HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0023634_Email_20240604 (2)herdt, victoria c
From: herdt, victoria c
Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 9:09 AM
To: Rod Holley
Subject: NOV WQ0023634 03-2024
Attachments: Signed-NOV Letter - Monitoring Rpt Violations 03-2024.pdf
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Flagged
Hello Rod,
Please find attached for your files, a NOV for WQ0023634 (Waterside Villages) : NOV-2024-LV-0478
Thank you,
Victoria Herdt
Environmental Specialist II
Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Water Quality Regional Operations
Office: (252) 948-3844 1 Cell: (252) 402-0156
Email: victoria.herdtaa.ncdenr.eov
943 Washington Square Mall
Washington, NC 27889
D7,-. E :�
Department of Environmental Quality
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North
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