HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC242090_FRO Submitted_20240711 Land-Disturbing t_1 l A` r I A1%11 CC-MINTY Permit Application v 4� It u c A et A N Cr $ **The mailing and street address of the principal place of business for the person/entity financially responsible and the land owner(s) must be provided. A P.O. box is NOT acceptable as an address. **If the financially responsible person/party is different from the current land owner,an agreement signed by both parties must be provided allowing the financially responsible party person to conduct the land-disturbing activity on the property. PROJECT NAME: Gallant Reserve - Lot 4 DATE: 5/29/24 ADDRESS OF PROJECT: 162 Gallant Dr Chapel Hill, NC 27516 LATITUDE/LONGITUDE OF PROPERTY AT SITE ENTRANCE: 35.8512/-79.1219 PARCEL#(S): 93401 TOTAL DISTURBED ACRES or SQUARE FEET: 36,149 PURPOSE OF ACTIVITY: New single family construction FEE AMOUNT SUBMITTED: **LANDOWNER(S) OF RECORD (attach page to list additional owners) Please provide a complete list of partners, managing members and registered agents if the responsible entity or land owner is a group of individuals, corporate organization or entity. Name: Brian Bouzas and Mary Beth Oas Phone: 336 207 6995 Address: 451 Sherwood Forest Rd E-Mail: brian.bouzas@gmail.com Winston Salem, NC 27104 Signature: J ` **FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY (applicable only if different from property owner) Name: Phone: Address: E-Mail: Signature: NORTH CAROLINA AGENT (applicable only if owner or financially responsible party does not reside in North Carolina) Name: Phone: Address: E-Mail: Signature: ENGINEER/SURVEYOR EROSION CONTROL Company Name: Paces& Roehm Person to contact should erosion & sediment Address: 50051 Governors Dr Unit D control issues arise during land-disturbing activity: Chapel Hill, NC 27517 Contact Person: Jason Dell Contact Person: Patrick Reeves Company Name: BOLD Construction Inc Phone: 404 644 7457 Phone: 919 929 6288 E-Mail: patrick@pacesandroehm.com E-Mail: Jason@boldnc.com Page 2 of 3 ( , - - Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control CHATHAM CA-MINTY Financial Responsibility/Ownership Form NOT REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED FOR RESIDENTIAL LOT PERMITS. PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: 1)This section must be signed in the presence of a Notary 2)All Land-Disturbing permits are valid for up to (2)years from the date of issuance. If circumstances warrant, the permit may be extended for(2) years per the conditions of the Chatham County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance. Upon written notice, the Land-Disturbing permit may be revoked for failure to comply with the Ordinance. If the permit is revoked, all other permits and approvals are withheld until the property is once again in compliance with Chatham County regulations. Also,upon written notice,a civil penalty(fine)can be instigated against the property owner and/or additional financially responsible party(if any) for violations of the Chatham County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance. This penalty is up to$5000.00 per violation per day and is assessed daily for every day the property is in violation. Interfering with or hampering an inspection can result in a civil penalty without written notice. 3)The information provided on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided by me while under oath. 4)This form must be signed by the property owner if an individual. If owned by a company or corporation,this form must be signed by an officer, director, partner, attorney-in-fact, or other person with authority to execute instruments for the corporation and accompanied by a complete list of all partners,managing members and registered agents of the company or corporation. OWNER OF PROPERTY: Name and Title: Brian Bouzas and Mary Beth Oas Company(if applicable): Signature: ADDITIONAL FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY(if any): Name and Title: Company: Signature: NORTH CAROLINA AGENT (if any): Name and Title: Company: Signature: ****************************************************************** I, I-I V►OCeni- (f ICS f-L 1J ,a Notary Public of T Puri—fill County in the state of 'Vf4 Ccr,)(r2c-, do hereby certify that &;cv\ (3 box,S Mr-1 (e_;h c c.c personally appeared before me this day and under oath acknowledged reading the information above and acknowledged thatthe above form was executed by him or her. Witne i s my hand and official seal,this the ill- day of t it 20 . ,,,Z-------) Notary Public - My commission expires ')ith 0231 20Zy (SEAL) Page 3 of 3