HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW1240604_Wetland Determination/Report_20240813 ital e th ////Jur maphaveionbeenlocatedwetlands withinwaterssubmidentifieter ccuracyd is
utilizingsdic Trimble Geo XT/7Xand mapping graa deon Global
Positioning System(GPS)and the subsequent %. t
differential correction of that data or Juniper j�yyy� -
Systems Geode GNS3S. GPS points may
demonstrate uncorrectable errors due to / ay , •
topography,vegetative cover,and/or multipath ( , R +- \
signal error. Project Boundary
Note: The illustrated wetland and stream locations .'
are approximate These areas have been flagged in ,; , e--- -- -. -. -.. -.
the field,however,they have not been surveyed. •$. t - ri
Although EnviroScience is confident in our - " iJ""' -
assessment,the US Army Corps of Engineers i
(Corps)is the only agency that can make final T •_f;: 31't'
decisions regarding jurisdictional wetland and . \ "•- /
waters of the US delineations. Therefore,all ` F'
preliminary determinations are subject to change _
until written verification is obtained. EnviroScience .'�WB r•-... rC f „��� ':,� i
strongly recommends that written verification be / "
! !c!!Eii: the
a Corps prior to closing on the w / \
ng any site work,ormakithis determination. , \
pared by EnviroScience using the
best information available to EnviroScience at the -- ,e,+' .''
time of production. This map is for informational t _p +' - .
/ purposes only and should not be used to determine . - x,, t' -
/ precise boundaries,roadways,property boundary ;r . ,_�'- ,,
lines,nor legal descriptions. This map shall not be /
construed to be an official survey of any data ''-'4-"):'-.'',r' -_'. �•
depicted. / - fi r% ..
6 Source Data: Project Boundary-Haywood County 3 c e' rt
GIS Parcels;Contours and Aerial Imagery-NC - ,kw t
OneMap 2023 !�./-' R + f�. _
The stream on site is a UT of Pigeon River(NC / ''' !'
DWR Class:C Waters) -H # - _ _ '• -
' Air,* . - /11,,,,,.' '1:4.. i
rir , :
-": ------ iii .
'1' Potentially Jurisdictional Waters of the US
_=1_ / Stream Wetland
Project Boundary -\_
Linear Acres Acres
Stream _- Feet stream bed ■
Wetland SA 181 0.013 WA 0.016
`3 _ — SB _— WB 0.002
COntO i (2 ft) ��� Total t / /Oi013 � Total0 018,
Wetland and Stream Map HCC Workforce Center o 50 100 200 US Feet N
Delineated June 4, 2024 (+/- 6.34 Ac) I I I I I A CLearWater
Figure 5 Haywood County, NC.
I 1 I I I I I I I An EnviroScience Company a
0 10 20 40 60 80 Meters
Author:EET Date:6/6/2-24 Project#:24-0639 NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Ft US