HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0085481_Engineering Alternatives Analysis_19941220DECEMBER 20, 1994 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MEMORANDUM I To: Dave Goodrich (Permits & Engineering) From: Jim Bushardt Through: Dave Adki Subject:Holt Hosi enderlea School Unpermitted Engineering Alternatives Analysis RE f-f r,- IJEC 2 7 1994 Treatment Plant I have enclosed a copy of an engineering alternatives analysis for your consideration. As you may recall, this existing system consists of septic tank, dual above ground laterals which discharge onto splash plates with percolation into an intermediate sand filter (approx 80 ft. by 100 ft.) with underdrains and discharge to Crooked Run, a tributary of Sills Creek in the Cape Fear River Basin. Crooked Run exhibits a zero 7Q10 flow and a slight positive 30Q2 flow. The system has never been permitted, but does show up on the Wallace West USGS Quad Sheet. I enjoyed our previous conversation concerning the accuracy of the engineering alternatives analyses, and that is the reason I am sending you a copy of this one. I think it is factual and complete enough for Division representatives to evaluate. I annotated the cost estimates with my questions or opinions and then I contacted Mr. Criser. Please disregard my annotations during your review. Mr. Criser agreed that the land may not be worth the asking price, and the owner was not willing to subdivide the acreage or reduce the asking price. The consultant is waiting for the Division's next step, which is to provide the proper permit application forms for the submittal. The Region feels that an NPDES permit is the most cost practical approach in this case. I think some costs could be skimmed from the proposed LPP and spray irrigation systems. However, I do not think these cost reductions would make these systems economically competitive with the proposed treatment/NPDES discharge option. I think that it is important at this point to have consistency between the Central Office and the Region in regard to accepting an NPDES permit application. It is not necessary that you reply by memo to this request. A phone call will be adequate. Once I have your reply, I can send out the proper application form. JB:HOLT.D94 cc: Wilmington Office Files, Central Files DEC 0 91994 !J ........................... December 8, 1994 Mr. Jim Bushardt, P. E. Div. of Environmental Management N. C. Dept. of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Re: Holt Hosiery Mill/Penderlea School Wastewater Treatment Facility Pender County Dear Mr. Bushardt: As previously discussed, we have been systematically evaluat- ing several tracts of land within one mile of the existing was- tewater treatment facility for disposal suitability. One site was located that appears marginally suitable, but requires a large amount of land due to a very low application rate. Enclosed is a copy of our November 23, 1994 letter to Mr. Ralph Holt which reviews the alternatives for this project. It is obvious that the most economical alternative is to con- struct a new plant. The next alternate is more than double the cost. The Owner is in the process of trying to secure financing for the proposed improvements. Please advise what the next step is in the process of obtaining a permit. Sincerely yours, David E. Criser, 4PE. DEC/GGB/4102 Enc. cc: Mr. Ralph Holt Mr. Tom Pappendick Mr. John Bauer 805 N. THIRD STREET I P.O. DRAWER 2087 1 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402 1 919 763-0141 FAX 919 763-4186 November 23, 1994 Mr. Ralph Holt Holt Hosiery Mills P. 0. Box 1757 Burlington, NC 27216 Re: Site Evaluation Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Alternatives Holt Hosiery Mills, Penderlea School Dear Mr. Holt: Since our last meeting we have been evaluating several alter- natives to help correct the existing situation at the referenced site. Following is a brief description of each alternative along with a detailed cost estimate attached. Alternative No. 1: Subsurface Disposal We have reviewed the site evaluation report with Larry Baldwin and estimate that approximately 18 acres of the 35-acre site will be needed for a subsurface disposal system. We propose to use a low pressure pipe (LPP) system with 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 inch diameter lines, 10 feet on center, throughout the site to dis- tribute the wastewater. The existing septic tank would remain in use and a new sand filter unit would be added, along with the pumping tank and con- trols, to pump the wastewater to the proposed disposal site. The maintenance and operation measures necessary for this alternative would include daily monitoring of the pump station and the necessary mowing of the disposal site on a weekly or bi- weekly period. To optimize the site, construction should take place in the summer (dry) months to prevent damage to the existing soil struc- ture. The estimated project cost is $598,200, including land cost. Page 2 Alternative No. 2: Sprav Irrigation Disposal This alternative includes the construction of a pump sta- tion, a storage lagoon with 30 days' holding capacity, chlorine contact chamber, irrigation pumps and structure, and the installa- tion of the piping and spray heads necessary to distribute the wastewater over 18 acres. The spray heads are spaced ap- proximately 70 to 90 feet apart. The area will be divided into seven zones of about 2.5 acres with each zone having ap- proximately 9 spray heads. Each zone will receive wastewater once per week. During the dryer months the system can work automatically; however, during rainy periods the operator must operate the sys- tem manually, storing wastewater as needed. This alternative requires more operational and maintenance effort due to the chlorination system, the manual operation aspects, and the repair of potentially damaged spray heads. The system will need daily checks and weekly or bi-weekly mowing. Construction should also take place in the summer months to preserve the existing conditions as much as possible. The project cost estimate is $443,350. Alternative No. 3: New Treatment Plant This alternative consists of a new treatment plant using the same discharge location. A completely new tertiary treatment plant would be constructed and once on line the old plant would be abandoned. The new system will include flow equalization aeration units, clarifiers, filtration units, chlorination, dechlorination and metering equipment, and standby power equipment. This alternative requires the highest level of maintenance and operational work, along with additional testing. We estimate that a Grade III Operator may be necessary for this plant due to the strict permit limits we would expect it to operate within. A contract with a local sludge handler would be necessary to facilitate proper plant operation. The estimated cost is $217,300. Page 3 Alternative No. 4: PumA to Burqaw The necessary pump stations and booster stations would be constructed along with 9.1 miles of 6-inch force main that would connect this system to the Town of Burgaw's wastewater collection system. If this alternative is selected we anticipate that the exist- ing septic tank would continue to be used and the effluent pumped to the Town. This means that the continued monitoring and oc- casional cleaning of the existing septic system would be neces- sary. Also, there would be five pump stations to monitor and maintain. It should be noted that the Town has not been contacted con- cerning the alternative due to the estimated high cost. If this alternative is pursued, then negotiations should begin with the Town. This alternative has the highest cost estimate of $799,800. Due to the soil conditions in the area, the cost of Alterna- tives 1 and 2 are high due to the very low application rates which would be allowed on the site. From our analysis of the area the site selected for evaluation is one of the better sites. Other sites that may be suitable are farther away and probably would cost more. Alternative No. 4, pumping to the Town of Burgaw, has an ex- tremely high cost associated with it and is probably not economi- cally feasible at this time. Building a new treatment plant is apparently the most cost effective alternative at this time. We suggest the State be ap- proached with this information and permission requested to con- struct a new plant with the existing discharge. Sincerely yours, David E. Criser, P. E. DEC/GGB/4102 Enc. cc: Mr. Tom Pappendick 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 COST ESTIMATE Alternative No. 1 LPP SYSTEM (SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL) Sand filter, controls, etc. Pumping tank, pumps, controls, etc. 4" PVC pipe 8,100 if @ 6" PVC distribution pipe 3,780 if $34,700 35,000 $6.00 48,600 8.00 30,240 6" PVC main pipe 3,600 if 8.00 28,800 Steel casing, bored & jacked 40 if 120.00 4,800 6Oo 4" Valve 36 ea ) 400.00 1 ,44 - 8. 6" Valve 6 ea 500.00 3,000 z Z 9. Nitrification lines /fii �A.O,lf 5.00 -1 G kv U s#c� 10. Clearing/grassing 20 ac 1200.00 24,000 Construction Subtotal $412,540 Technical Services 61,900 Contingency e- 41,260 Land Cost - Initial Site 55,000 J Land Cost - Repair Site 27,500 Total Project Cost $598,200 COST ESTIMATE Alternative No. 2 SPRAY IRRIGATION DISPOSAL SYSTEM 1. Pump station 2. Chlorine contact chamber 3. Lagoon earthwork 4. Lagoon clay liner 5. Spray heads with nozzles 6. 6" PVC main pipe 7. 6" PVC distribution pipe 8. 3" PVC pipe 9. Steel casing, bored & jacked 10. Air release valve 11. Control valves (s"V^ 12. Meters 4,400 cy @ 650 cy 65 ea 3,600 if 2,200 if 7,000 if 40 if $35,000 10,000 $7.00 30,800 18.00 11,700 130.00 8,450 8.00 28,800 8.00 17,600 5.00 120.00 2000.00 -it Lw 13040_ 0 0 1500.00 13. Irrigation pump structure 14. Monitoring wells 5 ea 800.00 15. Clearing, grassinff 20 ac 1200.00 CpU �Ji1 16. Electrical 7e,411 o u�S�5 /m Construction Subtotal T2 35,000 4,800 14,000 7-' ' - I�� O =oxzex�to�2 4,000 24,000 1�25,000 $310,650 Technical Services //,l` 46,600 4U)c 4 Contingency / (noy,1e� 31,100 Land Cost e ary hw 55,0 00 ��B t�5fl Total Project Cost /S Gflef'o $443,350 ��J���•/Q�L-r/%Z�g//!Q/'I/�J//rvi C'A'�ti/�/��i��i�%��%�X�,xx 1 2 3. 4. 5. COST ESTIMATE Alternative No. 3 NEW TREATMENT PLANT Treatment plant, dual path: Material $83,000 Installation 15,000 Site work 3,600 Tertiary filter: Material 28,000 Installation 5,000 Site work 1,700 Equipment storage building 2,500 Emergency power generation 25,000 Miscellaneous piping and site work 10,000 Construction Subtotal $173,800 Technical Services 26,100 Contingency 17.400 Total Project Cost $217,300 1 2 3 4. 5. 6. s COST ESTIMATE Alternative No. 4 PUMP TO BURGAW 10,000-Gallon pumping tanks Pumps, controls, hatch Miscellaneous site work 6" PVC force main Air release manhole Driveway repairs Construction Subtotal Technical Services Contingency Total Project Cost 5 ea @ $15,000 $75,000 5 ea 20,000 100,000 5 ea 4,000 20,000 48,100 if 8.0 384,800 15 ea 2,000 / 30,000 30,000 $639,800 96,000 64,000 $799,800 SAµ. lU� ��cL7rd(