HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0004268_Monitoring Report 2017_20180130FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 1 of 3 Permit No.:,W00004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company county: Sampson Month: December Year: 2017'�� PPI: Flow Measuring Point: ❑Influent, ❑Effluent ❑� No.flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: ElInfluent RIMuent ❑Groundwater Lowering ❑Surface Water Parameter Code --►-. 50050'• 01002 0081!0?. i 01027 . ' 00916 00940 0;1'034 01051 OOQ27o j 71900 Ot067' 00610 r 00625,' . 00620 A0400; 00665 m E O I o E � w - o mE o f; w` o 9 s CL a 24-hr hrs GPD- mg/L mg/L, ,' _._.__.. . mg/L mglL_ mg/L mg/L ' mg/L. '- - mglL, mg/L i, m•glL, ? mg/L mg/L_ mg/L su; mg/L _ . ... -. _ W .4 0i. — — .._ ---- 5 10:30 1 CF 1t4 = i 8'4._. ; , 2.2 - If 2.4. I:. 10 7 .8 , I 10 13 12:00 1 i 0i 14 15 16 i- -- -0, "..___ f... __.. _ __ _- -- t -- -- - -- - - 18 19. 11:20 1 • i j 20 21 22 r 24 , 25 26 14:30 1 28 i ` 0.' , I - I ' - f 29 F p; _ - - F 30 31 f Q Average: 0,,. - 8.4Dj I - I• ;- 2.20 1i2 OOi-- 2.40 = - - 10.00 Dail ' Maximum: Y " 0' :. 14'sOQr' ` - 8 40i i - - , ( -- -- �- ..' 2.20 ) ,12 00 2.40. I -9.02 ", C 10.00 Daily Minimum ) ._:: Q: ' 1'4tQOr ! I 8 49>'' ; _ _ 2.20 '._1'2'00: 2.40 91Q2 10.00 Sampling Type iRgcorder ., Grab I . Grati, Grab i Grab; Grab I ,.. Grab Grab,,, ! Grab �• Grab.;:' ; Grab Grab, ;'. Grab - - Grab, , Grab. Monthly Limit: ! ,• t I i' - - )-- - - Daily Limit _ ' - Sample Frequency FContmuous; 3 x Year i Morithlyp.. 3xYear ! Monthlyl ; 3xYear 31x Year'.y 3xYear P 3 x•Year 3xYear 31x }µ,ear: Monthly j µMonthly, .; Monthly Ber Event Monthly FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 2 of 3 Permit No.: WQ00042.68 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: ' Sampson Month: December Year:' 2017; PPI: Flow Measupin Point: g g [lInfluent ❑Effluent ❑� No flow enerated • " Parameter Monitoring'Point: ElInfluent Effluent ❑ ❑Groundwater Lowering l]Surface Water Parameter Code, —► '50050 WQd9 00929' ; 70300 {, 01092 I ^_3;16,16 ` `.00931 i i00600' r00530 ,r: �' 9 o �•. G d Ijp, >, a. E N E +r f } 0; C T, r f6 'O (.' 61 C O C !� wl 0 ;? _ ! rt04 Ofi t iV : i t j Q'. Q E- ~ N t6 o it j ol. O` o" ° t— to :` pt �� l N N t 'iLL G 0 4` U = z: v .(A •ti~ y; r # OE. va W a ,FOr,a`+ z 4 1 ¢ 6 0 i s' I .` lam' 24-hr hrs € , GPD7 ! - m /L 9 mg/�i "mg/L !:. mg/L.T.6 mg/L iiMPN(�1ODG Calculated --. 4 5- 10:30 1 Ar i 6.74 T 128; 0 6 I _ 0 , — — —, � ) r — . ._.._-------' t Ir 10 .. ,, 12 y--- -- - --- --- �1 14 .. i p - �" r - i - 1s � 0 16 18, 19 11:20 20 21 22 23 f I - 777- _ 25 -n 26 14:30 1 27 ii 4Ea-Y' 28 {!§ .29 - 06.74 :00 (5:: 6.74 128 ©Q 5AI 001 I . ;;Sr00i.' 0.00 -`; e 6.74 f 5100 .. _ ,�8,00 ' 0.00 > 1t5i00+ C , _ a s128''OOti-t 4 Recorder,- Grab _ Gfab, Grab Grabi :_'. Grab _ Grab T' _ - ,Grab j� Daily Limit: Sample Frequency: (Contlnuou5; Monthly, , Monthly;,; 3xYear Monthly 3xYear 'Monthly,, Monthly . Monthly;,' ; Ec..;. -."..� s =oRM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING,REPORT_(N,DMR). Page 3-of 3 Sampling.Person(s) Certified Laboratories Name: Randall Jarrell Name: ENCO Laboratories Name: Name: .Does all -:monitoring data and: sampling frequencies -meet the requirements in Attachment A of your. permit? -if the facilityis.non>compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the. facility was not in compliance. Provide in. your explanation the dates) of the non-compliance and describe the correc action (s)' taken. Attach additional�sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Randall. Jarrell" Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification. No.: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Grade: SI Phone.Number:. 919-210-2500 Signing -Official's: Title: Responsible Official -Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? No Phone Number: (925) 949-0432 Permit Expiration: 5/31 /2021. Signature Date Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under penally of law, that this document and all, attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the:information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the besfof my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information; including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of•Water•Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail 'Service Center . Raleigh, North Carolina.27699-1617 FORM:,NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page ,1 of 7 •- Perm -it No.: lolly •: .e-r Cre'ek Vegetable Company County:• • December1 '•irrigationoccur Area (acres) Area (acresr this facility? at Cover Crop: Cover Crop: UYES [21No' Hourly Rate (in): Annual. Rate (in): Annu • • •. • o •. • Q B • •, • Q • • • . e Q 0 - • ig • M • . l ogo O p p p I Monthly Loading: Floating12 Month .. FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 2 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 FacilityName: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: December mw�Wel Did irrigation EEC= �;M_ IT-W Field Name: occur Area jr acresy at this facility? -Z 77 ------ _T�Fmuda Cover Crop: DYES ENO Hourly. Rate (in):, IMES= E 5 logo lm,mmml mmm—. E :S MMMIMM�M�M 'R 0. M Z: 0 it -1 Monthly Loaq!2R� 12 Month Floating Total FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 3 of 7 Permit No.: WQO.004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: December W�wlj • irrigation • Field Name: r at this facility'? Cover Crop: Civer Crop: EIYES [21NO Hourly Rate (in): 0 Hourly Rate (in): Blum= Field Irrigated? Field Irrigated? MMMMM FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 4 of 7 •. Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: December Field Name: Did irrigation 1 1 occur ee o. • - •• — •. •.Cover•• - •. EIYES RINO Hourly Rate (in): • • • • . • - e e . - 0 0Field Irrigated?Q • - • • . - e Q o • • . - • ® • ®=mm 'M mmm ®® 12 Month Floating Total (in)- FORM: NEAR-1 08-11 - NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 5 of 7 - Permit No.: ' WQ0004268- Facility Name: " Sager Creek Vegetable- Company, county:-, Sampson Month: December I• Pum M.- M. W Field Name: Did irtigatioh occur Area (acres): at this facility? ---j .;CoVei�qlro ­QL,!6,1errn a, Cover Crop: EIYES RINO., E; Wvjigg=��� Hourly Rate (1n): REM= w_-W1r1TRl1zRrR1nj��ffi AKnualt Annual Rate (in): 4='IZ= Hem= W lrrigat6d?l■ 0 • 11�11 MM Monthly Loading. 12 Month Floating total -Cin). W1111111,W11,1111,KMV1,, ,; FORM: NDAR=1 08-11_ ' NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 6 of 7 Permit No.:._ WQ0004268. Facility Name: , Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson. Month:'', December. Year: 2017 Fi76 dPName 16, Field Name: 17 s �eldlfName 1,8, Field Name: 18-A Did, ireigatiow occur - , Area (acres) , r 7 2> Area (acres): 2.27 Areau(acres)1 8r 87 Area (acres): 6.56 at this facility ' - Cover Crop, �- Pp. „IBermutlal ? Cover Crop: C. Bermuda Coverr Crop s T C Bermuda Cover Crop: C. Bermuda AYES ENO ! Hourly'Rate .. 0:`5 s Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 HoUrlyr°Rate;;'(m) 0 5'• `! Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 Anr uai:Rafe�(ih) 58R25 s Annual. Rate (in): 9.91 f Annual Rate;(m) 57`52 Annual Rate (in).: 57.52 ,. P ,w Weather: Freeboard atetl?4' g 3 wj YES. �NO, 'r Field Irrigated? DYES pNo . Field, Irngated7� DYES ❑r Nor ' ! Field Irrigated? DYES ONO °«4 .0 ; ), i f E f f, � tm E rnc m_ E d �C s rE o c v Eo� EE� °'0 E E m a > a O [ m - o>,as x E Nd p 0. � Ok °F in ft ft' ; _gall mi in . ., gal mm m in gal, ; , inin- m, , ;; "in _- gal min in.. in 2. , , 5 PC 61 0.09 5.96 s I 10 12 _w 13 C 38 '2.8 5:71 fi ;=•'_ -" - S -_� T 14 S •' - 15 16 _. I �. P _� r- { r = 17 181 F. I 19 PC 62 D:01 .5.71 21 22 23 24 : '+! r 25 r - r:. 26 ' PC° . 47 '0.81 5.67- - _ 27 28 I �k ad C t� r G�'M 29 I • �` 1 -+= p v. 311 Monthly Loading s 0., ( O�OOt 0 0.00 OJ,:LL 1 0!00 ' 0 12 Month Floating Total (in): Aff 60 `S 0.32 f 1?9+35 rj 1!7 94 , FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 :NON=DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT {NDAR-1) _ Page 7 of 7 Did theapplication rates -exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? p. Compliant F Nan -compliant Were adequate measures taken to.prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? p Compliant p Non -Compliant Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? p compliant ❑Non -Compliant Were all :setbacks listed inyour permit maintained' for: everyapplication to each, permitted. site? p Compliant p Non -Compliant, _ Were all freeboards maintained in accordancewith,the specified freeboard'heights in your permit? p Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not'in compliance. Provide in yourexplanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken- Attach additional- sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification No.: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy, P. -Ruby Grade: SI. Phone Number: 91.9-210-2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible -Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDAR-1? 0 Yes No. Phone Number: (925) 949-0432 Permit Exp.: 5/31/21 Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report Is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature - Date• I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance, with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel'propedy gathered and evaluated the Information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible forgathering the information, the Information submitted -is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate; and complete. I am'aware.that there are significant penalties for submitting false Information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original andTwo Copies to: Division -of Water,Quality Information Processing Unit 16:17 Mail Service: Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 1 of 6 , 2017 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility' Name:.Sager. Creek Vegetable Company County:" Sampson Month: December v Field Name: A FIe1dlName x B,�., ' _ Field Name: . C ;Field,aName:'� D - Field Name: Area (acres):. 39.3 Area (acres) 8: `. i Area (acres): 16.4 r, Area (acres) I F 36�6` ' Area (acres): _._. . _! Cover Crop: C. Bermuda Cover�Crop_ C Bermuda; I Cover Crop: C. Bermuda-. Couer1Crop: t C Bermuda ' Cover Crop: Load Type: PAN ` Loadi.11­ Type l :PAN, • Load Type: PAN r.� L'oad4Type { PAN+ „' Load Type: PAN , Field Loaded? DES ONo FieldhLoadetl,?QYES'lOr , Field Loaded? Wires �No Field{!Loaded?, [wes .. �NO,J v " Field Loaded? DES ONo afQ :.°'+. Z I� �� r. 41 Z� Oy Iam 2l d - Z ° Z -. al r., of z °➢-,, i Z, '}� { G� .Q a0. ¢ z:: Q a a.o n� ° m ° a of I '�>'m�,. ° Q ° . am` nQ >m s ° i.. a am' ! �? I , o, > !. o . ° n :? ° :M 9 O a� w m C i. V > r=-r J ° p J ',�. Z ! N m r ,O)} C �'� w OI 14 r o 7 I Z m « C. j 7 Z al .� �' !� Ids, '! ` 1 L O! ! J I z� of C a7 v a a7 w° m ° J Z U n 1 t' I C�1 JI or �, ;EI i Ana. ? L V >'.e ° "'_-� o °a U } �, I �. Clf ' e, o; w� J!' ] o jI E� Q I oa I E �. A >° J e E o° v o' R° (k�i °. av �: o j I i U -t . U U Month gal mglL Ibs/ac = lbs/ac :gall _ { =ingl,L t j_Ibs/ac`; 16slac gal mglL Ibslac Ibs/ac y , _gal _ ; g1L'I J lbslac+, (Ibslac gal mg7L Ibs/ac' lbs/ac February .. 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 ± '-'01 ;' 0 0+ j`-0>0? : , 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 Ot, t 3,�9. { I 0! , March 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 _ 0 3 88 I DSO! ., ` ' 0}0+°' 0 3.88 0.0 0.0. �_ 0 Oi April 0, 4.21 0.0 0.0 ' 0 ;; .4`21! ;�;-i001 .$,=0u0,y 0 4.21 .0.0 0.0 May 0 3.31 0:0 0.0 t _ 0 '.33;1q �_ 00)_ ,_ 0^Ol_! 0 3.31. 0.0 0.0- ;_• D _; 331_�{ "June 0 3.86: 0.0: - 0.0 _`0 _ 3 861 `�..O De' + <Q 0 0 3.86,- . 0.0 0.0" j 0 .� I 3. 86'�, O Q: ( 00•;;i :July ..• 0.: 5.88 0.0 0.0 >� �, ..'. 0 f' 5 88a ; _ (; 0 01 , O A};` i ' 0 5.88 . 0:0, 0.0 (' 0 " 5 i38,,M r O Or; August' 0 5.29 0.0 0:0 Oi _ ? _5 29l ; { 0'Oi j; __ ±`O�Oi 0 5.29 0.0 0.0 -� i•, , .0 _ j, 5429r. ( ,O.Oi September 0 .4.84. 0.0 0.0 r p, 4 - ,019i .0 4.84 0.0' -,0.0 . A , 4.84; I 0.01 I 0lb -October 0 3.98, 0.0 0.0 { i0 _. i^ 3:98, j _Oa01, 1 „ `;0?0 0 3.98 . 0.0 0 0 J D _ 13:98s Oi0 .. Ot0 November 0 4.2 0.0 0.0 0 4.2 0.0 December 0 6.74 0.0 0.0 _ l) .0�0, Ok0 ; ' 0 6:74 0:0' . 0.0 i ;30 6 74. }t i 0^0,.-, �- j D'Ol d January 0 6.26 0.0 0.0 ' .,Ol .. _ ' ro 6 26i , f ;.,0 0, -: (J 007._ '. 0 6.26 0.0 0 0. t , .0;. ,_I, ( 6 26,' C 0.0; 12 Month FloatingPAN Load 0.0 :0 0! 0.0 i 0 0_' 0.0 (Ibs/ac/yr); Annual PAN Load Limit: 300 (73001'I 300 (lbslaclyr): FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 2 of 6 Permit No.: W00004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: December Year. 2017 Field Name: 1 Field Name,( 2 -: { Field Name: ,- 3 !FieltlkNamel+ Field Name: 4 Area (acres): 1.64 [ Area1(acres) 3+23i Area (acres): 11.62 i' Area (acres)I Area (acres): 1.89 Cover Crop: -C.Bermuda Cover=Crop, f C' Bermuda+ ; Cover Crop: C. Bermuda. ( Gover Crop: ! Cover Crop: C.Bermuda -Load Type: PAN i LoadIType's PAN Load Type: PAN Load T es' I ' Yp . I i Load Type: YP PAN Field Loaded? QrEs ONo fieldI L6adetl? MY`Es ❑� No Field Loaded? wes pNo Field'Loadod ; r❑Yes; �No? Field Loaded? �rEs t_ _ _ _, u .[2]NO d Z. z z. zc d z zZ ' i m R. � i �marn n mJOnQ 9 O or 4! O. ' .J Z. a G1 .'� O) C �. OiJ = ,o a . d Z - p a O yN L�a ld �N'-= a of r ZO ; I E Ol jJ �Z a� avo jN � e a v c U a m ° .a > - j Month gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac ;_fgal 1, mg1L. i ilbslac , Ibslac gal mglL Ibs/ac Ibs/ac T gal! , mglL. (, Ibslaci [rlbsla gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac February 152,474 3.29 2.6 ' 2.6 i 226T f A129, ;; 1 9 ; 1,005,840 3.29 2.4 2.4 r `, 0 3.29 0.0. 0.0 Match 105,274 3.88 2.1 .4.6 25.5 071 ' ; :3988 i 2!6 t' `4t4' 559,344 3.88 1.6 3.9 j" -- I' l 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 April 76,458 4.21 1.6 6.3 11'48;560i.;; 4.211, i 1.,6V -_i6-.0, + 472,202 4.21 1.4 5.4 r-- - -- , - - ;_ -- 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 May 96,268 3.31 1.6• 7.9 7.8,' 292,948 3.31 0.7 6.1 0 3.31 0.0. 0.0 June 222,371 3.86 4.4 '12.3 0 4 L ._ ` , 8'3 „' 279,291 3.86 0.8 ;6.8' r_ - - i I^. ? 0 3.86 0.0 0.0 . Jul y 0 5.88 .. 0.0 42.3 i_.�_. 0'I r __r 5.88} , 00 __ 8:3__; 0 5.88 0.0 6.8 ` ;(- w[ ', p'i 0 5:88 0.0 0.0 August 0 5.29 0.0 12.3 ' Y c0: 5,29+;:; •OtOr 8!3!' I 0 5.29 0.0 6.8 0 5.29 0.0 0.0 September 0 4.84 0.0. 12.3 ( 0? 8,. .0 4.84 0.0 6.8 r " 0 4.84 0.0 0.0 October 0 3.98 0.0 12.3 j" - Al 198; ;; ',0?p, ( .S!3! 0 3.98 , 0.0 6.8 - - ( -- _. ' ; 0 3.98 0.0 0.0 November -0. 4.2 0:0 12.3 ! _ „Oi' 4 2? t 0 0 r _ 8'3 0 4.2 0.0 6.8 December 0 " 6.74 . ` 0.0 12.3 L - '0i ! Ei174 ' r0 0; 8' 3'.. t ' . 0 6:74- ` 0.0 6.8 I _- : ( 0 6.74 0.0 0.0 January 38,070 6.26 1 i2 13.5 i '.82 599� i 6:26 _ i .. 1; 3 , ; i9k6 _'• 183,314 6.2(i 0.8 7.7 0 .. Ei.26 0.0 0.0 12 Month Floating PAN Load 13.5 I 7.7 0:0 0.0 (Ibs/ac/yr): :9:6'' Annual PAN_ Load Limit 270' - 270) 270 ' •299 299 (Ibs/ac/yr) I FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 3 of 6 2017 9 Permit No.: W00004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: December Y Field Name: 5 FieldName i _ 6 ,, field Name: 7 FielilyName 8t - Field Name: Area (acres): 0.78";Area+(acres}_ ; 1, 94.`, $ Area (acres): 1 AreaY(acres)xI 2'S9, Area Y (acres): 0.79 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda i Cover -:crop ? ,C Bermuda; Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Cover'Crop: C Bermuda { Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN LoadgType " __. I PAN) v Load Type: PAN _ LoadlType; ( PAN. ' . Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? AYES ❑� No I "'F�eldkLoaded? F T QYESs1o.,'t Field Loaded? ❑YES Q✓ NO _ F eidhLoaded?, O� Es`_ �No`r Field Loaded? pYEs pNo " Z O Z d. h N ( O� i Zg 1 d+ i d' z p Z ,, O O17 , Z OC•. Z + {a l d Z c. Z a aQm nQ .>-,a a , (n�,scQvam nQ ° nam, i ��? CL a �,� a. m .� 01 m d) C mm. w°. 7 z - ! ds ,O)1 G 1 eo? .. Jr azs Q m C ��, - T R J o ) a. �,. d wi 1 rn,ei E >+: �01 • i to J a 't Q N ++ aye >, �p J ' p E = o c c -� E, Q! o ". i E `d 1 C,t m, C1 , , J 6` ; o' Q' E �, o m e wo a J E z o Q'{ a., E' mr ,dt d zi �,. , e z Q, , d an d °, o �� ° Z E Q o Q° �. Ua o QV 1° tg iia� c QV Ua ° 1zQtC1:" Ua� o QU �° Ua Month gal '.mg/L lbs/ac .Ibs/ac i i9al (m /L 9. ` ; Itis/ac,, ; 6s1ac,, gal- , mg/L Ibs/ac ibs/ac ga r ._g _, _m /L ( �'� ,Ibslac,, i Ibslac' gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac February 0 .3.29 0.0. :0.0 111l67,Q7.I,3'29'r._146r !?"-1;6,." 66,503. 3.29 1:8 1.8 �_46OA!0,}' 3:2;:( 051 iF#A) 0 3.29 0.0. 0.0 March 0 3.88 0.0 0:0 37{,137 13 88 '_ !0 6 ; ( 2; --, y 16,880 3.88 0.5 2.4 { 33,662' i 3'88' (,FO 4' i 1 +0;6 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 April' 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 192;71)4 4 211 ; ;' _. 104,333 4:21 3,7 6.0 _ i" 21,114321 _. 211 2 9i ', i 3:8' 't 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 May Y 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 1169 964 l.:3 31�' ) _2 4s ,; `8 plrr 68,720 3.31.. , , 1.9 7.9 ;,,122,03T , j 3 31i" 1 ,,1. 3.' ,5 }1' -1 , '0 3.31 ;0.0.. 0.0 June 0 3:86, 0.0 0.0 332';379 , i' '3 861. {' .5 51 13 66 130,918 3.86 ' - 4.2 12.1 _ ; 408�521 .` t`. _3' 86 .11 5_i. y` j 10 2, ; 0 3.86 0.0 0.0 Jul Y 0 . 5.88 0.0 0.0 0, i ,`5 88t 0 0, t _ _. 3°6 ! 1:_.__ 0 "' • 5.88 0.0 12.1 .- 58 270? 5 88+ 1( 1' 1'. ( 1,1 3, _ 0 5.88 0.0 0.0 August 0 "" 5.29 0.0 0.0 Oi ' y 5,29, 'i16A 0 5.29 0.0 12.1 0 5.29 0.0 0:0 September 0 4.84 0:0 0.0 Y ___'� _, ! • ., 0; ; r-4 . i } ;4.84, ,! i . 0 Oi j t 1 13:6 0 4.84 0.0 12.1. j _ 0' 1 r 11)3 0 4.84 0.0 0.0 October 0 3.98 0;0 '' 0.0 i'_ 3 96 i . 0 04 -, [ 13;6,^, - 0 3.98 0.0 12:1 f. 01- 3-98' , r - 0 Q; } [ 11,.3;,? 0 3.98 0.0 0.0 November 0 4.2 0.0 0.0 0 .'42 b�0, 1;38; 0 4.2 0,0 12:1• I Q- : ', 42t-;i 'OOw^, ,11 3; 0 4.2 0:0 0.0 December 0 6.74 0.0 0.0 :0, ; '6 747 ; ; : U Q ,' 1,3' 6 " `-: 0 6:74 0:0.; : 12.1 (., 0 ,: January . 0 6.26 0:0 0:0 _ _ 0 _ f ':6 26i s - 0 0 . ; " i'3:6i'' 31,769 6.26' 1.7 ` 13.8 -LL 6:26' 0.0 0.0 . 12 Month Floating PAN Load 0.0 _._ i 1'3 6; t 13.8 _. 1�1 r3s 0.0 (Ibs/ac/yr): i Annual PAN Load Limit. 299 299 1` '_ 299 270 j 299 (Ibs/aclyr): FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 4 of 6 Permit No.: W00004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson- Month:. December Year. 2017 Field Name: 10 Field`Name j 11; Field Name: 12 ; Field Name; d3 ' ; _ ~ Field Name: 14 Area. acres :. ( ) 1.33 Areal acres j (, _,. ). t D 67' - Area (acres): 3 ( Area„(acres); 2 13+ =' Area (acres): 7.55 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Cover Crop: I C_ Bermuda, i Cover Crop: C.Bermuda ` Cover Crop: C. Bermuda Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN Load Type- i PAN+ l I• Load Type: PAN ? L`_oadrType PAN Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? prEs ONo ;Field Loaded? ! YES �No, Field Loaded? pYEs �No FieldfLoaded? _ }�rEs . pNo Field Loaded? AYES ' QNO • m Z= O . Z. GI + d •."_.P (( 1. Z O Z, G1 I v N .a Z .0 Z O �{ r ( Of + rZr C • + ZI ! ( v d Z C Z C. c 6. R C. at ' O. ° a C YO 4 i i > �y r. Q a m Q n , m I 'G., 1 Q '.'r o 1 Q - ! ° > 'O� , °;• •� Q C . Q -.p . m Bf 0 d° QI C. >, 0 J 7 Z , Q, ;d r dr O 1 07 l`/ a,5101 t 0 + J, f 7P z Q df N .+ 07 C d >. N t 0 ,J 7 yQ�",' ,i I 'dr. G1�.w: O)i C� , 'OI 10: �I O� I l0 °7 i J! f CL Q d d w - N N 'O T l0 O K 0. O J i° C01 m e = J E o .Q L ,� f U .d, =I .+1 JI = ,E o Q, : E e w J = Z Q E. ii m! Nt I ° I =' J' { Z i E Z, E o .0 c J' z > at �I U� ° a ;,CIL (j Month gal mglL Ibs/ac .Ibslac t_ _ <gal , . +. ImgILIbslec {:Itislac gal mg/L_ Ibs/ac Ibs/ac ;, ga4 i mg(L Ibs/ac,. , Ibslag` " gal mg/C Ibs/ac Itis/ac February 17,838 3.29 0.4 0.43t29, ;; 0 9 ;- '0.9 58,550 3.29' 0.5 0.5 Oi• ; 13 29) 0[0; 0.'0' 614,255 3.29 2.2 2.2 March 20,197 3.88 0.5 0.9 j; 32;461° 3 88 ' 1 6' , j 2:5'-'; 147,357 - 3.88 1.6 2.1 D ' 1 3.88: ! 0 0:.i HD413,914 3.88 1.8 4.0 April. 100,605' 4.21 2.7 3,5 40;302 j _4 21 , ;2 T r :. 4,6 224,288' 4.21 2.6 4.7 r` 0' (4 21; I 0.0'• 0 0_-' 682,132 4.21 3.2 7.2 May 57,264 3.31 1.2 -4.7 53;fi62, u3'31 ., 22 ;j,-6i8 130,953 3.31 1.2 6.0. :0,- 3�_31i j O;Oi ;, 00, 267,838. 3.31 1.0 8.2 June 138,368 3.86 3.3. 8.1 { ,86357 p . 3' 86' 4 1 11' _Q) ! 483,263 3.86 0.0 6.0 j .- '.0; ' 3 $6' 0.0e. , i ,0 0 ,' 176,534 3.86 0.8 8.9 July 0 5.88` 0.0 8.1 - - (. ,�,-0 5 88 _! _ s0 0. ; 1�1h:0; E 69,924 5.88 1.1 7:1 - _ !0' , _ i 5188E - ,, 00 .6, . 10.7 August •' 0 5.29 0.0 8.1 r - 0, ,i 529, .� '00,�,I 11:0+, 0 5.29 0.0 7.1 0'__' 0 5.29 0.0 1 10:7 September 0 4.84 0.0 8.1 l .01 4 84'., i ,0+0 ; ; 11 l7`j 0 4.84 0.0 7.1 . Oi 4:84 (:D;_ 1 0 0, 0 4.8.4 0.0 10.7 October 0 3.98 0.0 8.1 ,Q 399$ _; I&A .'; i 1'1;:0 ; 0 3.98 0.0 7.1 0) ; I ._ 3;98i ; i o o _., i _'DiQ+..:; 0 3.98 - 0.0 10.7 November -0 4.2: 0.0 8.1 -;0 _ . "L 4t2 1, _0+0 11. Q� 0 4.2 0.0 7.1 j:_ _16 `_ 1. 4 4 ,'A & .. 0 4.2 0.0 10.7 December 0 6.74 0.0 8.1. j �,03 i '.67r4! 0 Oa 1!1 0)` i ; .. 0 6.74 0.0 . 7.1 0 j 6 7,4 �; 070 ^, ( 0 Ds: ; 0 " 6.74 - 0.0 10:7 January . 81,338 6.26 3:2 11.2 i ;51; 908 _ j 1 6 2Es 4 0, V 1i5:0i 162,677 6.26 2.8 9.9 ` 0. - _ :. . 6 26 ! • 0 0 0 0- 499,1,50 6.26' 3.5 14.2. 12 Month Floating PAN Load ! (Ibs/ac/yr): 11.2 15 0 9.9 0 0 14.2 Annual PAN Load Limit (Ibs/ac/yr):. 270 I' _ 27Q' 270 270f 270 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 5 of 6 Year: 2017 , .Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: December Field Name: 15 !� Field±'Name 16 Y v Field Name: 17 F.ieltl�Nam, e: ~grea ! 119,Field Name: 18-A Area (acres): ; 0.97 I Area (acres) 7 2, Area (acres): 2:27 i (acres): j `8`.87 Area (acres): 6.56 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda - Cover,.Crop, cC Bermutla; Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Coverl. r4j C Bermuda ,7 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda. Load Type: PAN I ,Lowfr,y, e ' j PANT ' Load Type: PAN Load�Type; : PAN t Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? AYES QNO ,Eleltl, Loaded? 1 ❑YEs [�No, r Field Loaded? YES �No Fielii Loaded;? f ❑YEs �No: ' Field Loaded? ❑rEs RNo d o z' m > O °4-'' z, o a. f 2 I� ! a f> d 01 . m Z o a• z a m > a d z}o a t9 J a 'a o' Q Q °� v a o w .� n v >, o ;a a a. ,� d7 +++ a >u Oi m, ` �i.J a o a n i Gf n m '=a a a i a m a .., J i a n a m ❑ d c f0 d R c o �+ J - J o Z E d m e ,` C o, (:,`'=.I JS o Z, i .+ w e .` d s o w J .0I Z a, d� d� ++ l0 ;�, >,r' O: a: , c l0 d w J is m o.. a _ �- » - t m I" o ', I {� Q. E V y c a v i E I , �, at-.lJ' e 3 a. I o; E ` y c = a v o_ o > a V o: >� Q, C) ` i. �• .�? o. >> a v o: Q: v. i- t .v; Q V Month gal mg/L Ibslac Ibslac gall mglL . Itislac iilbslacy, gal-_- mg/L Ibs/ac Ibslac " ,gal? ! mglL,ibslacj gal mg/L Ibslac Ibslac February 31,443 3.29 0.9. 0.9 567'034 3+29 ; ( 2 2 2.2' 0 3.29 0.0 -0.0 883'630 3.29i' , 2 7 _ , . 2 7 ' ' 750,432 3.29 3.1 3.1 March 6,752 3.88 0.2 1-.1 453,651)',' ` 3 &8 3' 2}Oi ., i4' 2; , 0 3.88 - 0.0 0.0 i 526 022 3:881' , 1i:9; ; C 4.T 365,438 3.88 1.8 4.9 April 19,713 4.21 0.7 1.8 6,f3,541 ;4 2ii `; 3i0? C 7 2_ 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 y'!818265 4+21i r 3 2 7%.9' 791,191 4.21 4.2 9.2 May y 24,408 3.31 0.7 2.5 i 39Q,371 ,3 31' „. 1, 5 ;' . 87 0 3.31 , 0.0 0.0 j 269;1Q8 3.31; 1 0:8•` ,8 7 ". 384,583 3.31 1.6 10.8 June 53,662 3.86 1:8 4.3 845�523. ,3n86 3'ti8 12 5r-- 12,488 3.86 . 0.2 0.2 i 940.460o- i 3 86. , _ 3 4! , , 12.1, ; 279,575 3.86 1.4 12.2 July 0 5.88 0.0 4.3 j.26T;073 588 -; 2`01 '14:4; 0 5.88 0.0 0.2 '69r1337' 5:88: j 3t8' f' 16!0;_; 150,860 5.88 1.1 13.3 August 0 5.29 0.0 4.3 i - _ 0, , �'6 29 F i_74 4.' 0 5:29 0.0 0.2 0 �' 5 261= , 910!- r AG.'a:1 0 5.29 0.0 13.3 September 0 4.84 0.0_- 4.3 j 0 ; 4 84 O:Oi 14 4 ' . 0 4.84 0.0 0.2 c0. I . 4 84 . I 0lOt ,1 164 " 0 4.84 0.0 13.3 October 0 3.98 0.0 4.3 ! i0; =; ; j 3 96 0'0 .f:4;4 ! 0 3.98 0.0 0.2 0? ' .! 3°98; I ,0!0 , ; 16.0,_; 0 3.98 0.0 13.3 November 0 4.2.. 0.0 4:3 1- ;Qr__;_ 4t2j_ '0:0, 1454?V 0 4.2 0.0 0.2 �' O' - 4.2^_` I ,OQj 'f 160' 0 4.2 0.0 13.3 December 0 6.74 0.0 4.3 0 ° B 74 , -. r b 0; ,;' 1:4.4-� : 0 6:74 0.0 0.2 '" 0 6 74', - . 0 0 16i0i f 0 6.74 0.0 13.3 January 27,570 6.26 1.5 5.8 r281.,748j ,,_'6 261 _ ". 2 0 l; 1.6.5 19,751 6.26 0.5 0.6 1. 532;569 ` 6.26 _ F, 3:1, ,:I 19i1Al473,728 6.26 ' 3.8 17.1 12 Month Floating PAN Load 5.8'MEN 11A!- : 1,6 5 0.6ME/Eaffmoo 119?.11 17.1 (Ibs/aclyr): �ff!- Annual PAN Load Limit , 299 " 27& I 299 ! 200i 200 (Ibslac/yr): ., FORM: NDMI_R 08-11 NON-DIS.CHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 6 of 6 Did the mass .loading rates exceed the limits in Attachment,B of your permit? [] Compliant ❑ Non- Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reasons) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the.date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective auttuhts) taken. Attachadditional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek.Vegetable Company Certification Number: 23925 'Signing Official: Timothy P.. Ruby Grade: Si, Phone Number: 91,9 210-2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible Official Has the ORC changedsince the previous NDMLR?. "El. Yes [] No Phone No.: (925) 94970432 Permit Exp.: 5/31/21 Signature. Date Signature _ .((QQ Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under penally of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all.qualified personnel properly gathered.and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality information Processing Unit 1617 Mail. Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617' 2` UVCGLab0Mt040$; espy ova-ve. 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 Phone: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 Monday, December 18, 2017 WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT, LLC (WA013) Attn: RANDALL-JARRELL P.O. Box 578 Pittsboro, NC 27312 RE: Laboratory Results for Project Number: [none],. Project Name/Desc: Sager Foods -Monthly ENCO Workorder(s): CA13593 Dear RANDALL JARRELL, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Tuesday, December 5, 2017. Unless otherwise noted in an -attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures..-'- Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report -are in compliance with NELAC standards, except' as noted in the project narrative. This report shall not be reproduced except in.full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed -at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Stephanie Franz Project Manager Enclosure(s) FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Pagel of 13 01 N www.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client ID: Sager Foods Effluent Lab ID: - CA13593-01 - Sampled: 12/05/17 11:00 Received: 12/05/17 12:20 Parameter -Preparation Hold Date/Time[s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) CALC NO PREP 08/30/20 12/12/17 10:49 12/12/17 10:55 Colilert 18 NO PREP, 12/05/17 18:55 12/06/17 13:24 .. 12/05/17 15:20 12/06/17 10:52 CSU Method NO PREP 12/19/17 12/06/17 . 08:46 12/12/17 11:33 EPA 200.7 Same 06/03/18 12/06/17 08:46 12/11117 13:59 EPA 350.1 NO PREP 01/02/18 12/06/17 10:06 12/06/17 10:06 EPA 351.2 Same 01/02/18 12/08/17 13:09 12/11/17 09:13 EPA 353.2 NO PREP 12/07/17 ,- 11:00 12/05/17 16:11 12/05/17 16:11 EPA 353.2' NO PREP 08/30/20 12/11/17 09:10 12/li/1Z 09:21 EPA 365.4 Same 01/02/18 12/08/17 1109 12/11/17 10:55 SM 254OD-1997 NO PREP 12/12/17 12/12/17 .14:45 12/12/17 14:45 SM 521OB-2001 NO PREP. 12/07/17 11:00 12/06/17 12:29 12/06/17 12:29 Client ID: Sager Foods Effluent Lab ID: CA13593-01RE1 Sampled: 12/05/17 11:00 Received: 12/05/17 12:20 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 353.2 NO PREP 01/02/18 12/07/17 12:17 12/07/17 12:17 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by.the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. PEI& 3 Of 13 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: Sager Foods Effluent Lab Sample ID: CA13593-01 Received: 12/05/17 12:20 Matrix: Waste Water Sampled: 12/05/17 11:00 Work Order: CA13593 Project: Sager Foods -Monthly Sampled By: RANDALL-JARRELL Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] - Analbte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units bF , MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed Notes Calcium [7440-70-2]^ 8440 ug/L 1 39.0 100 7LO6009 EPA 200.7 12/11/17 13:59 iMV Sodium [7440-23-S]^ 128000 ug/L 1 400 500 7LO6009 EPA 200.7 12/11/17 13:59 JMV Classical Chemistry Parameters ^ - ENCO Cary ceitified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF MDL OL Batch Method Analyzed By _ Notes Ammonia as N [7664-41-7]^ 2.2 mg/L 5 0.22 0.50 7LO6005 EPA 350.1 12/06/17 10:06 JU Biochemical Oxygen Demand^ 14 mg/L' 1 . 2.0 2.0 7LO6013 SM 521OB-2001 12/06/17 12:29 JOC B-07 Nitrate as N [14797-55=8]^ 2.4 -mg/L 1 ' 0.025 0.10 71-11013 EPA 353.2 12/11/17 09:21 JU . Nitrate/Nitrite as N^ 2.6 mg/L 2 0.082 0.20 7LO7007 EPA 353.2 12/07/17 12:17 JU Nitrite as N [14797.65-0]^ 0.16 mg/L 1 0.017 0.10 7LO5029 EPA 353.2 12/05/17 16:11 JU Phosphorus [7723-14-0]^ 10 D mg/L 5 012 0.50 7LO8013 EPA-365.4 12/11/17 10:55 JU Sodium Adsorption Ratio 0.00 [blank] 1 7LO6009 CSU Method - 12/12/17 11:33 JMV Total Kjeldahl Nitrogeh^ 12 mg/L 1 - 0.26 0.48, 7LO8012 EPA 351.2 12/11/17 09:13 JU Total Nitrogen [17778-88-0] 15 mg/L 1 0.02 0.10 -7L12017 CALC 12/12/17 10:55 JLJ Total Suspended Solids^ :. 51 mg/L 8 20 20 - 71-12010 SM 2540D-1997 12/12/17 14:45 OMR Microbiological Parameters ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC• 591] - AnaMe rCAS Numberl Results Flaa Units DF POL Batch Method Analyzed _By Notes Coliform, Fecal ^ 18 MPN/100 1 - 1.0 7LO7035 Colilert 18 12/06/17 10:52 MKS mL FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 5 Of 3 Ce WS - CM O www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control .Batch 7L05029 - NO PREP - Continued Matrix Spike (7I:05029-MSI) Prepared: 12/05/2017 16:12 Analyzed: 12/05/2017 16:12 Source: CA13593-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Resul F La_q PQL Units Level Result °/oREC,= Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrite as N 1.2 0.10 mg/L 1.00 0.16 100 90-110 Matrix Spike (7L05029-MS2) Prepared: 12/05/2017 16:17 Analyzed: 12/05/2017 16:17 Source: CA16970-01 Spike Source a/oREC RPD Analyte Result Flao Q Units .. Level Result o/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrite as N 0.99 0.10 mg/L 1.00 0,017 U ' 99 90-110 Matrix Spike Dup (71.05029-MSDI) - Prepared: 12/05/2017 16:13 Analyzed: 12/05/2017 16:13 Source: CA13593-01 Spike Source a/oREC RPD Analyte Resul FlaFlaq PQL Units Level Result a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrite as N 1.2 0.10 mg/L 1.00 0.16 101 90-110 2 10 Batch 7L06005 - NO PREP Blank (7L06005-BLK1) Prepared: 12/06/2017 09:47 Analyzed: 12/06/2011 09:47 Spike Source a/oREC RPD Anal a Resul Flaa Pal Units Level Result a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes -Ammonia as N 0.045- U 0.10 mg/L LCS (71.06005-13SI) Prepared: 12/06/2017 09:49 Analyzed: 12/06/2017 09:49 Spike Source %REC RPD Analitte Resul Flan POLL Units Level Resul o/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.99 0.10 mg/L 0.989 100 90-110 Matrix Spike (7L06005-MS1) Prepared: 12/06/2017 10:08 Analyzed: 12/06/2017 10:08 Source: CA13593-01 Spike Source - ; %REC RPD Analyte Re ul Flao POL U31iN Level Result o/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 4.2 0.50 mg/L 1.98 2:2 97 90-110 Matrix Spike (7L06005-MS2) Prepared: 12/06/2017 10:13 Analyzed: 12/06/2017 10:13 Source: CA13635-01 - - Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Resul Flan OL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.65 0.10 mg/L 0.385 0.32 84 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike Dup (7L06005-MSDI) ", Prepared: 12/06/2017 10:10 Analyzed: 12/06/2017 10:10 Source: CA13593-01 Spike Source a/oREC . RPD . Arialyte Resul Mai PQL Units Level Result %REC Limits. RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 4.1 0.50 mg/L 1.98 2.2 94 90-110 1 10 Batch 7LO6009 -,EPA 3005A Blank (7L06009-BLK1) Prepared: 12i06/2017 08:46 Analyzed: 12/12/2017 11:34 Spike Source, %REC RPD Analyte Resul Laaq Q Units Level Result o/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Sodium Adsorption Ratio 0.00 U [blank] FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and.may only be reproduced in full. Page 7 Of 13 �VCO www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 7LO8012 - Same - Continued Blank (7L08012-BLK3) Prepared: 12/08/2017 13:09 Analyzed: 12/11/2017 09:06 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal Result Flao 4 Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 0.26 U 0.48 mg/L . LCS (7L08012-BSI) Prepared: 12/08/2017 13:09 Analyze& 12/11/2017 09:08 Spike Source - - %REC RPD Analvte $esult Fl�ac —QL. Level Result %REC. Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 12 0.48 mg/L 11.9 103 90-110 Matrix Spike (71-08012-MS1) Prepared: 12/08/2017 13:09 Analyzed: 12/11/2017 09:15 Source: CA13593-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flaa lQ Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 18 .-0.48 mg/L 4.75 12 123 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike (7L08012-MS2) Prepared: 12/08/2017 13:09 Analyzed: 12/11/2017 09:20- Source: CA16594.02 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal a Resul Flaa iQ Units Level Result 0/aREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 5.3 0.48 mg/L 4.75 1.1 88 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike Dup (7L08012-MSDI) Prepared: 12/08/2017 13:09 Analyzed: 12/11/2017 09:16 Source: CA13593-01 Spike Source 0/aREC RPD Analyte Resul Flaa Q Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit' Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 17 0.48 mg/L 4.75 12- 100 90-110 6 10 Batch 7LO8013 - Same Blank (7L08013-BLK1) Prepared: 12/.09/2017 13:09 Analyzed: 12/11/2017 10:50 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Resultllaao POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 0.025 U 0.10 mg/L LCS (71.08013-BSI) Prepared: 12/08/2017 13:09 Analyzed`. 12/11/2017 10:51 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result FlaFlaci P L Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 1.7 0.10 mg/L 1.60 103 80-120 Matrix Spike (71-08013-MS1) Prepared: 12/08/2017 13:09 Analyzed: 12/11/2017 10:57 Source: CA13593-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Resul Flaa Q Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 11 D 0.50 mg/L 0.640 10 118 80-120 Matrix Spike Dup (7L08013-MSD1) Prepared: 12/08%2017 13:09 Analyzed: 12/11/2017 10:58 Source: CA13593-01 Analyte Phosphorus Batch 7L12010 - NO PREP e ul Flaa PPOL. 11 D 0.50 Spike Source %REC Units Level Result 0/aREC Limits RPD mg/L 0.640 10 83 80-120 2 RPD Limit Notes 25 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page-9 Of 3 f wwiv.encolabs.com - FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. ; D The sample was analyzed at dilution. ] The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation-data'and moisture content 'where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not detected.to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation -data and moisture content', where applicable. E The concentration indicated for this.analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument..This value is,considered an estimate. MRL Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL) and -is based on the. low point of,the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution - factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. PQL PQL- Practical Quantitation Limit: N The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence (H% or greater confidence) to make.a "tentative identification •P. Greater than 25% concentration difference was observed between, the'primary and secondary -GC column. The lower concentration is reported. B-07 LCS exceeded control limits for this test. The test can not be repeated due_ to method constraints. The result should be considered an estimated value. QM-07 The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for the MS and/or, MSD. The batch was accepted based on acceptable LCS recovery. FINAL This.reportrelates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page -11 of 13 Pf o Of ic ation Work O-t8&r- 1 � ���. ;�c,�J��� Sad 'i`. I CIIrto k 461 VF PH INA frN A' --y 466aeh A -jo 4i 01 Page 13 of 13 �P St FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) / O Page 1 of 3 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: November Year: 2017 PPI: Flow Measuring Point: ❑Influent ❑Effluent ❑� No Flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent QEffluent ❑Groundwater Lowering ❑Surface Water Parameter Code — 0 50050; 01002 ,003% 01027 i +0091& 00940 r01634i 01051 •.00927 71900 0,106T 00610 =0.0625a 00620 1 ;00400i 00665 p N p i I ILL' e (n' :m; i E ! E' Tn1 1 d s U i E' OoeCDc, E+ OfZ_ a y ; I m Q �I c. V w Z Z c F° N 24-hr hrs i_ GPD; " , mg/L mg/L mg/L I mglL mg/L _ _I mglL _ mg/L mg/L mg/L mglL mg/L mgfL mg/L :su: mg/L I . 2 17:00 1 0 3 I 4 ' 4- 5 { ;0 ' I- 6 I � j 10 08:30 5 ? 0- <0.0068 ; 14 <0.0004 .929. 140 ; '.M001'8, ' <0.0031 5:76 <0.0001 �0.005S 2.9 12' 0.055 &.48; 11 11 p, 12 p; i 13 -.0,= 14 08:40 3.33 0- 15 07:20 3.33 0, 16 OI- 17 f 0; - 18 - I 0. I i . 19 - - 0;JAN -- - --- - - _ - - - �.U16- - - - 20 21 l 0;- 22 08:30 23 F U- - I ' 24 info ' m - _ 25 o; DWR action 26 -0, _ ; - 27 0, _ -- - 28 29 31 Average: 0 ! 1'4'.00 . 9:29; 140.00 j OQO' 5:76i " 0°0,1 2.90 12.00 0.06 11.00 Daily Maximum: + 0+ 1 4.00: 9:29i 140.00 + Q:'00, 5':76 0?0,1; 2.90 12'QOi 0.06 '. 8t48' ` 11.00 Daily Minimum: r ;0 1,4':00! 9:29, _ 140.00 0'00 5:76,- • 0'.01' 2.90 .12 00 0.06 8!48 11.00 Sampling Type:: Recorder Grab Grab Grab :Grab: Grab + Grab ! -Grab, Grab j Grab) Grab j Gra6, Grab ,Grab- Grab Monthly Limit Daily Limit: ` .4'.115;0001 j _; Sample Frequency: p q y: ;,Continuous, 3 x Year Monthly; 3 x Year Monthly 3 x Year 3 x Year 3 x Year ._ 3!xYear `; 3 x Year 3 •x Year' ' Monthly - - "Monthly; Monthly 1- Per•�E - rit' Monthly FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 2 of 3 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager.Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: November Flow Measuring Point: DInfluent [:]Effluent R]No flow generated • • L' L' ® 1: 1 ��-®�®-®-®-®-®-®- mouse 1-®-®-®-®-®-®-®- ®° e e .71 1 e I e 1 1 e e o e e -®-®-®- FORM: NDMR 08-11• : NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 3 of 3 Sampling.Person(s). Certified Laboratories Name: Randall Jarrell Name: ENCO Laboratories Name: Name: Does all monitoring_ data ~and' sampling frequencies meet- the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? O compliant ❑ Non -compliant If the -facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below,the reason(s) the facility was'not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in:Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification • Permittee Certification ORC:. Randall ,Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable -Company Certification No:: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Grade:: SI Phone -Number: 919=210-2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible Official, Has the ORC changed since the previous.NDMR? ❑ Yes E] No Phone Number: 925-949-0432 Permit -Expiration: 5/31/2021 ~AL61 12115=17 Signature Date Signature Date . By this signature, I certify that this report Is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under penally of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the.information submitted.. Based on my inquiry -of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief; true, accurate; and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibilityof fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and.Two-Copies to:. Division.of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service'Center Raleigh,.North. Carolina 27699-1617, FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 1 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: November • irrigation occur this facilit Area at ■YES p• aHourly -. H . u rly -. 1 ....Mg.. ■ p o .. ■ p • .. ■ p •Field Irrigated?'■ p • a s •Loading: j/////j�/. 0 00 // 1 11 z ..//////��//�/�/, • o//////�//////�////� 1 11/////�/.�//////�/,�////�/, e eo ���/�/�//////��////�/ e oe/////�/ FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 2 of 7 PermitNo.:.Ally .: Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County:• • •nth: November- • irrigation occur -1 r__ __ i Area (acres): at this facility? —7- Cover Crop: Cover EIYEs • . '. B • '. 1 • '. •Hourly '. mmmmmm mmmoMonthly mm ... . FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 3 of 7 Permit • s i Facility Name: Sager Cr' 'k Vegetable C• • . • • • •nth: Novembe •irrigation atthis facility? Area (acres): e •. - a. • •• .. •. ..Civar Crop:- •. FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 4 of 7 PermitNo.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: November •irrigation • this facility? • . > • 1 . - Area (acres):1 ' at ._ . ••: Cover Crop:.. Annual Rate (in): Annual Rate (in): • • • • . • • 1.. - . 0 •Field .. • • Q • o • . • . Q 0 . • . • Q • ... i n . /��//// 1 1 0 /�/�/// � W,/1,00 1 1 1 /�0MR, FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 5 of Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: November • irrigation occur this faGilit Field Name: Area (acres): •at a •. •.Cover Crop:- •. • - •• •- • - •• - •. Hourly Rate in): Hourly Rate (in): •.. • .. ■ oField Irrigated? ■ 0 • .. ■ o . Irrigated?Im ■ • � a � Monthly FORM: NDAR-1 j08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 6 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: November . • irrigationoccur at this facility? Cov er Crop: Cover Crop: ■ p o o -. o o -. - Annual ate (iny -Irrigated.?■ e EM= Annual Rate (in): ... .. ■ p o Field p • ■ p o .. ■ p • : FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 7 of 7 Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? [D Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? p Compliant ❑ Non-Compllant Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? El Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Were all setbacks listed in your permit maintained.for every application to each permitted - site? Q Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the specified freeboard heights in your permit? [D Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORCi Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification No.: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Grade: SI Phone Number: 919-210-2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDAR-1? ❑ yes ® No Phone Number: 925-949-0432 Permit Exp.: 5/31121' 12/15/17 Signature bate Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered.and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for galhedng the information, the information submitted1s, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina-27699-1617 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) . Page 1 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: November . Year: 2017 Field Name: A 1B; , , Field Name: C ;Field+(Name: D Field Name: Area (acres): 39.3 J 'Area,.('acres): 8, Area (acres): 16.4 Area,(acres): 36 6' P Area (acres): Cover Crop: C. Bermuda C,overiCrop:, I C. Bermuda, ', Cover Crop: C. Bermuda Cover. Crop: C.'Bermuda f Cover Crop: Load Type: PAN Load'Type:,; PANS Load Type: PAN L'oadlType: :PAN Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? OYES ONO Vf ldfLoad'e_d?, ❑YES, ON0• Field Loaded? ❑YES ENO i 'Field Loaded? I Oyes; [jNo, j Field Loaded? AYES ONO m o. Z a. a ZCO 'Z ZZ aw Zo >' aZdma w: a a. IL .0 o . =! a.Z a. ro + a a 'd Z m a 1 m Z d, Oo s :rm 50 Z, dC wa >+ ro o Jaa Ud ,0i.0 J 1a OVO. i Ud 7 O 7CO Oa ' o a> O I r .�0 : �' •.i O O a 0> >o t > > > Month gal mg/L Ibslac Ibslac gal! j ,mglL, �;tibilac F'Ibslac' gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac r al! g. ' , mgIL , •Ibslac; !Ibslac; gal mg/L Ibslac Ibslac February 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 ± -0i 3'29'� '; 0 4 ! "Moo 0 .3.29 0.0 0.0 ? [0, 3.29 '; m-a O10. March 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 '0; 3,88- O[O1 1. - 0:0 ` 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 : mo. April 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 0 ! .21 4' 001 °; 010 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 0, 4' .21 _ 0:0 0:0 May 0 3.31 0.0 _0.0 ; 01,_ ;( 3 31i ii 00 °i 0:0. 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 ` _ 10+ 1 3311 Ot0 A!0 June 0 3.86 0.0 0.0 1 0 F 346; 041 0?O ; 0 3.86 0.0 1 0.0 ! O 1 3:86, O':0; O.o' 1 July 0 5.88 0.0 0.0 ; - _ a0' _ 5`:88`_ i 0:01 ' ; ;0 0 0 5.88 0.0 0.0 O, -- -B.S-8; 0"0+ : ? 0:0` Auust g 0 5.29 0.0 0.0 ; U; 5:29 t Or O. ;Oi01 0 5.29 0.0 0.0 -- -0, �� i 5.:29i i j y :O:Qi ; j 0?0 - € September 0 4.84 0.0 0.0 ) ,0F 4•.84; f O:Ot ; ; OSO: i 0 4.84 0.0 0.0 i ,0,' October 0 3.98 0.0 0.0 f 0} 3i08, -M Mot 0 3.98 0.0 0.0 [ 0� , ;I 3198; ,! 010, !! 0'Oi November 0 4.2 0.0 0.0 0. - 4 2 - 0 0 ' -- - j 0�01 ' 0 4.2 0.0 0.0 0- 4`:2 00 0:0 j December 0 5.37 0.0 0.0 _0 ! 5 3T 0 0, ` ~'Oe0 0 5.37 1 0.0 0.0 :0, 5':3T _ DID January 0 6.26 0.0 0.0 0; ; 6 26', i 0?0 ' ( ao0' 0 _ 6.26 0.0 0.0 j '0 12 Month Floating PAN Load 0.0 I ,00,' 0.0 ; 0:0 0.0 (Ibs/aclyr): i Annual PAN Load Limit 300 300' I (Ibs/ac/yr) w FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 2 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: November Year: 2017 Field Name: 1 FieldiNae': m ; 2' Field Name: 3 1 FieldName , i Field Name: 4 Area (acres): 1.64 Areai,(acreso. ! _ i43, Area (acres): 11.62 ; Areai,,(acres);'. ; Area (acres): 1.89 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda j Cover Crop- i C. 'Bermuda. Cover Crop: C. Bermuda CoveriCropt i Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN LoadlType: ; RAN' j _ Load Type: PAN i Load!Type: I y Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? DYES ENO _._ 4 'Fleld',Loaded?4 - i'❑Yes Ig' Field Loaded? [IYES ENo i Field Loaded?i 1 ❑YES ❑No , Field Loaded? DYES ' . ENO Z O Z Z O' i Z N Z- O Z 1Gf. 1, O. 0 i d d Z O Z a a Q 4 l` Q 0 d > O k a a ! Q a 0. ►' ' ,Q IL ,d, !> a O. Q r n f` Q d of a Q d,`a! �' '' o J i a' a C. Q= 0 Q n O. > . y Q oof tQRd 1 n 1 + Qt,f •Ce+ O p O i t0.C+ O �. 0 w0 O Ez I �' 0' ' w t0C dO a Ip O ZEZ JaE ❑!C e O a E do iE,z. 1 E a e iEJ ` o E o O of 0 O o o o Month gal mg/L .Ibs/ac Ibs/ac { gaG (mg/L.`';!Ibslac i lbs/ac;.1 gal I mg/L Ibs/ac I Ibs/ac ! gall mg lL Ilbslac ;'lbslac, gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac February 152,474 3.29 2.6 2.6 ? 220341 ; 3:29)'; 11.9, 1,. 1,005,840 3.29 2.4 2.4 ; 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 March 105,274 3.88 2.1 4.6 i 255;071::1 3':8& , ; 2s6' ` i -.4.41! 559,344 3.88 1.6 3.9 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 April 76,458 4.21 1.6 6.3 11.48-,5661 i 41•21; 1.61,; 850)- 472,202 4.21 1.4 5.4 V! 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 May. 96,268 3.31 1.6 7.9 .208 579 Y 3 T '; , 1 8;, ,' j 7,8! 292,948 3.31 0.7 6.1 f ; ! 0 3.31 .0.0 0.0 June 222,371 3.86 1 4.4 12.3 j 43 492 ; ; 3:8& ! MA.. ,1 8:3+ s 279,291 3.86 0.8 6.8 0 3.86 0.0 0.0 July 0 5.88 0.01 12.3 ; 0, " 5.88 '0:0: 8t3, 71 0 1 5.88 0.0 6.8 0 5.88 0.0 0.0 August 0 5.29 0.0 12.3 i OF if &3' 0 5.29 0.0 1 6.8 " 0 5.29 0.0 0.0 September 0 4.84 0.0 12.3 0: 4'.84' 0:0 i ' ! 8.3, 0 4.84 0.0 6.8 J 0 4.84 0.0 0.0 October 1 0 3.98 0.0 12.3 Qi ; '3:,98, ' ' 0.0: i ; _ U i 0 3.98 0.0 6.8 ' -- 0 3.98 0.0 0.0 November 0 4.2 0.0 12.3 -`0. j 4'c2? ; -`0 0?, 1 8:3, ' 0 4.2 0.0 6.8 ' _ ;- ! ; I 0 4.2 0.0 0.0 December 37,245 5.37 1.0 13.3 80 699i� f 5.37' . ; V:1'.1 i f 9:4' i 193,297 5.37 0.7 7.6 ; _ ! ; 37,245 5.37 0.9 0.9 January 38,070 6.26 1.2 14.5 i '82;5991 ; ,6.26� '_ 14.31 ,I 10:7 183,314 6.26 0.8 8.4 i I 0 6.26 0.0 0.9 12 Month Floating PAN Load 14.5 ; 1017 8.4 j 0:0' 01 VM 0.9 (Ibs/ac/yr): . Annual PAN Load Limit 270 { 270 270 ' 1 299! i 299 (Ibs/ac/yr): FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 3 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: November Year: 2017 Field Name: 5 pieldNarime: j 6i Field Name: 7 Fieltlt'Name 8+ Field Name: 9 Area (acres): 0.78 r Areak,(acres)s'I 1;94 Area (acres): 1 Area (acres);f 2'.59' Area (acres): 0.79 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda i CoverrCrop:,! C. Bermuda" Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Gover Crop j C..Bermuda Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load T e: Type: PAN rL'oad'T ype,; U PAN9 Load Type: PAN E �LoadiType PAN Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? []YES QNO Field Loaded? (]vEs ONo eOd?sE e.dlLjoa¢>ivd Es Loaded? Es No []YES �o d •dQ O Z Q j 'o i Q 'o d a Z Q n j NZ o e O Z' IiQcO,�-No! 1 d Z Q'O Z i > mQaoa c m df �_ o ° afl Idl a dAA a j=Fr. , moo; ; 0-Cl a a_> JQ Q++ N 3 Z 61 NS E Z J E Z� Y, l, N, 'Ol .=rE Z e' _j o a a E o do QEm o ao ,, , ;?Field o> }} Q O U > E > i > >' > Month gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac §_ v_`gall . i +mgl.L';tlbslaci r j Ibs/ac; gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac _ _gal,+_ d mgLL ' Ibslac, !"Ibslac gal mg/L. Ibs/ac Ibs/ac February ' 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 1)A'0,70Z 1 3 29, , __ + 1'.6, _. i 1.6; ' 66,503 3.29 1.8 1.8' (46;01,0§ ' _ 4f 3':29 _ i 0�5' I ,-. 05, 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 March 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 ., ..,r i 371.37, "i _ 3a'8i ... ? 064 1I __ �'. 2:2; 16,880 3.88 0.5 2.4 _ ) .33;6$2_' '; 3.88 i, .0'4' 'E __ ,Oi91 ; 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 April 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 ;.192 704 i 4+2f1' ; { _3.& 5.7i' , 104,333 4.21 3.7 6.0 E 2111;432, . ; 4' 21 219, 1 3:8 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 May 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 j '169,96* 1 [ 3'31 -" r 2.4 ! ,8:1' .I 68,720 3.31 1.9 7.9 { 122;037 , t 3 31i j j?.3,_ `, 5'.;1' 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 June 0 3.86 0.0 0.0 332',3.79' ! { 3 86 ! _5 5'_ - (` 1,3.6' 130;918' 3.86 4.2 12.1 - - 1408;521i , j _ 3.86; , 5.1 10:2' i 0 3.86 0.0 0.0 July 0 5.88 0.0 0.0 CF A ! 5 88, I !_._!a 0, ; i 13':6, ; 0 5.88 0.0 12.1 58;270 5 88, ' 1A ill 1421 0 5.88 0.0 0.0 August 0 5.29 0.0 0.0 Oj i ; ,5.29) f za 13 6' ! 0 5.29 0.0 12.1 0 j 5 29, 0:01 , j 1§1'.3! , 0 5.29 0.0 0.0 -September 0 4.84 0.0 0.0 ( 0 ; } 484: ' ; 0:6 ' 1 'f3:6' ! 0 4.84 0.0 12.1 j 6 ; 4'.84. ; j 010' 1if-3; I 0 4.84 0.0. 0.0 October 0 ' 3.98 0.0 0.0 0 { 0'68,- ` 0' 0 ' ; 1'316' ' 0 3.98 0.0 12.1 0; 3498 ; 0'.0`. E . *1!.3. ! 0 3.98 0.0 0.0 November 0 4.2 0.0 0.0 0+ ' j 4:2 " 0 07 ; 1;3t6 ;; 0 4.2 0.0 12.142 OQ= , 1;1.2 , 0 4.2 0.0 0.0 December 24,830 5.37 1.4 1.4 j '63,042' ; i 5137,' : 1i 5 ; ;. 15,1 28,656 5.37 1.3 - 13.4 4 54',404 ;' 5.37 ,019+ ,1 12;2 ! 0 5.37 0.0 0.0 January 0 6.26 0.0 1.4 1!511; 31,769 6.26 1:7 15.1 i 0! %. 6r26 OYOa. s; 12'.21 0 6.26 0.0 0.0 12 Month. Floating PAN Load -t 15.1 __Ibs/ac/yr):1.41;5:T I 12.2' 0.0 OT_6]2�16,00 Annual PAN Load Limit i XEMMEM,299 1'(Ibs/ac/yr):299299;rXEM27 )) 299 ! FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 4 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Cq1unty: Sampson Month: November Year: 2017 Field Name:. 10- ki- 14 Field Name: 12 Tilel0iVarn -Field Na Name: 14 Area (acres): 1.33 Area (qiqres), Area (acres): 3 Arbai;facr6sy ; Area (acres): 7.55 Cover Crop: C.13 'ermuda Cb.ver,Crop:: 1 C. Bermuda Cover Crop: C.Bermuda p,: Zoveri-Cro A C.:qertbudaj Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN L_ dT. 02 -1 , 11PRIT -,PAN! Load Type: PAN ad Loi ITjr AN t Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? EIYES [ZNO Field Loaded? [:]YEs EINO fibldY Field Loaded? EIYES [ZNO z z (D A 0 z r 0 z 0, z z C 0 z CL CL .2 IL IL > 0 Q. a,. V 1 01, CL > 0 < a. a. M z 0 a) , >, 0 Liz w _j -ji Z, 1 0 z 2E , R f '0� C M _j z D E 0 -1 0 E < IL 10, 0 .0; 1 01)M­ , E - C 0 _j 0 E = 9L r , �e < 01­ E 0 0 E IL 0 , , S, 0 0 2 1 4 , I _! j; ! I I 0 Month gal mg/L lbs/ac lbslaG_� ;gal � ilacl > gal mg/L lbs/ac, lbs/ac , - 9 4 _,16i/ac: slac� > gal rng/L lbs/ac lbs/ac February, 17,838 3.29 0.4 0.4 1 58,550 3.29 0.5 . 0.5 1. �OI_ �M6 614,255 3.29 2.2 2.2 March 20,197 - 3.88 0.5 0.9 'Z12!4 i 61i -3,86 A f1I& 2.5; 147,357 3.88 1.6, 2.1 348f 1 d0f i 413,914 3.88 1.8 4.0 April 100,606 4.21. 2.7 3.5 46 �62, 4:�f 2.1"iIF 4.61 224,288 4.21 2.6 4.7 3- 0, j-4,2�11 I� '010- 101.'O�'i 682,132 4.21 3.2 7.2 May 57,264,_ 3.31 1.2 4.7 3131j 22- _,.618i 130,953 3.31 1.2 6.0 0] 1 0,, S,1 0.01- 1 267,838 3.31 1.0 8.2 June 138,368 3.86 3.3 1 8.1 4 K,263 3.86 0.0 6.0 i_.. 0 iq_!d, RY 176,534 3.86 0.8 8.9 July 0 5.88 0.0 8.1 IQ 8 A 69,924 5.88, 1.1 7.1 io. FtQ13F f".Uf ;11 T ? t io 282,213 5.88 1.8 10.7 August 0, 5.29 0.0 8.1 b '51.'2g)' 1' iHIA i 0 5.29 0.0 7.1 16 1 6.26,"F04- , i mo- 0 5.29 0.0 10.7 September 0 4.84 0.0 8.1 _A; 4.84, '1--,Q!'Oj 1- 1_1,;0f_I 0 4.84 0.0 7.1 i o.- o.oj 0 1 4.84 0.0 1 10.7 October 0 3.98 0.0 8.1 Z 7- ---- T_ 1M ' - 0 I fli.6 0 3.98 0.0 7.1 1 "-b _� m8 a.b did 0,_ 3.98 0.0 10.7 November 0 4.2 0.0 3 1 b" F _W�, 10- hQi 11 11 '101 0 4.2 0.0 7.1 '6- F*_4._2j' "'Id 0) btdi­; 0 4.2 0.0 10.7 December 0 5.37 0.0 8.1 11 4$,,,760,, 6%37 i'.8,'__!.j! 111 77,614 1, 5.37 1.2 8.3 F 0_ .0 -'; ,d-,.O 169,801 $.37 1.0 11.8, January 81,338 6.26 3.2 11.2 ;T '51i1908, -6- -2-6 --- ]F­,�,,;d ]f 162,677 6.26 2.8- 11.1 'i 499,150 6.26 3.5 15.2 12 Month Floating PAN Load 1.1.2 & 15.2 (lbs/aclyr): Annual PAN Load Limit 270 -270i ME 270 (lbs/aclyr): - 9 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT(NDMLR) Page 5 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: November Year: 2017 Field Name: 15 rn_0 1 .61 Field Name: 17 __iefd---Nami 5 1 '8, Field Name: 18-A Area (acres): 0.97 Areal; (acres ): 7,t2' Area (acres): 2.27 Area1.,(acres y`. F Area (acres): 6.56 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda I Cover Crop: I -G.,BWrmiuda, Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Cover. drop: i C.,13erm'uda- Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN Lqad!Type::' 'PANI Load Type: PAN �Load!Ty Pp. 'PAN, Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? EIYES RINO Field Loaded? E]YES EINO i r, S, I el.di-Loaded? RYES •QN6i Field Loaded? [:IYES RINO 2 z 2, V 2 z z 'M zof z r- z 0 a. (D , Q;1 iL m 45, lu CL 0 a. w < a. > CL a � a-,, I i , 1 R..... , .- 'to - 1 CL CL a. W M C >, M 2 o 0 2 _1 z < 01 tm =i 0 , 01: Z, < 0) Q tM rz a) Z, M = 0 T 0 _j Z I Q:,t. I tM W1 , i I i , o 1 19, -T ; < cm to �a >0 0 Jaam z E 1! w r_ E E: 12 !,C, R . EQ. =I' E Q E E, E _j E 0 0 U 0 IL � o" 0 U i T L EL S 0 U 'L Month gal mg/L Ibs/ac lbsiac -g- iji, , F I - mg/1 X 1-16il-41c Ali6ricl gal mg/L lbsiac lbs/ac 1­ gal' --h mig L `46 s/ac!j; lb,§Idw gal m g/L lbs/ac lbs/ad February 31,443 3.29 0.9 0.9 , 7567;634'-. _8,.29K _�K.Z 12 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 88%6301 .319.- __11.7, - �jf U 750,432 3.29 3.1 37 March 6,752 3.88 0.2 1.1 1 45%051; ­31.86i '1 2.0 4.2,-. 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 '526;022 189. 11.9, 4.7' 365,438 3.88 1.8 4.9 April 19,713 4.21 0.7 1.8 1613,,541� 4. T! i Iff-j- T.2 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 818',265i 1 4.211 _'3:2 7;9j 791,191 4.21 4.2 9.2 May - 24,408 3.31 0.7 2.5 1 396137,1! 313,1� 1!.5) j 8%,7 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 i 269j,081',; 3,.3111,_t b,.8, 81 384,583 3.31 1.6 10.8 June 53,662 3.86 1.8 4.3 1 845 U2a f 3B8 ;1 4M 12,488 3.86 0.2 0.2 f -9-401460 V 3'.8113, 14-­'; 1ZA: 279,575 1 3.86 1.4 12.2 July 0 6.88 0.0 4.3 1 2871; 0.71 -5.88, _�.Oj i 4.4 0 5.88 0.0 0.2 691,337 5.88' , -11 1, , _34 i 'iibi&; 150,860 5.88 1.1 13.3 August 0 5.29 0.0 4.3 ,0, 1 ,5.29 T __,0:6 _1 '1,4.4,,,, 0 5.29 0.0 0.2 0 5.29 64 1.bib.- � 0 5.29 0:0 13.3 September 0 4.84 0.0 4.3 -'b,- 4-:84 'j-'00 A -1.4.4 0 4.84 0.0 0.2 - 0- 4.K 0.0, 6.0, 0 4.84 0.0 13.3 October 0 3.98 0.0 4.3 j a T 3198, f 0-6 ! . 14-4 0 3.98 0.0 0.2 i 198i T -0-1.0i j 16!0,, 0 3.98 0.0 13.3 .November 0 4.2 0.0 4.3 41.2F- �d ff 14.4 0 4.2 0.0 0.2 "01, •0 4.2 0.0 13.3 December 11,321 5.37 0.5 4.8 11 130,998' , � .37 (f. 8 1 111 1 39,869 5.37 -0.8 1.0 9$,3901 i 1' '57' .37j .16. A, 90,051 5.37 0:6 13.9 January 11 27,570 6.26 1.5 6.3 281,1748. ;,, 6.26, ZO, .7,.3, 19,751 1 6.26 0.5 1 53? 1569, L 6196, 1 3.1; 1 IT& t 473,728 6.26 Q 177 12 Month Floating PAN Load 6.3- 1 17.31 1.4 17.7 (lbs/ac/yr): A99 Annual PAN Load Limit 2 99 f 270: 2001, 200 (lbs/aclyr): - - 0 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 6 of 6 Did the mass loading rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? Q Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and.describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification Number: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Grade: SI Phone Number: 919-210-2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMLR? ❑ Yes 0 No Phone No.: 925-949-0432 Permit Exp.: 5131/21 12/15/17 Signature Date Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or•supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information.Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27609-161.7 EN,_C0_ -," L -, i4l, nre-s-z t ab orato 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 Phone: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 Tuesday, November 21, 2017 WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT, LLC (WA013) Attn: RANDALL JARRELL P.O. Box 578 Pittsboro, NC 27312 RE: Laboratory Results for Project Number: [none], Project Name/Desc: Sager Foods-Mar,Jul,Nov ENCO Workorder(s): CA15465 Dear RANDALL JARRELL, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Friday, November 10, 2017. Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses'performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Stephanie Franz Project Manager Enclosure(s),. 77-1 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 1 of 15 iVCQ www.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client ID: Sager Foods Effluent Lab ID: CA15465-01 Sampled: 11/10/17 08:50 Received: 11/10/17 14:45 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(sl Analysis Date/Time(s) CALC NO PREP 08/05/20 11/20/17 14:39 11/20/17 14:43 Colilert 18 NO PREP 11/10/17 16:45 11/11/17 13:29 11/10/17 15:25 11/11/17 11:00 CSU Method NO PREP 11/24/17 11/16/17 08:48 11/17/17 15:03 EPA 200.7 Same 05/09/18 11/16/17 08:48 11/17/17 13:19 EPA 245.1. EPA 245.1 12/08/17 11/20/17 13:26 11/21/17 11:03 EPA 351.2 Same 12/08/17 11/17/17 11:55 11/20/17 09:52 EPA 353.2 NO PREP 11/12/17 08:50 11/10/17 17:14 11/10/17 17:14 EPA 353.2 NO PREP 12/08/17 11/18/17 15:15 11/18/17 15:15 EPA 353.2 NO PREP 08/05/20 11/20/17 11:07 11/20/17 12:09 EPA 365.4 Same 12/08/17 11/17/17 11:55 11/20/17 11:31 SM 254OC-1997 NO PREP 11/17/17 11/13/17 16:25 11/13/17 16:25 SM 254OD-1997 NO PREP 11/17/17. 11/16/17 15:15 11/16/17 15:15 SM 4500CIE-1997 NO PREP 12/08/17 11/20/17 14:39 11/20/17 14:39 SM 521OB-2001 NO PREP 11/12/17 08:50 11/10/17 13:17 11/10/17 13:17 Client ID: Sager Foods Effluent Lab ID: CA15465-OIRE1 Sampled: 11/10/17 08:50 Received: 11/10/17 14:45 Parameter Preparation Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 350.1 NO PREP 12/08/17 11/17/17 13:19 11/17/17 13:19 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. I I Page 3 Of 15 �co www.encolabs.com I ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: Sager Foods Effluent Lab Sample ID: CA15465-01 Received: 11/10/17 14:45 Matrix: Waste Water Sampled:11110/17 08:50 Work Order: CA15465 Project: Sager Foods-Mar,Jul,Nov Sampled By: Randall Jarrell (Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods ' ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analvte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL P(L Batch Method Analyzed By Notes Arsenic [7440-38-2]A < 6.80 ug/L 1 6.80 10.0 71<16007• EPA 200.7 11/17/17 13:19 ]MV Cadmium [7440-43-9]A < 0.360 ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 71<16007. EPA 200.7 11/17/17 13:19 JMV Calcium [7440-70-2]A 9290 ug/L 1 39.0 100 7K16007 EPA 200.7 11/17/17- 13:19 JMV Chromium [7440-47-3]A 1.79 ] ug/L 1 1.40 10.0 7K16007 EPA 200.7 11/17/17 13:19 JMV Lead [7439-92-1]A < 3.10 ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 71<16007 EPA 200.7 11/17/17 13:19 JMV Magnesium [7439-95-4]A 5760 ug/L 1 29.0 100 7K16007 EPA 200.7 11/17/17 13:19 JMV Mercury [7439-97-6]' < 0.0990 ug/L 1 0.0990 0.200 7K20041 EPA 245.1 11/21/17 11:03 CMK Nickel[7440-02-0]A 5.30 JB ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 7K16007 EPA 200.7 11/17/17 13:19 JMV 3-01 Sodium [7440-23-5]A 144000 ug/L 1 400 500 7K16007 EPA 200.7 11/17/17 13:19 JMV Zinc [7440-66-6]A 48.1 ug/L 1 4.40 10.0 7K16007 EPA 200.7 11/17/17 13:19 JMV Chemistry Parameters ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed By Notes Ammonia as N [7664-41-7]A 2.9 mg/L 5 0.22 0.50 71<17016 EPA 350.1 11/17/17 13:19 ILI Biochemical Oxygen Demand^ 14 mg/L 1 2.0 2.0 71<10009 SM 521OB-2001 11/10/17 13:17 JOC Chloride [16887-00-6]A 140 mg/L 1 1.9 5;0 7K20038 SM 4500CI E-1997 11/20/17 14:39 JU Nitrate as N [14797-55-8]A 0.030 ] mg/L 1 0.025 0.10 7K20025 EPA.353.2 11/20/17 12:09 JU Nitrate/Nitrite as NA 0.055 ] mg/L 1 0.041 0.10 7K18014 EPA 353.'2 11/18/17 15:15 JU Nitrite as N [14797-65-0]A 0.025 ] mg/L 1 0.017 0.10 7K10005 EPA 353.2 11/10/17 17:14 ILI Phosphorus [7723-14-0]A 11 D mg/L 10. 0.25 1.0 7K17011 EPA 365.4 11/20/17 11:31 ILI Sodium Adsorption Ratio 9.11 [blank] 1 7K16007 CSU Method 11/17/17 15:03 ]MV Total Dissolved Solids' 600 mg/L 1 50 50 71<13009 SM 254OC-1997 11/13/17 16:25 OMR Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen^ 12 mg/L 1 0.26. 0.48 7K17010 EPA 351.2 11/20/17 09:52 ILI Total Nitrogen [17778-88-0] 12 mg/L 1 0.02 0.10 7K20045 CALC 11/20/17 14:43 JU Total Suspended SolidsA 63 mg/L 10 25 25 71<16012 SM 254OD-1997 11/16/17 15:15 OMR Microbiological Parameters ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 5911 Analvte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF Q Batch Method Analyzed Notes Coliform, FecalA 130 MPN/100 1 1.0 71<13015 Colilert 18 11/11/17 11:00 RAY mL FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 5 Of 15 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods - Quality.Control Batch 7K16007 - EPA 3005A - Continued Post Spike (7K16007-PSI) Prepared: 11/16/2017 08:48 Analyzed:11/17/2017 13:14 Source: CA16754=01 Spike Source oREC RPD , Analvte esu lea POL UJr its Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 0.207 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 -0.00748 - 104 80420 Cadmium 0.0206 0.00100 mg/L 0.0200 3.92E-5 103 80-120 Calcium 71.2 0.100, mg/L 2.00 73.9 NR' 80-120 QM-08 Chromium 0.206 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.000740 103--, 80-120 Lead 0.207 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.000877 103 80-12U Magnesium 25.7 0.100 mg/L 2.00 , 24.4 64 80-120 QM-08 Nickel 0.214, B 0.0100 ' mg/L 0.200 0.00376 105. 80-120 Sodium 70.3 0.500, mg/L .10.0 64.2 61 80-120, QM-08 Zinc 0.224 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.0131 105 80-120 Batch 7K20041 -. EPA 245.1 an (7K20041-BLKi) Prepared: 11/20/2017 13:26 Analyzed: 11/21/2017 10:45 Spike Source %REC RPD Ana e ' Resu t Flaa POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Mercury 0.0990 U 0.200 ug/L Blank (7K20041-BLK2) Prepared: 11/20/2017 13:26 Analyzed: 11/21/2017 10:47 Spike Source 0/aREC RPD Analvte Rest Flan PQ1 units Level Result %REC : Limits RPD Limit Notes Mercury, 0.0990 U 0.200 ug/L LCS (7K20041-BS1) Prepared: 11/20/2017 13:26 Analyzed: 11/21/2017 10:49 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result ... Flaa POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD` Limit Notes Mercury 5.13 _ 0.200 ug/L 5.00 103_ 85-115 Matrix Spike (7K20041-MS1) Prepared: 11/20/2017 13:26 Analyzed: 11/21/2017 10:54 Source: CA16721-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal Result Flag POL Units Level - Result %REC Limits RPD ' Limit Notes Mercury '4.90 _ 0.200 ug/L 5.00'' 0.0990 U 98 70-130 Matrix Spike Dup (7K20041-MSDI) : Prepared: 11/20/2017 13:26 Analyzed: 11/21/201710:57 Source:CA16721-01 Spike " Source %REC .. RPD Analvte Result _lag POL Units . Level Result o/aREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Mercury 5.04 6.200 ug/L 5.00 0.0990 U 101 70-130 3 30 Post Spike (71(20041-PSI) Prepared: 11/20/2017 13:26 Analyzed: 11/21/2017 10:59 Source:CA16721-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result i13 POL Units Level Result 0/aREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Mercury 5.65 0.200 ug/L ' 5.00 -0.170 113 75-125 [Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 7K10005 - NO PREP FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by'the laboratory, and may only be reproduced, l'n full. Page 7 Of 15 www.ehcolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 71C10009 - NO PREP - Continued Duplicate (7K10009-DUP1) Continued Prepared & Analyzed: 11/10/2017 13:17 Source: CA09948=01 Spike Source a/oREC RPD Anala Resul Flaa PQL Units Level Result a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Biochemical Oxygen Demand 300 2.0 mg/L 290 5 30 Batch 7KI3009 - NO PREP Blank (7K33009-BLKI) Prepared & Analyzed: 11/13/2017 16:25 Spike Source a/oREC RPD Anaa Result Flaa POL Units Level Result a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Dissolved Solids 50 U 50 mg/L LCS (71<13009-BSI) Prepared &Analyzed: 11/13/2017 16:25' Spike Source a/oREC RPD Analvte Result Flaa ML Units Level Result °/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Dissolved Solids 950 50 mg/L 1000 . 95 90-110 Duplicate (7K13009-DUPl) Prepared & Analyzed: 11/13/2017 16:25 Source: CA15465-01 Spike Source a/oREC RPD Analyte Resul Flaa POL Units Level Result a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Dissolved Solids 600 50 mg/L 600 0.3 20 , Duplicate (7K13009-131.1132) Prepared & Analyzed: 11/13/2017 16:25 Source: CA15466-01 Spike Source a/oREC RPD Analvte Result Flaa POL Units Level Result o/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Dissolved Solids 340 50 mg/L 330 4 20 Batch 7K16007 - EPA 3005A Blank (7K16007-BLKi) Prepared: 11/16/2017 08:48 Analyzed: 11/17/2017 15:06 Spike Source a/oREC RPD Anala Result Flaca POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Sodium Adsorption Ratio 0.00 U [blank] Batch 7K160.12 - NO PREP Blank (7K16012-BLK1) Prepared &Analyzed: 11/16/2017 15:15 Spike Source a/oREC RPD Analyte Result Flaa POL Units Level Result a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 2.5 U 2.5 mg/L LCS (7K16012-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 11/16/2017 15:15 Spike Source a/oREC RPD Analyt Result Flag PQL Units Level Result a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 100 2.5 mg/L 100 101 80-120 Duplicate (7KI6012-DUPI) Prepared & Analyzed: 11/16/2017 15:15 Source: CA09070-02 Spike Source a/oREC RPD Analvte Result Flaa POL Units Level Result a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 140 25 mg/L 150 6 20 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 9 Of 15 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 71(27011 - Same - Continued Matrix Spike Dup (7K37011-MSD1). Prepared: 11/17/2017 11:55 Analyzed: 11/20/2017 11:34 Source: CA15465-01 Spike Source a/oREC RPD Analvte Result Flaa POL. Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 12 D 1.0 mg/L 0.640 11 95 80-120 0.3 25 Batch 7K17016 - NO PREP Blank (71<37016-BLKI) Prepared: 11/17/2017 12:01 Analyzed: 11/17/2017. 12:01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flaa Q Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.045 U 0.10 mg/L LIES (7R17016-BS3) Prepared: 11/17/2017 12:03 Analyzed: 11/17/2017 12:03 Spike Source 0/oREC RPD Anal3 to Resul Flaa P-QL Units Level Result a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 1.0 0.10 mg/L 0.989 101 90-110 Matrix Spike (7K17016-MS3) Prepared: 11/17/2017 13:21 Analyzed: 11/17/2017 13:21 Source: CAIS465-OIREI ' Spike Source a/oREC RPD Anala Resu t Flaa IQ Units Level Result a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 4.7 0:50 mg/L 1.98 2.9 91 90-110 Matrix Spike (7K17016-MS2) Prepared: 11/17/2017 12:11 Analyzed: 11/17/2017 12:11 Source: CA35466-01 Spike Source a/oREC RPD Analvte Resuf Flaa POLL Units Level Result a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.33 0.10 mg/L r 0.385 0.045 U 86 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike Dup (7K17016-MSD1) Prepared: 11/17/2017 13:23 Analyzed: 11/17/2017 13:23 Source: CA15465-OIRE1 Spike Source a/oREC RPD Anala Result Flaa PQ_L Units Level Result a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 4.4 0.50 mg/L 1.98 2.9 77 90-110 6 10 QM-07 Batch 71C18014 - NO PREP Blank (71<18014-131-K3) Prepared: 11/18/2017 13:15 Analyzed: 11/18/2017 13:15 Spike Source a/oREC RPD Analyte Result FlaFlaq IQ Units Level Result a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.041 U 0.10 mg/L LCS (7K18014-BSI) Prepared: 11/18/2017 13:16 Analyzed: 11/18/2017 13:16 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaa IQ Units Level Result ' a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 1.3 0.10 mg/L 1.25 101 90-110 Matrix Spike (7K18014-MS3) Prepared: 11/18/2017 15:12 Analyzed: 11/18/2017 15:12 Source: CA_14942-02 Spike Source a/oREC RPD Anale Result Flaa . Q Units Level Result a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 32 2.0 mg/L 10.0 22 103 90-110 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 11 of 15 www.encolabs.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. n D The sample was analyzed at dilution. J The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit.(MDL)-and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument. This value is considered an estimate. MRL Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL) and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. PQL PQL: Practical Quantitation Limit. N The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence (85% or greater confidence) to make a "tentative identification". P Greater than 25% concentration difference was observed between the primary and secondary GC column. The lower concentration is reported. J-01 Result may be biased high due to positive results in the associated method blank. QM-07 The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits, for the MS and/or MSD. The batch was accepted based on acceptable LCS recovery. QM-08 Post -digestion spike did not meet method requirements due to confirmed matrix effects (dilution test). FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 13 Of rJ F Sample Preservation .Verification C':��" e i. ENCO Caiy � l), Work Order: CA15465 Project: Sager Foods=Mar,Jul,Nov Client:, . WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT, LLC'(WA013) Projecf #; [none] Logged, In: 10-Nov 17 15 4. Logged By: John C'•King , Preservation Check Performed By: 1 = _ - Date/Time , CA15465-01 Type Pres (pH) . pH Checked / Date/Time,Gont pH Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments . Requirement In Control Adjusted C 250mLP+H2SO4 <2 : ! N % NA Y %� % NA D . y 250mLP+HNO3 ,.. <2 N / / NA 1 G FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 1 of 3 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: October Year: 2017 PPI: - Flow Measuring Point: ❑Influent [-]Effluent QNo flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: ElInfluent ❑d Effluent ❑Groundwater Lowering ❑Surface Water Parameter Code =► 50050' , 01002 # �0031,Oi 01027 A091;65 p 00940 Ox1'034! i 01051 i00927 71900 ,0106T ' 00610 l 00625 .i 00620 i OU4;00 00665 Q E U i— O O ID U- _{ .0 Q Ln� ca { : O L D :C i - d :. Z"' �0 Y c .� - Z i i . O O O. F- O.. a hrs !GP g/L mg/L mg/Lmg/L im24-hr glL mg/L imglL,. mg/L ;mglLmg/L mg/L su, ,. mg/L Q2 O ,'M_,.�,- r(ri}}iiyi �* •. (11rii •:-_.. s - 4 16:00 3 O0p000Qo000O_,�<1J;r . ` F 6 ;0;! . 10 07:10 3 i 0�.066Iij1(irr1L{ <033.041 9123- , 1111 12 13 14 16 }z; 09:55 3 07 .. 18 Az 20 of ..;_ F��r ,• - 22 23 + -._ - OFFI .-..:- 24 07:45 5.25 _..._. 25 .._-... ;. ' .� 27 028 . 29 30 i 31 s_ -_-K,.i .0.07 11.00Average Dail Maximum y ( _qi } 33-Q01 _ _. .• 0.07 13#OOi, , 9?23, 11.00 Daily Minimum -_ rOz 0.07 1'3'00,E.� 9323�� 11.00 Sampling Type (iRecorder } Grab } Grab;• Grab 1' -, Grab{-' Grab y ? Grab �. -G�aba Grab ! _ .Grab: 1 Grab Grab, Grab Gaq '; Grab Monthly Limit: Daily Limit j 41;5;000• { - ! I J ._ ; 1. Sample Frequency itCoritnuousa' 3 x Year Monthlyl ; ' 3 xYear }*`Monthly, `, 3 x Year ' `3rx-,Ye'ar•- 3 x Year ;„ 3,xYear ` 3 x Year l 3�x Year:'.; Monthly Monthly" j Monthly i Per Eveni4; Monthly FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 2 of 3 Permit No.: WQ00042�68 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Compan - y County:-. Sampson Month: October Year: 2017 Flow Measuring Point: ■ []Effluent 21No, flow generated Parameter Monitoring •. ■ E]Groundwater Lowering oSurface Water Parameter.Code 0 11 1 PI' 11' 1 II 11 1 ( 1• 11' 11.11 ®®-®®®_ • -®-®�®- D. �� a ee ee ee oe ee ee -®-®�®- .. Daily Limit: Sample Frequency:, FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 3 of 3 Sampling Person(s) Name: Randall Jarrell Name: ENCO Laboratories Name: Name: Certified Laboratories Compliant Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in. Attachment A of your permit? ❑ p liant ❑ Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification No.: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Grade: SI Phone Number 919-210-2500 Signing, Official's Title: Responsible Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? ❑ Yes ❑ No Phone Number: 925-949-0432 Permit Expiration: 5/31 /2021 Fj 17 `j Signature Date Signature Date By this signature. I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified, personnel property gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and Imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page I of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson 1 Month: October Field Name: Field Name: Did irrigation occur �7,_ �A Area (acres): Area (acres): at this facility? MR. 1. Coverlcrw EIYES ENO Hourly Rate (in): Inc= =;n- F w M mum ■ M r. I E 111111MMMIMMMM E MMMMMM;'m mmm 0 M 0 .J MM=M Monthly Loading:" M �1111rl. 1. PW /////, 111 12 Month Floating Total (iny. NONNI FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 2 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name-.' Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: bctober • irrigation occur Area (acres): at this facility. o a• N I e. • •• — •. • •e a. • •• ■YEs • • '. • • '. 1 0 '. 1 • '. 1 • eAnnual Rate (in): • • • . • • e MG• 0 9 • • . • • Q • - e • 0 0 • • .• • ®=®_-_ mom�®� Monthly ... ��0� / 11 vXXXON/. Mill 11110 W�1��/, a o ee f/������0�������11M FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 3 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: 'Sampson Month: October Field Name: Field Name: irrigation • occurArea (acres):e Elys p • e -. • -. oHourly -. ... . ■ p o .. ■ p • ■ p o .. ■ p • MMM MM Buell ... FORM: NDAR-1 0.8-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 4 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 1: Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: October RuMM irrigation • • at this facility'? ]YES PINO Hourly Rate (in): nnua ate n I Field irrigated? ■ MUM Field Irrigated? IMIMI s M o n t h I y L o a d i n g: WIMM, M E 0/10/0. 11M 01 W, 01001. 11111MI! MOON /1/1, 111111 V/////// 11 E 11M WOM/1 11 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-I)Page 5 of 7 Permit No.: •1114.: .•- -•- .• - • •. . • • e October 1 R. Didirrigation occur -'at 1 this facility? . oo a. • •• - •. •. • ••C. Bermuda ■YES • e '. / • '. 1 e • M 1 .... . .. . ■ 0 eField irrigated?■ • . .. . ■ • . .. • ■ • s ®mm®�® ®mmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm Monthly Loa Amg- FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) ,Page 6 of 7 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: October • irrigation • at this facility? o •o a. • •. •. o a• - o. • •o - •. pHourly -. 1 - e . -. 1 O • FIYES Annual Rate (in): •-. •. • o e ■ 0 pField, •. .• Field Irrigated?■ 0 • IMMMMM mm.mmmlmmmm ... 701W� 00�0' / 1/ FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 2 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County:' Sampson Month: - October Year: 2017 Field Name: 1 J !Field+Name: ! 2' i Field Name: 3 sFIeIdNName: Field Name: 4 Area (acres): 1.64 Areal.(acres):. f 3:2$ 1 Area (acres): 11.62 ! Area4(acre5) - Area (acres): 1.89 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda I1C0ye' *Crop Cover Crop: C. Bermuda `,CoveriCrop: i j Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN LoadlTypeq u IPAN! ! Load Type: PAN !Load;7ype:' ( Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? DYES QNO IF1eItlLoaded'7 e❑rEs, [lo' ! Field Loaded? ❑YES ONo FlefdkLoaded7+i❑YES, ❑No Field Loaded? ❑YEs QNo y Z a Z Z;, iC Z Z � m a >a a m c'a Q� QZ �a d a� �' Z d I ro0 O � Z i cG R �p>a ° 7 a ' '' 7. V 7a > t J Z�°mIa O U _ 7 p � ' oO I Oo U a Month gal mg/L Ibs/ac lbs/ac ; J, ' all j mglL' ; ;_I6s/ac . Ilbs/acl gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac j _gal' ! ; ! mg1L; ; Ibs%a. �Ibslac gal mg1L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac February 152,474 3.29 2.6 2.6 220;341 s [^3 29 1 y- 139 , MN) 1,005,840 3.29 2.4 2.4 f - ;, ` 0 1 3.29 0.0 0.0 . March 105,274 3.88 2.1 4.6 ; 2b&071 ! 3:88+ ! A M6 I 4':4, 559,344 3.88 1.6 3.9 ? 4 u- ! i . 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 April 76,458 4.21 1.6 6.34.21; 1 , . . 5.4 _ - 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 May 96,268 3.31 1.6 7.9 ; 208';579; , { ,3:31, ; j 1'.8' 7;'8; ! 292,948 3.31 0.7 6.1 ! { - r 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 June 222,371 3.86 4.4 12.3 ! 43;492' 3c86' • i '.0:4 ; �. 8:3i ! 279,291 3.86 0.8 6.8 t [ _ ._ _ ' l : ! 0 3.86 0.0- 0.0 July 0 5.88 0.0 12.3 t0i ). 5 88, I i 0:0, i 8:3;;, 0 5.88 0.0 6.8 -_ ; { "_ [ i i 0 5.88 0.0 0.0 August 0 5.29 0.0 12.3 ' 01 ' t 5129 1 j - 0 0 . ' 8'c3i j 0 5.29 0.0 6.8 I - - --- - i 0 5.29 0.0 1 0.0 September 0 4.84 0.0 12.3 ! 0 _ j 4':84' 'Oa0> • I :83, 0 4.84 0.0 6.8 i ; I 0 4.84 0.0 1 0.0 October " 0 3.98 .0.0 12.3 !0i ! 3:981_, ; '.04,_ I, 8:3L-! 0 3.98 0.0 6.8 __- t i, ._ ; 0 3.98 0.0 0.0 November 1130,423 3 2.0 14.2 1282;5841: ; 4:07 ' ; 3i0, , ! 1_0.2' ' 756,286 4.07 2.2 9.0 ," ? (` 1 i 95,755 4.07 1.7 1•.7 -- December 37,245 5.37 1.0 15.3 80�699.1, ; r 6.37 1 1.1 1- 1',_ ' 3; ;1 193,297 1 5.37 0.7 9.8 _ ., j ; ! ; i 37,245 5.37 0.9 2.6 January 38,070 6.26' 1.2 16.5 ji _1821,599; : •.6C261 ; �_ ,1'.3'•- % 1':37 ' 183,314 6.26 0.8 10.6 ' {', I _ 0 6.26 0.0 2.6 12 Month Floating PAN Load 16.5 r 1'3'.7i I 10.6 2.6 • (Ibs/ac/yr): I ! - Annual PAN Load Limit 270 ? 270; 270 i 299i '. 299 (Ibs/ac/yr): FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 3 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: October Year: 2017 Field Name: 5 Field Name: i 6t Field Name: 7 tFleldi ame: $ Field Name: 9 Area (acres): 0.78, ;Areaa(acres) ;. 1.94; Area (acres): 1 - .Areal acres) I 259 j Area (acres): 0.79 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda CoV6r,, rop ( C' Bermudan Cower Crop: C.Bermuda i Cover Crop I C.,Bermuda Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN lLoadiitype ; FAN; Load Type: PAN ,LoadlType-' f !PAN; Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? ❑YES [ZNO - , Tletd L` oaded?, - -` i EYES: I Field Loaded? DYES 0No I !FieIdrL' oaded7f 3ilkS, ENO' ; Field Loaded? prEs ❑� No Z a gd 2 d �o Z a gZ Zm ZZ m a.nm° o o a aa o c ° a a° ¢ayo am>roml em sT m o �m o :J o ¢ ZE ¢ oJ > = °Z; o° J; ZJ ❑rro , a J EZ u ',¢,` I EQ ¢ o ,eJ (ol v,a o o > ° Vg > o° o o,U U Month gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac i lgali_ j ;mgIL ' Ibslac„ ; Ilis/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gali_- ' ! mg/L'•_ ; [;Ibs/ac'� '16s/ac_ ] gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac February 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 { 1,10;707, : j 3:29 r 1r.6, ; ; .1'.61 ;; 66,503 3.29 18 1.8 i 46;O 0, ! ' 3:29,' ; 0 8j , OF5i 0 1 3.29 0.0 0.0 March 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 i 37',137' i 2Y11& ! 0:& ' i 2t2 1 16,880 3.88 0.5 2.4 ( � 33 662 ' 13.88, 0 4 � ; _0:9 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 April 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 y 192',704 • 4'21 , ; 3i5 . ` 5:7.' 104,333 4.21 3.7 6.0 211_!,432+ i i 4- 21,1 . ; 2:9 .i ! 3f8' ' 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 May 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 1691964, j 131I i 21.4 ' i .81 1 68,720 3.31 1.9 7.9 122i'037 I , 3:3.1. '1 11.3; . ; , 5at 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 June 0 3.86 . 0.0 0.0 ; •,332;3791 a 3G86, , J '5:5 ' ; _13'61' 130,918 3.86 4.2 12.1 ;_408i521i 3'86,,,.; I 5.1! ; ; 10 2' 0 3.86 0.0 0.0 July 0 5.88 0.0 0.0 I ' At' ,: ; 5:88i ; ; 0':Oj [ 1396 ; 0 5.88 0.0 12.1 1 ft270'j ', ; 5.88; j ; 1 1i, 1.1?•3 1 0 5.88 0.0 0.0 August 0 5.29 0.0 0.0 1 �0: : 15:29' . I Oal ' j 13t6 ! 0 5.29 0.0 12.1 - .0 j '5:26. I O:0! f ; 14.31 r 0 5.29 0.0 0.0 September 0 4.84. 0.0 0.0 0 14:84' F 6.6, ' I- 13i6, 0 4.84 0.0 12.1 ; i0 J ; 484; , ;. D O; - ; I 1,1;.3 ,; 0 4.84 0.0 1 0.0 October 0 3.98 0.0 0.0 I ;Dt j ,196 j '+0'.0. 11 •1.3%; 1 0 3.98 0.0 12.1 j 0 3!.,98=} i 0:0- , } 14!:3!,' 0 3.98 0.0 0.0 November 64,503 4.07 2.8 2.8 I-1+74;375 ! j 4.D7, t 3:1 i F :16 C 108,021 4.07 3.7 15.8 F 193;397/ 7 4 07r'_; { 2 51 j 1-3!,8' f 0 4.07 0.0 0.0 . December 24,830 5.37 1.4 4.2 I 63;042 15i3T ,' 1l5 118 di , 28,656 5.37 1.3 17.1 i,_ 54,4D:4i , 5 37 ` 0 9+ 94'c7r t 0 5.37 0.0 0.0 January IF 0 1 6.26 0.0 1 4.2 1 _0! -_ _` i ,6126;, 0 6.26 0.0 0.0 12 Month Floating PAN Load 4.21'81 ; 18.8 f + 0.0 (lbs/ac/yr): i Annual PAN Load Limit 299 i 299+ , 299 I MINIBOOM27,-0 299FEE A (Ibs/ac/yr): ! FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 4 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 -Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company. County: Sampson Month: October Year: 2017 Field Name: 10 j _ F.ieldikame:_ ; U1i -� Field Name: 12 I FieldFName; j 1-3i� Field Name: 14 Area (acres): 1.33 Area} acres t0,67 ! Area (acres): 3' Areay acres s ( 11-& Area (acres): 7.55 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Cover, Crop .C_, BermUd'a), Cover Crop: C.Bemmuda (Cover'Crop i C !Bermuda Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN cLoadlType: , PANJ ! Load Type: PAN j Load Type: PAR] Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? ❑YES ONO lFIeldi'L_' oaded74 ❑YES. J0 Field Loaded? 01 ES ❑� NO l 'Fieid%oaded71 i �'ES'. : ❑� NQ, � Field Loaded? ❑YEs 21No o zaa z a -0u�, z od z • va a r'r I+1 z� d- V Q a zw .• zai a•o n. a a ro w «ro a - ro o ; a , l o CL man. Z ❑ Ez E ES ' E ro d � Ez . ros ,° «a 0 >, °° E zE ?o > o O ° `' 0 ° ° a! V IE ?; d+� i C a V� a o °° am U IL U°m ! o; QU U Month . gal m /L g = Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gah. - ; cmg'IL,, Ilislacil !tlbs/aci gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac ;gal mg/L.1 Ibslac; j Ibslac; gal mglL Ibs/ac Ibs/ac February 17,838 3.29 0.4 0.4 ( 221,362 3:29 ;r 019 iyu•Ot9i i 58,550 3.29 _ 0.5 0.5 O:OP-! 0:0, 614,255 3.29 2.2 2.2 March 20,197 3.88 0.5 0.9 32',461l- : I Ift i ! 110 ! f 2-if 147,357 3.88 1.6 2.1 0; " 3188) i ! O:OI ! ;, '0:0! , 413,914 3.88 1.8 4.0 April 100,605 4.21 . 2.7 3.5 40;302-. ' 4.2f T 2.11 1 i .4 6 224,288 4.21 2.6 4.7 i -0 ' 1 4 24 i i 0l6.. ! i O.OF' 682,132 4.21 3.2 7.2 May 57,264 3.31 1.2 4.7 53 662 ` F 3131! '; 2.2 11 .6:8, 130,953 3.31 1.2 6.0 O. ; 13:3iT ? I 0 0 ._ ; :0.11; 267,838 3.31 1.0 _ _ 8.2 June - 138,368 3.86 3.3 8.1 j ,186;367 ;1 3686, i i - 4`.11 , .,1.1':0' { 483,263 3.86. 0.0 6.0 ' 0,' ' 3c861 ; 0 0: _:1, i _ 0 b!, ; 176,534 1 3.86 0.8 8.9 July 0 5.88 0.0 8.1 i 0 j 5:88 ! # 0,0 i 111;:0! I 69,924 5.88 1.1 7.1 0, ;1 5 88 ' I 0'Ot ' i 0 0 , ; 282,213 5.88 1.8 10.7 August 0 5.29 0.0 8.1 V, 5:29,-. ` MOT ( 1:1'2 0 1 0 _ 1 5.29 0.0 7.1 t'u - '8:29 BOA; ;D:O 0 5.29 0.0 10.7 September 0 4.84 0.0 8.1 i 0! . ' ! 4:84' 0:0 ! A'11i0' 0 4.84 0.0 7.1 (Oi 4'.84 :OiO l ; 0:'0' ' 0 4.84 0.0 10.7 October 0 3.98 6.0 8.1 j 0. ; ( 3c98 , j ,0'.0! ,• i 1.1i:0, ; 0 3.98 0.0 7.1 01 1981 0'0 ;1 IM0,1 ; 0 3.98 0.0 10.7 November 64,843 4.07 1.7 9.7 J WAR 1 i 4'i07 ;1 _3:0 ' f 14� 53;911 4.07 0.6 7.7 j -42;7,25 ( _4'0T i' - 0`. 0?T 532,696 4.07 2.4 13.1 December 0 5.37 0.0 If 41'1'766 ; 5:37 - , 2i8+ ! 1E p 77,614 5.37 1.2 .. 8.9 1 0; ;; 5.37'�!; 0 0' ­`i `0:7 _ 169,801. 5.37 1.0 14.1 January 81,388 6.26 - 3.2 12.9 ' 61 R08- ; ( 6i26, [74ab, ` _. i- 2d:i: ; 162,677 6.26 2.8 11.7 1._ . Q6:26, - ' , jo 0..' - - - '0 T -; 499,150 6.26 3.5 17.6 12 Month Floating PAN Load 12.9 f 120:81 11.7 (Ibs/ac/yr): Annual PAN Load Limit 270, 1 2.70 1 270 270i , 270 (Ibslaclyr): FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 5 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: October Year: 2017 Field Name: 15 i *ip.- I. amm Field Name: 17 FieldName: 18-A Area (acres): 0.97 7!2J Area (acres): 2.27 IF- Area (acres): 6.56 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda i tovevbrop-! :&.,-Perr1fudh! I Cover Crop: C.Bermuda C ve {Crop:', Z.:15ermu at i Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN e' Tywl :PANi i Load Type: PAN OjOj Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? DES RINO iFI6IdiLoadbd?, iE3YE_S, �N& Field Loaded? EIYES ONO W fjoild,Zoad _I 7, aE& E140; I Field Loaded? EIYES EINO 2 z C 0 z > "WU ZO 2 z .2 a. z < IL Z., 'i '__1 1 ful �7. ! 'to 2 CL z C 0 < - - (L z < a. GaJa .> (a O. a. 0 1 T 01 .9; _j; 0 XT 0 ��! dO) NO 0 cc E 0 0 E Z 1 wE: Im' IL-111 �1 C :$ I` 0 E 0 C E z , < 4E): E Z' 1 d) E E z 0 a 0 U 10 o 0 0 CL I C: 0 15 ; ; T ID � � 0 > 0 0 LL Month > gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac rgF0 T mgIL _; ij�lbs -i t, > gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac 9 Wi L > g al mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac February 31,443 3.29 0.9 0.9 2.1 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 _983_� 690;]� '3, _2M T '2;7!' 11i 2.7' 750,432 3.29 3.1 3.1 March 6,752 3.88 0.2 1.1 1.463i6611 3Mj _'j __Zo! 42 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 ,_,'606j0222 4%9,_ i j W.1, 1 365,438 3.88 1.8 4.9 April 19,713 4.21 0.7 1.8 6.1 m541, f.21, --- 3!01,' -74 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 81,8- 26�, 4%kli 3,'..21 W.9T 791,191 4.21 4.2 9.2 May 24,408 3.31 0.7 2.5 1 396371' 3131i 1, 11.19 '1 4.7 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 1 269;,l 0&_' 3. .11- 01 .8i _,_13,3, 384,58 3 3.31 1.6 10.8 June 53,662 3.86 1.8 4.3 8'45',62& 186t 18l 12 12,488 1 3.86 0.2 0.2 7 940�.4 601 .3,.86:, . 3,.4 T .12 279,575 3.86 1.4 12.2 July 0 5.88 0.0 4.3 F 267',07 ' -,If, j3 5 813` i 2S0 I j .1 0- 5.88 0.0 0.2 3°8i 1 150,860 5.88 1.1 13.3 August 0 5.29 0.0 4.3 1 - ',6 j 5`29, 11 UA I IWA' 0 5.29 0.0 0.2 0 y .5.29, j. 0;b) ' T 1'600? j 0 5.29 0.0 1 13.3 September 0 4.84 0.0 4.3 4-:184, 0: Q, 1414�_' 0 4.84 0.0 0.2 F .01 4.8#,;;"1.._0'.0'1 ! j, i a.-RO; 0 4.84 0.0 13.3 October 0 3.98 0.0 4.3 11 'OF I' �MQ) - 14.4 0 3.98 0.0 0.2 0: _348i'j U01! I&D 0 3.98 0.0 13.3 November 35,513 4.07 1.2 5.5 305,066j 1 ;4'-.07 i T.A 1&3j! 129,167 4.07 1.9 2.1 ilt -4,.'_07• fl.il' j i _18i2;_'! 106,955 4.07 0.6 13.8 December 11,321 5.37 0.5 6.1 i _�iko i 9w T tg­ I rt,& VIA; ',11 39,869 , 5.37 0.8 2.9 'd,.6 1 6--' f' 90,051 5.37 0.6 14.5 January 27,570 1 6.26 1.5 7.6 Ili 1,7_4& :11' 6.26; J 4QA_!jj 19,751 1 6.26 1 0.5 1 3.3 ',532J 6159� 1 -t61.-26, I: 3A1 :1: 2.11 � ' .8; ;11 473,728 6.26 1 3.8 Q 8.21 12 Month Floating PAN Load 7.6 NO 1 3.3 2,11.8, 18.2 (lbs/ac/yr): Annual PAN Load Limit 299 270 299 200; 200 (lbstarly-)- C zo ' � -• - - un�ner_cnrnlahe_rnm .' QUALITY.CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 7111029- NO PREP, - Continued - Matrix Spike Dup (7711029-MSDS) Prepared: 10/11/2017 15:28 Analyzed: 10/11/2017 15:28 Source: CA34714-01 Spike Source °/aREC : RPD Analyte Resul - Flaa PAL, = Units Level Result °/aREC Limits RPD Lima Notes Nitrite as N 0.92 0.10 mg/L 1.00 0.017 U 92 '90-110 2 10 Batch 7112017 - NO PREP Blank (7712017-BLKS), " Prepared: 10/12/2017 11:13 Analyzed: 10/12/2017 11:13 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal a Resul F ac POL.. Units Level--' Result °/aREC , , Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N. 0.041 U 0.10 mg/L LCS (7312017-BSI) ' Prepared: .10/12/2017 11:15 Analyzed: 10%12/2017 11:15 Spike Source a/aREC . _ RPD Anal vte Resul Fla3 _ ' POL Units Level Result °/aREC. Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrate as N 1.3 • ` 0.10: mg/L 1.25 101 90410 Matrix Spike (7312017-MS3) Prepared: 10/12/2017 11:19 Analyzed: 10/12/2017 11:19 . Source: CA13105-01 Spike Source %REC' RPD Anal a Resul Flag POL Units Level Result °/aREC, • Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.57- `0.10 mg/L 0.521` 0:062 97 ;90410 Matrix Spike (7312017 Prepared: 10/12/2017 11:24 Analyzed: 10/12/2017 11:24 Source_: CA13105-02. Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Resul Flaa Q' Units Level Result %°REC ; Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N .0.64 0.10 mg/L 0.521 : 0.13 98 90-110 Matrix Spike Dup•(7]12017-MSD1) . Prepared: 10/12/201711:20 Analyzed: 10/12/2017 11:20 -' Source: CA13105 -01 Spike Source °/aREC -- • RPD' . Anal a Resul Flaa POL ' Units_ Level Result °/aREC. Limits RPD , Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N l 0.58' 0.10 mg/L 0.521-"A:062 99 90410 2 10 " Batch 7112027 - NO PREP Blank (7312027-BLK3)• Prepared & Analyzed: 10/12/2017 14:01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal a Resul Flan 4 Units ` . Level ; Result %REC Limits RPD Limit _ Notes Biochemical Oxygen Demand 2.0 U 2.0' mg/L LCS (7312027-BS3) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/12/2017 14:01 Spike - Source %REC RPD Analitte Result Flaa ', - POL Units Level Result %REC . Limits RPD Limit ' Notes Biochemical Oxygen Demand 180 2.0 mg/L. ' " 198 . 93 85-115 Duplicate (7312027-DUPS) Prepared, & Analyzed: 10/12/2017 14:01' `Source: CA14711-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal a -Resul Flaa - POLL Units 1 Level Result °/aREC Limits RPD... Limit Notes Biochemical Oxygen Demand 2.0 U 2.0 mg/L- 2.0 U 30 Batch 7112039 - EPA 3005A FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 7 Of 12 wmiW.encolabs.com I QUALITY CONTROL DATA. Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 7JI3008 - NO PREP - Continued Blank (7313008-BLKl) Prepared: 10/13/2017 10:08 Analyzed: 10/13/2017 10:08 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Resul Flaa ' fps, Mufts_ Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.045 U 0.10 mg/L LCS (7313008-BSI) Prepared: 10/13/2017 10:09 Analyzed: 10/13/2017 10:09' Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flaa P-M' Units '; Level Result %REC Limits ,. RPD i Limi Notes Ammonia as N 1.0 -0.10 mg/L 0.989 103-90-510 Matrix Spike (7313008-MS1) Prepared: 10/13%2017 10:13 Analyzed: 10/13/2017 10:13 Source:'CA13544-01 „Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Resul Flaa IQ Units Level Result' M.REC Limits RPD t Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.46 0.10 mg/L 0.385 0.13 86 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike (7313008-MS2) Prepared: 10/13/2017 10;18 Analyzed: 10/13/2017 10:18 - Source: CA13602-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Resul FJaq PQ Unm Level Result %REC. Limits :RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as.N 0.34 -0.10 mg/L 0.385 0.045 U 89 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike Dup-(7J13008-MSD1) Prepared: 10/13/2017 10:15 Analyzed: 10/13/2017 10:15 Source: CA13544-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal a "Wit FJLa-q PPOL Units , Level Result %REC Limits RPD, Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.47 0:10-' mg/L• 0.385 0.13 88 90-110 2 10 QM-07 Batch 7-717030 - NO PREP Blank (7J17030-BLK1) Prepared ,& Analyzed: 10/17/2017 20:00 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Resul Flaq POL Units Level Resul %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total. Suspended Solids 2.5 U 2.5. mg/L .. LCS (7317030-BS1) Prepared.& Analyzed: 10/17/2017 20:00 Spike Source o/aREC •RPD Aniilyte Resul Flaci POLL Units- Level Resul %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 99 2.5 mg/L. 100 99 80-120 Duplicate (7317030-DUP3) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/17/2017 20:00 Source: CA15203-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flaci FOL. Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD' i Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 270 - 50 mg/L 250 ; 5 20 Microbiological Parameters - Quality Control i Batch 7-713036 - NO PREP ! Duplicate (7313036-113UPl) Prepared: 10/li/2017 15:45 Analyzed: 10/12/2017 10:25 Source: CA14714-02 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flag PPOL1 Units Level Resul o/aREC Limits RPD.; Limit Notes Coliform, Fecal 9.7 1.0 MPN/100 mL 2.0 132' 25 QM-12 FINAL This report relates only tb the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. , Page 9 of 2 cea, T Sample Cnhaiof.Custody Fora- Acct#: 1NP,013 :Prelog # CA16664 Client WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT;,LL( (?ro1ect#/Reference: Sager Foods _Monthly ` Contaci: RANDALL JARRELL -.- Required TAT. 110 Ship To: P.O. Box 578 ENCO GDntact Stephanie Franz Pittsboro, NC 27312 102 -A Woodwinds_lndustdal Court Cary NC 27511 Report To: P.O. Box 578 Pittsboro, NC 27312 Pittsboro, NC 27312 LabNumber Datefrime Sampled Sample ID CA15664.01 .1,�, l 1- , ..d,C �S` Sager Foods Effluent ----------------------------------- Sampled`By: Temp: Relinc Condition: vA ceptable _Unacceptable cei Analyses: Ammonia 350.1;,PPD. SM5210B Ca, KOH , Mg, Nitrate as N'-353 2 ; Nitrate. Calc 353.2 ; Nitrite as N 3532 ; Nitrogen Total 353-Calc ; NOX 353.2 ,`P , Sodium Adsorption -Ratio , Na, TKN 351.2 , TSS SM2540D " Containers: 2 -1 LP , 1 = 250mt P , 1 - 250mLP+H2SO4 , 1 - 255mL DateMme DatefTime' Notes: Containers in this sample kit may contain chemical preservatives as required by the EPA p,.djrs lnf8hn6ti6n concerning the materials can be found below,. DO NOT rise containers prior to uset When filling preserved conl iners, Use' aution not to Inhale vapbrs that maybe caused in the chemical, r'ea'ctiodbetween the sample and the preservatives. Collec_l samples in a well-�enti!ated area pi.,take appropnate'precautions to avoid exposure to these fum s;'see cautions belmv petaining'io the handling of these materiais. It is the shippers responsibdiiy to ensure That -tie sampl s a2 pzcked in sucfi a mariner to prevent.breakage aodihat any required temperature is maintained during transit unfit receipt ai the laboratory. A temperalure_blarik,ha. s been included to m e asure thearWehidempereture of the ceoler upon receipt at thelab, Please do nbi remove this container frcmjhe cooler, but pack along with the samples in a similai manner, This bailie contains deionizea water only. , The information below are PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS ONLY! All potential haiardsposed.by these malerieis have not been addressed.. For additional information or assistance, please contact, yopr organizalion's"safely professional. ` - Caubcns & Abbreviation's,, HCI, HydrochloncAad - STRONG ACIDI Avoid skin -and eye ccntact. If'coated is made• flush affected areas immediately wdh wa ey .�HNO3 :Nitric Acid - STRONG ACIDI STRONG OXIDIZERI Avoid _kin and eye contact.1 If contact is made, flush affected areesimmedialelywith water. H3PO4 i Phosphoric Acid '-STRONG ACIDI Avoid skin and eye contact II contact is ,made, flush affected areas immediately with watr. I-IM4 t Sulfuric Acid - STRONG ACID! Avoid skin and eye contact. If contact is made; flush- affected areas immediately with water: Asc Acid: Ascorbic Acid - Avold skin and eye contact. R contact is made, flush affected areas immediately with water. 'ZnAc : Zinc Acetate,--Avaid skiri'and eye contact. If contact is"made, flush affected areas immediatelywith water: Page 11 Of 12 "NaHSO4 : Sodium Thiosulfate - Avoid skin and eye contact. If contact is made, 6shaffected areas imrriedialely,vnthwater,.., .NaOH i SodiOm,Hydrozide,'-STRONG CAUSTIC! Avoid skin and eye contact. If conlac�is made, flush affectedareas immediately "with water. - - - McOH :Methanol =Avoid skin and eye conla'ct. If contact is'made; flush affected areas immediately with water.' FORM: NDMR 08-11. NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 1 of 3 Permit No.: W00004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: September Year: 2017 ;. PPI: Flow Measuring Point: ❑Influent ❑Effluent 2No flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent DEffluent ❑Groundwater Lowerin g ❑Surface Water Parameter Code --► 'S0050,; 01002 00310) ! 01027 t009,16 `:. 00940 ,', ,0a1Q3`4 01051 i t009271 71900 . l ,01067%, 00610 j'.;U0625f ! 00620 00665 ;00400; E, _ !' Q E ca I .,,OlO'CD j ,,,d.. •= p i f , EI '� • y m t yy..� ,N 3 L , 1 O rt '0f p�, } •. 4 O r o O S o ..,� OJ YZF Q O l v': f `v,x ¢ z 1-o O a. 24-hr hrs ,G�PD� mg/L i 'mg/L -i mg/L : rmg/L" mg/L t �,mg�La` ,; mg/L r Lmg'!� mg/L mg/Ln ►ngl,C ' mg/L .!mS/,Li . mg/L JI 6 10:30 1 '0 i - i %; 7 I iQ1 a ' i' y"°�'H 7 1 , 1 -'-- --r ..,—..•.— 1 .. r 1 77 101. "' 12 I 70} ^.Ol--� -- r" .G r �i l �� - 1'3 09:00 1 i. !, '. . _ i i r,i I i 14737-; t J - --; 1 15 j a0i_ 1 �. '5�,,., F., Vlator Cu Iity:Reiori - - 16 it 17 j - -0) -_ i f� ` ` — I - ;- __ r - - r r-.. 18 19 20 11:40 .= i 829b ` , l - t+ 0.12 i 16 <0.025 }- 997, 9.8 21 22 24 25 T FT : - -- m 26 '01 2 i f 1 �. — U 28 r t "i {^ �1 f 291 13:30 1 Ft l AC �I € Average I p�` 2600} i _}8r2 i *3 , - 0.12 ! Daily Maximum { x01 , 25y00�' _ r- L� �8" .:'�' ' ;; ^i 0.12 ,1;6^OOt j 1'6C00j' 9 9.80. Daily Minimum {Dim j 25 00, I8f29? F t "xXI 0.12 . ( Y 1,6 006' 1 1 97 9F97 - 9.80 9.80 L - #-'' ;: -, Sampling Type tReco Grab Grab Grab I ' Grab ~1 Grab i s i Grab �` GFa6� �' Grab GYab.Y; Grab Grab, Grab Grab,. Grab Monthly Limit ( - `.: , ,; Daily Limit 1 4f&000i ; Sample Frequency Continuousr 3 x Year Monthly),,;{ 3 x Year'MonthlyF 3 x Year I 31xY 3 x Year 81xyY,ear ' 3 x Year 1 3 xtYearr.' Monthly ('•Monfhly j Monthly ! Fer�E4entx: Monthly FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE• MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 2 of 3 Permit No.: W00004268 Facility Name: Sager.Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: September Year: 2017 PPI: Flow Measuring'Point: ❑Influent ❑Effluent ❑✓ No Flow generated Parameter MonitoringPoint: ❑Influent ❑Effluent ❑Groundwater Lowering ❑Surface Water Parameter Code` = ► "7 [ L50050r , W409 b09294 � ^ 70300 � � t c005301 # 01092 �` 3;1I6,1(6 00931 m p r I i ; ccO UQ ° ° ° o mIL 10011,7 t P.UW) • r O I r y C,'. O ;, L-- 24-hr hrs ,GP,D� mg/L ? Rmg/L'� N mg/L �__gm�lAL mg1LMPN/100: i Calculate ; . � mg,L' r 21 Ir 3 x t a*- r r I ` i 1 r 6 10:30 1 1 V� 8 — 9 I o --- I 10 12, r 13 -09:00 '1'...- f - _ L- 17 17 =' 19 p rn 1 = - 201 11:40 1 { x0a I 4.84 ( 13£1 s 130`. `i " 30t` ,' 8.93 • I..16� C21 ,- - - 1 1 22 - _ 1 23 I-- t. R 24 .,.. _. ---r r t , f z 26 2728 - T„ , r � . 29 13:30 s 30 I Average ; 01 4.84 C 1U33A03` {; 113©00 �30 00 8.93 ( 1[6OOJ — y - Daily Maximum i0 1 4.8 4 �.I 1�3110 <:1}30 ,� r OOy _ 8.93 - ." - - - Daily Minimum t01 ,j 4.84 .�3t�f{9� 4: �1�30"OOk 30 0 8.93 I ` JE 16,p0,, a T _ Sampling Type ^. �tRecbrder o GrabGrab} f Grab I: iGFab GrabGFab Grab k,GEb" t e f - Monthly Limit I -- p �. -� Daily Limit ;! (� rJ ( a Sample Frequency tContiliuous Monthly i IMonthly,-,r5 3 x Year i IMonthl_71 3 x Year ?MonthlyI Monthly7Mohthly? !- FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON' -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 3 of 3 Sampling Person(s) Name: Randall Jarrell Name: Name: ENCO Laboratories Name: Certified Laboratories Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? ❑✓ compliant ❑ Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification No.: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Grade: SI Phone Number: 919-210-2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? ❑ Yes Q No Phone Number: 925-949-0432 Permit Expiration: 5/31 /2021 A -41 i/bld 0 0/1'7 Signature Date Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 1 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Mon"th: September Year: 2017,- Did irrigation occur JF�qql Fi Field Name: B. f I jed j Field Name: D. at this facility? 39 31 - A Area (acres): 8- acres E I , "IT, Area (acres): 36.6 Coue�Icr#01 Cover Crop: C. Bermuda rjq OF 7-7Z7-- r l' j Cover Crop: C. Bermuda DYES ENO Hourly Rate (in): 0.25 7 1 Hourly Rate (in): 0.25 Annual Rate (in): 62.36 Annual Rate (in): 42.98 JI _7 Weather Freeboard Field Irrigated? DYES ENO Field Ir'rIgated? DYES ONO .2 E 0 U .2 a) V E . 'a CD m 2:1 "a, E a" S 'R E 2D tM E M >. CL (0 = CL .§ M 2 E q 0 M 0 j Ea E > a 0 0 0 o rL Z M 0 -F a. > _j 0 L OF: in ft ft gal min in in• -,in,-• gal 'min in in "IF 2Fk 7 F7 7 f7l-" 3 41 1 r 7 5�19 F 6 1 PC 1 70 3.86 5.35' .1F 7 F 8 F I 9 lol I 1F]_,_ 7 i 121 1 131' C 1 71 1.221 5.33 7 A 7 141 151 1 F ` L 161 1 _F 181 1 191 1 JF7 F_7_1 20 CL 1 72. 0.14 1 5.35 77 ---, 21 22 F 23 I ',7 i f- 7 24 25 77­ 7 F 7 17 F-7- 1-77-7 E, 26 271, 281 1 J.! L �V 29 CL 76 0 5.7 TIM, T-6-i WOW" WET-M W—w- 30 -L F-----7 1 ­ E 7 - 31 -:71 F-7 '77 ­J 7' F-1 Monthly Loading: IL i F". IM6011 0 9=0.00 0 0 0.00 12 Month Floating Total ,0"Pr 0.00 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 2 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company 'County: Sampson Month: September Year: 2017 Did irrigation occur Field Name: 2 Field Name: 77 Area acres.! r +64 Area (acres): 3.23 F�7TA­ r 4j 1�2 f T Area this facility? - 'T !�� �i (acres): at C d' Cover Crop: C. Bermuda Cover 1P.-'m Crop: EYES (]Noc!u, Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 Hourly Rate (in): Annual Rate (in): 50.64 s Annual Rate (in): Weather Freeboard Field Irrigated? ❑YES NO El Field Irrigated? ❑DYES EINO J _77 f ­r; 0 0 tM CL w AM E V CU tM E CD R (D a E 0) 0 ca a) 0 .2 >. M ';i E Mmu 1. �i .2 E tM cu E R W116., -S, i r= T a) 'S E .2t% .5 E = -S E (n Co CL > < 0 0 M X 0 A -6 CU 0 0 0 E 31! > < L6 !L- OF in ft ft gal min' in in k.-T', gal min in in 'T 2 _7 3 F 7 77-1 L 17. 7� 1, 7_77j F7 5 A 6 PC 70 3.86 5.35 �71 T, 7 8 91 1 C.777777-1 101 -1 F F7 F 12 - r L C2. i 13 C 71 1.221 5.33 F7- 14 IF 'I 4 161 171 1 7 1 L7 77 181 1 71 J 20 CL 72 0.14 5.35 21 22 F-7 7­7 23 241. F _7,i 251 1 1 R 7_7 26 71777 R 7�A F 27 28 77, 29 CL 76 0 5.7 1 7 1 -1, 7 - F F 17 30 1 jr7 7777, 311 7,7 FT Monthly Loading: 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 12 Month Floating Total (in): 16.72 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11. NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) 'Page 3 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: September Year: 2017 Did irrigation occur � - - ?Fieldi Name I� 4! - Field Name: 5 SField; Na �6' Field Name: 7 at this facility? i - ~ Area (aCtes` a Y ^' 1189, Area (acres): ( ) -0.78 �' r°Ar�ea(acYes)� Area (acres): 1 fr- y' [ iCover� rowdC�7Berrnuda ` Cover Crop: P C. Bermuda [, C Bgrrnuda+: Cover Crop: C.Bermuda , _ 'Co�eNCro r p ❑YES [ENO Hour Ra e�(m)� , - ,0� } Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 H ugly Rate}(in)1� _! T, :0'5 Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 fAnnuali Rate(m)°M 9 37G Annual Rate (in): - - 9.26 36t77 (� Annual Rate (in): 27.73 Fin IRa (�)�'' Weather Freeboard { fFielrlrrr ated?p ig i❑Y�' ' o .w ❑ Field Irrigated? OYES ENO Fieltl i afed? 1 9 �}� T❑YES 3 ❑No} 9 Field Irrigated. DYES ONO d C d CD ': Y I �nA• j '' yf� �4 �r J c 'Er r'_ 'ra. .-*-� r r f ! c. :° c m _ >' U i U f0 m, or tr ((Ei .d c a Id"zw r tic)a Fay (m �J C t 7r .,IC, i r•{k m o d G1 N E .w+ rn E rn a C 3 ?� C m7 bJr 6 ' d�. x ;a, ) draw _ i i �.'rn"� i�+J C f �i Cf d 'a 'O rn p) a' •ate. N ❑ ii CL o m ° `7 i { a o� a ,� I !E' F, mi t t �.�E ,�c a E o o I I! 01� (('oca� a E `° o a a� r_ 'm a E_ a m O ca x r ,E I of i ar ! E ,m� to , .. o+ i E_ ` i m o1 °, E d d ,�; a E f6 �. C_ 7 C _ ° E c m `° E e jj� i�°2 0;, jj[[�""�� J I > Q L o o J J of ar QP h!a x' ,p` I Z { - L �+ j = ~. r. i 1! �t17 { { l3 i a u C G i� dLw = f4 . �• J1 C > Q j .ffn 1 If�t OF in ft ft ! gal��`mmr�,<ih�'£>m�- gal min in in ( gall: n gal min in in _ r s -! � �- 16,740 60 0.62 0.62 2 3 F - ,j y i _ r 6 PC 70 3'.86 5.35 i , i - 9 1, - n 10 _... r--- __..`_- !-"-- - -- • -, . r121 _ 131 C 1 71 1.22 5.33 T� _' i 1 : 7 F-7 r r - 15 (..a IL -- }� r - 17 e ( 18 I 19 20 CL 72 0.141 5.35 ---r - _ 21 ' :J1 _ i�.Y 1. - jr —•( -' 22 ' — _ 231 1 L. ;r i A- 24 F. ; f ( — 27 i [-- [ _7_ r e 1— 28 f 29 CL 76 0 5.71 ; �3'xu ::-�� tirl .(-'�; ` 7 30 l �rT if, C- r - -- ;�. . - r AL Monthly Loading: [ Oi -_-I �' 0{00) -� 0 0.00 �. 0 T. l , O'OOt, " 16,740 0.62 12 Month Floating Total (in):wleffAMWAF ;3 1'6;_ 5.12 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 4 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: September Year: 2017 Did irrigation occur } aF�eltli;Name ( Lk Field Name: 9 Aeld]IName; 1,03' Field Name: 11 at this facility? ¢Arbe(acres) - �� S 2'59 - Area (acres): 0.79 = _ Artea�(acres) 1I 33ti Area (acres): 0.67 ! CoYer,C`ropa _,C" Berrnudat ;f Cover Crop: C. Bermuda ( ,Cover Crop ?! ; aC Bermudat, Cover Crop: C. Bermuda EIYEs ❑� No Fiourly�Rate , 0 5µ Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 , _� Hourly. Rate in : y. ( ) 0.5 Annuals ate`( h) _.._� 3396sT Annual Rate (in): 22.48 .x F Annual Rate in : ( ) 62.13 rAnnu IRat(m) _ +65k62}} Weather Freeboard 4 IFieltl lrngatedj?, L[]YES�� ONp 1 Field Irrigated? EIYEs �No F�e1dF Ir gatetl? j'DYEst j]No + Field Irrigated? AYES . �NO T m o i o w cc o m U {dlaby Et -tGtl I r to I I tv} N �o ��� 19E"� 'o� �'�,� d a E °� O rn C `° E rn{< 7 a C `a d� r t {ro G1 mni..,, m /- ,�. c, I aE rn Aa m a E d m m rn E Q1 ❑ m s .+ m a E a of o .. W a m o ❑ ° co a I to tit I o o 9 Q EY rn I F- Li f S �- ,�t m 1 pS q Ji I ,Eo aS ��o m l =j or 'J} a o 0 Q E f° m 1= �- m R ❑ o= E o m ow , �(" , o °'{ ! 'E o� F.', C +. o p tit I ,O E, a, a i o m it Z A 3 Q o a E o rn �- C a ❑ p E `- � v ca p F.. °'�'�' ",�� r _I � 1 9't QR , i+ _ =o �. v' # �`� = P �jf> C i'Sf•C� �� 'W'd i1 1 - °F in ft ft gal min in in i galf ' ,)aim 1 �i=,� ,�. J -_ �_ 1�n1 gal min in in r , fir- -nt - , 'z._ hu�lt� { 3 Y'F K{ j` —`L x s y .'u j ,.tom a 4 T_ 6 PC 70 3.86 5.35 7 - r-- - 9 - --� -i-T 7,z 3F ! z �. 1 I (� I V... 77) (— 12 - 13 C 71 1.22 �.5.33 { ?i 14 .t t wW _ f L V i l V _ 16 I -� t r: 17 (� �c; --, --1 7 , -I- 1. �I .DEL. � 19 �� ni ;l —z )� f f - — t Lr 20 CL 72 0.14 5.35 1 I. ^c� -r r�-- , r..�t^^ � i C'?----r 1 i � .J '`: 7 2577rr,� 26 —, r, i v , DIY ' Ir- L - :_ r 281 1f a i a .A ! •y j1 F: Y K t t - 29 CL 76 0 5.71 R_ MUM z 30 4 r�'t .....' _ _K� I"'�..�, 1 I 31'.77-1, Monthly Loading: l 0 N F 0�004,� ," 0RM 0.00 I }�0� a,)1 O;OOt; 0 0.00 12 Month Floating Total (in): l I�6$5' 0.00 j ' 14 2.5 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 5 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: September Year: Did irrigation occur f lFle �,.t tl'Name _ 12 `^ .,� Field Name: 13 iFieldilName ,1 i Field Name: 2017 15 at this facility ? , Areal (acres) + a, 3+,T r Area (acres): 2.13 55 ! Area (acres): 0.97 Area acres ci7 r )� i aCoverCropi (Germ`a�4 Cover Crop: C. Bermuda �R.Gove4�,C. o �Pt #I ilC' iBermudar_ _ Cover Crop: C. Bermuda ❑Yes ❑NO iHouriy„�Rate (m)�'i sOr5�, - ' I r - ! Hourly Rate in : Y ( ) 0.5 �" y�( ) f H° Rate U f4 0 5 Hourly Y Rate(in): 0.5 An ualj�Rat Annual ate (in): 57.54 nal!ate(,)l: Annual Rate (m ): 57.3 �i1 Weather : - Freeboard ` F eltl I Field Irrigated? ❑Yes ONO . Field Irrigated? : rigatetl�? a E51 M ❑ o " D❑Y ° `mQci ❑I6 ° =°aE v 1iII - -.�i S °,9� �Iv� .vwIaio d : >�.� ;�f �E� a�4 ��; .K��+j {�L�•id';�Co N Gf ..��, a vC 7 �` .C_ EE Y � 'rs� d' Y& � I II'�.��—• EON '° E m Esd NcO E d FLN- fA Q=lf: a 1�.z.�Q t . t< f, oo 'JC Q a o =E +^.�TEri ,'t f 0' {.:. `N r';a,J., { JCs' o F, •❑ EU ae Om°o . Jn. I °F in ft ft 9 all ;i-� - - 'WE ? > m gal min in in E � gal�;�m_inr bra m t - I . nrn ! gal min in 2 r; . in zr I i t 19 I� I t�7'".6.� i .4 17-•-+-7-7 �' y F 177 - — -- 6 1 PC 70 3.86 5.35 1 I _ r T� 7 t *.. 1., f .r 11 i j I �` ; T y I- I ;I � i 11 f� r`_' � F77 ' I 12 W i7- 131 C 1 71 1.22 5.33 i 141 1 i - 4 -! 'r I i1 L �-- 15 I� ^� i a i? a� i�•� i 19 :> 1� T X t w 20 CL ' 72 0.14' 5.35 �- ~ — i'— 7 -r 7 } r t i � 22 i I I . a ; 1l _ _� �I 241 1 ,^ = 1 ' 25 } r r--, 261 1 r1,:1 7- 271 1l —7- 29 CL 76 0 5.7130 Monthly Loading: pt!ppi t 0 0.00g 12 Month Floating Total (in): t?;l4 rQg00; 0 0.00 - - 0 �5 w 0.84 "84 i FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 6 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: September Year: 'Did irrigation occur Fields+Name , 16 ,� _ Field Name: 17 j Field Name: 2017 1Fiei " itl�Namel 18 18-A r ?Area(acres)� ,�2; Area (acres): 2.27 Area acres _( +8+87,1 ~} _t Area (acres): 6.56 at this facility? C +Bermutlar CoverVarC,op+(� Cover Crop: C. Bermuda Cov_,enccno0,: {C EB_ r_m '; Cover Crop: C. Bermuda ❑YES ONO L 'Hourly�Rate�({n) �Anhua z , OV51 ! Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 ( Hourly�Rate�, n)` Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 f iDt51 i Rate (iii)' = r458y25�� + Annual Rate (in): 9.91 �Annua aRafe in r ��57152 Annual Rate (in): 57.52 Weather Freeboard YESES k)]No Field Irrigated? ❑YES 2NO F,Fieltl Ir gated? ��*❑YES ';ONOY Field Irrigated? []YES '0 7 y ai .0 o m m rn a m ca v u Gf L. o ii o T Q r ' +,1 '(�K•e 1^" °f myd Ek._ 7 :O r a E�-o r, ml m a a E °' m °�' a E o� E rn >. c c m a E `a #St'~ r�,m a s E o aER- , . r m ;Er ; c. o6a} _{ k m y a 21NO rn E' rn a f '�'f.n.'w a� '°io (C C i. Idt >,,�a�p 9w� c Ewa d a g +� mat N 10 d 1 4 .sd ova 4 F- ,�� � r�.l°.Qj '�" G o ?d' J u c ld 2 J,� _m� o a °� 'C Q ~ >< o sa O O 10 S a soy O II.f F- f� do jar "EI oI�+RI. 1 ri L +Y p�, Q E O O. j- '� � v E o .p 'X O 0 L d F- a. v t „�'- d :r ''"y>�,ta�" �C� ---2 r �, - —j J �' a-l�g�. F d�lpQ "a. � .� � •--Ot'� t0 S� '� x Q �- O ,'J .M = J OF ' in ft ft _—.. L -- galy mini rinxin`' gal min in in e cgal �; mim n1+ a�n* 1 , „ gal min in in ` ; �. �w jj, x -- > i 3 — 4 �'-� _ 6 PC 70 3.861 5.35 77777 7 ;�-- - -- 17 13 C 71 1.22 5.33 _j ' _ .; i71 15 f'� i �_ 7 j 16 a a l _ '? l N 17 — . 171 1 18 ir--- TL 19 20 CL 72 0.14 1.5.35 771 21 17,fS 22- s :� f 24 - 251 1 F.' 261 1 M � Y 4P ;, - 27 281 1 , �y F, 177­7_11- -- 29 CL 76 0 5.71 30 31i wa Monthly Loading:01001 0 0.00. f{ l x12 0 0.00 Month Floating Total (in):or r' 4.13, ,_0.00, , FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 7 of 7 Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? Q Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Were -adequate measures taken to prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? Q Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? Q Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Were all setbacks listed in your permit maintained for every application to each permitted site? R1 Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the specified: freeboard heights in your permit? ❑ Compliant ❑' Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary the non-compliance and describe the corrective Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification ORC: Randall Jarrell Certification No.: 23925 Grade: SI Phone Number: 919-210-2500 Has the ORC changed since the previous NDAR-1? ❑ yes 0 No Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrale and complete to the best of my knowledge. Permittee Certification Permittee: Sager'Creek Vegetable Company Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Signing Official's Title: Responsible Official Phone Number. 925-949-0432 Permit Exp.: 5/31 /21 kl� Signature Date I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance vith a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel property gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 1 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: September Year: 2017 Field Name: A- ,IFieldName'B Field Name C f' Field Natnear '_ P. Field Name: Area (acres): 39.3 ,3�Are g(acFes) �' !S Area (acres): x_ 16.4 rArea (acres):' ti z r i 36}6r Area acres J ( ) Cover Crop: C. Bermuda R ICov�er>lC'ropC �Be m" Ada tt Cover Cro p' C. Bermuda ftCouorCrogp tC (Bermudas' ; Cover Crop: Load Type: PAN ` ^ L adT�ype%P�gNs°; Load Type: PANLoad'Tryp I AN1 Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? ❑ves pNo Field Loaded? EIYEs (]No FieltllLoaded7i�[hes, ENo);1 Field Loaded? �Es [:]No d C. •aN'_ Q Z. I �omt� Q di z 0. , z= z aR dp> ! In ILL � a � °J } a 1 " ! d n O. ,0 CD Ca � _ .0 O E wZ SS�Q1 J Q0 a .Q° C >o n I E c = v > a v> � Month gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibsfac lgal! rAmglL„ �lbsla �Ibsl0e gal mg/L Ibstac Ibs/ac '-A (III , _,1,mg/L" ,Ibslac,F )Ibs/ac7 gal mg/L Ibsfac Ibslac February 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 `0; 329} h Ql01 F_1 0}`�; 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 March- 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 F 0; 39 I EDROi k 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 blA} April 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 _5 7F1"421� ( h0?01�� 00) 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 , May 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 j _ _Di43�11 t :OYOj !ti0f01, 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 " June 0 3.86 0.0 0.0 0 3.86 0.0 0.0 r,:w� 0�`�'��}3�86,�_j{ � •' 0E 3r86 ,.Aw �,� s � � _ �,, r r -' i gOtOp,� s0Oil;'00 j July 0 5.88 0.0 0.088 I ( 05-717-MC ,`J 0 5.88 0.0 0.0 August 0 5.29 0.0 0.0 ; Oj i 5+29 " F "017" -At, �QPz 1 0 5.29 0.0 0.0 1 ° September 0 4.84 0.0 0.0 j �0), ° C 4�84 I ;,�0?0 {',,010�,] 0 4.84 0.0 0 0 (O,t _ I [ 4:84,ii F O Ott �`' October 0 4 0.0 0.0 t Oi F �, +( ti0Y0! i Oy01 j 0 4 0.0 0 0 4 Ol T r 4; j D 0 ( 0 01. November 0 4.07 0.0 0.0 0j j F �4'0� f ,O;OJ_ ;' -010 I 0 4.07 0.0 0.0 z .;'_0�_H: December 0 5.37 0.0 0.0 ., Oj i 15!=37 FO 0 lO Or;I 0 5.37 0.0 0.0 -' Ot ''-- ''? t 537� r r" OIO,j January 0 6.26 0.0 0.0 _ ,1`10i G 6E26`� 70y01 ' ;_ 0?O':I 0 6.26 0.0 0.0 (`_. , ,0�..! *.1til_26 �Dr�l_.�� ( +0 0 Otp� 12 Month Floating PAN Load (Ibs/ac/yr): 0.0OiO Ir 0.0 0 09 '� 0.0 .. Annual PAN Load Limit (Ibs/ac/yr): 30030�' R 300 444 2001 ;1 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 2 of 6 P I ermit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: 'September Year: 2017 Field Name: Field Name 3 2, _7­77,77-7�7M Field Name: 4 Area (acres): 1.64 7,'AE F7 Area (acres): 11.62 Area (acres): 1.89 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda cover crop: C. Bermuda Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN F 16 Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? EIYES 21NO w ILIQY, IFS, Field Loaded? EIYES RINO Field Loaded? DEs pNo 2 z V .2 CL a. Z 0 T,54 .4 P 4 CL .2 O. tL a. .0 Z 0i. IF Co., 0 z a) < z > Q < a) CM C E 5 0 E Z ke) 02H , i zM It a) . 0 >% cc z 0 CL IL 1! tM 0 IL 8 0 IL JE J: 1; 1�v [�, , �,-=%- 0, E 0 -j E 1 r ltai E o E Z 0 , , , 0 a. S, =1 o C < 0, a. Month gal mg/L lbs/ac- lbs/a'c 'p, �46-2j 15a4Ci,-R1WsR17tqA NiViAic-i gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac lb;lac February 152,474 3.29 2.6 2.6 3F .gT9, 7- F--fW 1,005,840 3.29 2.4 2.4 IPAWqC3 gal mg/L lbs/ac March 105,274 3.88 2.1 4.6 j 7_�44', 559,344 3.88 1.6 3.9 F 0 3.29 0 0.0 0.0 April 76,458 4.21 - 1.6 6.3 472,202 4.21 1.4 5.4 3.88 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 f 1 May 96,268 3.31 1.6 7.9 292,948 3.31 0.7 6.1 0 0.0 0.0 June 222,371 3.86 4.4 12.3 4 1 279,291 3.86 6.8 F7 F71 7D i,_ T 3.31 0 3.86 0.0 0.0 0.0 July 0 5.88 0.0 12.3 1=0 t 0 5:88 0.0 6.8 -= 7­77177 7 [7 V 0 0.0 August 0 5.29 0.0 12.3 JiF - JdT E W! L D�j 0 1 5.29 0.0 6.8 5.88 0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 September 0 4.84 0.0 12.3 77-� i 14,.g. tl 11 0 4.84 0.0 6.8 5.29 0 0.0 October 81-163 .4 1.7 13.9 203,501 4 0.6 7.4 _7 4.84 28,652 4 0.0 0.0 November 130,423 4.07 2.7 16.6 •756,286 4.07 Z2 9.6 95,755 4.07 0.5 0.5 1.7 L December 37,245 5.37 1.0 17.6 193,297 5.37. 0.7 10.4 77 37,245 5.37 2.2 ,Q,Q9y., F-jQ-W F_ January 1 38,070 6.26 2 1. 18.8 F; 1 77JFA3�_j V 183,314 6.26 0.8 11.2 0 0.9 3.1 12 Month Floating PAN Load - 18.8. - 6.26 0.0 3.1 (lbsiaclyr): 2 00 6j 3.1 Annual PAN Load Limit 270 (lbs/aclyr): 270 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 3 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: September Year: 2017 Field Name: 5 T1d Field Name: 7 1W 0110 i� x Field Name; .9 Area (acres): 0.78 Area (acres): 1 Area (acres): 0.79 7 Cover Crop: Bermuda Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN -3d 7T9,-V Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? EIYES EINo Field Loaded? EIYES .[]NO !0, -it V- 5 I Field Loaded? EIYES EINO .0 Z, z C z z rL a. a. Z 0 o 0. IL IL M 0 pa, W ` rL .2 [L > E 0 _j E Z Zi 0) 0, _j z � i 2 1-11, tM rz 0 0 _j 0 0 U tcj E gl I jzi;l E . j 0 E [L zj i J E, 1 E Q r= z 0 :, 9, > 0 6 IL Month gal mg/L lbs/ac lbsiac.1 "gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac > gal lbs/ac February 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 WA ;fl, 'P077r1i _-Ef QT E-K-§- F Trio,` 1 6 , 03 65 3.29 1.8 1 1.8 F7401,0AK 0 mgiL 3.29 0.0 lbs/ac March 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 f7Y 16,880 3.88 0.5 2.4 E_ -2 -.7 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 0.0 April 0 4.21 00 . 0.0 FWff/_j 104,333 4.21 3.7 6.0 i &8) 0 4.21 0.0 May 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 Q1 75§-, 68,720 3.31 1.9 7.9 �,;C3_7, FUIE! I- 4,�T 0 3.31 0.0 '0.0 0.0 a861 FO&D Y W 0,j _jaT F, June 0 3.86 0.0 0.0 J, 130,918', 3.86 4.2 _12.1 0 3.86 0.0 "0.0 July 0 5.88 0.0 0.0 �11 0 5.88 0.,0 - 12.1 rMf 7 1 .91,01 0 5.88 0.0 k 0.0 Eifi�Q, 11 1 August 0 5.29 0.0 0.0 0 5.29 0.0 12.1 -_ 0 5.29 0.0 1 0.0 September October 0 ibilol 4.84 0.0 6.8 0.0 _,F'11 I _ _316 o 4.84 0.0 12.1 j-* 7_1 - _0 -4.84 0.0 0.0 4 0.8 11' l9i 22,006 4 .0.7 12.9 4, o -4 0.0. 0.0 No vember 64,503 4.07 2.8 3.6 i'AW 1. L08 02 4.07 3.7 16.5 T_ 11931t%%�,! F 14,_15 11 0 4.07 0.0 0.01 December 24,830 5.37 1.4 5.0 7,, I— 1 kl% t$ bbb 5.37 1.3 17.8 0 5.37 0.0 nn January 0 .626 0.0 5.0 1.1-A-101-00 F31,769 7 6.26 .1.7 - 19.5 0 6.26 0.0 !q C-4 0.0 12 Month Floating PAN Load 5 0 1t9 0 19.5Nis (lbs/aclyr): Annual PAN Load Limit (lbs/aclyr): 299 299 ------- . 299' FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 4 of 6 Permit No.: W00004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: September Year: 2017 Field Name: 1A C F2ieldName �1(iyt. 1 Field Name: 12 (' FieltlhNatn�e '13, Field Name: 14 Area (acres): 1.33 r AYea�{acres ' �1 Oi 7 I Area (acres): ( ) 3 j - Area+ acres . �( 213+ =} Area (acres): 7.55 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Cover Grote kC Bermuda) Cover crop:C.Bermuda .) F Cod®r�Cro� �C +Bermuda, Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN j Low ype PAN".� Load T e: Type: PAN i PAN Load Type: PAN r� ;LoadrTy{pe Field Loaded?. Ares ONo IFieltl Loaded?i [�YEs� LONoj.� Field Loaded? ❑Yes [ZNo Field!Loaded,?q��es _ []No, Field:Loaded? wes ONo` Z: c a a Z ° a > 9 msa! d�+tz o(J�,+'zi a Kati } ,m `i a,; b' ! m z o z d y _ _ �, I z ��, + o} z, j i I a c °' z z m IL .� w .d co e >, a o m J O 7 �E Q °j a, mr..� d _. 'OldfpCG a, 9+ .., �o ; >;n�a { '�di J xt!"Of��i �.I ¢ . ° a L ¢ d w C ¢ a ° w° >+ 1c J : Q a m+. i , Qi r tNh w� ,+ d ,a + ,� o r, .., o f ! >�t A�' I a a a i'v ¢ GI ¢ a a > o m •lp O ❑ E l`E V d t w ,J z e ¢ ydl raLf"1d I E 3 u ;O+ w :Ji' + 20 e e E I d N d o w O O z J E . ,,,; ,d) '! ! +Of} C]a j , ,A d, I -�0 . =� ._.7 + 1' zt ' jE� d O) C �, N w o J > > o ¢ o ° ° a V al =d�9c _,> °t j �� tios �J a, I `p'r a, d s o c ° ¢ ° v a fEt h �IXw } ° of : iof -i�:' i Q ! ,o _ 1 ° +m E ;n ° d e ° J o E z a v' I i eiC1 , o i} „Q°v , i fir, ,C)1 } o > o v a Month gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal m /L• 9 Ibs/ac' Ibs/ac mg/L1 + gall lEmMdm) �flbslaa 5)Ibs[ac; �' Ibs/ac� flbs/ac� February 17,83& 3.29 6.4 0.4 22 362� [ 3'29 � :,0'9T y �Z`Os97, ; 58,550 3.29 0.5 0.5 `�0' F t 1 4i e 3 29; +0 Ql gal mg/L 614,255 3.29 Ibs/ac 2.2 Ibs/ac 2.2 March. 20,197 3.88 0.5 0.9 (,32`461 !;:ACC" _ 116r '}_ 2�5j' 1 147,357 3.88 1.6 2.1 Y<' 0� � ;)? 3`88 ? OxOt;; t + 413,914 3.88 1.8 4.0 April 100,605 . 4.21 2.7 3.5 f 40!302 r4�2T1� a; 2`17 f 4'.6 224,288 4.21 2.6 4.7 682,132 4.21 3.2 7.2 May 57,264 3.31 1.2 4.7 153c6823�31r 2'2{;6 8,++ 130,953 3.31 1.2 6.0 }' _ 0- 4 , 267,838 3.31 1.0 8.2 June 138,368 3.86 3.3 8.1 ! 8OR 7� ' I- _,9 6) 483,263 3.86 0.0 6.0 � 0) +�3r86°:_7 - --- , '0�0 ;1 ,0`O i 176,534 3.86 0.8 8.9 July 0 5.88 0.0 8.1 L Q1 5�88r j0�01 + (-'11�01� 69,924, 5.88 1.1 7.1 i ,001 � 0 0} } 282,213 5.88 =-- 0+_ 4 ,5 8,8 1.8 10.7 August September 0 5.29 0 0.0 8.1 _,0 ,529 ' � 04 1 f 1+ O)1 0 5.29 0.0 7.1 ( d, r 29 7 , t: 0 5.29 0.0 10.7 4.84 0.0 8.1,__ IF 0 0 4.84 0.0 7.1 0 , ' 1 4' 84 _++ 00' 0!0,, 0 4.84 0.0 10.7 October 33,978 4 0.9 8.9 ! 35;565'4' '',_:1;'8)�! 1`2?L) 90,185 4 1.0 8.1 �;. 5,6,76), 4' },0°11 _ f0ii i 221,298 4 1.0 November 64,843 4.07 1.7 10.6 ,60F039J 4"07(' + , 3� 1 I ,158�; 53,911 4.07 0.6 8.7 �2 725t: 4�07j, ; r D 7, 0W_ 532,696 11.7 4.07 2.4 14.1 December 0 5.37 0.0 10.6 41,766x 77,614 5.37 1.2 9:9 �_ OL _,; �5�3- 0 D} ; i 0`8 169,801 5.37. 1.0 15.1 January 81,338 6.26 3.2 13.8 C _51;9081. , `-6' 26+ ; 4�0 _2.2F6} { 162,677 6.26 2.8 12.7 i- 01 ; 16 26, r +D+Qi 1 .? `�+0�8 i 499,150 6.26 3.5 12 Month Floating PAN Load r: -- 18.6 (Ibs/ac/yr): 13.8 ) 22'6f i :v k 12.7 MEMO.- 1 Annual PAN Load Limit (Ibs/ac/yr): 270 t' ,2701_ ! 270 = 1 270� :; 270 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) . Page 5 of 6' Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson month: September Year: 2017 Field Name: 15FleldpName 1 '-, --1,8„ r ,` Field Name: 17 F F2ieltl�Name 7 Field Name: 18-q Area (acres): 0.97 pr prea Area (acres): 2.27 -1i8)~u'� Area (acres): A`reaV(acres) SSW' I 6.56 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda ; CoueF�Crop +C Ba�mnda, ,y Cover Crop: C.Bermuda i tt ,oV®r CFo '' _ C Bermudas .+ Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN I LoatlType IPANI Load Type: PAN [ Load T e Yp l P,AN 1 Load Type: PAN _ Field Loaded? ❑YES QNo Field Loaded? (]yEs QNo (Field Loadedl ai[] Es;, [jNotzi Field Loaded? DEs [ZNo a¢O am ¢m1 m. Z'. ! ."°� Dz c z;C) n .>, Cd- j , f«i ¢`dm� >, ° iI,II a ¢ QtiNl0. vtdoC.7+ > J° Q G11 wc°;lf z> ' mO ❑:(:0 -Q¢°' R U :oaG�f�� O `:,amQ{ 'a,II r`ViRE>; wz! -(J6 Z �'GE c JZ 7 U O ' 1 rt 0 p V z OaU aOc Month gal mglL Ilisiac Ibs/ac ' }gall mglLxIhs/ac Ibsiac gal mglL Ibs/ac .Ibs/ac mg/L;•;; Ibs/ac( Ibslac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac February 31,443 3.29 0.9 0.9 567{[034' [ 3i29�2 21 0 3.29 0.0 1 0.0 -}' 883�63D1 13'29 i 2.;T `a 2:7,• 750,432 3.29 3.1 March April 6,752 3.88 19,713 0.2 1.1 145365,1 , IS6s13;`$4,11,I r 3:88t i 2 D( I [ '4,2 7 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 526 0271� 3 88 �.,1 9 _ , [ 4 7 . 365,438 3.88 3.1 - 1.8 4.9 4.21 0.7 1.8 421fi7[,30) i{T72; j 0. 4.21 0.0 0.0 ;f8ti8;265F421', 312�_;r,7,95- 791,191 4.21 4.2 9.2 May June 24,408 3.31 53,662 3.86 0.7 2.5 1.8 4.3 390;_371(I, 3>31! ; 1!5j II 1$E7 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 , 269 (10$_f 3'31' .I D:Bj;-87r -4 384,583 3.31 1.6 10.8 July 0 5.88 0.0, -12,488 3.86 0.2 0.2 (;940 460 I 3 86 ' ` 3'4 i 12:1 279.575 3.86 1.4 12.2 4.3 287, 07r3t 0 5.88 0.0 0.2 i 6 -,1! , 4650; 150,860 5.88 1.1 13.3 August September 0 5.29 0 4.84 0.0 4.3 0.0 10; I (';5f291 ' E'(DSO, ; Y14 4`� 11'44'� . 0 . 5.29 0.0 0.2 f, Oj-'. (� 5!29S ! 'Q10j l ( 16�0- ! 0 5.29 0.0 13.3 4,3 ;OJ ; (4:84' ( 1Oi 0 4.84 0.0 0 2 -` - (. 03 ',� 4484.; { 00('ff[ 4 �s 16Q, 0 4.84 0.0 13.3 October 16,375 4 0.6 4.9 I yi'121t962 ' `Y`.4( c { { l0 57W IY14 99 -. 65,508 4 1.0 1 1 113,280 4 [ 222 748� 4 .i r -T - 0{Si r I �6 8, ! 0.6 November 35,513 4.07 1.2 6.1 395,365� i°07P �t9� ; ( i68-! 129,167 4.07 1.9 3 1 t'S74 $18,? G 4TD7r �2 n 19:0 106,955 4.07 13.9 December 11;321 5.37 0.5 6.6 r 130 9 j 5_:3� (0181 3( Ae7,�B� 39,869 5.37 - 0.8 3.9 4 9a1}390t ' t5'3 ( I ( 05 I ? ( 1�9 5. 90,051 0.6 14.4 January 27,570 8.26 1.5 8.1 hr2811;748_j i t6:i26� i i', 20� , ( 19. T 19,751 6.26 ..0.5 4.3 ['53?J5691; j-6.26E 3'1 =.1 i 22 6, 5.37 473,728 6.26. 0.6 15.0 3.8 12 Month Floating PAN Load 8'1 I 1';91; 7 1' 4.3 ; 18.8 (Ibs/aclyr): 22�6 '� 18.8 Annual PAN Load Limit - , =-Y (Ibslaclyr): 299 ' _27n, 299 j::2Qol. ? 200 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 6 of 6 Did the mass loading rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? 01Compliant ❑Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary_ Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification Number: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Grade: SI Phone Number: 919-210-2500 Signing Officials Title: Responsible Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMLR? ❑ Yes [2] No Phone No.: 925-949-0432 Permit Exp.: 5/31/21 Signature By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Date Signature Date I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 s- 14 Accurate. Timely. . espons-'ve. innovative. 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 . Phone: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 Thursday, September 28, 2017 WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT, LLC (WA013) Attn: RANDALL JARRELL P.O. Box 578 Pittsboro, NC 27312 RE: Laboratory Results for Project Number: [none], Project Name/Desc: Sager Foods -Monthly ENCO Workorder(s): CA09897 Dear RANDALL JARRELL, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Wednesday, September 20, 2017. Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Stephanie Franz Project Manager Enclosure(s) FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 1 of 13 www.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client ID: Sager Foods Effluent Lab ID: CA09897-01 Sampled: 09/20/17 13:30 Received: 09/20/17 15:45 Parameter Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) CALC 06/15/20 09/26/17 10:48 09/26/17 10:50 Colilert 18 09/20/17 21:25 09/21/17 14:14 09/20/17 16:10 09/21/17 10:52 CSU Method 10/04/17 09/27/17 11:04 09/28/17 16:52 EPA 200.7 03/19/18 09/27/17 11:04 09/28/17 14:46 EPA 350.1 10/18/17 09/26/17 10:10 09/26/17 10:10 EPA 351.2 10/18/17 09/22/17 12:45 09/25/17 09:35 EPA 353.2 09/22/17 13:30 09/20/17 16:34 09/20/17 16:34 EPA 353.2 10/18/17 09/21/17 10:39 09/21/17 10:39 EPA 353.2 06/15/20 09/25/17 11:08 09/25/17 11:15 EPA 365.4 10/18/17 09/22/17 12:45 09/25/17 10:59 SM 254OD-1997 09/27/17 09/25/17 14:40 09/25/17 14:40 SM 521OB-2001 09/22/17 13:30 09/21/17 12:10 09/21/17 12:10 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory,. and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 3 Of 13 Cf � �Ge) www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: Sager Foods Effluent Lab Sample ID: CA09897-01 Received: 09/20/17 15:45 Matrix: Waste Water Sampled: 09/20/17 13:30 Work Order: CA09897 Project: Sager Foods -Monthly Sampled By: RANDALL JARRELL Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary c2r6fied analyte [NC 5911 Analyte rCAS Numberl' ' Results Flag Units DF MDL PPOL, Batch Method Analyzed By Notes Calcium [7440-70-2]A 8290 ug/L 1 39.0 100 7127019 EPA 200.7 09/28/17 14:46 JMV Sodium [7440-23-5]A 131000 ug/L 1 400 Soo 7I27019 EPA 200.7 09/28/17 14:46 JMV Classical Chemistry Parameters ^ - ENCO CaryCedifred analyte [NC 5911 Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed Notes Ammonia as N [7664-41-7]A 0.12 mg/L 1 0.045 0.10 7I26003 EPA 350.1 09126/1710:10 JL1 Biochemical Oxygen DemandA 25 mg/L 1 2.0 2.0 7I21013 SM 521013-2001 09/21/1712:10 JOC Nitrate as N [14797-55-8]A < 0.025 mg/L 1 0.025 0.10 7I25016 EPA 353.2 09/25/17 11:15 JL1 Nitrate/Nitrite as NA < 0.041 mg/L 1 0.041- 0.10 7I21006 EPA 353.2 09/21/1710:39 JIJ Nitrite as N [14797-65-0]A 0.036 J mg/L 1 0.017 0.10 7I20024 EPA 353.2 09/20/1716:34 JU Phosphorus [7723-14-0]A 9.8 D mg/L 10 0.25 1.0 7I22006 EPA 365.4 09/25/17 10:59 JU Sodium Adsorption Ratio 8.93 [blank] 1 7127019 CSU Method 09/28/17 16:52 JMV Total Kjeldahl NitrogenA 16 mg/L 1 0.26 0.48 7I22005 EPA 351.2 09/25/17 09:35 JL1 Total Nitrogen [17778-88-0] 16 mg/L 1 0.02 0.10 7I26020 CALC 09/26/17 10:50 JU • Total Suspended SolidsA 130 mg/L 20 50 50 7125022 SM 254OD-1997 09/25/17 14:40 OMR Microbioloaical Parameters ^ - ENCO Cary certil Analyte rCAS Numberl Coliform, FecalA Results Flag Units DO POL Batch Method Analyzed B�( Notes 30 MPN/100- 1 1.0. 7122038 Colifert 18 09/21/17 10:52 ASC mL FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page cJ Of 13 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA . . Classical Chemistry Parameters.- Quality Control Batch 7I20024 - NO PREP - Continued LCS (7I20024-113S2) Prepared: 09/20/2017 16:33 Analyzed: 09%20/2017 16:33 Spike , Source %REC RPD -Analvte Resu f a� PQL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrite as N 0,98 0.10 mg/L 1.00 98 90-110 LCS (7I20024-BS3) Prepared: 09/20/2017 16:36 Analyzed: 09/20/2017 16:36 Spike Source %REC RPD Anaa Result Flaa POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrite as N 0.99 0.10 mg/L ., 1.00 99 90-110 Matrix Spike (7I20024-MS1) Prepared: 09/20/2017 14:39 Analyzed: 09/20/2017 14:39 Source, CA14037-02 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flag POL Units Level Result o/aREC Limits RP13 Limit Notes Nitrite as N 1.2 0.10 mg/L 1.00 0.22 96 90-110 Matrix Spike Dup (7I20024-MSD1) Prepared: 09/20/2017 14:40 Analyzed: 09/20/2017 14:40 Source: CA14037-02 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyt Result FlaFlaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrite as N 1.2 0.10 mg/L 1.00 0.22 97 90-110 0.1 10 Batch 7121006 - NO PREP Blank (7I21006-BLKi) Prepared: 09/21/2017 10:37 Analyzed: 09/21/2017 10:37 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyt Resu Flaa POL . Units .. Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.041 U 0.10 mg/L LCS (7I21006-BS1) Prepared: 09/21/2017 10:35 Analyzed: 09/21/2017 10:35 Spike Source %REC RPD Anala Resu t Flaa POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 1.4 0.10 mg/L 1.25 108 90-110 Matrix Spike (7I23006-MS1) Prepared: 09/21/2017 10:41 Analyzed: 09/21/2017 10:41 Source:CA09897-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anaa Result ELas PQL Units Level Result o/aREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.54 0.10 mg/L 0.521 0.041 U 103 90-110 Matrix Spike (7I21006-MS2) Prepared: 09/21/2017 10:46 Analyzed: 09/21/2017 10:46 Source: CA11272-01 Spike Source - %REC RPD Analyte Result Flaa PQL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 4.3 0.20 mg/L 1.00 2.9 140 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike Dup (7I21006-MSD1) Prepared: 09/21/2017 10:43 Analyzed: 09/21/2017 10:43 Source: CA09897-01 Analyte Nitrate/Nitrite as N Batch 7121013 - NO PREP Spike Source %REC esu Flaa PQl j-tts Level Result %REC Limits RPD 0.54 0.10 mg/L 0.521 0.041 U 103 90-110 b.3 RPD Limit Notes 10 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may'only be reproduced in full. Page.7 Of 13 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 7I22006 - Same - Continued LCS (7I22006-BSI) Prepared: 09/22/2017 12:45 Analyzed: 09/25/2017 10:57 Spike Source %REC RPD Anala Resul Flaca P-QL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 1.6 0.10 mg/L 1.60 101 80-120 Matrix Spike (7I22006-MS1) Prepared: 09/22/2017 12:45 Analyzed: 09/25/2017 11:00 Source: CA09897-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anala Result Flaa POLL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 12 D 1.0 mg/L 0.640 9.8 414 80-120 QM-07 Matrix Spike Dup (7I22006-MSDI) Prepared: 09/22/2017 12:45 Analyzed: 09/25/2017 11:02 Source: CA09897-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal Resul Flaa POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 11 D 1.0 mg/L 0.640 9.8 132 80-120 16 25 QM-07 Batch 7I25O22 - NO PREP Blank (7I25022-BLKI) Prepared & Analyzed: 09/25/2017 14:40 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal Result Flaa POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 2.5 U 2.5 mg/L LCS (7I25022-BSI) Prepared &Analyzed:09/25/2017 14:40 Spike Source %REC RPD Anaa Resul Flaa POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 100 2.5 mg/L 100 103 80-120 Duplicate (7I25022-DUPl) Prepared &Analyzed: 09/25/2017 14:40 Source: CA11226-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Resul Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 1900 120 mg/L 1600 20 20 Duplicate (7I25022-DUP2) Prepared & Analyzed: 09/25/2017 14:40 Source: CA11391-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result FlaFlaq PDS Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 300 50 mg/L 290 3 20 Batch 7126003 - NO PREP Blank (7I26003-BLK3) Prepared:09/26/2017 09:56 Analyzed:09/26/2017 09:56 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Resul Fiaa POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.045 U 0.10 mg/L LCS (7I26003-BSI) Prepared: 09/26/2017 09:58 Analyzed: 09/26/2017 09:58 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Resul Flaa POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 1.0 0.10 mg/L 0.989 105 90-110 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 9 Of 13 ( - klZ! 90" 9(�93 www.encolabs.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIOINS B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDQ and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument. This value is considered an estimate. MRL Method Reporting -Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL) and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. PQL PQL: Practical Quantitation Limit. N The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence (85% or greater confidence) to make a "tentative identification". P Greater than 25% concentration difference was observed between the primary and secondary GC column. The lower concentration is reported. B-03 Blank exceeds the, method required oxygen depletion of <0.20 mg/L. QM-07 The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSD. The batch was accepted based on acceptable LCS recovery. FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. I Page 11 Of 3 Sample Preservation VerifiCaf on ENCO Cary E a, Work Order: CA09897 Project: Sager Foods -Monthly Client: WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT, LLC (WA013) Project#: [none] Logged In: 20-Sep-17 16:07 Logged By: John C King CA09897-01 Goat • YP Type Pres (pH) Requirement pH Checked / n Control Date�me PH Adjusted Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments D 250mLP+H2SO4 <2 j`f / N / NA Y / NA E 250mLP+HNO3 <2 'Y / N / NA Y /V/ NA Reagent Name ID 1 2 Reagent Name ID 3 4 Reagent Name ID 5 6 Page 13 of 13 Page 1 of 1 FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page I of 3 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: August 017 PPI: Flow Measuring Point: Dinfluent Offfluent 2lNo flow generated T—Parameter Monitoring Point: ElInfluent ElEffluent EGroundwaterLowerijng ElSurface Water Parameter Code 0- 01002 616- 01027 Eq 6'; 1 00940 010,51 71900 00610 25k 00620 00665 'R Z CD 0 a) E Lo! E 77- U) E '0 01, 0 ca 0 0 F- LL, 4� E E 24 z CL 0 0 0 0 0 a. 24-hr hrs mg/L r-rf L- - mg/L ',ffi9_U mg/L i rn mg/L mg/L L,! 4_. mgIL mg/L mig/L mg/L su, mg/L 2 3 -08:50 3 4 5 0, 6 0- 7 01 8 bl 9 08:55 3 10 11 rib'N77;i 12 13, 14 15 (j7y Z017 16 17 F` L)VVR SEGI ON 18, 07:50 3 1 )ON PRUC E SSING UNT 191 20 21 rn 22 23 08:10 3 1! •0.091 rn _1 8; <0.025 10:01 0_2 11 24 rT 251 20 < 261 U U) FT 271 > 281 0 29 07:30 3 _n 30 PR 1. 71 31 s, Average: 54 0.09 11.00 Daily Maximum: . ... 0.09 . A8. 00 b;ol 11.00 Daily Minimum: . ..00 .. . ....... .... . 0.09 .8 " ".1, -10,01" 11.00 Sampling Type: C_,A6&cipa_b�. Grab Grab ? Grab Grab b Grab ;,Gra Grab Grab 'diabF Grab Grab Monthly Limit: Daily Limit- i 4_1 Sample I requency: qqous� 3xYear 3 x Year Y2, 3 x Year P,xr Year 3 xYe Year 3 x Year '',3 x,Yebe,' Monthly .Monthly, Monthly Monthly Per Event Monthly FORM: NDMR 08111 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 2 of 3 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson 1 Month- August RE 0 �lmma , VINT-surenil E 1:11p �•lm • 5 mll► gal 13 • I Saily Maximum:l1 ® Daily Minimum: 0 M z R-111W FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 3 of 3 Sampling Person(s) Certified Laboratories Name: Randall Jarrell Name: ENCO Laboratories Name: Name: Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? a Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facilitywas not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification No.: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Grade: Si Phone Number: 919-210-2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? ❑ Yes No Phone Number: 925-949-0432 Permit Expiration: 5/31/2021 • 2h.�7 � � _ 0/�Bo� Signa ure Date Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel property gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 1 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 wi Facility Name Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: August W Did irrigation occur Moe= Field Name:, this facility'? at Giver Crkp: ■YEs 0. -. 1 -. 1 REM= eHourly -. gall .- I I I I ®;���;�� mlmmmm� ® -�-- ®®®---- mmmm��®®®---- mmmm_m --�-0=11=11M®-�--. m=1m_Im� Monthly Loading: 12 Month Floating Total fin). MIMI% %//////////Z//�®0001o� FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 2 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: August Did irrigation occur Moe= Field Name: at this faciH4 F? OEM= Area (acresy- . 'C!Be'rrnuda ONE= -C Caver Crop: I [1YES [21NO NZEM -S ZE= Hourly Rate EMS= • Annual Rate EMMEM Field Irrigated?• Monthly Loading:� 12 Month Floating Total (in): -FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 3 of 7 I Permit No.: W110004268 i. Did irrigation occur Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Field Name: County: Sampson Month: August Field Name: at this facili-ty'? Area (acreW. Area (acre ):I Giver Crop: 7.35, r m d;; , Civer Crop: 7YES [ANO Hourly Rate (in): HourlyRate (in): I Annual Rate• Annual Rate Field Irrigated? Fial j! Irrigated?• M=== MMMMMM MMMM: MMMMEMM MMM MM MM Monthly Loading. off 12 Month Floating Total (iny _011,0100/Z FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 4 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson j Month: August Did irrigation occur Field Name:! eField'. this facility,7 • - e at • e e • - Cover• e • . .e . • a • . .o • -Crop: • - YES ENO • e . Annual'Rate (in).. Annual Rate (in): • - . • . • e ■ 0FieldIrrigated? ■ • ■ •FieldIrrigated? ■ • I I +__ ®®®® ---- ®®®® ----I ®®®® ---MM MMMMMM ®®®® mmimmMIMM ®®®® mmimMMIMMI MMMM ms ®®®® s��� ®®®® �M��! MMMIMmm ®®®® ���� ®®®® mm��� MMMMMM ®®®® ■MM�� ®®®® wm���l mmMmmm ®®®® ���� ®®®®�■■��� mIMMIMMM IMME=MME ®®®® aMM1MI11M mm=MM® ����i mmMmmm ® ���� ®®®® EMMMIMNIM mIMMMMM ®®®® IMMEMM ®®® MI-MMM MM ®®®® MlMmmmmm ®®®® �MMMIMNIM! NMINMINMINM ®®®� ����i mmmmmm ®®®® WM ��� ®®®® IMMEMM�i m;MMM;MM ®MMMIIM � ®®®® WM��m WIMM MIm ®®®® ���ME ®®®® M�M mmMmmm ®®®® ���ME ®�®® �v�� ;MMMMI mm ®®®® ���ME ®®�® ����! E3MMM1 mm ®®®® ���� Loading:r,,�r��%����� l�O��� /I FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 - NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 5 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: August Did irrigation occur at this facilit, e •• - •. •. •• - •. • oe�&'Bermuda • •• •' DYES • 1 • '. 1 • -. 1 • -. 1 .. • • . • - • • . • s Q • • • . " • Q • - • • . - e • • • . • • • i MMMMMM MMMM _ • n t h I y L ... i n . I Ie O/W/ N0./. 0 1 1/ 01////j/ �j��///��/j/ �� FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 6 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 E, Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson ! 1� Month: August Year: 2017 r Did irrigation occur NNE= FieldField - - i this facility. Area (acre� Area (acres*. - at o •. •. • -r Crop:;- •. • •• - •. • - •• •� ■YES E • -. o . -. e . -. aHourly -.te (in):Annual i Rate (in): ••. • .. .. ■ o . .. • ■ • . .• •. ■ w Field •. • ■ • no, M n NMI I I ®,___',__---- ®___,_- ®®---- ®®®-_-- m;__MiMonthly __ Loading:�/ °0�� �����"oo a •e /����� //�; FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 7 of 7 Did.the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? p Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? ❑Q Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Were all setbacks listed in your permit maintained for every application to each permitted site? (] Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the specified, freeboard heights in your permit? p Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective auuuuka) tancu. nttauu ouUmulial anaata it Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification ORC: Randall Jarrell Certification No.: 23925 Grade: SI Phone Number: 919-21'0-2500 IHas the ORC changed since the previous NDARA? ❑ Yes F/7l No Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Permittee Certification Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Signing Official's Title: Responsible Official Phone Number: 925-949-0432 Permit Exp.: 5/31/21 Signature Date I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance vith a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 1 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable. Company County: Sampson Month: August Year. 2017 Field Name: A -- ­ - - -1­ 0%ame:.-� -'T_M Field Name: C ; D" Field Name: *Area (acres): 39.3 "Ali Area (acres): 16.4 Area (acres): Cover Crop: C. Bermuda .Cover !;Eo.v r qr� Crop '!G,Bermudas Cover Crop: C. Bermuda ,CbveO rom 1 13::.Befrhuda.. Cover Crop: Load Type: PAN L 6 d' oa A, J Load Type: PAN Lo-a' t ype:,. r, 10A �N. Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? DES ENO Field Giae47 J�N& Field Loaded ? []YES RINO Field NO; Field Loaded DES DNO z .0 z < < a) z 0 z A t� Z 0) z 0 z Q 0 CL (L (D n 0 A;1"Co' ' . I L, CL > .- 0 Z .(a ; 4, CL 0. n > •m >1 0 _j < tM Q _j : < IM, C; 7 < Q :Z, tm r z >% Cc 0 _j E a) U a E , E E'z E a) 0 _j E.z E ca W E z 0 0 0 0.- > 0 0 4 �,Z 0; > 0 0 [L > > > Month gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac ac�j gal I mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac .-,;ga mg L Ti6iiac; Jibiiacj gal mg/L lbstac lbs/ac February 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 March 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 10, :()i0,:, 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 0, __-A '316t' OJO; April - 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 .0 0.0­• '­0;0;; 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 .0 0;0 May 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 G 3:31 � ",- 0.0-:1 1 :.0;0''! 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 .0. 0-0 __'_0:0 June 0 3.86 0.0 0.0 ib, A 0 3.86 0.0 0.0 A ;-, O.W July 0 5.88 0.0 .0.0 0 5.88 0.0 0.0 - .0 August 0 5.29 0. 0 0. 0 !0 0 5.29 0.0 0-0 ab: 70:0 September 0 6.66 0.0 0.0 66,_ o Yl 0 6.66 0.0 0.0 0 FF -67 70. October 0 4 0.0 0.0 0 4 0.0 0.0 V _;0,0.i' November 4.07 0.0 0.0 4. OW, j Olt I. -0 0 4.07 0.0 0.0 -. AQT.-T_ 7. : (TV _,­d, b; December 0 5.37 0.0 0.0 0 5.37 0.0 1 O-Q () ;b.o _,`6 January 0 6.26 0.0 0.0 4J 0 1 6.26 0.0 0.0 12 Month Floating PAN Load lbs/aclyr): 00 0.0, 0., Annual PAN Load Limit (lbs/ar): 300 ---------- 300 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 2 of 6 Permit No..: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: August Year: 2017 Field Name: Field Name: 3 TI It.' Field Name: 4 Area (acres): 1.64 Areai Area (acres): 11.62 A"rqq-acres _ Area (acres): 1.89 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda , a rpp�_1Q,-, Bermuda: Cover Crop: C. Bermuda -_Cbvqr.Cro' Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN Load�#,y Load Type: PAN Load:T.yp e: Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? EIYES [2]No -Field; Loaded?. -Elyps' '!'ONo Field Loaded? EIYEs ENo FieldField Loaded? [3yEs EINO Z Z Q "a, .0 42) CL IL (L > M 0 , . ca�- JL Z M; 0­ Q CL IL (0 a. > ia 0 rL b, tM 0 �4 CL IL [L a 0 W E 0 j _j E. z t3).c M a 2 0 _j, 'n, z E 0) C to ra 0 .5 _j E Z -al 51 - =r 0 Q 4) cts _j Z >O 0 0 IL E .2 u .0. IL, E 0) > _j 0 IL E > E .4 E GfC 0 E A > U 0 0 > < U n > Month gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac M 9 1 L:7 `,716i /a' c' d, gal mg/L lbsiac lbs/ac siac, gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac February 152,474 3.29 2.6 2.6 1,005,8401 3.29 2.4 2.4 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 March 105,274 3.88 2.1 4.6 255�07.1 '4.4- 559,344 3.88 1.6 3.9- 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 April 76,458 4.21 1.6 6.3 .�60 -.4:2 1.6'r 6.0 472,202 4.21 1.4 5.4 7` 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 May 96,268 3.31 1.6 7.9 208- 3,31-"- 7'.8 292,948 3.31 0.7 6.1 j j 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 June 222,371 3.86 4.4 12.3 43�4,92'- 3.86 8'.3 279,291 3.86 0.8 6.8 3.86 1 0.0 0.0 July 0 5.88 0.0 12.3 00. 0 5.88 0.0 6.8 -0 0 5.88 0.0 0.0 August 0 5.29 0.0 12.3 0' _&.29'- 0.0 1 8.3 0 5.29 0.0 6.8 0 5.29 0.0 0.0 September 103,943 6.66 3.5 15.8 18-' 0'336 _6:66 3j. 1 188,452 6.66 0.9 7.7 89,698 6.66 2.6 2.6 October 81,163 4 1.7 17.4 144,880... 4. 1.5,­' 12'.9'-. 203,501 4 0.6 8.3 28,652 4 0.5 3.1 November 30423 - 4.07 2.7 20.1 ]7 756,286 4.07 2.2 10. 5 17-: 95,755 4.07 1.7 4.9 December 37,245 5.37 1.0 21.1 IS 16.9 193,297 5.37 0.7 11.3 37,245 5.37 0.9 -5.7 January 38,070 6.26 1.2 1 22.4 jj`! 82-1699­' .. 19.1,3,' •183-:11 183,314 6.26 0:8 1 12.1 0 6.26 0.0 5.7 12 Month Floating PAN Load (lbs/ac/yr): .4 2 .4 22 18.3 WME/o/z,", 12.1 110MINOWN'. �010. 5.7 Annual PAN Load Limit 2704 0 270 ------- -------- (lbs/acivr)- 299 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 3 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name. Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: August Year: - 2017 Field Name: 5 _7 Field Name: 7 -: - rhe' - Field Name - Field Name: - 9 Area (acres): 0.78 Area (acres): 1 Areal(acres) 2 59 Area (acres): 0.79 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Bermuda] Cover Crop: C.Bermuda _ Cover Crop C:113.eemu'Cq, Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN I 'o9dfT Ty .A, Load Type: PAN a Typed Load 04i", Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? DYES [21NO Field Loaded? Ulho Field Loaded? E]YES RINO Field' Loaded? '[YES ❑� NO'`, Field Loaded? AYES[ZNO z < 21. Z,.",0­ k .0 z C z Z CL > w 0 =. Cal CL 0. < IL 2 < [L M- tu rL < a. ca < a. mO < CD 0) tu T _j Z '10 'O JIM I 0, - < >1 ca Z O: 0, < 0 tm 0 _j ll- C3 0 W E E Q _j E < ' E !CO E,z E E 0 a) :E E 2E < M a. 0 0 0 a. > .0 0 0 IL > Month gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac... l4ij 16@1iEc] gal mg/L lbs/ac lbsiac :ga ffs ij '611 fa'�,. I&S7 gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac February 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 66,503 3.29 1.8 1.8 401'(Y_ .2 -T' l0.5 0!5� 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 March 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 ;,'1 _H, 37' -3-18 87,: -0,;- 2,.' 2 16,880 3.88 0.5 2.4 .3 3;6621`� .89 10.4 U - - 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 April. 0 4.21 0.0 '0.0 7,1:927;704_w 104,333 4.21 3.7 6.0 14%;43_ 2, 3;8 i 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 May 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 ',A_d9j_Q64 I _%2-.�4� .81-i - J 68,720 3.31 1.9 7.9 122'031,!_'-3�Z�1� 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 June 0 3.86 0.0 0.0 '13�6--; 130,918 3.86 4.2 12.1 '4b 0:2. 0 3.86 0.0 0.0 July 0 5.88 0.0 0.0 0 5.88 0.0 12.1 0 5.88 0.0 0.0 August 0 5.29 0.0 0.0 0 0 5.29 0.0 12.1 -j5 R 5:2R.'j�_',,0'0, _1;� �j 0. 5.29 0.0 1 0.0 September 29,774 6.66 2.1 2.1 27,495 6.66 1.5 13.7. .7 64 4,522 6.66 0.3 0.3 October 19,101 4 0.8 2.9 2.9 K72 0.9, 22,006 4 0.7 14.4 -166 6�3i� :.b.J, ."jZ 0 4 0.0 0.3 November 1 03 4.07 2.8 5.1 108,021 4.07 3.7 18.1 FjfbY,��7, -T.4.9 0 4.07 0.0 - F0_3 December 24,830 5.37 1.4 ,7 - ' I � _� §, - ''?20,.Gj�, 28,656 5.37 1.3 19.4 .1 �5_4 04 X A17 0 5.37 0.0 0.3 January 0 6.26 0.0 7.2 6 �, �b _'; G,'5 - 7i, -?- b Y - 31,769 6.26 1.7 21.0 0 6.26 0.0 - 0.3 12 Month Floating PAN Lodd (lbs laclyr): 7.2 *3. 21.0 415 0.3 Annual PAN Load Limit 299 2 9! 299 270; 299 (lbslaciyr): FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 4 of 6 Permit No.: W00004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: August Year: 2017 Field Name: 10 .Fi6ld'Name,:' Field Name: 12 lei9M6I 13J_ Field Name: 14 Area (acres): 1.33 _",Ai Area (acres): 3 Area acres A3 Area (acres): 7.55 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Cover 13iinmudil, Cover Crop: C.Bermuda �qoyar�Crqp;. .:Q,,'Berm,udat Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN a _y PAN A% Load Type: PAN 7, PAN- Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? OYES 7NO fleld,16dde.'767_,OYEs Field Loaded? []YES EZNO F jql d L 6 a d e 0, Field Loaded? DYES ENO S z (L Z 0 :CL 3�._j IL 5. CL CL < .2 1L < z t 'IL, CL I CL < "a > la < E2 0 0 :5 _5 Z < 0 tm a 0 _j . < tn"5 A -Zv Cd 0.- j 0 0 _j E 0 C C _j E = < - E _j E < ;E r ;;j x E' Z E _j E z .2 0 0 (L > :0 > 0 > > > Month gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac ga j'.mg/ k,' gal mg/L lbslac lbs/ac n bs ac. .� lbi;/ad gal mg/L lbs/aclbs/ac February 17,838 3.29 0.4 0.4 04-21 otq_ 58,550 3.29 0.5 0.5 '3 -.2 9­ Tf - A 0; 0_ 614,255 3.29 2.2 2.2 March 20,197 3.88 0.5 0.9 321,461- ;887 1A. 215-:� 147,357 3.88 1.6 2.1 0". :0.0 -6.0. 413,914 3.88 1.8 4.0 April 100,605 4.21 2.7 3.5 : 46 , 224,288 4.21 2.6 4.7 682,132 4.21 3.2 7.2 May 57,264 3.31 1.2 4.7 "537662. 21 - 6.8 130,953 3.31 1.2 6.0 0 13.1- _0.0 -0:0. 267,838 3.31 1.0 8.2 June 138,368 3.86 3.3 8.1 J61, .4.-1'- -116, 483,263 3.86 0.0 6.0 .0 73-86i., 0;0,_ -170-,:,O­ 176,534 3.86 0.8 8.9 July 0 6.88 0.0 8.1 .0'. .5 i 8 8 6-. b, A[-1 0 69,924 5.88 1.1 7.1 6.0- 282,213 5.88 1.8 10.7 August 0 5.29 0.0 8.1 10. 5120,­, -6. -5 0 5.29 0.0 7.1 :0. :5,29.. 0.0,. j _"Mo, 0 5.29 0.0 10.7 September 10,023 6.66 0.4 8.5 7-, 6 .4. 11-..3 18,809 6.66 0.3 7.4 10,552 6.667 f 0 " --- _U 96,336 6.66 0.7 11.4 October 33.978 4 0.9 9.3 35,565, J, 4.- 3 90,185 4 1.0 8.4 .5;676.7- --.4. _011 0.4 221,298 4 1.0 12.4 November 64,843 4.07 1.7 11.0 - 60 OW 41 0T, .:,3.0..;, 53,911 4.07 0.6 9.1 42 -,7,25 532,696 4.07 2.4 14.8 December 0 5.37 0.0 11.0 77,614 5.37 1.2 10.2 -537', .0.0 1:'p 169,801 5.37 1.0 15.8 1 January 81,338 6.26 3.2 14.2 d,� 723.0_! 162,677 6.26 2.8 13.0 :6 'Al 499,150 1 6.26 3.5 F 19.3 12 Month Floating PAN Load (lbsiaclyr): 14.2 13.0 19.3 Annual PAN Load Limit 270 ff270fff&Z� (lbsl6clyr): 'EO 270 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 5 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 -FacilityName: Sager Creek Vegetable Company. County: Sampson Mo - nth: August Year: 2017 Field Name: 15 A Field Name: 17 Field Name: 18-A Area (acres): 0.97 Area (acres) . . ... ...... 7,2 Area (acres): 2.27- Area (acres) _Y 3i87 Area (acres): 6.56 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda 11;F, Crop !Q�AefmUda, Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Cover!CropIC Bermuda Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN _ Load Type Load Type: PAN load Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? DYES ENO Field Dyes 721No, Field Loaded? EIYES [ZNO Field Loaded? EIYES RINO z z ra Z, - z z Z, z r z CL IL IL < LL m n > m CL 0 E 2 0 E z 0, :c 0 z <7' "Et- "T"'G& 0, a 0 0 0 0, E E E i,.E-_1z1 E Z 0 > 0 0: 0 0 P IL > '0 0 , 1 A .2 0 0 M IL > C., > Month gal mg/L lbslad lbs/ac. gal mg/L lbs/ac"I l6slac gal mg/L lbs/a February 31,443 3.29 0.9 0.9- 7,­567;084, 3F29. 2-'.2,__-`! 0 3.29 0.o 0.0 -':68-j 630�:: Q9, .1111JW56: .2. 7 750,432 3;29 3.1 s/ac 3.1 March 6,752 3.88 0.2 1.1 -61 :0 jj, 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 _4,J2 365,438 3.88 1.8 4.9 April 19,713 4.21 0.7 1.8 0 421 0.0 0.0 4182Q&' j .7.:7�9 791,191 4'.21 4.2 9.2 May 24,408 3.31 0.7 2.5 _!�3' 33 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 2 384,583 3.31 1.6 10.8 June 53,662 3.86 1.8 4.3, 12,48 8 3.86 - 0.2 0.2940460 F:, 279,575 3.86 1.4 12.2 July 0 - 5.88 0.0 4.3 ­2ft,'QT3�� 0 6.88 0.0 0.2, _T 150,860 5.88 1.1 13.3 August 0 5.29 0.0 4.3 i 0 5.29 1 0.0 1 0.2 b,, �. 0 5.29 0.0 13.3 September 18,028 6.66 1.0 5.3 7 171 108,798 6.66 2.7 2.8 3793 '6 `:.W, 43,431 6.66 0.4 13.7 October 16,375 4 0.6 5.9 -4 •7! 4 65,508 4 1.0 3.8 '_`2 -7 113,280 4 0.6 14.2 November 35,513 .4.07 1.2 7.1 I... 4� E�T 4 .129,167 4.07 1 .9 5.7 _& 14 , 4:.i 6,77 106,955 4.07 0.6 14.8 December 11,321 - 5.37 0.5 7.7 -1, 39,869 5.37 0.8 6.5 90,051 5.37 0.6 15.4 January 27,570 6.26 1.5 9.1 19,7,11 6.26 0.5 7.0 ;,53 _11 473,728 1 6.26 3.8 19.2 12 Month Floating PAN Load 9.1 '.',2 ij (lbs/aclyr): 1­1�.-L-. ­1 19.2 Annual PAN Load Limit 77 -T� , (lbs/ac/yr): 299 7,P! 299 gon FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 6 of 6 Did the mass loading rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? 2]Compliant. ❑Non -compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance: Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification Number: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Grade: Sl Phone Number: 919-210-2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMLR? F1 Yes 0 No Phone No.: 925-949-0432 . Permit Exp.: 5131121 Signature Date Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail•Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 �Jv Y��. l4. . Labwet,_, �: -0 leel r 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 Phone: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 Friday, September.1, 2017 WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT; LLC (WA013) Attn: RANDALL ]ARRELL P.O. Box 578 Pittsboro,. NC 27312 'RE:' -Laboratory Results for Project Number: [none],. Project Name/Desc: Sager Foods -Monthly . ENCO Workorder(s): CA03271 Dear RANDALL ]ARRELL, Enclosed is a copy.of .your laboratory report for test samples received *by our.laboratory on Wednesday, August 23, 2017. Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results -for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained inahis report -are incompliance with NELAC standards, except . as noted in the project narrative. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without. the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO 'Cary.. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact. me. Sincerely, . Stephanie Franz Project Manager Enclosure(s) FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced 16 full. Pagel of 13 www.entolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client ID: Sager Foods Effluent Lab ID: CA0327,1,01- .. , ,;Sampled: 08/23/17 10:45 Received: 08/23/17 13:00 Parameter Hold Date/Time(sl Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) CALC 05/18/20 09/01/17 13:06 '09/01/17 .13:09 Colilert 18 08/23/17 18:40." 08/24/17 11:32 .08/23/17 13:28 08/24/17. 09:20 CSU Method '09106/17 08/28/17 08:17 08/30/17 16:49 EPA 200.7 02/19/18 08/28/17 08:17 08/30/17 13:18 : ' EPA 350.1 09/20/17. 08/30/17 09:25 08/30/17 09:25 EPA 351.2 , 09/20/17 08/27/17 16:23. 08/28/17, 10:56 EPA 353.2 08/25/17 •10:45 08/23/17 15:52 08/23/17 17:25 EPA 353.2 09/20/17 08129/17, ". 13:31 08/29/17 13:31 EPA 353.2 05/18/201' 08/29/17 15:44 08/29/17 15:51 EPA 365.4 09126/1-7 08/27/17 16:23 08/28/17 11:57 SM 2540D-1997 08/30/17 08/29/17. 15:00 08/29/17 15:00 SM 5210B-2001 08/25/17 10:45 08/24/17 13:04 08/24/17 13:04 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. r Page 3 of 13 Q �__ 'vd".encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: Sager Foods Effluent Lab Sample ID:CA03271-01 Received: 08/23/17 13:00 Matrix: Waste Water Sampled: 08/23/17 10:45 Work Order: CA03271 .Project: Sager Foods -Monthly . Sampled By: RANDALL JARRELL Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods ^ - ENCO C3rycertified analyte [NC 5911 Analyte r&S Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL POL, Batch Method Analyzed Notes Calcium [7440-70-2]A 6540 ug/L 1 39.0 100 7H28005 EPA 200.7 08130/17,13:18 JMV Sodium [7440-23-5]^ 143000 ug/L 1 400 500 7H28005 EPA 200.7. 08/30/1713:18 JMV Classical Chemistry Parameters ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte rCAS Numberl '• Results Flag Units DF MDL .'POL• Batch Method Analyzed Notes Ammonia as N [7664-41-7]^ 0.091 J mg/L 1 0.045 i0:10 71-130003 EPA 350.1 08/30/17 09:25 JLJ Biochemical Oxygen Demand^ 31 mg/L 1 2.0 2.0 71-124016 SM 521OB-2001 08/24/17 13:04 JOC Nitrate as N [14797-55-8]A < 0.025 ' mg/L 1 0.025 0.10 . 7H29039 EPA 353.2 08/29/17 15:51 JLI Nitrate/Nitrite as N^ < 0.041 mg/L 1 0.041 0.10 71-129022 EPA 353.2 08/29/17 13:31 JLI Nitrite as N [14797-65-0]^ ' < 0.017 mg/L 1 0.017 0.10 71-123039 EPA 353.2 08/23/17 17:25 JU Phosphorus [7723-14-0]^ 11 D mg/L 5 0.12 0.5P 71-127002 EPA 365.4 08/28/1711:57 JLJ Sodium Adsorption Ratio 11.2 ' [blank] 1 7H28005: CSU Method 08/30/17 16:49 JMV ' Total.Kjeldahl Nitrogen^ 18 D mg/L 2 0.52 .0.96 7H27001 EPA 351.2 08/28/17 10:56 JLI Total IN [17778-88-0] 18 mg/L 1 0.02 0:10 7I01032 CALC - 09/01/17 13:09 JU Total Suspended Solids^ 160 mg/L 20 50 50. 71-129007 SM 2540D-1997 . 08/29/17 15:00 OMR Microbiological 'Parameters ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC' 5911 Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Fled' Units DF P9L Batch Method Analyzed Ay Notes Coliform, Fecal^ 220 MPN/100 1 1.0 71-125019 Colilert 18 08/24/17 09:20 MKS mL FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page 5 of 13 , www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters,- Quality Control _ Batch 7H23039 - NO PREP - Continued Matrix Spike Dup (7H23039-MSDS) - Prepared: 08/23/2017 15 52 Analyzed: 08/23/2017 1727 Source: CA03271-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal vte esu Flak P-QL Units Level Resul %REC Limits RPD : Limit Notes Nitrite as N 1.0 O.lU. mg/L 1.00 0.617 U 100 90-110 0.8 .10 Batch 7H24016— NO PREP Blank (7H24016-BLK3), Prepared. & Analyzed: 08/24/2017 13:04 Spike Source %REC RPD' Ana e . Result Flag lQL Units Level Result' %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Biochemical Oxygen Demand' . 2.0 U 2.0 . mg/L LCS (7H24016-BS1) Prepared &Analyzed: 08/24/2017 13:04 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal vte ResultIF�Ica . POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Biochemical Oxygen Demand 190 2.0- mg/L 198 _ 97 85-115 Duplicate (7H24016-DUPS) Prepared'& Analyzed: 08/24/2017 13:04 Source: CA03271-01 Anal a Result Haul PUL unLrs_ Lever . Result rorcca-, Umns ecru _ Biochemical Oxygen Demand 32 2.0 mg/L 31 5 30 Batch 7H27001- Same Blank (7H27001-BLK13 Prepared: 08/27/2017 16:23 Analyzed: 08/28/2017 10:52 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal Resul F_la_3 PPOL Units Level 'Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 0.26 U 0.48 mg/L LCS (7H27001-BSi) Prepared: 08/27/2017 16:23 Analyzed: 08/28/2017 10:54 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal a Resu t Flad P_OL. Units ''Level •: Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 12 0.48 mg/L . 11.9 ' . 99 90-110 Matrix. Spike (7H270017MS1) _, „ Prepared: 08/27/2017 16:23 Analyzed: 08/28/201710:57 Source: CA63271-01 Spike Source. %REC RPD A a Res iLan. °.144 units Level'.Result%REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 22 D ,' 0.96 mg/L 4.75 18 103 90-110 - Matrix Spike (71-127001-MS2) d: 7 16:23 7 11.03 Prepare .08/27/201 Analyzed: 08/28/201 . Source: CA10226-62 Spike Source °/aREC RPD Anal Result Flaa • 1 PQL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 7.2 . • 0.48 mg/L 4.75 2.7 94 90-110 Matrix Spike pup (7H270 Source: CA03271-01 Analut Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Batch 7H27002 - Same Prepared: 08/27/2017 16:23 Analyzed: 08/28/2017 10:59 Spike Source °/aREC RPD Result Flaa PPOL Units Level Resul %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 23 D 0.96 mg/L 4.75 18 121 90-110 4 10 QM 07 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 7 0f 3 viAm.encolabs.com Batch 7H29022 - NO PREP - Continued Blank (7H29022-BLK;), Prepared: 08/29/2017 13 13 Analyzed: 08/29%20171113 Spike Source %REC RPD: Anal Resul E aaQ POL Units Level Result %REC Limits - RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.041 U 0.10, mg/L LCS (7H290227BS1) Prepared: 08/29/2017 13:15 Analyzed: 08/29/2017,13:15: Spike Source %REC RPD Anal ResultFlaa —%:: Units Level Result %REC Limits .. RPD ; Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 1.3 0.10 mg/L 1.25:. 106 i 90-110 Matrix Spike (7H29022-MS3) Prepared: OB/29/2017 13:18 Analyzed: 08/29/2017-13:18 Source: CA12415-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Resul F a P2 Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 2.9 0.10 mg/L 0.521 1.6 1.41 '90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike (7H29022-MS2) Prepared: 08/29/2017 13:28.Analyzed: 08/29/2017 13:28 Source: CA01160-01 - Spike . ' Source, %REC RPD Analyte Result Flag POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N = 1.0 0.10 mg/L 0.521 0.50 162 . 90-110 Matrix Spike Dup (7H29022-MSD1) Prepared: 08/29/2017 13:20 Analyzed: 08/29/2017 13:20 Source: CA12415-01 Spike. Source %REC 'RPD AnaMe Result ELag POL Units Level Resul %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 2.2 - 0.10 mg/L 0.521 1.6 132 90-110 2 10 QM-07 Batch 7H30003 - NO PREP Blank (71-130003-131M) Prepared: 08/30/2017 09:21 Analyzed: 08/30/2017 09:21 Spike Source ioKec ecru AnaWte Aegtift Maas( POL . Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.045 - U. 0.10. mg/L LCS (7H30003-BSi) Prepared: 08/30/2017 09:23 Analyzed: 08/30/2017 09:23 Spike Source %REC ;RPD An a Result Flan POI, Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 1.0 -0.30 mg/L 0.989; 101 90-110 Matrix Spike (71-130003-1VIST) ' . Prepared: 08/30/2017 09:26 Analyzed: 08/30/2017 09:26 Source: CA03271-01 Spike source %REC RPD Analyte Resul Jai POL Units Level. Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.43 _ 0.10 mg/L 0.385 0.091. 88 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike (7H30003-MS2) Prepared: 08/30/2017 09:32 Analyzed: 08/30/2017 09:32 Source: CA11164701 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyt Resul Jam PQ6 Ulf" Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 2.2 E 0.10 mg/L 0.385 1.9 66 , 90-110. QM-07 Matrix Spike Pup (7H30003-MSDi) Prepared: 08/30/2017 09:28 Analyzed: 08/36/2017 09:28 . Source: CA03271-01 Spike Source %REC RPD . Ana a Result FlaFlaci POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 9 Of 13 www.encolabg.com , FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS e The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. J The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit.(MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above thecalibration range of the instrument. This value is considered an estimate. MRL Method Reportinglimit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL) and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. PQL PQL:, Practical Quantitation Limit. N The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence (85% or greater confidence) to make a "tentative identification". P Greater than 25%,concentration difference was -observed between th&primary and secondary GC column. The lower concentration, is reported. QM-07 The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSD. The batch was accepted based on acceptable LCS recovery.- QM-08 Post -digestion spike did not meet method. requirements due to confirmed matrix effects (dilution test). - QM-12 Precision between duplicate samples was outside acceptance limits. FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page 11 of 13 1 V. OaMple PeeservataOn V60ificatiOn , . ' ENCO Cary _ aml GA Work Order: CA03271 Project: Sager Foods -Monthly Client: WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT; LLC (WA013) Project#: [none] Logged In 23-Aug-17.13:15. Logged By: John C King . CA03271-01 ' "Gont Type ;'pH Pres (PH)., -,-pH Checked / Pate 1me. '- Adjusted .: t• . Reagent U ed/Commen�S`� ,. P.equirement In Confrol. : ; ;Adjusted,; D 256inl_P+H2SO4 <2 `• "/ N / NA ';Y / l NA E 250mLP+HNO3 <2 1' / N .I NA Y / ;: / NA '. Reacient Name ID :Rea ent Name ID Rea ent Name ID 1 2 4 4 6 Page 13 6f_13 FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT NDMR Page 1 of 3 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: July Year: 201-7.' PPI: F.IOW Measuring Point: ❑Influent ❑EfFluent ❑� No flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent DEffluent ❑Groundwater.Lowering ❑SurFace Water Parameter Code —0 50050 I 01002 0031 O, j 01027 009,16"� 0094001034' ; 01051 T ,00927r '• 71900 i 0106' 00610 OU625 j 00620 OQ400 .: 00665 ` H 3 ; e , �, �,d d , 0 _ 0( tl1 ' `p v J ` C, - Oy t + '.: Y C . -� i ; ., a' p O. OiL V !: V) ' L) �.i' f:'i ,'�! ! i f +. Z ' e ~en o 24-hr hrs ;GPp ; mglL m;glL-,,; mg/L mglk 'l mg/L mglL' mg/L imgl� mglL mglL` mg/L mg/L ;I mg/L su mglL - 1 3 4 { = 4 " -- - -', - _ _ - ' 10 38 8 -rt) _ - - - - 12 08:00 10 <0.0068 + 38 <0.0004 6. 3 130 <Q,0014 ' <0.0031 . 3' 6T <0.0001 0 0035 0.11 20 '. <0.025 1:0.22 ' 9.2 13 06:30 10 07 - - :.. - _ 10:2 141 08:00 9 01 -- 161 41. 171 181 D` 191 07:15 1.010 211 .I 22 0 t. - - y D a` V, _ - _- - --- -. - — - - i 23 0 - 24 n - 25 - - 261 08:30 10 0'' i 271 28 29 30 31 _.. _ - - Average f -i0 38 00 6 30 130.00 3l67 0 00+ 0.11 `20)00 -' 9.20 Daily Maximum I -0 ` 38 Q0 -' - 6 30 • { 130.00 0.11 20 00 ! : 1,Q20.OQ 9.20 Daily Minimum a0; 38 OOr ;< 6 30 130.00 3 6.7` - 0'00' ^' 0.11 20 00 7 1,014 = 9.20 Sampling Type t Recortle[ Grab Grab f Grab Grabs x„ Grab - • Grab Grab, 'i Grab Grabs Grab 'Grab'; Grab Grab. Grab Monthly Limit 1 __-.- Daily Limit 4.15;000, _ __' _ 1= Sample Frequency i ContmuousU 3 x Year Monthly _' 3 x Year - Mohthly,' 3 x Year 3:x Year•-,, 3 x Year 3 xYear 3 x Year 3 x Year•- ; Monthly .Monthly'_ i Monthly Per•'Evecit Monthly FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 2 of 3 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company county:. Sampson Month: July Year: 2017• PPl:, Ffow Measuring Point:., ❑influent ❑Effluent ❑� No flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent. ❑� Effluent ❑Groundwater, Lowering ❑Surface Water Parameter Code --► W Q 0 9 i �00929 � 70300 �•'.��005 0 �` 01092 { 316i1`6 00931 9 .! ...e-. .._.._ . ,•f .2 i! :af! i f °E po_ c g j-° O S' t tfA O c 24-hr hrs GPDL, -, mg/L mg/L .!' mg/L W m'& 'i mg/L 1, _M,00' Calculate ; , mg/L; i I { ....r_.. T , 1 0 1 I 31 r y y 5 4r ' r• t 7 09:05 4 i p+ .. I - • 4 i i - r g 10 I 0 f ="' r — - -- ® -: °° 'ORM: NDMR 08-11 NOWDISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR)" Page 3 of 3 Sampling Person(s) Certified'Laboratories- Name: Randall Jarrell- Name: ENCO Laboratories Name: Name: ail monitoringdata and sampling frequencies, meet the requirements in Attachment A of your`permit? 0 compliant ❑ Non-compli; facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance: Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corre 01 -1 lkAj lancll. nRgldl CILIUMU11411 511CC15 11 11 Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Randall Jarrell I?ermittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification No.: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Grade: SI Phone`NuIn '919-210-2560 Signing -Official's Title: Responsible Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? ❑ Yes (] No Phone Number: 926-949-0432 Permit Expirations 5131 /2021 C— .' .i Signature Date. Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under penalty of law, th--t this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a'system designed to assure that all qualified personnel property gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the iriformation, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false Information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and. Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page I of 7 PermitNo.: "WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: July Didgation occur Field Name: at this facility. Area (acres): SEE= OEM= •rop: CiEver C [21YES EINO Hourly Rate (in): Annual Rate (in): Field Irrigated? Movj�MVLIA* =1 MMMM: Monthly Loading:e , WIN011, a e e MOM//" A11MMIM/ VNIM/1 0 V,0111011111 / / /11111 12 Month Floating Total "4 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON-DISCHARGE'APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 2 of Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name:" Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month:. July Year: 2017 Did irrigation, r F eltlName 9 • Field:Name:`: 2 i ;F„ieldName� i 3k -- Field -Name: occur Areaf(acres)%, i° ti4 1 Area (acres):. 3.23 71- Area{(acres) I ; sr 1j1+ 62 Area (acres): at this facility? BermudaF -.I Cover.Cro C. Bermuda Bermuda Cover Crop: ,C' ❑NO ? z J Hourly Rate (in): 0.5❑YES j Hourly Rate (in): fAnri „T Annual Rate (in): l .� Annual Rate in. Weather Freeboard 4 ?` F>eldrliri aced? g� `❑YES, _ ' ; sONO. g ? Field Irri ated. ❑YES NO ❑ F'1eld`Irngated,?`r' ? YES ° ✓ NOi { ❑ ❑ Field Irrigated? DYES ❑NO m c ,, m L �, rt 1 I II I c '� °' o m �` t 6!�,- of i .a�f ri o� 1 EI I� or i 7� m a a d a� E a� a ,m `.o, !' a ( 101 4! a� E: E m` TCJ' 01 a E CI i w C7 rt U rt ❑ L m ii E Gf+ jN w o a Ertl a iCI. IC,`t ;o E !� a,. m } p E N d o E T C 7 C m" o E IE }I Cll d� ( 61 �; CC' _ O _ f i t `oa ' `' E 5 O E. E T c v E 'v N O. •� .0 a L f t0+.0.� i I 1--3 O7t l i + -❑ trt { . i O�.t(C�I � Oo-i =..k o C a 1— 'C rt 'K. p rt ❑ O O . t, a I ! fay t O O.� 1 ; I•- *I ;i-s=,! rt, m ! ,edt� i Ol Xi �O Q- .OI. O' O. �.-. •�, rt tu .X O ❑ E e r { - t '.ri mot J'. Q - rt = _ 5 O� G§ > Q O' O JJ jj h , °F m ft ft r m} gal min in in 'm'. - gal min in in 2- 3 ,.._._.�, F --.- 7 C - 87 0.87 4.96 �> —�-- 12 PC 84 1.14 4.98 13 C 79 0 5.02 _ 14 C 83. 0 5.04 1.- ' s U r 16 ^� 17 _ r E 18 f .• . _ I ,., _-.. -.� . f 7 19 PC 83 0.39 5.08 r -m 20 C 81 0 5.17 21 _ fi .. -. . R 22 23 24 r- r a s �.t F h 25i1- 4 26 4 � f e� , ,l 27i �a? T - 28 Rig of-':._ C i C (,.�x Er�.� v w�-{..� t YI £: ,i.. Y `f 29 ! d y 31 r_30 _ - t ` Monthly Loading s 0 :; _F `l0�00+ 0 0.00 il) ; 0 001, i 0 0.00 12 Month Floating Total (in): 2T76 22.45 '1.f3,79s FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 3 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company county: Sampson Month: July Year: 2017 Did irrigation j�l field+ Name 14 Field Name: 5 _��elduName' 6' Field. Name: 7 occur 9 Area (acres): 0.78 Areaa(acres�). ' if 94 i Area (acres):r 1 of tI11S facility? .' Cover Crop,'' C ?I3er`muda' Cover Crop: C. Bermuda ,Cover Cropi i ." +C Bermuda Cover Crop: C. Bermuda YES ❑ ❑No IHourlyrRate,(m) - - �..: L0�5 Hourly Rate m Y ( ): 0.5 r iHourl ,IRate m �y ( ) = - 05� I Hourly Rate (in): 0:5 - ... Annualt;Rate (m) F _ -. _ ..... j 9 37r :� Annual -Rate (in): 9.26 f AnnualloRatef(�n) 3 ° 36 77, Annual Rate (in): 27.73 Weather Freeboard V f Field,lrrigated?n } low. Field Irrigated? ❑YES ONo Fieldllrngatetl?,❑YES �]No V Field Irrigated? ❑YES ❑� NO r -I o r �' m o m d, o ( al dd< m, I; EI y� rnr o c, m V v m rn E oa i m: a+ i a m r E m' i, y, ri ma o rn E �� m L ❑ ° Ed, �o' •; E At ° �,� a E ,.. Ed .. a Q c �, 'a E c o v f E d t I m, �; l '?�, I -o L c, : E m d °; as >, c a c E Q o >, a E •(� rCIO Q - m, i �'.Q !F `` t ,� .; s o ter' .i❑ 0 (({(({' S ai I 0 0. F •` co _ ❑ Q x O O i i 0 IQrafi i (({ L!. ail y, ❑ :0 t.` f o -I�".! 1-. O Q.rn •� v •X 0 Ri ❑ .0 ❑ ` > Q I L� Ji I J'. , >. Q _ i f6 S J 'J r i iQ �'� �� Q~' J f6 = J a. ... fi f+: ly,ri OF in ft ft i galJVmm ... in,,,- .'m ' gal min in in 4gal, , - :mid , - I ;, nnl .. - m gal min in in 21 1r 3 1 41 1 5 1 E7t. 7 : C 1 87 0.87 4.96 6 1 9 -- -;-•- 12 PC 84 1.14 4.98 Ir _ i:;- ! I -. IF I , .r s , =-- y 13 C 79 0 -5.02 i 14 C 83 0 5.04 , f ,_.... r 17 > f 18 z r q f 19, PC 83 0.39 5.0877 20 C 81 0 .5.17 j 21 -; 22 — - - f _f 23 f f . IF 24 25 .26 7 7 7 F i 27 - 28 ! F i I • C v t 30 - i r t 31 m _ -, - Monthly Loading ; ;0; -s ? Oi00r 0 0.00 --.- �0?; ' µ - - i0 00 0 0 00 12 Month Floating Total (in). ;: 7 06; ;? g.3g _7 a",'24' 39l 24 1!O-1 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 4 of 7 Permit No:: W00004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: July Year: 2017 Did. irrigation occur 1FieItl6N�ame8; *'' Field Name: 9 F�eIdYName I,F` 10� Field Name: 11 at this facility Areadi(acres) F, 2 59 Area (acres): ( ) 0.79 ! Area acres ' ( ) 1 33 Area acres (acres): 0.67 Cover Crop+ `- {C, Bermuda y Cover Crop:. C. Bermuda ,Cover,{CropBermuda ,( Cover Crop: C. Bermuda ❑� YES ❑rto ! Hourlyr�Ratea(m) Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 Hourly;Rate4,(m) Oi5s a Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 An►6ual Ratex(m) i y> 3396 r yj Annual Rate (in); 22.48 Anrual�IRate (m) t I 65t62{ ~ s Annual Rate (in): 62.13 Weather Freeboard c DYES N0, .^ ❑ _ i Field Irrigated? g DYES pnto ;Field�lrrigated? _ ❑YES! pN0 Field Irrigated? EIYES prvo O O. l4 �+ fy0 f�`4 07 N r t r i0 �{ I: d ,d� E' !_ t :. { r a0ii" a C ram, ,C d 'O 9 d E 7 a f (..> f S ,d t'C% '. 'L7 t �r E .l�,t 1 1. + to d V 'a E 0) c� L R ❑ a L f w { pia i i L .G7 d E ._ ❑ E m a C C. _ a E �v d d i f ait m; �. cl i o, L c E m m a; A ❑ L a ° m ° a o. ar , i - tm! Li ant t E of o s s o,., ° m o a 1- R ❑ X O I c B , o ic; II mP ° E 1 ,� ., I X o �.,, G E a_ `o iE m O w E (A E t Q Y l i� i a. ; J SJ �, Q ` O O= O J r d F-; ] ❑ O { O O:: O. F-. .i ❑ X ca O w �3 r Q Jp °F in ft ft gal _ min in in,mm gal min in in 3 4: E 71.7-1 6 1 r, - -,�-- -= - 7 1 C 87 0.87 4.96_- r �1 s 9 101 121 PC 1 84 1.141 4.98 7 13 C 79 0 5.02 r 141 C 1 83 0' 1.504 1(r - = i 't t � 16 F,- �FI L:— - 17 -^;I — 19 PC 83 0.39 5.08 20 C 81 0 5.17 291r83 k , 5 60+ ( 041, I, 041 - 1 r i 21 1 t 23 I 1 1 - 6 24 I S ! 1 f ! -}• t I. f 25 ! � !t -rat -. • i + I 271 1► 2829 rr �z 77 30 l _ ( f` 31 Monthly Loading , ` '. 2.7,,0 Or83 D 0.00 ; QF_ ; I Or00� 0 0.00 12 Month Floating Total (in): 0.21 j ( 16r65 i, .26 30) FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 ' NON -DISCHARGE .APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 5 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager "Creek Vegetable Company •.County: Sampson Month: July' Year: 2017 Did -irrigation FieltlName�, 1�2 Field Name: 13 FieldlName t � 1.4 t Field Name: 15 occur at this facility? Area (acres) I 3 74; 1 Area (acres): 2.13 " s _ • Areas(acres)JI 755 Area (acres): 0.97 Cover+Grop r C ,Bermuda Cover Crop: C. Bermuda r ;Cover Crop' , C Bermuda Cover Crop: C. Bermuda DYES ❑Np r Hourly Rate (m) 6'5t Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 IHourly�,Ratej(�n). P 0+5+ Hourly.Rate (in)": 0.5 Annual! Rafet(m) k 6r1';13 _ Annual Rate (in): 57.54 r AnnualLRafe1+(m)'; Annual Rate (in): 57.3 Weather Freeboard ' Fteltl Irn ated? 9, r t YE5 No :1 0 ❑ Field Irrigated? g ❑YES NO ❑ Fieltl, Irri aced?r g YES, 0 r,❑No Field Irrigated? DYES [Z]NO _ r 1 ` r i _• , , I _ C ;F+ ro O .Q. rn W zok ` - bl C d a1F ; . E T �r �, N 'D 'a O) '3 �. i 'a m 'b Ofl i 'Ed Of r m 'o o M E m a {� m V L •1•.• (� '� (i Id d IG.. i WI °.G.fi E rdt >, c, X c 1, v L{ 4.-�,roF E Qi d '�' i� C C E ( Qi Q: 4 E I� 1 N ,►+t s! f ,� `��. C{ 1 s C r L E N d O ' A C 7 C d •C) o �, fl. ,�+ f6 iI �� O 1F-'- tl-Ej �t Sri f X O 0 c _E'o O' O C. •` �'C .O l4 l0 �' X O ��`e: + I:mf f E CI it` ` �4 P , p d' I �- E 7 'Or( O I A.. _7 E is a CM _ a -E c0 a'C.+ E d C. !A - R 1 �G L �cQ i tL d — Il0k.+0': Q O N = • p r0 C F„•. �+ tc 10 t O, O c, p , Z O C. i= .L p X O f6 O. d L• IL [ -O.Ip I �{ J. - J J r i Q Ss J ,I J � a J fQ = I t OF in - ft ft gall _!; ,mm ; ml �. _. _fin .. gal min in in 9a1:_ �t -mph-.:. m„..._!1: .an. W gal min in in f r 2 r iT x i _ v L1. l - r -• � 3 - r r - - t� _ fN F _ ; I1 L,. i f:..- 1 7 C 87 0.87 4.96 _. r- 9 �I sG - t - f r Pr `i �. 1 12 PC 84 1.14 4.98- • 13 C 79, 0 5.02 3 r t 14 G 83 0 5.0416 t t v I• , P -- — 17 r- i _ 11 18, P , , 191 PC 1 83 0.39 5.08 1- 310 34 t 0 34 93 686 d } 7.51 0 46 0 37 } 201 C 1 81 0 5.17 35;019r j 60 1 0 3'4`F Al 34_;; ' 92,891' i r ( 75} #0 45 0 36, 21 . r I}; - ? _ - 22 _ ! �' j_. 23 r - 24 25 4726 ` l 27r i-};:7 71 281 1 30 , 31 Monthly Loading 369924` 0 0.00 282,2,13'.. 1 °38! 0 0.00 12 Month Floating Total (in). a0}69t 1'4,93RIMA1.02 FORM: NDAR-1 08711 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 6 of 7 PermifNo.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County:' "Sampson Month: July Year: 2017 'Did irrigation occur E Fiel () N i } 16 b 4 Field Name: 17Flel'tl',Narrie = ,Y 1'8f ) 3 t Field Name: 18-A at this facility? lame"t •Area acres iit� 7s2 -( Area (acres): 2.27 Area acres i 8 87— Area (acres):6.56 ( Cover+Cro'p { ; „C sBermuda, Cover Crop: C. Bermuda I "Cover Crop T . fC,'Bermutlai Cover Crop: C. Bermuda DYES ONO tt 'Hourly Rate (�n) c' ;0?`5 Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 ° Hourly,IRatep(in) 05 Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 Annual Rate��(in) x' S8 25k Annual Rate (in): 9.91 r rAnnua)rjRatea(in) t 57'5z Annual Rate (in): 57.52- Weather Freeboard r Field,lrr�gated?, t •(DYE5❑NO s Field. Irrigated? g OYES ✓ NO ❑ I 3 Field Irri ated?, g ✓ ES x _ DY -❑NOi 9 Field Irrigated. r , ❑YES NO ❑ y 0 Q i ! o c R rn o. >, m m, ; d °f w� k °' B' >, rn'' �i a) M a ° E ' am Ern ?,' c c E m Iron I m a a rn E a rn p m a L y a o ff m �>-a E�•—� E i5 . a m Q rL .ca as as L 2J °F in ft ft `,gal mm E }: ins _._m i gal min _ m m z _ gal; mm --, m irr ; - gal _min in in 2 c , tii r, r si r 3 r 4 E' 6 71 C 1 87 0.87 1 4.96 _. ! ;. i - 91 9..:� J 10 f i F i r s 12 PC 84 1.14 4.98 ; } 1'12 575 s i 90 i7 :0¢4T 0 31 I 131 C 1 79 0 15.02 114' 762 a 90r I ,p 141 C 1 83 0 15.04 x C i 1s16y469 ' t 90 32 , 15 f s _ 16 _ 17 �j f 18 19. PC 83 0.39 5.08 } 95,169� n 75k %; s0 49r i a0 0. ti 14,838 90� `0 48t 95. 0'32 _.. 20 C 81 0 5.17 ; ,94;665 `; , _ ¢ ' 0°48r ��0 39' _ 120;6851;; 95' I 0`50 65,102. 60 0.37 r 21 { ;. f . a.. 77- 0.37 22 - �23 �= i_• 261CL 83 0 1 5.3197 } i0 47�11 0 31s 85,758 75 27 7F 1I' 0.48 0.39 r L J r � �I' �" r If Y 28 h p •^"tf i f {� { y p 3 tl C 29 t #fi 7P RK tt ' 30 s } { r 31 r 1r i. - z - h71- r Monthly Loading } 287073±; j 0.00 i 691i 33Z; 2 87 - 150,860 0.85 12 Month Floating Total (in): ra-24 78i` f g.6g 23'50i` } 2>1 79i j FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 7 of 7 Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? P1 compliant 0 Non -compliant Were adequate measures taken to `prevent effluent poriding in or runoff from the sites? p compliant p Non -Compliant Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? p compliant ❑ Non -compliant Were al setbacks listed in your permit maintained for every application to each permitted site? 0 compliant ❑ Non -compliant Were•all freeboards maintained in accordance with the specified freeboard heights'in your permit? p compliant ❑ Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional shee(s if necessarv. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification No.: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Grade: SI Phone Number: 919-210-2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDARA? yes 2] No Phone Number: 925-949-0432 Permit Exp.: 5/31/21 Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my'cnowledge. e &Je Signature Date I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance vith a system designed to assure that all qualified, personnel property gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based an my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those.persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. . Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: N 1 DMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 1 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: July Year: 20171 Field Name: A q Field Name: C Field Name: Area (acres): 39.3 r Area (acres): 16.4 ;;Arqk! (acres); 36 6 Area (acres): Cover Crop: C. Bermuda ..,Be Cover Crop: .ermua CBermuda :;�V Bermuda Cover Crop: Load Type: PAN 11PAN y Load Type: PAN oad T'SF 'd Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? DES ONO Field Loaded? DYES ONO TF01 UN@! Field Loaded. DYES ONO z 0 z CD r z z z z ca IL CU w 0 < IL J! CC$ 0 ;CL IL CL < .0 (L IL m�pC E in _j E - . :_ ' tn 0 z S! '0 < M 0 Z. 0 Jpm 0 < 1L E C 0 E 'C4 E E Z < > U 0 L) IL Month gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac gal mg/L lbsiac 11i -g gal mg/L. lbs/ac lbsiac February 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 March 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 Ldl. . 7 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 "Mo, April 0 4.21 0.0 o.0 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 i' . (F May 0 3.31 0.0 ().0 '7 ------- 0. 3.31 01.0 0.0 June 0 3.86 0.0 0;0 6-1 i 0 3.86 0.0 0.0 July 0 5.88 0.0 0.0 0 5.88 0.0 0.0, August 0 6.68 0.0 0.0 0 6.68 0.0 0.0 ...... September 0 6.66 0.0 0.0 F _A A C- F 0 6.66 0.0 0.0 :6". 107- October 0 4 0.0 0.0 0 4 0.0 0.0 November 0 4.07 0.0 0-0 0 4.07 0.0 0.0 -0 -4 07T­ 0'0-. uu, �?'U` December 0 _0 5.37 0.0 0.0 I tAt Vr� 0 5.37 0.0 0.0 7: j i 0 6 January 6.26 0.0 0.0 0 1 6.26 0.0 0. 0 a 26, 01 01- 12 Month Floating PAN Load (lbs/ac/yr): 00 , - 0 -0 �0; Q* Ad .0 Annual PAN Load Limit (lbs/aclyr): 300 10 300' "2 [r": � FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 2 of 6 Permit No.: WQ10004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: July Year: 2017 Field Name: 01 Field Name: 3 �X:t 13 4' C Field Name: 4 Area (acres): 1.64 Area (acres): 11.62 A 1z �W Area (acres): 1.89 Cover Crop: C.Bermu a d Cover Crop: C. Bermuda 0y, qrQP T. Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN LoadlType Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? DES [ZN0 • rfleld d,? qE ? Field Loaded. DES [21NO 0 .:C0. j Field Loaded. DES [21NO 2D z 0 z "Z­�_,k ".0 AD z C z V Q z imr- 0. IL w g 101, ; � ! - CL IL 16 > Co cc tM a 0 M1 Z!,M) tm to cc 0 -B _j , . "R _1 , =t , 0. (D a. = a 0 M CD E 2 4) U E Z < : : (Dy-` '-! 31 , E !!- Z 0 - -1 = Z r 0, o _j E z C 0 2 0 IL , , 0) 0 C 0 = < U a. 9L > U 0 > U Month gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac gal, mglL' F-5 gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac 1�-.1-1111,6if - ------- ililbs ��lbglac"l 9 a[ I mg/L lbslac lbs/ac February 152,474 3.29 2.6 2.6 3A. Pr 1,005,840 3.29 2.4 2.4 1 0 3.29 0.0 , 0.0 March 105,274 3.88 2.1 4.6 4 55, 9344 3.88 16 39 0 `�_.146 . . 3.88 0.0 0.0 April , 76458 4.21 16 . 63 . 1 1 472,202 4.21 1.4 5.4 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 May 96,268 3.31 1.6 7.9 292,948 3.31 0.7 6.1 Z T 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 June 222,371 3.86 4.4 12.3 7'4_�4,0j�jl A 279,291 3.86 0.8 6.8 0 3.86 0.0 0.0 July 0 5.88 0.0 12.3 j 0 5.88 0.0 6.8 0 5.88 0.0 0.0 August 148,687 6.68 5.1 17.3 495,043 6.68 2.4 9.2- 110,271 6.68 3.3 3.3 September 103,943 6.66 3.5 20.8 188,452 -6.66 0.9 10.1 89,698 6.6 6 2.6 5.9 .0 October 81 1 3 ,163 4 1.7 22.5 5bdj 203,501 4 0.6 10.7 - ------- - 28,652 4 0.5 6.4 November 130,423 4.07 2.7 1. 25.2 Ili 282-` _R! ZT.4 756,286 4.07 2.2 12.9 1.7 8.1 December, 37,245 5.37 1.0 26.2. 2 V. 11 .193,297 5.37 .0.7 13.6 0.9 9.0 January .38070 , 6.26 1.2 1 27.4 IlF L 183,314 1 6.26 0.8 14.5 0.0 9.0 12 Month Floating PAN Load 27.4 14.5 (lbs/aclyr): 9.0 Annual PAN Load Limit F-1 270 (lbslac/yr): l 299 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE _MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR)' Page 3 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: July Year: 2017 Field Name: 5 ! FieldtName i 6 �;_ Field Name: 7 FieltluName CH i 48' Field Name: 9 Area (acres): 0.78 77Area,(acres) { 71rg'4)' ,t °'g Area (acres): 1 AreaR{acres) 2 59 Area (acres): 0.79 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda 3 . Co3erCrop ( �G BermtJda, f Cover Crop: C.Bermuda tit CoverCropi ` C' Bermutlar " Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN Load4Type i iPANu ` Load Type: PAN Load Type I FAN J Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? fires ONo g, IFieldf ad }IDLES ` ;�No'., j Field ' Field Loaded? pYEs Elmo iFieldJ•Loaded7r;' DYEss" ONo Field Loaded? ❑Yes �No a o.C. na,°paI`0fc ! a;aa zd z n d° a DQ :° ° °' aJO QaG7 >c-. J °dQ A aR C l? ❑.l6+ ,19V E: 10 J �T°to B C. °; _ o a a ° m ° a> Q QEZ _ > y > Q C Month gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac v! mglL Jhs/ac; Ibslac; gal mg1L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac ^_ gal, i, mg/L Ib _ slac '�Ihslac gal mg/L• Ibs/ac Ylbs/ac February 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 11,0;70,7 !' 3'29' 1:6 , ti1�6; ; 66,503 3.29 1.8 1.8 �fQ ; j,7 29 0.5:.. 0. 3.29 0.0 0.0 March 0 3.88 0.0, 0.0 37,137r 3 88 0 6; 223 16,$80 3.88 0.5 2.4 i33,662 : ` 3 88' ''' • 0 9, .' 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 April 0 4.21 0.0 .0.0 1g2 704,; 4.21, 3i5 9 5,7,'„' 104,333 4.21 37 6.0 2111432=s 4 21` 2 9 : 3 8; 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 May 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 169964 !. 3v311" , 2 4 F _,,81 ; 68,720 3.31 1.9 7 9 122 037_, , _331t f, 13r,•, 5 T 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 June. 0 3.86 0.0 0.0 '-332 37,9 I, 3'86,' 5s5 i i 13 6 130;918 3.86 '4.2 12 1 '408'521_ 3"86; ; 5 1 , } 10-2' 0 3.86 0.01 0.0 July 0 5.88 0.0 0.0 Q ; l 5'88� , 00; I E 1;3 6 0 5.88 0.0 12.1 ;;58�270 ? E 5{'88Y i i 1;1! t 1F1j 3 0 5.88 0.0 0.0 August 39,314 6.68 2.8 2.8 1lO13,'112T� '6w68i , 3` 11 s 1,6 7 49,141 6.68 2.7 1.4.9 - 0 0.68 0.0 0.0 September 29,774 6.66 2.1 4.9 27,495 6.66 1.5 16.4 F:;16 70,4 1 .6�E fi -; , 0 4' �1s9.6 . 4,522 6.66 0.3 0.3 October 19,101 4 0.8 5.7 . 52,527i K 4f c 0_9 i' 18' 9:: 22,006 4 0.7 17.1 56',,63$ , 4^ , . 0 7. 12 3,' 0 4 0.0 0.3 November 11 64,503 4.07 2.8 8.6 17`4';375f i !, 4 07 3 1 ` 21',9_ 108.021 4.07 3.7 20.8 , .l' F�193;397 ! i 2 5, _ 14 9_' 0 4.07 0.0 0.3 ,4 07, : December 24,830 5.37 1.4 10:0 63a042� t ?¢::37a _1i5 23 4 ~ 28';656 5.37 1.3 22.1 ,i5,4 404E r 5.37 ;; •, 0 9 115 8,> 0 5.37 0.0 0.3 January 0 6.26 0.0 10.0 i '`QL. , i z , 6:26t 0 0 ' 23 4 31,769 6.26 1:7 23.8 . ; 0 _ 6 26 1. ; 0 0, . , '15'li; 0 • 6.26 0.0 0.3 12 Month Floating PAN Load `= ; - (Ibs/aclyr): 10.0 t 23 4 Annual PAN Load Limit I •' 299 99 ; 299;.; 299 ; 270 299 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 4 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month': July Year: 2017 Field Name: 10 FieldName g: Field Name: 12 Field Name: 14 Area (acres): 1.33 cr 2.13 Area (acres): 7.55 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda jf rop op: C.Bermu a d v p rnu Cover Crop: C.Berm uda Load Type: PAN -kc,"NP Load Type: PAN 10T a !yp 0 N Load Type: 'PAN Field Loaded? OYES RINO J�tc�q.,�qade :IF d q%'­ .�ESJ, Field Loaded, ? 21YES ONO fielft 1=46d? � F! YES U 1, Field Loaded? R]YEs - Elmo z z < A 4t. �j "0 0 2 0) _j w - - I = ! , 0;., I .; : � :o�, 2 z z CL n, 0 XL N! '!0,7! -, - CL 9x % 0 CL. -0 I` I < 91 . 1 ; �'. !,M, 0, CL CL 0 <• a. < a. 0 a • > ImO Z 0 3 E z ; " 1� , " _:: il:� Cal - 0, 0 Z, to 0 -1 E a IL E E d) z E (D 0 (L IL > > U Month gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac _6976ii�, -, gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac, . [lb aq-,Ab .-5- iklac- gal mg/L lbslac lbsiarl- February 17,838 . 3.29 0.4 0.4 72Z302.711;_,'i3_,2% 7ib'mjj­_Q---_� - 1-:1 58,550 - 3 .29 0.5 0.5 _: - - --T- 11. 71, 3 _�W NOC I' .m 6 14,255 3.29 2.2 2.2 March 20,197 3.88 0.5 0.9 7 147,357 3.88 1.6 2.1 188, 413,9 14 3.88 1.8 4.0 April 100,605 4.21 2.7 3.5 224,288 4.21 2.6 4.7 10, 682,132 4.21 3.2 7.2 May 57,264 3.31 1.2 4.7 F1 " - � ­ , Y 130,953 3.31 1.2 6.0 Q '61 267,838 3.31 1.0 8.2 June 138,368 3.86 3.3 8.1 �'jQ0A7_17'! 483,263 -3.86 .0.0 6.0 !.1 176,534 3.86 0.8 8.9 July 0 5.88 0.0 8.1 Oi '� : _49-,4611 i., 51W 69,924 1 5.88 1.1 7.1 .5, R4, J 282,213 1 5.88 1.8 1 10.7 August 76,426 6.68 3.2 11.3 1 6i68,_, -V� 0 6.68 0.0 7.1 j �O 0 6.68 0.0 10.7 September 10,023 6.66 0. 4 11.7 I-4i 18,809 6.66 0.3 7.4-• 95,336 6.66 0.7 11.4 -October 33,978 4 0.9 12.5 7 E 4, 90,185 4 1.0 8.4 5 676 C 01 0 4 221,298 4 1.0 12.4 November 64,84 3 4.07 1.7 14.2 4 Zi. 53,911 4.07 0.6 9.1 532,696 4.07 2.4 14.8 December 0 5.37 0.0 14.2 j,_,4j_,-`_ - - ----- 77,614 5.37 1.2 10.2 -169,801 5.371 15.8 ,January 81,338 6.26 3.2 17.4 162,677 6.26 2.8 13.0 499 150 6.26 .0 3.5 19.3 12 Month Floating PA N Load 17.4 lbs/actyr): 13.0 19.3 Annual PAN Load Limit 270 270 (lbsiaclyr): 270 FORM: N DMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 5 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County:- Sampson Month: July -Year 2017 Field Name: 15 Field Name: Field Name: 6: 18-A Ar a (acres): 0.97 Area (acres): 2.27' Area (acres): 6.56 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Cove Crop' i G Bermuda;, Cover Crop: C.Bermuda 7j E: --,c Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN :Load_- ,A Load Type: PAN cl,j�ffi Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? EIYES [21NO Field Loaded? EIYEs PINO ""I Field Loaded? EIYEs EINO 2 0 Z. 0, V z z �! z z rL rL (a 9L Ira 0 - , -.I=. 1< R4 I? rL a. --poo'. Ica,' 1,9, . CL .2 IL iL Q > Ad0 >1 A 0- .75 a) to _j im M tM E _j E z E _j E z = , j :, �0 7r 'E' E 2 E < 0 0 0 IL X to!" � Ril ) C 0 11L > > Month gal mg/L lbs/ac lbstac 17 i -_1P r cqIE_l 60 gal. mg/L lbsiac lbilac gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac p -jj_ February 31,443 3.29 0.9 0.9 1. -007, 0 Uq .21,, 0 3.29 0.0- 0.0-. 760,432 3.29 3.1 3.1 March 6,762 3.88 0.2 1.1 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 i7t 365,438 3.88 1.8 4.9 April 19,713 4.21 0.7 1.8 41-NAW17,1 1-�tk 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 791,191 4.21 4.2 9.2 i i.T, May 24,408 3.31 0.7 2.5 0 3.31 0.0 '0.0 00,080&5 -.-a a Otg_ 7 384,583 3.31 1.6 10.8 June 53,662 3.86 1.8 4.3 845zi52' -.� 7- 12,488 3.86 0.2 0.2 � '! ­-,` 279,575 3.86 1.4 12.2 -`4 22 , __ , July 0 5.88 0.0 4.3. 78,Z,_0,Tf: 1. j7jj �0-.­, E 7K.; zi T 5 47.1 .4-4 0 5.88 0.0 0.2 _I: '1 7 'IT 150,860 5.88 1.1 13.3 August 42,575 6.68 2.4 6.7 71 171,439 6.68 4.2 4.4 177 - -Ok.. _,__Q CC' 331,175 6.68 2.8 16.1 September 18,028 6.66 1.0 7.8 5;,4_4­ JdA 108,798 6.66 2.7 7.0 :761.71-1, F 43,431 6.66 0.4 16.5 October 16,375 4 0.6 8.3 65,508.' 4 1.0 8.0 F'k:2f­7V 4!,-:,: [, �Q: ;15y.: 113,280 4 0.6 1 17.1 November .1 35,513 4.07 1.2 9.6 4 tK 129J67 4.07 A.9 9.9 y 7 , 106,955 4.07 0.6_F 17.6 December 11,321 5.37 0.5 10.1 39,869 .5.37 0.8 10.7 .: 1, 1. 90,051 5.37 0.6 -I 18.2 January 11 27,570 6.26 1.5 11.6 19,751 6.26 0.5 11.2 !.f6 � 7,! ff�f` 473,728 .6.26 3.8 2 2.0 12 Month Floating PAN Load 11.6 11.2 --- - --- 2 3i- FWEEN�/�`,F, 2 (lbsiaclyr): 22.0 Annual PAN Load Limit 299 rffd1gEE" (lbsiaclyr): - g 299 200 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON-DISCHARGE'MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 6 of 6 - Did.the mass loading rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? p Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant. If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the cnrrectiva action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. 4: Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification Number: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Grade: SI Phone Number: 919-210-2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible. Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMLR? ❑ Yes 2 No Phone No.: 925-949-0432 Permit Up.: 5/31121 Signature Date Signature Date By this signature, 1 certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I.certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the Information submitted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate,, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 EWO-1—obowtones N ��°' P 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 .Phone: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 Wednesday, August 9; 2017 WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT,' LLC (WA013) Attn: RANDALL JARRELL. P.O. Box 578 Pittsboro, NC 27312 RE: Laboratory Results,for Project Number: [none], :Project Name/Desc: Sager Foods-Mar,3u1,Nov ENCO Workorder(s): CAO8117 Dear RANDALL JARRELL, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Wednesday, JulyA2, 2017: Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, allsamples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative.- This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without ` the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted; all analyses were, performed at ENCO Cary." Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate, to contact me; Sincerely, Stephanie Franz .Project Manager Enclosure(s) FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page .= =SN - COW e —)) www.encolabsxom I SAMPLE'SUMMARY%LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client ID: Sager Foods Effluent Lab ID: ' CA08117-01- Sampled: 07/12/17 08:30 Received: 07/12/17 13:00 Parameter Hold Date/Time(s) - Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) CALC 04/06/20 08/03/17 15:51 08/03/17 15:55 CoIllert 18 07/UjI.7 16:05 07/13/17 12:19 07/12/17 14:15 07/13/17 11;25 CSU Method 07/26/17 07/14/17 10:47 07/20/17 16:18 EPA 200.7 01/08/18 07/14/17 10:47 07/20/17 12:18 EPA 245.1 08/09/17 07/19/17 09:28 07/20/17 13:44 EPA 350.1 08/09/17 07/27/17 11:55 07/27/17 11:55 EPA'351.2 08/09/17 07/14/17 12:17 07/17/17 15:25 EPA 353.2 07/14/17 08:10 07/12/17 16:48 07/12/17 16:48 EPA 353.2 08/09/17 08/01/17 13:20 08/01/17 13:20 EPA 353.2 04/06/20 08/02/17 12:05 08/02/17 12:05 EPA 365.4 08/09/17 07/14/17 12:17 07/17/17 15:52 SM 254OC-1997 07/19/17 07/18/17 13:00 07/18/17 13:00 SM 254OD-1997 07/19/17 67/19/17 16:50 07/19/17 16:50 SM 45000 E-1997 08/09/12 07/19/17 W10 07/19/17 16:10 SM 5210B-2001 07/14/17 08:10 07/13/17 16:13 07/13/17 16:13 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may, only be reproduced in full. Page 3 Of 5 PVC www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: Sager Foods Effluent Lab Sample ID: CA0811-7-01 Received: 07/12/17 13:00 Matrix:: Waste Water Sampled-07/12/17 08:10 'Work Order: CA08117 Project: Sager Foods-Mar,Jul;Nov Sampled By: Randall Jarrell Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 5911 - Analvte XAS Numbed ". Results Flag Units DF • MDL PQL Batch Method Analyzed - Notes Arsenic [7440-38-2]^ < 6.80 ug/L 1'' 6.80 10.0 7G14020 EPA 200.7 07/20/1712:18 JMV Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ < 0.360 ug/L 1 0.360 1.00 7G14020 EPA 200.7 07/20/17 12:18 JMV Calcium [7440-70-2]^ 6300 ug/L 1 39.0 100: 7G14020 =, EPA 200.7- 07/20/17 12:18 JMV Chromium U440-47-31^ < 1.40 ug/L" 1 1.40 10.0 7G14020 EPA 200.7 07/20/17 12:18 JMV '- Lead [7439-92-1]^ < 3.10 ;ug/L 1 3.10 10.0 7G14020 EPA 200.7 07/20/17 12:18 JMV Magnesium [7439-954]^ 3670 ug/L 1 29.0 100 7G14020 EPA 200.7 07/20/17 12:18 ]MV Mercury [7439-97-6]^ < 0.0990 ug/L 1 0.0990 0.200 7G19007 EPA 245.1 07/20/17 13:44 CMK '. Nickel[7446-02-0]^ 3.49 J ug/L 1 2.20 10.0 7G14020, EPA 200.7 07/20/17 12:18 ]MV - Sodium [7440-23-5]^ 120000 ug/L 1 400 500 7G14020 EPA 200.7 07/20/17 12:18 JMV Zinc[7440-66-6]^ 49.9 _ug/L .1- 4.40 10.0 7G14020 EPA 200.7 07/20/17 12:18 JMV Classical Chemistry Parameters ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 5911 Analvte rCAS Numberl'. Results Flag. Units OF MDL 'P(�L- Batch Method Analyzed Notes , Ammonia as N [7664-41-7]^ 0.11 mg/L 1 0.045 0.10 7G27015 EPA 350.1 07/27/17 11:55 JU Biochemical Oxygen Demand^ 38 mg/L 1 2.0 2.0 ,. 7G13038 :SM 521OB-2001 07/13/1716:13 30C Chloride [16887-00-6]^ 130 ' mg/L 1 1.9 5.0 7G19034 SM 4500CI E-1997 07/19/1716:10 JLJ Nitrate as N [14797-55-8]^ < 0.025 mg/L 1 0.025 0.10 7HO2021 EPA 353.2 08/02/17 12:05 MKS Nitrate/Nitrite as N^ < 0.041 mg/L 1 0.041 0.10. 7HO1017 ' EPA 353.2 08/01/17 13:20 JU Nitrite as N [14797-65-0]^ < 0.017 mg/L 1 0.017 0.10; 7G12034 EPA 353.2 07/12/17 16:48 JL] Phosphorus [7723-14-0]^ 9.2 D. mg/L 10 0.25 1.0 7G14012 EPA 365.4 07/17/1715:52 JU ' Sodium Adsorption Ratio 9.36 [blank] 1 7G14020 CSU Method 07/20/17 16:18 JMV Total Dissolved Solids^ 630 mg/L 1 50 50 7G18010 SM 2540C-1997" 67/18/17 13:00 OMR Total lgeldahl Nitrogen 20 mg/L 1 .0.26 0.48."- 7G14011 EPA 351.2 07/17/17 15:25 ']LJ Total Nitrogen [17778-88-01 .20 mg/L 1 0.02 0.10 7HO3044 CALC 08%03/17 15:55 JU Total Suspended Solids^ 200 mg/L 25 62 62 7G19031 SM.2540D-1997 07/19/17 16:50 OMR Microbiological Parameters". ^,- ENCO Cary certified anatyte [NC 591J AnalAe rCAS Numberl Results - Flag Unitr DF P L Batch Method Analyzed - Notes Coliform, FecalA 220 ' MPN/100 1 1.0 7G13037 Colilert 18 07/1311711:25 ASC FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received, by the laboratory, and may 9nly be reproduced In full. Page 5 Of 15 www.encolabs.com UALIT'Y CONTROL DATA Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods - Quality Control _ Batch 7G14020 - EPA 3005A - Continued Post Spike (7G14020-PS1) - Prepared: 07/14/2017 10:48 Analyzed: 07/20/201712:10 Source: CA10129-01 Spike Source o/aREC RPD Anal Resu Eg r4L Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 0.215 0.0100 mg/ L 0.200 0.00298 106 80-120 Cadmium 0.0214 0.00100 mg/L - 0.0200 8.58E-5 107 80-120 Calcium 5.06 0.100 mg/L 2.00 237 114 80-126. Chromium 0.209 0.0100 .'_ mg/L 0.200 6.000205 104 80-120 Lead 0.215 0.0100 mg/L 0.260 0.000916 107 80-120 Magnesium 5.37,. :0.100 mg/L 2.00 3.09 114 80-120 Nickel 0,216 0.0100 mg/L 0.200 0.00198 107 80-120 Sodium 14.9 0.500 mg/L 10.0 3.69 112 80-120 Zinc 0.216 0,0100 mg/L 0.200 0.00199 107 80-120 Batch 7G19007 - EPA 7470A I Blank (7G39007-BLK1) Prepared: 07/19/2017 09:28. Analyzed: 07/201201713:19 , Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flag POLL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit `" Notes Mercury `0.0990 U 0200 ug/L LCS (7G19007-BSI) Prepared: 07/19/2017 09:28 Analyzed: 07/20/2017 13:22 Spike Source IoREC RPD . . Analvte -Result Flaa P9l Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit, , Notes Mercury 4.81 ' 0.200 ug/L 5.00 - 96 85-115 Matrix Spike (7GI9007-MSi) Prepared: 07/19/2017 09:28 Analyzed: 07/20/2017 1326 Source:CA08877-01 Spike Source %REC - RPD Anaa Result Fla P_QL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Mercury 4.83 _ 0.200', ug/L 5.00 . 0.0990 U 97 70-13.0 Matrix Spike Dup (7G19007-MISD1) - Prepared: 07/19/2017 09:28 Analyzed: 07/20/201713:29 Source:CA08877-01 -Spike Source "/aREC RPD Anal Resu• Ffa P.OL Units Levee Result - , %REC Limits RPD' Limit. Notes Mercury 4.96 0.200 ug/L 5.00 0.0990 U 99 70-130, -3 30 Post Spike (7G19007wPS1) Prepared: 07/19/2017 09:28 Analyzed: 07/20/201713:32' Source: CA08877-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Restilt Rao P4L Units Level Result %REC , Limits. .. .RPD Limit Notes Mercury 5.40 0.200 ug/L' 5.00 0.00100 . 108 75-125 Classical Chemistry Parameters. -:Quality Control Batch 7G12034 - NO PREP Blank (7G12034-BLKi) Prepared: 07/12/2017 16:45.Ahalyzed: 07/12/2017 16:45 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Fag POOL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit. Notes Nitrite as N 0.017 U 0.10 mg/L FINAL. This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page-7 Of 15 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters.- Quality Control Batch 7GI4011- Same - Continued Matrix Spike (74334011-MSI) Prepared: 07/14/2017 12:17 Analyzed:.0,7/17/2017 15:23 Source: CA08117-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte a ult Iraq PPOL units Level Result %REC Limits - RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 17 0.48 mg/L 4.75 20 NR 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike Dup (7G14011-MSDi) Prepared:.07/14/2017 12:17 Analyzed: 07/17/2017 15:27 Source: CA08117-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flaflaci IO Units, Level Result' %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 19. _ 0.48. mg/L 4.75 20 NR 90-110 13. 10. QM-07, QM-11 Batch 7614012 - Same Blank (7G14012-BLK1) Prepared: 07/14/2017;12:17 Analyzed: 07/17/201715:47 , Spike Source %REC RPD' Analyte Result llaag .lam Units Level Result %REC' Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 0.025, U 0.10 mg/L LCS (7G14012-13SI) - Prepared: 07/141201712:17 Analyzed: 07/17/2017 15:48 Spike Source- %REC RPD Analyte Result Fla3 POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 1.6 0.10- mg/L 1.60' 98 .'80-120 " .Matrix Spike (7G14012-MSi) Prepared: 07/14/2017-12:17 Analyzed: 07/17/2017 15:50 Source: CA08117-01 Spike . Source, %REC RPD Anal vte Result Elal4 M Units_ Level Result o/oREC Limits - RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 8.9 D 1.0 mg/L 0.640 .9.2 NR 80-120 QM-07 Matrix Spike Dup (7G14012-MSD3) Prepared: 07/14/2017 12:17 Analyzed: 07/17/201715:53 Source: CA08117-01 Spike Source, %REC RPD Anal a 'Result Flad F2 units Level .Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 9.1' D 1.0 mg/L 0.640 9.2 NR 80-120 2 25- QM-07 Batch 7G14020 - EPA 3005A Blank (7G14020=BLK1) Prepared: 07/14/2017 10:48 Analyzed: 07/20/2017 16:18 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq PPOL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Sodium Adsorption Ratio 0.00 U' [blank]; Batch 7GIS010 - NO PREP 1.131ank (7G18010-BLKi) Prepared & Analyzed: 07/18/2017 13:00 Spike Source '/oREC, RPD Anal vte esu la PPOL Units Level Result %REC Limits " RPD. Limit -Notes Total Dissolved Solids 50 U 50 mg/L US (71338010-131SI) Prepared & Analyzed: 07/18/2011 13:00 Spike Source %REC RPD Anaa Result Mao 12 Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Dissolved Solids 970 50 mg/L 1000 97 90-110 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and.may only be reproduced In full. Page 9 Of 15 www.6ncolabi.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters,- Quality Control Batch 7G19034 - NO PREP - Continaed Matrix Spike Dup (7G19034-MSD1) Prepared: 07/19/2017 16i09 Analyzed: 07/19/2017.16:09 Source: CA08116-01 Anal vte esui Eaq PQL Units' 'Level Result %REC ' Limits ' _ RPD Limit Notes Chloride 47 .5.0 mg/L 37.5 8.8 102 80-120 4 25 Batch 7627015 - NO PREP" Blank (7G27015-BLKi). Prepared: 07/27/2017-11:49 Analyzed: 07/27/2017 11:49 Spike Source - %REC RPD Analvte Resu t HaPOL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.045 U 0.10 mg/L LCS (7G27015-BSI) Prepared: 07/27/2017 11:51 Analyzed: 07/27/201711:51 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal vte ResultElmQL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 1.0 0.10 mg/L 0.989 102 . ' 90-110 :Matrix Spike (7G27015-MSi) , Prepared: 07/27/2017 11:53 Analyzed: 07/27/201711:53 Source:CA08117-01 . Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte FlaFlaq 12L , Units Level Result %REC _Limits-, RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.44 : 0.10 mg/L. 0.385 , -0.11 86 .go-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike(7G27015-MS2) Prepared: 07/27/201712:01,Analyed:07/27/201712:01 Source:CA08187-02' t Spike Source %REC RPD AnaMe Resul Elan PQL Units Level Result .%REC .Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.33 0.10 mg/L 0.385 0.045 U, 90 • 90-110' Matrix Spike Dup (7G27015-MSD3) Prepared: 07/27/2017 11:57 Analyzed: 07/27/201711:57 Source:CA08117-01 Spike Source %REC RPD ' Anal a esu t Elpq POLL Units Level Result %REC ' Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.43 0.10 mg/L . 0.385 0.11 83 90-110 , 3 10 QM-07 Batch 7H01017 - NO PREP Blank (7H01017-BLK3) Prepared: 08/01/2017 13:14 Analyzed: 08/01/2017 13:14 Spike source • . %REC RPD Anal Result Flaa VOL Ur its Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0:041 U 0.10 mg/L LCS (7H01017-BS1) Prepared: 08/01/2017 13:16 Analyzed: 08101/201713:16 Ariae Nitrate/Nitrite as N Matrix Spike (7H010 Source: CA09117-01 Analyte Nitrate/Nitrite as N Resu F a 1.2 � 0.10 Units mg/L Spike Source •%REC Level Result %REC ., Limits RPD 1.25 97 90-110 RPD Limit Notes Prepared: 08/01/2017 13:18 An6lyzed:.08/01/2017 13.18 Spike Source %REC RPD Result Ran PP L 11nLt_g' Level Result %REC Limits. RPD, LiMij Notes 0.57 0.10 mg/L 0.513 0.041 U " 110 90-110 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Pagel! Of 1 5 . M www.encolabs.com I FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS. ' B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. J The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and -moisture content,. where applicable. U The;analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. E The concentration indicated -for this analyte is an .estimated value above the calibration range of the .. instrument. This value is considered an estimate. MRL Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the -practical quantitation limit (PQL):and is based on the low point of the 'call bration.curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples; moisture content. PQL PQL: Practical Quantitation Limit. N The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence (85% or greater confidence) to make a "tentative identification". R Greater than 25% concentration difference was observed between the primary and secondary GC column, The lower concentration. is reported. QM-07 The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSD. The batch was accepted based on, acceptable LCS recovery: QM411 Precision between duplicate matrix spikes of the same sample was outside acceptancelimits. FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 13 of 1 5 - 0 Sample P'reservati-o- n Verification ENCO Cary Work Order: CA08117 Project: Sager Foods-Mar,Jul,Nov Client: WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT, LLC (WA013) Project #: [none] Logged in: 12-Jul-17 13:52 . Logged By: John C King CA08117-01 Conte Type yp Pres (pH) Requir'etiknt , pH Checked / "'.an Control DateIT ' pH Adtusted„ Adjusted Reagent Used/Commenfs C 250mLP+H2SO4 <2 Y ! N / NA Y 'l>'' / NA D , 250mLP+HNO3 12. l�1� / N / NA Y l tNj / NA it Reagent Name ID Reagent Name ID Rea ent Name ID 1 3 5 2 4 6 Page 15 of 15 age 1 FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR)- Page 1 of 3 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company ' county: Sampson Month: June Year: 2017 - PPI: Flow Measuring Point- ❑Influent - []Effluent 2No flow generated ' Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent EEffluent ❑Groundwater Lowering . ❑Surface Water Parameter Code —► r :40050, `01002 ' 003t1U; ;; 01027 009,16i 00940 01034; = 01051 �00927;, : 71900 ; `01067 �• 00610 `00625 ! 00620 00400^ ; 00665 ' N i l 1 , -..,, I L O o �� f °o �f p 71 �+ G I o m s - �{ ! E 1 m ait Y, o �; et ! m z w r z a r' o 24-hr hrs GR;p ` ' mg/L �: mg1L; mg/L mg/L mg/L ` r _ ;%L;-.I mg mg/L i mg/L mg/L mg1L, W mg/L „m;g/L_;-`' j _ mglL su_ 1 08:00 10.5 - — 9: 2 06:30 10.5 9: 3 08:30 10.5 -+ r 10 _ Uj _ - Lr JUJ- 8 - 09:00 10.5 tlJ. ! i; 31 .'_ :! : t8N68 S _ i._ .. :E .. 0.16 ®.02598'.• 9.3 9 07:00 11 101 08:15 10.5 ; 0;_ III 06:30 1 10.5 12 13 14 . 07:45 10.51 ! . _.__:_ L 15 05:45 11 Q',• • r :u ;, - - - Fyn , . i i 10 04:" 161 17 18 - 1 s20 21 11:00 3221 .1 23 25 26 27 09:00 10 p 155 1,- 0 ! 28 06:30 10.5 29 , 30 f Average 0?m - 3t1! OOre 8! 681: i r 7 ` ; -' 0.16 - _ 9.30 Daily Maximum $ 68 0.16 1a3400: - ' I 10"55 9.30 Daily Minimum !- �i]; ' �, �' 3�1f,00 --•I ';8c8� .i t ? 0.16 13 00 % Sr98' 9.30 Sampling Type Recorder ? Grab r Grab s -Grab . f '.Grab,„,1 Grab Grab Grabi Grab Grabp_, i , L rGiaba 3'' .•, j Grab sGYal7 Grab, Grail Grab Monthly Limit ! - .; - - --- Daily Limit:,141!5 0,00;;s Sample Frequency �Gontinuotisi^ 3 x Year i Monthlyr'_ 3 x Year Monthly 3 x Year , 3hx Yeard _ 3 x Year 3 x Year % 3 x Year { 3 xrYear:; Monthly Mo`'nthlyE Monthly 'Per EVer1t Monthly ' FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 2 of 3 Permit No.: W00004268 Facility Name:_ Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: June Year: 2017 PPI: Flow Measuring Point: - ❑Influent ❑Effluent ONo flow generated Parameter'Monitoring Point: " ❑Influent ❑� Effluent ❑Groundwater Lowering❑Surface Water Parameter Code --► jr 50050 WQ09 ": 00929 I 70300 1 i00530r s. 01092 316A1,6; 00931 0 fj w�t.•_ 0 , .. 8 R a nsaT 'ia 0 y > 11 aC m o c w co o ,Q< o rof,II 3 r stll.:. = n. w ,, i0 . '{ N} o F- N (n of i sl'�? iN ,Nl�.' N l�r;.�01. ;l O Qz p Na i O i i_ Q i 24-hr hrs „GPDVi mg/L (;img%L,;j ' mg/L +mglL,„•! mglL �'MPN%r1;00�Calculat'e 1 08:00 10.5- 2 06:30 10.5. — 3 08:30 10.5 __ - 4 06:45 10.5 7 8 . 09:00 , 10.5 '0'. i 3.86 l 117� r791 29F 7.55. _ ., I 9 07:00 - 10 08:15 10.5 t- 11 06:30 10.5 - 12 13 14 07:45 1015 15 05:45 11 = 17 18 19 l 20 21 11:00. 3221 Ot ;_ r — - '•-• -• -- r _ _ -� - - r 231 _ Ti _ 'F 24 � gip. ; _ � - • � r _� !, — � _ , -- 25 27 09:00 10 1_ r !0i — 28 06:30 10.5 4 ;; ;0. 29 30 31 Average Of - 3.86 ► 1ti1,7�00 '.7n9_O,Or-, l 1 7.55 ,29t;00 Daily Maximum f w0—,`,, 3.86 i' 1(1r7�,00} ; i=;'7`9s00'- ` ' "^ 7.55 s3'<00; ^ ' — ,29�00' i+ Daily Minimum ; ;0; 3.86. t; 1}1r7OQL- _79 OOf 25?OOf 7.55 ��3 00%t f ' ^, Sampling Type I Recorder ; Grab" Grab J GFab _ = Grab �_ ,GYabx; .; Grab + r Grab f I Monthly Limit i _ F _ -- Daily Limit: Ii Sample Frequency sCgntinuoUsj Monthly Mopthlyf;l 3 x Year %Monthly i 3 xYear i-'Monthlyf j Monthly ' jMonfl ly..1 ORM: NDMR 08-1.1 'NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT.(NDMR) Page 3-of 3 Sampling Person(s) Certified 'Laboratories Name: Randall Jarrell Name: ENCO Laboratories Name: Name: Does all monitoring aata and sampling frequencies meet the:requirements in Attachment A of your permit? p compliant ❑ Non-compt If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corn action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification. ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification No.: 23925 Signing41ficial: Timothy P:.Ruby Grade: SI Phone Number. 919-210-2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible -Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? ❑ .Yes No Phone Number: 925-949-0432 Permit Expiration: 5/31 /2021 7 Signature Date - Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the beet of my knowledge. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel.properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, Including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality ' Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-'I) Page 1 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company county: Sampson Month: June Year: 2017 Did irrigation occur I ?Field Name j A^ 71 Field Name: B: FieldlName C Field Name: D. at this facility? Area�,(acres)�j = 39 3r Area (acres): ( ) 8 _ Area�(acres) r 164. ' I 1 Area (acres): ( ) 36.6 Cover Crop C 1iBerrnuda ; Cover Crop: C. Bermuda,Coffer Crop + C Bermuda Cover Crop: C. Bermuda (]YES ❑No Hourlyr<Rate'.'.0 0 25 Hourly Rate (in): 0.25 — Hourly?Rate,`(in)'! 025• ;'.� Hourly Rate (in): 0.25 A`nnuallRate (m) j' ,i 62�36 Annual Rate (in): 62.36 iAnnual„Rate;(m) t; 62 3_6,; Annual -Rate (in): 42.98 Weather Freeboard i Fieldclrrigated?i I;❑Yes ONo , Field Irrigated? ❑Yes pNo i Field Irn ated? r - V.❑No Field Irrigated? ❑Yes ❑NO ,[]'y ° m o rn K m I d v Il t d. i d f rn� EI T >, c �( c CD a v tm E a� �. i d a. Ir al a� + E o� am a rn E a� m c� = m �� 0 L a o o Ofr. ti E w.t+ oa 1 E,lo�r EIS " m'�' +�Io' m E°' mw as E�° �,c. oc Eo'v i Em• y"d,?' of Ems+ ae 1loa,.c;. ;E1�ol: Em d°; a,c oac Ewa �,a( d .. m a s o a 61 I p(o x o �a,,, L rOf p a� o C j= .` ca° 0 a, !} p a,. i rnl o, mI• o} m p} t I Em a rn 'm a R x o as E E ` W i0 ca % Q" I a i mt S' J c ,�f J i > Q 0 S O J J Fri `t > > Q: - , d]t- S O D r. c > Q Q o cm S o -' -' a v °F in ft ft gal ` ( min m gal min, in in gal„: f min r iinl i m gal min in in 1 PC 81 0.82 4.33r._•--.- 2 PC 76 0 4 ;-- 3 PC 82 0 4.43 — - 4 PC 79 0 4.48 7 f � —' - :- 8 CL 64 0.58 4.52 i 9- C 71 ' 0.03 4.56 10 C 79 0 4.63 I - 11 C 79 0 4:67 12, 77 14 ' "PC 80 0 4.75 ( 1 �; 15 ' PC 80 . 0.01 4.79 , r I ( r 16 r7_7 18 19 - r - 20 1 r — 21 CL 77 1.21 4.81 E 22 23 24 25 e { r it 26 27 PC 81 0.71 4.83 28 C 74 0 4.88 wA 29 77 30 ; 31 j _- Monthly Loading: 0:00 0 0.00 12 Month Floating Total (in)—OCOOr._.i 0.00 i <.OF00 "'' -;000'- ` FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-i) Page 2 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek"Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: June 'Year: 2017 Did irrigation occur Fli 'Field Name: 2 L Field Name: Area (acres): 3.28 Area Area (acres): at this facility? . CoverfChop? a: Cover Crop: C. Befmuda ,-,-,- Bermuda: Cover Crop: 71YES EINO 7 2 Hourly Rate in 0.5 LC Hourly Rate (in): Annual�Ratei(n) Annual Rate (in): 50.64* 1 Annual Rate (in): Weather Freeboard Field Irrigated? E]YES EINO J Irrig FieldIrrigated? E:IyEs EINO Y 0 .2 0) CL w �6111 6! nb!' V tm E 0) > d C1 cc .2 P No"'O", �1 E e 'a g ca Z, E m �OL" E _(D E .2 W E E CL ;9 0 CL M `5 101 'Ict .2 0 CL i..- P 0 0 Cc 0 , , I I ff _ . , � A . 7.4 I , I 0 0. tM P,.r C1 to 0 w cc > X > 0 cc 0 i- a. L6 !L. OF in ft ft ---------- ';in 9 al min in in 9A ini jK"_ gal min in in I PC 81 0.82 4.33 '45 " 43,492 60 0.50 0.50 21 PC 76 0' 4 7 . ..... I 3 1 PC 82 0 4.43 PC- 79 0 4.48 6 _,V: 7 8 CL 64 b.58 4.52 C 0 52, T , r r 9 C 71 0.03 1 4.56 10 C 79 0 4.63 71 E__ III C 1 79 0 4.67 12 7- -1 13 14 PC 80 0 4.75 F7, C4Q 15 PC 80 0.01 4.79 Y T 16 IF 7; 171 1 _7 18 • 19 -7 20 T_; 21 CL 77 1.21 4.81 22 23 r 241 1 Ta 25 F� 26 i '77- 27 PC 81 0.71 4.83 W r-- 28 C 74 0 4.88 -7 7, 29 t _2 i 7 j F�n 17.�777 'T 311 1 1 '1 F"_ 71F 11", Monthly Loading: 1114UIW.IfT�, F;0 0. 5 j55 0 0 .00 12 Month Floating Total fln1:1 V­ VZZOO, FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-'I) Page 3 of 7 Permit No.: W00004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: June Year: 2017 ' Did;irrlgation FieIdlName, I 4' Field Name: 5 FieltlrName d 67 Field Name: - 7 occur this facility. Areas (acres)r 1 89r Area (acres): ( ) 0.78 ! A`rea acres ( ) r 1 94 Area .(acres): 1' at Coven Crop" r ;C ;Bermuda Cover Crop: C. Bermuda C,ovtierCrop ; C Bermuda+ Cover Crop: C. Bermuda - Yes 0;5?; HourlyRate m 0.5 Hour•1 1Rate, m ' } _ ;0 5s Hourly Rate m 0.5 -]NOHourlyrRrate.'(ih), Annual Rate (�n)' 9�37 Annual Rate ('in): 9.26 Annuals Rate�;(n) j I V 36 77f- r . ,Annual Rate (in): 27.73 Weather Freeboard Field; Irrigated?3' ❑Yes �No':� Field Irrigated? ❑Yes ❑No i rFieldl lrrigat'etl7; r YES `,❑No, I Field Irrigated? . - ❑vEs ❑No ° �, °' % c 0) ' a>E °_a C �U .. E. >,EL c 'Jrn E,° y=oA° ❑>c�, _ CL o >,a m a a `. b ❑! �a (aEM K w > 0 =JIraJd Q2 °F in ft ft gal min in in gals`; I min ih, m> gal min in in = 1 PC 81 0.82 4.33 i :� ( 44;64h, 6Q! ! r 0`:85e, ?-;0 85, 1. 16,740 60 0.62 0.62 2 . PC 76 0 4 - =' ' _ - = 40,136 _' 60;_.- 0 76 ,14,133 60 0.52 0.52 3 PC _ 82 _0 4.43 '4.48 •'. 77 . 16,626 60 0.61 0.61 4 PC 79 0 , , �•; 4D,67 ,; 60;- '> 0'7T �0 7r7., 19,902 65 0:73 0.68 5- 7--- - -- -,;-- - _, _ 6 7 - 1 8 CL 64 0.58 4.52 I r - - ;-- 19279 60 071 071 9 C 71. 0.03 4.56 y ( 4'1',326 60) '0l7r8� l 20,686 60;, 0.76 0.76 Osr78 10 C 79 0 4.63 _ -- r --- -- - I _ < , a-- • 42,80T.. l . 60 0:81 + ; . 23,552 60 0.87 0.87 111 C 1 79 0- 4.6726'494., 43; 13 14 PC. 80 • 0 4.75 t 25,97IF-7 rL049i 4' 42 r 0 49 ' _ 15 PC 80 0.01 4.79 - - 26,221i- 1 43 - 0501 - 0�50 16,-- 17 r 181 1' f 19 l j;.- - 4 - ;�� 201 1-,,1 I ;.-; r 211 CL 1 77 1.21 4.81 1, 231 1- { - - - 24 d , r a h r _ 25 t4 i 26 ! 27 PC. 81 0.71 4.83 f 28 C 74 0 4.88 29 30 ��: �!. -- }- i� _ - Monthly Loading: 0 ;^_c- r 10'00! 0 0.00 (332?3,79;ti �; 6 3,1� 130,918 4.82 12 Month Floating Total (in): f• - 7f 0,6 :_ 8.39 24 39,+, _24",1'0, , FORM: NDAR-1 08-1.1 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1.) Page 4 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable'Company County: Sampson month: ju,ne Year: 2017 Did irrigation occur Field Name: 9 F Field Name: 11 Area (acres): 0.79 Area (acres): 0.67 -at this facility?Cover, Crop i . C10ermu a, Cover Crop: C. Bermuda 7,CQV0_!,Qr0p:, Cover Crop: C. Bermuda [21YES EINOHourly !n 01,51 Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 4�j: i Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 A6 4SWK j Annual Rate (in): 22.48 Annual Rate (in): 62:13 Weather Freeboard 'Field Irrigated? EIYES [ZNo i 10 *5- EI'Nb,'- Field Irrigated? [ZYES [:]NO 0 CL ca .0j E( C 2D "0 >1 I - . 'u tM E tM a cc E E E .2 Z, E CL E 0 C. 1-b-0) -,I 0 x 0 0 to JAI '1 1 -6 cK 0 0 (a 0 > < _j _j ji; > _j ca _j i- - IL OF in ft. -ft gal min in in gal L ln a min i n in 1 PC 1 81 0.82 4.33 F_11_.`#Q;,,, X -4 10,943 60 0.60 0.60 2 PC 76 0 4 514_� IF '60 10,735 60 0.59 0.59 3. PC' - 82 0 4.43 J 3667,1 F7 -, ".1- 24 10,619 60 0.58 0.58 4 4 PC- 79 0 4.48 V,61, r 10,816 60 0.59 0.59 5. . 6 6 7 V7 ...... 8 CL 64 0.58 4.52 10,653 60 0.59 0.59 9 , C 71 0.08 4.56 E 5871,U897__71 j _4 LA6Z.71 10,671 60 0.59 0.59 10 C 79 .0• 4.63 1 44 T 65411, 1`711_(�§ "T i 10,681 1 60 0.59 0.59 11, C 79 0 4.67 12 131 1 A_ Y 14 PC' 8G 0 4.75 F�_, i F 15 C, PC 80 0.01 4.79 I r 16 A. 17 71 F 18 191 201 1 -7 21 CL 77 1.21 4.81 Jr.. TZ, 22 23 A; 24 If 251 26 27 PC 81 0.71 4.83 5,623 60 0.31 0.31 28 C 74 0 4.88 5,616 60 0.31 0.31 29 G, 7 r- 30 •.,r, 311 1 r- _7 7, --i i Monthly Loading: 17 "A , , '_ Mm = 0.00 j16 -A �V _20E �2 86,357 ::::-.75 12 Month Floating Total (in) _ 2 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 5 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 • Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company county: Sampson TMonth, June Year: 2017 Did irrigation occur 1F�eId Name' 12. Field Name: 13 '..'- Field'Name 14r�~ Field Name: 15 at this facility? - ! Area�(acres) i 3 ___ Area (acres): 2:13 r A Area((acres) € 7r 556 s s Area (acres): 0.97 i CoyerEC'-6p' C Berrnudar Cover Crop: C. Bermuda CCover Cro P , C aBegmuda , Cover Crop: C. Bermuda (]Yes [-]NO _ ; Hourly, Rate Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 , Hourly,Rate Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 I Annual+Rate (m) r 61, 13 Annual Rate (in): 57:54 Annua'Ratea(�n11 6a1t 7,•,2; Annual Rate (in): 57.3 Weather Freeboard Field Irngated,r,,: s, ❑No 9� Field Irri ated? DYESENO"Fielilhlrri _ axed?r gr , ❑' YEs, " �C]No� j Field Irrigated? _ . pYes ❑No ^ a U :'± m. °� w e ° i 9, i E mi b, dw " rn ; >.c E ��. m m Tc i °�� _ " d $ i> >. �a v rn E .. y Q R o >,. a a m! I E, �' - m E m ac =o E � v � E °f; . 1E, : m re a, ; 2 m, R a ern E a m a N ;. , ; t �Q fi '!- �L' ,}, ,�" , �� rpa ! iar Or, p..0 j= .L•_ J a % F ma i �)) Cli� aE_ct, E �: d CD a +_lS - =O > 1 ,+fN 2.J,, Q R 2 J FE-... Lo } OF' in ft ft f gal' 1' mim hn, t i.`_- un gal min in in gali^ I t - min! ih{ ih gal min in in' 1 PC 81 0.82 1 4.33 { 43;7r7c3 h I 60r Ql43 i D 43+ !' .; 4. ; l 7,722 60 0.29 0.29 2 3 PC 1 76 0 4 y 42;940 ! 60 f 0°42+ ( 7,470 60 0.28 0.28 PC 82 0 4A3 42 47�7r 60� 0 42it 7,334 -60 0.28 0.28 4, PC 79 0 4.48 43 264' 60 S 0''43� -', �' -'_ t : i - 7,252 60 0.28 0.28 . , _ _ 8 CL 64 0.58 4.52 42,613 r _60� Or42� 0 42 r - - -- 7,297 60 0.28 0.28 9 C, _ 71 0.03 4.56 42 685r , i 60; ' ' % {0E 42 7,616 60 0.29 0.29 10 C 79 • '0 4.63 j 42726 {60' J 0 42 i t _ 0142 8,971 65 0.34 0.31 111 C 1. 79 0 4.67 '. ' 4.8;90`4,` •j .., . � i . Ot�1i: -- - - .:_- - .- , - - - , - --- ' 141 PC 1 80 0 1 4.75 i 4066613+ „7,.0 , - 0 48t a' x ' 0'41 _ ti, _, 15 PC 80 0.01 4.79 48}7,72' 70 �0 48 0'41�; - -- t 18 _ 191 1 1 C 201 1 t ° t 211 CL 1 77 1.21 4.81Z, 77 23 ! y r` 24 ; 251 1 { 261 1F r - j 27 PC . 81 0.71 4.e3' I f r t j 8�1,,56_9,3 i 6b 0.40r D'37 , 28 C 74 0 4.88 35'44;3 6q , 04 { 0 35� _; ! 94,985r 29 r 30 31 = r - - Monthly Loading: ± 482,263r• 0.00 176,534� I 0 86 53,662 2.04 12 Month Floating Total (in): t.` ii4 24 1.02 17t.93° ; _ 11.49i FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 6 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month:. June Year: 2017 Did irrigation occur t FieldlName Field Name: 17 FleldifName 1 Field Name: 18-A at this facility'?! - A_rea�(acres) 1, 7r 2 Area (acres): 2.27 ` Areat(actes) Si87 Area (acres): 6.56 ,cover {Crop W ! C 'Bermuda, Cover Crop: C. Bermuda' . Cover, Crg�p E! C !Bermudat j Cover Crop: C. Bermuda AYES ❑No r i Hourly Rate«(in)1- OY5. Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 1Hour•1' ,�Rate in _ 0 5 j Hourly Rate(in): 0.5 l AnnualpERate;(in} 58 25 Annual Rate .(in): 9.91 i Annuals Rate (m) Annual Rate (in): r•57.52 i : _ 57f 52! Weather Freeboard f Fieldd Irrlgated3?r j ^❑NES .,❑NO! ; 1 Field Irrigated? ❑YES 2No i Fiel_:tlt Irrigated?=' M ❑� YES_ .❑No - Field Irrigated?. DYES ❑No �. m c L w o a m a� o m _ f as t� ! i mt - �t a+. - 1 m i c 1 6 a»' �i >. m a o rn E �, f m v I t i rnt i, E rn as m a a rn E' M m U a. d = sZ ca -i a , rE 1 ,a, , d, E to II� a ,{ N' 'pf i e 1. E '0 7 E d 3 ° m a.? Epp �_. c 'O' c [ 7C E m ! 7i '' at ;?1 f -Er ilC{ k i �,_ e •p( i C e: E� j 'p E m 7 m E c �p a c E 'v _ c. E o w >, N a( c a; ! F .� r m, Di ,o j x ,y . ! rtd a lo, o a o� 1- ti rt 0 o x o o" Q o a I ,F' °� cvL', ! p o os ok'. a o a i_ ,rn m p o o 0 w a> lA ❑ co a '�. 1 ,. Jf _ :J Q = m= � 1 .c I 1 !; s S 2 � = ro S � _ � �� ,,.CD OF in ft ft gapJ , j , minl ! - i'tn; ; I A_, ! gal min in - in ; galt_ _m_ri i in' m; gal min in in 1: PC 81 0.82 , 4.33 68,423 60 0.38 ' 6.38 2 PC 76 0' 4 31 A43 't 60, ? Q16__- 66,376 60 0.37 0.37. 3 PC - . 82 0 4.43 17.0 5,1'4 ++ 60< 0 36,E. 0` 36' . ! • • � 84,413� 60! 0 _3 4 '.-PC 79 0 4.48 74',455 ( 60� 0;38 -0 38 ij 8 CL 64 0.58 4.52 -'_ _ _ j _ _ _: _ _ E l Y8133 ' r6QL0? 34 • ,;1_: 0 34 9 C 71 0.03 4.56OM33,'1 __is0 ,, r . +0`;34� ; r r:0+34 10 C 79 0 4.63 70�2111 6p' t _ 0l36, f: 0 36Y 79,682; :0l331 , j 11 C 79 0 1 4.67 _94 4,07. ' _ ( 8pf '' __ 044$r s 0°34 0 34 ; 12 - - - I. _ 13 14 PC 80 0 4.75 94�141! .801 it .4481 ,A` : 0;361 : _ 4 107 383� , t f80t , I a0.45 ; s i 0 33 15 PC 80 0.01 4.79 94` 8:54" f $Qi -' C 'Q! 49r t - k. 36 .' } 1i16,9.9_Qi , I '90! ' , .Q?49; : Y, `„ ; 0.32 16 1 -- _ f -- i- : - - !.- 18 ---- 191 j- 201 1- 21 CL 77 1.21 4.8124 22 23 1 s r 25 hJ 27 PC 81 0.71 1 4.83 l .. ' 90,t , r • . +Os_491 <;0 33 _ ~ 74,408 65 - 0.42 0.39 28 C 74 0 4.88 92r701� 1 i 75 1 O 47 ;' ,0,?38'• j - 113 617 � K 70,368 60 0.40 0.40 29 ,6- ,1; 30 f� 't - 't 31 - r ! Monthly Loading: ! 8,4'5 523f'( 4f33f 0 0.00 r 940,460 1 t 3�90 ! 279,575 1.57 12 Month Floating.Total (in): ! .23 3ry1i c 9.73 20631") 22'.361 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON=DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT'(NDAR-1) Page 7 of Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment. B of your permit? p Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? p Compliant p Non -compliant Was a sultable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? 0 Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Were all setbacks listed in your permit maintained: for every application to each permitted site? p Compliant p Non -Compliant Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the"specifiedfreeboard heights in your permit? p Compliant ❑ Non=Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee `Certification ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification No.: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy-P. Ruby Grade: Sl Phone Number: 919-210-2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDAR-1? 0 yes 21 No Phone Number: 925-949-0432 Permit Exp.: 5/81/21 C_ Signature Date. Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report Is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 1 certify; under penalty, of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared and-.r my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated theinformation submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and -Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality" Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699.1617 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 1 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268. Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: June Year: 2017 Field Name: A (-FieldrName f ;V IB, --) Field Name: C• Fieldi'Name Field.Name: Area (acres): 39.3 Areak(aores) q 8 Area (acres): 16.4 Area acres j 36;6, Area (acres): Cover Crop: C. Bermuda Cover Crop' I C tBermudal ,; Cover Crop: C. Bermuda 1 _ Cover,'Crop; I C Bermuda! f Cover Crop: Load Type: PAN Load Type PAN, Load Type: PAN L'oad!Type_ PAN:W Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? Oyes Dyo F;ieldiLoaded? I'OYEs pn�g,, Field Loaded? ,OYES 21No - Field, :0No,jl Field Loaded? Ores []No . d Z zC o zm a s ° a amm>m.. a° a z ro aao in a d J ZEZ � roJo and oa�e 'c zJ . E E°oa oo > '0,° ' o ° C) o A C.a a� ao Month gal mglL lbslac Ibslac gal, ' ,mg1Z, l lbslac Ibslac gal mg/L Ibslac Ibslac gaf,. -? ate': . m IL ;(''Ibslac, g > gal mg/L lbslac Ibslac , Ibslacr February 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 Oi ' 3 29 _ ..3.29 0.0 • 0.0-.0'' 0! March 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 ,Q,• ! 3 88 0'0; i 0� 0 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 r� Q April 0 4.21 0:0 0.0 ' Oi _ ' 4'21 '� OpO: ,I OAj 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 0 Q!0 . - Q;0' May 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 0 3.31 -0.0. 0.0 y" 0' '' ' 3 31, ; ;- D 0 June, 0 3.86 0.0 0:0 0 3 86� , 0 0, + 0 0 . 0 3.86 0.0 0.0 _7-K74.0} July 0 6.8 0.0 0.0 01. ' 681 0 0' , J - ( D0; 0 6.8 0.0 0.0 - - - 0 _-. 68+ ;!' 0000 ' , August 0 6.68 0.0 0.0 0 i6'68j 0.Oi 0;0'1 0 6.68 0.0 0.0 • i 6' 68.. ; `- O:Or `• September 0 6.66 0. 0.0 . , , , 0 6.66 0.0 0.0'6 "0 66 .0:0 October 0 -4 0.0 0.0 0 4 P 00` A:0? 0 4 0.0 0.0 �- 0.';- 4, 00 0.0;-' November 0 4.07 0.0 0.0 4 0,7/ , 0'0 0 4.07 0.0 0.0 December 0 5.37 0.0 0.0 ( 0 ~I' 5t37 0 5-371 0.0 0.0 r _w Q :5 37, : }` 0 0 = January_ 0 6.26 0.0 0.0i6!26 - -- 'r 00 0;0,' 0 6.26 0.0 0.0 12 Month Floating PAN Load 0'0 0 oJ_. � -- (Ibs/ac/yr): 0.0 0 0`- 0.0 Annual PAN Load Limit Ibs/ac/ r G - FORM: NDMLR 08-1.1 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 2 of 6 Permit No.: W00004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: June Year., 2017 Field Name: 1 FieldfName' I 2' ` ; Field Name: 3 Fieldi+Name' {Y Field Name: 4 Area (acres): 1.64 Area (acres) :3 23S Area (acres): 11.62 �' Are,(acres). Area (acres); 1.89 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda CovertGrom ,7 Bermuda) . ; Cover Crop: _ C. Bermuda E .. Coffer Crop I Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: YP PAN `Load T e'' YP 'PAN Load T e: YP PAN i= LL L'-oadiT e Yp.._ I I Load Type: YP PAN Field Loaded? -RITES ❑No Fieltll Loaded?a Es ❑No~ Field'Loaded? prEs ❑NO �J FLeIdliLgaded? ; ❑res L7No Field Loaded? ❑rEs (]No iQi o o Z° I Z Z Z v �.id m a n Q % a o .>- c a I� a a '.. a Qa +. �J - ' 1 '>;m J > •+- = . c y_ J Z -= E �> Qo Z > Qdate. vV c°� > >Oc ao c Qa..R v a , Month gal ` rrig/L Ibslac Ibslac r . ,galY"' ngl,L , ,Ibs/.act Ellis/ac,( gal mglL Ibs/ac Ibs/ac .�' gal .. ;-;mglL; Ibslac `Jbslac' gal mg1L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac February 152,474 3.29 2.6 2.6 220,34:1 329 j 1:91 ,. ,1, 9; , 1,005,840 3.29 2.4 2.4 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 March 105,274 3.88 2.1 4.6 255,D;71i, 3:88r 26' 44', i 559,344 3.88 1.6 3.9 - �`! _' 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 April 761. ,458 . 4.21 1.6 6.3 148;560 $i21 1�6 , ! 6.q' - 472,202 4.21 1.4 5.4 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 May 96,268 3.31 1.6 7.9 208 5.79 3'.31 F7j787. 292,948 3.31 0.7 6.1 - " V - `- 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 June 222,371 3.86 4.4. 12.3' 43 492 _ „ 3'86 „Q4' 8.3., 0'. '_3.86' 0.0 6.1 0 3.86 0.0 0.0 July 113,317. 6.8 3.9 " 16.2 1'84,14D , 6a8 , 3 2' 11:5` ; 552,420 6.8 -2.7 8.8 i - - - - 0 1 6.8 0.0 1 0.0 August 148,687 6.68 1 5.1 21.2 ,, $Z2_j'5672 _fi 68 ' r` .5:6° _; ;. 1;7.q 495,043 6.68 2.4 11.1 ! . `, - 110,27.1 6.68 3.3 3.3 September 103,943 6.66 3.5 24.7 1180;;336i' ; 6;;66, , , 3,'1j 20.;1t 188,452 6.66 0.9 12.0 u , r, F _ _ i 89,698 6.66 2.6 5.9 October 81,163 4 1.7 26.4 1,44;880; ;,;:� 4SVr.21[6'' 203,501. 4 0:6 12.6 28,652 4 0.5 6.4 November 130,423 4.07 2.7 29.1 282,584 ; , 4 A,71 , 3 0 24'.6' ' 756,286 4.07 2.2 14.8 ' 95,755 4.07 1.7 8.1 December 37,245 5.37. 1.0 30.1 r SO 699i _.. 15 37� ' r 111; 25 7a 193,297 5.37 0.7 15 6 - I �' r 37,245 5.37 0.9 9.0 January 38,070 6.26 1.2 31.3 82',599i �6.26 ( 1r.31 W'Vl 183,314 6.26 0.8 16.4 0 6.26 0.0 9.0 12 Month Floating PAN Load (Ibslac/yr): 31 3 27:11 16.4 Annual PAN Load Limit (lbs/aclyr): 270 "- ;;2,70%001 _ 270. )0 -- - f299!00} i- 299.00 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page S of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Veget -able Company County: Sampson Month- Juno Year: 2017 Field Name: 5 Field Name: 7 J'QdMame" Field Name: Area (acres): 0.78 A + Area (acres): 1 Aria -g! Area (acres): 0.79 Cover Crop: C.BerrTiuda j 9v ar Cover Crop: C.Bermuda igov6vidi'oii Bermuda ; Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN _:Load. Typ. -.;% PAX Load Type: PAN iP _�lq! Load Type: PAN Field Load'd'i e . DEs 2]No ,Field`Loadedf?, Yes icNg^ Field Lbaded9 2YES ONO Field'Loaded ? Ares EINO 2 z 0 z .2 z z Z' Z co CL < 9L t3 n- V 0 L CL 0- rL 'CL 'CL" ' a:, W'S '-Z < a.. 4. , M M IL < (L > of r_ Q 0 .=(C! (d 1;5 o ,1 't3" Z' OS 0 E E 20' 01; . 'U E -J E f -J: 'E - 0 E z 0 01 0 01 < 0 0 IL U 1" U Month gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac !V� I gal I mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac 17 L f6siir_.,. I gal mg/L lbs/ac I lbs/ac February 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 66,503 3.29 1.8 1.8 1 v2g:;` &S 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 March 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 :_,fti,37 fA I • AM', i L 16,880 3,88 0.5 2. 4 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 April 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 192 411 '-3 .7 104,333 4.21 3.7 6.0 2;9 - 31.8; 0 4.21 0'.0 -0.0 May 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 j CP,.96_477 68,720 3.31 1.9 7.9 ! 1 7 0 3.3.1' 0.0 - 0.0 June 0- 3.86. 0.0 0.0 .3 130,918 3.86 1 '4.2 U.1 7 gf -7 0 1 3.86 0.0 0.0 July 0 6.8 0.0 0.0 0 6.8 0.0 12. 1 o 6.8 0.0 0.0 August • 39,314 6.68 2.8 2.8 71 f- 49,141 6.68 2.7 14.9 1 0 6.68 0.0 0.0 September 29,774 6.66. 2.1 4.9 43 9Q8, 1 6 66, 1 3 F--- - - 'j' T!'j - 27,495 6.66, 1.6 16.4 6-,�,7,b 4,-` 3.167EF6, V 204'_ 1 i 4,522 6.66 0.3 0.3 October 19j101 4 0.8 51.7 52- Z?jj'-4- '5 - it, '0" -'8;,9,,- 22,006, 4 0.7 17.1 f%_,$&,_6__T 0 4 0.0 0.3 November 64,503 4.07 2.8 8.6 1 9"1 TA 0' ' 1 ? -4.07 3.7 20.8 9 3`6f, 4,bf 13�$, ]1 0 4.07 0.0 0.3 December mb'er 2 830 5.37 1.4 10,0 ILA "�T;_.JV5KT '2 W,4_�1 28i ��O2 )5 6 , I -.5.37 1.3 221 �W4- c-' i Ty '5z . I 1 'j 5:37 0.0 0.3 January 1 0 6.26. 0.0 10.0 F­ 7- 1 01� �tj -�6`261.'T n I , _01Tj.. F_ -*, �') ,, 6; 31,769 1.7 23.8 l; ;6r2&;l �DO. .14.7, 1" 6.26 0.0 0.3 12 Month Floating PAN Load (lbs/aclyr): 10.0 M2.��'41 t6.261 2, 3.8 14 T,0.3 wi Annual PAN Load Limit 299 (lbsiac/yr): 299.60 rAfmm 299.00 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 4 of 6 Permit No.: W00004268 • Facility. Name: Sager Creek -Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: June Year: 2017 Field Name: 10 Fleld�Name' 1'1t Field Name: 12 Field+`Name ( Field Name: 'v _' t . 14 Area (acres): 1.33 _iAreae(acres) 0 67 ^Y� Area (acres): 3 I";T' Area:(acres)�!ry 2 93, Area (acres): 7.55 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda I Cover CYop i C {BermucJati Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Coy®r Crop j C Bermuda..; Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN ;Load Type ' PAN: _' `� Load Type: PAN _ Load Type ° PAN Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? AYES ONO Fieltl Loaded? Iices ONo; Field Loaded? 01 ES ONO ,i1 !r'Q°e, ,ON Field Loaded ? ONO11. E-°lS_0 ❑�Tt m Z Z. I Z�Q!��_ ... o , �,...•..l�9- Z Z> c a c a' a ac ad ¢ � ' rL >a¢> Q Z mI t" 1 i•o s l,°. 6 a OC 9 J p.J wc�` � ltl r J dd J0 > ae = i e £L v m J�1 V a e_ Q, ° . Z Q° a °QQ UV II :' Q'0`Va r • o v .VV, . Month gal mglL Ibslac Ibslac a gal i (mg/L 1 i Ibslac} (ilbs'lac gal mg/L lbs/ac Ibslac gal! mg1L,: <Ibslac 'Ibsla'e gal mg/L Ibs/ac- Ibslac February 17,838 3.29 0.4 0.4 22 362 3i29 ' 0 9 I 09 58,550 3.29 0.5 0.5 0 ' 3 29f + = 0 0 : i , A 01 614,255 3.29 2.2 2.2 March 20,197 3:88 0.5 0.9 32 4611 3 SSa 1;:6 , 2.5 147,357 - 3.88 1.6 2.1 I 413,914 3.88 1.8 4.0 , April 100,605 _ 4.21 2.7 3.5 40;3A2; 4r21; 2:1t 4;6;' 224,288 4.21 2.6 4.7 i 0' 4 21,' ; i 0 Or ' 0 0; 682,132 4.21 3.2 7.2 May 57,264 3.31 1:2 4.7 53 662 3 31 l 2:2 ".. , 6 8, ; 130,953 3.31 1.2 6.0 _ _ 0' " - " 3 31 :. 0 0 . 0 0i ' . 267,838 3.31 1.0 8.2 June 138,368 3.86 3.3 8.1 � 86 357 , , 3 86, 7 , , 4 1 „ 7" 1>t Oi 482,263 3.86 0.0 6.0 ? 0+ .., , ; 3 86"". {.`_ 0 0 0 0 176,534 3.86 . 0.8 8.9 July .59,632 6:8 2.5 10.6 22 362 ; I ,6 8, 2, ;1 9, 12 8 , 0 6.8 0.0 6.0 } 0 ,6 8, ; C. 0 0 . ° f 0:0; 0 6.8 0.0 8.9 August 76,426 6.68 3.2 13.8 49 451i 668i , 4:1 17 0' r• _ti 0 6.68 0.0 6.0 i.. ` 0 66$, ,. J 00: 0 6.68 0.0 8.9 September 10,023 6.66 0.4 14.2 ":4 522' , 6 66,,"; !, ,6;4" I - AL 1!7, 3` ; 18,809 6.66 0.3 6.3 10 552, . ,: 6 a6t `. C 0 3, _ 0 3,• •' 95,336 6.66 0.7 9.6 October 33,978 4. 0.9 15.1 L 35;565 4 1;8, ,,._194j„ 90,185 4 1.0 73 1'`.5676.° 4. r" 01 r` 04: l 221,298 4 1.0 10.6 November 64,843 4.07 1.7 16.7 60,039, 4 07 3 Qf 22_ ii? 53,911 4.07 0.6 7.9 . ;_ 42 725 ; , 4 07: , •. - D 7 ; , 1 0 . 532,696 4.07 2.4 13.0 December 0 5.37 0.0 16.7 '41! 766 53T;; :. 2.8_ 4 2'4'9, 77,614 5.37 1.2 9.1ql _ 169,801 1 5.37 1 1.0 1 14.0 January 1 81,338 1 6.26 3.2 19.9 11r 51 906 t6:26' .4:0 29;0;' A 162,677 6:26 2.8 11.9 0 • _ ;± 6.26-" C:.0 0! 4.0;' , 499,150 6.26 3.5 17.4 12 Month Floating PAN Load- (lbslaclyr); Annual PAN Load Limit 270 7 ' " 2"t 70 O.Ok 270.00 ;..� •- i:270;0p (Ibslaclyr): 270.00 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 5 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: June Year: . 2017 Field Name: 15 F�eId7Name i.� 16 - Field Name: 17 Fiefd,Name �� 48,Field Name: 18-A )4rea (acres): 0.97' r Area(acres) + -,� 7�2 ' Area (acres): 2.27 i . Area+,(acres). ; 8i87 `r Area'(acres): 6.56 Cover Crop: ' C.Bermuda Cover Crop 1 C Bermuda!" ! Cover Crop: C.Bermuda _Cover, Crop C Bermuda Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN Load�T�ype { ' -PAR i Load Type: PAN `' lgad Type PAN _ Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? Ares ENO FieidlLoaded? ' []rEs (]No i Field Loaded? Ares ONO Field Loaded,?` 2v 'ONo Field Loaded? �No p m. 1 c Z Z o Z (. dZ c .weS, _ a ¢ ¢ >_a Q} Z Z c d p O J ¢i in,,C ICr , 'O O J ¢ �d w+ C a R J Q - v d, ++, � 9to ' -tU. 1 �� O J: ¢ >.. d +' IL •p •� O ❑ a6 G> �- O.. d ++ J C E Z ¢ dl I:' i i' d ,U. t I w .1 I CS ' Z' GI ,07 R d i V t O •+ J 7 Z - d d)1.0 ((a N, O I •C J i 7 Z. Q 07 C O y - a R .L-. ..o J p Z > U.. O V. 0. D%! Y ;O O V;a' ? > p O 7 d 7 >I C r, C° O 0¢. = ¢ Month gal 'mg/L Ibslac Ibslac gall mglL F Ibslac,Emmid gal - mg/L Ibslac -Ibs/ac ? ." gal ;'_ mglL (Ibslac, Ibslac; Ibslac Ibs/ac February.' 31,443 3.29 • 0.9 0.9 567034 - ` 3:29 I 2 2 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 i 2.7 gal 750,432 mg1L 3.29 3:1 3.1 March 6,752 3.88 0.2 1.1 i 453 651 3 07T 2 0 4 2 0 3.88 0.0 D O 526 022 3 88 1 9 i 4 7 • •! 365,438 3.88 1.8 4.9 April 19,713 4.21 0.7 1.8 613 541'4 2.1 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 81i8 265, ? I , 4 21, { 3 2 ' ( 7,.9; 791,191 4.21 4.2 9.2 May 24,408 3.31 0.7 2.5 390 371' 3 31 ' 1 5a B:T= 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 , '269,Oi3 . - 3 31• Q 8..! 384,583 3.31- 1.6 10.8 June .. 53,662 3.86 1-:8 4.3 845 523 3 86 3 8 t 1!2.5 0 3'.86 -0.0 0.0 940;460 , ,I 3°86x; j 34 + 12 :i 279.575 _-3.86 1.4 12.2 July 14,908 6:8 0.9 5.2 52,178 6.8 1.3 1.3 i. 0 :6 8 0'0 121` 253,436 6.8 2.2 14.4 August September 42,575 18,028 - 6.68 2.4 7.6 422,705' 6 68, 3 3 15 T ' 171,439 6.68 4.2 5 5 0 6, 68 1 `•. 0 0 1211j , 331,175 6.68 2.8 17.2 6.66 1.0 .8.7 1342'488 6 6,6, 2i6i r 18 , ; 108,798 6.66 2.7 8 2 113,793;, 6,66, 0.7 12,9• 43,,431 6.66 0.4 17.5 October November 16,375 35,513 4 4:07 0.6 1.2 9.2 112 962 1 4: 0'5 t' 18:9' 65,508 4 - 1.0 9.1 222 7<48 ,' F 4 0 8 , 13 fl .113;280 A 0.6 18.1 10:5. , 395365 470T E 1! 9 , , 20g;.:; 129,167 4.07 1:9 11 1' j 574 3J1,'8.F 4.Q7r.-: i 2 2 ': ' 106,955 4.07 0.6 18.7 December 11,321 5.37 0.5 11.0 39,869 5.37 0.8 1109 ( 91 390 5 3T; ? 5; 16 4. ' 90,051 - 5.37 0.6 19.3 January 27,570 6.26 1 5 12.5 19,751 6.26 0.5 12.3 :532;569t . j' 6 26 .0 r 3 9 - 1't315i 473,728 6:26 3.8 23.1 12 Month Floating PAN Load . (Ibslac/yr): 12.5 r 23i6+ MANI,12.3rajmmmw , 19 5;•; 1MINNIA23.1 Annual PAN Load Limit Ibslac/ r 299 ( Y )• 270:pOt I' _ . _ .4 299.00 1200kOQi 200.00 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 6 of 6 Did the mass loading rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? ❑✓ compliant ❑ Non -compliant If the facility is, non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessarv. Operator in -Responsible- Charge (ORC) Certification 'ORC: Randall Jarrell Certification Number: 23925 Grade: SI Phone Number: 919-210-2500 :Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMLR? ❑ Yes 2] No Signature. Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Permittee Certification Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Signing Official: Timothy.P. Ruby Sighing Official's Title:, Responsible Official Phone No.: 925-949-0432 Permit-Exp.: _ 6/31121 d (', 7181 �1'1 Signature - Date I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 PURE ENCO _ rks r9e 4i 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 Phone: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 Tuesday; June 20, 2017 WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT, LLC (WA013) . Attn: RANDALL JARRELL . P.O. Box 578 Pittsboro, NC 27312 RE: Laboratory Results for ProjectNumber: [none], Project Name/Desc: Sager Foods -Monthly ENCO Workorder(s): CA06334 Dear RANDALL JARRELL, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Thursday, June 8,2017. Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, -except as noted in the project narrative. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only -those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. - Sincerely, Stephanie Franz Project Manager Enclosure(s) —FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page 1 w4M.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client ID:. Sager Foods_ Effluent. Lab ID: CA0,6334-01 Sampled: 06/08/17 09:40 Received: 06/08/17 11.32 Parameter Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(sl Analysis Date/Time(s) CALC 03/03/20 06/20/17 14:43 )6/20/17 14:43 Calilert 18 06/08/17 17:35 06/09/17 13:37 06/08/17 15:33 06/09/17 1123 CSU Method 06/22/17 06/12/17 08:22 06/12/17 16:45 EPA 200.7 12/05117 06/12/17 08:22 06/12/17 14:48 EPA 350.1 07/06/17 06/08/17 13:43 06/08/17 13:43 ' EPA 351.2 07/06/17 _ 06/16/17 13:40 06/19/17 11:59 EPA 353.2 06/10/17 09:40 06/08/17- 16:23 06/08/17 16:23 EPA 353.2 07/06/17 06/13/17 11:27 06/13/17 11:27 EPA 353.2 03/03/20 06/14/17 13:58 06/14/17 14:04 EPA 365.4 07/06/17 06/16/17 13:40 06/19/17 16:12 SM 254OD-1997 06/15/17 06/13/17 14:55 06/13/17 14:55 SM 521OB-2001 06/10/17 09:40 06/08/17 15:50 06/08/17 15:50 , FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory,.and may only be reproduced in full. Page, 3 Of j 3 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS - Description: Sager Foods Effluent Lab Sample ID:CA06334-01 Received: 06/08/17 11:32 Matrix: Waste Water Sampled: 06/08/17 09:40' Work Order: CA06334 Project: Sager Foods -Monthly Sampled By: RANDALL JARRELL Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Carycert/f ana4& [NC 5911 Analyte rCASNumberl Results Flag • • Units`' DF ..' MDL PPOC Batch Method Analyzed BJ( Notes Calcium [7440-70-2]^ ' 8680 ug/L 1 39.0 100 ' 7F12002 EPA 2003 06/12/17 14:48 JMV. Sodium [7440-23-S]^ 117000 ug/L 1 400 500 7F12002 EPA 260.7 06/12/17 14:48 JMV Classical. Chemistry Parameters, ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte (NC 5911 AnalVte rCAS Numberl Results Flag. Units DF MDL IPQL Batch Method Analyzed" Notes Ammonia as N [7664-41-7]^ 0.16 mg/L 1 0.045" 0.10 7FO8028 EPA 350.1 06/08/ 17 13:43 ILI Biochemical Oxygen Demand^ 31 mg/L 1 2.0 2.0 7F08027 SM 521OB-2001 06/08/17 15:50 JOC Nitrate as N [14797-55-8]^ < 0.m mg/L 1 0.025 0.10 71`14037 EPA 353.2 06/14/17 14:04 ILI Nitrate/Nitrite as N^ < 0.041. mg/L 1 0.041 0.10 7F13011 EPA 353.2 06/13/17 1127 ILI Nitrite as N [14797-65-0]A < 0.017 mg/L 1 0.017 0110 7FO8038 EPA 353.2 06/08/17 16:23 ILI Phosphorus[7723-14-0]^ 9.3 D mg/L 5 0.12 0.50 7F16014 EPA 365.4 06/19/17 16:12 MKS Sodium Adsorption Ratio 7:55 [blank] 1 71`12002 CSU, Method 06/12/17 16:45 JMV Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen^ 13 mg/L 1 0.26 0.48, 7F16013 EPA 351.2 06/19/17 11:59 MKS Total Nitrogen [17778-88-0] 13 mg/L 1 0.02 0.10 71`20026 CALC- 06/20/17 14:43 MKS ' Total Suspended Solids^ 79' mg/L 10 25 25 7F13007 SM 254OD-1997 " 06/13/17 14:55 OMR Microbiological Parameters - ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591J Analyte rCAS Numberl Results flag Units DF .. POIL Batch Method Analyzed �, ,Notes Coliform, Fecal^ 29 - MPN/100 1 1.0 ': 7FO9024 Colilert 18 06/09/17 11:23 ASC mL FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page 5 of 13 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 7FOS027 - iV0 PREP - Continued , Duplicate (71`08027-DUP•1) Prepared & Analyzed: 06/05/2017 15:50 ' Source: CA04773-03 Spike Source. %REC RPD Analvte Resul FIa4 EdL sits Level Result %REC , Limits RPD Limit Notes Biochemical Oxygen. Demand 2900 2.0 mg/L - 3000 3 30 Batch 7FOS028 - %I/O PREP , Blank (7F08028-BLKi) ' ' -, Prepared: 06/08/2017 13:26 Analyzed: 06/08/2017,13:26 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result"' FlaFlaq Pal L Units Level Result. - %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.045 U . .0.10 mg/L LCS (71`08028-BS3). "Prepared: 06/08/2017 13:28 Analyzed: 06/08/2017,13:28 . - Spike Source %REC RPD Anal vte `. Resul FJa PPOI, Units_ Level Result %REC Limits RPD ' Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.99 0.10 mg/L 0.989 100 90-110 Matrix Spike (7F08028-MSl) Prepared: 06/08/2017 1330 Analyzed: 06/08/2017 13:30 , Source: CA04322-01 ' Spike Source %REC RPD Anal a ResultFlaa POLL Units Level Result %oREC '"Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N '' ' 6.38 0.10' mg/L 0.385 0.045 U 99 907110. Matrix Spike (71`08028-MS2) Prepared: 06/08/2017 13:39 Analyzed: 06/081201713:39 Source: CA04773-01 ' Spike - Source %REC • RPD Ana Resu Flaa P�f 1, UUr Lts Level Result %REC Limits RPD • Limit Notes Ammonia as N ' 180 10 mg/L ' 39.6 150 ' 78 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike Dup (7F08028-MSD3)• Prepared: 06/08/2017 13:35 Analyzed: 06/08/2017 13:35, Source: CA04322-03 Spike Source _%REC RPD Ana a Resu t Flaaq Q Units Level Result - %REC Limits 'RPD- Limit Notes Ammonia -as N 0.39 0.10 mg/L 0.385 0.0450 100 90-110 1'' 10 Batch 7FOS038 - NO PREP Blank (7F08038-BLKi) Prepared: 06/08/2017 16:20 Analyzed: 06/08/2017 1620 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal --ResuIC Faoi: :11301- Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrite as N " , 0.017 U 0.10 mg/L LCS (7F08038-BS1) Prepared: 06/08/2017 16:09 Analyzed: 06/08/2017 16:09 . Spike ._ Source %REC RPD Analyt Resu t'' Flaci P,QL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD ' Limit Notes Nitrite as N 0.97 0.10 mg/L .' 1,00 97 _ 90-110 Matrix Spike (71`08038-MS3) Prepared: 06/08/2017 16:20 Analyzed: 06/08/2017 16:20 ' Source: CA06334-81 Spike ; Source %REC RPD Arialyte Result PLn .' P I its_ Level. Result %REC' Limits RPD_ Limit Notes Nitrite as N 0.96 �0.10 mg/L 1.00 0.017 U 96. 907110 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as, received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page 7 Of 13 Batch 7F13011 - NO PREP - Continued Matrix Spike (7F33011-MS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 06/13/201711:25 Source: CA06334-01 Spike Source -%REC RPD Analyte, Resul p aaccl POL, Units, : Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N _ 0.56 0.10 mg/L 0.513 0.041 U 109 90-110 Matrix Spike (7F13011-MS2) Prepared: 06/13/2017 11:33 Analyzed: 06/13/2017 11:33 Source: CA06460-01 -Spike Source %REC RPD Anal Result Flaa .PQL Units Level . Result %REC . Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 170 .10 mg/L 50.0 110 ' M 90-110 _ QM-07 Matrix Spike Dup (7F13011-MSD1)- • Prepared: 06/13/2017 11:29 Analyzed: 06/13/2017 11:29 Source: CA06334-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Resu Flaa PQ Units Level. Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.54 0.10 mg/L. 0.513 0.041 U 105 90-1.10 4 10 Batch 7F16013 -Same Blank (7F16013-BLK1) Prepared: 06/16/2017 13:40 Analyzed: 06/19/2017 11:43 Spike Source %REC RPD A a e Resu Flaa, POLL Units Level Result %REC Limits, RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 0.26 U 0.48 mg/L LCS (7F16013-BSI) Prepared: 06/16/2017 13:40 Analyzed: 06/19/2017 11:46 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal Restilt F1a4 POI, Units Level Result %REC Limits .RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen -11 0.48 mg/L. 11.9 96 90-110 Matrix Spike (7F36013-MSi) Prepared: 06/16/2017 13:40 Analyzed: 06/19/2017 11:48 Source: CA04763-02 Spike Source _ %REC RPD Anal Result Flaa POLL Units Level Result .%REC Limits RPD. Limit , Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 5.7 0.48 mg/L 4.75 0.58 109 90-1.10 Matrix Spike (7F16013-MS2) Prepared: 06/16/2017 13:40 Analyzed: 06/19/2017 11:57 Source: CA05942-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal e su Flan POL, Units Level Result %REC Limits. RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 17 0..48 - mg/L. 4.75 - 12 99 90-310 Matrix Spike Dup (7F16013-MSD1) Prepared: 06/16/2017 13:40 Analyzed: 06/19/2017 11:52 Source: CA04763-02 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal Result Flaa PQL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 5.6 0.48 mg/L 4.75 0.58 105 90-110 3 : 10 Batch 7F16014 - Same Blank (7F16014-BLK1) Prepared:06/16j2017 13:40 Analyzed: 06/19/2017 16:04 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flau PQL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 0.025 U 0.10 mg/L F1NAL Thls report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in -full. Page 9 Of 13 B D U E MRL N P QM-07 QM-08 a www.encolabsxom FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS The analyte'was detected in the associated method blank. The sample was analyzed at dilution. The reported value is between'the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument: This value is considered.an estimate. Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL)and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and,.in the case:of soil samples, moisture content. The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence (85% or greater confidence) to make a "tentative identification". Greater than 250/o concentration difference was observed between the.primary and secondary GC column.. The lower concentration is reported. The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSD. The batch was accepted based on acceptable LCS recovery. Post -digestion spike did not meet method requirements due to confirmed matrix effects (dilution test). FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page 11,of 13 Sample Pro.se.rva.Uonof i o FiNco Cary VVA,�§ AI T '1ANr�.G>=f� SENT. L C (+ti1i�,AOT3) s Wood in: b-JmTIAT 11 -A Log PFR —0} { � _ On = ���us�¢d rah Y �1� �J.A _ r Y N I NA' I T �Y s 4 rjt f-d _197 il.N _ Page 33 of 33 Pogo I ai 't FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 1 of,3 � Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: May Year: 2Q17 PPI: Flow Measuring Point: ❑Influent ❑Effluent E]No flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent DEffluent ❑Groundwater Lowering ❑Surface Water Parameter Code --► ( '50050� `d 01002 Z003'1,0} � 61027 +009�1 00940 0 i034�''�' 01051 sr 00927� ; 71900 J01'067; 00610 s `(006251 00620 OQ40p" 00665 a E U O 24-fir y O hrs y r 3 o [#._ZGPDJ sf c- ai. mg/L p i s0 i 1- r ?m,g1l;.f E mg/Lc.!ngG�;>` t �I ' [i u= i �= a o#a1 m9/L u 1. _ _? i::mgl4f_ a mg/L ;( ileoi" _ �� ��tng/L di mg/L t I i z [ ! i..mg/L ok, E E mg/L :�a►toii '`t i .,lY ,03,..1 j I is ,; ~ - p �'?mglL_' °�' ,�� z mglL =0 ui Pu-;;su r--;•,mg/L �a o 0 a o 2 3. 09:00 06:15 9.5 10.5 ,;: {0} [';`?O)" 'sj<a r� yj ��s=� a, 4 L I i. ` _ :mil —9ti02 - .�t w : 1 `. f _ _ fit . 7 t r. -•:, ��'a:. Y :'r 4,+i 3 S v ' ;• -] 4_ r ? t�, ; 1. 1 " 9 08:45 10 s 4 10 06:30 10, 71 121 13 IF l _ r 14 I ::air r i - , i-- -� :Y 15 f 01 16 08:30 10.5 17 06:30 10 Tar19, r 777 T. 21 23 r, y -,� 25 09:00 4 F, '! ;, ; F 29;;_� s _ �� ,8°62--? } - _ r - i 0.38 11, . <0.025 13:291 9.4' 26 - f ,-714 _ .2829 0j r +� �� ! r UL 31 Fi. Average: 0.38 9.40 Daily Maximum 81r62�'' 0.389!46, 9.40 Daily Minimum ,0 y - i... _ :_ _ , f 0.38 �;, 1,1r 00, ;; 9- t8:99'_ . • , - 9.40 Sam lin Type: Sampling YP _ _ Grab' _, z SGrab� "I r _ . _ __ Grab ;`Grab _ ., _1 ? : Grab - I _: -_ _J Grab . (, �Grab> -`-'; = Grab . ( GPab ;;; Grab -` :Grab] : Grab Grab; Grab Monthly Limit [ _170, r _ - -- -- Daily Limit 4t1i5v©001 ` r £ 4 . { i - - - Sample Frequency:Coritinuous� p'. _-� 3 x Year 1Monthl ; . I_ Y 3 x Year _Monthl _ Y 3 x Year 3x`Year� a 3 x Year 3 x Year t 3 x Year [ 3 x�Year, ;: Monthly Y Monthi ' i ('i _.Y Monthl Y Pere Event.' Monthl Y FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE .MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) . . Page 2 of,3 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: - Sampson Month: May Year: 2017 PPI: Flow Measuririg Point: ❑Influent ❑Effluent ❑� No flow generated' Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent DEffluent ❑Groundwater Lowering ❑Surface water Parameter Code--►50050a' WQ09 70300 "[ �00530' 01092 3e1�6�16 00931 0000� >, N ¢ E p .' s ` I' tt ,�. ,3 his r;:o %,fit 'y�" C J3 a)f0 a) �— Q Z .°. -. '' �� �` i -� ;�s -j O r "r�2' ,l _ d'C ',g o •- N O y W . . }y, Sh ! �i,m =. 1,�C§s,'G.TC tHW �..+` ^� 1X, U M qp1 r I �•lpl lCi 1'�g of ;`', 1 'x`.G!{ :f.'Oi0, 311.G O �V .7 :3 e w p a 01 w `Id[•� • igao� ., 6- .i�� 1. t" i i ; i„tir - I� r= •. t 1. .. ' 24-hr °hrs ��;,GQ�D�?^� mglL �rlmg/� ;� m9/L f�mglL',;„ m /L '� � ((Calculate _ jm /L_.�� . _:. .__ y^ 71 3 06:15 10.5 4� .( I _.�i 6fi+'t, l l I FA �? L i i 7,.0 2 ' , t x. { 10 •; 06:30 ' 10 - r, 1 12 13 i 04 [77 14 Ell x 4 (rrv{ -- 16 08:30 10.5 • I 0Y , - '�• l „ - - 17 06:30 10 l,x,;<S,Oi .4 '' i. I >.. _ _i. 1$ -. . is-�._t�L4_.�I - f. .,::`:._..`.:t �x+.__-., ,:.'t', f.'a- ,._..as-i' �., t._ :: v �. .. `--• '�._..M,. C._� ..' 4 _ 19 �_„ � . — 20 21 9 FIT 25 09•o0 ` . 4 3.31 r r,12? ('983it 7:94 1t1.' •f [. 26 j0,1 t a p _'] ? y,i tr. w I G g ^i 27 281, - r 29 30 dr z0� r { t u y 5 rl r y C 577 K .. x;r< ^,M t i T t: Average: g ''gip .f 3.31 ( i120,Q r 98$©0 r t I-i_� t 3�1r00 ; 7 941, (00 i._ Daily Maximum y, _ 3.31 ai}22 00} 913 0,0 [. $1 OO v` 7.94 F71ARife- _ A ; i Daily Minimum. &V3.31�1k2{200 980( - 3�.00 7.94. �100' M•_ s _... �, .. Sampling Type ticdrder GrabGr�a6 .Grab- rab Grab G rab Grab twab ` r' y Llmlt. Mo�Frequency: q �� ) N. ., P ,,, E x � s ;I 7 y Limit i`' ` .. ., �.v Sam ley p�Contm*oUs Monthl `iMonthl E - , �Y 3 x Year tlMoht�il '_' yfi x 3 x•Year Monthl 1. r (-:. Y Monthl y FORM: NDMR 08-11., NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 3of3" Sampling Person(s) Certified Laboratories Name: Randall Jarrell Name: ENCO Laboratories Name: Name: Does ail monitoring data'and sampling frequencies meet the.requirements_in Attachment A of your permit?, O'Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant.._ If the facility1s non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reasons) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective Operator in Responsible Charge'(ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ' ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company . Certification No.: ..23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Grade: SI .Phone'Numberf .. 919-210=2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? ❑ Yes, 0 No' Phone Number: 9257949-0432- . Permit Expiration: .5/31 /2021 zs�[, Signature Date Signature Date . By this signature, 1 certify that thls; report is'accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge: " I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a.system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the Crest of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete.,) am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines'and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division: of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 ' NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) . Page 1 of.7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson . Month: May.. Year: 2017 Did irrigation -occur facility, Fielila e� �.Field)NNamC Field,Name: B. a h� Field Name: D. fflA (ecres)� 393{* Area (acres): 8A�rea acres' �( )gyp + 4i6d c , Area (acres): ( res): -- ' 36.6 at this y [21YES ❑NO ° r Over Cro * #,, _.„, , .p & _' C Be muda h', .Y, Cover Crop: P: _C. Bermuda �tCovCrop �r rC; Bermudax Cover Crop: C. Bermuda H ruo lyR(h=y *0'22� Rate i 0.2 4 .... rly Rate (in): 0.25 A uaRaie(h) Annual RaA te3in): 62.36 _ Annual Rate (in :. 42.98• Weather Freeboard e tl Irigatedi❑YFS�NO Field Irrigated? .❑YEs ENO ( �Fiellrrigafetl?f ❑iEs ONo9 j ViT Field Irrigated? ❑YEs MNo ' ❑ .. V L.' d s `. 07 ° 1,_ w ..Q. v I„ 07 8 _ = VEd co ao C Ln. .. v aS} OfixEs ;.'I� IQ .o. a d �w.a-S' � st`° a✓. o 0f,+lq'�wk ; /pI{IYS D7 ~� �' i Y dm} s aYCyy� a!0 �.,n>�t f x. ❑ o; :�"i �. � a E ai fi0 `h'C `L-L. I+ o mJ: SAC +..xi.}.zi.21t ;�� d a d E .� �� Q, O Q - a . d ,4: E a� F— 'C- rn �. C '� v m ❑ O E a� 7 �' O L E a o, m R =' O dk N "� ��E�.A G. C..1�{{i4 ,i aoo r J ! �x i Y � ( N} d{ 'Pal i^� ott i�rt%aOO1ipl� � g Ai i{ y„G"� �: S �eL'-'o W eo +� 1 "�+�' `F "yF xi � a6 �„ 7 tC� �ryi \+�(.rs� ic•I :il, ial 4 } d �. E.� -� a O p G� ,y E rn 7- • T -e R . ❑ O a tM E a X O O OF in ft . ft .,gal mZn m, ' gal min in in gali4FmiF�t _ r ihk Vim} t_' gal min in in 2 C - 74 r 0.67 4 F .: " `" I- Kr, 5 .. i c.- 7 . . �i�,y- r _. ,St�'"`t;� ..>. ��``'s t'' C '.ov"W •y... �d 15.' t `7.t .A I. if^ _ ..... 4-a y S' L'. id't '�i i�...... ." `1 _ .. - L r.. 1' � ry £-,--^- I . _u .. _.- t "_- �1-- i_.:: .. ._ I '1 S: �'{,. �'a�sdk. { .. »' .�._3 l>w^.'i • f...,:'.« Mw. .. _ 9 CL- 62 0.65 4.13. f i p 10 C 71 0.23 4.17Tr _"y' i_ x! F 7_1 121 '1 13. <, 14 _- 15 I ta� i 16 C' 79 0.03 4.25 jf z -17 C 0 4.33 ( � "_ i � 1 Pk` I _ 18iwif� 20 { 21 22#iE,� i_ i! `'tom..>�_.- 13 n . 24r�w..r' "? a 25 . PC 72 1.93 4.25 F ..w 29 .. FIRM110110M Raw���&s` FOR Monthly Loading 0 ���:n 06000 0 0.00:,0 000"3 0 0.00 12 Month Floating -Total Cm): D 00 0.00 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1)' Page 2 of-7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: May Year: 2017 Did -irrigation occur atthisfacllity?��C-u�- ❑� YES ❑No,liou " 'Feld amen ��1 Field Name: ' 2Feld NaMe Field Name: , . , R.Areaacres) p—;,F 64z Area (acres): 3.23 Area (acres): Covere'1Crop k C,Bermudai .{_ Cover Crop: C. BermudatG�oluer, Crop Cr Bermudas Cover Crop: Iy�Rateh(ih (0l5 F^,1 Hourly Rate (in): 0.5,HoC�rlyJ{Rat(in) i T �0?'5, i Hourly Rate (in): Annua Rate nn -_- (fry! T 3 ?i ��Annual Rate (in): 50.64. z '(in, ... , Annual Rate (in) Weather - Freeboardxeldalrrigatedr OYES ❑N { Field Irrigated?. DYES NOIlrrig ❑ d YES�y Field Irrigated? ❑YES -LINO 4% o ►�• Q @ - .a a { Qd t F01 �a ; �o S .{ 'a a -_•,a irn oB Lo x° m o E., It ➢�C J p 6[ oJ, , GC ... Q o ._rnI E ce - ramE' -Jrn 0 0 o : °F in ft ft ag31 'y 3minr S int?Y jp- ing� gal min in '. in „gall _,J(. rminl YFIn7 .,fin; ! gal - min in in 2 C ' 4 0.67 4 e " ` 4:x.. �< s ..' 6 97 j 3 C 68 0 -. 4'.04 (,1}8 Oa 3�60D 40 ¢0 d0 39,027 60 0.45 0.45. 158 ) C;60�_ ( 030� [7,1 -_ - i .�r72, n r a- r 8' F 1,•. .. PSfir ate: ' t __ ...` 9. - CL 62' . _ 0.65 4.13" 1 f7;323 60 0 39' M 0 392R4 37,532 60 .. • 0.43 0.43 :. � )99„'1; #P, �6Ai` c i u`!'t©r3a,, ',q F ?31j 10 C' 71 0.23 4.17 ° 43,412 60 0.50. 0.50 �. ; l 11 12 77 - -. 12 r 13 _ - EMU 15 -: a y7`77� - 1 IS C 79 - 0.03 4.25 i. 2Q 1�2 . , 60 ' ��0 4;5��� ( 0?45� 43,794 60 0.50 0.50 17 C 0 4.33 2U ,68360 v ,© 4_6� _ 04fi 44,814' 60 0.51 0.51. ^, 18 2U 21 i.' g si 3 A i pv F z . y 4 r 77 77 [��i.: 1 s G 221. `" i t A, v7 ii. 23 .. c ix� r - _ 25 PC 72 1.93 • 4.25 %4 t n..� * k S P_.. _ry 27w 1., f y w 28 29 .- . ROW OR Ely ,Pp ,€ Monthly Loading" 6 268 2 16 208,579 2.38 292 94'8 - 0 0.00 12 Month Floating Total (in): 2�50 25.11 9�6_s.4_3 ' FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 "" NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1)- Page 3 of. Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company- County: Sampson Month: May Year: 2017 • Did irrigation .occur at this facility? F�etlNar e s„ Field.Name: 5 r>wFielrlName 6* _Field' Name: 7 Area ( sres) _ ` ' 1 8 ' Area (acres): 0.78 firea(acres) ar1sg94� Area (acres): 1 �- iCover Crop ; i� tC1�13ermutla ' Cove, p: 'C. BermudaCover,�Cro xi C sBermudat' cover Crop: C. Bermuda YES "�NO F. `�HourlyRaYe (�1.h)ti`D'�` ' Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 ,Hourlyr�R�ate(in 05, Hourly Rate,;(in): 0.5 , frArnt aFlate (i1n):�,,937� r J - Rate,(in' Annual Rate iri : 9.26 i Annua mate (in m } 36r71 p .Annual Rate (in); 27.73 Weather FreeboardField Tom'``' �- Irrigatetl? �[IIES(] N Field Irri ated. ,. 9 YES . �No iFieidlYri�gated�? I, r� _ 1 : �YE , NOl "i , _ d Field Irrigated? AYES (]NO ° m E 0 a. N d .—° LD I x' i C E"_ N o E E J d t�f ° ._ ° ❑° _-JE 0 iT E ?vC = 0o=0 j OF in,' ft ft k gal��?',mirn �_ _ %Ih� einT .' gal min in ininl;_.,.; gal min in in "i 2 C � 74 0.67 4 # '1 - 3 C: 68 0 4.04 ,'" i 6 '? 3 2 '',60� _ _ >;0k63 (Oa63 _; 14,863 60 0:55 0.55 5 fin—>..-n_c=.', CC II 71 e 9' CL 62 0:65 '4.13 _ „i,. i!#iiX .�. �g>$ t'a".�nt 't s'v.A.-... „...... 4 31p758k ,.:.�t5....-..l—�z (pJ760; f.� r 0 80� `* ;0�60 ' Cvs . 7:. _.:. _15,552 60 0.57 0.57 10 C 71 0:23 . 4117, ';s ." , s..`. , �; 2389 _ f . '4i01 _ 0,45 4045 12, 890 60 0.47 0.47 77 RI w 7 13 ' I 14 TUL" . i ' f ; ,. ", a r. c 1$ CP790.03 4.25 ' '� i�ry ,r<� t+. y a f 38,4 , ;60} ,tiT'i0 7,c3s w 1 ,0�,73 12,726 60 0.47 '0.47,17 C0 4.33 . u _ :_.. ,' . z...x 'l ..42 629i . r;60r...i [ ' 0 8Ir -wolf, j 12,689 60 0.47'- 0.47 18 20a 21 h 22L i ' w� xl 23 24 25 PC 72 1.93 4:25 a 26i,nus.ba • r v+u',ah,kz. s. J'_,.+.c .k.+ a '"' ..+.� S>,. .5._ w] f� ? � . '� Y .a.. .rtv 27 2$ 3- y'. _q y1 bG+., .a.n. ..vY 1 war. ..:.• k vY7. s ti+ g I_ 3 a ; C. Monthly L 0.00 169;76 , 2.53xoading: 12 Month Floating Total (in):�706 8.39 FORM: NDAR=1 08-11- ` NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 4 of_7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company - County: Sampson Month: May Year: 20,17 Did irri ation"occur 9 at this facility? DYES [:]NO lN ��� � � t8 rt" ����:. Field Name: _. 9 Field Neme � �.�� Fs 1U¢ � ��., �� Field Name: 11 �fi. 1 ArAa cres)�a25 „ F � � „ •:. Area (acres). 0.79 �+ Area(ac>es) 1t33s Area (acres): 0,67 -co�e�cro �� p j .' ' �CBerrttla - Cover Crop: C. BermudaiCou�er,Crop E v,C Bermuda, r Cover Crop: C. Bermuda Hourly Rate (in): •0.5HorlyRa#e�(in)°) Mks y Y t05} M^ L. Hourly Rate, (in): 0.5 ( Annual RaLn ¢ 33 96� Annual Rate in 22.48 AnnlualiRafe m 65 62, Annual Rate in): -.62.13 Weather Freeboard Filc�l rigated? []�YESs "i❑N05 'j Field Irrigated? ❑YES ❑� NO �, 'Fi'elllrrigated?j ❑✓❑YESs ''❑NOI " s Field Irrigated? DYES []NO y v C a a v O , 1= - . En Ea, rn' N'S.G dsp =or �S' C 4io Ijr a `�ad��j x fL:lEd IE xx 3 - rn�, , C O � ` rnOOO CR Xc 3 °F in ft ft C.. , al 9_ minF=ini "fin*in .?; L b gal min m in i . `gal' _xminnnnn� �F, ::�in,1.i i_. In,' '; gal mm in in II R,���n� C 2 C 74 0.67 4 7c. �i 9,685 60 0.53 ,- 0:53 3C. 68 0 4.04 _�_ �L.�.F..- 4 ( F R F yxF '; ti� n _ �1 7,7 5 t``.,i&.:.�...tt.,,,eer#•�ky�.1...,Ii&_�',,... - 7 r[ 6:�C*w,i �,�E. Wes''',^'' L�C+ �+u Y: u � ,^ * ^, Lay1 Y ®%L"S-±i '„5 _ - _ t ., .i .. 8 k..�.?_A.t�..4 i ..,........:T✓, 9 CL 62 ' 0.65 4.13' I`'�+`.+° "�w. '"} ' kt.-. wxB ...:.a •• .'"i.:i . "= ..... a L"'" . , P':i F.-I '1 10 C 71 0.23 . 4:17 39 7p64 i60 ,,00 �� � 5; (,1J3 0361 i F_ _ 40� !•�:�0436� � jn1r0°56t� ' ,10,889 60 0.60 0.60 11 ' [ �'C'i7-7 r u..... F 12 RU r" ;.:, _ } } 13 II 14 FIT; ff 16 : 'C 79 ' 0.03 4.2541�050 F60A {'-• +0}'58j?� ON58 ",i = 20?9t7r6 , f 60r • ' ; , ^t0�58; =i _ �D�585 ,; 10,886 '60 0.60 _ 0.60 17 C 0 4:33 4'1)2230 ;'60,-, + Ou50 �+ , ,065 ,� 23;252 ; [ ;60 _ p_ ;T0�64 t. {0? , ' 10,963 60 0.60 0.60 18 -. 20 �_!i a� .L_ t i� r19 -a 21 s��, "Jr,71 l.=� 22 �L,' - 23 LY'A4.t.x: a 9 24 _;.� M as �' rt�r ., a �_ 25 FC 72 1:93 4.25;xrxxEF'l�_s ate" 26 1. , M".�o-ik w 27 { . z... `;?;` M=.a ".;a L_ i^'' :1 5,623". 60 0.31 0.31 28.,.�1t r a 5,61'6 60 0.310.31 29 Mu W WT F` At WA - - 31 pp p Monthly Loading i22203i174 0 0,00 526'459 53,662 2.95 12 Month Floating Total (in): 1x04!5 0.21A"4 8,77 23 07r' FORM: NbAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT,(NDAR-1) Page 5 of.7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 -Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company.., County: Sampson Month: May Year: 2017 .• Did irri ation occur gArea(acres i 6Fieltl'�N`am� i # 1'r2 a ld N Field 13 FieltliName 1`4�ri s l , i Field Name: 15 -� Area (acres): 2713 'Area /acres " ''a Y 7 55 1 Area acres 0.97 at this facility? CoverCrop`' t Ce Bermudas . Cover Crop: C. Bermuda " over,C,ro ' C !Bermuda Cover Crop; P� C. Bermuda � YES [-]NO 1 Hourly Rate (m)05i ,� � :*�_,���.:�x� � ._.�.`{ Hour! Rate m Y (•. )� 0.5 r M �I'" T Hourly Rate,(m)� �Ot5,� "� Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 n'n�ualRate(in h13 .Annual Rate (in): 57.54 yAntUalf2ate(�n) 6a1 72° Annual Rate (in): 57.3 Weather Freeboard Field lrr�gate ?c )]Yes) ONo Field Irrigated? DYES pNo : iFieldRlrrigaYed?1 (]YES °f'�NO� ': Field Irrigated? , (]YEs., ❑No `_ v °' Q IL .0 � . . E ° m .2 E - ,E m Eo 01 E c o�fi°x=o°=J Isa ' z di lot' IC cexxE E o 06 Ern 0) m oE -E� acs=1)ayd EQ ° m ° °F . -in 'ft ft i iJali' ,mom � ` e+ifit E in ', gal =' min in in � gal miu,.� x'.i!� { :'� _ Su? .':t gal min in in 1 r_F €inr>t a k 9 f5T.a�.l�e d 2 C- 74 . 0.67 4 3 C, 68 0 4.04ar., M FROM F E89 773 „60 lDl4'4`s7 0 44� ; 4 _ R71 n : _..* EDP F 1 77 5 -� _i 6 i . � w � f. �. 31 I ? ^ j 7 ,. $ 'a r',, s ± .fi v t i r `.4 R x ;i - - _,"� ( ',^...,d. Lp.'.T , 9 CL ' 62 . 0.65 4.13 +, K7 6V `;�... PIR-i 10 C 71 -.0.23 4.17 PZ4 6 . '�.4 3 ' 6� E �. .__ - . <F . _ ri".' j i 7,953 60 ;0:30 0.30 11 F ;a � s -s; n , _ .� _ 12 i K a a.i�r - - k 13 !._ �f� 'ice( l.* _�E. r T, 14 16 C 79 0.03 4.25 i 431"545� [ ' 601 �w 0�43} Ot43 a f m j i ; X ° ' ! 8' 60 0.31 . 0.31 17 ' C 0 4.33 F I�43'56671{! AC 1;'. _0 43! = i _.t0443t s ; 8,245 _ .. ' 60 0.31 0.31 18 t �, 3�+ z 19 `r x� . 1 20 y- gg-7 yy N- r 22 . 4 { L ;^� 25 PC 72 1.93 4.25 [ ...; 26 27 y Fes, F' 4 ,, ti ( 4t r y rz 28 29, IN E _ ( kr P11111.1k IF Monthly Loading 1i30 953 991. 0 0.00 x26�/ 838' 1i 3i1 24,408 0.93 12 Month FloatingTotal(in): 1,.02 1s7707, � FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDARA) Page 6 of,,7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility'Name: Sager Creek Vegetable'Company County: Sampson Month:: May Year: 2017- Did irrigation occur at this facility? ❑� YES ONO l4 ;Fieltl Name' s16 Field Name: 17 - = rY FielciaNatne wg r t 18 Field Name: 18-A - - A eat a F s) 7 2 Area (acres): •2.27 = y r Area(acres) f 88j7t Area (acres): 6.56 Et , '' Cover Crop, *..._ fG' 1Bermutlai Cover Crop' C. Bermuda iCoVer Cro _L _ pn ` µC Bermuda+ ) I Cover Crop: C. Bermuda tHourly Rate > 10 ^'I Hourl Rate m Y ( ); 0.5 .. f `Hourl Rate(�n ' ny 4 , )� s ' - Hourly Rate in Y ( )' 0.5 An u I Rate m 58126} Annual Rate (in): - 9.91 AnnuallRaYer in i t 57 52s Annual Rate(in): 57:52 Weather Freeboard << Fieltl,lrrigatetl7 7YE5 []Not Field Irrigated? DYES ONo ;Fieldlrlrrigated? l YesJ �Noi ' Field Irrigated? I]YES 'ONO a ❑ Of o U �. .0 "-' d Q E - N. f-.. 0 .� -. @ .J ii .0 o. $ w+ a) a co,d ❑ �, a ~0 C',„'0' Lh ;E l a t fi .v t v m µ Ri ! .E nog 9'L ' .u'iL A. : rtsf} •,.j �,c ,� � 1 o o .•i�. s Eyy g a darn 01 c {E .. _ o �, .-L' ,off m" o m E . � . a o a Q.J a an d Ern �..c o�" �, c. _ ca ❑.. o E a rn z c E o m x o 10 2 �. J m ;03 z mr jE i l &�c # o a, Y' !P �l 'd o f ai ml 1 ' i m , F-, a , } : `� rn� f .a�,x c l.. ,m b�l , ,pf 1ok r p .; .� E ( i.or a rc 14. yE ,.�t f. lti �i: o l :cox 11O = ;,� -f Jt f am a E . d a . c Q. a m E E F .- .` ._ -� . rn c c'u a ❑ o J E rn o a c E 0 'v "x . o "o 10 = 'J °F - in ft ft galm,n� n? din, ` gal min in in gals, _ (._ imin� 1in1 l•` _)ins_ .4 gal min in in S 2 C. 7.4 0.67 .4 �. 74_„�2�2, i ;.�66� 5 � 11;2 0�:* � N 'O WOSI, 9Q�6 i� � V _ ;60 . i-10?3,8y .: �.. �Or38�,:I 78,723 60 0.44 0.44 ' 3 G, . ` 68 .0 4.04 68 368 ' 60 n 'Or35f o Y� 35 ; r { { b 38`_ _©_3,83 ;: 82,712 60 0.46 0:46 .. ' ' •e .,Y , - la:f. .. .,.. i'...e 6 : . 9 CL - 62 0.65 4.13 �s ,71 541 60 0d37 s !Ok37 : ' " ,46 969 60! j _i'0 36r �; 0 36 ' 833749 60 0.47 0.47 10 C, 11 0.23 . 4.17 C 9 9 . r2--gl t60i _ r „,rwu °`6 3_0 :. ��k30t. t t __ .,, .: 1 ^' _;. 1 - i ± 69,763 60 0.39 0.39 15 16 G 79 0.03 4.25 l 'S8�542, , �ti„!60 , _I. ? 0 30r: 3 0`3D1 ;.'. f ..e_ t.._... i := �.� 69,636 60 0.39 0.39 17 C 0.; 4.33 18 i.. .., i4'. i .j W }:.3.... , 4.. x fr`i r) t_ u f L' }j L 19 = K<_ca''1RNw.w"-_,a ._ a i c;4 u. irk.;' !�. 20 .. M-X.c�� E . s"m . ....1 � „! c x .......,_..} � ,F i _ _ � ! •._._ _ ; i.r_:._ ...: t i,_. _ ::' 21 r�`_ {�:... j, 22 23 24 25 PC' 72 1:93 4.25 i°,. .28 FAIT,,7-7,11 Ir .':P�,�.x:', A. . 29 Ir . Lniyg..`,,'.V�%_,T ...:.tif30Monthly Loading 390;3710_Os 0 0.00384,583 2.16 12 Month Floating Total (in): �98,MEMEM 9.73 1,6�,73 .21 13 =; FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON=DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 7.of 7+, Did the application rates exceed the limits ,in Attachment B of your permit? -p compliant ❑Non -Compliant Were adequate measures taken to.prevent effluent ponding-in or runoff from --the sites? p Compliant C7 Non -compliant . Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in -your permit? p Compliant 171 Non -Compliant Were all setbacks listed in, your permit-rn n ained for every application to each permitted site? p-compliant p-Non-Compliant . Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the -specified freeboard heights in your permit?.. p compliant p Non -Compliant if the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility.was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the, non-compliance and describe the corrective ­U9 fn \ #�Lnn .off—h .Aritf —1 eh..fc if nor—t—i _ Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification, Per ittee Certification,- ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification.No.: 23925 Signing Official-. Timothy P. Ruby ' ;Grade: ' S[ Phone Number: 910-210-2500" Si' . "` ' gning official's Titie: -. R-espcnsiLile: Official Has the ORC changed since the previous. NDAR-1? , . yg . � No Phone Number: 925-949-0432 Permit'Exp.: .5/31/21 I ? Signature Date Signature Date = By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under penalty of lwj, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance _ With a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel.properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who.manage the'system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I; am aware thatthere are significant penalties.for submitting false information; including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division, of Water Quality Information -Processing Unit' 161.7 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617, FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 1 of.6, Permit No.: W00004268 Facility -Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson - Month: May Year: 2017 Field Name: - A Field Nam C !6j Field Name: Area (acres): 39.3 r7KY'7A--fQ x(ac 0� w- Area (acres): 16.4. Area (acres): Cover Crop: C. Bermuda -fqog§r�e?�Opil: C-P I'M qr Cover Crop: C. Bermuda Cover Crop: Load Type: PAN �jdj &-o-j.j & Load Type: PAN ji- 1-da-di L !4 M Load Type. PAN Field Loaded? DES ONODj .1 Field Loaded? DES 21NO Q�q),j Field Loaded? ❑DES ONO z z -4V, 0 z (D F-17 z z CL .2 M: IL 0 j:C, a. IL 0 f CL vJ�0 Z 0 M 1 'r- " M r_ >, cc = 0 cc Ift - 111W al 0 E r E Z 1, f I 10, E w Cj C - z E .11, fr-� � - , .' -9 1z' z E 6 0 0 CL - - 7-�': 1 1 -o ip .2 0 0 0 IL 0 0 6 9L > > 0 Month gal` mg/L lbs/ac lbsfac gal mg/L lbsfac lbs/ac .-.-gg-71 -mgAC VFisla- !jfiqjac; gal mg/L ibsfac lbsfac February 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 Movrv,.", 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 March 0 3.88 0.0 R-4-60(',! 0 3.88 0.0 0-0 f`' -A J "'0.' OF April 0 4.21 0.0 o.0 1"W9 r0kf MOW 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 i' 42 May 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 MOT,,, 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 - �' -44 7 7 June 0 8.22 '0.0 0.0 -2r�, -'0FQ - 'ij 0 1 8.22 0.0 0.0 OF - DO- F July 0 6.8 1 0.0 0.0 '0 6.8 0.0, 0.0 1-0 August 0 6.68 .0.0" 0.0 E`- K7A '00'q E Urq �W! 0 6.68, 0.01 0.0 September 0 6.66 0.0 0.0 Llu Wl LANE] 0 6.66 0.0 0.0 October 0 4 0.0 0.0 _Qj 0 4 0.0 0.0 A -W- 'November 0 4.07 0.0 0.0 07 0-R"S 1 Vt:W IF 0 4.07 0.0 0.0 , -7-- W-1 December 0 5.37 0.0 0'.0 0.0 0.0 , �! I L' January 0 6.26 0.0 o.0 0- 6.26- 0.0 0 0 77 - - � -b . - - * -1. I 12 Month Floating PAN Load 0.0 F. l. ONO), - 0.0 - (lbs/aclyr): Annual PAN Load Limit �00 r ". nn,,- (Ibslaclyr): FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 2 of 6 Permit.No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company county: Sampson 'Month: May Year: 2017 Field Name:Field Name: 3 FieltlNam `' ."h Field Name 4 Area (acres): 1.64 s Area acres) k 3t2? Area (acres): 11.62 rArea(acres) Area. (acres): 1.89 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda sG y r ¢ryop� Bermuda'pyj Cover Crop: C. Bermuda GovenCrop� - Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN #Lsoad pew a 1PAN} Load Type: PAN YP y, oad a Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? AYES ONO rh Fle)�IlLoade'd7 Ares, ONor Field Loaded? E` ES''ONO Field�LoadedT' DYEs pNo " Field Loaded? DYEs. ' ONO z O z N j '�•rT ,� '"zy-�°S $'4 h tt[" dSz z O Q,,. Q Q > _ (Q� 1>+ " a Q '>_ n o. n o uSV�d ,e:�.xm Q a m a' .. o a moo` J :;+ w a a° ° m o M= o" o �`� o f d' >, 6 °° a �yA��G1 I + I lead a o 3 m C O �.. J a Q Of C F416 f't J�*' Q m C. M1S. J �-. Q j �►.� C r �>" '� t rat j Q d >` A •= J. d t° tlf 1 w :°b` r° S °' w E �'> nr s w i }E�J - °' °' O w J p .. ``° cdi -� E z 11E� ' '�° gar Eyz m m z f Idr x da ym� } c I an d z O d o o o Q ?� F (E ad L V. tpp of aix� m e 'o o a I� dW,er' 1 i e o ? m e a o a > o U ° w 6>o�egpCp�� t ter - > o U (( ! of col �i� > o V O�Q�:i�°�e�: Month al m /L . lbs/ac Ibs/ac g g gale!!,, in�gl,L I: , bslac gal m /L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac g �,�gal _:�� a� 1Lz� Ibslac� Ibsa"r�c� `` * ; gY�trt � _ _ �. k�' _ "gal mg/L Ibslac 'Ibs/ac February 152,474 3.29 2.6 2;6 f722Q;3`4t1�.1 1,005,840 3.29 2.4 2:4 , _ • , _' ? ; - , } t '.d 0 ' 3.29 0.0 0.0 :� March, ' 105,274 .3.88 2.1 4.6 256;07h� ' f g.3�88�, ° P 6 f a4 4 559,344 3.88 1.6 3.9 I _ = f t = 0 3.88. = 0.0 0.0 April 76;458 4`.21 1.6 6.3 1'48;560 + 4'r221a a 1} 6�6D? } 472,202 4.21. 1.4 5.4 0 " 4.21 0.0 0.0" 1 �^- i . f - k - t8' 292,948 �_ -i - May 96,268 _ 3.31 1.6 7.9 20.8t5791'� 1; 3 3 1 8) ,,. _,Z j 3:31 0.7 6.1 i , _ ,.;; : e v 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 June _ 57,290 8.22 2.4 10.3 �. 93, r._, ( ;8 22 _„2 c „; 9 8�;,d 279;291 8.22 ,1.6 7.7 " 4' _ . 1 r, 0 8.22 0.0 0.0- July 113,317 6:8 3.9 14.2 1'84',�1�408) i, !=3 2 �,, 13t0� 552-,420 6.8 2.7 10.4_ �,_ i. _ _ _ I �_ _ ;� 0 6:8 0.0. 0.0 August 148,687 6:68 5.1 - 19.2 �;322;11�56}"r„; 6 w I.;p!5 6t 11:8':6s) 495,043 6.68 2:4 12.8 . ' _ ; i '' " 110,271 6.68 3.3 3.3 'r �` F { r 188,452 6.66 0.9 13.7 1. „4 i. _. _ _ 89,698 6.66 2.6 5.9 September 103,943 6.66 3.5 22.8 Q:p;336 <;6t66iI L31i (=21 7:, October 81,163 4 1.7 24.4 ; ai'4'4',SOt', ,�4`e ky1(5 �.+23p2;; 203,501 4 0.6 14.3 �; n L ._ r . , , y ! 28,652 4 0.5 6.4 November 130,423 4.07 2.7 27.1 [y282 584! 4407� } 3u0i r'26 2 ? i56,286 4.07 2.2 . 16.5 i _ T F -,:' ? '= 95,755 4.07 1.7 8.1 December 37,245 5.37 r 1.0 '28.1 t80699 537 ' r - s ;.M . _ , _ 1 x :.. i. e � �# + ;27 3 F, 193,297. 5.37' _ . 0.7 17 2 }"_ ' -. �� Z 37,245 5.37 ' 0.9 9.0 'January 1 38,070 , "6.26 1.2 29.3 259,9¢_� ;12 Month. Floating PAN Load . :. (Ibs/aclyr): 29.3 28�6! 18.0 0 0 9.0 w Annual'PAN Load Limit ,, 270 270yr 270 4299'j 299 (Ibs/ac/yi); FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 3 of 6 Permit No.: VVQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company, County: Sampson Month:', May Year: 2017 Field Name: 5 Field Name: 7 Field Name: Area (acres): 0.78 Area (acres): 1 7 L Area (acres). 0.79 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda q_#RWVC:5W`X" 11� Cover Crop: C.Bermuda di N-19ver one-.1 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN I A, Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? E]Yr:s ONO -Wid Udgdedl "r.-I Field Loaded ? E]YES DNO Field Loaded? EIYES [ZNO 2 z 2 z z z AP- �oi z z CL CL IL w to 0 ��E�wj , , K- - `M, - , __11 CL .2 0 V S _j A XL 7: , A:! 14� 4, CL < < .2 - M cc (D a. 2, ca _j 0 z 'WNG) - - . E z I , , " JE` 1.". �� 'E'4 -E z 0 �1 1p� 4 0 0 =1 -6 a. > L-! F5 > Month gal mg/L Absiac lbslac 1pilis'! gal mg/L lbsiac lbs1ac -_ _197a CIF gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac February 0 3.29 '0.0 0.0 F_,QfflL0:1,TkQN%_,1 �.67F71 -rl OR 2.j 66,503 3.29 1.8 1.8- 1 r 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 March 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 j7 2�,Y�'� 8 16, 80 3.88 C) .5 2.4 r­,jQQQ�_ 7 , 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 April 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 Fj_Qj,7_,0, 104,333 4.21 3.7 6.0 40�,­' _4�-af�j C) 4.21 0.0 0.0 May 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 F_jj��O�- -7*? 68,720 3.31 1.9 7.9 4W �af i 1 0 3.31 0.0 0.0 June 0 8.22 0.0 0.0 PW F-4cor U00 0. 8-.22 0.0 7.9 7@C22T'. _ �bftl 0 8.22 0.0 0.0 July 0 6'. 8 0.0 0.0 rEr_iA11Wti_1"1 TTOA_2w, PW�) 0 6.8 0.0 7.9 A F tQ�8�'. .0 6.8 0.0 1 0.0 August 39,314 6.68 2.8 2.8 C�54 QC8 iF4, E 49,141 6.68 2.7 10.7 7 b! 7W 0 6.68 0.0 0.0 September ..29,774 6.66 2.1 4.9, P-4SffiQ,@M�f (�TQ RXK;9�_-�J_ 27,495 6.66 1.5 12.2 P7,115�j,7_ 4 4,522 6.66 0.3 0.3 October 19,101 4 0.8 5.7 ��15_-.k 22,0w 4 0.7 12. 9 In, 0 4. 0.0 0.3 November -64,503: 4.07 2.8 8.6 - --_1�14f%tffEj j7j_� E�� 4 FQ J D'SW OMTI RNE-40 108,U1 4.07 .3.7 16.6 F-,ITR- 0 4.07 0.0- FO.3 December 24,830 6.37 TA lb.o ",,A 0,� P, ;-4 9 71; t -1 7�4 r, "I F _jiF 28,656 1 5.37 1.3 1 17.9 1.'3- fj 0 5.37 0.0 -3 January 0 6.26 0.0 10.0 FT-i-_ib, I F k6d P, �_Q IT 9jj 31,769 6.26, 1.7 '19.5 F 0 6.26 0.0 0.3 12 Month Floating PAN Load 10.0 19.5 0.3 (lbs/aclyr): Annual PAN Load Limit 299 ENO, 299 (lbsiaclyr): j7_ m1=0 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 4 of.6 2017 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: May Y Field Name: 10 Field Name: 12 FieldName 1 '13r i Field Name: 14 Area (acres): 1.33 $Area( r s s �0 67�` t _:, Area acres : ( ) 3_ Areau acres 2'13} Area (acres): 7.55 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda _ ir^ ; _ 1CoveGYop r ._, } yG'Berrpudars Cover Crop: C.Bermuda f iCer�Crop ; G' Bermuda, -j Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN I LoadfT e1 I''� PAN; 1 Load Type: PAN = -- kL'oad T e' - PANT Load Type: PAN Field -Loaded? 21rEs ONO k - FleldtLoeded?� } Es' Field Loaded? ONo r' "'�~ F„IeltlilLoad�ed?z �,Esi ONoj'; Field Loaded? wEs -�Es : ONo m z° zmf I} t 4Q( I d z c, Z. ,- io l _�` z a d z c a ¢. ° a R a a a > M o sa a `aJ^ttst r na mr nt }¢� w.�'�+ i a. Q a a ° v F i 1 Zk m? .o: i A a ¢ o z a > a R a d C ` y >, 16 t O 7 J Z + Q� Gf �tA C I 4�, aalOj �. `� O j t� J _a ,.Otr f Z: a d d m e l` d T w w O m J 7 I y 1 i0f7 C` t tr O'' i OI d Cl C N O J E o V m e > o C J ° � o¢ U °- 4 18t i -°' I ate•.! toll d i I! > �o� ?.w J� t ,e� ) io I i��a asG� i° E > d o > o J ° ° Z E a V a E of !Nf 0f} + dE 4 > j t I aC1 J. 7+ ror -. i Z.'� ; a ! Q } ci E V c . C J ° E Z v y Iv '�� + }.::t; > a U C, } �r o Q U Month gal mg/L ' Ibslac Ibs/ac galr 31.,niglL6s/act . (tlls!!aG( gal mg/L Ibslac Ibslacga� _.:JLmglLM _t-0 Ibslac, } Ibs/ate gal mg/L Ibslac Ibslac February 17,838 3.29 0.4 • 0.4 ( 22;362, , ; 3 9 � j Ow9� ; }; �0i9}"! 58,550- 3.29 0".5 0.5 i :O) _ . i 3 29^j �010),' j ,`_ gMO; 614,255 3.29 2.2 2.2 March 20,197 3.88 0.5 0.9 147,357 3.88 1.6 2.1 1_ D7; $8' , , t0.0;` j 0''0 i 413,914 3.88 1.8 4.0. April 100,605 4.21 2.7 3.5 40;$02,.'4`21r I..;. 2},1t. i,�f4S6 j 224,288 4.21 2.6 4.7 3. 0 __ ;, 4'291. ,. O:Osy.! .QtU;, 682,132 4.21 3.2 7.2 May 57,264 3.31 1.2 4.7 130,953 3.31 1.2 6.0 31; 0'D, _ 267,838 3:31 1.0 8.2 June 14,272 8.22 • 0.7 5.4 0 8.22 0.0 6.0 D 8.22 0.0 8.2 July 59,632 6.8 2.5 8:022362�}._•6481„;1�9�;! ;92A-t 0 6.8 - 0.0 6.0 _LO) ..il n--.ry _68<'1 _ ,0'0' '} _010, 0 6.8 0.0 . 8.2 August 76,426 6.68 3.2 11.2 j t49;45,1t i} c6�68) t 41Y '[13S4,t1 0 6.68 0.0 6.0 1_, .0!,_, 7 `6'6_.8,,+. ,6_Ol,: i `0=0 - 0 �6.68 0.0„ 8.2 September 10,023 6.66 0.4 11.6 1 4;52�2} i 6t66, , a `0'4 " ( ,13 7 18,809 6.66 0.3 6.3 } 10�852: j 6 66;:+ 0 3;- f 0'3 95,336 6.66. 0.7 8.9 , October 33,978 4 0.9 12.5 jN 35;565+_] c, :4i E 11$ j _�1,'58 -., 90,185 4 1.0 7.3 iI. 0 4 221,298 4 1.0 9.8 November 64,843 4.07 1.7 14.1 60 039t �, 4 07., _ 3 0' '. ii8;5 ; 53,911 4.07. 0.6 7.9- 1 .42,725f'_ } 4 0T� [ _ Qxl ' i , 1 °p: EE 532,696 4.07 2.4 12.2 December 0 5.37 0.0 14.1 (41766 �( 537�2?8. +, 2�'t3 77,614 5.37 1.2 9.1 01 -.,,. 5r3a7+0.0� II 1'D', 169,801 5.37 1.0 13.2 January 81,338 6.26 3:2 17.3 }SA19D8} ' L6r26� i 4v0) I ¢25.`,4�u '162,677 6.26 2.8 11.9 28r_. _ O�Q; j �, 1 p J 499,150 6.26 3.5 16.7 12 Month Floating'PAN Load 17.3 ..µ 25:4' ? 11.9 7 poslaclyr): {� J 16.7 Annual PAN Load Limit 270 s 270t+ 270 + 27,p _l 270 (lbslac/yr): FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 5 of Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: May Year: 2017 Field Name: 15 r111;_.'"1__1_A Field Name: 17 FaeldName 18 Field Name: 18-A Area (acres): 0.97 Area (acres): 2.27 Area (acres): 6.56 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda 116o,Bermtlday 1 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN PA 'B Load Type: PAN Type: pe: PAN Field Loaded? [DYES EINO N& Field Loaded? EIYES RINO T?❑ Field Loaded? [21YES y �O�ES 20 DNO z 0 z ab, z 0 z 'a z z 0 CL CL IL 0 im CL < (L a. Z 0 I ... ... Z. "O�_: CL < .= IL - < IL -0 > r, w 0 z 0 j E i�vl 1.1 .-tw r, jtni 0 .".Iw . 0 _j :3 z k"PAR' Z 0 wa° z o 0 = IL C3 0 0 E , < 'or E - > 0 0 n 0 0 Month gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac gal mg/L lbs/ac lbsfac F'b gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac February 31,443 3.29 0.9 0.9 " 720j 0 3.29 0.0 0'0 "-2"_- 750,482 3.29 3.1 3.1 March 6,752 3.88 0.2 1.1 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 F]5_2_ '4-. i 365,438 3.88 1.8 4.9 April 19,713 4.21 0.7 1.8 'I ' 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 -y_"'• Ke 791,191 4.21 4.2 9.2 May 24,408 3.31 0.7 2.5 F.-WC607K 0 3.31 0.0 0. 0 Fk El 7f"i 384,583 3.31 1.6 10.8 June 3,568 8.22 0.3 2.8 jD_, I T 71 WOE 1, 4 7�: 1 12,488 8.22 0.4 0.4 P 60,656 8.22 0.6 11.4 July 14,908 6.8 0.9 3.6 [7 52,178 6.8 1.3 1.7 253,436 6.8 2.2 13.6 August 42,575 6.68 2.4 6.1 171,439 6.68 4.2 5.9 A r i6Z68, 331,175 6.68 2.8 16.4 September 18,028 6.66 1.0 7.1 F3C21,4,8.bf,' 1,4ffs:, 108,798 6.66 2.7 8.6 FWk"] F-A,4F, 43,431 6.66 0.4 16.8 October 16,375 . 4 0.6 7.7 F,�!lff'ig5 -117 F G Ell 65,508 4 1.0 9.5 113,280 4 0.6 17.4 November 35,513 4.07 1.2 8.9 ��_�!j:7 M E-11 129,167 4.07 1.9 1 11.4 106,955 4.07 0.6 17.9 December 11,321 1 5.37 0.5 9.5 F1:j �0,�Q__C8 S, f _J 39,869 5.37 0.8 12.2 L - Wl' i F" I 90,051 5.37 0.6 18.5 January 27,570 1 6.26 1.5 10.9 J 19,751 6.26 0.5 12.7 1%01 473,728 1 6.26 3.8 22.3 12 Month Floating PAN Load 10.9 1 0 127 22.3 (lbs/acly�): Annual PAN Load Limit 299 50. (lb:laclvri- FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 6 of 6 Did the mass loading rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? Q Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant , If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. I Operator in. Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification Number: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Grade: SI Phone Number: 919-210-2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible -Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMLR? ❑ Yes E] No Phone No.: 925-949-0432 Permit Exp.: 5/31121 Signature Date By this signature, I certify That this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge., Signature Date I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the Information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 aboratro_.. 'Timeuy, Pon 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 Phone: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 Tuesday, June 6, 2017 WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT, LLC (WA013) Attn: RANDALL JARRELL. P.O. Box 578 Pittsboro, NC 27312 RE: Laboratory Results for Project Number: [none], Project Name/Desc: Sager Foods -Monthly ENCO Workorder(s): CA04447 Dear RANDALL JARRELL, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Thursday, May 25, 2017. Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the. referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative. This report shall not be reproduced except in full; without the written approval. of the Laboratory. This report contains only those'analyses performed by Environmental Conservation, Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Stephanie Franz Project Manager Enclosure(s) FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 1 of 13 www.encolabs.cona SAMPLE SUMMARY%LABORATORY-CHRONICLE I.ClientID.- Sager Foods Effluent 1,.,; . = Lab ID: CAO4447-01_.— .:;Sampled: OS/25/17:11:00 ' , "-, Received:,. 05/25/17 12:45 Parameter Hold Date/Tiime(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) CALC 02/18/20 06/05/17 13:11` 06/05/17 13:11 Colilert 18 05/25/17 18:55 05/26/17 13:0.4t O5/25/17 15:00 05/26/17 11:00 CSU Method. 06/08/17 ' 05/30/17• - 08:43 05/31/17 14:21 EPA 200.7 11/21%17 05/30/17 ' 08:43 05/31/17,10:45 EPA 350.1 .06/22/17 06/02/17 11:53 06/02/17 -11:53 . EPA 351.2 06/22/17 05/26/17 11:55 05/30/17 09:17 EPA 353.2 05/27/17 11:00 05/25/17 17:40 05/25/17 17:40 EPA 353.2' 06/22/17' 06/05/17 .: 12:51 06/05/17 12:51 EPA 353.2 02/18/20 06/05/17 13:04 06/05/17 15:37 , EPA 365.4 06/22/17 05/26/17 11:55; 05/30/17` 10:07, SM 2540D-1997. 06/01/17 05/31/17 13:10 05/31/17 13:10 SM 5210E-2001 05/27/17 ., 11:00 05/25/17 '13:32 05/25/17 13:32 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only he reproduced In full. Page 3 Of 13 i ww.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS. Description: Sager Foods Effluent Lab Sample ID: CA04447-01 •, Received: 05/25/17 12:45 Matrix: Waste Water 5amp1ed:05/25/17 11:00 Work Oraer CA04447 . •- project: Sager Foods -Monthly Sampled By: RANDALL JARRELL _ Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods ^ - ENCO CaryceKified analyte [NC 5911 Analvte fCAS Ndnr berl Results Flad .' Units' DF MDL; POL , Batch Method Analvzed, By Notes Calcium [7440-70-2]A, 8620 ug/C 1 39.0 100 ' 7E30007 EPA 200.7 05/31/17 10:45 ]MV Sodium [7440-23-S]A 122000 ug/L .- 'I .'•-400`-_ 500,; , 7E30007 EPA ,200.7- 05/31/17 10:45' ]MV Classical Chemistry Parameters - - ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591] Analyte fCAS,Numberl wResults Flan' Units DF MDIL POL Batch Method Analyzed Notes Ammonia as N [7664-41-7]A 0.38 mg/L 11, 0.045 - 0.10 7FO2022 EPA 350.1, 06/02/17 11:53 ILI Biochemical Oxygeq Demand^ - , 29 mg/L ' 1. 2.0 2.0 7E25018 SM 521OB-2001 05/25/17 13:32 ]OC ; Nitrate as N [14797-55-8]A ' < 0.025 mg/L 1 0.025 - 0.10- 7FO5027 EPA 353.2 O6%OS/17 15:37 ,7LI ' Nitrate/Nitrite as N^ < O.041 ,, mg/L 1 - 0.041 0.10 . -7FO5022 ' EPA 353:2 06/05/17 12:51 ]L1 Nitrite as N [14797-65-0]^ < 0.017 mg/L- 1 0.017 0.10 7E25033 EPA 353.2 05/25/17 17:40 MKS Phosphorus [7723-14-o]A,• .. — 9.4 D _. mg/C 10 0.25 1.0 7E26007 EPA 365.4 05/30/17 10:07 ]U Sodium Adsorption Ratio 7.94 [blank] '1 -,.,7E30007 CSLI Method 05/31/1714:21 0MV Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen^ 11 mg/L 1 ''0.26 0.48 7E26006 EPA351.2 05/30/17 09:17 ]L] ' Total Nitrogen [17778-8870]...w 11 mg/L" 1 ' 'O.02°,"- , 0.10 7FO5028 CALC" 06/05/17 13:11 JU Total Suspended Solids^ 98 mg/L. "10 25 25 - 7E31008 SM254OD-1997- •.05/31/1713:10 OMR Microbiological Parameters. _ ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [IC 591]- Anal vte rCAS Numberl- Results Flaa Units•` _ : DF PAL Batch Method Analyzed By Notes Coliform,Fecal^ 31 MPN/100.. 1'':' " 1.0,'. 7E26023 Colilert18 05/26/1711:00ASC mL . FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. ` Page 5 Of 13 CeNC iho www.;,encolabs.com lClassical Chemistry. Parameters -,Quality Control 0 Batch 7E25033 - NO PREP - Continited Blank(711!25033411.11(1) Prepared: 05/25/2017 17:38 Anal .,yzecl: 05/25/2.017 I1;38Spike ._ -Source OIbREC RPD AnaMe Resu ELBA POL Units Level Result - O/bREC Limits RPD- Limit, Notes Nitrite as N 0.017 U, 010 mg/L . LCS (7E27033-BS1)' . Prepared: 09/25/2017171-:42,Analysed: .0,5125/2617117:42I :Spike Source O/bREC RPD Ana e - 'Resu Man I Units Level g6SUlt O/hREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrite as N 1.0 0.10 mg/L - 1.00. 101 90-110 1 Matrix S"9 (711F� 5033-MSI) Prepared: 05/25/2017 17:39 Analyzed..' 05125/201747;39 Source: CA 04447-01. . Spike Source O/b REC RPD Ana a Result Flac POL units, 'Level Result O%REC, Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrite as N -1.0 0.10 mg/L 1.00 O017 U 100 90-110" Matrix Spike DUp (7E25033-MSD1) Prepared: 05/25/2017 17:.41 Analyzed: 05/25/2017 17:41 Source: CA04447-01 Spike Source O/oREC RPD -Analvte Result Flaci PP Units'. 'Level Result G/bREC Limits .. RPD Limit' Notes Nitrite as N 0;98 -6.10 mg/L, 1.00 0.017 U. 98 90-110 1, 10- Batch 7E26006 - Saine Blank (7E26006-OLKI) Prepared: 05/26/2017 11:55 Analyzed: 05/30/2017 09:07 0? Pj%_ Spike Source EC RPD Ana .,.Result Man PO MUM-, Level Result 0/aREC Limits . RPD Limi Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 0.26,. U .0.48 md/L FS (7E26006-BSI) Prepared: 05/26/2017 11:55 Analyzed: 05/3012017 09:09 Spike Source O/oRE C RPD Anal Result Flaci P-9L "Its. Level Result O/bREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjelda'hl Nitrogen 12 0.48 :-mg/L 11.9 99 go-lio Matrix Spike (7E26006-MSI) Prepared: OS/26/2017 11:55 Analyzed: 05/30/2017 0941 Source: CA03878-r92' Spike. Source o/oRm. 'RPD- Anal Result Ran. P—QL, Units Level Result O/oREC jjmM RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 5.3 0.48 mg/L. 4.75 1..0 91 '90-110 Matrix Spike Dup (7E26006-MSD1) Prepared: 0512612017 11.:55 Analyzed: 05/30/2017 09:15 Source; CA03878-02 Spike - source O/hREC 'RPD AnaWe Result Fa q POL "w; Level Result" 9/okC - Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen -0.4.8 mg/L 4.75 1.0, 98 90-110 6� -10 Batch 7E26007 - Same Blank (7E26007-OLKI) Prepared: 05/2612017 11:55 Analyzed: 05/30/2017 09:58 Spike Source O/oREC:, RPD�_ Analyte ,,Result Eta.-q POL Uiilla Level Result %REC Limits RPD_. Lilina Notes Phosphorus. 0.025 U ".0.10 mg1L Page 7 of 1 FINAL: This report relates only to the sample as received by. the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. 3 QUALITY .CONTROL DATA ' - • . Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control - Batch 7FO2022 - NO PREP - Continued LCS (7F02022-BSI)-, Prepared: 06/02/2017 11:45 Analyzed: 06/02/2017 11:45; - Spike -Source %REC RPD Analvt Result Oag -TDL Units. Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit •Notes Ammonia as N 0.98 _ 9 0.10 mg/L. .. _ 0.989 99 90-110 , Matrix Spik, (7F02022-MSI) Prepared: 06/02/2017 11:47 Analyzed: 06/02/2017 11:47 ' Source: CA04423-02 ' Spike- Source • %REC RPD Anal a esu FJs PQL . -. Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N .26 2,0 mg/L. 7.92 20 82 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike (7F02022-MS2) Prepared: 06/02/2017 11:55 Analyzed: 06/02/2017 11:55 Source: CA04447.-01 Spike Source %REC' RPD Anae - e u FlaFlau 1OL Units ` Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N A.73 ' 0.10.-: -, mg/L' 0.385 0.38 90 90-110. . Matrix Spike Dup (7F02022-MSDi) Prepared: 06/02/2017 11:51 Analyzed: 06/02/2017 11:51 Source: CA04423-02 Spike Source . %REC RPD Analvte . esut lag • OL Units Level- Result %REC ','•Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 34, 2.0 mg/L- 7.92 - 20 177 - 90-110 - 25 10 QM-07, QM-11 Batch 7FOS022 -. NO PREP Blank (71F05022-BLK1) Prepared: 06/05/2017 12:44 Analyzed: 06/05/2017 12:44 Spike 'Source 0/aREC RPD Ana 'Result' Flan PDL- Units'. Level. Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N -.0.041 U 0.10' mg/L LCS (7F05022-BSI) q Prepared: 06/05/2017 12:46 Analyzed: 06/05/201712:46 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte' es la . L' Units., ` Level ' Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N -1.3 0.10 - .- mg/L 1.25 102 90-110 Matrix Spike (7F05022-MSI) Prepared: 06/05%2017 12:49 Analyzed: 06/05/2017 12:49 Source:CA04447-03 Spike Source °/aREC ._ RPD . Anal Re ul Flacl .P Units - Level, Result %REC Limits ; RPD Limi Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.53 -0.10' mg/L 0.513-- 0.041 U` 104 90-110 Matrix Spike (7F05022-MS2) Prepared: 06/05/2017 12:57 Analyzed: 06/05/2017 12:57 Source: CA04760-02 ' _ Spike Source °/aREC RPD Anaa Resul lag PPOL, Units Level Result %REC- Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 29 ' 2.0 mg/L 10.0 20 96 90-110 _ Matrix Spike Dup (7FOS022-MSD3) Prepared: 06/05/2017 12:53 Analyzed: 06/05/2017 12:53 Source: CA04447-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anilvte Result, Flag POL Units '= Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit _ - Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.56 0.10 mg/L. . 0.513 0.041.0 109 :' 90-110 5 10 Microbiological Parameters - Quality Control Batch 7E26023 -,-NO PREP FINAL r • ,This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page 9 Of 13 EIVCO www.encolabs:com I FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. J The reported value is between the leboratory'method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit'(MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. U. The analyte was analyzed for but not:detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and mo'isture.content,-where applicable. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument. This value is considered ari estimate. MRL Method, Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL) and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable; sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. N The analysis indicates the.presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence (85% or greater confidence) to. make a "tentative identification": P Greater than 25% concentration difference was observed between the primary. and secondary GC column. The lower concentration is reported:`,;,. y QM-07 The spike recovery was outside' acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSD. The batch was' accepted based on acceptable LCS recovery. QM-11 Precision between duplicate matrix spikes of the same sample .was outside acceptance limits. FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 11 of 13 A OI •Preteei Atioh Verifi Ppiption - �°�le. � Spger�ords�-1�41�9y 1 ASTEV TER i�tC�A(3IVlET�tl, �l�GWAA.a�. fig .Ott= ' dy�3 i Lppy: �d Ety. R,�Li!h �kl Aif 6 Yen ph A0 47 bl a 2._ Page 13 of 13 Pkgo I of FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page' 1 of 3 w . Permit No.:-WQ0004268 Facility Name: - Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: April Year: 2017 ❑Influent ❑Effluent I]No flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent 2]Effluent ❑Groundwater Lowering ❑Surface Water PPI: Flow Measuring Point: Parameter Code - -►00b0 01002 €;�003113 01027 i009�16t 009400 0 ` 01051t R00927! 71900 ,01067 00610 00625; 00620 00400r::`,. 00665 .' �' �,L4 5 �n�• dvt=�o?E�drii y �,� �3G `c- r;{ NQ il ft `',i Sa fi' k:.t',, Y4i '.r;��-? '•lCC a3ns'Yl�N67 ',a I! ``r ,'hJ,*,• yaiic; vOtof rKfCaF => •�7f6 k -.;tT�o`Htro'd . .Lda .,,.>+iti .am .iF,.:ryx. � �c>` oO :>%�,�Oof+a w t.",<.: ar .U) o OCap`;;� w!dq r .-a'.r` ` 1yff,,tOQGffii}jl E G,�a`at �.yyr] s N 1m... FG'f• >lC. ',f,�Lr30L,'r ��s"r ,, :'x• i,x a 4e 'r" y<,aks.E=� arz�,,.:,? .,.1?,. E-j :„.g:'`l! Z. -:'.,. U 0 1 mg/L - 7.�itg1,L mg/L f mglL� mgIL mglLr, mglL r,• .mglL mg/L n mgl,L., mglL su, __ mglL 24-hr hrs - ,'GPD 4,i mglL �mglL, qyi z ^ tl J s Ell 2 '•" • t'.%,[r5,. Sj i r 7 - - 4 'O, Krr it r U. , 3•.:_,t1 _,t r �. :: ..� 5 8 07:50 10.5 0 ; "� c'M I`: J +z s a i 4' f 1 r � 8 r76, 10.5 alW4 �+" Se�,• 9 10 06:25 VC?4 N17- AA a ...: L ✓/,� 74 z• -...i; 'q� �, :3 'G J - 1 c - i 08:15 10.'�� 11 12 . 06:25. 12VIEW r. 0�_v� c *rl - •,, �: "66T� , 06:10' 10.75 i4 13 14 � � r f;;��lf ,r } �-.. 15 L z�{ Art w.l K17 Ell 16 i u - r020 10 9 23 w '4 c— u .y 59 l r ' t F 0.92 13, <0.025 gt86, 11 .08:25 . 06:35 10 �R3r 0 Ms r 22 fx 71 I z 24 rru "0� � " . :J� � � - ` r k t r ! 25 ap nl 26 27 08:45 10 28 06:40 10- 30 + w 31 31 Average a0)rs ^29 . c 23"06 s; 9�7t5Y ,� ` 0.92 1;3 00 _ 11.00 Dail Maximum ' fi 0< : 23 00 Wj I �R t 9 7,5� ' # : z a 3 r M x f' 0.92 1}3' OOr I 9154 11.00 Y Daily Minimum _� SOS �r200� 9�751� 0.92 ,r` ° y Try! f w1,3tl0 r '� w� }38£66 11.00 Sampling Type. R6c_'order Grab ir;kGreb„ Grab 5 Gr�6:' Grab vY Grab -Graff Grab z• Gra6, -;; Grab Grabs ; Grab Gra_6 Grab MonthlyLimit r, a Daily Limit I 4'1!5fi000ti 1r A n tiF} r; r aF, 'y� ; �3 4 ? , t'• ! _; W ,- Sample FrequencyCoritinuousk 3 x Year r Moittily 3 x YearMonthly 3 x Year3fxYear k 3 x Year '{. 3 xyYear 3 x Year p3ix Year f' Monthly i Monthlyr ;` Monthly I Per Event ' Monthly . FORM: (NDMR 08-11 - NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 2 of Permit No.: W00004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County:. Sampson month:. February Year: 2017 Effluent ❑Groundwater Lowering [:]surface Water PPI: Flow Measuring Point: ❑Influent ❑Effluent ❑No flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point:❑Influent. ❑ 00530' ' 010923'16«16 0093100600 z i Parameter Codei —► �SUOOyg W40900929�;'; 7030041 rtr� k - �- xl 1 a �'`.«. i d C {'�a+''b-' N N 4+""CidN�! r.ui 1 E_ i+ p r�� u7, ,(• - r {•i .� 10 f` ¢r t 'Y'' .0 d .'' i:'. > 'n s b Gi U Y. v �. ` Of .'''`a O p diG._ C �� .,. '>3' l4 t iOe�O k+ v ka, i.._: } L n r �O y° y p0. OF IV W yp O N Q' `&I�aw" a7 c 1z r . A U 1— 'I- rA .. G A , , a- > +-' ^ � +�iti F- to to r�" ~' .`HJz �1�;5 + 3t�'�' ,� � -3 t t �° �'U' 0 0.' a '' i �:` r .: � lar_`ka� 1 24-hr hrs r? IGPD�, mg/L naglL '' mgIL I +inglLr, mg/L 'M NMM Calculate �mg1L y s 2 3 fY rj ,4`•� «C1SP1'"" Yi tt,`x.c`}n„J•,Kttn�,"r L`t,,, 43ro *t k. ti. t i s rs1v> r 5' Oc r uy 6 3 J b �CC '•j t 1 1 .'f t ( I a s u: �"4 •,r, r ^` I 7• i• :,."" z t' .gyp° '"' p;,..?'",'tt>Vy 8 07:50 �' 10.5 7 q,� J +�.~F�'Y *•• 'C " �.,� t, 9 06:25 10.5 I h� r V Y � r .nF y'At. _�1 �J' r frx� � ! 'Yj k i� ! ? j , x , `- �`� T»._.. _._✓ _ 10 11 08:15}- 12 06:25 13 06:10 10:75 14 PS i lr w*{ ! 2`:• :r 3 £:S A ., 1 - t y 16 17 "y41F 7.78 19 08:25 10 t t !Ok 4'.21 r s1 Z{7 y I w 20 06.35 10- 21 F 1 Y: if.�F if 22 0} rayR^ 23 24 25 26 � �+- -par _ � a �= •� r: ` �� ( .,., ., ___. -; - 27 28 r I + } t i ti ( 1 j # - - ^"`�"�„-�'1 ,F$?�i^:"� ` �f" . fEn ,1.*.. �r � .i � j r - s •_+ fI ✓ Fg"` �,R a '•^ .I rw fi °.'` ,S 'k..� 4't`t`ti` f ss"'..�`'ryr i 30- s "ai>27�00 `,E 65 u' u ` k10� 7.78 rri3`001 _ ? j Average 4.21 Daily Maximum ors s0 y 4.21 12700� x 4.21 1�27 OOk j 65�©0 Daily. Minimum: ;OMB Sampling Type:Recordern GrabGraby ; Grab FG�a6 Grab sGhab' { Grab' Grab�r ? t Monthly Limit Daily Limit }�€� Monthly L1JM0nthly� 3xYear ! tMorathly 3xYear j Monthly'., Monthly Momthlyr FORM: NDMR OB-11 NON-DIS:CHARGE;.MONITORING `REPORT-(NDMR) Page 3 of 3 Sampling Person(i) Certified Laboratories Name: Randall Jarrell Name: 'ENCO Laboratories. Name: Name: s all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements inAttachmentA of your permit? u compliant a non-wmpndnc ie facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reasons) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s).of the non-compliance and describe the corrective' ` ....H..../n\ 4n1s Mir h nAAi4t-1 chmafc if 11PRPcenry -Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: -Randall Jarrell Perinittee: Sager Creek Vegetable•Company Certifcation.No.: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Orudec "' `SI Phone.Number: 919-210-2500 Signing Official's;Title:" Responsible Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? ❑ Yes 21" No Phone Number: 925-949-0432 Permit Expiration:. 5/31 /2021 C" 303I i,`1 Signature Date .' Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and ccmplete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in designed to assure that all qualified personnel.properly gathered and evaluated.the information ith - accordance wa system submitted. Based on my inquiryof the,pe.rson or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true; accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. " Mail Onginal•.and Two Copies to: Division. of Water Quality :. Information: -Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,'North`Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: NEAR-1 08-11 = NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 1 of 7 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: April Year: 2017 WQ0004268• Permit No.: Field Name B. $ f Y xFielytliName+( Y a t C n rt Field Name: D. Area (acres): 36.6 Did irrigation occur r ,FreldtName ,f'`� r� Areajac�es) ` �t fi�39r3j J Area (acres): acres 8 t � A�rea`(ac es)� �� r N_ 16d " at this facility? Crops ' C Bermutl�a� t ( Cover Crop: C. Bermuda : h ,Cover(Crop z vC" �Bermiatla� �y Cover Crop: C. Bermuda ;Cover, o-r�R1 x Hour�lyRat (n)� Ob25j Hourly Rate (in): 0.25 is 1 fHouilr/,Rate(m)[ m - 0325� i ` ' Hourly Rate. Y m 0.25 ❑� YES` ❑NO I r Annual Rate. (in): 62.36 u r ;Anna al�Rate x J (fit)) r 62 3$i f Annual Rate (in): 42.98 Ann al Ra m) <r _ 62 36s Freeboard Irrigatetl?k t ❑YES ONO} t : Field Irrigated? DYES. ONo FieIdIFrigated?� j ,❑YEs, [7No Field Irrigated? DYES ❑No Weather ;y E aCoCDo o N ScT � 0 a E'0 T—T !� N �,C B7� a o � ° - rr o `_E a CL. o° i- o xT J� t-O ��p, 'r "5 C (.•t:pJI` > a. • _ .B.o. J2 . >Q .J ,lit ['ink min in in gals<` �ikminr 1 yam, )� _ ��� gal min in in OF in ft ft t _:figalk,minr �$ a :� gal r,i�..' ry 1 a -j s .eF- x u M tfa Y t. ai - 3 JL —rt J y rrr��,, � x'#x,��i• d rc-. ri' .� �..A'r�.w�' ° q y c1'�«` { f _: ,_. � I , { t: '.. 6r r ; 1 7 " -3.92 8 C _ 57 1.87 9 C 59 0 3.98 rs'kE��r3i ,_�. .ys..aylYy�„ .,'. ��@' � nF_ r�"k1� f fi n ''•tf,� i � x� t o I t 'R x � � 1 �.:. 10 C 71 0 4.02 11 s I, r 0 4.08 r j '`)'" 1 y� ti 13 PC 61 0 4.15 14 'y!r,� 1 � •'a` £x E �ti, ;_ y � I I ^r 1 ti r -�" ,: t � ��� 16 17 18 1 77 0.19 4,25 19 CL 0 4.29 tC > a c 20 CL, 73 3,E c 21 r r z r { i r 22 1 i i q3 23 t �r k 171 25 26 77 5.17 3.88 ` { [ 27 C_ 0 3.92 r , ` } , 28 CL 80 29 •. . — :. - . ... S� r�r r C'3a.,. `� �'S,y w.+�'ay�d>i fy � � -! i .. ..- f x.,�. ; 1 '� Y t �� `• w ".� � i'. - - 3U 7�r 1311 ` „fi€a0r ;• ? U Wd� ;` 0 00r 0 0.00 0.00 ap' 4. ; 'O�OD; ) w01001h 1 0 D DD f ,';0;-00 Monthly Loadirig 12 Month Floating Total (in): FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION' REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 2 of 7 Permit No.: W00004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company county: Sampson Month: April Year: 2017 h� Field Name: 2 FIeId�Name r 3 Field Name: 11FIF:IdNane ,' J Did irrl ation occur. irrigation g a ' `"' aY l�r�ea(acfe " �' r r,1 64a t Area(acres):3;23 Area (access) fi >11i 62 Area (acres): at this facility? x h p i Cover Crop: C. Bermuda W�'Cover�tiCrop r=CrrBerrnudaJ Cover Crop: E-CoVerNCrop: aC yBermutla,a , �,�.. Hourl Rate m )� { "N015 �x r > i c Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 ) 4 yHourlyRate(Ih) + t 0 5 Hour) Rate In y ( ): AYES- ❑NO ry� �c r� An1� alRatei(IFi)r �'a 56313?�a ? Annual Rate (in): 50.64Annual�Ra�te _ (in), rr 5,1 05� 7 Annual Rate (in): Fleldilrrl aef's DIES x []Noi 'Field Irrigated? DYES ❑Noie1t311 g ted?C]YES# t,j]N0 ! Field Irrigated? ❑YES ❑No Weather Freeboard r E,n .�Jf s s - ' y E p11 m v rn E rn •C. f0 �d »F� ad Gfd '�`' , ay, C !`.+, CJ �' d d a >+ O 07 m v ° :° ° i_i t 61 r =� �'B" bt 'LL i '1? f J . f! — E'-t, co �> > a Y o r+ E rc a rn . o . E ° o - x o ° o G F JErxmP a s m� �a F.o , t_�, ° ay i +Ri "t p °F l i s�o �ar1 ° Q B ' m' s� c a i= •L a E v m: m ❑ x ° p ° �, a m Q ,, ° .s C1 O. d in ❑ w ��sa o, a z; +t- , �, Q.;tg „ [,d� .psi_' ' , ,rnS ia' s, ,,� r r� °t i ce' 0}4 r •'�,..-' J 3 i ,J£a 6 I o 7 Q G o @ = o o f- " '!�' , �° cry =� o Q o x O t'•• Q. lii. :..r 16 ',"'! , £, r J v N ij 7 ' °F in" ft ft,ga! ,� 3 r r,minl , z i lm� r 1 ,Ind gal min in in al m1'n+ i.9 i '._.y f. _ T ' iin� ) �ni gal min in in 2 �hr t G"➢ 1 t i KEx 3e�Yj _ tl t(�`: ni ��, f L 5 6 t. '3.92 rr I 4r t b>. ! I 35,060 60 0.40 0.40 - 8 C 57 "59 -1.87 t 34,607 60 0.39 0.39+9K1�1A1 {' 60+ 030 Qt30� 9 C 0 3.98. r ,16`803,z 60r,_{; 0,38"„�a�38 ,� 10 - 11 C 71 0 4.02 ; f20;• 1 S,}; �ti0y �0+46t ; E l`"D446 '' 44,456 60 0.51 0.51 68 0 4.08 60s 4 0,42 0r42,�,_s 34,437 60 0.39 0.39 12 PC ' •, , OY42x ' 94 002r 4 #60 4 A 30' ' G 0 30 ; 13 PC 61 0 4.15 �:: -V 1.4 ( E.s. 161 17 t 5 I A 18 fi. 6..,,�.. ! � "�'�w .«� 1 �J.��w •Sir.__ �' � t ._• u� gk �F _.-•• I ., 19 CL- 77 0.19 4.25 20 CL 73 0 4.29 r x rr `s l t 1� F" 21 22 t 23 y r t 24 �` r — y 25 y 1 ' 7. eV r , 26 27 C 77 5.17 3.88 i 80 0 3.92 �'- 7 � . i � C •• r r94� 293� ` { 28 CL • {wa 1 L x � � 29 F a , � L C t C ,�49 30 31 < i• �r��: � :L r ;;� , t I :•� t' � it - Monthly Loading ; 76I458g 172� .. 148,560 1.69 0 0.00 12 Month Floating Total (in): -%23y4`4' 22.73 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 3 of 7 W00004268 Facility'Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month:- April, Year: 2017 Permit No.: ,F1eId N men F4 z Field Name: 5 r field Name [x'S Field Name: 7 rea aCres�is ( ) Did irrigation occur l �,_'. r p , Area (acres): 0.78 y£ 1 s�4� `s Area (acres): 1 ti Areal�(acres)-i ,' M89, ` at this facility? y? '� `��' "�"'"°�'} •` �; �'�G Bermutla' �s'�Kr�,'�C�asv�e�lDGrop,� r Cover Crop: � C. Bermuda � , � s'�Cover;CrYop � �C',rBermucla3 Cover ' Crop: C. Bermuda ,12 �t�Hotr�lyRate() �015 ',�Ft Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 1HorlyRa£e�(1O�i)1 Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 EYES ❑NO §nnaliRate (in):{ 93 Annual Rate 1n : 9.26. Annual`Rate{in) h<' 367F7 .Annual Rate (in): 27.73 Freeboard r P �5•s'.o"'_'�'T • a � Fleldl rr gated? C]vEs ^d 'D or° s Field lrrlgated? DYES ENO F�Id`�ilrrlgatetl?� � �YES> ;1]NO Field Irrigated? DYES ENO Weather • 07 a o t,.. y w m d'r rn c Q m y" i�3 1,1k- t r mN al b�>>, E a� k'�d d Tie a „e, r J9 E 101, _ m o E d v m m .� ' rn c. a ._E �. T c E ' T+s e i m o tmn� {{(j "Y i`a an d mr 1 t ) �x 4 Im E� rn, „7, c 7 G, m a E a� •D d d �, E R O% c >, ,_ v E T O% c B y '` - c� 'I... t f�.. Q. w L Q 0 .� .+ B ._.� if Q {C Q I �J���� '�' 0.'Xy"(".k A �' _'-' d 1= ,�0 '�Q 4 • L' J,.a.� _ia��,y }}� k]�y�`^iY O 'etl ,, _ a Q Q Q C_ G .Zii F . �- "m I� _ Q "'i�- - J c6 2 J Q,_ S.. C p p� �. i `Jl'Q ---rf >j I�E� Zi: { 1�� L{'ci�.}077 z3 tm (![' �.:-p f t' 1I �{ Y'fEN Q£' {� , xi 01 Y { t s...f'r g = 5`j ; c Q Q _ F-. •L =- B, m ❑. 0 J .X 0 {c = 0 J in ft ftgal' :ih�"1m1n1 gal min in inf gall �m1na ' mi ; r _ fin gal min' in in °F �"rtl , , B,;M z „' � �' 16,740 60 0.62 0.62 � n Sb o M < ei*-:..* i '4.a•- A:.•.."i l?......t g ! �t 4sy 2` s rt4 K.21E, € i�...F I i1• I i.:, i 4 Ad�c T 4J Q s Y Y li i JF 1 S 6 4 7 ' 3.92 �'` '1 x? ! 30 758t z jIr rI W. 015$t, ' ' 0 58 13,981 60 0.51 0.51 8 C 57 1.87 _ S< �. x a �, zN 4 �a' ; w' I Y,k 1'48 H '&Q1' a 30 59t�n" 0 59J, j `: 14,158 60 0.52 0.52 9 C 59 0 3.98 a -; .a v 10 71 0 4.02 %�� s r °Y' n T' r 34i7r30' 60F 7 j _0 66i r ( _ 0�66y 15,787 60 0.58 0.58 III C 1 68 0 4.08� 4.15_ iq L 1 Zj i " ;- .. i' _ ! xE Syr ` i ,30;999� ; i 60F ` t `�pF 591 ! i Os591 14,090 60 0.52 0.52 12 PC 13 PC 61 0• 1 :�f a 71111d t t i 14 z 16 x�[�Rsv �r 17r '�i '� 32�ir46i<�i 6.0�" �061,~'i^�061 14,612 60• 0.54 0.54 19''CL 77 0.19 4.25�'�,,> • ,:", ,zr: r r 32F923i I f60+' r 0 63 l 0 63 14,965' -60 0.55 0.55 20 CL ' 73 0 4.29' fi; k , i 21 22 Ki t Y 5 it 1 € 23 k 7 - a5 Er �c f S j T 25 Ci. ` ''i olI 26 _a��r{se.:;4•°��s 1 sFrrt ;F,,� 27 C 77 5.17 -3.88 ifw 28 CL 80 0 3.92 '. 29 30 a"ag 77-7 Monthly Loading0 1d0a0` 0 0.00 i192704 r 3 66� K. 104,333 3 84 8.39 r14Y$6�3rj l`1I6 7w :', 12 Month Floating Total (in): FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATIONREPORT (NDAR-1) Page 4 of 7 W00004288 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: April Year: 2017- Permit No.: h eld accme y ,, ' Field Name: 9 h t J Field Name {,` _ r10'� Field Name: 11 Did irrigation occur , �8 2159; ` Area (acres): 0.79 '7,-7rea (ac7es)y 1 33�,� Area (acres): 0.67 Area�(acres) M- at this facility? , $C (Bermutla3f Cover Crop: C. Bermuda x� Covea Crops G,:Bermutla Cover Crop: C. Bermuda yCover�Cr�op�; I `�HdurJ,y�Rate(in) ' ' d'5x Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 �' iHourly Rate�(n)� a0 5 Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 ❑� YES NO ❑ x ,An�ivalR te"t(in)'i�w 33t96 f Annual Rate (in): 22.48 k ,AnnualRateK( n) - 65 62 Annual Rate (in): 62.13_ F(elc� Ir�lg r ;�Nor,L Field Irrigated? ❑YES: ❑NO >~ F�eld$IrrigaEed? [IhYEs 1❑No Field Irrigated? YES ❑No Weather Freeboard ti 3 t?YES t '6 ' ..+ w O OId m ° K` �' i x `'•a ^ d''oi.d E k` » w fi t+irn tii ,ru �� Y+, dC .rf 1� f. m v •0 01 E CI y , d N T C 7 C E E m " m •o,F-. r •ns j[j .� N •- .r N ('"� �E1 �� 1 r( j I -t �E(far O1r 'tC �.7r� C a 9f eE �M r rV u A�� ' tE f E . E w L v E `o m v =� cc L m a a K_ 3 rsa rE mn ; E,o ays P_ m , e�sltm, s E v a a cc i_ °� p. o x o E a f r $m I i.. m. t �t o o a of o. w o a F= c'a ca m- o 0. m= o. p o �. ti tt tea, J fl > a. �; i; 7 Q a~ `'S S ZOS ,JI ws P j`J : > Q J . J .0 E d •N RJr�=- `. •••� :.� • _J °F in ft ft� }gal"� `, xrriinu in . t_c _aim gal min in in gal" TM 1 minx in ; F :: in,__._ gal min in in } 2 6 7 F N4k 57 1.87 3.92- 4 E k y 8 C C 59 0 3.984�r 99' �,wt asp is J� r'� 9 �6�ei ootib'�.-.ra E1'. Tr t Ji (iF C I !� - 1D C 71 0 4.02 3r LF311TRAIN G.r L-01 RO ') riDi551 ' 11 12 PC 68' 0 4.08 !._ 60ti)_0 4'5 ? �_^'D45 ,798a 'r 601 0! 52 I 0 52 9399 60 0.52 0.52 'PC �61 -3,1r;329R� sQ 48 20;339 i 65 ' +056 0 52 10,170 65 .0:56 0.52 13 0 4.15 _,33,899 _ �,:65 , ,, .;w`�T44' 1� • 14 i r��;.a� a g4a"''A t�7h Ir I t I� 15- ry 17"1 0:19 4.25 29�2Z4' x F°� "60s' -- T I F77, 19 .CL : ..77 t0'56 , YY' 0 56} ; 10,196 60 0.56 0.56 20 CL 73 0 4.29t60 4� t t I' j - 21 -, z 1,} - 22 23 24 =t It t 1 r 25 26 `%0 0':39• 21l;07d5 7 60 0'58' I 0t581 ', 10,537 60 0.58 0.58 27 C 77 5.17 3.88 27,555; j ;BO$ .,, 39� 28 CL ° 80 0 3.92 Fes-?-R %0, 29 30 31 Monthly Loading- 0 0.00 ,2 79� 40,302 2.22 12 Month Floating Total (in): 0.21 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 5 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company _ County: Sampson Month: -April Year:. 2017 �, Na z r ,� Field Name: '. 13 s FleldName; t - 1` -- ? 4 Field Name Did irrigation occur 3,F1e1d me r s r - 15 ` �x ' s " Al ea (ace )t� s 1 x+ R �� r 1J' a Area (acres): 2.13 s Area acres ) 7a 55 s Area (acres): 0.97 at this facility?Cove C`ro �r�,. p C :Bermuda 7�._.�., Cover p� C. BermudaCo�er,�Cro � i, p pk Cover Crop: C. Bermuda .,r �� , , a € t.vk• _, .� a � _ , �r � �.tC ,aBermuda Rate (in): 0.5❑YES Hourly Rate '0.5Hourly • ❑No (in : . r An yal Rate (in 1 #13� '` -Annual Rate (in): 57.,54 Annu la k�at (in),i3 Annual"Rate 57.3 +b -. S ,' (in): Weather Freeboard FF) tl11%. atetl?b yES, � ❑ 3 Field Irrigated? ❑YES ❑✓ NO I F)eldilrr g fed (]YES` ❑No ' Field Irrigated? vEs ❑ ONO w"�s.. 9 a •00 O Q) 7 .. _ O :� - m 0) •,-, � N to tS M 4.1��� �i�d 7aN p � ii��� �.'�r .e, G1 ?,rrv'T i.A+'.'tae �Fy' . E{{� ..y`��if ' �,T C ` '' y '.� �E �`°) D ` C E�o d v E d .. o d .4+ rn T C E' 7 C E i YdT tr I ) )O = t°° i G -.� •ey K Ci jwd t + ia)1 I ; 1C sBh� � � � t t E i '� ,aC t, O N_C 7 T C_ ❑ L m m c. f? ° �, a m A��1� s ova F yk'``° �� p` L to �: -k 4i s o, o ° o a E ❑ ❑ x ° a o f' o or " F {Ef f a)w, ^, o; k„o i } tE'�1 0' r Y ,e mtCL Q E m a�_ ` _ ~ is v m ❑ E_ v X o. E ❑ ' a > a a r .F-r LlJ "1, ed [y�' " Y-i' J 9 ?; Q <0 S �Fr�Q rY " .a� x 1 �a I S r�1^�� , ' � Q O = O O J A F_ (. ii OF in ft ft i airy inn''i�ir' ` al min in in alj m'i'n'_<;.;r-'ms., lrn__.z gal min in in 1 rifdsC raf (vr T✓ 717,777777 Zi6 tvy _..ro .. . zy.3 4 f:_xa 7,53 r fF, t')I.v,�'-���'l, _t .i. 77,xa"L'r' 6 f{YdiA �8Y4i$4xYx{y p YY f1hY i . �4 7,¢ Wry} 7-d.r1 iW F._;.3 _ r q w lEU77^; +: 8 C 57 1.87 3.92 33�555',.60r �s. `'�33i_. 88,4A75 360.r'0�43-,,Qi4 9 C 59 0 . 3.98 f33980_1 §06`�0�33 �03 !85'yi797� j "60„ :a0?42�, EO 42`r' 10ci%� 11 C- 71 0 4.02 0 40,;004 �?0239_''039F.�3;196 ? �,_,50r ti_ 36s 0361 : t0 .,1 r_i 6,667 60 0.25 0.25 12 PC' .-68 0 4.08 313817r4, _ 60r'�d' 09,_0'33 ' a87�1,98' ` r60t ' 6,266 60 0.24- 1 0.24 13 PC 61 0 4.15 , -� f,; w. �Y`. �;". v? r 85;652T t i r6D= _ 0"42? ' } ,;0'42! `:i 6,780 65 0.26 0.24 14 15 "h t`a' RR [,.a "� e,t° 'k - •R t n", ^.3 (p^n..r, x7 7.- z { - ( S. rT.✓��..t�ga>:`^�vti�v�v.Ea 16 17 �raa5..ra1 �a j+M 18f 19 CL 77 0.19 4.25�+t $" �). r ✓ .`h: �..�' ...2.4f ., .'�R,. 7..- i... it.h.a_r i ts_'.; :;r „7; s f _.�- 20 CL . 73 0 4.29 iiQ;+78360 W_� ),. SO}40}` tOF01 i 21 Y i�'i F� .11; 22— _ 24 7 iN25 ik-aPr�f s' a�vat �t, _. ,6.tl�s� •23 �� .,.ve[. ',�..✓.l L? _.. '. d. r � �. �. C.<':... -..ri 26 (w(sc✓i f"fa... ._ <, RIO- 27 C 77 5,17 3.88 42i �49 (; 6Q ` f IF t » „4_� _' �86;27r,3.1 _� �60;, 28 CL 80 0 3.92e.Ys�8725�5 29 30 31 j02 G-t '--�,'!Monthly Loading:0 0 ('6821r32;3?;33 19713 0.75 12 Month Floating Total (iny 1 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) - Page 6 of 7 Permit No.: . WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: April Year: 2017 Did irrigation occur "-Fieltlp�Nam� 1'6}- t Field Name 17 . t F r FtedNam1e j �18s`t ': Field Name • 18-A - 'Area>(acres)' _ j uF j Area (acres): 2.27 4 tiAreaj(aGres)r it ° 8 8�7 �} Area at this facilit y '� (acres): 6.56 - CovertFtop ;CBer[nudak r Cover Crop: C. Bermuda �overCrop ice- ;Cz `Bermutla Cover Cro C. Bermuda I�Yes ❑Np HotlrlyFtate�(in7` ro5 G i Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 c iHorl Rate in [Lug Y r5 p Hourly Rate ' AnualRate;F ( ) k :e58z?. Annual Rate (in):. 9.91 C _ , AnnualFRatet . (in): ' 0.5 m Annual Rate (in): 57.52 Weather Freeboard YF Itl`rr,7g?g0 E5❑0 { ' Field Irrigated? ❑YES ONo Field Irrigated? 121YES . ❑No df d =O •O 7 _ y _ N .0 lit N7 •D' „i s A '� :`fie jra F s� ✓ C1 �a •O •p E "r� -; ! '` •O, p 4p� � � '- Tc0 V'. L A' �E9 _ � .3w .r .k,` �d w°,3rtl w .� �. t� j[ t ` c L f r. 'fl..r d E d d Of ,ar �!� ' T i c- :� t' y3�Ca < ' a01 rs� f yS..C7 ��4h �� � i � qP ;Ek a ly, C C.7 ;_' Iti d 'D •O E U1 N d tm E oM >. C . d , L]. L CL ° R a' k •':S,uC.bl+F�" �oF' a iE :9�.tif a+i�. ii- t i10� i :� �a7 t o i°}y s Y�o13�,� Oi t,,(��j 7 E �0 O. o a °' F- 'C f0 E � .;a X c ,� a 7%� e { xEr . �iz [{ c: ay'rn 1 EG 1 ��`"� � �;. c •a _ iE ha• � �1 I-! l0 p mI, ++ a E m m , R •o E v i ..`+ .`. • fA - c0 =t b f ,�� Qf I ,`[ c0 d y`_; y�Jt' �Fr� r +„ Jt. Q J m S J O 1 f y �i Qrs S I �'z.2E%r: �r �' 'Lx. ,OT9"3' I �,YNG.�= O I O O. j=, .` % Q R to .. J N = J .ram fk.aCt� t� EnJ; G s _L �. o F in" ft ft( alp g r a mine �, i !nl ;n gal min in in 4 "min ( galz - t , � 87r;602 ���60j irr, , �mx i ,10,36 i, 'i0' gal min 77,926 60 in in 0.44 0.44 -2i- 3 4 6 y x tR S t i';.r,E 7� 4 irtl ca"^bh l n�" API ): ?n i�z I 131 C 1 57 1.87 3.92;609 e 601 +0 32�: v IC 77 ' 9 -C 59 0 3.98 G�112 9 60° "'p�'A0�'If` f0;31 ) - 491, 87�8 't. t ;0E384 ? 130 60 `"72,815 0.43= 0.43 1D2 arTM'i of ( (r^ __60 , _ -_Q38i{� t 60. 0.41 0.41 19 C 71• 0 4.02 (515 I 60} F � � QUO 0439 Y r � { r ' : i a -' 12 PC' 68 0 4.08 f 60;926` d 60 f 0 31, { _ _ 78,118 60 0.44 0.44 .043,1t 1�02;569 i..' 10743 _ i ; ;0 371 81,332 60 0.46 " 0.46 13 PC' 61 0. 4.15 t}7,6;4;11� 60� {b i0t39t { [ 'Ot39� 89;`129 I t0!37r i i �0 37� 81,932 • 60 " 14 [r ix ;[ s r ; r r ,60i r t y f �l 0.46 D:46 15 _ ti 16 17 p. 19 CL 77 0..19- 4.253 68�4, fin, 60 rn r Or38S r i 038i` ` 87r,8,7r5a Y e60! 79,440 0.45 CL 73 � 76+e1�! � � 60 :� � i0 39 � f�'0 39, 't � � T 60 0.45 0.45 _0 .4.29 ZO 26 0� f 89, 60 6_t ,037 110.3,7, 79,848 60 -0.45 rr 22 i 23 24 , 25s{,,3 . - LA.. i I`n I L 26 ,u, ( r 271 C 1 77 5.171 3.88 i �337�8 j r, '6,p� i # ;032 ; [` r0�32 r �, $9,72j1'.� 28 CL 80 0 3.92 f64�220t `6Q, 81,896 60 0.46 0.46 [ F { ;Or33r a i hOs33r 88,596 t j 60 i r0 80,754 60 0.45 0.45 29 ti 30 31 Monthly Loading: t 6f13;54, l + .�1 - 3,Ft4? 0 0.00 (,81�8,265;_ 3_40� 791,191 4.44 12 Month Floating Total (in): FIrz 6�98 ' 9.73 t 15�:189T 1t`'j f FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE. APPLICATION! REPORT,(NDAR 1) ` Page 7 of 7 Did the .application rates exceed the. limits in Attachment•B' of your permit?' p compliant d Non -Compliant Were adequate; measures taken to" prevent effluent pondiing in or runoff from the sites? p compliant 0 Non -compliant Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your..permit? p compliant ❑ Non -compliant Were•.611 setbacks listed in your permit maintained. for every application to each permitted site?, p compliant p Non -compliant Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the. specified freeboard heights. in, your. permit? El compliant p Nomcompliant' If,the facility is non -compliant, please -explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide. in your explanation the date(s)'of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification. Perm ittee:Certification .. ; ORC: Randall, Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification No.: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Grade SI Phone Number: 919-210-2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible. Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDAR-1? y� 'No -Phone Number: 925-949-0432 Permit Exp.: 5/31/21 Signature Date . Signature 'Date By this signature, I certify that this report Is accurtate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under.penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared unifier my direction or supervision in accordance 'th a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted..Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who 'manage the system, or those'persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the. information submitted is, to the best of my: knowledge and belief,4rue, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, Including the possibility offines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original •and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing.Unit 1617 Mail Service Center .. , Raleigh, North Carolina _27699-1617 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 'NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 1 of 6 Permit No.: W00004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: April Year: 2017 Field Name: A FI®IdtNertle;8 Field Name: C GaFleltl(Name 'Dr f Field Name: Area (acres): 39.3 nw' Area (acres) 8 a Area (acres): 16.4 s'Are1t( eras_ 36l6�' Area (acres): E fi ,'? Cover Crop: C. Bermuda 4 �irCo�ierCro��. C Bemtfda) Cover Crop: p: C. Bermuda K Cover Cro Ct Bermuda ' Cover crop: yjt g�p�(^� p: Load Type: PAN lf'oad�7 ..,�.: a YF y, '� PANT ' � f w: �,'.� Load Type: YP PAN f; WWI e' t YN a.p a� Load Type: YP PAN Field Loaded? DYES ONoFleltlrLoad d7,[�YeS, Field Loaded? ❑rEs ONoFrFi Loatled?DYES. ONot Field Loaded? DES 4�[]No� [:]NO C..CL Z z c�° ki Yd , Q° Za¢l0 Z'ZQ`m> CL Z Qc c M a ° d ;a 70>�� 0 E u. > ° Zo E o Z ed ao O ¢° ZJ kf ° °vco Month gal mg/L: Ibslac Ibslac sgalimglL.4I�sla ,Ibs(ecE gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibslac _galry,?-a z� mglL„ Ibs ac Ibs/acQ gal mglL Ibs/ac Ibs/ac- February 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 [; '%00} X.W291N 0 3.29.. 0.0 0.0D'0' :i 3 .0'J . -March 0' 3.88 0.0 0.0 I ; -�OF._., ,, �$`8$,,, ,.i0?0 , , <:_:Q'0�- 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 April - 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 IOr :4 2 iJ {0 Or t_ '0?Oi of 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 1c r s+0_ > M 4 21(, a f ODD May 0 7.53 0.0 0.0 ,:,7r"53}'y 0�� ' b 7.53 0.0 0.0 June 0 8.22 0.0 0.0 r ,'D�-. >,: 8 `.L22, r0 Osµ` 1e r OiD'i 0 8.22 0.0 0.0 July 0 6.8 0.0 0.0 tom` r Q _'E. >6�tgt �D 0 i .OtO}e.� 0 6.8 0.0 0.0 August- - 0 6.68 0.0 0.0 ' '.:0`, , .,mil, h r6f681 s 0 0 ;' DSO } 0 6.68 0.0 0.0 September 0 6.66 0.0 0.0 ;c r0 ' I:6r661 } -0,0_' 0 6.66 0.0 0.0 October 0 4 0.0 0.0 �+, t0', ',j.f=4; < _�. 0"0`,�,.<OOn 0 4 0.0 _ 0.0 . r Of, r_.44,,"° ' f� k OOr 0,0 _l a November 0 4.07 0.0 0:0 r r: Di ,; �,<:4�'07l 0 0`,DFO� 0 4.07 0.0 0.0 December 0 5.37 0.0 1 0.0 D x5t3,7,'�E {+'OsO�, 0$O;:j . 0 5.37 . 0.0 0.0'� i• �0� January 0 6.26 0.0 0.0 °U;, k6 26" i OS0 G.'010'c l 0 6.26 0.0 0.0 12 Month Floating PAN Load 0.0 lr OtO�a.af 0.0 Ibslac/ r Annual PAN Load Limit"a 300 1 300 300 200} v FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 2 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: April Year: 2017 Field Name: 1 " } aFieldNar�r e42,' Field Name: -3 ?l J+;FieIiBNam®s Field Name: 4 Area (acres): (. ) 1.64 Arr`eai acres ; fir: )._ # �3N'23 Area(acres): 11.62 ( 7Arreal(acres Area i� . V _ 4 ,. �r (acres): 1.89 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Cover Crop: C. Bermuda Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN ^ L�oadtTypeY{ ws PAS ;; Load Type: PAN ` ?LoadtType' t -? Load Type: PAN fix'' �; ,_r' Field Loaded? aEs ❑No Field Loaded? ❑ves ❑No tF�ieldlLoaded? ❑YES r � No ,_: Field Loaded? ❑YEs ❑No d Z Z v d� z s zt s z z r d= F ,� d z_ • a O a; a. a 01 a° o 0 y .o 10�+� a!, �,(a Q t> idL m, c. ° O' a' a N > m r n S r I�p°a O# d r. imp O C .� i r �t ( a a a o Z a ; D. o. wCL v a ..(�RE d{9 vv I , m io 1 ; a d .. a o _� a. ., f mr� ' I a d a v N E t01 +�+ J E Z t 'Or f E ('��'�uNi �viw� j��3E!'rZ d E . N v w .J E Z }', i��., (a�. GIi + .c r t (ki �,Ojs✓, E O v w J E Z a m c > °. e o a v a o> d�,e N+ os ei °i f t'v� o ak a :1 3 a) e > o e o o a v a E " a I rso. a ao; x, iF .. io' v E > > c c ° as I > 1r c� Month gal mg/L Ibslac Ibslac gal, ;mgl ,Ibs/act Ibs/act gal mg/L Ibslac Ibslac gal �' ; ,: mg1L, , r t $,Ibslac, 3 Ibs/.ac gal mg/L Ibslac Ibslac February 152,474 3.29 2.6 2.6 22b'3,`M,1^ 1 " 3 29? i;'?1�91' 1,005,840 3.29 2.4 2.4 P _ , ' t 7 t ::: _ t T _ ' 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 March 105,274 3.88 2.1 4.6 4255071t!;±�r38$�r,2t6h{,Q4t4,y 559,344 3.88 1.6 3.9 '�F__..:� t rtw. ." Vt 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 April 76,458 4.21 1.6 6.3 'I48;5605ti 421� 1r6' 472,202 4.21 1.4 5.4 ` " ' r 7 r' .0�`a f a,.� _ .., ,C _ 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 May 0 7.53 0.0 6.3 t fy 0 x ; J�53gt._ 0 0, 6"0 0 7.53 - 0.0 _ 5.4 i` _ __ �_,= w i ;__ 0 7.53 0.0 0.0 June 57,290 8.22 2.4 8.7 r 93;097r822 t. _.. ;? �% 2 0t (80}a 279,291 8.22 1.6 7.0 s ? r ,..__ ; G y _ .f 0 8.22 0.0 0.0 July 113,317 6.8 3.9 12.6 TI (;, 6 8, 552,420 6.8 2.7 9.7 ;18,4•�140„ • j,,;3 _ _ _ -, , . •_ _.� , , _ , _ 0 6.8 0.0 0.0 August 148,687 6:68 5.1 17.6 „ 3221!5 �». 6t68 i;','.5?6t°' E 1a6 495,043 6.68 2.4 12.1 ti,., _'`� ;', ti 110,271 6.68 '3.3 3.3, September 103,943 6.66 3.5 21.1 118013,36%6 188,452 6.66 0.9 13.0 (_ ,t *„ F-' f _ LL' , I, _ 89,698 6.66 2.6 5.9 . October 81,163 4 1.7 22.8 E,14 ,880E (^,4t ; i 13,5 t'2F1,' 203,501 _ 4 0.6 13.6 ! ? r .: _;�' _, i `' - t r. "� -- 28,662 4 0.5 6.4 . November 130,423 1 4.07 2.7 25.5 28-g!584. g i; 4'07 t, 3,�0[ ;i S 4_".4 756,286 4:07 . 2.2 15.8' z"' 1.J..t La• {..• f , r 95,755 4.07 1.7 8.1 December 37,245 5.37 1.0 26.513069_9a z3E3 , _,11t ,5„ 193,297 5.37 0.7 '37,245' 5.37 0.9 9.0 38,070 6.26 1.2 27.7 R8; 183,314 6.26 0.8 J` }'� a :F4.r ;>January `i 0 6.26 0.0,. • 9.0111.12 Month Floating PAN Load 268 17.3(Ibs/aclyr):27.7Annual im PAN Load Limit27022702995-? 299 (Ibs/aclyr): la,4- FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page-3 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name; Sager Creek Vegetable Company county: , Sampson Month: April Year: 2017 Field Name: 5'F1 _ .� ame -- «=a r� 6 Field Name: 7 } a FleldlName ; Name: m Y, r 3 y f. . b ^8 -Field 9 Area (acres): 0.78�ea(ac�es)� f1.9 '" Area (acres): 1 Area(acres)� +r' �� a'F2r5 Area ; .��+. acres\ ( /' 0.78 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda kCoVeG p;; �?C Bernlu�la :� Cover Crop: C.Bermuda (CTnve7,zCro'pr� �C 58Rrmudark Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN i ti tLoad a TYP.. PAN X Load T e: PAN 'Load _ e t iFANf Load Type: d._ _ > t ..:. PAN Field Loaded? Ares pNoFIe1dlLoaded?YEsr *?w bt Field Loaded? Ares pNo tFleltl Loaded?Gres' �Noi'? Field Loaded? ❑Yes ENO . d O Z O Z d g#' 3. a+y,� 7 lar-h'�p` �Z Ott s� h GIh OII_f• Z C O Z d O• a a a w 16 a ao a n d� m fCi • ❑ a E O°. • CV A a>> 0e w°U m 0 k,W O o ' i I J.. • a E d •' 'O �+ ld O -4> ° _I O ZZ a r 1 c o > �o °° ao a > U t4y'. <! . ``&V1 a:,.u,m tN > Month gal mg1L Ibstac Ibs/ac �emgl,L"�bsl Ibslac) _ gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac , ._ sga) s; , L.mgl,L�„ kAbs/ace I ,,Ib n gal mglL ibs/ac Ibs/ac February 0 3.29 0.0 0.0, =1sQ;7�07`3e29(16I. +,;71,@6 ! 66,503 3.29 1.8 _ 1.8 46 01'D �. 3 29 'i05 r0'5 ' 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 March 0 3.88 0.0 0:0 ;a:3�,137r I.Ft3F88 rr 0_,6 zh2;; 16,880 3.88 0.5 -2.4 4. ,0 4' c 0 9 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 April 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 �j`1;92,704, ,Ft_W � c t ;_-, 315,j Fig 771 104,333 4.21 3.7 6.0 �;N_ t,4.32Tj 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 May 0 7.53 0.0 0.0 ^ _ Tl)� a: j in_7,F53x; 00� , ,N57A„v 0 7.53 0.0 6.0 Or , f ( 7,53,_ OYO ?' 3y8 0 7.53 0.0 0.0 June 0 8.22 0.0 0.0 x_ ; =D I`,„8 22•A 0 Qr k7,%, 7 A 0 8.22, 0.0 6.0 1„ , �p , ' f; f8�22_w Q 3 81 °1 0 8.22 _ 0.0 , 0.0 July 0 6.8 0.0 0.0 ,• s `" I :68ii;k,' n7? 0 6.8 0.0 6.0 0 6.8 0.0 0.0. August 39,314 6.68 2.8 2.8108,�1nt266$, �?git ;8t8 49,141 6.68 2.7 8.8 0 0.0 ., ! , ,'6168} , ,0 0 _ E ; 3r8 0- 6.68 0.0 . September 29,774 6.66 2.1 4.9 143_IQOW 6 66 a P10t0y 27,495 6,66 1.5 10.3 7-6;7_,04' j t6.68` 4,522 6.66 0.3 0.3 October 19,101 4 0.8 5.7`k52527! 4�k 09109^ 22,006 4 _ 0.7 11:0 56,B339.? ,- ?;4 _7,0'7'; i 4,91'•' 0 . 4 0.0 0.3. November 64,503 4.07 2.8 8.6 W1'r774,W75�r-4f3 : Q r 14;D 108,021 4.07 3.7 14.72'5` f „ 7E;4; 0 4.07 - 0.0 0.3 December - 24,830 5.37 1.4 1A 0 , 63?0�42' n 5K37,15 1,54 28,656 5.37 1.3 16.0 54,4_04 ?5i37 ., ( 0 9'; -, a ;, 8 3 i 0 5.37 - 0.0 0.3 January- 0 : 6.26 0.0 • 10.0 iOL 6t2t3O,�Q 154,4't 31,769 6.26 1.7 • 17.6 u_•0 .,'a �s6, 26^ , .,DFOr { 18!3= 0 6.26 0.0 0:3 ' 12 Month Floating PAN Load 10.0 j5� 17.6 F 77 0.3 (Ibs/aclyr): (':;: _ t Annual PAN Load Limit 299 t ;,?99 16 299 270i 0 (Ibslaclyr): 299 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 4 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: April Year: 2017 Field Name: 10 Field Name: 12 T Field Name: 14 Area (acres): 1.33, Area (acres): 3 Area (acres): 7.55 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Cover Crop: C.Bermuda §00n Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? EYES ONO REEIF'_ W'; Field Loaded? 2YES ONO' ` Feld g Field Loaded? j:,l OYES ONO 01 z C 0 z 40 yl z Z. Z, z z 2: 0 (L Ar,< IL cc 0 Cn '93 0 -j �m 0 T _j _j E Zti 0 .:j au E tm 0 _j E Z Q 0 9L 0 IL 4or 0 A 0Qs > > U Month gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac gal mg/L lbsiac lbs/ac gal mg/L lbsiac lbs/ac February 17,838 3.29 0.4 0.4 F*'_,2,4,,_SQ2;1,_­ F,,r:tTZ_9j1 Fr,,-QTr2,,j[-Mf6jM, 58,550 3.29 0.5. 0.5 614,255 3.29 2.2 2.2 March 20,197 3.88 0.5 0.9 L.],3k;4 81 1 if 1 147,357 3.88 1.6 2.1 _ii. STZ 413, 914 3.88 1.8 4.0 April 100,605 4.21 2.7 3.5 -3 224,288 4.21 2.6 4.7 682,132 4.21 3.2 - 7.2 May 0 7.53 0.0 3.5 0 7.53 0.0 4.7 0 7.53 0.0 7.2 June 14,272 8.22 0 4.3 0 8.22 0.0 .7 &.`35'.'• 4.7 0 8.22 0.0 7.2 July 59,632 6.8 2.5 6.8 EM�W 0 6.8 0.0 4.7 (L-M MPL 1'1� 0'�Qc 0 6.8 0.0 7.2 August 76,426 6.68 3.2 10.0 0 6.68 0.0 4.7 0 6.68 0.0 7.2 September 10,023 6.66 0.4. 10.4 18,809 1 6.66 0.3 1 5.1 9 5336 6.66 0.7 7.9 October 33,978 4 0.9 11.3 A 0,71-1 111 �,Tlt 90,185 4 1.0 6.1 221,298 4 1.0 8.9 November 64,843 -4.07 1.7 12.9" 53,911 4.07 0.6 6.7 532,696 4.07 2.4 11.3 , December 0 5.37 0.0 12.9• Llrglij_!�' 77,614 5.37 1.2 7.9 169,801 5.37 1.0 12.3 January. 81,338 6.26 3.2 16.1 162,6776.26 2.8 10.7• IV -"MO 17' 10499,150 6.26 - 3.5 15.7 12 Month Floating PAN Load 16.1 IN 107 (lbs/aclyr): . 15.7 Annual PAN Load Limit 77.19 (lbs/ac/yr): 97n 270 270 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 5 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: April Year: 2017 Field Name: 15 NO WE Field Name: 17 Field Name: q 18 -A Area (acres): 0.97 Area (acres): 2.27 Area (acres): 6.56 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda 3T 131i A0041-io'l- Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: A 5j PAN, Field Loaded? DYES EINO -I 4LjW Field Load d Loaded? DES RINO Field Loaded? 21YEs DNo • z 0 z z C Z. im � a) z z CL CL %IL CL CL IL 2: .1 < (L < a. (1) .1 ca V _j < 0 0 _j E z tm L) E z 0 , < a. � 4, ter> 0 < IL �51; " E M r_ 0 < A ( < On 1: _ 0 > > Month gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac .9 1 �F�j gal I mg/ L lbs/ac Itisla c _11b gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac February 31,443 3.29 0.9 0.9 05-0,7VIOW", EXCZOpa 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 750,432 3.29 3.1 3.1 March 6,752 3.88 0.2 1.1 li. 1453ti6511 171 RIMIN El_,;_;2'O 15,,,.,4_2� 0 3.88 .0.0 0.0 365,438 3.88 1.8 4.9 April 19,713 4.21 0.7 1.8 0 4.21 0.0 0.0 11-OLi-8.".2&i�l;?Ill-.-Pr,4',,2-pi11-7 791,191 4.21 4P2 9.2 May 0 7.53 0.0 1.8 0 7.53 0.0 0.0 0 7.53 0.0 -9.2 June 3,568 8.22 0.3 2.1 12,488 8.22 0.4 0.4 W ;--J, X �iQ_Q, r' 7 60,656 1 8.22 0.6 9.8 July 14,908 6.8 0.9 3.0 52,178 6.8 1.3 1.7 1 1 253,436 6.8 2.2 12.0 August 42,575 6.68 2.4 5.4 171,439 6.68 1 4.2 1 5.9 ?V;41'1-011 331,175 6.68. 2.8 14.8 September 18,028 6.66 1.0 6.4 F54T%,A_60fl ZiOWOE 108,798 6.66 2.7 8.6 F1 ]861_, 43,431 6.66 0.4 15.2 October 16,375 4 0.6 7. I 65,508 4 1.0 9.5 4 -:' , 1, ,*,70. _ I.A'A. 13,280 4 0.6 1 15.8 November 35,513 4.07 1.2 8.2 - !F 129,167 4.07 1.9 11.4 106,955 4.07 0.6 1 16.3 December 1 11,321 5.37 0.5 8.8 11 39,869 5.37 .0.8 12.2 90,051 5.37 0.6 16.9 January 27,570 6.26 1.5 10. 8.1 ot 0� 19,751 6.26 0.5 12.7 12 Month Floating PAN Load 10-2 12.7 (lbs/aclyr):, E29 d2rr�,2 MIC7_1 Annual PAN Load Limit 9 9 VEM/0, (lbsiaclyr): FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page s of s Did the mass loading rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit?- [Z compliant, ❑ Non -compliant • .if the facility is non -compliant. please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach -additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification Number: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Grade: SI Phone Number: 919-210-2500 Signing Official's Title: • Responsible Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMLR? ❑ Yes [D No Phone No.: 925-949-0432 'Permit Exp.: 5/31 /21 • G, v (1. 15131 17 Signature Date Signature Date By this signature, 1 certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify,.under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted Is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete, I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 cWFOi. � t�EN Labomton. Ace-urate. Timely. Rewpo re. Innovative. 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 Phone: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 Thursday, April 27, 201.7 WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT, LLC (WA013) Attn: - RANDALL JARRELL P.O. Box 578 Pittsboro, NC 27312 RE: Laboratory Results for' Project Number: [none], Project Name/Desc: Sager Foods -Monthly ENCO Workorder(s): CZ17847 Dear RANDALL JARRELL, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Wednesday, April 19, 2017. Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed.by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Stephanie Franz Project Manager Enclosure(s) ' FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page I of 13 www.encolabs.com . SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client ID: Sager Foods Effluent Lab ID: CZ17847-01 Sampled: 04/19/17 11:45 Received: 04/19/17 13:25 Parameter Hold Date/Time(s) Prev Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s)- CALC 01/13/20 04/25/17 11:57 04/25/17 12:04 Colilert 18 04/19/17, 19:40 04/20/17 13:34 04/19/17 15:30 04/20/17 11:35 CSU Method. 05/03/17.. -04/21/17 09:01 04/26/17 14:29 EPA 200.7 10/16/17 04/21/17 09:01. 04/26/17 13:27 EPA 350.1 05/17/17 04/25/17 11:48 04/25/17 11:48 EPA 351.2 05/17/17 04/21/17 16:30 04/24/17 12:59 EPA 353.2 04/21/17 11:45 04/19/17 1523 04/19/17 15:23 EPA 353.2 05/17/17 04/21/17 13:13 04/21/17 13:13 EPA.353.2 01/13/20 - 04/21/17 13:59 04/21/17 14:13 EPA 365.4 OS/17/17 04/21/17 16:30 04/24/17 13:51 SM 254ob-1997 04/26/17 04/24/17 10:45 04/24/17 10:45 SM 521OB-2001 04/21/17 11:45 04/20/17 14:05 04/20/17 14:05 . E - - i FINAL This report relates only to tFie sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 3 of 13 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: Sager.Foods Effluent Lab Sample ID:CZ17847-01 Received: 04/19/17-13:25 Matrix: Waste Water 'Sampled; 04/19/1T 11:45 ' Work Order: CZ17847 Project: -Sager Foods -Monthly •„ Sampled By: RANDALL ]ARRELL Metals by EPA,200 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591) AnAvte ICAS Numberl- Results Flan Units .DF MDL ' PQL, Batch - ' Method Analyzed Notes Calcium [7440770-2]^ 9750 ug/L 1 39.0 100•-7D21010 EPA 200.7 • 04/26/17 13:27 JMV Sodium [7440-23-5]^, 127000 ug/L 1 400 500 :,- 7621010 EPA200.7 04/26/1713:27 JMV ' Classical Chemistry Parameters ^ - ENCO C,ry-rbfied analyte (NC 591J Analyte FCAS Numberl Results Flag Units RP MDL PPOL ', Batch Method Analyzed Notes Ammonia as N [7664-41-7]^ 0.92 mg/L 1' 0.045. 0.10 7D25007 EPA 350.1 04/25/17 11:48 JLI Biochemical Oxygen Demand^ 23 -mg/L • _ 1- 2.0 ' 2.0 -, 71320013 SM 521OB-2001 04/20/17 14:05 JOC Nitrate as N [14797-55-8]^ < 0.025 mg/L 1 0.025 0.10 7D23040 , EPA 353:2 ' 04/21/17 14:13 JLI Nitrate/Nitrite as N^ < 0.041 ' - mg/L 1 0.041 - . 0.10' 7D21023 EPA 353.2 04/21117 13:13 JLI " Nitrite,as N [14797-65-0]^ 0.028 J -, mg/L 1 0.017 0.16 7D19031 EPA 353.2 04/19/17 15:23 JLJ Phosphorus [7723-14-0]^ 11 D - mg/L 5 0.12 0.50 . 7D21033' EPA 365.4 04/24/17 13:51 JU Sodium Adsorption,Ratio _ 7.78 [blank] 1 . 7D21010 . CSU.Method 04/26/17 14:29: JMV Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen^ 13 mg/L 1 0.26 '0.48 7D21032 EPA 351.2 04/24/17 12:59 JLI Total Nitrageif[17778-88-0] 13 mg/L ' 1 - . 0.02 . 0.10 7D25028 . CALC 04/25/17 12:04 JLI -Total`Suspended Solids^ 65 mg/L- 10 _ -- 25 25 7D24003 SM 254013-1997 04/24/17 10:45 OMR Microbiological Parameters " ' - ^ - ENCO Cary —Vfled analyte [NC 591J • • , Analvte fCAS Numberl Results . Flael Units DF POL, -Batch Method - . AnalyzedNotes . Coliform, Fecal^, 4.1 MPN/100 1, ; .- 1.0 7D20021 Colilert 18 04/20/17 11:35 ASC FINAL ; This report relates onlyto.the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 5''of .1 3 www.encolabs.com , _ QUALITY, CONTROL "DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control 'Batch 7D19031- NO PREP - Continued Matrix Spike Dup (7D19031-MSDI) - . Prepared: 04/19/2017 15:17 Analyzed: 04/19/2017 15:17, . Source: CA05486-01 Spike - Source %REC RPD Analvte Result. Flao POL Ups Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrite as N 0.91 0.10 mg/L 1.00, - 0.017 U- • 91 ; 90-110 1 _10 . Batch 7D20013 - NO PREP Blank (7D20013-BLKI) Prepared & Analyzed: 04/20/2017 14.05 Spike Source %REC ' RPD . Analyte Result.-, FlaFlaa Q Units, Levei Result %REC ", Limits RPD Limit ; Notes Biochemical Oxygen Demand.. 2.0 U 2.0 mg/L'' = LCS (7D20013-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 04/20/2017 14:05 - • Spike'.. Source %REC RPD Anii Resuit km POOL Units 'Level 'Result %REC Limits- RPD Limit Notes Biochemical Oxygen Demand '190 2.0 mg/L 198 96 85-115 Duplicate (7D20013-DUPl) Prepared & Analyzed: 04/20/2017 14:05 Source: CA05928-01 Spike, - Source - %REC RPD 'Anal vte esult Fla ]POL Units. Level -- Result %REC ' Limits RPD Limit Notes Biochemical Oxygen Demand . ' 17 ( 2.0 mg/L. 16 0.7 30 'Batch 7D21010 --EPA 3005A-.. " Blank (710121010-BLKl) Prepared:. 04/21/2017 09:01 Analyzed: 04/26/2017 14:30 Spike ` Source %REC RPD Ana e R u F a PPL , U�r i s Level .Result .. %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 'Sodium Adsorption Ratio A.00 U [blank] .. Batch 7D21023 - NO PREP Blank (7D21023-BLKi) Prepared: 04/21/2017 12:21 Analyzed: 04/21/2017 12:21 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result . E IN& Level -Result ' %REC Limits RPD Ling Notes Nitrate/Nitrite asN : 0.041 U_ '0.10 mg/L._ LCS (7D21023-BS1) Prepared: 04/21/2017 12:23 Analyzed: 04/21/2017 12:23 Spike Source I%REC RPD - Ana e • .. Result FlaFlaq Q . "Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes _ Nitrate/Nitrite asN 1.2 0.10 mg/L- 1.25 99 90-110 Matrix Spike (7D23023-MS3); Prepared: 04/21/2017 12:25 Analyzed: 04/21/2017 12:25 Source: CA05839-01 Spike I Source %REC RPD Anal vte.: ,.. -Result E1ac, POL Knits -Level - ". Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.65. ' 0.10, " mg/L .. ,0.513 0.093 108 90-510 Matrix Spike (7621023-MS2) Prepared: 04/21/2017 13:38 Analyzed: 04/21/2017 13:38 Source: CA03272-02RE1 ; Spike Source %REC' RPD Analyte Re.& Flaflaci PPL _ Units Level Result .%REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.68 .0.10 rung/L ` 0.513 0.16 102 90-110 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full: Pagt: 7 Of 13 9MM" Ce www.encolabs,com I' QUALITY CONTROL DATA ' Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 7D21033 - Same - Continued Matrix Spike Dup (7D21033-MSD1) Prepared: 04/21/2017 16:30 Analyzed: 04/24/2017 15:54 Source: CA03272-02RE1 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result F a , PQL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 10 D 1.0 mg/L 0.640 9.3 99 80-120 4 25 Batch 7D24003 - NO PREP Blank (7D24003-BLKi) Prepared & Analyzed: 04/24/2017 10:45 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result lag POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 2.5 U 2.5- mg/L LCS (7D24003-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 04/24/2017 10:45 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyt Result Flag POL Units Level Result %REC. Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids .100 2.5 mg/L 100 101 80-120 Duplicate (7D24003-DUPi) Prepared & Analyzed: 04/24/2017 10:45 Source: CA03574-02 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result FlaFlaa POL, Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 140 20 mg/L 200 33 20 QM-12 Duplicate (7D24003-DUP2) Prepared & Analyzed: 04/24/2017 10:45 Source: CA04767-01 Spike - Source %REC RPD Analyte Result FlaFlau POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 230 50 mg/L 230 3 20 Batch 7D25007- NO PREP Blank (7D25007-BLKi) Prepared: 04/25/2017 10:50 Analyzed: 04/25/2017 10:50 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal a Resul FlaFlaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.045 . U 0.10 mg/L LCS (7D25007-BSI) Prepared: 04/25/2017 10:52 Analyzed: 04/25/2017 10:52 Spike source %REC RPD Analvte Result Hag POL Ulm Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 1.0 0.10 mg/L 0.989 103 90-110 Matrix Spike (71325007-MSS) Prepared: 04/25/2017 13:08 Analyzed: 04/25/2017 13:08 Source: CA00527-OSREI Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flag POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 5.1 0.50 mg/L 1.98 3.1 99 90-110 Matrix Spike (7D25007-MS2) Prepared: 04/25/2017 11:02 Analyzed: 04/25/2017 11:02 Source: CA03268-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flag Q Units Level Resu t %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 8.5 - 1.0 mg/L 3.96 4.7 96 90-110 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page Of 13 Cf 9 �60 Ib "--.en co a s.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. ] The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data:and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not -detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration r_ange,of the instrument. This value is considered an estimate. MRL Method Reporting- Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL) and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. N The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence (85% or greater confidence) to make a "tentative identification". P Greater than 25% concentration difference was observed between the primary and secondary GC column. The lower concentration is reported. QM-07 The spike recovery'was outside acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSD. The batch was accepted'based'on acceptable LCS recovery. QM-08 _Post -digestion spike did not meet method requirements due to confirmed .matrix effects (dilution test). QM-12 Precision between duplicate samples was outside acceptance limits. FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 1,1 of 3 -ENCO Cal-r-Y., Vk�rk Qrder.- PFojoct: %bbf Food-9. Monthly diont" 1NASTEWATER ­ MANAGEMENT, A .EMENT, LLC (WA013) Logged 1. n 19-A e-47 1 3:29 Lagged "' By: John C King .. .. ......... ttl 1641' i l 1p Datedo -lS NO M� MA M -it . VO :b- -25-0- 1-ii-L" 04H28 y 'NA bP"+H,tqb3 N / A Y f&i. 'N" A Pclg'o-1 c FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 1 of 3 ' Permit No.: W00004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: March Year: -2017. PPI: Flow Measuring. Point: ❑Influent ❑Effluent ENo flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent ❑� Effluent ❑Groundwater Lowering ❑Surface Water Parameter Code --► 50050i , 01002 003;1Us -" 01027 009f16 : 00940 01034} ! 01051 *00927 71900 501'067 . 1 00610.. 00625,. ; 00620 00400 ' 00665 > O d E I to c, i O=E A Q Y Nr z ~t0 o z 24=hr hrs I GPb mg/L - mgll r.,' mg/L _ mg/,Ls mg/L ?; mglL mg/L mg/,L;, mg/L C mgl'L_ ' ; . mg/L mglL: mg/L ew mg/L 3 11:30 8.5 z- G 0j. 1.36 4 06:30 9.; _ 5- _: 6- �_ 7. D j : x 4 ✓ — 9 08:30' -<0:008 E,M -120 �4x78�,; 10 3"4 <0.00045 7,76 �DO$1+27?� <0.0028 <0.0002. 0H002,3,4;I 0.078 <0.025 1iDt_26 8.9 10 05:45 9 D 12 1.3rr0, S j-- 14 eMDi .: I tJ' .s .:J AYE �I I -VI LL'E 15 q -� r - -. — 16 09:30 10 I �:; ':_..4. 17 07:50 8.5 r Ot fr1027, fx - - - 18 ; 19 i Ot" i r :;x :� x 4 � tf : . s 21 22 231 07:45 11 - 10:2 24 06:45 10. 25 26 27 28 30LL07-45 9.50 r �; a a -.'� .I 8 7 3i 31Qi .i' t' Average 120.00 O''OOs : ' 0.08 ,' j 3 00i 8.90 Daily Maximum ti ;0 - 4 �34 00.:: ;,: 7;7,6 , ? 120.00 0.0813 00 :1Q:36,' 8.90 Daily Minimum: 0�.¢: K h3400> 7�76w 120.00I0E0Q?=j , 4_!4,"p79 µ _4D,OOjT:k'; 0.08 13`005 .' 8'73 8.90 Sampling Type Ftecortlo�kfa Grab iGrah, ;t Grab i YGrabr i Grab Grab Grab' Grab Grab? Grab i Grab,,; Grab ,Grab Grab Monthly Limit: - Daily Limit: i 4C153000 Sample Frequency rCofitinuous' 3 x Year Monthly,-_ 3 x Year ;''Monthly 3 x Year 3eXaYear,• ` 3 x Year 3rx Year 3 x Year 3 x Year° ' Monthly Monthly!'' Monthly , 'Per Everit Monthly FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT• (NDMR) Page 2 of:3 .Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company county: Sampson Month: March . Year: 20i7 ` PPI: Flow Measuring Point: ❑Influeht ❑Effluent ❑✓ No flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point:. ❑Influent DEfFluent ❑Groundwater Lowering ❑Surface Water Parameter Code --► (500O�y } WQ09 (+OU9291 70300 i ' 0053D 01092 4 316,161 00931 s �00.600;-'-? :1 l -- - •.J O ° r - o°° ma iI11 .• to , O ° QAjir ° F-3x I r. ` s } Q Z Egg p } .! in a ; r+ , " x a 24-hr hrs I mg/4+, mg/L �. MPN!/IOQ Calculate t mgLL,. IA. - - _GFD�> ,:mgYL,;- .mglL ,'°; mg/L _ r - ; ,- It 3 11:30 8.5 4 06:30 9 9 08:30 10 `Orr„ 3.88 f .,,125 ;.; 540 l .1"2Dr:-:,: 0.0436 �x 6�2, , t 8.67. 10 05:45 9 11 i _ On fs m :�F.:711- 12 - 13is 14 z , 4. 16 09:30 10 _ 0f4 Y . 17 07:50 8.5 _ Q? ! 18 19 20 21 22 23 07:45 11 '' • 0,..: _ '; =i - a r - - ' 241 06:45 10 1- 25 y FT, r i } - 26 } - r 2729 28 -. ..t i 1. Y. • I r ,-,,,T 301 07:45 9.52 x 31 Average „0� 3.88 t12500 7 540.00 ;, .120yOQy'^ l 0.04.'6 8:67 9 3f00 k Daily Maximum I� y;,0� 3.88 540.00 ; 0.046120 8.67 Daily Minimum 0,741VP 3.88 P 1�2QQ[� 540.00 ,1!2000; EjL1r20FDO 0.04 �6 2A c� 8.67 a��13'00; � ram, Sampling Type Grab Grab r' Grab Grabx; Grab yGrab;_t, Grab ?, f a - Monthly Limit ' %Th— �I Daily Limit = r -_-ti Sample Frequency: p q yContln�ous7 ''j Monthly !Monthly.`_ 3 x Year f Monthly_ ; 3 x Year x Monthly,. • Monthly 1. °Monthly, ,, -- ,^ j FORM: NDMR 06 11 NON=DISCHARGE MONITORIN6 REPORT (NDM-R Page 3 of 3 Sampling. Person(s) Certified'Laboratories Name: Randall Jarrell Name: ENCO Laboratories Name: Name: Does. all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachmelnt A of"yolur permit? 0 Compliant (� Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s),the facility was not in compliance. Provide, in your explanation the_' date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible: Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification No.: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Grade: SI Phone Number: 91972107-2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? El'Yes 0 No Phone Number: 925-949-04.32 Permit Expirattow - .. 5/31 /2021 C c.1 a9lt Signature Date Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to -the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: 'Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page I of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name:, Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: March Year: ' 2017' Did -irrigation RAO x �alai 10� -IN 'w Field Name: B. Field Name:D. occur � rArea (a l Area (acres): 8. Area (acres): 86:6. at this facility? Cover Crop: C. Bermuda Cover Crop: C. Bermuda EYES ]NO Hourly Rate (in): .0.25 Hourly Rate (in): 0.25 Annual Rate (in): 62.36 Annual Rate (in): 42.98 Weather Freeboard 'Field Irrigated? E]YES ENO - Field Irrigated? E]YES PN& .2 U) M tM E tM `K E 0 tM CL M E Z, 5 tM .52 2 2 E z,.E E CL 0 & '494KIRY, 'a M M P . 2 0 . 0 0 0 P 0 E U) 1;` 0 Cd :C a" Lb !L ji D F in ft ft n gal min in in .9 1 _Lfj� gal min in in -.7 2 r--- 77,-T--- U; 3 C 54 0.5 3.58 �7­J 2 4 C 44 0 3.65 7 ,777-17 7 71 F77 6 T. 6 -7, -7, 7 F%11,� FP2 9 C 66 0.02 3.71 Fg_,,I� E7,7 7-Zz 101 CL 1 58 0 13.75 1 !�7 t_ -7 IF, 7 i4 12 2 ------------ 13 _L711_;11_.­71 I 14 _Z j 16 C 41 0:97 3.79 'T 17 C, 44 0 .3.831 Iz, 18 - ----- i _:ZIZ:., IN 5- 2 19 20 F,77- _7 21 221 1 1_2 23 C 46 0.96 3.81 24 C 55 0 3.84 IL 7 7 ti 26 IfZ" 26 r 27 281 fE - 29 r`Rl- 30 PC 64 0.12 3.92 31 Monthly Loading: 0 MM-0-00 MM 0 iw1A 0 0.0 E 12 Month Floating Total (in): 0.00 I.:-, �N W `7 al M " aw"M FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 2 of 7 'Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable -Company County: Sampson - Month- March Year: 2017 Field Name: 2 F" 47 Field Name: Did irrigation occur Area (acres):. 3.23 ac Area (acres): ? at this facility. Cover Crop: C. Bermuda lc�� r, ------ Ura�' Cover Crop: E]YES ONO Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 Hourly'Rate (in): Annual Rate (in): 50.64. K 05 Annual Rate (in): Weather Freeboard Field Irrigated? [21YES E]NO % - �7 Field Irrigated? OYES ONO 04 _ -, 0 to .0 E i :tm E 0 tM cL w am- (D V m 0 -a E, �E m V 't. ,� 5 1., m", E 2 1'- E M N.0 = :6 E 5 CL 0 CL 1.:� - ­ jm,- 0 tm ca o R 0 CU 0 0 9x 4 -6 CL CM P As w 0 w E U) 0 M . 9" _45 - <CL > 0 AC > 0 w 0 Y _V t OF in ft ft gal min in in gal min in in 2 3 C 54 0.5 3.58 36,861 60 0.42 0.42 4 C 44 0 3.65 5 6 `F_ 7 8 9 ­C ':66 0.02 .3.71 10 CL 58 0 3.75 QL -1 36604, 60 0.42 0.42 70 -;F F`7 121 ------------- 13 14 15 7 '"r, ... .. - . 16 C 41 0,07 1 3.79 _!,0%44,,, 42,464 60 0.48 0.48 7 17 C 44 0 3.83 42,075 60 0.48 0.48 T 18 1 7 i f l' 7 19 F_ 20 21 22 23 C 46 0.96 3.81 71. 28,460 60 0.32 1 0.32 -4144- A i: 70.,36 241 C 55 0 3.84 33,001' 60 0.38 0.38 25 26 T 27 jr. i. 28 Z" 7, 777 29 F"It"Ril RM AL-IM WWfq V_ 2ir R:i,1111;1.' 301 PC- 1- 64 0.12 3.92- rF-' ff"' '7-' 0 35,13 6 60 0.41 0.41 _ Ez -74,. .1711 311 1 1. tj Monthly Loading: Y' , 27.4=,071 .2.91 jL166.9 _3 0 0.00 n;r, 12 Month Floating Total (in)- j 21.04 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-11)Page 3 of'7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: March Year: 2017 Did irrigation occur, y Field Name: IiCd 6' Field Name: 7 Ar Area (acres): 0.7 8 C -7 Area (acres): this facility? at �C P-PR�r-mK 'GJ erfnU Cover Crop: C. Bermuda Cover'Crop: C. Bermuda [21YES F-INO liourly�R(r)-, Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 i Annua Rate (in): 9.26 Annual Rate 27.73 at (in): Weather Freeboard 'inY' Field Irrigated? 9 nYES [21NO. Field Irrigated? DYES [:]NO 0 -77 r _J >1 0 0) 0) .0 CL ca ,, V >1 E -, ' r CU tM E tR ❑ A. ❑.2 -;IE , E a �:i�"' E R CD E z'S O CL ES 0 i� CL -6 2 0 0 (a 0 O. 0 M E a) > Jr.> 0 ca 0 IL Lh �t OF in ft ft I gal min in in gal min- in in :7 2 l y L. j-7 L 3 C 54 0.5 3.58 4 C 44 0 3.6.5 r. 71 8 777^1frW' � --------- 9 C 66 0.02 1 3.71 10 CL 58, 0 3.75 -7 _7 121 13 P, 'j 14 —7 i 16 C 41 0.97 3.79 17 C 44- 0 3.83 J Aff 16,880 60 0.62 0.62 19 7 .19 20 -7 21 22 7---- ­7 F- 231 C 46 0.96 3.81 N, J 24 C 1, I 55 0 3.84 g -77-�' 7-1 251 1 fZ rt�� 7, 261 1 71 1 271 1 281 29 Ul"Ad—RA K IF rNA MOR 30 PC 64 0.12 3.92 31 Monthly Loading: 0.00 7, 1 IV '- 3,1;_t_ "3,7%,13. JW 11-011-'Iil7-'-.'� 0.62 12 Month Floating Total (in): ,�,;elA 8.39 -112V k7l 1=880 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 4 of 7 ' Permit No.: WQ0.004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: March Year: 2017 Did'ireigation occur Fleld,Name: 9 Field Name:11 this fadility? Areal acres r t Area (acres): 0.19 Area (acres): 0.67 at Cover Crop: C. Bermuda Cover Crop: C. Bermuda [21YES ONO --- Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 Hourly 1 Rate n): 0.5 " L t Annual Rate (in): 22.48 Annual Rate (in): 62.13 ,Weather Freeboard Field Irri gated? OYEs ✓ EINO d2 PIEZY Field Irrigated? [�YES ONO W V 0 0 U) M CL 0 },V E (D V E tM E 'T cc S E 2 a) CL 0 >1 rL L -6 R 0 J- 1:9 E V E CL > 0 W x 0 115,01, 0 CL 0 0 3: 0 :L > OF in ft ft gal min in -in 11 :7wgiFv'7-11V_� ni -1 gal min in in 2 :2 3 C 54 0.5 3. 58 4 C 44 0 3.65 5 7. F7 6 5,534 '60 0.30 0.30 7 r 5589 60 0.31 0.31 8 9 C .66 0.02 3.71- 10 CL 58 0 3.75" 1 !77,7 121 13 14 -15 16 C 41 0.97 3.79 W i�,+ 17 C ..44 0, 3.83 2 10,099 -60 0.56 0.56 181 N, 19 20 i i 1F,,*7 21 U F'r 22 -7, 231 C '46 0.96'1 3.81 241 C '1 55 0 3.84 1 J _f L 251 1 I­ 261 1' 7: r F 27 1 5,623 60 0.31 0.31 28 y 4t� 5,616 60 0.31. 0.31 29 ­7 30 PC 3 3. M77;7� ��777 !L92 Monthly Loading: V/1 0 0-00 1.78 12 Month Floating Total 0.21 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 5 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name:. Sager Creek Vegetable, Company County: Sampson Month: March Year: 2017 Did F�eId6Name i ` 12 4 Field Name: 13 :Field Name f 14 Field Name: 15 -irrigation occur this facility? i 9Area1(acres) _ �y 3 7,4 , 1 Ar6a (acres): 2.13 rArea�(acres) - 7, 55� ; Area (acres): 0.97 at { Cover Crop! 17 'C' Befr dt'M .` Cover Crop, C. Bermuda , ,., Cover Crop ` C aBerinuda -. " Cover Crop: C. Bermuda pvEs ❑No yNi' 0?5� Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 HourlyrRafe{(m) l , q5 Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 ��Ar1T�UaIC�RaY(m)r Li �'61;13 ;1 Annual Rate (in): 57.54 A}nnualiRate m ) 6,1 ,72} Annual Rate_(in): 57.3 Weather Freeboard iFte�tllrr getl?[�]�YE5 K 01�0 _; Field Irrigated? ❑vEs Orvo 1 F9e_l'd)Irrigated? _ f �Yesij]No `; Field Irrigated? DYES ENO - , r } atei °L' °i I ' � Q+0 a Z. tm ci i F�m! r>ayar d��j r X� h' 1 �JaaiS hE �11��i a E •aEo m.� C EL ou tNi I ) �TC L7 il a w.,C EO is >` vC`� 7 L E s o O❑ xa N a _E OO �p cc # °F in ft ft } _gall,.,m�nu rTc C -�ini+ 1 gym,.: gal. min in in 1 ,_ gals •_• min ; tom;: in �;":, t _ m -;� gal min in in 1 _ •z5e �;. F.: 5 s k � , � �._ •,;.3 (.. - 2 - 3 C 54 0.5 3.58 3 ,.104 , x i ` 0 `-` 34 I t, 87 1r16 601 ( 4 C 44 . 0 3:65 h r r F_: .t I s8522riOr42� �Dr42 �0 42 r 9 C;' 66 0.02 3.71 Ar � _ u t 86,298 � , 60 a c +.0 42} - - 0 42; 10 CL 58 0 3.75 33;78J� f G 11 ( i t I 12 I 13 r 14 I rC 16 C , 41 0.97 3.79 j 39r664Yr ;+60 t0�39} �`; 0 39# 'i • 6,4;737 17 . C 44' 0 3.83 1 6,752 1 60 0.26 0.26 18 I.0 r 19 20 211 7.r �-T - 22 23 C 46 0.96 3.81 24 C 55 0 3.84 " ' -_- - 1 25 Ji �i I I 26 r t 1 27 = �: '. - . 2$ i r i i 29 30 PG 64 0:12 3.9290,0.4,ti11_ j r;0447 31- Monthly Loading (, I'47357r',; i r 1E45zq , 0 0.00 w,4,1ft4' 2 02 6,752 0.26 12 Month Floating Total (in). r ^_`5 99i - ; 1.02001A FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NbAR-1) Page 6 of 7 Permit No.: W00004268. Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company. County:- Sampson Month: March Year: 2017 Did irrigation. occur Field Name: 17 Field Name: 18-A A4i Area (acres): 2.27 "8187 Area (acres): 6.56 at this facility? ty? C Bermudas-"' Cover Crop: C. Bermuda �Qqqe�*op d Cover Crop: C. Bermuda [21YES FINO Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 r Hourly Rate (in), 0.5 a 58 Annual Rate (in): 9.91 C7. Annual Rate 57�.52 (in): Weather -Freeboard Field Irrigated? DYES ENO Field Irrigated? _71 []YEsiT7❑N q) Field Irrigated? EYES []NO 0 tm. CL M 4) M. V tM E E >e E t z'.E E '50 I,= � j - P ". , E .2 A10 CL E 0 U) CL CL 0 I 0­ 0 CL 0 0 - � _; =­ 1. I'll. " ! 4; 131 4­ - � 1-1 It � - A. � W1 . w , 11 1 .2 0 CL __ I 0) M to 0 .9 o 0 a. 11- - I �, - > V11 w, ft ft r"31ffiffi�K-IN F19tW� gal min 1 n in, ­nja gal min in in 2 2 :j 3 C 54 0.5 3.58 7, V.7 t� 7 4 G 44 0 -3.65 76,059. 60 0.43 0.43 5 r 6 7 F 8 9 C 66 -0.02 3.71 -.7 10 CL 58 0 3.75 J- T. [ 73.879 60 0A1 0.41 12 13 14 16 C 41 0.97 3.79 .. 67}7 F 87.2 8 4, 6 75,324 60 0.42 0.42 171 C 44 0 3.83 F;1 .F 18b. 7 19 7 AF 20 21 ,22 231 '0 46 .0.96 3.81 Q-12 I 241 C 55 0 13.84 _'3____ 68,739 60 0.39 0.39 25 . ... . ..... ..... 26 r 7 27 r7 28 ------- 29 5 -�7 30 PC 64 1 0.12 3.92 V9 � �- -2 ; 71,437 60 0.40 .0.40, 31� rT,*!­,,.,7­,_7.. li7 Monthly Loading: 0 -0.-00 w1w 18, 365,438 2.05 12 Month Floating Total (i 9.73 - VI& VIM FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT'(NDAR-1), Page 7 of 7- Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment'B of your permit? p compliant ❑'Non•Compfiant Were adequate measures taken to peevent•effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? p compliant. p Nan-06mpliant Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your..permit?. p compliant ❑.Non -Compliant Were all.setbacks listed- in your,permit'maintained-for,every application_ to each permitted site? 0 Compliant ❑ Non-Coipliant Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the specified.freeboard heights in your permit? ® Corpliant p Non -compliant . If the -facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not'in .compliance. Provide in your:explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and -describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary.. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee certification ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification No.: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Rdby . Grade:. SI - . Phone Number: 919-21.0-2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible Official-' Has the ORC changed since the previous NDAR-1? El yqs P1 No Phone Number: 925-949-0432. Permit Exp.: 5/31121 Signature Date Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under penalty of law, that this documenfand all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance, with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry.of the person or persons who manage the.syslem, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, Including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 161.7 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page I of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: March Year: 2017 Field Name: A Field Name: C V Field Name: Area (acres): 39.3 "6cjt s Area (acres): 16.4 Area (acres): Cover Crop: C.Bermuda i ., 1:, Ar qr Cover Crop: C. Bermuda Op. IIQ" . _p'uda Cover Crop: Load Type: PAN r Load P Load Type: PAN 1- . TTPq - Load Type:. PAN Field Loaded? EIYES '21NO 1 71A Field Loaded ? EIYEs [21NO �o.�Jfil CO., 4�d Field, Loaded ? EIYES EINO V 0 z z 2 z z Z ca :U­_�&' ; 1, , CL [L 2! w 1. -_ - CL IL IL 4) > oo o 0 _j -!4: tm o - _j 0 ;CL 7 ;&ic; : [ OW, CL 43 cc E _j E Z �:= i j r* zt4 15'k E 0 Z. E 4� 4 -E"- " " , I.! E, E - _j E z < 0 0 U 1 .,01, ";a. e, , , -: .2 r_ > 0 0 0 101 =43: " , C 0 0 IL > 0 > Month gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs[ac IfiV F UlWi�kww gal, mg/L-' lbsiac lbs/ac j gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/a c February 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 0 3.29 0.0 0.0. March 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 4,0E, W!t 1,A)'"o; , 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 �' , 1. - April 20.8 20.8 20.8, ---- -- - May 0 7.53 0.0 0.0 0* 7.53 0.0 0.0 ­.,- A ,, , L OD June 0 8.22 0.0 0.0 0 8.22 0.0 0.0 _jo,' '0 July 0 6.8 0.0 0.0 .0 RL, 0 6.8 0.0 0.0 .0,' August 0 6.68 0.0 0:0 68,.r ,Qloj T , %op.Q 0 6.68 0.0 0.0 September 0 6.66 0.0 0.0 0 6.66 0.0:, 0.0 .07 6.0 October 0 4 .0.0 0.0 0 .4 0.0 .,6.0 1 November 0 4.07 -0.0 0.0 0 4.07 0.0 0-0 0; U December 0 5.37 0.0 0.0 ""o 0 5.37 0.0 0.0 ':q7 10:-, January 0 6.26 0.0 *0.0 0 6.26 0.0 0.0 1 F -5 12 Month Floating PAN Load 0.0 (lbs/aclyr): Annual PAN Load Limit 300 (lbsfaclyr): FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 2 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: March Year: 2017 Field Name: 1 FieidName 2r, `„ k^ , Field Name: 3' Field(Name E Field Name: 4 Area (acres): 1.64 . r `. ° Area�(acxes)` ? 3 23cs x ` + t . Area (acres): 11.62 i Area acres + Area (acres): ( ) 1.89 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Cover(Cropi �'•C Bermuda?, CoverCrop: C. Bermuda j Cover Crop:. Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN gi4Type , ;PAN. Load Type: PAN LoadrType; _ Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? . pYES ONO _'Fleld+_Loaded?_ QYEs Orin, Field Loaded? ❑� YES ONO Field -'Loaded?" ❑rEs ' pNo; Field Loaded? DYES RINO ° Of Z° Z a i17, f Z °7 rZt t df 1 .Z. ° Z dY - Y C" d Z= Z a ¢a'R a wm fl ia'm +a «'ror: a a� a >@ o _ °_ m,.�. °i j > a ¢° a ¢ as >� m ¢ 0f aye �'� w ° =°0 3 ¢ ^+,0! ! m:� S7f C a+'' i- :C °t i°.°+ :OS Q 0f m G7'C �,O m ° p J .. QQ )' N - f CI -A - 'a. - �'a a �� Or- a ¢ R 0f ° o 3 O J d r ;7r +01 0) -!0) G w� J c0, Z �, aJ ' E 01 C �'� O Z �. a I 7 dy,, ' Q G' C: I ..1� 0) t�0 OCI G1 = w C Z z 7¢ O _" i �. Month gal mg/L Ibslac Ibslac <. ;gal, . mglL t Ibs/acmes F Ibslac„ gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibslac ` , gal, l mdjk sibs/act Ibs/,acr gal mg7L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac February 152,474 3.29 2.6 2.6 22Q,341� : '.3 29, _ ,_,-;1' 9,+ 1J9: 1,005,840 3.29 2.4 2.4 f, 0" ' 3.29 0.0 0.0 March 105,274 3.88 2.1 4.6 255,07,1, , 3 88+ 2 6 , '_ 4 4 .; - 559,344 3.88 1.6 3.9 ' 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 April 20.8 _20 8 t_ :1 ! 20.8 ., .: _ }' 20.8 May 0 7.53 '0.0 4.6 ,0 ..i 53 0 0 4 4"_ S 0 7.53 0.0 3.9 - t y - �; ; : - -- 0 7.53 0.0 0.0 June 57,290 8.22 2.4. 7.0 r93'097 279,291 8.22 1.6 . 1 5.6 - _ '; - 0 8.22 0.0 0.0 July 113,317 6.8 3.9 .10.9 1'84 140,,s _.6 552,420 6.8 _ 2.7 8.3 _ 0 6.8 0.0 0.0 August 148,687 6.68 5.1 16.0 j 32' 156 !:;Ei 68 :. ;5 6, +; _ _15.2, j 495,043 6.68 2.4 10.7 110;271, 6.68 3.3 3.3 September 103,943 6.66, 3.5 19.5 + 180'336 ; _-6 66 , ; ,3t1� ;18'r3,' 188,452 6.66 0.9 11.6 4 ; i I _ . i; 89,698 6.66 2.6 5.9 October 81,163 4 1.7 21.2 i 14.4;880 . ; ; 4' t_-.1.5 ,1 r. 1'.9'S'; 203,501 4 0.6 12.1 28,652 4 0.5 6.4 November 130,423 4.07 2.7 23.9 282;584, . "'4 07% 3 0� 1;.`522.8;' 756,286 4.07 2.2 14.3 95,755 4.07 1.7 8.1 December 37,245 -5.37 1.0 24.9 ! 8'_Q699 5'3_7, _,. -1i 1 _' �• 23 9r; 193,297 5.37 - _ 0.7 15.1 ;_`, .:; _- _. - - - 37,245 5.37 0.9 9.0 January 38,070 6.26 1.2 26.1 82;599, I :6T26' ?_ 113 f 25 2t-^ 183,314 � 6.26 0.8 15.9 i -' { , _ 0 6.26 0.0 9.0 12 Month Floating PAN'Load = ;" :i 159(Ibs Fozz ,• 9.0 Annual PAN Load Limit 270 270} f 270 299' (Ibs/ac/yr): 299 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) ' Page 3 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility. Name: Sager Creek Vegetable. Company County: Sampson Month: March Year: 2017 Field Name: 5 F�eldfName a t6+ ; i Field Name: 7 F�e1dName: .-Field Name: 9 Area (acres): 0.78 ~rt Area;(acres) r 19„4` j Area (acres): 1 _ ;, r Area (acres) _ ' 2 59 Area (acres): 0'79 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda CoverzCrop _C Bermurlal j Cover Crop: C.Bermuda muda Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PANLoadfaTayp® `PAN;, ='j Load Type: PAN ,t LoadjType .. PAN, Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? eves ONo FIeId Loaded? QYEs t[�o Field Loaded? Ores ONo Fields Loaded?; i (]rES ONos Field Loaded? fires , E]No • d .Q Z Z. t1 G Z �l d Z Z. Zt GO-,• t - d .L d d f6 'aa aZ ya w'j, 1 Q Gfr � `-� •O. Q w n Q d > a 00 O.. ro Q wV 4`, z"! 'a ' > , d Z 2 d 'O w C CD O O O m t 9r { a OI ; fl Q y w a O T l0 J d I Q ,� to 41.w. i{ d ��4.'� ,, R O C Q II. 6. O Q d N Of O t O' C J Z a I '.� +Vf C JI I �. Zj f •.E ,' v ""' J Z 1 4f �v. �. ( Lf -rli "t I .Jf + Z: , d R w J £ Z 6 > O O U 6. , ;E t I! > Cl , OI O..I . O O V 1 �.. j C.. t I G� +. l O{ jQ > C=01 > C 7 r } I 1 ) i Month gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac ti ';:gal,- ,i' mgl,LL"16s/ac r Itis/ac gal - mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal, __. , mg/LL ,,Ibs/act Ibs7acr gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibslac' February 0 3.29- 0.0 0.0 11r0,70.7,'_: ti ;3 29, 116r _ r .1} 6" 66,503 3.29 1.8 1:8 46,0�!0� 3T2Q _ 0'S.._ .:0+55 0 3.29 0.0 _ 0.0 March 0 3.88 0.0 . 0.0 37137 , i ;,3 88! •0 6 232!_ 16,880 3,88 0.5 2.4 :.33'662,_ • ; 3�88; , 0:4'_ •! 0',9 0 - 3.88 0.0 0.0 April 20.8 r20�8,'' (7 20.8 20' 8 ` _ _ 20.8 ' May .0 7.53 0.0 0.0 0 7.53 0.0 2.4 0 ; ' _ 7.63 00,_ Q 9; 0 7.53 0.0 0.0 June 0 8.22 0.0 0.0 8:22 0.0 2 4 ;` " 0 • ' - ,. 8 22_u l) 0=,., . 0;9; ` 0 8.22 0.0 0.0 July 0 6.8 0.0. 0:0 01 6.8 0.0 2.4 0;_ 6,8?, 0,0 •, 0 6.8 0.0 0.0 August 39,314 6.68 2.8 2.8 108'112 , ;' i6 68t ; l'3 1 5;3x-'i 49,141 6.68 2.7 5.1 i .'., 'D", 6';68, I' 0 0' _0?9:-` .0:9'' 0 6.68 0.0 0.0 September 29,774 6.66. 2.1 4.9 f 4,3;908 , i ti 66, ,113_"' u, 6 5, .i . 27,495•' -6.66 1.5 6.6 1__ 16,7,04` }, 6 6E:. I .0:4' - S 1 31 4,522 -6.66 0.3 0'.3 October 19,101 A 0.8 5.7 52;527 ; 4 ' i "0 9 - 7.5_•� 22,006 4 0.7 7.4 1, 56,633, t 4', I 0 7? 2.0 0 4 0.0 0.3 November 64,503 4.07 2.8 8.6 T74','-3­7, k7l4_Or7,1' f;" 3'1t i:,10.5;, 108,021 ' 4.07 3.7 11.0 `""193;397,' _ 4L07 2?5' 45' 0 4.07, 0.0 0.3 December 24,83b 5.37 1.4 '10.0 t �63;042 5 37._ �_. 1 5,, _,12 0 j - 28,656 5.37 1:3 12.3 ;_ 54,404 5 37`; 0 9' b 5;. 0 5.37 0.0• 0.3 January 0 6.26 0:0 10.0 !' `.' `0'6 26;" ,..10'Oz ! L-,,12 Qt,j 31,769 6.26 1.7 14.0 I OrQ 5,5; __i 0 6:26 0.0 0.3 12 Month Floating PAN Load (Ibslaclyr): 10.0 5 5 0.3 Annual PAN Load '299 299 299 ac/yr)t , 2701 ', i 299 j FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDM.LR) Page 4 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: March Year. 2017 Field Name: - 10 FieldName ,na 11: , Field Name: 12 , .:FeldlName. . 13+ Field Name: 14, Area (acres): 1.33 Area?(aaryes) ! r sOs67r; `„ '^ Area acres (acres): 3 I AreaR acres 2�13 Area acres (acres): 7.55 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda CoverdCrop j �C,13ermudas'1 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Cov®r°Cro C Bermuda •' Cover CropC.Bermuda Load Type: PAN Coafd(T,,pe' ; ` ;P ;N °? Load Type: PAN I Load Type -I ! pgN, Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? ❑� YES QNO Ffeld`Loaded? :A ES Ito'' Field Loaded? QrEs EINo Field Loaded?r, ? QYES, ONo) Field Loaded? AYES QNO a c a Z o Z Q Q > (CL a.L �CL ' A • Q> { II JQN.•�+ �E �N j Qo i AI ', J>. � eas _ E Z sca t J E0 ZZ a ° V a Gi ddtVr ILUo U . _.r+ . , yyi Month gale_- mg/L Ibslac Ibs/ac _ ";gal_ -, oWt Ecibsla� �',16slacx gal mglL Ibs/ac Ibs/ac ;; _gal?m mg/,L' Ibs/,ac rlbslac; gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibslac February 17;838 3.29 0.4 0.4 22;362.,, :3 29 Of9?' , - - l .Q,91_ 58,550 3.29 0.5 . 0.5 - -- ! _ _ 0` " ; , 329, •, D 0, -, I 0 Q, 614,255 3:29 2.2 2.2 March 20,197 3.88 0.5 0.9 324ti11 3i88+ ` , 1i 6r " -2 5s 147,357 3.88 1.6 2.1 -0,` . x3 8$? 0;0'" 413,914.• 3.88 1.8 4.0 April 20.8 20.8 20.8 May 0 7.53 0.0 0.9 0 7.53 0.0 2.1 4" 0`� 753- D 01., -. 0 0,_ 0 7.53 0.0 4.0 June 14,272 8.22 0.7 .1.6 ! 5352 €8+22, , ,;;05„ ` . 3!0 ; 0 8.22 0.0 2.1 0;; :' 8'22° i 00; Qf01 0 8.22 0.0 4.0 July 59',632 6.8 2.5. 4.1 22;362 6�8 :_ _ 1 9' °�4!9i 0 6.8 0.0 2.1 D' ,- + 6 8; i _ 0:0; 0,0, -' 0 6.8 0.0 4.0 August 16,426 6.68 3.2 7.3 _,49;.451t; I'.6i68 ' ,;:_4 i' '9, Q} ^ 0 6.68' 0.0 2.1 ' ",0; '' , 6�68, ; O Ou- 0 0' ; 0 6.68 0.0 4.0 September 10,023 6.66 0.4 7.8 �. „'4, 522 `j 6`66j„, 0',4° r ;9 4, 18,809 6.66 0.3 2.5 10 552Q 6 66L 0 3r ; . 0;3. 95,336 6.66 0.7 4.7 October 33,978 4 0.9 8.6 35,565 4 - i,?,18a_; i1,1,2`" 90,185 4 1.0 3.5 5,67E6'_ 4 01 + 0:45 221,298 4 1.0 5.7 November 64,843 4.07 1.7 10.3 ` <039' ,; 6p; , ; 4�0,7 30 ? C_ 14 2;-i 53;911 4.07 0.6 4.1 i 42 7W5 ' + 4r07 0 Z �' 110 532,696 4.07 2.4 8.1 December 0 5.37 0.0' 10.3' 766, .,_53.712'8`,: _ 1}70=; 77,614 5.37 1.2 5.2 0_ _ 53_T, , I0Q. 1 0,.' 169,801 5.37 1.0 9.1 January 81,338 6.26 3.2 13.5 51;9_D8� _, va6`26; x4 Q , (21,11 162,677 - 6.26 . 2.8 8.1 ' i _. 0. -, . I ,6+26 ' r, 0.0: _` ,11,0!, ' 499,150 6.26 3.5 12.5 12 Month Floating PAN Load - 13.5 "`21;1+;; y 8.1 ! 0;-: ; (Ibs/ac/yr): 1 12.5 Annual PAN Load Limit "� �`" s �':=27gi', ' (Ibslaclyr): 270 t 270 i 270i 270 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS. LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 5 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: March Year: 2017 Field Name: 15 FieldNarrae, ~ '�' Field Name: 17- !=r FieltllName _ Field Name: 18-A . , �.k16 .. • .1 ,,18' Area (acres): 0197 '^Area*(acres) } y r,��2s Area (acres): 2.27 , Areat(acres) ;8°87 Area acres (acres): 6.56 _ .r.. a, ,_ , t_ r Cover. Crop: C.Bermuda CoveriCropj T C;Bemiudat4 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda } e CoV®rCropj C! Bermudan Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN LaadjType ;' PANI" ,y Load Type: " PAN i L'oadfType I ' ;PAN. Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? Ares pNo tEield YLbadetl�7< i fixes moo.' Field Loaded? Ares QNo Field%oatled?Esi." (]No, ; Field Loaded? eves ONO °Z a dZG ` C Zm" "z oC Z > f Qn. .2 n, Z ma a wa'owc_, o e ° d ¢> �+ m o ;a .�Bz ¢ :� t ��= z �. % Cl EZ d c ' z C o 7 a.�C Cc o o a cO o naJ¢m.> O: 9 V Month gaU mg/L Ibslac Ibslac =gala ,a„mglL';}rlbsla_c,1;;itislac gal" mglL Ibslac Ibslac gal mg/.L'. , Ibslac Ibs%ac',,' gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac February 31,443 3.29 0.9 0.9 i 567h03,4_, 2 2'-i-i 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 883,630 ;1 3t29', ! 21T� 2.7 -, 750,432 3.29 3.1 3.1 March 6,752. .3.88 0.2 1.1 453;.6_51;;t , 3 813,', ' , 2,0, t '. 4 2, , 0 3.88 0.0 0.0 526 02.2 , 3',88; ', 19; 4 7 s' 365,438 . 3.88 1.8 4.9 April. 20.8 20 8 20.8 20.8 May 0 7.53 0.0 1.1 " D 7r53 L_ :0`Or _' :'4s2. 0 7.53 0.0 0.0 0 _ 7, 53! , _p_A' 4 7, 0 7.53 0.0 4.9 June 3,568 8.22 0.3 1'.4 12,488 8.22 0.4 0.4 7,' 60,656 .8.22 0.6 5.6 July 14,908' 6.8 0.9 2.2 i"" ; e0; _. 6 8 l0�0 _i c,'_4 2! ; . 52,178 6.8 - 1.3 ' 1.7 i_ 0 _4:7_ 253,436 6.8 2.2 7.8 August 42,575 6.68 2A 4.7 422,705 171,439 6.68. 4.2 5,.9 0? 6`68 Q:0` 4 7 331,175 6.68 2.8 10.6 September 18,028 6.66 1.0 6.7 442 ,4,88 " r :6 66�' • 2y6, I 111 108,798 6.66 2.7 8.6 'Elil3;793; , " 6 66 ," 0;7`. 5 4? 43,431 6.66 0.4 10.9 October . 16,375 4 0.6 6.3 11'2 962," _ 4, 0+5 " �Q' 6}'i 65,508 4 1.0 9.5 i 222,748 ; 4,_, 0 $, _ 62 113,280 •0.6 11.5 November 35,513' 4.07" 1.2. 7.5 395 365', 4 07 _ i "1"9 �12;5, 129,167 4.07• 1.9 11.4 r 574;31;8` , 4ti0Z' , " r ,. 2,2 " t t 8 :4:.. 106,955 .4 4.07 0.6 12.1 December 11,321 5.37 0.5 8.0 1 13q;998 y 5°37,!., E ;0`8� �_;13:3 } 39,869. 5.37 0.8 12.2 -„9,1„390 "� (" 537:,' Q;5'' 8 9; E '` 90,051 : 5.37 0.6 12.7 January 27,570 6.26 - 1.5 "9.5 F"28i117 i F 6'26 . ; :::2+0+ Y15 4 , 19',751 6:26 0.5 12.7 i 532,5.69,' i 6r26t , l 31 _- 12s0,., 473,728 6'.26 3.8 16.5 12 Month Floating PAN Load 9.5 !; 15,4,i 12.7 12'Or 16.5 (lbslaclyr): Annual PAN'Load Limit (Ibslac/yi): 299 270b =;, 299 I 200' 200 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 :NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 6'of 6 Did the mass loading rates exceed. the limits: in Attachment l3 of your permit? (] compliant p Non -Compliant If the facility,is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the'date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification Number: 23925 Signing Official: . Timothy P. Ruby Grade:' SI Phone Number: 919-210-2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible Official Has the.ORC changed since the previous NDMLR? ❑ ,Yes No Phone No.: 925-949-0432 Permit,Exp.: 5/31 /21 Signature Date - Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrale and complete to the best of rimy knowledge. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all ahact ments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of'my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. " Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 to ; r y b Cra e. Timely. Responsivem, Innovative. 162-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 Phone:: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 Wednesday, March 22,' 2017 WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT; LLC (WA013) Attn: RANDALL JARRELL P.O. Box 578 Pittsboro, NC 27312 RE: Laboratory Results for Project Number: [none], .Project Name/Desc: Sager Foods-Mar,]ul,Nov ENCO Workorder(s): CA01274 Dear RANDALL JARRELL, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples.received by our laboratory on Thursday, March 9, 2017. Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance With the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation . Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were I performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you -have any questions or require further information, please'do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 1-02- Stephanie Franz Project Manager Enclosure(s) FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by She laboratory, and may, only be reproduced In full. Pagel of 15 OEM, co www.encolabs.com SAMPLE-SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client ID: Sager Foods Effluent Lab ID; .CA01274-01 - Sampled: 03/09/17 09:55 Received: 03/09/17 13:25 Parameter Hold Date/Time(sl Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) CALC 12/03119' 03/14/17 10:36 03/14/17 10:52 " Colilert 18 03/09/17 17:50 03/10/17 14:44 03/09/17 16:40'.' 03/10/17 30:48 CSU Method 03/23/17 03/22/17 10:01 03/22/17 10:05 EPA 200.7 09/05/17 03/17/17 10:05 03/20/17 11:04 EPA 245.1 04/06/17 03/13/17 16:47 03/14/17 13:41 EPA 351.2 04/06/17 03/10/17 11:30 03/13/17 12:18 ' EPA 353.2 63/11/17 09:55 03/09/17 16:10 03/09/17 16:10 EPA 353.2 04/06/17 - 03/10/17. 13:15 03/10/17 13:15 EPA 353.2, 12/03/19 03/13/17 09:40 03/13/17 09:40 EPA 365.4 04/06/17 03/10/17 11:30,.' 03/13/17 13:33 SM 254OC-1997 03/16/17 03/14/17 16:40 03/14117. 16:40 SM 254OD-1997 03/16/17 03/14/17. 08:50 03/14/17 08:50 SM 4500Cl E-1997 04/66/17 03/15/17' 15:28 03/15/17 15:28 SM 521OB-2001 03/11/17 09:55 03/10/17 '15:39 , 03/10/17 15:39 Client ID: Sager Foods Effluent -Lab ID: CA01274wURE1 Sampled: 03/09/17 09:55 Received: 03/09/17 13:25 Parameter Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(sl Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 350.1 04/06/17 ' 03/16/17 12:01 03/16/17 12:01 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full.. Page 3 Of 5 www"colabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS .: .7-1 Description: Sager Foods Effluent •: Lab Sample ID: CA01274 01 Received: 03/09/1713:25 'Matrix: Waste Water 'Sariipled:03/09/1709:55 .'"•, Work Order: CA01274 ` Project: Sager Foods-Mar,]ul,Noy Sampled By: Randall Jarrell - Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified analyze [NC 591J Analyte rCAS Num6erl Results Flau- - Units AF MDL ' POLL ' : Batch, ": Method Analyzed Notes Mercury [7439-97-6]^ < 0.170 ug/L _ 1 = 0.170 0.200 ' 7C13033 EPA 245.1 - 03/14/17 13:41 ]MV . Classical Chemistry Parameters. . ^•- ENCO Carycprtified analyze [NC 5911 Analyte rCAS Numberl Results Flag. Units' DF ': ;MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed By. :.Notes Ammonia as N [7664-417]^ 0.078 Y - mg/L 1 '. • 0.045 . 0.10' 7C16001 ' EPA 350.1 03/16/1712:01 JU Biochemical Oxygen -Demand^. 34 •" mg/L '.'1' 2.0 ' 2:0--' 7C10022 SM 521OB-2001 03/10/1715:39 JOG Chloride [16887-00-6]^ 120 - mg/L . ; l 1.9 5.0 .; 7C15029 ,SM 45000 E-1997 03%15/17 15:28 Nitrate as N [14797-55-8]" p < 0.025 mg/L 1 `0.025 0.10 ;. 7C13011. EPA 353.2 03/13/17 09:40 ]U Nitrate/Nitrite as N^ < 0;04f mg/L 1 _` 0.041 '- 0.10 7C10015 . 'EPA 353.2 03/10/17-13:15 JU Nitrite. as N [14797-65-0]^ , < 0.017' mg/L 1 0.017., ., .0.10 7CO9026 EPA 353.2 03/09/17 16:10 _ • JU Phosphorus [7723-14-0]^ 8.9 D , - .mg/L 5 • - 0.12 0.50.:.' 7C10004 . EPA 365.4. _ . 03/13/17 13:33 ]U Sodium Adsorption;Ratio 8.67 ,. ..' _ .. [blank] ., ._ 1 , = ,. ., 7C22013 CSU Method 03/22/17 10:05 ODH Total Dissolved Solids^ 540 ;' mg/L 1 50 50 7CI401B. SM 254OC-1997 03/14/17 36:40 30C Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen^, 13, mg/L ;1 - 0.26 0.48 7C10003 EPA 351.2 03/13/17 12:18 JU ` Total Nitrogen [17778-88-0] 13 mg/L 1 0.02' 0.10' 7C14016 CA 03/14/17.10:52 JU . Total Suspended Solids^ 120 - mg/L. 10 25 25. •. ' 7C14001 . SM 254OD-1997 03/14/1708:50 OMR' ". Microbiological Parameters "'' ^:- ENCO Cary certified analyte [NC 591]. '.. -• Analyte rCAS Numberl Results,, Flag Units DF POL, Batch "Method Analyzed By Notes Coliform, Fecal^ 6.2 MPN/100 1 %4.0 '. 7C10028 Colilert `18 - 03/10/17 10:48 ASC. - , mL .• Metals by EPA'200 Series Methods ^ - ENCO JadSonN//e certified ana&te [NC. 442] . Analyte rCAS Numberl `. Results' Flaa Units ; DF MDL POLL Batch "Method Analyzed Notes ' Arsenic [7440-38-2]^ - s 8.00 ug/C 1 8.00 - 10.0 .7C17003 EPA 200.7 03/20/17 11:04 ACV Cadmium [7440-43-9]^ .. < 0.450 ug/L 1, 0.450 1.00 <' 7C17003 EPA 200:7 03/20/17 11:04 ACV ; Calcium [7440-70-2]^ 7760- = ug/L_ •1"" 39.0 500 , ' -7C17003 EPA 200.7 03/20/17 11:04 ACV Chromium [7440-47-3]^ 1.27 - 3 ug/L •1 1.10 : ,10.0 . 7C17003 EPA 200.7 03/20/1T11:04 ACV ' Lead [7439 92 1]^ < 2.80 ug/L ,1 , 2.80 : , 10.0 7C17003 'EPA 200.7 03/20/i7 11:04 ACV Magnesium [7439-95-4]^ 4780 ug/L. S '' 39.0 500 7C17003 '' EPA 200.7 03/20/17 11:04 ACV Nickel [7440-02-0]^ • 2.34 - J _ ug/L 1 .1.10 -10.0 • 7C17003 EPA 200.7- 03/20/17 11:04, ACV Sodium [7440-23-5]^ : 125000 ug/L 1 79.0 ` 500 , ' 7C17003 EPA 200.7 N 03/20/17 11:04 ACV . ' Zinc [7440-66-6]^ 43.6 I ug/L 1 , 6.30 10.0' 7C17003 EPA 200.7 03/20/17 11:04 . ACV ' FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full.. Page rJ Of rJ ==JM16S1C0 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters'- Quality Control Batch 7C09026 - NO PREP -Continued ` Matrix Spike (7090267MS2) Prepared: 03%09/2017 16:14 Analyzed: 03/09/201716:14 Source: CA01275-03 Spike Source 6/oREC RPD a0�e esu FLaq , _Q6 =; - .Units Level Result "/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrite as N 0.97 ..-0.10 , - mg/L. 1.00 0.019 95... 90-110 Matrix Spike Duo (7C09026-MSDS) Prepared: 03/09/2017 16:12 Analyzed: 03/09/2017.16:12 '-Source: CA01274-01 Spike _ Source %REC RPD • Analyte Result FJ3 L Units Level -Result. - %REC ' Limits RPD Limit. . Notes , " Nitrite as N - 0.97 0.10 mg/L 1.00 0.017 U 97 ' 90-110 0.6 10 Batch 7CI0003 - Same Blank (7C10003-BLKi) - prepared: 03/10/2017 11i30 Analyzed: 03/13/2017,12:12 - Spike' Source %REC RPD Analvt Result, F)ag . " PQL Units ,.Level Result %REC •.: Limits ; RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 0.26 U. 0.48 mg/L LCS (7C30003-11S1) Prepared: 03/10/2017 11:30 Analyzed: 03/13/201712:14 Spike Source "/oREC RPDAnalyte Result Flag Q Units Level Result - %REC, Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 12 0.48 mg/L 11.9 103, 90-110, Matrix Spike (7C10003=MS1) Prepared: 03/10/2017 11:30 Analyzed: 63/13/2017 12:16 Source: CA01274-01 . Spike' Source %REC RPD Analyte Result • • - Mau POL Sirs Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit . Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 17 0.48 mg/L 4.75 . " 13 : - 90 90-110-- Matrix Spike (7C10003-MS2) • Prepared: 03/10/2017 11:30 Analyzed: 03/13/2.17 12:25 Source: CA01398-01 - Spike • Source o/REC RPD Anal a Result '. F� ML Units. - Level " Result ,. "/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total'Kjeldahl Nitrogen 140 D '4.8 mg/L 4.75 130 155 : 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike Dup (7C10003-MSDi) - Prepared_ 03/10/2017,11:30 Analyzed: 03/13/201712:21 Source: CA01274=01 Spike Sourceo%REC RPD Anal Rye ul F1fq .. POL unitsLevel Result %REC Limits RP)) Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 0.48 " mg/L 4.75 '13' 110 `90-130 ' 5 10 Batch 7C10004 - Same Blank (7C10004-BLKi) Prepared: 03/10/2017 11:30 Analyzed: 03/13/2017 13:28- - Spike Source o/REC RPD Analyt6 Result Flag :Pqs Units Level Result ' = %REC Limits, RPD- - Limit Notes Phosphorus 0.025 U 0.10 mg/L LCS (7C10004-BSI) . Prepared: 03/10/2017 11:30 Analyzed: 03/13/2017 13:30 Spike? Source %REC RPD Analvte es 1 - Flag • .O Un- Level Result P/oREC Limits RPD . Limit Notes Phosphorus 1.6 0.10. mg/L 1.60 -- 100 80-120 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page 7 of 15 Batch 7CIO022 - NO PREP - Continued Duplicate (7C10022=DUP1) Prepared & Analyzed:.03/10/2017 15:39 Source: CA01274-01 - Spike :.Source %REC -RPD' A'rialvte..Result Flag - •P� If UnL 1 Level -Result. %REC. Limits RPD mit Li - Notes 'Biochemical Oxygen Demand:' ; 33 2.0 _ . mg/L 34 5 30 Batch 7C14001,= WO PREP Blank (7C14001-8❑(1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/14/2017'08:50 Spike Source %REC RPD Ana a _,�Resu t FlaFlaq hOL Units. • --'Level" Result %REC - Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids. 2.5 U 2:5.: mg/L LCS (7C14001-BSi) . Prepared & Analyzed: 03/14/201.7 08:50 ,, .- Spike .% Source %REC RPD 'Arialvte Resul Flex RQIL Units Level - Result' %REC : Limits - RPD Limit . Notes Total Suspended Solids,- 94 2.5 mg/L 100 94 - 80-120 . Duplicate (7C34001-DUP1) ~Prepared & Analyzed: 03/14/2017 08:50 Source: CA01324-01 ' Spike Source %REC RPD Ana ' Resu F a POL .. Units Level Result %REC' Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids. 240 - 50 mg/L 250 4', . 20 ' Duplicate (7C14001-DUP2) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/14/2017 08:50 _ Source: CA03751-01 Spike Source %REC, RPD Anal Flaa PQ•, Qidla Level _ 'Result %REC 'Limits RPD.. limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 3700 250 mg/L 3800 2 20 _ Batch 7C14018 NoPREP Blank (7C14018-113M) • Prepared & Analyzed: 03/14/2017 16:40 ' Spike Source "/oREC .. : RPD Anal a esu Elan-PPOL -. Units Level. Result %REC' Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Dissolved Solids. 50 U 50 _ , mg/L LCS (7C14018-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/14/2017 16:40` Spike Source %REC RPD Analifte Result Flao 'PZ` U�r ts. Level,_ Result %REC Limits RPD.. Limit Notes Total Dissolved Solids : 1000 50 - mg/L. .-1000 - ., .101 90-11.0 - Duplicate (7C14018-DUPi) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/14/2017 16:40 - Source_ : CA012.74-01 Spike .' Source %REC RPD Malyte Result Flag; P9S Units Level „Result, %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Dissolved Solids 550 50, mg/L 540 1 . = 20 Duplicate (7C14018-13UP2) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/14/20.17 16:40 Source: CA01275-01 Spike Source %REC RPD, Ana l a Result Flaq P� mitts. Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit ' - Notes Total Dissolved Solids 390 -- •510 ': mg/L ' - 410 ' 6; 20 Batch 7C15029 - NO PREP FINAL Thts Depart relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full., • Page 9 Of 5 ce w www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROLDATA Classical Chemistry Parameters -Quality Control Batch 7C16001- NO PREP - Continued Matrix Spike Dup (7C16001-MSD3) Continued Prepared: 03/16/2017 12:03 Analyzed: 03/16/2017 12:03 Source: CA01274-01RE1 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flaci ' - PPL Units Level ResulE %REC. Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as'N 0.41 0.10 mg/L 0.385 0.078 87 90' 10 _ . 2 10 . QM-07 Microbiological Parameters- Quality Control Batch 7CIO028 - NO PREP Duplicate (7C10028=DUP1) Prepared: 03/09/2017 16:40 Analyzed: 03/10/2017 10:48 . Source: CA01274-01 - Spike Source %REC RPD nal e u wag' PQI Uriits 'Level Result %REC '. Limits RPD Limi Notes Cotiform, Fecal 7.3 - 1.0 MPN/100 mL : 6.2 16 25 Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods- Quality Control Batch 7C17003 - EPA 3005A Blank (7Cl70Q3.BLKI) Prepared: 03/17/2017 10:05 Analyzed: 03/20/201710:43 Spike Source %REC • RPD Ana a ResultFlaa PQL Units' Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 8.00. U 10.0 ug/L Cadmium 0.450 - U .`1.00 ug/L ,Calcium 39.0 U 500 ug/L Chromium 1.10. - U 10.0 ug/L Lead 2.90 U 10.0 ug/L . Magnesium 39.0 U 500 ug/L Nickel -1.10 U 10.0 ug/L. Sodium 79.0 U Sao ug/L Zinc - 6.30 U 10.0, ug/L LCS (7C17003-BSi) Prepared: 03/17/2017 10:05 Analyzed: 03/20/2017 10:45 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Eg PP L UniN . Level • • Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Arsenic 502 - . 10.0 ug/L 500 r 100 85-115 Cadmium -. 51.9 -1.00 ugJL 50.0 - 104 .85-115 Calcium 5230 500 ug/L 5000 105 85-115 Chromium_ 517 10.0 ug/L • 500 103 85-115 Lead - 516 -10.0 ug/L Soo . 103. 85-115 Magnesium.. 5130 500 ' ug/L 5000 103 85-115 Nickel 513 10,0 ugJL . 500 103 " 85-115 Sodium 25300 500 . ug/L 25000 101 85-115-' Zinc 515 10.0 ugJL Soo - 103 85-115 Matrix Spike (7C17003-MSS) .Prepared:-03/17/2017'50:05 Analyzed: 03/20/2017.10:46 Source: BA01097-01 Spike Source %REC RPD na esu Flan PPOL_ Units Level Result % REC LimRPD•, its _ Limit ' Notes Arsenic 501 10.0 ug/L 500 8.00 U 100 70-130 Cadmium 51.0 1.00 ug/L 50.0 0.450 U 102 70-130 . Calcium 16000 500 ug/L 5000 11300 95 70-130 Chromium 509, - 10.0 ug/L 500 1.10 U 102 70-130 Lead 513 10.0 ug/L 500 3.11 102 70-130 gNpL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page 11 Of 5 www.encolabs.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. 7 The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data_and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data. and moisture content, where applicable. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of instrument. This value is considered.an estimate. • MRL Method -Reporting -Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL) and is based on'the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. N The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence (85% or greater confidence) to make a "tentative identification". P Greater than 25% concentration difference was observed between the' primary and secondary GC column. The lower concentration is reported. QM-07 The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSD. The batch was _ accepted based on.acceptable LCS recovery. QM-11 Precision between duplicate matrix spikes of the same sample was outside acceptance, limits. FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page 13 of 15 NCO Gar � rInk Grder. OJ tCl1 �74 Ffujad- waa e f i=Gd d� -hil a 7,�JuI.P4 i�v CliCta`ii INA,S 1,`.,3MA TER I.1ANr`e1=EMENT. LLC fW_ ID13b P i!7Ddsl tog Rac — U74 0 1274-01 �tr j�HI Adi�ec . 22 .T_Sdfl Li-''y..4 2 .-n 47 �� ..�� _ j NA igt4 I y P IN I NA. FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 1 of 3 Permit No.: W00004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: February Year: 2017` PPI: Flow Measuring Point: ❑Influent : ❑Effluent ❑✓ No flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent .Effluent ❑Groundwater -Lowering ❑surface water Parameter Code —►"' , f., . �. r. 665 � O: N �. r 4 f' of`� U d v �3►q r'L. < "' a�i'r '.E7 'E�,vA �,c ..� •.i h 4U '�O '0�tl'M. U - rf'y �l r'4 '�. -,A v,Y'v t ru 'E�• ? ''��l �t Mqy ' �' V r 1 i a <irc.• "'1 ,�r ��j; �'G ~' �7(E m 'C ° E m F `�' y�0 N3 { p •<_3r =-,�lr. r• '� _ Z ° Sr -,j { r,C:.,r _ ".. t o G a. 24-fir ' hrs f�iGPLD mg/L• C m /L 'mg/L n I-57M, - mg/L' mgL mg/L V mg/� L � ' mg1L. _+�mg/L! mg/L ing/L� mg/L {'suk,. +j . mg/L. 2 . 06:50 .9 .. y. 2 � P "50, 2, t R[ :. :' VI 4 08:15 9:5 - . • . , .q § "FAIN ":1 _ a9f58" 5 06:45 9.5 i % EiRE M WWWAi Al a x 1 !9 6 a:N;l '11 8y9=fr`T g J a pt Pa7 e .. f! �F `m'4— j f��•�1�,:F,eP" v�.c >Z_ 10 .07:50 10 x s /c 9 ® E N 11 06:45 9.50:" i �F`t�(: �j `":,, '' ,s'.`:7 h Ml ' 9yb5' 's 12 ! . w ail v" _ � . 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Average ' 0, _"' 'I ti7D0 1.30?19 20f ;`l 0.16 l 9.30 Daily Maximum0�1 [ARC" 1.30 ;a t9?20Fj 0.16' 9_^9,11 9.30 Daily Minimum -�9: �OQ ; K"WO / � ! 1.30 R7—,� :00 0.16 �yO01 ' 9.30 Sampling Type: etler Grab.d,Gabu Grab 4 Gaa�b Grab - Grab Grab Grab.Gra_ + Grab �'`(Gwab; _j 'Grab s ; drab t 'Grab Monthly Limit " �?, �r a PER 1. MEDIZ Daily Limit ,41a5000�;i E . w y7 F, k' 1 k .'1 . u°x.,A' �.. 7 1 Sample FrequencyConlln�oUsy 3 x YearTiMonthly 3 x Year ; ,Monthlyj? 3 x Year33xtYear! 3 x Year 3`z Yesr; 3 x Year3fx Yeary'jj Monthly Ir1MothlyJ^i Monthly Per Everit{ Monthly W j W CD N N w N N N M N M N A N w N N N -� N O — (0 — ao — -4 -> C) — o -> A — W s N — -� — O �D (D y T tl) A W N -� Day d 0 N 3 Cn d m �- 0 C) C) C)0 0 0 0 0- o o N ORC Arrival 3 p w � w >v A Cr!Cri Lit ? C) to C) -1 C)- .A. MO. Li A CT s .Ut _• 6 C) iJ. C), � ->t Time z O CD wCo G C r r X 3 < mcnco co mo cos co co . moy ORC Time On (D jJC E m a m cno. ino Site 1. o C) nr, 3.� ;C�, F� - '.Z^ F l` �� � Mg '.Zi m ari o" ' o .'r?*4 �� to "�, 'y°..^_3t ooj z� . �a v c'�' o 4 o., < "'�3 o; xg3x a v t d%' •o ^,�,y � i �o 1 � �' o� t t,'•*") } o,�o, v >tii .fir.. tof ,y 'S�, n :. 1, o� " t �o} "'t �! of# ! ((o; .. a'�"C � I : Y o '�''� 'Y 0 i r^'^ 0� o' t 1 �.. Yo) � ttg. KAL' of `i#' � k o i nSf ,� y 0 i 1t� #k`a 0� �•'-'1 ' .a+ w. cl :l ..J �` v #` E. z+�} k^�'i " f 3 m. lL . s G�K s* �r '-' .ir'Ci�,rht�`ti ::0• p � � In. Z Plant C o w w w w s m ce Available Ao ca o m r Nitrogen m o-Cr _ `GN Ys t:r<, s0 Yol YO q ,y:.y: - ? ,� ^�•;. t 3-rs �� _ �z 4�! '�.�#" '°Cgs r £'i . s t�r,•t,, ,yr h�' El w x Total rt CO v d cc Dissolved w CD Solids c M n - '� •j1.010;0 ti f i 7 �F.+_:", to tCit� :•Cbs3tt �• 14 .fir �,^ r -C.e i"ai — L 'j£ Ij'jS q Aft }�t 3Y1 FkT Rrt yi::�f+:k eL .�:�. C•'>< Pr,`- FI t�1 . '�.,, :�f s0 s; 4e1 d 2 M1"r j2i� t iC'�.::i Ya `-; a .,?��•, I�rT ��a E Y Y ;�' (R R' • oWl '� -On SCE$ eroded '.: u CD si:.l :mil v.. .Z u.,� i .6u r ,.u, ;.d .� . L_ ...� '%s ..'.'r.• s s Ma.:+: a-.v.:.�' _ El_.�.�{ CD / z o N X. _ Zinc CD 'CD - " m n - •' �� ��' r.. � , '� �'. s:.. ` �t t I * . yy `y `� rs� t d, ,qqr �-�7 4'+' ii.'.�}7 -ate- y rFr—� '^c'� � � � � � � � � 2.� � ''� n _r� .:�.1 �! :�� ,� ` I � : r��'� s ?s �. �£a' :�^_:Y � � � t ..� a4......� r.: ! .�ei' # "" " � SrO.� n �� 3_•�. .�.._ �.-„��1 o � - 6 w w w- w Adsorption w '< C Ratio -' "m. o ..' Y+�, �' 1' �° #�. ">. y�{ `° i •'Y i` y�S � Y . l l �� j � a� Y 1 � } t � t .5 f L I 4 z� ] ! r .) ".. G(DiE �i7 � � z •% �] d- � -�l-i gC3�aI M i'T) i I Y `; t , "�j ^T] x J l: { '3' FTi-'." f :',Total so '1 o n C ��u� t6 � 0 oJ'o 'Sa a �� � J€t i �� �3 �" J ? •�'.{{` w {� � f { t� � Rl _.�•f i �i� t f� S Ci N � .� , J .J y 1 � a s „ �� tik A4� . ��� :y � g � �'l. � ct f'�.t Er O 2. Cn 1,I < � r 1� � , � �J .� a t'{? , {i � :f �� idt � , � � ' 1 � 1 � `is R � � � � �i . � y I r� 1 1 � : � 1 i }}ttfC �� � 1 .a' 1 i fit*' � yt�^;'a �3r ��:,.. � <I � -°;'g ra' �I'`•;+� h -� '' Yi Ti , i �� ❑ •yJ O Zf+ .J «� Y .,,'l ¢ � , � � - t[ y Fz {j , t n: f.i. ,,}} �" .,, �• - 0 3 m _ '- r.'a ).� ! d A -�J L'? '"'j i t "�,' S !t 1 1 i ' '� "'1 ; "1 i" f Pr ,1 �3( n ;r � 1 -mot ^� r-s r-` i } � -'r. y� • ; �r^ ^f t^^-- ,r- �� •y ❑. (fj 5,".' � }�f� a. .5 S �✓! � ' � .t �� { i 4 t r J �'.. t I 1 r 1 1 r 4-1 } f � � � 9 1' d � f i } t "�J 4 SR � � rK'.'. +1 3 rt 'i3 �X� z: { Y � 1 { { t"St -e. , +n s r �. 1 r s.� € .4 it .7� O t l ` 1 Q O- _ _ �; c fy • m ''F �: > ,. S t -" k 2 •7 (} I , _._s _� lt_f ' ! k 1 .rF ', •-ii f s ` 1 lr .< I'' ! .il ❑ N ...'.-Jb}}�<f.__._•._?.:°; f!1 CD a � N O �1 z v z O z. v_ Ch n 2 D m= O z --1 O X z m O z v FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE -MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 3 of 3 Sampling Person(s) Certified Laboratories Name: Randall Jarrell Name: ENCO Laboratories Name: Name: Does all monitoring data'and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? M, compliant. ❑ Non -compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the correcth action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification No.: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Grade: SI Phone Number: 919-210-2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? ❑ Yes 0 No Phone Number: 925-949-0432 Permit Expiration: 5/31/2021 X-ILIAl Signature Date Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report Is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 1 certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel property gathered and evaluated the information - submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there_ are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and Imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 -FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 1 of Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: February Year: 2017'- Did irri ation occur, g Field Na a A ` Field -Name: B. C Field Name: e r D. erea acre ` 39 3 �(1 Area (acres): 8 �, � Ar®a (acres 16�4"` L Area (acres): 36.6 at this facility? ❑.I YES EINO €, kl.' 1'Cove Crop�� G B%much Cover Crop: C. Bermuda Cover Crop _R6 51. ert udar Cover Crop: C. Bermuda ( HurlyRaCe' n) Et'"rTf0125� " (.' .+-.,�wE' ^a-.r. 2s sir .-"�a"•� :a Hourly Rate (in): 0.25 foi�ly Rate (i )"'_D'25� ti Hourly Rate (in): r: �A**--.>~�i+. �+ •i - e 0.25 �xA uaIRate(ir 62 3� Annual Rate (in): 62.36 ��AnnalRate(nj 4�236� Annual Rate (in): 4298 Weather Freeboard �Fiel 1rr +❑ o Field Irrigated? OYES ❑No �-� "aeldiriafed�1 Ess�{1;(t �]No Field Irrigated? ❑YEs ' ❑No . o _ a. o E ° .. ` d m (A iA w c} cu °E ❑ wgtecl❑d'ES fh—[`T+GA44.�'�N6Yv r�` tK tCai fz J �' �� r x, r v m d °� fi r sa s .. r� . t: f•'GS Ai+`3„'�i..'y Y• '� �i o� c rm, ,N f #F ., L'! Ens ��I aO� pO J d 'O E v _ O. 9 Q a �a F- 'C = rn C a ❑ °. J= E rn C E o v O J' I'a —Ty F y i}' .F S f .� a b a 'iC! 11k� ro fii �w0� d aa►i 3 �m0 �c � O F- Q l "b t tx. y, mE >. m ❑ O J 14 ikti,� t < rn d v E 1E) o*-all °= im ° t p� O O.. �'� I•i > Q n m ., E m F- •C rn �_. •_ a `°° ❑ p J E a� E o 'v- XoI o J OF in ft ft al mi T iri t �a' R ih ' , gal min - in in regal ; t% — (-_,g } ihT �_? gal min in in 1 PC 61 0 3.08' -•. ram.. r KPA 4 5,U4 . 2 C 56 0 3.15' 3 4 C 36 0:1," 3.1 TF . �t , ` { .. Y : WOR. ,. W" ;.=NO erg 5 CL 48 0 3.23 Fa ?,.. `* ., �;u 3;? OR , . , . _a Wig. 1 . i �? , ,fir .._:..� F,, ; `I . 8{��*. ..9 ,s n mk ,P a OEM 01,11 101 PC 43 0.27 3.27' 11 PC 59 0 3.31' y w? 12 G w'�� *PRIRN' ONE t�, °era # _ C�`lz 14 r rb �J X' lY. 'N 15 PURRS,fflli4Wa ' fw R & 16 PC 47 0.7 3.35' 17 CL 51 0 3.40' s�&� 18 tT ,EIS ,_. .,� `'� 4tw L., _. ui � v§ ' 21 PC 57 0 3.44 �. s � � . ~ T : 1 r w .. _; .. (z 11'.1 E`74� 22 PC 61 0 3.5 f ,- N' . , 23 PC 66 0 3.52�na� s 26 ew 26 � r �:x m 3 ° :. ~�., i �� . �.:" c�•'��.`:�'u'�'I �'...a�tg, ''�i` �oM� .� i at .. � D ry .i 27� 29 r iMOM Monthly Loading: 4 U ' 000 0 0.00 00'00 0 0.00 12 Month Floating Total (in): 0�00 0.00 000 t ;'A00)':' FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 --NON-DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 2 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: February Year: . 20174 " FieIN rr�e I � (K ,1 Field Name: 2Na ` Field Name: ` Did. irrigation occur; at this facility? EYES ❑NO �1rea1( ces) 1 Ib 16&� Area (acres): 3.23 1rM�Area(ares)11! 6 Area (acres): Cr MPt t.WOtla Cover Crop C. Bermuda ECoe Y 3 Cover Crop:Q t sH url`�Rate in a z-:WE ti f<A �Ok5 js ma's, Hourl Rate(in): Y 0.5 _ 1H'ouil ! Hourly Rate (in): ualRate (i) 6 Annual Rate (in): 50.64 ua R (n5 Annual Rate (in): Weather Freeboard `s Fiye( I retl?` wuQ 5:"❑N field Irrigated?, EYEs ❑NoFieilIlrriat�ed�� �YEs� ❑No, '` Field Irrigated? -]YES ❑NO ❑�. o. s CD CD �.,2L 3p w a= a c a � a U�5-- Em a d �C E x 0 ° =o °° o - o, oa 1=rn c o E rnc o n. gE�°o vo�<9 OF in ft ft lgal m ink gal min- in in (igalm'�ii i� gal min in in 1 PC 61 0 3.08'2UDl 601 04'5 Mo_rC5jfl 43,523 60 0.50 0.50 j902501' 60dF()�29 0�9° 2 C 56 0 3.1.5' 1�9,558 60 OY457 �0?`4�; •. 42,366 60 0.48 0.48 $9)879.60€D2S0�2l 3 l,.i� 5: .r &.7.�x. > Psi=` m' -Zli 4 C 36 0.1 3.17' tic ° x, w_ ¢ '- F9Or } 8FR0,059 5 CL 48 0 3.23' I�8(006 60 0�40 0 4 °� 39,013 60 0.44 0.44 -1.9' 5 . P y , _`60J { iq 29. ; r 0 :*;1 6 U N ECM F,. ' 7"� _�=i10 10 PC 43 0.27 3.27' �!14r74� 60�'0, 3,P'`,Ox3(i 32,009 60 0.36 0.36 90 472y 60J F09j '029� Ill PC ' 59 0 3.31' W6_-0 0 3t1 j �t3p x91�042 } 0.; �r i0'29 13 - G Iua� P t'- A 14 Ell; 16 PC 47 0.7 3.35' 17 CL 51 0 8.40' 18'w r±t< °i P t'-,w tzs :sa: ra or. d zl 19 20 r' I .. u�,..a..,.a ' aey re "> { . s. �. .J aK , � _i5 4 t 7 k" wa+..,�:...._ x �--"'C.�:,. ...5 e! 1` I•, ..... i . l� 1, 21 PC 57 0 3.44 D 22 PC 61 0 3.5 7t83 �c a 6.,U �;el r.3Or40 0 40i `'? 27,203 60 0.31 0.31 ('.92,4001 1 06C i Fk (fa ",I 23 PC 66 0 3.52L�16g7{20F6�raD38_ 0�3$ '36,227 60 0.41 0.41 ?�925a2`60 as_•029 , 24 �. F S 6_t 1 i� �-u , x'r s c A g,;D29, 3 r� < l 13.::1 lu, .. - 11 25 i� � ;:' w & °. "fir . ¢ r y; F,t r " Fp-- , 26 biw;��.Y'Zi �� ! yis �;.� Bbf � �• � "' 1� F 1. / � M r.7F" � �F -� fp•' . , 7' 27 13�,. [ 28yi4 5w"a�4ei1 r G }e3 n�. 6: �w4bnRF i u ,v b.r; �E p . d. !. 29 r 31 ida kW-A,f, Monthly Loading: 220,341 VZ 2.51 p1,005*,84Q( 3 1w9' 0 0.00 12 Month Floating Total (in)-'4i9 3_6) 18.13 .12,23 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11. NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 3 of 7 Permit No:: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: 'Sampson Month: February Year: 2017• ` Did irrigation occur at this facility?,� ' Dye. �Np P d Field Name: 5 k�" FieldlNafie� �6k� Field Name: 7 - Areaw a es ' r��� `� -�� Area (acres)- ( ) 0.78 '"� (a r s) €€ 1`94� N r a �� r✓ Area (acres): ( ) 1 �`ti. ,^`��ov+s GrapBerm� a LY bu ^�°'r.o .eiQ✓ ! YZ ah /a Cover Crop: C. Bermuda t ',C°e Cro �rG` Bes rrmutla�3 .� .�''.-SI'+�� i. '>"d'" 4_ >! -S Cover Crop: C. Bermuda , r �IiCourl axe (in OF5 t��+x-�� �u.�d Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 jyyyj �e R73 Wourl Ra ef(l�h) '�`r0�`5s hr ��s y�. ��'� � Hourly Rate (in): ' 0.5 rI Ra (n Annual Rate (in): 9.26 Ann al Ra(nj M;36 77 Annual Rate (in): - 27.73 Weather Freeboard Fie f Irr ate Y15 `; y 0 0 Field Irrigated? (]YES ❑� NO iell%�ed '[YEs;`•�No Field Irrigated? Oyes ONo v o d w - 3 y a ° a+ ° •d L, a. y � L 0 N vi—°c . °. qS ° C], ~°. m E �' C - •'-� C ', c-J , `o °. ' •� G c ° ° Q It J .J ° a d C. o a Q 'e Q: w in i= C = M a l9 e o J 8 �o� ` C cxa x° o J mb a to C :Q.. .. pJ IO Pp n ° -i,a. _ E �rn ��r ° �° .Lr - my �. d i]. �- a Q m QCi w CI i= `, c M 11f o o. J' ac c L �x o tC y o .J °F in ft ft gal in- in r gal min in in_min i , ih�' gal min in in 1 PC 61 0 3.08' iY ; 01, 16,740 60 0.62 0.62 2 C.. 56 0 3.15' _ .,�4r4� 16,295. 60 0.60 0.60. 3 .. am= RAM 4 C 36 0.1 w 5 CL 48 0 .3.17' 3.23' OMi 60 wIffRPM�S'�0T8�1`� 6 `�..;rw 7 ` y�y4�y Nam MUM 9 101 PC 43 0.271 3.27'. r-_ 2i,08b �6b �0 5,1�� 1 PC 1 59 0 3.31'N 4 . , :; 24 8 11,299 60 0.42 0.4121 1- 13 rA_ W R � _ . MWIN NON= Nam 16 PC 47 0.7 3.85' y25 53 ) 6„0 0f49k; 049J 11,70615 60 0.- 0.43 17 CL 51 0 �� � a . R } '..� #r 19 + +, ,,-ram . ) . '« F ^l99 20 dl1 rev" VA -f-*; WE1 21 PC. 57 0 3.44 � - 22 PC 61 0 3.5 : 3 10,463 60 0.39 0.39 23 PC 66 0 3.52 24 m9m Bum m a �« y 25 , WAMI Wr 28�» ?w • 'a k '* �' 29 Mm N 301 • Monthly Loading: 0 d00 0 0.0017110�7j,07 2?1a0 66,503 2.45 12 Month Floating Total (1n):1 8.39 F. 11O29�''.; FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 4 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: February Year: 2017� Did -irrigation occur at this facility? 0✓ YES ONO Fie)idtNa e�4 $Sf Field Name: 9 ftField'I�iame j� 1O1 Field Name: 11 ,� x-r? I `ire r, :59ks j Area (acres): 0.79 N175,���# n .. Area (acres): 0.67 3A 'C[Be rnu a +� Cover Crop: C. Bermuda { Ce7G�rop ,t CBerntuda�� ! Cover/Crop: C. Bermuda g lHo Rate ink , 05 x r y ( ) Hourly Rate (in): 0.5HeurlyRate m . , , ( ) Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 -w manual 13ate(in) 3 t si Annual Rate (in): 22.48 --lialRae (ai) 65(62y Annual Rate (in): 62.13 Weather Freeboard Irrigate •.a ? D�YFS a - I]NO x 1 Field Irrigated? ' OYES DNo `Fie d#Irriga#eii�7 DYES ` (]I�o q Field Irrigated? DYES ONO T R ❑ O c� •. 01 N 7 i0 01 Q• C ° 5 a '$ a rn E +0 -.1'• G7 vi c G m ❑ �, a -�� Q �' ( l ,V d b , E O1 '� a., ! O G. , . 3 �S��f µ'� .; o "` rn d >' �v •o m R�, F �. �: p Y �y${,'•dfr-.i E��, �kti 7 L e ,E� e x tO�S� p }' m a N a ' � O�,a -� .' v d :; E m m .i= +� —.� rn >.' c v R� ❑ .p � E T rn 7 c E is •� = p s+� '.-r�-� , b �' t 0•f n, � O. � t��� � oar ZE—cl tlJ d c 7! cr' E m o f ar _ A m �� x ��r -'� " o�<z., 1a �eOY 7 m is Of a O O. o 07 4; E rn f" '-- a� A C gy m. p o E_ rn 7` c E `o m N� _ �0 OF in ft -ft l al - mfp m mn � i gal min in in ga. ;' �min� in p 7 gal min in in 1 PC 61 - 0 3.08' 2 C 56 0 3.15' :� NOW r FIVAN. i ky p. , R 1� R1 P";, 4 C 36 0.1 3.17' h' 5 CL 48 0 3.23 �. � "�«a�,> "�� ,"""". �i, . _�...�'�=.'_Rs' � s4iyf. fy5. S'3 n=.:Ps., ta'�S P4-Y � w t ��`.� �`c'yr..� , a'Kv , :~ {�..,.,..;,fT'M1w v�i1S . 6 �.. ' ..�^ � a r`.n' F-,-M5 v `. ", as t't 5,534 60 0.30 0.30 5,5897 60 0.31 0.31 9 H WWI t � 21NX,9 `�i 10 PC 43 0.27 3.27' 11 PC 59 0 3.31'ti22;598t00"3Zk032N*';":�F�..,;.` ,, 12 # � �.c ij" .. ..._.,.�'.��_�,i�,.,,; a r �'tm^3d� C'h� `T .rram� yy��*� y.. .,a.c•'a°'�9 L"w_ec'�ii ll3 .r*• s�:. � " ;rT"�� a'q [�' a r5t� fy. a -�' _ ERA HE 11��3�11 - ry - FEW 16 PC 47 0.7 3.35' 723Or �1Q2 L i6_Q&, 17 CL 51 0 3.40'r`7� 18 �. WA "__1, _:V >I 19 ,K ti 21 PC 57 0 3.44� '. c £ sY ,..se E��.?.. a s� _w� . 22 PC 61 - 0 3.5 0ROWE. 0VT W 23 PC- 66 0' 3.52Maffl, 7�1338� t 24 l 9W>. KNOW RR, v' NO— IM91,119*1M 26 E ,r : s "`? s (' �u: ` i 5,623 60 0.31 0.31 28 t .',.�•G.`: 5,616. 60 0.31 0.31 29 30 xym� _ RR_wil RMMR 1 V tr , _ .c �'3 ��.s �7' �. �'� f ���.5`f :a"}:;.i, t..+�,��� �'J.04`,� I�P'x�� _ t 1 �`�A6rL•r.r te':� Monthly Loading 12 Month Floating Total (in): [?4OdijO0,65} 0 NIMINA 0.00 0.21 50 �1 /,838109 22,362 1.23 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 5 of 7 Permit No.: WQb004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County:. Sampson Month: February Year: ` 2017 ' Did irrigation occur. at this facility? ❑Yes ❑NoHoIyRate # Y F eltl Name `'���' �� 12 �n ? Field Name: 13F�e�Name1 PIS �' Field Name: 15 t Area�(acres) z � 3 4 E "` ���` `" £` Area (acres): 2.13 � A�,ea (aa esja �' �'�" �� W n, Area (acres): 0.97 {�Co�eCrop'i�GBermutla Cover Crop: C. Bermuda �,`�Co�ver Crop �' °C'1Be7muda� j Cover Crop: C. Bermuda (n Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 {�FHourly R tef,n �tiYy0A5 Hourl Rate m : 0.5 EA-W gnu 51a a ( ) 6�1 �3 Annual Rate (in): 57.54 Annual Rate ( ���e6�17e2��k r Annual Rate (in): 57.3 ,. Weather Freeboard F e d Ifi~gate�tl? 0� S y ❑rtNo Field Irrigated? EYES :ENO .. F IliklriAlgat d? ��YFS '❑No1 ., Field Irrigated? ❑YES ❑No ❑ 'O O CLy� CD 7 i° a E y• I a+ a. p y(o . co A.R ❑ W QCi#o r° ._.a° yEs �OS _. '..R.< '�_atII a `4In dv. Epi{. Otd� V G1 �_ E .2 0M d E a �.0 _OD°1 ° o 7 �z�O+ C_O • o o = vj tsrG7! `'y b a.m� �";��c ) (( O{OEe�� `7y'cOII E=_d � dE CaC7 _T Cm oa 7 .0 M° o_`° , °E in ft ft al inin T in gal- min in .'in dal, min In<ihsi gal min in in 1 PC. 61 0 3.08' WRO'` �r89>714 �60'�� 014�d 2 C 56 0 3.15' 0 .W I , 1 awl $7 671 60 43 0;43 � +BMW .. 4 C ' 36 0.1 3.17',' ,4a, "''765�6U�,4;�}MA043�? 6,343 60 0.24 0.24 5- CL 48 0 3.23' R�:� �`;��i�{� at�.�...� ��'s���iiz:t; ��"`.��i z'�a'� a..6 6,339 60 0.24 0.24 IN 10 PC . 43 0.27 3.27' L ... :' ":.. ' " 1 6,320 60 0.24 0.24 11 PC 59 0 3.31' 136�86j 6 0e42 t C, iCFA , 6,215 60 0.24 0.24 12 K spy R Ks•_-: M5 t w d3^why; k�.�P`:-.� g r h :dYr ��erKx ie..s�"iie Y3�."�,5n Slid Fie �ypsg > a 1Ci ' �k�_ e. t s 5 13 i� . `. -1440 MEN. 14r 7WeTIR s "� sERE F?4<1 15 y 16 PC 47 0.7 3.35; � Sj R9��..7 '; c k, P;4_ yr 96 1 � 17 CL 51 0 3.40' �' ? , . ? $ %xfi �,; 0-MR0.Oi' �*�`6�� ;,�0t42'; ;1 �: F 0�42f_`) 6,226 60 0.24 0.24 18 w- +Y .. j^pEyb 1n�3a'*�&ia..J k`.if a_ Wig,&° r n x�,n'J.*1 t . 20 REAM" 21 PC 57 0 3.44 �87�g� M?60j,gQ43.F�0�43�: 22 PC 61 0 3.5 20 U 0251 U25 E ??�,'">�;k (.:w 14 ...• i P 66 0 3.52 3 -�4r 3 W� - �60 �23 25 F��y# S�'.£wZin. 26 v. Txx rt 27 N. MW� ff � ,. 00K5, fi s.:,5 :� ,5.,1 S• afl .VjP& _ ..urr: 29 rw Monthly Loading: WAR 0.006�14,;55 3�OQL 31,443 .1.19 12 Month Floating Total (11n):454"'.i 1.02?10E4 i._M7 65�v FORM: NDAR-1 08-11.' NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 6 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager,Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: February Year: ' 2017-' Did irrigation occur at this facility . DYES ❑NO_. - �11;ieIdJ�lame �a1,6` Field Name: 17 Fie ktll Namea� �4 18'::: n - Field Name: 18-A �lreai(ae� s)���� >4��� , t � Area (acres): 2.27Area (acres) �� ','8r87fi= Area (acres): 6.56 ; Corer Crop Cover Crop: C. Bermuda , d� �r3o'ue Cro p ��C;1Bermuda< � Cover Crop: =C. Bermtada Ioarly�Rate�(in) 0 51 w 3x ., __ Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 Foul �Rate�(in) a+ y�4_�--• ati O bt s.: ;7 Hourly Rate m y (' ): 0.5 B'dinu�l Rate (in)s� 58 5r s Annual Rate (in): _ 9;91 Wgnnlial a e�!(in) v" 57 52 ;i Annual Rate (in): 57.52 Weather FreeboardF�eidlrrigatetlf?y �r �- •ems- � .,FSFa[��fo Field Irrigated? - �.="��- AYES ENO ,lielcilrtrig}ad?¢j]aY�Es�,�fo x ,Y .- Field Irrigated? 2YEs` N 9 � w ~ p w1460�°m. O L •V' ° O) o N N Q 10 >, c„t O' tit �, " y _ ,,x,+r'ir G '2P J... "^�' £�ri E a� O G o T�0 •, d v E N a O O. o d 41 E in F-. •` 0) T G `o m m 0 O E rn 7 G E 'a m �w 2 O i ,�7 � d x C 'G �Q� rrsf'b��J b N m� +' y �' "..=; � o`�i, � Mao �t'Sµ n O ~I �-st�•v .4 4E �+ rn Ei p;vE $' =r�0�1 �_� f I o C ._ O O.•_f0 i a E in •o m mE E rnO >+o En. OF in ft ft gal m"in in 1n gal min in in �galh min gal min in in 1 PC 61 0 3.08' ;f ?j876026 036� Os36i 77,926 60 0.44 0.44 2 C 56 0 3.15' p alb W� ITS " a x :, G`5WRI t 7 925 ,• �60r0 r a } 3�7+k .; �- iz;0,37,7 i 75,611 60 0.42 0.42 4 C 36 . 0.1 3.17'ar7r�29390370„37 x �89;3360 ?0 37 {0�37' 75,035 60 0.42 0.42 = 5 CL 48 0 3.23' 1"AMER 6D}. I 0�,37�i,_ i �t0,37 �[ �89;328(,s fi0Y r :_0 37 ' �0,537 ' 75,276 60 0.42 0.42 7 1""� M 8 ws'="�' R5,'_- ��f.`.''a�, 0614 .' a i a 4: E' ; 5. " =_ we3. O..t ry.% l i k _ 10 PC 43 0.27 3.27' E y,#72 f�6 603µ 7 �0�378,9,8f13 60r0'37 FOB 37 74,744 60 . 0.42 0.42 11 PC 59 0 3.31'1i�1s5��;'>� _ F;Y0C37w0�3r7^'f a, �; �_._.,. . � . rya l _ _ � ,_� ? , .� ( x ,.�..t , 3 _ E `17� ., 74,197 60 0.42 0.42 12 13 14.,��a+ 15 +, Ikkr w�..i w M9. !, 4 k+w ,: ;E.`z:i Ju ''' f' v { 16 PC 47 0.7 3.35' { w� LL_ 1 _; (s8,72'7 0��? `, 6.0J . ; ! (,OF36, is r0"3 74,207 60 0.42 0.42 17 , CL 51 0 3.40, (.7I.�a.98 W601 r ;0",3",7� PrNOr3Y °,87F�559�.,E _ _ 60 t- F., Ot36� . �;^0 36 _ % 74,303 60 0.42 0.42 20 R . ups 211 PC 1 57 0 3.44 hi�6�y�i101 60 s KAO"i35.�� �,'K0 35 i M'7, A 60 I Q;3 ; { 0 36) 74,706 60 0.42 0.42 . 22 PC_ 61 - 0 .. 3.5 i 68;358 60' ,` UN R0#3 0�351 '? �_'r?88 223 60 i0f3i/F _{ (` 0 37d ' 74,427 60 0.42 0.42 23 'PC 66, 0 3.52 ('68360 ¢ '0t €zOt358$;'.941��60'a a e Ot37/_ _ 0 37r 24 26 I �P�'W RUT. NO, RY-3 .,ramNOV f a I^�. S s.•. tl 29 t7 1 ai 30 31 ?wr,� Monthly Loading567q,3'4,k`2t90a 0 0.0083`;6308467r 750,432 4.21 12 Month Floating Total (in): <<:11V52' 9.73 1'0xU3�i '12'46}j FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 7 of 7 Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? p Compliant 0 Non -Compliant Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? [p Compliant ❑ Non -compliant Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? Q Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Were all setbacks listed in -your permit maintained for every application to each,permltted site? ❑ Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the specified freeboard heights in your permit? p Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was. not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge(ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORc:. Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification No.: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Grade: SI Phone Number: 919-21-0-2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDAR-1? ❑ Yes Q No Phone Number: 925-949-0432 Permit Exp.: 5131/21 Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature Date I certify, under penally of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance vith a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel property gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information, submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, Including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: NDML.R 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 1 of 6 Permit No.: W00004268 ' Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company county: Sampson Month: February. Year: 2017 Field Name: A ie'dNaiie� 13.. Field Name: C ._.!na eld Na e VF D Field Name: Area (acres): 39.3 ,ea(ecre 8 Area (acres): 16.4 Area((acres) G36�61 Area (acres): Cover Crop: C. Bermuda Cove • Cr ... a�N,LaSxB�:IA C - erruda, .M.fs �K., v , - Cover Crop: , C. Bermuda ?Cover C`ropi•' .Y ,9.MIrc..Rq CBermutl w„„•.w#.::.i..r„Yr Cover Crop: p: Load Type: PAN o d Hype F... pq, Load Type: PAN ` ILoad Typ '„b PAN Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? OYES. ❑NO.', dLo 8edsDi Esloj� Field Loaded? OYES ❑� NOFibJd Load ❑YF�sw i os fb Field Loaded? DES ONO y z o ° z e d ,� ( ��40 �1 ° �Z °' r CI Z o Z n y 7 �o���-, �5 �'y'<� � v z 0zS a " �F xti a a ' � ^dd l >9` o,t a z C a ° m Z a a d > A 13 ,J a C) C N m a L O oar J O z E a a ;Q .d �"'! a aE ,0 C� 'Iol'aa° .qyc� D I J �..��' ;Or 7 z� a,� D O E m . m, C. ns m a=-. O c J .. 0 3 z E a 3 a4" }, h ,d REF, A `yjr o AO +.5 fza 9c Jf ..6 L !F1as. o. d E (a- .c, a c J D. J z E a ' d o > O o 3 a� U z• ! 'bar C k O. D Ci ° Gar f V;,�,. > - >° O o Ci a �' r i Sd ac > Off,' Pto� 'spy{ o s{ t CiaaO'. t O c Q O o r� o a C� ,�. y O Month gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibslacgal, piglL I _�a¢Itis al gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac agal ,ry IL Ibs ac 16s ab gal mg/L Ibslac Ibslac February 0 3.29 " 0.0 0.0 �rQ 329 DO 0`0� 0 3.29 0.0 0.03"29 ,0�0� (OZO_; March 9.68t„ 6-80 ` 9.68 Vim' 9e68 t April 20.8 20.8 May 0 7.53 0.0'- 0.0 r „D :� ,, 7 5 QO Q 0 7.53 0.0 0.0 June 0 8.22 0.0 1 0.0D8F22!; OtO OQj 0 8.22 0.0 0 0 .v0 �;;8 2?DOKb; slOaOn_4 July .. 0 6.8 0.0 0.0 70-608JIMI U(0 0 6.8 0.0 0.0. August 0 6.68 0.0 0.0vfia0 a6;68'OD00 0' September 0 6.66 0.0 0`.0 WaQ pbQ 0 6.66 0.0 0.0 0- t 6 66 NOTOt (OOj .E October- 0 4 0.0 0.0 UO 0. 4 0.0 0.0 gDrDlk:_h November 0 4.07 0.0 0.0 0 4 0,7 ?) U O OiD j 0 4.07, 0.0 0.0 k 0�? '; l i _ 4°Q7 (> 0 0» i OtO ;s December 0 j 5.37 '0.0 0:0UJ`:370? QaO w 0 ,. 5.37 0.0 0.0 1t �nD January 0 6.26 0.0 O. tON�'•4 ( 6�z6�s;0,0�° �QO? 0 6.26 0.0 0.0 (' �«6c26a{ '!OFO_ ROGUE y 12 Month Floating PAN Load U. �;OtO� 0.0 (Ibs/aclyr): , , ! Annual PAN Load Limit' 300 0� u3 300 20p} (lbslaclyr): _ FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS -LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 2 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: February Year: 2017 Field Name: 1 - rFieid N . `. Field Name: 3 C� Field Na a _1z r Field Name: 4 Area (acres): 1.64r®cr®s r 33 Area (acres): 11.62 a, Aea(aT cre) "� r ` a Area (acres): 1.89 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda �,.a Cov®rGopC . .: �., Bermuda Cover Crop: C. Bermuda T•�- ��•.�.•� `' Col+eFlCrdpr � ,��: r. rxy Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN. Loa Type j ; FAN ' Load Type: PANa�ip roc air' } Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? prEs ❑No FIe1d Loade ? gg[�rEs fo `. Field Loaded? ❑No t fµ Fie1dSL�oatl� d? ❑YE ` 30No ? Field Loaded? pNo urES .❑vEs aGm m a aadEo z •o a me� aarna>. z a o�.' v�° =d�I > .-. =o zo"� ,F r "` ow �7 Q ..a�f> roo` ,�o ... �c L. 1 m Q z c z z.=am ,�.� <ar r Aso . �Fi��b.•, 't'a �, r f f�,�oro 'i fa . °-' . z o d m z a a>c d o V e Z EE J EZctl u Z E a o V �r3 °,c�., o o ac, o. U> Month g al m gIL Ibslac Ibslac gal mglL slag (bsI c gal mglL Ibslac Ibslac ,,:', ga14� mglL" RIb /s kitI ac gal - mg1L Ibslac Ibslac February 152,474 - 3.29 2.6 2.622D'*'341 3_,f29,N alk-9p, 1,005,840 3.29 2.4 2.4 F 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 March 9.68 a F-1689 9.68 ��� <� R� F T-7--i 9.68 April 20.8F""WA 8 . _ 20.8` = !yk r. `k y 20.8 May 0 7.53 0.0 2.6 753 OTU 9 0 7.53 0.0 2.4 0 . :, 7.53 0.0 0.0 . June 57,290 8.22 2.4 4.9. I93;097822 �2§0 3 279,291 8.22 1.6 4.0 0 8,22 0.0 0.0 July 113,317 6.8 3.9 8.9 1484`1 0 t 8 3 2? 77_ ; 552,420 6.8 2.7 6 7 z 6 ,. � G _ 5 0 6:8 0.0 0.0 August 148,687 6.68 5.1 13.9 (3225156� 6685G6 �._6. 495,043 6.68 2.4 9.1#;r` j,.� x r `* , s 110,271 1 6.68 3.3 1 3.3 September 103,943 6.66 3.5 17.4 6t66 , C 3,1 1L 188,462 6.66 0.9 10 0 C, ; k' ;: r 89,698 6.66 2.6 5.9 „ October 81,163 14 1.7 19.11'`488?ud4 Qjd5 1p72 203,501 4 0.6 10.6�r._ 28,652 4 0:5 6.4 . November 130,423 4.07 2.7 21.1328258,4, 4407 . 3x0 2D 756,286 4.07 2.2 12.8 95,755 4.07 1.7 8.1 December 37,245 5.37 1.0 22.8 r80699 a`a371n1t (2313 193,297 1 5.37 0.7 13.5 b: ; ._ 7 ; Y IF _ °ry 37,245 5.37 0.9 9.0 January 38,070 6.26 1.2 24.0 1 [ .,87x5996 26"-3 22?71 183,314 6.26 0.8 14 4 12 Month Floating PAN Load 24.0 22 ' 14.4 (lbslaclyr): _ Annual PAN Load Limit .270 270 270 f� �� 299 (Ibs/aclyr): FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 3 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: February Year: 2017 Name: Field Na 5 Field Name: 7. NC Field Name: 9 .Area (acres): 0.78 _% 7Wj.qW Area (acres): 1 Area (acres): 0.79 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda, Cover Crop: C.Bermuda oo,' Cover crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? EIYES RNO Field Loaded? 2YES ENO Field Loaded? EIYES 21NO 2 CL ado1 0 z >; , 0 2 CL z Q :z 2, - 0 _j I -,�: R,,� -� . , 'I : CL z C 0 0. id W I. z >1 aaweo z E 0 E z 0 IL 1! Q 0 E z E 0 E z aJa 0 0 Month gal mg/L lbdac lbsiac ­4009-lac gal Mg/L lbsiac 1 lbslac ...'.c. February 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 FgljlrQ 07A I _M M tM%#6 66,603 3.29 1.8 1.8 E-4fi,'Q ffly),, M�g 9 V__f -jjrg� OR 1'$;�7,, 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 March 9.68 - r"ItW&VE 16 9.68 9.68 April 20.8 20.8 F7 f 20.8 May 0 7.53 0.0 0.0 tfk7j_0K ft_0�0)9 Mjlflj�j 0 7.63 0.0-- 1.8 i _itffiffl r 0 7.53 0:0 0.0, June 0 8.22 0.0- 6.0 5ffo- OR ROM MOW 0 8.22 0.0 1.8, b FS,,, �i 0 8.22 0.0 0.0_ July 0 .6.8 0.0 0.0 ME FIN 6FA NCO. ME 0 6.8 0.0 1.8 Tel j 0 6.8 0.0 0.0 August 39,314' 6.68 2.8 2.8 Of "B W.41�M 49,141 6.68 2.7 4�6 0 6.68 0.0 0.0 September 29,774 6.66 2.1 4.9 F,_&AIQ-08 WfflMjWC,0A 27,495 6.66 1.5 6.1 f fi; ,,6@4C6f, V;Zloi*�3, 8,---tj f ft, 4,522 6.66 0.3 0.3 October 19,101 4 0.8 6.7 2- UW� Iff , 2 2'0 0 6 vw�� 4 0.7 6.8 C370,�� _ fft,, 0 4 I 0.0 0.3 November .'64,503 4.07 2.8 8.6 108,021 4.07 3.7 -10.5 4. 0 4,�f 0 4.07 .0.0 0.3 December 24j830. 1 5.37., 1.4 mo i7flIall- 28,656 6.37 1.3 11.8 0 January 0 6.26 0.0 10.0 11 R-3UOW* W6E26 KIY'09 1 Kfjl�_89 11 31,769 1 6.26 1.7 1 13.4 jjf'(0 M, 2 0. 6.26 0.0 0.3 12 Month Floating PAN Load 10.0 13.4 0.3 (lbs/aclyr): Annual PAN Load Limit 299 299 /Aff 271 299 (lbs/acly FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 4 of 6 2017 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name- Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: February Y Field Name: 10 Field a ,11t Field Name: 12. F eN m - 1,3 �r Field Name: 14 Area (acres): 1.33 �^ +Aracs�`� 4(�'67 Area (acres): 3 Area (acres): 7.55 Cover. Crop: C.Bermuda`Go er CroBeMmtla _..r. s�sa., *w,n ,:. . .,,�_�r. Cover Crop: C.Bermuda `Cover Crc .m.. .e mac._:..;..•'f C111Bermllda i& c.. F�^=•,c ..�_ a :✓ Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN LTyey Pq ` . ,i Load Type: PAN�road Load Type: PAN 9 Field Loaded? �YEs �No� Flel Loaded? a CJp Field Loaded? OYES EINo a Field Loade?` ?[]YES .r -' �ONo + Field Loaded? Ones []NO cc a a' a Z. c a w a Ol .w C Z a a a o t O m > a r« '� o . 1 7 (a ° aQ `a'd a w a :° d w Of G a v • �, m O �;,: ,, o :: �a A o :J O "a``�� m a a a Z o a w a m C Z a a v L O m` > 9 :. f6 o J O o u': ,s�W� a .�o. y ,b Q a� dJ FA�d �jOf C, z a o,� Q w>y. a a��.. o� c. �o �o m _I . O 3� i N Z o a w a m C Z a v s° m o O d d d J o Z Qa? * t' .' -� e Z"}1 a d m c°i .e -� o E Z o na wF_ r Y .:� 'v ,�� e c n SEaz� E �o�pQy m V °o c '� O E Z a fi° a sagRR11 f.t5 > a U .wJ Month gal mg1L Ibslac Ibslac gal ,tpglL Ibslac Ib a I gal mg/L Ibslac Ibs/ac T' Aga)'_ mg1L ,'Ibsja� 16s/ac gal mglL Ibslac Ibslac February 17,838 3.29 0.4 0.4 22;823�29 Q9 09 58,550 3.29 0.5 0.50 614,255 3.29 2.2 2.2 March- ' 9.68 . '�3 r ' � _ !88 13'�. P� 4� 9.68 ��j3�'29OtOk,i0ti0Pi :"N'`. nwa'PYrvE6S, R ';. ? r 9.68 April 20.8 l ' � FB ± 20.8 rr - *rid 2Q.8 r x su�t;a 20.8 May 0 7.53 0.0 0.4 ' ,0 3 � 53j 0 0 0�9 0 7.53 0.0 0.5 i�0 53 # D D D`^Os 0 7.53 0.0 2.2 June 14,272 8.22, 0.7 , 1.1 5';35�� f3 22 0 5 0 8.22 0.0 0.5 F:�„ NN �8j2r kE DYO �D O ` 0 8:22 0,0 2.2 July 59,632 6.& 2.5 3.6 [ 22 362 6 80', �+1�9 `Wi3 4T 0 6.8 0.0 0.5 �; 0� �' -a `r �6ti6 ��10�0� ( �O�Oj ! 0 6.8 0.0 2.2 August 76,426 6.68 3.2 6.8 { 4,i3;g51 j tl °68�� F� 4t1 7 §„� 0 6.68 0.0 0.5 s _ _!0��:.,; �6.68 [ °s0 Or�nt i ;O�Q j 0 6.68 0.0 2.2 September 10,023 6.66 0.4 7.34522 6ft66. r0 ;x 78 .18,809 6.66 0.3 0.9 1, 10 552 6 6B Ora a 0'3} T 95,336 6.66 0.7 2.9 October 33,978 4 0.9 8.1 („35 565; 34„s �1 8k. r4 gt6 r 90,185 4 1.0 1.9 ,5, 876 ' � `j4) tD:1� [ „O,i4 'i 221,298 4 1.0 .3.9 November 64,843 4.07 1.7 9.8 [7, Vgj439�'•; 4k07 L 3 0 �, jT 53,911 4.07 . 0.6 2.5 �'�42 7L25� 1 4 D7� i t. 0 x; ti_ a�iOl J 532,696 4.07 2.4 6.3 December 0 5.37 0.0 9.8 K4x1}7166537 2p8�t1`54j 77,614 5.37.. 1.2 3.7i0; s5ta37 10 D•;?1! U� 169,801 5.37 1.0 7.3 January 81,338 6.26 3.2 13.0 5,j . _ _ 8 �s 6i26 T4 0 j;�1i9 5� 162,677 6.26 2.8 6.5 10.8 12 Month Floating PAN Load a1b 6.5 �, s 10.8 (lbslaclyr): .13.0 k° Annual PAN Load Limit 270 t^' t27D,- 270 ( 2{70) i �,.---_...�: 270 (Ibslac/yr): _ r.:�A'._E FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 5 of 6 Permit No'.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company county- Sampson Month: February Year. 2017 Field Name: 15Flal' Nan 16, °" `r Field Name: 17 Field,8 Field Name: 18-A Area (acres): 0.97 Area (acr®)PFjW7-2 Area (acres): 2.27 rea (acres); Sti87 { Area (acres): 6.56 t Cover Ctop: C.Bermuda o�uer G opt C Be ud !?a Cover Cro Pk C.Bermuda Y Cove% Crop We B rmuda#+{� Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN :r LoadTT �e� `SPA ail Load Type: YP PAN . " L d T ®rl'AN "��N ma`s Load Type: YP PAN _. v:.s gyp ,r� , �!Ps:1271V_2 F Field Loaded? RIYEs ONO r iFleldLoaded?❑� YES Enron` Field Loaded? ❑rEs ONo ;' jF1el'dL°ail a? Q� YES'd�iQNO Field Loaded? OrES �NO �p a Q ¢ z a R m C z a l6 m J c h{ x, pp¢�d!?,a '&' +" xq a a p C ":.. =F a p; k$ r�nO 10 l��� �� s i ., > .. A or , ;e Jwj o d c a ¢ z °y .� n A d �+ m e z a ° �6 • > .. m o J o7 d !! a f, a G :'� ¢ k r� l e sa+ �C .. n A}�:i tt.. di44+e�{ Of Cr l �m l z f a > r O i ,ia+! �Ot ; a �,� > ,.� f 4 sA o; Y , 1O¢ m c a ¢ Z c o d +' m C z p >+ m o6. o J df • = O Z E d�t°� E r 10 a� r: ¢E d p m m . y ° ,C o e J Z E¢ td1 (' 6 a� ° {, o cJ'f� r �, ESQ Oi N E 'o' 8 U t aQOG.'�d 7 UE O ° a Month gal mg/L "lbs/ac Ibs/ac fM Ja M91 -gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibslac � gals din"gIL Ibsla_ �lbsl � . gal. mg/L 9bs/ac Ibslac February 31,443 - 3.29 0.9 0.9 f"1fi67 03 3?29 X-T M2_,2 .; 0 3.29 0.0 0.0 883 630 3 Z9 2 7 } p 2 7 750,432 3.29 3:1 3.1 March 9.68 9.•-6 9.68 ' wt-• , k�59§68s ( f �, { _ 9.68 April 20.8 V 1 �O2 OM w 20.8 G'9 `.,a ?A8 ff 20.8 May 0 7.63 0.0 0.9 f �* PEMH WAToldW21.15 0 7.53 0.0 0.0 F,52 ; _ ,53 "'U0Q;,.�; F 2I 0 7.53 0.0 3.1 June 3,568 8.22 0.3 1.1 ittz*D 8 22g 02� 12,488 8.22 0.4 • 0.4 �0d G�822��0 Qy ��2i_v 60,656 8.22 0.6 3.8 July 14,908 6.8 0.9 2.0 = 0, "i 6�8' eF Off' r-2 52,178 6.8 ' 1.3 1.7, y0r �t6 1' °'&U O� f*-r2.5 253,436 6.8 2.2 6.0 August 42,575 6.68 2.4 4.5 E4 affC6 6r6B 3$3 5t4ffl 171,439 6.68 4.2 5.9 6.68rx Q 0 1�2 7 331,175 6.68 2.8 8.8 September 18,028 6.66 1.0 5.5 , 3428,13 p 6 66 Wffid-xj8, 108,798 6.66 2.7 8.61&13,7986g66 43,431 6.66 0.4 9.1 October . 16,375 4 1, 0.6 6:11 296 4 QS 86�' 65,508 4 1.0 9.5222 78) f�i'4ffi fiObB„� 4` 8TI 113,280 4 0.6 9.7 November 1 35,513. 4.07 1.2 7.3 95 66 4 07 1 9 D 5i 129,167 4.07 1.9 11.4 115,74 318 9 4TOj 4 2 rQ(B%-may - 106,955 4.07` 0.6 10.3 December- 11,321 5.37 0.5 7.8 �1Ci0;998" 5�3+7 Q> 11 -I 39,869 5.37 . 0.8 12.2 ( JK1 , 0 €f-5 7 [`n Dt ( 6�91='11 90,051 5.37 0.6 10.9 January 1 27,570 1 6.26 1.5 9.3 2Ss1F7u48 6'�262:0" 1'3g3 19,751 6.26 0.5 12.732,69fr ,6.26?44$r1,iQk1t 473,728 6.26 3.8 14.7 12 Month Floating PAN Load 9.3 13.3 12.7 �"w�iD�1;A 14.7 (Ibslaclyr): fr •:l Annual PAN Load Limit 299 270 299 20 200 {Ibslaclyr): ---: FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 6 of 6 Did the mass loading rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? compliant ❑ Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain In the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification ORc: Randall Jarrell Certification Number: 23925 Grade: SI'. Phone Number: 919-210-2500 Has the ORC changed since the previous NDSALR? ❑ Yes [D No . 3I 3,I 11 Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report Is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Permittee Certification Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Signing Officials Title: Responsibie.Official Phone.No.: 925-949-0432, 'PermitExp.: 5/81/21 Signature Date I certify, under penalty of law. that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information. including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center" Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 ENCO r i et . Re"spi ►n�e, Innovative 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary Ni:, 27511 Phone: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 Monday, February 27, 2017 WASTEWATER. MANAGEMENT, LLC (WA013) Attn: RANDALL JARRELL P.O. Box 578 Pittsboro, NC 27312 RE: Laboratory Results for Project Number: [none], Project Name/Desc: Sager Foods -Monthly ENCO Workorder(s): CA06059 Dear RANDALL JARRELL, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Thursday, February 16, 2017. Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except . as noted in the project narrative. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Stephanie Franz Project Manager Enclosure(s) FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page 1 of 13 c POO e go WWW.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client ID: Sager Foods Effluent Lab ID: CA00059-01- - Sampled:- 02/16/17 08:40.. Received: 02/16/17 10:15 Parameter Hold Di to/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis'Date/Time(sl CALC 11/12/19 02/24/17 10:42 02/24/17 10:47 Colilert18 02/16/17 .16:35 02/17/17. _ 11:43 02/16/17 13:39 02/17/17 1028 " CSU Method 03/02/17 02/17/17 13:15 - •02/22/17 '15:31 EPA 200.7 08/15/17 02/17/17 13:15' 02/21/17 11:11 EPA 350.1 03/16/17: 02/23/17 08:49 02/23/17 10:42 EPA 353.2 02118117.- 08:40 02/17/17 07:39. 02/17/17 08:44 EPA 353.2 03/16/17, - 02/22/17 12:03 . _02/22/17 14:34 EPA 353.2 11/12/19 02/23/17" 11:23 02/23/17 11:34 SM 254OD-1997 02/23/17 02/20/17 10:25- 02/20/17 10:25 SM'521OB-2001 ' 02/18/17 ' 08:40 02/17/17 16:12 -02/17/17'16:12 Client ID: - Sager Foods Effluent Lab ID: CA00059-01RE1 Sampled: 02/16/17 08:40 - Received: '02/16/17 10:15 Parameter -Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 351.2 03/16/17 02/17/17 10:10 02/23/17 15:08 . EPA 365.4 03/16/17' 02/17/17. 10:10 02/23/17 15:52 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the jaboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. - Page 3 Of 13 C=MG www.encolabs.-coM ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: Sager Foods Effluent Lab Sample ID: CA00059-01 Received: 02/1611710:15 Matrix: Waste Water Sampled:02/16/17 08:40' ' Work Order: CA00059 Project: Sager Foods -Monthly Sarripled By: RANDALL JARRELL. Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods ,. A - ENCO Cary certified anatyte (NC 5917 Analyte rCAS Numberl" . ' Results Flaa Units DF ' ' M0L Q Batch Method Analyzed By Notes Calcium [7440-70-2]A 9370 ug/L 1 39.0 . 100' 7B17042 EPA 200.7 02/21/17 11:11 ]DH Sodium [7440-23-5]^1 121000 ug%L 1 400 500 7B17042 EPA 200.7 02/21/17 11:11 ]DH Classical Chemistry Parameters ^ - ENCO C3ryce&1Aed analyte [NC 5911-. Analyte rCAS Numberl Results • Flaa Units . : . DF - MDL PPOL• Batch Method Analyzed By Notes . Ammonia as N [7664-41-7]A 1.3 mg/L 10 .- 0.45 1.0 7B23009 EPA 350.1,- , 02/23/17 10:42 JU Biochemical Oxygen Demand^ 18 mg/L 1 2.0 : 2.0 ' . 7B17045 SM 521OB-2001 02/17/1716:12 JOC B-04 Nitrate as N {i4797-55-8]^.: , 0.16 mg/L' - 1 0.025 " 0.10 7B23025 EPA 353.2 02/23/17-11:34 ]U Nitrate/Nitrite as N^ 0.28 mg/L 1- • . 11.041 -,0.10 7B22025• EPA 353.2 _ " 02/22/1714:34 JU ' Nitrite as N [14797-65-0]A 0.12 mg/L 1 0.017, 0.10 7B17004 EPA 353.2 02IA7117 08:44 X] Phosphorus [7723-14-O]A'-',. 9.3 D . mg/L .5 0.12 0.50 7B17006 EPA 365.4 - 02/23/17 15:52' ]U Sodium Adsorption Ratio 7.43 [blank] 1 .. 7B17042 CSLI Method 02/22/17 15:31 JDH Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen^ 9.2 mg/L . 1 0.26 •, 0.48 7B17005 EPA 351.2 02)23/17 15:OB ]U Total Nitrogen [17778-88-0] 0.5 mg/L f 0.02 0.10 7B24016 CALC 02/24/17 10:47 .-. JLJ .' Total Suspended Solids^ 50 mg/L. -• 20 50 S0 7B20006 SM 254OD-1997 02/20/17.10:25 OMR, Microbiological Parameters' n _ ENCO Cary car ified analyte [NC 591J Analvte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa=' Units _ _ DF Batch Method Analyzed . Notes - Coliform, Fecal^ 41 MPN/100 10 10 7B17031 Colilert 18 - 02/17/17 10:28 ASC' mL FINAL' This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may'only be reproduced in full. 7-1 Page-5 Of.13 www:encolabs.com ' QUALITY CONTROL DATA ' Classical Chemistry Parameters -Quality Control Batch 7B17004 - NO PREP - Continued Matrix Spike (7B17004-MS2) Prepared: 02/17/2017 07:39 Analyzed: 02/17/2017 16:02 Source: CA01484-02 , Spike;_ Source - %REC- RPD Analvte Resu Flaa p91 Units Level Result `' %REC - Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrite as N 0.92 0.10 - - mg/L 1.00. - 0.017 U . 92 90-110 Matrix Spike Dup (7B17004MSD1) Prepared: 02/17/2017 07:39 Analyzed: 02/17/2017 08:45 Source: CA00059-01 . Spike - Source %REC ROD Analyte Resul FlaFlaq PQL hits Level Result ' %REC Limits- RPD Limit Notes Nitrite as N 1.1 0.10 mg/L, 1.00 0.12'. 94 90-110 1• 10 Batch 7B17005 - Same = Blank (7B17005-BLK,I) Prepared: 02/17/2017 50:10 Analyzed: 02/21/2017 14:07 Spike Source %REC RPD , Analvte Result1)_aq. P_Q6 Units_ LevelResult' %REC ; Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen .. - 0.26 U. d.48 mg/L Blank (7B17005=61.1(2) Prepared: 02/17/2017 10:10 Analyzed: 02/23/2017 M02 Spike Source '%REC RPD - Ana a esu F a Units - _Level _ Result %REC Limits RPD - _ Limit _ Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen , 0:26 U - • 0.48.. mg/L . LCS (7817005-BS1) Prepared: 02/17/2017 10:10 Analyzed: 02/21/2017 14: 9 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte - Result Had P2 Unit£ ' ._ Level'; Result %REC,- Limits RPD Limit Notes Total_Kjeldahl Nitrogen, 12-- 0A8 mg/L : - 11.9 105 90-110. LCS (7B17005-BS2) . Prepared: 02/17/2017 10:10 Analyzed:,02/23/2017-15:04 Spike Source .- %REC RPD Anala Result FlaFlaa POL ,.Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD .Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen -12 0.48 mg/L 11.9 + ' 102 90-110 Matrix Spike (7B17005-MSS) Prepared: 02/17/2017 10:10 Analyzed: 02/23/2017 15:06 Source: CA00059-OSREl. • _ Spike , Source -%REC, . RPD Ani Pesu Ilad POL Units Level Result ` %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 15 0.48 mg/4 4.75 - 9.2 117 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike (7B17005-MS2) Prepared: 02/17/2017 10:10 Analyzed: 02121/2017.14:20 Source: CA00196-01 Spike Source %REC RPD .. Anal Flan' PQL Units Level Result %REC c Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 7.3 ,- 0:48 mg/L -: 4.75 2.6 100' 90-110 Matrix Spike Dup (7B17005-MSD1) Prepared: 02/17/2017 10:10 Analyzed: 02/23/2017 15:10 Source: CA00059-01RE3 Spike Source %REC . RPD Analvte' ResuR; Mgr. POL units- Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limi Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 14 - 0..48 mg/L 4.75- ; 9.2- 108 90-110 3 10 'Batch 7B17006 - Same. FINAL This report relates only to the sample as,received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page 7 of 13 Classical Chemistry Parameters- Quality Control, _ Batch 7B17045 - NO PREP.- Continued Duplicate (7B17045-DUPi) Prepared &Analyzed: 02/17/2017 16:12 Source: CA00059-01 Spike Source %REC RPD nal e ; Result Flan PQL Units Level Result o/nREC limits RPD Limit Notes Biochemical Oxygen Demand .. 18 2.0 mg/L' 18 0,8 . 30 B-04. Batch- 7820006,- NO PREP Blank (7B20006-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 02/20/2017 d0:25 Spike. Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flan IQ Units ' Level - Result •%REC.. Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids is U, - 2.5 mg/L LCS (7B20006-BSi) i . Prepared & Analyzed: 02/20/2017 10:25 Spike Source %REC _ RPD AnaM ResultFlaa P-QL Units Level :Result %REC ._ Limits RPD Limit - Notes Total Suspended Solids 91 2.5. , • mg/L 100 91.. 80-120 Duplicate (7B20006-DUPi) .' Prepared &Analyzed: 02/20/2017 10:25 . Source: CA00058-03 Spike',' Source %REC RPD na a Resu F a IQ - Units Level Result %aREC Limits - RPD Limit Notes" Total Suspended Solids `60 . ' '56 mg/L 56 8 20 Duplicate (7B20006-DUP2) Prepared & Analyzed: 02/20/2017 10:25 Source: CA00079-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Ana i^ esu Flan POLL. Units Level. Result o/aREC Limits RPD Limit Notes . Total Suspended Solids 210 100 mg/L 230 7 20 Batch 7B22025 - NO PREP, ' Blank (?B22025-BLKi) Prepared: 02/22/2017 12:03 Analyzed: 02/22/2017 14:30 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte - ,_ esu Faq- PL Units Level Result %REC.,`:. Limits RPD Limit' Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.041 U 0.10 mg/L LCS (713122025-111Si) Prepared: 02/22/2017 12:03 Analyzed: 02/22/201714:23. Spike' Source %REC RPD . Ar BLte Rela Elm PQL ' u2 s Level " • Result %REC Limits " RPD­ Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 1.2 0.10 mg&- 1.25 92 : • 90-110 Matrix Spike (7B22025-MSS) Prepared: 02/22/2017 12:03 Analyzed: 02/22/2017 14:32 ' .Source: CA00059-01,. ; Spike Source 4/0REC' RPD - Ana lvte - Resu t ' . Fag PAL Units Level •„ Result %REC .' Limits RPD ... Limit Notes ., Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.85 0.10 mg/L 0.513 0.28' - 112 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike (7B220257MS2) Prepared: 02/22/2017 12:03 Analyzed: 02/22/2017 14:40 Source: CA00474-03 Spike' Source %REC RPD - Anal Result Flacl FOL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 41 10 mg/L 50.0 4.1 U 82. 90-110 QM-07 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. - Page 9 Of 13 www.encolabs.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS B The analyte was detected in the associated method'blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. J The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not'detected to the level. shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument. This value is considered an estimate. MRL Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQQ and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. N The analysis indicates the,presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence (85% or greater confidence) to make a "tentative identification". P Greater than 25% concentration difference was'observed between the primary and secondary GC column. The:lower concentration is reported. B-04 The average DO uptake of the seeded controls does -not meet the method required 0.6 - 1.0 mg/L. QM-07 The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSD.. The batch was accepted based on acceptable LCS recovery. FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 11 of 13 Sample Preserveition Verification ENCO Cary.,=GEN .. Work Order:. CA00059. Project: Sager Foods Monthly Client: WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT, LLC (WA013) Project #:, [none] Logged ln: 16-Feb-17 10:1.8 'Logged By: John,C King C.A00059-01 Cont Type e . Pres (pH) ., Requirement, pH.Checked / In.Contral ' DateMme pH.Adjusted Adjusted Reagent Used/Comments D 250mLP+H2SO4 <2 Y / N / NA '-Y. l ` / NA . E. 250mLP+HNO3 z2 , Q,! % N / NA . Y / ' / NA.. FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 1 of 3 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company county: Sampson Month: January Year: 2017 PPI: Flow Measuring; Point: ❑Influent' ❑Effluent �No Flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent ❑✓ Effluent ❑Groundwater Lowering ❑Surface Water Code 01Q02 01027 00940 01051 D�71900 00610 l 0062Parameter 0 S bOr00k1 t 00665. pY ¢YU� • O m y�y u• r. :l. +-� � '��': L 42"3_ +c; -:iti �a r..;. E � � t � i us• qLROO -,:. ;a ,i d ti w„r+? - 0 � E u °� Y i-,c. �;r,-:�:: U x•£ii+iF fOp c ?�,k i9a Q 3.°d3f� am x m IO �' i, ?a :� �:` OiE z UY' d 1� e L. L y1ss �t +v r bE Sa�,a'^�a°tY2 1�. ^° E #s E sr j` ., Z .. § ` r.a3 i t d. Nm O O O yy. ...Sinz ]'y , ark 3r i , ♦, i"S v tf�s 1 �f _ yr mg/L ;sly t mg/L LL, 2 j Y � �',+raYy�)� II i h mom °�7s+�MR,n•'ci +✓:Ga.PS��St, rs.4i'` i .� 1 �: � G �� .:f:v EfY .Gi'n TE � id 4: .ili. . 1 .sx-+ '` a.€.: 1. a.0 "itG �. wtii l'•yc P. +�Y'�t _ .l' .e �,s'K 3's•Rr,`''r ER..1. sr�t ! `_N sns« �. lam s: 4 09:55 Oil n h v5 _ w E -, . ti,� �'. sr3E P - a 5 } ; z l j � c mom , •ri , � NEW ���; �� �iF�' al+..><ZIM _- ;z• ate. , ,. �' .=. si ' _ a L � + 60'» mi:t;sa�E: x�r,` ROME I° ` SORRIER Ep5�5rpt IMMU ���i,N_ + O 7 T•.r.. Y•...."...,`°' r �y��i REMZ a,X i T - .. ' - '-{•e:a -'•'+::s' 3^ i +L, vi,S�..Y_.c.a1 I A •q - i,�id?z...`R c-. E�` y'�1 • ia�,:.°I �yS%.�y ' �'t i+ii,x6� ,nc'ry ._.awL.k.f °•, -_.;i .t•s ,i.. {ly.' f 9 ' :.' , i tII ; �°F __. a�r91: R 11 � '-{ u23iR+r �x�.�: �� k� `r Y". MOM � �' n r'a' a:.��e 9Y„�f. ��y� t,t,�l€�� �� `�•EZ �. � �. x � _.:. 10 10:50 2.5 ,;F E !;OEnE�s� F r �Nls�_ s,1?g?+ �le'l -? �ecu. t :� r r�i,,,. , Win, �sF* - ,t �.66 a �; - - „9 11{I «�: 7.5 „ 121$ii f�t.y,r�_...}t s S3 e�?:^1 ti-fir:Eyi,„�5�t e ail. S„i� rs� . E}F➢ m Lu 13 0 ��°�� �,.�r. ,..._»..-ex � t ,. . - ',i ... ° :..,:(- .: �i 4 ,a7,`.3 ,�,.�e..ul . . ��,, , r s .is'�'JS .,. a n, .fi 1 i Nam ' Si .:If'+r.._-� eir _w 14 08:15 9.5 5 �fl f i ., Y ? = r T �s f u F,<:.�?; sOR: W" Z Ik,t����.'�N�i� •� sw9}.38ax.il . 15 06:50 9.5 19r43 5� h �s ' ':L.; t +,tfS}t i arre� ru% tivc +. 16 I MUTE, i Do MEMO. �.r= aF.y.Ki4 H a' . ,ea�•r n,st�i�;' x , 17 07:15 9 ae »:. ,y; ° h�"•'�"��_0�'e�',au°:s r ,;w �. �;��'�.,'.�' ' Sri E +.�1 g'..si��-'1i=r� s?�i 1 , 't ...rl��+!�:•i'�a"�; Z!;l"o`::�Y.. ti PRIME M01 7' 3 18 4 R" 19 07:25 9.5 ryi i �". QI i jAL II3 C-0{$ 0 a Y �M �v .y.S�'� S3tJ dG' J�, II t L u. pD Y ® za ? rI 1�.• s` t],`�2.'}G. yx��� y F Yxi�y f }V ��� r.tY 0- ' E . 20 i 3 '. 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L.. 27 08:00 9 �'0 }Ar� :rii ..WI'L. I 31 z �, wk� j�.t.,t.7.�{I: ..;ihy ,,, ,...b- i-,q ��3 1.'ef:.1 Fri n, Y+F yp�"�i a S+�ell{:1/'.?-1t.'4Tl i (•-r•{'•e2F.� s ,� 'f 28 06:50 9 •'?;."-ri'',' rr xy-xi ?.s ,4Y .I 29 2;r, aa;�l)yt. c-..-,��' as st ., ;w «+� �n�a ��•�'=t� »sci,: = rye.. Ely 30 . , pp i-"i'0 i 5 :..oc ?x.ir.� r S (•" '4("� tteyr"l lr''''.k,�i?t"I v.,:..,.,.�a, _F^?t4.t '"�jj�� 'M .G .:5», r°{e{haidy:)l �xi,, �! h FeL '�Lt1 �' y�f r{,l �'t <f3 �>•, t tr'',=a,?li;{ I ? lii iPc .t6:... I �'_„��,.a:l�, ffl- d'u"'F f ! F u° �..:�,�E,,�,- ;-f'�f?,>r . �. - } L�,; �•, . 31 n,k'< Q,->� :!ate I ,>�+„�><s:�•�=•al <+ „}.E�?,'�r.`'���t b;a:�1`.,�''�l . , v ,�.r:,.,,. �-.,•„ <,. Average:a�1% 7.90 is3?OQFrrt,, 0.66 F rt .�;..` 7.50 Daily Maximum: iR:- C � v s i0 ......-.. 7�017 1 gi tff-, i €" i. innr 't «': 7.90 ° r ,.113 :OO j 0:66 V '9 43} ;k 7'.50 Dail Minimum:.."�^� y ' Llc23 I.? 2� Ob 100 tE �y f� Q,i��€3�� ���. 1 7.90 00 cs wM. l 0.66 �ru8f33�` £., 1. __ .lctc _! 7.50 Sampling Type: _°R�oF` Grab kac~OF„6?'s Grab'C�i°a ,:'•; Grab ;; , ii Grab �C�F` Grab ) C�Fi Grab".Cs ab1 . Grab�i`4b1 Grab Monthly Limit: q (... - �1 Or FIN, » Hwi R A Y 9r i S B Daily Limit: ObO _ i�? ��`il _ �`?!fF t ! �i Sample Frequency %jiinGo k 3 x, Year Iffi nt�"E .3 x Year �IUl�ri ham} � 3 x Year i��3���`Gea�';�j 3 x Year ��3 �Yi ar 4 3 x Year �;tisX!flYea��t Monthly � j Iillonthly� � Monthly �er�Event, Monthly FORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR)' Page 2 of 3 Permit No.: W00004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson - Month: January Year: . 2017" PPI: ' .. Flow Measuring Point: ❑Influent ❑Effluent flow generated - .. Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent, ❑� Effluent ❑Groundwater Lowering ❑Surface Water ' Code .?^Sy .Pei•,nt Y V ?17. Q09 1Q. N a Ata, ar. C ya ",. i.:,f a" s �ba �_ y�-.c- -,.,, 32 ti.n .rr+�NY: .a3us 2ru. -1Fie� [l%t, 3 x1r . C�iEW,-•Aia9?ii. �.I��a'c�Parameter i t4, It. p l !d �3?yNa{n Ufa. �:9""f.�f'a !,1""M1�Q. ypyt,i ay F R.F 3£ 3 i�,1�' �y.1r ?i`a '' {�ii�:'{ T' L�a,F" Q d w F x'i aR5. aa' , t . E d^a.�S -'.a'I >�^wrr3CJa^ia sr».. C ,Mi .ti Qi C l6 N :_ O j 'iyat", 'F%+ r,aa"1 m•"'%'tTt�'y?': i ,iu rae: x �,,c, _ di "� % y r0,, - :_d O N O n: e^! „ a�M, 1 3-`.- Qsipg, 0...'' �g �i' iV f :•n.:,4,y .ia3 I�Nij{f"35"�AIy ,F:. ,Fd ar`f?�k'O.f"-�3} "q' O N . ,O Ley' ii: 1 ir:'. i?t.ir Qi ter. 1 i T' /. i%:+.• A:4+ lS i ih7 'nr F ,1 1 �,1 !e•. �I1� d ^, YG gyJ%: �rES'�.j'� 1. - r i ti Y,'e: .N EY W V pdn L1.rnrr ta•_.. 'at?ometixni;o S.;;a. py.�C• p':, -10 .,� _ Q .Z ,.,cn "� l r n,^ 3r ia.afi, - f- N co { �ti'n .., ~ s,'k•,, .�"S S'"11, 0 $ . W �. 1� 3•a➢ Y, a 1tSx:i G zn y oti�iq % aEr �r�a i s rod : rn QSi"�.' - O FC„Sk^ra�'n3'11IA"flf`FT s.rr S"-^ E<aa33°+S.a:3.a1. s,jR >•!ai.arik h'�w"'.1^' „?7r..J£ v.'.. 4 1. ,� r 1 IRS 1111 rxa 24-hr hrs 1111b 91? mg/Lii1 mg/L 3�ymy/�, mglLN(IN1IO�C1CalculateC! ?I�7._Sk .3,.::€.., xn !. ; 1 ilg "���pp ¢ .n Ga, fC, e .'i7 d 4 ,�/ " v ?i" ro ? ' s4 a r a.nAl31 y'`qf,'� •: i, .D poi !I nie�" iul rlp Ik. d711G: ASTi 1 n13 I5, 2 aE i?; 1 a . . ri f, r p 21 . ash' ' A I�xaA3i - 2 K'. a 3a'y .. E S''a..."�ti�_ �=Y"i' '" «.mwa,iYrr* ." i5 �,.C�4..t,3�'wy n:'m :i!' ]. x �" �.. � i ^�:;;� _ .. ��i i F •""� ^+a: ° ��,-�� ' � G 'ra�9A1111 R 9. ,ra;i„dis,^h,aax, •ox,a' " _ 2 T V J r,"E" x-f Car 31 3 etp". mg' :s.,"",y y'^ "'i'a✓`'-'laJ�.'�'L",,.: dim'.l,t.`baH,'',ili''�.;.I,.° `ii't1'�'.S/1 ^YI�i•m1. ... [45'j.9�:1��Ck AT�lfll 3i'. - ... (p 'AT y%q{,ia; #^fit a' aaiii laa iRt 1�" 9 •v, ,ar y. r, 5u3!'' ,..na'J d �yae _ 4 09:55 4_1� �'6 x "n; n.a •a^1-.. a 13 n xn .:r a s '' i� Rla y^ai.., '" '3 - pp r s?z,gm B. ,: ir"T? ;5 `P$,�J us r Wit' i S"n °�:'3 ln':Fr'"*' 'i" a( •rc'a ' t Y'3;1. t - fit'. tii i $'�a''�kDt X xa�I�A'kr 6 ,a?3?d..:_x. ai5.:k .._i?:°�'1" ..,�3yf�.la.,7S._.._ n - __, 3� ,1. .rdl .}J r4 i, f _ i' 7i�13g:.Fk1., '% .1" ","i^ e ", 33: ^: Stl. ;;...�"'-,"A'.,i ","b.."`,jT : a f. R` k ' kF"ti" ^�,'. �� �a,.,. t 17t�" k �..t, f"L^I �"Y'• 3r,„ !x°3� 'Sra}4Y `iiLY^^.Y I' y..,n,; i C T' xi�., i' 1.'."1'. aaa 'i�°nci3-»;tlafit j-31':�S..14.' ?p;"'r:a.�x aS,wrs;?as��- ,Ma.. 3aa•'' u�rr!n>:°33e?a:::!.rS!"a 'a::�c•�:d3ta."�^. 3ensvl. u:il:e:md + Ea�,s';v.:tCx 13a'�aw''it9V9'. 43i .8 r,ryryaa0,M11i,. ..ci,x Ya.. "' t?➢ fir.. ��Jt� `S�..., ! n:"-x*! �aaa}f'3 �" 1f f Y f' - f i �,...., -, E :... :,.. :Sa7.u..-. 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A ;>• �._�,..�aai.�.1' .. ate.:: } �e�,1n� i..,....:;t`a..x.wti 24 _:. a rs. u P"? 3 , .n rI ' ' "a,. T+1ti,v. M3=; �, S ,'`'': i,f . „„ply 9! a xy u 3 ' "1. ....Yw •,D 2S?i' w3�:ai, °-.Fi. . ~� 6 IC' a1 Y :i. $ T.91.aLr, 25 07.05.: ' -95 ,ax 9 r'.- 'r"F .i aim f'a"i,•ti`5y al. i a' ~�x��`r F d,. Sar"'Y"iPo�:y'. ^s K"^a',t�S"Ix y„a.>?a :n."'y'rA'Da icr:`~ayr"�, `i ' Fy a'a�' eazi 'a' �:.�a � � • , �0,r �� �� ,ta s;Sk � : 1 ➢ i.i � ;i[� {y-f�inc'1:J 6a 26aQ'mr.e a � X ' 3 rl v , f 9V?i,.an ! & .r,mr a aMti R: h5�� se.xyi.t.i k 3�iy114F}44"} ! ,1�D y.,ti�d.l- } 1�� (t° 1 l : d9"3,, 9 11 1¢, D3na.°[, ",.M' 1�4i.S, r4,�.:! 4d ,,11", 4 t.,,l.. '3"T 'aEi: J a^•1^^n.. ar va �-, �' Dn.2 s, � L7rp: 5c tl ir"xS17"».�9,t$;. - 3 � ¢r� to p � �^^rra Aaa 51 ">n",.e Ca "3^ M1t� rD q - r Syp^4 u . 27 08:00 ..9 ,„3�S*.I�iw•..{9 f,a", 1a,fn;RYu:' 7,!ae'S`Y r".; ,.i,.1._�>ail: w"Uf"3.n?6:'�,aa',?:91 3%lr; ,ryii;'sai".�x.,i. u'�3',�.Sk1W313f1;, it}a s. 1: iE:6Y :ro.F..a4r^3'.' . 28 `-06:50 9 ai:y:t,.r:"ta:r ➢ ^ . "�3 v"aa "tv._,v. - ..u..^u8 ,� 11 15} .. ,r.}ig"�M.nc E r7aA➢2...}d{FS y€rk.7.2r:_pr k,ni,ayy33 �� ,, Bell c x r ew mo�{ Wr� "WIN, 29' s� _ ry� y PSff�t91dR'�r' sa "?it DPYn' 4i.' al : SG'm8 if>,a irn c r '�/'lti�'^ii:.i..,. C1i S •30 ., . Mihl �t X.�;t,feA 1 !x M1aawiy.�'a'lem."'x'c. 3;� 1 .. .. .., l r., rT,t4g INNS i 31 a 3 ? .Ifl�il3N FI , Average' Ot r 6.26rt>��j�rb� _ z$%0€x5b0?°; 6.99 ,`1400tf ? 'd: 3?i�;�i3 �� 3� ?fr3�_ Daily,Maximum 6.26 }qy 11L !}�arl%rb0�. . , a"i1;0 _a. r 6.99a00{+�A}€,ass Daily Minimum: 6,26 ����a}� = �a �i 3�f03-=::F ",t5' 6.99 3'" °:rm tag _.....,, 93'r 3.,. ' - - Type: .ap I.�R.:,.r' Grab Grab Grab t� a . ;:.Gi�ai;, Grab y y 1 F�Zti :... Grab n "" (,G-t? _. 11 i' 'Sr•3` `k 3:L313:8rJ,dyJ a a `b x «w € krp., - - �� -�xa ,qSampling 'y Month) Limit Y l {Cl'. l ,! S71 {ia yT¢ : i mIL !.: �}"kata'xr�' .rvr C r ,.tl .m 1313ya3, sal Y'°'.'w :. . ^ k ,MC .,e ly P 1 -". R a1 ,. „l, ..T . Y .3yr NO �AdS j x ytx 65.i,, y 7 lr t , r iSa A R !)acl. - Dail Limit. Y Mu"� 33tlSS iMEN.` 3 9 - _ fig" tarry Yli +' ri".5: a,. .L,z.vxaxy� ;aa:i' aJJ' 1 lJi' ySExT 3 lS, a' <n�t,say' P : qPl ilf r �,r„i�Dfs.'ram x-11 d yp ..d' 2 Sample Frequency "1grl u,Q�ls Monthly'ln!lorthl ,h 3 x Year M9htJ11y q 3 x Year a1�hLh1Ya➢rla Monthly pMontt%lY €Nl1f' l r f?.' °t1a'fl r .';° 'ORM: NDMR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 3 of 3 Sampling.Person(s) Certified Laboratories. 'Name: Randall Jarrell Name: -ENCO Laboratories Name: • Name: all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? p Compliant ❑ Non -compliant facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reasons) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation.the date(s) of the hon-compliance and describe the corrective Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification No.: 23925 - Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby Grade:. '' SI Phone Number: 919-210-2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible Official. Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? ❑ Yes Q No' Phone Number: 925-94970432 Permit Expiration:-.5/31/2021 Signature Date Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowlcdge. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared'under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the Information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant.penaltles for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two.Coples to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 1 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: ' Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: January Year: 2017' iul uy" i n 3 :�.{! C' t?7 341,r- a l ** Field Name: B. ( Lh'1 :; i t7 75�5"i 1e�Jd�NEa s h.r .0 ,t. r � IC T ' +� 5 Field'Name: D. - Did irrigation occur at this fadility?,,,, ❑Yes ' ❑No- t �,���i q %JArea (acres) i ti�.•s as e, na+ ,(at: E 1 (t 1(� 39 $1;, m i^ ik a~iri r 4, ,. Area (acres): 8 I <� z,,,M'r M, rei(acre°�� i. s;dp ,n t„y,•cn. isr 4�P ,, , C" � �¢� � 1a6 �4 � c��+ Area (acres): 36.6 ' ���N,v,�, Cove C� iii+u1§:[i4�6.�i'. h+4i ,; „, ��,� ( }} wCf Berrlla , h x.4r. �rJ[ 4sr .-2'.v:�•u . Cover Crop: C. Bermuda tr r, ,�P ,,r,�Rf,�t, �Ce Cr,op�� t, f�; {IChBeYmUlja,_( f Cover Crop: C. Bermuda 7 jrvsf it liouyRin�)a F" F, '_ 025 `?� Hourly Rate (in): 0.25Fu'�ly " r , ten�j25 y r �'; Hourly" Rate (in): 0.25 - . �q ; r .aiRISK t 110111 gnnal°R tS�3B fi -•,":i •rcR•,. :s•': + Annual Rate (in): 62.36AnnualRate(it)f�t rd'p7tEia ' •snlsa-Y! `7t sip• ,k Y'. �n36` Arinual Rate'( 42.98' Weather FreeboardF,ielk��rr�gaed? �sA i tE NOR, P F - []Ertl="�Or r. �-y�� Field Irrigated? ❑Yes . ENO i° YF�iellrigateci3!YE�i .as. ^alNo' =t� Field Irrigated? - DYES (]NO m o d v o U ci s.. o .+ °' ° o `�° fl E d ` a m 0 ay to c a m �. a c a N.•. v i7> { ,rieN `r1 !r G +� rj at'rt^. a'�.,d, .i'•tw & ( 'I�ou s o y m y Es.! • a- E b r _ to o�moer, _ itI_' fyly--��F,p-�+{ ["i.ttl�` } L'^C� �Sii� �I yyN F� li �It w( 9. i p , 5 F'k`Fi,j�{s`St d tlrt tli }.7 c i �; h a� °� ° _ �, _ .-c ' ca n.•iy ii .�Eit,. �E t�1 4 t4.X d �(5X-7kl" A°°`i C' �''S� lrlJti ^4"i .:u, E t `?r�' c c; IE '°�� t: ,o. }C �•,•• r EC v •a E . m o c o a � Q _ o m m E. 1= •c °� >, c is io m o 0 J E > rn o c E c v 0 m x o •f0 = C _I .G 1 iR`(f -4tf i`'�, ' {{ 2a7'3ti1' k '� ° °1 s ` (a ( �rr r d�;t3 { „fi t,m �a► w 4 . E' '_ i t3Y� ati?+- a SE �vt e %tea of F t i'Q; �'(p�1EJ �`¢ G °I �k&E 'j+ t .( i' to ?' a( + €� �. ie i L o ea ny ki ❑) ie adpt� i ..§i J 4i,t4j� C I -� yir fm, IiE E tci: (ftE u3.o t I a(or �t �,� -it g {y9t� 7 .J y1 f y E .2 oE Q o a >LO a d m w a� 1- viz rn c _a •- - R. p 0 E a rn c c x o f6 = o, c i¢i "`E�imm l�ih gal min in in xtti9altKA a`�m4(nutlnlrt�r�n'_"!,l gal min in in _ , 2 _ �(' �y�'.�{1 .�.,�v y � Ye^ ,k I 05 �} ' 1 4 tk 9tS:��E:fe .. ,,. ,,.., .a 'G..,.3te�.4.a j[ryrye� y��77 as -ANa..3 4n -' t.3' +.f('i"M.E..-L.-:1`i N4�C[..5: r,i2t.J .. tt..L. :�t. �`d.t K9_.k 11 4 . PC 57 . .1.29 .. 2.83 J/� k , ��AM h �!' � {{��yy��°.,1iq, p+ t�tT4U j ( F u �u hi,f6 >: TaI iiwi E' C .: A t �.��F, �t yT�i - is !ti✓� A.., t s i rYt F [1V[ i(� 1 ;§3 �'k�S 0. b �.. �'L, i c.�{ Ykiit7 . °cyy^�•:ti vy t� 4 ifKr6i p! 1 f (ray ht �+ N..!a ; ' ,'�k+"?:,f•? iSy_-,4p�t,�.�„''.in r„i, ,. 1j!' ',iM .�'+: ti, I�;n'R;; �.. .,'..J C�}. 'y'� EJ 4:a,,,�ey",Sz. 61T,a'"_'uz9.'�N J 3:,:.: Ks��?-. 6 {y' `" r.` ",:`l. t F'�,',l'�^k� `.°, + ' ''?Si:.'�rk ', kl.�'i',�' tu(ti,, + o' s&"�Y; ;,?N: kiiA :;;" Y o 3.'�r' q i 7 s M �°!t't'' r (_ i ' r it ���`� tit R rl-'"f~ .�t u _'ry^ tKan L ±}�^H8R?i nfTr�s! , RIP"..n': .. 9-. � ii •- 1� >� w'' Ir[.>i Mr 1. :z " �i.��i ..i §l ' *!;:�' f'- 3 `, ;1 s(A^ ! f'a 'i'? !3-''.'�'!r`�i : _ + n-4 l Y� u• '` i'fL`ti( i , igg� JUS g u, -luxe !�((, t�.'-.rt» ae - . 10 PC 40 0.82 2.83.1Niv `' :s :?sir tlaMufi+ REP n, f JlaP" "" w+a"-r,'';: t;d i.(:.r.�. I `s'°'fi'�it I i �a "" �, .:';� o�.2�.,d•�`,i++5+ 35 finy + .. 12 �.t. _ (.aa •�_ ,. °tJ",>_�,�._ a1. �t `_+� . :��;I I.:....-� .u-r.>�''� -M'�`"m.- 4 :�k .:,4:� +. 2 ,�, .at.._ �_" _ 13 1 SAG .t rCr'TN4R�C sP i tp al ri,,�t'a k k` ..x�!.!-.Y�ray t.,.i - ..,wG ,1+� . N[ i"Faii:.. ,.��:Y.i?;,'�G . . ' 14 PC 52 0.02 2.85 w34Y'f a;, . - e..+.. . ,.+.f. I r�.,:.u.°� ..t.- F3s.�,a , .! ..:i?5aji{ MIRM, Mry l NNE {��' 4' .1.1 :fi+u..+- ,at 2 a..i ..4 .Ci; 11,a s h s L...r • , "".(s_E., rws p 1..1- y .....(i :: ; 15 CL 53 0 2E.87 j9+{"Y ,�fµii, 1 t. � SY � 7t�� 1 FI .�i. M.9rt.:..1.�. ` f_}...., f :'..(,...,, „i .� i .3 {'it t .lP`i"-� f.�r�F :�.#.,,y�..fu .ir"� 7( ntwy.E:,i.sa.x, ..,.pit... 16 17 CL 57 0 2.89 r 1 n:i"'s 3�S St l �, [[[.2` a: Kt. itiii�veII �� ! � -Iffi, .N'w' gy``��1 �`.;t'�'u��;'�A �.i�tl r;',• �,E�, .a:!>,r�' I � +Ytti,p+l�?; pa i f�3�'<� :it F },Y [, si:F .:, �^I �aP!.l. ::?� i ?i I �.,.r..a`f.��u `��� {:. i _ � L i 18 s R! a'4,i�y��."ee••ir �se .''jiila .�F` 1�.5pQ N, + 4,15`�at �he'-EiL��...,� •i.W.,Eri•ti:e?A�a u��1 %� u�.,� ��Y��.c{.,ii� ., ,,� t•rF s'j ` IP j i yg,h lei rM'i„.. �r �'ir' "t s iu,?]ir,�.�a:{Fs i t•�y' F .:( (.e�.ty,[,Ewi,1 �':( Ir 1 t? - 19 PC. 53 _ 0.01 2.92 f 'RAY '..�'."�- F 1i? k' a,.. <r� �tiC f xx..,. ZU � . - rff(Zt,•, �, '(�'.f 6 AYI e Y +tt YY a�{1� `C! ,,j d, j k.u-Mi'Jll��e� a ,n 1"• �+'9F'4��1'di:t:l LI[Y`.�ii���_ t i' � � 'M✓ti pf i t �1j} P •eta (, pl1 Ny1, ` y. �l?�•'t.'j}a.�F�F17 '"?� '�)�,Mk; rah ai(aN C•lP+.� a( 21 G s Nrpd t rt rl . F r� sn 4{{�+,�tin.(..+9i � -nE 7 � w n 22 !r aia� ;i r:. uxi.f �i1 �!'x N-fi;u`j " �ol yf k il' � 4i #� t1ti Xit 9r f:1i h Tf ! r 23 _ R{ a 1^ 1 L ,.' ,} tt i 1^�}f ? tfi�..y.�Y14. ����:.$ 4Ya' .:s��r,ii�k3�.'i C�<rz R�"`,L'�,ii - K' f- },f � �? y; w'..-�r-i�t'?>.t w?A -e.3 i Iwtais . , ; _.a% 5� ? f .:.:..nH•. , 24 {�,:�� r r 5 P �. ° �` �°ia�r� ��� € s� � u��• . � � `(Y ,��t k � � .a ��� �y � � ' +rises ; '_ 25 . C 55 0.87 2.94 . [' ,tJ''�i a:. yH i,.r 'Er! r'1'h&+ >x W rS` ... irr t 4 ' i ; ..,: (� 3y. ,_ [v-Sa:v'��12.4..4[iv.Fo�us 2Y.r....E3c`i � .�,.3•.� +� � i9Y i.t `' t�`�.�, _ 1' >!1 i Pp 4 rC q ti t� 4 F rl " ituiA.a�,�inr'-�§%.t+lr;� i»S 4 _, ,,. Rare � vs s K " t ..3e�:1_. 't,1:.. to 4 y �, , i4 9 €a ,�'f,S......e r 26 +St14 Y D i 0 i s� , e�hms�.. [a !tt,}�yjtt °t,r�l,�4! !�f , e( I °d.`.�`: t i rt i',iat t`ti ,. ?i I' tsr {^ zs (,S f (+, , n Sii 27 C 43 0 2.98 ^ t r, 281 PC 40 0 3.02 y .. p { ... H fT•'j'A..'17 4j=i"{S mf.d. ! Yf mi?'•E i .F' t•P Ei W .! L ( '3 'T,tF . INARN j31 lsi't 161i�>3� Monthly Loadingd"'i�?0'00 0 0.00+A;„(j�''Oe00y�( 0 0.00 12 Month Floating Total (in): 0�0,0 0.00 OEOO j r0 o' FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1)~ Page 2 of 7 `.Permit No.:. WQ0004268' Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company .,' '.. County: Sampson Month: January Year:: 2017' ' .. ���spp,�$4z,,�tta'sF�a'fNewgra�; tiu.1'17N).Y�, 'ei` #St+r"eR'" ,. Field Name: 2 " , .: 'eld+ arre�Ist�3sai€I � e.d 'a ,a'a E.,3' �.,L3 4"� ab` di•,i��' , Field Name: Did irrigation": occur e "aC} Xct' SL �` 3jrea acres?{s i 7 � •]" i'#4 .+. 4 AY � w w R° s4- '�7J6rA .,» 4` ,�Y'i.., m�"i k.. ( ) • Area acres . 3:23?r . • u 6a # Fea aclre's, `62 a '! A +7'. t�i:ik"' lF€t?F+rff< .ta �Lf ii �'><.f P Area acres ( ) ' at this facility? k w'a ,Co erpf� '�p"Tt t>iin e'kei+^rr"3C4;,'tE+ r Cls��erlr'ri i a�^ayyr 5, #t'-.�k' rF?sl#Fe 1<.:gciP::.N:Ti. Cover Crop: �• ' C. BermudaPW bermOd � C:Fetp ,5�•'tri.IIi'i€:Fh"1. .».;YR3A.''S+ zL.Y• k+. F .Fe,t;,ti 1194 Cover Crop: . e^g�r•• at�� n(1e 5 ' -Hourly ate(in) "ti sx Hourly Rate ( in):o, ❑� YES ONO,tH ,3 '�r t = i 6�� Annual Rate (in): 0.64:. 5�>�� A hil '� t & n 4 "' ��5 i 4 eL :x hit r: Annual Rate'(in): Weather Freeboard (iFelY t'ae?s]`I[�N�Sp Field Irrigated? ❑� YES ❑No ; ��JI pFyn CN'� Mvlelgr}i! ..iKef.._Ct...i:.. Field Irrigated? ❑YEs -]NO y� p4p s.xgkC.l4r*" a F `^4. , U �`�'( I:nY 9 n ' t s aj{• sit '">. trp ,f 1 .. soli '@ B °' a t !--bs € o�' ° s E �o, } �' a�a . a {� r,O O^x4:D.: o_a� d! a O - `O- w .. d' o r a o - d rn c a Rm >. a m a d _ a a m y E m �' -. of �. c ce a E T a� c E= -a O E>4�'r. 9P t^ a d3: d ' :a �'ac ,.,;Rp,,_ A±. •#pkran•, i.i-#t� } F .aS.s� 1 t a3� "a tier 9 - < >ti °f +�? { c.a ',� r4BI�y g� : a t e E- —pis a r E s3#s4s �: u +�fl-�42,!J, s �Ou v m a o m GM7. E i= ,, to v O E T E a •X O O _ N" O, •ij . N ..+ N " N ,d �.e4s aa�rS, 1.° say d sir a ` ?$P Fes", F s1: 3 r ,Q r?n.}. =F" ..,ter a zk. 3f >_'i-4�! o a - `!. 'Q F ` - . O - x , �.. c6 2 o— �`1x3'� �O�S ,. 7fl. g� ra<•s Y eS b ,$'LS'i-, •O) O' -O�_E ' R d" v K' Si]a'*at,''r$ ,a'. #t : itW3 3's[I' 4tifE 6:!' ... f p m,...sICM „•.( ,`j,, .it r _ °F in ft " ft { al�g�t"'rrins I ` r . ,9,. , i. 4 ilia ..,) , (, . l M, I jsnEr�? i.r . g al min in " in I° al» I 1 � � m. ih t' rt%�„1 i; 11 ,..er P al min in ° in.- ' vri3it ��'�{ � � i 33� i s9t-a' cy �°5 i -& I,Y. i�`CC�i'T t:4,..+ �� ,'�Ir•�;i 4nr�d zr c S 7. i��e. L +i`4C�a� il'ii"� o >gF 2 _ •t'` " er}'490aad,Situs:°f MNy i e21 e�Iiij� EI. 3`r i t ti41;,4i'R S:,Y«-.....5,..b.. Wi:,..'L.. ..">;.s:::La3 Kr•If..',�,: t"� �tf 1 s5� , 4 ` j ya ! iinl ik : ,,. EEO. , �' �sRIEF M.�r �-,ir C^2''.sr ..et i'F�� �^Gj'4w=j?. �.h'.xs,.. }:x:.., .'fiifi � - �E,� ? i.ti..n'P_iei u:. �F r� NMI 1i �` �5f faf.x�,>_�9 8 Sv..s.c s '�° ^erj �3. '. � .,. ... � � - ' � .• i��tfiv:Y �5:.:.•T3'`:.^�!.»Y « f.,.F..,Yc..,i.t ..f �L'6}J....r,.... 4 PC 57' 1.29' , 2.83' .�_L?ME t�I r? rS at , i..� �'•� �: vi s:.:� ��'�� . lEt". : ram• C.�a#: �5�!� 6 { 2 �"riE, a u'::S ":��y ''�x. , .t::: L`� SG! .c,: C :� iJsfi3 9L.{ t+�.r,. 9+•s'ri}•r z .Fs` Difi'.•u`ee.�t'9."}ii3.# I;'�I rrF3i?;al 7 '�u"d M1s.��` I�s}c.'"°:ksi .:. -rt��9ii, {re'.'tr {j� � Le' aC� Po a +1?}IS.I 'cpl , E" d • j- -•rt `y r -•6• t .. $, i° 99501.1' re . i E4 ,e a �a•- ,'e "n* UP 10 PC 40 0.82 2.83 § :- WIN &,. 3� u-'191 4rH .. 3 M'„�`L«°���� 11 •. Ii7 e } i:i a f!`Lt7"rsl MINOR �• -4.rt h?Ak�. �'� ��'��1 .., i�i - f 3xsavy�2 . a{e^3rj islr,"'.; sae, Sa ' s'; 3.rs`i"Ci' 1 sati"2'32.a v,l .� i1i't( r7�. 3�,i' i�i� 1L,P�,eu: i .t . 1.. ..•i . 12 • Yek[ it ti tl'9E S t�' ¢c 'i r ° fir i :}taes�� P +3 F 11rey .. `. W.�t 13 . f' n. pp{ PCM g '1E 4�, {s . dt •'S[ r Y ' A .a,' •n i . + '��, u"19a '14 PC ; 52 0.02 ,. 2.85 ,' - - 2F.l4a • ,y, e� '"S fr{ 4a4_PS: .,µ3�� k fQ?S ��K.�'� 15 CL' 53 0, 2.87 _ �k �a.'si..'s �d ,<a: s}�a sad s�3srik ; r a� 1}', Y;it RAW- ?2t, U121 , +ME L16 17 - CL 57.0 0 2.89 €� ' L ,i` sal k"sa� 1 r xs 6i �i i � `dm A� i.s 5 s3 8 � ' i L � i; , ' `. ; " 5 P; .s vh' 1 M r e �,rrjjcc YWW §}23�. �Lµ�a }4 t,i�iLC e .,u.. �F«•P[iizlt S �+^e',s,� iSi, � e .r I y{ fi'.,C � VERNON "iitLrYt iY:"`�J¢..XP`.I;f t4t�..f FS.,.k9:�t - - 19 . PC - .. ' 53 -- 0.01 2.92 �� s^a's.,rr a ? �a -".9'; .'�' _ '',.en: ;'''S ,ij'-$., :�� t;a,i,' r.,. -,. >"' el'.SG., :r,, = - 20 ' 1 t a L . a iR"�' t E' i€ u r i�ti � s t7 iiaaa i'i �_ i kR�: z ..."4; ^.�yjai ^F a a � i.'i! �•a° , �. �." P t „,�'4a ,R, r 1,.l , ? »t ( E 4 i..,} d , ! .3T caJ3ii �.3, ia"i', 2223 ^'.,ifpb Y *sw/ 0tr tdlSse IiF# (. 118r"! Ufa f.4YYtiItJEtvu,_s [[Gn'Hp$ir k77rF..•ir7ma4} 1xLF i' Mk. A. Itry t�K.,"`]k ,j 14t dL„1 ilK'(�ir rT. j.t hle. "➢,7Y it( ? t' cuu i!' Sf .. , .. , +�'' ' " ['� .a t P' 6 Mr•^.� as r ;4 slhs t a ¢ i'3;3€ t' ^ ^ ' ir{ er Ss,{8te ^ .2 1 r,a.a.k,�asi:r a•m rm,w#»�..w"w- eE..d Rerx, Xcwe Vie. - "d*,. �s ..rM1 ,,,,: . C.. .. E :..uf7„�S`.ei.,.: •., ., q, .^e 4, r e^.,31 .. .. s E'"`S t<i y �`i 24 i° N .tSM,01 11MU,?°i1'., .. _ Ep? }?i�l� - 25 , - C'..,; > 55 - - - 0.87` 2:94 � _ a � x'E'-y s ' d :,, 9 e ,�..., 9, ae,,M ZrtF �.- :- ,� q11 ... �,L Ew'''tii,rSS., i.. ,y s ` 8 9�tl�6'., ^S�3 ."'z"},' - a �. ,�� ' I IME a!: !. �__6?u.,. i t .. '' 60 , w . • atLu ' c' sa fir 7. �°i1071 111 tea" �, .�aa#._ ,. ., m,.�a?rgM1'�;; ram} �^�5r' a; ((7 t1 �r m. ,)t R. r...a}i7.a ::wa aEfic4 7a,•?. ...c*r ' ' a fa t � p e > u "r a'It F ream c s }rs—we F x�sy�" +i .T r 10 -, ae " i a E, �ic�i��`r:: r#N.a'r.e lip, ,?,%?..ag`atnS� e.�rs,:.a. ,�ia�h'.td,?•t ak ,n � - ' 26 ' - ' ; • ' � a ,;- 4 s y , '� BRS' t � 'R 8d.,w.a�i.�i.?,'�+C�H,t ,i .x`.. 3_.. 1�`.f4. {t 4,N:il � . ,-�' .. ,:. 27 C•- '43 0 2.98 . ' 01741 ? `z`€irOP• � ._ _, ,, . K, s _>r42_.r 41,098 60, 0'.47 0.47 ' _ ���9�,1y39€ 4 a dP�{6d{ m t ,.a?Oz,29�'I � 4ru O�N9t 28 " PC 40 - 0 -3.02 ., Y �• 3{139641€ti0 } {PSIj)Ov43 'ur £�, 1150143) ry u EMU - 41,501: 60 0.47 0.47. r f 4 YS ri i '� ic^ fi^s k j a 2 t9 j,»i51Ea s I S 6Qli „j q 29,x u,,1,0:29air t'�``q'j,"1iasti 29 - .w - ��� .. - '" • �. .: d . 2 • ' asL�..£i?: �a+2 �'i`I yy���?T•�� .y a'api; {'•s*E' ;.i?S?; - - - - - ,i ,e �' a' iFf i-riJ � �tC- �• €"S,�Ss�,°. g_-ii•' 112M, Y '- 3U , a .:.. ii Eh13i".N�wi4'`i'4.,ds.,.,5�:Sa t4x"�`wsa,e .....a•� .Y :E" u 4 6i3P.,hsk{c.i4}S..,.}.am.,,.. , ..a r'., ,4?„s..4.:{ gl}'33 iL .. 38+�177 { ��'.8„ � »�.wiF.ai;r>.s.�, )$3'; 14 ` yIR158'.5; 0 0.00 Monthly Loading 82,599 0.94 12 Month Floating Total (1n):�594iu1� ra FORM: NDAR71 08-11 NON --DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT'(NDAR-1) ." Page 3 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company- County: Sampson Month: January Year: - 2017 ,- Did irrigation occur*° at th is' 'facilit y!r - AYES, .� ❑NO ' , _*z' -"Ann .• , f��,.:• �hs'n� d a� _, �I��u�:�! �' �.•. �P: .Field -Name: 5 i8 � ;�•�irr ,r,< Field.Name: 7. �� •. SaP� ra,,.::,�} � ��, ,'�• f f � Area (acres): 0:78''' £la �`P�1��ia�a��e�� �9�.�'-,a � � �-� >a � .� : ° r Area (acres):1.- CoveCrop: t,'Bermuda d3:�.yNrSrcn 7ar n)M, Cover Crop: d. Bermuda'�Co " y '; D • a �' a�r�� ate (h) Iz�t. Y=Fu.r 't Y. ,:,Ce'� Hourly Rate !n ` �l ( )� '' 0.5 i� aH u I a e r� " 0 5 �ra�P� s� .4s.P is.�€Ss.��`,.n?��'�.4�'.. '+"th y .cyr.3°r r't�''t ;3t' HourlyRate(in): , .. , 0.5 a`I R2i in KIWI _ � - u�' . - .c ._.'� Wit_., Annual Rate (in) ; � . .9.26a)' 36s77 y Annual Rate (in): 27.73 Weather' ~ Freeboard ' - TY []l' Y° ' i r gtelbiga e7� s[ ,• 0 w:'t, kF.rci.u.,e�e c.,rm,u .. i' Field Irrigated? DYES ENO - ... �,�,, !Y elc),) irigte` Y 5�'? 6�r.,.i?su:!4�HtAr;!ZfPtl....-H:33..,aeri-adPhSre..,eS :u-e;:SS},"4a sgrh Field lrri ated? • g (]YES []NO .• • a ❑ a -: O U _.�. ' �."a'� ., N a ,E O _ C .,-N d `° -''` os, fn. N' a� _ T C. ❑ R v 'S •' "^ f , .¢� >IRJ„`', _-yt•gzU' pp;�qq fgF7 'F' ��'�'''Ati . I t0i3,FlaC3r ,, edv�• C. -' �. :1d' ,. td' c �y rGtz,sa 8 µ 3NN✓`iL3T" d 'O O ^ O. Q. 'O' E ,1- •,;, '_ ,. p�. • - 'v �. N.O. O - +•, J', C E °o' x f0 p -.-•=-t - d Pg:'�;. 15h'i�i+'4 „ ! i4 ,.SPY C F3'� dsu �h,°3 ,.}E� "of Ot ' �lny�Ct ���E'�ia G I a. '. xSE b t.l" as ``�� C Ci F,`»': t L-l'O 1:+� 'ti aa, ' !C 9•- ea ,+ 5 o tmyf• ri'Q4�- J` d t J - .O .a . 01 O. ; p, a i'Q.'- ',O. d. ;d;�+ E'm j- rn �. C. - o' W Pc .. ❑ E .7 L • E v . x O.: ,• . - °F in ft fta1!��1 9U ,�'x rp" „!"• R.F� �:A�i;ng gal min' in in, ilin�!ki.SriI.., t gal min . ,..in in a a ,,I „ r. .. ..dory p, EfliSs ae• y Rai �Y• t ��i-�.�..r •'L�.6i c'iv�..,..9 Pc�9,Ss. e d�.�;i '. • . F-,r'3�je iti=`.0 f» ^SI 4• r [� C",�..nS el �iP,.c:. ISi��u`.'v'� � H�"aa:i.:azi..E t {�..S�z. t_�_.S. S. ' �i• Ts'.�ii•' g',", g' c`.�i'c K'l/�t �3s-rz.>?,aRm_.:nex:: " ' "i5a';� i ! (''�4. 2�3E !'?,G G3e''`E.�. �".q ryl�d�'^-°ova.., a5v,t 4 t � 3 - -.. .. t . I r z '`' . ' ^r i; �'i' � tb au3 w s: ti P'�i•I e�i a0 . � lu"6� E t f: - esP? P is Lu h o f �i 4 PC 57 1-.29 2.83 :�• ,� t � � � M 5.. �t. _ AF i' t�M r34 ii:sffual' f:3E�,wcnar •�F}6'? r< .. . ' _�� g. No §'Sp. iW gg �u-- � �^R^1 k5"4- s. NE i� iiYenY SSir7z� BEE NE @ a:.i ! ' F ! i? I is 1 , . au P t a N1 `2. f ,', .. FP ^6 P r},w '� +,DEN, ilirR'.'"i 3 i FuYr .�.a�^� _ (` !n tP•l �i. �y {+,�t;� .P �a�'-�`''-0: ite '" Q z 1RY:x':?fit'if;5:!„ '10 PC 40 0.82 2.83. . ' :.. + u: t P .a .. ,E„n 4 i'"9 .r-.,+ •bi}La.c kF->ncgklP' '. • ' :. .. ," �g�7 #� f+6.9A}rJ`;�PAS i�w+ i.! WAR. X::ON N'". t� 3 S"'il:. 11 St,.l iME-A � y a P. FK � pr m°t3a'.�! sa oa.. , t Fr<. e ,>.. b P, .. .. £i.z .it °'' '•° -L ri? #a. •xr 6 r P_�.� sS6 • i.,.�w �&nv� AR 12 kk 13 .. i'�•'�P� z._. r13 Nr_'Pa ,� s � i ... r I o 3� t s_ t � - - djw ix'ti'{vu,`.'Pt• .. �;n-,Sc..°�'?t• �! � : w - 14 . • PC _ 52 . : 0.02' ., 2:85 - - : 7!-L. .f t• 2�t Y � "��•: <r.sL rP°..F.M.,,,> 1,it"R:�'•� Y '.�'. ' $....wT.y � OEM ,Eat<a. i�G,L i �: 4 iM 15 CL 53 0. 2.87 ;ram . {ab 3� ,a k t' u[- , ee ;� .e;' a� ? r • a! 1`�nt g n: lME t � I T1.:.r � � ,:r �� 16 i '.� »a ;}'•-•t• 5' NIX s �i' t» ad43 3 1at s6 i it - = _ '� ^�. . s. t 9z• e'c, 'iS. - i h f . 3Yifnck i ii tP �...� 4i i•1LaT13i; f 17 ' CL `57 0 2.89 s iz �d� Iii �'ar:. kern-P ll�s ru u; a t 4ke'±'.t ,18. . - - .. t' : {{tt �',,�q�5 Sat' ' v „f9R.caPi'1s. a i>f'^'„r_ ,,'�} : �' :'^'`».us....ai r,j tts;+ d rnw ,�3 `• 6.� ..,..,. r P5 �'tf!c' eda''•i c�;, ,°si.... ,.,zx... p [ 25sui„r ,, ups Pd<5.' ,5 `z'y°ff.a� a.... ... !u_ s..,....., 1, - 19 PC 53 0.01 2.92 xi'ar8"r' ` 1FEAi�j ''Li.vram^, 50Tci - .. 2U .` t PMen. �i "� �PTM fi Y f " t q a EaS s..tr�, .XY,.o .FlH.C. SI} SjSy. 1 R--e%+:5�.'�. ".Y dH. "' »a3! yi( 4 t 4. A � I..da] .w° 21 .. , t, s w �. ` - r : f iu3�-i,+,�. ,v r.� au „ � a�' . q��t W � m i r hM+rnri.r s.N ' ;[ ,, tV oilr,�Z k �s�;a sa ,F- ti' } 22 ttu "`''" ", : a s ,€s a!Ph a n 3 P x "a� r E <r�, `i' �,ty 7 an �tii t p i!7 ,P. x ii?�'t.st. 23 .. F t}'"•�"! 1P llardta>a� a:' tFt ,N>au.9va;ir�„, Q. 'j„ Y ! k�rj �', _ i tf.4. a sRa�si.,M;.', ,�� M'�'T4n'•ii �"t.a'i" •7itfi SR 3 I'�tt3,E: ? a #37 ' ,S lS ha,! r .,r..r - ' ' 24 ..� .,.. ER :.a,. F,� �ai. O-,7. FRIEND a"�i 25 - C :' 55; . . 0.87 2.11 94 �r"� EP3S?.iv.,. ,8..,�"i..[ a-E,ar �,3�"��'�`a� E F i I%CY 3aad2i PEN N . �G �i t.''..:nfieE +a•?i3.ds"irs>Eii,S:x ! Via'sJjkxa q� wa'pp° r:¢¢S ..i& i"u o-Ei :if ,.tE1 il.i...df 26 � }4�*�'t ,:�1 A+ti't'sstrP' ^' 7{Yn"y. u 5gFri {',,If ➢�i'' J.�A'' Lra.tC •YFP . - f� h ri.., t., i ,tT'I': f'' -' k1t»'� }R l5 !R IiN al t D"��.?�5 s.fe. ,�.n va. _ f. i .�ii [ t;n Stocf rf�i..:,i - 27 . C. 43 •: 0 2.98, t "k ;,. +'• � -„ �; � „ �,,,,, ,,,, 15,807' 60 0.58 0.58 -28 PC 40 0 ' 3.02 .� � � .:' f _ k"i A.ty 1 t,E°t a� �� . UM Pas. �?? s� :a.a z, t,aia :..€ 4�! !� a R �IEWC s lw E9 a «3 !s�` i,-x.. a ..i 15,962 60 0.59: 0,59 .29 ..L.r t iCi w h ..5 ..di ..L 0:'35. ' 30 �tl < ' , ' B c !t a; " �'� x;i �3' a at° Ep e°�d srz^� e a � a•.� U• � -•^i ati - 311 11 1� �>,���' •�°ysr'f ia�i.�i. �. #���.,I ! ��,.."%I� � r�><.��z,(k �?".,.``'�P k;��t.�:€'.�'�-mJ � ,,�`�� 4l Z?`ql���� ��� Monthly Loading: r '9!lb�0 xt 0 0.00 w N''``' ,!�' O�O,w ,� 31,769 1.17 12 Month Floating Total (in): 7�0s 8.39?$'�i9y �'iJ 84a?i FORM: NDAR-1 08_11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 4 of 7 Permit No.: W00004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: January Year: 2017' E, mri 'mot a-• >^� rg "� *Tcl Naime F ; �8<iN Field Name: ��Fie� , �� 9 +°' r-"i'gti r• • a•*r-s* r�sF�ed�rrl1Oi -zip . •-i- 3 , , Field Name: 11 Did irrigation occur.', '� >kH 4•R i. � tt � �a {aeres)� s9�� Fs Area (acres): �. •fin- ri . h�..ti!K+�i 0.79�,i➢Area � 1 4 ,➢1 � �i �1;�➢[ids�! (acres)a��l sue@ �33q �SEY ,r !➢.>tia s'.a..a' ! T li Area (acres): 0.67 at this facility? ❑� YES ❑NOtOly - -. �, r�_ , i ��?' Cove Cho #�GBerrnuda - Cover Crop: C. Bermuda ,_➢ g[l i', Co}�e�G`op' fr �r :G, gedal ��r Cover Crop: C. Bermuda.. '•'• 4K• Rt4f, Rae (n Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 N x3+Yg.N aP°t' , F)fiClutly ,ate (tn) �,<�tAik' 4 au {Ti i " "^I}iF$zaeDJ� irk Hourly Rate'(in): 0.5 t° j. •.Q„ �[rrri� - i�ar3 Annual Rate (in): 22.48 .. r ; a r# ua'Iu 6562� .Annual Rate in ( )' 62.13 . Weather Freeboard e r.,,� r to []Y@ _a>#_aY ➢ •. ' [� 0 Field Irrigated. J"irS DYES' ❑No Lam'' ��,�a��Ie�lt�l��rr�rgated?, []�f���54 y(5o�, J� . • , .Field_ Irrigated? J ❑YES ❑NO >, y a O . V • 4%' t E• ° •+"'1-, E CL E d. c. ° t� = a v y O. O rn m �. o m ". an d rn, a Q. O a O ❑ [a N+k3"r�k [ r�� a 6 iF.. y t o a► f' a4Adi ,b till C' f l 6£ ^� r ➢' i it;>3� co r > °. a f = O O.0 i e s4 > q l J. � �v h=US.,^ [ ids .'N ... E �tsm°R' a, v ..�, Ci�r Q) ��[ E . � a °�,� o a . 1 J > r�y.� +S•3 - �'I� a Qi E ca i- L _ o) C o 0 f° O'., '- E a, O T E!tfE x ° �° e6 S O Via` ,[ rafsj���la[ f ar i .� iA i0 o cs 1- 1� P 1 Y Od r°[ �• a' M a t`., ut� y 1 E ''� " s� ts99; fl 'i [Y l�: , �O t�0i; fE xxF O [tl iS a 4_Ir !'r: i .G o a > Q v E LM j= _ `- _ rn •E a m. ❑ O J E o[ E o 'v X ° . m O co = .I 3 - . OF in ft ft G"E'C•,3"� . Y"S +'•L"'�'1A CT `,} Y7 AFI galas_ , ,min{ �in1�;fi� C 1, gal min to in iy, gal' ` WERE _ ym f {it l ti gal ' min in in 1 r �� Z 7i v 'M'" YI>:'riY'�'', if�r�:µ JRM3 [ < s, ' Rti WRNA .°L` i ,t•E . c .t�ilii �"'. . Ts, w s. �,i•- f'I % t�c C * [lr F 7�u' d . ._ 3 �i Y t Y ;•: ,s �s , at t.151 R , s 5..., rY w 4' PC 57 1i29 2.83 ; ? � a. ` �, NOW €3 [s' @E�Bid Ems. 'q�q Y,: 4 a ? a s [, i .! E f3 5."Wins y f + �l4d, �e r iEg `-'F,j1"[0.,idtfftFe � 1Mx EDYw (i t ar[ t' .i:; i i ..tid . fl _ df Q t xac�•�r ,, ��ra�ui� t ar��.3r{z�,,� Y,N•�•r i I+."�?.i[�i�'Yc�'i�lsfi;'iti %.:,i;t,. 91.t i[+ , .8 t�`�T;{ 331.* .. �k�'„ l - tKt y r fiRYf� ,Rlf3➢S„i - s _ "" � .: ..� IN 10 PC 40 0.82 2.83 {>'��� � " WA r -12��'�� tr uK .? o ! ryki r'a IiYtdG ! ic! l^'�t+�! 1lr v? a ... >•, 4J,u i f.R?,E��i �f# 9 11,`59 W �4 u' tY -.a,� ,� t, - 14 PC 52 0:02 2.85; ?s t� udQfn1:6i1r+ p <]56�E�'r �s S'0456�rt 10,081 60 0:55 .: 0.55 '15 CL 53 0 2.87. #' a5 1� d n60 56:s,^. [I[0�5 r%? 10,100 60' 0.56 0.56 16 [ i0 3j,'7 � ' � �- :.� O Cy 9 � �15u�r1 sy it+r,'di r ra v. A 6"! `� � w,'��r� �` rk� t�h' k �i�� .�� ...,.Y� T K ^a � '. ;°� 3.,, 17 CL 57 0 2.89 t t t witi'A' 'r' v....mNt.riUIRNI �-AX� tE%1 l R Nlil 10,166 60 0.56 0.56 . �.xJs.d� �. �.�. µ�•� l ,u_%1 £ :o:��':.���. �a xJ,iG.a.�'2�5 �i�AM�S: 5i'� � r,. `S�:[s t.�k � I,LT�id6n-4�r.,u�i+ �• � „ ly.:., . PC-' 53 0.01 2.92 ` "i }sdt+ f�}l s , ;1E�` Y fs _ 201;464 6Qt T '05�C+1i_50�57 r 10;232 60 _,0:56 0.56' [21 E , aC ! �+ r ➢ , ,. ,. ,' �ak,i;r�;, P W!r.: tir3"E u'�ie' ..rl ! t.,a. [ t, [ , , . , L (7 rl (e�ziK 4#.Sv ,f„ f ��` r"^i g( 2.' .f io ..r`i5 {r��s 23 3 d ar" p [ F_r3'[,-1 �.. n1#.s ei�n.tk.. ,t t�EFslsu"� <.t: ..e.rx�.0 .yl ,>;.:.fi'it.�a"i y� ! t ; �r�xS si.!'i..G<.l~.l.i C',[ vk.fyti:.+.. ..w w�Y. r..... u,. .. 24 � - . _ {pier. KI `�� y . a + l,. , . � n"��-�,r� r'�ti"°$ �; 5..4..�,-.tire➢..�a . �+. �..: � 3.,n �,°:vi,:� � � . � f �'!' � ! � "'`', �,[!' 25 C 55. 0.87 2:94 �s r T " i �€° «.�a.. �., l� �� a �r �r ' !' swap i[I .Y'. {�. `. t :'. rs,.•? ,�['tM '+ ?-'' ,,,f ;' �i 26 ' �_ Pit t'1 . i *� ,jy � .. i �l 27 C 43 0 2.98 WE$WKE�".Fi &'�1'�9R ��� i��s? �'.: �,�� �i��`..v'?) � �?4' �y� � �?` ��a NR,E.. �...: sr ' • � [ I r , � 5,623 60 0.31 0.31 28 PC 40 0 3.02� FEES s o [�"::. a , .rc,..I i,!rc 01 rt tf+� �! s:�rid.t...i i l�a�,� gaud �C raF.. 5,616 60 0.31 • 0.31 291 1 � r" r[ia.. i..F.. ➢i,sr.. s*s.ry4 r Jp ;I' i�_,' 16 M12 U5-lu riIIi-r� _E.s..[ - 31 m v` P ,r,,,+vj,i" t��.$i,.`1i "� CE. •�v tr[_ rrY ?�!cwrt➢ :,.�., : - - .�rrx+� r!r[-Fk,. -L ud r i 5 r: 7"M ti, s 1"s�k.. s hF' ' Monthly Loading: 12 Month Floating Total (in):�4j" 0 0.00 0.21 �9Nd4[ 51,908 2.85O [¢*Tra1;4t89�fru FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 ' -NON-DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 5 of 7 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name:, Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: January Year: 2017 Did irri g ation `occur at this facility? DYES ❑NO F(eldlew� Row,=fw"" Field Name: 135ar, r� , y ?. Fiefdln�a n sr a3t1'�r` Field Name 15 I rgeaac) g 374 t� Area (acres): 2.13 �s,},,: P Area(acres 7 �5`SPP� �, �,1 ` `" L Area (acres): p„, f f � oU*e C it BreT n itla �r cover : C. Bermuda W p f Ca�vel Gr � ` ;h r «�`° i P CBerkriuc�a , Cover Crop: C. Bermuda YY� °lour, rRa a sh'" Elam z� k?? 4 uvr(f k)x� �ta !o., u, sts�»t Hourly Rate(in): i� 0:5 {FI✓;OUwi ate its` .�l x¢ea3�ssm . (.� G 'l°�''0�5�"n�z'i's F >�'���f a.-. x�•a�.l. to Hourl Rate in : Y ( ) 0.5 SEEN I Rate 1 {F,a 1,kTO Annual Rate (in): 57.54' - Ar nua�iRaYe n 8 r72;r .Annual Rate (in): 57.3 Weather' : Freeboard TP.><.�"i 'P a'Si�'3°i;' C�19 Field I Tr•ff � Y•�" e» ►ante �?f, 5�'t DIs P ��lcO��e eau} 'K6:� �, Field Irrigated? . ❑YES (]NO 5t'`, �;�,`3 r Fiel�lrn �yq. »� a ns• ateq? �,+s, r,• a � [�]YESt] off' Field Irrigated? g :❑YES ONO ' T R m ' �' C.+ ,,•, � ' 0 o + ` O R O A � d m 0 ffmu �'�r �� £p � .• .a�q�r �Q O, N m 0 O E TO a;5 Kp o 7 o i 7 m C O 0d C : �W C O O0 . :C o OF 'in ft ft gal" fig,_�K �inin; ih .� 1_. nt�,�� s �.,_ 2KYie 9 al min in' in . �° a a- ma"� mi _, inleANE4� _ " sn w , 9 al min in in. 2 1 fi_. �} i 4j> i."r :'k T!.: - V •'r Ml�. . 3 _ E �, i l' � if 'hod' -i.+ I ' �._s'� . '' i �. 1 94 r w st t � �ME� ��� � 40111 WON - 4 Pb.- 57 1.29 2.83?nl��` _ 5 l ' E. �u �. 1" ��: WEN ��'� �;� F$a.�g �'��:iir � >i 1(.� 6 l if l� �� st ��11,��qqq;�� 'S' 1 T ki r,,ip�..r+P�. M ^tliWN It, �1��; �.O 16,ilk-i t 1., ., `.4 '� �1�j��',•,Q�yyii''t1.II� rµn ":.Y#!�A G:N.R@'l.al�a�tfie• �' �il�y, x1z':K�''r MOON .. pi'P�irzj �"1�''.`:13'114:: Y3� .�!`,'2 f t1i !'4.ES 4fP»- F, YKrei.-At5uwt-si • 'j.��'r;' i k {�FK• Mica fN i F + 11 yp�s?j; Iri �i'., �'('.i!1�"4 0S .etlS.Sfi[lE� [rtP C'kl E C. ME - spy � K� x il it w,Pj.' $llSeK. �F,!111 .k yft6i'.�7'sA�r Fini:71.1,_•.,xK,.�(}i'�•At.S�ka• c' R` 1 '� ..1. .,p:. .. - 9� iu �phC`,`.t.�7[^_1... ,y ,µr,}}pe i 3� l:}4 i 11Y q P ..nSu Yu 7{'1'i{.. f, 1''��P4r1L�FiyGry� yy 10 PC _ 40 0:82 2.83 �. tP�69! , • ..• #� r + V.t ',it ... i"' . ,„„�e�^. hi: wIM �T;P . r ,f .....' SY �C�N 2 Phi 3�GFr u� ,s1 - }r ,12i;C a�!11�St ` ` '1 �..� t .: i) vs .n 1 .. ...J M .. ,Ft �.1,�,s• m p�xn M: ;...ii5 1 ,.Y.. al • �r5 ,E.t. s. t .Y. v?'7 .. : r i a !; 12 ' ! LM•iN L.1{K r _ ::,»r ✓r,H w'1�g ii t 'EKf. I' >F ,HS'T�u ti .1t E7.2. ....i v. •dA I�I.�,{�''rf'I 1F l 7�' :• T'Ya r�:- 9: �•t`��- �.. �4Uh Y,4s.a . N.: Ia . .. :t' !' '� I , 5tN �r .. E ' .le 13 .i°f'^ E�` •.P".�"te��R t �I'{'R� KIM `> P? x� W .K Rt S eG i!�' '1 1-�� f r . t, a Eirf'�� t:, 14, PC 52 0'.02 12.85 49-t323 FERRERO MINORS, ���� x ' ("+$� 94^�+1� �k,�r 60�tn` � s+;0 40,•± t, if 0:,,4,0�� 5,530 `60" 0.21 0.21 15 CL 53 ' 0 2.87 j, 40r7 � 'E � ;?60 d�4,0„ f 0` QIw; , w °8i� 118i; �� i,_ 60! t ?0'40� •y;; ,E y;Ox40}; 5,412 '6 0.21 0.21 16 ' t MIN. ,Ms 1 u 0�2 R P- 17 CL 57 0 2.89. 0?40�. U 51516 60 0.21 . 0.21 18 ��Z'"' Fjs `�k� »' R 5 lir. ty. N d "x '' U `TE.9 R 1,Y� h I ) �4, l.k;;..�J �'� s. ! {5:f.e111 o is ,,! !' ;,� t�i �}I?SFu.. �t.� i ;ITH Cn yi� i i t: Hth �r; z ?,,� : �tt:. ' 3r 19 PC., . . 53 r 0.01 2.92d0,929�r 1., .. m60`"n�a�a rra is,",�'0�40f 182 7613i�si 56�t`F�x��r�4Ql3nzv„ Q40u;Y 5,518 60 0.21 " 0.21 20 .. S' z�Yy.'�pP f" }'t"Si t"z`„,,'!r3.r..K'� r ''4 �yrye , R. .3`}'K.«ta 4 l �f,�lrf>rotr •"a4i, r*�.,,, �,.�.,�,e,r •g1'd+ i�tA ' : f :a, 1. 1 wrvKi,HWI ' • .- W.1 i d+tISM,, 373n b., 1 • iK. r[Ppv._•..Sv " 21 ��.,,G� a:s1t Mla�;� `� 1{ i + ' * E' n} !: ' ' , f fir• i . s' P` �; ."., 22 >:! '' 1t� �f''u77..,,,,��yFy��iNi�,�,;ppf• S iil' .. u�'r,Y'.G 7i,t 1 t i III T'r t Tm y,P"' '� 23 �a-�s-^fin I;�R.:1, s° rf ,c _ ... .. r ! lia �4f, FIF &� �+ .. .. �._,.,. . _ an ,.4. 'ti n -r �� ��."eK rMi 'h .. T",^ '7'F�•4Y'ra7� t.d.G,S �.fu, <: u.3,h •r, 1r. r [:.,.,, ..� ul. _::r i; a. f....r .. ! 24 r� tF ._. 51 T � to=� f.�1� 25 C .55 0.87 2.94 ' 1t��# ry r : a d.Ji �.«.. •.9r G .2. �� i psi �� , YY a K iK 4 9 l�,ua .. �?, 3..r%•F_a�.aarv4.� - I' ! 3 .:,�ia� ;�!.e4 �'' F.�u..0. t .:l r];Y.• l,y Y�y.},.c..,$..n !3 f Ri"� H.: {,.�Ki.�., Si 7rrr'� tlF �i �0 71 o 27 C 43 0 2.98 a !S?7: � ?'� �' t tj ?r�ry. �°.�r' Bti 905 ir: 3�60 �� 0�4j1.".., 4,r 0' '..:i 5,594 60 0.21 0.21 28 PC 40 0 3.02 l f {1 I " Imp, ? ; ' s':'s 8 !i KIRI`60,`1�%n bW1 � ', l :1 ffl, 30 k err t is N f u;�l. M fP G «� , T h i�za fi' w a ft T zY .. :C.:.. : 1 9 s y I a. Pik i' _.tf t.. 31 °} �•� W "t(s i �..1�,`� r3..,..i nwy S S N <'� i"R'Sl ✓b it 1 l5 a..«. ",� �.f ��1.��?.3�1,� w�l 1�y ` 111 6"r,�.,.Y�.,.l +:r Monthly Loading182y67f4� fyi-0+1✓60) 0 0.00 27,570 1.05 12 Month Floating Total (in): ': a961r, 1.02 FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 6 of-7 Permit No.: WQ0004268. Facility Name:, Sager Creek Vegetable Company county: Sampson Month: January Year: 2017 •, ., Did irrigation• occur at this-facility=��-,r ' . YES [:]NO ❑ -• ' L .r•••^»�Si'� tTi*•S'S �ttPiedr e Lrt ,S q"' ra ,���E1�� sr'l1 il1'y r � ` Field Name: 17. , . 5 S, �. ty 'iQ Ti. ? zu F e tl Naln� .�� _, [-! ���i�x ��r1�8_��� C y i�»�� Field Name: .. 1'8-A' a R F Jstr72` tAr '�ares) n icr. ra:x fswu� bt Area.(acres): 2,27 s Area (acr) m o 41a8�a87 , Area (acres): 6.56 Ir:Y°tee Cop,�aC}Berrpd�y ` *B"Rkt Cover Crop: C. Bermuda • R. C�'ver Crop m i ; �CtggBe�hiud� i r- Cover Crop: C. Bermuda Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 �'_ � rrl "C4! to 1� � r..rr-r fiE i Hourly Rate (in): 0.5 . � /K al , tee �,='�5$*�5,;� `� Annual Rate rn : 9.91 A • nu `` aEte yin t 1 a52•� ��',�t Weather Freeboard` i01Yr� ated r,�]Y; 6 $[]No ` . Field Irrigated? ❑YEs •' ❑No 'C'qt � ate ?qq Field Irrigated? •❑YES ❑No ❑' •, a -cd.i '' - 4% ` ,L 2 C ° •�.! FM o 4f rn a E a a w. ,_ ifr: [g. rxl lairti ��E ::r ! r a Cs• 4][ a"iif r •f•� ! `s'. ��'rw Sa ! .S.:S'.1i .=:: �1 1 - �o • !._°; t -!' " iK .o- +ij' '�'k' ` !it° .�E E �Lc m> � [r 4' i• 6 a> cao E d' ELRvo rn _CE 0 0 Ern k< IC::,1. k. z h L t' C �.r fit ,y'+.,5• ' ! +.C..'d..dL'S 1•ti 4 t , � f , f'1 S ' k -o E > 'a � - �v.o Ea om� °o. oE �. °F in ft ft al , UjWIWtWW gal I min in I in JUMIP,n +n u; ii1j4, gal min in in % �ihm�r��, i4 T 2 �r 3Cx�'R,. _i - "? - YY jaNIVAR y 1i64w .!'7 j� ` €, ,is i r+211.11iii; ,1 3 4 PC 57 1.29 .2.831[��a�,, *� s ,{} bdlti>lattlq: N V�tS"SE dEY » �i°s �A^��yy• . :.t..:1:.'^" .. t Y�� �t5gqtyy,,pp�.33:[ a.:�: .b.:'aif... lL'iW � it jj1jt��'pp{;,�tEu [5 .A_'at FL±A:yY `� its s� �Fp Y.;rilLb.; ll�.. 4 "'-` �Rt 1_:.Si ..... 5 3i - l�'�.` _. - .5,: Ff'k M�"..�., r�i'_mom mom y't a ?7 -•.-F.7n 1 nzs ig CY !y. .. Yi'idirii !°1 {➢ i5 l.vt.`.'I.�.rw, v.-.-..c--st4 5, p. la.gr � -. , 3,��4��.,i�t [,:Y:��S.'L'allo-WA �1„��:lYt� [ [r�taJ� :.:�.ti +G i�_l:G.bt'� Nlilti! �tlJiYiY :Tt ��.•1ti,9N,E i9 El? 738MS .. sv ,,Ct� ,�,.. as r" .0 l�� !-�c�.....a_�n 2'.'.�_.yp�[ .i_ �" ,1['[I Lry�''YY .. _ {i .y� •p!� t.t 1i`y,�'ifi-y i!`f ..ff 3 z {)•L'N'.ti !['�''-�' +�{j[ 1:t...'li.1J:-'r.L aa� 8 W 'r ut,... s .�' Y^^-' " « k , ! - ' ' L@jiNL' m , ' - - - M Fril !L-1 xi. 1 9 . . .ina..g.-a .. r 3i& 11iE°±' rvar''..m•tr'•°"r� 'C 10 • PC 40 0.82 2,83 St:4 F- ` ran. .fE pp55���pyyytt :l; i�t>'4, .i, E' s" :3 a�l#y� Lr i [ti4 �y�q' `r�ui9r re`�F i, +e'dxAl •• g i .r v f 'xG J. 11 LS].1 l9 E_+i t� Vf "G , r:.' "_'y: ME!�:* "'! Y^ M'' + 4.9'^!1T^9't i��4. ° ��a d ! !'en t t s ^iC rt^1 r 12 'G'4 F ��, t l3 it.•! !�i Z 1'' ' .6...1 13 , - l•-1 F i✓,.•.., ltr.`( :t•.,._ rl�. ��._�[ , Nit: �]. �i�[ �' . ��•ev� - 'ilr ��I y1Siy.. A ti , a..wau§F � :. L(, tl a ,s � �t;a..F�vim, • _ . }Y 1 "ItLi �� Sri t , � , .,�: A ��:�;l� x _ ....s[.r.al;�.- . •1 I ., - 14 PC 52' 0:02.- 2.85 $d)$•95'�'60 , ��Ij- 5[;�tl3 + 19,751 60 0.32 0.32 "'t ' ' '' a 0;3W tl 37,<<; j 81,565 60 0.46 .` 0:46 . -15 'CL 53 0 2.87 0 92 .9.A.�: S. 2 8,0 g ` d.. ,.._...1 � 36 �0 6 _ . _ •.;88;9�17 (:6��� �37, ;`3s t l `;0`i37 79,059 60' 0.44 .. 0.44 16 ' i_ '� .:,,�,• , " -!�" ,; a. ,a,ss°b�"1aT'�,' j ,,['' xu 41: c 4 ! .1 t 17 CL •,- 57' 0 '. 2:897r2 581 h q`0 , _ _� t�.0'dn�? �. �L - i��0' �3y� lA� MEN _ ,y �8'7h202.. 21 h,690,t.!0`36 ..� (z „- Os36. 82,959 ..60 - 0.47 0.47 18#i`` .. zr :3:[ ~.r, -. }�L •'u 5,..,i _. , ,��(Y !_ f+...ala:s .vS y )ttiwrr .,ae[..:.. [...d.� I +�i Pi,r,...., r^v -. 1: `k Pr °..: _ 19 -PC,,. 53. 0.01 2.92/3;3'46�s ! ,. ,a6(),ti� 0�38a� t , D�r38 a �_ R.' .•- ;235 �11 a ,.v,6�>, ... u i)'38•+t�1;Y0 . , 5 .. 38.. 78;757 .60 0.44 0:44 'k L" 'feTIN P ataX'" SO ! '^»t ! 4 'k. TS9 air- �E �' a✓ i .�i T,! '7 t ,�n's{33. i n (p•9^ A!f >3i' t6•",..3 �w:. t� i�ii 21 �'hs^ x'Si `2 i;n."r?i;PLusa n^'l�e. w� r; t�.: t .y ^r c�� _a, ..,� {.. - , K i! , ` r . dx `'1 Tx .asr n •+r 22 � �m"�--.. Y,.L� . nA•'i: e'i.ri , i. LL'., �� t�� � a.:4 � �,.�..�'i•N, , ifi.[ Ij1.. 23 - .. t&< :x5��r . # i, htt y ,r A F fn`K"„ �� <, j IrnmL}r� ; (� r r . ,_'. , " p ' ,k' R'ig''ir-"".t .sh.�„e•.%n hey ,a: _ IR•P4'[i� `' 9 x S: �'S 25 C , 55 0.87 2.94 s •- �1i.,i .[tIT:,}r. �_ v„'�•: r S Ll, v F 1 . • .., _.;,,ar1Sa ' , .1 _f! "i^ f..a..... .zFi..>.,..i ""'',', '11, r.t. ,:�'a. � r1 i A t u.. a u.- ,. f i ..a.-.L vJ._ . {r RiN _ ,.... !m-:.a ;. a , r, •. 27 C 43 0 2.98 7",• "TIUj i gi i r 'ar.' XFPZ r_ f . 2?i XRr", 8 s680; j _ : 60 1 77,092 60, 0.43 0.43 28 PC 40 0 - 3.02�[ 74,296 60 0.42 0.42 29 - �-- [tea # ' n.A w a !. ° a-. •..: m'#, � v4 � l l IN - Mr'wB� - , '#s'.uiT {� 30 . , ., Aar 5'�y !.. �, ii �L'V iR. 4 ;,pl�gl0.�. M Yf�a t[�1,.._>R,.?P, . H I,q.1 t.....:........ 4' `�'� A' FF' �l y. ..t;.L"±°t:_.w�:.1 - .r {t"5 _�'_ 9 3t:fv r � r*�-"u� c I �,-.:5..,�..r1��.', �! K .1 74 i ��rx>F�. �t'� Li J:a[„t' �R.It` L_.�r `� .. - _ 31 " i '^+t'�S T a` SM i ,. [ 'id§ul . +� . ... s t[i Ha [ d '. �+ c ; '.s»' d f 3p l ,b,3;.. 52j3 ''A# '� : »I».:,,us ' 47^"'t'ff IV t..: ..3[ . itr Si xi I - Monthly Loading: iFt 8��q�. 1','� „ '' 19,751 0.32 53��58�' .•. �. _ ��2??�� ;,.` )i 473,728 2.66 12 Month Floating Total (in): g' Z 9.73 t�r-,�_, �E% k�6: 36 ,., FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 'NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 7 of 7 Did the application rates exceed the limits in.Attachment B of your permit? P1 compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? p compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? p compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Were all setbacks listed,in your permit maintained, for every application to each permitted site? p Compliant (p Non Compliant Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the specified freeboard heights in your permit?-. p'Compliant Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(sl taken- Attach additional sheets if naracsnn, Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Randall Jarrell Permittee: Sager Creek.Vegetable.Company Certification No.: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P: Ruby Grade: SI Phone Number: 919-210-2500 - Signing Officials Title: Responsible Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDAR-1? yes No . Phone Number: 925-949-0432 Permit Exp.: 5/31121 xlx? It Signature' `Date Signature Date By.thls signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I`certitf, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction. or supervision in accordance ith a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted Is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false Information, -including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality, Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 1 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: January Year: 2017 Field Name: A gg Field Na me: C Field Name: li &OZ, Area 39.3 Area (acres): 16.4 Area (acres): (acres): Cover Crop: C. Bermuda u e Cover Crop: C. Bermuda] Cover Crop: Vi kaF Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? OYES EINO W Field Loaded? OYES EINO Field Loaded? OYES ONO 11 z 0) ma_a�g 0� ;,Igs z 0 z . .4 �)j , z z Qaac iL n_ > 551 '" "[a - _ 9j.-I mr�5 - IN R t rL % 0) r_ n_ 0 0 _j - - " - rL CL C1 E E z '41 -'-j E - _j r_ E Z (L Ev 2 _j > 0 10 -6 > 0 -6 > 0 L) > NE Month gal mg/L lbsiac lbs/ac gal mg/L lbs/ac lbsiac M gal mg1L lbs/ac lbs/ac February 10.2 . RR54. PT!. OF 1i R 10.2 r,�.l Af ,-7!! !�7 i March 9.68 EM-115 IN- TRIQV E011 IMIRZ10117.19 ERWIN 9.68 &Ego R-MUR Y:�;171:_Sll:fd April 20.8 .00 �N;0! ?I ON. 20.8 May 0 7.53 0.0 0.0 0 7.53 0.0 0.0 EW%07 NIV June' o 8.22 0.0 1 0.0 P Apffif 0 1 8.22 0.0 0.0 2B� F, j-! j, July 0 6.8 0.0 0.0 R N"IM159 4 IN "IN A, 0 6.8 0.0 0.0 August 0 6.68 0.0 0.0 ?Ilf! Offl�' E 0 M 0 6.68 0.0 0.0 K .200EI ?I September 0 6.66 0.0 0.0 UT509MI'm tpb`06,11 IN54f M,706,00 0 6.66 0.0 0.0 October 0 4 0.0 0.0 1 ffiw� Raw 17 ME,! 0 4 0.01 0.0 R November 0 4.07 0.0 o-o REJO ok 0 4.07 0.0 0.0 December 0 5.37 0 0.0 0. 0 Am'. A 0 5.37 0.0 0.0 January 0 6.26 0.0 0.0 0 6.26 0.0 0.0 jjF 12 Month Floating PAN Load 0.0 0.0 (lbsiaclyr): Annual PAN Load Limit (lbs/aclyr):l FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 2 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: January Year: 2017 Field Name: I Field Name: 3 Field Name: 4 Area 1.64 Al' Area (acres): 11.62 Area (acres): 1.89 (acres Cover Crop: C.Ber.muda `Cower Cover Crop: C. Bermuda I 51�1 Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN 1 Field Loaded? E]YES ONO Field Loaded? aES ONO 'R 'a 1" f.. Field L6aded. OYES E]NO 2 z < .2 a. id Z, < M gp z 0 < IL 'Fa z < CL J: iO�0 z < = EL M z < W O. < V UM < r_ ic CL C 0 ftl 0 Z 0 E z 0 z E E 0 E U 0 < IL E a. 0 IL 4F, ., - 0 > 0 < > > > Month gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac 14 IAW 1i 'If 0 gal mg/L lbstac lbsiac February 10.2 E_11fj5r§A1%hz0U1 TRAM: I. 10.2 :A, 7 IN 10.2 March 9.68 '9 Z5, 9.68 g� j y ef 9.68 April 20.8 20.8 U 10 A io) i, ally 20.8 May 0 7.53 0.0 o-O 7.53 0.0 0.0 1 i 9 9 01 MM, I12�: D-01 I 0 7.53 0.0 0.0 June 57,290 8.22 2.4 2.4 .8.22 PT M 279,291 8.22 1.6 1.6 j`,1,0"TZ 0 1 8.22 0.0 0.0 July 113,317 6.8 3.9 6.3. 552,42() 6.8 2.7 4.3 N! _PN pp., t 0 6.8 0.0 0.0 August 148,687 6.68 5.1 11.4 17, 495,043 6.68 2.4 6.7 110,271 6.68 3.3 3.3 September 103,943 6.66 3.5 14.9 188,452 6.66 0.9 7.6 89,698 6.66 2.6 5.9 October 81,163 4 1.7 16.5 203,501 4 0.6 8.2 28,652 4 0.5 6.4 N November 130423 4.07 2.7 19.2 i L�'i f 756,286 4.07 2.2 10.4 95,755 4.07 1.7 8.1 December 37,245 5.37 1.0. -20.3 R Y A 69 9- 193,297 5.37 0.7 11.2 4R!;- January 38,070 6.26 1.2 1 21.5 1 Fli'� El -0 & C-9f7j, 183,314 6.26 0.8 1 12.0 0 6.26 0.0 9.0 12 Month Floating PAN Load 21.5 ri.i �2 151 12.0 (lbs/actyr): ,2 irlvU Annual PAN Load Limit �, , � "lii rNMENEEMSOMI/I (lbs/aclyr)- FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 3 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: January Year: 2017 Field Name: 5 k6raaK'�r ar,II tarhes+, ,�i�2 3 i6 Field Name: 7Itlar�c: s'" f sK�l Rln. Erg 8 Field Name: 9 r Ran f,12"x.tt.g.c , a'Fh w�.ea,,,,.w�aa.. :.,!7 t. z. .�tee�:.te::_e t..4r.,.7.21 y (acres): 0.78 r E aar+9A aega' csl Area (acres): i•'} °?Ti R�•Ma p•ry'"�i'N Area (acres): 0.7925 yt Cover Crop: C.Bermuda a Cover crop: C.Bermuda +-:., !*�rrCYtok, 'v.; F e.IX.l+taC+a ar'-aoa'�:�! ]e�°i ryaN.C� i��,uB..•eiC, rAr„ms �u�..�a d^y.a �+, Cover Crop: C.Bermuda Load Type: PAN kk+'"Lload3jye"jlii'°itliPrp�� r..,tt » ..pa 31 •„k su kd'.Eia.v,& Load Type: YP PAN 6'tr aa'Loa i s �e+F' °�`p�iN �t {r"' +...+� ..,:• Load Type: YP PAN Field Loaded? Ares ONo 6�fEs )[]No Field Loaded?. Oves ONor at�FieliiGLoatled7 Field Loaded? fires EINo t;iFieldLoaded7 �a 4f .a C Z O •:� Z d .a 3d+ '•a dh i' 'a�°"r �'IYf Y �t� +�ii 4JX +.� 'C i4 i}'Zfl�r0 i, 1 Cr�(a +i, (��.Q,PYvx �'r�: � f3 iYf. fYrZI {"'ynq f� �M a -0s.v trrs� .t7.3dit, t. 23'T�81b a O •Q wZ Q Z Q i ofj�iO4 'C Q. r R�biCdi,Zl� �!1 Yy,� •�l !1 {I {J(` �V r Nri �ldv, f+J V9+. •a Z C Q O Z Q `J . as d Q U Q. as c y n. IC O o .� O J Z� +AOIa. ,yy� a R 1 �9E14 Ildk Ia1fdaiiii a sQ tJik '� •r+ef r!'" �, �+;irnic' " �jlp F5 ,(; ! 3 "idi. ,{QNI r' a; + A,r J Ca_��1-0i Y: I" F 1 k't1CldS(iOf is cis'• ,,.A i•.',k �, ^a7 aZ C. Q Q. l` tv w rn e +U d T !9 = e O1A J o Z 9f + } f'�t�: ,r. }C.1 } 1 Y.il Ep 5Q" f +a 33Z1:. Iij d F' i'r Af 4C0`d I Y {t GY `W79" {A ao�`�e�,p,, gg Y 3 f fin` E. 7G.s, �' , e n. }'t7"1 >. +y'4'' A o ` bC ! w IA dOY- S10f J�,F , k Z a Q dU a m q1 w` rn c C` C) n. a T 1C o •ip O J O Z p E 3 A r, d o J = o E o Q ii n �m1 o Ea G�� n ci o'13� 3a .'�,a„a r, a i r `�,� v p ' u,M � t E hl `a!°�s� {�,a r€ E o > c o J e o E ' d U r + r iEa,-0i loy�r >„ y i fIO yd01 r "'I c• i !a)g �i f I i> a i •�+ J l' '.., d lg_{y I aEs Q r .�� , rrvr e. a 3i�d'r T E o " d o > o aC. J c o E Q 3 V a. O �!:"i)X�i�._?t:.a)i Q U- I%1Q pI F WIN. ,..YSI ^.,c•.r. ...v:. O Q. (�eBy�i�a ra v ..t aG$-�.b.W.h.`N r'QC�7 +1 .- .i uka...;.� ri^�i aala.6`. +<u,Vr,_aS i .,!.:.k' O a V Month gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibslac,(ga1sJ; mgfl ?� IIs7ac, Ibslc� " gal mg/L Ibslac Ibslac +-'.gail¢!s �ajmgfL Ibslac gal I m /L lbs/ac I Ibslac February 10.2a a,rg a,p) ('¢r°4 ,,, �a t 10.241a �T9t2,i+� a;z•;srf ; ", � 1 , 10.2 March 9.68 ;" of '9 �p kc ....,n. art, .!_..�+��ku . t�1y �f' Lilo;#• ax<<1i 9.68 >i.;� r u�+F `^t.,� 68','P' s lrrr S �t Es i+hua.a r'S�r rc ,. -.. ,:, .a 9.68 April 20.8 ,.. , o 20.8 L i a t 20.8A . May 0 7.53 0.0 0.0zsa}aDad�z7fi3sq,(i0�t0 0 7.53 0.0 0.0f�}�; �?753r0��1`D;3": 0 7.53 0.0 0.0 June 0 8.22 0.0 0.0 3`A`","a$??.w `r4"Q,°%00 0 8.22 0.0 0.0 1iE.d; 12,w�aaMA'3�4°a$,4.fl-0s' 0 8.22 0.0 0.0 July 0 6.8 0.0 0.0s°'OaDa0?09 0 6.8 0.0 0.0 AOyfi6✓5'f �a:, SQ, D'050 0 6.8 0.0 0.0 August 39,314 6.68 2.8 2.8 , {�a8 iFi2r I B` S` E �,; g) 43 (14;1 q 49,141 6.68 2.7 2.7 F,. r„0; R; ' I!„6 6$ E Q O, K) 0 0 ? 0 6.68 0.0 0.0 September 29,774 6.66 2.1 4.9Y 27,495 6.66 1.5 4.3 st1i6,IA4� ;�°$ 6,6s` y7a4'4"};�;Oq' 4,522 6.66 0.3 0.3 October 19,101 4 0.8 5.7 ' 5Z7��`1 d h.. u ..xs I Q 9` 5E3t� 22,006 4 0.7 5.0 nL56 63 , ��� 4�,c%i �40, `,f c l f,ti t „ £ 0 4 0.0 0.3 November 64,503 4.07 2.8 8.6 143,75a,14Q,7)?;3}a+p,�*3°$£? 108,021 4.07 3.7" 8.7 ,�.33,9,7r ,,07sa,i �i,5`t4;,pfi;iti 0 4.07 0.0 0.3 December 24,830 5.37 1.4 10.0 , �ti63„0,5)y{ 1?5�, 98°°)a 28,656 5.37 1.3 9.9 5 , 40ii{ a ;5'3 u 0�9,f#=46' 0 5.37 0.0 0.3 January 0 6.26 0.0 10.0 3Ps„ ;ROB, „ipfsFfi`2SiiP0g7>;yr.4r9i8N 31,769 6.26 1.7 11.6)�r,,9!'„165;26,,�s�{iadOOI'' 4pdGi, 0 6.26 0.0 0.3 12 Month Floating PAN Load 10.0 )� l�r 8 11.6 f446" 0.3 WE, Ibs/ac/ ( Y )• 19 �.+ 2:ae3AEc a... --- Annual PAN Load Limit (Ibs/aclyr) Its tsti'' pp r.,17,;.n FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 4 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name. Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: January Year: 2017 Field Name: 10 Field Nam e: 12 Field Name: 14 "kit 1:1011 1.33 jW Area (acres): 3 Area (acres): 7.55 Area (acres): �Arffi Cover Crop: C.Bermuda "mi, mq 1 I Cover Crop: C.Bermuda 51""'ARif Pffilw Cover Crop: C.Bermuda ,08F I LON PMp­ Load Type: PAN lim Load Type- PAN Load Type: PAN Field Loaded ? E]YES [-]NO ��r Field Loaded? EvesES ONO F" WE' U Field Loaded. EY ES ONO z z > g4 ga p& zh I I'M ij& - , I"G1x tj LD z IL z q g q d " %yj�rc jRll!�. IL, z (L t z n ❑ Cl. a) E IL Q. _j 0 _j z < *11, n 2 0 1 0; Q 0'. ME�'z 0) C IL ra 0 E < Ma)r .-RN, 0201 ;_1115fil!Z1W 4 V3 9e_ CL E a) V (Z o _j _- _j E z < .2 a) > 9L 1" 1 0, 1 10.1"ON OR lip. IN ;'i� W , c, 0 U IL "i"." ., U a. h4> > > "0 > Month gal mg/L lbslac lbslaclN 0110419 1,16 ftojF Q­ gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac 11ij I gal mg/L lbs1ac lbs/ac February 10.2 10.2 1 1. 10.2 March 9.68 M51 9.68 Pl I fool nal 9.68 April 20.8 .20.8 20.8 May 0 7.53 1 0.0 0.0 0 7.53 0.0 o.o ME 0 7.53 0.0 1 0.0 June 14,272 8.22 0.7 0.7 0 8.22 0.0 0.0 0 8.22 0.0 0.0 July 59,632 6.8 2.5 3.3 1,49 0 6.8 0.0 0.0 �dRjn?dr'11,1 IRV6RX,.W R?-!: 211!60 0 6.8 0.0 0.0 August 76,426 6.68 3.2 6.5 NO _r -4 i R 0 6.68 0.0 0-0 0 6.68 0.0 0.0 September 10,023 6.66 0.4 6.9 kTffi6'W1 0019111' FM �q WRXWF,*.�®r,, 18,809 6.66 0.3 0.3 95,336 6.66 0.7 0.7 October 33,978 4 0.9 7.8 ET11 R RN 18rtj� 90,185 4 1.0 1.4 fl Ww� 11 g, �:: i IF, 221,298 4 1.0 1.7 4.07 0.6 2.0 532,696 4.07 2.4 4.1_ November 64,843 4.07 1.7 9.4 1 December 0 5.37 0.0 9.4 5.1 January 1 81,338 6.26 3.2 12.6 6.26 2.8 6.0 R IT 11 M 49150 9, 6.26 3.5 8.5 12 Month Floating PAN Load 12.6 6.0 8.5 (lbs/aclyr): N Annual PAN Load Limit (lbslaclyr): FORM: NDMLR 08-11 � I NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 5 of 6 Permit No.: WQ0004268 Facility Name: Sager Creek Vegetable Company County: Sampson Month: January Year: 2017 Field Name: 15 r+Fi�IRdtd�(neRff t163� Field Name: 17'r �� Field Name: 18-A t 6"rFieldtame. rAB) 5 (acres): Area acres 0.97 ti) Area ac esr 3 rc72 s+ < )1 Area acres (acres): 2.27 (I Area �r 1( acres ); Area (acres): 6.56 i••1.... a;,.i.Y•s... �...a•,'. _ y l }.� r,.... ,i . A... i R $Ri'u�P K Nl...i .Y„a.p •>,.�-f( Yt,Nf-J. , Cover. Crop: p C.Bermuda �+ ° ' YG�oVe�rGo'�! p Be�ryiu�"d x9 Cover Cro p C.Bermuda':?' °;F! C°b�v®rCro �° 6",N""p.s� uC B'e7mud`dr1$ Cover Crop: C.Bermuda } rs.: ,a; • hs.c +r.,,,..?., i..,.,,P ,)C�;r ,..K, , a.�_„� Load Type: PAN f �`Loatl aTypeflfiPAM1I Load Type: PAN i toadhTyype SPAN,;.t­'.5Fti Load Type: PAN ,' , Field Loaded? ❑�YEs []NO rrr rn-�r„s! ��ieldLCoaded7�tts ^c5rr- -t*+r ��3❑Nowa n -ax Field Loaded? ❑AYES ❑NO I�PeIdp�Load�ed? ❑Nol Field Loaded? ❑✓YES NO ;'� (DYES 'O. N C Z Zt.}Z 'i �'O ! `� 3S{• 6 I:P IY tiw nr "'+tpa r t y� Q i0 `"' n TT F ? a. 5 dC4'13A"a Z O j,, .,.. �^r -* r s Z O Z y .II y n Q a Q a > " P° + ", i fi�1 F'6Q1.f>r m m {�'� `n aR 3 tiyi�s > rm w• a a Q :. o- m Q a o o Pa ! �a ,,:� s `r ,r ,� a.� R ! s n. ,�.. ,i..... fi'dr �,o x °' a Q a is Q n. _ 0 o m m e = 0 Sn1`a, ,0 o o ❑ J z m ZE d a w Z_ 7E Q0. > Un. O�i > OQ OO > VO O Um Month gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac• 9 ` gal m /L 9 Ibs/ac Ibs/acigaPw�mg/L,ijlbslaci>al6slacj: gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac February 10.2 10.2?� �`.9�0.?Fs (!Y'�':li ! n•..'., 10.2 March 9.68 , . 9.68 9.68 April 20.8 ot:'a ai20 8 1 P L t! 20.8 sS;,x n ,r f ..... ,," 20 8,+'' x ! T n'+.... ; , 1 n; 20.8 May 0 7.53 0.0 0.0 i. SOf 4"l r `. �+R �0°0 G 9X09 0, 7.53 0.0 o.0 §� �0� E., i � �53; i ��ID+O.; �, i0?0,4?` 0 7.53 0.0 0.0 June 3,568' 8.22 0.3 0.3 12,488 8.22 0.4 0.4 I;i• Ot ,;� ".1 R rol` qs F., J , i0!Oj ( 60,656 8:22 0.6 0.6 July 14,908 6.8 0.9 1.1 a,.(O L- j e a6u81rir �'�.,0.. O Li O b ; 52,178 6.8 1.3 1.7 gin (S_:31(N 253,436 6.8 2.2 2.8 August 42,575 6.68 2.4 3.6 Tt`4;7D5')'5=6�8f�i3w ?3= 171,439 6.68 4.2 5.9 sc` a0 �s i668;f?' 0 0 )r;5) '' ,+QSO „. 331,175 6.68 2.8 5.6 September 18,028 6.66 1:0 4.63"2488?+ 108,798 6.66 2.7 8.6 43,431 6.66 0.4 6.0 . October 16,375 4 0.6 5.2,1;1,"2;!9.,6T2 y�, ,4 (iiOr�56,t4'j 65,508 4 1.0 9.5222;4$j ��47,y'�ON$!; 1i'63,'.E 113,280 4 0.6 6.6 November 35,513 4.07 1.2 6.4 395" iE6 4;0�7�t' I Gb 1}9l' + 8�3a 129,167 4.07- 1.9 11.4 rt '47 '31�8 (i4�Q7+, 106,955 4.07 0.6 7.1 December 11,321 5.37 0.5 1 6.9„�130998 L,5k3,7su �a'08�'3 u,9 r1 39;869 1 5.37 0.8 12.2 91�390,z } 57! ,,,_'0r5S,4,r 90,051 5.37 0.6 7.7 11 January 1 27,570 6.26 1.5 1 8.4 �,28.1?;748'+ r6, Z6Tr, 1 �2,0„i!%,1..ZC( 19,751 6.26 0.5 12.7r532,5,6,9,r.i h6 26:r'( k, f3?.1 L 7 31f;; 473,728 6.26 3.8 11.5 12 Month Floating PAN Load 8.4�12 n��, 12.7 , 173` 'p 11.5 Ibslac/ r Annual PAN Load Limit C ^: #s is'„ €'4%4 (Ibs/ac/yr):y; s FORM: NDMLR 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 6 of 6 Did the mass loading rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? p compliant ❑ Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the• non-compliance and.describe the corrective Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification. Permittee Certification ORc:, Randall Jarrell Permittee: 'Sager Creek Vegetable Company Certification Number: 23925 Signing Official: Timothy P. Ruby , Grade: SI Phone Number: 919-210-2500 Signing Official's Title: Responsible Official Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMLR?, [] Yes. n No Phone No.: 925-949-0432 Permit Exp.• 5/31✓21 ' Signature . " Date Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision • in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the Information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the Information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and Imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies for - Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 ENC-0- - Timely. Responsive. Ioave 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 Phone: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 Wednesday, January 18, 2017 WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT, LLC (WA013) Attn: RANDALL JARRELL P.O. Box 578 Pittsboro, NC:27312 RE: Laboratory Results for Project Number:, [none], 'Project Name/Desc: Sager Foods -Monthly ENCO Workorder(s): CZ16373 Dear RANDALL JARRELL, Enclosed is'a copy of your laboratory- report for test samples received by our laboratory on Tuesday, January 10, 2017. Unless otherwise noted in'an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance -with the -referenced methods/procedures. Results for these'procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be, reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Stephanie Franz Project Manager Enclosure(s) FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page .I_ of I NNCO www.encolabs.com PROJECT NARRATIVE:J Date: 18 January-2017 Client: - WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT, LLC (WA013) Project: Sager Foods -Monthly Lab ID: CZ16373 Overview Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. (ENCO) analyzed all. submitted samples in accordance with the methods referenced in the laboratory report. Any particular difficulties encountered during sample handling by ENCO are discussed in the QC Remarks section below. Quality Control Samples No Comments Quality Control Remarks No Comments Other Comments At the client's request, Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) for surface applications was calculated for the submitted sample, using the calculation: PAN= [MR * (TKN - NH3)1+ (0.5 * NH3) + (NOx) Where MR = Mineralization Rate (Aerobically Digested Sludge rate of 30% or 0.3) TKN = TKN concentration in submitted sample NH3 = Ammonia concentration in submitted sample NOx = Nitrate/Nitrite concentration in submitted sample For the submitted sample, PAN =.6.26 mg/L. The analytical data presented in this report are consistent with the methods as referenced in the analytical report. Any exceptions or deviations are noted in the QC remarks section of this narrative or in the Flags/Notes and Definitions section of the report. Released By: Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. Stephanie Franz Project Manager FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page 2 of 13 www.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE - Client ID: Sager Foods Effluent Lab ID: CZ16373=61 Sampled: 01/10/17 12:00 Received: 01/10/17,14:25 Parameter Hold Date/Time(s] Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s)- CALC 10/06/19 01/17/17, 09:37 :01/17/17 09:43.. Colilert 16 01/10/17 19:55 01/11/17 - 14:15 01/10/17 16:11, 01/11/17 12:40 CSU Method 01/24/17 01/11/17 13:51 01/12/17 14:21 EPA 200.7 07/09/17.• ' 01/11/17.. 13:51 ' 01/12/17 11:44' EPA 350.1 - 02/07/17 O1/17/17 07:49 01/17/17 10:01 EPA 351.2 02/07/17 01/13/17 09:20 01/16/17 09:12 EPA 353.2 01/12/17 12:00 01/11/17 .14:54 01/11/17 16:14 EPA 353.2 02/07/17 01/13/17 08:36 01/13/17 12:17 ' EPA 353.2 10/06/19 01/16/17 09:05 01/16/17 09:20 EPA 365.4 02/07/17 .01/13/17 . 09:20 01/16/17. 11:00 SM 254OD-1997 01/17/17 01/12/17 08:45 01/12/17 08:45 .SM 521OB-2001 . 01/12/17 12:00 ,O1/11/17 12:03 01/11/17 12:03 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page. 3-0f 13. lk �ep www.encolabs.com SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY client ID: Sager Foods Effluent Lab ID: CZ16373-01 An lyte Results Flan MDL PPOL Units Method Notes Ammonia as N 7.9 D 0.22 0.50 mg/L EPA 350.1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand- 11 _ 2.0 2.0 . mg/L ' SM 521OB-2001 B-04 Calcium - Total 10700 39.0 100 ug/L EPA 200.7 . Coliform„Fecal 5.1 1.0. 1.0 MPN/100,mL Cdlilert 18 Nitrate as 0.66 0.025 0:10 mg/L ' EPA 353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0..68 = 0.041 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 Nitrite as N 0.020 J 0.017 0.10 - mg/L _ EPA 353.2 Phosphorus. 7.5 D 0.12 - 0.50 mg/L- . ; EPA365.4 Sodium —Total 122000 400 500 ug/L ^EPA200.7 Sodium Adsorption Ratio 6.99 [blank] CSU Method Total keldahLNitrogen 13 0.26 0.48 mg/L EPA 351.2 Total Nitrogen 14 0.02 - 0.10 mg/L CALC Total Suspended Solids 39- .25 25 ; mg/L SM 254OD-1997 ' FINAL Thls report relates duly to the sample as re&lved by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page-4 Of I3 www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: ,Sager Foods Effluent Lab Sample I13:CZ16373-01 Received: 01/10/17 14:25 Matrix: Waste Water - Sampled:01/10/17 12:00 -Work.Order: CZ16373 Project: Sager Foods -Monthly Sampled By: RANDALL JARRELL Metals. by EPA 200 Series Methods ^ - ENCO Cary certified ana/yte [NC 591J - - - - - Analyte [CAS Numberl Results Fla.a Units DF MDL POL Batch - Method Analvzed By Notes calcium [7440-70-2]^ 10700 vg/L 1 39.0 100 7A11030 EPA 200.7 01/12/17 11:44 JDH Sodium [7440-23-5]1 122000 ug/L 1 400 .. 500 7A11036 EPA 200.7 01/12/17 11:44 JDH' •, ' - Classical Chemistry -Parameters ^ - ENCO Cary ceKified ana/yte [NC 5911 Analyte [CAS Numberl' Results. Flag Units DF MDL POLL Batch Method Analyzed Notes Ammonia as N [7664-41-7]^ 7.9 D'' mg/L . 5 0.22, 0.50 7A17001 EPA 350.1 01/17/17 10:01 JLI , Biochemical Oxygen Demand^ 11 mg/L 1 2:0: 2.0- 7A11009 SM 521OB-2061 01/11/17 12:03 •' JOC B-04 Nitrate as'N [14797-55-8]^ 0.66 mg/L 1 0.025' 0.10 7A16010 EPA 353.2 01/16/17 09:20 JLI Nitrate/Nitrite as N^ 0.68 mg/L 1 0.041 . 0.10 7A13010. EPA-353.2 01/13/17 12:17 ILI , Nitrite as N [14797-65-0]^ - 0.020 J mg/L 1 0.017 0.10- 7A11034 EPA 353.2 01/11/1716:14 JU Phosphorus[7723-14-0]^ .; - 7.5 D mg/L 5 0.12 0.'50 7A13004 EPA 365.4 '01/16/17 11:00 JLI sodium Adsorption Ratio 6.99 : . [blank] 1. 7A11030 CSU Method 01/12/17 14:21 JDH Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen^ ' 13 _ mg/L 1: 0.26 0.48 • 7A13002 EPA 351.2 01/16/17 09:12 JU _ Total Nitrogen [17778-88-01 14- mg/L 1 0.02 0.10 7A17010 CALC 01/17/17 09:43' JLI Total Suspended Solids^ 39 mg/L 10 25- 25.. 7A12003. SM 254OD-1997 01/12/17 08:45 MMR Microbiological.Parameters - ^ - ENCO Cary certified anaoa [NC 591J Analyte rCASNumberT Results. Flag Units DF 4, Batch Method Analyzed By Notes Coliform, Fecal^ _ 5:1 MPN/100 1 . ' . 1.0 7A12016 Colilert 18 - 01/11/17-12:40 RAY mL. FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only he Peproduced In full. - Page 5 Of 13 www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Metals by EPA 200 Series Methods - Quality Control Batch 7A11030 - EPA 3005A Blank (7A11030-BLK1) Prepared: 01/11/2017 13:51 Analyzed; 01/12/2017 10:43 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Resul Flaa POOL Units Level Result o/aREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Calcium 39.0 U 100 ug/L Sodium 400 U 500 ug/L Blank (7Ai3030-BLK2) Prepared: 01/11/2017 13:51 Analyzed: 01/12/2017 10:47 Spike Source o/aREC RPD Analyte Resul Flaci PQL Units Level Result o/aREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Calcium 39.0 U 100 ug/L Sodium 400 U 500 ug/L LCS (7A11030-13S1) Prepared: 01/11/2017 13:51 Analyzed: 01/12/2017 10:50 Spike Source o/aREC RPD Analvte Result Elaq I� Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Calcium 2020 100 ug/L 2000 101 85-115 Sodium 10300 500 ug/L 10000 103 85-115 Matrix Spike (7A11030-MS1) Prepared: 01/11/2017 13:51 Analyzed: 01/12/2017 11:00 Source:CA00099-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anala Result FlaFlaa POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Calcium 36000 100 ug/L 2000 35100 45 70-130 QM-07 Sodium 13800 500 ug/L 100003940 99 70-130 Matrix Spike Dup (7A11030-MSD1) Prepared: 01/11/2017 13:51 Analyzed: 01/12/2017 11:02 Source: CA00099-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anahrte Result Flag 4 Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Calcium 35800 100 ug/L 2000 35100 36 70-130 0.5 30 QM-07 Sodium 13700 500 ug/L 10000 3940 98 70-130 0.7 30 Post Spike (7A11030-PS1) Prepared: 01/11/2017 13:51 Analyzed: 01/12/2017 11:05 Source: CA00099-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result ELaq PSLI y1 it4 Level Result °/aREC Limits RPD Limi Notes Calcium 35.3 0.100 mg/L 2.Ob 35.1 12 80-120 QM-07 Sodium 14 0.5 mg/L 10.0 4 96 80-120 Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 7A11009 - NO PREP Blank (7A11009-BLKi) Prepared & Analyzed: 01/11/2017 12:03 Spike Source o/aREC RPD Anal a ResultI�a4 POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Biochemical Oxygen Demand 2.0 U 2.0 mg/L B-03 LCS (7A11009-1351) Prepared &Analyzed: 01/11/2017 12:03 Spike Source o/aREC RPD Analyte Resul Elaq PPOL Units Level Result %REC 'Limits RPD Limit Notes Biochemical Oxygen Demand 210 2.0 mg/L 198 107 85-115 B-04 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. I Page 6 Of 1 l www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 7A11009 - NO PREP - Continued Duplicate (7A11009-DUPI) Prepared & Analyzed: 01/11/2017 12:03 Source: CZ16763-01 Spike Source a/oREC RPD Analyt Result Flag POLL Units_ Level Result a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Biochemical Oxygen Demand 2.0 U 2.0 mg/L 2.0 U 30 B-04 Duplicate (7Ai1009-DUP2) Prepared & Analyzed: 01/11/2017 12:03 Source: CZ17931-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal a Result Flaa POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Biochemical Oxygen Demand 270 2.0 mg/L 220 18 30 B-04 Batch 7A11O30 - EPA 3005A Blank (7A11030-BLK1) Prepared: 01/11/2017 13:51 Analyzed: 01/12/2017 14:21 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Resul Flea POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Sodium Adsorption. Ratio 0.00 U [blank] Blank (7A11030-BLK2) Prepared: 01/11/2017 13:51 Analyzed: 01/12/2017 14:21 Spike Source a/oREC RPD Analyte Result Flag POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Sodium Adsorption Ratio 0.00 U [blank] Batch 7A11034 - NO PREP Blank (7A31034-BLKI) Prepared: 01/11/2017 14:54 Analyzed: 01/11/2017 16:12 Spike Source o/aREC RPD Analvit Result Elan 001 Units Level Result o/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrite as N 0.017 U 0.10 mg/L LCS (7A11034-BSI) Prepared: 01/11/2017 14:54 Analyzed: 01/11/2017 16:05 Spike Source a/oREC RPD Anala Result Flag IQ units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrite as N 1.0 0.10 mg/L 1.00 102 90-110 Matrix Spike (7A11034-MS1) Prepared: 01/11/2017 14:54 Analyzed: 01/11/2017 16:13 Source: CZ16373-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Resul FlaFlau POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrite as N 0.91 0.10 mg/L 1.00 0.020 89 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike pup (7A11034-MSDi) Prepared: 01/11/2017 14:54 Analyzed: 01/11/2017 16:15 Source: CZ16373-01 Spike Source o/aREC RPD Anatvte Result FlaFlaa POL Units Level Result a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrite as N 0.95 0.10 mg/L 1.00 0.020 93 90-110 4 10 Batch 7A12003 - NO PREP Blank (7Al2(103-BLKi) Prepared & Analyzed: 01/12/2017 08:45 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal Resu t FlaFlaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 2.5 U 2.5 mg/L FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page 7 Of ce-Mv:-- www.6ncolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 7A12003 - NO PREP - Continued LCS (7A12003-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 01/12/2017 08:45 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Flaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 100 2.5 mg/L 100 103 80-120 Duplicate (7A12003-DUP3) Prepared &Analyzed: 01/12/2017 08:45 Source:CZ15270-01 Spike Source o/oREC RPD Analyte Resu Flaa POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 200 100 mg/L 180 10 20 Duplicate (7A32003-DUP2) Prepared & Analyzed: 01/12/2017 08:45 Source: CZ17851-01 Spike Source o/oREC RPD Analyte Resin Flaa IQ Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 2800 1200 mg/L 2600 7 20 Batch 7A13002 - Same Blank (7A13002-BLKI) Prepared: 01/13/2017 09:20 Analyzed: 01/16/2017 08:44 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Resu t Flaa POL Units Level Result a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 0.26 U 0.48 mg/L LCS (7A13002-BSI) Prepared: 01/13/2017 09:20 Analyzed: 01/16/2017 08:46 Spike Source %REC RPD Analvte Result Fi_aa _P2 Units Level Result a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 12 0.48 mg/L 11.9 97 90-110 Matrix Spike (7A13002-MSI) Prepared: 01/13/2017 09:20 Analyzed: 01/16/2017 08:48 Source: CA00012-01 Spike Source 6/oREC RPD Anaa Result Flaa PQL Units Level Result a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 5.8 0.48 mg/L 4.75 1.4 92 90-110 Matrix Spike (7A13002-MS2) Prepared: 01/13/2017 09:20 Analyzed: 01/16/2017 08:57 Source: CA00110-01 Spike Source a/oREC RPD Anal vte Resul FlaFlaQ POL Units Level Result a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 63 D 2.4 mg/L 4.75 63 NR 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike Dup (7A13002-MSD1) Prepared: 01/13/2017 0920 Analyzed: 01/16/2017 08:52 Source: CA00012-01 Analyte Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Batch 7A13004 - Same Result Rao _P2 5.9 0.48 Spike Source - a/oREC RPD Units Level Result °/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes mg/L 4.75 1.4 94 90-110 2 10 Blank (7A130047BLK1) Prepared: 01/13/2017 09:20 Analyzed: 01/16/2017 10:46 Analyte Phosphorus Spike Source %REC RPD Re ul Flaa POL Units Level Result a/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes 0,025 U 0.10 mg/L FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced In full. Page 8 Of Ik www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control. Batch 7A13004 -Same - Continued LCS (7A13004-BS1) Prepared: 01/13/2017 09:20 Analyzed: 01/16/2017 10:48 Spike Source a/oREC RPD Anal vte esu FBI g P-QL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 1.6 0.10 mg/L 1.60 102 80-120 Matrix Spike (7A13004-MS1) Prepared: 01/13/2017 09:20 Analyzed: 01/16/2017 10:50 Source:CA00012-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flamm POL Units Level Result %REC - Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 2.1 0.10 mg/L 0.640 1.5 96 80-120 Matrix Spike Dup (7A13004-MSDi) Prepared: 01/13/2017 09:20 Analyzed: 01/16/2017 10:53 Source:CA00012-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyt Rest Flao POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 2.1 0.10 mg/L 0.640 1.5 90 80-120 2 25 Batch 7A13010 - NO PREP Blank (7A13010-BLKi) Prepared: 01/13/2017 08:36 Analyzed: 01/13/2017 12:02 Spike Source o/aREC RPD AnaResul Flaa POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.041 U 0.10 mg/L LCS (7A13010-BSI) Prepared: 01/13/2017 08:36 Analyzed: 01/131201711:55 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Resul Flan POL Units LevelResult %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 1.3 0.10 mg/L 1.25 - 101 90-110 Matrix Spike (7A13010-MSI) - Prepared: 01/13/2017 08:36 Analyzed: 01/13/2017 12:04 Source: CA00012-01 Spike Source o/REC RPD Analvte Resul FlaFlaq POL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 8.2 0.50 mg/L 2.50 6.0 87 90-110 QM-07 Matrix Spike (7A13010-MS2) Prepared: 01/13/2017 08:36 Analyzed: 01/13/2017 12:13 Source: CA00110-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Fla P_94 Units - Level Result o/aREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 340 20 mg/L 100 240 95 90-110 Matrix Spike Dup (7A13010-MSDi) Prepared: 01/13/2017 08:36 Analyzed: 01/13/2017 12:08 Source: CA00012-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anallyte Result Flaa 12 Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 8.3 0.50 mg/L 2.50 6.0 92 90-110 1 10 Batch 7A17001 - NO PREP Blank (7A17001-BLK1) Prepared: 01/17/2017 07:49 Analyzed: 01/17/2017 08:55 Spike Source o/aREC RPD Analyte Resul Ellalq VOLnits Level Result a/aREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.045 U 0.10 mg/L FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 9 Of 13. www.encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL.DATA Classical Chemistry Parameters-- Quality Control, Batch 7A17001- NO PREP - Continued LCS (7A17001-BSi) Prepared: 01/17/2017 07:49 Analyzed: 01/17/2017-08:57 Spike Source -.:%REC RPD Analvte esui FIa3 EM Ism .. Level ResuR . %REC , _ Limits RPD , _, Limit Notes ., Ammonia as N 1.1 0.10 mg/L 0.989 107 . ' 90-110 Matrix Spike (7A17001-MS3) Prepared: 01/17/2017 07:49 Analyzed: 01/17/2017 08.59 Source: CA00001-01 Spike Source %REC RPD Anal Result lea PQL Units 'Level Result y/oREC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.43 0.10 mg/L 0.385 0,070 93 90-110 Matrix Spike (7A37001-MS2) Prepared: 01/17/2017 07:49 Analyzed: 01/17/2017 09:08 Source: CA00007-01' Spike Source %REC RPD Anal a esui Flag - P L ' Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammoniaf as N 0.36 0.10 mg/L - 0.385 0.045 83 ' , 90-110 QM-07 ' Matrix Spike Dup (7A17061-MSDI) Prepared: 01/17/2017 07:49 Analyzed: 01/17/2017'09:04 ' Source: CA00001-01 - Spike Source : %REC RPD Analvte Result F a PPL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Ammonia as N 0.39 0.10 - mg/L 0.385 - 0.070 83 90-110 . 10 10 QM-07 Microbiological Parameters - Quality Control Batch 7A12016 - NO PREP Blank (7A32016-BLKi) Prepared:-61/10/2017 16:11 Analyzed: 01/11/2017 12:40 " _Spike Source- %REC _ RPD Analvte Resu .IQ Units : Level • Result %REC Limits RPD; Limit Notes Coliform, Fecal 1.0 U 1.0 MPN/100 mL Duplicate (7A12016-DUP1) - Prepared:,01/10/2017 13:00 Analyzed: 01/11/2017 09:15 Source: CZ15270-03 Spike Source %REC " RPD Anal vte , esu Flau -POL. - Units Level,- Result %REC -Limits' RPD, Limit Notes Coliform; Fecal 1.0 U 1.0- MPN/100 mL 1.0 U 25 FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full..' Page 1'0 Of in CS Nik :0 www.encolabs.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D . The sample was analyzed at dilution. ] The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range'of the instrument. This value is considered. an estimate. MRL Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL) and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. . N The analysis indicates the presence of an analyte for which there is presumptive evidence (85% or greater - confidence) to make a "tentative identification". P Greater than 25% concentration difference was observed between the primary•and secondary GC column. The lower concentration is reported. B-03 Blank'exceeds the method required oxygen depletion of <0.20 mg/L. B-04 The average DO uptake of the seeded controls does not meet the method required 0.6 - 1.0 mg/L. QM-07 The spike recovey was outside acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSD. The batch was . accepted based on acceptable LCS recovery. G FINAL This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only he reproduced in full. Page I I of 13 Form eChainof Custody-, mpl - ACCt* WAN Client WASTEWATER MANA ENT!,.LL, Gontact. '.'O�NLL JA*R' ...REL.L Shi Pfttsb,Qro, NC 27-3 12- Repoft T61 P.-,O,.,B6k'.578 — ' pittstforo, 27312 !'GZ. 16373 pf6ject#/RefOi Sager Fqqd . = Mp*y RdqIifed TAT: 1O ENCO Contact: Stephanik:Franz- 1.02-A.Woodwinds Industrial Court Ca ry, N.6.'2. 7 -pittopm. NC 27312 te oni -35041 d,. ,An �jyse'. Amin' a PQD SM52101 ja.g6� Foods. t�iqe t -6te,Cq1c 351�2, Mi4e asas IN 3.53:2, Njt� 4b,X 353:.,2'.?- P, BO lum SM2540D t6ntWnbft: 2 -, 1 LP, 1 mLP+'H280 1 -`-250tnLF ---------- ---------------------- -------------- -------------------- ;; ----------- . I Ysu Sampled By; Tompj 4ptabk ---Oj!qc 80ble Ctiiitainers -DatelTtme.- Iftfordfaton concerning the mateftills can be found helow. 150 NOT rinse .1nO i s p.n samples in awejjriven612teaarea Wheh filling preserved cpntamets usepaution riot to inhale vapot9 that may be caused in the chemical reaction baNreen the sample an 3;thepreseryatrves Gdlect of lake appropriate p6sure to j�j these fumes. 'See cautions .below it is the Wppees.respqnsiUikyb ensure it�t the samples are, packed -n-suph, a,m&6.4.f1;�P�090tbrba 4e and.that any required temperature tis, naih�tifi6 'during 0'6jtuntil receipt at the. 'WboMtory. from the woleri-but Pack along WtN th9 460jiitth��b- P! at4dd;60ttOO ffiis cbh . 1�t�lqdoo, 61he arnblentiempera.ture.ollthet coo erppop 'This.botde'c=del6n¢edlwaier.only. ,Tha,1hfq7atipn below Ok6A(66*"ki.-!�TAtt�O#, -Ali -po fiaja�#Oosed Is have notbeen.addressed, �pt r Contact -your orpnizaM ons.sa*p water. _I Page 12 of 13 1 Sample Preserrration'ver fi ;Atiori Al ENC.O.,Cary Vtlork:Order. CZ16n. Project, Sager'Fo0ds -Monthly C(ient: INASTEINATER.MANAGEMENT, LLCWA013) Pro�ef:# [none] Logged; ln: 1`0'-Jah'-1715 00 Loggedy; Andrew S boons �Z16373 'Q1 ' w,. 8 r,.�L'i Y�.. :l.. ,..,�!�,.,, ,c. _ C''�it:::K+s, vi{?t...t ♦ .. », :m -.� a.J:� ., _.J. ..ir: D 250mLP{H2SO4.H <2: ! N % NA E 250MLP{HNQ3. <2 ! ! N / NA. Y,! l NA