HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--04680_Well Construction - GW1_20240809 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For'mental l_t..Obi IA• This Fenn can be mud for ink or multiple Hells 1.Well Contractor Information: II.WA12R ZONES Robert Miller r FMON TO DWSCRIr110V Well['roam Nand: �• ry• 2675 ft. n, NC Welt Contractor Certification Nnnthci ; IS,OUTER CASING der aw a+i O aiaased weR LINER tit lkabk ' FROM TO nliNr7FII TNICTOTriS MkITITRI SAEDACCO 0 ft. 21 n. 2.25" Jr. Steel Company Name _IL INNER CASING O_R_T_yllING trvibermal ekneri4w,) ►MOM TO DIAMETER 111ICAyl%S NPTEMIAI 2,Well Construction Penult M: ft. ft, in. tear all applicable writ permits lien.Counts: State,l'ariamr !/l'e[O'dl etr.l — f- - -- ----' ft. ft. in. 3.Well lire(check well use,: II.SCREEN Water Supply Well: YMOM TO DIAMETISR stOt sin r 11(101!ts 14AT0161. LlAgrwultwal OMunicipalrAdfhc 21 ft. 25 ft. 1.25" 1tr• .010 Stainless Steel ❑GeothenrolIHeating,CoolingSupple) OReesidental Water Supply(single) It. ft Oindustria(Comntercial OResidentsd Water Supply(shred) t�01R M to MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD a AMOUNT ❑Ims:otwn h- ft. Non-Water Supply.Well: ft, ft. ®Motutonne ❑Rocovcty Injection Well: fL ft. ❑Aquifer Recharge CIGroundwatcrRemediation 1 .SAND/GRA'ZL PACK IYapgMeaMr) ritON TO NAtt[Rtil. FNW.aftslr\TNrtnon ❑Aquifer Storage and Rccovcn• ❑Salilaty Harrier R. ft, C Aquifer Test ❑Sromwsatcr Drainage i I ft. ft 1 ❑Evpcnmental Tcthnolog'. ❑tinhsidcocc Control i it DRILLING LOG(attach additional shres if accc.+an i ❑Geothenlal(Closed Loops ❑Tracer Mom to 1 DFSCMIPTW'.ie"n.r,►.ra.r..•wawwk OW.wok w,est.i OGeotheal(Heating.•C'ooling Returns I:Other leyplam under#. n.I Rem:nisi R' rye m ftt, ft. f _. 4.Date Wrlt(%)Cumpltied: 7/22/24 Weil IDIB-3 l y-.,.►... . +/ s-..`. Sit.Well Location: fL h. • A u u r, 5 2024 US Car and Tool IL ry, FacilityOoserName Facility UM ft lf� R A.:"(�r� 3'+ ►�Ula 11.-- .1 �f1r a�6( 214 W. Hanover Rd., Graham, NC, 27253n. Mesta tddress.fits.and Zip fL RLMARIi5 Alamance Grab groundwater sample collected via SP-22 fne1M+ harccl W.:indretion.No I PINT Sh.Latitude and longitude in tk-greesiminutrslseenndsor decimal dewree= 22,CQtlfica6oD: of wen field.inw lat.long as sod hcmcnlI N W 7/26/2024 Signatory of. .-.:r•r:c. •: : !•.!:, ,..4"-...— Dale 6.Is tare)the cell(+1: :7Pennanrnt ur RlTempulrar, By signing deir farm,I hereby certify AAar the waist Eros(sorrel c.vnsfnecred in accordance with I SA NC4C 02C.0100 or 154 NCAC 02C.0200 Well Comma lion Standards and that a 7.is this is repair to an es:istitg well: Dle» or It No espy nfthir word has been provided to to alell owner. If this as a repair,fill out krwas,a.eit..n•UN,k tlerdr tnformorma an!r spiral tow Aimee of der repair a der on remarks militia of evi rise back of this form 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to prokide additional well site details or well 8.Number of web contracted: 1 cotutmsYion details. You may also attach additional pates if necessary. For nwldpk otleevkan or noel-water agaph welts ONLY rah On saner rnnsewsNetr H %dd.tnirone fr.nn. SIIBMITTAI.INSTIICTIONS v.Total well depth Inlet land surface: 25 (ft.) 24a. Fur All Wells: Submit this form within 10 days of completion of well fur multiple wells lit.i at depths el dajfrre•trt te.rumplr.1sg:'b)•and 2'M iniri construction to the foltowing- 11t.State water level below top of caviar:: at i Division of Water Resources.Information Processing l nit. If note.!r,rl n..h...r.a sin;.a • . 1617 Mail Service Center,Ralcizh,NC 27699-1617 1 t.Borehole diameter:2.25" (ia.) :lb.fur likr-tion Vieth ONLY: In addition to sending die fonts to the address in 24a above. also submit a copy of this fonts within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method:DPT colutmdiun to the following. li.e.auger.roan.cable.dircil NO,cr,i Ph Won of Water Resources,Underground IajecUea Control Program, FOR W%TF.R SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Critter.Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a \idol(L'Imil Method of tr+I: 11C.For%'.aid Gippls &Injection Wells: Also subnul ate pups of this form nithnl to days of completion of 13b.Disinfection type: Amount: well constrneutne to the county health department of the county where constructed Form GW-t Nonh CAM line Dgacmini nt of Em mimeo'aid Natural Resources-Dnrtioa of Water Resumes Res ascd,tygtfst 2013