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SW4240701_Property Deed_20240712
Type: CONSOLIDATED REAL PROPERTY Recorded: 2/26/2024 11:25:46 AM Fee Amt: $722.00 Page 1 of 3 Revenue Tax: $696.00 Alamance, NC David Barber Register of Deeds BK 4558 PG 668 - 670 This instrument prepared by: Oertel, Koonts and Oertel, PLLC, a licensed North Carolina attorney, Delinquent taxes, if any, to be paid by the closing attorney to the County Tax Collector upon disbursement of closing proceeds. NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax: $696.00 Parcel Identifier No._Part of 156575_Verified by County on the day of ,20 By: Mail/Box to:Grantee This instrument was prepared by: Paul L.Oertel, III,3493 Forestdale Drive,Suite 103,Burlington,NC 27215 Brief description for the Index: THIS DEED made this 26th day of February 2024,by and between GRANTOR GRANTEE Shelby J. McBane(single),by and thru her attorney in fact Sasser Properties,LLC Cathy McBane Marley A North Carolina limited liability company 7542 Stockard Road 4425 Sasser Farms Drive Snow Camp,NC 27349 Gibsonville,NC 27249 Enter in appropriate block for each Grantor and Grantee: name,mailing address,and,if appropriate,character of entity,e.g. corporation or partnership. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties,their heirs,successors,and assigns,and shall include singular,plural,masculine,feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH,that the Grantor,for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee,the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot, parcel of land or condominium unit situated in Newlin Township,Alamance County,North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: See Exhibit A attached hereto for a more complete description. The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book 891 at Page 638. All or a portion of the property herein conveyed_includes or_X_does not include the primary residence of a Grantor. A map showing the above described property is recorded in Nat Book at Page . NC Bar Association Form No.3©1976,Revised©1/1/2010,2013 This standard form has been approved by: PrintedbyASubmitted electronically by "Oertel , Koonts and Oertel , PLLC" in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement with the Alamance County Register of Deeds. Book:4558 Page:668 Page 1 of 3 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee,that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple,has the right to convey the same in fee simple,that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances,and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,other than the following exceptions: Any Rights of Way,Easements and or Restrictions of Record,if any. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first above written. c f- P/ � r� �`� �G�l� GL` SSEAL) Shelby J.McBane,by and thru her attorney in ct,Cathy McBane arley /& • • • State of North Carolina County of Alamance I, Paul L. Oertel III a Notary Public of the Aforesaid County and State do hereby certify that Cathy McBane Marley, Attorney in fact for Shelby J. McBane, personally appeared before me this day and being by me duly sworn, says that he/she executed the foregoing and annexed instrument for and in behalf of Shelby J. McBane, and that his/her authority to execute and acknowledge said instrument is contained in an instrument duly executed, acknowledged and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County North Carolina in Book 3797 at Page 682 and that this instrument was executed under and by the authority given by said instrument granting him/her that power of attorney. And I further certify that said Cathy McBane Marley acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing and annexed instrument for the purposes therein expressed for and on behalf of the said Shelby J. McBane. Witness my hand and notarial seal,this the a(9 day of February 2024. Notary Public My Commission expires:_4-29-2028 A woh ceo 4/0 2 NC Bar Association Form No.3©1976,Revised©1/1/2010,2013 This standard form has been approved by: Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar Association North Carolina Bar Association—NC Bar Form No.3 Book:4558 Page:668 Page 2 of 3 Exhibit A All that certain tract or parcel of land in Newlin Township,Alamance County,North Carolina, located East by Zachary Road(Road No.576),South of the Greensboro-Chapel Hill Road,and adjoining J.Thomas Zachary,Zachary Road,Greensboro-Chapel Hill Road,Spring Friends Meeting House Church,Walter Woody,Paul McBane and Andrews,and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a nail and cap in the center of the pavement at a ppint where the Greensboro-Chapel Hill Road intersects with the center of Spring Ohurch Road,and being in the line of Spring Friends Meeting House Church;running thence witlt,the line of said Church,South 7 deg. 52'West 299.23 feet to a rock and corner with said church; running thence again with the line of said church,South 84 deg.32' East 587.75 feet to a rock and center with said Church,in the line of Walter W.Woody;running thence with the line of Walter W.Woody and Paul McBane,South 5 deg. 24'West,2343 feet to a rock,corner with Paul McBane and Andrews;thence with the line of said Andrews in a Westerly direction,355 feet to a point and new corner with J.Thomas Zachary,in the center of Zachary Road;thence a new line with said Zachary and along the center line of said road in a northerly direction,a distance of approximately 2,662 feet to a point at the intersection of the center line of Zachary Road,as extended,and the center line of said Greensboro-Chapei Hill Road;thence with the center line of said%Greensboro-Chapel Hill Road,in an Easterly direction approximately 95 feet to the POINT.OF BEGINNING,and containing 37 acres,more or less,and being the property owned by J. Thomas Zachary, on the East side of Zachary Road,including in Deed dated October 13, 1933 to J.Thomas Zachary from Greensboro Joint Stock Land Bank,and recorded in Deed Book 105 at page 493 of the Alamance County Registry. Save and Except the following three parcels of land: Parcel A Being all of Lot Number One(1)containing 5.06 acres,more or less,Final Plat Addition to the property of Miguel A. Salas and wife, Matilde C. Salas,as shown on that plat thereof recorded in the Register of Deeds for Alamance County,North Carolina in Plat Book 82 at Page 341,which plat is incorporated hererin for a more complete description. Parcel B Being all of that Lot Number One(1)containig 8.48 acres,more or less,Final Plat Stockard Road,as shown on that plat thereof recorded in the Register of Deeds for Alamance County,North Carolina in Plat Book 84 at Page 267,which plat is incorporated hererin for a more complete description. Parcel C Being all of that unumbered 0.954 acre tract as shown on that Final Plat of the Property of Diane P. Lipscomb and Patricia L.Briggs which plat is recorded in the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, North Carolina in Plat Book 33 at page 91. • Book:4558 Page:668 Page 3 of 3