HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--04082_Well Construction - GW1_20240712 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For'teem!live ON1.5' T1r,'form can Is iced for cin;;k' „audnr a rrclls I.Well Contractor Iofonnatnor Ia.WATER ZONES Brian Ewing FH(/sl ur Dfsrairt1ON Well Contractor Name O. h• 4240-B ft. ft. NC Well Contractor ccni1m,I,o nrntsr 15.OUTER CASING Oar mehl-easid wells)OR LINER litNimble) FROM ' tO 1 MVMTTTR I TNICIy\TSS M61TMO SAEDACCO h. i h. in. Conpanr i..rnx ta.INNER CASING OR111WVGJembrreaLteisev4lwp) THOII r' 7O MA,AtETFN .~-tllld'ANEaS M\iERIAL 2.Well Construction Permit#: 0 h. 3 ft. 2 IL SCH-40 PVC Liu ufl q rla able urn permits fa-e.County .Shan.Variance.IIre 0Crt rlr.l - - _- - --� ' rt. R. �. 3.Well I-sr wheel:well owl: r 7 . 11118 'Water Supply \►ell: NOM TO DIAwTFR SLAT WE T111(1CNt?tS MATERIAL LIAgricultural OMunicipal.Public 3 ft. 13 ft. 2 010 SCH-40 PVC 11Geothemal(Heating.Cooling Supply') OResidcntial Water St h' h' is Supply(single.; -_ I ItHdustriatConuncrcial OResidcntial Water Supply(shared1 IL GROUT PROM TO MATERIAL. 1 EMPLACEMENT METHOD a ARDENT ❑Impatlon 0 ft. 1 ft. PORTLAND POURED Non-Water Supply Well: ( N nMo onne ❑ n Rcco\r .__ 4 Injection Well: n_ it I rI Aquifer Recharge CI(imundwatcrRcntcdiation J is.SANII(AtAVlLPACK(tfa , ie) now TO it ATRIUM. rMH.Ari it NTNfT,(/D ❑Aquifer Storage and Recover ❑Salinity Ramer 2 ft. 13 h. FILTER SAND # 2 ❑Aquifer Test ❑Smnttwaner Drainage h. ft. — ❑E'ap nmaual Technology. ❑Suhsidctac('roam! 20.DRILLING LOG(attach additional sheets if armours 1 ❑Geothcnnal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracet VROM TO Drx RIPTION Love,Marche..,uinnuL nr pr.Irma vw.tit Gl of ennal leating(oolillr Return) 00ther)explain under t21 Remad:st . 0 tt. 5 ft. FILL SILT AND SAND ❑ 5 ft. 10 ft. WET SANDY SILT 4.Date WeN(vl Completed: 6-4-24 Wdl mpECIT-AR-MW 0 3 10 11. 13 rt. WET SILTY SAND i Sa.Well Location: ft. h. USCG PFAS Site Inspection R. ft, s" ,. L•1,V Fa iht Orono-Naar Facility IDa(if applicable, f1. R.1664 Weeksville Rd , Elizabeth City, NC, 27909 R JUL ft. 1 2 2024 , Plnser!Addocss.Cin.and Zip y 7R R[MARK.4 11%�:RY•.,`l '9•rr5lii''t ).til Pasquotank BENTONITE SEAL 1 TO 2' pt;::13LA9 ('onnh P.arccl t.kntdtcrtion N.I IPIN I `h.'Altitude and Inngirwak in degrees.minutes:Seconds or decimal degrees: 22.(rnitiranon: urwrn field,one la61aate.....done) N W Brian Ewing 6/21/2024 Signature of Certified Well Comcwt.r Dale I..Is(area the wends): X1Pennanent air trnt(aran Nr Abviing Jhu harm.1 here/a arrnfy friar the argfsl two turret ermrtrlected in aerordomr wit*154 NOW 02C.0100 or 154 NCAC MC.0200 Weir Constro tioa Standards and rhea a 7.la tits a repair to an esistieg wen: .:,1 es or X\o ra>t.."(Mir rrr,mf haw been(r,ravd•d rn Me urn owner. if am III a arpair,fill ow two.....if woo*nab:forrourrar,I oe.)rypiam Ow otiose,'r r„ repair under 021 remarks section or ern the hark..!Phi..fury. 23.Site diagram or additional well Mails: You own use the back of this page to proslde additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells as alrected: 1 cotutru:ion details. You may also attach additional pages if tres:essan. far malr.pk mjea.Non or ram-sous umph urlls ONLY a,01 rho Wale Constr fenaw r.,a...a soM,lita.aw form. SUBMITTAL INSTItC11ONS 9.Taal wdl depth blow lam iwrfac: 13 (9.1 24a. For AN Wills: Submit this I•onn within 10 days of completion of well For nalripk relit nu all depth:ifdifferrnt lr.taarpf-1' 200'and 2%1001 construction to the folbwing- lu.Static water level below top of c*SiS$ (MI Division of Water Resources,Information Processing l nit. tr moor 7rrr1 n Idar.rr.aslnR.ere"a." 1617 Mail Service Ginter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 I I.Borebele diameter:8.25" (in.) 2lb.for inketlen Well,1 ONI.V: hi addition to sending the form to the address in 24aabrne. also submit a cups of this form within 'k)days of completion of well 12.Wen ceostrwd ii method:BORED col unucliun to the following. I I c.auger.rota..cable,6m*push.de.l Di%Ohon of Water Resources.Underground Injection Control Program. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: l634.Mail See ice Center.Raleigh.NC 276941-1636 13a Yield 24c.Fur Rater supply A.Injection W'clh: (>AIui _ Method of twist: Also submit oak copy of this faun within ;a day s of completion of lib.D(siafectiea type: Amount: well construction to the came health depanmcnl of the county where constructed Form GW-I Nonb Cambia trienniums of Ens nomlatiu aid Natural Rcsourcea-Division of i.ur l Entree Ho Ise.] August v.I;