HomeMy WebLinkAboutNorthampton_Well Abandonment_20240814 (2) WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD ,,,, �,,���,,, this form can be used for single or mdfipk Hells I 1.W'ell Contractor Information: WELL AR.ANDONMENT DETAIL ti \ . 1 Chris Ruffer 7s.Number of hell,being abandoned. Well Cotoracioi Naaw no well ut,my jvi%omll.s alvld,1111110 well Oil 119 hci rVF0PCOy) Fro mdrirlh' aueo,w ,w ww- ,ife'r yuprVI af!• OAV.1 -ah Nit, wee t't)iltifltttfNNl rYhIUMhN1/nt'Y#,I,1M hrrm 4223-A NC Well Cnnlr.Nanrfcnifis:alino N%n#1cr 7b.Approximate volauae of w ater n:maining in well(s): (Sol.) SAEDACCO FOR WATER SUPPLY N FLIS ONLY! Conpom Na+nc 7c.'I pc of disinfectant anal: 2.Wdl Constr urtiun Permit a:, _ Ll<frdf qqd edG4 u<711 •..... r r %Hunk �1N.•.i tna.e< bmrlhr...11L .141IT r 1 'd. Anuoual of diAnfixtant u%ed: 3.Well use(check:welt Usti: Water Supply Well: 7e.Sealing mveriah used(check all Nrat apply): ❑Agricultural ❑Municipal Public fl Neal Cement Grout ® Bcittonflc Chips or Pellets ❑(icothcrtm'd(Hcaunr''Coolinp Sirpph i ❑Res1dcr%1al Water snpph 1un_Ic) ❑ Sand CeeerM Grout ❑Dn Clack ❑Irdusinal:CoemcrciA ❑RL%idetatalWalcrSiipph 14mred) ❑ConcWte Grout ❑ DnllCmtinp ❑Irit Lluu ❑ Spectalt%Groin ❑Gmel Noe-Water Supph Well: I.1 Bedonite Slum I I Other wtplain u(dct'g) Rhiontlonng ❑Rmo%en Injonion Well: 7f.For each material scicctal ahinc.pesn idc amount of material%aced: ❑Ayarfer Recharge ❑ imurduaier Reniediauoo ❑Aqutfer Storage and Recoc en ❑Salon% Banter ❑Agwfcr Test ❑Sksmraalttfhaiiurge Bentonite.:501b ,Wtr:gal._- HYDRATED BENTONITE CHIPS Amount: ❑Experimental 1 ctihnolog.% ❑Substdetrcc C'orarol 7g.Pnnide a brief description of the abandonmrot procedure: ❑Geolbernral(Closed Loopi ❑Tracer SLOWLY POURED HYDRATED BENTONITE PELLETS TO SEAL WATER,TABLE ❑ eothengd tllcahnyl.+Coaling Return) I lOthci(cx ain tinder' , -------- 4.Date wrllisl ebanduned: 08/01/2024 20N Sy.W'cll kwatktn: OTTO HARRIS STORE (%r t.arbn (hlrrr N:n1,' FacilNv ID:'nfappll�.rhlr R•Crnifkali(NI: 999 Hwy 158 Garysburg, NC 27831 Chris Ru ffe r 8/1/2024 Ph%sical Address.Cat.and Zip Sgyuiure of Ce111fet!Wb1I(2nareolar of Well(hard Dote NORTHAMPTON lit .signing do, p)rin, I hereby tern*,drin the well(s) was(were)au=&Aned in Cows, Paned Idemificrtina No (Plat avronlance wide 114 NCAC 02C.0100 or X'0200 WWI Cmaf w t'on Standards and tkd a , oJdair rerordltm been provAdedto dre well owner. Sb.latitude and longitude in or decimal degree%: Orwell fcid.okra tal long n udricicni1 9.Site diagram or additional well details: You tiny use ilk back of this page to pros ide addineuuil.cell site details or well N W abantionnient details. You tiny also:utach ad inwital imgvs if mcessan CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OF W ELLt51 BEING ABANDONED Y['BMMAL INSTRUCTION .rfLkh NCI1 LYmorudaw mcuvd,.;U Jl gild-k IY,r 1RYIf1PfC fl thY01,V w1a-NVhr fupph' NrB.rONtl'Nvrhrhr.au%rtvrnero.ru.n amm�hrrNamr.ltwemsnhmlt!�rrhNrt 10a, For .&II WeLL%: Submtl this rime within 30 can's of completion of NYU tin.Wed am:TW-2 abmdoimicnt in the folkiicrng Dh Won of W mer Resourcm.Information Processing Knit, 6b.Total wdl depth: 20 1617'►tail Smite('enter,Raleigh.SC 27699-1617 10b.For Inkrtion Wells: In addiuou io xidw>:dtc form to die addtcss m lua r.c.R11n1e11edlameler:l lin.l abo%c. abo subout one cape of this foni: scnhm `0 dais of completion of well ahmdonntcul lu the"lour g D66-ion of W alcr Resources,UnderlInw nd Injection Control Prograar. 6d.Water kr ci below $tYnrtul W rfaee: (ft.I 16341 Mail%mice Center,Ralrich.NC 27699-1636 Ilk.For Water Suru)h A Inkrtitn Wells: lu addition to sending the font to 6c.Outer ca-ing length lif know n is (ft l the addressic,l abuse. also submit one cope of 1Ms form icithin to fans of completion of well ah.udrnuncm to the cotaa} heahh dcpannieta of the coum (.f.Innercasin;(''rohing Mn:,Rh(if knossn): 5 w litre abandoned (h.l 6g,Screen length(if hone%n 1;15 (h.l Fan GW-3n Noah Carolina Depannrm of Ens irountesu:red N:nural Resoinces Lhs ision of%awl Resowces Re,escd August 14,1(