HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC242542_ESC Approval Submitted_20240820 Wake County Environmental Services Department Water Quality Division,Watershed Management Section WAKE 336 Fayetteville St.• P.O. Box 550• Raleigh, NC 27602 COUNTY TEL 919 856-7400• FAX 919 743-4772 nutii ii in a,i iwn WMCPA- ROLESVILLE, WENDELL, ZEBULON WATERSHED MANAGEMENT CONSTRUCTION PLAN APPROVAL The Glen at Hollybrook— Project Name Phase IV Watershed Buffalo Creek Jurisdiction Town of Wendell Date Processing Disturbed Date Received 8/2/2024 Initiated 8/16/2024 Acreage 21.0 S&E Permit S&E $5,250 PAID Number SEC-112341-2023 Plan Review Fee $75.00 PAID S&E Permit Fee $5,250 DUE SW Permit SW $2,500 PAID Number SWF-112343-2023 Plan Review Fee $150.00 PAID SW Permit Fee $2,500 DUE Applicant: Engineer: Name Susan Jones/Smith-Edwards, LLC Name: Travis Tyboroski, PE/JAECO Address: 2102 Pritchard Road,Clayton, NC 27527 Address: 333 Wade Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27605 Phone: 919-422-4092 Phone: 919-828-4428 Email: susan.jones@fredsmithcompany.com Email: travis@JAECO.COM Plan Date/Revision Date: 10.24.2023/03.26.2024/08.02.2024 The above-referenced erosion control and stormwater management plans have been reviewed and approved. Approval Date: The Glen at Hollybrook Subdivision, Phase 4, is approved for the creation of 74 lots. Plans approved 8/18/2024 limiting the maximum impervious surface of 313,121 SF(7.2 acres)that has been dispersed over 74 lots, roads,and sidewalks.The project shall provide stormwater control (peak attenuation,volume management and water quality)with two(2)Wet Detention Ponds Nos. 2 and 3 permitted with Stormwater Permit No.SWF-015495-2019.See approved site data below. Approved Site Data: Permitted Road (SF) Lots(SF) Other(SF) Total Impervious(SF) 120,721 192,400 (SF) 313,121 Conditions of Approval Items marked with an "X"were noted as conditions of the Stormwater and Sediment and Erosion Control Plan approval. References for Erosion and Sediment Control: Wake County Unified Development Ordinance(UDO)Article 10 References for Stormwater Management are as follows: ROLESVILLE: Town of Rolesville Land Development Ordinance Appendix B:Flood Damage Prevention and Storm water Management Section 1.2 Stormwater Management effective June 1, 2021. WENDELL: Town of Wendell Unified Development Ordinance(UDO) Chapter 6:Environmental Protection,adopted 7/26/10. ZEBULON: Town of Zebulon, NC Code of Ordinances: Chapter 151 1 APPROVAL_WatershedManagement-V2_W M Wake County Environmental Services Department Water Quality Division,Watershed Management Section WAKE 336 Fayetteville St.• P.O. Box 550• Raleigh, NC 27602 COUNTY TEL 919 856-7400• FAX 919 743-4772 Kuhl ii i AI.11;.. WMCPA- ROLESVILLE, WENDELL, ZEBULOr WATERSHED MANAGEMENT CONSTRUCTION PLAN APPROVAL A mandatory preconstruction meeting is required between the owner,contractor,and Wake County prior to ® 1. issuance of the Stormwater and Land Disturbance Permits. Please call to schedule this meeting at your convenience. Please contact Karyn Pageau at 919-796-8769 to schedule the preconstruction meeting and I please provide five(5)full-size sets of plans prior to the meeting. ® 2. Grading,other than for installation of soil erosion and sedimentation control measures, is prohibited prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance. [10-30-7(D)] Contractor shall follow plans strictly and maintain contact with Wake County prior to making any field • 3. modifications to erosion and sediment control devices. No devices shall be removed without prior approval from Wake County. Wake County's sedimentation pollution control program is performance oriented, requiring protection of the natural resources and adjoining properties. If at any time during the project it is determined that the Erosion • 4. and Sedimentation Control Plan is inadequate to meet the requirements of the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance of Wake County,this office may require revisions in the plan and its implementation to ensure compliance with the Ordinance. Effective April 1, 2019, prior to the preconstruction meeting with the county,the applicant must obtain from NCDEQ-DEMLR the NCG-010000 NPDES Construction Stormwater General Permit coverage by completing an ® 5. electronic Notice of Intent(N01). The online NOI submittal must include the completed and notarized Financial Responsibility/Ownership Form and this approval letter. See NCDEQ web site at: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/energy-mineral-land-permits/stormwater- permits/construction-sw. ® 6. SUBDIVISIONS ONLY Builders are required to obtain grading permits for cumulative disturbance over one acre (including non-contiguous lots). Stormwater COA-All Conditions of Approval (COA) must be completed and approved by Wake County prior to final plat approval or signoff of the Certificate of Occupancy(C.O.)for future building permits. Items required prior to final plat or building permit approval are checked and listed below. As-Built Plans—Upon completion of required improvements, an as-built plan of required stormwater • 7. improvements must be submitted (must indicate that stormwater improvements were constructed in accordance with the approved plan). • 8. Maintenance Plan The developer must record and reference on the record plat,a maintenance plan providing instruction a. about annual maintenance tasks and associated costs for at least a 20-year period. ® It will be the responsibility of the property owners'association or lot owner to update the maintenance b. plan at least every 10 years. ® 9. Maintenance Agreement The developer must record and reference on the record plat,a maintenance agreement or restrictive • a. covenant that sets for the property owners' association's or lot owner's continuing responsibilities for maintenance, including how cost will be apportioned among lot owners served. ® b The maintenance agreement must provide that the association and its individual members are jointly and severable liable for maintenance. All maintenance documents required must be submitted prior to record plat approval and must be referenced ® 10. on the record plat. For developments not requiring record plats,documentation must be submitted prior to building permit issuance. 2 APPROVAL_WatershedManagement-V2_W M Wake County Environmental Services Department �� Water Quality Division,Watershed Management Section WAKE 336 Fayetteville St.• P.O. Box 550• Raleigh, NC 27602 COUNTY TEL 919 856-7400• FAX 919 743-4772 WMCPA- ROLESVILLE, WENDELL, ZEBULON WATERSHED MANAGEMENT CONSTRUCTION PLAN APPROVAL Performance Guarantee—The municipality may not approve a record plat or issue a building permit until ® 11. stormwater improvements required of the developer have been completed or a performance guarantee has been provided. Applicable Regulations ® 12. Parties Responsible for Maintenance of Improvements The developer must maintain stormwater improvements until accepted by a property owners'association ® a. or lot owner.The developer must disclose which party will be responsible for continued maintenance on the record plat. Before improvements are accepted for maintenance by the property owners'association or lot owner, ® b. the developer must certify to the property owners association or lot owner and the county that improvements are complete and functioning as designed. ® 13. Enforcement and Penalties ® a. Failure to complete required improvements or failure to maintain improvements as required by the approved plan are violations and subject to a fine of up to$1,000 per day. Inspection of Stormwater Improvements—Wake County agents have the right to inspect sites to ® b. determine whether stormwater improvements are being installed and maintained in compliance with the ordinance. Validity of Plan,Lapse of Approval—An approved erosion and sedimentation control plan is valid for 2 ® 14. calendar years from the date of approval. If a land disturbance permit has not been obtained within the 2-year period,the erosion and sedimentation control plan approval becomes null and void. ® 15. Actions Required Prior to Land Disturbance S&EC plan approval and land disturbance permit issued must be prominently displayed until all ® a. construction is complete,all permanent sedimentation and erosion control measures are installed and the site has been stabilized.A copy of the approved plan must be kept on file at the job site. ® b No person shall initiate a land-disturbing activity until notifying Wake County of the date that the land- disturbing activity will begin. ® 16. Authority County officials may enter any property, public or private,at reasonable times for the purpose of investigating and inspecting the sites of any land-disturbing activity. No person shall refuse entry or access ® a. to any authorized representative or agent for the County who requests entry for purposes of inspections, and presents appropriate credentials, nor shall any person obstruct, hamper,or interfere with any such representatives while in the process of carrying out their official duties. Agents and officials of the County will periodically inspect land-disturbing activities to ensure compliance with the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act,this article,or rules or orders adopted or ® b. issued pursuant to this article,and to determine whether the measures required in the erosion and sedimentation control plan are effective in controlling erosion and sedimentation resulting from land- disturbing activity. Any land-disturbing activity will be the responsibility of the person(s)conducting the land disturbing ® c. activity, including the property owners. Failure to prevent off site sedimentation will be deemed a violation of the erosion and sedimentation control regulations of this article. 3 APPROVAL_WatershedManagement-V2_W M Wake County Environmental Services Department Water Quality Division,Watershed Management Section WAKE 336 Fayetteville St.• P.O. Box 550• Raleigh, NC 27602 COUNTY TEL 919 856-7400• FAX 919 743-4772 WMCPA- ROLESVILLE, WENDELL, ZEBULON WATERSHED MANAGEMENT CONSTRUCTION PLAN APPROVAL 15A NCAC 28.0714—Due to the location of this project, it should be noted that a rule to protect and maintain existing buffers along watercourses in all of Wake County became effective in 2006.The Neuse River Riparian Area Protection and Maintenance Rule applies to all perennial and intermittent streams, lakes, ponds and estuaries in Wake County with forest vegetation on the adjacent land or"riparian area". In riparian areas with existing forest vegetation in the first 30 feet directly adjacent to the stream,the rule prohibits land disturbance, ® 17. new development and fertilizer use within the first 50 feet of land next to the water. In riparian areas with forest vegetation that is less than 30 feet wide,the rule prohibits land disturbance, new development and fertilizer use within the area that contains forest vegetation (but not the entire 50-foot riparian area). For more information about this riparian area rule, please contact the Division of Water Quality's Wetland/401 Unit at 919-707-3631. Wake County enforces the Neuse Buffer Rules in both the Cape Fear River Basin and the Neuse River Basin except when superseded by the Jordan Buffer Rules [15A NCAC 026.0265]. Wake County Watershed Management Section is not responsible for subject approvals of other Local, State or Federal Agencies. The subject approvals are (but not limited to) Federal Emergency Management Area Flood regulations/requirements, Division of Water Quality under stormwater or other water quality regulations/requirements, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under Article 404/401 (Wetlands/Streams) jurisdiction/requirements, and/or any Federal, State, County and Local municipal regulations or permit requirements. The approval issued in this letter cannot supersede any other required permit or approval. Environmental karyn.pageau@wake.gov Consultant: Karyn Pageau,CPESC Contact Info: 919 796 8769 � -- barney.blackburn@wake.gov Wake County PE: Contact Info: 919-418-3791 Barney Blackburn,PE 4 APPROVAL_WatershedManagement-V2_W M