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The undersigned hereby certifies as follows:
1. He is a duly elected,qualified and acting Secretary of D.R.Horton,Inc.,a Delaware
corporation (the "Company'), is familiar with the facts herein certified and is duly authorized to
certify the same.
2. The following is a true,correct and complete copy of resolutions related to the subject
matter as adopted by the Consent of Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company
dated October 1,2021 (the "Resolutions"). The Resolutions have not been amended,rescinded or
modified and remain in full force and effect as of the date hereof.
Election of Region Vice President-Coastal Carolina
WHEREAS, effective April 11, 2011, Bradford C. Brundage was duly
elected to the office of Assistant Vice President of the Company in the Company's
Coastal Carolina Division;
WHEREAS, effective October 26, 2018, Bradford C. Brundage was
promoted to the office of Vice President of the Company and Division President of
the Myrtle Beach and Wilmington areas ofthe Company's Coastal Carolina Division;
WHEREAS,effective January 13,2020,Bradford C.Brundage's authority
was expanded to include the Company's entire Coastal Carolina Division;and
WHEREAS, it is now desirable to promote Bradford C. Brundage to the
position of Region Vice President of the Company of the Company's Coastal
Carolina Region.
NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVE)pthat Bradford C. Brundag(the
"Region Vice President')is hereby elected to the office of Region Vice President of
the Company of the Company's Coastal Carolina Region (the "Region'), to serve
until the next annual meeting of directors of the Company and until his successor is
duly elected and qualified or until his earlier death,resignation or removal.
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Region Vice President is hereby
authorized and empowered,in the Region and in the name and on behalf of(A)the
Company, (B)any partnership of which the Company is a general partner,manager
or agent,and(C)any limited liability company of which the Company is a member,
manager or agent(collectively the "Entities'), (i)subject to written approval by any
one of the following officers of the Company: (a) Chairman of the Board, (b)
President, (c) Senior Executive Vice President,(d)Executive Vice President or(e)
the Region President of the Division (the "Approving Officers'), to execute and
deliver contracts, agreements and other documents and instruments (other than
promissory notes) for the purchase of real poperty, and any improvements or
appurtenances constructed thereon or affixed thereto, or any interest therein,
including without limitation any right-of-way,easement,leasehold or other tangible
or intangible property,right or interest,and any personal property relating or incident
thereto, (ii) subject to written approval by any one of the Approving Officers, to
execute and deliver contracts, agreements, deeds,conveyances or other obligations
of the Entities,closing statements and other documents and instruments for the sale
of improved or unimproved real property, or any interest or right therein, owned,
leased or otherwise controlled by the Entities and(iii)to execute and deliver model
home leases and such other agreements,instruments or documents as the Approving
Officers shall direct.
RESOLVED FURTHER that, in connection with the management of the
Entities' business in the Region,the Region Vice President shall be authorized and
empowered,in the name and on behalf of the Entities in the Region,to execute and
deliver (i) contracts, agreements and other documents and instruments for the
subdivision, development and/or improvement of real property, (ii) contracts,
agreements,deeds,closing statements and other documents and instruments for the
sale,transfer and/or conveyance ofmineral rights,groundwater and other water rights
owned,leased or controlled by any of the Entities to DRH Energy,Inc.,an affiliate
of the Entities,(iii)home sales contracts,sales person employment agreements and
similar or equivalent agreements, documents or instruments and (iv) personal
property leases for, among other things,office equipment and construction trailers.
RESOLVED FURTHER that, in connection with the management of the
Entities' business in the Region,the Region Vice President shall be authorized and
empowered,in the name and on behalf of the Entities in the Region,to execute and
deliver any and all documents and instruments necessary to sell and convey title to
single-family and multi-family homes.
RESOLVED FURTHER,that the Region Vice President is hereby removed
from any position not granted above.
RESOLVED FURTHER,;that effective as of the date hereof,the authority
hereby granted to the Region Vice President supersedes authority previously granted
by Written Consent of Executive Committee of the Board of Directors to the Region
Vice President.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned has signed on the 5'day of October,2021.
Thomas B. Montano
U:UTEWAL11Min1DHI121Oct01-COS-RVPs and RPs.wpd 2
Smith, Ashley M
From: Smith, Ashley M
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 12:27 PM
To: Donald Aiken
Subject: RE: [External] RE:State Stormwater Permit Renewal Additional Information#SW8
Hi Donald,
I have gotten the chance to talk to my supervisor about the signature authority situation for the renewal of
I know that we discussed the permit of Bellamy Townhomes as an example when we talked on the phone last week for
approving the signature of Ms. Shelton. We do accept COA as documentation for providing signature authority, however
the COA documentation provided describes Ms.Shelton as Assistant Vice President.There was also a letter on a
company letterhead with Elizabeth Shelton signing as Vice President which is why I believe the permit for Bellamy
Townhomes was approved and issued
State stormwater rule 15A NCAC 02H.1040(1)(a)states: In the case of a corporation,the application must be signed by a
principal executive officer of at least the level of vice-president.The level of assistant vice president does not meet this
standard. If you can provide me with documentation that Ms.Shelton meets this rule,then we can move forward with
the application. Alternatively, signature authority from an individual that meets this requirement allowing her to sign on
their behalf could be provided.
Please let me know if there are any additional questions,comments,or concerns.Thanks!
Ashley Smith
Renewal Specialist
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources,Wilmington Regional Office
NC Department of Environmental Quality
Phone 910 796 7215
Email ashlevm.smith@ncdenr.gov
127 Cardinal Drive Ext.
Wilmington, NC 28405
IIIEC):.,4 ,.
_irai,conm*:oo d n: a to arid from this addre w.is subject to the
North Carolina Public Recoiris Lot,, and;-nay be disclosed to third p3rties.
From: Donald Aiken<DAiken@drhorton.com>
Sent:Wednesday, March 16, 2022 11:03 AM
To:Smith,Ashley M <ashleym.smith@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: FW: [External] RE:State Stormwater Permit Renewal Additional Information#SW8 130412
CAUTION:External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to
P.e nrr Spam.
Do you have an update on the Hawkeswater stormwater permit renewal?
Donald Aiken
Coastal Carolina's North Division
NPDES/Environmental Manager
Myrtle Beach-Wilmington-Jacksonville
S - rW, 131 Racine Dr.Suite 201,Wilmington,NC 28403
America's#1 Home Builder Since 2002 I drhorton.com
This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed.This
communication may contain PRIVILEGED CLIENT COMMUNICATIONS. If you are not one of the intended recipients,any use,dissemination,forwarding,
printing,or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. Please immediately destroy all copies of versions you have of this message and notify the sender at 910-
508-0017 or DaikenCaZdrhorton.com in order that we can take steps to prevent any further inadvertent disclosure.
From: Donald Aiken
Sent:Thursday, March 10, 2022 1:19 PM
To: 'Smith,Ashley M'<ashleym.smith@ncdenr.gov>; Ian E Flannery<IEFlannery@drhorton.com>
Cc: Libby Shelton<ELShelton@drhorton.com>
Subject: RE: [External] RE:State Stormwater Permit Renewal Additional Information#SW8 130412
As discussed please find attached revised page 1 of the transfer application reflecting DR Horton's corporate mailing
Let me know what you find out in regard to the signature authority issue. As mentioned,these COO's and COAS's are
the same documents that have been on file and utilized for DR Horton's signature authority with NCDEQ for years.
DCnalcc ker
Coastal Carolina's North Division
NPDES/Environmental Manager
' ' i Myrtle Beach-Wilmington-Jacksonville
Ameookseo oavietiori 131 Racine G:.Suite 201,Wilmington,NC 28403
America's#1 Home Builder Since 2002 I drhorton.com
This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed.This
communication may contain PRIVILEGED CLIENT COMMUNICATIONS. If you are not one of the intended recipients,any use,dissemination,forwarding,
printing,or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. Please immediately destroy all copies of versions you have of this message and notify the sender at 910-
508-0017 or Daikenedrhorton.com in order that we can take steps to prevent any further inadvertent disclosure.
From:Smith,Ashley M <ashleym.smith@ncdenr.gov>
Sent:Thursday, March 10,2022 12:16 PM
To: Ian E Flannery<IEFlannery@drhorton.com>
Cc: Donald Aiken <DAiken@drhorton.com>; Libby Shelton<ELShelton@drhorton.com>
Subject: RE: [External] RE:State Stormwater Permit Renewal Additional Information#SW8 130412
The 2022 annual filing for DR Horton, Inc. on NC SOS lists Mr.Thomas Montano as Secretary. 15A NCAC
02H.1040(1)(a): In the case of a corporation,the application must be signed by a principal executive officer of at least
the level of vice-president or the signature by other agents shall be accepted on the application only if accompanied by a
letter of authorization signed by the appropriate authority,at least the level of vice-president.
The mailing address listed on the Secretary of State is a 1341 Horton Circle in Texas. I just need a revised page one of the
application matching this address in Section B for consistency to issue the permit renewal. If you would like the renewed
permit to also be mailed to the 160 Mine Lake Court address provided and/or the 131 Racine Drive listed currently on
the application, please let me know and I will make sure a copy is sent there as well!
Thank you!
Ashley Smith
Renewal Specialist
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources,Wilmington Regional Office
NC Department of Environmental Quality
Phone 910 796 7215
Email ashlevm.smith@ncdenr.gov
127 Cardinal Drive Ext.
Wilmington, NC 28405
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to tha
North Carolina Public Records Law and rrw be disclosed fc third p•adies.
From: Ian E Flannery<IEFlannerv@drhorton.com>
Sent:Thursday, March 10,2022 11:35 AM
To:Smith,Ashley M <ashieym.smith@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Donald Aiken<DAiken@drhorton.com>; Libby Shelton<ELShelton@drhorton.com>
Subject: [External] RE:State Stormwater Permit Renewal Additional Information#SW8 130412
CAUTION: External email, Do not ciick links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to
deport Sam.
Good Morning Ms.Smith,
Please find attached the revised COAS for Elizabeth Shelton. It is signed by Thomas Montano who is a registered
Secretary of D.R. Horton per the Secretary of State website.
The inconsistency in mailing addresses is due to the fact that the Secretary of State website does not have each
individual DRH office address listed.We can use the mailing address on file with the SoS:
160 Mine Lake Ct.Ste 200
Raleigh, NC 27615-6417
Please let me know if there is anything additional you need. Thanks!
Ian E. Flannery
Land Development Manager
1 � 131 Racine Drive,Suite 201,Wilmington NC,28403
America*amibta'. m:843.709.0752
America's#1 Home Builder Since 2002 I D.R.Horton • Express • Emerald • Freedom I #WeBuilh
D.R.Horton is an Equal Housing Opportunity builder.Unless this email is in response to your previous communications with D.R.
Horton,it is an advertisement or solicitation.If you are a resident cf the European Economic Area,we are providing this information
pursuant to your previous communications with us,and we processed the personal information received in those prior
communications to send this email.You may UNS!JBEC!.IBE at Dny time from commercial advertising omails from D.R.Horton,II lc.
and its integrated affiliates.Please do not reply to this email to unsubscribe. For more information about us,to view our privacy policy,
or to exercise your privacy ciaices regarding the processing of your personal information,go to'_.w„Lc' .r :_oa.com.You may contact
us at 888-559-2763,PT;V-3.7.1?I:n:._::,:Jr,)R...tcii.c '.n,orD.R.Horton,Inc.,Attn:Privacy,1341 Horton Circle,Arlington,TX 76011.If you
write to us,please include your email address.
From: Libby Shelton <ELShe?ton@drhorton.com>
Sent:Thursday, March 10, 2022 11:08 AM
To: Ian E Flannery<IEFlannery@drhorton.com>; Donald Aiken<DAiken@drhorton.com>
Subject: FW:State Stormwater Permit Renewal Additional Information#SW8 130412
Sent from my Verizon,Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Original message-----
From: "Smith,Ashley M"<ashleym.smith@ncdenr.gov>
Date: 3/10/22 11:07 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: Libby Shelton<ELShelton@drhorton.com>
Subject: RE: State Stormwater Permit Renewal Additional Information#SW8 130412
My email earlier today was missing a key part for my request, so I am resending with the additional information:
1. 15A NCAC 02H.1040(1)(a): In the case of a corporation,the application must be signed by a principal executive
officer of at least the level of vice-president or the signature by other agents shall be accepted on the
application only if accompanied by a letter of authorization signed by the appropriate authority.The 2022 North
Carolina Secretary of State filing does not list Ashley Dagley,Assistant Secretary,as having authority to give
signature authority to Elizabeth Shelton,Assistant Vice President.
2. 15A NCAC 02H.1045(3)(a)(ii): Please confirm the following:
a. The mailing address for the property owner listed in Section B.4 of the application is not consistent with
the office mailing address on file with the Secretary of State. Please confirm the mailing address for
property owner listed in Section B.4 of the application is consistent with the information on file with the
Secretary of State.
Please remember to confirm that any revised information is presented consistently throughout the application
documents. Please also remember to provide a hard copy of any updated documents per 15A NCAC 02H.1045(3).
The requested information should be received in this Office by March 26,2022, or the application will be returned as
incomplete. If additional time is needed to submit the requested information, please email your extension request prior
to this due date to the email address provided below with a justification and a date of when the requested information
will be submitted,which shall be no later than 15 days past the original due date. Please note that only two letters
requesting additional information is allowed in the State Stormwater Program for a total of 30 days to submit the
requested additional information. If the information is not satisfactorily provided after either the second request or 30
days, the project will be returned. If the project is returned and you wish to re-submit later,you will need to resubmit all
required items at that time, including the application fee.
Please let me know if there is additional questions,comments,or concerns.Thank you for working to renew your state
stormwater permit.
Ashley Smith
Renewal Specialist
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources,Wilmington Regional Office
NC Department of Environmental Quality
Phone 910 796 7215
Email ashlevm.smith@ncdenr.gov
127 Cardinal Drive Ext.
Wilmington, NC 28405
• #.1ffi°1""k"TO
Email conesporrdence tc and frrmi this address is subje:t to th.
North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From:Smith,Ashley M
Sent:Thursday, March 10,2022 10:17 AM
To: elshelton@drhorton.com
Subject:State Stormwater Permit Renewal Additional Information#SW8 130412
Good morning Ms.Shelton,
I am in review of your state stormwater permit renewal application, and need a little more information.
15A NCAC 02H.1040(1)(a): In the case of a corporation,the application must be signed by a principal executive officer of
at least the level of vice-president or the signature by other agents shall be accepted on the application only if
accompanied by a letter of authorization signed by the appropriate authority. The 2022 North Carolina Secretary of
State filing does not list Ashley Dagley,Assistant Secretary, as having authority to give signature authority to Elizabeth
Shelton,Assistant Vice President.
Please remember to confirm that any revised information is presented consistently throughout the application
documents. Please also remember to provide a hard copy of any updated documents per 15A NCAC 02H.1045(3).
The requested information should be received in this Office by March 26, 2022, or the application will be returned as
incomplete. If additional time is needed to submit the requested information, please email your extension request prior,
to this due date to the email address provided below with a justification and a date of when the requested information
will be submitted,which shall be no later than 15 days past the original due date. Please note that only two letters
requesting additional information is allowed in the State Stormwater Program for a total of 30 days to submit the
requested additional information. If the information is not satisfactorily provided after either the second request or 30
days, the project will be returned. If the project is returned and you wish to re-submit later,you will need to resubmit all
required items at that time, including the application fee.
Please let me know if there is additional questions, comments, or concerns.Thank you for working to renew your state
stormwater permit.
Ashley Smith
Renewal Specialist
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources,Wilmington Regional Office
NC Department of Environmental Quality
Phone 910 796 7215
Email ashleym.smith@ncdenr.gov
127 Cardinal Drive Ext.
Wilmington, NC 28405
1 .."16.
E-:: 'correspondence to and Iron?tors address s subject to the
'io:: :r Carolina Public Records Law and may be dis.c.iosed to uiird parties.
CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not clerk links or open attachments
unless you rcoorfize the sender and know the content is safe.
CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not dick links or open attachments
unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Burd, Tina J
From: Burd,Tina J
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 8:18 AM
To: ELShelton@drhorton.com
Subject: SW8 130412 - Hawkeswater at the River
The Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources(Stormwater Section) accepted
the Stormwater Permit Renewal Application and $505.00 fee for the subject project on March 7,2022. The project has
been assigned to Ashley Smith and you will be notified if additional information is needed.
Best Regards,
Tina Burd
Administrative Associate II
Wilmington Regional Office
Division of Environmental Assistance &Customer Service
Phone 910-796-7215
Wilmington Regional Office
127 Cardinal Drive Ext.
Wilmington, NC 28405
Email correspondence. to and from this address is subject to the
Aiottl, Carolina Pubtie Records Law and may be disclosed to third pc.
Website: http://deci.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/stormwater
Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-i9,the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted
operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered
shifts.To accommodate these staffing changes,all DEQoffice locations are limiting public access to appointments only.Please
check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices,as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email.We
appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time.
Non-Transfer Application Completeness Review Checklist
. Project Name: 111_lJK�cs .)corty. at ,r am g.i,vt . Date Delivered to WIRO: 3 11 1 Z°Z2
Project County/Location: 5 vtV j\.\.1 f $ mg-1J\.C BIMS Received/Accepted Date: 7 ,.)-?-
Date Given to Admin: !7 ,) 72
. Permit Action: New New Permit#2: BIMS Acknowledged Date: •?
®Not located in the ETJ of the following delegated
and functioning programs:
',Carolina Beach/Kure Beach/Wilmington/Wrightsville Beach
Bruits}Leland/Navassa(?)/Oak island
'ar Emerald Isle Onsi: Jacksonville Pend: Surf City
Major Mod / Minor Mod eneeval [:-xisting Permit#: SVv 13 0`}12
Applicant&Permlttee are the same?3 Expiration Date: Z2V r SO/Z02.1
Permit Type: (LD/LD Overall/HD&LD Combo 1
General Permit/Offsite/Exempt + Redevelopment DOfFsite to SW8:
Development Type: Commercial aside t-1-1 Other pis Offsite Lot approved in Master Permit?s
•Subdivided?. Subdivision or Single Lot
Rule(s): 02017 Coastal 02008 Coastal 11995 Coastal
DPhase II ElLlniversal D1988 Coastal
Permittee Type&Documents Needed:
EJProperty Owners) PurchaserLessee 0NOADeveloper
Viable? Viable? riViable? Viable? Viable?
Deed 1 Purchase Agmt EILease Election Minutes
®fee: 11$505(within 6mo) Check#(s): 12 01Qv,kip 2. DNo Fee
aupplementz(1 new form or for older forms:I original perSCM)
Soils Report(lnfil or PP)
Deed Restrictions,if subdivided
Project Narrative
]LISGs Map(or on file?) Subject to SA?: Y / N Subject to ORW?: Y / N
Plans(2 Sets) � '
'Enter BIMS Acknowledged Date on this Sheel
2For New Projects-Enter New Permit#on Supplements&Deed Restriction Tempiates.
i If permittee is different,STOP.Needs to be transferred first
"If w/in 6 months and they are requesting a mod,STOP. Needs a renewal first.
slf Lot not approved in master permit,STOP. Master permit needs mod
EMAILED ENGINEER DATE: _ Comments: \ O '. f,L.Q. +0 tcu2,rs.
REVIEWER NAME: S Ut—i■ ' kAl2 Q o
G'\- --r1,--.9..- Ste-'
G:WQ\\\Reference Library\ProcedurestChecklists\Completeness Review Checklist 202109 08
Impervious Allocation Summary
Lot# Owner PERMIT TOTAL Deed Restrictions Bk./Pg.
■ #Lots: 'E l.r►ic 8 v
#Owned by Permittee: 0
#Sold: ll
MAC 0 7 2022
%Sold: 100% BY.
3001 Susan Rader 4,500 2,861 2745/0986
3002 Christoph Baer 4,500 3,049 2745/0986
3003 Jeff Herdemian 4,500 2,190^ 2745/0986
3148 Waldron 4,500 3,561 2745/0986
3150 Justin Sibson 4,500 2,750 2745/0986
3153 Ryan Rhodes 4,500 2,889 2745/0986
3154 Dani Henrikson 4,500 3,070 2745/0986
3158 Rebecca Holt 4,500 2,867 2745/0986
3160 Charle Harding 4,500 2,708 2745/0986
3161 James Young 4,500 3,662 2745/0986
3162 William Smith 4,500 3,570 2745/0986
3163 Eric Sykes 4,500 2,641 2745/0986
3164 Frank Pain 4,500 3,474 2745/0986
3165 Simpson _ 4,500 2,815 2745/0986
3201 Jennifer Morin 4,500 2,778 2745/0986
3202 Brandon Rini 4,500 2,231 2745/0986
3203 Adam Butler 4,500 2,378 2745/0986
3204 Patricia Copp 4,500 2,532 2745/0986
3205 Gary Blevins 4,500 2,048 2745/0986
3206 Paul Lawrence 4,500 2,226 2745/0986
3207 Frank Steele 4,500 2,757 2745/0986
3208 George Coggins 4,500 2,694 2745/0986
3209 Meliss Shuford 4,500 2,987 2745/0986
3210 John Myers 4,500 2,842 2745/0986
3211 Kimeyas Hunter 4,500 2,548 2745/0986
3212 Brice Wells 4,500 3,081 2745/0986
3213 Edward Johnson 4,500 2,913 2745/0986
3214 Marsha Mills 4,500 2,936 2745/0986
3215 Julie Kozlow 4,500 2,872 2745/0986
3216 Margare Holmes 4,500 3,199 2745/0986
3217 4,500 2745/0986
3218 Edgar Carroll 4,500 3,017 2745/0986
3219 Justin John 4,500 3,334 2745/0986
3220 Kurt Hendrixson 4,500 3,121 2745/0986
3221 Jeffrey Clancy 4,500 2,647 2745/0986
3222 Sean Kennedy 4,500 3,016 2745/0986
3223 Suart Barnes 4,500 2,950 2745/0986
3224 Eric Gonzales 4,500 3,550 2745/0986
3225 Kevin Moran 4,500 2,734 2745/0986
3226 William Youngblood 4,500 2,215 2745/0986
3227 Nancy Angulo 4,500 2,224 2745/0986
3228 Jerome Griddle 4,500 3,018 2745/0986
3229 Kelly Henry 4,500 3,023 2745/0986
3230 Sara Crimbring 4,500 2,221 2745/0986
3231 Anthony Mangino 4,500 2,556 2745/0986
3232 Galen Garren 4,500 2,441 2745/0986
3233 Patricia Merolle 4,500 2,618 2745/0986
3234 Bianca Colman/Jonathan Hewitt 4,500 2,452 2745/0986
3235 Brian/Jennifer Griffith 4,500 2,089 2745/0986
3236 Eric/Carrie Davis 4,500 2,909 2745/0986
3237 Robert/Heather Becker 4,500 2,405 2745/0986
3238 Charles/Myra Saylor 4,500 3,356 2745/0986
3239 Delano Lucas/Rosalee Davis 4,500 2,063 2745/0986
3240 Paul D'Alessandro 4,500 2,057 2745/0986
3241 Kristopher Benton 4,500 2,403 2745/0986
3242 Wesley/Kaylyn Whitt 4,500 2,869 2745/0986
3243 Aaron Snyder 4,500 2,732 2745/0986
3244 Elisabeth Phillips 4,500 2,144 2745/0986
3245 Bryce/Tracie Chaffe 4,500 2,493 2745/0986
3246 Walter/Carroll Ward 4,500 2,861 2745/0986
3247 George/Tammy Langley 4,500 3,055 2745/0986
3248 Susan Dubey 4,500 2,880 2745/0986
3249 Thomas Fife 4,500 2,363 2745/0986
3250 Burley/Murray Hall 4,500 3,445 2745/0986
3251 Kathey Coggins/Paul Glass 4,500 2,168 2745/0986
3252 Terry/Nancy Grier 4,500 2,781 2745/0986
3253 Patricia Fullwood 4,500 3,443 2745/0986
3254 Michael/Pamela Stevens 4,500 2,777 2745/0986
3255 Tina Zappacosta 4,500 2,785 2745/0986
3256 John Blasko 4,500 3,006 2745/0986
3257 James/Beverly Durkin 4,500 2,561 2745/0986
3258 Richard/Mildred Viccaro 4,500 2,770 2745/0986
3259 Kelly/Sonja Henry 4,500 3,123 2745/0986
3260 Rene'e Washington 4,500 3,006 2745/0986
3261 Amber Perry 4,500 2,224 2745/0986
3262 Terry/Jody McCall 4,500 2,557 2745/0986
3263 Dave/Donna Brindisi 4,500 3,407 2745/0986
3264 Michael/Marry Vaccaro 4,500 2,486 2745/0986
3265 Michael Wackerly 4,500 2,434 2745/0986
3266 Michelle/Jeffery Steward 4,500 3,050 2745/0986
3267 Zachary/Amy Haines 4,500 2,363 2745/0986
3268 Grant/Lauren Vick 4,500 2,434 2745/0986
I3269 James/Denise Leiner 4,500 2,486 2745/0986
3270 Jason/Tracie Hanson 4,500 2,224 2745/0986
3271 Charles/Denise Cataldo 4,500 3,396 2745/0986
3273 Jeremy Downey 4,500 2,506 2745/0986
3274 Gregory/Crystal Willett 3,768 2,658 2745/0986
3275 Justin/Caitlin Simmons 4,500 2,348 2745/0986
3276 Jordan Simm/William Hart 4,500 3,087 2745/0986
3277 Michael Carpenter 4,500 2,361 2745/0986
3278 Benjamin/Caroline White 4,500 2,936 2745/0986
3279 Antuan Burke/Alice Stiles 4,500 2,362 2745/0986
,3280 James/Kathleen Gautier 4,500 3,258 2745/0986
3281 Kimberly Mailhot 4,500 2,199 2745/0986
3282 James/ Judith Kempf 3,768 3,087 2745/0986
3283 Zachary Kornblum/Maggie Meadows 3,768 2,693 2745/0986
3284 Daniel/ Brianna Walter 3,768 2,993 2745/0986
3285 Craig/Krista Whitney 3,768 2,335 2745/0986
3286 Michael/Cynthia Taylor 3,768 3,082 2745/0986
3287 Michael/Karen Davis 4,500 3,252 2745/0986
3288 Richard Doychak 3,768 2,207 2745/0986
3289 Matthew Taylor 3,768 2,357 2745/0986
3290 Raymond/Karen Jacques 3,768 3,082 2745/0986
3291 Diego Correa/Aurora Carrillo 3,768 3,002 2745/0986
3292 Scott/Misty Yandell 3,768 2,216 2745/0986
3293 Jeffery/ MacKenzie Greenhill 3,768 3,073 2745/0986
3294 Jennifer/Rocky Favorito 3,768 2,820 2745/0986
3295 Ross Pitman/Anna Masteller 3,768 2,213 2745/0986
3296 Brandus Townsend 3,768 2,089 2745/0986
3297 Lori Buchanan 3,768 2,216 2745/0986
3298 Kimberly Repnik 3,768 2,935 2745/0986
3299 Larry/Angela Johnston 3,768 2,358 2745/0986
3300 Kathleen Hicks 3,768 2,198 2745/0986
3301 Francis/Linda Ament 3,768 3,086 2745/0986
-3302 Polly DeHart/Norma Freeze 4,500 3,034 2745/0986
3303 Kent/Kelsey Humphrey 4,500 3,106 2745/0986
3304 John/Jann Durand 4,500 2,992 2745/0986
3305 Sean/Kassidy Barratt 4,500 2,289 2745/0986
3306 Roger/ Lori James 3,768 2,993 2745/0986
3307 Tony Sperry 3,768 1,823 2745/0986
3308 Jori Walsh 3,768 3,078 2745/0986
3309 Charlie/Courtney Robuck 3,768 2,943 2745/0986
3310 Warren/Debra Richardson 4,500 2,950 2745/0986
3311 Kenneth/Pamala Briscoe 4,500 3,531 2745/0986
3312 Jason Jakubowski 4,500 2,721 2745/0986
3313 John/Cathy Eney 4,500 2,893 2745/0986
3314 Patricia Fela 4,500 2,721 2745/0986
3315 Lori/Edwin Howell 3,768 3,033 2745/0986
3316 Charles/Kimberly Baldwin 4,500 2,867 2745/0986
3317 William Nipper 4,500 2,012 2745/0986
3318 John/Rebecca Culp 3,768 2,136 2745/0986
3319 Brandie Sciarratta 3,768 3,032 2745/0986
3320 Thomas Combs 3,768 2,171 2745/0986
3321 Bruce/Jill Peterson 3,768 2,788 2745/0986
3322 Jay/Sherry Joyner 4,500 3,036 2745/0986
3323 Lennox/Arlinda Peters 4,500 2,437 2745/0986
3324 Catherine Williams 4,500 2,721 2745/0986
3325 Thomas/Dawn Morton 4,500 3,002 2745/0986
3326 Scott/Alicia McCumiskey 4,500 2,883 2745/0986
13327 Christina/Danielle LaPointe 4,500 2,736 2745/0986
3328 Charles/Deborah Beckwith 4,500 3,063 2745/0986
3329 Patrick/Alison Reilley 4,500 2,900 2745/0986
3330 John/Carol Hoffman 4,500 2,892 2745/0986
3331 Joshua Seidt 4,500 2,079 2745/0986
3332 Peter Lassen 4,500 2,833 2745/0986
1001 Jedidiah/Chiquita Harris 4,500 3,931 2745/0986
1002 Martina Dubek 4,500 2,431 2745/0986
1003 Feng Chen/Zhao Zhou 4,500 3,648 2745/0986
1006 Wayne Carver 4,500 4,563 2745/0986
1008 Randal Hofer 4,500 3,696 2745/0986
1009 Bruce/Alicia Griffin 4,500 2,663 2745/0986
1010 Michell Cresto 4,500 3,879 2745/0986
1011 Stephen/Kimberly Salber 4,500 3,470 2745/0986
1012 Johnathan/Melinda Baum 4,500 2,829 2745/0986
1013 Michael Crowe 4,500 4,171 2745/0986
1014 Chris/Rebecca Crakow 4,500 3,596 2745/0986
1015 Benjamin/Elizabeth Bynum 4,500 2,437 2745/0986
1023 Houghton/Ursula Lohn 4,500 3,496 2745/0986
1064 Bren Elvington 4,500 3,542 2745/0986
1065 Lester/Angel Mckoy 4,500 3,499 2745/0986
1069 4,500 2745/0986
1124 Jeffrey/Nicole Prince 4,500 4,093 2745/0986
1127 Robert/Sherry Ashley 4,500 3,170 2745/0986
1128 Kevin/Tiffany Wuzzardo 4,500 2,634 2745/0986
1129 Joseph/Casie Harrell 4,500 3,540 2745/0986
1130 Lisa/Steve Jonatzke 4,500 2,710 2745/0986
1131 Michae Brendle 4,500 3,396 2745/0986
1132 Herbert/Marie Feldmann 4,500 4,619 2745/0986
1133 Brandon/Lauren Tilghman 4,500 4,522 2745/0986
1134 James/Kathryn Honeycutt 4,500 3,358 2745/0986
1135 Todd/Erika Hallerman 4,500 3,446 2745/0986
1137 Tiffany Faircioth/Jason Gayer 4,500 4,256 2745/0986
1138 Christo Fisher 4,500 3,734 2745/0986
1141 Dale Foshe 4,500 2,655 2745/0986
1142 Steven/Heather York 4,500 2,883 2745/0986
1143 Darre Wire 4,500 4,077 2745/0986
1145 Brent Crawford/Elizabeth Elvington 4,500 3,630 2745/0986
1148 Joseph Formisano 4,500 3,681 2745/0986
1150 Tammy Black 4,500 3,071 2745/0986
1151 Justin/Jessica Phillips 4,500 2,789 2745/0986
1152 Edwin/Meredith Spell 4,500 2,665 2745/0986
1153 Mathew/Dawn Cook 4,500 2,734 2745 10986
1155 Benny/Joyce Parker 4,500 3,933 2745/0986
1157 Karl/Angela Whitt 4,500 3,860 2745/0986
1158 Marshall Mckoy 4,500 3,487 2745/0986
1160 Barry/Geraldine Sloat 4,500 3,693 2745/0986
1161 Forest/Carol Doody 4,500 3,662 2745/0986
1162 4,500 2745/0986
1163 Edward Bucher 4,500 , 3,623 2745/0986
1164 Robert Bates/Elizabeth Galusha 4,500 3,470 2745/0986
1165 Chad/Ximena Rheaume 4,500 3,443 2745/0986
1166 Edward Johnson/Holly Majewski 4,500 3,628 2745/0986
1167 Marda Sarnataro 4,500 3,747 2745/0986
1169 Phillippe Bulauitan/Princess Baluyot 4,500 3,617 2745/0986
1170 Marshall/Lauren Evans 4,500 2,747 2745/0986
1171 Terry/Krysta Kneece 4,500 3,764 2745/0986
1172 James/Amanda Nevins 4,500 2,700 2745/0986
1173 'Geoffr Hosford 4,500 3,396 2745/0986
1174 Teresa Chan 4,500 3,545 2745/0986
1175 Jason Rutkowski 4,500 3,497 2745/0986
1176 Robert Nixon 4,500 4,070 2745/0986
1177 Chad/Sara Richmond 4,500 2,904 2745/0986
1178 Denny/Judy Eckman 4,500 2,492 2745/0986
1179 Mark Caffarel 4,500 3,476 2745/0986
1180 Will Ford 4,500 3,021 2745/0986
1181 Larry/Katherine Cartwright 4,500 2,658 2745/0986
1182 Andrea Bennett 4,500 3,051 2745/0986
1183 Chanda Franck 4,500 2,486 2745/0986
1184 Stanley Ingram/Ursula Williams 4,500 3,641 2745/0986
1185 D. R. Horton,Inc. 4,500 3,282 2745/0986
1186 D. R. Horton, Inc. 4,500 3,107 2745/0986
1201 Quinn/Allison Jones 4,500 3,478 2745/0986
1202 Dale/Patricia Horton 4,500 2,911 2745/0986
1203 Rebecca Jackson 4,500 3,023 2745/0986
1204 Christine Wexler/Ryan Schlosser 4,500 3,312 2745/0986
1205 William/Cheryl Sweetland 4,500 3,449 2745/0986
1206 Elizabeth Zinno 4,500 2,865 2745/0986
1207 Jared/Horacio Ravelo 3,844 2,562 2745/0986
1208 Fabrizzio/Nancy Benavides 3,844 2,105 2745/0986
1209 Chritian/Jessica Rhue 3,844 2,541 2745/0986
1210 Evan Kittson 3,844 2,238 2745/0986
1211 Gene Taitano 3,844 3,655 2745/0986
1212 Heidi Enzor 3,844 3,120 2745/0986
1213 Michael Brooks 3,844 3,272 2745/0986
1214 Cort/Gail Farmer 3,844 3,279 2745/0986
1215 Jeffery/Ellan Morin 4,500 3,469 2745/0986
1216 William/June McKay 3,844 3,304 2745/0986
1217 Nancy Gallagher 4,500 3,313 2745/0986
1218 John/Laura Grabenstein 3,844 3,484 2745/0986
1219-William/Maria Rafferty 4,500 3,313 2745/0986
1220 Michael Czombos 4,500 3,504 2745/0986
1221 Max/Aris Durjava 4,500 4,356 2745/0986
1222 Jamar/Cortni Lemon 4,500 3,462 2745/0986
1223 Michael/Deborah Galas 4,500 3,475 2745/0986
1224 Robert/Tammy Elfman 4,500 3,172 2745/0986
1225 Celeste/ Michael Conforti 4,500 3,310 2745/0986
1226 Robert/Narbara Castillo 4,500 3,9841 2745/0986
1227 Lisa Murray 4,500 3,023 2745/0986
1228 Nancy Gallagher 4,500 3,207 2745/0986
1229 Jake/Courtney McDowell 4,500 3,601 2745/0986
1230 Bradley/Vicki Ikner 4,500 3,212 2745/0986
1231 Amber Willoughby 3,844 2,855 2745/0986
1232 Dale/Joanne Wikander 3,844 2,569 2745/0986
1233 Shari Powers 3,844 2,855 2745/0986
1234 Selina Adams 3,844 2,778 2745/0986
1235 Linda Carlton 3,844 2,569 2745/0986
1236 John/Ruyan Martens 3,844 2,132 2745/0986
1237 Monica Kump 3,844 2,855 2745/0986
1238 Paul Michelli 3,844 1,959 2745/0986
1239 Cody Freeman 3,844 2,569 2745/0986
1240 Andrea Labar/Linda Wing 3,844 2,132 2745/0986
1241 Jonathon/Sarah Wright 3,844 2,086 2745/0986
1242 Mathew/Sara Loring 3,844 3,299 2745/0986
1243 Kelsey/Hannah Spriggs 3,844 3,236 2745/0986
1244 Wesley/Joanna Tongue 3,844 2,643 2745/0986
1245 Misato Ishikawa 3,844 2,589 2745/0986
1246 Talmadge/Carroll Joines 3,844 3,415 2745/0986
1247 Kevin Johnson 3,844 2,128 2745/0986
1248 Carolyn/Michael Hannon 3,844 3,345 2745/0986
1249 David/Jamie Mynhier 3,844 2,569 2745/0986
1250 Scott Miller 3,844 3,219 2745/0986
1251 Monica Oudekerk/Donatello Garcia 3,844 2,778 2745/0986
1252 Sally Clark 3,844 2,563 2745/0986
1253 Yulidia Valera/Wilmer Meza 3,844 2,132 2745/0986
1254 Michael/Regina Guarino 3,844 3,089 2745/0986
1255 Susan/Thomas Kreamer 3,844 2,569 2745/0986
1256 Jeremy/Brittany Shaw 3,844 2,085 2745/0986
1257 Brandon Oxendine/Ginger Pedersen 3,844 3,239 2745/0986
1258 William/Kimberly Rainey 3,844 2,855 2745/0986
1259 Wendy Hargrove 3,844 3,247 2745/0986
1260 Susan Guy/Paul Noga 3,844 2,855 2745/0986
1261 Fabr Benavides 3,844 3,225 2745/0986
1262 Melissa Cutler/Ben Watts 3,844 2,855 2745/0986
1263 Brian/Cori Cole 3,844 2,778 2745/0986
1264 Robert/Sarah Seagle 3,844 2,132 2745/0986
1265 Sierra Lamb 3,844 2,779 2745/0986
1266 Chen Wang/Jing Ma 3,844 2,437 2745/0986
1267 Laurence/Evelyn Schechter 3,844 2,859 2745/0986
1268 Tyler Sheehan 3,844 1,959 2745/0986
1269 Tonya Scott 3,844 2,855 2745/0986
-1270 Jinming Cao/Ye Zhu 3,844 2,434 2745/0986
1271 Michael/Kelsey Heston 3,844 3,225 2745/0986
1272 Oliver Barr 3,844 1,960 2745/0986
1273 Nicholas/Melissa Stewart 3,844 2,569 2745/0986
1274 Priscilla Roberts 3,844 3,225 2745/0986
1275 Mitchell Frid/Rebecca D'Amato 3,844 2,8551 2745/0986
1276 Eric/Paige Rowand 3,844 1,959 2745/0986
1277 Evan/Taylor Henderson 3,844 2,855 2745/0986
1278 Mark/Terri Tighe 3,844 2,569 2745/0986
1279 Robert/Tammi Berg 3,844 2,778 2745/0986
1280 Jeremy Powell/Nicholas Sanderson 3,844 2,855 2745/0986
10149 Morecamble Blvd 2745/0986
2001 Unit 1 James/Joanne Horton 4,500 2,571 2745/0986
2002 Unit 2 William Somers 4,500 2,223 2745/0986
2003 Unit 3 Muriel Myers 4,500 2,571 2745/0986
2004 Unit 4 Lawrence/Mary Lopopolo 4,500 2,123 2745/0986
10150 Morecamble Blvd 2745/0986
2005 Unit 1 Katherine Fehn 4,500 2,284 2745/0986
2006 Unit 2 Timothy/Stacy Morris 4,500 2,284 2745/0986
2007 Unit 3 Shannon Shemwell 4,500 2,284 2745/0986
2008 Unit 4 Stephen Willett 4,500 2,623 2745/0986
620 Cambeck Dr 2745/0986
2009 Unit 1 Jane Martini 4,500 2,748 2745/0986
2010 Unit 2 Allora Graham 4,500 2,833 2745/0986
2011 Unit 3 Raimey 4,500 2,833 2745/0986
2012 Unit 4 Keith/Lin Buckindail 4,500 2,814 2745/0986
616 Cambeck Dr 2745/0986
2013 Unit 1 Raymond/Wendy Crawford 4,500 2,634 2745/0986
2014 Unit 2 Stanley Ingram 4,500 2,634 2745/0986
2015 Unit 3 Yvonne Stringer 4,500 2,634 2745/0986
2016 Unit 4 Bonnie/Charles Mills 4,500 2,634 2745/0986
2017 Unit 5 Judy Mezzapelle 4,500 2,348 2745/0986
610 Camebeck Dr 2745/0986
2018 Unit 1 Alferd Mitchell 4,500 2,710 2745/0986
2019 Unit 2 Donna Herring 4,500 3,146 2745/0986
2020 Unit 3 Sharon Moran 4,500 3,154 2745/0986
2021 Unit 4 Charles/Susan Keener 4,500 3,096- 2745/0986
604 Cambeck Dr 2745/0986
2022 Unit 1 Patricia Roberts 4,500 2,608 2745/0986
2023 Unit 2 Kristopher Brown 4,500 2,619 2745/0986
2024 Unit 3 Margaret/Mark Hutcheson 4,500 2,618 2745/0986
2025 Unit 4 Jonathan Haller 4,500 2,446 2745/0986
10153 Morecamble Blvd 2745/0986
2026 Unit 1 Vicki Hass 4,500 2,794 2745/0986
2027 Unit 2 Susan/Christopher Cypher 4,500 2,990 2745/0986
2028 Unit 3 Michael/Kimberly Disieno 4,500 2,990 2745/0986
2029 Unit 4 Lourdes Montes 4,500 2,990 2745/0986
10133 Morecamble Blvd 2745/0986
2030 Unit 1 John Rose 4,500 2,8451 2745/0986
2031 Unit 2 Michael/Martha Nigro 4,500 2,856 2745/0986
2032 Unit 3 Thomas Schram' 4,500 2,718 2745/0986
10137 Morecamble Blvd 2745/0986
2033 Unit 1 Karen Weishuhn 4,500 2,868 .2745/0986
2034 Unit 2 Reginald Simmons 4,500 2,908 2745/0986
2035 Unit 3 Aaron/Mary Sulava 4,500 2,874 2745/0986
2036 Unit 4 Dennis/Deborah Easter 4,500 2,951 2745/0986
10141 Morecamble Blvd 2745/0986
2037 Unit 1 Paula Worthen 4,500 2,990 2745/0986
2038 Unit 2 Season Batts 4,500 2,828 2745/0986
2039 Unit 3 Earl Eddy 4,500 2,767 2745/0986
2040 Unit 4 Carol Lang 4,500 2,898 2745/0986
10145 Morecamble Blvd 2745/0986
2041 Unit 1 Kimberly Bathgate 4,500 2,788 2745/0986
2042 Unit 2 David/April Brose 4,500 2,968 2745/0986
2043 Unit 3 Diane Healy 4,500 2,968 2745/0986
2044 Unit 4 John/Alicia Scanlan 4,500 2,968 2745/0986
10146 Morecamble Blvd 2745/0986
2045 Unit 1 Newton/Morgan 4,500 3,037 2745/0986
2046 Unit 2 Michael/Lane Levko 4,500 3,248 2745/0986
2047 Unit 3 Allora Graham 4,500 3,311 2745/0986
2048 Unit 4 Taffy Collopy 4,500 3,018 2745/0986
10142 Morecamble Blvd 2745/09s6
2049 Unit 1 James/Virginia Simmons 4,500 2,773 2745/0986
2050 Unit 2 Charles/Joyce Veronick 4,500 2,862 2745/0986
2051 Unit 3 Holly Brubaker 4,500 2,878 2745/0986
2052 Unit 4 Kaye Rhoads 4,500 2,988 2745/0986
10134 Morecamble Blvd 2745/0986
2053 Unit 1 William Lagan 4,500 2,888 2745/0986
2054 Unit 2 Michael Hayes 4,500 3,067 2745/0986
2055 Unit 3 Gary/Jean Studer 4,500 3,067 2745/0986
2056 Unit 4 Steve/Kathie Robinson 4,500 3,067 2745/0986
624 Cambeck Dr 2745/0986
2057 Unit 1 Thomas/Laurie Valente 4,500 2,728 2745/0986
2058 Unit 2 Virgilio/Michele Wenger 4,500 2,728 2745/0986
2059 Unit 3 Michael/Mandana Hasyn 4,500 2,728 2745/0986
2060 Unit 4 Alan/Kathleen Levis 4,500 2,604 2745/0986
628 Cambeck Dr 2745/0986
2061 Unit 1 Lisa MacDonald 4,500 2,731 2745/0986
2062 Unit 2 Susan/Christopher Cypher 4,500 2,911 2745/0986
2063 Unit 3 Mary Horrell 4,500 2,557 2745/0986
2064 Unit 4 Michael/Diana Voyda 4,500 2,911 2745/0986
632 Cambeck Dr 2745/0986
2065 Unit 1 Norman/Karen Abbott 4,500 3,446 2745/0986
2066 Unit 2 Mary/Larry Klein 4,500 3,077 2745/0986
2067 Unit 3 Mary Dowd 4,500 2,726 2745/0986
2068 Unit 4 Charles Harvey 4,500 2,846 2745/0986
636 Cambeck Dr 2745/0986
2069 Unit 1 Mark/Julianne Vaccarello 4,500 2,773 2745/0986
2070 Unit 2 Terri Golkowski 4,500 2,886 2745/0986
2071 Unit 3 Vaughn/Christine Rizzo 4,500 2,770 2745/0986
.2072 Unit 4 Ronald/Nancy Atherholt 4,500 2,902 2745/0986
635 Cambeck Dr 2745/0986
2073 Unit 1 Michele Hilt 4,500 2,768 2745/0986
2074 Unit 2 Linda Skovrinski 4,500 2,983 2745/0986
2075 Unit 3 Stanley/Kathleen Oathout 4,500 2,983 2745/0986
2076 Unit 4 Ramon/Louise De Los Reyes 4,500 2,983 2745/0986
627 Cambeck Dr 2745/0986
2077 Unit 1 David/Denyse Kimiec 4,500 2,729 2745/0986
2078 Unit 2 Ronald/Sharon Narron 4,500 2,842 2745/0986
2079 Unit 3 Celeste Baxa 4,500 2,729 2745/0986
2080 Unit 4 Patrick/Catherine McGrattan 4,500 2,848 2745/0986
623 Cambeck Dr 2745/0986
2081 Unit 1 Frances Jenkins 4,500 2,732 2745/0986
2082 Unit 2 Larry/Mary Klein 4,500 2,910 2745/0986
2083 Unit 3 Kenneth/Elizabeth Berton 4,500 2,911 2745/0986
2084 Unit 4 Andrew/Linda Bronstein 4,500 2,911 2745/0986
#### TOTAL 1,626,912 1,079,753
The undersigned hereby certifies as follows:
1. She is a duly elected,qualified and acting Assistant Secretary of D.R.Horton,Inc.,
a Delaware corporation (the "Company'), is familiar with the facts herein certified and is duly
authorized to certify the same.
2. The following is a true,correct and complete copy ofresolutions related to the subject
matter as adopted by the Consent of Executive Committee ofthe Board of Directors of the Company
dated April 1, 2019 (the "Resolutions"). The Resolutions have not been amended, rescinded or
modified and remain in full force and effect as of the date hereof.
Election of Assistant Vice President and City Manager
WHEREAS,effective October 31,2017,Elizabeth Shelton was duly elected
to the office of Assistant Secretary of the Company in the Company's Central
Carolina Division;and
WHEREAS, Elizabeth Shelton transferred to the Company's Coastal
Carolina Division and has been promoted to the position of Assistant Vice President
of the Company,and it is now desirable to grant her additional duties and authority
for that division.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Elizabeth Shelton is
hereby elected to the office or Assistant vice President of the Company (the
"Assistant Vice President) in the Company's Coastal Carolina Division (the
"Division"), to serve until the next annual meeting of the directors of the Company
and until her successor is duly elected and qualified or until her earlier death,
resignation or removal.
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Assistant Vice President is hereby
authorized and empowered,in the Wilmington area(the "Area')of the Division and
in the name and on behalf of(A) the Company, (B) any partnership of which the
Company is a general partner, manager or agent, and (C) any limited liability
company of which the Company is a member, manager or agent (collectively the
"Entities'), (i)subject to written approval by any one ofthe following officers ofthe
Company: (a) Chairman of the Board, (b) President, (c) Senior Executive Vice
President,(d)Executive Vice President or(e)the Region President of the Division
(the "Approving Office s"), to execute and deliver contracts,agreements and other
documents and instruments (other than promissory notes) for the purchase of real
property, and any improvements or appurtenances constructed thereon or affixed
thereto, or any interest therein, including without limitation any right-of-way,
easement,leasehold or other tangible or intangible property,right or interest,and any
8 et:4"11%Mr..,,,,, ...
MAR 0 7 2022
personal property relating or incident thereto,(ii)subject to written approval by any
one of the Approving Officers,to execute and deliver contracts,agreements,deeds,
conveyances or other obligations of the Entities, closing statements and other
documents and instruments for the sale of improved or unimproved real property,or
any interest or right therein,owned,leased or otherwise controlled by the Entities and
(iii) to execute and deliver model home leases and such other agreements,
instruments or documents as the Approving Officers shall direct.
RESOLVED FURTHER, that in connection with the management of the
Entities'business,the Assistant Vice President is hereby authorized and empowered,
in the name and on behalf of the Entities in the Area, to execute and deliver (i)
contracts, agreements and other documents and instruments for the subdivision,
development and/or improvement of real property,(ii)contracts,agreements,deeds,
closing statements and other documents and instruments for the sale,transfer and/or
conveyance of mineral rights,groundwater and other water rights owned,leased or
controlled by any of the Entities to DRH Energy,Inc.,an affiliate of the Entities,(iii)
home sales contracts,sales person employment agreements and similar or equivalent
agreements,documents or instruments and(iv)personal property leases for,among
other things,office equipment and construction trailers.
RESOLVED FURTHER,that in connection with the management of the
Entities' business in the Area,the Assistant Vice President shall be authorized and
empowered, in the name and on behalf of the Entities in the Area,to execute and
deliver any and all documents and instruments necessary to sell and convey title to
single-family and multi-family homes.
RESOLVED FURTHER, that effective as of the date hereof, Elizabeth
Shelton is hereby removed from the office of Assistant Secretary of the Company.
RESOLVED FURTHER,that effective as of the date hereof,the authority
hereby granted to the Assistant Vice President supersedes authority previously
granted by Written Consent of Executive Committee of the Board of Directors to the
Assistant Vice President.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned has signed on the 11 'day of April,2019.
Ashley Dagley
Assistant Secretary
1.1:UWALinnxiu9Apr1I cOASZwpd 2
The undersigned hereby certifies as follows:
1. She is a duly elected,qualified and acting Assistant Secretary of C.Richard Dobson
Builders,Inc.,a Virginia corporation(the "Company'), is familiar with the facts herein certified and
is duly authorized to certify the same.
2. The following is a true,correct and complete copy of resolutions related to the subject
matter as adopted by the Consent of Sole Director of the Company dated April 1, 2019 (the
"Resolutions'). The Resolutions have not been amended,rescinded or modified and remain in full
force and effect as of the date hereof.
Election of Assistant Vice President and City Manager
RESOLVED, that Elizabeth Shelton is hereby elected to the office of
Assistant Vice President of the Company (the "Assistant Vice President') in the
Company's Coastal Carolina Division(the "Division'),to serve until the next annual
meeting of the directors of the Company and until her successor is duly elected and
qualified or until her earlier death,resignation or removal.
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Assistant Vice President is hereby
authorized and empowered,in the Wilmington area(the "Area')ofthe Division and
in the name and on behalf of(A) the Company, (B) any partnership of which the
Company is a general partner, manager or agent, and (C) any limited liability
company of which the Company is a member, manager or agent (collectively the
"Entities'), (i)subject to written approval by any one of the following officers of the
Company: (a) Chairman of the Board, (b) President, (c) Senior Executive Vice
President,(d)Executive Vice President or(e)the Region President of the Division
(the "Approving Officers"), to execute and deliver contracts,agreements and other
documents and instruments (other than promissory notes) for the purchase of real
property, and any improvements or appurtenances constructed thereon or affixed
thereto, or any interest therein, including without limitation any right-of-way,
easement,leasehold or other tangible or intangible property,right or interest,and any
personal property relating or incident thereto,(ii)subject to written approval by any
one of the Approving Officers,to execute and deliver contracts,agreements,deeds,
conveyances or other obligations of the Entities, closing statements and other
documents and instruments for the sale of improved or unimproved real property,or
any interest or right therein,owned,leased or otherwise controlled by the Entities and
(iii) to execute and deliver model home leases and such other agreements,
instruments or documents as the Approving Officers shall direct.
RESOLVED FURTHER,that in connection with the management of the
Entities'business,the Assistant Vice President is hereby authorized and empowered,
in the name and on behalf of the Entities in the Area, to execute and deliver (i)
contracts, agreements and other documents and instruments for the subdivision,
development and/or improvement of real property,(ii)contracts,agreements,deeds,
closing statements and other documents and instruments for the sale,transfer and/or
conveyance of mineral rights,groundwater and other water rights owned,leased or
controlled by any of the Entities to DRH Energy,Inc.,an affiliate of the Entities,(iii)
home sales contracts,sales person employment agreements and similar or equivalent
agreements,documents or instruments and(iv)personal property leases for,among
other things,office equipment and construction trailers.
RESOLVED FURTHER,that in connection with the management of the
Entities' business in the Area,the Assistant Vice President shall be authorized and
empowered, in the name and on behalf of the Entities in the Area,to execute and
deliver any and all documents and instruments necessary to sell and convey title to
single-family and multi-family homes.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned has signed on the 11'"day of April,2019.
Ashley Dagley
Assistant Secretary
U.•U78WAL71MInIDobsonll8Apr11-COAS.wpd 2
The undersigned hereby certifies as follows:
1. She is a duly elected,giuilified and acting Assistant Secretary of D.R.Horton,Inc. -
Torrey,a Delaware corporation(the "Company"), is familiar with the facts herein certified and is
duly authorized to certify the same.
2. The following is a true,correct and complete copy of resolutions related to the subject
matter as adopted by the Consent of Sole Director of the Company dated April 1, 2019 (the
"Resolutions"). The Resolutions have not been amended,rescinded or modified and remain in full
force and effect as of the date hereof.
Election of Assistant Vice President and City Manager
RESOLVED, that Elizabeth Shelton is hereby elected to the office of
Assistant Vice President of the Company (the "Assistant Vice President") in the
Company's Coastal Carolina Division(the "Division"),to serve until the next annual
meeting of the directors of the Company and until her successor is duly elected and
qualified or until her earlier death,resignation or removal.
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Assistant Vice President is hereby
authorized and empowered,in the Wilmington area(the "Area")ofthe Division and
in the name and on behalf of(A) the Company, (B) any partnership of which the
Company is a general partner, manager or agent, and (C) any limited liability
company of which the Company is a member, manager or agent (collectively the
",Entities'),(i)subject to written approval by any one of the following officers of the
Company: (a) Chairman of the Board, (b) President, (c) Senior Executive Vice
President,(d)Executive Vice President or(e)the Region President of the Division
(the "Approving Officers'), to execute and deliver contracts,agreements and other
documents and instruments (other than promissory notes) for the purchase of real
property, and any improvements or appurtenances constructed thereon or affixed
thereto, or any interest therein, including without limitation any right-of-way,
easement,leasehold or other tangible or intangible property,right or interest,and any
personal property relating or incident thereto,(ii)subject to written approval by any
one of the Approving Officers,to execute and deliver contracts,agreements,deeds,
conveyances or other obligations of the Entities, closing statements and other
documents and instruments for the sale of improved or unimproved real property,or
any interest or right therein,owned,leased or otherwise controlled by the Entities and
(iii) to execute and deliver model home leases and such other agreements,
instruments or documents as the Approving Officers shall direct.
RESOLVED FURTHER,that in connection with the management of the
Entities'business,the Assistant Vice President is hereby authorized and empowered,
in the name and on behalf of the Entities in the Area, to execute and deliver (i)
contracts, agreements and other documents and instruments for the subdivision,
development and/or improvement of real property,(ii)contracts,agreements,deeds,
closing statements and other documents and instruments for the sale,transfer and/or
conveyance of mineral rights,groundwater and other water rights owned,leased or
controlled by any of the Entities to DRH Energy,Inc.,an affiliate of the Entities,(iii)
home sales contracts,sales person employment agreements and similar or equivalent
agreements,documents or instruments and(iv)personal property leases for,among
other things,office equipment and construction trailers.
RESOLVED FURTHER,that in connection with the management of the
Entities' business in the Area,the Assistant Vice President shall be authorized and
empowered, in the name and on behalf of the Entities in the Area,to execute and
deliver any and all documents and instruments necessary to sell and convey title to
single-family and multi-family homes.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned has signed on the 11th day of April,2019.
00 J 9441
Ashley Dagley'
Assistant Secretary
U.•1J78WAL7WIn TORREu1I9Apri1-COAS.wpd 2
The undersigned hereby certifies as follows:
1. She is a duly elected, qualified and acting Assistant Secretary of DRHI, Inc., a
Delaware corporation (the "Company'), is familiar with the facts herein certified and is duly
authorized to certify the same.
2. The following is a true,correct and complete copy of resolutions related to the subject
matter as adopted by the Consent of Sole Director of the Company dated April 1, 2019 (the
"Resolutions'). The Resolutions have not been amended,rescinded or modified and remain in full
force and effect as of the date hereof.
Election of Assistant Vice President and City Manager
RESOLVED, that Elizabeth Shelton is hereby elected to the office of
Assistant Vice President of the Company (the "Assistant Vice President') in the
Company's Coastal Carolina Division(the "Division'),to serve until the next annual
meeting of the directors of the Company and until her successor is duly elected and
qualified or until her earlier death,resignation or removal.
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Assistant Vice President is hereby
authorized and empowered,in the Wilmington area(the "Area")ofthe Division and
in the name and on behalf of(A) the Company, (B) any partnership of which the
Company is a general partner, manager or agent, and (C) any limited liability
company of which the Company is a member, manager or agent (collectively the
"Entities"), (i)subject to written approval by any one of the following officers of the
Company: (a) Chairman of the Board, (b) President, (c) Senior Executive Vice
President,(d)Executive Vice President or(e)the Region President of the Division
(the "Approving qfficers"), to execute and deliver contracts,agreements and other
documents and instruments (other than promissory notes) for the purchase of real
property, and any improvements or appurtenances constructed thereon or affixed
thereto, or any interest therein, including without limitation any right-of-way,
easement,leasehold or other tangible or intangible property,right or interest,and any
personal property relating or incident thereto,(ii)subject to written approval by any
one of the Approving Officers,to execute and deliver contracts,agreements,deeds,
conveyances or other obligations of the Entities, closing statements and other
documents and instruments for the sale of improved or unimproved real property,or
any interest or right therein,owned,leased or otherwise controlled by the Entities and
(iii) to execute and deliver model home leases and such other agreements,
instruments or documents as the Approving Officers shall direct.
RESOLVED FURTHER, that in connection with the management of the
Entities'business,the Assistant Vice President is hereby authorized and empowered,
in the name and on behalf of the Entities in the Area, to execute and deliver (i)
contracts, agreements and other documents and instruments for the subdivision,
development and/or improvement of real property,(ii)contracts,agreements,deeds,
closing statements and other documents and instruments for the sale,transfer and/or
conveyance of mineral rights,groundwater and other water rights owned,leased or
controlled by any of the Entities to DRH Energy,Inc.,an affiliate of the Entities,(iii)
home sales contracts,sales person employment agreements and similar or equivalent
agreements,documents or instruments and(iv)personal property leases for,among
other things,office equipment and construction trailers.
RESOLVED FURTHER, that in connection with the management of the
Entities'business in the Area,the Assistant Vice President shall be authorized and
empowered,in the name and on behalf of the Entities in the Area, to execute and
deliver any and all documents and instruments necessary to sell and convey title to
single-family and multi-family homes.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned has signed on the 11th day of April,2019.
orh\bm ply
Ashley Dagley
Assistant Secretary
U:VTEWALT\Min1DRH1119Apr11-COAS.wpd 2
I tAc.ATia i?QjN\
Johnson, Kelly
From: Johnson, Kelly
Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 9:04 AM
To: Tim Clinkscales
Cc: eshelton@drhorton.com
Subject: RE: Hawkeswater- State Stormwater(SW8 130412)
I will get this in the mail today so you all can have more time to work on it.
Kelly Johnson
Environmental Engineer
NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Stormwater Permitting
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington,NC 28405-3845
Phone: 910.796.7335
Note Change in Phone Number
From:Johnson, Kelly
Sent:Thursday, December 3, 2020 4:36 PM
To:Tim Clinkscales<tclinkscales@paramounte-eng.com>
Cc: eshelton@drhorton.com
Subject: FW: Hawkeswater-State Stormwater(SW8 130412)
We received the application to transfer this permit,and I need to touch base about a few things that we will need in
order to accept the application:
1. PE Certifications:
a. List: Some of the certifications are not on file. Please see the attached list.
b. As Built Plans: There are two ponds under 2017 that are certified with the "as-built
certification". Please submit the associated plans for that.
2. Signatures:
a. Permittee: Does Elizabeth Shelton have signature authority for DR Horton, Inc.? She is not listed on the
NC Secretary of State. Is there a letter transferring authority to her?
b. HOA: The HOA contacts me from time to time to check in on this. I understand from them that there
has been an election (or perhaps there will soon be an election?)to elect a resident as the
President. The current application is signed by Kyle Berzina, a DR Horton employee, but he is signing as
the HOA. We will need to do one of two things:
i. HOA Sign for the Permit: If the HOA is willing to sign for the permit,then we can get a revised
ii. HOA Not Sign for the Permit: If not,there is still a way to transfer the permit to the HOA if the
project is in compliance. But,there is more paperwork involved. You will have to show that
50%of the lots have been sold. We will need a list similar to the one attached.
3. Impervious Area per Lot Summary: We will need to verify that each lot's impervious area is at or below the
permitted amount. Please submit a spreadsheet summary similar to the one attached.
4. Common Area Deeds:
a. We need copies of the common area deeds for all ponds and the map book/pages listed in each deed so
that we can line them up with the plans.
b. We will also need a summary of the book/page where each deed is recorded and the associated Map
Book/Page. I have attached an example.
5. Recorded Deed Restrictions: Please submit those.
6. Plans: Please submit copies of the plan sheets for Phase 3/Pond 2 (C-4.3, C-4.4,C-4.5,C-4.6, and C-4.7). They
are missing from the file, and we will need them to do the inspection.
Once we get these items we can accept the application for review. Is this something that can be submitted fairly
quickly? Maybe within a week(12/10)? If not, I can return the application so that you all can pull those items together.
k eI,L JointASOw
Kelly Johnson
Environmental Engineer
NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Stormwater Permitting
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405-3845
Phone: 910.796.7335
Note Change in Phone Humber
From:Johnson, Kelly
Sent:Wednesday, September 23,2020 10:00 AM
To:Tim Clinkscales<tclinkscales@paramounte-eng.com>
Subject: RE: Hawkeswater-State Stormwater(SW8 130412)
Do you all have these plans, and if so,could you please forward us copies of them?
From:Johnson, Kelly
Sent: Monday,September 14, 2020 4:00 PM
To:Tim Clinkscales<tclinkscales@paramounte-eng.com>
Subject: RE: Hawkeswater-State Stormwater(SW8 130412)
I have a request from the HOA and their maintenance company to get copies of the Hawkeswater plans. But, I am
missing five plan sheets from the file. (Someone probably accidently took them during a file review.) Would you please
send extra ccpies so that we can complete the file? The ones we need are Phase 3/Pond 2: C-4.3,C-4.4, C-4.5,C-4.6,
and C-4.7. (The complete list from the permit text is below).
'amass -a,etrot mod hCato:syb,mrtt*d nn�l33f15 Rel.PM1 3.PI3#Don 4 a 11ra+td a,led Ph3/Dand 6-See AlSeclenna 7 For detsuc.
-ParrnaS Cw.ecpor+'Corrected she draa+Ke area for aih3/Pord 2.The aoraiQe had been rrcwrectee corrre+ted horn 50004 fees, y.
frerrrws Corsearicrg rpr often 1/Pond L there an show S9 lots at 15Lt76i wham totals 20.SC0 .Sarin there are PI..Aa64T ut road and she peal holds
3ae,012se abate es a'Suture allorarron of 4,33isf.
#ern,rl Corrector .Mel 31 pflr,d 5'rat nil was canrertrd to open space and ha no lorprr a lot at The sutido skr+.thaw a't,how 36 rots dra MIA"
W e!ds pond welch[cnrespacrds to the a0apled 162,004sf of ehperYlau;Tar Yet taxi
•pt.t 01e4t1 that make hp the pinrwllted Sae:
appowed 411b111 Carer,sw-1 sw-i,SW-3.SW5 Rama/replaced by 1O17/ls pears. ceep she area h7rd.d.n red.l.
PA,inetlaity replaced by W7117 plane.Keep oldiaord]Und Ptrliesed L Replace Pf 1.1Pee el
P-2(Petitelre replaced br 10 7119 01ns.Keep Phl/PorrdL Replree the rest.).
a-3 wormier rlpleced by 1017117 Aim Keep P1►31Pond7.Replan the rest.)..nd
0-1-(Note.Sea-4 was repiaoe by 10/7/19 P1,3/Pond 75 d1.5431,1
Approved 10/1W11:Cants.C-1-0,C-10.C-4.0.CALL C-6.0 C-7-0.C-Lo.and C-941
Approved wwi7/1%made f/Pt+'d 3:UH-j Caws.C•L,0.CAL.O.C-4.1• C-7A CAL.
Phase Moored x CAO.DA.1,Cover,C-1.0.C-2- C-43•C-ar.EAL3,C4.6.C4.7
Phase 31Pcsds Aft Ca a.c-44a.C.a.;C-1.0
FC.eLL JDelvi1sov
Kelly Johnson
Environmental Engineer
NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Stormwater Permitting
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington,NC 28405-3845
Phone: 910.796.7335
Note Change in Phone Number
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be
disclosed to third parties
From:Johnson, Kelly
Sent:Tuesday, October 8,2019 9:20 AM
To:daiken@drhorton.com;Tim Clinkscales<tclinkscaies@paramoun.e-eng.com>
Subject: Hawkeswater-State Stormwater(SW8 130412)
The permit is attached.
I�.eLL ohwsow
Kelly Johnson
Environmental Engineer
NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Stormwater Permitting
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington,NC 28405-3845
Phone: 910.796.7331
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be
disclosed to third parties.
Impervious Allocation Summary
SW8 131307
Lot# Owner Actual BUA Permitted
#Lots: 65
#Owned by Permittee: 19
#Sold: 46
%Sold: 71%
1 CUMMING ANDREA L 5,968 6,200
2 :rwilistgmBewidr4004,tLG 6,105 6,200
3 BOOKER AMY B 0 6,200
4 ! 5,684 6,200
5 #'+ erel.. ,1,1,z 5,346 6,200
6 OFIlifilart Oes*ril.ei lL 4,945 6,200
7 SMITH PHYLLIS S 5,585 6,200
8 JONES DEBORAH LYNN 4,984 6,200
9 NERI DANIEL P CAROLS 5,651 6,200
17 BACK BURNIS V LINDAJ 4,518 7,000
18 KENTTRADING LLC 4,952 7,000
19 BEREJAN BORIS MARIA A 4,955 7,000
20 MORRIS EVELYN EARLY 5,275 7,000
21 PAGUEIJENNIFER 4,343 7,000
22 BOYD DAVID G GAYLE A 4,343 7,000
24 it4absgpojiletnitiost4 kit• , 5,828 6,200
5,565 6,200
26 AridienriipiestikeeriOt4,616 6,200
27 CRONEN VERNE E MYRNA P 3,310 6,200
29 WORSLEY DAVID F KAYE H 4,801 6,200
30 *411;*aftelorkaC4,797 6,200
33 _ABi 4,717 6,200
34 YARBROUGH JAMES D ORA F 4,678 6,200
38 BRADY UNDAA 4,669 4,700
40irrd 4,671 4,700
41 CRAWFORD NANCY N 4,460 4,700
42 ;An tiC 4,460 4,700
44 Antinomy Ut 4,460 4,700
45 MCCALLUM LEAH 4,465 4,700
46 4Wissexa ileseibrees,11.0 4,465 4,700
47 AnflpsevrOleweIagOirytLc 4,465 4,700
48 :Angie*,Dirietspers,LLC 3,357 4,050
49 ELLSON DONALD C RLOU A 3,357 4,050
50 ROSE FAYE B 3,592 4,050
51 MORE HENRYJ SUANN 3,476 4,050
54 Atw4 s,LIZ 3,537 4,050
55 ZALEWSKI ANN MARIE 3,537 4,050
58 HALES HARVEY L BRENDA L 3,527 4,050
62 ARdersonOekeropeps,U,C 3,470 3,600
63 WHITE KENNETH S LENA W 3,470 3,600
64 ,Ancleesaw Diehtiopet,tiC 3,372 3,600
65 Anderson Elentepers,Lit 3,470 3,600
Pond Book/Page Map/Page
1 BK2380/PG8988 MP35/PG23
2 BK2380/PG8988 MP35/PG24
3 BK2380/PG8988 MP35/PG25
4 BK2380/PG8988 MP35/PG26
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Johnson, Kelly
From: Johnson, Kelly
Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2020 10:06 AM
To: Michael B
Cc: Coil Farmer; Ruggiero, Peter;Scott Blevins
Subject: RE: [External] Re: Hawkeswater-As-Built Plans (SW8 130412 &SW8 131207)
The plan sheets needed from the engineer are Phase 3/Pond 2: C-4.3, C-4.4,C-4.5, C-4.6, and C-4.7. Sorry for the
Also,you may have already told me specifically what you want but unfortunately I talk to so many people about this and
I do not recall. Can you please remind me? Do you want a single hard copy of the full plan set(as listed in the most
recent permit, below,with the exception of the missing sheets)? Did you want more than one copy? A scan? A
combination of these options? We had originally talked about the$35/inch,which is the bulk rate if we scanned the
whole file. Since you all just want the plans, I do not know what the cost will be. You will have to talk to the print
shop. Did you want to call the print shop about the price before you make a decision? I can take the file over there with
a note about what you want. What is a good phone number if they have questions?
1017/2,211 -- -Ammo modthaswn where don 3/31J19 for PliVPord 3.Pt+3IPoed Ph3/Pond4 and a. Sere Atladurarnl■for dews.
-Pomo CarircUcn:Cearrerled tsul drarnaMer area ear PA3ifstis j 2. he meow hod base recerreepr converted from spurn fort.
Permit ColooJ Fee Pissed I1 Pend 1.1Mre ire now St lob 41 fotob 716,30011.Sine bier.los%Mid Of road and the 90
MOMS dwelt lo a'h tw,'_loraaiew of 117/s1.
4som et C rocUon Phrase 31 Pond Sc tot#272 was onoerted to open spate and is no brier a tot hn aro sotelrossmi.there are now M lot
•this Pond erhich=mow&to oleo wil toond MOON d wporriaeei for tat area.
.Ptnistrw MN Mike ep the por.riroad set
ilfiprarsa4/IW1.3:cow.cII.i, W-2,srw3.Sw s(Pwu.Srnpiacad by 101/19 pint Keep the woo ceded in red).
lb-Weals.,repiaoad by OMB plaaa. Keep itilIPo41 and Ph3/Pond 2.. Iapsaoa PM/Pond 1.1.
P-2(ANN l soldatod loll 1gri11!ptaas. loop PAflparW."optics tie resl.i.
w2 CANdly idolised by 1017/1l pUns.loop PM/POW.Mace the red.I.and
0-1.(NOM SW I wee replace by IW FII Pirj/Pond Zs dashOn.)
Approved 10/14.1*Cover,CAA C-2.4 C-40,04.1.044 C-7.4 C•R0.aidC4.O
Aooroved 1 /7/1t Otiose 11Pond 3:C 4 Z CovelF,,C-1.4 C Gi.1,C41.4C•7.1).(40
Phase;]'proud 2:CAA.OM-i,Corer.G IAA Cr-2A C-1.3,04A.C-4,3 C-4.0.C4.7
Pb.,.)/Por+daal/e C-.R 04.4L C41,Cie
Kau 1460v.
Environmental Engineer
Civision of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Stormy titer Permitting
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, i'C 284C5-38t 5
Phone: 5.0.796.7335
Johnson, Kelly
From: Johnson, Kelly
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2020 4:02 PM
To: 'Michael Brooks'
Cc: Cort Farmer; Ruggiero, Peter; Scott Blevins
Subject: RE: [External] Re: Hawkeswater-As-Built Plans (SW8 130412 &SW8 131207)
Attachments: RE: Hawkeswater- State Stormwater(SW8 130412)
Mr. Brooks,
i pulled the file today,and it looks like five sheets are missing. (This happer.s on occasion. Peoole come to review files,
and then they accidently leave with things.) I have reached o.:t to the engineer(email attta::hed)to ask h'm to submit
copies of those sheets so that we can have the fuii set. Once I get that from him we can move forward with the copies.
Sorry for the trouble!
Kelly Johnson
Environmental Engineer
NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Stormwater Permitting
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington,NC 28405-3845
Phone: 910.796.7335
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D E Q „)
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From: Michael Brooks [mailto:michaelbhw@att.net]
Sent: Friday,September 11, 2020 5:24 PM
To:Johnson, Kelly<kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov>
Cc:Cort Farmer<cwfreno@gmail.com>; Ruggiero, Peter<peter.ruggiero@live.com>;Scott Blevins
Subject: Re: [External] Re: Hawkeswater-As-Built Plans (SW8 130412&SW8 131207)
rcAu-riON'� eiriaT 3n not click links or o en attachments unless p yvu verify.Send a][suspicious email as an attachment to
Thank you.
Michael Brooks
(810) 964-1474 Mobile
On Sep 11, 2020, at 4:05 PM,Johnson, Kelly<kelly.p.johnson(amncdenr.gov>wrote:
Mr. Brooks,
I apologize, but I have not been able to get back around to this this week. I haven't forgotten about it,
though. I will pull this next week.
Have a good weekend,
K.eL4j Johlnsov
Kelly Johnson
Environmental Engineer
NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Stormwater Permitting
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington,NC 28405-3845
Phone: 910.796.7335
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and may oe disclosed to third parties
From:Johnson, Kelly
Sent: Friday,September 4, 2020 11:38 AM
To: Michael Brooks<michaelbhw@att.net>
Cc: Cort Farmer<cwfreno@gmail.com>; Ruggiero, Peter<peter.ruggiero@live.com>;Scott Blevins
<scott@carolinaponda ndstormwater.com>
Subject: RE: [External] Re: Hawkeswater-As-Built Plans (SW8 130412&SW8 131207)
Mr. Brooks,
I will pull the file when I go back to the office next week. If you only want the plans and net the whole
file then you all will have to discuss the cost with the print shop. (We have a contract rate with them to
scan 10,000 files at a "per inch" rate. I do not know how the price will differ if you all only want the
plans and not the whole file.) Do you all want a hard copy, a scar, or both? will leave a note for the
copy shop to contact you to work that out. What is a good phone number for them to call?
Kau jolivwsow
Kelly Johnson
Envi:onmental Engineer
NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Stormwater Permitting
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405-3845
Phone: 910.796.7335
Note Change in Phone Number
<im ge001.jpg>
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From: Michael Brooks [mailto:michaelbhw@att.net]
Sent:Thursday,September 3,2020 7:19 PM
To:Johnson, Kelly<kelly.p.iohnson(a@ncdenr.gov>
Cc:Cort Farmer<cwfreno@gmail.corn>; Ruggiero, Peter<peter.ruggiero@live.com>;Scott Blevins
Subject: Re: [External] Re: Hawkeswater-As-Built Plans(SW8 130412&SW8 131207)
s �
We would like copies of the pond engineering plans you have. If it's around $300,please get it
started and let us know how to pay for it. If it's significantly higher,please let us know the cost.
Michael Brooks
On Sep 3, 2020, at 6:06 PM,Johnson,Kelly<kelly.p Johnson@ncdenr.gov>wrote:
Mr. Brooks,
After we talked last week, I pulled the file for SW8 130412 (the landward permit for Hawkeswater)to
see about the certifications.Arid, i found an error which has been corrected. Two of the ponds(Phase
3/Pond 6 and Phase 3/Pond 4)are subject to different rules than the other ponds. (The rules have
changed many times over the years, and your permit happens to have ponds under three different
versions. That really complicates managing this permit.) The various rules subject is summarized per
pond in the table on Page 19 of the attached corrected permit. I have updated the certifications needed
for these two ponds in the permit text. ( n general teems,the engineer has to do more for a certification
under the current version of the rules which was effective in 2017.) The enineer certifying the system
will understand the details of what this means.
If you have further questions, please let me know.
K,eLL _)011v+.s0A.
Kety Johnson
Environmental Engineer
NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Stormwater Permitting
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405-3845
Phone: 910.796.7335
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and may be disclosed to third parties
From: Michael B [mailto:michaelbhwtWatt.net]
Sent:Tuesday,July 21, 2020 1:50 PM
To:Johnson, Kelly<kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.gov>
Cc:Cart Farmer<cwfreno@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [External] Re: Hawkeswater-As-Built Plans (SW8 130412&SW8 131207)
Thank you very much!!
Michael Brooks
(810) 964-1474
On Tuesday, July 21, 2020, 1:36:56 PM EDT, Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.johnsonancdenr.gov>wrote:
The permits are attached.
Kelly Johnson
Kelly Johnson
Envircnrrentai Engineer
NC Division of Energy, i'Miineral and Land Resources
Stormwater Permitting
127 Cardinal Drive Exte .s ort
Wilmington, NC 28405-3845
Phone: 910.796.7335
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Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties
From: Michael B [mailto:michaelbhw@att.net]
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2020 1:23 PM
To: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.iohnsonancdenr.gov>
Cc: Cort Farmer<cwfreno(csgmail.com>
Subject: [External] Re: Hawkeswater-As-Built Plans (SW8 130412 & SW8 131207)
CAUTION:. ernal email_ Do not ch&links or open attact+ments i
ent to
How do we get a copy of the storm-water permits?
hliciia�l T3_c ks
On Tuesday, July 21, 2020, 1:17:02 PM EDT, Michael B <michaelbhw@att.net>wrote:
Thanks for the update. I'll work with Cort to get you some suggested meeting times.
Michael Brooks
On Tuesday, July 21, 2020, 11:18:34 AM EDT, Johnson, Kelly <kellv.p.lohnson a(�.ncdenr.gov> wrote:
Actually, I have now had something else get scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. But, I am
available next week in the afternoon. Please let me know if you all would like to see those files
so I can get you on the calendar.
Kelly Johnson
Kelly Johnson
Environmental Engineer
NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Storrnwate: Permitting
127 Careirial Drive Extension
Vifilmington, WC 28405-3845
Phone: Z10.796.7335
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Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties
From: Johnson, Kelly
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 12:10 PM
To: Michael B <michaelbhwaatt.net>
Cc: Sally Myers <aoofvisr ec.rr.com>
Subject: Hawkeswater-As-Built Plans (SW8 130412 & SW8 131207)
Mr. Brooks,
This is a common question at "turn over" from the developer to the HOA. There are a lot of
shifts in responsibility when that happens, but administration of the State Stormwater permit
does not automatically transfer from the developer to the HOA until they have filed a formal
application to transfer the permit through my office. There are regulations governing that
The developer will submit the Permit Transfer Application Form for each of the permits to my
office, and those files will be assigned to an engineer (most likely to me since I have history with
this file). As a part of that process, I will go through the file to ensure that the paperwork is in
order (deed restrictions, common area deeds, etc), and I will have an inspector do a site
inspection. If deficiencies are noted then they will have to be resolved in order to be deemed
compliant with the permit such that it can be transferred to the HOA.
By "formal comola nt" believe you are referring to the Notice of Violation that I sent last March
(attached)? At that time they had some pretty big things that needed to be fixed. For instance,
one that comes to mind is that they had a pond permitted in one piece but built in another. Ail of
that has since beer worked out. The plans match the ground. This is all documented in
Attachment C of the current permit. (I have attached a pdf of the permit text. I unfortunately do
not have the signed copy scanned. And, the attachments are in the Excel F ie.) I am no aware
of any current problems at Hawkeswater, but if there are problems then we will find that out
during the inspection part of the transfer process.
As for the copies of the plans, we do not have those electronically and we also do not have a
scanner/printer large enough to copy them. If you would like to come see them (most people
just take pictures of the plans with their phone), we can set that up. Or, we can arrange to have
the files scanned. But, that woud be at your expense. The process is that we organize the file
into a certain configuration and then we send it to All Ways Graphics on Racine Drive. They
scan it, and you would arrange payment directly with them. You could also arrange to get hard
copies from them. I do not know the cost for hard copies, but the digital cost is measured per
"inch of file". The SW8 130C 2 file would be -$315. The SW8 131207 file would be
-$35. (Also, FYI, getting the file organized for scanning is quite a chore and will take some
time. It will definitely be longer than 11 days.)
Would you be available on Wednesday, 2-4:30? Or, we can set something up for next week in
the afternoon during the same timeframe. Here is the standard file review information:
Please remember to:
• bring a photo ID
• wear a mask at all times
• limit the number of indiv!duals reviewing the file to no more than 2 people (1 person is
• call me when you arrive so I can escort you into the office
• leave all baps in your vehicle
There will be a copier/scanner available for your use. You can bring a USB drive fcr scanning, use the
email feature on the copier to send the scans directly to your email, or you can bring a check to pay for
any paper copies. If the total number of copies exceeds 100 pages(or$5), each paper copy is$0.05.
The copier is not sized to handle plan sheets; however, you may take pictures of the plan sheets. If
taking pictures of the plan sheets does not fit your needs, we will arrange to have the plan sheets copied
at a nearby copy shop at your expense. To do so, please fag the plan sets/sheets you wish to have
copied/scanned with a post-it note, put the entire plan set(not just the individual page) on the outside of
the file, and include your contact information (phone number and email) cn the file review sheet. The
copy shop, Allways Graphics, will contact you for payment.
Kelly Johnson
Kelly Johnson
Environmental Engineer
NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Stormwater Permitting
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405-3845
Phone: 910.796.7335
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Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties
From: Michael B [mailto:michaelbhw( att.net]
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2020 3:52 PM
To: Johnson, Kelly <kellv.p.iohnsonancdenr.gov>
Cc: Sally Myers <aoofvisrCa ec.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [External] as built plans
!, ' `` " orIPPRINEINIMs unieligWverlfy. Send all suspicious
memiggighigachment to
Thank you for chasing dawn for u
Hello Kelly,
Thank you for the permit details. Since we are only eleven days away from our HOA change of contrc!,
we need information that DR Horton has not been willing to share with us, to date. Our priorities in cder
1. Storm-water as-built plans- a high resolution digital copy and at least two larger print copies.
2. Summary of community deficiencies: We're going to want all the details in time, but any summaries
you have would be a great start, including
the original formal complaint and any updated status documents you have.
Is any of this information already posted online? I can come to your office for the copies, or you can ship
them to me at: 676 Seathwaite Ln SE, Leland NC 28451.
I can set up a shared drive if necessary, to send us any files, or bring you a USB drive.
Michael Brooks
On Thursday, July 16, 2020, 1:47:52 PM EDT, <goofylsr(a.ec.rr.com>wrote:
More info from Kelly...see below.
From:Johnson, Kelly
Sent Thursday, July 16, 2020 1.04 PM
To: goofvisreec.rr.com
Subject:FW:(External]as built plans
No problem. Also, I was able to confirm that SW8 131207 is for the few lots near the
river. There are two permits for the subdivision.
Kelly Johnson
Kelly Johnson
Environmental Engineer
NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Stormwater Permitting
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405-3845
Phone: 910.796.7335
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E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public
Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: poofvisr ec.rr.com Finailto:goofvisr@ec.rr.coml
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 10:29 AM
To: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.johnson(a�ncdenr.gov>
Subject: Re: [External] as built plans
-•■ * External email. Do not RODERIFFWii attachments unless you ve►7fy. Ser► vti-
to . .
Hi Kelly, THANK YOU SO000 MUCH!!!! When I didn't hear, I figured I missed giving you important
information...my phone number it seems. No problem!!" I appreciate the information, and will forwarded
it to my chair.
Again, thank you so much for your assistance. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day and week.
From: Johnson, Kelly
Sent:Thursday, July 16, 2020 9:08 AM
To: goofvjsr( ec.rr.corn
Subject: RE [Extend]as built plans
Ms. Myers,
! did get a message recert'y about this, but the phone number was unfortunately not clear in the
message. If you left a message yesterday, then I will get it when I go in this afternoon. I was
out of the office yesterday for a family matter. If this has beer delayed, I apologize. t was not
my intention.
There are two permits. SW8 130412 is the area landward of Highway 133. I have worked on
that one quite a bit. The other one, SW8 131207, ? do not believe i have worked on. I believe t
is the one that is on the water. (I can look into this when I get to the office later today.) The
SW8 130412 the is quite complicated. There are a lot of ponds. And, as you may know, the
original developer lost the property to the bank and the company that bought it from the bank
retained a different engineering firm that did not have aces s to the original digita[
drawings. Some of the plans on file are from the original erg:veering firm, and some have been
modified and/or created by the current engineering firm. The engineer and I spent an afternoon
last fall ge iig through all of the plans and determining which ones should make up the permitted
set. In some cases portions of p!an sheets are approved and other portions of those plan
sheets are not approved. We took a red per. and marked them up and created the folowing
list. It isn't ideal, but everything is there.
This permit (SW8 130412) has been modified four times over the years. The file is pretty
big. The other file only has one version and is likely larger. Are you just interested in the plans
or did you want the whole file (calcula;°ons, ernails, etc) scanned?
Kelly Johnson
Kelly Johnson
Environmental Engineer
NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Stormwater Permitting
127 Cardinai Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405-3845
Phone: 910.796.7335
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From: goofyisrc ec.rr.com [mailto:goofvisrAec.rr.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 6:28 AM
To: Johnson, Kelly <kellv.p.iohnsonAncdenr.gov>
Subject: [External] as built plans
A. External email. Do not click links or open attachments un
Good Morning,
I have left two voice mails, but know you are seldom in your office, so decided to put my request in print.
I am on the transition committee for HAWKESWATER BY THE RIVER in Leland, NC and we would like to
know where we can find the AS BUILT plans for the ponds in our subdivision. Your name was given to us
by Teri at Premier Management. We need copies but have no idea who else to ask or where to look or if
there is a cost involved.
Thank you. We appreciate your response.
sally myers
910 395 5190