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GW1--04459_Well Construction - GW1_20240730
;:yam E °ATf�`"N,, RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD s t_ _ A North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality ;� y; o. ,' a,M,;,rx=' WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 5) 10 9 4- 1. WELLpiNTli. CTORiA F.DISINFECTION: Type:'_CIO A-1tit Amount/el a Z- 1 k t G prNtlii 0 i'y G.WATERR ZONES(depth): I Well contractor(In ividual)Nae / From/ To / 2 I3 From To Cl PmK `tl. P/rl /I i '1 1 W From To _ From To Well Contractor Company Name j L 0 / , From To _ From To STREET DDRESS 3 IA)ii i T (- P/W�- i`� 6. CASING: Thickness/ 6 k.1 G.` L/,L a 7-3 3 3 d Depth -1 , Diamgte� Weight, Material City or Town State Zip Code From To / 3 17 Ft y 2-11 •-4 � e-" 11, 3? 7 Ch/ From To Ft Area code-Phone Number From To _ Ft 2. WELL INFORMATION: CD P r 7. GROUT: SITE WELL ID#(if applicable) 11 I I J° — 1 Depth 3 1/7 / Material Metho YFrom O To Ft i'afiL y�4 STATE WELL PERMIT#(if applicable) Y d i1 0�bg 7 From To _ Ft DWQ or OTHER PERMIT If(if applicable) From To _ Ft WELL USE(Check Applicable Box);Residential Water Supply❑ 8. SCREEN: DATE DRILLED a- 3 - �- / Depth Diameter Slot Size Material TIME COMPLETED I '151 AM 0 PM[p/ From To Ft in. in. From To Ft in. in. 3. WELL LOCATION: / .. 1 I l 5 I ^ From To Ft r in' t CITY: 61CL'A VA1l-e,-' COUNTY (1 ✓.itr ✓ �r L� I }} G 9. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: �f 7q CY I c.c4 �"A)I.1 � "� L7 Depth 7 3 0 [v rial (Street Name,Numbers,C¢mmunity,Subdivision,Lot No.Parcel,Zip Code) From To Ft TOPOGRAPHIC/LAND SETTING: V Iri° ai. ��a"r,^,I; 5 Ufa ❑Slope El Valley 0 Flat idge ❑Other From To _ .a OCIi (Check appropriate box) e, / From To _ Ft LATITUDE 3 L/ er 7/ A7 10.DRILLING LOG p From ToDescription LONGITUDE ed r!m ©Z (3 11 0 — l/ /5'L,i, ,'-/ !O�.�fl Latitude/longitude source: 0 GPS ❑Topographic map /_ ,/Q� J (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map and l _ ��/ v `'�� �r Attached to this form if not using GPS) / S 7-3 / ~/%% Z i3/c c /` <./ci7f i. LDa-)- - 4. WELL OWNER _i ' OWNER'S NAME BCt()l T l 5 k 0+ o ✓/,ii iiCki 0 -7 1 STREET ADDRESS bD SA (rt/fpinl '1) / 3 e/ZU 6 ze,1G 6, n �4. 6 l e_ Ua It= rue--- a S L 2.-7 riivr A.�IL-- City or Town State Zip Code 33Co - 4S7 /s &c) Area code-Phone Number 5. WELL DETAILS: ) 11. REMARKS: A.TOTAL DEPTH: (2*- ° B.DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO 0 >/ I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH C.WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: Vi/� FT. 15A NCAC 2C,WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS (Use"+"if Above Top of Casing) / BEEN PROVIDED TO HE WELL O ER. D.TOP OF CASING IS cu FT.Above Land Surface* / -v � Ac4:1"D'I---'1 J Z ` t c?7 *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED W LL CONTRACTOR DATE a variance in accord nce with 15A NCAC 2C.01 ,/1/-" M_ /.';,///i2, E.YIELD(gpm): 3 1 METHOD OF TEST PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL