral.In road salt aoolkation. SW106720 0 SW106730 The nuant1.01alternatIve=ducts used On tonsl. SW2116aaa Label SW106810 The number of leek cletectIon devices Installed et munkloal 0 SW106820 SW106830 The number of cersohnel trained In 5001 resoonse, SW106840 0 SW1068S0 The number of educational materiels distributed to munidoel enwlowes. SWIa61166 SW106870 The number of outtalls cleaned mauler.. 3.7 SW106690 SW10.0 The amount of tresh.seellment.and other Dollutants removed durinecleanine Iln tonsl. 83 SWI.06660 Label SW106910 The number of aellons of used oil collected from munleloal eceretIons. 4.202 SW106920 SW106930 The number of educational materiels distributed to rnunidoel enwlovees. SWIa6640 Label SW1069S0 SW106960 SW106070 SUM and tan.Imwovement Protects sold label SW106980 3 SW106990 The number of nevi slorrnwahr rnaheeement nositionls1 created or staffed for[be reoortinevear, SW107000 SW107010 The number of Gone,Improvement Proleds Dimmed. SW107020 10 SW107030 The number of Gone,Improvement Proleds SW107040 SW107050 Ordlnance.Leeal or Reeulatwv sold label SW107060 SW107070 Erosion&Sediment Control Gaston Com.Code of OftlInanc.-Sec 4-51:4-75 SW107080 SW107090 SW107100 SW107110 SW107120 00,ff, SWAM,Legal Author. SW107130 0Lber. SW107140 SWAM,Legal Author.