HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC242279_FRO Submitted_20240729 6,
N ... North Carolina
Submittal Requirements
All items listed are required for a complete submittal. Incomplete submittals will be rejected and
delay the process.
Beginning the week of April 3, 2023, all applications submitted by NOON on Friday will be routed
the following week for review:
Submit the following items via the Portal (Construction & UDO Permits -> Apply for a Permit):
• Complete Application
• One complete, combined set of PDF Civil Construction Drawings
• Calculations and Reports as needed
• Action Notice from Preliminary Plan Review
• Environmental Agency Documentation (NCDEQ 401/USACE 404 Permitting Status)
• Copies of USGS and Wake County Soil Survey stream information for the project location.
Once your submittal is deemed complete and accepted, staff will send you a confirmation and
advise that submittal fees (if applicable) are available for payment in the Portal.
Visit our website for a current fee schedule:
For questions about your submittal, please reach out to dsintake@hollyspringsnc.gov
This application is for Construction Drawing Plan Approval, Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan
Approval, NPDES Stormwater Review, Land Disturbance Permit Issuance and Statement of
Ownership and Financial Responsibility. Check all that apply:
❑ Construction Drawing Plan Review ❑ Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan Review
❑ NPDES Stormwater Review
Project Name Main Street Vista Apartments LLC Phase N/A
Total 16 LF Streets 1,810(Public)
Disturbed Acres
LF of Sidewalk 2,715(Public) LF Sewer Line 1,178 LF(on-site);4,464 LF(offsite)
LF of Water Line 2,358 LF Stormwater 3,603
# SCMs < 5AC 0 # SCMs > 5AC 0
Latitude 35.655863 Longitude -78.832479
FEMA/FIRM Map # 720064900K Panel # 370403
Effective Date: 7/19/22 PIN # 0649936810
Total Post Development Impervious Surface(FT2): 393,347(9.03 Ac.)
Approximate Date Land Disturbance will begin: 7/18/24
Description of Construction or Land Disturbance:
6 buildings (2 are mixed-use buildings with residential units over retail), live/work units, and
amenity with pool; 1 underground detention basin; 4 garage units; and associated
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North Carolina
CONTACT INFORMATION (Attach additional sheets if needed)
Applicant and Financially Responsible Party will need to register for an account on the Portal
Landowner(s) of Record
Name: Alejandro Barroso Company: Main Street Vista Apartments LLC
Mailing Address: 2964 Peachtree Road, Suite 585
City, State, Zip: Atlanta, GA 30305
Mobile Phone: (919)698-3175 E-Mail: ab@vistarp.com
Landowner(s) of Record
Name: Company:
Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip:
Mobile Phone: E-Mail:
FUTURE Landowner(s) if applicable
Name: Company:
Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip:
Mobile Phone: E-Mail:
FUTURE Landowner(s) if applicable
• If Landowner will be different at time of plan approval, provide documentation that the FRP has
permission to apply on their behalf.
Name: Company:
Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip:
Mobile Phone: E-Mail:
Book & Page where Deed or Instrument is Filed in Wake County:
Location Description: 324 North Main Street Holly Springs,NC 27540
Parcel Identification Number (PIN): 0649936810
Tax Map, Block and Lot Number: Lot#1 of Main Street Vista Recombination Plat
Book: 2024 Page: 01204 ; Book: Page:
Person or Firm Financially Responsible for Land-Disturbing Activity
Name: Alejandro Barroso Company:Main Street Vista Apartments LLC
Mailing Address: 4000 Westchase Boulevard,Suite 220
City, State, Zip: Raleigh,NC 27607
Mobile Phone: (919)698-3175 E-Mail: ab@vistarp.com
Registered Agent for Person or Firm Financially Responsible for Land-Disturbing Activity
Name:Alejandro Barroso Company: Main Street Vista Apartments LLC
Mailing Address: 4000 Westchase Boulevard,Suite 220
City, State, Zip: Raleigh, NC 27607
Mobile Phone: (919)698-3175 E-Mail: ab@vistarp.com
Plans Prepared By:
Name: Nick Williamson Company: McAdams Co.
Mailing Address: 2905 Meridian Parkway
City, State, Zip: Durham, NC 27713
Mobile Phone: (919)948-8064 E-Mail: williamson@mcadamsco.com
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North Carolina
The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was
provided by me while under oath. (This form must be signed by the Financially Responsible
Person if an individual(s) or their attorney-in-fact, or if not an individual, by an officer, director,
partner or registered agent with the authority to exe, to instruments for the Financially
Responsible Party). I agree to provide corrected inf. motion should there be any change in
the information provided herein.
Signature of Financially Responsible Party: ���irmv—
Print Name: A -\Q 7...z) '3 NR-Q05a
Title: V,--'4VQS_C_To4 TP,.T1- __ Date: ( I VES i 2,4
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State of#efth-€e ; hereby certify that 4 /.Q. )Glna 'r) Fa►rr0,5 0
appeared personally before me this day and being duly sworn acknowledged that the
above form was executed by them.
Signature of Notary Public:
Print Name: /1,11r.vid ee'i y
My Commission Expires: 0.5/69/Q-(4
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