HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8070933_Compliance Evaluation Inspection_20070820 SAD7OCI 3 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY INFILTRATION SYSTEM INVESTIGATION VY a C Complete and email this form to Vincent.Lewis@ncmail.net. If there are more than 7 areas to be tested, attach a second sheet. Scheduled Site Visit Date: Time: Project Name: >7'lo(ekeadt CAy'3asebafi mark County: 1 r+epef Street Address: 2?1O Maybf.rry Loop ' , rVtore. .ea& Ct4/ _ Directions from the nearest intersection of two major roads: from. Rw.70 and �k. 2K ;4A4rseci-;e" 90 eas4 on 70 CArenot,el{ SO 3.°i 0%,les +o 14704`S+, to Atcr'i on 14 Icitkst 1.15" miles 4E, 1vlayberrY Loe iZ. . ) West' oK. nilL.", l000.f4 .)?rot"on >1 acre being disturbed? OYES ENO CAMA Major required? DYES ZINO Consultant Name: \it..c.nkr Ah.*r;l1; Phone: qig-906-4.tsi Consultant Firm Name: EtA4po.. Bore Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a) Existing Ground Elevation b)Proposed Bottom Elevation c) Difference (a minus b) d)Add 2 ft. (Min. Bore Depth) e) Hardpan Depth? f) Infiltration Rate OK? g)Approx. Elev. Of SHWT f`�.. / $ ! IL h) Max. lowest bottom elev. 4, . >t 44 Comments fi l/ 10- /i rc /f d` if 04 l.Q :/9 (..054.7 c/7 korzi Required Attachments: 1.. Legible vicinity map.. 2. Complete Soils Report. 3. PDF formatted site plan with the boring locations to be tested. Site plans should be emailed or hand-delivered only. illegible faxed maps will not be accepted. All proposed infiltration areas and existing, active utility lines located within the proposed basin/trench must be marked and flagged. If these areas are not flagged, the Soils Scientist reserves the right to decline to do the investigation. If the proposed infiltration system will be located in an area of existing pavement and there is no open area nearby, equipment capable of breaking through the impervious layer must be provided. The soils investigation does not take the place of a soils report prepared by an appropriate professional. The Soils Scientist will only verify the soil conditions that are reported in the Soils Report, and make a determination as to the suitability of the site to meet the infiltration design requirements under NCAC 2H.t 000, and assumes no liability should the system fail. S:IWQSISTORMWATER\FORMSIinfiltration site visit.for Revised 8..07 Project Name f'nore-kearl Cl'+y 1312se.6411 Park Stormwater Express Questionnaire(7/10/2007) 1. What is the applicant's full legal name?RRandy MAr4In Is the applicant associated with IT Sole proprietor Corporation ❑ LLC ❑ Partnership 2I Municipality if it's an LLC, is it❑ Manager-managed or 0 Member-managed? °What is the applicant's title within the Corp.., LLC or Partnership? C 1=1y Pnzna.9e( Will an agent (someone other than the applicant)be signing the application? U Yes gl No If Yes,what is the agent's name and title? a:Please note the application signature requirements are listed in NCAC 2H.1003(e) in summary, only the sole proprietor of a sole proprietorship, the designated manager, member- manager, president or vice president of a corporation or LLC, the general partner of a partnership, or a ranking official of a municipality may sign permit applications and supplements. The signature of the engineer or other agent can be accepted only if accompanied by a signed letter of authorization from one of the aforementioned individuals. Corporations, LLC's and Partnerships must be registered with the NC Secretary of State's Office, and be active. Please note that spelling, capitalization, and punctuation are extremely important. Please provide the entity name exactly as on file with the NC Secretary of State.. 2 Where is the project located? County Car-trek" Nearest Town/City lnore.Lem.o! C'3y (Attach a detailed vicinity map with both local street names and SR, NC, US or interstate highway numbers, plus other relevant information such as town or city names, directions to, etc. Show the nearest intersection of two major roads on the vicinity map. A major road is any 1, 2 or 3 digit NC, US or interstate highway.) If the project is located in Brunswick,Onsiow,or New Hanover Counties, or a small portion of northern Pender County or the unincorporated areas outside of Morehead City and Atlantic Beach in Carteret County, NPDES Phase II Post-Construction rules will apply, unless a vested development right,as described in the Session Law, can be demonstrated,which is dated prior to July 1, 2007. 3. What is the name of the receiving stream? Crab ?4931.41 $qy What River Basin is it located In? W4.Ike Qc k What is the classification of the receiving stream? SA ; t4 Q i..) For SA or SR waters, a separate scaled topographic map will be required. The project must be accurately located on the map and the %mile radius from the property corner closest to the SA or SR receiving stream must be drawn on the map. If you claim that the project is not within X mile of SA or SR waters, you must conduct a series of chlorides tests to demonstrate that the chlorides level at a point in the receiving stream that is at least%mile from the project is less than 500 ppm. Samples must be sent to a State certified lab for testing.. 4. If the project is high density, what type of stormwater management BMP's are being proposed? (check all that apply) Wet Detention Infiltration Trench Infiltration Basin ^ Sand Filter Bio-retention Dry Detention Wetlands Alternative NPDES Phase II Other Offsite How many separate BMP's are being proposed? i 2 3 4 Q 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Other 5, Is there offsite runoff from the adjacent properties or public right-of-wa that will drain into any of the proposed BMP's on the project and is not being diverted? Li Yes RI No ❑ N/A 6. Is a road across other property required to access the project? 0 Yes 1811 No ❑ N/A Page 1 of 2 Project Name I'i'l.oreAead C,fr 3asebclt at eV, 7. Is there any existing development or pre-1988 existing BUA located on the pro erty? (Please document, delineate and identify on the plans) I: Yes [� No ❑ N/A 8. Will the high density project collect all of the proposed BUA? 21 Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A (If not, attach a separate explanation sheet) 9.. Will the project involve the subdivision and sale of property? 0 Yes El No ❑ N/A Is the subdivision ❑ residential or❑ commercial? How many lots are proposed? (Deed restrictions are required for all residential, commercial, low density or high density sub- divisions. Specific language for the various types of subdivisions is available from DENR..) 10, Will the plans show all delineated wetlands? El Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A (All projects require either a signed wetlands delineation map or a wetlands report to be submitted with the application. Only a trained professional may provide information regarding the presence or absence of wetlands.) 11. Are wet detention ponds or other engineered controls proposed to be located adjacent wetlands? CZ Yes Li No ❑ N/A (If, yes, a physical means to prevent the dewatering of the wetland must be provided, or the SHWT must be provided to demonstrate that the permanent pool of the BMP is above the SHWT and will not dewater the wetlands over time. Where possible, all BMP's and swales should outlet into back the wetland(with level spreaders). 12. For infiltration projects, a site visit must be completed with the DENR soils scientist to verify the soil type,water table and infiltration rate provided in the soils report. What is/was the scheduled site visit date? Avg 20, 1oo7 (Include a copy of the consultant's soil report with the application.) 13. Level Spreaders are required at the outlet of all engineered controls and swales prior to entering surface waters or wetlands.Will the plans reflect level spreaders? Yes El No 0 N/A (The purpose of the level spreader is to reduce the energy of the incoming runoff and to promote diffuse sheet flow to prevent erosion and scour into the receiving waters or wetlands..) 14. Is this project A modification to an existing permit A lot that will be treated in an existing, previously permitted BMP? What is the name of the existing permitted facility? What is the permit number of the existing permitted facility?SW8 Is the permitted facility in compliance with its permit? _ Yes No N/A Have the deed restrictions been recorded? Yes No N/A Have the deed restrictions been submitted? Yes No N/A Has the Designer's Certification been submitted? _ Yes No N/A 15. Do the plans reflect all information in 15A NCAC 2H.1003 (g)? l Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A 16. Will all of the design requirements for each proposed BMP be met? ® Yes El No 0 N/A (If not, attach a separate explanation sheet. Please note that the Express program is not set up to handle any type of deviation from the standard design.) 17. For each BMP in all high density projects, and low density curb outlet swale projects, the individual drainage area for each proposed BMP must be clearly delineated. 18. Any revisions made to the application as a result of this review may cause changes to the other documentation. Plans, calculations, application, and supplements should be reviewed for any necessary changes. For example, changing the orifice size will require a modification to the calculations,the pond details on the plans, and page 1 of the supplement.. Page 2 of 2 CO, Reviewer NCDENR Submit North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,NC 2(3405 (910)796-7215 FAX(910)350-20 Time Request for Express Permit Review Confirm FILL-IN all information below and CHECK required Permit(s). FAX to Express Coordinator along with a detailed narrative and vicinity map of the project location. Projects must be submitted by 5:00 pm the day before the review date,unless prior arrangements are made. APPLICANT Name RAY+ ty 14"tat4ii.. Title Company Name —row. mf rflo retread C Ny Address 7o& A ne r ctel l S-I- City Mt ltia o.C,4y Zip Z8 5 57 Phone 252-7z2-r;SKB Fax Email PROJECT Name 014PrekNead Ct4Y3astl,ali ?ark. County Caritr..+ PROJECT DRAINS TO Crab Polo• bay (Stream name) in the w1,; t OAK RIVER BASIN ENGINEER/CONSULTANT INFORMATION: Name George N. Ell;nweodt Company ED A cep, Address tool Sl.e4oret S-r. Citynioret.ead C3y State tic- Zip 2t5S7 Phone z52-1.47-2 2.7 Fax 2.52-Lq7-o67y{ Email vo,Nir g a EDA m.cn". State or National Environmental Policy Act(SEPA or NEPA)—EA or EIS Required? Oyes 14 No ❑STREAM ORIGIN DETERMINATION #of Stream calls Stream Name STORMWATER ❑ Low Density ❑ High Density-Detention Pond ❑High Density-Other (check all that apply) ❑ Low Density-Curb&Gutter High Density-Infiltration — Off-site Wetlands MUST be addressed below NPDES Phase II — Plan Revision ❑ COASTAL ❑ Excavation&Fill El Bridges&Culverts ❑ Structures Information MANAGEMENT ❑ Upland Development ❑Marina Development ❑ Urban Waterfront E[LAND QUALITY E Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with 7.8 8 acres to be disturbed WETLANDS (401) Wetlands on Property? ®Yes El No Isolated Wetlands on Properly? ❑Yes No (Check all that apply) Wetlands will be impacted? ®Yes El No Wetland impacts: b•5 acre(s) Wetlands delineation has been completed? Yes❑ No ❑Buffers impacted: Acre(s) USACOE Approval of Delineation completed? ®Yes❑No 404 Application in Process w/USACOE?❑Yes❑No 1 Permit recv'd from USACOE®Yes El No 401 Application Required? ❑Yes 0 No If Yes,❑Regular 0 Express Additional fees, not to exceed 50%of the original Express Review permit application fee may be charged for -� subsequent reviews due to the insufficiency of the permit application. Date Received Total Fee:$ Stormwater $ CAMA $ LQS $ 401 $