HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000482_Final SWMP_20240701 710 iii ro e North Carolina Stormwater Management Plan City of Monroe NCS000482 8 April 2024 Table of Contents PART1: INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................................1 PART2: CERTIFICATION..............................................................................................................................................2 PART 3: MS4 INFORMATION........................................................................................................................................3 3.1 Permitted MS4 Area...........................................................................................................................................3 3.2 Existing MS4 Mapping.......................................................................................................................................4 3.3 Receiving Waters................................................................................................................................................4 3.4 MS4 Interconnection..........................................................................................................................................6 3.5 Total Maximum Daily Loads(TMDLs)............................................................................................................6 3.6 Endangered and Threatened Species and Critical Habitat............................................................................7 3.7 Industrial Facility Discharges............................................................................................................................7 3.8 Non-Stormwater Discharges..............................................................................................................................7 3.9 Target Pollutants and Sources.........................................................................................................................10 PART 4: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION....................................................11 4.1 Organizational Structure.................................................................................................................................1 l 4.2 Program Funding and Budget.........................................................................................................................13 4.3 Shared Responsibility.......................................................................................................................................14 4.4 Co-Permittees....................................................................................................................................................14 4.5 Measurable Goals for Program Administration............................................................................................14 PART 5: PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH PROGRAM............................................................................17 PART 6: PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION PROGRAM.............................................................21 PART 7: ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION PROGRAM..............................................23 PART 8: CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF CONTROL PROGRAM.....................................................................28 PART 9: POST-CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF CONTROL PROGRAM.........................................................30 PART 10:POLLUTION PREVENTION AND GOOD HOUSEKEEPING PROGRAMS........................................35 List of Tables Table 1: Summary of MS4 Mapping Table 2: Summary of MS4 Receiving Waters Table 3: Summary of Approved TMDLs Table 4: Summary of Federally Listed Species/Habitat Impacted by Surface Water Quality Table 5: NPDES Stormwater Permitted Industrial Facilities Table 6: Non-Stormwater Discharges Table 7: Summary of Target Pollutants and Sources Table 8: Summary of Responsible Parties Table 9: Shared Responsibilities Table 10: Co-Permittee Contact Information Table 11: Program Administration BMPs Table 12: Summary of Target Pollutants&Audiences Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPs Table 14: Public Involvement and Participation BMPs Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs Table 16: Qualifying Alternative Program Components for Construction Site Runoff Control Program Table 17:Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Table 18: Qualifying Alternative Program(s)for Post-Construction Site Runoff Control Program Table 19: Summary of Existing Post-Construction Program Elements Table 20:Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Table 21:Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs PART 1: INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) is to establish and define the means by which the City of Monroe will comply with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES)Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit and the applicable provisions of the Clean Water Act to meet the federal standard of reducing pollutants in stormwater runoff to the maximum extent practicable. This SWMP identifies the specific elements and minimum measures that the City of Monroe will develop, implement, enforce, evaluate and report to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality(NCDEQ)Division of Energy, Minerals and Land Resources (DEMLR) in order to comply with the MS4 Permit number NCS000482, as issued by NCDEQ. This permit covers activities associated with the discharge of stormwater from the MS4 as owned and operated by the City of Monroe and located within the corporate limits of the City of Monroe. In preparing this SWMP,the City of Monroe has evaluated its MS4 and the permit requirements to develop a comprehensive 5-year SWMP that will meet the community's needs,address local water quality issues and provide the minimum measures necessary to comply with the permit. The SWMP will be evaluated and updated annually to ensure that the elements and minimum measures it contains continue to adequately provide for permit compliance and the community's needs. Once the SWMP is approved by NCDEQ,all provisions contained and referenced in this SWMP,along with any approved modifications of the SWMP,are incorporated by reference into the permit and become enforceable parts of the permit. Any major changes to the approved SWMP will require resubmittal,review and approval by NCDEQ,and may require a new public comment period depending on the nature of the changes. NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 1 PART 2: CERTIFICATION By my signature below I hereby certify,under penalty of law,that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief,true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. I am also aware that the contents of this document shall become an enforceable part of the NPDES MS4 Permit, and that both the Division and the Environmental Protection Agency have NPDES MS4 Permit compliance and enforcement authority. M I am a ranking elected official. ❑ I am a principal executive officer for the permitted MS4. ❑ I am a duly authorized representative for the permitted MS4 and have attached the authorization made in writing by a principal executive officer or ranking elected official which specifies me as(check one): ❑ A specific individual having overall responsibility for stormwater matters. ❑ A specific position having overall responsibility for stormwater matters. Signature: 2� Print Robert Burns Name: Title: Mayor Signed this 11C day of 20 r,t . NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8, 2024 Page 2 PART 3: MS4 INFORMATION 3.1 Permitted MS4 Area This SWMP applies throughout the corporate limits of the City of Monroe,including all regulated activities associated with the discharge of stormwater from the MS4. The map below shows the corporate limits of City of Monroe as of the date of this document. City of Monroe: City Limits & Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) I1embY 6h a9e - � � Lake Palk - llnionvllle r k µiai'w �4_, �Roaep�cnuwrPa (- � 6 me * s F s l,r� � a MIma 5�y Cin wL ' Legend IS �II c Sources Esr.HERE,Garmin,Intemyg.p ncreme4 P oCu\rpN C1 GEBCO USGS,FAO,NPS,,NRCAN GeoBase IGN,Kada.. �gr„ TJ NL,Ordnance Survey,Esri Japan,METI EAChina'(Hong Kdng}« (c)OpenStreetMap contrihuters,and the GIS User Community ' NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 3 3.2 Existing MS4 Mapping The current MS4 mapping includes data on the municipal storm sewer system including stormwater structures, BMPS, conveyances with flow direction, major outfalls and waters of the United States receiving stormwater discharges. Data collection includes size, depth, material, condition, etc., where applicable. Data is updated continuously in the field and synced daily. Currently,there is no public link to the City's data. Table 1: Summary of Current MS4 Mapping Percent of MS4 Area Mapped 95 % No.of Major Outfalls*Mapped 101 total *An outfall is a point where the MS4 discharges from a pipe or other conveyance(e.g. a ditch)directly into surface waters. Major oufalls are required to be mapped to meet permit requirements. A major outfall is a 36-inch diameter pipe or discharge from a drainage area> 50-acres;and for industrial zoned areas a 12-inch diameter pipe or a drainage area> 2-acres. 3.3 Receiving Waters The City of Monroe MS4 is located within the Yadkin River Basin and the Catawba River Basin. The MS4 discharges directly into receiving waters as listed in Table 2 below. Applicable water quality standards listed below are compiled from the following NCDEQ sources: o Waterbody Classification Map o Impaired Waters and TMDL Map o Most recent NCDEQ Final 303 d List NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 4 Table 2: Summary of MS4 Receiving Waters Receiving Water Name Stream Index / AU Water Quality 303(d)Listed Parameter(s) Number Classification of Interest Yadkin Pee Dee River Basin Richardson Creek 13-17-36-(3.5) WS-IV;CA Chlorophyll a(40 µg/l,AL,NC) (Lake Lee) Water Temperature(32°C,AL,LP&CP) Dissolved Oxygen 4 m /l,AL,FW Richardson Creek 13-17-36-(5)ala C Benthos(Nar,AL,FW) Copper Dissolved Chronic (Calculated, AL,FW Richardson Creek 13-17-36-4-(2) WS-IV;CA Water Temperature(32°C,AL,LP&CP) (Lake Monroe) pH(9.0,AL,FW) Chlorophyll a 40 /l,AL,NC Richardson Creek 13-17-36-4-(0.5) WS-IV Chlorophyll a(40 µg/l,AL,NC) Lake Monroe)* South Fork 13-17-20-2b C Benthos(Nar,AL,FW) Crooked Creek Stewarts Creek 13-17-36-9- 1 WS-III Benthos(Nar,AL,FW Stewarts Creek 13-17-36-9-(4.5) WS-III;CA Chlorophyll a(40 µg/l,AL,NC) Lake Twit Bearskin Creek 13-17-36-6 C None Horse en Branch 13-17-36-6-1 C None Camp Branch 13-17-36-6-2 C None Dry Fork 13-17-36-6-3 C None East Fork Stewarts Creek 13-17-36-9-2 WS-III None Lick Branch 13-17-36-9-3 WS-III None Stum lick Branch 13-17-36-9-4 WS-III None Catawba River Basin East Fork — 12 Mile Creek, 11-138-2 C None Tributary 3 East Fork — 12 Mile Creek, 11-138-2 C None Tributary 5 *not within City limits NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 5 3.4 MS4 Interconnection The City of Monroe MS4 is not interconnected with another regulated MS4 and directly discharges to the receiving waters as listed in Table 2 above. The MS4 does interconnect with the statewide NCDOT MS4 and includes: a. The interconnection is receiving stormwater from the NCDOT MS4. The number of interconnections is unknown.Quantity:N/A b. The interconnection is discharging stormwater into the NCDOT MS4. The number of interconnections is unknown.Quantity:N/A c. The City of Monroe MS4 mapping does identify interconnections with the NCDOT MS4. d. The City of Monroe MS4 mapping does not include NCDOT MS4 outfalls. 3.5 Total Maximum Daily Loads(TMDLs) No TMDL allocation presently exists for any streams within the City of Monroe (aside from the statewide TMDL for Mercury)as indicated on the NCDEQ Modeling&Assessment Unit web page. Table 3: Summary of Approved TMDLs Water Body Name TMDL Pollutant(s)of Concern Stormwater Water Waste Load Quality Allocation Recovery (Y/N) Program Y/N n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 6 3.6 Endangered and Threatened Species and Critical Habitat Significant populations of threatened or endangered species and/or critical habitat are identified within the regulated MS4 urbanized area. Based upon a review of the Endangered and Threatened Species and Species of Concern by Copm for North Carolina Map and Listed species believe to or known to occur in North Carolina map as provided by the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,the species listed in Table 4 have the potential to occur within the regulated MS4 urbanized area. Of those species listed, Table 4 summarizes the species that may be significantly impacted by the quality of surface waters within their habitat. Table 4: Potential Federally Listed Species/Habitat Impacted by Surface Water Quality Scientific Name Common name Species Group Federal Listing Status Fusconaia masoni Atlantic pigtoe Clam Threatened Helianthus schweinitzii Schweinitz's sunflower Flowering Plant Endangered Lasmi ona decorata Carolina heels litter Clam Endangered Rhus michauxii Michaux's sumac Flowering Plant Endangered 3.7 Industrial Facility Discharges The City of Monroe MS4 jurisdictional area includes the following industrial facilities which hold NPDES Industrial Stormwater Permits,as determined from the NCDEQ Maps&Permit Data web pie. Table 5: NPDES Stormwater Permitted Industrial Facilities Permit Number Facility Name NCG020070 Martin Marietta-Bakers NCG030146 Equipment And Supply Inc NCG030286 Vanguard Supreme-Plt#1 NCG030293 CIRCOR Pumps North America,LLC NCG030511 Scott Safety NCG030571 Norton Door Controls(Norton) NCG030695 ATI Specialty Materials-Bakers Powders Operations NCG030736 ATI Specialty Materials,LLC-Bakers South 2 NCGO50084 Charlotte Pipe&Foundry Co NCGO50303 OMNOVA North America Inc NCGO50349 Berry Global Inc. NCG050447 DarnelInc—Monroe NCG060023 Tyson Foods Inc-Monroe NCG060095 Goulston Technologies NCG070055 DUCO-Sci,Inc NCG070227 Metro Stone&Granite Inc. NCG080187 United Parcel Service-Monroe NCG080748 Monroe Bins NCG081012 Operations Center NCG081029 Operations Center NCGO81046 Monroe Transfer and Hauling NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 7 NCG090025 BonaKemi USA, Inc. NCG100105 Iron Peddlers Parts Division NCG110022 Monroe WWTP NCG110070 Crooked Creek WWTP#2 NCG130082 PolyReps, Inc. NCG140140 Williams Ready Mix Products In NCG140194 Stevenson-Weir, Inc.-Monroe Plant NCG140241 Concrete Supply Co-Monroe NCG140364 Thomas Concrete NCG140432 Blue Dot Readi-Mix-Monroe CLRS NCG140461 Carolina Ready Mix NCG150010 Charlotte-Monroe Executive Airport NCG180236 Decore-ative Specialties NC,LLC NCG200439 Metal Recycling Services,LLC-Monroe NCG200463 Keywell Metals LLC-Top Hill NCG200516 IMET Alloys NCG200546 Green Tech Solution Inc. NCG210458 Monroe Truss and Ready Frame NCGNE0088 Ludwig Industries NCGNE0155 Oro Manufacturing Company NCGNE0398 NC Nat Gd-Monroe NCGNE0468 HD Supply Plumbing/HVAC(HG 0910) NCGNE0492 GM Nameplate-NC Division NCGNE0697 Turbomeca Manufacturing Inc. NCGNE0767 Prince Minerals LLC NCGNE0888 Dupont Monroe Site NCGNE0915 Union County Fleet Services NCGNE1054 ConMet Secrest NCGNE1093 Standard Register NCGNE1180 Spiroflow Systems,Inc. NCGNE1204 Collins Aerospace Customer Service NCGNE1412 Duke Foods NCGNE1483 Consolidated Metco—Airport NCS000324 Consolidated Metco Incorporated NCS000329 ATI Specialty Materials-Bakers South&North Plant NCS000330 ATI Specialty Materials-Monroe Plant NCS000482 Monroe City-Small MS4 NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 8 3.8 Non-Stormwater Discharges The water quality impacts of non-stormwater discharges have been evaluated by the City of Monroe as summarized in Table 6 below. The unpermitted non-stormwater flows listed as incidental do not significantly impact water quality. The City of Monroe has evaluated residential and charity car washing,and street washing for possible significant water quality impacts. Wash water associated with car washing that does not contain detergents or does not discharge directly into the MS4 is considered incidental. However,these types of non-stormwater discharges that do contain detergents have been evaluated by the City of Monroe and determined to possibly impact water quality. The City utilizes Public Education and Outreach as well as Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs to educate residents and municipal staff on the possible effects of detergents entering the surface water. Street cleaning procedures were reviewed by the City of Monroe and it was determined that street wash water is not applicable to the MS4. Street cleaning is performed with sweeping trucks which is addressed under the Pavement Management Program in Part 10 of this SWMP. The Division has not required that other non-stormwater flows be specifically controlled by the City of Monroe. Table 6: Non-Stormwater Discharges Non-Stormwater Discharge Water Quality Impacts Water line and fire hydrant flushing Incidental Landscape irrigation Incidental Diverted stream flows Incidental Rising groundwater Incidental Uncontaminated groundwater infiltration Incidental Uncontaminated pumped groundwater Incidental Uncontaminated potable water sources Incidental Foundation drains Incidental Air conditioning condensate Incidental Irrigation waters Incidental Springs Incidental Water from crawls ace pumps Incidental Footing drains Incidental Lawn watering Incidental Residential and charity car washing Possible Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands Incidental Dechlorinated swimming pool discharges Incidental Street wash water N/A Flows from firefighting activities Incidental NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 9 3.9 Target Pollutants and Sources In addition to those target pollutants identified above,the City of Monroe is aware of other significant water quality issues within the permitted MS4 area. These include oils, sediments, fertilizers/pesticides, yard waste, pet waste and litter throughout the system. Table 7 below summarizes the water quality pollutants identified throughout Part 3 of this SWMP, the likely activities/sources/targeted audiences attributed to each pollutant, and identifies the associated SWMP program(s) that address each.In addition,the City of Monroe has evaluated schools,homeowners and businesses as target audiences that are likely to have significant stormwater impacts. Information gathered from citizens and employees has provided insight into the City of Monroe's target pollutants and likely sources.Litter was found to be an issue for each target audience—schools,homeowners and businesses.Homeowners are also the likely source of fertilizers/pesticides and yard waste into the stormwater system.Businesses were determined to be a likely source of oil and fertilizers/pesticides pollutants. The City of Monroe's Public Education & Outreach Program addresses the target pollutants with the appropriate target audience.The Construction Site Runoff Control Program addresses sediment related to construction activities.The City's Pollution Prevention&Good Housekeeping Program addresses illicit discharges, illegal dumping and improper disposal of waste with municipal employees. Table 7: Summary of Target Pollutants and Sources Target Pollutant(s) Likely Source(s)/Target SWMP Program Addressing Target Audiences Pollutant s/Audience s Oil/grease Businesses(restaurants,automotive Public Education&Outreach, repair shops,etc.) IDDE Program Sediment Construction activities Construction Site Runoff Control Fertilizer/pesticide Homeowners,Businesses Public Education&Outreach, IDDE Program Yard Waste Homeowners Public Education&Outreach, IDDE Program Pet Waste Pet owners Public Education&Outreach, IDDE Program Litter Schools,Homeowners,Businesses Public Education&Outreach, IDDE Program General Public Businesses Public Education&Outreach, Illicit Discharges Municipal Employees IDDE Program, Pollution Prevention&Good Housekeeping General Public Businesses Public Education&Outreach, Illegal Dumping Municipal Employees IDDE Program, Pollution Prevention&Good Housekeeping Improper Disposal of General Public,Businesses, Public Education&Outreach, Waste Municipal Employees IDDE Program, Pollution Prevention&Good Housekeeping NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 10 PART 4: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION 4.1 Organizational Structure The City of Monroe elected officials and city staff are here for the nearly 40,000 residents of Monroe.We are committed to providing first-rate service to each and every resident and business in our city.As a full-service city,we offer everything from police and fire to parks and recreation and planning and development. Each department has a role to play individually,but only through working together do we achieve great service.The City of Monroe's Engineering Department provides civil infrastructure maintenance and development services to the City of Monroe. The department includes a Stormwater Division which is comprised of six and a half full time positions. The Stormwater Division works with the Streets Division, Solid Waste Division and Land Development and Infrastructure Division to promote compliance across all City owned and maintained stormwater assets. ENGINEERING Gtyof s Monroe Engineering Engineering Services I I � I � I I I I I � - 1 � i � Street Divisionwill I I I ® * Crew Leader III exercises control over Division Staff and assists Streets Superintendent as required. **Position split between Stormwater and Solid Waste. Updated 02-DS-04 NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 11 Table 8: Summary of Responsible Parties SWMP Component Responsible Position Department Stormwater Program Administration Stormwater Engineering Supervisor Engineering SWMP Management Stormwater Engineering Supervisor Engineering Public Education&Outreach Environmental Educator Engineering Public Involvement&Participation Environmental Educator Engineering Illicit Discharge Detection&Elimination Stormwater Engineering Tech 11 Engineering Construction Site Runoff Control Erosion Control Inspector Engineering Post-Construction Stormwater Stormwater Construction Inspector Il Engineering Management Pollution Prevention/Good Stormwater Compliance Coordinator Engineering Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Municipal Facilities Operation& Stormwater Compliance Coordinator Engineering Maintenance Program Spill Response Program Fire Chief Fire MS4 Operation&Maintenance Program Stormwater Compliance Coordinator Engineering Municipal SCM Operation& Stormwater Compliance Coordinator Engineering Maintenance Program Pesticide,Herbicide&Fertilizer Stormwater Compliance Coordinator Engineering Management Program Vehicle&Equipment Cleaning Program Stormwater Compliance Coordinator Engineering Pavement Management Program Streets Superintendent Engineering Total Maximum Daily Load(TMDL) Stormwater Compliance Coordinator Engineering Requirements NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 12 4.2 Program Funding and Budget In accordance with the issued permit,the City of Monroe shall maintain adequate funding and staffing to implement and manage the provisions of the SWMP and comply with the requirements of the NPDES MS4 Permit. The budget includes the permit administering and compliance fee,which is billed by the Division annually. The Monroe City Council authorized City staff to move ahead with the implementation the Stormwater Utility in June 2008. An ordinance was adopted in July 2008 authorizing the implementation of the Utility stormwater fees which were added to the City of Monroe utility bill starting in January 2009. The stormwater utility fee provides a dedicated funding source for the City's stormwater program and is based on the number of equivalent residential units (ERUs) that have been calculated for each individual parcel. The equivalent residential unit, also referred to as equivalent runoff unit, is the average amount of impervious surface area on a single- family residential property in the City of Monroe.One ERU equals 2,618 square feet of impervious surface.The stormwater utility fee is billed monthly on the customer utility bill. Single-Family Detached Residential Rates Single-family detached residential properties (including mobile homes)are grouped into a three tier system based on the amount of impervious surface located on the property.Each of the three tier groups is assigned an ERU value and assessed a stormwater utility fee based on this value. Tier Area of Impervious Surface (in Assigned ERU Fee square feet) (not exact 1 0—2,010 0.7 $3.68 per month 2 2,011—3,287 1.0 $5.25 per month 3 3,288 and above 1.4 $7.35 per month Rates effective January 1,2021 Multi-Unit Residential Rates For other residential developed property,including townhouses,apartments,condominiums,and other multi-unit residential develo ment,an ERU value is assigned based on the categorization of the residential unit. Other Residential Units(by dwelling unit) Assigned ERU Fee not exact Townhomes 0.5 $2.63 per month Condominiums 0.5 $2.63 per month Multifamily(including apartment units 0.6 $3.15 per month Rates effective January 1,2021 Non-residential rates For non-residential property, ERU is calculated by dividing the total impervious surface area of the property divided by one ERU or 2,618 square feet, and rounded to the nearest tenth. Each of these ERU values is then multiplied by the established monthly billing unit rate as fixed by City Council. The monthly stormwater utility billing unit rate is $5.25, effective January 1,2021. • Calculating Equivalent Residential Units(ERUs)for Non-Residential Properties o Total Impervious surface area(in sq.ft.)-2,618 sq.ft.(1 ERU)=Total ERUs • Calculating Monthly Stormwater Utility Fee o Total ERUs x$5.25=Monthly Fee NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 13 The current number of approved full-time stormwater positions is 14.5 with recent annual revenue budgets of$2.26 million (actual FY 2022),$2.29 million(2023 budget),and$3.58 million(FY 2024 proposed). The City's most recent GAP Analysis,performed in 2022, noted the MS4 Stormwater Program is funded and managed effectively. 4.3 Shared Responsibility The City of Monroe will share the responsibility to implement the following minimum control measures,which are at least as stringent as the corresponding NPDES MS4 Permit requirement. The City of Monroe remains responsible for compliance if the other entity fails to perform the permit obligation,and may be subject to enforcement action if neither the City of Monroe nor the other entity fully performs the permit obligation. Table 9 below summarizes who will be implementing the component,what the component program is called,the specific permit requirement that is being met by the shared responsibility,and whether or not a legal agreement to share responsibility is in place. Table 9: Shared Responsibilities SWMP BMP or Legal Permit Requirement Implementing Entity&Program Name Agreement Y/N 3.2.2 and 3.2.4: Outreach to Regional Stormwater Partnership of the Carolinas N Targeted Audiences 4.4 Co-Permittees There are no other entities applying for co-permittee status under the NPDES MS4 permit number NCS000482 for the City of Monroe. Table 10 summarizes contact information for each co-permittee. Table 10: Co-Permittee Contact Information Co-Permittee MS4 Name Contact Person Phone&E-Mail Interlocal Agreement Y/N N/A N/A N/A N/A 4.5 Measurable Goals for Program Administration The City of Monroe will manage and report the following Best Management Practices(BMPs)for the administration of the Stormwater Management Program. Table 11: Program Administration BMPs Permit 2.1.1: Program Implementation Ref. Maintain adequate funding and staffing to implement and manage the provisions of the SWMP and meet all requirements of this permit. BMP A B C D No. Schedule for Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Implementation entation Annual Reporting Metric NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 14 Table 11: Program Administration BMPs 1. Program Implementation Evaluate the funding and staffing 1.Prepare,conduct and 1.Annually 1.Adequate/Inadequate necessary to adequately implement document an annual Permit Years 1—5 program components. evaluation of program funding and staffing. Permit 2.1.2 and Part 4: Annual Self-Assessment Ref. Measures to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the SWMP program components at least annually. Results shall be used by the ermittee to modify the program components as necessary to accomplish the intent of the Stormwater Program. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric Implementation 2. Annual Self-Assessment Evaluate the performance and effectiveness 1.Prepare,conduct and 1.Annually 1.Yes/No of the program components at least document an annual Permit Years 1—5 annually.Results shall be used to modify evaluation of the program the program components as necessary to components. accomplish the intent of the Stormwater Program. Permit 2.2.2: Minimum Control Measures Ref. Maintain,and make available to the Division upon request,written procedures for implementing the six minimum control measures.Written procedures shall identify specific action steps,schedules,resources,and responsibilities for implementing the MCMs.Written procedures can be free s anding or,where appropriate,inte rated into the Stormwater Management Plan. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric Implementation 3. Minimum Control Measures Written procedures for implementing each 1.Create written procedures 1.Permit Year 1 1.Yes/No of the six minimum control measures. for implementing each of the six minimum control measures. 2.Review and update,as 2.Permit Years 2-5 2.Yes/No needed,written procedures for implementing each of the six minimum control measures. Permit 1.6: Permit Renewal Application Ref. Measures to submit a permit renewal application no later than 180 days prior to the expiration date of the NPDES MS4 permit. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric Implementation NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 15 Table 11: Program Administration BMPs 4. Permit Renewal Application Submit a permit renewal application and 1.Draft SWMP applicable to 1.Permit Year 5 1.Yes/No Draft SWMP no later than 180 prior to the proceeding 5 years permit expiration. -following permit re-issuance. 2.Certify the stormwater 2.Permit Year 5 2.Date of permit renewal permit renewal application application submittal (Permit renewal application form and Draft SWMP for the next 5-year permit cycle) and submit to NCDEQ at least 180 days prior to permit expiration. NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 16 PART 5: PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH PROGRAM The City of Monroe will implement a Public Education and Outreach Program to distribute educational materials to the community or conduct equivalent outreach activities about the impacts of stormwater discharges on water bodies and steps the public can take to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. The target audiences and identified pollutants listed in Part 3.9 of this SWMP, which will be addressed by the Public Education and Outreach Program,are summarized in Table 12 below. In addition,the City of Monroe is required to inform businesses and the general public of the hazards associated with illicit discharges,illegal dumping and improper disposal of waste. Table 12: Summary of Target Pollutants&Audiences Target Pollutants/Sources Likely Source s/Tar et Audience(s) Oil/grease Businesses restaurants,automotive repair shops,etc. Fertilizer/pesticide Homeowners,Businesses Yard Waste Homeowners Pet Waste Pet owners Litter Schools,Homeowners,Businesses Illicit Discharges General Public,Businesses,Municipal Employees Illegal Dumping General Public,Businesses,Municipal Employees Improper Disposal of Waste General Public,Businesses,Municipal Employees The City of Monroe will manage,implement and report the following public education and outreach BMPs. Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPs Permit 3.2.2 and 3.2.4: Outreach to Targeted Audiences Ref. Measures to identify the specific elements and implementation of a Public Education and Outreach Program to share educational materials to the community or conduct equivalent outreach activities about the impacts of stormwater discharges on water bodies and how the public can reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. The permittee shall provide educational information to identified target audiences on pollutants/sources identified in table 12 above,and shall document the extent of exposure of each media,event or activity,including those elements implemented locally or through a cooperative agreement. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric Implementation 5. Target Audiences Identify and update target audiences and 1.Identify target audiences 1.Permit Year 1 1.Yes/No/Partial why they were selected. and why they were selected 2.Review and update target 2.Annually 2.Yes/No/Partial,Date audiences,if needed Permit Years 2-5 Reviewed NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 17 Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPs 6. Distribute Educational Materials Distribute educational materials focusing 1.Distribute educational 1.Continuously 1.Number of educational on general stormwater awareness as well as materials to the general Permit Years 1-5 materials distributed materials geared towards specific targetpublic/homeowners pollutants/sources and target audiences. 2.Distribute educational 2.Continuously 2.Number of educational materials to businesses Permit Years 1-5 materials distributed 3.Distribute educational 3.Continuously 3.Number of educational materials to municipal Permit Years 1-5 materials distributed -employees 4.Review,update and/or 4.Annually 4.Yes/No/Partial create new educational Permit Years 1-5 materials to align with current targets 7. Educational and Outreach Programs and Events Educate the public about the impacts of 1.Provide at least two 1.Annually 1.Number of participants stormwater pollution and how to prevent it educational presentations to Permit Years 1-5 reached by educational through a variety of settings including classrooms,clubs,civic presentations and number of educational presentations,special event groups,afterschool programs, presentations displays,and media. HOAs,etc.annually 2.Participate in at least two 2.Annually 2.Numbers of participants community events and Permit Years 1-5 reached at public events and festivals as an informational number of events attended booth annually 3.Publicize stormwater 3.Annually 3.Number of utility messages on utility bills at Permit Years 1-5 messages publicized least twice per year 4.Post about stormwater and 4.Annually 4.Number of reaches of target pollutants on social Permit Years 1-5 social media posts and media at least four times per number of posts year 8. Regional Stormwater Partnership of the Carolinas Maintain membership and engage with 1.Maintain membership in 1.Annually 1.Yes/No/Partial RSPC to promote stormwater awareness partnership with an MOU in Permit Years 1-5 throughout the region.Outreach elements place include tv and radio ads that are 2.Coordinate with the 2.Annually 2.Yes/No/Partial coordinated and implemented through partnership to ensure media Permit Years 1-5 RSPC as well as any educational materials, campaign aligns with our curriculum and activity guides that are of targetpollutants/sources interest. 3.Utilize RSPC for local tv 3.Continuously 3.Number of tv spots(ads) and radio ad distribution Permit Years 1-5 Number of radio spots(ads) NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 18 Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPs Permit 2.1.7,3.2.3 and 3.6.5(c): Web Site Ref. Measures to provide a web site designed to convey the program's message(s)and provide online materials including ordinances, or other regulatory mechanisms,or a list identifying the ordinances or other regulatory mechanisms,providing the legal authority necessary to implement and enforce the requirements of the permit and SWMP. The web page shall also provide developer with all relevantpost-construction requirements,desigpn standards,checklists and/or other materials. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric Implementation 9. City Informational Website Update,maintain and promote the City's 1.Update and maintain the 1.Continuously 1.Yes/No/Partial informational website to provide the public website with current Permit Years 1-5 with information about our stormwater regulatory documents,forms, program.The website will host permit educational information and documents including our current NPDES contacts,if needed permit,SWMP and Stormwater 2.Promote the website on 2.Continuously 2.Yes/No Management Ordinance as well as educational materials Permit Years 1-5 educational materials about the City's (brochures,handouts,door target pollutants and forms/checklists for hangers,etc. developers.The website will also promote 3.Promote the website in 3.Continuously 3.Number of times the the stormwater hotline. social media posts,city Permit Years 1-5 stormwater website is communications,and utility published bill messages 4.Revise SOP ENG-3342 4.Permit Year 1 4.Yes/No/Partial Public Outreach Materials and Informational Resources to include tracking of website traffic 5.Track website traffic data 5.Annually 5.Number of website views Permit Years 2-5 Permit 3.2.5: Stormwater Hotline Ref. Measures for a stormwater hotline/helpline for the purpose of public education and outreach. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric Im lementation NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 19 Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPs 10. Stormwater Hotline Maintain and promote the stormwater 1.Maintain stormwater 1.Continuously 1.Yes/No/Partial hotline for public education and outreach hotline number Permit Years 1-5 purposes. 2.Develop and implement 2.Permit Year 1 2.Yes/No/Partial procedure to track hotline calls 3.Review procedure for 3.Annually 3.Yes/No/Partial tracking hotline calls and Permit Years 2-5 revise if needed 4.Promote stormwater 4.Continuously 4.Number of places the hotline by publicizing it on Permit Years 1-5 stormwater hotline is educational materials, publicized websites and promotional items 5.Track distribution of 5.Annually 5.Number of educational educational items and Permit Years 1-5 items/promotional items promotional items distributed with the advertising the stormwater stormwater hotline listed hotline NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 20 PART 6: PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION PROGRAM This SWMP identifies the minimum elements and implementation of a Public Involvement and Participation Program that complies with applicable State,Tribal and local public notice requirements. The City of Monroe will manage,implement and report the following public involvement and participation BMPs. Table 14: Public Involvement and Participation BMPs Permit 3.3.1: Public Input Ref. Mechanisms for public involvement that rovide for input on stormwater issues and the stormwater program. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric Implementation 11. Public Enterprise Committee City Staff will bring appropriate 1.Attend at least one PEC 1.Annually, 1.Date(s)of meeting stormwater utility issues before the Public meeting to discuss changes Permit Years 1-5 Name(s)of staff attended on Enterprise Committee(PEC)to receive to the stormwater utility or behalf of Stormwater input from Council and community SWMP members. 12. Stormwater Hotline Maintain and promote the stormwater 1.Maintain stormwater 1.Continuously 1.Yes/No/Partial hotline for public involvement and hotline number Permit Years 1-5 reporting stormwater issues. 13. Public Issue Reporting Form Maintain and promote an online form for 1.Provide online form for 1.Continuously 1.Number of stormwater reporting stormwater issues on the City of the public to report Permit Years 1-5 public issues reported Monroe's Website. stormwater issues through the Public Issue Reporting Form Permit 3.3.2: Volunteer Opportunities Ref. Measures to provide volunteer opportunities designed to promote ongoing citizen participation. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric implementation NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 21 Table 14: Public Involvement and Participation BMPs 14. Community Clean U Implement and promote Community Clean 1.Host at least one 1.Annually 1.Number of bags of trash Up program for volunteers and school community clean up by Permit Years 1-5 removed and number of groups to collect litter in and along a providing coordination and volunteers stream. supplies to volunteers and school groups to clean up a stream per year 2.Promote community 2.Continuously 2.Yes/No/Partial clean-up program Permit Years 1-5 15. Storm Drain Marking Implement and promote Storm Drain 1.Review and revise,if 1.Permit Year 1 1.Yes/No/Partial Marking program for volunteers to add needed,procedure for informative markers to storm drains to program facilitation and educate the public about our stormwater order additional supplies system. 2.Implement storm drain 2.Continuously 2.Number of drain markers marking program Permit Years 2-5 installed and number of volunteers 3.Promote storm drain 3.Continuously 3.Yes/No/Partial marking program Permit Years 2-5 16. Water Quality Monitoring Promote and support volunteer water 1.Conduct or facilitate at 1.Annually 1.Number of water samples quality monitoring to increase awareness of least one water quality Permit Years 1-5 and volunteers local water quality through testing of water monitoring event with samples. volunteers and school groups per year 2.Promote water quality 2.Continuously 2.Yes/No/Partial monitoring program I Permit Years 1-5 NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 22 PART 7: ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION PROGRAM The City of Monroe will develop, manage, implement, document, report and enforce an Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program which shall,at a minimum,include the following illicit discharge detection and elimination BMPs. Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs Permit 3.4.1: MS4 Map Ref. Measures to develop,update and maintain a municipal storm sewer system map including stormwater conveyances,flow direction,major outfalls and waters of the United States receiving stormwater discharges. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric Implementation 17. MS4 Mapping Update and maintain an MS4 map that 1.Review,revise(if needed) 1.Permit Year 1 1.Yes/No/Partial includes stormwater conveyances,flow and publish Draft SOP ENG- direction,major outfalls and waters of the 3313 Stormwater United States receiving stormwater Infrastructure Inventory for discharges. updating and maintaining the City's stormwater inventory database 2.Update MS4 Map with 2.Annually 2.Yes/No/Partial new assets and any revised Permit Years 1—5 Number of new assets added assets in last year Permit 3.4.2: Regulatory Mechanism Ref. Measures to provide an IDDE ordinance or other regulatory mechanism that provides legal authority to prohibit,detect,and eliminate illicit connections and discharges,illegal dumping and spills into the MS4,including enforcement procedures and actions. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric Implementation 18. Illicit Discharge Ordinance Maintain and update,as needed,§ 159.701 1.Review the ordinance and 1.Permit Year 1 1.Yes/No/Partial ILLICIT DISCHARGES AND update if needed CONNECTIONS which provides legal 2.Identify staff that should 2.Annually 2.Number of employees authority to prohibit,detect,and eliminate be trained on the ordinance Permit Years 1-5 identified needing training illicit connections and discharges,illegal and enforcement of the dumping and spills into the MS4 and/or ordinance surface waters,including enforcement 3.Conduct employee 3.Annually 3.Yes/No/Partial or/N/A procedures and actions. training when new Permit Years 1—5 Date(s)of training Stormwater employees are Number of attendees hired or if the ordinance has been updated NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 23 Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs Permit 3.4.3: IDDE Plan Ref. Measures to maintain and implement a written IDDE Plan to detect and address illicit discharges,illegal dumping and any non- stormwater discharges identified as significant contributors of pollutants to the MS4. The plan shall provide standard procedures and documentation to: a) Locate priority areas likely to have illicit discharges, b) Conduct routine dry weather outfall inspections, c) Identify illicit discharges and trace sources, d) Eliminate the source(s)of an illicit discharge,and e) Evaluate and assess the IDDE Program. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric Implementation 19. City of Monroe Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination SOP Create,implement and update an SOP for the IDDE Program that defines identification,investigation and 1.Review IDDE SOP and 1.Annually 1.Yes/No/Partial remediation of illicit discharges and update if needed Permit Years 1—5 Date of Review connections. 2.Review Illicit Discharge 2.Annually 2.Yes/No/Partial Incident Form and the Re- Permit Year 5 Date of Review Inspection/Incident Update Form,update forms as needed 20. Dry Weather Outfall Inspections Establish SOP and schedule for dry 1.Publish SOP ENG-3362 1.Permit Year 1 1.Yes/No/Partial weather outfall inspections. Dry Weather Screening 2.Implement schedule for 2.Annually 2.Yes/No/Partial dry weather screening at Permit Years 1—5 Percent of outfalls inspected MS4 outfalls that includes 20%of outfalls inspected per year 21. IDDE Program Assessment Conduct an assessment of the IDDE 1.Create an evaluation form 1.Permit Year 1 1.Yes/No program and update as needed. for the IDDE Program 2.Complete evaluation form 2.Permit Years 2-5 2.Yes/No annually and update program as needed NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 24 Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs 22. Locate Priority Areas Identify and update priority areas likely to 1.List priority areas on 1.Permit Year 1 1.Yes/No have illicit discharges IDDE tracking sheet 2.Review list of priority 2.Annually 2.Yes/No areas and update as needed Permit Years 2-5 Permit 3.4.4: IDDE Tracking Ref. Measures for tracking and documenting the date(s)an illicit discharge,illicit connection or illegal dumping was observed,the results of the investigation,any follow-up of the investigation,the date the investigation was closed,the issuance of enforcement actions,and the ability to id ntify chronic violators. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric Implementation 23. IDDE Tracking Procedures Publish IDDE SOP that includes 1.Proper documentation on 1.Continuously 1.Yes/No/Partial procedures for tracking all activities related file for each illicit discharge Permit Years 1—5 to an illicit discharge,illicit connection or 2.Maintain a tracking sheet 2.Continuously 2.Yes/No/Partial illegal dumping. of all illicit discharges,illicit Permit Years 1—5 connections or illegal dumping's that the City is aware of that includes number of IDDE investigations,number of NOVs issued,number of NOVs closed,and number of enforcement actions taken 3.Input data into GIS 3.Continuously 3.Yes/No/Partial Permit Years 1—5 Number of illicit discharge events mapped in reporting cycle 4.Review data to identify 4.Continuously 4.Yes/No/Partial reoccurring violators Permit Years 1—5 Number of chronic violators identified in reporting cycle 5.Track number of illicit 5.Continuously 5.Number of illicit discharge discharge events Permit Years 1—5 events in reporting cycle Permit 3.4.5: Staff IDDE Training Ref. Measures to provide training for municipal staff and contractors who,as part of their normal job responsibilities,may observe an illicit discharge,illicit connection,illegal dumping or spills. Training shall include how to identify and report illicit discharges,illicit connections,illegal dumping and spills. Each staff training event shall be documented,including the a enda/materials,date,and number of staff participating. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric Implementation NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 25 Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs 24. City Employee Training—Observers Provide training for City employees that 1.Develop,implement and 1.Continuously 1.Yes/No/Partial may observe an illicit discharge,illicit maintain a training program Permit Years 1-5 connection,illegal dumping or spill. for appropriate City staff 2.Identify staff that needs 2.Annually 2.Number of employees training Permit Years 1-5 identified needing training 3.Conduct employee 3.Annually 3.Yes/No/Partial training Permit Years 1—5 Date(s)of training Number of attendees 25. City Employee Training -Investigators Provide training for City Stormwater 1.Develop,implement and 1.Continuously 1.Yes/No/Partial employees that may investigate and maintain a training program Permit Years 1-5 respond to an illicit discharge,illicit for appropriate City staff connection,illegal dumping or spill. 2.Conduct employee 2.Annually 2.Number of staff identified training for new employees Permit Years 1—5 that need training and when procedures change Date(s)of training Number of staff trained 26. City Contractor Resources Provide the protocols for notifying 1.Develop City Stormwater 1.Permit Year 1 1.Yes/No/Partial appropriate City Staff to City contractors Contact Sheet that includes who may observe an illicit discharge,illicit contact information for connection,illegal dumping or spill appropriate City Staff if an illicit discharge is observed 2.Distribute City 2.Annually 2.Number of contractors Stormwater Contact Sheet to Permit Years 2—5 provided City Stormwater contractors performing work Contact Sheet for the City when applicable Permit 3.4.6: IDDE Reporting Ref. Measures for the public and staff to report illicit discharges,illegal dumping and spills.The mechanism shall be publicized to facilitate reporting and shall be managed to provide rapid response by Rpropriately trained personnel. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric Implementation 27. Stormwater Pollution Public Information Provide information so the public can 1.Review and update City's 1.Annually 1.Yes/No/Partial confidently identify illicit discharges, website page on Illicit Permit Years 1—5 Date(s)of review illegal dumping and spills. Discharge 2.Maintain resources and 2.Continuously 2.Yes/No/Partial learning material on the Permit Years 1—5 Number of resources Illicit Discharge website NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 26 Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs 28. Stormwater Pollution Hotline Maintain a hotline that allows illicit 1.Working phone line to 1.Continuously 1.Yes/No/Partial discharges to be reported to the City's report illicit discharges Permit Years 1—5 Number of phoned reports stormwater staff. 2.Phone number posted 2.Continuously 2.Yes/No/Partial publicly Permit Years 1—5 3.Test hotline annually. 3.Annually 3.Yes/No Permit Years 1-5 29. Stormwater Pollution Email Maintain an online method that allows 1.Maintain online form to 1.Continuously 1.Yes/No/Partial residents and municipal staff to report report illicit discharges Permit Years 1—5 Number of emailed reports illicit discharges to the City's stormwater 2.Website posted publicly 2.Continuously 2.Yes No/Partial staff. Permit Years 1—5 NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 27 PART 8: CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF CONTROL PROGRAM In accordance with 15A NCAC 02H .0153, the City of Monroe relies upon the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act(SPCA)of 1973 as a qualifying alternative program to meet a portion of the NPDES MS4 Permit requirements for construction site runoff control measures. The SPCA requirements include reducing pollutants in stormwater runoff from construction activities that result in land disturbance of greater than or equal to one acre,and includes any construction activity that is part of a larger common plan of development that would disturb one acre or more. The state SPCA Program is either delegated to a city/town,delegated to a county,or implemented by NCDEQ in non-delegated areas. Table 16: Qualifying Alternative Program Components for Construction Site Runoff Control Program Permit State or Local Program Name Legal Authority Implementing Entity Reference 3.5.1 - City of Monroe 15A NCAC Chapter 04, NCDEQ City of Monroe 3.5.4 Delegated SPCA Program* Approved Delegation * The local delegated SPCA Program ordinance(s)/regulatory mechanism(s) can be found at: https://www.monroenc.org/Departments/Engineering/Erosion-Control. The City of Monroe also implements the following BMPs to meet NPDES MS4 Permit requirements. Table 17: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Permit 3.5.6: Public Input Ref. Measures to provide and promote a means for the public to notify the appropriate authorities of observed erosion and sedimentation problems. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric Implementation 30. City of Monroe Erosion Control website Maintain a page dedicated to the City's 1.Maintain an active and up- 1.Continuously 1.Yes/No/Partial Erosion Control Program on the City of to-date Erosion Control page Permit Years 1—5 Monroe's Official Website.Website should on the Ci 's website include a means for the public to notify the 2.Contact information on the 2.Continuously 2.Yes/No/Partial appropriate authorities of observed erosion website is relevant,updated, Permit Years 1—5 and sedimentation problems. and accurate 3.References/attachments 3.Continuously 3.Yes/No/Partial provided on the website are Permit Years 1—5 relevant,updated,and accurate 4.Finalize Draft SOP ENG- 4.Permit Year 1 4.Yes/No/Partial 3331 Stormwater Management Post- Construction Program NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 28 Table 17: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Permit 3.5.5: Waste Management Ref. Measures to require construction site operators to control waste such as discarded building materials, concrete truck washout, chemicals,litter,and sanitary waste at the construction site that may cause adverse impact to water quality. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric Im lementation 31. Maintain Legal Authority—Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance Maintain and enforce Chapter 158,Erosion 1.Maintain legal authority 1.Continuously 1.Yes/No and Sedimentation Control of the City of Permit Years 1—5 Monroe Code of Ordinances to prevent water quality impacts due to sediment leaving active construction sites. 32. Maintain Legal Authority—Stormwater Management Ordinance Maintain and enforce§ 159.701 Illicit 1.Maintain legal authority 1.Continuously 1.Yes/No Discharges and Connections of the City of Permit Years 1—5 Monroe Code of Ordinances. 2.Train Erosion Control 2.Annually 1.Number of erosion control Inspectors to recognize Permit Years 1-5 inspectors trained potential water quality impacts when hired and/or when there are changes to the IDDE Program. 33. Erosion Control Inspection program Maintain a program to review and inspect 1.Track number of plan 1.Continuously 1.Number of plan approvals all construction sites greater than 12,000 approvals. Permit Years 1-5 square feet of land disturbing activities (except for exemptions under § 158.04 2•Track number of Erosion 2.Continuously 2.Number of Erosion Exclusions). Control Inspectors Permit Years 1-5 Control Inspectors 3.Track number of erosion 3.Continuously 3.Number of erosion control inspections. Permit Years 1-5 control inspections 4.Track number of Notice of 4.Continuously 4.Number of NOVs issued Violations OVs)issued. Permit Years 1-5 34. Contractor Education and Outreach Educate contractors working on new 1.Conduct pre-construction 1.Continuously, 1.Number of Pre- development on proper waste disposal to meetings to review Permit Years 1-5 Construction Meetings in prevent adverse impacts to water quality requirements before,during previous Permit Year when applicable. and after construction in order to be issued a Certificate of Occupancy NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 29 PART 9: POST-CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF CONTROL PROGRAM This SWMP identifies the minimum elements to develop,implement and enforce a program to address stormwater runoff from new development and redevelopment projects that disturb greater than or equal to one acre, including projects less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale,that are located within the City of Monroe and discharge into the MS4. These elements are designed to minimize water quality impacts utilizing a combination of structural Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs) and/or non-structural BMPs appropriate for the community, and ensure adequate long-term operation and maintenance of SCMs. In accordance with 15A NCAC 02H.0153 and.1017,the City of Monroe implements the following State post-construction program requirements, which satisfy the NPDES Phase II MS4 post-construction site runoff control requirements as Qualifying Alternative Programs(QAPs)in the MS4 area(s)where they are implemented. Table 18: Qualifying Alternative Program(s)for Post-Construction Site Runoff Control Program State QAP Name State Requirements Local Ordinance/Regulatory Mechanism Reference Water Supply Watershed(WS-III) 15A NCAC 2B Stormwater Management Ordinance .0620-.0624 Section 159-302 C Water Supply Watershed(WS-IV) 15A NCAC 2B Stormwater Management Ordinance .0620-.0624 Section 159-302 C sins *„s x,xe p,M � u b� 5=(aca wsem Gavifiwuons O � m.suppHwauzxeas El 1 �— „nam Monroe nene °w J p \,h w 5 v NSW dos ,� � ❑�ry The City of Monroe has existing requirements other than Qualifying Alternative Program(s) for implementation of the NPDES Phase II MS4 post-construction program requirements. These existing requirements are codified in local ordinance(s), and implementation is further defined in guidance, manuals and/or standard operating procedure(s) as summarized in Table 19 below. NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 30 Table 19: Summary of Existing Post-Construction Program Elements Permit Requirements for Municipal Ordinance/Code Reference(s) Date Adopted Plan Review and Approval and/or Document Title(s) 3.6.2(a)Authority Title XV:Land Usage October 1,2007 159.102 Authority 3.6.3(a) & 15A NCAC 02H.0153(c)Federal, Title XV:Land Usage October 1,2007 State&Local Projects § 159.105 Applicability and Jurisdiction 3.6.3(b)Plan Review Title XV:Land Usage October 1,2007 159.2 Administration and Procedures 3.6.3(c)0&M Agreement Title XV:Land Usage October 1,2007 159.402 Operation and Maintenance Agreement 3.6.3(d)0&M Plan Title XV:Land Usage October 1,2007 159.401 General Standards for Maintenance 3.6.3(e)Deed Restrictions/Covenants Title XV:Land Usage October 1,2007 159.303 Structural Stormwater Control Requirements 3.6.3(f)Access Easements City of Monroe Standard Specifications and Detail Manual August 21,2001 §04.00 Stone Drainage Collection Facilities Permit Requirements for Municipal Ordinance/Code Reference(s) Date Adopted Inspections and Enforcement and/or Document Title(s) 3.6.2(b)Documentation Title XV:Land Usage October 1,2007 159.503 Enforcement and Violations Procedures 3.6.2(c)Right of Entry Title XV:Land Usage October 1,2007 159.402 Operation and Maintenance Agreement 3.6.4(a)Pre-CO Inspections Title XV:Land Usage October 1,2007 159.502 REMEDIES AND PENALTIES 3.6.4(b)Compliance with Plans Title XV:Land Usage October 1,2007 159.203C As-Built Plans and Final Approval 3.6.4(c)Annual SCM Inspections Title XV:Land Usage October 1,2007 § 159.401 General Standards for Maintenance § 159.403 Inspection Program § 159.503 Enforcement and Violations Procedures 3.6.4 d Low Density Inspections SEE BMP 29 SEE BMP 29 3.6.4(e)Qualified Professional Title XV:Land Usage October 1,2007 § 159.401 General Standards for Maintenance Permit Requirements for Municipal Ordinance/Code Reference(s) Date Adopted Fecal Coliform Reduction and/or Document Title(s) 3.6.6(a)Pet Waste Title IX:General Regulations October 18,2016 93.03 Declaration of a public health nuisance 3.6.6(b) On-Site Domestic Wastewater Union County Environmental Health(N/A) Treatment NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 31 The annual reporting metrics for the post construction program are provided in Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs below. Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Permit 3.6.5(a),3.6.5(b),and 4.1.3: Minimum Post-Construction Reporting Requirements Ref. Measures to document activities over the course of the fiscal year(July 1—June 30)including appropriate information to accurately describe progress,status,and results. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric Implementation 35. Standard Reporting Implement standardized tracking, 1.Track number of low 1.Continuously 1.Number of plan reviews documentation,inspections and reporting density and high density plan Permit Years 1-5 performed for low density mechanisms to compile appropriate data reviews performed and high density for the annual self-assessment process. 2.Track number of low 2.Continuously 2.Number of plan approvals Data shall be provided for each Post- density and high density Permit Years 1-5 issued for low density and Construction/Qualifying Alternative plans approved high density Program being implemented as listed in 3.Maintain a current 3.Continuously 3.Summary of number and Tables 18 and 19. inventory of low density Permit Years 1-5 type of SCMs added to the projects and constructed inventory;and number and SCMs including SCM type acreage of low density or low density acreage, projects constructed location and last inspection date 4.Perform SCM inspections 4.Continuously 4.Number of SCM —annually Permit Years 1-5 inspections 5.Perform low density 5.Permit Year 5 5.Number of low density inspections once per MS4 projects inspected Pennit Cycle 6.Track number and type of 6.Continuously 6.Number of enforcement enforcement actions taken Permit Years 1-5 actions issued Permit 2.3 and 3.6: Qualifying Alternative Program(s) Ref. Measures to develop,implement and enforce additional BMPs in order to comply with the QAP state program requirements. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric Implementation The QAP requirements are fully met by the existing QAP for post-construction,see references provided in Table 18 NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 32 Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Permit 3.6.2: Legal Authority Ref. Measures to maintain adequate legal authorities through ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to: (a) review designs and proposals for new development and redevelopment to determine whether adequate stormwater control measures will be installed, implemented,and maintained,(b)request information such as stormwater plans,inspection reports,monitoring results,and other information deemed necessary to evaluate compliance with the Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program,and(c)enter private property for the purpose of inspecting at reasonable times any facilities, equipment, practices, or operations related to stormwater discharges to determine whether there is compliance with the Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric Implementation This permit requirement is fully met by the existing post-construction program,see references provided in Table 19. Permit 3.6.3: Plan Review and Approval Ref. Measures to maintain plan review and approval authority, standards and procedures to: (a) Require Federal, State, and local government projects to comply with Post-Construction Program requirements throughout the entire MS4 permitted area,unless the entity is subject to its own NPDES MS4 permit or a qualifying alternative program,(b)Conduct site plan reviews of all new development and redeveloped sites that disturb greater than or equal to one acre,and sites that disturb less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale for compliance with 15A NCAC 02H.10 17 and the qualifying alternative programs that apply within your jurisdiction, (c) Ensure that each project has an Operation and Maintenance Agreement that complies with 15A NCAC 02H.1050(12),(d)Ensure that each project has an Operation and Maintenance Plan that complies with 15A NCAC 02H.1050(13),(e)Ensure that each project has recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants,that require the project to be maintained consistent with approved plans,and(f)Ensure that each SCM and associated maintenance accesses be protected in a permanent recorded easement per 15A NCAC 02H 1050(9)and(10). BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric Implementation This permit requirement is fully met by the existing post-construction program,see references provided in Table 19 NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 33 Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Permit 3.6.4: Inspections and Enforcement Ref. Measures to maintain inspection and enforcement authority, standards and procedures to: (a) Conduct post-construction inspections prior to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy or a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy.Alternatively,the project owner may provide a surety bond to guarantee compliance with the approved plan(s),(b)Ensure that the project has been constructed in accordance with the approved plan(s), (c) Ensure annual inspection of each permitted SCM to ensure compliance with the approved Operation and Maintenance Agreement, (d)Ensure inspection of low density projects at least once during the permit term,and(e)Require that inspections be conducted by a qualified professional. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric Implementation 36. 3.6.4(d)Low Density Inspections Require inspection of low density projects 1.Revise existing 1.Permit Year 2 1.Code Reference at least once during the permit term in Stormwater Management Date Adopted City's Stormwater Management Ordinance to require Ordinance. inspection of low density projects at least once during the permit term Permit 3.6.6: Fecal Coliform Reduction Ref. Measures to control,to the maximum extent practicable,sources of fecal coliform per 15A NCAC 02H.1017(7). At a minimum, the program shall include: (a) A pet waste management component, which may be achieved by revising an existing litter ordinance, and(b)An on-site domestic wastewater treatment system component,if applicable,which may be coordinated with local county health department,to ensure proper operation and maintenance of such systems. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Metric Implementation This permit requirement is fully met by the existing post-construction program,see references provided in Table 19. NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 34 PART 10: POLLUTION PREVENTION AND GOOD HOUSEKEEPING PROGRAMS This SWMP provides a comprehensive pollution prevention and good housekeeping strategy for the City of Monroe municipal facilities and operations. Pollution prevention and good housekeeping is accomplished through the implementation of seven required programs,which collectively address the ultimate goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff from municipal operations such as parks and open space maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new construction and land disturbances,and municipal storm sewer system maintenance. Pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations includes the following programs: 1. Municipal Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program 2. Spill Response Program 3. MS4 Operation and Maintenance Program 4. Municipal SCM Operation and Maintenance Program 5. Pesticide,Herbicide and Fertilizer Management Program 6. Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Program 7. Pavement Management Program The City of Monroe will manage,implement and report the pollution prevention and good housekeeping BMPs as specified in Table 21 below for each required program. Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs Permit 3.7.1: Municipal Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program Ref. Measures to manage facilities that are owned and operated by the permittee and have the potential for generating polluted stormwater runoff. The permittee shall maintain a current inventory of municipal facilities;perform facility inspections and routine maintenance;establish specific frequencies, schedules, and standard documentation; provide staff training on general stormwater awareness and implementing pollution prevention and good housekeeping ractices. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 37. Accurate inventory of municipally owned or operated facilities Maintain a current inventory of facilities 1.Review inventory 1.Permit Year 1 1.Number of major owned and operated by the City of Monroe facilities with the potential for generating polluted Number of minor stormwater runoff. facilities 2.Update inventory 2.Continuously 2.Number of major Permit Years 1—5 facilities Number of minor facilities NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 35 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs 38. Routine maintenance and inspection of municipally owned or operated facilities Maintain written SOPS and a program that 1.Review,update,and 1.Annually 1.Yes/No/Partial includes inspection and maintenance of City implement new SWPPPs as Permit Years 1—5 owned Facilities. needed. 2.Review,revise(if needed) 2.Permit Year 1 2.Yes/No/Partial and publish Draft SOP ENG- 3372,Inspections and Evaluations of Municipal Sites 3.Review SOP ENG-3372, 3.Annually 3.Yes/No/Partial Inspections and Evaluations of Permit Years 2—5 Municipal Sites and revise if needed 4.Inspect all Major City 4.Annually 4.Number of Major Facilities annually Permit Years 1-5 City Facilities, Number of Major City Facilities Inspected 5.Inspect all Minor City 5.Permit Year 5 5.Number of Minor Facilities at least once per City Facilities, permit cycle Number of Major City Facilities Inspected 6.Maintain inspection and 6.Continuously 6.Yes/No/Partial maintenance certifications for Permit Years 1-5 appropriate personnel 39. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Training Properly train staff on general stormwater 1.Identify staff that needs 1.Annually 1.Number of awareness and implementing pollution training Permit Years 1-5 employees identified prevention and good housekeeping needing training practices. 2.Conduct employee training 2.Annually 2.Yes/No/Partial Permit Years 1—5 Date(s)of training Number of attendees 3.Review the implemented 3.Annually 3.Yes/No/Partial practices and update as needed Permit Years 1—5 NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 36 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs Permit 3.7.2: Spill Response Program Ref. Measures for facilities and operations that store and/or use materials that have the potential to contaminate stormwater runoff if spilled. The permittee shall maintain written spill response procedures and train staff on spill response procedures. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 40. Identification of sites with contamination potential Maintain a list of facilities and operations 1.Review current inventory of 1.Permit Year 1 1.Yes/No/Partial that store and/or use materials that have the sites with contamination potential potential to contaminate stormwater runoff 2.Identify target pollutant for 2.Annually 2.Yes/No/Partial if spilled. each location Permit Years 1-5 3.Review and update inventory 3.Annually 3.Yes/No/Partial as sites are added or removed Permit Years 1-5 41. Spill Response Procedures Maintain written spill response procedures. 1.Up-to-date copy of the spill 1.Continuously 1.Yes/No/Partial response procedures available at Permit Years 1-5 each facility 2.Review and update spill 2.Annually 2.Yes/No/Partial response procedures as needed Permit Years 1-5 42. Spill Response Training Train appropriate staff on spill response 1.Identify staff that needs 1.Annually 1.Number of procedures. training Permit Years 1-5 employees identified needing training 2.Conduct employee training 2.Annually 2.Yes No/Partial Permit Years 1-5 Date(s)of training Number of attendees 3.Review the implemented 3.Annually 3.Yes/No/Partial practices and update as needed Permit Years 1-5 Permit 3.7.3: MS4 Operation and Maintenance Program Ref. Measures to minimize pollutants in the stormwater collection system. The permittee shall provide operation and maintenance staff training on stormwater awareness and pollution prevention, perform MS4 inspections, maintain the collection system including catch basins and conveyances;and establish specific frequencies,schedules,and standard documentation. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 43. Routine MS4 Inspections Implement SOP ENG-2310 Catch Basin 1.Review and update SOP,if 1.Annually 1.Yes No/Partial Inspection Route Procedures that includes needed Permit Years 1-5 frequencies,schedules and standard 2.Perform routine maintenance 2.Annually 2.Yes/No/Partial documentation. and inspection of!00%of City Permit Years 1-5 owned and maintained catch basins per the SOP.Maintenance logs will be kept as an internal document available to DEQ upon request. 44. MS4 Operation and Maintenance Training NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 37 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs Provide operation and maintenance 1.Identify staff that needs 1.Annually 1.Number of training on stormwater awareness and training Permit Years 1-5 employees identified pollution prevention to appropriate City needing training staff. 2.Conduct employee training and 2.Annually 2.Yes/No/Partial keep training logs Permit Years 1—5 Number of employees trained 3.Review the implemented 3.Annually 3.Yes/No/Partial practices and update as needed Permit Years 1—5 Permit 3.7.4: Municipal SCM Operation and Maintenance Program Ref. Measures to manage municipally-owned, operated, and/or maintained structural stormwater control measures(SCMs)that are installed for compliance with the permittee's post-construction program. The permittee shall maintain a current inventory of SCMs, perform SCM inspections and maintenance,and shall establish specific frequencies,schedules,and documentation. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 45. Inventory all municipally-owned,operate and/or maintained SCMs Update and maintain a current inventory of 1. Track number of City owned, 1.Annually 1. Number of City municipally-owned,operated,and/or operated and/or maintained SCMs Permit Years 1-5 owned,operated maintained SCMs on the MS4 map and/or maintained SCMs 46. SCM inspections and maintenance Perform SCM inspections and 1. Inspect City owned,operated 1. Annually 1. Number of City maintenance with established frequencies, and/or maintained SCMs annually Permit Years 1-5 owned,operated schedules,and documentation. and/or maintained SCMs inspected NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 38 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs 47. Municipal SCM Operation and Maintenance Program Training Train appropriate staff on inspections and 1.Identify staff that needs 1.Annually 1.Number of maintenance of municipally-owned, training Permit Years 1-5 employees identified operated and/or maintained structural needing training stormwater control measures. 2.Conduct employee training and 2.Annually 2.Yes/No/Partial keep training logs Permit Years 1-5 Number of employees trained 3.Review the implemented 3.Annually 3.Yes/No/Partial practices and update as needed Permit Years 1-5 Permit 3.7.5: Pesticide,Herbicide and Fertilizer Management Program Ref. Measures to minimize water quality impacts from the use of landscape chemicals. The permittee shall provide routine pollution prevention and chemical use,storage and handling training,and shall ensure compliance with permits and applicator certifications. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric 48. Pesticide,Herbicide and Fertilizer Management Program Training Ensure training for staff who handle 1.Compile and maintain a list of 1.Annually 1.Number of pesticides,herbicides,and/or fertilizers. City owned or maintained Permit Years 1-5 facilities that store facilities that use and/or store pesticides,herbicides, pesticides,herbicides or fertilizers or fertilizers. 2.Inspect facilities that store 2.Annually 2.Yes/No/Partial pesticides,herbicides or fertilizers Permit Years 1-5 3.Ensure facilities have accurate 3.Annually 3.Yes/No/Partial SOPS for application and storage Permit Years 1-5 of pesticides,herbicides or fertilizers 4.Compile and maintain 4.Annually 4.Number of list of certified and licensed staff Permit Years 1-5 certified/licensed staff 5.Review SOP ENG-2732 5.Annually 5.Yes/No/Partial Herbicide Application for Permit Years 2-5 Streetscape Aesthetics and Watershed Protection and update, if needed 6.Review SOP ENG-2731 6.Annually 6.Yes/No/Partial Storage and Disposal of Permit Years 2-5 Fertilizers,Pesticides and Herbicides and update,if needed 7. 7. 7. Permit 3.7.6: Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Program Ref. Measures to prevent and minimize contamination of stormwater runoff from areas used for municipal vehicle and equipment maintenance and/or cleaning. The permittee shall ensure that municipal industrial facilities subject to NPDES industrial permitting comply with those permit requirements,provide routine pollution prevention training to staff,perform routine inspections, and establish specific frequencies, schedules,and documentation. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 39 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs 49. Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Program Implement measures to prevent and 1.Identify municipal facilities 1.Annually 1.Number of minimize contamination of stormwater with vehicle/equipment washing Permit Years 1—5 facilities runoff from areas used for municipal or maintenance activities vehicle and equipment maintenance and/ 2.Inspect facilities with 2.Annually 2.Number of or cleaning. vehicle/equipment washing or Permit Years 1—5 facilities inspected maintenance activities 3.Review and update facility's 3.Annually 3.Number of SOPs SOP for vehicle and equipment Permit Years 1—5 (department specific) cleaning during Annual Inspection if needed. 4.Apply for NCG080000 permits 4.Permit Year 1-2 4.Number of where required municipal facilities with NCG080000 permitting 5.Publish Draft SOP ENG-3376 5.Permit Year 1 5.Yes/No/Partial Vehicle and Equipment Washing Procedures 6.Review and update SOP ENG- 6.Annually 6.Yes/No/Partial 3376 Vehicle and Equipment Permit Years 2—5 Washing Procedures if needed 50. NPDES Industrial Stormwater Permit Compliance Maintain compliance at all City 1.Identify municipal 1.Permit Year 1 1.Yes/No/Partial owned/maintained facilities with NPDES facilities with NPDES Number of facilities Industrial Stormwater permits. permits and those which with NPDES permits may require a permit Permit 3.7.7: Pavement Management Program Ref. Measures to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff from municipally-owned streets,roads,and parking lots within the permittee's corporate limits. The permittee shall implement measures to control litter,leaves,debris,particulate and fluid pollutants associated with vehicles,and establish s ecific frequencies,schedules,and documentation. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 40 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs 51. Street Sweeping Program Maintain a street sweeping program that 1.Maintain SOP ENG—2320 1.Annually 1.Number of trucks minimizes the accumulation of unsightly Street Sweeping Procedures Permit Years 1—5 debris and helps to reduce the amounts of which includes current number of pollutants entering our storm drains. street sweeping trucks 2.Street sweep City owned and 2.Annually 2.Number of miles maintained streets with curb and Permit Years 1—5 swept gutter at least 4x per year and ribbon streets(no curb and gutter) at least 2x per year.Maintenance logs will be kept as an internal document available to DEQ upon request. 3.Review SOP and revise as 3.Annually 3.Yes/No/Partial needed I Permit Years 2—5 1 Dates of review 52. Litter Management Program Implement measures to control litter to 1.Maintain a Litter Management 1.Annually 1.Yes/No/Partial help reduce the amounts of pollutants Program that addresses litter in Permit Years 1—5 entering our storm drains. the City of Monroe 2.Track amount of litter removed 2.Annually 2.Sum of bags Permit Years 1-5 3.Track amount of bulk items 3.Annually 3.Number of bulk removed Permit Years 1-5 items 53. Brush and Leaf Collection Implement measures to control leaf and 1.Maintain a program that 1.Annually 1.Number of tons brush litter to help reduce the amounts of includes yard waste collection for Permit Years 1—5 removed pollutants entering our storm drains. —City-approved residences 2.Maintain a program that 2.Annually 2.Number of cubic includes leaf collection for City- Permit Years 1—5 yards removed approved residences NCS000482 SWMP City of Monroe April 8,2024 Page 41