HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03736_Well Construction - GW1_20240621 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For l,sered Use ONLY: This form can be used for single or mutt ask wells 1.Well Contractor information: 14,WATER ZONES Brian Ewing PIIOM to mow RIP1ION Well Contractor Name p, ft. nc ft, n. 4240-B Id.OUTER CASING(for sneMi cased wens)OR LINER(if taltllncahle) NC Well Contractor CcnificationNrmlber FROM TO DIAMETER THH'tiAicS MATERtAI SAEDACCO fi. 1 ft. is. Company Name Is.INNER_ CASING°. SING(geothermal dltw0datio] FROM t TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 2,Well Co.tm glint Petwlit M: HI0100715 R. ft. ie. Liu all apphinble well penniri(ix.County.Stier.Variance.b1'eCtiOt en.l fl. I ft. in 3.Well Use(cheek well use): 17.SCREEN Water Supply Well: VIIOM TO mixture 4t.OT Spa tuft-toms j %ATFRMAL. LIAgr►cultural OMunicipal.Public rt. is._ Meeting/Cooling R' rt. i"'[JGeothemlal �tiglCoolit>K Supply) ❑Residcntwl Water tsingle) El Industrial/Commcrcial ❑Residential Water Supply(shored) it. PROM TO MATERIAL-. EMPLACEMENT METHOD A AMOUNT ❑Irrigation It. ft. Nou-Water Supply Well: H ❑Monitoring ❑Rceovcr - IRJeetio.Well: ft. It. °Aquifer Recharge DGroundw:aterRcinediation t!.SANIN(IRAVIL Melt ofaft(plk.sMe) VNOM TO M%l-FRt%t. r:MPt.ICI'MFNT MFTIRIIi °Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity earner h. ft. ❑Aquifer Test ❑Siornnsatcr Drainage ft. ft. OExpenmcntal Technology ❑Suhsidcncc Control 2e.DRILLING LOG Iagoeh additional sheets if see ssan I OGeothetuud(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer MOM TO DFw RIPt6►N l,..6r.u..rdn.•,,,,.LOLL.I.Pip,.r....oa,Nr.) ❑Geodurnnal l leatrne Cooling Rctum l ®Other(explain under k21 Remarks) ft. fL ft. ft. 4.Date Wrll(s1 Completed: 4-24-24 wig DIP-D-1-25 (ODDS) - i— :,. \ ��,.,., , .. ,,..`JL-. - V L�L..• ;a.Weil Location: fL JUN 10 i 2024 Rays Grocery ft. to. Facile).Ow ncr Nang Facility DV(if applicabkl ft R. • 1 1,rr )gesar4,J irdred1Wloirf ' • 1674 E. Main St. , Sylva, NC, 28779 R. H. vvvCs14;-:*; Plnsical Addiess.City.and Zip 21.REMARKS Jackson DPT INS ITU INJECTION; INTERVALS 7-13' Count) Parcel Identification No (PMN1 ih.Latitude and Longitude in(kgrccs/minutesrsecnnds or decimal degrees: _,.certification: ;II o.l:ls-.Id now lau Il.ny i.,idlickvli N W Brian Ewing 5/8/2024 Sigiuture ofCenified Well Coo, r Day: 6.Is tare)the',stills): :. Permanent or )(Temporary Is signing Ihir form.I!hereby certify that the wrlkz)tau!(*err)cottonwood M utroniour with 154 NC4C 02C.O1(k7 or)5,4 NC.4C 02C.17200 Well Coiolrwstiott Ssv,Jord%and that a 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: ...lies or X NO ropy of this reword has breer prowdr4 no Orr well owner. if Jbre 1 t o r,')Hlft.flit.nit(tV.A I.Ill.,n»t'w,lion rut.mry:rom um;r,(V0/9 t)w''warner of thr repair under S21 remarks section or awl the bark of this form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You u1aS use the back of this page to ptAA ids additional well site details or well IL Number of wells oussIn eted: 13 coustiu do n details. You roan also.teach additional pages if nceessan. for multrpk IrtjeY too Of emu-wafer auppI,weft,t)y 1 I i,us Mr WNW 1.11,01441441104 ,l,ii I o0 ,;thmir, it form. Si iBMITTAL tNSTUCTiONS 9. Dotal well depth below land surface: 13 try,) 24a. For Al Wdha Submit this fans within 1(1 days of completion of well hor multiple welts!or oil depth,ridtfleren)!example-i%;0Nf and ZEOpNfi conSiflict on 10 the following 10.Static water level below top of casing: (B.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing I.nit. if Huh,)chin.OW,r 1 4,10 1617 Mail Service('enter.Raleigh.NC 27699-1617 II.Borehole diameter.2.25" tin.) 24b.For inketlo.Weib ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 2-aabove. also submit a cops of this form within 10 dins of completion of well 12.Well caustruction method: DRIVEN construction to the following. li e.auger.rotas.cable.dims push;etc i Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail'cr,ice Center.Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 •13a l isid IiTm) 4lethnd of test: 24e.For Water Supple A.Injection Welk: Also submit one sop? of this Mini within to days of completion of 13h-Disinfection type. Amount well construction to the counts health departmentof the county where: cotustructed Form GW-1 \n nit('arotuia Lkaisunuuuiu of Em uorurm°aid Natural Resources-Do moo of Water Rmotmes Re,toed.4Lgust 5113