HomeMy WebLinkAbout20072227 Ver 1_Enhancement Plan_20071219Queens Gap Enhancement Plan Rutherford County, North Carolina September 11, 2007 Prepared by: PO Box 882 Canton, NC 28716 Project Description The project site known as Queens Gap is owned by Devin McCarthy Land Development, LLC, and is located off of Thermal City Road near Thermal City, North Carolina. The site contains land in both Rutherford County and McDowell County. Latitude and longitude for the site are 35.521163 N and 82.007344 W, respectively. The site is located within the Sugar Hill and Glenwood USGS Topo Quads. To access the site from Asheville, take I-40 East to Exit 85 - Highway 221. Turn right at the top of the exit ramp and continue on Highway 221 South for approximately 9 miles. Turn right onto Thermal City Road. Continue on Thermal City Road approximately 1 mile to a "fork". Take the right "fork" and continue on Thermal City Road for another mile. The entrance to the property will be on the right. Devin McCarthy Land Development, LLC proposes to develop the Queens Gap residential development on approximately 3,500 acres. This includes the construction of an 18-hole golf course and practice area. Devin McCarthy Land Development, LLC is proposing the following enhancement plan for the entire area. Some enhancement will be used as mitigation but the overall goal of the enhancement activities on site is to provide a structurally stable hydrologic system and improve water quality throughout the golf course. Existing Site Conditions Queens Gap is forested, except where golf holes have been cleared and under brushed. There is an extensive existing logging road network throughout the site. A Mixed Mesic Forest type dominants the landscape. This forest type occupies rich, acidic, moist, well-drained sites and contains the most diverse plant communities in the Southeast. The dominant tree species are American beech (Fagus grandifolia) and oaks, specifically northern red oak (Quercus rubra) and white oak (Quercus alba). Other tree species that are abundantly common in these forests include: ash, hickory, Fraser's magnolia, red maple, tulip poplar, hemlock, and buckeye. All are present within Queens Gap. This forest type also has a very diverse shrub and herbaceous layer. Species at this site include heart's-a-bustin', mountain laurel, pepperbush, ironwood, rhododendron, spice bush, wild hydrangea, black cohosh, bloodroot, doll's eye, false soloman's seal, galax, jewelweed, may apple, Christmas fern, liverleaf, and alumroot. All unnamed tributaries within the development flow into Harris Creek. Harris Creek is a tributary to Cathey's Creek, which flows into the Second Broad River. The Second Broad River flows to the Broad River, which is a navigable water. UT1, UT2, and UT3 make up the largest unnamed tributary network within the golf course project boundary. These tributaries are relatively small and flow to the east of Harris Creek. UT4 and UT5 flow north of Harris Creek. They are relatively small, good quality streams. UT5 parallels Harris Creek for approximately 750 linear feet before its confluence with UT4. Harris Creek is the only named tributary flowing through the golf course project boundary. It is a moderate size stream of overall good quality. There are several bank failures along Harris Creek; the most notable located just north of the southern-most boundary. This failure is approximately 150 feet long with a sheer right bank approximately 40 feet high. North of the large bank failure and on the west side of Harris Creek is a linear wetland feature. This feature resembles an old ditch and drains directly into Harris Creek. UT6 is the western-most tributary within the property boundary. UT6 is of poor quality and highly degraded. Degradation and excess sediment has been attributed to an upstream impoundment and dam. The existing pond is approximately 2 acres. It is devoid of most vegetation along its banks. There is one old cabin immediately below the dam and adjacent to the stream. Degradation of the tributary can also be attributed to poor upkeep and waste elimination practices at the cabin. There is a large wetland immediately upstream of the impoundment, presumably the result of road construction and a clogged intake pipe. This wetland has naturalized and maintains shallowly ponded water. There is another disjunct linear wetland segment section north of the ponded wetland. Precipitation According to the PRISM maps (see Attachment A) maintained by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, this area of Rutherford County receives approximately 50 to 56 inches of precipitation per year. Excess water that falls as precipitation must leave the site as ground water flow, runoff, channelized surface flow, or deep seepage. Soils The project site is located on the border of the Piedmont and Mountain physiographic region of North Carolina and is located within the Pacolet-Cecil and Evard-Cowee-Fannin soil associations. Soil series present on site include Appling, Dogue, Evard-Cowee Complex, Pacolet, Pacolet-Saw complex, and Rion. The Appling series consists of very deep, well-drained, moderately permeable soils on ridges and side slopes of the Piedmont uplands. They are deep to saprolite and very deep to bedrock. They formed in residuum weathered from felsic igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Piedmont uplands. Slopes range from 0 to 25 percent. Near the type location, mean annual precipitation is 45 inches and mean annual temperature is 60 degrees F. The Cowee series consists of moderately deep, well-drained, moderately permeable soils on ridges and side slopes of the Blue Ridge. They formed in residuum affected by soil creep in the upper part, and weathered from felsic to mafic, igneous and high-grade metamorphic rocks. Slope ranges from 2 to 95 percent. Near the type location, mean annual temperature is about 56 degrees F., and mean annual precipitation is about 49 inches. The Dogue series consists of very deep, moderately well drained soils located in low streams in the piedmont and on the coastal plain. Near the type location, mean annual precipitation is 38-54 inches and mean annual temperature is 57-66 degrees F. The Evard series consists of very deep, well-drained, moderately permeable soils on ridges and side slopes of the Blue Ridge. They formed in residuum affected by soil creep in the upper part and weathered from felsic to mafic, igneous and high-grade metamorphic rocks. Slopes range from 2 to 95 percent. The Pacolet series consists of very deep, well-drained, moderately permeable soils that formed in residuum weathered mostly from felsic igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Piedmont uplands. Slopes commonly are 15 to 25 percent but range from 2 to 60 percent. The Rion series consists of very deep, well-drained, moderately permeable soils that formed in material mostly weathered from acid crystalline rocks of the Piedmont Uplands. Slopes commonly are 15 to 25 percent but range from 2 to 60 percent. The Saw Series consists of moderately deep, well-drained soils on ridges and side slopes of the Piedmont uplands. They formed in residuum weathered from felsic igneous rocks such as porphyritic granite. Slopes range from 2 to 45 percent. Near the type location, mean annual air temperature is 61 degrees F., and mean annual precipitation is 47 inches. Stream Restoration Sites - Existing Stream Conditions Harris Creek is a third order tributary to the Second Broad River. The focus of enhancement for the Queens Gap golf course development will be Harris Creek and the unnamed tributaries to Harris Creek. These include UT1 - UT6. The Harris creek watershed has been manipulated from past mining and regional logging practices. Specific reaches show degradation and entrenchment due to these past disturbances. Multiple bank failures are causing erosion and contributing excess sediment to the watershed. The watershed is comprised of Rosgen classified B4, B4a, B5, C5b, and C4 streams. The substrate type for these streams is predominately gravel; however, silt has filled in pools decreasing habitat complexity in some of the lower reaches in the watershed. Harris Creek flows in a southeast direction through the Queen's Gap property, draining a 2.0 square mile watershed. Approximately 6,550 linear feet of stream was surveyed on Harris Creek; it has been divided into three separate reaches to account for the added stream flow. The first reach is the upper Harris Creek reach from Station 0 to the confluence with UT 4 at Station 1550 (see Attachment B). This section of Harris Creek is steep with little sinuosity and is classified as a Rosgen CO channel. It drains a 0.97 square mile watershed. This upper reach has been altered and moved back and forth to allow for mining. The bank height ratio is 1.4 indicating a moderately incised stream. Reach two of Harris Creek extends from UT4 to UT2 (Station 1550- 4500) (see Attachment C). It drains a 1.3 square mile watershed. This reach is classified as a Rosgen C4 channel. It is moderately incised with a bank height ratio of 1.6. Although only moderately entrenched, this reach is continually down-cutting and contributing a large amount of sediment to the watershed. It is characterized by failing vertical banks and undercuts throughout its length. The majority of this reach is disconnected from the floodplain. The third reach of Harris Creek extends from UT2 to the property line (Station 4500 - 6500) (see Attachment D). It drains a 2.0 square mile watershed. This reach is similar in character to the upstream reach and is classified as a Rosgen C4 channel. It is moderately incised with a bank height ratio of 1.8. Banks are vertical and need to be re-sloped to control erosion in key areas, such as in major bends in the channel. UT 1 flows southwest into UT2 draining a 0.13 square mile watershed (See Attachment E). This is a 1,233 foot reach that is characterized as a Rosgen C4 stream type. The bank height ratio is 1.3 indicating a slightly incised stream. There are multiple bank failures, debris jams, and undercuts contributing excess sediment to the system. UT2 flows southwest into Harris draining a 0.5 square mile watershed (see Attachment F). Approximately 5,000 linear feet of stream was surveyed and divided into two separate reaches to account for added stream flow. The upper reach starts at Station 0 and continues downstream to the confluence with UT1 at Station 2400. This reach drains a 0.25 square mile watershed and is classified as a Rosgen 134a channel. It is very steep throughout this reach and has a slope of 4.9%. It is severely incised with a bank height ratio of 2.3. The upper 1,500 feet of this stream is confined to a steep and narrow valley broadening at its confluence with UT1. There are multiple bank failures and undercuts that would require re-sloping, stabilization with structures, or root wad placement. The lower reach of UT2 extends from UT1 downstream to Harris Creek (Station 2400- 4936) (see Attachment G). This reach drains a 0.5 square mile watershed and is characterized as a Rosgen C4 channel type. The gradient changes here as the stream leaves its confined valley and enters the Harris Creek floodplain. From Station 3100 to Station 4100, UT2 is slightly entrenched and appears to have been altered or straightened. UT3 flows south into UT2 draining a 0.06 square mile watershed (see Attachment H). This 1,735 linear foot reach of stream is classified as a Rosgen C5b channel. The bank height ratio is 3.86 indicating channel incision. A wooded buffer protects UT3; therefore, the banks are relatively stable with the exception of a few areas. Lower UT4 (Station 1300- 2400) drains a 0.19 square mile watershed and is characterized as a Rosgen B4 channel (see Attachment I). The bank height ratio is 1.7. The first 400 feet of stream has multiple bank failures that will require resloping and hard structures to prevent further sediment input. UT5 flows south into UT4 and drains a 0.13 square mile watershed (see Attachment 3). This 618 linear feet reach is classified as a Rosgen B4 channel. The bank height ratio is 3.7 indicating a severely incised channel. Vertical banks are failing and would benefit from re-sloping. Habitat complexity is lacking in this reach and would benefit from adding more pools. UT6 (below the pond) flows in a southeast direction into Harris Creek (see Attachment K). This reach is 1,176 linear feet and drains a 0.14 square mile watershed. UT6 is classified as a Rosgen B5 channel and has a bank height ratio of 1.63 indicative of a moderately incised channel. This reach, below the impoundment, has steep banks that need to be re-sloped and stabilized to reduce erosion. Reference Reach Two reference reaches were used as templates to emulate stable dimension, pattern, and profile for enhancement work. Both reference sites are in the same hydrophysiographic region and have a similar valley type. Two sites were chosen to match the specific watershed. Morgan Creek represents a stable meandering B4 channel with a 0.14 square mile watershed. The entrenchment ratio is 2.0, width to depth ratio is 18.4, and sinuosity is 1.5. Pool to pool spacing is 33 feet and provides adequate habitat complexity. A summary chart including a longitudinal profile, cross sections, and pebble counts is attached for review (see Attachment L). A section of Harris Creek was used as a larger reference reach. It is a stable C4 channel with a 2.0 square mile watershed. Entrenchment ratio is 4.6, width to depth is 26.1, and sinuosity is 1.2. Pool to pool spacing is 73 feet. A summary chart including a longitudinal profile, cross sections, and pebble counts is attached for review (see Attachment M). Enhancement Plan Devin McCarthy Land Development, LLC plans to enhance a total of 15,741 linear feet of stream within the Queens Gap project area. 8,518` will be eligible for mitigation with a full 50' unimpacted buffer on each side (see Attachment N). The goals of the project are: 1. Restore natural channel dimension and profile. 2. Reconnect existing incised channels to their floodplain. 3. Stabilize banks and reduce erosion. 4. Create and preserve a riparian buffer with permanent native vegetation. 5. Create aquatic habitat and complexity. Construction Plan and Specifications All reaches within the Queens Gap golf course project boundary will have some degree of enhancement done to them. Construction activities will include the installation of j-hooks, cross vanes, and root wads, and the systematic re- sloping of banks. Caution will be taken to minimize destruction of mature trees within the enhancement areas. A description of each treatment is described below. Root Wads Root wads include the root mass or root ball of a tree plus a portion of the trunk. Roots wads are used to armor a stream bank by deflecting stream flows away from the bank. They also provide structural support to the stream bank, habitat for fish and other aquatic animals, as well as, a food source for aquatic insects. (NCSU) Roots wads will have a basal diameter of 10 to 20 inches. They will be installed where the thalweg intercepts the bank at an acute or right angle. The root wads will be installed at the toe of the bank, with 1/3 of the root wad below the base flow elevation. Footer logs and boulders will be utilized when necessary to secure the root wads in place. The drive-point method of installation will be used whenever possible. With this method, the contractor sharpens the end of the log and drives the root wad directly into the bank. If root wads cannot be driven into the bank, then the trenching method will be utilized. This method requires digging a trench and placing the log into the trench. The trench is then backfilled, re-sloped, and planted. Rock Vanes The three types of rock vanes are single vanes, 3-hooks, and cross vanes. Rock vanes are most often constructed of boulders, although they can be constructed of other natural materials, such as wood. Vanes protect the stream bank by redirecting the thalweg away from the stream banks and towards the center of the channel and improve in-stream habitat through scour oxygenation, and cover. (NCSU) All rock vanes will be oriented upstream with angles off the bank from 20 to 30 degrees. Vanes will be located just downstream of the point where the stream flow encounters the stream bank at an acute angle. The vane will start at or near bankfull and slope downward into the channel, pointing upstream. Sills will be used to tie the vane arms to the bankfull elevation. Large, flat rocks will be used to construct the vanes. Single vanes will span 1/2 to 2/3 of the base flow channel width. Slopes on the vanes will range from 2 to 7 percent. Longer, flatter vanes will be utilized whenever possible. Boulders in the vanes will fit tightly together and footer rocks will be utilized to ensure scour does not topple the structures. 3-hooks will be constructed the same way as a single vane except the last rocks in the structure will be spaced apart about half of the rocks diameter to create flow convergence. Cross vanes will be used to provide grade control, keep the thalweg in the center of the channel, and protect the bank. The cross vane will be constructed as if it is two single vanes with a center structure perpendicular to the channel flow. The center stone will set the invert grade of the streambed. Toe Armor Toe armor will be used where banks are undercut or failing and due to the landscape it is not practical to re-slope the banks. Large stones will be placed in these undercuts and failures. Where banks are being rebuilt, filter fabric will be placed behind the stones to prevent wasting of backfill material. Re-slope Banks In areas where the banks can be re-sloped, this method will be used instead of toe armor. Vertical banks will be graded at a slope of 2:1 or flatter. Where appropriate, accessible bankfull benches will be established to reduce sheer stress on banks. Newly sloped banks will be graded into the existing stream banks. Any disturbed soil will be stabilized with erosion matting and planted with native vegetation. UT1 0+00-12+33 Six sites on UT1 have been identified for treatment. Toe Armor will be placed at Stations 1+25 and 7+50. Station 10+45 will be treated with a cross vane. Stations 1+40, 6+35, and 10+90 will be treated with 3-hooks. Root wads will be installed at stations 0+25 and 11+35. All treatment areas have been identified on the attached map (see plans) and construction typicals for each structure have been included. UT2 Reach Upper 0+00 - 24+00 The upper reach of UT2 includes twelve structures and two root wads throughout 1800 feet of enhancement. Cross vanes will be placed at Stations 1+30, and 16+35. J-hooks will be placed at Stations 0+90, 7+85, 11+25, 11+85, 13+15, 18+10, 20+20, 21+50, and 21+75. Root wads will be used to stabilize undercuts at Station 14+85 and Station 18+35, and toe armor will be placed at Station 21+65. (see plans). UT2 Reach Lower 24+00 - 50+00 The lower reach of UT2 includes twenty-three structures, nine rood wad placement sites, and two toe armors. Cross vanes will be installed at Stations 24+10, 24+40, 26+25, 27+40, 28+15, 30+65, 31_85, 37+65, 38+50 and 42+10. Stations 26+65, 28+85, 30+85, 32+50, 33+86, 34+40, 36+35, 38+00, 43+50, 46+35 and 47+40 will require J-hooks to redirect the water away from the banks. Stations 35+85, and 45+20 will receive toe armor. Stations 24+50, 31+25, 35+75, 37+00, 41+75, 42+60, 43+85, 46+90, and 47+85 will be armored with root wads to prevent bank erosion. Some of these root wad sites will be made up of clusters of two to four root masses (see plans). UT3 0+00-17+35 UT3 has several bank failures that will require stabilization (see plans). Being re- sloped or having a bankfull bench cut will enhance most spots. Native vegetation will be planted to stabilize each failure. UT4 13+00-17+00 In addition to re-sloping and re-vegetation, UT4 will receive three J-hooks at Stations 13+65, 13+85, and 16+15, and a root wad at Station 16+00. (see plans). UT5 0+00-6+18 UT 5 has six structures and two root wads planned for treatments. Stations 0+25 and 2+60 will be treated with root wads. Stations 2+00, 3+00, 3+30, 4+70, 5+15, and 5+65 will be treated using structures such as j-hooks or log vanes. The remaining bank failures will be re-sloped and a bankfull bench will be added and planted with native vegetation. All treatment areas have been identified on the attached map and construction typicals for each structure have been included as (see plans). UT6 0+00-12+00 (Below Dam) Fourteen sites have been identified for treatment along UT6. Two areas will require re-sloping and having bankfull benches cut; however the majority of work will be installation of structures. Stations 2+85, 5+50, 11+25 and 11+50 will be treated with root wads strategically placed to displace shear velocity on the banks. Structures such as j-hooks or log vanes will be placed at Stations 3+80, 4+40, 6+35, 6+65, 7+50, 7+85, and 11+75. A full cross vane will be placed at Station 9+10. All treatment areas have been identified on the attached map and construction typicals for each structure have been included as (see plans). Upper Harris Creek (Above UT4) Station 0+00 - 15+50 There are fifteen sites along Upper Harris Creek that have been selected for treatment. Root wads will be placed at stations 0+50, 1+80, 2+50, 3+10, 3+50, and 4+50. Structures such as cross vanes, J-hooks and log vanes will be placed at stations 0+15, 0+70, 1+65, 2+00, 2+95, 3+20, 4+25, 5+10, and 6+75. All treatment areas have been identified on the attached map and construction typicals for each structure have been included. (see plans). Middle Harris Creek (Between UT4 and UT2) Station 20+00 - 44+00 There are twenty-three sites on Middle Harris Creek that have been identified for treatment. Root wads will be strategically placed to prevent erosion at stations 23+25, 23+75, 25+00, 26+50, and 27+25. Structures such as 3-hooks, log vanes, or cross vanes will be used to redirect flow away from the banks at stations 20+40, 20+65, 21+15, 22+30, 23+00, 24+80, 25+15, 26+00, 28+10, 29+30, 30+45, 31+15, 31+85, 32+40, 37+00, 37+35, 38+00 and 41+00. All other bank failures will be re-sloped and bankfull benches will be cut to allow access to the floodplain. All treatment areas have been identified on the attached map and construction typicals for each structure have been included. (see plans). Lower Harris Creek (Below UT2) Station 44+00 - 65+00 There are thirteen sites on Lower Harris Creek that have been identified for treatment. Stations 59+10 and 59+60 will be treated with root wads. Stations 47+85, 49+70, 51+10, 52+65, 53+45, 54+55, 55+30, 56+00, 58+15, 58+85, and 59+50 will be treated using structures such as cross vanes, j-hooks or log vanes. All other bank failures will be re-sloped and bankfull benches will be cut. All treatment areas have been identified on the attached map and construction typicals for each structure have been included. (see plans). Monitoring Plan After construction completion, WNR staff will provide the resource agencies with a baseline monitoring report. Monitoring activities will take place every year for 5 years after construction completion. An annual monitoring report will be submitted each year following the monitoring activities. WNR will conduct monitoring and Devin McCarthy Land Development, LLC will provide the financial assurance that will ensure this project is complete and successful. An as-built report will be included with the first annual monitoring report. At least two bankfull events in separate years will be documented within 5-year monitoring period. If two bankfull events have not been documented, stream monitoring will continue until two bankfull events have occurred in two separate years. Success will be measured in terms of channel stability and plant survival. Problem areas identified during any part of annual monitoring activities will be discussed with project partners. Any necessary remedial actions will be planned, approved, and implemented. Monitoring Parameters 1.0 Channel Stability 1.1 Cross Sections 1.2 Longitudinal Profile 1.3 Pebble Counts 2.0 Plant Survival 2.1 Monitoring Plots 3.0 Photographic Reference Sites 4.0 Biological Monitoring 1.0 Channel Stability Channel stability will be measured through the following three parameters: cross- sections, longitudinal profiles, and pebble counts; and then compared to previous measurements. A minimum of two permanent cross-sections will be taken per 1,000 linear feet of stream representing 50% pools and 50% riffles. Pebble counts will be performed at each cross section. A longitudinal profile will be conducted to monitor any changes in profile. If the reach is less than 3,000 linear feet, then all 3,000 feet will be surveyed. If the reach is greater than 3,000 linear feet, then the profile will include 30% of the restored stream or 3,000 linear feet (whichever is greater). If there is substantial evidence of instability, such as down-cutting or erosion, remedial actions will be taken. 2.0 Plant Survival Vegetative success will be measured in terms of plant survival. Plant survival will be measured with stem counts in designated vegetative monitoring plots. Stem counts of at least 320 stems/acre in year 3 and 260 stems/acre in year 5 will be considered successful. Vegetative monitoring plots, 1/10 acre in size, will be set up adjacent to each cross section. Plant survivability will be assessed using these vegetative monitoring plots. If there is substantial plant mortality that leads to lowered stem counts, remedial actions will be taken. Areas with less than 75% vegetation coverage will be re-seeded and/or fertilized; and live stakes and bare rooted trees will be planted to achieve the desired densities. Exotic, invasive, and invader species will be removed so that they will not exceed 20% of the vegetative composition. 3.0 Photographic Reference Sites Photos will be taken at each cross section as well as other monumented reference sites throughout the restoration reach. These photos will indicate aggradation, degradation, and/or bank erosion. If none exists, no remedial action will be required. If aggradation, degradation, and/or bank erosion occurs, the problem will be accessed and remedial actions will be planned, approved, and implemented. 4.0 Biological Monitoring Benthic macroinvertebrate sampling will be conducted before the project and will continue for at least three years of monitoring after project completion. Recommended Native Species for Stream Restoration Trees Yellow Buckeye Aescu/us octandra Sweet Birch Betula lenta River Birch Betula nigra Bitternut Hickory Carya cordiformis Shagbark Hickory Carya ovata Persimmon Diospyros virginiana Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica Carolina Silverbell Halesia caroliniana Blackgum Nyssa sylvatica Sycamore Platanus occidentalis Black Cherry Prunus serotina Black Willow Salixnigra White Basswood Tilia heterphylla Small Trees and Shrubs Tag Alder Alnus serrulata Serviceberry Amelanchier arbrea Red Chokeberry Aronia arbutifolia Common Pawpaw Asimina tnboba Sweet-shrub Calycanthus floridus Ironwood Caroinus caroliniana Alternate Leaf Dogwood Comus alternifolia Silky Dogwood Cornus amomum Hazel-nut Corylus Americana Witch Hazel Hamamelis virginiana Winter Berry Ilex verticillata Doghobble Leucothoe axillaries Spicebush Lindera benzoin Male-berry Lyonia ligustrina Umbrella Tree Magnolia tripetala Ninebark Physocarpus opulifolius Wild Azalea Rhododendron periclymenoides Swamp Azalea Rhododendron viscosum Swamp Rose Rosa palustris Silky Willow Salixsericea Meadowsweet Spirea latifolia Sweet Leaf Symplocos tinctoria Withe-rod Viburnum cassinoides Yellow-root Xant17or171za simPlicissima Herbaceous Jack-in-the-Pulpit Ansaema tnol7yllum Swamp Milkweed Ascleplas Incarnate Fringed Sedge Carex crinata Bladder Sedge Carex intumescens Hop Sedge Carexlupulina Lurid Sedge Carexlunda Broom Sedge Carexscoparia Tussock Sedge Carexstricta Fox Sedge Carex vulpinoides Turtlehead Chelone glabra Umbrella Sedge Cyperusstrigosus Bottlebrush Grass Elymushystrix Joe-Pye Weed Eupatorium dstulosum Boneset Eupatorium perfoliatum Jewelweed Impatiens capensis Soft Rush Juncus effuses Rice Cutgrass Leersia oryzoides Cardinal Flower Lobelia cardinalis Great Blue Lobelia Lobelia siphilitica Seedbox Ludwigia alternifolia Switchgrass Pamcum virgatum Tea rth u mb Polygonum sagiitatum Green Bulrush Scirpus atrovirens Woolgrass Scirpus cypennus Soft Stem Bulrush Scirpus validus Bur-reed Spargamum americanum March Fern Theypteris palustris River Oats Uniola latifolia Ironweed Vernonia noveboracensis Upper Harris Creek, riffle 1010 1008 _ 1006 1004 - w 1002 -------------------------------- ------------- 1000 998 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 15.8 x-section area (ft.sq.) 40.5 W flood prone area (ft) 35 D50 Bed (mm) 17.2 width (ft) 2.4 entrenchment ratio 86 D84 Bed (mm) 0.9 mean depth (ft) 2.1 low bank height (ft) 90 threshold grain size (mm): 1.5 max depth (ft) 1.4 low bank height ratio 18.3 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.9 hyd radi (ft) 18.6 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power 5.9 velocity (ft/s) 0.042 Manning's roughness 3.4 channel slope (°lQ) 94.0 discharge rate (cfs) 0.21 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 1.83 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 1.13 Froude number 6.1 resistance factor u/u* 0.97 shear velocity (ft/s) 3.3 relative roughness 11.6 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) h } f J Y } ? ?tl CkF ?I Ja, ??' t4-f, ?- ?' ,?. ?? nay{1 < 1 b' ?3' ? r ? x 1 d ??, f ktd ?? A" .?g dM???'? .;711 r ,N ? ? F ? :? }" ?` l ?> ',y ?. / i? ,o ? r? +ij? ,r ' e .,?i;'. ? . LBFL15. Station 1+25 looking upstream. Treatment: Armor toe. Queens Gap Bank Failures UT1 RBUC. Station 1+60 looking downstream. Undercut bank. Treatment: Log vane placement. Station 3+00-6+00. This reach is severely incised with multiple bank failures. Treatment: Channel relocation. A? t ? ? A. +' y +1 ??? lYl'i' LBUC25. w a? ., ? ?';"'? y '? .b 1 pl ? K ?tiW { J .?? y ?` ???{ f? I t'R.? ';,, ? Y? ? r ? ?, " ?? rrR ° ? ? ? q' 'MI r' , . ? W s' ,? ? ? ? 1 1 ? M ? 4 . `r`r ???'! i I .? ,Mj?? y?, (,J1? i., ? h ?l? i AV 'i ?,? ? 1?. 1 f M "t" ? "' ' ' At,? a U i ? ? rf ? f Q? ?r ? B?n? ? ? ? F?' 1 l ?e ?? ?? ??-' ..: ?r '? ,. ? . ' 1 \.. t? JJ `? rr r?,, • II ?????w•q.,r?Y .I ,a 7A !f? ??' ?J ?' ^'' 'y ? ,?y6 l: p?? ??k????? ?Ah s ? . M ?,6rj;? ..3?t?' y 19'? :?b,' +•'7'V'? '.•''S V" ?f ,.. 11 i a j t, +FM , r ,?? ,i. may... ? '^ tiiP c "'? a y n1 ' ? ? l ` ' r '1• 1J ?. A'.''.. ? ? i Treatment: J-hook placement. Station 6+50 looking downstream . n.r •, _ ?, Debris Jam15. Station 7+60. Debris jam. Treatment: Removal. LBUC25. Station 7+50. Treatment: Toe armor. RBUC25. Station 11+00 looking downstream. Treatment: Log vane placement. RBUC25. Station 10+75 looking downstream. Treatment: Reslope. RBUC10. Station 11+25 looking downstream. Treatment: Root wad placement. 3ueens Gar yc ..p a f �rYir yi4�v,v .,�1 .� v, a S"..'. ,�,. '�� �. • ��1� � �� , � ' !, rya �:, �,,,T :h. \�n �.._�L•+���- .R_.�... 9'i YS� �4 '.. • f .R i 51 UK `C� • �t w � a tow .ri _ `� >� "� • ��y' _•y ,}iia•' ~ ��' I '� \'�^'„ jw Al AT #a' j - �� - � � .fir- -�-- .y � :� `/ 'R\ F;-�.•� �./ � ! :1j"'���_ - _ -' -_ �% •."1 � r-^r"��y-_ "�' _ � iy. f _ rJ,t_• a '-�� •ate �' ` ih''�y 5,,�y3 S .'�t } - - J ON- jowl . 4 �..•.i'�'`� a - 'T - - � ..:� - /I' %1f'S'r,� I -7f� "tom - �,- � E� � IF 14 Ir r ALI- Ell .S .. u L _ - ,-,fir' _ ` • r xb _\ - ' N f - f ✓� ' - -• ..ri. .� � �'�.' a may.. ��� � - placement and root wads. placement. RBFL15. Station 18+25 looking downstream. Treatment: Log vane RBUC20. Station 20+50 looking upstream. Treatment: 3-hook Two 3-hooks. LBUC50. Stations 21+50-22+00 looking upstream. Treatment: Queens Gap Bank Failures Harris Creek Upper Reach above UT4 RBFL25. Station o+25 looking upstream and downstream. Treatment: J-hook and root wad to protect bank. `? #. R L ?' ?, A ? ?y?r ;. ,.; .? ???1^.n l L?41,l?jr ???,? ,? ` e? '>. , , ? M}'?•v.y tea, y?? RL y ;, 1? si ? may. ??'? 5 '1 o yj „1'y. y. ???? ? X,? a?'?1 ?, t:a.M'7 ., .,?_ ?l '" i? ?'4 *- ,' ? ?' - ? ?, ? ?.c,r .p sue' a'?._'Y? ,?"?.?.? ? '' .?> ' '? : ? i. LBUC40. Station 1+00 looking upstream. Treatment: J-hook placement to protect bank. RBFL. Station 1+80 looking downstream. Treatment: J-hook and root wad placement. root wad placement. and root wad installment. LBUC. Station 2+30 looking downstream. Treatment: Cross Vane and RBUC30. Station 3+25 looking downstream. Treatment: J-hook placement and root wad placement. wad placement. LBUC 30. Station 3+50 looking upstream. Treatment: J-hook placement LBUC 20. Station 4+25 looking upstream. Treatment: J-hook and root F RBFL 30. Station 7+25 looking upstream. banks. ,+ Cross vane placement and reslope LBUC 20. Station 5+00 looking direct. Treatment: J-hook placement. Queens Gap Bank Failures UT4 RBUC20. Station 1360' looking downstream. Treatment: J- hook placement. LBFL10. Station 1380' looking downstream. Treatment: J-hook placement. RBUC15. Station 1600' looking upstream. Protect with root wads. Queens Gap Enhancement Table Stream Linear Description Comments & Multiplier Credit Feet Recommendations UTI 1233' 0+00-12+33 Enhancement Level I & II 1.5 822 0+00- 12+33 UT2 1800' 0+00-18+00 Enhancement Level I & II 1.5 1200 (Upper) 0+00- 24+00 UT2 500' 32+00- Enhancement Level I 1 500 (Lower) 500' 37+00 Enhancement Level I 1.5 333 24+00- 42+00- 50+00 47+00 UT3 1735' 0+00-17+00 Enhancement Level II 2.5 694 0+00- 17+35 UT4 400' 13+00- Enhancement Level I & II 1.5 266 0+00- 17+00 16+00 UT5 300 0+00-3+00 Enhancement Level I & II 1.5 200 0+00- 6+18 UT6 600' 0+00-6+00 Enhancement Level I&II 1.5 400 Below Dam Harris 600' 0+00-6+00 Enhancement Level I 1.0 600 (Upper) 0+00- 15+50 Harris 850' 20+00- Enhancement Level I 1.0 850 (Middle) 28+50 20+00- 44+00 Total 8,518' 5,865 Queens Gaa Bank Failures: UT-2 Station 24+00 - 50+00 ?. ? -. `? a ???.? x r f •? \ ? ?? -??4 S ? ?1?r ? ? fv ;,?? ?. .. , - .;r ?• ?i '? s -? -' ?. s b? ?` _'°? LBFL. Station 27+00 looking downstream. Treatment: J-hook placement. RBUC36. Station 31+00 looking downstream. Treatment: J-hook and root wad installment. RBFL15. Station 33+00 looking downstream. placement. Treatment: Log vane LBFL75. Station 37+00-37+75 looking downstream. Treatment: Placement of structures such as a 3-hook, cross vane, and root wads. RBUC26. Station 42+00 looking downstream. Incised stream and undercut. Treatment: Root wad installment. Reslope. RBUC20. Station 38+00. Treatment: 3-hook placement. LBUC20. Station 42+00- 48+00 looking downstream. Example of this reach. Banks need to be resloped. banks. RBUC20. Station 42+30. Typical of this reach. Treatment: Reslope Queens Gap Bank Failures UT5 s s ? .fiber` ?' ? l ?? ? ? ?; ? ?? t ?" " ? . z ?? Fy1?? _ ?.r? ??. s, ?.=? ':•? w -<? :e^ 1 ?_ ?'? o y :4s' e .?*, ?? '?? '? ? "ate _ ? +? '?, V P ` ,+i. 5 t ems`" ? ,?? LBUC20. Station 0+25. Treatment: Reslope banks and root wad placement. RBUC20. Station 2+60. Treatment: Reslope and root wad placement. ` rtr. 4:n ? ?cfq? a e i LBUC10. Station 3+20. Treatment: J-hook installment. LBUC25. Station 5+25. Treatment: J-hook placement. Reslope banks and cut a bankfull bench. Next two pictures. LBUC 25. Station 5+50-6+00. Treatment: J-hook installment. A l f o ' f - ? Attachment B Upper Harris Creek Attachment C Middle Harris Creek Attachment D Lower Harris Creek Attachment E UT1 Attachment F Upper UT2 Attachment G Lower UT2 Attachment H UT3 Attachment I UT4 Attachment J UT 5 Attachment K UT6 Attachment L Morgan Creek (Reference Reach) B4 Attachment M Harris Creek (Reference Reach) C4 Attachment N Mitigation Table z 0 0 O ? CV m -_ z I z I / 000" V1+ :113"°Cif 0.00"'+N b PYitn IL-IJ ?- Reference Reach C4 .? Channel /50 x ? N ? t f ? cj? ?? ~? Fri `•m 0 7 ?t taxi j ?n 6 0 W n +v • I N 082003' 0 00" 820 02' 0.00" W 820 01' 0.00" `o Name: SUGAR HILL Location: 653438 ft. N 1099235 ft. E Date: 11,121,12007 Caption: Harris Creek; Reference Reach; C4 Channel Scale: 1 inch equals 2000 feet Copyright (C) 1997, Maptech, Inc Queens Gap Bank Failures Harris Creek Lower Reach below UT2 placement. LBUC 30. Station 50+50 looking upstream. Treatment: J-hook installement. RBUC 40. Station 47+50 looking upstream. Treatment: Log vane LBUC 30. Station 52+00 looking direct. Treatment: Cross vane placement. placement and reslope bank. LBUC 40. Station 52+50 looking downstream. Treatment: Log vane LBUC 30. Station and reslope bank. looking direct. J-hook placement RBUC20. Station 56+00 looking downstream: Hole 17. Treatment: J-hook placement and reslope banks. root wad placement. RBFL50. Station 62+25 looking downstream. Treatment: Armor slope or possible relocation. LBUC60. Station 59+25 looking downstream. Treatment: Log vane and Queens Gap Harris Creek Station 3200'-5400' Longitudinal Profile tbed -+-water srf -0-bankfull o x-section 0 riffle crest 0 pool o run glide x RTOB + LTOB Linear (RTOB) Linear (LTOB) 930 + + x x ++ + 910 V y * * x x W +x x + * X+ +* * + x x x + + ¥ °90 0 100 200 s0o 400 500 Roo 700 s00 900 1000 1100 1200 1x00 1400 1500 1800 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 Channel Distance (ft) slope (%} slope ratio length (ft) length ratio pool-pool spacing (ft) p-p ratio reach 1.4 --- 2097.7 (121 channel widths) --- --- --- riffle 2.3 (076 - 5.2) 1.6 (0.5-3.7 64.2 (17.6 - 175.7) 3.7 (1 -10.1) --- --- pool 0 (0-0.73) 0 (0-0.5) 34.3 (16.7 - 65.3) 2 (1 -3.8) 122.7 (48.5-23-, 7.1 (2.8-13.7) run 3.3 (0.73-7.7) 2.4 (0.5 - 5.E 37.7 (23.7 - 86.8) 2.2 (1.4-5) --- --- glide --- --- 30.8 (21.1 - 40.5) 1.8 (1.2-2.3) --- --- Bed Surface Material Size Range (mm; Count silt/clay 0 0.062 2 very fine sand 0.062 0.125 2 fine sand 0.125 0.25 2 medium sand 0.25 - 0.5 3 coarse sand 0.5 1 3 very coarse sand 1 - 2 5 very fine gravel 2 4 1 fine gravel 4 - 6 3 fine gravel 6 - 8 18 medium gravel 8 - 11 12 medium gravel 11 - 16 44 coarse gravel 16 22 53 coarse gravel 22 32 64 very coarse gravel 32 45 67 very coarse ravel 45 64 60 small cobble 64 - 90 44 medium cobble 90 128 20 large cobble 128 - 180 2 very large cobble 180 - 256 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 4096 total particle count: 405 bedrock ------------- clay hardpan ------------- detritus/wood ------------- artificial ------------- Note: total count: 405 Bed Surface Pebble Count, ' r 100% silt/clay Harris Creek Station 3200'-5400' sand gravel -+-cumulative % cobble boulder # of particles 80 90% 70 80% ----- - - - - - - - - - - --------- l 60 70% - 60% I 50 50% ----- - - - - - - - - - - ------ 40 ° Q 40% 30 -o 30% 20 20% ?- 10% 10 0% 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 12 mean 27.9 silt/clay 0% D35 21 dispersion 2.3 sand 4% D50 30 skewness -0.04 gravel 80% D65 42 cobble 16% D84 65 boulder 0% D95 93 Harris Creek Station 3200'- 5400' Pattern East West Distance 2600 3100 3600 4100 4600 2900 2700 25CW U 4- (n 23R 0 U) 210.0 0 z 1900 1700 Harris Creek Station 3200'-5400', riffle 931 930 929 928 0 > 927 a) w 926 925 924 0 10 T ---- ------------ ............... blew.-----------.., 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 19.8 x-section area (ft.sq.) 45.7 W flood prone area (ft) 30 D50 Bed (mm) 15.5 width (ft) 3.0 entrenchment ratio 65 D84 Bed (mm) 1.3 mean depth (ft) 2.5 low bank height (ft) 51 threshold grain size (mm): 1.7 max depth (ft) 1.4 low bank height ratio 16.5 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.2 hyd radi (ft) 12.1 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 5.5 velocity (ft/s) 108.9 discharge rate (cfs) 0.89 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.036 Manning's roughness 0.14 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric 7.5 resistance factor u/u* 6.0 relative roughness Forces & Power 1.4 channel slope (%) 1.05 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.73 shear velocity (ft/s) 6.1 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Harris Creek Station 3200'-5400', pool 921 920.5 920 919.5 919 0 918.5 918 w 917.5 917 916.5 916 915.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 17.5 x-section area (ft.sq.) --- W flood prone area (ft) 30 D50 Bed (mm) 12.3 width (ft) --- entrenchment ratio 65 D84 Bed (mm) 1.4 mean depth (ft) 2.0 low bank height (ft) 55 threshold grain size (mm): 2.0 max depth (ft) 1.0 low bank height ratio 13.7 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.3 hyd radi (ft) 8.6 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power 5.8 velocity (ft/s) 0.035 Manning's roughness 1.4 channel slope (%} 102.1 discharge rate (cfs) 0.14 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 1.12 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.91 Froude number 7.7 resistance factor u/u* 0.76 shear velocity (ft/s) 6.7 relative roughness 7.3 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Harris Creek Station 3200'-5400', riffle 916-- 915- 914 913 0 > 912 a) w 911 910 909 0 10 20 30 40 50 Width (ft) 60 70 80 Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 16.2 x-section area (ft.sq.) 27.6 W flood prone area (ft) 30 D50 Bed (mm) 14.1 width (ft) 2.0 entrenchment ratio 65 D84 Bed (mm) 1.1 mean depth (ft) 3.3 low bank height (ft) 47 threshold grain size (mm): 1.7 max depth (ft) 1.9 low bank height ratio 14.8 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.1 hyd radi (ft) 12.3 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 5.1 velocity (ft/s) 83.0 discharge rate (cfs) 0.87 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.036 Manning's roughness 0.15 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric 7.3 resistance factor u/u* 5.4 relative roughness Forces & Power 1.4 channel slope (%) 0.95 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.70 shear velocity (ft/s) 5.2 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Harris Creek Station 3200'-5400', pool 902 901 900 - 899 ------ ----- ---_}.._.? ------ 898 897 896 w 895 894 - 893 892 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Di mensions Materials 31.9 x-section area (ft.sq.) 44.4 W flood prone area (ft) 30 D50 Bed (mm) 28.4 width (ft) 1.6 entrenchment ratio 65 D84 Bed (mm) 1.1 mean depth (ft) 5.3 low bank height (ft) 45 threshold grain size (mm): 2.6 max depth (ft) 2.0 low bank height ratio 30.2 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.1 hyd radi (ft) 25.3 width-depth ratio Bankfull F low Flow Resistance Forces & Power 5.2 velocity (ft/s) 0.035 Manning's roughness 1.4 channel slope (%} 167.3 discharge rate (cfs) 0.14 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric. 0.92 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.90 Froude number 7.6 resistance factor u/u* 0.69 shear velocity (ft/s) 5.3 relative roughness 5.1 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Harris Creek Station 3200'-5400', riffle 905 903 901 899 897 °- 895 n>i 893 w 891 889 887 885 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 27.9 x-section area (ft.sq.) 37.6 W flood prone area (ft) 30 D50 Bed (mm) 22.5 width (ft) 1.7 entrenchment ratio 65 D84 Bed (mm) 1.2 mean depth (ft) 3.9 low bank height (ft) 52 threshold grain size (mm): 1.9 max depth (ft) 2.0 low bank height ratio 23.0 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.2 hyd radi (ft) 18.1 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 5.6 velocity (ft/s) 156.4 discharge rate (cfs) 0.90 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.036 Manning's roughness 0.14 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric. 7.6 resistance factor u/u* Forces & Power 1.4 channel slope (%) 1.06 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.74 shear velocity (ft/s) 6.1 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) 5.8 relative roughness Queen's Gap Harris Creek Station 1600'-3200' Longitudinal Profile tbed -+-water srf -s-bankfull o x-section O riffle crest O pool o run glide x RTOB + LTOB Linear (RTOB) Linear (LTOB) 960 + + X X x x + + + + X X 640 + X LL X X ti 920 0 200 400 600 600 1000 1200 1400 1600 Channel Distance (a) slope (%} slope ratio length (ft) length ratio pool-pool spacing (ft) p-p ratio reach 1.7 --- 1545.8 (88.8 channel widths) --- --- --- riffle 3 (11 - 8) 1.8 (0.6-4.7 84.4 (26.4-168) 4.8 (1.5 - 9.6) --- --- pool 0 (0-0.54) 0 (0-0.3) 34.5 (21.9 - 48.5) 2 (13 - 2.8) 130.4 (62.4 - 24? 7.5 (3.6-14) run 2.4 (0.87-4.6) 1.4 (0.5-2.7 34.2 (18.2 - 67.5) 2 (1 -3.9) --- --- glide --- --- 33.1 1.9 --- --- LOX ?K? V' Harris Creek Station 1600'-3200', riffle 956 955 954 953 i 952 ----- ------------ -- ----- ' 951 w 950 949 948 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Di mensions Materials 18.2 x-section area (ft.sq.) 54.2 W flood prone area (ft) 44 D50 Bed (mm) 22.6 width (ft) 2.4 entrenchment ratio 94 D84 Bed (mm) 0.8 mean depth (ft) 2.9 low bank height (ft) 41 threshold grain size (mm): 1.8 max depth (ft) 1.6 low bank height ratio 23.1 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.8 hyd radi (ft) 28.1 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power 3.9 velocity (ft/s) 0.043 Manning's roughness 1.7 channel slope (°lQ) 70.0 discharge rate (cfs) 0.23 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 0.83 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.77 Froude number 5.9 resistance factor u/u* 0.66 shear velocity (ft/s) 2.6 relative roughness 3.3 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Harris Creek Station 1600'-3200', riffle 952 951 950 949 948 947 a>i 946 w 945 944 943 942 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 19.0 x-section area (ft.sq.) 71.0 W flood prone area (ft) 44 D50 Bed (mm) 12.2 width (ft) 5.8 entrenchment ratio 94 D84 Bed (mm) 1.6 mean depth (ft) 3.2 low bank height (ft) 71 threshold grain size (mm): 2.6 max depth (ft) 1.2 low bank height ratio 13.9 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.4 hyd radi (ft) 7.9 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power 6.1 velocity (ft/s) 0.039 Manning's roughness 1.7 channel slope (%} 116.7 discharge rate (cfs) 0.16 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 1.45 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.93 Froude number 7.1 resistance factor u/u* 0.86 shear velocity (ft/s) 5.0 relative roughness 10.1 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Harris Creek Station 1600'-3200', pool 941 940 939 938 '7- 7 w 937 936 - 935 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 19.8 x-section area (ft.sq.) --- W flood prone area (ft) 44 D50 Bed (mm) 23.1 width (ft) --- entrenchment ratio 94 D84 Bed (mm) 0.9 mean depth (ft) 2.6 low bank height (ft) 42 threshold grain size (mm): 1.9 max depth (ft) 1.4 low bank height ratio 24.4 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.8 hyd radi (ft) 27.0 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 4.0 velocity (ft/s) 78.4 discharge rate (cfs) 0.78 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.043 Manning's roughness 0.23 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric 5.9 resistance factor u/u* 2.8 relative roughness Forces & Power 1.7 channel slope (%) 0.86 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.67 shear velocity (ft/s) 3.6 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) iz (h O v ?- • I1 G O O O Lf1 O . , o Reference Reach B4 Channel I 6°W M 0 z 0 0 0 Name: SUGAR HILL Location: 666510 ft. N 1096687 ft. E Date: 11/21/2007 Caption: Morgan Creek; Reference Reach; 64 channel Scale: 1 inch equals 2000 feet Stream: Reference Reach Morgan Creek Watershed: Broad Rarer Basin Location. 5 miles east of Whitehouse, NC. Latitude: 35:54109 Longitude: 32.03464 State NO County. Rutherford Date. N,wember 16, 2006 Observers. Mitchell, Newton, Hart, Jolly Channel type: B4 Drainage area (sq mi.): 0.14 notes: ConpleteJ brgiluJin21 profile, pan pebble counts, and three cross salons. Dimension bankiu typical ll channe min l max lo,xlplain. wiCtth ilo rs7 prone area Rt) 168 14.6 19.0 loovbank. heKlht ((t) 0.:3 0.7 1.0 riffle-run: x-area bankiull (sq.it) 3.6 30 4.2 r,idlh bankiull (ft) 3.2 7.0 9.4 mean depth (ft) 0.44 0.4 0.4 rnas depth(tt) 0.3 0.7 0.9 hydraulic raflius(rr;i 114 _ .. col: p x-area pool (agtt) 3.6 3.6 3.6 -ovic7h pool (tt) 7.6 Z6 7.6 ma>:depih pool ((q 1.2 1.2 12 h'draullc radius fftl 04 dimensionless ratios: typical min max WIdlh depth ratio 187 16A 21,1 entranchrnent ralo 2.0 iB 2.3 riffle max depth ratio 1.7 1.6 1.9 banK hep ht ratio 1.1 0.9 1.3 pool area ratio 1.6 1.0 1.0 peal vlialh ratio ' 0.9 0.9 0.9 ax Cls Nn ratio Poor ma" 2.3 2.3 2.3 hydraulics: typical min max discharge rate cis) 16.2 12.6 19.7 channel slope (/,) .... ... 3.4 riffle-run min max pool velxay (ft's) 4.5 4.2 4.7 4.5 Rroude number 1.23 1.19 1.25 1.51 shear stress (,Ibstsq.it) 11.677 -- --- 0.333 shear velwf,, (Wl i 0.673 --- --- 0.677 stream power (Ihlsj 34.3 2G7 41.9 unit stream power (Ibtftfs) 4.190 3.335 4.434 relative roughness 53.4 --- --- fricti0nfactor uiu" 6.5 6.3 threshold grain size(C-0.06)(rn rn) 481 - - snield's ammeter 1 (: Pattern typical min max meander length (ft) 1720 - - bell svidtri((t) 40.0 - - arnpluude(tt) 40.0 --- -- radius ? --- areangle (clegre-nhi - -- - stream length itt°i 243.4 valley length itri 2317 ':inu?tdd 1.5 Meander Length Ratio 21.0 --- --- MeanderV,10ttiRatio 4.9 --- --- Radius Ratio 21 --- Profile typical min max pool-pool spacing (t) 33.7 11.4 59,9 tltfle I. »'t (R) 180 3.4 383 pool length (tt) 7.1 2.5 26.1 ruI length irPi 7.1 1.9 19,0 glidelength(tt) 85 - channel nalc'pa (R6) 3A rdfle slope ig6) 4.1 0.57 9.5 In. slope°'..1 0 35 iun slope 13 0.57 59 n.asur s lld- -- au 'slop tr)n- mussIr vst7 Pith, Length Ratio - 2 L 0.4 4.7 Pool Length Ratio i t) 013 32 Run Length Ratio 09 0.2 2,2 Glide Length Ratio 1 -- --- RiffleSlopiPatio 1.2 0.2 2,9 Pool Sloiie Ratio 0 0 1 Run Slope Ratio 3.3 02 171 Glide Slope Ratio t5 - -- Pcol S acing Ratio 4.1 1.4 7.2 Channel Materials e Surface R35 pn nit 1.4 _- ?50Imm) --- --- -- D35(mm] 4.4 --- --- -- DEW porn) 34 --- --- --- D95pnm) 33 -- --- --- mean Irnm) 2.3 --- dispersien 12.2 --- skenvness 0.0 --- Shape Factor %SilllClay 6% --- --- --- Sand 39% --- --- --- °rS Gravel 46% --- --- --- 3.; CON. 10% --- --- --- I %ewder m; --- -- --- % Bedrock %Clay Hardpan --- --- % Detrdus`ti, '-d -- --- r: P,rtrtieial -- - L.u,lP,1oYlie mm Attachment A NC Prism Maps 0 0 c o d- av cv c? o o T N 0 1 1 1 ? / yl ? VI T o a ? .1--& c? CD f?- I` 6 tom- 00 6 00 6 O) ? _ T- ? o cr) T L cis 1 Q m T r C14 114- CC) Co 0 ql;dl co C14 co "'F' "t "* d' LO LO LO co co as ' l , ' qq ' L L L a) V ?f id b qt d O O O CD Q o ? o o o o ? o a o a J W >, WTI W 7(-,) co LO raw C o 4-4 ? s ? o Q v LL ?17L W ?D d- t 42 cfl? 0 Map 3800 a? V `v 0 C- 4- Z3 0 0 z 3600 3400 3200 3000 2800 2600 Harris Creek 1600'-3200' Pattern East West Distance 4900 4800 4700 4600 4500 4400 4300 4200 4100 Upper Harris Creek Pattern East West Distance 4990 4970 4950 4930 4910 4890 4870 4850 4830 4810 5100 5050 5000 4950 oc 4900 Cu a 4850 0 0 4800 z 4750 4700 4650 4600 ' ' Bed Surface Material Size Range (mm; Count silt/clay 0 0.062 very fine sand 0.062 0.125 fine sand 0.125 0.25 medium sand 0.25 - 0.5 coarse sand 0.5 1 very coarse sand 1 - 2 6 very fine gravel 2 4 2 fine gravel 4 - 6 4 fine gravel 6 - 8 4 medium gravel 8 - 11 4 medium gravel 11 - 16 14 coarse gravel 16 22 11 coarse gravel 22 32 26 very coarse gravel 32 45 29 very coarse ravel 45 64 38 small cobble 64 - 90 25 medium cobble 90 128 30 large cobble 128 - 180 5 very large cobble 180 - 256 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 4096 total particle count: 198 bedrock ------------- clay hardpan ------------- detritus/wood ------------- artificial ------------- Note: total count: 198 Bed Surface Pebble Count, ' r 100% silt/clay Harris Creek Station 1600'-3200' sand gravel -+-cumulative % cobble boulder # of particles 40 90% 35 ' 80% ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l 30 70% - 60% 25 50% ----- -- -------- -------- 20 ° Q 40% 15 o 30% 10 20% -- 10% 5 0% 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 15 mean 37.5 silt/clay 0% D35 31 dispersion 2.5 sand 3% D50 44 skewness -0.08 gravel 67% D65 59 cobble 30% D84 94 boulder 0% D95 120 Bed Surface Material Size Range (mm; Count silt/clay 0 0.062 very fine sand 0.062 0.125 fine sand 0.125 0.25 medium sand 0.25 - 0.5 coarse sand 0.5 1 2 very coarse sand 1 - 2 5 very fine gravel 2 4 2 fine gravel 4 - 6 1 fine gravel 6 - 8 1 medium gravel 8 - 11 5 medium gravel 11 - 16 4 coarse gravel 16 22 15 coarse gravel 22 32 12 very coarse gravel 32 45 11 very coarse ravel 45 64 13 small cobble 64 - 90 15 medium cobble 90 128 12 large cobble 128 - 180 2 very large cobble 180 - 256 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 4096 total particle count: 100 bedrock ------------- clay hardpan ------------- detritus/wood ------------- artificial ------------- Note: total count: 100 Bed Surface Pebble Count, ' 100% silt/clay Upper Harris Creek sand gravel -+-cumulative % cobble boulder # of particles 16 90% 14 ' - 80% ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l 12 70% - 60% 10 aa) 50% ----- - - - - - - - - - - ------- 8 0 o Q 40% I 6 o 30% I 4 20% - 10% I I I 2 0% 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 11 mean 30.8 silt/clay 0% D35 22 dispersion 2.8 sand 7% D50 35 skewness -0.06 gravel 64% D65 54 cobble 29% D84 86 boulder 0% D95 120 Morgan Creek Pattern 4900 4950 5000 CO 0 5050 0 0 z 5100 5150 5200 5100 5050 5000 4950 4900 East West Distance 4850 4800 Bed Surface Material Size Range (mm; Count silt/clay 0 0.062 11 very fine sand 0.062 0.125 11 fine sand 0.125 0.25 11 medium sand 0.25 - 0.5 11 coarse sand 0.5 1 11 very coarse sand 1 - 2 33 very fine gravel 2 4 38 fine gravel 4 - 6 14 fine gravel 6 - 8 7 medium gravel 8 - 11 5 medium gravel 11 - 16 3 coarse gravel 16 22 7 coarse gravel 22 32 4 very coarse gravel 32 45 6 very coarse ravel 45 64 8 small cobble 64 - 90 12 medium cobble 90 128 2 large cobble 128 - 180 5 very large cobble 180 - 256 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 4096 total particle count: 199 bedrock ------------- clay hardpan ------------- detritus/wood ------------- artificial ------------- total count: Note: XS 2 & 3 Pebble count 199 Bed Surface Pebble Count, ' 100% silt/clay Reference Reach Morgan Creek sand gravel -cumulative % cobble boulder # of particles 40 90% 35 ' 80% - ----- --- --------- -- ------ I 30 70% - 60% j 25 50% ----- - - - - - - - - - - I I 20 ° Q 40% I 15 30% I I 10 20% 10% I I I I 5 0% 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 0.23 mean 2.8 silt/clay 6% D35 1.4 dispersion 12.2 sand 39% D50 2.5 skewness 0.03 gravel 46% D65 4.4 cobble 10% D84 34 boulder 0% D95 83 Stream: Reference Reach Morgan Creek Watershed: Broad River Basin Location: 5 miles east of Whitehou se, NC. Latitude: 35.54109 Longitude: 82.03464 State: NC County: Rutherford Date: November 16 , 2006 Observers: Mitchell, Newton, Hart, J olly Channel type: B4 Drainage area (sq.mi.): 0.14 notes: Completed longitudinal profile, two pebble counts, and three cross sections. Dimension ba nkfull channe l typical min max floodplain: width flood prone area (ft) 16.8 14.6 19.0 low bank height (ft) 0.8 0.7 1.0 riffle-run: x-area bankfull (sq.ft.) 3.6 3.0 4.2 width bankfull (ft) 8.2 7.0 9.4 mean depth (ft) 0.44 0.4 0.4 max depth (ft) 0.8 0.7 0.8 hydraulic radius (ft) 0.4 pool: x-area pool (sq.ft.) 3.6 3.6 3.6 width pool (ft) 7.6 7.6 7.6 max depth pool (ft) 1.2 1.2 1.2 hydraulic radius ft 0.4 dimensionless ratios: typical min max width depth ratio 18.7 16.4 21.1 entrenchment ratio 2.0 1.8 2.3 riffle max depth ratio 1.7 1.6 1.9 bank height ratio 1.1 0.9 1.3 pool area ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 pool width ratio 0.9 0.9 0.9 pool max depth ratio 2.8 2.8 2.8 hydraulics: typical mill max discharge rate (cfs) 16.2 12.6 19.7 channel slope (%) 3.4 riffle-run min max pool velocity (ft's) 4.5 4.2 4.7 4.5 Froude number 1.23 1.19 1.25 1.51 shear stress (lbsisq.ft.) 0.877 --- --- 0.888 shear velocity (ft's) 0.673 --- --- 0.677 stream power (lb/s) 34.3 26.7 41.9 unit stream power (lb/ft's) 4.180 3.835 4.434 relative roughness 53.4 friction factor u/u* 6.7 6.5 6.8 threshold grain size (t*=0.06) (mm) 43.1 -- --- Shield's parameter 1.034 Pattern typical min max meander length (ft) 172.0 belt width (ft) 40.0 --- --- amplitude (ft) 40.0 radius (ft) 17.1 are angle (degrees) --- stream length (ft) 348.4 valley length (ft) 231.7 Sinuosity 1.5 Meander Length Ratio 21.0 Meander Width Ratio 4.9 --- --- Radius Ratio 2.1 --- --- Profile typical min max pool-pool spacing (ft) 33.7 11.4 58.9 riffle length (ft) 18.0 3.4 38.8 pool length (ft) 7.1 2.5 26.1 run length (ft) 7.1 1.8 18.0 glide length (ft) 8.5 --- --- channel slope (°/) 3.4 riffle slope (%) 4.1 0.57 9.5 pool slope (%) 0 0 3.5 run slope (°I°) 13 0.57 58 glide slope (°/) 5 --- --- measured valley slope (°/ ) valley slope from sinuosity (°/) 231.7 Riffle Length Ratio 22 0.4 4.7 Pool Length Ratio 0.9 0.3 3.2 Run Length Ratio 0.9 0.2 2.2 Glide Length Ratio 1 --- --- Riffle Slope Ratio 1.2 0.2 2.8 Pool Slope Ratio 0 0 1 Run Slope Ratio 3.8 0.2 17.1 Glide Slope Ratio 1.5 --- --- Pool Spacing Ratio 4.1 1.4 7.2 Channel Materials Bed Surface D16 (mm) 0.23 --- --- D35 (mm) 1.4 D50 (mm) 2.5 --- --- D65 (mm) 4.4 --- --- --- D84 (mm) 34 --- --- --- D95 (mm) 83 --- --- --- mean (mm) 2.8 --- dispersion 12.2 --- skewness 0.0 Shape Factor % Silt'Clay 6% --- --- --- °% Sand 39% --- --- --- °% Gravel 46% --- --- --- % Cobble 10% --- --- --- % Boulder 0°% --- --- % Bedrock --- --- % Clay Hardpan --- % Detritus/Wood --- --- °% Artificial Largest Mobile (mm) Reference Reach Morgan Creek, riffle 1000 999 998 997 996 995 994 U' 993 992 991 990 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 4.2 x-section area (ft.sq.) 19.0 W flood prone area (ft) 2.5 D50 Bed (mm) 9.4 width (ft) 2.0 entrenchment ratio 34 D84 Bed (mm) 0.4 mean depth (ft) 1.0 low bank height (ft) 45 threshold grain size (mm): 0.8 max depth (ft) 1.1 low bank height ratio 9.7 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.4 hyd radi (ft) 21.1 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 4.7 velocity (ft/s) 19.7 discharge rate (cfs) 1.25 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.034 Manning's roughness 0.17 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric 6.8 resistance factor u/u* 4.0 relative roughness Forces & Power 3.4 channel slope (%) 0.92 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.69 shear velocity (ft/s) 4.4 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Reference Reach Morgan Creek, riffle 996 995 994 993 992 °- 991 i? (> 990 w 989 988 987 986 20 40 60 80 100 120 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 3.0 x-section area (ft.sq.) 14.6 W flood prone area (ft) 2.5 D50 Bed (mm) 7.0 width (ft) 2.1 entrenchment ratio 34 D84 Bed (mm) 0.4 mean depth (ft) 0.7 low bank height (ft) 41 threshold grain size (mm): 0.7 max depth (ft) 1.0 low bank height ratio 7.6 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.4 hyd radi (ft) 16.4 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 4.2 velocity (ft/s) 12.6 discharge rate (cfs) 1.19 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.035 Manning's roughness 0.19 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric. 6.5 resistance factor u/u* Forces & Power 3.4 channel slope (%) 0.83 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.66 shear velocity (ft/s) 3.8 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) 3.8 relative roughness Reference Reach Morgan Creek, pool 988.5 987.5 987 C 986.5 c? 986 w 988 985.5 984.5 985 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 3.6 x-section area (ft.sq.) --- W flood prone area (ft) 2.5 D50 Bed (mm) 7.6 width (ft) --- entrenchment ratio 34 D84 Bed (mm) 0.5 mean depth (ft) 2.8 low bank height (ft) 44 threshold grain size (mm): 1.2 max depth (ft) 2.3 low bank height ratio 8.6 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.4 hyd radi (ft) 16.3 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power 4.7 velocity (ft/s) 0.032 Manning's roughness 3.4 channel slope (%} 17.0 discharge rate (cfs) 0.16 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 0.89 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 1.29 Froude number 7.0 resistance factor u/u* 0.68 shear velocity (ft/s) 4.2 relative roughness 4.7 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) ;- Morgan Creek Reference Reach 1-bed -+-water srf 0 bankfull 0 x-section O riffle crest O pool o run glide x RTOB + JOB Linear (RTOB) Linear (LTOB) 1000 995 11111 jrliim,?:111 + + 990 \ ? ? ? w 985 + 980 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Channel Distance (ft) slope % slope ratio length ft length ratio pool-pool spacing (ft) p-p ratio reach 3.4 --- 348.4 (42.4 channel widths) --- --- --- riffle 4.1 (0.57-9.5) 1.2 (0.2 - 2.E 18.0 (3.4-38.8) 2.2 (0.4-4.7) --- --- pool 0 (0-3.5) 0 (0-1) 7.1 ( 2,5-26.1) 0.9 (0.3-3.21) 33.7 (11.4-58. 4.1 (1.4-7.2) run 13 (0.57-58) 3.8 (0.2-17. 7.1 (1.8-18) 0.9 (0.2-2.2) --- --- glide 5 1.5 8.5 1 --- --- Harris Creek Reference Reach Pattern -200 -150 -100 East (Nest Distance - 50 0 50 100 150 200 50 0 -50 -100 U -150 U) D -200 0 -250 0 z -300 -350 -400 -450 Harris Creek Reference Reach, Riffle 0 as w 0 20 40 60 80 100 Width 120 140 Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 17.3 x-section area (ft.sq.) 113.8 W flood prone area (ft) 35 D50 Riffle (mm) 24.0 width (ft) 4.7 entrenchment ratio 71 D84 Riffle (mm) 0.7 mean depth (ft) 2.3 low bank height (ft) 18 threshold grain size (mm): 1.7 max depth (ft) 1.3 low bank height ratio 25.1 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.7 hyd radi (ft) 33.2 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 2.7 velocity (ft/s) 47.6 discharge rate (cfs) 0.58 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.039 Manning's roughness 0.20 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric, 6.3 resistance factor u/u* 3.1 relative roughness Forces & Power 0.85 channel slope (%) 0.37 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.43 shear velocity (ft/s) 1.05 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Harris Creek Reference Reach, Riffle 96 95 94 0 93 92 T w 91 -------- ?,---------- ----- ------------------- ------ - - - - 90 - - 89 88 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Width Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dim ensions Materials 25.5 x-section area (ft.sq.) 103.6 W flood prone area (ft) 35 D50 Riffle (mm) 23.3 width (ft) 4.4 entrenchment ratio 71 D84 Riffle (mm) 1.1 mean depth (ft) 2.2 low bank height (ft) 28 threshold grain size (mm): 1.8 max depth (ft) 1.2 low bank height ratio 23.9 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.1 hyd radi (ft) 21.4 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resi stance Forces & Power 3.8 velocity (ft/s) 0.037 Manning's roughness 0.85 channel slope (%) 97.5 discharge rate (cfs) 0.16 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 0.56 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.65 Froude number 7.1 resistance factor u/u* 0.54 shear velocity (ft/s) 4.7 relative roughness 2.2 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Harris Creek Reference Reach, Pool 101 100 99 .. .......... ...... - _ ------ _ r? ------ ------- -- 0 98 97 _ w 96 95 94 93 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Width Bankfull Dimensions Flood Di mensions Materials 31.9 x-section area (ft.sq.) 44.4 W flood prone area (ft) 35 D50 Riffle (mm) 28.5 width (ft) 1.6 entrenchment ratio 71 D84 Riffle (mm) 1.1 mean depth (ft) 5.3 low bank height (ft) 27 threshold grain size (mm): 2.6 max depth (ft) 2.0 low bank height ratio 30.3 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.1 hyd radi (ft) 25.4 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power 4.0 velocity (ft/s) 0.036 Manning's roughness 0.85 channel slope (%) 126.2 discharge rate (cfs) 0.15 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 0.56 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.68 Froude number 7.4 resistance factor u/u* 0.54 shear velocity (ft/s) 4.8 relative roughness 2.3 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Harris Creek Reference Reach +bed - -water srf -*-bankfull d x-section 0 riffle crest 0 pool ? run glide x rtob + Itob - --- 104 X + Vii. 102 + + X X + 100 + X X X XX X + X + + 1+0+( X X + X + + + ++ ca n 98 - x X XX w 96 I II -', A 94 92 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Channel Distance (ft) slope (%) slope ratio length (ft) length ratio pool-pool Spacing (ft) p-p ratio reach 0.65 --- 470.0 (19.9 channel widths) --- --- --- riffle 1.6 (0- 2.7) 1.9 (0- 3.2) 28.0 (9-98) 1.2 (0.4 - 4.1) --- --- pool 0.29 (0- 1.4) 0.3 (0- 1.6) 12.3 (3-26) 0.5 (0.1 - 1.1) 72.8 (48 - 148) 3.1 (2-6.3) run 1.6 (0- 5.4) 1.9 (0- 6.4) 18.6 (5-31) 0.8 (0.2 - 1.3) --- --- glide 0 (0 - 1) 0 (0. 1.2) 8.3 (4.18) 0.4 (02 - 0.8) --- --. Riffle Surface Material Size Range (mm; Count silt/clay 0 -0.062 2 very fine sand 0.062 -0.125 2 fine sand 0.125 -0.25 2 medium sand 0.25 -0.5 2 coarse sand 0.5 - 1 3 very coarse sand 1 - 2 5 very fine gravel 2 -4 1 fine gravel 4 -6 3 fine gravel 6 -8 8 medium gravel 8 - 11 9 medium gravel 11 - 16 17 coarse gravel 16 - 22 16 coarse gravel 22 - 32 22 very coarse gravel 32 - 45 35 very coarse ravel 45 - 64 35 small cobble 64 - 90 30 medium cobble 90 - 128 10 large cobble 128 - 180 1 very large cobble 180 -256 small boulder 256 -362 small boulder 362 -512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 -2048 very large boulder 2048 - 4096 total particle count: 203 bedrock ------------- clay hardpan ------------- detritus/wood ------------- artificial ------------- Note: total count: 203 Riffle Surface Pebble Count, 100% silt/clay Harris Creek Reference Reach sand gravel F-cumulative % cobble boulder # of particles 40 90% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------- 35 - 80% I - 30 70% T a ° 60 /o T I 25 3 Cr FT 50% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- I I 20 ° CL 40% j 15 ? I I 30% I I N 10 20% I I , 10% I I I I I I 5 0% 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 9.4 mean 25.8 silt/clay 1% D35 22 dispersion 2.9 sand 7% D50 35 skewness -0.14 gravel 72% D65 47 cobble 20% D84 71 boulder 0% D95 93 Queens Gap UT1 Enhancement Summary Existing Conditions VARIABLES Steam Name Unit UT1 County Rutherford Notes: Responsible Crew Crew Stream Type C4 Drainage Area sq. mile 0.13 Bankfull Width (Wbkf) ft 4.60 min/max 4.5/4.6 Bankfull Mean Depth (Dbkf) ft 0.77 min/max 0.80 Width/De th Ratio (Wbkf/Dbkf) 5.97 min/max 5.9/6 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (Abkf) sq. ft 3.54 min/max 3.5/3.5 Wetted Perimeter (wet perim) ft 6.14 est 2*Dbkf + Wbkf 6.14 Width Flood prone Area (Wf a) ft 14.30 min/max 13.2/15.3 Entrenchment Ratio 3.11 min/max 2.9/3.4 Sinuosity (K) 1.26 I Bankfull Mean Velocity (Ubkf) ft/sec 7.60 Bankfull Discharge (Qbkf) cfs 26.92 Hydraulic Radius (Abkf /wet perim) 0.58 Sheer Stress (62.4 * Hd * Slope) Ibs/s .ft. 1.224 Sheer Velocity (32.2 * R * S )1/2 ft/sec 0.795 Unit Power(lbs/ft/sec) (62.4 *Q*S/Wbkf) 12.416 Friction factor (U/U*) 9.56 D50 mm 2.10 D84 mm 19.00 Bankfull Maximum Depth (dmbkf) ft 1.10 riffle min/max 1.1/1.2 Maximum Riffle Depth/Mean Riffle Depth 1.43 Low Bank height ft 1.40 Low Bank Height/Max Riffle Depth 1.27 Meander Length (Lm) min/max Meander Length Ratio Radius of Curvature (Rc) Rc I Bankfull Width Belt Width (Wblt) Meander Width Ratio Valley Slope (VS) 0.04 Channel Slope (S) 0.03 Pool Slope (Sp) 0.00 min/max 0/.045 Pool Slope / S 0.00 Riffle Slope (Srf1) 0.04 min/max .0067/.15 Srfl / S 1.29 Run Slope (Srun) 0.11 min/max .069/.19 Srun / S 3.24 Glide Slope (Sgld) min/max S Id/S 0.00 Max Pool Depth (Dmpd) ft 1.10 Dmpd / Dbkf ratio 1.43 Max Run Depth (Dmrun) ft 1.10 Dmrun / Dbkf 0.24 Max Glide Depth (Dmgld) ft Dmgld / Dbkf Pool Width (Wbkfp) ft 5.20 Wbkfp / Wbkf 1.13 Pool - Pool spacing ft 62.10 min/max 18.8/177 Pool - Pool I Wbkf 13.50 Pool Length 14.70 Pool Length Ratio 3.20 Riffle Length 37.50 Riffle Length Ratio 8.15 Glide Length Glide Length Ratio Run Length 11.60 Run Length Ratio 2.52 Channel Materials D 16 mm 0.48 D35 mm 1.40 D50 mm 2.10 D 84 mm 19.00 D 95 mm- 44.00 4.60 23.70 6.52 23.3/24 0.77 0.91 0.54 .7/1.1 5.97 26.04 #DIV/0! 12.00 21.4/33.2 3.54 21.567 3.54 17.3/25.5 3.542533 25.52 7.61 25.52 0.00 7.61 14.30 108.7 20.00 103.6/113.8 3.11 4.59 #DIV/0! 3.07 7.60 3.4 7.63 26.92 73.3278 27.00 0.85 0.47 0.443 0.99 1.266 0.714 1.622 1 F- 8.786 1.118 #DIV/0! 1.12 90.00 n/a 24.76 3.80 #VALUE! 3.80 0.04 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.06 0/.027 1.29 1.90 1.90 0.11 0.02 0.06 0/.054 3.24 1.90 1.90 #DIV/O! 0.00 0.016 0/.01 0.00 0.48 0.48 1.10 2.60 1.55 1.43 2.86 2.86 28.50 7.84 1.20 #DIV/0! 1.20 62.10 72.80 20.0276 0.32 13.50 3.07 4DIV/0! 3.07 18.60 5.116962025 0.78 0.78 9.40 0.48 22.00 1.40 35.00 2.10 12/18/2007 Queens Gap UT2 Lower Enhnacement Summary Existing Conditions VARIABLES Steam Name Unit UT2 Lower County Rutherford Notes: Responsible Crew Crew Stream Type C4 Drainage Area sq. mile 0.5 Bankfull Width (Wbkf) ft 9.80 min/max 8.4/11.6 Bankfull Mean Depth (Dbkf) ft 0.96 min/max .8/1.1 Width/De th Ratio (Wbkf/Dbkf) 10.21 min/max 7.5/14.2 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (Abkf) sq. ft 9.50 min/max 9.5/9.5 Wetted Perimeter (wet perim) ft 11.72 est 2*Dbkf + Wbkf 11.72 Width Flood prone Area (Wf a) ft 23.40 min/max 18.8/26.2 Entrenchment Ratio 2.39 min/max 1.9/2.7 Sinuosity (K) 133 ONW I Bankfull Mean Velocity (Ubkf) ft/sec 6.30 Bankfull Discharge (Qbkf) cfs 59.27 Hydraulic Radius (Abkf /wet perim) 0.81 Sheer Stress (62.4 * Hd * Slope) Ibs/s .ft. 1.062 Sheer Velocity (32.2 * R * S )1/2 ft/sec 0.740 Unit Power(lbs/ft/sec) (62.4 *Q*S/Wbkf) 7.925 Friction factor (U/U*) 8.51 D50 mm 12.00 D84 mm 31.00 Bankfull Maximum Depth (dmbkf) ft 1.50 riffle min/max 1.1/1.6 Maximum Riffle Depth/Mean Riffle Depth 1.56 Low Bank height ft 1.50 Low Bank Height/Max Riffle Depth 1.00 Meander Length (Lm) min/max Meander Length Ratio Radius of Curvature (Rc) Rc I Bankfull Width Belt Width (Wblt) Meander Width Ratio Valley Slope (VS) 0.03 Channel Slope (S) 0.02 Pool Slope (Sp) 0.00 min/max 0/.047 Pool Slope / S 0.15 Riffle Slope (Srf1) 0.03 min/max .017/.038 Srfl / S 1.29 Run Slope (Srun) 0.07 min/max .022/.15 Srun / S 3.14 Glide Slope (Sgld) min/max S Id/S 0.00 Max Pool Depth (Dmpd) ft 1.80 Dmpd / Dbkf ratio 1.88 Max Run Depth (Dmrun) ft 1.50 Dmrun / Dbkf 0.15 Max Glide Depth (Dmgld) ft Dmgld / Dbkf Pool Width (Wbkfp) ft 7.40 Wbkfp / Wbkf 0.76 Pool - Pool spacing ft 179.20 min/max 79.4/379.5 Pool - Pool I Wbkf 18.29 Pool Length 28.90 Pool Length Ratio 2.95 Riffle Length 155.80 Riffle Length Ratio 15.90 Glide Length 1120 Glide Length Ratio 135 Run Length 22.40 Run Length Ratio 2.29 Channel Materials D 16 mm 0.20 D35 mm 3.70 D50 mm 12.00 D 84 mm 31.00 D 95 mm 44.00 9.80 23.70 11.10 23.3/24 0.96 0.91 0.85 .7/1.1 10.21 26.04 #DIV/0! 13.00 21.4/33.2 9.50 21.567 9.5 17.3/25.5 9.477692 25.52 12.81 25.52 0.00 12.81 23.40 108.7 35.00 103.6/113.8 2.39 4.59 #DIV101 3.15 6.30 3.4 6.21 59.27 73.3278 59.00 0.85 0.74 0.443 0.97 1.266 0.708 1.622 1 F- 6.965 1.50 1.80 1.69 1.7/1.8 1.56 1.98 #DIV/01 1.98 3.30 1.00 1.83 1.118 #DIV/0! 1.12 90.00 n/a 42.15 3.80 #VALUE! 3.80 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.04 0/.027 1.29 1.90 1.90 0.07 0.02 0.04 0/.054 3.14 1.90 1.90 #DIV/0! 0.00 0.010 0/.01 0.00 0.48 0.48 1.80 2.60 2.44 1.88 2.86 2.86 28.50 13.35 1.20 #DIV/0! 1.20 179.20 72.80 34.09620 0.32 18.29 3.07 4DIV/0! 3.07 18.60 8.711392405 0.78 0.78 9.40 0.20 22.00 3.70 35.00 12.00 12/18/2007 Queens Gap UT3 Enhancement Summary Existing Conditions VARIABLES Steam Name Unit UT3 County Rutherford Notes: Responsible Crew Crew Stream Type C5b Drainage Area sq. mile 0.06 Bankfull Width (Wbkf) ft 4.90 min/max 3.1/7.3 Bankfull Mean Depth (Dbkf) ft 0.41 min/max .3/.6 Width/De th Ratio (Wbkf/Dbkf) 11.90 min/max 4.8/25.6 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (Abkf) sq. ft 2.01 min/max 2/2.1 Wetted Perimeter (wet perim) ft 5.72 est 2*Dbkf + Wbkf 5.72 Width Flood prone Area (Wf a) ft 12.60 min/max 9.9117.3 Entrenchment Ratio 2.57 min/max 2/3.5 Sinuosity (K) 1.28 I Bankfull Mean Velocity (Ubkf) ft/sec 6.60 Bankfull Discharge (Qbkf) cfs 13.26 Hydraulic Radius (Abkf /wet perim) 0.35 Sheer Stress (62.4 * Hd * Slope) Ibs/s .ft. 0.682 Sheer Velocity (32.2 * R * S )1/2 ft/sec 0.593 Unit Power(lbs/ft/sec) (62.4 *Q*S/Wbkf) 5.251 Friction factor (U/U*) 11.13 D50 mm 0.80 D84 mm 6.90 Bankfull Maximum Depth (dmbkf) ft 0.70 riffle min/max .5/.9 Maximum Riffle Depth/Mean Riffle Depth 1.71 Low Bank height ft 2.70 Low Bank Height/Max Riffle Depth 3.86 Meander Length (Lm) min/max Meander Length Ratio Radius of Curvature (Rc) Rc I Bankfull Width Belt Width (Wblt) Meander Width Ratio Valley Slope (VS) 0.04 Channel Slope (S) 0.03 Pool Slope (Sp) 0.01 min/max 0/.037 Pool Slope / S 0.42 Riffle Slope (Srf1) 0.02 min/max 0/.052 Srfl / S 0.68 Run Slope (Srun) 0.08 min/max .05/.16 Srun / S 2.64 Glide Slope (Sgld) min/max S Id/S 0.00 Max Pool Depth (Dmpd) ft 0.80 Dmpd / Dbkf ratio 1.95 Max Run Depth (Dmrun) ft 0.70 Dmrun / Dbkf 0.14 Max Glide Depth (Dmgld) ft Dmgld / Dbkf Pool Width (Wbkfp) ft 8.90 Wbkfp / Wbkf 1.82 Pool - Pool spacing ft 96.40 min/max 15.1/216.3 Pool - Pool I Wbkf 19.67 Pool Length 18.20 Pool Length Ratio 3.70 Riffle Length 39.80 Riffle Length Ratio 8.12 Glide Length 12.60 Glide Length Ratio 2.57 Run Length 11.60 Run Length Ratio 2.37 Channel Materials D 16 mm 0.09 D35 mm 0.30 D50 mm 0.80 D 84 mm 6.90 D 95 mm 21.00 4.90 23.70 5.30 23.3/24 0.41 0.91 0.38 .7/1.1 11.90 26.04 #DIV/0! 14.00 21.4/33.2 2.01 21.567 2.01 17.3/25.5 2.006428 25.52 6.06 25.52 0.00 6.06 12.60 108.7 17.00 103.6/113.8 2.57 4.59 #DIV/0! 3.21 6.60 3.4 6.60 13.26 73.3278 13.26 0.85 0.33 0.443 0.64 1.266 0.576 1.622 4.855 0.70 1.80 0.75 1.7/1.8 1.71 1.98 4DIV/01 1.98 3.30 3.86 1.83 1.118 #DIV/0! 1.12 90.00 n/a 20.13 3.80 #VALUE! 3.80 0.04 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.06 0/.027 0.68 1.90 1.90 0.08 0.02 0.06 0/.054 2.64 1.90 1.90 #DIV/0! 0.00 0.015 0/.01 0.00 0.48 0.48 0.80 2.60 1.08 1.95 2.86 2.86 28.50 6.37 1.20 #DIV/0! 1.20 96.40 72.80 16.2801 F 0.32 19.67 3.07 4DIV/0! 3.07 18.60 4.15949: 0.78 0.78 9.40 0.09 22.00 0.30 35.00 0.80 12/18/2007 Queens Gap UT4 Enhancement Summary Existing Conditions VARIABLES Steam Name Unit UT4 (Lower) County Rutherford Notes: Responsible Crew WNR Stream Type B4 Drainage Area sq. mile 0.19 Bankfull Width (Wbkf) ft 7.50 min/max 7.2/7.9 Bankfull Mean Depth (Dbkf) ft 0.61 min/max .6/.6 Width/De th Ratio (Wbkf/Dbkf) 12.30 min/max 11.4/13.3 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (Abkf) sq. ft 4.58 min/max 4.6/4.6 Wetted Perimeter (wet perim) ft 8.72 est 2*Dbkf + Wbkf 8.72 Width Flood prone Area (Wf a) ft 13.80 min/max 13.7/13.8 Entrenchment Ratio 1.84 min/max 1.8/1.8 Sinuosity (K) 133 I Bankfull Mean Velocity (Ubkf) ft/sec 5.50 Bankfull Discharge (Qbkf) cfs 25.16 Hydraulic Radius (Abkf /wet perim) 0.52 Sheer Stress (62.4 * Hd * Slope) Ibs/s .ft. 1.080 Sheer Velocity (32.2 * R * S )1/2 ft/sec 0.747 Unit Power(lbs/ft/sec) (62.4 *Q*S/Wbkf) 6.909 Friction factor (U/U*) 7.37 D50 mm 6.00 D84 mm 42.00 Bankfull Maximum Depth (dmbkf) ft 1.00 riffle min/max .9/1.1 Maximum Riffle Depth/Mean Riffle Depth 1.64 Low Bank height ft 1.70 Low Bank Height/Max Riffle Depth 1.70 Meander Length (Lm) min/max Meander Length Ratio Radius of Curvature (Rc) Rc I Bankfull Width Belt Width (Wblt) Meander Width Ratio Valley Slope (VS) 0.04 Channel Slope (S) 0.03 Pool Slope (Sp) 0.00 min/max 01.1.2 Pool Slope / S 0.00 Riffle Slope (Srf1) 0.07 min/max .2/.36 Srfl / S 2.15 Run Slope (Srun) 0.18 min/max .03/.56 Srun / S 5.45 Glide Slope (Sgld) min/max S Id/S 0.00 Max Pool Depth (Dmpd) ft 1.00 Dmpd / Dbkf ratio 1.64 Max Run Depth (Dmrun) ft 1.00 Dmrun / Dbkf 0.13 Max Glide Depth (Dmgld) ft Dmgld / Dbkf Pool Width (Wbkfp) ft 11.90 Wbkfp / Wbkf 1.59 Pool - Pool spacing ft 69.50 min/max 8.6/119.3 Pool - Pool I Wbkf 9.27 Pool Length 20.50 Pool Length Ratio 2.73 Riffle Length 52.80 Riffle Length Ratio 7.04 Glide Length 17.20 Glide Length Ratio 2.29 Run Length 19.00 Run Length Ratio 2.53 Channel Materials D 16 mm 0.24 D35 mm 1.60 D50 mm 6.00 D 84 mm 42.00 D 95 mm 75.00 7.50 8.20 8.02 7/9.4 0.61 0.44 0.57 4/.4 12.30 18.64 #DIV/0! 14.00 16.4/21.1 4.58 3.608 4.6 314.2 4.594314 9.08 9.17 9.08 0.00 9.17 13.80 16.8 16.00 14.6/19 1.84 2.05 #DIV/01 2.00 5.50 4.5 5.43 25.16 16.236 25.00 0.40 0.50 0.818 1.03 0.673 0.730 4.077 6.419 1.00 0.80 1.04 .71.8 1.64 1.82 #DIV/01 1.82 0.80 1.70 1.00 2.085 #DIV/0! 2.09 40.00 n/a 39.12 4.88 #VALUE! 4.88 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.07 0.04 0.04 .0057/.095 2.15 1.24 1.24 0.18 0.13 0.13 .0057/.58 5.45 3.94 3.94 #DIV/O! 0.05 0.050 0.00 1.52 1.52 1.00 1.20 1.56 1.64 2.73 2.73 7.60 7.43 0.93 #DIV/0! 0.93 69.50 33.70 32.9602 11.4/58.9 9.27 4.11 4DIV/0! 4.11 7.10 6.944146341 0.87 0.87 0.23 0.24 1.40 1.60 2.50 6.00 12/18/2007 Queens Gap UT5 Enhancement Summary Existing Conditions VARIABLES Steam Name Unit UT5 County Rutherford Notes: Responsible Crew Crew Stream Type B4 Drainage Area sq. mile 0.13 Bankfull Width (Wbkf) ft 6.03 min/max 4.1/7.7 Bankfull Mean Depth (Dbkf) ft 0.65 min/max .5/.9 Width/De th Ratio (Wbkf/Dbkf) 11.03 min/max 4.7/16.8 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (Abkf) sq. ft 3.50 min/max 3.5/3.5 Wetted Perimeter (wet perim) ft 7.33 est 2*Dbkf + Wbkf 7.33 Width Flood prone Area (Wf a) ft 9.00 min/max 5111.5 Entrenchment Ratio 1.49 min/max 1.1/2.3 Sinuosity (K) 1.28 I Bankfull Mean Velocity (Ubkf) ft/sec 3.43 Bankfull Discharge (Qbkf) cfs 13.43 Hydraulic Radius (Abkf /wet perim) 0.48 Sheer Stress (62.4 * Hd * Slope) Ibs/s .ft. 1.282 Sheer Velocity (32.2 * R * S )1/2 ft/sec 0.813 Unit Power(lbs/ft/sec) (62.4 *Q*S/Wbkf) 5.982 Friction factor (U/U*) 4.22 D50 mm 28.00 D84 mm 72.00 Bankfull Maximum Depth (dmbkf) ft 0.93 riffle min/max .8/1.3 Maximum Riffle Depth/Mean Riffle Depth 1.43 Low Bank height ft 3.47 Low Bank Height/Max Riffle Depth 3.73 Meander Length (Lm) min/max Meander Length Ratio Radius of Curvature (Rc) Rc I Bankfull Width Belt Width (Wblt) Meander Width Ratio Valley Slope (VS) 0.06 Channel Slope (S) 0.04 Pool Slope (Sp) 0.02 min/max .0081/.029 Pool Slope / S 0.42 Riffle Slope (Srf1) 0.05 min/max .036/.059 Srfl / S 1.12 Run Slope (Srun) 0.05 min/max .045/.064 Srun / S 1.23 Glide Slope (Sgld) min/max S Id/S 0.00 Max Pool Depth (Dmpd) ft 1.30 Dmpd / Dbkf ratio 2.00 Max Run Depth (Dmrun) ft 0.93 Dmrun / Dbkf 0.15 Max Glide Depth (Dmgld) ft Dmgld / Dbkf Pool Width (Wbkfp) ft 3.40 Wbkfp / Wbkf 0.56 Pool - Pool spacing ft 113.40 min/max 78.3/155.3 Pool - Pool I Wbkf 18.82 Pool Length 23.60 Pool Length Ratio 3.92 Riffle Length 62.90 Riffle Length Ratio 10.44 Glide Length Glide Length Ratio Run Length 23.90 Run Length Ratio 3.97 Channel Materials D 16 mm 1.90 D35 mm 14.00 D50 mm 28.00 D 84 mm 72.00 D 95 mm 100.00 6.03 8.20 6.75 7/9.4 0.65 0.44 0.52 4/.4 11.03 18.64 #DIV/0! 13.00 16.4/21.1 3.50 3.608 3.5 314.2 3.504807 9.08 7.79 9.08 0.00 7.79 9.00 16.8 12.00 14.6/19 1.49 2.05 #DIV/01 1.78 3.43 4.5 3.84 13.43 16.236 13.43 0.40 0.45 0.818 1.21 0.650 0.789 4.077 1 F- 5.339 0.93 0.80 0.94 .71.8 1.43 1.82 4DIV/01 1.82 0.80 3.73 1.00 2.085 #DIV/0! 2.09 40.00 n/a 32.93 4.88 #VALUE! 4.88 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.05 .0057/.095 1.12 1.24 1.24 0.05 0.13 0.17 .0057/.58 1.23 3.94 3.94 #DIV/0! 0.00 0.005 0.00 0.12 0.12 1.30 1.10 1.30 2.00 2.50 2.50 7.60 6.26 0.93 #DIV/0! 0.93 113.40 33.70 27.74085366 0.32 18.82 4.11 4DIV/0! 4.11 7.10 5.844512195 0.87 0.87 0.23 1.90 1.40 14.00 2.50 28.00 12/18/2007 Queens Gap UT6 Enhancement Summary Existing Conditions VARIABLES Steam Name Unit UT6 County Rutherford Notes: Responsible Crew Crew Stream Type B5 Drainage Area sq. mile 0.14 Bankfull Width (Wbkf) ft 5.50 min/max 5.4/5.7 Bankfull Mean Depth (Dbkf) ft 0.54 min/max .5/.6 Width/De th Ratio (Wbkf/Dbkf) 10.19 min/max 9.7/10.7 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (Abkf) sq. ft 2.97 min/max 3.0/3.0 Wetted Perimeter (wet perim) ft 6.58 est 2*Dbkf + Wbkf 6.58 Width Flood prone Area (Wf a) ft 11.30 min/max 9.2113.3 Entrenchment Ratio 2.05 min/max 1.7/2.4 Sinuosity (K) 1.43 I Bankfull Mean Velocity (Ubkf) ft/sec 3.70 Bankfull Discharge (Qbkf) cfs 10.99 Hydraulic Radius (Abkf /wet perim) 0.45 Sheer Stress (62.4 * Hd * Slope) Ibs/s .ft. 0.648 Sheer Velocity (32.2 * R * S )1/2 ft/sec 0.578 Unit Power(lbs/ft/sec) (62.4 *Q*S/Wbkf) 2.868 Friction factor (U/U*) 6.40 D50 mm 0.50 D84 mm 46.00 Bankfull Maximum Depth (dmbkf) ft 0.80 riffle min/max .71.8 Maximum Riffle Depth/Mean Riffle Depth 1.48 Low Bank height ft 1.30 Low Bank Height/Max Riffle Depth 1.63 Meander Length (Lm) min/max Meander Length Ratio Radius of Curvature (Rc) Rc I Bankfull Width Belt Width (Wblt) Meander Width Ratio Valley Slope (VS) 0.03 Channel Slope (S) 0.02 Pool Slope (Sp) 0.00 min/max 0/.02 Pool Slope / S 0.00 Riffle Slope (Srf1) 0.07 min/max .012/.45 Srfl / S 3.13 Run Slope (Srun) 0.03 min/max .015/.053 Srun / S 1.43 Glide Slope (Sgld) min/max S Id/S 0.00 Max Pool Depth (Dmpd) ft 0.70 Dmpd / Dbkf ratio 1.30 Max Run Depth (Dmrun) ft 0.80 Dmrun / Dbkf 0.15 Max Glide Depth (Dmgld) ft Dmgld / Dbkf Pool Width (Wbkfp) ft 5.70 Wbkfp / Wbkf 1.04 Pool - Pool spacing ft 69.60 min/max 19.8/212 Pool - Pool I Wbkf 12.65 Pool Length 13.80 Pool Length Ratio 2.51 Riffle Length 30.90 Riffle Length Ratio 5.62 Glide Length 10.00 Glide Length Ratio 1.82 Run Length 18.00 Run Length Ratio 3.27 Channel Materials D 16 mm 0.06 D35 mm 0.16 D50 mm 0.50 D 84 mm 46.00 D 95 mm 95.00 5.50 8.20 6.25 7/9.4 0.54 0.44 0.48 4/.4 10.19 18.64 #DIV/0! 13.00 16.4/21.1 2.97 3.608 3 314.2 3.004807 9.08 7.21 9.08 0.00 7.21 11.30 16.8 13.00 14.6/19 2.05 2.05 #DIV/01 2.08 3.70 4.5 3.67 10.99 16.236 11.00 0.40 0.42 0.818 0.60 0.650 0.555 4.077 1 F- 2.526 0.80 0.80 0.87 .71.8 1.48 1.82 4DIV/01 1.82 0.80 1.63 1.00 2.085 #DIV/0! 2.09 40.00 n/a 30.49 4.88 #VALUE! 4.88 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.07 0.04 0.03 .0057/.095 3.13 1.24 1.24 0.03 0.13 0.09 .0057/.58 1.43 3.94 3.94 #DIV/O! 0.00 0.003 0.00 0.12 0.12 0.70 1.10 1.20 1.30 2.50 2.50 7.60 5.79 0.93 #DIV/0! 0.93 69.60 33.70 25.6859 0.32 12.65 4.11 4DIV/0! 4.11 7.10 5.411585366 0.87 0.87 0.23 0.06 1.40 0.16 2.50 0.50 12/18/2007 Queens Gap Lower Harris Creek Enhancement Summary Existing Conditions VARIABLES Steam Name Unit Lower Harris Creek UT2- PL County Rutherford Notes: Responsible Crew Crew Stream Type C4 Drainage Area sq. mile 2.03 Bankfull Width (Wbkf) ft 17.30 min/max 14.1/22.5 Bankfull Mean Depth (Dbkf) ft 1.23 min/max 1.1/1.3 Width/De th Ratio (Wbkf/Dbkf) 14.07 min/max 12.1/18.1 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (Abkf) sq. ft 21.28 min/max 16.2/27.9 Wetted Perimeter (wet perim) ft 19.76 est 2*Dbkf + Wbkf 19.76 Width Flood prone Area (Wf a) ft 37.00 min/max 27.6/45.7 Entrenchment Ratio 2.14 min/max 1.6/2.6 Sinuosity (K) 135 ONW I Bankfull Mean Velocity (Ubkf) ft/sec 5.50 Bankfull Discharge (Qbkf) cfs 117.03 Hydraulic Radius (Abkf /wet perim) 1.08 Sheer Stress (62.4 * Hd * Slope) Ibs/s .ft. 0.934 Sheer Velocity (32.2 * R * S )1/2 ft/sec 0.694 Unit Power(lbs/ft/sec) (62.4 *Q*S/Wbkf) 5.868 Friction factor (U/U*) 7.92 D50 mm 30.00 D84 mm 65.00 Bankfull Maximum Depth (dmbkf) ft 1.80 riffle min/max 1.7/1.9 Maximum Riffle Depth/Mean Riffle Depth 1.46 Low Bank height ft 3.20 Low Bank Height/Max Riffle Depth 1.78 Meander Length (Lm) min/max Meander Length Ratio Radius of Curvature (Rc) Rc I Bankfull Width Belt Width (Wblt) Meander Width Ratio Valley Slope (VS) 0.02 Channel Slope (S) 0.01 Pool Slope (Sp) 0.00 min/max 0/0.5 Pool Slope / S 0.00 Riffle Slope (Srf1) 0.02 min/max .0076/.052 Srfl / S 1.65 Run Slope (Srun) 0.03 min/max .0073/.077 Srun / S 2.37 Glide Slope (Sgld) min/max S Id/S 0.00 Max Pool Depth (Dmpd) ft 2.30 Dmpd / Dbkf ratio 1.87 Max Run Depth (Dmrun) ft 1.80 Dmrun / Dbkf 0.10 Max Glide Depth (Dmgld) ft Dmgld / Dbkf Pool Width (Wbkfp) ft 20.30 Wbkfp / Wbkf 1.17 Pool - Pool spacing ft 122.70 min/max 48.51237.6 Pool - Pool I Wbkf 7.09 Pool Length 34.30 Pool Length Ratio 1.98 Riffle Length 64.20 Riffle Length Ratio 3.71 Glide Length Glide Length Ratio Run Length Run Length Ratio 0.00 Channel Materials D 16 mm 12.00 D35 mm 21.00 D50 mm 30.00 D 84 mm 65.00 D 95 mm 93.00 17.30 23.70 19.44 23.3/24 1.23 0.91 1.08 .7/1.1 14.07 26.04 #DIV/0! 18.00 21.4/33.2 21.28 21.567 21 17.3/25.5 20.9952 25.52 21.60 25.52 0.00 21.60 37.00 108.7 60.00 103.6/113.8 2.14 4.59 #DIV/01 3.09 5.50 3.4 5.57 117.03 73.3278 117.00 0.85 0.97 0.443 0.84 1.266 0.66 1.622 5.26 1.80 1.80 2.14 1.7/1.8 1.46 1.98 #DIV/01 1.98 3.30 1.78 1.83 1.118 #DIV/0! 1.12 90.00 n/a 73.82 3.80 #VALUE! 3.80 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0/.027 1.65 1.90 1.90 0.03 0.02 0.03 0/.054 2.37 1.90 1.90 #DIV/0! 0.00 0.007 O/. 01 0.00 0.48 0.48 2.30 2.60 3.09 1.87 2.86 2.86 28.50 23.38 1.20 #DIV/0! 1.20 122.70 72.80 59.71443038 0.32 7.09 3.07 4DIV/0! 3.07 18.60 15.25670 0.78 0.78 9.40 12.00 22.00 21.00 35.00 30.00 12/18/2007 Queens Gap Middle Harris Creek Enhancement Summary Existing Conditions VARIABLES Steam Name Unit Middle Harris Creek UT4- UT2 County Rutherford Notes: Responsible Crew Crew Stream Type C4 Drainage Area sq. mile 1.3 Bankfull Width (Wbkf) ft 17.40 min/max 12.2/22.6 Bankfull Mean Depth (Dbkf) ft 1.07 min/max .8/1.6 Width/De th Ratio (Wbkf/Dbkf) 16.26 min/max 7.9/28.1 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (Abkf) sq. ft 18.62 min/max 16.2/27.9 Wetted Perimeter (wet perim) ft 19.54 est 2*Dbkf + Wbkf 19.54 Width Flood prone Area (Wf a) ft 62.60 min/max 54.2/71 Entrenchment Ratio 3.60 min/max 1.6/2.6 Sinuosity (K) 1.42 I Bankfull Mean Velocity (Ubkf) ft/sec 5.00 Bankfull Discharge (Qbkf) cfs 93.09 Hydraulic Radius (Abkf /wet perim) 0.95 Sheer Stress (62.4 * Hd * Slope) Ibs/s .ft. 1.029 Sheer Velocity (32.2 * R * S )1/2 ft/sec 0.729 Unit Power(lbs/ft/sec) (62.4 *Q*S/Wbkf) 5.775 Friction factor (U/U*) 6.86 D50 mm 44.00 D84 mm 94.00 Bankfull Maximum Depth (dmbkf) ft 2.20 riffle min/max 1.8/2.6 Maximum Riffle Depth/Mean Riffle Depth 2.06 Low Bank height ft 3.00 Low Bank Height/Max Riffle Depth 1.36 Meander Length (Lm) min/max Meander Length Ratio Radius of Curvature (Rc) Rc I Bankfull Width Belt Width (Wblt) Meander Width Ratio Valley Slope (VS) 0.02 Channel Slope (S) 0.02 Pool Slope (Sp) 0.00 min/max 0/0.5 Pool Slope / S 0.00 Riffle Slope (Srf1) 0.03 min/max .011/.08 Srfl / S 1.73 Run Slope (Srun) 0.02 min/max .0087/.046 Srun / S 1.39 Glide Slope (Sgld) min/max S Id/S 0.00 Max Pool Depth (Dmpd) ft 1.90 Dmpd / Dbkf ratio 1.78 Max Run Depth (Dmrun) ft 2.20 Dmrun / Dbkf 0.13 Max Glide Depth (Dmgld) ft Dmgld / Dbkf Pool Width (Wbkfp) ft 23.10 Wbkfp / Wbkf 1.33 Pool - Pool spacing ft 130.40 min/max 62.4/244 Pool - Pool I Wbkf 7.49 Pool Length 34.50 Pool Length Ratio 1.98 Riffle Length 84.40 Riffle Length Ratio 4.85 Glide Length Glide Length Ratio Run Length 34.20 Run Length Ratio 1.97 Channel Materials D 16 mm 15.00 D35 mm 31.00 D50 mm 44.00 D 84 mm 94.00 D 95 mm 120.00 17.40 23.70 18.31 23.3/24 1.07 0.91 1.02 .7/1.1 16.26 26.04 #DIV/0! 18.00 21.4/33.2 18.62 21.567 18.62 17.3/25.5 18.62533 25.52 20.34 25.52 0.00 20.34 62.60 108.7 60.00 103.6/113.8 3.60 4.59 #DIV101 3.28 5.00 3.4 4.99 93.09 73.3278 93.00 0.85 0.92 0.443 0.99 1.266 0.714 1.622 1 F- 5.483 2.20 1.80 2.01 1.7/1.8 2.06 1.98 4DIV/01 1.98 3.30 1.36 1.83 1.118 #DIV/0! 1.12 90.00 n/a 69.53 3.80 #VALUE! 3.80 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0/.027 1.73 1.90 1.90 0.02 0.02 0.03 0/.054 1.39 1.90 1.90 #DIV/0! 0.00 0.008 0/.01 0.00 0.48 0.48 1.90 2.60 2.91 1.78 2.86 2.86 28.50 22.02 1.20 #DIV/0! 1.20 130.40 72.80 56.24337 0.32 7.49 3.07 4DIV/0! 3.07 18.60 14.36987 0.78 0.78 9.40 15.00 22.00 31.00 35.00 44.00 12/18/2007 Queens Gap Upper Harris Creek Enhancement Summary Existing Conditions - VARIABLES Steam Name Unit Upper Harris Creek Above UT4 Reference Reach County Rutherford Rutherford Notes: Reference Responsible Crew Crew WNR Stream Type C4b B4 Drainage Area sq. mile 0.97 0.14 Bankfull Width (Wbkf) ft 17.30 8.20 min/max 17.2/17.4 7/9.4 Bankfull Mean Depth (Dbkf) ft 0.88 0.44 min/max .8/.9 .4/.4 Width/De th Ratio (Wbkf/Dbkf) 19.66 18.64 min/max 18.6/20.9 16.4/21.1 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (Abkf) sq. ft 15.22 3.608 min/max 14.5115.8 3/4.2 Wetted Perimeter (wet perim) ft 19.06 9.08 est 2*Dbkf + Wbkf 19.06 9.08 Width Flood prone Area (Wf a) ft 57.80 16.8 min/max 40.5/75 14.6/19 Entrenchment Ratio 3.34 2.05 min/max 2.3/4.3 1.8/2.3 Sinuosity (K) 1.26 1.52 I -_ Bankfull Mean Velocity (Ubkf) ft/sec 5.80 4.5 Bankfull Discharge (Qbkf) cfs 88.30 16.236 Hydraulic Radius (Abkf /wet perim) 0.80 0.40 Sheer Stress (62.4 * Hd * Slope) Ibs/s .ft. 1.695 0.818 Sheer Velocity (32.2 * R * S )1/2 ft/sec 0.935 0.650 Unit Power(lbs/ft/sec) (62.4 *Q*S/Wbkf) 10.829 4.077 Friction factor (U/U*) 6.20 6.93 D50 mm 35.00 2.5 D84 mm 86.00 34 Bankfull Maximum Depth (dmbkf) ft 1.50 0.80 riffle min/max 1.5/1.5 .7/.8 Maximum Riffle Depth/Mean Riffle Depth 1.70 1.82 Low Bank height ft 2.10 0.80 Low Bank Height/Max Riffle Depth 1.40 1.00 Meander Length (Lm) 172.00 min/max Meander Length Ratio 20.98 Radius of Curvature (Rc) 17.1 Rc I Bankfull Width 2.085 Belt Width (Wblt) 40.00 Meander Width Ratio 4.88 Valley Slope (VS) 0.04 0.05 Channel Slope (S) 0.03 0.03 Pool Slope (Sp) 0.05 0.00 min/max 0/.025 .00/.035 Pool Slope / S 1.44 0.09 Riffle Slope (Srf1) 0.02 0.04 min/max .017/.034 .0057/.095 Srfl / S 0.68 1.24 Run Slope (Srun) 0.11 0.13 min/max .0087/.046 .0057/.58 Srun / S 3.24 3.94 Glide Slope (Sgld) 0.00 min/max S Id/S 0.00 0.12 Max Pool Depth (Dmpd) ft 1.90 1.10 Dmpd / Dbkf ratio 2.16 2.50 Max Run Depth (Dmrun) ft 1.50 0.80 Dmrun / Dbkf 0.09 1.82 Max Glide Depth (Dmgld) ft Dmgld / Dbkf Pool Width (Wbkfp) ft 18.50 7.60 Wbkfp / Wbkf 1.07 0.93 Pool - Pool spacing ft 126.20 33.70 min/max 62.4/240.6 0.32 Pool - Pool I Wbkf 7.29 4.11 Pool Length 30.50 7.10 Pool Length Ratio 1.76 0.87 Riffle Length 101.10 18.00 Riffle Length Ratio 5.84 2.20 Glide Length 8.50 Glide Length Ratio 1.04 Run Length 32.30 7.10 Run Length Ratio 1.87 0.87 Channel Materials D 16 mm 11.00 0.23 D35 mm 22.00 1.40 D50 mm 35.00 2.50 D 84 mm 86.00 34.00 D 95 mm 120.00 83.00 12.75 23.70 16.55 23.3/24 0.66 0.91 0.92 .7/1.1 19.15 26.04 #DIV/0! 18.00 21.4/33.2 9.42 21.567 15.22 17.3/25.5 15.21680556 25.52 18.39 25.52 0.00 18.39 37.30 108.7 60.00 103.6/113.8 2.69 4.59 #DIV/01 3.63 5.15 3.4 5.80 52.27 73.3278 76.12 0.85 0.83 0.443 1.76 1.266 0.952 1.622 9.758 1.15 1.80 1.82 1.7/1.8 1.76 1.98 #DIV/01 1.98 3.30 1.20 1.83 1.118 #DIV/0! 1.12 90.00 n/a 62.85 3.80 #VALUE! 3.80 0.05 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.06 0/.027 0.96 1.90 1.90 0.12 0.02 0.06 0/.054 3.59 1.90 1.90 0.00 0.00 0.016 0/.01 0.06 0.48 0.48 1.50 2.60 2.63 2.33 2.86 2.86 28.50 19.90 1.20 #DIV/0! 1.20 79.95 72.80 50.8371308 0.32 5.70 3.07 4DIV/0! 3.07 18.60 12.98860 0.78 0.78 9.40 11.00 22.00 22.00 35.00 35.00 12/18/2007 Queen's Gap Upper Harris Creek Longitudinal Profile gybed -+-water srf -0 bankfull A x-section O riffle crest 0 pool o run glide x RTOB + LTOB Linear (RTOB) Linear (LTOB) _ F, 990 c a x + x x x + x d + x W 970 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Channel Distance {ft) slope (%} slope ratio length (ft) length ratio pool-pool spacing (ft) p-p ratio reach 3.4 --- 593.9 (34.3 channel widths) --- --- --- riffle 2.9 (0-5.6) 0.9 (0-1.6) 69.8 (13.5 - 144.8) 4 (0.8 - 8.4) --- --- pool 13 (1 .1 - 1.6) 0.4 (0.3-0.5 34.3 (25.6 - 41.5) 2 (1.5-2.4) 166.5 (108.4-2( 9.6 (6.3-12.1) run 5 (3.5-6.4) 1.5 (1 -1.9) 26.9 (22.1 - 35.9) 1.6 (1.3-2.1) --- --- Queens Gap UT2 Upper Enhancement Summary Existing Conditions VARIABLES Steam Name Unit UT2 Upper County Rutherford Notes: Responsible Crew Crew Stream Type 84a Drainage Area sq. mile 0.25 Bankfull Width (Wbkf) ft 8.30 min/max 7/10.3 Bankfull Mean Depth (Dbkf) ft 0.69 min/max .6/.8 Width/De th Ratio (Wbkf/Dbkf) 12.10 min/max 8.6/18.5 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area (Abkf) sq. ft 5.73 min/max 5.7/5.7 Wetted Perimeter (wet perim) ft 9.68 est 2*Dbkf + Wbkf 9.68 Width Flood prone Area (Wf a) ft 15.30 min/max 10.1/24.7 Entrenchment Ratio 1.84 min/max 1.2/3.0 Sinuosity (K) 1.43 I Bankfull Mean Velocity (Ubkf) ft/sec 6.10 Bankfull Discharge (Qbkf) cfs 34.93 Hydraulic Radius (Abkf /wet perim) 0.59 Sheer Stress (62.4 * Hd * Slope) Ibs/s .ft. 1.809 Sheer Velocity (32.2 * R * S )1/2 ft/sec 0.966 Unit Power(lbs/ft/sec) (62.4 *Q*S/Wbkf) 12.869 Friction factor (U/U*) 6.31 D50 mm 9.10 D84 mm 66.00 Bankfull Maximum Depth (dmbkf) ft 1.00 riffle min/max .8/1.3 Maximum Riffle Depth/Mean Riffle Depth 1.45 Low Bank height ft 2.30 Low Bank Height/Max Riffle Depth 2.30 Meander Length (Lm) min/max Meander Length Ratio Radius of Curvature (Rc) Rc I Bankfull Width Belt Width (Wblt) Meander Width Ratio Valley Slope (VS) 0.07 Channel Slope (S) 0.05 Pool Slope (Sp) 0.00 min/max Pool Slope / S 0.00 Riffle Slope (Srf1) 0.05 min/max .016/.085 Srfl / S 1.06 Run Slope (Srun) 0.16 min/max .085/.38 Srun / S 3.27 Glide Slope (Sgld) min/max S Id/S 0.00 Max Pool Depth (Dmpd) ft 1.90 Dmpd / Dbkf ratio 2.75 Max Run Depth (Dmrun) ft 1.00 Dmrun / Dbkf 0.12 Max Glide Depth (Dmgld) ft Dmgld / Dbkf Pool Width (Wbkfp) ft 5.90 Wbkfp / Wbkf 0.71 Pool - Pool spacing ft 121.30 min/max 34.7/422.8 Pool - Pool I Wbkf 14.61 Pool Length 17.40 Pool Length Ratio 2.10 Riffle Length 50.50 Riffle Length Ratio 6.08 Glide Length 1120 Glide Length Ratio 1.59 Run Length 18.20 Run Length Ratio 2.19 Channel Materials D 16 mm 0.37 D35 mm 4.10 D50 mm 9.10 D 84 mm 66.00 D 95 mm 130.00 8.30 8.20 8.96 7/9.4 0.69 0.44 0.64 4/.4 12.10 18.64 #DIV/0! 14.00 16.4/21.1 5.73 3.608 5.73 314.2 5.7344 9.08 10.24 9.08 0.00 10.24 15.30 16.8 18.00 14.6/19 1.84 2.05 #DIV/01 2.01 1.00 0.80 1.16 .71.8 1.45 1.82 4DIV/01 1.82 0.80 2.30 1.00 2.085 #DIV/0! 2.09 40.00 n/a 43.71 4.88 #VALUE! 4.88 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.06 .0057/.095 1.06 1.24 1.24 0.16 0.13 0.19 .0057/.58 3.27 3.94 3.94 #DIV/0! 0.00 0.006 0.00 0.12 0.12 1.90 1.10 1.60 2.75 2.50 2.50 7.60 8.30 0.93 #DIV/0! 0.93 121.30 33.70 36.82341463 0.32 14.61 4.11 4DIV/0! 4.11 7.10 7.75804 0.87 0.87 0.23 0.37 1.40 4.10 2.50 9.10 12/18/2007 Oueens Gap Bank Failures: UT-3 ?h LBUC20. Station 8+00 Looking Upstream. Treatment: Reslope Banks. LBUC20. Station 7+00 Looking Downstream. Treatment: Reslope bank. - Queens Gap UT1 Longitudinal Profile -?-water srf T bankfull IF 0 x-section O riffle crest O pool o run glide x RTOB + LTOB Linear (RTOB) Linear (LTOB) 1005 1000 995 X 990 X + - 985 0 980 ++ w }+ 975 i C 970 965 960 0 100 200 800 4010 500 600 700 200 900 1000 Channel Distance (Mii slope (%) slope ratio length (ft) length ratio pool-pool spacing (ft) p-p ratio reach 3.4 --- 998.1 (218.8 channel widths --- --- --- riffle 4.4 (0.067-15) 1.3 (0-4.4) 37.5 (10.4 - 94.9) 8.2 (2.3-20.8) --- --- pool 1.7 (0 - 4.4) 0.5 (0 - 1.3) 14.7 (5.2 - 27.5) 3.2 (1.1 6) 62.1 (18.8 - 17; 13.6 (4.1 38.8) run 11 (6.9-19) 3.2 (2-5.6) 11 .6 (9.2 - 17.6) 2.5 (2-3.9) --- --- QG UT1 Pattern 4200 4300 4400 4500 (D v ro 4600 V) 0 4700 0 U) 4800 0 z 4900 5000 5100 5200 5500 5400 5300 5200 5100 5000 4900 4800 4700 4600 East West Distance Bed Surface Material Size Range (mm; Count silt/clay 0 0.062 16 very fine sand 0.062 0.125 16 fine sand 0.125 0.25 16 medium sand 0.25 - 0.5 17 coarse sand 0.5 1 17 very coarse sand 1 - 2 116 very fine gravel 2 4 54 fine gravel 4 - 6 21 fine gravel 6 - 8 17 medium gravel 8 - 11 23 medium gravel 11 - 16 17 coarse gravel 16 22 13 coarse gravel 22 32 22 very coarse gravel 32 45 16 very coarse ravel 45 64 9 small cobble 64 - 90 7 medium cobble 90 128 2 large cobble 128 - 180 1 very large cobble 180 - 256 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 4096 total particle count: 400 bedrock ------------- clay hardpan ------------- detritus/wood ------------- artificial ------------- Note: total count: 400 Bed Surface Pebble Count, ' I 100% silt/clay Queens Gap UT1 sand gravel -+-cumulative % cobble boulder # of particles 140 90% '- ----- - - - - - - - - - - ------ 120 80% I c l 70% - -i I I 100 ? 60% j 80 a) 50% ----- - - - - - - - - - - I I o Q 40% I I 60 I 30% I I 40 N 20% 20 10% I 0% I 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 0.48 mean 3.0 silt/clay 4% D35 1.4 dispersion 6.7 sand 46% D50 2.1 skewness 0.12 gravel 48% D65 4.7 cobble 3% D84 19 boulder 0% D95 44 Queens Gap UT1, pool 1006 1004 0 1002 ID 1000 w 996 998 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 3.4 x-section area (ft.sq.) --- W flood prone area (ft) 2.1 D50 Bed (mm) 5.2 width (ft) --- entrenchment ratio 19 D84 Bed (mm) 0.6 mean depth (ft) 1.6 low bank height (ft) 60 threshold grain size (mm): 1.1 max depth (ft) 1.4 low bank height ratio 5.8 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.6 hyd radi (ft) 8.0 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 7.1 velocity (ft/s) 24.0 discharge rate (cfs) 1.65 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.027 Manning's roughness 0.10 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric. 9.0 resistance factor u/u* Forces & Power 3.4 channel slope (%) 1.23 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.80 shear velocity (ft/s) 9.8 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) 10.4 relative roughness Queens Gap UTi, riffle 996 995 994 993 992 °- 991 (> 990 w 989 988 987 986 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 3.5 x-section area (ft.sq.) 15.3 W flood prone area (ft) 2.1 D50 Bed (mm) 4.6 width (ft) 3.3 entrenchment ratio 19 D84 Bed (mm) 0.8 mean depth (ft) 1.8 low bank height (ft) 68 threshold grain size (mm): 1.2 max depth (ft) 1.5 low bank height ratio 5.4 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.6 hyd radi (ft) 6.0 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 7.8 velocity (ft/s) 27.3 discharge rate (cfs) 1.70 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.026 Manning's roughness 0.09 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric 9.2 resistance factor u/u* 12.3 relative roughness Forces & Power 3.4 channel slope (%) 1.38 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.84 shear velocity (ft/s) 12.6 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Queens Gap UT1, riffle 985 984 983 _ 982 v 981 0 980 979 w 978 977 976 975 974 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 3.5 x-section area (ft.sq.) 13.2 W flood prone area (ft) 2.1 D50 Bed (mm) 4.5 width (ft) 2.9 entrenchment ratio 19 D84 Bed (mm) 0.8 mean depth (ft) 1.0 low bank height (ft) 64 threshold grain size (mm): 1.1 max depth (ft) 1.0 low bank height ratio 5.6 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.6 hyd radi (ft) 5.9 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 7.4 velocity (ft/s) 25.9 discharge rate (cfs) 1.67 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.027 Manning's roughness 0.10 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric 9.0 resistance factor u/u* 12.3 relative roughness Forces & Power 3.4 channel slope (%) 1.31 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.82 shear velocity (ft/s) 12.1 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) QG UT2 Reach 2400'- 5000' Longitudinal Profile tbed -+-water srf f bankfull A x-section o riffle crest o pool o run glide RTOB LTOB Linear (RTOB) Linear (LTOB) 875 0 u, 5 82 . 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Channel Distance (ft) Slope slope ratio length ft length ratio pool-pool spacing (ft) p-p ratio reach 2.1 --- 2502.7 (254.1 channel widths --- --- --- riffle 2.7 (1.7-3.8) 1.3 (0.8-1.8) 155.8 (27.1 - 327.7) 15.8 (2.8-33.3) --- --- pool 0.31 ( 0-4.7) 0.1 (0-2.2) 28.9 (15.7-364 2.9 (1.6 - 3.7) 179.2 (794 - 37i 18.2 (8.1 38.5) run 6.6 (2.2-15) --- 3.1 (1 -7.1) --- 22.4 (15.8-29) --- 2.3 (1.6-2.9) --- --- --- --- --- QG UT2 Reach 2400'- 5000' Pattern East West Distance 3500 3700 3900 4100 4300 4500 4700 4900 2900 v U n 249 U) 0 z 1900 5100 5300 5500 3400 Bed Surface Material Size Range (mm; Count silt/clay 0 0.062 12 very fine sand 0.062 0.125 12 fine sand 0.125 0.25 12 medium sand 0.25 - 0.5 12 coarse sand 0.5 1 13 very coarse sand 1 - 2 4 very fine gravel 2 4 6 fine gravel 4 - 6 3 fine gravel 6 - 8 9 medium gravel 8 - 11 10 medium gravel 11 - 16 25 coarse gravel 16 22 17 coarse gravel 22 32 37 very coarse gravel 32 45 20 very coarse ravel 45 64 9 small cobble 64 - 90 medium cobble 90 128 large cobble 128 - 180 very large cobble 180 - 256 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 4096 total particle count: 201 bedrock ------------- clay hardpan ------------- detritus/wood ------------- artificial ------------- Note: total count: 201 Bed Surface Pebble Count, ' r 100% silt/clay Queen's Gap UT2 Station 2400' sand gravel - 5000' -+-cumulative % cobble boulder # of particles 40 90% 35 ' 80% ----- - - - - - - - - - - -------- l 30 70% - 60% 25 50% ----- - - - - - - - - - - ----- 20 ° o Q 40% I 15 o . ? 30% I 10 20% 10% I I I 5 0% 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 0.2 mean 2.5 silt/clay 6% D35 3.7 dispersion 31.3 sand 26% D50 12 skewness -0.46 gravel 68% D65 20 cobble 0% D84 31 boulder 0% D95 44 Queen's Gap UT2 Station 2400'- 5000', riffle 1006 1004 1002 0 1000 w 998 996 994 0 20 80 100 40 60 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 9.5 x-section area (ft.sq.) 26.2 W flood prone area (ft) 12 D50 Bed (mm) 11.6 width (ft) 2.3 entrenchment ratio 31 D84 Bed (mm) 0.8 mean depth (ft) 1.1 low bank height (ft) 41 threshold grain size (mm): 1.6 max depth (ft) 0.7 low bank height ratio 14.9 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.6 hyd radi (ft) 14.2 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power 5.4 velocity (ft/s) 0.030 Manning's roughness 2.1 channel slope (%} 51.0 discharge rate (cfs) 0.12 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 0.84 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 1.19 Froude number 8.2 resistance factor u/u* 0.66 shear velocity (ft/s) 8.0 relative roughness 5.8 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) 120 Queen's Gap UT2 Station 2400' - 5000', riffle 1010 1008 1006 1004 1002 1000 w 998 996 994 992 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 9.5 x-section area (ft.sq.) 26.1 W flood prone area (ft) 12 D50 Bed (mm) 9.8 width (ft) 2.7 entrenchment ratio 31 D84 Bed (mm) 1.0 mean depth (ft) 1.1 low bank height (ft) 51 threshold grain size (mm): 1.1 max depth (ft) 1.0 low bank height ratio 11.9 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.8 hyd radi (ft) 10.2 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 6.1 velocity (ft/s) 57.5 discharge rate (cfs) 1.20 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.030 Manning's roughness 0.12 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric 8.3 resistance factor u/u* 9.5 relative roughness Forces & Power 2.1 channel slope (%) 1.04 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.73 shear velocity (ft/s) 7.7 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Queen's Gap UT2 Station 2400'- 5000', riffle 994 992 993 991 C ° 990 c? 989 w 988 987 986 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 9.5 x-section area (ft.sq.) 18.8 W flood prone area (ft) 12 D50 Bed (mm) 9.6 width (ft) 2.0 entrenchment ratio 31 D84 Bed (mm) 1.0 mean depth (ft) 1.8 low bank height (ft) 57 threshold grain size (mm): 1.6 max depth (ft) 1.1 low bank height ratio 10.7 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.9 hyd radi (ft) 9.6 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power 6.8 velocity (ft/s) 0.029 Manning's roughness 2.1 channel slope (%} 64.7 discharge rate (cfs) 0.10 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 1.16 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 1.27 Froude number 8.8 resistance factor u/u* 0.78 shear velocity (ft/s) 9.8 relative roughness 8.9 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Queen's Gap UT2 Station 2400'-5000', riffle 1007 1006 1005 _ 1004 1003 0 1002 15 1001 w 1000 999 ---- ------- ----- 998 997 996 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (ft) Ba nkfull Dimensions Flood Dim ensions Materials 9.5 x-section area (ft.sq.) 22.4 W flood prone area (ft) 12 D50 Bed (mm) 8.4 width (ft) 2.7 entrenchment ratio 31 D84 Bed (mm) 1.1 mean depth (ft) 2.0 low bank height (ft) 61 threshold grain size (mm): 1.6 max depth (ft) 1.3 low bank height ratio 10.0 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.0 hyd radi (ft) 7.5 width-depth ratio Ba nkfull Flow Flow Res istance Forces & Power 7.1 velocity (ft/s) 0.029 Manning's roughness 2.1 channel slope (%} 67.6 discharge rate (cfs) 0.10 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric. 1.25 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 1.29 Froude number 8.9 resistance factor u/u* 0.80 shear velocity (ft/s) 11.1 relative roughness 10.5 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Queen's Gap UT2 Station 2400'- 5000', pool 1000.5 1000 999.5 _ 999 998.5 0 998 997.5 D 997 996.5 996 995.5 995 0 5 10 15 20 25 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 9.5 x-section area (ft.sq.) --- W flood prone area (ft) 12 D50 Bed (mm) 7.4 width (ft) --- entrenchment ratio 31 D84 Bed (mm) 1.3 mean depth (ft) 3.4 low bank height (ft) 68 threshold grain size (mm): 1.8 max depth (ft) 1.9 low bank height ratio 9.0 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.1 hyd radi (ft) 5.7 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 7.7 velocity (ft/s) 73.3 discharge rate (cfs) 1.33 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.029 Manning's roughness 0.10 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric 9.2 resistance factor u/u* 12.7 relative roughness Forces & Power 2.1 channel slope (%) 1.38 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.84 shear velocity (ft/s) 13 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) QG UT2 Station 0'-2400' Longitudinal Profile tbed -+-water srf f bankfull A x-section o riffle crest o pool o run glide RTOB LTOB Linear (RTOB) Linear (LTOB) 975 0 925 w U 875 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Channel Distance (ft) Slope slope ratio length (ft) length ratio pool-pool spacing (ft) p-p ratio reach 4.9 --- 2397.8 (289.2 channel widths --- --- --- riffle 5.2 (1.6-8.5) 1.1 (0.3-1.7) 50.5 (11.2-155) 6.1 (1.4-18.7) --- --- pool 3.9 (0 - 12) 0.8 (0-2.4) 17.4 (9.2-25.9) 2.1 (1.1 - 3.1) 121.3 (347 - 42: 14.6 (4.2-51) run 16 (8.5-38) 3.3 (1.7-7.8) 18.2 (10.1 - 26.1) 2.2 (1.2-3.1) --- --- glide --- --- 13.2 (12.8 - 13.5) 1.6 (1.5 - 1.6) --- --- QG UT2 Station 0'-2400' Pattern East West Distance 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 5000 45(& C f15 U3 0 0 40(9 0 z 3500 Bed Surface Material Size Range (mm; Count silt/clay 0 0.062 27 very fine sand 0.062 0.125 27 fine sand 0.125 0.25 27 medium sand 0.25 - 0.5 27 coarse sand 0.5 1 26 very coarse sand 1 - 2 45 very fine gravel 2 4 29 fine gravel 4 - 6 44 fine gravel 6 - 8 26 medium gravel 8 - 11 59 medium gravel 11 - 16 25 coarse gravel 16 22 34 coarse gravel 22 32 22 very coarse gravel 32 45 51 very coarse ravel 45 64 34 small cobble 64 - 90 41 medium cobble 90 128 27 large cobble 128 - 180 21 very large cobble 180 - 256 7 small boulder 256 - 362 3 small boulder 362 - 512 1 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 4096 total particle count: 603 bedrock ------------- clay hardpan ------------- detritus/wood ------------- artificial ------------- Note: ERE' -6 total count: 603 Bed Surface Pebble Count, ' r 100% silt/clay Queens Gap UT2 Station 0'-2400' sand gravel -+-cumulative % cobble boulder # of particles 70 90% ' 60 80% ----- -- -------- ----- ---- c o c I 70% - i 50 a 60% 40 50% ----- - - - - - - - - - - --- ° Q 40% 30 I 30% I I 20 20% I 10 10% I I 0% 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 0.37 mean 4.9 silt/clay 4% D35 4.1 dispersion 15.9 sand 25% D50 9.1 skewness -0.18 gravel 54% D65 21 cobble 16% D84 66 boulder 1% D95 130 Queens Gap UT2 Station 0'-2400', riffle 937 936 935 _ 934 933 0 932 931 w 930 929 928 927 926 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 5.7 x-section area (ft.sq.) 12.9 W flood prone area (ft) 9.1 D50 Bed (mm) 7.4 width (ft) 1.7 entrenchment ratio 66 D84 Bed (mm) 0.8 mean depth (ft) 1.7 low bank height (ft) 106 threshold grain size (mm): 1.1 max depth (ft) 1.6 low bank height ratio 8.1 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.7 hyd radi (ft) 9.8 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 6.5 velocity (ft/s) 37.0 discharge rate (cfs) 1.37 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.040 Manning's roughness 0.21 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric 6.2 resistance factor u/u* 3.5 relative roughness Forces & Power 4.9 channel slope (%) 2.16 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 1.05 shear velocity (ft/s) 15.2 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Queens Gap UT2 Station 0'-2400', riffle 1004 1002 0 1000 ID 998 w 994 996 0 5 10 15 20 ------------------------ 25 30 35 40 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 5.7 x-section area (ft.sq.) 10.1 W flood prone area (ft) 9.1 D50 Bed (mm) 7.6 width (ft) 1.3 entrenchment ratio 66 D84 Bed (mm) 0.7 mean depth (ft) 2.2 low bank height (ft) 102 threshold grain size (mm): 1.0 max depth (ft) 2.3 low bank height ratio 8.3 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.7 hyd radi (ft) 10.2 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 6.2 velocity (ft/s) 35.2 discharge rate (cfs) 1.33 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.041 Manning's roughness 0.22 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric 6.0 resistance factor u/u* 3.4 relative roughness Forces & Power 4.9 channel slope (%) 2.08 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 1.03 shear velocity (ft/s) 14.1 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Queens Gap UT2 Station 0'-2400', riffle 930 928 926 924 0 922 920 a? w 918 916 914 912 0 20 40 60 Width (ft) 80 100 120 Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 5.7 x-section area (ft.sq.) 15.9 W flood prone area (ft) 9.1 D50 Bed (mm) 9.1 width (ft) 1.7 entrenchment ratio 66 D84 Bed (mm) 0.6 mean depth (ft) 4.4 low bank height (ft) 90 threshold grain size (mm): 0.9 max depth (ft) 4.8 low bank height ratio 9.5 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.6 hyd radi (ft) 14.6 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power 5.6 velocity (ft/s) 0.042 Manning's roughness 4.9 channel slope (%} 32.1 discharge rate (cfs) 0.24 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 1.84 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 1.28 Froude number 5.8 resistance factor u/u* 0.97 shear velocity (ft/s) 2.9 relative roughness 10.7 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Queens Gap UT2 Station 0'-2400', riffle 982 980 - 978 °- 976 7 w 974 972 970 0 5 10 15 20 25 Width (ft) 30 35 40 Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 5.7 x-section area (ft.sq.) 12.6 W flood prone area (ft) 9.1 D50 Bed (mm) 7.0 width (ft) 1.8 entrenchment ratio 66 D84 Bed (mm) 0.8 mean depth (ft) 2.0 low bank height (ft) 110 threshold grain size (mm): 1.3 max depth (ft) 1.6 low bank height ratio 7.8 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.7 hyd radi (ft) 8.6 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 6.8 velocity (ft/s) 39.0 discharge rate (cfs) 1.41 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.039 Manning's roughness 0.20 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric 6.4 resistance factor u/u* 3.8 relative roughness Forces & Power 4.9 channel slope (%) 2.23 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 1.07 shear velocity (ft/s) 17 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Queens Gap UT2 Station 0'-2400', riffle 952 950 951 949 C 948 c? 947 w 946 944 945 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 5.7 x-section area (ft.sq.) 24.7 W flood prone area (ft) 9.1 D50 Bed (mm) 10.3 width (ft) 2.4 entrenchment ratio 66 D84 Bed (mm) 0.6 mean depth (ft) 1.0 low bank height (ft) 81 threshold grain size (mm): 0.8 max depth (ft) 1.3 low bank height ratio 10.5 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.5 hyd radi (ft) 18.5 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power 5.1 velocity (ft/s) 0.043 Manning's roughness 4.9 channel slope (%} 28.8 discharge rate (cfs) 0.27 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 1.65 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 1.22 Froude number 5.5 resistance factor u/u* 0.92 shear velocity (ft/s) 2.6 relative roughness 8.6 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) 35 Queen's Gap UT3 - bed -+- water srf -f- bankfull a x-section O riffle crest o pool o run glide x RTOB + LTOB Linear (RTOB) Linear (LTOB) 1010 1005 1000 ++ + 995 990 985 + + Underground Above Underground Below Sao x a 975, x 910 w 965 960 - 955 950 945 940 0 200 400 600 600 10 00 1200 1400 1600 1800 Channel Distance (it) slope (%) slope ratio length (ft) length ratio pool-pool spacing (ft) p-p ratio reach 3.1 --- 1767.2 (358.8 channel widths --- --- --- riffle 2.1 (0-5.2) 0.7 (0- 1.7) 39.8 (9-80.1) 8.1 (1-8-16.3) --- --- pool 1.3 (0-3.7) 0.4 (0- 1.2) 18.2 (7.6-27.4) 3.7 (1.5-5.6) 96.4 (15.1 -21( 19.6 (3.1 -43.9) run 8.2 (5-16) 2.6 (1.6-5.2 21.8 (11.6 - 45.7) 4.4 (2.4-9.3) --- --- glide --- --- 12.6 (9.9-18.1) 2.6 (2-3.7) --- --. Queen's Gap UT3 Pattern 4500 4600 4700 East West Distance 4800 4900 5000 5100 5200 5300 5100 4900 4700 U 45CE 0 43t?o z 4100 3900 Bed Surface Material Size Range (mm; Count silt/clay 0 0.062 45 very fine sand 0.062 0.125 45 fine sand 0.125 0.25 45 medium sand 0.25 - 0.5 45 coarse sand 0.5 1 46 very coarse sand 1 - 2 54 very fine gravel 2 4 57 fine gravel 4 - 6 14 fine gravel 6 - 8 7 medium gravel 8 - 11 10 medium gravel 11 - 16 20 coarse gravel 16 22 14 coarse gravel 22 32 9 very coarse gravel 32 45 7 very coarse ravel 45 64 2 small cobble 64 - 90 2 medium cobble 90 128 large cobble 128 - 180 very large cobble 180 - 256 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 4096 total particle count: 422 bedrock ------------- clay hardpan ------------- detritus/wood ------------- artificial ------------- Note: total count: 422 Bed Surface Pebble Count, ' 3 100% silt/clay Queen's Gap UT3 sand gravel -+-cumulative % cobble boulder # of particles 60 90% '- 80% ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 l ro 70% i 40 c 60% 50% ----- - - I 30 ° e I Q 40% 30% 20 20% 10 10% I I I 0% I 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 0.088 mean 0.8 silt/clay 11% D35 0.3 dispersion 8.9 sand 56% D50 0.8 skewness -0.01 gravel 33% D65 1.9 cobble 0% D84 6.9 boulder 0% D95 21 Queen's Gap UT3, riffle 980 978 976 974 0 ? 972 w 970 968 966 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 2.0 x-section area (ft.sq.) 17.3 W flood prone area (ft) 0.8 D50 Bed (mm) 4.4 width (ft) 4.0 entrenchment ratio 6.9 D84 Bed (mm) 0.5 mean depth (ft) 3.6 low bank height (ft) 40 threshold grain size (mm): 0.7 max depth (ft) 5.5 low bank height ratio 4.7 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.4 hyd radi (ft) 9.5 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power 6.8 velocity (ft/s) 0.022 Manning's roughness 3.1 channel slope (%} 13.7 discharge rate (cfs) 0.07 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 0.82 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 1.86 Froude number 10.5 resistance factor u/u* 0.65 shear velocity (ft/s) 20.3 relative roughness 6.1 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Queen's Gap UT3, pool 960.5 959.5 C °- 958.5 CZ °' 958 w 960 959 957.5 957 956.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 2.0 x-section area (ft.sq.) --- W flood prone area (ft) 0.8 D50 Bed (mm) 13.9 width (ft) --- entrenchment ratio 6.9 D84 Bed (mm) 0.1 mean depth (ft) 0.7 low bank height (ft) 13 threshold grain size (mm): 0.8 max depth (ft) 0.8 low bank height ratio 14.4 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.1 hyd radi (ft) 96.2 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power 3.3 velocity (ft/s) 0.021 Manning's roughness 3.1 channel slope (%} 6.7 discharge rate (cfs) 0.10 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 0.27 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 1.56 Froude number 8.8 resistance factor u/u* 0.37 shear velocity (ft/s) 6.4 relative roughness 0.93 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Queen's Gap UT3, riffle 1001 999 _ 997 c °- 995 > w 993 991 989 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Width (ft) 35 40 45 50 Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 2.0 x-section area (ft.sq.) 9.9 W flood prone area (ft) 0.8 D50 Bed (mm) 3.1 width (ft) 3.2 entrenchment ratio 6.9 D84 Bed (mm) 0.6 mean depth (ft) 1.1 low bank height (ft) 48 threshold grain size (mm): 0.9 max depth (ft) 1.2 low bank height ratio 4.0 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.5 hyd radi (ft) 4.8 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 7.9 velocity (ft/s) 16.0 discharge rate (cfs) 1.96 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.021 Manning's roughness 0.06 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric 11.1 resistance factor u/u* 28.5 relative roughness Forces & Power 3.1 channel slope (%) 0.98 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.71 shear velocity (ft/s) 9.9 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Queen's Gap UT3, pool 1000 998 996 994 0 992 990- (D 988 - 986 ----------- --------7 --------------- 984 - 1 -01, L- 982 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 2.0 x-section area (ft.sq.) --- W flood prone area (ft) 0.8 D50 Bed (mm) 3.8 width (ft) --- entrenchment ratio 6.9 D84 Bed (mm) 0.5 mean depth (ft) 3.2 low bank height (ft) 43 threshold grain size (mm): 0.7 max depth (ft) 4.4 low bank height ratio 4.4 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.5 hyd radi (ft) 7.3 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 7.3 velocity (ft/s) 14.5 discharge rate (cfs) 1.90 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.021 Manning's roughness 0.07 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric 10.8 resistance factor u/u* 23.1 relative roughness Forces & Power 3.1 channel slope (%) 0.88 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.67 shear velocity (ft/s) 7.3 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Queen's Gap UT3, riffle 988 986 984 -? 982 ° 980 c? 978 w 976 974 972 0 10 20 30 40 50 Width (ft) 60 70 80 90 100 Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 2.1 x-section area (ft.sq.) 10.7 W flood prone area (ft) 0.8 D50 Bed (mm) 7.3 width (ft) 1.5 entrenchment ratio 6.9 D84 Bed (mm) 0.3 mean depth (ft) 3.3 low bank height (ft) 27 threshold grain size (mm): 0.5 max depth (ft) 6.4 low bank height ratio 7.4 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.3 hyd radi (ft) 25.6 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 5.1 velocity (ft/s) 10.7 discharge rate (cfs) 1.70 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.022 Manning's roughness 0.09 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric 9.7 resistance factor u/u* 12.6 relative roughness Forces & Power 3.1 channel slope (%) 0.55 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.53 shear velocity (ft/s) 2.8 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) UT4 (Lower) Longitudinal Profile {bed -+-water srf 0 bankfull o x-section o riffle crest o pool o run glide x RTOB + LTOB Linear (RTOB) Linear (LTOB) 940 + - x F a 920 w 900 0 200 400 600 ^000 1000 1200 Channel Distance (d) slope (%) slope ratio length (ft) length ratio pool-pool spacing (ft) p-p ratio reach 3.4 --- 1259.6 (166.9 channel widths --- --- --- riffle 7.1 (2.1 -36) 2.1 (0.6 - 10. 52.8 (4.5 -146.5) 7 (0.6-19.4) --- --- pool 0 (0-1.2) 0 (0-0.4) 20.5 (3.8-40.3) 2.7 (0.5-5.3) 69.5 (8.6-119. 9.2 (1.1 -15.8) run 18 (3-56) 5.3 (0.9-16. 19.0 (4.8-49.3) 2.5 (0.6-6.5) --- --- glide --- --- 17.2 (11.4 - 25.1) 2.3 (1.5-3.3) --- --. Queens Gap UT4 (Lower), pool 920 918 916 0 914 > 912 m w 910 908 906 0 5 10 25 30 35 15 20 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 4.6 x-section area (ft.sq.) --- W flood prone area (ft) 6 D50 Bed (mm) 11.9 width (ft) --- entrenchment ratio 42 D84 Bed (mm) 0.4 mean depth (ft) 1.8 low bank height (ft) 39 threshold grain size (mm): 1.0 max depth (ft) 1.9 low bank height ratio 12.4 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.4 hyd radi (ft) 30.9 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power 3.9 velocity (ft/s) 0.037 Manning's roughness 3.4 channel slope (%} 17.8 discharge rate (cfs) 0.22 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 0.79 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 1.12 Froude number 6.1 resistance factor u/u* 0.64 shear velocity (ft/s) 2.8 relative roughness 3.2 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Queens Gap UT4 (Lower), riffle 0 7 Cll W 1144 1143 1142 1141 1140 1139 1138 1137 10 Width (ft) 15 20 25 Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 4.6 x-section area (ft.sq.) 13.8 W flood prone area (ft) 6 D50 Bed (mm) 7.2 width (ft) 1.9 entrenchment ratio 42 D84 Bed (mm) 0.6 mean depth (ft) 1.5 low bank height (ft) 61 threshold grain size (mm): 1.1 max depth (ft) 1.3 low bank height ratio 7.9 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.6 hyd radi (ft) 11.4 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 5.6 velocity (ft/s) 25.7 discharge rate (cfs) 1.29 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.034 Manning's roughness 0.16 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric. 7.0 resistance factor u/u* 4.6 relative roughness Forces & Power 3.4 channel slope (%) 1.24 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.80 shear velocity (ft/s) 7.5 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Queens Gap UT4 (Lower), riffle 1138 1137.5 1137 1136.5 1136 1135.5 1135 w 1134.5 1134 1133.5 1133 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 4.6 x-section area (ft.sq.) 13.7 W flood prone area (ft) 6 D50 Bed (mm) 7.9 width (ft) 1.7 entrenchment ratio 42 D84 Bed (mm) 0.6 mean depth (ft) 1.9 low bank height (ft) 59 threshold grain size (mm): 0.9 max depth (ft) 2.1 low bank height ratio 8.2 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.6 hyd radi (ft) 13.3 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 5.3 velocity (ft/s) 24.7 discharge rate (cfs) 1.25 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.035 Manning's roughness 0.17 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric 6.8 resistance factor u/u* 4.3 relative roughness Forces & Power 3.4 channel slope (%) 1.20 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.79 shear velocity (ft/s) 6.7 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) UT4 (Lower) Pattern 5400 5600 5800 a? C- 0 6000 0 E 6200 0 z 6400 6600 6000 5900 5800 5700 5600 5500 5400 East West Distance Bed Surface Material Size Range (mm; Count silt/clay 0 0.062 11 very fine sand 0.062 0.125 11 fine sand 0.125 0.25 11 medium sand 0.25 - 0.5 11 coarse sand 0.5 1 12 very coarse sand 1 - 2 23 very fine gravel 2 4 12 fine gravel 4 - 6 11 fine gravel 6 - 8 7 medium gravel 8 - 11 6 medium gravel 11 - 16 12 coarse gravel 16 22 15 coarse gravel 22 32 13 very coarse gravel 32 45 20 very coarse ravel 45 64 14 small cobble 64 - 90 10 medium cobble 90 128 4 large cobble 128 - 180 1 very large cobble 180 - 256 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 4096 total particle count: 204 bedrock ------------- clay hardpan ------------- detritus/wood ------------- artificial ------------- Note: total count: 204 Bed Surface Pebble Count, ' 100% silt/clay Queens Gap UT4 (Lower) sand gravel -+-cumulative % cobble boulder # of particles 25 90% '- 80% ----- - - - - - - - - - - --------- 20 ca l `d 70% - ? c 60% 15 _ ? w 50% ----- -- -------- --- ° Q 40% 10 ?. 30% 0 20% 5 10% 0% 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 0.24 mean 3.2 silt/clay 5% D35 1.6 dispersion 16.0 sand 33% D50 6 skewness -0.18 gravel 54% D65 18 cobble 7% D84 42 boulder 0% D95 75 Queens Gap UT5 Longitudinal Profile { bed -+- water srf -0 bankfull x-section o riffle crest o pool c run glide x RTOB + JOB Linear (RTOB) Linear (LTOB) 970 1 966 1 + 960 95: x 1950 + w 945 940 9 35 930 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Channel Distance (ft) slope (%) slope ratio length (ft) length ratio pool-pool spacing (ft) p-p ratio reach 4.3 --- 615.3 (109.9 channel widths --- --- --- riffle 4.8 (3.6-5.9) 1.1 (0.8-1,4 62.9 (20.3 - 111.2) 11.2 (3.6-19.9) --- --- pool 1.8 (0.81 -2.9) 0.4 (0.2-0.7 23.6 (10.9 - 39.4) 4.2 (1.9-7) 113.4 (78.3-15,1 20.2 (14-27.7) run 5.3 (4.5-6.4) 1.2 (1 -1.5) 23.9 (18.6 - 28.7) 4.3 --- --- UT 5 Pattern 5100 5200 a? 5300 v Co n 5400 0 Cn 0 z 5500 5600 5700 5900 5800 5700 5600 5500 5400 East West Distance Bed Surface Material Size Range (mm; Count silt/clay 0 0.062 5 very fine sand 0.062 0.125 5 fine sand 0.125 0.25 6 medium sand 0.25 - 0.5 6 coarse sand 0.5 1 6 very coarse sand 1 - 2 22 very fine gravel 2 4 10 fine gravel 4 - 6 11 fine gravel 6 - 8 6 medium gravel 8 - 11 15 medium gravel 11 - 16 26 coarse gravel 16 22 20 coarse gravel 22 32 22 very coarse gravel 32 45 33 very coarse ravel 45 64 49 small cobble 64 - 90 42 medium cobble 90 128 15 large cobble 128 - 180 6 very large cobble 180 - 256 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 4096 total particle count: 305 bedrock ------------- clay hardpan ------------- detritus/wood ------------- artificial ------------- Note: total count: 305 Bed Surface Pebble Count, ' i 100% silt/clay Queen's Gap UT5 sand gravel -+-cumulative % cobble boulder # of particles 60 90% '- 80% ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 50 l ro 70% - i 40 c 60% 50% ----- - - - - - - - - - - -------- I 30 ° Q 40% 30% - I I I 20 20% I I I 10 10% I I I 0% I 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 1.9 mean 11.7 silt/clay 2% D35 14 dispersion 8.7 sand 15% D50 28 skewness -0.30 gravel 63% D65 47 cobble 21% D84 72 boulder 0% D95 100 &? b rr,^ UT5 XS120' 96 95 94 93 - ------ . 77 ------------- --- --------------------- ----- ------ --........ CO aT 92 w 91 94 89 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Width Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 3.5 x-section area (ft.sq.) 11.3 W flood prone area (ft) 28 D50 Bed (mm) 7.7 width (ft) 1.5 entrenchment ratio 72 D84 Bed (mm) 0.5 mean depth (ft) 3.4 low bank height (ft) --- threshold grain size (mm): 0.8 max depth (ft) 4.2 low bank height ratio 7.9 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.4 hyd radi (ft) 16.8 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power --- velocity (ft/s) 0.047 Manning's roughness --- channel slope (%) discharge rate (cfs) 0.33 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. --- shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) - Froude number 4.9 resistance factor u/u* --- shear velocity (ft/s) 1.9 relative roughness --- unit strm power (lb/ft/s) UT5 XS 560' 101 99 97 c a 95 m w 93 - _ ---- 91 89 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Width Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 3.5 x-section area (ft.sq.) 5.0 W flood prone area (ft) 28 D50 Bed (mm) 4.1 width (ft) 1.2 entrenchment ratio 72 D84 Bed (mm) 0.9 mean depth (ft) 3.1 low bank height (ft) --- threshold grain size (mm): 1.3 max depth (ft) 2.4 low bank height ratio 5.2 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.7 hyd radi (ft) 4.7 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power --- velocity (ft/s) 0.041 Manning's roughness --- channel slope (%) discharge rate (cfs) 0.22 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. --- shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) - Froude number 6.0 resistance factor u/u* --- shear velocity (ft/s) 3.7 relative roughness --- unit strm power (lb/ft/s) U T5 XS 570' 97 96 95 0 94 w LL' 93 92 91 0 5 10 15 20 Width 25 30 Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 3.5 x-section area (ft.sq.) 8.2 W flood prone area (ft) 28 D50 Bed (mm) 7.4 width (ft) 1.1 entrenchment ratio 72 D84 Bed (mm) 0.5 mean depth (ft) 2.2 low bank height (ft) --- threshold grain size (mm): 0.8 max depth (ft) 2.8 low bank height ratio 7.9 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.4 hyd radi (ft) 15.7 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power velocity (ft/s) 0.047 Manning's roughness --- channel slope (%) discharge rate (cfs) 0.34 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. --- shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) - Froude number 4.9 resistance factor u/u* --- shear velocity (ft/s) 2.0 relative roughness --- unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Queens Gap Bank Failures UT6 RBFL20. Station 0+50 looking downstream. Treatment: Reslope banks. RBUC20. Station 2+85. Treatment: Root wad placement. placement. LBFL12. Station 3+50. Treatment: Reslope banks. RBFL20. Station 3+80 looking downstream. Treatment: Log vane LBFL20. Station 4+50 looking downstream. Treatment: J-hook placement. RBUC10. Station 5+50. Treatment: Root wad. LBFL20. Station 6+35. Treatment: J-hook placement. RBFL15. Station 6+65. Treatment: J-hook placement and reslope banks. and reslope banks. LBUC20. Station 7+50. Treatment: J-hook placement and reslope banks. RBUC20. Station 8+00 looking downstream. Treatment: J-hook placement RBUC15. Station 11+50. Treatment: Root wad placement. LBUC20. Station 11+75. Treatment: Log vane and root wad placement. UT6 Longitudinal Profile [bed -+-water srf f bankfull L x-section 0 riffle crest 0 pool ® run glide x RTOB + LTOB Linear (RTOB) Linear (LTOB) 0 1110 ?f X X C Xx + x X+ a7i + + W X + 1090- 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Channel Distance (ft) slope (%) slope ratio length (ft) length ratio pool-pool spacing (ft) p-p ratio reach 2.3 --- 1176.4 (212.2 channel widths --- --- --- riffle 7.2 (1,2-45) 3.1 (0.5 - 19. 30.9 (4.6-187) 5.6 (0.8-33.7) --- --- pool 0 (0-2) 0 (0-0.9) 13.8 (4.8-22.1) 2.5 (0.9-4) 69.6 (19.8 - 21' , 12.6 (3.6-38.2) run 3.3 (1.5-5.3) 1.4 (0.7-2.2 18.0 (7.4-33) 3.2 --- --- glide --- --- 10.0 1.8 --- --. UT6 Pattern 653950 654050 654150 v 0 654250 4- I 0 0 654350 z 654450 654550 1105250 1105150 1105050 1104950 1104850 1104750 1104650 East West Distance Bed Surface Material Size Range (mm; Count silt/clay 0 0.062 40 very fine sand 0.062 0.125 26 fine sand 0.125 0.25 23 medium sand 0.25 - 0.5 18 coarse sand 0.5 1 14 very coarse sand 1 - 2 12 very fine gravel 2 4 5 fine gravel 4 - 6 5 fine gravel 6 - 8 3 medium gravel 8 - 11 1 medium gravel 11 - 16 8 coarse gravel 16 22 3 coarse gravel 22 32 13 very coarse gravel 32 45 8 very coarse ravel 45 64 10 small cobble 64 - 90 13 medium cobble 90 128 8 large cobble 128 - 180 2 very large cobble 180 - 256 2 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder 2048 4096 total particle count: 214 bedrock ------------- clay hardpan ------------- detritus/wood ------------- artificial ------------- total count: Note: X51030 & XS 400 214 Bed Surface Pebble Count, ' i 100% silt/clay Queens Gap UT6 sand gravel -+-cumulative % cobble boulder # of particles 45 90% 40 '- 80% ----- -- ----- 35 ro 70% 30 60% 25 m 50% L 20 Q 40% 30% 15 20% r - 10 10% I I 5 0% - I 1 0 - 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 0.062 mean 1.7 silt/clay 19% D35 0.16 dispersion 50.0 sand 43% D50 0.5 skewness 0.31 gravel 26% D65 4.4 cobble 12% D84 46 boulder 0% D95 95 Queens Gap UT6, riffle 1105 1104 1103 0 1102 1101 ---- ------------------------ ----- -------- -- 1100 - 1099 1098 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Width (ft) Ba nkfull Dimensions Flood D imensions Materials 3.0 x-section area (ft.sq.) 13.3 W flood prone area (ft) 0.5 D50 Bed (mm) 5.4 width (ft) 2.5 entrenchment ratio 46 D84 Bed (mm) 0.6 mean depth (ft) 1.3 low bank height (ft) 33 threshold grain size (mm): 0.8 max depth (ft) 1.6 low bank height ratio 6.4 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.5 hyd radi (ft) 9.7 width-depth ratio Ba nkfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power 3.6 velocity (ft/s) 0.038 Manning's roughness 2.3 channel slope (°lQ) 10.7 discharge rate (cfs) 0.21 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 0.66 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.93 Froude number 6.1 resistance factor u/u* 0.59 shear velocity (ft/s) 3.7 relative roughness 2.8 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Queens Gap UT6, pool 1126 1124 1122 1120 0 1118 w 1116 1114 1112 1110 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 3.0 x-section area (ft.sq.) 9.9 W flood prone area (ft) 0.5 D50 Bed (mm) 5.7 width (ft) 1.8 entrenchment ratio 46 D84 Bed (mm) 0.5 mean depth (ft) 1.2 low bank height (ft) 34 threshold grain size (mm): 0.7 max depth (ft) 1.6 low bank height ratio 6.0 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.5 hyd radi (ft) 10.8 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power 3.7 velocity (ft/s) 0.038 Manning's roughness 2.3 channel slope (%} 10.9 discharge rate (cfs) 0.21 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 0.70 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.93 Froude number 6.1 resistance factor u/u* 0.60 shear velocity (ft/s) 3.5 relative roughness 2.8 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Queens Gap UT6, riffle 1119 1117 1115 0 i6 1113 m w 1111 1109-- 11074 0 10 20 30 40 50 Width (ft) 60 70 80 Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 3.0 x-section area (ft.sq.) 9.2 W flood prone area (ft) 0.5 D50 Bed (mm) 5.7 width (ft) 1.6 entrenchment ratio 46 D84 Bed (mm) 0.5 mean depth (ft) 1.3 low bank height (ft) 35 threshold grain size (mm): 0.7 max depth (ft) 1.9 low bank height ratio 6.1 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.5 hyd radi (ft) 10.7 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 3.7 velocity (ft/s) 11.3 discharge rate (cfs) 0.93 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.038 Manning's roughness 0.21 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric 6.1 resistance factor u/u* 3.5 relative roughness Forces & Power 2.3 channel slope (%) 0.71 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.61 shear velocity (ft/s) 2.8 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Upper Harris Creek, riffle 1020 1015 1010 0 (> 1005 - w 1000 995 0 20 40 60 80 100 Width (ft) 120 140 160 180 200 Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 14.5 x-section area (ft.sq.) 75.0 W flood prone area (ft) 35 D50 Bed (mm) 17.4 width (ft) 4.3 entrenchment ratio 86 D84 Bed (mm) 0.8 mean depth (ft) 2.2 low bank height (ft) 84 threshold grain size (mm): 1.5 max depth (ft) 1.4 low bank height ratio 18.2 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.8 hyd radi (ft) 20.9 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 5.6 velocity (ft/s) 81.7 discharge rate (cfs) 1.11 Froude number Flow Resistance 0.042 Manning's roughness 0.22 D'Arcy-Weisbach Eric 6.0 resistance factor u/u* 3.0 relative roughness Forces & Power 3.4 channel slope (%) 1.70 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 0.94 shear velocity (ft/s) 9.9 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Upper Harris Creek, pool 1020 1015 - 1010 0 ._?6 w 1005 1000 995 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions Materials 15.7 x-section area (ft.sq.) 102.8 W flood prone area (ft) 35 D50 Bed (mm) 18.5 width (ft) 5.6 entrenchment ratio 86 D84 Bed (mm) 0.8 mean depth (ft) --- low bank height (ft) 84 threshold grain size (mm): 1.9 max depth (ft) --- low bank height ratio 19.4 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.8 hyd radi (ft) 21.9 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flow Resistance Forces & Power 5.8 velocity (ft/s) 0.041 Manning's roughness 3.4 channel slope (%} 91.5 discharge rate (cfs) 0.21 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 1.72 shear stress (lb/sq.ft.) 1.14 Froude number 6.2 resistance factor u/u* 0.94 shear velocity (ft/s) 3.0 relative roughness 10.5 unit strm power (lb/ft/s) Queens Gap Bank Failures Harris Creek Middle Reach UT4-UT2 Station 17+00 - 42+00 J-hook placement. RBUC30. Station 21+50 looking upstream. Treatment: J-hook placement. placement. wad installment. RBUC30. Station 22+75 looking upstream. Treatment: Log Vane RBUC20. Station 24+80 looking upstream. Treatment: Root wad placement and reslope banks. RBFL60. Station 26+25 looking upstream. Treatment: Log Vane placement and reslope banks. LBUC40. Station 27+30 looking upstream. Treatment: Root wad placement. Cut bankfull bench. placement. LBUC20. Station 29+50 looking upstream. Treatment: Cross vane placement. LBUC40. Station 32+40 looking downstream. Treatment: Log vane RBUC15. Station 33+75 looking upstream. Undercut bank and channel entrenchment. Treatment: Reslope banks and cut bankfull bench. placement. and reslope banks. LBUC50. Station 37+00 looking downstream. Treatment: J-hook LBUC40. Station 38+00 looking downstream. Cross vane placement RBUC40. Station 41+00 looking upstream. Treatment: J-hook placement and reslope banks.