HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8980729_Historical File_20230718 Burd, Tina J From: Burd, Tina J Sent: Tuesday,June 6, 2023 3:49 PM To: 'susandaniels@dosher.org';John Tunstall Cc: Smith, Ashley M Subject: SW8 980729 posher Memorial Hospital The Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources(Stormwater Section) accepted the Stormwater Permit Renewal Application and $505.00 fee for the subject project on June 2, 2023. The project has been assigned to Ashley Smith and you will be notified if additional information is needed. If you have any questions about the project or status of the review, please contact Ashley Smith (cc'd). Best Regards, Tina Burd Administrative Associate II 910-796-7215 New email: tina.burd@deq.nc.gov NCDEQ Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Exi. Wilmington, NC 28405 Website: fhtip.//detz.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/stormwater Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as they may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. 1 No -Transfer ypplic n C. pie 1 R - w Checklist roject Name: Ioni. Date Delivered to WIRO: �f �s i.�t_e-DOProject County/Location: i. l BfMs Received/Accepted Date: "AM��' Date Given to Admin: & 7 Permit Action: New New Permit#1: BIMS Acknowledged Date': ❑Not located in the ETJ of the following delegated and functioning programs: NHC:Carolina Beach/Kure Beach/Wilmington/Wrightsville Beach Bruns: Leland/Navassa(?)/Oak Island Cart: Emerald Isle Onsl: Jacksonville Pend: Surf City M-'or M.- / Minor Mod ene xisting Permit#. 0; •pplicant&Permit-tee are the same?3 Expiration Dated: ' Permit Type: ir D/LD Overall/HD&LD Combo General Permit/Offsite/Exempt + Redevelopment nOffsite to 5W8: Development Type: Commercial/Residentia fre-her - Ells Offsite Lot approved in Master Permit?' Subdivided?: Subdivision . Ingle Lot Rule(s): n2017 Coastal 02008 Coastal 995 Coastal EPhase ii ❑iiniversal 01988 Coastal P-rmitte, ype&Documents Needed: :_a Pro•erty Owner(s) Purchaser Lessee 01•IOA nDeveloper II):V' ble? nViable? ❑Viable? nViable7 ❑Viable? ed ❑Purchase Aemt Lease ❑Election Minutes 6/ I • _ ,:,.plication :100��Fee' 711 505{within 6mo) Check##(s)- ❑No Fee ❑Supplem- t'(1 new form or for older forms:I original per 5CM) ❑O&M' Soils Report(Mill or PP) ❑Calculations(signed/sealed) Deed Restrictions,if subdivided' Project Narrative I ❑USGS Map(or on file?) Subject to SA?: Y / N Subject to ORW? Y / N Plans(2 Sets) ' 7--' NOTES: ?Ct • 'Enter B1MS Acknowledged Date on this Sheet For New Projects-Enter New Permit#on Supplements&Deed Restriction Templates. 3 If permittee is different,STOP.Needs to be transferred first. °If w/in 6 months and they are requesting a mod,STOP. Needs a renewal first. slf tot not approved in master permit,STOP. Master permit needs mod. WAILED ENGiNEER DATE: i Comments: AingtREVIEWER NAME: , 4161 i G:111Reference Li bra ry\Procedures\Checklists\Completeness Review Checklist 2021 09 08 J. Phillip Norris, P.E. NORRIS & TUNSTALL John S. Tunstall, P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C.- T. Jason Clark, P.E. Joseph K. Bland, P.E. Thomas J. Scheetz, P.E. Robbie P. Hennelly, E.1. 2602 Iron Gate Drive,Suite 102•Wilmington, NC 28412-7160•Phone(910)343-9653•Fax(910)343-9604 1429 Ash Little River Road NW Ash, NC 28420-1715•Phone(910)287-5900•Fax(910)287-5902 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: NC DEQ Stormwater Date: June 2, 2023 Job No.23016 Wilmington, NC Subject: SW8 980729 Permit Renewal J. A. Dosher Memorial Hospital Patient Rooms Expansion & Renovation WE ARE SENDING YOU VIA HAND DELIVER FAX TRANSMITTAL: NUMBER OF PAGES El ATTACHED ❑ UNDER SEPARATE COVER INCLUDING THIS TRANSMITTAL ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS ❑ PRINTS 0 CERTIFICATION ❑ SPECIFICATIONS El DISKS 0 COPY OF LETTER Call 910-343-9653 if you have any difficulty ❑ receiving this message. COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 04-21-23 Executed NC DEQ SW Permit Renewal Application Form 1 04-27-23 , , $505.00 Check (Dosher Hospital Ck#219668) for Renewal Fee 1 06-01-23 Signed, Dated & Sealed PE SCM Inspection Letter 1 06-02-23 CD (Entire Package as a PDF) ---li , u 7 2023 Li/ ' ❑ AS REQUESTED ❑ FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT El FOR APPROVAL ❑ FOR YOUR USE 0 FOR BIDS DUE 0 YOUR PRINTS LOANED TO US REMARKS: CC: SIGNED John S. Tunstall, P.E. /asn CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED: Information contained in this document is privileged and confidential, intended for the sole use of the addressee. If you are not the addressee or the person responsible for delivering it to the addressee you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this document is strictly prohibited. If you have received this document in error please immediately notify the sender and return to the address above. DOSHERig Memorial Hospital fOL r;z �«:�� s�rt�rs ., r + ► - 3�!�.!ar _ . .. , !n i '!�!iIgI ii,ii et AI, Ili if r i .. r t1!I1hI�i"Lin 'RCN I III About Dosher Board of Trustees CEO's Welcome Community Leadership Mission and Vision News Releases Non-discrimination Policy USDA Opportunity Notice Leadership Lynda Stanley, FACHE President & CEO; Dosher Memorial Hospital Ms. Stanley was Chief Operating Officer of Dosher Hospital from 1986 until 2014, when she became President of the hospital's newly formed Foundation. She graduated from UNC Greensboro with a BS in Medical Technology and has a master's degree in Health Administration from Central Michigan University. Ms. Stanley is a familiar figure at the hospital and in Brunswick County. She is a Fellow of the American College of Health Care Executives. She has been a key figure in the success of the Dosher Hospital Foundation and the formation of the Brunswick Wellness Coalition. Thomas Holland, MD Chief Medical Officer Dr. Holland has a long history with Dosher, having served as a staff physician at Dosher Memorial Hospital for over 23 years. In addition, Dr. Holland was Chief of Staff at Dosher from 2009- 2011, served as the Director of the Dosher Skilled Nursing Center from 2000-2013, was a member of the Dosher Medical Executive Committee for six years, and currently serves as the Chair of the hospital's Credentials Committee. Dr. Holland graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine and completed his internship and residency at the Charleston Naval Hospital in South Carolina. Dr. Holland is a volunteer physician and past Medical Director of New Hope Clinic in Boiling Spring Lakes and played a key role in establishing the primary care clinic on Oak Island which is now part of the Dosher medical practice network. Catherine (Kate) Mohr, RN, DNP, NEA-BC Chief Nursing Officer Ms. Mohr has an extensive background as a senior healthcare executive with over 26 years in both large academic medical centers and community hospitals. Ms. Mohr `=. . came to Dosher after serving as the Executive Vice President/System Chief Nursing Officer of the Guthrie Clinic in Ir Sayre, PA. Prior to that role, Ms. Mohr had served as the Executive Director of the Children's Hospital at Providence Alaska Medical Center in Anchorage Alaska and as the Director of Nursing at Virginia Commonwealth University Health System for Women's and Children's Services and Radiology. Ms. Mohr earned her Bachelors of Science in Nursing at the College of New Rochelle, her Master's at Duke University in Durham, and her Doctor of Nursing Practice from American Sentinel University in Aurora, CO.A self-described "Nurse's nurse," Ms. Mohr is passionate about the role nurses play to influence great patient care, and believes that by understanding what is meaningful to the patient, health care professionals can make a greater difference in patient experience and outcome. Susan Daniels, MBA -r— - ' Interim Chief Financial Officer -,.. Ms. Daniels has more than 20 years of experience in healthcare i finance and 11 years of experience dedicated to public accounting and auditing. Ms. Daniels has served in executive i�. - positions in a variety of organizations where key areas of focus included finance strategy, planning, and financial reporting, in addition to overseeing the strategic direction of information technology. Prior to joining Dosher, Ms. Daniels served in critical access hospitals, rural health clinics as well as a Federally Qualified Health Center. Earlier in her career, Daniels served as an Auditor for Blue Cross Blue Shield and worked in the public accounting arena. Ms. Daniels earned her Master of Business Administration in Accounting and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Missouri Western State University of St. Joseph, Missouri. PATIENT PORTAL HOSPITAL MEDICAL SERVICES DOSHER MEDICAL CLINICS CALENDAR OF EVENTS NEWS RELEASES SEND AN E-CARD THANK A NURSE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE COVID INFORMATION PRICE TRANSPARENCY BOARD & STAFF PORTALS SUBSCRIBE TO OUR MAILING LIST DOSHER IlZe••• ‘1,„„..i,,.1 ,1us„„„ ' - 924 North Howe Street Southport, NC 28461 Phone: 910-457-3800 No one will be denied access to services due to inability to pay. There is a Discounted/SFS available. HEIIL©H ©2023 FastHealth Corporation Terms Privacy MST Smith, Ashley M From: Garland Williams <garlandwilliams@dosher.org> Sent: Tuesday,July 11,2023 1:08 PM To: Smith, Ashley M Subject: RE: [External] Dosher Memorial Hospital Permit`SW8980729 ICAUTION:External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Ms.Ashley, Thank you so very much for you help! Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. Riclky>1/17-' Plant Operations Manager Dasher Memorial Hospital 924 North Howe St. Southport NC 28461 garlandwilliams@dosher.org Dosher Office 910-457-3920 Dosher Cell 910-368-3711 From:Smith,Ashley M<ashleym.smith@deq.nc.gov> Sent:Tuesday;July 11,2023 9:26 AM To:Garland Williams<garlandwilliams@dosher.org> Subject: RE: [External] Dosher Memorial Hospital Permit#SW8980729 WARNING: This email originated outside of Dosher. DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good morning Mr. Williams, I have went through the history of your permit and found an error.The expiration dates are set to expire 8 years from the previous expiration date of the issued permit.Our system had a typo which listed the expiration date as 2016,which is where the 2024 year date came from.After further investigation, it appears the previous expiration date should have been 2026, not 2016.With this renewal,the expiration date of your permit should be 2034. Thank you for letting us know and allowing us to fix this issue. I will issue a correction summarizing the corrected expiration date,and you should be receiving it in the mail soon. 1 Please let me know if you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns,thank you! Our office is undergoing renovations and we may have intermittent to%phone/voicemaii access. If possible, please send an email inquiry. Ashley Smith Storm water Permitting Assistant Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Office: (910)796-7215 I Direct: (910)796-7326 ashleym.smith@deq.nc.gov **please note change in email address** 4:11 .41) Email carrespondera.ce to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law acid ma✓be disclosed to third parties. From:Garland Williams<garlandwilliams@dosher.org> Sent: Monday,July 10,2023 5:45 PM To:Smith,Ashley M <ashlevm.smith@deq.nc.gov> Subject: [External] Dosher Memorial Hospital Permit#SW8980729 CAUTION:External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message (button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Ms.Smith, I have received our Permit#SW8980729. I have questions regarding the due date for renewal. I was working under the assumption that we had requested an 8 year extension to our current permit.The permit cover page states that it is only effective until January 31st,2024. Could you please contact me to clarify what our requirements will be to fulfill our obligations. ThlEtraM You RiclkyWi1Ziamrs _Folzarat Opez-satioas Manager Dosher Memorial Hospital 924 North Howe St. Southport, NC 28461 garlandwilliams@dosher.org Dosher Office 910-457-3920 Dosher Cell 910-368-3711 2 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE:This message is intended for use only by the individual or entity to which It is addressed,and may contain information that is privileged,confidential,and exempt from disclosure under applicable law.If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any dissemination,distribution or copying of this communication or any attachments is strictly prohibited.All e-mails and attachments should be checked for viruses prior to opening;Dosher Memorial Hospital accepts no liability for damage caused by viruses. Entail correspondence to drill from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law arc!rn :'fe disciosed to this d pates by an au horize:: state of;!:iol. 3