HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03840_Well Construction - GW1_20240628 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 6\° FDrltacrmll!scONl.r 6C..s6 Thus(Duncan tic nsodct roc sinp,k or nrdnp4,tchls \ I.Well Contractor Information: 14.WATER ZONES John Eisenman i now TO DESCRIPTION - V'c11 Commit,'Nam (t. ft. ft. , ft, 4439 NC Well Co,dniclor Ccniflcatron Nunrbtt 15.OtITER CASING sari-(seta%east OR I INFR l if aii beabk) PROM . MAMTTFH TIOr'ANPSS I MATT RI AI SAEDACCO n• n i°' (oII uo Naar: 111,INNER CASING OR TURING Igsarbermal clued-Iuoyi . TO .T-DU\IF Tr It TII IC A\ISS MATT RI 11 2.Well Construction Penult k: 0 ft. 35 ft. 2 . SCB-40 PVC List all applicable*sell primal fie.(. 'in- Sane.Variance.Irfatin(ea.) - rt. nt it. 3.W'ell 1-se(cheek well user: 17 y SCRUM --1( Water SOMA!,Nell: ' PROM I To PIAMP S)TOR SLOT s I 11111WIENS NI%TERIat. IJAgrwultulal OMnnicipaliPubhc 35 R. 50 ft. O10 SCH-40 PVC 2 to l lGeothertnal(Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑Residennal Water Suppl isingle) n ft to I IlndustriabComrnercial OResidcnnal Water Supph l skint't itGR OQT rMM 70 r1ATERW- EMPLACEMENT METTIOD A.040(\1 ❑lmgation 0 n. 30 II. Portland Pour Non-Water Supply Well: It. n. • WMonitonne ❑Recover' i_ -------._______ Injection Well: • n- rt. • ❑Aquifer Recharge OGroundwatcr Rentcdiation It SANDKr'RAVEL PACK iii arplicablet ❑Aquifer Storage and Recover ❑Saline}Barrier INQM TO w yTTR1yl. ewPl-yl StirNr wt.Trtnn 33 ft. 50 ft, Sand #2 oAquifer Tcst ❑Sttomwsater Drlinage ft. ft. ❑ENpcnmcntal Teehnoklgs ❑Subsidence(control a DRILLING LOG(attach additional bee if nccr,.an I ❑Geotler alIC•losedLoupI ❑Tracer nlow TO I DiSCNIP rill\1,6r.1.mraiegg,waYtekgat,VIM lie.ek.I ❑Geothemal IHcatnng+Cooline Return) DOther iexplain under 021 Remarks) 0 It 50 ft clay/sand ft. ft. 4.Date W'eAR%)Completed: 6-12-24 Well IDAM14-1R ter- 1. _ 4 5L Well Location: ft. ft Salem Spring Site It, ft. JUN r 8 2014 Foolos r11,kr vane Facility ION inapplicable) 1 R. R. 303 waughtoyrn St., Winston-Salem, NC, 27127 h. r ift1b`lfrii f A P,r-swe--1 U n-1 D Cyr 043 PMsical Address Cis.and Ztp 1L REMARKS Forsyth ' Bentonite seal from 30-3:3' ('oumN I'-u.d I.leuldleainn No INN I 5b.Latitude and Longitude in degr es:Minutes:Seconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification: (swell field,one raptors is sufflei0atl W � �_` 6/17/2024 -Signature ofj r:^' ,:�11 ..race);! -- [I— lk 6.Is Iarc)the wrllls): X Permanent r temporary By signing this Jtul..c .TC,, ;ile k,9:�x a s,. conrnurred is a rorrhmer with/SA NCAC 02C-•x----Y::il'.4. oil1 .0200 Well Consent non St ndoe 1.,Nut rho,l 7.to this a repair to an existing well: ::_i Yes or ENo COO'Mitre rru oil hot Oren prorated to Ile Nell owner. If rhis it N repair.fill ma AMora it ell,.N$llrt ll.MO NI/OrMMBoml and r t'piN0,1 tin uwrare of rho repair under 121 remlar.k,section,or on the hart of this forum. 23.Site diagram or additional w ell details: You may use the back of this page to proside additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells colastrwYtd• 1 construction details. You Inas also attach additional pages if necessary. For maniple lnkcoos1 of N.NI-Mellor,upplm Rah ONLY m'ah leer nlllle rlalStrlwflol,.volt urn. .saMrit.Mu fonro- SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total wdl depth below laud surface: 50 (11.) 24a. Fur All Walt.: Submit Ihis faun within 10 days of completion of well For maniple is-ells list an depth,if different tettnapre-is ?Ik1.nut 20 f00'i constnrction to the following 1U.Static water ks-el below top of casing: (ry,h Division of Water Resources,Information Processing 1 nit. If.uao,h.\rl n 0.'1 r I ming.au.'+ 1617 Mail Service('enter,Raleigh,N(-2 7699-16 1 7 I I.Borehole diameter.8.25" (in.) 24b.For[niceties Wells ONLY: In addition to sending die form to the address in 24a those. also submit a copy of this form within 10 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: HSA ea titUctiun to die following. II e.anger.rotan.cable.dirce push:cr:1 Dhlsion of Water Resources,llndcrpvond Injection Control Program. FOR WATER SITPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Sen-lee Center.Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 13a Yield It pule 24c.For N Ater Nuppls ti Injection Wilk: Method of test: Also submit one cops of this form us this to dat s of completion of 1311 Disinfection t)Ile: Anrannt __ well constm county cnon to the county health department of the coun where • constructed - Font GW-1 North Carolina Dcpanntcnt of Lot uoluirlu and Natural RCSOlneei-Dicssba of Wince RaonrCIIS Nei lad August N113