HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241071 Ver 1_ Bio Report_20240802 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT Environmental FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT Quality 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: NR Land LLC 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: 0 Straits/Smyrna,North Carolina 28516 Longitude: -76.56038 Latitude: 34.8182 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA+Dredge & Fill 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Date of Visit Purpose of Visit Applicant Present? 6/27/2024 Major Permit Site Visit Yes 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received Application Complete Regional Office 7/24/2024 7/24/2024 DCM - Morehead City Regional Office 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan: Carteret County Land Classification from LUP: Land Classification From LUPs (B) AEC(s)Involved: Coastal Shoreline, Estuarine Shoreline, Public Trust Shoreline, Coastal Wetlands, Public Trust Areas, Estuarine Waters (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Public/Government (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing: Planned: (F) Type of Structures: Existing: Planned: Disposal area, Fxcavation(dredge), Fxcavation(upland)/grading, Spoil, Basin (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: Erosion Information Source: Annual Erosion Source 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: DREDGED ft2 FILLED (ft2) OTHER ft2 (A) Open Water 7600 B CW's above NHW (C) CW's below NHW D Shallow Bottom (E)High Ground 7600 (F)Non-Coastal WL (E) Total Area Disturbed: 130680 ft2 (F) Primary Nursery Area: Yes (G) Water Classification: SC: Aquatic Life, Secondary Contact Recreation, Tidal Salt Water Open to Shellfishing: No Field Investigation Report:NR Land LLC DCM Major Permit Page 11 Field Investigation Report:NR Land LLC DCM Major Permit Page 12 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: NR Land LLC with the North Carolina Coastal Federation is proposing to create 1 acre of salt marsh with a 380-foot-long tidal creek along a canal that is extending off Ward Creek. The goal is to also harvest coastal wetlands from this created salt marsh to use for future restoration projects along the North Carolina coast. 9. NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION: The North Carolina Coastal Federation site is located on North River Farms. Access to the site is obtained through a private gate off Hwy. 70 between Otway and Smyrna. Gravel farm roads lead to the restoration site at the headwaters of Wards Creek. This property is 380 acres in its entirety and is currently owned by NR Land LLC. North Carolina Coastal Federation has an agreement with the landowner to restore this 1-acre site. The property has a shoreline length along Wards Creek of 4,500'. The elevation of the site ranges from 0' to 3' above NHW. Presently onsite there is existing farm fields and gravel roads. Directly South of the proposed salt marsh is an existing created 785 linear feet of tidal creek and 3-acre salt marsh under major permit 24-15. West of this site is a completed restoration project permitted under major permit 190-06. East of this site is a restoration project completed outside all DCM AEC' s. The high ground vegetation consists of various grasses, woody vegetation and agricultural crops. The Carteret County Land Use Plan classifies this property as undeveloped, with all AEC' s classified Conservation. Wards Creek is classified as SC and is a primary nursery area. 10. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The North Carolina Coastal Federation is proposing to create 1 acre of tidal marsh and 380 linear feet tidal creek. This will be accomplished by converting elevated high ground to salt marsh by connecting to a canal extending off the headwaters of Wards Creek. The applicants are proposing to dig a 20' wide x 380' long tidal creek into the existing agricultural field. The created tidal creek would be dug 3.5 feet deep through existing field elevation to reach 1.5 feet below NLW. Turbidity curtains would be placed in Ward Creek. The surrounding 1 acre would be graded to an elevation which would create Coastal Wetlands. This area would be planted by hand with approximately 10,000 Spartina alterniflora and 2,500 Spartina patens with a spacing of 12"to 14" apart. The removed excavated material would be placed onto the North Carolina Coastal Federation's property just North of the NR Land LLC property outside of the AEC. The stockpile area would be 0.9 acres and will be contained by silt fencing. It is expected that the marsh's establishment and completion should take 2 years. Once the marsh has been established, which has been described to have ground coverage of 90% and after 2 growing seasons, the applicants would like to harvest by hand no more than 15% of the total biomass of the marsh. The harvested plants would then be used in restoration projects such as living shorelines. Once they have reached the 15%, they would wait until there was 90% ground coverage again before harvesting more plants. On -going management and monitoring would occur. 11.ANTICIPATED IMPACTS: There would be 7,600 sq ft of high ground excavated and turned into open water/shallow bottom Field Investigation Report:NR Land LLC DCM Major Permit Page 13 habitat. This area would become Public Trust Area. There is a chance of increased turbidity during construction however the applicant has stated that a turbidity curtain will be placed at the mouth of the creek and silt fence will be placed around the spoil area to minimize any impacts that may occur. Name: Kara Guthrie Date: 08-01-2024 Office: DCM- Morehead City Regional Office Field Investigation Report:NR Land LLC DCM Major Permit Page 14