HomeMy WebLinkAbout20072133 Ver 1_Restoration Plan_20071213RESTORATION PLAN Prepared for: NCDENR-Ecosystem Enhancement Program 2728 Capital Blvd., Suite 1 H 103 Raleigh, NC 27604 Foos stem .~ PROGRAM 07-2133 b' ~ 1 v 2007 ~~~a~ - wArEI~ c~WALI~ '~n.+wo~.~~o sr~?~ar~ December 2007 Glade Creek Stream Restoration ' Table of Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................................. .. 5 1.0 Project Site Identification and Location .............................................................................. 1.1 Directions to Project Site .................................................................................................... .. 7 .. 7 1.2 USGS Hydrologic Unit Code and NCDWQ River Basin Designations ............................. .. 7 ' 1.3 Project Vicinity Map ........................................................................................................... 2.0 Watershed Characterization ................................................................................................. .. 7 .. 8 2.1 Drainage Area ..................................................................................................................... .. 8 ' 2.2 Surface Water Classification /Water Quality ..................................................................... 2.3 Physiography, Geology and Soils ....................................................................................... .. 8 .. 8 2.4 Historical Land Use and Development Trends ................................................................... .. 9 ' 2.5 Endangered /Threatened Species ....................................................................................... 2.6 Cultural Resources .............................................................................................................. .. 9 13 2.7 Potential Constraints ........................................................................................................... 14 ' 2.7.1 Property Ownership and Boundary .............................................................................. 2.7.2 Site Access ................................................................................................................... 14 14 2.7.3 Utilities ......................................................................................................................... 14 2.7.4 FEMA /Hydrologic Trespass ...................................................................................... 2.7.Sa. Beaver Pond and Design Approach .......................................................................... 14 14 2.7.Sb. Research on Beaver Activity and Stream/Riparian Zone Ecology ........................... 15 3.0 Project Site Streams (existing conditions) ........................................................................... 16 I 3.1 Channel Classification ........................................................................................................ 16 3.2 Discharge ............................................................................................................................ 16 3.3 Channel Morphology (pattern, dimension, profile) ............................................................ 3.4 Channel Stability Assessment ............................................................................................. 17 18 3.5 Bankfull Verification .......................................................................................................... 18 ' 3.6 Vegetation ........................................................................................................................... 4.0 Reference Stream ................................................................................................................. 19 20 4.1 Watershed Characterization ................................................................................................ 20 4.2 Channel Classification ........................................................................................................ 20 4.3 Discharge (bankfull, trends) ................................................................................................ 20 4.4 Channel Morphology (pattern, dimension, profile) ............................................................ 20 4.5 Vegetation ........................................................................................................................... 21 1 5.0 Project Site Wetlands (existing conditions) ......................................................................... 22 5.1 Jurisdictional Wetlands ....................................................................................................... 22 5.2 Soil Characterization ........................................................................................................... 22 1 5.3 Plant Community Characterization ..................................................................................... 22 6.0 Project Site Restoration Plan ............................................................................................... 23 6.1 Restoration Project Goals and Objectives ........................................................................... 23 6.1.1 Designed Channel Classification ................................................................................. 23 6. ] .2 Designed Channel Structures ....................................................................................... 23 6.1.3 Target Buffer Communities ......................................................................................... 23 6.2 Sediment Transport Analysis .............................................................................................. 24 6.2.1 Methodology ................................................................................................................ 24 1 6.2.2 Calculations and Discussion ........................................................................................ 25 6.3 HEC-RAS Analysis ............................................................................................................ 26 6.3.1 No-rise, LOMR, CLOMR ............................................................................................ 26 ' 6.4 Soil Restoration ................................................................................................................... 26 6.6.1 Topsoil Salvage, Soil Testing and Nutrient Amendments ........................................... 26 3 6.5 Natural Plant Community Restoration ................................................................................ 27 6.5.1 Narrative & Plant Community Restoration .................................................................. 27 6.5.2 On-site Invasive Species Management ........................................................................ 27 7.0 Performance Criteria ............................................................................................................ 28 7.1 Streams ................................................................................................................................ 28 7.2 Vegetation ........................................................................................................................... 28 7.3 Schedule /Reporting ........................................................................................................... 28 8.0 References ............................................................................................................................ 29 9.0 Tables ................................................................................................................................... 32 Table 1. Project Restoration Structure and Objectives ...................................................... 32 Table 2. Drainage Areas ......................................................................................................... 32 Table 3. Land Use of Watershed ........................................................................................... 32 Table 4. Morphological Table ................................................................................................ 33 Table 5. BEHI/NBS and Sediment Export Estimate for Project Site Streams ................. 34 Table 6. Designed Vegetative Communities (by Zone) ........................................... 35 10.0 Figures Figure 1. Project Site Vicinity Map Figure 2. Project Site Watershed Map Figure 3. Project Site NRCS Soil Survey Map Figure 4. Project Site Hydrological Features and Wetland Delineation Map Figure 5. Reference Site Vicinity Map Figure 6. Reference Site Watershed Map Figure 7. Reference Site NRCS Soil Survey Map Figure 8. Reference Site Vegetative Communities Map 11.0 Designed Sheets Sheet 1. Cover Sheet 2. Designed Channel Alignment Sheet 3. Geometry Sheet 4. Longitudinal Profile Sheet 5. Longitudinal Profile Sheet 6. Restoration Plan Sheet 7. Restoration Plan Sheet 8. Restoration Plan Sheet 9. Restoration Plan Sheet 10. Restoration Plan Sheet 11. Restoration Plan Sheet 12. Details Sheet 13. Details Sheet 14. Details Sheet 15. Typical Cross Sections Sheet 16. Planting Plan 12.0 Appendices Appendix 1. Project Site Photographs Appendix 2. Project Site USACE Routine Wetland Determination Data Forms Appendix 3. Project Site NCDWQ Stream Classification Forms Appendix 4. HEC-RAS Analysis Appendix 5. EEP Floodplain Requirements Checklist 4 i ®~_.~~, i~ ' Executive Summary The project site and easement is located on the Steven Faw property (PIN # 3999252005), at 541 Dewitt Road, approximately 4 miles south of Sparta, North Carolina. The project reaches include the portion of Glade Creek that flows through the Faw property as well as an unnamed tributary that flows through the property and exits the property just before its confluence with Glade Creek. The total existing channel ' length on Glade Creek is 2,569 feet (thalweg) based on survey data and stationing. The unnamed tributary (UT) to Glade Creek is 1,088 feet long based on the survey. There is 0.17 acre of wetland that has been delineated beside the main channel of Glade Creek and 0.16 acre of wetland that has been delineated on the upper section of the UT, for a total of 0.33 acre of delineated wetland on the project site. Glade Creek and the downstream portion of the UT channel are currently unstable, with an over-wide channel in many areas, mid-channel sediment bars, incised bed and steep, eroding, unvegetated banks r throughout. Approximately 62% of the Glade Creek channel within the project boundary has a BEHI rating of High, 33% has a rating of Very High and 5% has a rating of Moderate. The estimated total sediment export per year for the Glade Creek reach is 619 tons, based on the Rosgen (2004) sediment export curves. The entire proposed restoration reach of the unnamed tributary has a BEHI rating of Very High, and the estimated total sediment export per year for the reach is 72 tons. The pervasive extent of high BEHI scores indicates that the channel is widening and migrating throughout most of the project reaches. Approximately 70% of the channel on Glade Creek had bank height ratios (BHR) of 2 or more and all of the channel proposed for restoration on the UT has a BHR of >2. A bank height ratio greater than two indicates a highly erosive condition for stream banks by definition, so field review of the channel indicates that it has experienced extensive incision and entrenchment. These conditions will become stabilized on their own only through the natural reconfiguration of the channel from bankfull flows, which takes place over many years and introduces very large amounts of sediment from the bed ' and banks into the stream flow and aquatic habitat as the channel readjusts its geometry and course. The goals of the project are to: • Rapidly stabilize the channel of Glade Creek relative to natural process, • Rapidly stabilize and preserve the channel of the UT relative to natural process, • Restore and rehabilitate channel features and aquatic habitat in Glade Creek and the UT, • Rehabilitate the riparian buffer along both streams, • Preserve the existing wetlands onsite. 1 These goals will be accomplished by designing and constructing a stable plan, profile and dimension for the stream channels and re-establishing continuous riparian buffers along the banks. Project implementation will greatly reduce bank erosion and consequently decrease the amount of sediment load in the stream at flows above baseflow. Restoration level (Rosgen Priority Level II) design is needed on all but 125 feet (which will be Enhancement I) of the channel on the project, due to unstable channel geometry, sinuosity and streambank steepness. Structures will be used to enhance holding and feeding areas for trout. Riparian buffer vegetation will be established to provide food and cover for terrestrial fauna and to provide a carbon source and shade for aquatic habitat. Through its Local Watershed Planning initiative, EEP focuses resources in specific 14-digit hydrologic units -local watersheds - in order to address critical watershed issues. This process involves conducting a detailed assessment of the condition of the watershed, involving the local community in identifying solutions to water-quality, habitat and flooding problems, and working to get agreed-upon solutions implemented within priority sub-watersheds. Stream restoration on Glade Creek will help alleviate two problems identified in the Local Watershed Plan for the Little River (Phase I) as being sources of water quality degradation-inadequate riparian buffers and sediment. This project would address both of those 1 problems by stabilizing the severely eroding stream banks onsite and establishing a permanent riparian buffer on them. 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 To meet the goals listed above, the proposed objectives for Glade Creek are to perform Priority II Restoration on approximately 2,430 linear feet (LF) and stabilize 125 LF with Enhancement I design. Please note that a 25-foot section of channel underneath the existing bridge was excluded from the proposed restoration total, although channel profile and dimension will be reconfigured and stabilized. The proposed objectives for the UT are to perform Restoration on approximately 275 LF and Preserve 788 LF. All the wetlands onsite will be preserved with the proposed project (see Table 1). Table 1. Existin Site Stream and Wetlands and Pro osed Miti ation Reach Existing Restoration (Priority I>n Enhancement I Preservation Mitigation Row Totals Glade Creek 2,569 2,430 125 2,555* Un. Trib. 1,088 275 788 1,063** Column Totals 3,370 2,705 125 788 3,400 Wetlands*** 0.33 ac 0.33 ac *25 feet of channel underneath the bridge were excluded from mitigation potential. **The restoration on the UT will actually shorten the UT channel by 25 feet. ***All the delineated wetlands onsite will be preserved with the proposed project. 6 X74 ~ 13;:3 ' 1.0 Pro'ect Site Identification and Location J The project site and easement is located on the Steven Faw property (PIN # 3999252005), at 541 Dewitt Road, approximately 4 miles south of Sparta, North Carolina. The project reaches include the portion of Glade Creek that flows through the Faw property as well as an unnamed tributary that flows through the ' property and exits the property just before its confluence with Glade Creek. The total existing channel length on Glade Creek is 2,550 feet (thalweg) based on survey data and stationing. The unnamed tributary to Glade Creek is 1,088 feet long based on the survey. The latitude and longitude of the midpoint of the restored mainstem is 1392171.90N, 995691.64E using the NAD83 coordinate system. For the tributary section the coordinates are 1392799.71N, 995076.13E. For the wetland on Glade Creek the coordinates for the approximate center are 1392253.65N, 995752.46E 1.1 Directions to Project Site i The project site is located in Alleghany County, North Carolina, approximately 4 miles southeast of the town of Sparta. From the south and east, the site can be accessed by exiting Interstate 77 North at the US 21 Bypass exit in Elkin and traveling 23.1 miles to Dewitt Road, turning left on Dewitt Road ' and traveling 0.7 miles to the site entrance on the left at 541 Dewitt Road. From the north and west, proceed south on US 21 4 miles to Dewitt Road, turn right and proceed 0.7 miles to 541 Dewitt Road on the left. 1.2 IISGS Hydrologic Unit Code and NCDWQ River Basin Designations Glade Creek is located in the USGS 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code 05050001, and in the 05050001030020 14-digit Code. The N.C. Division of Water Quality stream index number for Glade Creek is 10-9-9. This stream is classified as Class C trout water. 1.3 Project Vicinity Map See Figure 1 (Section 10). ' 2.0 Watershed Characterization ' The Glade Creek watershed is located in a rural area of a sparsely populated county. County land area is 235 square miles. The population of Alleghany County as of the 2000 Census was ] 0,677, rendering a population density of 45 persons per square mile, approximately 23 percent of the state average of l 65 ' persons per square mile. The average temperature is 50.1 degrees Fahrenheit, the average annual rainfall is 46 inches and the average annual snowfall is 17 inches. (Alleghany County Demographics, http://eal leghany.net/main/demographics/) ' 2.1 Drainage Area The drainage area of the main channel of Glade Creek at the downstream end of the project is 2,922 ' acres (4.6 mi') and the drainage area of the unnamed tributary at the downstream end of the project is approximately 521 acres (0.8 mi2), for a total watershed area of approximately 3,443 acres (5.4 mi'). The area within the conservation easement or project area itself is approximately 12 acres. 2.2 Surface Water Classification /Water Quality Glade Creek is located in the USGS 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code 05050001, and in the 05050001030020 14-digit Code. The N.C. Division of Water Quality stream index number for Glade Creek is 10-9-9. This stream is classified as a Class C trout water. 2.3 Physiography, Geology and Soils Alleghany County is located in northwestern North Carolina, and its northern border is with Virginia. The county is located entirely within the Appalachian Mountains region of western North Carolina. Most of the county is located atop a rolling plateau that ranges from 2,500 feet to 3,000 feet above sea level. The Glade Creek watershed is part of the area, and is underlain by sedimentary and metamorphic rock from the late Proterozoic Period, clastic metasedimentary rock, and mafic and felsic metavolcanic rock of the Ashe Metamorphic Suite, Tallulah Falls Formation and Alligator Back Formation, gneiss, schist, metagraywacke, amphibolite, and calc-silicate granofels (N.C. Geological Survey, 1985). The NRCS is currently working on a revision of the soil survey of Alleghany County, and limited information is available on the Web Soil Survey 2.0 website. However, Biohabitats was able to get GIS soils information from the 1973 Soil Survey from the State NRCS office and analyze it. The results for the combined Glade Creek and unnamed tributary watersheds are listed below. Series Name Acres Percent Series Name Acres Percent 1. Watauga 1 512.0 43.9 8. Fannin 75.1 2.2 2. Chester 550.4 16.0 9. Cordurus 75.0 2.2 3. Porters 411.5 11.9 10. Clifton 73.0 2.1 4. Tus uitee 236.6 6.9 11. Ashe 44.3 1.3 5. Chandler 198.9 5.8 12. Ston Stee Land 22.9 0.7 6. Alluvial land 138.1 4.0 13. Rock Outcro 1.7 0.1 7. Tate 103.5 3.0 14. Gullied Land 1.6 0.0 15. Water 1.6 0.0 TOTALS 3 446.2 100 ' By far the most prevalent soil series in the watershed is the Watauga series (44%, Typic Hapludults) followed by Chester (16%, Typic Hapludults) and Porters (l2%, Typic Dystrudepts) soils. All these series are upland soils, and no hydric soil is included in the list, although it is assumed that the alluvial land category may contain hydric soils. 2.4 Historical Land Use and Development Trends The main land use patterns for the Glade Creek watershed upstream of the project are approximately 44% (1,500 ac) Managed Herbaceous Cover (pasture), and 36% (1,226 ac) forested in Mixed Upland ' Forest (see Table 3 in Section 9). A major component of Allegheny County's economic history and present economy is dairy and livestock production. The high percentage of pasture in the watershed reflects this economic trend. A major cause of accelerated stream bank erosion can be related to land ' use change (Henderson, 1986). For decades livestock and dairy production has known to compact soils, increase stornwater runoff and increase sediment loading in stormwater. For example, overgrazing and soil compaction in the uplands often lead to rill erosion and elevated peak flows instream. Soil can become compacted by the repeated pressure of moving animals, especially if the i soil is wet. The combination of soil exposure and compaction can decrease infiltration and increase surface runoff. If infiltration capacity is severely limited on a large fraction of a catchment, the extra ' runoff can quickly enter streams and generate higher peak flows (Davis, 1977.) The high percentage of land in the watershed converted to pasture indicates a high potential for non-point source runoff and pollution to be generated upstream of the site and transported downstream. Only 0.5% of the ' watershed is in cultivated land, the balance of the remaining land being in forest, shrub or herbaceous cover. In addition to erosive impacts caused by livestock and dairy production, research has shown that ' stream erosion can be caused by logging done without following Best Management Practices. Rice et al. (1979) and Burwell (1970) showed that the quantity of sediment produced and delivered to a stream from a logging site is determined to a large extent by the care taken by the harvesting operator. ' Toews and Moore (1982) reported stream bank erosion was more than 250% greater after logging than before in clearcut areas where no buffer strips were left. After clearcutting an area where a buffer strip 5 meters or less was used, streambank erosion increased only 32% over the preharvest rate. ' Logging was historically common throughout the mountains of North Carolina, and based on the degree of incision of the restoration reach, the Glade Creek watershed was no exception. Best Management Practices were only developed and mandated for use in the past 20-30 years. Projected population growth for the state of North Carolina from 2000 to 2006 was 10.1 % while Allegheny County's population was projected to grow by 3%, indicating a suppressed population and development growth compared to the state as a whole (N.C. State Demographics, 2007). From the same data source, the projected growth rate from 2010-2020 was projected to be low, approximately 3%. The population growth for Sparta, NC from 2000-2007 was 2.3% (http://www.bestplaces.net/zip- code/Sparta_NC-72867500000.aspx). However, there are 2.5 Endangered /Threatened Species A visual site assessment was conducted by traversing the entire project site. Biohabitats inspected the site for any indication of suitable habitat for any listed species. Based on the visual assessment results, Biohabitats determined if the project may affect one or more federally listed species or designated critical habitats. Prior to the site visit, we obtained an updated species list for Allegheny County from the US Fish and Wildlife Service web site (http://nc-es.fws.gov/es/countyfr.html). The USFWS lists the following protected species for Allegheny County: 9 USFWS List of Protected Species in Alleghany County, N.C. ' Common Name Scientific name Fed. Stat us Record Status Vertebrate: Allegheny woodrat Neotoma magister FSC Probable/potential ' Appalachian cottontail Sylvilagus obscurus FSC Current Bog turtle Clemmys muhlenbergii T (S/A) Current Eastern small-footed bat Myotis leibii FSC Historic Golden-winged warbler Yermivora chrysoptera FSC Current t Hellbender Kanawha minnow Cryptobranchus allega~ziensis Phenacobius teretulus FSC FSC Current Current Invertebrate: Diana fritillary (butterfly) Speye~•ia Jana FSC Current Grayson crayfish ostracod Ascetocythere cosmeta FSC Historic Green floater Lasmigona subviridis FSC Current ' Grizzled skipper Pyrgus wyarzdot FSC Current Midget snaketail Ophiogomphus howei FSC Current Regal fritillary (butterfly) Speyeria idalia FSC Historic Vascular Plant: Butternut Juglans cinerea FSC Current Cuthbert turtlehead Chelone cuthbertii FSC Current Fen sedge Carex sp. 2 FSC Current Gray's lily if G ' Lilium g~ayi li i S FSC FSC Current Hi i ray s sax rage ax~aga caro n ana stor c Large-leaved Grass-of- Parnassia grandifolia FSC Current Parnassus Sweet pinesap Monot~°opsis odor°ata FSC Obscure Tall larkspur Delphinium exaltatum FSC Historic Note: T(S/A) =threatened due to similarity or appearance. A species that is threatened due to similarity of appearance with other ra re species and is listed for its protection. These species are not biologically endangered or threatened and are not subject to Section 7 consultation. are defined as species under consideration for listing, for which there is Federal Species of Concern (FSC) insufficient information to support listing at this time (USFWS, May 2007). ' Rare, threatened and endan gered species listed by the N.C. Natural Her itage Program (NHP) for the U.S. Geological Survey Glade Valley 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle are presented in the list below. ' 10 1 N.C. l~Tatural Heritage Program List of Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species Major Scientific Name Common Name State Status Federal Grou Status Invertebrate Pyrgus wyandot Appalachian SR FSC Animal Checkered-Skipper Natural Southern Appalachian Bog (northern None None None Community subtype) Nonvascular Macrocoma sullivatii Sullivant's Maned- SR-D None Plant moss Nonvascular Orthotrichum keeverae Keever's Bristle-moss E None Plant Vascular Calamagrostis canadensis Canada Reed Grass SR-P None Plant Vascular Carex leptonervia A Wood Sedge SR-P None Plant Vascular Carex woodii Wood's Sedge SR-P None Plant Vascular Chelone cuthbertii Cuthbert's Turtlehead SR-L FSC Plant Vascular Coptis trifolia ssp. groenlandica Goldthread SR-P None Plant Vascular Crocanthemum propinquum Creeping Sunrose SR-P None Plant Vascular Dalibarda repens Robin Runaway E None Plant Vascular Geum laciniatum var. trichocarpum Rough Avens SR-P None Plant Vascular Glyceria laxa Lax Mannagrass SR-P None Plant Vascular Hackelia virginiana Virginia Stickseed SR-P None Plant Vascular Hexalech•is spicata Crested Coralroot SR-P None Plant Vascular Lillium grayi Gray's Lily T-SC FSC Plant Vascular Platenthera grandiflora Large Purple-fringed SR-P None Plant Orchid Vascular Rhynchospora alba Northern White SR-P None Plant Beaksed e Vascular Robinia hispida var. fertilis Fruitcul Locust SR-O None Plant Vascular Spirathes lucida Shining Ladies-tresses SR-O None Plant Vascular Stenanthium roubustum Bog Featherbells SR-P None Plant Vascular Vaccinium macrocarpon Cranberry SR-P None Plant 11 1 N.C. Natural Heritage Program List of Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species (Continued) Major Scientific Name Common Name State Status Federal Vertebrate Ambystoma talpoideum Mole salamander SC None Animal Vertebrate Crotalus horridus Timber Rattlesnake SC None Animal Vertebrate Etheostoma kanawhae Kanawha Darter SR None Animal Vertebrate Eumeces anthracinus Coal Skink SR None Animal Vertebrate Exoglossum laurae Tonguetied Minnow SR None Animal Vertebrate Glyptemys muhlenbe~gii Bog Turtle T T(S/A) Animal Vertebrate Myotis leibee Eastern Small-footed SC FSC Animal M otis Vertebrate Myotis septentrionalis Northern Long-eared SC None Animal M otis Vertebrate Passerculus sandwichensis Savannah Sparrow SR None Animal Vertebrate Phenacobius teretulus Kanawha's Minnow SC FSC Animal Vertebrate Plethodon wehrlei Wehrle's Salamander T None Animal Vertebrate Sylvilagus obscurus Appalachian Cottontail SR FSC Animal Plant statuses for the NHP list are determined by the Plant Conservation Program (NC Department of Agriculture) and the Natural Heritage Program (NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources). Endangered (E), Threatened (T), and Special Concern (SC) species are protected by state law (Plant Protection and Conservation Act, 1979). Candidate and Significantly Rare (SR) designations indicate rarity and the need for population monitoring and conservation action. The additional significantly rare designations "-P" and "-O" refer to species at the periphery of their range in North Carolina, and that the range of species is sporadic or cannot be described by other significantly rare designations, respectively. Note that plants can have a double status, e.g., E-SC, indicates that while the plant is endangered, it is ' collected or sold under regulation. Animal statuses for the NHP list are determined by the Wildlife Resources Commission a11d the Natural Heritage Program. Endangered, Threatened, and Special Concern species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, freshwater fishes, and freshwater and terrestrial mollusks have legal protection status in North Carolina (Wildlife Resources Commission). The Significantly Rare designation indicates rarity and the need for population monitoring and conservation action. ' There are no federally endangered species listed for Alleghany County. There is one federally threatened species listed for this county, the Bog turtle (Clemmys muhlenbergii). The Bog turtle has a shell length of approximately 4 inches with a distinctive red, orange, or yellow patch on each side of ' the head.. The Bog turtle has a light brown to ebony shell. 12 Bog turtles inhabit slow, shallow, muck-bottomed rivulets of sphagnum bogs, calcareous fens, marshy/sedge-tussock meadows, spring seeps, wet cow pastures, and shrub swamps; the habitat usually contains an abundance of sedges or mossy cover. The turtles depend on a mosaic of microhabitats for foraging, nesting, basking, hibernation, and shelter (USFWS, 2000). "Unfragmented ' riparian systems that are sufficiently dynamic to allow the natural creation of open habitat are needed to compensate.for ecological succession" (USFWS, 2000). Beaver, deer, and cattle may be instrumental in maintaining the essential open-canopy wetlands (USFWS, 2000). Bog turtles rarely leave wetland habitats, although recent radio-telemetry evidence indicates that bog turtles sometimes venture into and across upland habitats (375 m, Carter et al., 2000) and cross roads to reach adjacent wetlands (Morrow et al. 2001). Whitlock (unpublished data) also documented individuals regularly moving back and forth across 1 km of a typical wetland habitat to more suitable habitat patches. Successful movement across developed areas is probably negligible, due to susceptibility to collection, predation, and road mortality. In North Carolina over somewhat less than l year, distances between relocations ofradio-tagged turtles ranged from 0 to 87 m (mean= 24 m) for males, and 0 to 62 m (mean= 16 m) for females ' (Heenan and Fahey, 1992). There are 5 delineated wetlands on the project site, and they are all forested (refer to Section 5.1 and Figure 4), While these forested wetlands are not preferred habitat of the bog turtle, based on current scientific knowledge, they could be used by turtles as they travel between more suitable or preferred ' habitat. Based on personal communication with Dennis Herman of the N.C. Dept. of Transportation Office of the Natural Enviromnent (July 20, 2007), a recognized bog turtle expert, bog turtles probably travel through the site on their way upstream or downstream to other sites, and may use the project site wetlands as stopping-over points. However, since all wetland areas within the project site will be undisturbed during project construction and will be permanently preserved, he stated that he believed that the short term disturbance of project construction would be offset by the long term preservation of the wetlands. Therefore, stream restoration activities associated with the Glade Creek Stream Mitigation site in Alleghany County will have no negative effect on the bog turtle species. ' 2.6 Cultural Resources A visual on-site assessment was conducted by traversing the entire project site thoroughly, on both sides of the streams. No archeological artifacts were observed or noted during the site survey. The Environmental Data Resources, Inc. review for the project site revealed no record of mapped historic ' sites within the project area. The State Historical Preservation Office (SHPO) was contacted and conducted a review of the site. In a response dated March 27, 2007 it was stated that SHPO was not aware of any historic resources that would be affected by the restoration project and that SHPO had no comment on the proposed undertaking. A forma] letter was sent to the Tribal Historic Preservation Office of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians on February 22, 2007. The project is still under review and when the letter is received, it will be submitted to EEP. 13 2.7 Potential Constraints 2.7.1 Property Ownership and Boundary The project site and easement is located on the Steven Faw property (PIN # 39992520005), at 541 Dewitt Road, approximately 4 miles southeast of Sparta, North Carolina. The project reaches include the portion of Glade Creek that flows through the Faw property as well as an unnamed. tributary that flows through the property and exits the property just before its confluence with Glade Creek (Figure 3). 2.7.2 Site Access The easement is accessed from. Dewitt Road by crossing the bridge over Glade Creek (the Faw's driveway) and accessing the easement from the side of the creek opposite from Dewitt Road. A temporary construction access road may need to be built from Dewitt Road to the creek if it is determined that the Faw's bridge over Glade Creek is not capable of safely supporting heavy equipment. 2.7.3 Utilities An overhead power line services the property owner's house and passes over the easement. It is the only known utility that passes through the project site. 2.7.4 FEMA /Hydrologic Trespass 1 1 1 As of July 2, 2007, there is no FEMA mapping for the project area, based on a review of the N.C. Flood maps website. The proposed project is a Rosgen Priority II stream restoration project, with no wetland restoration component, only wetland preservation. The hydrology of the site will not be significantly altered by the project. The Faw's property and the adjoining properties will not be hydrologically trespassed upon by the stream restoration project. 2.7.5a. Beaver Pond and Design Approach There is an existing beaver dam and pond along Glade Creek at station 17+75. Beavers built this feature during the fall of 2006 and then enlarged it in the winter of 2007. The proposed design will construct a stable cham~el directing flow beside and around the pond, preserving its present size and configuration. The mud and stick beaver dam will be removed and replaced with somewhat more permanent channel bed material. During higher flows the pond area will serve as additional floodplain capacity, and during low flows the stream thalweg will be adjacent to the pond area, flowing around it. This will allow the beaver impoundment area to persist, with a stable chamlel adjacent to it, thus providing stability while still allowing unimpeded sediment transport in the channel. The water table is expected to be high enough to maintain water in the adjacent pond area during periods of low flow. This design provides a stable channel for stream flow and also maintains the small, ~ 0.1 ac impoundment that beavers have already constructed. According to the land owner, the beaver population is established both upstream and downstream from the project, and beaver are a natural part of the ecosystem. Eliminating them from a limited reach of stream when their population is established immediately upstream and downstream is generally not a reliable 14 1 1 1 1 1 control measure. There is no guarantee that the beavers wouldn't return and build a new dam near the present pond location if it is removed. This design approach, by retaining the impounded water in the existing pond, should allow the beavers to continue limited activity, while discouraging them from building new dams in the project area. 2.7.Sb. Research on Beaver Activity and Stream/Riparian Zone Ecology Much research has been published on the beneficial ecological effects of beaver activity. In the Rocky Mountain region, beaver have been shown to facilitate regeneration of long absent riparian vegetation (if cattle grazing was properly managed), and improve conditions for trout (Smith 1980; Munther 1981; Johnson 1984). Lack of beaver dams and impositionof grazing had led to channel incision and deterioration of trout habitat in the mountain valley creeks. Stocking beaver and initially providing them with aspen cuttings as food. and dam-building material enabled them to impound water, which rejuvenated riparian zones. In such terrain, healing creeks with beaver proved to be more economical than traditional measures (Johnson 1984). Beaver help resist adverse perturbation of riparian areas, and their ponds improve chemical water quality (Parker 1986). The reintroduction of beaver has demonstrated: 1) an elevated water table upstream of the dam, which in turn improves vegetation condition, reduces water velocities, reduces bank erosion, and improves fish habitat (increased water depth, better food production, higher dissolved oxygen, and various water temperatures), 2) reduced sedimentation downstream of the dam, 3) increased water storage, 4) improved water quality, and 5) more waterfowl nesting and brooding areas (McKinstry et al. 2001). In North Carolina beavers have naturally re-introduced themselves, but their effects on the environment are the same as if they were artificially re-introduced, as in much of the published research to date. 15 ' 3.0 Pro'ect Site Streams existin condition 0 7 ~ ~ ~ ( g s) 3.1 Channel Classification As part of the field reconnaissance, the Rosgen classification system (Rosgen, ] 994) was used to ' determine channel type at each field cross section on the basis of existing morphological features of the stream channel. Two stable, representative riffle cross sections were surveyed on Glade Creek. The measured channel dimensions for the representative cross sections generate a C4 classification; except for width/depth ratio at the cross sections were 9.1 and 11.1, just under the classification minimum for a C channel, which is l2. A width/depth ration of less than 12 is characteristic of an E channel. For this reason, the existing channel is classified as a CE4 channel, in deference to the low width/depth ratios at these representative riffles. However, in other sections of the Glade Creek 1 channel, where downcutting and widening have occurred, decreasing the entrenchment ratio and increasing the width/depth ratio, the channel classification is F4 or G4. The F4 and G4 classifications are indicative of channel instability. Only one stable, representative cross section could be located on ' the unnamed tributary. Based on the measurements taken in the field, the unnamed tributary also was classified as a C4. 3.2 Discharge In adjustable, alluvial, transport-limited rivers in temperate climates, flows of moderate frequency ' (e.g., the 1.5- to 2-year storm event) and magnitude perform most of the geomorphic work (Wolman and Miller, 1960). This concept of the "dominant discharge" provides a statistical index for the flow that corresponds with the peak volume of sediment transported. Dominant discharge is the maximum possible product of the frequency of a flow occurrence and the amowlt of sediment transported by that flow event. Channel morphology is ultimately a result of all flows above a sediment transport threshold that do some geomorphic work. However, the dominant discharge is commonly used as a single-value estimate for a flow that may be largely responsible for resulting geomorphic form. It is thought that, in many cases, the morphological feature of a bankfull elevation corresponds fairly well to the flow stage of the dominant discharge. This has led to the concept of bankfull elevation as a tool in stream restoration design. However, the concept should be applied cautiously in stream restoration design. It should be noted that as channel boundaries are more resistant or less adjustable (i.e., bedrock, hillslope constraints, or large bed material) or in more arid environments, the majority ' of geomorphic work is more likely to be performed by larger and rarer flood events. For the purposes of this restoration plan, here the bankfull discharge is considered to be essentially equivalent to the dominant discharge, and serves a guiding value in many aspects of the restoration design. As mentioned in Section 3.1, the bankfull elevation was identified in the field by Biohabitats personnel at surveyed cross sections. The bankfull elevation at each cross section was derived from all available indications including depositional features, changes in bank angle, vegetation, scour lines, and storn~ debris lines. Bankfull discharge was estimated by solving the Manning equation for discharge given the bankfull elevation, local channel geometry, slope, and roughness. Channel roughness, represented by Manning's "n", was approximated using the standard references Chow (1959) and Barnes (1967) based on field observations of bed material, channel geometry, and adjacent riparian vegetation. 1 For the purpose of comparison, a predicted bankfull discharge was also calculated for Glade Creek and the unnamed tributary using available North Carolina regression relationships for rural streams in the Mountain physiographic province (Harman et al., 1999). The rural regression relationships are expressed by the following equations: Abkf - 22.1 AH, 0.67 Qbkf - 11 S.7 AW 0.73 ' Wbkf - 19.9AW 0.36 Dbkf = 1.1 AW 031 where AW is watershed area in square miles (min), Abkr is the bankfull cross-sectional area in square feet (ft~), Qb~ is the bankfull discharge in cubic feet per second (cfs), Wbkr is the bankfull width in feet (ft), and Dbkr ~s the bankfull mean depth m feet (ft). For the purpose of comparison, a predicted bankfull discharge was also calculated for Glade Creek and the unnamed tributary using available North Carolina regression relationships for rural streams in the Piedmont physiographic province (Harman et al., 1999). The rural regression relationships are expressed by the following equations: Abkr = 21.43 AW o.bs Qbkr = 89.04 Aw. °.72 Wbkf = 1 1.89A,,, 0.42 Dbkf = 1 •SOAW 032 The discharge was also estimated using the hydrologic model TR-20. The results of deriving Qbkr from the different methods are listed below, along with the chosen design discharges. Stream Bankfull Discharge Peak Flow, Design Manning's E uation Mountain Regional Curve Piedmont Re Tonal Curve TR-20 Discharge Glade Creek Dischar e (cfs) X/S l :228 3S2 267 1- r: 204 200 X/S 2: 1S3 2- r: 33S Unnamed Tributa Discharge (cfs) 27 98 76 1-yr: 16 20 2-yr: 23 The existing channel cross section geometry data was used in the Manning's Equation and TR-20 estimates, making those estimates site specific. Bankfull indicators were more reliable at cross section 1 on Glade Creek. The Manning's Equation estimate at cross section 1 also falls within the bounds of the 1-year and 2-year discharge predictions from the TR-20 model output. The Regional Curve predictions are above the Manning's and TR-20 values, but the Manning's and TR-20 values fall reasonably within confidence intervals on the Piedmont curve, and within a reasonable range on the Mountain Curve. Therefore, the design discharges were determined using a combination of the Manning's Equation and TR-20 estimates. 3.3 Channel Morphology (pattern, dimension, profile) The existing channel morphology exhibits several Rosgen Classifications over the project reaches of Glade Creek and the unnamed tributary (channel geometry is summarised in Table 4)._ The diagnostic classification, measured at stable riffle cross sections for both Glade Creek and the unnamed tributary is C4. C4 is what the entire channel would have been classified as before it experienced degradation. 17 ' However, the majority of the project channel reaches have experienced over-widening and incision, probably due to long-term increasing flows from forest conversion to pasture land upstream and from relatively short-lived increased runoff from clear-cutting in the watershed, and are classified as F4 and G4. The existing C4 channel has a sinuosity of 1.2, a riffle cross sectional area of approximately 5 l ftZ, and an average slope of 0.005. 3.4 Channel Stability Assessment The entire Glade Creek reach and the downstream reach of the unnamed tributary that are proposed for restoration/enhancement were assessed in the field by Biohabitats using the Bank Erosion Hazard 1 Index (BEHI) (Rosgen 2001). Approximately 62% of the Glade Creek channel within the project boundary has a BEHI rating of High, 33% has a rating of Very High and 5% has a rating of Moderate (see Table 5). The estimated total sediment export per year for the Glade Creek reach is 619 tons, based on the BEHI methodology and sediment export curves. The entire proposed restoration reach of the unnamed tributary has a BEHI rating of Very High, and the estimated total sediment export per year for the reach is 72 tons. The pervasive extent of high BEHI scores indicates that the channel is ' widening and migrating throughout most of the project reaches. Bank height ratios (BHR) were estimated while performing the BEHI analysis. Approximately 70% of the channel on Glade Creek had BHR's of 2 or more and all of the channel proposed for restoration on the UT has a BHR of >2. In the BEHI protocol, a bank height ratio greater than 1.5 is an indication of highly unstable banks. Bedrock is present in a limited number of locations throughout the project reaches, but bank height ratios are greater than 1 throughout most of the project, and approach and exceed 2 in some places, indicating instability and downcutting of the channel. 3. S Bankfull Verification The 1-and 2-year water surface elevations predicted by HEC-RAS were compared with bankfull flows calculated based on field indicators using the Manning equation to help calibrate bankfull discharge estimates to be used in channel design. At both representative riffle cross sections on Glade Creek, the maximum depth predicted by the HEC-RAS program using the TR-20 discharge estimate coincided well with the maximum depth at the surveyed cross sections using the Mannings Equation discharge prediction, listed below. Cross Section Mannings Eq. Q (cfs) TR-20 Q (cfs) HEC-RAS dmax (ft) Surveyed d,nax (ft) Glade 1 228 1- r: 204 2.55 2.8 2-yr: 335 3.33 Glade 2 153 1- r: 204 2.36 2.4 2-yr: 335 3.14 Unnamed Tributary 27 1-yr: 16 0.56 1.0 2- r: 23 0.71 At the unnamed tributary cross section, the correlation was not as close, but it was within 0.4 ft of the midpoint between the two discharges. Therefore, the identified bankfull indicators in the Feld correlate well with the predictive estimates generated by Mannings Equation and HEC-RAS. In addition, the predicted discharges correlate well with the bankfull channel geometry identified in the field. 18 3.6 Ve etation g ' The riparian area along Glade Creek is in a relatively undisturbed, natural condition. The dominant canopy species there are white oak (Quercus alba), white pine (Pinus strobus) and red maple (Ater rubrunr). The two dominant species in the understory/shrub layer are rhododendron (Rhododendron maximum) and mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia). Other understory species included smooth alder (Alms serulata), black cherry (Prunus serotina), multiflora rose (Rosa mult~ora), and black willow (Salix nigra). The herbaceous layer, where the canopy is closed, is not present, but where there are openings it contains many grasses, including fescue (Festuca sp.), blackberry bushes (Rubus sp.) and various wild flowers, dominated by the Asteracae family. 1 1 1 19 . 1~L 4.0 Reference Stream Basin Creek, located in Wilkes County in Doughton State Park, was used as the reference stream (Figure 5). It was surveyed by a team of NRCS and NCWRC personnel (Angela Jessup, Dick Everhart, Greg Goings, Jerry Pate and Joe Mickey) and by an NC SRI crew (Dan Clinton, Jan Patterson, Louise O'Hara and Jon Williams) in 1998. The original survey data from both surveys was acquired from the NC SRI. The data generated from those surveys was compared and used for design purposes. Biohabitats reviewed the stream in the field in May 2007 and determined from a walk of the stream from the downstream boundary of Doughton Park to above the confluence of Cove and Basin Creeks (approximately 2 miles of stream), that it was a stable, suitable reference reach. 4.1 Watershed Characterization The Basin Creek watershed was delineated (see Figure 6) and the land uses within it are summarized below. The watershed is approximately 98% forested, and less than 1 % developed. Land Use In Basin Creek Watershed (Reference) Land Use Acreage Deciduous Forest 3,963.2 91.3 Mixed Forest 139.2 3.2 Evergreen Forest 119.9 2.8 Pasture/Hay 59.2 1.4 ' Developed Open Space 20.7 0.5 Shrub Scrub 20.0 0.5 Woody Wetlands 13.6 0.3 ' Developed Low Intensity 6.2 0.1 Totals 4,342.0 100 4.2 Channel Classification Based on the data collected in the field by both survey crews, the channel has a Rosgen Stream Type Classification of C4. 4.3 Discharge (bankfull, trends) The reference bankfull discharge, estimated from the N.C. Mountain Regional Curve is 1 approximately 425 cfs, and estimated from the N.C. Piedmont Regional Curve is approximately 300 cfs. The NRCS survey discharge estimate using Mannings Equation is approximately 375 cfs. The very high percentage of forest land cover in the watershed (98%) serves to stabilize and maintain bankfull discharge quantities, which in theory should remain unchanged unless the developed area within the watershed increases, generating more stormwater runoff that reaches the channel. 4.4 Channel Morphology (pattern, dimension, profile) The reference channel has a sinuosity of 1.1, a riffle bankfull cross-sectional area of 57 square feet and an average slope of 0.014 (see Table 4). . 4.5 Vegetation The forest canopy is dominated by yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), white pine, red maple (Ater rubrum), hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) and sycamore (Platanus occidentalis). The understory is dominated by rhododendron and smooth alder along the stream. This community is most closely related to a Rich Cove Forest classification (Schafale and Weakley, 1990). 21 ' S.0 Pro'ect Site Wetlands existin conditions p 7 ~„ ``~ ~ °~ J ~ g ) 5.1 Jurisdictional Wetlands Wetlands on the site were evaluated based on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1987 Wetland ' Delineation Manual. The presence or absence of three wetland parameters was documented (hydric soils, hydrophytic vegetation and wetland hydrology), following the guidance set forth in the Manual. One jurisdictional wetland was delineated on Glade Creek and four jurisdictional wetlands were delineated on the unnamed tributary to Glade Creek (see Figure 4 for map and Appendix 2 for forms). ' The areas of the individual wetlands are as follows: Glade Creek wetlands: Wetland 1-0.17 acres 1 Unnamed Tributary wetlands: Wetland 1-0.009 acres Wetland 2-0.034 acres Wetland 3-0.033 acres Wetland 4-0.087 acres Total Wetland Area in Easement-0.33 acres These wetland areas will not be disturbed, they will be preserved with the proposed project. 5.2 Soil Characterization As previously noted, the mapping of soils in Alleghany County is currently under revision. The 1973 Soil Survey shows the area where the wetlands occur as Alluvial Land Wet, and does not include a detailed soil color description. However, based on field investigation and soil cores taken throughout the wetlands, the wetland soils present on the project site are Toxaway series soils (Cumulic Humaquepts). This conclusion is based on soil color and texture. The typical horizon description for the Toxaway series is 0-12 inches l OYR 3/1 loam, 12-25 inches l OYR 3/1 loam and 25-32 niches l OYR 4/1 loam. From the wetland delineation soil descriptions, the hydric soils found onsite are typically 7.5 YR or l OYR 2/1 sandy clay loams in the upper 18 inches of the profile, similar to the Toxaway series. 5.3 Plant Community Characterization The wetland areas onsite are individually quite small, and the dominant woody vegetation occupying the wetlands is red maple. The herbaceous layer is often sparse, but where present, common rush (Juncos effusus) is dominant, along with various sedge species. These wetlands most closely resemble the High Elevation Seep community (Schafale and Weakley, 1990). Ci' ~' _ ~ ~ ; ; ; 6.0 Project Site Restoration Plan 6.1 Restoration Project Goals and Objectives The goals of the project are to: • Rapidly stabilize the channel of Glade Creek relative to natural process, • Rapidly stabilize and preserve the channel of the UT relative to natural process, • Restore and rehabilitate channel features and aquatic habitat in Glade Creek and the UT, Rehabilitate the riparian buffer along both streams, Preserve the existing wetlands onsite. These goals will be accomplished by designing and constructing a stable plan, profile and dimension for the stream channels and re-establishing continuous riparian buffers along the banks. Project implementation will greatly reduce bank erosion and consequently decrease the amount of sediment load in the stream at flows above baseflow. Restoration level (Rosgen Priority Level II) design is needed on all but 125 feet of the channel on the project, due to unstable channel geometry, sinuosity and streambank steepness. Structures will be used to enhance holding and feeding areas for trout. Riparian buffer vegetation will be established to provide food and cover for terrestrial fauna and to provide a carbon source and shade for aquatic habitat. ' To meet the goals listed above, the proposed objectives for Glade Creek are to perform Restoration on approximately 2,430 linear feet (LF) and stabilize 125 LF with Enhancement I design. Please note that a 25-foot section of channel underneath the existing bridge was excluded from the proposed restoration ' total, although chamlel profile and dimension will be altered. The proposed objectives for the UT are to perform Restoration on approximately 275 LF and Preserve 570 LF. All the wetlands onsite will be preserved with the proposed project (see Table 1). 6.1.1 Designed Channel Classification The designed channel classification, based on the existing channel substrate (DSO=12.5 mm) and the designed channel average slope (0.004), entrenchment ratio (>2.2), width/depth ratio (>12) and sinuosity (>1.2) is a Rosgen C4. 6.1.2 Designed Channel Structures In order to provide stabilization to the newly graded channel, especially along outside meander banks, in-stream structures such as log vanes, rootwads, and large woody debris bundles will be utilized. The realignment of the channel will necessitate the removal of some trees (although the alignment was selected to minimize disturbance to mature trees) and this material will be utilized in these structures. Because this restoration is utilizing natural channel techniques and because there are very few man-made constraints on this project, we prefer to use wood structures rather than rock for bank stabilization. The logs used in these structures have a life expectancy of about 20 years which is plenty of time to establish native, riparian trees and shrubs to provide bank stabilization. Rock structures such as cross vanes and steps will be utilized to provide grade control and to quickly bring raised thalwegs down to meet existing elevations. 6.1.3 Target Buffer Communities The site is located in a stream valley at an elevation of approximately 2,600 feet above mean sea level. This location can be characterized as transitional between relatively low elevation vegetation communities and high elevation communities. Accordingly, the stream buffer planting schedule (see Section l 1, Table 6) incorporates species from several vegetation communities 1 1 described by Shafale and Weakley in the draft Fourth Approximation of the Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina. Those communities include Northern Hardwood Forest (Typic and Rich Subtype) and the Rich Cove Forest (Montane Intermediate Subtype). Two notable exceptions are the common occurrence of black willow and smooth alder along the existing channel, and their inclusion in the proposed planting schedule, and the absence of those two species from the Shafale and Weakley descriptions. 6.2 Sediment Transport Analysis 6.2.1 Methodology For use as a guideline for sizing the substrate in the proposed restoration channel, a sediment competency analysis was undertaken, using shear stresses computed for the channel. The competency analysis provides an estimate of the local ability of the channel to move sediment for a given discharge and is embodied by estimating the local threshold grain size. For many engineering applications the threshold of sediment motion for an unisize or unimodal sediment can be characterized with the Shields criteria: z~ = z ~ 0.045 (s-1)pgD wherein is the dimensionless critical Shields parameter (in this case assumed to be approximately 0.045), z' is the grain stress (that component of the total boundary shear stress that ' acts upon the sediment grains populating the channel bed surface), s is the specific gravity of sediment (2.65), p is the density of water (1000 kg/m3), g is the gravitational acceleration constant (9.81 m/s"'), and D is the median grain size of an unimodal sediment or the grain size of an unisize sediment (in meters when adopting the above values for the other parameters). When rearranged to solve for the critical grain size, the above equation is transformed to: 1 D = T ~ 1.37z' (s -1)Pgz~~ where D is now in units of millimeters and z' is expressed in Pascals (N/mZ). To estimate the threshold grain size for any location within the project reach, the total boundary shear stress acting on the channel was computed and then decomposed into the grain stress. For steady, uniforn flow the local total boundary stress is provided by the depth-slope product: z ~, = PgRh S where zo is the total channel bom~dary shear stress, p and g are as defined before, Rh is the hydraulic radius, and S is the channel slope. In addition, the Manning's Equation holds for steady uniform flow: U=CRh~S~ n where Uis the mean channel velocity, C is a dimensioning coefficient (1.0 for SI units, 1.49 for Imperial units), and n, Rh, S and are as defined before. By using the Strickler Equation, a Manning's n-value attributable to the sediment roughness can be estimated: n„ = 0.013D 6 where n~ is the Manning's n-value and D is the sediment grain size in millimeters. When the above equations are combined, an equation for the stress decomposition can be developed: 24 1 1 z n z' n„ where all terms are as defined earlier. When this equation is folded into the Shields criteria, the following estimate for the threshold grain size is attained: ~ _ 0.00203zo n ~- where all teens are as defined earlier. This equation provides an estimate of the local threshold grain size at each cross-section for a given discharge (or shear stress). 6.2.2 Calculations and Discussion The competency analysis provides an estimate of the local ability of the channel to move sediment for a given discharge and is embodied by estimating the local threshold grain size. The local threshold grain size mobilized at bankfull discharge was computed for Glade Creek and the unnamed tributary for existing and proposed conditions. The list below summarizes the results of the computations. 1 Computed Channel Shear (]bs/ft~) Threshold Diameter (mm) Glade Creek Proposed (riffle) 0.39 10 Existing (riffle) 0.41 11 Unnamed Tributary Proposed (riffle) O.l 7 3 Existing (riffle) 0.52 15 The reader will note that the Glade Creek proposed conditions are very similar to the existing conditions. This is because there was one riffle located on the restoration reach that, compared to the rest of the restoration reach, was stable, based on the data and field evidence. Data from this stable cross section were used to compute existing shear and particle threshold diameter. Shear stresses and particle threshold diameters in the remainder of the restoration reach are higher in the meanders and much lower in the F/G channel sections. After numerous field reviews of the unnamed tributary chamlel, it was determined to be in a dynamic state and design parameters for restoration of the downstream end of the reach should allow for higher flows to access the floodplain more readily, thus reducing shear stress and particle sized threshold. Therefore, the shear stress and threshold diameter for the proposed channel are lower than existing. 25 ' 6.3 HEC-RAS Analysis 6.3.1 No-rise, LOMR, CLOMR As of July 2, 2007, there is no FEMA mapping for the project area, based on a review of the N.C. Flood maps website. The proposed project is a Rosgen Priority II stream restoration project, with ' no wetland restoration component, only wetland preservation. The hydrology of the site will not be significantly altered by the project. The Faw's property and the adjoining properties will not be hydrologically trespassed upon by the stream restoration project. i f ons or HEC-RAS (USAGE, 2001) was used to model water surface elevations for existing condit a variety of discharges generated from TR-20. The peak l -, 2-, 10-, and 100-year stone discharges were all modeled in HEC-RAS. An existing conditions topographic basemap for the project reach was constructed in ArcGIS by merging the 1-foot contour interval channel survey conducted by Cavanaugh and Associates, PA ' with the 10-foot contour interval Alleghany County map. For existing conditions, topographic information from the Cavanaugh survey superseded that of the County basemap. These basemaps were then used in HEC-GeoRAS (version 3.1) to define and assemble the channel network topology, cross-sections, and reach lengths. Cross-sections were located at hydraulic control points (such as upstream and downstream of bridge culverts and at slope breaks), as well as at intermediate locations to capture changes to channel and overbank geometry. The cross- ' sections were oriented to be orthogonal to, the local mean channel flow and anticipated overbank flow. Bridge and culvert geometry and hydraulic coefficients for the bridge were measured in the field during a site visit conducted in the Spring of 2007. The site visit also provided information on existing channel conditions and overbank vegetation so that the channel and overbank Manning's n-values could be estimated using a table of typical values found in Chow (1959). ' In the absence of paired discharge-stage flow measurements on Glade Creek, model boundary conditions had to be assumed to be uniform flow with bed slopes estimated from the topographic basemaps. A subcritical flow regime was modeled, as there were no significant areas that would warrant calculations under mixed or supercritical conditions. Because of limited detailed survey data beyond the reach extents, boundary conditions were calculated by assuming that a local slope at the top and the slope from the downstream end of the bridge to the bottom of the reach extended beyond the reach. 6.4 Soil Restoration ' 6.6.1 Topsoil Salvage, Soil Testing and Nutrient Amendments Where grading is performed for channel stabilization, the overlying 4-6 inches of topsoil will be stockpiled for redistribution over the site after grading is complete. Soil samples were collected onsite and were sent to the N.C. Department of Agriculture Soils Laboratory for analysis. The analysis report confirms the field assessment of the alluvial soils that occupy the project site, that they are loamy with a moderate to ]ow bulk density and they will not require any more fertilization or lime application than is usually applied for tree seedling and live stake establishment. 26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 6. S Natural Plant Community Restoration 6.5.1 Narrative & Plant Community Restoration The project site is approximately 2,600 feet above seal level, in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The planting schedule for riparian plantings (see Section 11, Table 6) reflects both the Piedmont/Mountain Levee Forest (Shafale and Weakley 1990) and the species already present on site. The trees, mid-story trees and shrubs species listed for Zone 1, Riparian Woodlands-Mesic are all common to the area and easily observed nearby. Many of the species are good food sources for wildlife and are adapted to the more well-drained areas of the site. The Zone 2- Floodplain Bench planting schedule lists a variety of willows, to be planted as live stakes to establish root systems quickly, stabilizing the soil in the active channel. Tag or smooth alder and river birch are listed as sub-canopy and canopy species, respectively. These species will grow taller than the willows and provide additional shading of the channel over the long term. 6.5.2 On-site Invasive Species Management Multiflora rose is the only vegetative invasive species observed onsite, and it occurs mainly on the downstream end of the project. Mechanical control and herbicide will be used to control this species. 27 ' 7.0 Performance Criteria ' All performance criteria for this project are taken directly from the Apri12003 Stream Mitigation Guidelines, as adopted by the USACE, EPA, NCWRC and NCDWQ, Monitoring Level 1. ' 7.1 Streams Upon completion of the project, an as-built survey will be conducted, to document the dimension, ' pattern and profile of the restored channel. Permanent cross sections will be established with an approximate frequency of one per 20 bankfull-width lengths. The as-built survey will include photo documentation at all cross sections and structures, a plan view diagram, a longitudinal profile, vegetation information and a pebble count for at least 6 cross sections. The stream will be resurveyed each year and the survey data compared to the previous year. Success is defined as the documentation of no substantial aggradation or degradation of the channel or banks. Downcutting, deposition, bank erosion and an increase in sands or finer substrate material must be documented for assessment by the regulatory agencies. 7.2 Vegetation Plant survival will be documented with survival plots and photographs. A minimum of 320 stems per ' acre must be surviving after year 3, 288 stems per acre after year 4 and 260 stems per acre after five years of monitoring. 7.3 Schedule /Reporting Monitoring will be performed each year for 5 years with no less than 2 bankfull events documented throughout the period. If less than 2 bankfull events occur, then monitoring will continue until the second bankfull event is documented. The bankfull events must occur during separate years. In the event that the bankfull events do not occur during the five year period, the USACE and NCDWQ, in ' consultation with the resource agencies, may determine that further monitoring is not necessary. The CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation (Lee, 2007) will be used to document and track vegetation survival and growth. 1 8.0 References ' Barnes, H.H. Jr., 1967. Roughness Characteristics of Natural Channels. U.S. Geological Survey Water- Supply Paper 1849. ' Burwell, D. 1970. Prevention of debris accumulation in streams by uphill felling. In, Forest land uses and stream environment. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Pp. 118-120. Carter, S. L., C. A. Haas, and J. C. Mitchell. 2000. Movements and activity of bog turtles (Clemmys n7uhlenbergii) in southwestern Virginia. Journal of Herpetology 34:75-80. Davis GA. 1977. Management alternatives for the riparian habitat in the southwest. In: Johnson RR, D. A. t Jones, Technical Coordinators--USDA Forest Service. Importance, Preservation, and Management of Riparian Habitat: A Symposiump 59-67; General Technical Report RM-43. Chow, V.T., 1959. Open-Channel Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, Ltd., Tokyo. Harman, W.A., D.E. Wise, M.A. Walker, R. Morris, M.A. Cantrell, M. Clemmons, G.D. Jennings, D. ' Clinton and J. Patterson. 2000. Bankfull Regional Curves for North Carolina Mountain Streams. AWRA Wildland Hydrology Symposium Proceedings. Edited by: D.S. Olsen and J.P. Potyondy. AWRA Summer Symposium. Bozeman, MT. ' Harman, W.A., Jennings, G.D., Patterson, J.M., Clinton, D.R., Slate, L.O., Jessup, A.G., Everhart, J.R., and Smith, R.E., 1999. Bankfull Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for North Carolina Streams. ' AWRA Wildland Hydrology Symposium Proceedings. Edited by: D.S. Olsen and J.P. Potyondy. AWRA Summer Symposium. Bozeman, MT. (Rural Piedmont). Henderson, J.E., 1986. Environmental designs for streambank protection projects, Water Resources Bulletin, 22(4):549-558. Herman, D.W., personal communication, July 20, 2007. Heenan, D. W., and K. M. Fahey. 1992. Seasonal activity and movements of bog turtles (Clemmys Mulenbergii) in North Carolina. Copeia 1992:1107-11 11. Johnson, P. 1984. The darn builder is at it again! National Wildlife Magazine (May-June 1984):9-l 5. ' Lee, Michael T, Robert K. Peet, Steven D. Roberts, Thomas R. Wentworth. 2007. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, http://cvs.bio.unc.edulmethods.htm. ' McKinstry, M. C., P. Caffrey, and S. H. Anderson. 2001. The importance of beaver to wetland habitats and waterfowl in Wyoming. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 37 (6): 1571- , 1577. 1 1 1 Morrow, J. L., J. H. Howard, S. A. Smith, and D. K. Poppel. 2001. Home range and movements of the bog turtle (Clemnzys n2uhlenbergii) in Maryland. Journal of Herpetology 35:68-73. Munther, G. L. 1981. Beaver management in grazed riparian ecosystems. Pages 234-241 in L. Nelson & J. M. Peek, organizers. Proceedings of the wildlife-livestock relationships symposium, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, April 20-22, 1981. Forest, Wildlife & Range Experiment Station, Univ. of Idaho, Moscow. North Carolina Geological Survey. 1985 , N.C. Dept. of Envir. And Nat. Res., http: //www.geology. enr. state.nc.us/usgs/blueridg.htm. North Carolina State Demographics, 2007 Provisional County Population Estimates. http://demog.state.nc.us/. Parker, M. 1986. Beaver, water quality, and riparian systems. Pages 88-101 in D. J. Brost & J. D. Rodgers, coordinators. 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Not all beaver are bad; or, an ecosystem approach to stream habitat management, with possible software. Pages 32-37 in Proceedings, 15"' Annual Meeting, Colorado-Wyoming Chapter, American Fisheries Society. Toews, D.A.A. and M.K. Moore. 1982. The effects of three Streamside logging treatments on organic ' debris and channel morphology of Carnation Creek. In, G. Hartman, editor. Proceedings: Carnation Creek workshop: aten-year review. Malaspina College, Nanaimo, BC. Pp. 129-153. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2000. Bog turtle (Clemmys n~ruhler~bergii), northern population, recovery plan, agency draft. Hadley, Massachusetts. viii + 90 pp. t ' 30 ' Wolman, M.G., and Miller, J.P., 1960. Magnitude and frequency of forces in geomorphic process, J. Geol., 68: 54-74. 1 1 31 ~ 7 ._ ~' i ~~ a"3 9.0 Tables ' Table 1. Project Restoration Structure and Objectives Restoration Station Existing Designed Segmen#! Reach Range Restoration Priority .Linear Linear ID (Existing) Type Approach Footage or Footage or Acreage Acreage Glade Cr 0+00-22+I S Restoration Ros en II 2,215 2,210 Glade Cr 22+35-23+60 Enhancement I Rosgen II I25 125 Glade Cr ~ 23+60-25+69 Restoration Ros en II 219 220 UT to Glade Cr 0+00-3+00 Restoration Ros en II 300 275 UT to Glade Cr 3+00-10+88 Preservation 788 788 Table 2. Drainage Areas Reach Drama a Area Acres) Glade Mainstem 2,921.95 Unnamed Tributary 520.87 Total: 3,442.82 ' Table 3. Land Use of Watershed Land Use Acre a Percents e Bottomland Forest / Hardwood Swamps 5 0.15% Cultivated 16 0.46% Deciduous Shrubland 3 0.10% Evergreen Shrubland 16 0.45% Mixed Hardwoods /Conifers 483 14.02% Managed Herbaceous Cover 1,500 43.52% Mixed Upland Hardwoods 1,226 35.57% Mountain Conifers 165 4.79% Southern Yellow Pine 27 0 77% Unmanaged Herbaceous Cover-Upland 6 0.18% Totals 3,446 100.00% 1 1 1 Table 4. Mor holo ical Table Table 4. Morphological Table ProjeM Number X (Glade Creek Stream Restoration) Item Eaisting Conditions Designed Conditions Eaistittg Conditions Designed Conditions Reference Read LOCATION Glade Creek Glade Creek Glade Creek Tributary Glade Creek Tributary Basin Creek STREAM TYPE Cr4/F4/G4 C4 C4 C4 C4 DRAINAGE AREA, Ac 2,922 ac--4.6 sq mi 2,922 ac--4.6 sq mi 521 ac--0.8 sq mi 521 ac--0.8 sq mi 4,352 ac--6.8 sq mi Sq Mi BANKFULL RIFFLE 44 7 34 12.6 12 30.7 WIDTH, (Wei), ft . BANKFULL MEAN RIFFLE DEPTH (dn~), ].41 1.56 0.8 0.7 ].9 ft MAXIMUM BANKFULL RIFFLE 2.3 2.2 1 1 2.5 DEPTH (dm,a), fr W IDTH/DEPTH 31 7 22 16 18 16.4 RATIO (W d n~ nom) . BANKFULL RIFFLE X SECTION AREA (Ae~), 63 53 9.9 8.2 57.4 fr~ BANKFULL MEAN 3.3 3.8 2 2.4 NA VELOCITY, fps BANKFULL 200 200 20 20 NA DISCHARGE, cfs WIDTH FLOODPRONE AREA 45 >76 13-25 >44 70 (WrFa), ft ENTRENCHMENT 6 >2.2 ].1-2 >2.2 2.3 RATIO (ER) MEANDER LENGTH 66-403 (]0) 136-261 (74) 66-93 (6) 75-84 (3) 350 (Lm), ft RADIUS OF 34-1 ] 8 (8) 53-172 (17) 14-71 (] 0) 27-33 (6) 76-135 (NA) CURVATURE (R~), ft 77-184 (8) SS-134 (1 S) 57-79 (7) 30-45 (5) 90-]04 (NA) BELT WIDTH (Why,), fr MEANDER WIDTH 3.6-18.7 1.6-4.0 4.5-6.3 2.5-3.8 2.9-3.4 RATIO SINUOSITY 1.21 1.23 1.71 1.22 1.1 AVERAGE BANKFULL SLOPE 0.005 0.004 0.011 0.006 0.014 (s), fr/fr VALLEY SLOPE (s), 0.0075 0.0075 0.019 0.019 0.017 ft/fr POOL BANKFULL 57 43 27 16 34-43 WIDTH (W „o~), fr MAX. POOL DEPTH 5.7 4.4 3.5 2.2 3.1 (D ~„~), fr POOL X-SECTION AREA ( x,~) fr~ 107 77.2 49 ] 6 64.3 POOL TO POOL 110-228 (7) 91-155 (15) NA 31-56 (5) 224 SPACING (P-P) fr BANK HT. RATIO 12-3 <_1 ?2 <_1 <_1 MATERIALS CHANNEL SIZE DISTRIBUTION D16, mm 0.136 NA 0.3 NA 0.17 D35, mm 0.87 NA 11 NA 29 DSQ, mm 12.5 NA 27 NA 58 D84, mm 114 NA 85 NA 180 D95, mm 2656 NA ] 15 NA 300 NOTE: Radius of curvature is measured along the bankfull elevation along the outside of the meander for the existing and proposed condition For the reference reach, measurement protocol is not known. NOTE: Sinuosity is the thalweg ]ength/valley length for the existing and proposed conditions. NOTE: Floodprone widths and entrenchment ratios are estimated for the proposed conditions. They will be defined at the next submittal. NOTE: Number in parentheses indicates number of data points used to determine the ratio for the item. 1 Table 5. BEHUNBS and Sediment Export Estimate for Project Site Streams i ~ ~ y ~ O ~ ~ BCD y ~ ^~ W Linear > ~ > Time Segment/ Footage or Point Reach Acrea e ft % ft % ft % ft % ft % ft % Ton/ Pre- Project 0+00-15+75 1,575 100 425 15+75-22+00 625 100 144 22+00-23+50 150 100 0 23+50-25+69 219 100 50 Unnamed Tributary 0+00-3+15 315 100 72 TOTALS 3,545 691 1 Table 6. Designed Vegetative Communities (by zone) t PLANT COMPOSITION SCHEDULEI NOTE: EACH TREE SPECIES SHOULD COMPRISE AT LEAST 10% AND NO MORE THAN 25% OF THE TOTAL ' STEMS PLANTED IN EACH VEGETATION STRATA-A MINIMUM OF 680 STEMS PER ACRE WILL BE OF PLANTED IN ZONE 1-A MINIMUM OF 1,210 STEMS PER ACRE WILL BE PLANTED IN ZONE 2. (The taxonomic standard follows Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia Georgia and Surrounding Areas by Alan S. Weakley) Zone 1: Riparian Woodlands - Mesic Size (acres): 3.6 ver Spacin 9 Quantity Maximum Maximum Vegetation Stratat Unit a Spacin g Individual feet off ( per acre Frequency ° Stem Species Name Common Name s T e yP Size T e yP Spacing center) (~°) Quantity (ft,) TREES: Minimum of 5 Species, Minimum # of Trees = 230 N/A N/A Quercus albs White Oak c, bb 2" dbh mi Random 200 N/A N/A Pinus strobus White Pine c, bb 2" dbh mi Random 200 N/A N/A Tsuga canadensis Eastern Hemlock c, bb 2" dbh mi Random 200 20 163 Quercus rubra N. Red Oak br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 20 163 Betula alleghansiensis Yellow Birch br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 20 163 Liriodendron tulipifera Yellow Poplar br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 20 163 Tilia americans Basswood br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 20 163 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 20 163 Betula nigra River Birch br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 20 163 Acer saccharum Sugar Maple br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 20 163 Acerrubrum Red Maple br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 20 163 Prunus serotina Black Cherry br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 815 TOTAL MIDSTORY TREES: Minimum of 5 Species, Minimum # of Trees = 230 20 163 Carpinus caroliniana Ironwood br, c, t 1 B-36" Random 31 20 163 Ostrya virginiana American Hophornbeam br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 20 163 Ilex opaca Holly br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 20 163 Oxydendron arboretum Sourvvood br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 20 163 Amelanchierarborea Serviceberry br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 20 163 Chionanthus virginicus Fringetree br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 20 163 Cornus florida Flowering Dogwood br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 14 2 SHRUBS: Minimum of 5 Species, Minimum # of Shrubs = 230* 20 163 Lindera benzoin Spicebush br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 20 163 Sambucus canadensis Elderberry br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 20 163 Calycanthus florida Sweetshrub br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 20 163 Callicarpa americans American Beautyberry br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 20 163 Hydrangea arborescens Wild Hydrangea br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 20 163 Symplocos tinctoria Horse Sugar br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 20 163 Rhododendron maximum Rhododendron br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 20 163 Hamamelis virginiana Witchhazel br, c, t 18-36" Random 31 815 TOTAL 8 2,445 GRAND TOTAL Size (acres): 2.2 vera S acin P 9 Quantity Maximum Stem Vegetation Strata! Unit Spacing Individual (feet off per acre Fre uenc q, y Quantity Species Name Common Name Type Size T e yP Spacing center) (~°) (ft.) LIVE STAKES: Min. # of Stems = 870 34 651 Salix nigra Black Willow live stake 2-3' Random 12 33 632 Salix sericea Silky Willow live stake 2-3' Random 12 33 632 Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood live stake 2-3' Random 12 1,915 TOTAL SHRUB AND TREES: Minimum # = 340 34 254 Sambucus canadensis Elderberry br, c, t 18-36" Random 19 33 247 Alnus serrulata Tag Alder br, c, t 18-36" Random 20 33 247 Betula nigra River Birch br, c, t 18-36" Random 20 748 TOTAL 6 2,663 GRAND TOTAL Zone 2: Floodplain Bench 'All planting stock provided shall be secured from a local producer located in the mountain physiographic province, not more than 200 miles from the site. Planting shall occur during the last full week of February through March. Bare root material must be stored in a refrigerated truck from nursery pick-up to no more than 30 minutes before planting. Ail planting stock must be stored properly before planting to avoid freezing or dessication, and must be approved by the Designer before it can be planted. Bare root seedlings that have been shipped by commercial carriers will not be accepted. If proper care of the material has not been taken, the material will be rejected for planting. z unit type c, bb =container or balled in burlap, unit type br, c, t =bare root, container or tubling. NOTE-White Oak, White Pine and Eastern Hemlock minimum size is 2" dbh. At least 10 stems of each of these species must be planted if available. There should be at least 50 feet between 2" dbh stems and at least 200' between 2" dbh stems of the same species. 'Sizes listed are recommended, but are not meant to be a restriction in size. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Acres= 3.6 Lbs /Ac Frequency Lbs per Species Name Common Name Unit Additional Quantity LBSIAC . S ecies Amendment ZONE 1 RIPARIAN WOODLANDS-MESIC PERMANENT HERBACEOUS SEED 40-rye 100 144.0 Secale cereale Rye grain LB of P.L.S. 76 % Ground Limestone 4,000 30-other 20 21.6 Panicum virgatum Switchgrass LB of P.L.S. 76 % Organic Fertilizer 320 species 20 21.6 Dicanthelium clandestinium Deer tongue LB of P.L.S. 76 °/ Straw Mulch 4,000 combined 10 10.8 Sorghastrum nutans Indian grass LB of P.L.S. 76 10 10.8 Elymus virginicus Virginia wild rye LB of P.L.S. 76 10 10.8 Tridens flavus Purpletop LB of P.L.S. 76 5 5.4 Andropogon glomeratus Bluestem LB of P.L.S. 76 5 5.4 Rudbeckia hirta Black-eyed Susan LB of P.L.S. 76 5 5.4 Baptista australis Blue false indigo LB of P.L.S. 76 5 5.4 Daucus carota Queen Anne's lace LB of P.L.S. 76 5 5.4 Senna hebecarpa Wild senna LB of P.L.S. 76 5 5.4 Parthenium integrifolium Wild quinine LB of P.L.S. 76 100_ _ _ 252_0 _ =Total LBS ~.nrr~~ avi~nmuvv~n~~v~a~v".~, ~,...,~..,.,~.,.,~.,,,~,.,,,.," ,,,... ,.,.,.,,.._,.._......_...,_.....----- -- - ~-- 2. MULCH MUST COVER 75% OF THE GROUND SURFACE. Acres= 2.2 Lbs./Ac Frequency Lbs per Species Name Common Name Unit Additional Quantity LBSIAC S ecies Amendment ZONE 2 FLOODPLAIN BENCH PERMANENT HERBACEOUS SEED 40-rye 100 88.0 Secale cereale Rye grain LB of P.L.S. 76 % Ground Limestone 4,000 30-other 12.5 8.3 Veronia noveboracensis New York ironweed LB of P.L.S. 76 % Organic Fertilizer 320 species 12.5 8.3 Helianthus angustifolia Swamp sunflower LB of P.L.S. 76 % Straw Mulch 4,000 combined 10 6.6 Chasmanthium latifolium River oats LB of P.L.S. 76 60 39.6 Panicum virgatum Switchgrass LB of P'. L.S. 76 5 3.3 Coreopsis lanceo/ata Lance-leaf coreopsis LB of P.L.S. 76 100 154.1 =Total LBS 1. HF'F'LT JVIL HNI CIVUIVICIV I J CVCIVLT HIVV IIVI,VRrV RH I ~ I V h u~r I n yr v-o Ilvun~a. ~vva~iv avid nv~ ~~.~ ~ a~i vi.~ a~.v~.+vr,., ~ ,~.~,. 2. MULCH MUST COVER 75% OF THE GROUND SURFACE. TFMPORARY HFRBACEDIJS SEED Additional Quantity Date Species Name Common Name Unit Amendment LBS/ er acre Jan.1-May 15 Secale cereale Rye grain LB of P.L.S. 76 % 35 Ground Limestone 4,000 Organic Fertilizer 320 Straw Mulch 4,000 May 15-Aug.15 Setaria italica German millet LB of P.L.S. 76 % 40 Ground Limestone 4,000 Organic Fertilizer 320 Straw Mulch 4,000 Aug. 15-Dec. 31 Secale cereale Rye grain LB of P.L.S. 76 % 35 Ground Limestone 4,000 Organic Fertilizer 320 Straw Mulch 4,000 Notes: 1. SELECT AN APPROPRIATE TEMPORARY SPECIES BASED ON THE DATES GIVEN. 2. AVOID SEEDING IN DECEMBER OR JANUARY. IF NECESSARY TO SEED AT THESE TIMES, USE RYE GRAIN AND A SECURELY TACKED MULCH. 3. APPLY SOIL AMENDMENTS EVENLY AND INCORPORATE TO A DEPTH OF 4-6 INCHES. LOOSEN SURFACE JUST BEFORE BROADCASTING. 4. MULCH MUST COVER 75% OF THE GROUND SURFACE. 1 1 1 1 1 1 10.0 Figures Figure 1. Project Site Vicinity Map Figure 2. Project Site Watershed Map o~--~ ~~; Figure 3. Project Site NRCS Soil Survey Map Figure 4. Project Site Hydrological Features and Wetland Delineation Map Figure 5. Reference Site Vicinity Map Figure 6. Reference Site Watershed Map Figure 7. Reference Site NRCS Soil Survey Map Figure 8. Reference Site Vegetative Communities Map . i fir' - _ 8 ,~ 1/` _.. _ .~. S 1 ~ ~ • } x t ~. t : f f ~ _ ~ ! ~.. 1 T ~ t~ ~~ : ( ~ _ ~~ ~..1 • YY _ .~ .• '- , ] ~ _ ~ ~ - _ ~y ~..< ^ Y't e \,Y . _ *. iA•.r~ .. }~...'~, p ~:MC... -i •~ irk- ' ~ ~ .' '--~~..... r ~--e • - - - -, t n .',mot . h ~+,:_ --..~'-i'° y ~.. __ ~- c 1 }'~~R .. .v - `c ~,;~ • ~ .... ~ ~. x r ~ ``«. __ {:. 1 .. t 't ''fifi , _~. ._ ! - ,,~ erg- 5 ,~ 1 e- 1 _u/ - ,. - , F. ~ S -. - _ t :ti< - .~ stir i d }• .. ~/~.~ , ~ ~, ~. } v -~ ~ ~ '. _ ~.. .. ~. _ ._ _ .,, .~ ' ~' Tory-.. _ ~ . j sir 4. .~ ._ :;. e" S ~ `i. ~ -~ s, ~ ~.} ~ s t `~ ~ f~ .~, . . ., p 'r 4: _ - ''. _•Y - ~... v _ . ~' ~ 4 k - .~.. ,~ R d ~--~., ~. _ ._ -,,1 -< 1 1 a. r ...: .. r _ a 'j* ~~'1 -. a .' .. e .~ ~' P .. ~ __ . k.. -. ~` _ ty ~"' u ,, J I {, .~... ~ ~ ~ Mfr , i 4 _ ~j~ i4 N• P .. ~~ ~ Y'•. yti _ ,~ C ~~., ~ w F ~ -t t ~ ~ ~t 3' ~ _ : .a ~' ' ~ ~ y"P f .' G t . _ :. ' ~ _ ` , k ti- .. . ~ ~, i r= • b~ • - ~igure 1. Project Site Vicinity Map Glade Creek Stream Restoration Miles ~Ileghany County, North Carolina o ozs os , , s z December 2007 Legend Project Boundary ~, ~~ USGS Quad Sheet Glade Valley - ~~n~t~tem ~3iohalxtat.5 Glade Creek Wetland 1: - "~' 0.17 acres . ~~ .; .' "'" qi ~ UT Wetland 4: ~;~~~ ~ ~ ~~ 0.087 acres p,. UT Wetland 1: "~ i UT Wetland 3: 0.009 acres 0.033 acres UT Wetland 2: 0.034 acres asst ., figure 4. Project Site Hydrological Features and Wetland Delineation lade Creek Stream Restoration Alleghany County, North Carolina Fee, ~eCerl'1fJer 2007 o szs t2s zso 375 soo Legend Q Project Easement Boundary Proposed Mitigation 0 Wetlands Preservation ~• Streams Enhancement l 1~tr5~'titeill I3tohahit~~ts r - ~ ~ Restoration ,I ' i~ ~ ~ ~_-T r 5~ ~! "~ f , M ~ J ~~ ~ # J k" ~ a J~'S~ y.. -, r .. .._ .~ 3'L ~;;~ Y ~, .. ~- . ~.. ." .. ~ = ,iy -. } J ter. _ 1 r} ~' ~ _ t - ~ r _ ~ ~ '- .r .' ti / _ ~ ' ~ I - .. ~-~ -mot x ~ ` ` ~~` -~ 'ems ~ ~f ~~ a ~-y •• ~ ~~~. . w .J a _. . ~:. f _.1. _ "rte ... - .- i ~ t ~ J - lhfiitaheatl 7.5 Min Topc ~ua~ "a _ ~ J ~ - '~^ - '~ _ h 4 t ~ w{'. r ',dM 1 ' ~ { ~ +{ _ 4~R r ~ a 1~ - ,tr ' ~.. ,* ,y '~ - _ : ~:' p ,: - ~ r ~ _ .- _ la ' _. .~. -- f ~,;} -. • .. •. .. y _ ~ ~ yt ,a :;,. ? .. ^~t ~' . ~`~` ~ .ate .+ ~~r~ l~~ ~ ~ ~C 1 il+ J ¢~~ ~,~t 1 ~ ~ y_ ~~'. t 1 4, a ~f ~S e~ ~XT ~.. J. YR Y f ryWJ+~ i1k 1 L .~ K ~]J• ~ •~ ~- - .. .. r t. a 4.=mot.. :, --- _ - r'' ~ i ~x ,. _ : - a w J . }} 1 ~,, .a. '. _ '~ ° - ., ... , y.. - , r _', r - \ ~' yr ~ .3}'u ~ . v .. figure 5. Reference Site Vicinity Map Glade Creek Stream Restoration Ileghany County, North Carolina o oz5 05 ,5 z"""e5 N ecember 2007 Legend Reference Reach Site ~ r~ F~.Ynti~titem ~13ic~1?al~it~}~y ,. r,~ , y / 7 :~'; ,. ,~~ ;~".`~ ~ ;` f .fir Wh~~~ead ~ _ ~ "~`_` ~ ~~,:• v ~~ ~ ~ .tip. ~ +f - .. ._ 1~,+ _ 4.'. '~p~ 4 +~. - ~4 f 1` ~ y Y 9,y ~.'~Il~/M ~ ~ M•~ -{ _ ~- * ~ w r,~i '^, n i. Vim' - .. ~ : .'' 3 .. F- M - . T - ~,~ , Mi. ~ ~ , . 1 y ,. ,, _ ,r - '~~'" >,,_ _ ~ "rte ... - .-- ~ ~ _ ,t; - . ~ ~ ~,~' 2 ~.,. ~ ~ .fir .. _ ^q^~ - _ _ _ - Y'C .. '~h s~~rti i y.., ~' _ _ _ ' ~ ,, ~ .. ~ s,. ' It r' P,~Y X44 ;.7i ' < ~- , ~ ~ v ~~,,~~4E~vr~ ~ ~t ~- .. #' Y +k 1' ' _ I. - - 1 . -~ n ~ - , -. - _ ;fir i K ~, rV n_' i Y T~ is ~! .. .. 9 ~' :-r ~ ~ R,~'cr:~at~ion~-{area ~. -. ~ ~~, - I{ ~ s . ~ •, ~ .. .. IA :, 1 .~ .~ 7y_i ,t x t •~ a~4.. IM ~••4 ~ • 1 Y ~ 1' ' . .. ~ - ~ !. / ,, ! } r ,y r ;~, ,~ .P r ~ . I '^. . V~'`~: 11 ~ °T ~i•1Y.Y1 b ~N T1TY 1 '.IS I,IIC }R ~ ~'~~ .(~~~ '.. ~ ..~_` _.b T~• ? .;.~, ~Y^vAy Ar.1 w'i^: .4111 .~ ~Y. / ~~I .Y .n _ _ ~ . -' .. . ~ .. • ~ 4 .• y ~~ : l'fzt••7~. l ..~. - .- Y + %. ?r . a - r _~. ' •. ~ ^ idyl F ~ 1 • t _I yi ~ 1~,. t_. Y ~y ~p .,~ ~ ~r1 d •_ 1. S.T~ ~ Y- '.t , 4- 'I' ~ ~. - Y ' ~ ~,. ~ ~ T 4 .- i _ C.. Figure 6. Reference Site Watershed Map Glade Creek Stream Restoration ~ee, Alleghany County, North Carolina 3,z5 sZ= ,~5° ,E;S ~5°° December 2007 Legend ' Q Reference Site Watershed Boundary Reference Reach Site ~,[:[hyctell] r~ }3ic,~llahita~s _ "yl ""ya.M vA t y 1 t w o 2 r ° ~ ~~s`~ t~~ '~„e ~~~ ~~' ~~`+~ a E" s* + •fi ~ d t ~ 'd ~ ' ~ ~ ~ s ~'°-. y4 ~~'r ". i'+,i ~" ~' ~ ~d ~ ? ~ ~ ~ i ~t, ~ ~~ a ~~ ~° 't t air a~ _ { ~d s . w, t ,~ 1 __~ ~ t 2 yac 'Y ' `"• t ~ ~ S t;i " , ~ "~ tor' ° v, tf 7 + ~ }t"'~ ° f ' ` ~ • "` ~~~ ,~ `` 1, ~~ .T , ..• ~ a '~ a ~ ~t ~~ .- - ., ti ~ ? ~a~ '~R ~~~c ~r e a t `i o ~ A'r e.a ~ , ; ~ ~ ~ ~•~ ,,,~ t $ f~`N _ e rya, ~ t ~ P ~ i ' .4 ~~ , ~ •r ~.^ ~, / G :~...,w'~MS .~ K._.,• 1 e' r ~.'~ u° + c'^ } ~ / ~" ~,.''. ^. ~,.,-~~+. ` ..~.,~,•~'^~£.F •r ryt ~{t`' R •~.. >> ti o __ .~ 4 A 1 d~ ,, ~ ~ r _ ~. .p ~~. ,. _s-~, k 'v.. „'' a ~ 1 1 `,. •+ E ~ ~ ~ ^ ~°~ a°~11 ~ rp I ~. u,-+ ~ ' '. ~ i d R ,~ i~ ~ , ~ ~1 5 ~ ~ '1 1 ~- - ~... "v+~'r( ~ ~ m ~ F j ~ . s ~ Y J ~. S.. + ° (`~ ~ .1 t. ` r 2 ~ ¢ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~` t ~ .... s ,~" tl ~ '3 `e, ~,~~ ` 1`r a tti fi 1 rdr ~r 3 "'IF a a 55 J ~~` r fi ~ ~ F ~dc s ~" 1 e x c d ~`a f a rl ~ ~, , I' i X~ P a ~.,.,_ C .~ ~ 4 _ t ds' p t ~~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 P .. z i ,- [{( • ~ ~ ; • - ..w.~.u.,OM ~ n -° ~ `"" _*r,.,~ S *5. ~ "` ~r ~'yl ~b'' ,~ ~ p, '' ~~ d , P ~ k s t ~ '~ 4c. •~• _a" .. f 3k r . .., ? + b. f ~"~' i~' f o,"r k `°_ i ~. ".a w. .r" ~.~ qrf~ b "@` y , 5 ~' ~~ •.. ....- b v ~ t ~ f~ ~ t ~ ~~°~ 1 r e R ?$i i ~ _ - ,- ° e ~ g '-u. ~v{ '~T f*~' , r y ,~ ~. _. •. «, ~~ .w.w .r~' .e,n. ~. , ~ ~ ..m ., ., _. t ,_ _ __ .. , .,..._ ,__ z., r ~M '# ~ j +.n i ~ ~~ ; _ .. ~ + ~ : "'- ~ ;,,~ ,..-'K ~....! .,a. ~ ,~ Mi ' t4 , k "* ,,.'`v, j ~ P V f a~.C ~x3 ~~ 4 ~ - a- ,~ t 1 "1~~ t '1... ~~y ~ 1 ` it i ~ ~, ~ ` r _. i~"~~ °w ,lea ., ' p °k,' • ~. ~ ~~ •Ik ~ ~ { ~ t 4 ~ ~r$ P ,. .rv ~. ~ a - .._ ~", a ~5"'> .. - t ,yY ~ "~` 04~ s 14 t '~ t ~frs~ .~ t ," "~, ., - ~ ~a f.,,i~.$,+ *° y 1'r c 5 •~+~;4 Ewa _ t t 1 #t,. ~h '4 a r`~ gt~F , ~ i . _ -^ m~'. ~~t~~~ ~~~ lft!^ arrb a~~j ~r t3 k ~ 'ri.13 ~" A `y .Ay,. Y - _r a e4.44 ~ !~ - f p y e* ~ '{ ) ~,.wa. r •F L~ i ~ i ;. ~+ v t F ~ __„ r _ ~ , .. ,, ~~ d. 4. y. -,.~....a ~, , - t _. y "-,- •,^ ,. r _. 1 ~, Figure 7. Reference Site NRCS Soil Survey Map Glade Creek Stream Restoration Alleghany County, North Carolina e 250 Soo ,oeo ,500 ~oooP1 December 2007 Legend N _ a.- 'Reference Reach Sire ChesbN-Edneyville 2560% per cent slopes, ChE Evar6Cowee complex, 251o W % slopes, EsE ' ~~ ~ Streams/Creeks Chestrwl-Edneyville a to 25 % slopes, ChD Greenlee-Oshn complex, 3 to 40 % slopes. GrD u ` f Ref ce Reach Site Soils Cleveland-Rwk outcrop. 8 to 90 % slopes, CrF Tate fne sandy loam, 8 ro 25 % slopes 7aD ~:enp~teiil +-il~~lla(~l~lt>' &atldockcleylaam 8-25%.BrD2 _~ardq~avellvsanMloam t5 to25i dopes FrD ,,,,,, ,. Chesty U!-AShe, 25 to 9G `~~ sln f,es G:~" i f . _''' ,r'r ...►+'fir - a, r Ae It a ti 1 a: J vt of r _ _ =J7tFUtk .a EQ� - .. ''T H [ I kl C],w' Tr i" I I .`. T II .4 3,: tt 11.01 1 E E. ' 4 Ih- a' y � C a v � ' lFigure 8. Reference Site Vegetation Communities Map Glade Creek Stream Restoration Alleghany County, North Carolina Miles 0 0125 ozs os o.�s t December 2007 Legend Reference Reach Site Land Cover Type Developed Open Space Pasture/Hay � � 7� ('`, Reference Site Watershed Boundary ® Deciduous Forest ® Evergreen Forest ® Shrub Scrub 7 IrwsyStem 4P Biot bitat5 Developed Low Intensity Mixed Forest Woody Wetlands 1 1 11.0 Designed Sheets Sheet 1. Cover Sheet 2. Designed Channel Alignment Sheet 3. Geometry Sheet 4. Longitudinal Profile Sheet 5. Longitudinal Profile Sheet 6. Restoration Plan Sheet 7. Restoration Plan Sheet 8. Restoration Plan Sheet 9. Restoration Plan Sheet 10. Restoration Plan Sheet 11. Restoration Plan Sheet 12. Details Sheet 13. Details Sheet 14. Details Sheet 15. Typical Cross Sections Sheet 16. Planting Plan GLADE CREEK STREAM RESTORATION LBQBID POR DRAWNOS "CJ ~" EXISTING TREE > ~~~~~~~-~~-352 •--•••••• EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTNG iHALWEG ~~ PROPOSED THALWEG PROPOSED BANKFULL LMTS ENT CONSERVATION EASE M -L00- LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE STABALIZED CONSTRUCTK)N ENTRANCE ® PLANTING ZONE 1 PLANTING ZONE 2 ____ R O,W--~- RIGHT OF WAY WETLANDS LOC VANE ~ ROCK vANE ROCK J•VANE ROCK CROSS VANE ROCK TOE • ROOTWAD N7TH LARGE w00DY DEBRIS DEFLECTOR STEP POOLS ~~ 9 ~~y°~ ~~ ~a92~ y~~ o `'' ~~ ~~ 0~' ~ SITE BLUE RIDGE PKWY ~~Y~ INDD( OF 1 TITLE SHEET 2 DESIGNED CHANNEL ALIGNMENT 3 GEOMETRY 4 LONGITUDINAL PROFILE 5 LONGITUDINAL PROFILE 6 RESTORATION PLAN 7 RESTORATION PLAN 8 RESTORATION PLAN 9 RESTORATION PLAN 10 RESTORATION PLAN it RESTORATION PLAN ~ oEraLs 13 oETaLs 14 DETAILS 15 PLANTING PLAN NuN Cadlne F »+m~Em.nv~w~ 2728 Cep8ul &.d, BdY 1H 107 rwd~, NC 27801 TdAi&715M78 BIOHABITATS, INC. TM BbCIN BuBtlYp alai avwr adk ~a edum,..rn.y~a zi2n Td: 416f6401k Fu 61PSr1-0188 bbkElhis Be!'fM1J I uldJ/u(d Mru!!I!' GLADE CREEK CHERRY LANE TOWNSHIP ALLEGHANY COUNTY, NC. STREAM RESTORATION '"' oeao~.ro mar YLSMTN JRY wcw~im. J%WEMN °~ JUNE 2007 uww.: 1 OF 16 m H i J a z 0 0 r N W K r I m ZN J d Z 0 f K 0 r N W K v ~ ~ ~~ ~ ; W O ~ ~ O ~~ ~ ^ W I ~+~ ~ ~~~ 4 W~O ~ _ ~Nw Z ~ i ~ n ~~ o I ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 /'~ ~"J ...,._,....„,,,y,~,,,_„,.... ...... 4~, ~ ,.. ~i , ~~;~. W ~'~ ,'° ~, S ~ _.. `w, .,mow ~. __ W ~''~ ~~, ~ ~%~/.. [.f Q -~ k21,~3 ~ ~' ° ~ ~~r N _._. _W > ~ t 1~ ~~ ~~I~ t x. ~ ~\ C' o ~ d, ~<~2, ~"^». `'gy`p \o°) _' ~~"w --/ ~~.~~( ~~ ~ '^,, ~ (y `' ~ IBC .~; . ~~ k ` ., ~w ~~. n ~x ,, ,, .. OD ~~ ~- Pb y % x~ ~ oo~ _ ~- -''` ~ ~ A 1 ."" QOl ~ p07 .~~ .~ ~,; .,,..w .tom ..~ ~ ~~4ry .~ ~, ~` `°~, ~~ f q, k4`t,'`y, ~^,, ~ ~, !!d 'w S ~ V. W 4 +;, '~y ~m 4.. ». ~ Wes. a?~ .~+"` s ~'.. S tr MATCHLINE SEE SHEET 9 D n ~_ Z m 2 m V !~ L~ D 9f~ qp r' ~~~ I,n~ dr!' Tii~irr~a mN r Ile wrw ~~~ ~rrnr~ 1. w-~~a4~rrlw..ldr GLADE CREEK CFBSRY LANE P ALLH~FNNY ~NC, ,v STREAM RESTORATION w ~w e.a MMIM IN ~ wrs ~71~ ~ ~1i10A ~en~ 8 OF 16 r' f r f ~~~ r ~~ ~~ ,= r ~,, r~ F r 1 rl ~. ~~ ~ ~;~' r ~£ ~~ t ~, j f ~~ ~` ,~ ~ ~ ~~ `~,~ ~ a ~~ A ~ ~~ ~ D t ~ ~ ~ a' '~ 7 F a t t I ~~-a f t f ~ t r f J Pt ~ f ~ Ij r ~ r j ~ r j ~ ,S° Y,, J~ t r f ,r r ~~I~ ~de~ ~ ~ ~ t ~` t ~` P~ d ~'~r,~ ~~ t~ '{' a f f ~ p/~ ( ~~T f / d !d r f ~{ ~~ zF. ~ ! / °~ ~ t,: ~/ rl I i~ 8 r ~ ,~ ~ i :` ~ RESTORATION PLAN SUBMITTAL 0 w w 2 w w _Z J U Q ,y ,~. ',"' 4e `~ y tt it S ~, ,~ 4 ~~~ i 4 s 1 ~, t ~: ~ FILL EXISTING ~; ~`(~ CHANNEL .~ ~~ ~ } ,-~ ~~ `,_~ ~~ ~~`~ ~ 9 ~= a ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ g 1 :.~ ~ sngrrw~ 1 ~ ~ ~"';..~.I. ~~ n ~ ~ ...~...,,~.~.. MATCHLINE SEE SHEET 8 N ----~°~ GLADE CREEK CFERRYLANEiOVMN&#P ALLEOFh1NY COUNTY NC. STREAM RESTORATION ~~ 9 OF 16 ~o _~ s o~/ ....~ - ~ .~ `oe ~``^ . `~ ~`'`~ z ~~ °~, t \~ ~~ BEAVER DAM CONTROL STRUCTURE ``f~ ~~ ~~ RESTORATION PLAN SUBMITTAL ~ ~~~ ~ ~ F ~ I~ ~~ i i ° {~ w ~}i~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ W ~ ~~~ : ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~„ ~= ~ ~ a ~ ~~ ~_~: ~~+ +~ -a, ~ sus Tea ~~~ ~_ ~ ~~ +r~ ~ ' I c.~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~al <Y~ .,_~ ~ +~ i h° La! til ltla ~.~ _.~ ~_ .~„ ~ ~ tL C.'~ ~ f { ~ tx3 Lr Y t/! ~~„ T~ ~ ~~ .~ ~ ~. ~, ~' , ~~tY~ ~ . ~ ~~ ~ ~ ° (n ~' ~ TOp~ c~I, ~~ W ~ i ~ i~. ~ ~ 8 ~ Lqo ~ W i q ~~ t~. ~ <oo ~x,~~ ~ ~ ~ ,~~ /^'~ r ~c ~ , / ..-__ --__ ~ coo /,."J W ~ rri ,» ~~ 3' .,,.. ~ X J ?' tTY "y ~ Jr J j ~ n f. CO J s rr, ~ Z ~ ~ r r ,r ° ~ ~` T~~~ ~ ~s..- a' V i /, r / .~ ;~ ~ x, F d % ~ ~~~ ! ~ .,° ~ ~ ~ ..~ dP7 t~3 tt"D', i /, ~ /, ~ ~4 mod' / ~ ~ ' do ~ V~ \< r/~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ l < /~~ Vw ~ c0 ~ V~ \ i i ~, / t i g ~ ~ ~y ~ a $~ ~ ~`~, ~ ~ 1~ dL~ 7 c i ~ g a i i~ t ~ i ~ .r s s s i t `~ C~ ~ ~ aa: ~ ~ i i°~ t~ -~ W / ~ ~ ``~ t ` d 1 ~ \ ~' ~' (U ~ ~ ~ X ".. S~ ~,. S~ <~~ ~ .a .~ T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Oo ~+ 2 ~ ~ ~. ~~~ t ~~-~. ~, H ~~ ~~ _~-~_ d i, ... ~_~ _~ ._~ ~.~ ~- ~. ,r~r gin` ,~> ,~ S z~ R 0 ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J O W 2 W W W Z_ J U t- ©~ Q c~ m ~ ~r ~U ~~ ~~ 0 ~~ t j 0 !~O C~ ~~ ~~ ~4 U ~..\<< `4 tY„ .~ `C°~ ~(J ~ /" IY ~" x a'e t ~, ;. ;, .x~~ x i ~~ P t J ~. 9 t~ d a ~~~~ ~ ~ _~ ~~-~_ ~" 1 i~ ex~, vr~ F' `tom V) ~- ~. t~z f _, "• „~ 4~), OO i.,.s 7 ~ ~~ l~ t ~J ~ S (,max ~~'~:. , ~- ( t`~• ~` ~ O O x i r r" C1 ~`7 s ~ Ls. ~ U 9 .~. 5~,~ ~\~. .- • "'~ ~ x•,1.1' ~ 1 ~~ ~v 11 -. ,4y7 'rr.•~ f.~ ~. e,lr i~ ~~' m ~~~,:~ y i i 1 ii i~ ,r NAEAM m.,P r wAM le¢N Ioa AoAr. :~-' ~AMEIN Or NM ~x MMW ImMn s ATMmAe aAE r // ~ ~~ Y OB11 M nLA \ iIOP Pml9>ECmE NEW x rMAm roe ier uomn KTE erx oAx rer Eaa NIYM m' ATME omuM ~~ PROW lOP VEW mMAA~ts r REN~vAr roe ~ oAei A - xMx~ rMPMUIrNm ias x MaAo r~ss gcrall EGIe A EAnE iNlli 1feMAE PI1R .DPTw ITD ACNCENF 9LT ~r~ f91lE SFt11016 WMRea M®rA1HM L MAa AeEI{ aYl E A EYY P i' IMM PAed M' IMIY Nm x MEIM. EE !em NAIL E If A 1r PNmE RPMAW 4R, Q K MAETQI RNMAYf bMl AMO Tat E E OM19M1111' MMM~ rm IOPn 4 E PLWMI 1 E Y C4 YIMM MW ld TIIII im PPM IU IIMA NN. L ®OML MIVI t feDe ®ali A Ltll IMQ iCPf MRI R Ip E PLYIe AT 17 AIP IaR'lIW Am M/N1 Rt x fOIOM RRFTII m mEIM[ OAf R 1BeE AATMm m uN OEI tm! m a lTA![ nmlw E l~ pMO tee IME PeA na uE oa aµ n / TEAR OAAV ae MYr m nFUO vrloML~ rs OEA) toe NEI ML 3 MPE aE Q flTIIMt fAR rAlf 1R1R 1ET EMl E 01RIIIAT. mom AE EAnm m near Eelpf NPAa l ti FFAE M/Ml E IIPfL'® Ails EAMI EANFML lTMlf MM YAInND Ma rm ~ e Ala mmrt AmYlAla A61M6 s v x AAMC imrc SILT FENCE m A IGEE d IeMfA~ I Fw (r IMU E~m EYY I ~ f70M IAAOaI [MN ILL AtOCIMe 9AE Y nR M IFmIATl E Enm mMAr r v r-r AIlNAFE mnM MATMA P ote logN AID alx m oRUenAe ROFIE aA1PVM PAM1 PLAN VIEW ~E IML 1 PAlpplf casalcoaN EFalrAnaw 1. IF1101N - IMMEY Of !r (70' 171 9NmE AE~tM¢ lOn, 1 .ma - 17 wNUN, 91dAD a FlN® Ar TFE Elmmlc ROAD ro nrorce A maw i EOE%IIF FAmEC GiTT tlDll~ sWy E P1.1fm OAT TE EDSia: amAm PWOA m P1N710 smlE '+x PWI APPROVU AITTItldIY YAr wT RFAtIRF 9NOIE PALLT RE90DICFS ro LM[ ®mnc s. sFVE - 01091m AaAETrm (L' ro » OA I®AN® qt ECYCID CONmEIE EOJNNENT 91ALL E PL10E0 A71EA3T !' OFPP D1O1 x IDDM AND'piX ?TIE [NIRNICL 6. lUEACE aTET -ALL 9EFAQ MTR ROEPM ro mL OlAtirlED roMUm fAA61EIClgx ENIRNA]S 41ALL t PPFD TEWOI 11E ODRANCE YAlIUNAM P0E1NE ORANACE PR NSTµ1FT TEgAI TE LTAmI® CmEImN:fDN aTWNE 9Wy E PRJIFLED 'MIX A YOIAiTAEF E701 EM Y1 1rP6 AND A wrE 6 r 6 sloE au THE PPE PPE MAl m ~ 9ffD ACtl71mN0 ro TE ORANAOE 'MEN TE 9I M ITfAiFD AT A Nw 9qT Aw NAS w DRAIUMC ro CONYEY A RPE WLL NDT a NEtlSAAY. PPE 9OUD EE !® ACiV10N8 ro Tt AYOINT P MJNOFF m E A C NEMEY mu E At77,RD. 6 IDCAiIpI - A STAA1gD CpMIMICFpN F)m1.Wft 9lµ1 E IDCATFD AT E'EAT PONE NIIOE COM4IRUCI101 TRAFFIC DIIOAS !R IU.VES A CO141M1LTmi 97E VDM7FS LFAVMC THE 9ff WISr TAANL OYEA x 9TIFE IDIOTI CF 71E SgmIIID CpIdIROCIpN FNIRANrE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE IMt A ICNf Ainve m!rlew EY¢ oPauAE xw sntw ETm nr idM R.RP e F ~ A ~ FruNE ..~. xr~ f Meettt mE arAn aTP or¢ nAPP P1V1 CdINZ ~~ mMSAGEEI QE ~oK •K•~ ~1F]DCIIY 1NA7 DImUM E A mOl Im~Hk'fRWIY{I IPfdAnM META PEI AIFA ~ ~Y EOlel A-A' e ~IEIi h ELII71 P-r PUMP AROUND AND VELOCITY DISSIPATER Na W rAIE N[ITES'„~ PATTEM 16 ANg1g14 I mn~ (3 A4g10R3 / Yl3T~yj iTdt s u - aAAVm w orAw, MET/l Oro7Gly PAR IE4IMAAA Pomp ~ nAS1C SME7 C/M E V9T A AMCIq 1RI~ m x MIMAM 9AFACE COIR FIBER MATTING- STAPLE PATTERN GUIDE ~ a wuc r' ~~~ .. „~,I F,TM1Y81PME ,E E1lATTaO RAO 9LAly E WDF P Ndi-'104fl1 om,ExmE Ea A E1 9MFAlE AIEA P'ffi5plyAE FFET Pa SpE All STMICTMAL ffA16 9Wy E eFIE eM A DOIIELF 51TW U9M A DmIEIE NEETIE W1tlME mrx uoll MEAD. ME EAY SIE)MTI 9V1y YTlSfA1O loo E u91AD ASIY o-NM1 AdLY00ATE A~mIMO MI 01401AAQ N~ 7XEL~ MOIDE l11µ1 E Y/AFD TmITT ARmM x m9CXMfE NDE IPH A S1RW OR 9NlM EMCE ro PIF14Nf IMTAFATD MTR fTON ETfNTMC x oED1F%xILE FAmtlC flAU e A NON-N01fM rAEEC rTM TIF PolyorAC iPOPETTCa pIwRAO'9 IFSf ASIY C-AEa 6 lE4T A64t1:fON4/N AMOCO FABRIC X4557 12 OZ. NON-WOVEN FROM DIRTBAG W 5@~AYA44E5 ~~ I~2 ' I6 °n5 T ANaoRs GEDTE X7ILE FABPo C FDR DIR7 BAG FTOPWI6 T6f IErlim IoPrs NoxPalN ss aRAeN°0 hMSEE RI PETIPTMtt Mll1Fll mmsT ~~f ~ A"s"Im o- u ASN o°-'4w1 A4111 o-AAil AA~7rnLL oo--sieE A51N 6-l~ ~° ~p~~ EGI LESHt .SS 70m io l.~ cEo 1m00 nlowNTE xcs TOP VIEW NOID fTCtPT~ OF~1XEUFA~ Wtl»~E OVfr~fll Y Y PoR IEOINA OET. C016TRI1C110N lE OEWArL'R1D EAC 9AALL BE NSdWD OcER A ] mW LimE mlA1k1 BAE R7 SmE AGCEGIE LNT]U oR smAM PME eASE m fimlTFOIE RA1RATgN AND DDA1TEAl0 P nE aw norFAC RArE 9ULL ff COiImOILFD ro NEAflAf SIDE NEW E1f~9SM1E PES9IPE ET1M 11E FLFFR PAC Al 7E BA6 BECOIE4 FlIIFD MTI EmENi IE PLWw RATE 9wt EE Enucm. 7E RTT EAC 91µy EE xocAAmEn, EM014D AND d9'09D P IAGN COPIEION P nAaw TOIAt101a a AFIFA rt THE &~9~L4L E~9M~Ma N~AMEI.PfA1D AAFA NM A~ ET/N L~1 XOIR DEWATERING BAG DETAIL FOR CONTROL OF SEDIMENT IN PUMPED WATER Nm m..". "~; ~ GLADE CREEK rT ` ~J ~ BASfFL01Y fb AL i~ NOTES 1. mANCETS 91ALL EXIEID DOMN9DPE m MAgF10M QIANIEl. 2 SECidrE BDTIOM EDGE OF FAANEEr AS DONE AT lOP Of 9DPE. b .. ,v DETAILS COIR FIBER MATTING -TYPICAL SLOPE CROSS SECTION TYPICAL SLOPE CROSS SECTION "°'"°"P ~~ _ ~~. 12 OF 16 RESTORATION PLAN SUBMITTAL 1 I '~~-YAIS tltl ~fIW alw MfrtTN11 tla / / A`l1iry vµ~w{wnrN ~°~ nine np Wfl[IAI. NWIw aY+l{ ~ {W. fN~ ~Aw {f{/~~w WI MiRNiM{ Y~IW lNA1 A~ ]. W ~ I% fR 1t1rM/ ~A ~ Uf L~~f. 1. rwnt eia{ Rif f~1/pN~Itl~.Oy~ t(. AT tip. YNYI' iR M1ANfIw MAN ISM YNM. W 'IY41flw ROCK GR055 VANE PROFILE 1O"0101E SECTION- TYPICAL wi vuls wA1.L w wtlw A YIN. 7.0' nriNO m rNALtw /JI/ ~f ~~ 0 rtaY uNfft 10f~lDe LOG VANE / ~~A,wwR locA G1ANNS1. rNAUfc lfrfR fi gaGlrlOAf ION{ ANO /I.ANfINi RAN IOR /LNIfIW ANO I//01 Ni \ r INI NMO itAOf A{ {fVOt, ON iRAOI W MTI{ 1 BANNML eirvAnoN VKAV! LOLL L01 YAw{ A LOG VANE PROFILE ELEVATIDN °101CYt ANWM ROOF n~ ~-ICO VNE LOG VANE CROSS SECTION A-A' ~`n`N` ~Y na nu. Aw alw Au wlw nrx RJII1eAn wntlAi M iNii ANY~if.~ 1UYAfIM {01 fARw nt tIa YAw ROCK VANE PROFLE ELEVATION -TYPICAL ~r~nrW,'. Ttl1NfW1 GLADE CREEK CHERRY l/1!E TOVMNBHP ALLE(iIiANY COUNTY, NG DETAILS _ ~~ 13 OF 16 ROCK CROSS VANE PLAN VIEW ~"~" I{e II NAIpI NY /NYAfIRY111{ fA1M M[ RKi YAw N fMl{ {Iwr. ROCK VANE PLAN VIEW- TYPICAL NOIE FOOTER LAC NOT SHOYRI. ROOTWAD/LARGE WOODY DEBRIS *LWD* DEFLECTOR PLAN VIEW NDrrorxa '~ ~ON lOP OF ~~ ANCHOR ROCJC root"ad ~[Q~Q yD~F THAL~DO ~OOiQt LDC IF BEDROCK LS PRESFNi. ,~gQ~~,,' ~rTMaofroE LOG ROOTWAD/LARGE WOODY DEBRIS *LWD* DEFLECTOR CROSS SECTION view rroTroscAlF Rootwad 6nly BUNDLE YUST HAYS YORE THAN 10 BRANgfES FOR CpIPLIX COVER gFl~SH HABITAT A~ND~S1P PftYOOF CABLE CL AP 1e• ~ ,~ ROOTWAD/LARGE WOODY DEBRIS LWD DEFLECTOR LARGE WOODY DEBRIS (LWD) w•wwLronl ROCK "J" VANE PLAN VIEVIF TYPICAL ~~ STE DOL -POOL SECTION -TYPICAL MrOlrr r~Iy~ ~YrNfY BIOFIABRAI8, WA~>~t hA Rs MNI~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ,.y.» ...c .,rrr..r,~i GLADE CREEK ~wu~caxc. L DETAILS _. vuKn ... e ,~.m _., ~. 14 OF 16 ~ PaNI STEP POOL PLAN VIEW -TYPICAL "RP' ~ ~' PROPOSED FlYAL DRADE (TOP of Rogf) ~~~ STEP Roa wiEx ROtlf >; FlLL ALL VgOS Y17X SLB51NA7E YATERAL 1' (YN.) SUB5IRATE YATERIAL STEP POOL -STEP CROSS SECTION -TYPICAL '~'°"~ RESTORA710N PLAN SUBMITTAL ROCK'J' VANE SECTION A,A' FLOOD PLAN ViIDTH VARES SEE ORADNO PLAN 94' BANIffULI. ELEVATION 1.r t 1.r 6 ~-11' 11' 6' THALWEO MAINSTEM RIFFLE sECTION TYPICAL NOTTOBCALE FLOOD PLAN VYDTN VARES SEE f#tADNO PLAN ~' BANI~I!<L ELEVATION r o' r e' e' THALVYK~ MAINSTEM STEP SECTION TYPIrJ11. NormsrxE FLOOD PLAN wDTH VARY SEE ORADNO PLAN SANIffI!<I. ELEVATION -C-~- THALVYH3 8.B 1.B 27' 3' !C T MAINSTEM MEANDER POOL SECTION TYPIGL NOT TO SCALE FLOOD PLAN WDTH VARES SEE ORADNO PLAN BANI~Ul ELEVATION 4' ~ 1r ~ a' ~ e' 1r n~~LwEo MAINSTEM STEP POOL s~TION TYP~cu NOT TO ~ ~ ~ FLOOD PLAN YrDTFI VAREB F a SEE OItADNO PLAN ~~ ~ 12' BK.. R.1 BM1~UI.L ELEVATION ~~ O.r pr aw 7 4' 4' 2' 11iAWYE3 TRIBUTARY RIFFLE 8EC T10N TYPICAL NOT TO SCALE FLOOD PLAN WIDTH VARES 8EE ORADNO PLAN o' -; BANI~U.L ELEVATION o.r c o.r r ze za r THALWEO TRIBUTARY STEP SECT O I N TYPIGL Nor To SCALE FLOOD PLAN wID'iH VARES SEE ORADNq PLAN -; BIWKFULL ELEVATION THALVYE(i ~~~ ' P 7 9 4 ' r.a.r TRIBUTARY MEANDER POOL SECTION TYPIGI. NoTTOSCALE ~'L ~n""ww~i. R"°i...I. . .rr FLOOD PLAN YYDTH VARES . ~ ! ri. B'ni Yu....~! SEE ORADNO PLAN 1$' ~~~A110N GL AD E EK 1' S ~ ~ RESTORATION 4' 2.B 2.B 4' ~~ couNi+~ TRIBUTARY STEP POOL ~~N TYPE DESIGNED ~TO~ CHANNEL ALIGNMENT ~...,,.,,, - r..I. .~,. Ri ,B.tl '~ ... ^lir 00 ~, ;i:.::rrB..i B.i.Bi Y . . B: R~~ `. ` ~ r... 15 OF 16 ~ B ~ ~ W IBt r.r,,.Brr.rBrrrB. ~: REBTORATgN PLAN SUBMITTAL 8peoies tome CammonNme lhll Addkiona qurGty Date Amendners LBSryencre ,gn.I~May l5 Sewleaereak Rye gran LB oI P.LS.781 36 Gmuntl UmeNOne 4p06 Ogamc FertlGstt 31D S1nm NNlch 4A~ Iqy 15~AUp.tS Setaria 7aka lianas mills LB o1 P.LS. 78 t 4D Grountl UmeNOne 4,000 Olpazac Fenllktt 320 Scam Mlloh 4,D00 Aup. 15-0ec.31 Stcale certak Rye gain LB of P.LS.76% 35 Grountl limestone 4,D00 Oryanic Fenildtt 310 Saaw kallch 4,000 /r I ,• ` t t l~~c . J i~~ p` '1 Ia~ ~' I 1. SELECT AN APPROPRIATE TB4P0 RARY 5 PECIES BASED ON THE DATES GIVEN. zf(~ tl ,~ 1. AVOW SEEDMG IN DECEMBER DRN.NUARY.NNECESSlJiTTD 5EE0 Ai THESETINIES, USERYE A~,t~.r. `f GRAIN AIWA SECURELY TACKED fdUICH. ` `~'~ 3. APPLY SOIL AMENCIMENF<F,ENL7 AND INCDRPORATE TO AOEPTH Of 46 MCHE3. L005 EN SURFACE 1~ 11 Ig tc"~~a r 1 p - i 11 T .10+60.99 ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~``~1"~~'~~~'! ,~ r, ~. -~ .JJJ.) , /~~~~ ~~ .~ , 4 ~ PLANT COMPOSfTIONSCHEDULEf 1 A.1~ ~~ ~~~• II UTE'EACN TREE SPECES SH UU LD CUWPPI`E AT LEAST 7O° AIID IIO MURE TN All A6° OF THE TUTAL t~'`~~` ~~~~~~~ `D,, § ~ X R .:. , .a E 1 M s. 1 STEMSPLABTEDNEACH VE GETATIOII STR ATA-A MBIRUMUF 081STEMSPERACREWLLBE OF PLNI TE D III ZUIIE 1-A MII III M OF 1?71 STE MS PE P. ACR E WILL B E PLAIITE D CI ZUII E ?. IS3 IThehaoltorcic slaoda OfoUoaas Fbla of theCarofnas. VigMMa Georgia and Sunoundirg Areas by Aqn S. WalsM,ryf 7nne1•Nena an WnMlande-Ne¢4 .,e~...m. DveraR Spadnp puakity Maximus Wximun Vegdal'on Stntal Ihit 5padng IMiNdual (feet ~ per acre Rrepxrcy Stem Spec es Name Commm Name Type Size Type Spacing cerde 1 ~~ gwrdky IM I 14 22 TREES. Ifinimum O755 crts, Minimum Md Tre es=230 NIA NfA pemus eESa abhke Oak c, Db "dbh mi WMan 200 NIA WA Pmvs shobus Mike Pine c, Db "dbhm WrrdWn 160 NIA NIA 7sape caredensn Eastern I}mlock c, Db 'dbh Wntlom 1D0 10 1B3 percus rube N. Red Oak hr, c,t IB-36' FaMan 31 70 163 &tuH aaegMnskrrsis Yekow Bixh hr, c.t IB-38' Wrdan 31 20 163 tinoderafmn trnFpR2 Yellow Poplar hr, c,t IB-38' Wndom 31 76 163 Tde americars Basswood hr, c,t IB-38' Wndom 31 7D 163 PMtarxa ocadertaYs Sycamore hr, c,t IB-36" Whom 31 76 163 BetuY ryn Po~Bimh br, c,t 1836" Wndom 37 20 1W AcersdcClanmr 5ugalAaple hr, c,t IB-38" WMOm 3i 70 183 Acernilme ltd N4pk G, c,t IB-38" Wndom 37 ~ 163 Prtras serotin Black Q~emy 8•. c,t IB-38" Wndom 3f Rf5 TOTAL 14 12B MIDSTOPY TREES Minimun d55pecies. Minimum Md Trees=236 76 183 prpirrca wmNmdre amwood br, c,t IB-36" Whom 31 20 163 Gaye 'aA'^ia^a lanes®n HOphomDeam br, c.t 1836" Wndom 31 10 163 kxopaca Holly br, c,t 1836" Wndom 31 i6 163 OgoFrwan arboretum Souwood br, c,t 1836" Wndom 31 20 163 NekxkeraAOrea Serticebeny br, c,t 1838" Wndom 31 26 183 GnorerMrs drgixus Fdngdrce br, c,t 1836" Wndom 31 1D 783 Camas fbm'a Flowedn m mood br, c.t 1838" Wndom 31 615 TDTAL 14 2D3 SHRUBS. Minmur~o55 des, NinmVn Md S hrub:=23 0" 16 1B3 lirelen arrzoM BDieebush br.c,t 1830' Wndom 31 16 183 Sam6wus caadertsrs Btlerbeay br, c,t 1838" Wndom 31 ]0 183 6ycardAuafmrga 5weetshnsb br, c,t 1836" Wndom 31 ]6 163 6MCarry amerkare Amedan Beautybeiry br, c, t 1838" Wndom 71 16 763 Ffjdrargea arbomscerts IMId lydnn~a br. c,t 1838" Wndom 31 70 163 Sy pkcostixrora Wrse Suga br, c,t 1838" Wndom 31 16 1B3 RmdoaFmdNrv magnum Phododm~dron br, c,t 1838" Wndom 31 IO 181 IimmeFs tiryarrana Buhchhsel br, c,t 1838" Wndom 31 815 TOTAL 8 2,4fls GRAND TOTAL Overall Spac rig 4uartdy Manmun F Stem Vegetal'on Stnlal Unt Spacing In3wdua Iteet dl per are regxrcy puaMity Spec es Name Lommm lk~ Type Size Tgpe Spacing cerrterJ ~~ I><~ 7 BA LNE STAKES: Yln. Xot St ems=870 34 ~1 Sakxngra BIacN NM1llow the sntr 23' Wndom 17 33 632 SaFxseroea Silky Ndllom ene mle 23' Wndom 12 ~ 631 Comes amomun SiYVW mood lik halm 23' Wndom 12 1,915 TDTAL 18 7~ SHRUB AND TREES: Mirimum M=3d0 34 254 Lm6acusareoMSrr Bdemerry br, c,t 1838" Wndom 19 33 147 AYrtrs sm,Yata Tap Aka br, c, t 1838" Wndom 1D 33 147 Betue 'ra Rvr Wmh br, c,t 1836" Wndom 16 7a6 TOTAL 6 1b63 GRAN0TO7AL 0.11 plaMirp stock povided step be securedfram a local groducer locattl in fie moudan ghgsioprapKc province. nut mare that 2D0 milesirom the site. Planing Sall occu tludngihe lasttull week d FeMUrythro~ Maroh. Bare root material mid be gored in a rdrigented truckfran nuntrypickup m ro more tten 30 mmuks before parsing. All parting flock mid be 9oretl prcprlybelrre plarding m avoidtreezirg a demcation, antl muM tx approved bathe Desigrer before d an be plarded. Wre rod seedlirgstfet have been Srppetl irl commerdal amens will rid De accepetl. I proper care dth material has ml been taken, tPe material will be reledetltor planking. unittype c, tb = cortalner on balletlin bulap.lnittype br, c, f =bare root, container orliblirg. NOTE~Wnde Oak, Whke Plne aM 6stem I4mlod minimum size is 7 dbh. k Iea41D stems d each d tkese species mist be plardedif avalade. There ~oJd be a least 50fed bdween 2" dth sleets and at least 200' bdween 2" dbh gems of fie same species. Sizes Ilsletl are recammendeq bJ are rot mearMto be a reslricEen in sre. Q/ ~W~IWWW'1 (~ i ! ~ ~t) Z I ) t ~`T~ zE~ f ~ o 0 't !• f rr 4 (:`4~~° / ~` ~~ ~~ ~ f 4~ ~ ~ ..~ o\ ~~ b^ 3 q2 f 1`'1 ~~ ~~F~ ~~3r! ~~1 I~~ I ~/ t LEGEND ZONE1 ZONE 2 N I~C/41..Q IrOrN /IrM~ ' M1IM1~~h/M wN1~ ill'Ill 1/Ntl//q GLADE CREEK CF~ItY WiET0YYN8HP ALLEI3FYJiY COUIIfYr NC. 1Y PLANTING PLAN ataNraa, ~~ erNM ~,~ wr ~~ 16 OF 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 12.0 Appendices pT~. <~ 1 r~ .. ~9 4. 5,:1 Appendix 1. Project Site Photographs Appendix 2. Project Site USACE Routine Wetland Deternunation Data Forms Appendix 3. Project Site NCDWQ Stream Classification Forms Appendix 4. HEC-RAS Analysis Appendix 5. EEP Floodplain Requirements Checklist 0 0 N c~ i w r ~~ .~ Ql N i-i ~..~ N 'C3 a1 bank at ~ sta 2+25 on Glade Creek -- .- ~ ~'.. ~- :~ ~~ t . x ,ram„ ~,. ,~... t ~~: ,_ W.~•, ti~M" ~ ,. -~ ~~,. ti° ., ~ <, ,. ~. ~. ^nSw. 1*aww:. .urn w:.µ „.r:. ~~~~ tip. Pool beside large 30'~~~hite oak at - sta 3+25 " ~,;' p :~~ ~~ ~ ,. n., ~M ..- ,. y,Y +y. ,,. ,.. + a ,. ~ 9 w'V~Ya uq ~N , 'mJww+r a ..... d ry '".y,~,.... Glade Creek-right bank at -- sta 6+75 - 8+00 ire v ~, v r_ O O ~n c~S t .~ a. ~o c~ O aS N of beaver pond ~ sta 16+00 on Glade Creek S: r ~~ <~ -,:' '~" - ~`, ~- " :~'. ..~ , ':~;:` . .~. "~~ . ... ,. ..~~ ~, ., ~, ~r~. ~ ~~ ~~~ ; Glade Creek-right bank at ~ sta 16+50 u/s of beaver pond :~~ ,~ . die r. i ~ ,~ ,;. ~ ` _ ~ ~ ~. ~ . . }~~- ~ti `r 1 ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ i t~ '-h ` ~ 4 ~. ~ ~ 4 ~~4 ' y ~, ~~4 CD A~ j'~r~`t~ ~ „R~ {, CZ. ~ ~'~ ~~ A ~. ~ . ~ ~; ~ ~ ~ R~ ~ ~ ,/ P~ C C1. A~ .., ~. .~ 1 .~ W ~~ v ~J N ~O I~ w Q.. ~~ ~~ ~~ ~' Looking upstream at ~ sta 24+75 on Glade Creek 0 0 0 1 ~' ~, 0 ~. 0 v c~ .~ d-+ f^ ~!-"-'1~ i-~ ~+-I 3 v .~ ~, ¢. >, ~. v r r_ O O O .--~ c~ 2 .~ aS 3 a~ .~ .~=~ C w ~' r .--' 1 .-' N N O .~ C :~ .=+ .~ C~. .-. C P~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ r ^^r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. .~ v 0 r` V ~. e-~ O .~ c~ ;~ O ~_ '~ O GA .~ .~ ,.fl O in N ai t 3 .~ a~ ~. 0 C~ Y ~ ,f k {( y~ ~1~F~~ "Y~~~ -. si+~~ ._f f R e ~ '. _~'a ~ _ ..v .. - .. R ., sg. ~ r _. ~ `Es ~ ~ .a ~ _ ~, ~'t -4 _ ' ~ r* ~ ~/ '" y r ~y. ,t . ~ r ...,. .r... ~.. .~,. Upstream view at ~ sta 0+60 on Basin Creek .,,~,~ -~ ~- ~- ~ ~ r • ' t 1 ~_ ~ ~ ~. r i t . . _~ '_ x~ _. ~ _ 1~a~,.t d 0 ~' 0 ~' n DATA FARM ROtI't'1t~ YYETIAND OET~iAT'ION {)987 CO£ Wetlands Detkteatlon Manual} Pro}eft/Site: ~^~3.1i~f,. ~.i'f~-' i~K''~,.~~c E~~ 1't'it~u~=~tt ~~-t ~~-3 Date: ~! ~' ~r~ APPltcantlOwner: Ni~ t~ 1 CouitY: ~.;, ,~ ,~~ ,•~,; lrnrestigatOr ~ a /1 ~: r1n 1~/'~ _ StAte: 11,}i~_ ~_-__ Da Normal Grctrnsiarmes exist on Fhe site? ~ Pb Corrnrxmity ID: is thF sits sgntFicantiy disturbed {Atypicsi Situation)? Yes Transed fD. is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes Plot ID: ~Y:_} kna ~a '_'.... 1i needed, a in on reverse. , _ 4~# ~;:--~~ ;i:-, VEGET ATIdN ~~"',~ . ~- . Cx,mn.an~ ~fa~~_s .~xs- - _,_ , recum _ FW~t a Qonr~ant PSaret sneaes Syetum _ tna~cetor . ~ 1 - ` - ---- - - -- -- - .-. - - -- _ r p i tS a _ __ __--__ t2..__ ,_ _ __ __ _ ti3 6 __ -- _. _._. .-_.__ 56 .. _._... ___. .._...._._ __. _....__ _. _.. 7 1 ~i !i t Ci Ferc~eOZ or Domrnanr Specacss ttset arr UE3L. FACW ur FAC y ~... ercAudn FAC-1 ta i 1 ,,'~ Rynwrk!. F. 1° .~ ,.. . _ ~ ~ . ~ s, . ~ ' ~~:. t. , e * .~'1 t ~.; r r t .-7 ~ _ k FlYDRdLdGY ReccxUed Data tDescnhe n Rramarksl Wellant7 tiytrciogy tMtcators Shaam. Lake, or Tefe Gauge Prmarv ts3ca4xs Aerial r~Yurtograt~ hundaAed Clther ~ Sattn8Se6 n Upper t: fiches / / tdc: Rec;a~3 Dais Avawat~le J y_ W 3lar Nbrl~ DrYfl tJnes S9dRn9rIS GepC7bh5 F~eid !Jlx>ervaliort5 Drattbpe Panems in Wetlands Secondary trbiCatpls (2 u mae rHgtarFfd7 Craptt; :~ Surta::e Water to 1 - __._.-_ ___ _ CT>edtzed Runt Cis rt+ Upper t hctrec Waiter-Star~etl Leawss L~eplh to Free Water n Pit _.. ~ (r. f _ _. _ _-- Loci Sol Svvey Gafa FAC-t.leiriral Test __~. CYe~ti W SalurateQ Sat ie: ~ Other (E>¢llarr+rn Remarks) ker,arks ~,,,.., ~.. s. ~ s , ,7 U . , ~` (,. t BZ Appendrz B 61ank and Example Gala f•urtns SOILS Map ttut r~-rmt ~ . ~ ~ ~' ~ ~~, , ' "', . T^ '~ € ' ~ r. 1Series rna Pi,assl s/ ~ ~ r - ~ -~, , _ Orainape gsca - - -- ~- fM406wvHtioaa ~ aaanomv (Subgroup) ._._ °_------- Confirm Mapped Type? Yes bb 1'Ipll~f.>.IQHSd]Q11011. Deptt. Malra Color 1ffi>~4&1 Mormon fiLnrt tiouti IM MoWa Goiors Mottle Abundance' texture, Ganaetlons. untai Moiatl SIxeJContrut ${pLoture_ elc. -r___... rlydnc. Snn tndtcetors Hstosol _ Conore0gns _- `islet F;upedon -High tkgarat Comem w'+ Surface Layer 1n Sandy Sots Sulfide Odor - Organic Streaknp n Sandy Sots Aquc Maature Regerr Lrsted on Lord Fiydnc Solis Liss / Reducing Candtbons __ Dated on f~LOnal Nydnc Sots L6t y l.~k'yed a Low-Chrama Coors __ - OMn (E»Iv+ m Remarks) Rr~nuri6 WETLAND DETERM{NATION M~*>F*Mw vege~ron Presents IYes~ No iCacleJ (C.rx:lel W effsna ryerolegy Presant~ ~ vac No `hdr+r. Sails Present^ iY'es No is Cus Sampkng Pont WqM n Wd{~a~ ~ Nu Remarkf. r ~~ ~ i y~~t 4~~-. Anorvved ~ ht4usACE ~sz A{;ienaix B sunk ana E rtampW Data Farms B 3 DATA FORM ROUTINE YVETt.AND DETBtYMUT10N (1987 COE Wt'ttands t~etheStlDn fiAanual) Prolect~Site ~ ~ '" `C T+~w N {,`i1n;:M l~~ h Date. ~' AppltcarltlOwner: C: - - County: :' ' ~ ~ Investigator J(tvt--, ~v,~r':: ~ y State: _ Do Normal Circumstances e>QSt on the site? No Comnnmrty !D: Is the site sigr>aFicantty disturbed tAtYPIC81 Situation)? Yes Transact ID: _ _ !s the area a potential Problem Area? Yes Plot ID: ~tt~ Z It needed. e h on reverse. x'17 I HYDROLOGY Rer-crded Uata (Describe n Ramarier) We4anC r~ydrology trdreadcxs °>trearn, Lake, or Tide Gauge Pnn,ary ttdK,eK+rs t+enal PtxnogragNts hundated CNher ~ Sakirated n tktPer 12 Ir~tres yP Pb N.nc:ar3eA Uata A>riHie:Aa }~ Watex Akrks Drtl! Lines Sedanerrt DepasRs FKld ,~~.4r~adars _. Dralneye Patterns m Wetlands 5ectxidary fndrea~rs r2 or mores requrexit Depth <d Surta[ a Wa~~r ,n ? __ {?w6ized RoQ Charmets n Lipper 12 inc:het. __ Water-Stained Leaves Uerpth to Free Wafer n Pit. ~;_ n i _ Lncat Sal Sutiey Uata cAG-iJautral Tt~t (N4tt, to SattGaled SciA tern. ~. Other jE>~ar~ n Remarks I Rwnerks B~J Rp~xrtdtx $ Blank and Exsnpie Uata Forms SOILS ' ~ ~ t Sertes ena Phaae! _ r` ~ ! ~ i:h ~~ 11 ' -^t } - -- ]1.'~/; ~?(1 c: L ` t 1 41>v ~w~ _ -f` - _ ~ T c ~ tawnamy ts~ssr~rvl. __._._. __ ____---- Confirm MtppW Type9 vea Pb g Dxotr. Matrtx Cobr bAoltt (A~uu AAor t1 ~e1 ~brtmn d f~Aurr i IQ ,' a Golortt Motes -Ibwldeloer Tetaxe, Cont~etiona. ae Moot) 9iaetCano-.aa S1nx~ro. euc. - J ~ , ~1 ~ ~ J j ' r_ t'1~IK. S(~ t,d,CelOf6 Hstusot _ Cortaebons risUC [DPSdon __ Iiyh Orpentc Content m SurfeCS Layer c $endy Sotto s„Kw~ oaol _ asnK sve,k.,y .n sney soa. Aquit Mbiriure Repmle Crated on Local Fydrtc Solk List - f Reouanp Condroons - Laced an Neeonal ti/dric Sots Lxt Gkyed a LorrC.hrama Coors _. Olt+er 1E,plem in Remarks! RhmarM r WETLAND DETERMMdATION ' FiVdrophytrc Vegetation Present? Yes Pb (Gc1ej ICrdel Weeatd M/drWogy PrsaenY' Yes ~ Alo Fivrk,c Sots Present"' Yes' Mo k t~,s Sams, Pant Wtt-te, a WetlWnd? Y'~~ Nlp kemahs i,, ~pprcrved by FtOIJSACE 392 ~,en~x t3 BterN, anti Exampia Data Fame 63 , 1 1 1 1 1 DATA FORM ROLrTME WETLAND DETERMNATION 11987 CAE Wetlands D~kteation Macxial) Protect/Site -' "~ ~~ 1 A ~ 1 ++ ~ Date' ~~ ~ ~~ AppitcartUOwrler~ '' Cotrr+ty: ~},jj_~t#, t -r~vestigator..~~_ j'-~y~ r , f _ ~ State: j~(%.___ Do Normal Circumstances e~ost on the site? ~ No Camnnmity ID -S the site si~lificantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes 6b Transed iD: ks the area a potential Problem Area? Yes ~+b) Pbt kD: yt,,l'~I~v -t needed, a in ~ reverse. , ~ ~„t- 4a~ ~ VEGETATION ~~~1~~ ,; ~~~ QUff/nani Wlera~C1~t5 ._______. -_ ~. hd `A~l~ ~(7{nlninl PY9tK S StrHtUm hdKBtor _ IQ a 12 t3 ~ - -- _ 'a _ _ _- _.. -__ _ _- _ i 15 8 tfi F~ernartt W 6onmtmt Speaes mat ert OBI.. ~ACW w FAC tt,,ll ~ teaktd FAG- Vim` Rertwtl:s I~IYnROt_ocY Rrx.urWrd Uata tDesctipe rn Remark:.) Wetland i-iydralopy t~icalorx SMaam. Lake. a Ttde taa~ge Pnmary hdlralcrs Rena r'hcxogratnhs h;rtdaled Ottw ~ Saturated n lJUtwr t~ Inches i ~f Nu F2ec:cxded Data AraiaUe r Water hrtsrks _ Ortil Lrtes Sedmtent Deposits Ft~n Otnervattuns ~ Dratlape Paltertrs h Wetlands Secmdary tndcatars (2 o more requred i D«yM~ of SuAace Watet tut + __ 4wcized Aoo1 Ct>err,ets s lfpper 12 hc:ttes ~'~ Wald-Sla~tedieaw rteplt+ to Free W~a n Pi _ _~ _ _iut t _ Lx~ Soi Strvey Data FAC-Neutral Stssl Ckytrr In SMirated SnA Sm '~. _.. t7lfter (Emtat~ n Remarksi Rrxnatit_~, 1 ( ~ ~`, ~ p~ ~~ Apprrtdrr B BtartM and i= trample Data F arms SOILS MaP Une Nlnl! '( 1 j ~ j, _,~i ~4 ~~,X)ti~ ,`~~ f SanB6 and Phaee) ~51~ 7 e'( ,J~t~,~ DriRiSpE G~fE: __.__ _.._._.__ ''~'~~yt V - { Y ` fpld OMervetiont 7e,wra+rN (~+apr~) _.__ _. -.-- Confirm Mapped Type4 Vea Rb QOOII. DaDtt: Metoc Cobr MopM fttfffifel~ hlpf>7Gf1 (~ Moirtl IMum Colon Mottle Abuneancar Te~tura, Gawsuons. d MoaA1 9me/Cormaer StrucWro_ ett _-_ f ~j ~ -- _ _r - _~__ - _ - y~~ ~/~ -- -- - ------- t 1 _ _ __ Hydru Sob hdreators Hstosol _ Cpnapipns Hatu EApedor: _ ._ Hph Orpamc Gotnerrt m S~urtaae Layer m Sandy Sons Su1RdK Odd _ Orgmr Saaakmg n Sandy Soya Aquc MonRuro Repime Reduanp Condl6ons _ LMaO on Lo~l Mydnc SoHc Lip LWetl on National ttydnc Sole :qi ~ > Y Gleyed w t_avr~Ctucxsa Cobrs _ 01Mr (P.rplem m Rsma+ksl Rwmarvs WETLAND DETERMINATION Itlydrnphybc Vegstadm Prosent~ hb (Crde1 IGclel Wetlantf Hydrology PreserN~ Y We HydrK: Sole Pnauenr~ Nc; k ttus SampYnp Pans WNFan a Wetland" Ves N;, kemadu; ° ,~a ~~ ~ V ,; {- j~,.. ~ 1 Appr[TMed tty HDU°...AGE 3l9Z ~txrrra. B [itarw~ arW Esam4~a Uara Forms g3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 DATA FORM ROl1TM~ NtETLJ1ND DETEWAMATiON (1961 CAE Wetlands Delheation t+Aarrua!) Protect/Site: bE~i ~Ei: " Mk;~~ W ~1 tJ„t+td~Yq {~ ~`1q: Date- t ~`~ Appftcantipwner: G - -!' County: ! a i,c~~ Irtvestgator ,~~,;~, ,; -'1rll:y ~; State: Do Normal Circxirnstances ewst on the site? Yes No Commtmity ID: is the site sgnificarKty disturbed (Atypical Sduatbn)? Yes No Trartseci !D _ - Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes Pb Plot. !D: ~4'i''~ if needed. a in on reverse. 1=~ .:.,a} e+z w~ ~ yti lrs, VEGETATION ~Wlarrt PteM _- Stratum hdreetnt D9hInN11 ~t 9oenes ~~__ hdrratw_ ~-~ j ~ ~ ~ _ _ _---. tD _ ~ _- ---- ------ - t - f _ __ __ _ ------_._.. -- -__. __. _-___--- f4.____.__~.__-._.. _... _. _. '. iS R 16 F'eroenr eX Uorrrrent Spepea Mal ere G1EiL rACW a FAC ff'' ~ fettiud FAG tl kernerks HYDROLOGY F2ar.cxdetl Data fDescrtbe n Rernarkis 1 Wetlarw Hydrdopy hdicatcrF Stream. La4ce a Tg1e Garptr F'renary lydrCatnrS Aenat F'hotographc Y~imdated c.)Rrer ~ X~ Satucaied n L1P~et F2 txires t(' NCr kec:ordexl Data AvnMaUlc Wabr hterk5 _ Drat lses Setlimeni Oeposgs rbrd t~be.ervaaons ~!' Dranape Paeems n Weltanas Secondary kidic:aKOra 42 a more requrodJ De~+tt+:ri Sur7ac.e Warier in i __ _ - CJwtized Root Chartnets n llpgar t2 tx.hes _ Weser-SidnedLeaves Gepth tr+ Free Water n Pk ~ 1 n ~ _ __ L.~al Sall Survey D~a F PC ~iJeutral Test iHr{rR~ It, Saluratexi 3~r17 to 1 _.. Other (E7Qlian n Ftemene,J kr^~rart~ ez AtX+ende 6 BWM and Examtr~ Data Form<_ SDILS Mst, tArs hlrnc iSwna6 and Phasat ... __ _.__._-_ _...--- Uryrrrape Qew. - F~ld OAwrvst~wr ?erunomy iSubprouyl- _._ _ CArKem tdspped TypeT Yet 1Vo @S9~L(~~{Npd Deplt, sA~trts Color 110RIY t!•'!fd1S@L. Fiomm~ lkAurreetl 1Ad~f1 ~ t CObrt NbeM Abundarwa! T~raura, C,onaetgns, ( ~AOtstl .g4mM.Orltrftt ~(tlL7)tl(e. elc. r'tydlK $di k+dK;atorts ~SIS)SOI _ lMI~S _. IistK Eyrpeoon ~ riph OrpanK Gornent n Surtaae LeVei n Seney SWs :iUMIdK Odor - Orpank $treaiunp n Sxwy SoNs ~ AQUC Abia0.ne Raper _ Listed on Locei !iydnc Sons Lill ~+ anp C~dtdons Listed oer tJeLOnal Mrdne So11s Lai Gleyed a Low~C.hrorn Colors _ _ Qlher (E~plan m Remarks) Rwrvryrks WETLAND QETERMINATION kvdra~Va vegelefronPreserrl? as. hb ~Ckde) lcerie) WetlttK} ~t~o£7Y PresarR~ Yes ~ tyo tiydric Sc>tb Pret;ari~ Yes We k 11us Samplrrp Pont WrUm t Wdtand? vas ' Nc kemasks ~ ( ( } 7. ti,t, ~ r,` ~ l~' ! ~" ~. ~i~e ~.{I C~~i- liv c 'C ~ 7i-. tCj `1 - ~ `f ~ f'~1 1.L"v 1 1'1 d. .i (~ ~- l ~~t ~~>~~~-i~ `~ Aoomved tH FIOtJSACE 3142 grvan~u B Blank ane ExarrrPla Data (pmts g~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMNATION (1987 COE Wetlands Df~Mileetiott Manual) Project/SRe~ i~_e.~~- ~[.~~ t~"i L''i~~t~l.~-~w4 ~'t ~1. ~ ~ ~ Date: )~ . ApplicantlOwner: { ((; ~~i~' _ -~ ~~_ Cotrtty; ~~~ __ _~ ~~_,_- Irtvestigatar ltlti .n~ ~sr n-u ~..~ State: A. ~ _ Do Norma! Gircxxrsstarxes east on the site? ,Y s:. No Commuraty 1D. is the sae significantly disturbed (Atypif~l 5lttsation)? Yes Trartsed 1D' Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes ` Plot ID' ~ p~_~- If rfeeGed, a non reverse. `' ~ VEGETATION Qonrnrmt~,t soexs t n tt r Doms~artt Rsrn Stxaes Strartm, htlcatnr _ _,._ .__ _ qq 11 ,,. ~. 'l P _ _ t a.I ! (. .~'~+g;oC z 4~ t.1a.3 T~`. ti F ,-C. _ ~~~._.. 9. ~ t ~ Y ~ w*'` ~ ` i #3~~ .....__.. "1..~ 1.1 ~~ r~ •.a -'_ t t S t3 tE. f+~rcxrti pt ppmnani Speves that are OBI. FAGW a FAG semkbn FAC- . r{efllefY,K 3 ~ * ,t ~ HYDROLOGY Rec cxt)ea Ctata IDescnbe to Remarks ; W etlano NydrdoQy hd~cators Stream. lake. or TKfe t~a,.~ge Petmary Yr~Calars Agsa1 F7~nt;praphs _ _ I~~deted ` C~tl'~nr Sa6xated r~ Imps 12 hct,as t/ rk: htd:urded Data Avawat~te Wafer AAerks Onll llte5 SedmeM DKpt:pS i=~d +~tnorvaticna Dranage Patlerrw m Wetlarttls Seccxrdarv hd~cators (2 or e~ore rep~red' Chgtt, nt S~rlace Water in ? __ Owei~zed Rod Cfiattnets n Upper S2 haws Walar-Startetl Learr~ _ t-yefMt to Free Wales r PR (n f _ ='~ Sol Su~ey Data 'r AtNeu4at Test U~fh to Satiuated `.5'Ud {n s __ C?lAer fE~tan n Remads'. F[ernark> ~. 1• ~ ~ i t ~~ y- 62 Appen~rx B Stank arr~ Example Data Fcxms SOILS Mon Vitt name 1 ;Banes end PAluel _~ `~{''~ . ~ t' ~ 1„ t ~~i~{', l ; II 1 . ' i.._. Ikawlps CI~K: ------ y Tetw~omy (SuUgroup) _ _----._----- __ _ Confirm Aispped Typed Vas I~b gn~InSlCxcmtna Deptr, iiatru Cobr 6ioUla Cai Ls~ei t~umsxi tAttirnsel Nlni~¢t !l~utaM 1tl ots MotBe Abundrrca± Tnsure, GonasOOns otat) SimlCattreat Slru~rtt. etc. r _ - -- -- _ .. `' ` `7 ~_ s~1_`l j ~ _ - _ __ _ ___ - - _ - L ~ ~ ' ~~Ni. ~ r / ~ 7 1 MyMK. Scdl t+dtcaWre ricitwpl Con.7MlOrti ~- Er~°d°^ . ~ 1•'1flF Orpantc COrriertt rn Suriaos layer n Sandy Sots __ SuHidre Odor OrpanK Slrealmy n SendY Soak _ Apus: Moisture Repcne _ _ _ Listed on (,oral Hyd~c Sods Lis? Reduony Gondt6ons _ Listed on Na4onel M/Onc Soil lst Gleyed u Low Chrome Cobh Othe+ tEtmtam m Rerrerksi ( RMmwrkt~ ~ ! - 1 j WETLAND DETERMMATION Mydro{thyt[.VegetahmPratsertt? Vas iPb~fGrcle) ICYcM) wetland Hydralo~y PresaM'~ Yec !Nc } FiytY~c Snlis ~eserM~ Ves ~ lc tMS SampMng Paei wrt~n a W atland^ Vas ~J kemarks ,.. ~ ` > -1~ ~t ~ _-- - +-- ..r-- ul fptwoved try FIOUSACE 3192 ptKx*rdu b thank arxi Enartde Dare Forms g3 ' y 1 1 DATA FORMA ROUT'ANE WETLAND DETERMNATAON (1967 COE Wetlands Defkteation Manual) Pro}ect/Situ~~7.Li~~ '+~irJ+° s~~~ Dl~' ~W1`'s1"!i"1 ti C~G Date: .3~ l G / Applicant/Owner ~'v~.E. County: 2 (,it;.i~- lnvestgator. ~ ~ ~ ~ „ ~~,;,y State: Do IJnrmal Circumstances east on the site? ~ hb Community tD Is the site sigrtiftcarrtly disttxbed (Atypical Situation}? Yes No Transact 1D~ Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes IUo Plot ID: Gl'~1 ~:.. axa It needed. a in on reverse. a~ '~l~ ~ . c.. - VEGETATION ~OOmnnant FSant Soeam _ _____ .- ; Yrd to _ Qorryriarit aieKfS Sbeaes utratum haK:afar e ~ r ~'h ~ ~ o, l ~-- -+~li+iCv'3 ~K'L'?Ir`1 - . - -~?_t~-- t ~ --_. L,.~'v~ l 9 _ - _._ _--- - - 11-- -- ----- - ---- -- --- -- ---___ _.. a 12 -, - - _.. __._- ___--- -- t3 ------.... _._.._~..____.~_~.- _. .._._ _.. ._ -. _ _.. f; ~ a 1 iS 8 i fi Peroem W Dommant Spsaea [Rat ere OBL. FACVY nr FAQ ~ ~,~1 (emMudn FAC-i W RartwAs HYDROLOGY Rer:a;fnd Data fDescrtbe r Remari~ : Wttllaretl SiydrdoQy Indicators Stre~ir~ lake. a r¢te Ga;xie PrYR3y trrdicaYxs ~1EI7al Pl rc%trgraptl5 1nurAatad ~ cltt>er ~' Satuaud n UPPer 1? Inches y' 'vu kac:cx~e Data A.vatatie --y~`iNater Nola OrAlt~nes Sednnent Geposrts Frern ~~bf.exvali[xrs _ Drainage Pellems a~ W eliert05 Sec:onclary 1'Wicaltxs iZ .x mae regi u1 DeplR nt Suriaue Water to ; O>od¢ed Root Ctserureds m 1Jpper is tK:fett: /~ water-Staneo Leaves D~ to Free W star m PR 1. ~ ;~ j _ ._... _ - ~. L.x~ Sotl Spivey D~Aa = W_-Netbal Tesi Urf[.Ah 4> Sialtl(alg,''1 =>CM; !~ 1 - ~1her {6gHam If1 Remal'k_c) ItiWnaflC, CL ApF>l+ndtr B 8lanic and ExamWe Data F,xmc. SOILS Map lY~p nrnr ~~~ ^l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ (Serrtx snc Rtafbl _ . _S.~ y ~3 5_~_~ (1 i1 ~I _,~ _-~ ~_.-:.t~. `~__ Orfr~De C4as __ _. Y 0 ~ F 1A O 4 - 1 1 1 a~^~r (Surgrouvl ___.. r bwrva ona ~ C.onfinn Mnppad Typal Yes to Deptt~ Matru Cobr Mottle Cabe Mottle Abundanaa~ Taaure. Lonasoons. tID~.~i +~++~ [AVmef Morn ~1 `,3talCormeat _ Stnxt-tro_ etc __--„- ---, - - ,,L -7- _ - Htrlrr Stpi hd~tors HFtnsr,l Ccu+aeams ~is1R Einoedor' __ liph OrDanK Goment rn Surtaw Layer m Senay Soda SrlfldK. Oea ___ Orpanc Streakhq n Santly Soya Aauc Momhne Ragune __ usteC on Loco! M'dnc Sots fiat Reoeonp GondKtons L~teO an nYationat t~dnc Solis Lrt L,t t~lryed a Lcn-t~rcxrae Colors _ Other (E+Cirin m Remarks 1 Rymbrkt WE7LMID DE'f£RMiNAT10N t+xkaptryue Yegetaenn Present ~ es Ire; ICac4e} tGde) Wetland Ftytrntogy Prosern'~ Y9a , tJc It~tfnr Sots Preaerd~ Y " Mo k Uus Samping Pomt'Wtllm a Watland~ /~ No f2emasts ... ~ ~.~+,- approved by HQl1SACE 392 /+tax..cix B Blanlt and E><ampW Gana Forms B3 ' 1 1 1 1 1 DATA FARM RQtITME WETLAND DETERMNATION (1967 COE Wetlands Detkteation Maxuai) Pro } ectlSit ~ LX ° e Date. "' R'7 / y~~ ms .j Appi-carrt/Owner. ~, Cotsrty. ,u lnuestigator ~,. ~~ , ~ ~ r~ ~ ;~ State: ~~ _ i... Do t~iormal Circumstances etost on the site? Yes No Gomrntmity ID is the site sigttifx:atvtty disttrbnd (Atypical Situation)? Yes Plo Trat'tseCt iD: is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes tJo Pbt ID: (,~(?lat~'~ if needed, e ~ on reverse. iu:~Tin ~ ,l~ VEGETATION ,~,,,~ ~„-~~z f ~ ~t QonrraM Ram `~_ nd _ __~ __._ _. ~ t jhu". _ ~'V'1 ~.tY' _ .L ~. _ < .. __ -y-. - ~ ~ `} ` ~ ~M1Cc~.1•~ `til"sr~t1 .Yi'Y' tvk. `1 5. Jb~- ~~w_ a 5 h. Peruam or Uomnant Specroy that ere C)ftL. FACW or f AC . 7 ~ EerGudnp FAG i ~-~ kamxrts HYDROLOGY kixorded Data (Describe n Remaria 7 Welland Hydratogy FidictAacs Stroam : ake, n F,~e Ga~x~e Pnmary tuicsins Aortal Phdopraphs hundaled i.>•her Saturated n 110Uer 11 hctters %f tJ[, H~;atietl Dale AwaNa:An watex Merits Drift Lines Sedenenl Deposits Fyya Ouservahor+s Drainage Paeams ~: Wetlands Secondary fd+car•orF t- a mare requred Deptt~ r>t S~rtac:a Wafer :n , _ Oxid¢ed Roof Gharuieis n lbPe< 12 Ik:hes 1M1tatarStened leaves rlelHh !fl Free Water r Pit ;n ; _. _ Lxaf Scti Sway Data FAG-tJatrtrai ?est lY+utF~ 1:~ Sa4watae Srel Fe' ~ Other (E~r n Remarks) ~~ kry-r:uk.5 ~,~ l.vY:'~ .'r° z.-' -'~(' -,~,,b f:. u~ ..,~,i , ~~ L'b'C,c ~ (i.a`~_ ~-~..y"L, az Aonandn 8 Blank aril Ezarr~VMt Data Fcmrs. SOILS ~ UnN Nrme , . . !Se~iee entl Afiaasl ..~+1"-'•'. l n ~ w~~i• i~ , C _~~ ~__ pra~yVe 4pe. _-.._.. Vt-^---~~iw ~~ FrillObwn~Na~a Tr~anomy tSuDp~a+D) --_ -- --_----- Confrm MaaOed Typed Yes hb BLO~tICi~10[i. dam Metrtx Color t~Aotllr Colon cAoltle Abuntlartca~ To#ure, Gancrsaonn. ififd~l f'a!]7at1 lRltnee~Aloledl 1lhmultyb1611 9~rGontrsat gp~llD,_,QF,6 - _ - _.~__. _w.---_. -_ HyMK. Sat t+dK-ators Hstosol _ Ccxeveoons Ks'tK Ep+osoon _ KGF•, Org~ank`G~,.o~nwlent n SuAaw layer u, SanOy SoU -.... SIfMWK OtlOf ~MK ""'°'~y Ifl SM1OY SOA! _ Aquic Afoialure Reyrne Crated on Lam Mydric Sons List -_ Reduonfl Contltbona ^_ Ltstetl on National tirdnc Sots Lkp Gleyed or Lo~Chrcxra Colors _ OUier {E~tPlrin m Remarks) Rbmark6 `` n WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydraphylr; Vegelalon Presents Yes (Crete) fGelel Wetland MyOnbgy Presents Yes tiyctrK Sots Presenl~ Vas is Itvs SampMng Pork WAkn a Wetland^ Vac ~. itemacks ~ }}y~ /- Apprc~ued try h1pU5ACE 3A2 Atrt~nax tl Blank and Ezarrtple Uate Forms B3 n F 1 North Carolina ~ivisian of Water Quaiity -Stream Ident~ficsti o orin; Version 3. l r t t ~f .i'+i+'-M1 i'7 j ~} ~ 'Y 17,.L,. li ~>1d( M'~k'[ ' ttac.:.3~~ ~ ~~ ~~ - vr+ojsct: 5~~~ s~ ~ ~ '~ t~tiwae: ~~ ~ ~? 3 3 ~ ~ -~+ 6~ ~' ~ ~~ . ' Evaluator: Ker't1~ ~j~.ynty Total Paints: Site: I7~~C ~,~% ~ „."~"^ ` Longitude:.3~ ~~~ ~ - ~D ~ . ~~ - ~t >> ~ - ' "~~ ~ $tream u at least urtem+dtiartr CK if t t 9 or oerar+niar it 230 r? ~: + ~ 1 COUnly. ~~ ~ ~j 2Gj ~(i 1 L~ e.g Quad Name: C ~ Zr ` :, A. Geomor~t~io r .(Subtotal = 3L ) Absent ~ Weak kAodsrate Strw~ 1' Continuous bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2 Sinuosity 0 t 2 3 y 3 In-channN stnxsture_ ri111e~oo1 sequence 0 t 2 3 4 Soil texture or slrsam substrate sorting 0 1 __ 2 ~ - -- ~ -- 5 Adivelr,elic floodplain _ _ _ 0 - - 1 . 2 3 i 6 Depositional bars or bencriea 0 1 2 3 ~~ 7 Bra+ded channel 0 t 2 8 Resent alluvial ~ ~° _ _ 0 __ 1 , _ _._ 2 _ _ _ ._ _ . __ -_- ___ __ ~ _. __ __ ~_ _ _ 9' Natural levees _~ 0 -- ~' - _ ~ 2 _ 3 10 Readouts 11 Grade cortttols 0 ~ 0 1 0 5 ~ 1 ~ 3 L5 12 Natural valley or dremagewey 0 0 5 ~ t 13 Second or greater order channel on xisti /''~- USGS or NRCS map or other documented Nt o = 0 ~ ~ Yes = 3 ' evidence. -- _ ~ Man-mode ditches are not rated: see daarsaawrs in manual _._ B Hydrology (Subtotal = G ~~ ) 14 Groundwater flow/discharge 0 1 2 3 ' 15 Water in dtanr-el and > 48 firs since rain, Q _ 0 1 2 r; ~ J Water mchannel -dry or Qrowinc~season . __ ____ 16 Leaflitter - 1 5 1~ 0 5 0 _. 17 Sediment on plants or debris t 8 O ti il li d W c _ _- - 0 0 0 5 0 5 1 _ 1 1.5 1 5 k nes} rgan+c ebris nes or p ra es ( 19. Hydnc sotis (redoximorphic Features) present? _ ` No = 0 es = 1 5 _ C Biology (Subtotal - ~, 20° F+brous roots m channel _ 3 2 -- -_ _ 1: __ 0 ~ __ _.. -_-- _- _-- _. ___ __ __ 21 Rooted plants in channel h ' 3 _ _- - 2 _-- _-* 1 __ 0 22 Crayfish _ 23. BivaMes 0 ~ 0 5 1 1~ 2 1 5 3 24 Fish 0 O S 1 1 5= 25 Amphib+ans 0 0 5 i 1 5 26. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) _ _- _ _ _- -- _ _ 0 -, -- - ~ _ r.,~ ~t 1 5 27 Filamentous algae: penphyton _ 0 1 r" 2 3 28 Iron oxxf¢irg gactena/iungus. 0 _ 0 5 1 1.5 29 i' Wetland plants in streambed FAC 0 5; FACW = 0 75; OBL t.5 SAV = Z 0; i~ j r' Items 20 and 2 t focus on the presence of upland plarrts. Item 29 focuses on the presence of aquatic or wetland ptaMa Notes (use back side of this form for additional Hates ) Sketch ~t ( - 7 -- - ~ { i 4 w~',7 ~~/,~ INTERMITTENT CHANNEL ~-`~~ EVALUATION FORM l ~7 A('71(» [f1 ,4PPL.1C.4NT tiAME ~L-~ ~ UATT: ~' ( C' w k Z PROPOSF:G CHANNELV-'ORK(t e., cu'•'ett, relocation, etc 1 _~~ ,' I'~t ~ f`"~'~'~~'l'Lr.''}TtY7 1JY1rki V1~, ,.~ + -~ ~t'A7"ERBUUI /RI\'ER BAS[N ~ ~'I;~1.~•[, L ~~L~~:- ~ ~ ~ti~, ~ ~ co~T~.T~'rcrn~ ~ ! 'J~ a t 5 c-t ~~~ ,,~z~ RE('F:tiT N'E.4THF,R C(JNp[TTOVS P sP vP Observation Comments of Description Ftsh'Sheitfish'Cruataceans Present Benthu Macro tneertcbrates L-' Amphibians Fresent'Breedtng ,/ .Algae And'Ur Fungus (water quality futxuonl v` ~-ttdide Channel Usr (i e. tracks. fears, shells. ntherx'~ ,/' Federally Pratected Species Present (Descnniinue) Riffle:Poal Structure Stable Streambankc L Channc! Suhstratr l t e ruvtl, rubble. mc%, caatae sand) " ~ r" - 'S K 1 ~ ~~ 'V ~ i^ i ~. Rtpanan Canopy Fttsent tiSP ='~ 5p°-o closu-es 1_'ndcrcut $anks'lnstream Hahhat $tntcture Flom In Channel 1 I wbtlands .Ad;accnt Tc,'Contig 'r4'tth Channel tDtscnntmue) } '! , y„f_~'(~o•,;~ - l`1~.' v' t ~~~~ .+ 4 >L -~ L' i(~1.;`f ~ - J / V Persistent Ponls~Saturated Bottom i!une thr;,u~h Se t.l t Crv..~..i y~ 5C' -~ ~'~ ~-.~1,~ ~, y /,. t. ~~>y.~.~ ~/ Sceps~C,rounduater Dtschargr 1 Tune through Sept ! (+ !I + u + Y t t Adtacent Flaodplatn Present Wrack Matenai at I>rift Ltnes flydrophcnc \'tgetahon m adyacent to channel C~~'-~t yrrt4:+n~~t+'1 11l ~~~~ Important T'o Domestic Vlater Supply? ~ ~ ' Drxs ('hannel Appear On A (?uad Or Soils ~1ap :'~ I \ Appmtt. Drainage Area: L" ~ ~ ' ~ ~- Uetcrmtnatton ' Perenntai Channel tat+~P) Important Channel LF PROJECT MCR Initials _, Intermittent Channel tprocetdt Unimportant Channel: 1.F Ephemeral (channel ino tdl tattach map tndrattng locauon of tmpartaneumm;,,,rt,nt channels ' Cyttch Through L~piand in;~ td) +~ ~ } ; ,.~ l~)-v.a~t 1l Esaluator's Signsturr ~-~~ ~ ~ %~ of other than C' i> E protect managed P=Present SP=Stc~ngly Prrsent tiP''Vgt Present 11'4'.+!( , North Carolina Division of Water Qwlity -Stream Identificstion Form; Version 3.1 tHte: ~ / ~ I ~ pro, t-~.T S cr.~M, s tt- Latibuds: ~; ~ c ~ S ~ ~ ~ Evaluator ~, d i h `V li +1 ~%k Sloe: ~ Cd ~ C..C' ~ j' ,.~,.. ~y+L°r+~it~'da ..x~: ~ ~l , I Z -..~__ Total Points: p~~ Stream is at best interm+ttant Cou it 2 f 9 or oerennia! A 23'0 ~ J ~ ~ (ti'~'1 ~'~(y. y1 ~ e p Qr~ad Name: A. Geo hoi Subtotal = Absent morP__._.~Y ~ _ __ _.. --- - - t' Continuous bed and bank D ~ Weak -- - _ - t Maderatet Strong _ - - __ .- T 2 ~;i~ 2 Sinuosity 0 1 2 3 In-channel stnxxure: nffle~pool sequence _ D 1 2 _ _. _._.. 4 Soil texture or stream substnrte sorting - ~ t . 2 5 Acbvefrelic floodptain 0 - 1 2 ~ 6 Depositional bars w Aenches 7 Braided channel _ -- - -_ __ 0 0 __ _ t 1 2 2 . - . ------ - ---- _ - ___ 8 Recent alluvial deposits . 0 _ _ _ t _ _ -- 2 3% - 9' Natural knees : 0 t 2 ' ~:J _ ___ _ 10 Headcuts _ __ __ t t Grade Controls 0 0 ~ `~J ~ 5 2 -' - 1 _ __! 3 , 12 Natural valley or drainagevvay___V__,_„ _ 0 0 5 t ~J..~ ' i 3 Second or greater order drannei on xl n ItSGS or NRCS map or other doaxnented evidence. No = D Yes = s ? _ Man-made ditdres are not rated: aee disarssions in manual B. H rol Subtotal - I _ Yd ~Y S _,__-~2.__ - _ __ _ __ _ _ 14 Groundnrater flow/discfia '' 0 1 2 3 , , t 5 Water m Channel and > 48 hrs since rain, os 0 1 2 _ `~3,% __ t Water mchannel -_dry or~rowin~season ___ _ ~, 16 LeaflitUer 1 5 ~ 0.5 0 ' 17 Bailment on plants or debris __ __. _ t 6 Organic debns lines or piles (VVradc fines) _- 0 -- T 0 r- _ _0 5 -- 0 5 t 1 ~ 5 ~ _ t 19 H ils r f tures) nt? c ed an hi e d . N = 0 _ Yes t 5 y n (r ox pr so o p c ea se __._ o = _ c. Biol Subtotal = ' 3 . ° 20 Fibrous roots in Channel _ _ . 6 3 . __ __ _ 2 ___ ~ 2 - _ t 0 21 Rooted plants in channel t 0 ' 22 Crayf+sn 23 Bivalves ~ 0 0 0 5 ~ 2 L5 3 ~ 24 Fish 0 0 5 1 _ _~_ -- 25 Amphib+ans ~ 0 0.5 ~ _ 1.5 26 Macrobenthos (note dnrersdp and atxmdance) _ _ _ __ 27 Filamentous algaeper~hyton 0 _ 0 0 5 - __. 1 ~ 1 - 2 - 3 ~ us _ _ 2B Iron oxidizing bacterratFun - 0 -- - 0 5 -_ t _ t 5 ~ 29 `' Weiland plants in streambed FAC 0 5; FACW = 0.75; OBL = L5 SAV = 2 0; ' ~ Items 20 and 2 t focus on me presence of upland plar•As, Hem 29 toarses off the presence of spuatic m wetland plarHs trees: fuse back aide of tttis tam for adddianal Holes.) ske~r, r _ __ _ _t~, r J ~. yy ~f .jj,~ • ~ /'` (fit [ (l ~ t 1"~i ~°.~ 4l l_.t.) ~'-~.'-• Z l,. ry-{'L<'1~ \ ~tL~~'~ y `L~I~ ~ ,rj t ~![ E ~~ ,. it^i ~ ~~~tr INTER~'1iITTENT CHA1VTiEL ~'` ~= EVALUATION{{--FORM ACTIn't ID .4PPLIC.A.1'T VAt-iE ~ ~. ~ Lr~ llATE ~ t0_1C~ PR(7YUSF'.D CHA'S1EI. W'ORIC {'i e., eufver., rtilocation, etc 1 _ -C ~'7 '~1~'~Af,,Ci't1L'v1~ L'T' ~ ~'~'~'lC'~ t~ ATERSODt'~7LIt'ER BA51!~ ZL [~ ~ • COt'~T1"IC1T1' ~ ' i~~~ '1 Wtih. J ~' ~ ~'vT~ ~.1 RECF.tij w'EATHI~R CORT)ITIU!SS YLt' i'~.V~1 ~ tl } P SP ~P Ohsenation Comments or Descrirtion ~/ FuhShrl',fishiCrusaceans Presen! Ben?hie Macru Inrertrbrates ~~ Amphibians PresentrBreedm, 41gar .4nd'Or Fungus (water quality furcttur,l hi'tldlife Channel t?se (i.e. tracks. feces. shells. nthersl Federally Protected Species Present (Dtscontinuei ~ Rt[fle'Fuoi Structure Stable Streambanks _,t„L~ ~~ lrr: t ~~~ vC:"~ ~ ~C°) ~, ~ t1 ~`~~ Channe: Substrate ~t e rave! cobble, rock, coarse Sandi f ~ ~ ~= 1'~Lt~.t_l. R;panan Cannily Present (SP = > >0" 6 dosurel L'ndercu? Banks`lrstream Habitat Structure f Flox In Channel f V Wetlands Adjacent I'o`Cnnti~ V1'i;h Channel iDtsci,ntmuel ~ -`{, +` ((I~, ~-- ' ~~C w~x..(- ~L{nw? ~i~ 4~,: /~ (~~1~(. Persistent Puols'Saturated Rnttom iJune thrnu h Se !.i Seeps'Groundu~ater Discharge iJune through Sept 1 u Ad~acrnt Floodp;ain Present ,~ Wrack Maunal w Dnri Lanes ~ }fydrophyuc 4'egezauor, ta'adiacent to channel Important T'o Domesric tt"ater Supple? 1' /~j Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or Soils !11ap:'~ / \i Approx. Drainage :tree: Detcrminatton. Perennial Channel ~;ti'p' 8 Important Channe't: LF PRQIEC.T M1iGR ]nitials Intermittent Channel rproceed} Unimportant Channel' LF Ephemeral Channe) inn ldi {attach man indicating location of important unim~ octant channeCi Ditch Throu;h Upland tnc,}di Evxluat~~r's Signature. ~~~'~'~ ~ • ' "' ""~~uk`~ ttf other than CC) E pro~act managed P-Pre cot SP=Stoneh~ Present NP=Not Present 11;~%9`! 1 1 1 1 +~a ' HEC-RAS Plan: Tributar Rivcr: Glade Creek Reach: Tributar ach ° v~ 'ri ~.~, p; : ~«. i°, w t =~ ea o F" O' + ~~ W .c ~ ~ v ~ W ~ 3 y v ° U a, > H v ~«. d .~ ar ;~ H ~ s on RS ar ~ w ~" ~ v O .a La a ~ w Q' O t:G Le a, vi `~' C h ,~ U R d ~ ~ u o p ~, Tributary 1205 1 Yr 16 2611.43 2611.9 2.89 0.37 0.08 0.4 0.99 Tributary 1205 2 Yr 25 2611.43 2(,11.99 3.3 0.53 0.21 0.14 0.48 0.98 Tributary 1205 ]0 Yr 98 2611.43 2612.49 5.17 1.17 0.73 0.42 0.21 0.87 0.99 Tributary 1205 100 Yr 184 261 1.43 2612.91 6.38 1.48 1 0.58 0.32 1.16 1 Tributary 1127 1 Yr ] 6 2610 2610.56 1.65 0.12 0.47 Tributary 1127 2 Yr 25 2610 2610.71 ].87 0.17 0.13 0.02 0.01 0.13 0.46 Tributary 1127 10 Yr 98 2610 261 1.63 2.63 0.48 0.38 0.07 0.05 0.19 0.38 Tributary 1 127 100 Yr 184 2610 2612.38 3.19 0.67 0.39 0.1 0.05 0.24 0.38 Tributary 1057 1 Yr 16 2609.3 2610.18 2.11 0.17 0.52 Tributary 1057 2 Yr 25 2609.3 2610.34 2.5 0. ] 7 0.18 0.02 0.02 0.22 0.53 Tributary 1057 10 Yr 98 2609.3 261 1.24 4.17 0.56 0.38 0.1 0.06 0.46 0.58 Tributary 1057 100 Yr 184 2609.3 2611.96 5.07 0.71 0.76 0.14 0.16 0.6 0.59 Tributary 954 1 Yr 16 2608.29 2609.01 3.82 0.59 1 Tributary 954 2 Yr 25 2608.29 2609.17 4.4 0.3 0.06 0.72 1.01 Tributary 954 10 Yr 98 2608.29 2610.05 6.33 1.05 0.36 1.16 1 Tributary 954 100 Yr ] 84 2608.29 2610.73 7.36 1.42 0.54 1.42 1 Tributary 927 1 Yr 16 2607 2608.26 2.41 0.2 0.48 Tributary 927 2 Yr 25 2607 2608.47 2.95 0.2 0.21 0.02 0.02 0.28 0.53 Tributary 927 10 Yr 98 2607 2609.42 5.75 0.76 0.87 0.18 0.22 0.84 0.73 Tributa 927 100 Yr 184 2607 2609.93 8.3 1.25 1.38 0.43 0.49 1.61 0.94 Tributary 787 1 Yr 16 2606.33 2606.96 3.58 0.54 1.0] Tributary 787 2 Yr 25 2606.33 2607.1 4.13 0.31 0.19 0.06 0.66 LO1 Tributary 787 10 Yr 98 2606.33 2607.88 6.34 1.04 0.69 0.34 0.18 1.14 0.98 Tributary 787 100 Yr 184 2606.33 2608.61 7.23 1.08 0.78 0.33 0.2 1.28 0.89 Page 1 of 2 ~r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~^^ ~ ~ i ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ HEC-RAS Plan: Tributar River: Glade Creek Reach: Tributar ach ya f~ ` y ~ O' . ~ W ,~ ~ W ~ W ~ ~ a~ `~ ~ v ~ _ y `' ~«, a i , V s on a ~ ,~ Q. .n O ..7 v ~ ,~ 4: Q. ~ O R; d ~ ~: o^ ~ C s U a v~ _ .Y ~ a, o w Tributary 438 1 Yr ] 6 2603 2604.1 2.04 0.16 0.48 Tributary 438 2 Yr 25 2603 2604.28 2.42 0.2 0.05 0.02 0.2 0.5 Tributary 438 ] 0 Yr 98 2603 2605.24 3.99 0.72 0.51 0.14 0.09 0.41 0.54 Tributary 438 100 Yr 184 2603 2606.08 4.83 0.99 0.64 0.22 0.12 0.53 0.54 Tributa 300 I Yr 16 2601 2601.81 4.1 0.65 1.0] Tributa 300 2 Yr 25 2601 2601.99 4.69 0.39 0.39 0.08 0.09 0.78 I Tributa 300 10 Yr 98 2601 2602.99 7.2 1.21 1.29 0.42 0.46 1.36 0.98 Tributa 300 100 Yr 184 2601 2603.87 8.63 1.49 1.5 0.54 0.55 1.69 0.95 Tributary 188 1 Yr 16 2600 2600.83 2.04 0.15 0.44 Tributary 188 2 Yr 25 2600 2601.05 2.36 0.19 0.08 0.02 0.18 0.46 Tributary 188 ] 0 Yr 98 2600 2602.33 3.54 0.62 0.54 0.1 0.08 0.3 0.43 Tributary 188 100 Yr 184 2600 2603.33 4.35 0.84 0.45 0.15 0.06 0.4 0.44 Tributary 78 ] Yr 16 2599 2599.78 4.24 0.68 1 Tributa 78 2 Yr 25 2599 2599.98 4.88 0.42 0.45 0.09 0. ] 0.82 ] Tributary 78 10 Yr 98 2599 260].03 7.71 1.28 1.31 0.46 0.48 1.53 ].Ol Tributary 78 100 Yr 184 2599 2602.1 1 8.44 1.21 1.43 0.38 0.49 1.56 0.88 Page 2 of 2 ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H EC-RAS Plan: Mai ntstem River: Glad e Creek Reach: Main stem ach ] a y a w ~ o O' ~ ~"~ .L" ~ ~ ~ W 3 ~ C~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ h ~ bD a > w ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ y^ W ~ ~ ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ,~ ~ V L ~ ~ ~ b w Main stem 2567 1 Yr 204 2612.38 2614.93 3.94 0.39 0.51 Main stem 2567 2 Yr 335 2612.38 2615.71 4.46 0.15 0.14 0.01 0.01 0.46 0.51 Main stem 2567 10 Yr 1637 2612.38 2618.62 9.57 1.09 1.04 0.28 0.27 1.64 0.73 Main stem 2567 100 Yr 3367 2612.38 2620.47 12.77 1.59 2.09 0.52 0.79 2.64 0.84 Main stem 2377 1 Yr 204 2611 2613.06 7.28 1.43 1 Main stem 2377 2 Yr 335 2611 2613.71 8.43 0.59 0.28 0.15 0.05 1.75 1 Main stem 2377 10 Yr 1637 2611 2617.67 10.72 2.21 1.53 0.84 0.48 2 0.76 Main stem 2377 100 Yr 3367 2611 2619.97 12.51 2.14 2.65 0.78 1.08 2.45 0.76 Main stem 2245 1 Yr 204 2610 2612.82 3.22 0.26 0.4 Main stem 2245 2 Yr 335 2610 2613.38 4.11 0.15 0.24 0.01 0.02 0.39 0.46 Main stem 2245 10 Yr 1637 2610 2616.99 8 0.75 0.76 0.14 0.13 1.1 0.57 Main stem 2245 100 Yr 3367 2610 2619.77 9.29 l .5 1.73 0.38 0.48 1.31 0.55 Main stem 2132 1 Yr 204 2610 2612.31 4.16 0.49 0.64 Main stem 2132 2 Yr 335 2610 2612.9 4.69 0.43 0.3 0.07 0.04 0.55 0.6 Main stein 2132 10 Yr 1637 2610 2616.84 7.09 1.22 0.72 0.28 0.13 0.87 0.52 Main stem 2132 100 Yr 3367 2610 2619.57 8.74 1.75 1.6 0.47 0.41 1.16 0.53 Page 1 of 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ H EC-RAS Plan: Mai ntstem River: Glad e Creek Reach: Main stem ach C a w i, ~ V o O' ../ W ~ ~ i ~ ~ 3 ~ " ~ _ ~ ~ " a .. > j y ~+ .. ~ w a. y p ~ ~ w ~ y O v ~ .-, w a ~ ~ v v, 3, v o ~ Main stem 2054 1 Yr 204 2609.11 2611.18 6.45 1.18 0.99 Main stem 2054 2 Yr 335 2609.11 2611.69 7.6 0.27 0.33 0.05 0.06 1.48 1 Main stem 2054 10 Yr 1637 2609.11 2616.25 8.99 0.42 1.61 0.06 0.46 1.36 0.63 Main stem 2054 100 Yr 3367 2609.1 ] 2618.78 11.49 0.45 2.25 0.07 0.78 1.99 0.68 Main stem 2009 1 Yr 204 2609.02 2611.09 3.45 0.32 0.49 Main stem 2009 2 Yr 335 2609.02 2611.78 3.9 0.26 0.33 0.03 0.04 0.36 0.46 Main stem 2009 10 Yr 1637 2609.02 2616.58 5.73 0.89 0.78 0.15 0.12 0.53 0.38 Main stem 2009 100 Yr 3367 2609.02 2619.11 8.08 1.26 1.32 0.26 0.29 0.95 0.46 Main stem 1922 1 Yr 204 2608.42 2610.69 4.04 0.42 0.53 Main stem 1922 2 Yr 335 2608.42 2611.36 4.81 0.25 0.24 0.03 0.03 0.54 0.55 Main stem 1922 ] 0 Yr 1637 2608.42 2615.99 7.73 1.04 0.74 0.22 0.13 0.98 0.51 Main stem 1922 100 Yr 3367 2608.42 2618.26 10.66 1.94 1.78 0.59 0.52 1.69 0.62 Main stem 1844 1 Yr 204 2608 2610.48 3.63 0.32 0.45 Main stem 1844 2 Yr 335 2608 2611.14 4.49 0.26 0.26 0.03 0.03 0.46 0.49 Main stem 1844 10 Yr 1637 2608 2615.87 7.47 0.86 0.88 0.16 0.16 0.9 0.48 Main stem 1844 100 Yr 3367 2608 2618.08 10.5 1.78 1.83 0.51 0.53 1.63 0.6 Page 2 of 8 HEC-RAS Plan: Mai ntstem River: Glad e Creek Reach: Main stem ach i' a „ i, v ~ o O' w '~ U ~ -~ ~ '~" W ~ ~ ~ ~ U •-• ~ ~ ~ ~l •-~ > w r.., 'two ~ -, > W ~• :~ O ~ a. ~ r~i~ w a• C O f~ L ~ ~ r.+ W a [ ,~ U ~, ~ ~ s U ~„ -o o ~, Main stem 1789 1 Yr 204 2608 2610.23 4.17 0.44 0.53 Main stem 1789 2 Yr 335 2608 2610.83 5.22 0.4 0.31 0.06 0.04 0.63 0.58 Main stem 1789 10 Yr 1637 2608 2615.57 8.22 1.11 0.96 0.24 0.2 1.09 0.54 Main stem 1789 100 Yr 3367 2608 2616.83 13.34 1.94 2.09 0.68 0.76 2.73 0.81 Main stem 1739 1 Yr 204 2608 2609.96 4.54 0.54 0.61 Main stem 1739 2 Yr 335 2608 2610.5 5.66 0.43 0.45 0.07 0.08 0.76 0.66 Main stem 1739 10 Yr 1637 2608 2615.61 7.46 0.9 1.13 0.17 0.24 0.9 0.48 Main stem 1739 100 Yr 3367 2608 2616.39 13.09 1.73 2.27 0.58 0.86 2.66 0.81 Main stem 1669 1 Yr 204 2607 2609.72 4.02 0.39 0.48 Main stem 1669 2 Yr 335 2607 2610.16 5.48 0.28 0.18 0.04 0.02 0.7 0.6 Main stem 1669 10 Yr 1637 2607 2615.55 7.14 0.77 1.11 0.13 0.22 0.81 0.45 Main stem 1669 100 Yr 3367 2607 2616.28 12.45 1.54 2.2 0.47 0.8 2.39 0.74 Main stem 1637 1 Yr 204 2607 2609.74 2.87 0.21 0.36 Main stein 1637 2 Yr 335 2607 2610.23 3.76 0.16 0.16 0.01 0.01 0.33 0.42 Main stein 1637 10 Yr 1637 2607 2615.79 4.54 0.51 0.84 0.05 0.12 0.32 0.28 Main stein 1637 100 Yr 3367 2607 2616.65 7.92 1.1 1.57 0.22 0.38 0.95 0.47 Page 3 of 8 HEC-RAS Plan: Ma intstem River: Glad e Creek Reach: Main stem ach ~ v~ a ~ o a ~ ~ o H O' ~ ~ W .~ U ~ + > W 3 ~ ~-+ `'~ .C U ~ \ ~ y a ~ y 4~-i ~ ~ 0.~ > c• .G p ~l ~. ca v, w Q' ~ O fx ~. cis v, ~ II' ~ ~ U s. cv ~ 1~.r U d 'a ~ ~, Main stem 1621 1 Yr 204 2608 2609.64 3.44 0.33 0.53 Main stem 1621 2 Yr 335 2608 2610.15 4.07 0.16 0.15 0.01 0.0] 0.42 0.53 Main stem 1621 10 Yr 1637 2608 2615.83 3.91 0.42 0.76 0.04 0.09 0.24 0.25 Main stem 1621 ] 00 Yr 3367 2608 2616.77 6.71 0.95 1.39 0.16 0.29 0.69 0.41 Main stem 1610 1 Yr 204 2608 2609.54 3.8 0.43 0.63 Main stem 1610 2 Yr 335 2608 2610.08 4.19 0.11 0.12 0.01 0.46 0.58 Main stem 1610 10 Yr 1637 2608 2615.83 3.76 0.42 0.74 0.04 0.09 0.23 0.24 Main stem 1610 100 Yr 3367 2608 2616.77 6.52 0.92 1.34 0.15 0.27 0.65 0.4 Main stem 1593 1 Yr 204 2608 2609.47 3.54 0.35 0.54 Main stem 1593 2 Yr 335 2608 2610.02 4.13 0.31 0.38 0.04 0.05 0.43 0.53 Main stem 1593 10 Yr ] 637 2608 2615.8 4.01 0.52 0.76 0.05 0.09 0.25 0.25 Main stem 1593 100 Yr 3367 2608 2616.69 6.96 1.1 1.39 0.21 0.3 0.73 0.42 Main stem 1581 1 Yr 204 2608 2609.3 4.3 0.54 0.7 Main stem 1581 2 Yr 335 2608 2609.87 4.74 0.27 0.48 0.04 0.08 0.58 0.63 Main stem 1581 10 Yr 1637 2608 2615.8. 4.01 0.54 0.82 0.06 0.1 0.25 0.26 Main stem 1581 100 Yr 3367 2608 2616.68 7 1.05 1.48 0.19 0.33 0.74 0.42 Page 4 of 8 H EC-RAS Plan: Mai ntstem River: Glad e Creek Reach: Main stem ~ ~ .~ w c Q' a' ,~ ~ ~ a ~ O v ~ v~ ~ ~ w ~ > = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ two p ~ CY ~ U ~„ ~ ~ ~, ~ 4. o U W ~ , U a ~ s. ~. s. b Reach ~ w O' c ~ v ~ .. > ~ ~ > ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~, Main stem 1441 1 Yr 204 2606 2608.79 3.39 0.29 0.44 Main. stem 1441 2 Yr 335 2606 2609.36 4.21 0.16 0.24 0.01 0.03 0.42 0.49 Main stem 1441 10 Yr 1637 2606 2615.74 .3.96 0.4 0.73 0.03 0.09 0.24 0.24 Main stem 1441 100 Yr 3367 2606 2616.52 6.99 0.83 1.37 0.13 0.28 0.73 0.4 Main stem 1186 1 Yr 204 2606 2607.77 4.07 0.46 0.61 Main stein 1186 2 Yr 335 2606 2608.4 4.57 0.33 0.34 0.04 0.05 0.51 0.57 Main stem 1186 10 Yr 1637 2606 2615.67 3.39 0.67 0.63 0.07 0.06 0.17 0.2 Main stem 1186 100 Yr 3367 2606 2616.29 6.3 1.29 1.2 0.24 0.21 0.57 0.35 Main stem 1073 1 Yr 204 2604 2607.41 3.42 0.3 0.44 Main stem 1073 2 Yr 335 2604 2608.06 4.17 0.35 0.08 0.04 0.4 0.47 Main stem 1073 10 Yr 1637 2604 2615.64 3.49 0.67 0.62 0.07 0.06 0.18 0.19 Main stem 1073 100 Yr 3367 2604 2616.15 6.59 1.3 1.18 0.25 0.21 0.62 0.36 Main stem 984 1 Yr 204 2604 2606.91 4.64 0.05 0.57 0.64 Main stem 984 2 Yr 335 2604 2606.99 7.29 0.22 0.19 0.03 0.03 1.39 0.99 Main stem 984 10 Yr 1637 2604 2615.55 4.12 0.83 0.56 0.1 0.05 0.24 0.23 Main stem 984 100 Yr 3367 2604 2615.73 8.21 1.67 1.12 0.4 0.22 0.96 0.45 Page 5 of 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ HEC-RAS Plan: Mai ntstem River: Glad e Creek Reach: Main stem ach ~ ~ > a ~ « L a w ~ ~ o F' O' '' w .c U C ~ ~ > == W ~ ~ iw., ~ U a ~ ~ ~. ~ ...1 a~ > ~ ~ ~ 'two ~ v > w C" \ O -.a s, ca .C v~ w C" \ O fx ~. ~ ~ v~ ~ c.. B' ~ ~ ,~ U s. ~ ~ v~ C U ~ b a i' Gar Main stem 555 1 Yr 204 2602 2604.8 3.82 0.4 0.56 Main stem 555 2 Yr 335 2602 2606.18 3.02 0.39 0.35 0.04 0.04 0.21 0.33 Main stem 555 10 Yr 1637 2602 2615.54 2.51 0.57 0.5 0.04 0.03 0.09 0.13 Main stem 555 100 Yr 3367 2602 2615.71 5.07 1.15 1.02 0.17 0.14 0.35 0.26 Main stem 519 1 Yr 204 2601 2604.78 2.68 0.19 0.36 Main stem 519 2 Yr 335 2601 2606.18 2.35 0.26 0.27 0.02 0.02 0.12 0.24 Main stem 519 10 Yr 1637 2601 2615.55 2.22 0.46 0.49 0.03 0.03 0.07 0.11 Main stem 519 100 Yr 3367 2601 2615.74 4.48 0.92 0.99 0.11 0.13 0.27 0.22 Main stem 462 1 Yr 204 2601 2604.75 2.04 0.1 0.24 Main stem 462 2 Yr 335 2601 2606.17 1.99 0.27 0.24 0.02 0.02 0.08 0.18 Main stem 462 10 Yr 1637 2601 2615.56 1.93 0.48 0.46 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.09 Main stem 462 100 Yr 3367 2601 2615.78 3.88 0.97 0.94 0.11 0.11 0.2 0.19 Main stem 388 1 Yr 204 2601 2604.64 2.75 0.15 0.25 Main stem 388 2 Yr 335 2601 2606.02 3.28 0.19 0.26 Main stem 388 10 Yr 1637 2601 2615.51 2.63 0.34 0.54 0.02 0.04 0.09 0.12 Main stem 388 100 Yr 3367 2601 2615.58 5.36 0.71 1.11 0.08 0.16 0.38 0.25 Page 6 of 8 H EC-RAS Plan: Mai ntstem River: Glad e Creek Reach: Main stem ach ~ v~ '' °' ~ „ ~ L- a w ~ ~ o O' .+ ~' ~ U ~ ~ -. ~ > W v~ 3 , w ~ ~ U .. ~ -. ~ ~ ~ a .. ~ -. ~ ~ ~ 'won f~ .~ > C" ~ ... ~ ~ ~ s, ~ in w C" ~ C ~ f~ s. ~ ~ a., ~` ~" p C ~ ~ U s. ~ ~ ., .~ U ~ ^ts o w Main stem 378 Bridge Main stem 370 1 Yr 204 2601 2603.37 4.32 0.44 0.5 Main stem 370 2 Yr 335 2601 2604.07 5.46 0.64 0.55 Main stem 370 10 Yr 1637 2601 2606.95 13.73 3.23 0.99 Main stem 370 100 Yr 3367 2601 2610.58 17.5 4.48 1 Main stem 334 1 Yr 204 2601 2603.36 3.26 0.27 0.42 Main stein 334 2 Yr 335 2601 2604.14 3.66 0.13 0.13 0.01 0.01 0.32 0.42 Main stem 334 10 Yr 1637 2601 2608.18 6.11 0.89 1.49 0.16 0.34 0.63 0.43 Main stem 334 100 Yr 3367 2601 2610.34 9 1.89 2.52 0.54 0.82 1.24 0.54 Main stem 277 1 Yr 204 2600.32 2602.47 6.81 1.29 1.01 Main stem 277 2 Yr 335 2600.32 2603.04 7.94 0.66 0.77 0.17 0.21 1.56 0.99 Main stem 277 10 Yr 1637 2600.32 2606.56 11.85 2.14 2.14 0.85 0.86 2.48 0.89 Main stem 277 100 Yr 3367 2600.32 2609.72 12.15 2.03 1.96 0.69 0.66 2.24 0.73 Main stem 197 1 Yr 204 2598 2602 2.72 0.2 0.4 Main stem 197 2 Yr 335 2598 2602.73 2.94 0.19 0.44 0.02 0.05 0.21 0.35 Main stem 197 10 Yr 1637 2598 2606.57 4.94 0.47 0.86 0.06 0.14 0.42 0.36 Main stem 197 100 Yr 3367 2598 2608.51 7.25 0.9 1.3 0.16 0.28 0.82 0.45 Page 7 of 8 H EC-RAS Plan: Mai ntstem River: Glad e Creek Reach: Main stem w w ,-. w v~ c a' .. ~ ~ ~ w _~ ~ w ~ ` ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ w .c > =' ' ~ ~ ~ ~ '~a n O ~ O f~ c U ~, ~ o U w l . U ~ ~ ~ s. ec s. ~e :, ee ^d ~ Reach > ~ o a H O' ~ ~ v ~ ~. ~ ~. ~ > a~ ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ o w Main stem 101 1 Yr 204 2598.01 2601.03 6.24 0.11 0.23 0.03 1.04 0.87 Main stem 101 2 Yr 335 2598.01 2601.58 7.58 0.81 0.73 0.22 0.19 1.4 0.91 Main stem 101 10 Yr 1637 2598.01 2605.2 10.75 2.02 1.14 0.74 0.31 2.02 0.79 Main stem 101 100 Yr 3367 2598.01 2607.07 13.4 2.97 1.94 1.34 0.71 2.86 0.85 Page 8 of 8 ~.- r Fcosstem PROGRAM EEP Floodplain Requirements Checklist This form was developed by tl~e National Flood Insurance program, NC Floodplain Mapping program and Ecosystem Enhancement Program to be filled for all EEP projects. The form is intended to summarize the floodplain requirements during the design phase of the projects. The form should be submitted to the Local Floodplain Administrator with three copies submitted to NFIP (attn. Edward Curtis), NC Floodplain Mapping Unit (attn. John Gerber) and NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program. Project Location Name of project: .Glade Creek Stream Restoration Name if stream or feature: Glade Creek and unnamed tributary to Glade Creek County: ~ Alleghany Name of river basin: New Is project urban or rural? Rural Name of Jurisdictional municipality/county: Alleghany DFIRM panel number for entire site: As of September 26, 2007, County Not Mapped by NC Floodmaps Consultant name: Biohabitats, Inc Phone number: 919-518-0311 Address: 8218 Creedmoor Road, Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27613 Design Information Provide a general description of project (one paragraph). Include project limits on a reference orthophotograph at a scale of 1" = 500''. The site is located off Dewitt Road, approximately 3 miles south of Sparta, N.C. on property owned by Steven Faw. Rosgen Priority II stream restoration and enhancement are proposed for the Glade Creek channel and preservation and Rosgen Priority II restoration are proposed for the unnamed tributary channel. Summarize stream reaches or wetland areas according to their restoration priority. Reach Len h Priori Glade Creek 2,430' Two (Restoration) Glade Creek 125 ' Two (Enhancement) Unnamed Tributa 788' Preservation Unnamed Tributary 275' Two (Restoration) Floodplain Information Is project located in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)? t" Yes ~ No If project is located in a SFHA, check how it was determined: r Redelineation r Detailed Study r Limited Detail Study r Approximate Study r Don't know List flood zone desi nation: Check if applies: r AE Zone ~" Floodway t' Non-Encroachment ~ None r A Zone t" Local Setbacks Required ~' No Local Setbacks Required If local setbacks are re wired, list how many feet: Does proposed channel boundary encroach outside floodway/non-encroachment/setbacks? ~ Yes ~" No Land Acquisition (Check) r State owned (fee simple) r Conservation easment (Design Bid Build) t- Conservation Easement (Full Delivery Project) Note: if the project property is state-owned, then all requirements should be addressed to the Department of Administration, State Construction Office (attn: Herbert Neily, (919) 807-4101) Is community/county participating in the NFIP program? ~' Yes ~' No Note: if community is not participating, then all requirements should be addressed to NFIP (attn: Edward Curtis, (919) 715-8000 x369) Name of Local Floodplain Administrator: Phone Number: Floodplain Requirements This section to be filled by designer/applicant following verification with the LFPA r No Action f No Rise r Letter of Map Revision r Conditional Letter ofMap Revision r Other Requirements List other requirements: Comments: Name: Signature: Title: Date: 1 1 1 1 1 1