HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200775 Ver 2_Middendorf PCN Package_20240621Middendorf Springs Mitigation Site, Anson County, NC DMS Project No. 100151 Action ID: SAW-2021-01973 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PROPOSED NATIONWIDE PERMIT ACTIVITY...............................................................................1 1.1 PROJECT SUMMARY.............................................................................................................................1 1.2 EXISTING CONDITIONS......................................................................................................................1 1.3 NATIONWIDE PERMIT ACTIVITY................................................................................................... 2 1.3.1 STREAM ACTIVITY...................................................................................................................... 2 1.3.2 WETLAND ACTIVITY.................................................................................................................. 2 1.3.3 SOIL ACTIVITY.............................................................................................................................. 3 2. NATIONWIDE PERMIT COMPLIANCE..............................................................................................3 2.1 NATIONWIDE PERMIT GENERAL CONDITIONS....................................................................... 3 2.2 REGIONAL CONDITIONS....................................................................................................................7 2.3 WOTUS IMPACTS REQUIRED FOR PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION.....................................9 2.3.1 STREAM IMPACTS....................................................................................................................... 9 2.3.2 WETLAND IMPACTS.................................................................................................................10 2.4 STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACT AVOIDANCE/MINIMIZATION..................................13 3. SECTION 401 COMPLIANCE..............................................................................................................13 3.1 GENERAL CONDITIONS...................................................................................................................13 TABLES Table 1. USACE Nationwide Permit general conditions and project compliance measures.......... 3 Table 2. USACE Wilmington District General Conditions and Regional Conditions applicable to NW P 27........................................................................................................................................... 7 Table 3. Stream impacts associated with Site activities................................................................. 9 Table 4. Wetland impacts associated with Site activities............................................................. 11 Table 5. Water Quality Certification 4255 general conditions compliance .................................. 14 APPENDICES Appendix A Middendorf Springs Plan Set with ESC Middendorf Springs Mitigation Site, Anson County, NC DMS Project No. 100151 Action ID: SAW-2021-01973 1. PROPOSED NATIONWIDE PERMIT ACTIVITY 1.1 PROJECT SUMMARY The Middendorf Springs Mitigation Site (Site) is located approximately 10 miles south of Wadesboro in the town of Morven, Anson County, North Carolina. The site can be accessed from Gulledge road, centroid coordinates 34.855,-80.1075. The site lies within the Yadkin River Basin, United States Geological Survey (USGS) hydrologic unit code (HUC) 03040201, and 12-digit HUC 030402010202. This project proposes to restore 12,962.583 linear feet (LF) and enhance 500.119 LF of intermittent and perennial streams to provide 13,295.996 stream mitigation units (SMU). Additionally, 5.73 acres of wetlands will be rehabilitated and re-established for 5.570 riparian wetland mitigation units (WMU). The site will be protected in perpetuity by a 74.36-acre easement. All proposed activities conform to the general conditions of Nationwide Permit (NWP) 27 (Aquatic Habitat Restoration, Enhancement, and Establishment Activities). A Site preliminary jurisdictional determination (Action ID SAW-2021-01973) was issued on July 27, 2022. 1.2 EXISTING CONDITIONS The Site consists of eight unnamed tributaries that flow north to south which drain to South Fork Jones Creek and approximately 20 acres of drained and row -cropped hydric soils in the floodplain of South Fork Jones Creek. The drainage areas for each tributary are provided in the site mitigation plan, which has been uploaded into RIBITS and Laserfiche. Primary land use within the tributary drainage areas consists of row crop and poultry operations. The poultry operations are located on adjacent parcels upstream of Tributary 1 and are not part of the farming operations of the parent tracts of the mitigation site. The project site and parent tract are entirely in row crop with some areas of woods. Wooded areas within the site are located along the riparian areas of South Fork Jones Creek, Tributary 1 (Upper) and along Tributaries 113 and 1C. Impervious surface accounts for less than one percent of the drainage area. Historic and current land use included timber production and row -cropping. There are no signs of impending land use changes or development pressure that would impact the project throughout the watershed. Historic aerial imagery indicates that the Site was used extensively for timber production, with conversion to row crop agriculture occurring in approximately 2016. Current agricultural activities have degraded the riparian areas and contributed to the degradation of the stream channels. The site has not been used for cattle pasture historically, and no livestock are currently present. The Site will be composed of a single easement area with eight tributaries that drain to South Fork Jones Creek. Morphological data for site streams is included in site mitigation plan. The site supports 23 jurisdictional wetland features, all of which are classified as riparian non-riverine wetlands. The wetlands occur on side slopes and floodplains that drain to on -site stream channels. Surface saturation and surface water were the dominant wetland hydrology indicator, and soils exhibited low 1 Middendorf Springs Mitigation Site, Anson County, NC DMS Project No. 100151 Action ID: SAW-2021-01973 chroma matrix and redoximorphic hydric soil indicators. Hydrophytic vegetation was observed in some areas; however, due to the manipulation of the Site for agricultural purposes, the vegetation is considered significantly disturbed. 1.3 NATIONWIDE PERMIT ACTIVITY The project will improve stream and wetland functions through stream restoration, wetland restoration, and conversion of agricultural fields into riparian buffer within the Yadkin River basin. Benefits include increased hydrological function, improvements to water quality and improved aquatic habitat. Through the restoration approach, hydraulic and geomorphology functions will be improved and could also benefit physiological and biological functions. The project stressors, goals, and objectives are described in detail in the Middendorf Springs Mitigation Site Mitigation Plan. 1.3.1 STREAM ACTIVITY The Site includes Priority I and Enhancement Level I restoration. For Tributary 113, which is relatively short and steep, Enhancement Level I will be used to establish grade control and create pools. A bankfull bench will be constructed to provide stable dimension based upon sediment transport requirements. Small in - stream structures, such as log sills, will be installed to provide grade control, establish pools and increase bedform diversity. Streambanks will be graded to provide stable slope and a 50-foot riparian buffer will be planted with native woody and herbaceous species. The remaining reaches (IA -lower, 1C, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) at the site will undergo Priority I restoration, which includes establishing a new, sinuous channel based on stable reference reach condition. The channel bed elevation will be raised to reconnect streambanks to floodplain, and natural bedform with riffle -pool sequence and deep pool habitat will be established to provide diversity of aquatic habitat. A 50-foot riparian buffer will be planted with native woody and herbaceous species. In -channel structures will be installed where necessary to maintain grade and establish bedform. Bed material will be added to all riffles to construct constructed riffles, while in steeper riffle locations (>2.5% slopes), log "roller" structures will be installed to provide more resistance to increased shear stress. The existing impaired tributaries will be backfilled with excavated materials. 1.3.2 WETLAND ACTIVITY The Site will provide 5.570 riparian WMUs through a combination of wetland reestablishment and rehabilitation. Planting of woody vegetation will occur in areas where existing riparian wetlands are present. The hydrologic restoration of these areas will be directly related to stream restoration activities and removal of the drainage tile system. Removal of the drainage tiles will raise local groundwater elevations and allow for more frequent groundwater interaction. These reestablished wetland areas will be planted with bare root hardwood trees and shrubs, and rough graded to increase runoff retention in 2 Middendorf Springs Mitigation Site, Anson County, NC DMS Project No. 100151 Action ID: SAW-2021-01973 small shallow areas. This rehabilitation effort aims to re-establish the Riverine Swamp Forest community that historically existed in the watershed. 1.3.3 SOIL ACTIVITY Soil grading will occur during stream restoration activities. Topsoil will be stockpiled during construction and spread on the soil surface once a subgrade has been established. Areas of soil compaction from row crop agriculture will be deep ripped to break up the soil surface prior to planting. Surface roughening will create shallow depressional areas within floodplain, re-establishing more natural conditions and establishing habitat diversity. No depressional areas will be created deeper than 6" within the wetland cells. Coarse woody debris from site clearing will be added to wetland areas to provide wildlife habitat, increase surface roughness, and absorb water energy during overbank events. 2. NATIONWIDE PERMIT COMPLIANCE 2.1 NATIONWIDE PERMIT GENERAL CONDITIONS The proposed construction project would comply with the USACE 2021 General Conditions for NWPs and USACE Wilmington District Regional Conditions, including regional conditions applicable to NWP 27. The Pre -Construction form and this document were prepared to show compliance with the permit. Project compliance with NWP general conditions is included in Table 1. Table 1. USACE Nationwide Permit general conditions and project compliance measures. General Description ApplicableNWP Project Activity Description Condition to Project No streams or waterbodies within the project are used 1 Navigation No for navigation or require signs or signals for navigational purposes. The project will utilize surface water diversion during 2 Aquatic Life Yes channel construction and during fill of the existing Movement channel to provide continual flow for aquatic life downstream of the project. No known spawning areas are present within the project 3 Spawning Areas No area and the project is outside of mapped spawning areas. Migratory bird breeding may occur within the project Migratory Bird area between March 1 and September 10. USFWS 4 Breeding Areas Yes Migratory Bird Act Best Management Practices will be implemented to reduce potential impacts to migratory birds as a result of project activities. 3 Middendorf Springs Mitigation Site, Anson County, NC DMS Project No. 100151 Action ID: SAW-2021-01973 General Description ApplicableNWP Project Activity Description Condition to Project 5 Shellfish Beds No No shellfish beds are located within the project area or within the project area watershed. All construction materials will be sourced on -site from 6 Suitable Material Yes existing clean fill or will be sourced from appropriate suppliers and will be free from toxic pollutants in toxic amounts. Water Supply No public supply water intakes are located within the 7 Intakes No project area. All active channel work will utilize a surface water Adverse Effects diversion with a temporary impervious dike to allow for 8 from No maintenance of downstream water flow. No permanent Impoundments impoundment of water will occur as a result of the project. The project will utilize surface water diversion during 9 Management of Yes channel construction and during fill of the existing Water Flows channels to provide continual flow for aquatic life downstream of the project. Fills within 100-Year The project does not lie within a 100-year floodplain and 10 Floodplain NO is not within a regulatory floodway. Heavy equipment will utilize log mats or other measures when crossing areas of soil saturation or where soil conditions are not suitable for vehicular traffic. All site 11 Equipment Yes soils in temporary access areas will be returned to pre - construction conditions. Soils within proposed wetland mitigation areas will be ripped and disked prior to planting to ameliorate for construction and long-term agricultural impacts. Soil Erosion and A soil and erosion sedimentation control plan is included 12 Sediment Controls Yes with the project plan set in Appendix A. All temporary fills, such as impervious dikes used during 13 Removal of Yes pump around activities, will be removed at the end of Structures and Fills construction activities. Temporary impact areas will be returned to pre -construction conditions. A maintenance plan for the site is included in the 14 Proper Maintenance Yes mitigation plan which has been uploaded into RIBITS and Laserfiche. 15 Single and Complete Yes The project will be completed under a single NWP 27. Project Wild and Scenic No National Wild or Scenic rivers, or rivers officially 16 Rivers No designated by Congress as a "study river" are present within the project, or within the project watershed. Middendorf Springs Mitigation Site, Anson County, NC DMS Project No. 100151 Action ID: SAW-2021-01973 General Condition 17 Description Tribal Rights ApplicableNWP to Project No Project Activity Description No tribal rights will be impacted as a result of the project. The project identified four species that may be affected as part of project activities: the federally endangered red - cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) and Schweinitz's sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii), the proposed endangered tricolored bat (Perimyotis subflavus), and candidate species, monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus). The project will evaluate tricolored bat requirements when the species is officially listed by USFWS. 18 Endangered Species Yes A presence/absence survey for Schweinitz's sunflower was conducted on September 8, 2020, and the results indicated that the Site does not support habitat for the species. The site was reviewed by USFWS on January 22, 2021, and the agency concurred that the site did not provide suitable habitat for identified listed species, and the USFWS "does not believe the project will adversely affect any federally listed or proposed species". USFWS correspondence is included in the approved mitigation site plan. A desktop review of available aerial imagery identified four small water bodies within a 1.0 mile plus 660 feet radius of the project alignment, however, the water bodies are not large enough or sufficiently open enough to be considered potential feeding sources for bald eagle. A pedestrian survey for bald eagle nests within areas of potential nesting habitat located in or within 660 feet of Migratory Birds and the project alignments was conducted during site 19 Bald and Golden Yes delineation efforts in 202 and multiple times during site Eagles visits in 2022 and 2023. No nests or individuals were observed. A review of the NCNHP database did not identify any eagle observations within 1-mile of the project alignment. The project will adhere to USFWS Migratory Bird Best Management Practices to minimize impacts to migratory birds during project activities. Middendorf Springs Mitigation Site, Anson County, NC DMS Project No. 100151 Action ID: SAW-2021-01973 General Description ApplicableNWP Project Activity Description Condition to Project A review of the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office GIS Web Service database on March 30, 2020, revealed no National Register listings within a one -mile radius of the Site. A letter was submitted to the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) on April 20 Historic Properties Yes 24, 2020. SHPO responded on June 11, 2020, and stated that they were aware "of no historic resources which would be affected by the project". Cultural resources documentation is included in approved mitigation site plan. Previously Unknown If any previously unknown historic, cultural or 21 Remains and Yes archaeological remains and artifacts are discovered as a Artifacts result of project activities, the proper agencies will be contacted, and all construction activities will be paused. 22 Designated Critical No No critical resource waters are present within the project Resource Waters area or within the project watershed. Jurisdictional features will be impacted as a result of channel realignments. A detailed description of the 23 Mitigation Yes impacts, as well as applicable mitigation requirements, and avoidance and minimization measures, are included in Sections 2.3 and 2.4 below. Safety of No impoundment structures will be constructed or 24 Impoundment No impacted as a result of project activities. Structures Utilizing an ecosystem restoration approach on the Site will further improve water quality and functional uplift of the watershed and will have a positive impact on water 25 Water Quality Yes quality of downstream watersheds. The localized ecological and water quality benefits provided from the project could, in combination with other restoration projects within the watershed, have beneficial impacts to the Yadkin River Basin. 26 Coastal Zone No The site is not included in an area that requires a Coastal Management Zone Management Act Consistency Determination. 27 Regional and Case- Yes The project will comply with any additional federal or by -Case Conditions state regional conditions. 28 Use of Multiple No The project will be completed under a single NWP 27. Nationwide Permits Transfer of The project will comply with any permittee transfer 29 Nationwide Permit Yes Verifications requirements, as necessary. 30 Compliance Yes The project will submit a compliance certification at the Certification completion of authorized project activities. Middendorf Springs Mitigation Site, Anson County, NC DMS Project No. 100151 Action ID: SAW-2021-01973 2.2 REGIONAL CONDITIONS The proposed mitigation project would comply with the USACE Wilmington District 2021 Regional Conditions for NWPs (as applicable). Compliance with Regional and NWP 27 specific conditions are included in Table 2. Table 2. USACE Wilmineton District General Conditions and Reeional Conditions applicable to NWP 27. tion Applicable Project Activity Description ConditionRegional Project Section A Excluded Water and/or Areas Anadromous Fish The project is outside of essential fish habitat as shown 1 Spawning Areas No on NOAA Essential Fish Habitat mapping. Trout Waters Project is located in Anson County, which is not an 2 Moratorium NO identified county with a designated trout watershed. Project activities are outside of identified Atlantic 3 Sturgeon Spawning No sturgeon critical habitat and is not located within the Areas Roanoke River basin. Submerged Aquatic The project is outside of essential fish habitat as shown 4 No on NOAA Essential Fish Habitat mapping. No SAV is Vegetation present within or adjacent to the project area. Section B Regional Conditions Applicable to All NWPs Critical Habitat in Project is in Anson County, which is not a county in 1 Western NC No western North Carolina. The project is not located in areas mapped as primary 2 Special Designation No nursery areas as described in the North Carolina State Waters Administrative Code. Project is located in Anson County, which is not an 3 Trout Waters No identified county with a designated trout watershed 7 Middendorf Springs Mitigation Site, Anson County, NC DMS Project No. 100151 Action ID: SAW-2021-01973 Description Applicable Project Activity Description ConditionRegional . Western NC Waters Project is located in Anson County, which is not a county 4 and Corridors No in western North Carolina. Limitation of Loss of The project proposes to increase the stream length and 5 No area within the site and will not result in a loss of stream Stream Bed bed. Pre -Construction Notification for Loss The project proposes to increase the stream length and 6 of Stream Bed No area within the site and will not result in a loss of stream Exceeding 0.02 bed. acres Mitigation for Loss The project proposes to increase the stream length and 7 No area within the site and will not result in a loss of stream of Stream Bed bed. Any riprap used will be of approved material, size, and 8 Riprap Yes free of any loose dirt and pollutants. Culverts will be removed within the conservation easement area at Tributary 6 and will be reinstalled 9 Culvert Placement Yes upstream of the conservation easement to allow for landowner access to the property to the east of the stream. All culverts will comply with Regional conditions for countersinking. 10 Utility Lines No The project activities do not include installing utility lines. All temporary fills, such as impervious dikes used during Temporary Access pump around activities, will be removed at the end of 11 Fills Yes construction activities. Temporary impact areas will be returned to pre -construction conditions. Federal Navigation Project activities are not located in Federally authorized 12 Channel Setbacks NO waterways. The Northern -long eared bat is not included in the list of species provided from the USFWS Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC) database results. Northern Long- The site was reviewed by USFWS on January 22, 2021, eared Bat- and the agency concurred that the site did not provide 13 Endangered Species No suitable habitat for identified listed species, and the Act Compliance USFWS "does not believe the project will adversely affect any federally listed or proposed species". USFWS correspondence is included in the approved mitigation site plan, which has been uploaded into RI BITS and Laserfiche West Indian The project is not located in a Western Indian Manatee 14 Manatee Protection No Protection area. Middendorf Springs Mitigation Site, Anson County, NC DMS Project No. 100151 Action ID: SAW-2021-01973 Applicable Description Project Activity Description ConditionRegional . ESA Programmatic The project is not relying upon any ESA PBOs for any 15 No Biological Opinions federally listed species. Work on Eastern 16 Band of Cherokee No The project is not located within EBCI trust lands. Indian Land Sedimentation and Erosion Control A soil and erosion sedimentation control plan is included 17 Yes Structures and with the project plan set in Appendix A. Measures Section C Regional Conditions Applicable to NWP 27 Project will not remove any dams or other impounding 1 Dam Removal No structures 2.3 WOTUS IMPACTS REQUIRED FOR PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION 2.3.1 STREAM IMPACTS The project proposes to restore 12,962.583 linear feet (LF) and enhance 500.119 LF of intermittent and perennial streams. In order to accomplish the proposed stream restoration, the project will require the permanent filling of 79.83 linear feet (325.75 square feet) of perennial stream and 88.11 linear feet (355.93 square feet) of temporary impacts from construction of the culvert installation and removal, as detailed on Sheet C-25 and C-28. Stream impacts are detailed in Table 3. Completion of the proposed project will improve bank stability, water quality, and aquatic habitat within all tributaries and would not negatively impact aquatic resource functions within the reach. Compensatory mitigation will not be required for stream restoration activities because more linear footage is being restored than the original amount per the contract. Post construction monitoring of the proposed stream restoration activities will be conducted as detailed in the Middendorf Mitigation Site Mitigation Plan, which has been uploaded into RIBITS and Laserfiche. Table 3. Stream impacts associated with Site activities. 0 Middendorf Springs Mitigation Site, Anson County, NC DMS Project No. 100151 Action ID: SAW-2021-01973 Impact.. Culvert 4-02 UT-4 Permanent 36.38 143.63 0.0033 C-25 Installation Culvert T-28 UT-4 Temporary 29.75 117.27 0.0027 C-25 Installation Culvert 6-05 UT-6 Permanent 43.45 182.12 0.0042 C 28 Installation Culvert T-29 UT-6 Temporary 30.3 125.71 0.0029 C 28 InstallationI Tor 2.3.2 WETLAND IMPACTS There will be 0.22 acres of permanent impacts to existing wetlands onsite due to channel realignment, as well as 2.54 acres of temporary impacts resulting from access and grading during project construction. The latter impacts are considered temporary in nature since the areas will be returned to pre -construction contours and planted to allow for afforestation. Table 4 presents permanent and temporary impacts associated with wetland activities. Permanent impacts will be mitigated on -site through the expansion of Wetland A re-establishment area by 0.22 acres. This expansion is included in the project design plans in Appendix A. Existing wetlands were avoided to the maximum extent possible with the proposed stream restoration design. Project implementation will restore (re-establishment) 5.25 acres and rehabilitate 0.32 acres, which will offset permanent wetland losses associated with the channel re -alignments. Therefore, the project will provide a net gain of wetlands even with impacts to wetlands due to channel realignment, providing a total of 5.35 WMU. 10 Middendorf Springs Mitigation Site, Anson County, NC DMS Project No. 100151 Action ID: SAW-2021-01973 Table 4. Wetland Impact impacts associated with Site activities. Area ID ..Impact Stream Wetland 1-01 Permanent UT-1C 427.7 0.01 Channel C-19 B Grading Wetland Construction T-01 Temporary UT-1C 2447.64 0.06 C-19 B Access Wetland Construction T-02 Temporary UT-1C 4053.18 0.09 C-19 B Access Stream Wetland 1-02 Permanent UT-1C 1022.03 0.02 Channel C-19 A Grading Wetland Construction T-03 Temporary UT-1C 5631.91 0.13 C-19 A Access Wetland Construction T-04 Temporary UT-1C 13000.49 0.30 C-19 A Access Wetland Construction T-05 Temporary UT-1B 368.98 0.01 C-19 C Access Wetland Construction T-06 Temporary UT-1B 258.37 0.01 C-19 p Access Stream Wetland 1-04 Permanent UT-113 545.18 0.013 Channel C-19 C Grading Wetland Construction T-07 Temporary UT-1B 689.7 0.02 C-19 C Access Stream 1-05 Wetland E Permanent UT-1 2695.5 0.06 Channel C-21 Grading Construction T-08 Wetland E Temporary UT-1 12348.27 0.28 C-21 Access Construction T-09 Wetland E Temporary UT-1 10120.29 0.23 C-21 Access Construction T-10 Wetland E Temporary UT-1 1673.89 0.04 C-21 Access Construction T-11 Wetland E Temporary UT-1 3638.72 0.08 C-21 Access Construction T-12 Wetland E Temporary UT-1 160.54 0.004 C-21 Access Construction T-13 Wetland E Temporary UT-1 99.14 0.002 C-21 Access Stream 1-06 Wetland E Permanent UT-1 115.51 0.003 Channel C-21 Grading Stream 1-07 Wetland E Permanent UT-1 430.16 0.01 Channel C-21 Grading 11 Middendorf Springs Mitigation Site, Anson County, NC DMS Project No. 100151 Action ID: SAW-2021-01973 Impact Area ID ..Impact Stream 1-08 Wetland E Permanent UT-1 183.01 0.004 Channel C-21 Grading Stream Wetland 2-01 Permanent UT-2 666.14 0.02 Channel C-22 M Grading Wetland Construction T-14 Temporary UT-2 1376.79 0.03 C 22 M Access Wetland Construction T 15 Temporary UT-2 2014.21 0.05 C 22 M Access Stream Wetland 3-01 Permanent UT-3 8.77 0.0002 Channel C-24 K Grading Wetland Construction T-16 Temporary UT-3 50.07 0.0011 C-24 K Access Stream Wetland 3-02 Permanent UT-3 155.69 0.004 Channel C-24 W Grading Wetland Construction T-17 Temporary UT-3 727.28 0.017 C-24 W Access Stream 3-03 Wetland I Permanent UT-3 824.07 0.019 Channel C-24 Grading Construction T-18 Wetland I Temporary UT-3 3657.9 0.084 C-24 Access Construction T-19 Wetland I Temporary UT-3 4829.92 0.111 C-24 Access Stream 4-01 Wetland S Permanent UT-4 88.77 0.002 Channel C-25 Grading Construction T-20 Wetland S Temporary UT-4 547.81 0.013 C-25 Access Stream Wetland 5-01 Permanent UT-5 42.17 0.001 Channel C-27 G Grading Wetland Construction T-21 Temporary UT-5 214.84 0.005 C 27 G Access Stream Wetland 6-01 Permanent UT-6 1578.38 0.04 Channel C-28 H Grading Stream Wetland 6-02 Permanent UT-6 896.85 0.02 Channel C-28 H Grading Wetland Construction T-22 Temporary UT-6 14156.12 0.32 C 28 H Access 12 Middendorf Springs Mitigation Site, Anson County, NC DMS Project No. 100151 Action ID: SAW-2021-01973 Impact ..Impact Wetland Construction T-23 Temporary UT-6 19271.69 0.44 C 28 H Access Wetland Construction T-24 Temporary UT-6 4908.95 0.11 C 28 H Access Stream Wetland 6-03 Permanent UT-6 46.05 0.001 Channel C-28 U Grading Wetland Construction T-25 Temporary UT-6 458.02 0.011 C 28 U Access Stream 6-04 Wetland T Permanent UT-6 11.6 0.0003 Channel C-28 Grading Construction T-26 Wetland T Temporary UT-6 794.37 0.0182 C 28 Access Construction T-27 Wetland J Temporary UT-3 3290.37 0.0755 C-24 Access ImpactsTotal Wetland i .22ML 2.4 STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACT AVOIDANCE/MINIMIZATION In accordance with Section 404(b)(1) guidelines, alternatives were considered to avoid and minimize WOTUS impacts. Due to the nature of the project avoidance measures centered around appropriate re- alignment of the tributaries and management of site soils to reduce impacts from construction of the new stream channels. The construction access plan has minimized impacts to site soils to the extent practicable. An Erosion and Sedimentation Plan has been developed to minimize impacts to water quality during construction. The proposed project will increase the stability of Site streams and will result in a net improvement and functional uplift of the stream and re-establishment of a riparian corridor with riparian and wetland systems. Temporary impacts to riparian wetlands will be restored to pre -construction contours, with the areas undergoing additional supplemental woody plantings to restore the areas to forested wetlands. No credit is being sought for these areas. 3. SECTION 401 COMPLIANCE 3.1 GENERAL CONDITIONS North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Resources (DWR), Water Quality Certification Number 4255 has been issued to conform to the requirements of 33CFR330 Appendix A (B) (27) of USACE regulations and applicable federal and state laws and regulations. The proposed project will require an Individual DWR Water Quality Certification as it does not comply with DWR Water Quality 13 Middendorf Springs Mitigation Site, Anson County, NC DMS Project No. 100151 Action ID: SAW-2021-01973 Certification Conditions due to the permanent fill of site wetlands associated with the construction of the new stream channels. Compliance with the remaining general conditions is included in Table 5. Table 5. Water Quality Certification 4255 general conditions compliance. Project Activity Certification Condition Description Meets General Certification Project Activity Description ThresholdGeneral Does not meet If any of the conditions of this General requirements for General a Certification cannot be met; or No Certification; Individual Certification will be required. Total temporary and permanent impacts to The project will utilize streambanks of greater than 150 feet for bank natural bank stabilization b stabilization projects when non -natural Yes techniques primarily by armoring techniques (e.g., rip -rap, gabion constructing a new plan and baskets, deflection walls) are utilized; or profile for the stream. Total temporary and permanent impacts to Project utilizes Priority 1 streambanks of greater than 500 feet for bank stream restoration to c stabilization projects when natural techniques Yes meeting project goals and is (e.g., sloping, vegetation, geolifts) are used; or not a bank stabilization project. Any permanent fill into, or modification of, streambeds except for single and independent stream stabilization or Restoration of Site streams enhancement projects involving in -stream utilizes natural channel structures that meet the following criteria: design techniques typically d i. Designed based on current natural channel Yes employed in first and techniques; and second order Piedmont ii. In -stream structures do not exceed a spacing of three structures per 100 feet of streams. stream length up to a total of 500 feet of streambank stabilization; or The project will permanently impact 0.22 acres of riparian wetlands Any permanent fill into, or modification of, as a result of stream e wetlands; or No channel construction. Mitigation will be fulfilled through the expansion of Wetland A re-establishment area. 14 Middendorf Springs Mitigation Site, Anson County, NC DMS Project No. 100151 Action ID: SAW-2021-01973 Project Activity Certification Condition Description Meets General ThresholdGeneral Certification Project Activity Description Any stream restoration or relocation other than stream relocations that are conducted Restoration of Tributary 1 for the purpose of proper culvert installation, utilizes natural channel f alignment, protection, repair or maintenance Yes design techniques typically where the relocation length is equal to or less applied to first and second than 50 feet in length and the relocated order Piedmont streams. stream is designed and installed based on current natural channel techniques; or Complete dewatering and drawdowns to a sediment layer related to pond/dam maintenance or removal unless the No ponds or dams are dewatering activity has been designed to present within the project ensure no discharge of sediment will occur Yes area and no dewatering g into downstream waters AND has been activities will occur as a covered by a Sediment and Erosion Control result of project Plan Approval from the Division of Energy, implementation. Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) or a delegated local program; or Any permanent impacts to waters, or to No ORW, HQW, SA, WS-I, wetlands adjacent to waters, designated WS-II, Trout, North Carolian h as:ORW (including SAV), HQW (including PNA), Yes or National Wild and Scenic SA, WS-I, WS-II, Trout, or North Carolina or Rivers are present within National Wild and Scenic River; or the Site. The project is not located Any permanent impacts to coastal wetlands within a coastal county, and i [15A NCAC 07H .0205], or Unique Wetlands Yes no coastal wetlands or (UWL) [15A NCAC 02B .0231]; or Unique wetlands are present. 15 Middendorf Springs Mitigation Site, Anson County, NC DMS Project No. 100151 Action ID: SAW-2021-01973 Project Activity Certification Condition Description Meets General Certification Project Activity Description Any impacts to subject water bodies and/or ThresholdGeneral state regulated riparian buffers along subject water bodies in the Neuse, Tar -Pamlico, or Catawba River Basins or in the Randleman Lake, Jordan Lake or Goose Creek Watersheds (or any other basin or watershed with State Regulated Riparian Area Protection Rules [Buffer Rules] in effect at the time of The project is located in the application) unless: Yadkin River basin and is not j i. The activities are listed as "EXEMPT" or Yes within a watershed with "DEEMED ALLOWABLE" from these rules; or State regulated riparian ii. A Buffer Authorization Certificate is issued area buffer protection rules. by the NC Division of Coastal Management (DCM); or iii. A Buffer Authorization Certificate, Certificate with Exception, or Minor Variance is issued by a delegated or designated local government implementing a state riparian buffer program pursuant to 143-215.23. 16 APPENDIX A MIDDENDORF SPRINGS MITIGATION SITE PLAN SET (INCLUDING EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTOL) F— J CY W J C� Z LLJ LU 2 z O O- F— _ Q z 0 W H LL 2 OLL F-p O 2- F— U) W z G G x Ld CD Z < F W :Lj Cl) c Z 0 J M a }' o Z N O �0 (~j z �� ° o L z Cl) Q Q Cl) O 0 O U CD �O a a o oo lo ol o J aw Z❑ <z a�0 Z� aZ EQ m a w o U E r o Z m Z m Q Q T�roo a0Q r_Mw aW au) Ro 0U) Y W W Lu = Z LU �OU O U) } < rn m F } � o .0 m } a m I o a ~ M m F a � F 7 N N m } a 0) W m O � O } a m W F U a > L z O U < U < U < U _ Z O O O) V of p a O Oi O O U O N N O of V O O O } O O O O W N O O S W Of N OZ a W p Y W Z: F Z: F Z: F Z: F Z: F Z: F Z: F Z: F p y^. W F Z F Z a W a W J m m °� Q Q F Q U U U U U U U U F Q W W Of K ~ Z LL,�� LU � � a a Qw in W p p p p p p p p FS m m O O S w O O O O O W CO a p F p F a CO z O a a a a a a a a d 0 a a D a O p W F¢ z w a a p W O w O w O w O w O w O w O w O w y z w z w w W w > p O w a F 0 F 0 F a a w w w w w w w w w, O w w w w m a m s F co a' a z O a K a Z U' LL K a' W K m K O K N } K m >- K V } K LL� } K O } O K LL K a K m S w S w 01 p U W U p a' a m � } } K K K K K W LL Z p 0 0 U p W a p O } O a a a a a a a p m a a p p F p > Q F F m m m m m Y F F a a O F W F p a m m K K K K a a O W W ww p m >- K a' a' F F F F F LL Z Z > >w > F a _ Q Q Z Z LL m p O Q a_ Q a_ a af a Of a F co a a a —a, s K co,O O M N N 0 0 0 O of o 00 0 0 I I 0l o v v co co N N v v co co t, O I I OI co Lo co co 0) 0) -o 0 0 O0 0 I OI O J W LU Z J W LU ; LU Z Z J Z O I-- J I--LL H J S Q U)w j wa ~ Q O � 0 U LU Q Q Q 0 Q Z O LU LU W S Lu w w we ro,ai.ano aa, slia9n'N[s SIOUNAS aMPnoeuv,=2-� a�==��Pe,aa4==4, N -_ � SION3IN�� Nt/ld N011t/�JIlIW 13t/214 nouanaisHoaoe ioH 3533�Id 31lS NOliVE)lilA SEJNNdS J2JOGNKGIA 53JIAN35 NOIlV9111W j01N3 W1NVd30 JN s..ec�w ,=euory z d Z O H V' H h i s ie 9 G G ¢ A C C �^^P'SIOeINAS 2-9\,xwMe,a\:NSVN'�weuulij 14�a151M�Z'b2:lay atlJtl NIP M31—AD3115T3 s rp, laayssiy, MM-qa, we w,aeano - aa, ��ix9n'm[s IIAU d SION3IN�� N did N011t/E)IlI W 13 d214 c� o nouanaisHoa eoe ioH,�. 3533Nd 311S NOUVE)WA SEJNNdS 32104NKGIA 53JIA835 NOIlV9111W j01N3 W1NVd30 JN s..ec�w ,=, euory z Q d zo O u� Q V' o = 3gilt y w g H a YM 3113021d (INt/ Nt/ld ,M,.=PpM��°� eleas mjpa yayzsly] va� MMx.-ua M a'MH3 41 4184a 4e yaul aI.uo IsM eg = � ' y° 4N3 Ol 00+0 ViS - JT A2 vin91211 iar MIM we ro� ai.a rvo ds Auagn 1v =85 IIAo N S-10HTDUZ31 aioMdld NOUVE)WA 1JVW] u o 14011anaisH03 aoe ioH3533md 311S NOUVE)WA SDN121dS 32104NKGIA 53JIA835 NOI1V9111W j01N3 W1NVd30 JN a.00r... uw M acre ox ®a Wo 8W5 - ' 8' o_G o Cz of o91, ' 01 A o <�°�� �I i .OA`�� w��� \I 11 / L111,11 III 111 y l 1 \ \ \1 \ y o i. — o �� � � ��1 I �; A•`,_a .. c /I I n�,' � _ �, �l '�IV��IV`�`��`� � `��`V`II�I�II Ali, � ;A � � I'I A`I Y�'II I/ >R��E o� i /I d / o I/ 3 I / I o o I I I I / / I I 1I: I $�a / 3113O21d 4NV NVId �°� eleas mjpa yayzsl4l va�MMx.-uaM = a414184a 4z ya41a4o 1.�1.p = ° , -a y° 4N3 0100+0 ViS - 9T A21vine1211 TDUZDN iar MIM we ro� ai.a no ags.Wagn x =[s IIAU M lHi-Nn Mdld NOIlt/EJIlI W 1JVW] lNdc� o 4011anaisH03 aoe ioH3533md 31lS NOIlt/EJIlIW SDN121dS 321OGNKGIA 53JIA835 NOI1V9111W j01N3 W1NVd30 JN a.00r... uw M acre ox So Sg o_C o 0 o Cz o,�31 ofo s $tlnE -------------- I I' III Lj 3113O21d(INt/Nt/ldeleasmjpaI.y] va�MMx.-uaM awrxa 414184a 4e yaul auo IsM eg = '" -a y° 4N3 0100+0 t/1S - VT A21vinein TDUZDN Iar MIM we ro. Hi agS.Wagn N =ES IIAU 7 �<"°'� ^�°`: °°'�; SION3INo�� N did N011t/E)IlI W 13 d214 lNdc� o 4011anaisH03 aoe ioH3533md 31lS NOUVE)WA SDNI2JdS J2JOGNKGIA 53JI�N35 NOI1V9111W j01N3 W1NVd30 DIMa.00r... uw M acre ox I Ili /Ijiil��i� oil \ w E E E F � I 3 I I I I i 1 Illi I i Ji 1111111u111�1311111�1111� i I A A � V ��ow// ��/iilll�ln �illlllii�l�l��llllllllllli l I h l r /I I / / IV �l /\'V� 11 I I JII II II I I l I ' I J I I l I I „IrI, / I I l l IIIIII;IIIi;;I�I/;11�IIjl ';I,;Illlllll,lhlllll/11 //',IIII'„I�IIIJ/;III .jl�'llllili�iili�;�!;illl;�ii ul� I h� J I`I.I II'lll II'llll; �I (mll;.Il; i ��Sa ',III IIlII'',',IIIIII�I�I;I��;;I� z w000 I I I 1 �llllll'IIIijlI I, I I� /5jF )el I o / %I /op%/i/ii/ `3 _� ���"'II IIl11�IJ��I�I lilll/Il/lll�l 11 I�lll I y s/l// a ll ;�l/� I IIIj Ij II II /Mj^ /i//�//j llllj JI I�Illll i I I I l / <-�',11',A���I�\� °s511111�A w �� AI I a o/ 1 31 O 1 Ai 3 N D 8'b oo°a3 VS � z , , / I I I 2 / I �s , aa��xmx.-uaaM 3113021d (INV NVId ,�,.=Ppm�sd°� awrx3 eleas mjpa yayzsl4l 414184a 4e yaul auo lsM eg = we ro. ai.a no � ' y° DIN I.B MIM ags•Wagn N =Es OO+TZ ViS 0100+OT ViS - T A21vino1211 IIAU -"°'� c� o Mdld NOUVE)WA 1JVW] nouanaisHoaoe ioH�� 3533�Id 31lS NOUVE)WA SDN121dS 32104NKGIA 53JIA835 NOIlV9111W j01N3 W1NVd30 JN n.sa v++upu3pawxpm.u�eq yvex _ _ Z Q - laoN c w - W g - z d Z O So 8' oG 0 0 00?0 d153N� /I F- /Sb - \-\- V ��350- � -- / i ✓I�/�/i���� 1 360-� I \ \ I� I I A �\ \ \ II�III� �//�ii v I c IIII I I 1 �jl V A 11 III �� l'//* i/---___- u4 �� �v�v�\v\�iv oo`J" /p �f,;f1I z, 1111 i/� LL I I `�a111vI';,1,1l''nlfl'%l,'/j�,—' w I\ //A/;II l l / i 1111i`lll� I f I I l I � I I 1• \'lll� Im111 IIII (IIIII/II/I/I / � i- � \� \� - \ FIlI, II;�;IIIvIvII1111111���'II'��� V I���� 1 1 _l l �lol'Iy F� � s` I • . A�IIIIgI� I , 111,111 I,I Iv � I I ��� , I III v � �I I�01,1I 111111 , I,; lI/lI IIII II 1, ---- \ ` \I 11 �� T �\ •`�. IIIII � I \' \\ \\ � � `- \ 1 I \ l / I � l l I m I III \� � 1 � 11p1'• IFII Ali --- I Hdk�� / %o ��IL .�'„wQvvv,a vICI, ;, I.�v- 2. - - - - - _ p w w 8 ` \ \ I / w F \ 1 I \ III, �al \.� -G `\ � � m�1 I 111j�1111� III tlo z I .\ I zz l I. i�l > w353soodsl° 1 z o Exap:wepa..x w xwu=n=,aa.su., nWLo-YW3LL9dd'J\9u mua\mS�N suw4alli (way sxnl zzwz qax zr°�d 31UMId 4NV NVId EM,.=PpM��°� eleas mjpa yayzsl4l va� MMx.-ua M a'MH3 41 4184a 4e yaul auo lsM eg = °'� ' y° 4N3 0100+TZ ViS - T A21vine1211 TDUZDN Iar4—M we ro. ai.a rvo agsWagn N =Ef 11AU lD lNd nouanaisro� aoe ior3533�Id 311S NOUVE)I11W SDN121dS 32104NKGIA 53JIAN35 NOI1V9111W 1!01N3 W18Vd30 JN a.00r... uw M acre ox — \ JAI — Nl 113Q l 1 aa��xmx.-aM 31UMId (INV NVId ,�,.=P w�sda� awrx3 eleas mjpa yayzsl4l 414184a 4e yaul auo �sM eg = we ro. ai.a no -"°'� � -'ua4d i I.sL-M ags.Wagn N =Es 00+TT t/1S Ol00+0 t/1S - Z A21vinein IIAU n c� o -_ Mdld NOUVE)WA 1JVW] nouanaisrtoaoe ION 31lS NOUVE)WA SDNI2JdS J2JOGNKGIA 53JIAN35 NOIlV91111/4 j01N3 W1NVd30 JN n.sa v++upu3pawxpm.u�eq yvex _ _ Z Q — H1b�N - w - w g — c .+ Z d 0 SNO S> O_C 0 o Cz 00 OO ;, il, IpllPY I �llvi I z-- � I _ o zI Y ° oo , I i �1 v V��ull 1 1, 11vri U I� I Vo 151 \ I 1 11 1 �sc' < / II lf � I �/ + 1 o 1 "A �N Al01z a% Exap:wepa..x r+ xwu=n=,aa.su., nWLo-YW3LL9dd'J\9u mua\mS�N suw4al�i Iway sxnl zzwz qax zra�d aa��xmx.-uaaM 31UMId (INV NVId ,�,.=Ppm�sd°� awrx3 eleas mjpa yayzsl4l 414184a 4e yaul auo lsM eg = we ro. ai.a no � ' y° = I.s MIM ags.Wagn N =Es 00+ZZ ViS 0100+TT ViS - Z A21vino1211 IIAU 00 -_ ° NVId NOliVE)I11 W 1JVW] n011anaisHo3 aoe ioH�� 3533�Id 31lS NOliVE)I11W SDNI2JdS 321OGNKGIA 53JIA835 NOIlV9111W j01N3 W1NVd30 JN n.sa v++upu3pawxpm.u�eq yvex _ _ Z Q c Wo _ W5 — Z S0 S>z Q oC 0 0 0 0?0 f o ee . 0 1 ..._...... ........... ,/ I ��\ _ rne__ , z — 1 — I \---- — --- 1 iz — �___ - \ 1� 11\ _------_ Y i 00+11 H133Nn LM HJ1HW Exap:wepaa.x w xwu=n=,aa.su., nWLo-YW3LL9dd'J\9u mua\mS�N suw4alli Iway sxnl zzwz qax zr°�d 3113021d 4Nt/ Nt/ld :'g�aulzl4p g, m lzazymjpz ML( a ' 4N3 Ol OO+ZZ t/1S - Z A21vine1211 _ .�°�"Im in,aaais.W.gn N=ES 11 Al 01 S'JOR3INo�� Nt/ld N011t/�JIlIW 13t/214 ° N0113UISN03 80J iON5H1 3S33Nd 31lS NOUVE)I11W SDNI2JdS J2JOGNKGIA 53JIAN35 NOI1V9111W j01N3 W1NVd30 JN °°°°r°.. aim u arm °x 2 3113O21d 4NV NVId EMp zP�� �a� eP Mrp. ya4-141 va]•MMx.-uaM 3YMH3 ul 1✓184a we I=111.11 eg = —0.0 4^ 00+TT t/1S Ol 00+0 t/1S - £ A21vine1211 - TDUZ N' lannys+lM O m we ro. ai.a no ] w 4fI N LEG 11A D S-lowi ma NVId NOIlt/EJIlIW 1JVW] nouanaisHo� aoe ioH3533�Id 31lS NOIlt/EJIlIW SDN121dS 321OGN3441W 53JIA835 NOI1V9111W j01N3 W1NVd30 JN o.00r... uw M Sire ox toh - oo - Sg —z o oC 0 o Cz of o10 i�— I I I I 1/ l o , i , , 1 , , I , , kd A�Q II / 3 I , I / J aa��xmx.-uaaM 3113O21d 4NV NVId amp zP�x�sd°� awrx3 eleas mjpa yayzsl4l 414184a 4. yaul auo �sM eg = - we ro. ai.o rvo �I.sL i -M � xi[Ly1 Ayagx NSES 00+ZZ ViS 0100+TT ViS - £ A21vino1211 11A0 -"°'� c� o Mdld NOIlt/EJIlIW 1JVW] n011anaisHo3 aoe ioH��� 3533�Id 31lS NOIlt/EJIlIW SDN121dS 321OGNKGIA 53JIA835 NOIlV9111W j01N3 W1NVd30 JN n.sa v++upu3pawxpm.u�eq yvex _ _ Z Q - �a Wo _ W5 - bry d Z So 8' oC Q 0 0 ooF of o \ 1 325 0 O%� 325., Ai I I 1 i �l �l _ 13n zo 14 ------- ----, — V'— _f—�� I _ I I II i I ` a I lz � I \-O, \\ 31 i \•\1�1 I J 'I I i L/",mac _ ___--- _ i Exap:wepa..x r+ xwu�n��a.su., nW[o-YW3LL9dd'J\9u mua\mS�N suw4al�i Iway sxnl zzwz qax zr°�d 3113021d (INV NVId EMp iP���°� eleas mjpa yayzsl4l va� MMx.-ua M a'MH3 41 4184a 4e yaul auo lsM eg i °'� ' y° 4N3 O100+ZZ t/1S - £ A21vine1211 oi[L� - i Iag4—M N we ro. ai.o rvo y1 Avaq�N LEG 11AID S-lowi ma Mdld NOIiVE)IlIW 1JVW] c� o nouanaisHo� aoe ioH3533�Id 311S NOIiVE)IlIW SDN121dS 32104NKGIA 53JIAN35 NOI1V9111W j01N3 W18Vd30 JN a.00r... uw M acre ox 3 o o o� I i I I a � 1, 1 1 I o 31UMId 4NV NVId EMp iP���°� eleas mjpa yayzsl4l 1 .MMv.-ua M a'MH3 41 4184a 4e yaul auo lsM eg i °'� ' y° 4N3O100+Ot/1S-t7avinei1 - i Iag MIM M we ro. ai.o no oi[L�yl Avagtf N LEG IIAID S-lowi ma Mdld NOIiVE)IlIW 1JVW] V o 4011OUiSHo3 aoe ION 3S33mml 311S NOIiVE)IlIW SDN121dS 32104NKGIA 53JIAN35 NOI1V9111W j01N3 W1NVd30 JN a.00r... uw M acre ox HpN So Z- Z Ot o 0 o CZ o O1 Oo ` V� -�,, o o l�//�,�w / 8. < o,-- o �Iv`/ `I� Iz I� �\ _380• �\ � 1 / a � 1 I o 1 I ' 1 i / I , i I 3 r 1 1 , I I 1 - I ! 1! i i I a�� 1 I C 31UMId 4NV NVId amp P���°� eleas mjpa yayzsl4l va� MMx.-ua M a'MH3 41 4184a 4e yaul auo lsM eg = y° 00+TT t/1S Ol00+0 t/1S - S A21vinein aIaS4ay m we ro.ai.ono q Au 4fINTEGSES IIAU 570N�INo�� N did N011t/�JIlI W 13 d214 6o NouanaisNo� aoe ioN3533�Id 31lS NOliVE)IlIW SDNI2JdS J2JOGNKGIA 53 JIAN35 NOI1V9111W]01NINIM30 JN a.00r... uw is acre ox i/ I I 1 l I I I I I I I I I I o I 1 1 I I; I / I - I 1 I 3 I, f o I I �LL i 3113021d (INt/ Nt/ld eleas m jpa yayzsly] m'�MMx.-unM a'M�a ul a184a wer aI.uo'sMeg = �i—MIM 4N3 0100+TT t/1S - S A21vinein we ro. ai.o rvo oi[LDy1 AyagON LEG IIAID mommoo Mdld NOUVE)WA 1JVW] V o n011OUISHO3 aoe ION W33mml 31lS NOUVE)WA SDNI2JdS J2JOGNKGIA 53JIAN35 NOI1V9111W j01N3 W1NVd30 JN a.00r... uw M acre ox v�1,vd;vwyv;��gvv';I,��Ib�'� wA'vw i �u' •_ v .V\v�Avvw"v'��ov\\�bvvvil'1 lip Jll NO / `v - c I \� vl�ovo�vvIvlu vdlvv l l \ `)Alol _ p cz IJ ol I r, \ _ z � s=� i kdTi LL \i o 1 ,I 3 1 I I 191 2 3113021d (INV NVId amp zP���a� eleas mjpa yayzsl4. va�MMx.-uaM a'M�a 414184. 4e yaul auo sM eg = -d 00+8 t/1S Ol OO+O t/1S - 9 A21vine in oi[LD 1—m we ro. ai.o rvo a. .- Avaq�N T., 11AID i-"°'SION3INo�� Nt/ld N011t/E)IlIW 13t/214 ° n011anaisHo3 aoe ioH3533md 31lS NOIlt/EJIlIW SDN121dS 32104N3441W 53JIAN35 NOI1V9111W j01N3 W1NVd30 JN a.00r... uw is acre ox lyoN w w g "' o SO S? GZO ouN of N =o o�o so ol o 3 l I I i i 1 a ow� r�� , � 2 3113021d 4NV NVId amp zP���°� eleas mjpa yayzsl4. va� MMx.-ua M a'M�a 41 4184. 4e yaul auo'sM eg = y° 00+9T t/1S Ol 00+8 t/1S - 9 A21vine1211 we ro. ai.o rvo oi[L�—. 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