HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC242126_FRO Submitted_20240716 Applications may be submitted online: https://chathamcountync.viewpointcloud.com/categories/1082 Land-Disturbing L I I ATI I A M itel I CICIN Y Permit Application (1 I !i l A !) 1 1 V Please include all required signatures. For Office Use: Physical Address Mailing Address 80 East St. PO Box 548 Pittsboro,NC 27312 Pittsboro,NC 27312 Phone: (919) 545-8344 Please see PERMITTING FLOW CHART to determine which permit, plan, and fee requirements apply to your project and then check one of the boxes below: p Land-Disturbing Permit. The following items are required to obtain this permit: completed application, plans, deed, and fees. All clearing and disturbance must be included when calculating disturbed area. Fee Requirements: See attached PERMITTING FLOW CHART For fees that are rounded up to the next whole acre. Example: 1 acre or less is $500, 1.01-2 acres is $1,000, and 2.01-3 is $1,500. Plan Requirements: Design Plan: submit(1) copy of an erosion control plan completed&sealed by a professional land surveyor,professional engineer, or registered landscape architect. This plan must meet the criteria of the Chatham County Erosion Control Plan Review Checklist and include all applicable construction details. These can be found on the Chatham County Watershed Protection website, on the Erosion Control webpage. This plan must satisfy all local, state, and federal minimum plan requirements. General Plan submit(1) copy of site plan showing proposed disturbance limits along with the Chatham County Residential General Plan. Site plan is not required to be completed by a design professional. The Residential General Plan can be found on the Chatham County Watershed Protection website, Residential Land-Disturbing Permit webpage. Complete table on sheet 1 of Residential General Plan. E Residential Lot Permit. The following items are required to obtain this permit: completed application, site plan, and fee. Page 3 "Financial Responsibility/Ownership Form"not required. Fee Requirements: Plan Requirements: $100 flat fee Site Plan showing property boundaries and proposed disturbance limits. The site plan required by the Environmental Health Department can be used as a base. ALL CHECKS MADE PAYABLE TO CHATHAM COUNTY Page 1 of 3 Land-Disturbing I A It-�`I l A (""l) t 1"'Psti r' Permit Application !) 1 !1 l .\ I4 **The mailing and street address of the principal place of business for the person/entity financially responsible and the land owner(s) must be provided.A P.O. box is NOT acceptable as an address. **If the financially responsible party is different from the current land owner,an agreement signed by both parties must be provided allowing the financially responsible party to conduct the land-disturbing activity on the property. This agreement is provided on page 3 of this application and must be completed in its entirety. PROJECT NAME: Ryan's Crossing lot 15 DATE: 4/26/2024 ADDRESS OF PROJECT: 142 Lila Drive Pittsboro, NC 27312 LATITUDE/LONGITUDE OF PROPERTY AT SITE ENTRANCE: 35.8277/-79.1346 PARCEL#(S): 0095558 TOTAL DISTURBED ACRES or SQUARE FEET: 31,915 PURPOSE OF ACTIVITY: New SFD FEE AMOUNT SUBMITTED: TBD RIVER BASIN: CAPE FEAR **LANDOWNER(S) OF RECORD (attach page to list additional owners) Please provide a complete list of partners, managing members and registered agents if the responsible entity or land owner is a group of individuals, corporate organization or entity. Name: RBV Vertical, LLC Phone: 919-876-5802 Address: 3434 Kildaire Farm Rd Ste 135 E-Mail: 9c@w'ndjamdevelopment.com Cary, NC 27518 Signature: **FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY (applicable only if different from property owner) Name: ICG Homes, LLC/Ryan Perry , Owner Phone: 919876-5802 Address: 4020 Wake Forest Rd Ste. 306 E-Mail: Permits@icghomes.com Ryan PerryDigitally timed b7 Ryan Pe"7 Raleigh, NC 27609 Signature: y ate:2024.062613:4734-04,00' NORTH CAROLINA AGENT(applicable only if either owner or financially responsible party does not reside in North Carolina) Name: Phone: Address: E-Mail: Signature: ENGINEER/SURVEYOR EROSION CONTROL Company Name: Taylor Land Consultants,PLLC Person to contact should erosion & sediment Address: 1600 Olive Chapel Rd Ste. 140 control issues arise during land-disturbing activity: Apex, NC 27502 Contact Person: Ryan Perry Contact Person: Jeremy Taylor Company Name: ICG Homes, LLC Phone:919-801-1104 Phone: 919-876-5802 E-Mail: Jeremy@taylorlc.com E-Mail: Permits@icghomes.com Page 2 of 3 ANTICIPATED START DATE: 5/22/2024 ANTICPATED END DATE: 5/22/2025 /n\ Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control C'HANo IS µ SHAM Z (2c UN 1 Financial Responsibility/Ownership Form NOT REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED FOR RESIDENTIAL LOT PERMITS. PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: 1)This section must be signed in the presence of a Notary. 2)This form must be signed by the property owner if an individual.If owned by a company or corporation,this form must be signed by an officer, director,partner,attorney-in-fact,or other person with authority to execute instruments for the corporation and accompanied by a complete list of all partners,managing members and registered agents of the company or corporation. 3)This form must also be signed by the financially responsible party and NC agent(if applicable).Same provisions of#2 above apply. 4)If the landowner and financially responsible party are different,the completion and signing of this page shall serve as documentation acknowledging the landowner consents to and authorizes the financially responsible party to undertake the proposed land-disturbing activity on the landowner's tract(s)of land identified on this application. 5)The information provided on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided by me while under oath. 6)All Land-Disturbing permits are valid for up to(2)years from the date of issuance. If circumstances warrant, the permit may be extended for (2) years per the conditions of the Chatham County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance. Upon written notice, the Land-Disturbing permit may be revoked for failure to comply with the Ordinance. If the permit is revoked, all other permits and approvals are withheld until the property is once again in compliance with Chatham County regulations. Also,upon written notice,a civil penalty(fine)can be instigated against the property owner and/or additional financially responsible party(if any)for violations of the Chatham County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance.This penalty is up to$5000.00 per violation per day and is assessed daily for every day the property is in violation. Interfering with or hampering an inspection can result in a civil penalty without written notice. OWNER OF PRO TY: Name and Title: l/ Company(if appy ): Signature: FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY (applicable only if different from property owner): Name and Title: Company: Signature: NORTH CAROLINA AGENT (if any): Name and Title: Company: Signature: **** **********************************/ ************************ I, ��/l . ` C`cat ,a Notary Public of County in the state o Ci do hereby certify that J I4' /17 rso all appeared before me this day and under oath acknowledged reading the information above and acknow edged thatthe above form was executed by him or her. /� `````��gpn11U1,,,,����, es D Witness my • an. ial seal,this the day of ( , 20 i ���`÷� p'% NOTARI, 9;1. r. MY = CO IO EXPIRES E Notary P 0 U ti UBLIG My co, sion expires Z/ ��'� (SEAL) %,"9jq v�,�1``��a ''l,,I,"tICOt�% ko Page 3 of 3 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control CHATIFIANnCOUNTY C Financial Responsibility/Ownership Form NOT REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED FOR RESIDENTIAL LOT PERMITS. PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: 1)This section must be signed in the presence of a Notary. 2)This form must be signed by the property owner if an individual.If owned by a company or corporation,this form must be signed by an officer, director,partner,attorney-in-fact,or other person with authority to execute instruments for the corporation and accompanied by a complete list of all partners,managing members and registered agents of the company or corporation. 3)This form must also be signed by the financially responsible party and NC agent(if applicable).Same provisions of#2 above apply. 4)If the landowner and financially responsible party are different,the completion and signing of this page shall serve as documentation acknowledging the landowner consents to and authorizes the financially responsible party to undertake the proposed land-disturbing activity on the landowner's tract(s)of land identified on this application. 5)The information provided on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided by me while under oath. 6)All Land-Disturbing permits are valid for up to (2)years from the date of issuance. If circumstances warrant, the permit may be extended for (2) years per the conditions of the Chatham County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance. Upon written notice, the Land-Disturbing permit may be revoked for failure to comply with the Ordinance. If the permit is revoked,. all other permits and approvals are withheld until the property is once again in compliance with Chatham County regulations. Also.upon written notice,a civil penalty(fine)can be instigated against the property owner and/or additional financially responsible party(if any)for violations of the Chatham County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance.This penalty is up to$5000.00 per violation per day and is assessed daily for every day the property is in violation. Interfering with or hampering an inspection can result in a civil penalty without written notice. OWNER OF PROPERTY: Name and Title: Company(if applicable): Signature: FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY (applicable only if different from property owner): Name and Title: Ryan Perry/Owner Compa ICG Homes, LLC Signature: I f �� NORTH CAROLINA AGENT (if any): Name and Title: Company: Signature: ***************************************************************** Ceyessie, rn_ 5A-nn'. , a Notary Public of Al<E County in the state of N C do hereby certify that I1 an -P r'rt� personally appeared before me this day and under oath acknowledged reading the information above and acknowledged that the above form was executed by him or her. Witness my hand and official seal,this the a4, day of , 20dy. %%%%% °1Ol'���.�,�_ :a'�5rGU1. 0 • Notary Public �JY� _� My commission expires OA- (SEAL) ' : E ,""4,, ,,C�0�U� `ot'`' Page 3 of 3