HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--04636_Well Construction - GW1_20240809 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal(scONIV. This form can be ducal for cin}tk of midlipk nc)Is I.Well Contractor Information: IL WATER ZONIS Tyler Brown VRON .' to 1 OEM•RIPt ION Viol('niii-o.rer Nam,: ft. ft. 4625A n, 1 ft. NC Well GnatactorCemli,alx •,�� ItOUTER CASING(tor wrMiteud netts)OR LINER tit anpkcalik) IRON ; TO MiMTTFR TRMKNTNS Mkrt Rtkl SAEDACCO 0 f1. j 20 n. 1 ie. SCH-40 PVC ('oniran.N.,nr I Ii.INNER CASINGORI7)RlNG(Aeorhermalclared400p) _ IKON TO D7,01FTFR FOICA'F*t Mk t RIk) 2.Well construction Permit a: 70003214 R. ft. in. Liu all upTrli,able urn p.rneo,f i.r.County.Mae.t anamv.Irraort el,.t - . .-------, N. II.1 7.S('R[tN is. 3.Well Vie(check well rse): 1 Water Supply Well: FROM TO Mk%lT It MAMMY I tHICkNUNs I MAMMAL, UAglkuh(tral dMtttiicipal,Arhllc 20 ft. 25 R. 1 'a. .010 'SCH-40 PVC I IGeotttermal dleating.Cooling Supply) OResidental Water Supp12'(single) n. rt. I 1Industrial+Comnicreial OResidential Water Supply(shared) 18' 1 PROMiMic TO , MATErUI. EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUNT ❑1mg4ion R. R. Non-Water Suppy Well: R. R. IC Mhnutonne ❑R Bowen ,. Injection Well: H- R. 1 .. ❑,Agnifer Recharge OGroundwater Rcntediation I9.SANRIQAVRL PACK AlteDicaMl:1 PROM TO MAMMAL ItMM.A(YM►.NT'41100, ❑Aquifer Storage and RaoTety ❑Salirun Hamer ft. n. El Aquifer Test ❑Stomm;Rcr Drainage 1 ft. ft. ft. ❑ENpenmerual technology ❑Subsidence Control is.DRILLING IA(:laltad,additional shcels if accessan) ❑GeothemraliClosedLoop) OTracer PROM To DEM:OPTION It.ir.h,ro„r....ur..-i.l.pr.inn..n'.rk.I OGeothemal tileatingtooling Return) OOther lexplam under#21 Remarks) R' n. ft. ft. 4.Date Well(*)Completed: 7-19-24 Welt If#B-2 H n. . ,f�U .� _,_ 4i.) 3a.Well Locating: ft. n. a G t� 5 2uR 24 Perry's Market n. n. FocilinOn tier Namc Facility ID*(ifaoplicabki irh► �n- i rn. r-r.•-.efhr.'•a{t',*ir n, ft. 1 CM C�,i 6727 Wilgrove Mint Hill Rd., Mint Hill, NC, 28227 H, I rt. I ,i PM steal Address.Ctn.and Zip 21. Mecklenburg (' anlr Pare.1 h kalrfkatinn N.. 'PIN' 1 Sb.Latilnde and LNglettde is degrees/mitlartesfsecunds or decimal degrees: 22.('ertitikatNta: of well Acid,one belong it sufficient) N w 5J ~ 7/19/2024 Si .of Cert �� Certified Well Contractor Oak 6.istarri the eellrs): -'Permanent or X'Iemporan St Aigning Thu(orm,I herrht certrfs'Mar the refits)war(*err)a mrrru<red Its mvondamt- .rM 1 54 NC.iC 02C.0/00 or 15.4 NCAC 02C.0200 Weil Comoro/toot Skln.lards anti rho u 7.Ls this a repair to an exictir well: LI tell or tS No <. .,..fop,,r.•-sled h,;,N..n l.,•ri•aled k,the urn rr.Mer. if rho o 0 rrp.arri Ni aw tao.0.rill,aoirili rum ot/ornwi..n uu ar!r y.aiot ow thew o/the repair under I21 remark,.waliun or cer the bark of Min forth. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You that use 11►e back of this page to pros sic additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 constriction details. You Inas also attach additional pages it necessan. For maleip$e nffr'Cr4on,w n mr-water sapplt wells ONLY with the same construction ,..a<... iabinit one fem. SUBMITTAL LNSTUCTIONS 9.Total well deli&below lard iarrface: 25 (ft,l 244. For AU Wells: Submit this form within 111 days of completion of well For.nrtlnpkt ell,list of!ATM,i)'difterrecirranapfr-#.7.0°'WJ'@loin construction to the followitrg- IS.Static water les el licit to nip or Cacmne: (ft. Division of Water Resources,Information Processing I nit. 1617 Mail Service(cater,Raleigh,NC 17699-1617 li.Borehole diameter 2.25' i in.) 24b.For Inkction Went ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a abuse. also submit a crops of this font( within :tO days of completion of well 12.Well coastructiim method:DPT :olstmelion to the idiom.ing. tI C.miner.rota,,.cable.d1R[I rWal'.,IC I Disision of Water Resources,l tide-ground Injection Control Program, - FOR W'1TER SUPRA IFFt I c ONI F: 1636 Mail Service Center.Rakich.\( 2 76 99-1636 11e.For Water Somali&Injection Welk 13a.Yield)emu) Method of lett: Also submit oiw cops of this form n ittoo to das s of completion of 131r.Disinfection type: Amount: well constriction to the counts health department of the county where constructed Form GW-I North('aroliaa Depernwni of Em iiommet aid Natural Resources-Demon of Warr Resoiara Rc.ucd August 2,01