HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03727_Well Construction - GW1_20240621 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For[mental Use ONLY: The form can be used for single or multiple wells 1.Well Contractor Information: II.WATER ZONES Brian Ewing viwsi to MINIRIPtION '\'r•ll Contractor N:mk• O. 1 ft, 4240-B ft. I fl. N( Well(onlclCalt(cni(i.akr,Niilob,:r IS.OUTER CASING(for nw,Ni-cairn nellsi OR LINFR lif&likable) ►iosi 7, TO j Dl t\I1TFR TIIICIN\FN. NI NTtet%l SAEDACCO II. II. 'N CO114;im N.nik `f•INNERCASING_OR TUBING 1lpulhenaal closed-loop) , IrRQN TO D.A.%IF wit ] rttl(I.NF". M.lTERIAL. 2.Wig Construction Permit rt: rya ft, in. lot all app1L able well permits(i.r.County.Stair.Variance.h!Acba[es.; l - - ft. ft. wr. 3.Well Use icI tLwelluse): 17.S('REEN Water Supply Vicll: ►Rust to DIAMPTT.R .1.(nNvs Tint-I:NON% ; statxNI.I. °Agricultural ❑Municipal;Publk ft. ft is j OGeothennal(IleatingiCooling Supply) OResidential Water Supply(singlet 2 ft. in J 1 ObtdusttiatiComrercial °Residential Water Supply(shared) IR. OUT OM TO MATERIAL.-- EMPLACEMENT METHOD a AMOUNT ❑Img:limn ft R. Non-Water Supply Well: °Monn n onne ❑Rccovc ft ft. . Infection Well: re. ft. °Aquifer Recharge ❑Gmltndw'atcr Rcntcdia uion 11.SAND/GRAVEL PACKlit alLtlkabki ' r'ROM TO St%TYRO NI. PMM.*(TNFNT N)TU(0P °Aquifer Storage and Recovery: ❑Salinity Barrier R. ft. °Aquifer Test ❑Stomw'ater Drainage • ft. ft. OExpenmental Technology. ❑Subsidence Comm! j 20.DRQ.IJNG LOG(attach additional sheets if nemwan t OGeothennal(Closed Loop) ❑Trust nost TO PF.cRIPTIuNI,..br,fordo...,,..il'nnI.t.p,r.o•rw,bet,dt.) OGeothennal(HeatingC'ooling Return) ®(Ater(explain ulster 021 Remarks; ft. IL I ft. ft. 4.Date W N(O,Completed: 4-24-24 well 1DNIP-D-2-26 (EVENS) , y`,a. `t�i i�W Sa Well Location: rt. I JUNS 't�O�` Rays Grocery fl. rt. Facilm'tlw net Naar Fac,bv.IDk(ifapplicable. ft. ft. -re �ii� (` JI 1[r(v:TA ",'• 1674 E. Main St., Sylva, NC, 28779 E R I fl 01,i ilT '' Ph,shot \ddnnss.(its.aid Tip i 21.REINARts Jackson DPT INSITU INJECTION; INTERVALS 6-12' Coon/) Isrncl ldclatfrcarku N. !PlNi 5h.Latitude and longitude in deirreesiminutcsiseennds or decimal degrees: 22.(.ertificatton• C ii tl oc .Id rim tat lone r.,ldfuxull ` N W Brian Ewing; 5/8/2024 Sisnatine of Certified Well Contracltl Date 6.1atare)the walls): ❑Pernranent ut %`fcmplrrar'' gr signing this form,1 kerrb'crrsifr•tent the wear,war lwerrl cYn nmis-ted so accordance WO 114 NCAC 02C.01110 or 1 SA NCAC 02 C.0200 Well Consort;non Suordords um!that a 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: l-es or END raps of this record has hers provided to Ow well owner. If this ri a/rlklit,Ni”eit(n„wn w r'l l,0I1,:'i,1 71,,I,7111.Iros,r71,1<UN/rrplaal tar/swore r f tltr repair walrr 121,rsna,*s section or on the bo.'L of this pent. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You ma% use Ilk back of this pogo to provide additional well site details or well S.Number of was cOnslttcted: 13 consttuc(ton details. You may also attach addmoual pages If necessary. for multiple infertlO o Or man-iOl rr rapid)wells ONLY„7di ow some rowsrrarnow ,.':n<,1„ reboot.me fom. S II.IBMITTAI,(NSTUCTIONS 9.Total wdl depth below land sontacm 12 (ry-1 24a. For Al Well(: Submit this fomr within 10 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths ifdi rent text:mph-?W200'soul 2Ee1fkt') construction to the following ii.Static water keel below top of easlnv (ry.1 Division of Water Resources,Information Processing[nit. //noire level is(rir nor casing.ass"+" 1617 Mail Service('eater,Raleigh,N( 27699-1617 II.Borehole diameter:2.25" (la.) 24b.For luicetlott Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24aabore. also submit a cop} of this form Nithm 30 tins of completion of well 12.Well construction method:DRIVEN coustniction to the folbwing. Ii c.auger.rotary.cable direct push.tic.) Division of Water Resources.Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Sc,-'.ice Center.Raleigh.NC'27619-1636 13a 1"irid Minn/ Method of test: 24e.ForWater Soppli A.Injection Wells: Also submit one cope of this form within) 110 days of completion of IJb_Disinfection n pe: Amount: construction to the corms county health depanmcnl of the co where constnictcd Form GW-1 Nonh Carolina t)q xinawiu of Ens uonarnr and Natural Resources-Do spa of Watcs Rsotna Rt.reed Acgrsl2(tI1