HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000465_MS4 Annual Report (2023-24 FY)_20240621 BMP it Permit Reference Description of BMP Measurable Goals) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric Link to Supporting Documentation I 2.1.2 Program Implementation:Measures Evaluate the performance o evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the and effectiveness of the program components at SWMP-NMS program least annuall Results. 1.Pre omponents at least ypare,conduct,and document an 1 shall be used to modify annual evaluation of the program 1.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 1.Yes Town of Morrisville annually.Results shall be the program components components Phase II Annual Reporting used by the permittee to s to accomplish modify the program as nesary the intent of the components as necessary to Sformwater Program accomplish the intent Of the Stormwater Program. 1.6 Permit Renewal Application:Measures to Submit a permit renewal submit a permit renewal application package and 1.Draft SWMP-NMS applicable to the application no later than 180 Draft SWMP-NMS no later proceeding 5 years following permit re- 1.Permit Year 5 1.No days prior to the expiration than 180 days prior to issuance date of the NPDES M54 permit expiration 2 permit. 1.6 Permit Renewal 2.Certify the stormwater permit Application:Measures t0 Submit a permit renewal submit a permit renewal application package and wal aen pplication(permit renewal application no later than 180 Draft SWMP-NMS no later application form and Draft SWMP-NMS 2.Permit Year 5 2.No days prior to the expiration than 180 days prior to for the next 5-Year permit cycle)and date of the NPDES MS4 permit expiration submit to NCDE0 at least 180 days permit. prior to permit expiration Neuse Local Program: Adequate Funding and Staking:Local Program Review of Annual Self- activities to determine and Assessment to determine 1.Determine whether additional Insert link to memo here. 8 maintain adequate funding if more funding or staking funding or staff time are required to 1.Annually—Permlf Years 1-5 I.Yes Memo will talk about how the budget is fully and staffing to Implement is needed to implement meet SMPs and if Neuse Local Program funding our department and we are able to and manage the provisions the SWMP-NMS or the changes are needed hit our goals with the funding available of the Local Program and Neuse Local Program meet all requirements of the Neuse Sformwater Rules. 2.2.2 Minimum Control Measures:The Permittee shall maintain,and make available to the Division u pon request,written Create written procedures procedures far for implementing the six implementing the six mi Minim control m' control measures. es.They shall Writt n procedures shall m asur 1.Create all required written Folder containing Identify specific action steps, Identify specific action procedures I.Permit Year I.Yes 6 Minimum Control Measures schedules,resources,and steps,schedules, responsibilities for es cis,and implementing the MCMs. responsibilities for Written procedures can be Implementing the MCMs free standing or,where appropriate,integrated into the Sformwater Management Plan 4 2.2.2 Minimum Control Measures:The Permittee shall maintain,and make available to the Division u pon request,written Create written procedures ures for mplementing the six formplementing the six minimum control measures. minimum control es.They shall Written procedures shall measur 2.Review all written programs an d identify specific action steps, identify specific action update as needed 2.Annually—Permit Years 2-5 2.Yes schedules,resources,and steps,schedules, responsibilities for resources,and implementing the MCMs. responsibilities for Written procedures can be implementing the MCMs free standing or,where appropriate,integrated into the Sformwater Management Plan 3.2.2 and 3.2.4i Outreach to Targeted Audiences: Measures to identify the specific elements and implementation of a Public Education and Outreach Program to share educational materials to the community or conduct Continue to engage with equivalent outreach CWEP for education and activities about the impacts outreach initiatives that of stormwater discharges on will be administered by 1.Maintain legal agreement with CWEP water bodies and how the CWEP.Initiatives will focus and review compliance with permit public can reduce pollutants on residential, requirements as well as reviewing to 1.Annually—Permit Years 5-5 5.Yes CWEP Annual Reporting in stormwater runoff.The cial,and school determine if target pollutants or permittee shall provide audiences.Target audiences should be revised educational information to pollutants will include identified target audiences those listed in Tables 7 on pollutants/sources and 12 identified in Table 12 above and shall document the extent of exposure of each media,event,or activity, including those elements implemented locally or through a cooperative agreement. 3.2.2 and 3.2.4:Outreach to Targeted Audiences: Measures to identify the specific elements and implementation of a Public Education and Outreach Program to share educational materials to the community or conduct Continue to engage with equivalent outreach CWEP for education and activities about the impacts outreach initiatives that of stormwater discharges on will be administered by water bodies and how the CWEP.Initiatives will focus 2.Monitor CWEP activities to ensure 5 public can reduce pollutants on residential, partnership commitments are met 2.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 2.Yes f:/stTOMEneineering/EhVuGBlP2V5coAC94v677beBNvhnrSleLWNVA7i1LNrwOc7e=QtNuAU In stormwater runoff.The cial,and school during annual self-assessment permittee shall provide audiences.Target educational information to pollutants will include identified target audiences those listed in Tables 7 on pollutants/sources and 13 identified in Table 12 above and shall document the extent of exposure of each media,event,or activity, including those elements Implemented locally or through a cooperative agreement. 3.2.2 and 3.2.4:Outreach to Targeted Audiences: Measures to identify the specific elements and implementation of a Public Education and outreach Program to share educational materials to the community or conduct Continue to engage with equivalent outreach CWEP for education and activities about the impacts outreach initiatives that of stormwater discharges on will be administered by water bodies and how the CWEP.Initiatives will focus 3.Provide public education about yard public can reduce pollutants on residential, t 3.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 3.Yes Public Education Documentation in stormwater runoff.The commercial,and school permittee shall provide audi waste/leaf litter asatarge pollutant audiences.Target educational information to pollutants will include identified target audiences those listed in Tables 7 on pollutants/sources and 14 identified in Table 12 above and shall document the extent of exposure of each media,event,or activity, including those elements implemented locally or through a cooperative agreement. 3.2.2 and 3.2.4:Outreach to Targeted Audiences: Measures to identify the specific elements and Conduct outreach implementation of a Public activities addressing Education and Outreach impacts of stormwater Program to share discharges on water educational materials to the bodies,actions the public community or conduct an take to reduce those equivalent can outreach Impacts,and overall activities about the impacts understanding of Of stormwater discharges on stormwater management s.Develop or identity educational water bodies and how the sues.Outreach activities materials for residential,commercial, public can reduce pollutants Include include presentations, 1.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 I.Yes Public Education Brochures in stormwater runoff.The booth set-ups,etc. or school target audiences t0 distribute permittee shall provide through educational or present educational information to programs or local events identified target audiences (e.g.,Spring Fest or on pollutants/sources Morrisville's Green Day). Identified in Table 12 above Outreach materials and shall document the include stormwater extent of exposure of each hotline and website media,event,or activity, information on including those elements educational materials implemented locally or through a cooperative agreement. 3.2.2 and 3.2.4:Outreach to Targeted Audiences: Measures to identify the specific elements and Conduct Outreach implementation of a Public activities addressing Education and Outreach Impacts of stormwater Program to share discharges on water educational materials to the bodies,actions the public community or conduct can take to reduce those equivalent outreach impacts,and overall activities about the Impacts understanding of Of stormwater discharges on stormwater management 2.Number of events(9),contact water bodies and how the issues.Outreach activities 2.Staff a booth at the one hours(27),and materials 6 public can reduce pollutants include presentations, vent/festival chosen and 2.Annually—Permit Years 5-5 distributed(CWEP Brochure,River Public Education Events in stormwater runoff.The booth set-ups,etc. present/distribute the information Basin Book,Eco Address permittee shall provide through educational Brochure) educational Information to programs or local events identified target audiences (e.g.,Spring Fest or on pollutants/sources Morrisville's Green Day). identified in Table 12 above Outreach materials and shall document the include stormwater extent of exposure of each hotline and website media,event,or activity, information on including those elements educational materials implemented locally or through a cooperative agreement. 3.2.2 and 3.2.4:Outreach to Targeted Audiences: Measures to identify the specific elements and Conduct outreach implementation ofa Public activities addressing Education and Outreach Impacts of stormwater Program to share discharges on water educational materials to the bodies,actions the public community or conduct can take to reduce those equivalent outreach impacts,and overall activities about the impacts understanding of of stormwater discharges on stormwater management water bodies and how the issues.Outreach activities 3.Distribute information regarding public can reduce pollutants include presentations, Neuse River Nitrogen to target 3.Permit Year 2 3.N/A in stormwater runoff.The booth set-ups,etc. audiences permittee shall provide through educational educational information to programs or local events identified target audiences (e.g.,Spring Fest or on pollutants/sources Morrisville's Green Day). identified in Table 12 above Outreach materials and shall document the include stormwater extent of exposure of each hotline and website media,event,or activity, information on including those elements educational materials implemented locally or through a cooperative agreement. 3.2.2 and 3.2.4:Outreach to Targeted Audiences: Measures to identify the specific elements and implementation ofa Public Education and Outreach Program to share educational materials to the community or conduct equivalent outreach Develop educational activities about the impacts materials to target of stormwater discharges on residents developers;and 1.Establish a developer stormwater water bodies and how the property owners resourcesse ion on he website so 1.Permit Year 2 1.N/A in stormwater runoff The Local Neuse Nitrogen relevantsou materials are easily accessible f d permittee shall provide Program,including or evelopers educational information to information about built- identified target audiences upon area(BOA)limits on pollutants/sources identified in Table 12 above and shall document the extent of exposure of each media,event,or activity, including those elements implemented locally or through a cooperative agreement. 3.2.2 and 3.2.4:Outreach to Targeted Audiences: Measures to identify the specific elements and implementation ofa Public Education and Outreach Program to share educational materials to the community or conduct equivalent outreach Develop educational 2.Prepare educational materials for activities about the impacts materials to target developers specific to the requirements of stormwater discharges on residents,developers,and of Nutrient Management Strategy water bodies and how the property owners' implementation.Include information 7 public can reduce pollutants associations regarding the 2.Permit Year 2 2.N/A in stormwater runoff.The Local Neuse Nitrogen on nutrient calculation guidance, onsite stormwater permittee shall provide Program,including minimum educational information to information about built- requirements,nutrient targets,and identified target audiences upon area(BUA)limits nutrient offset procedures on pollutants/sources Identified in Table 12 above and shall document the extent of exposure of each media,event,or activity, including those elements implemented locally or through a cooperative agreement. 3.2.2 and 3.2.4:Outreach to Targeted Audiences: Measures to identify the specific elements and implementation of a Public Education and Outreach Program to share educational materials to the community or conduct equivalent outreach Develop educational activities about the impacts materials to target 3.Post education and information of stormwater ischarges on residents,developers,and resources for dh g 3 Property Owners water bodies anow the property owners' Associations an te eneral public public can reduce d d h pollutants associations regarding the .Permit Year 2 3.N/A regarding BUA limits and the need for in stormwater runoff.The Local Neuse Nitrogen adequate SCM maintenance on the permittee shall provide Program,including stormwater web educational information to Information about built- page identified target audiences upon area(BOA)limits on pollutants/sources identified in Table 12 above and shall document the extent of exposure of each media,event,or activity, including those elements implemented locally or through a cooperative agreement. 2.1.7,3.2.3 and 3.6.5(c):Web Site:Measures to provide a web site designed to convey Continue to maintain the the program's message(s) stormwater web pages and provide online materials with information including ordinances,or regarding relevant other regulatory ordinances,post- mechanisms,or a list construction identifying the ordinances or requirements,design other regulatory standards,and resident- mechanisms,providing the specific 1 Post the updated SWMP and permit 1.Permit year 1 1.10-1-2023 Stormwater Resources legal authority necessary to resources/programs. implement and enforce the Provide a link to the MS4 requirements of the permit permit and SWMP and and SWMP-NMS.The web hotline number.Update page shall also provide ordinances and post- developers with all relevant construction requirements post-construction with Local Neuse Program requirements,design Rules standards,checklists and/or other materials. 8 2.1.7,3.2.3 and 3.6.5(c):Web Site:Measures to provide a web site designed to convey Continue to maintain the the programmessage(s) stormwater web pages and provide online materials with information including ordinances,or regarding relevant other regulatory ordinances,post- mechanisms,or a list construction identifying the ordinances or requirements,design other regulatory standards,and resident- 2.Maintain the web pages-update any Link to Engineering S[ormwater's mechanisms,providing the specific broken links,upload new educational 2.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 2.yes Town Of Morrisville Webpage legal authority necessary toresources/programs. material implement and enforce the Provide a link to the M54 requirements of the permit permit and SWMP and and SWMP-NMS.The web hotline number.Update page shall also provide ordinances and post- developers with all relevant construction requirements p05t-construction with Local Neuse Program requirements,design Rules standards,checklists and/or other materials. Continue to maintain the stormwater hotline that allows citizens to report illegal dumping into storm drainage systems, Stormwater Hotline: streams,or other 1.Continue to publicize hotline in Measures for a stormwater stormwater related materials developed for the w hotline/helpline for theconcerns,The hotline is stormwate r program and posting on 1.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 1.Yes Giveaway items Stormwater Webge purpose of public education advertised on the stormwater web and outreach. stormwater webpage. Page Develop and implement a method for documenting resolution of complaints/illicit 9 discharges Continue to maintain the stormwater hotline that allows citizens to report Illegal dumping into storm drainage systems, 3.2.5:Stormwater Hotline: streams,or other 2.Use Access Stormwater Database to Measures for a stormwater stormwater related track the number and type of calls 2.Number and type of calls,19 hotline/helpline for the concerns.The hotline is ecelved and document resolutions of 2.Annually—Permit Years l-5 concerns,pof Illicit discharges(4) Concern Reporter, purpose of public education advertised on the r calls and outreach. stormwater webpage. Develop and implement a method for documenting solution of complaints/illicit discharges Continue to maintain the stormwater web pages with information regarding relevant ordinances,post- construction3.3.1 Public Input: requirements,design Mechanisms that public standards,and resident- 1.Maintain the web pages-update any 30 Input mentthat provide for specific broken links,upload new educational 1.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 1.Yes Morrisville Stormwater Website reourInpuf on stormwater issues ces/programs. material and the stormwater Provide a link to the M54 program• permit and SWMP and hotline number.Update ordinances and post- construction requirements with Local Neuse Program Rules(see BMP 8) Maintain the stormwater hotline for citizens to ask stormwater questions and 3.3,1 Public Input: report stormwater issues. Mechanisms for public Train the hotline operator 1.Continue to publicize hotline in 11 involvement that provide for and identify and train after materials developed for the {on stormwater issues hours Ito direct stormwater d 1.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 I.Yes Morrisville Stormwater Website input personnel program an posting on and the stormwater stormwater calls.The stormwater web page program• hotline number will be advertised on the stormwater webpage(see MP 9) Plan and implement one Town-sponsored volunteer opportunity(in person or virtually)such as 3.3.2:Volunteer stream cleanups and Opportunities:Measures to monitoring,NC Big Sweep, 1.Develop or identify one volunteer provide volunteer or Earth Day activities at activity that addresses a target 1.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 1.Yes Events(14) Volunteer Events opportunities designed to least once a year. pollutant or pollutants promote ongoing citizen Residential,commercial, participation. and school audiences will be targeted with special emphasis civic groups, large employers,and large trade associations Plan and implement one Town-sponsored volunteer opportunity(in person or virtually)such as 3.3.2:Volunteer stream cleanups and Opportunities:Measures to monitoring,NC Big Sweep, 2.Number of events(18), provide volunteer or Earth Day activities at 2 Coordinate and host the activity 2.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 participants(142),and how many Volunteer Events opportunitle5 designed to least once a year. bags of waste collected(41) promote ongoing citizen Residential,commercial, participation. and school audiences will be targeted with special emphasis on civic groups, large employers,and large trade associations Continue to maintain the 3.4.1:MS4 Map:Measures MS4 map with information to develop,update and including stormwater maintain a municipal storm conveyances,outfalls,and se wer system map including receiving waters.Update 1.Maintain a current map showing Town of Morrisville 13 stcr rmwaterconveyances, the map annually with major outfalls and receiving streams 1.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 I.Yes Public Stormwater Inventory Mao flow direction,major outfalls newly identified or and waters of the United constructed stormwater States receiving stormwater infrastructure.Update the discharges. map with Local Neuse Program requirements 3.4.2:Regulatory The Town's stormwater Mechanism:Measures to ordinance(UDO Sec.7.6.2 provide an IDDE ordinance &7.6.4)provides legal or other regulatory authority to prohibit, mechanism that provides defect,and eliminate illicit legal authority to prohibit, Town of Morrisville 14 detect,and eliminate illicit connections and 1.Maintain and review IDDE ordinance 1.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 1.Yes UnIFled Development Ordinance nections and discharges, d dumpping,and ing,and illegal c illegal dumping,and spills spills into the MS4,including into the MS4,including enforcement enforcement procedures and aactn ions cedures and actions. ao 3.4.3 IDDE Plan:Measures to maintain and implement a written IDDE Plan to detect and address illicit discharges, illegal dumping and any non- Develop comprehensive stormwater discharges written IDDE SOP Identified as significant document that reports contributors of pollutants to Inspection requirements, the MS4.The plan shall priority areas and 1.Develop a method for identifying/ provide standard procedures inspection frequencies, reporting Illicit discharges from sanitary Stormwater and documentation to: I.Permit Year I.Yes illicit discharge sewer overflows or failing septic Standard Operating Procedures lSOPs) a)Locate priority areas likely identification and tracking, systems to have illicit discharges, methods to resolve b(Conducc routlne dry discharges and follow-up, weather outfall inspections, and evaluation and clldentify illicit discharges assessment criteria and trace sources, d)Eliminate the source(s)of an illicit discharge,and e)Evaluate and assess the IDDE Program. 3.4.3 IDDE Plan:Measures to maintain and implement a written IDDE Plan to detect and address illicit discharges, illegal dumping and any non- Develop comprehensive stormwater discharges written IDDE SOP identified as significant document that reports contributors of pollutants to inspection requirements, the MS4.The plan shall priority areas and provide standard procedures inspection frequencies 2.Develop criteria for identifying , and documentation to: chronic violators and"hot spots"by 2.Permit Year 2.Yes 031DDE NOVs&Investigations alLocate priority areas likely illicit discharge owner/operator and location to have illicit discharges, identification and tracking, bloonduct routine dry methods to resolve weather outfall inspections, discharges and follow-up, clldentify illicit discharges and evaluation and and trace sources, assessment criteria dlEliminate the source(s)of an illicit discharge,and elEvaluate and assess the IDDE Program. 3.4.3 IDDE Plan:Measures to maintain and implement a written IDDE Plan to detect and address illicit discharges, illegal dumping and any non- Develop comprehensive stormwater discharges written IDDE SOP Identified as significant document that reports contributors of pollutants to Inspection requirements, the MS4.The plan shall priority areas and provide standard procedures Inspection frequencies, 15 and documentation to: illicit discharge 3.Identify priority areas for Inspections 3.Permit Year 1 3.Yes a)Locato priority areas likely Identification and tracking, to have illicit discharges, methods to resolve b)Conduct routlne dry discharges and follow-up, weather outfall inspections, and evaluation and c)Identify illicit discharges tcriteria and trace sources, assessment d)Eliminate the source(s)of an illicit discharge,and e)Evaluate and assess the IDDE Program. 3.4.3 IDDE Plan:Measures to maintain and implement a written IDDE Plan to detect and address illicit discharges, illegal dumping and any non- Develop comprehensive stormwater discharges written IDDE SOP identified as significant document that reports contributors of pollutants to jsaaatioa taaaiteaaaata, the MS4.The plan shall priority areas and 4.Document outfall inspection provide standard procedures inspection frequencies, frequencies that allows for 100%of 4.Number(115)and percent of and documentation to: ' 4.Annually-Permit Years 1-5 illicit discharge Duffel's to be inspected through permit outfalls inspected(20%) a)Locate priority areas likely identification and tracking, cycle. to have illicit discharges, methods to resolve b)Conduct routine dry discharges and follow-UP, weather outfall inspections, and evaluation and c)Identify illicit discharges assessment criteria and trace sources, d)Eliminate the source(s)of an illicit discharge,and e)Evaluate and assess the IDDE Program. 3.4.3 IDDE Plan,Measures to maintain and Implement a written IDDE Plan to detect and address illicit discharges, illegal dumping and any non Develop comprehensive stormwater discharges written IDDE SOP identified as significant document that reports contributors of pollutants to the M54.The plan shall InSpec'n r"u're'ent'j priority areas and Provide standard procedures . and documentation to, fre'ende' 5.Train staff to perform inspections 5.Annually—Permit Years 1—5 5.Number of staff trained(4) Outfall Inspections illicit discharge a)Locate priority areas likely identification and tracking, to have illicit discharges, methods to resolve blConduct routine dry discdischarges ianduat foonl I o w and-p, weather outfall inspections, cIldent-ify illicit discharges . assessment criteria and trace sources, d)Eliminate the source(s)of an illicit discharge,and e)Evaluate and assess the IDDE Program. 3.4.3 IDDE Plan:Measures to maintain and implement a written IDDE Plan to detect and address illicit discharges, illegal dumping and any non- stormwater discharges identified as significant contributors of pollutants to perform an annual 1.Evaluate the plan with Town the MS4.The plan shall evaluation of IDDE Plan Stormwater Engineering Manager. provide standard procedures implementation and Review IDDE reports and inspections to 16 and documentation to: 1.Annually—Permit Years 1—5 1.Yes MCM 3 effectiveness.Review identify chronic violators,issues, a)Locate priority areas likely documentation to identify and/or"hot-spot"areas according to to have illicit discharges, chronic violators the criteria identified in the IDDE Plan b)Conduct routine dry weather outfall inspections, c)Identify illicit discharges and trace sources, d)Ehminate the source(s)of an illicit discharge,and e)Evaluate and assess the IDDE Program. • 3.4.4 IDDE Tracking: Measures for tracking and documenting the date(s)an illicit discharge,illicit connection or illegal dumping was observed,the Maintain the existing IDDE 1.Continue to track violations In the 1.Number of illicit discharges 17 results of the investigation, 1.Continuouqy Energov 03 IDDE NOVs&Investigations tracking database database identified(4) any follow-up of the investigation,the date the investigation was closed,the issuance of enforcement actions,and the ability to identify chronic violators. 3.4.5:Staff IDDE Training: Measures to provide training for municipal staff and contractors who,as part of their normal job Continue to provide responsibilities,may observe training to appropriate an illicit discharge,Illicit municipal staff of 1.Continue to train staff with Illicit connection,illegal dumping, indicators of potential Discharge&Detection responsibilities or spills.Training shall illicit discharges/ or the potential to discover an illicit 1.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 1.Number of attendees(21) include how to identify and connections and illegal discharge during routine work activities report illicit discharges,illicit dumping and the annually connections,illegal dumping, appropriate avenues and spills.Each staff training through which to report event shall be documented, suspected illicit discharge including the agenda/materials,date,and number of staff participating. 18 3.4.5:Staff IDDE Training: Measures to provide training for municipal staff and contractors who,as part of their normal job Continue to provide responsibilities,may observe training to appropriate an illicit discharge,illicit municipal staff of connection,illegal dumping, indicators of potential 2.Training date(7/27/23, or spills.Training shall illicit discharges/ 2.Train new staff that will be part of 2.During new staff on-boarding 10/5/23,1/4/24&4/11/24)and include how to identify and connections and illegal the IDDE program number of attendees(30) report illicit discharges,illicit dumping and the connections,illegal dumping, appropriate avenues and spills.Each staff training through which to report event shall be documented, suspected illicit discharge including the agenda/materials,date,and number of staff participating. Continue to maintain the stormwater web pages with information 3.4.6:IDDE Reporting: regarding relevant Measures for the public and ordinances,post- staff to report illicit construction requirements,design discharges,illegal dumping, standards,and resident- I.Maintain the web pages-update a, and spills.The mechanism Town of Morrisville specific broken links,upload new educational 1.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 1.Yes shall be publicized to Construction/Development Page „sources/programs. material facilitate reporting and shall r. P ovide a link to the M54 be managed to provide rapid permit and SWMP and re'P'nse appropriately hotld ine number.Update trained personnel. ordinances and post- construction requirements with Local Neuse Program Rules(see BMP 8) Maintain the stormwater 3.4.6:IDDE Reporting: hotline for citizens to ask Measures for the public and stornnwater questions and staff to report illicit report stormwater issues. discharges,illegal dumping, Train the hotline operator I.Continue to publicize hotline in and spills.The mechanism and identify and train after materials developed for the Town of Morrisville 20 1.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 1.Yes shall be publicized to hours personnel to direct stormwater program and posting on Engineering Stormwater Webpage facilitate reporting and shall stormwater calls.The stormwater web page be managed to provide rapid hotline number will be response by appropriately advertised on the trained personnel. stormwater webpage(see IMP 9) 3.5.6:Public Input:Measures Train municipal staff who to promeanvideo anthed prpublic to omote a public receive for t calls from the 1.Train stormwater staff on proper s fr on he protocols handling of construction site runoff 21 notify the appropriate referral and tracking of 1.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 1.Number of staff trained(4) control complaints vs.illicit discharge authorities of observed construction site runoff erosion and sedimentation control complaints vs. reporting problems, illicit discharge reporting Continue to provide and 3.5.6:Public Input:Measures PriiTintee tahnedSiitnc'krrntowtehteer to provide and Prom... wake Courgy I.Continue to publicize hotline in means for the public to sedimentation and erosion materials developed for the Town of Morrisville notify the appropriate 1.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 1.Yes control hotline to provide stormwater prograrn and posting on Construction/Developrnent Page authorities of observed a method to notify the stormwater web page erosion and sedimentation appropriate authorities of problems. observed erosion and sedimentation problems 22 Continue to provide and 3.5.6:Public Input:Measures prl'omt tahned owtht:r to provide and promote a Wake County means for the public to sedimentation and erosion 2.Publicize Wake County's sediment Town of Morrisville authorities of observed notify the appropriate 2.Permit Year 1 2.Yes control hotline to provide hotline on stormwater web page Engineering Stormwater Webpage a method to notify the erosmn and sedimentation appropriate authorities of problems. observed erosion and sedimentation problems 3.5.5:Waste Management: Measures to require construction site operators to control waste such as discarded building masaterias, Requirements are fully met by the Wake County Sedimentation and Erosion Control Program concrete truck whout,l chemicals,litter,and sanitary waste at the construction site that may cause adverse irnpact to water quality. Implement standardized 3.6.5(a),3.6.5(b),and 4.1.3: tracking,documentation, Minimum Post-Construction Inspections,and reporting Reporting Requirements: mechanisms to compile Measures to document appropriate data for the activities over the course of annual self-assessment 1.Track number of low-density plan 1.Continuously—Permit Years 1-5 1.0 Use Energov to track the fiscal year(July 1—lune process.Data shall be reviews performed 30)including appropriate provided for each Post- information to accurately Construction/Qualifying describe progress,status, Alternative Program being and results. Implemented as listed in Tables 1/3 and 19 Implement standardized 3.6.5(a),3.6.5(b),and 4.1.3: tracking,documentation, Minimum Post-Construction inspections,and reporting Reporting RequiremeMs: mechanisms to compile Measures to document appropriate data for the activities over the course of annual self-assessment 2.Track number of low-density plans 2.Continuously—Permit Years 1-5 2.0 Use Energov to track the fiscal year(July 1—June process.Data shall be approved 30)including appropriate provided for each Post- information to accurately Construction/Qualifying describe progress,status, Alternative Program being and results. implemented as listed in Tables 18 and 20 Implement standardized 3.6.5(a),3.6.5(6),and 4.1.3: tracking,documentation, Minimum Post-Construction Inspections,and reporting Reporting Requirements: mechanisms to compile Measures to document appropriate data for the 3.Maintain a currem inventory of 3.Number(7)and type of SCMs activities over the course of annual self-assessment projects and constructed 5CMs 3.the fiscal year(July 1—June process.Data shall be Including SCM type,location,and last Continuously—Permit Years 1-5 added to the inventory(4 WDB,1 5CM Info and MR SF,1810,1WIL) 30)including appropriate provided for each Post- inspection date information to accurately Construction/Qualifying describe progress,status, Alternative Program being and results. Implemented as listed in Tables 18 and 21 Implement standardized 3.6.5(a),3.6.5(b),and 4.1.3: tracking,documentation, Minimum Post-Construction inspections,and reporting Reporting Requirements: mechanisms to compile Measures to document appropriate data for the activities over the course of annual self-assessment 4.Track number of SCM inspections 4.Number of SCM inspections 4.Cinuously—P ermit Y ears 1— the fiscal year(July 1—June process.Data shall be performed ont (225) 30)including appropriate provided for each Post- information to accurately Construction/Qualifying describe progress,status, Alternative Program being and results. Implemented as listed In Tables 18 and 22 Implement standardized 3.6.5(a),3.6.5(b),and 4.1.3: tracking,documentation, Minimum Post-Construction inspections,and reporting Reporting Requirements: mechanisms to compile Measures to document appropriate data for the activities over the course of annual self-assessment 5.Track number of low-density P the fiscal year(July 1—June process.Data shall be inspections performed S.Continuously—ermit Years 1—5 5.0 30)including appropriate provided for each Post- information to accurately Construction/Qualifying describe progress,status, Alternative Program being and results. implemented as listed in Tables 18 and 23 Implement standardized 3.6.5(a),3.6.5(b),and 4.1.3: tracking,documentation, Minimum Post-Construction inspections,and reporting Reporting Requirements: mechanisms to compile Measures to document appropriate data for the activities over the course of annual self-assessment 6.Track number of low-density —P Y 1 the fiscal year(July 1—June process.Data shall be enforcement actions taken 6.Continuously—ermit ears 30)including appropriate provided for each Post- information to accurately Construction/Qualifying describe progress,status, Alternative Program being and results, implemented as listed in Tables 18 and 24 3.6.5(a),3.6.5(b),and 4.1.3: Implement standardized Minimum Post-Construction ,recki,g,docen.ion, Reporting Requirements: rt ,d000ntafon, inspections and reporting Measures to document mechanisms to compile activities over the course of 1.Track number of NMS-subject plans propriate data for the . onnuousl—erit Yea rs 1—5 1.0 the fiscal year(July 1—June approved in past y 1 C ti y P m ear 'annual self-assessment 30)including appropriate process for the Neuse Information to accurately Nutrient Management describe progress,status, Strategy(NMS) and results. 24 3.6.5(a),3.6.5(6),and 4.1.3: I plement standardized M'nirr'urn P'st'enstructi" trmacking,docu„entatio„, Reporting Requirements: , inspections and reporting Measures to document activities over 2 the course of 2.Maintain a current inventory of appropriate data for the .Continuously—Permit Years 1—5 2.0 the fiscal year(July 1—June developments and lots with BUM limits annual self-assessment 30)including appropriate process for the Neuse information to accurately ' Nutrient Management describend results.progress,status, Strategy(NMS) a 4403..: Input data used for the Minimum Post-Construction calculation of nutrient "'rting Re'irement' export and reduction by Measures to document SCMs for all development activities over tire course of 1.Export SNAP Input data from each sites subject to.0711 will 1.Continuously—Permit Years 1—5 1.N/A the fiscal year(July 1—June development upon approval be collected for the year 30)including appropriate and submitted as an information to accurately appendix for the Local describe proltsgress,.status, Program's Annual Report and resu 25 Input data used for the Minimum Post-Construction calculation of nutrient "u'rement' export and reduction by Measures to document 2.Provide adjusted SNAP input data . C. S Ms for all development achvIties over the course of f hd I p ent where sites subject to.0711,01 MM e" eve 2.Annually—Permit Years 1—5 2.N/A the fiscal year(July 1—June completed landcovers are different be collected for the year 30)including appropriate from what was permitted and submitted as an information to accurately appendix for the Local describe progress,an results.status, Program's Annual Report d 2.3 and 3.6:Qualifying Alternative Program(s): Measures to develop, The OAP requirements are fully met by the existing QAP for post-construction,see references provided in Table 18 and additional Neuse Local implement and enforce additionalMPs in to Prograrn BMPs described herein. B order comply with the OAP state program requirements. J.13,Legal outman,: Measures to maintain adequate legal authorities through ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to:(a) review designs and proposals for new development and redevelopment to determine whether adequate stormwater control measures will be installed, implemented,and Adopt a Neuse Nutrient maintained,(b)request Management Strategy 1. ordinance revision.Establish nutrient targets through 26 information such as through the Town's 1.Permit Year 1 1.N/A stormwater plans,inspection Unified Development reports,monitoring results, Ordinance and other information deemed necessary to evaluate compliance with the Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program,and(c)enter private property for the purpose of inspecting at reasonable times any facilities,equipment, practices,or operations .a.Legal Amnon, Measures to maintain adequate legal authorities through ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to:(a) review designs and proposals for new development and redevelopment to determine whether adequate stormwater control measures will be installed, Ensure local ordinance 1.Revise code to require Federal, implemented,and specifically requires State,and local government projects to maintained,(b)request compliance with Nutrient omply with post construction 27 information h as suc 1.Permit Year 1.N/A stormwaterlans,i as on Management Strategy by requirements unless subject to its own reports,monitoring results, Federal,State,and Local NPDES MS4 permit or qualifying ernment projects alternative program. and other information gov deemed necessary to evaluate compliance with the Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program,and lei enter private property for the purpose of Inspecting at reasonable times any facilities,equipment, practices,or operations -.Pelf.-Lege/10181r Measures to maintain adequate legal authorities through ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to:(a) review designs and Provide adequate legal proposals for new authorities designed to development and meet the objectives of the redevelopment to determine Post-Construction Site whether adequate Runoff Controls Stormwater control Stormwater Management measures will be installed, program,including the implemented,and ability to request aintained,(b)request stormwater plans,conduct I.Establish legal authority through Town of Morrisville 28 maintained, such as development design I.Permit Year I.Yes Unified Development Ordinance stormwater plans,Inspection and approvals, code revision JMulliple areas> reports,monitoring results, review and approve 0&M and other information Plans and Agreements for deemed necessary to all SCMs,requiring deed evaluate compliance with restrictions and protective the Post-Construction covenants for SCM5,and Stormwater Management requiring recordation of Program,and(c)enter BUA limits for projects and private property for the individual lots within purpose of inspecting at reasonable times any facilities,equipment, practices,or operations 'sG.'tW.�g S�SJJtXnNr� Measures t0 maintain adequate legal authorities through ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to:(a) review designs and proposals for new development and redevelopment to determine whether adequate Stormwater control measures will be installed, implemented,and Ensure the local ordinance maintained,(b)request or local SCM design 1.Revise code to specify State Town of Morrisville 29 information such as manual specifically refers Minimum Design Criteria for SCM 1.Permit Years 1.Yes Unified Development Ordinance stormwater plans,inspection to the State's Minimum design if required 7.3.4 reports,monitoring results, Design Criteria and other information deemed necessary to evaluate compliance with the Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program,and(c)enter private property for the purpose of inspecting at reasonable times any facilities,equipment, practices,or operations A73?C1hISM,TII8 ty Approval:Measures to maintain plan review and approval authority, standards and procedures to:(a)Require Federal, State,and local government projects to comply with Post- Construction Program requirements throughout the entire MS4 permitted area,unless the entity is Ensure development plans subject to its own NPDES are reviewed for any MS4 permit or a qualifying Federal,State,and Local Town of Morrisville 30 alternative program,(b) government projects 1.Ensure review process Includes I.Permit Year 1 I.Yes Unified Development Ordinance JUD01 Conduct site plan reviews of within the jurisdiction, Federal,State,and Local Government 7.1.1 all new development and unless entity has its own redeveloped sites that MS4 permit disturb greater than or equal to one acre,and sites that disturb less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale for compliance with 15A NCAC 02H.1017 and the qualifying alternative programs that apply within your Approval:Measures to maintain plan review and approval authority, standards and procedures to:(a)Require Federal, State,and local government projects to comply with Post- Construction Program Conduct site plan reviews requirements throughout of all new development thee re M.permitted anddevelopment area,unless the entity is wbject to its own NPDES expansions for compliance MS4permlt or a qualifying with the stormwa[er treatment and nutrient 1.Establish application Intake and 31 alternative program,(b) reduction requirements in review procedures I.Permit Year 1 I.Yes Energov work Flow/UDO Conduct site plan reviews of 15A NCAC 02B.0711 or all new development and 0]31,including reviews of redeveloped sites that calculat disturb greater than or equal nu nt io using to one acre,and sites that racDWRaat po tool disturb less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale for compliance with 15A NCAC 02H.1017 and the qualifying alternative programs that apply within your te§t'ffl,raftur AB" Approval:Measures to maintain plan review and approval authority, standards and procedures to:la)Require Federal, State,and local government projects to comply with Post- Construction Program requirements throughout the entire MS4 permitted Ensure that for lots in unless the entity is developments with a subject to its own NPDES Pmen MS4 Common Plan of permit ora qualifying 32 alternative program,(b) Development chat a BUA 1.Establish legal authority through 1.Permit Year 1 1.Yes Conduct site plan reviews of limit,based on the code revision all new development and approved smrmwater redeveloped sites that Plan,is recorded with disturb greater than or equal either the deed or plat acre,to one and sites that disturb less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale for compliance with 15A NCAC 02H.1017 and the qualifying alternative programs that apply within your Approval:Measures to ma intain plan review and approval authority, standards and procedures to:(a)Require Federal, State,and local government projects to comply with Post- Construction Program requirements throughout the entire MS4 permitted area,unless the entity is subject to its own NPDES Ensure all plan review staff MS4 permit or a qualifying have gone through DWR- 1.All current plan review staff alternative program,(b) provided plan reviewer participate in live online training for 1.Permit Year 1 1.3 Conduct site plan reviews of training for the approved calculator tool all new development and nutrient calculator redeveloped sites that disturb greater than or equal to one acre,and sites that disturb less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale for compliance with 15A NCAC 02H.1017 and the qualifying alternative programs that apply within your 33 3`6'.A P nVe(R€W9ri9" Approval:Measures to maintain plan review and approval authority, standards and procedures to:(a)Require Federal, State,and local government projects to comply with Post- Construction Program requirements throughout the entire M54 permitted unless the entity Is subject to its own NPDES Ensure all plan review staff MS4 permit or a qualifying have gone through DWR-2.Plan review staff who were unable to alternative program,(b) provided plan reviewer attend live online workshop view 2.As Needed 2.0 SNAP Training Website Conduct site plan reviews of training for the approved recording of training all new development and nutrient calculator redeveloped sites that disturb greater than or equal to one acre,and sites that disturb less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale for compliance with 15A NCAC 02H.101]and the qualifying alternative programs that apply within your rian neview ano Approval:Measures to maintain plan review and approval authority, standards and procedures to:(a)Require Federal, State,and local government projects to comply with Post- Construction Program requirements throughout Ensure that each SCM the entire MS4 permitted reviewed has an area,unless the entity is Operation and subject to its own NPDES Maintenance Agreement, MS4 permit or a qualifying an Operation and 1.Continue to review site plans for 1.Continuously 1.8 alternative program(b) M, aintenance Plan, cornpliance Conduct site plan reviews of appropriate recorded SCM all new development and deed restrictions and redeveloped sites that protective covenants,and disturb greater than or equal a maintenance and to one acre,and sites that accesses easement disturb less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale for compliance with 15A NCAC 02H.1017 and the qualifying alternative programs that apply within your "1`.0.3VPariVeVrgarqr Approval:Measures to maintain plan review and approval authority, standards and procedures to:(a)Require Federal, State,and local government projects to comply with Post- Construction Program requirements throughout Ensure that each SCM the entire MS4 permitted reviewed has an area,unless the emity is Operation and subject to its own NPDES Maintenance Agreement, MS4 permit or a qualifying an Operation and 2.Ensure annual SCM inspections are Town of Morrisville alternative program,(b) Maintenance Plan, performed by the appropriate 2.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 2.Yes Stormwater SCM Inventory Conduct site plan reviews of appropriate recorded responsible party all new development and deed restrictions and redeveloped sites that protective covenants,and disturb greater than or equal a maintenance and to one acre,and sites that accesses easement disturb less than one acre that are part via larger common plan of development or sale for compliance with 15A NCAC 02H.1017 and the qualifying alternative programs that apply within your Wert 7'. Enforcement:Measures to maintain inspection and enforcement authority, standards,and procedures to:(a)Cord uct post- construction inspections prior to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy or a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy.Alternatively,the project Owner'"provide a Revise existing ordinance surety bond to guarantee o specifically require I.Revise code to require inspection of compliance with the t inspection of low-density low-density projects at least once approved 1.Permit Year 4 1.N/A that the project has been projects and continue to during the permit term by a qua Hied require annual SCM professional constructed in accordance Inspections with the approved plan(s), (c)Ensure annual inspection of each permitted SCM to ensure compliance with the approved Operation and Maintenance Agreement,(d) Ensure inspection of low- density projects at least once during the permit term,and (e)Require that inspections be conducted by a qualified 35 on.Lerlittrittas a na Enforcement:Measures to maintain inspection and enforcement authority, standards,and procedures to:(a)Conduct post- construction inspections prior to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy or a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy.Alternatively,the 'rGie'"ner Pr"'de e Revise existing ordinance surety bond to guarantee tO sPecificallY require compliance with the . . o n of low-density 2.Conduct inspection of low-density approved plan(s),(b)Ensure ect' projects once per a permit term and projects and continue to 2.Permit Year 5 2.N/A that the project has been document any follow-up require annual SCM constructed in accordance inspections with the approved plan(s), (c)Ensure annual inspection of each permitted SCM to ensure compliance with the approved Operation and Maintenance Agreement,(d) Ensure inspection of low- density projects at least once during the permit term,and (e)Require that inspections be conducted by a qualified 3.6.5 Documentation: Measures to maintain adequate documentation and standardized inspection and tracking mechanisms to: (a)Maintain an inventory of post-construction SCMs and low-density projects,(b) Develop an inventory of Document,track and maintain records of low-density projects to be 1.Establish list of existing low-density 36 1.Permit Year 4 1.N/A inspections od coromement utilized for inspections and projects tracking actions.Tracking shall include the ability to identify chronic violators,and(c) Make available to developers all relevant ordinances,post- construction requirements, design standards,checklists, and/or other materials. Develop and maintain a 3.6.5 Documentation: comprehensive inventory Measures to maintain of projects that have BUA adequate documentation limits tied to their and standardized inspection and tracking mechanisms to: stormwater m"'geme"t (a)maintain an inventory of or nutrient loading requirements to be used post-construction SCMs and when reviewing new low-density projects,(b) development plans. Document,track and maintain records of Develop and maintain a 1.Establish a list of developments with 1.Permit Year 4 1.N/A database BUA limits on BUA limits inspections and enforcement developments and actions.Tracking shall individual lots within'with include the ability to identify BUA limits based on their chronic violators,and(c) approved stormwater Make available to developers plans.Actual BUA all relevant ordinances,post- . amounts are updated as construction requIrements, new development is design standards,checklists, approved for and occurs and/or other materials. on individual lots Develop and maintain a 3.6.5 Documentation: comprehensive inventory Measures to maintain of projects that have BUA adequate documentation limits tied to their and standardized inspection and tracking mechanisms to:stormwater management nr(a)Maintain an Inventory of re qu.marient loadingirements to be used post-construction SCMs and when reviewing new low-density projects,(b) development plans. Document,track and Develop and maintain a 2.Establish a list of parcels or lots with 37 maintain records of 2.Permit Year 4 2.N/A database BUA limits on BUA limits inspections and enforcement developments and actions.Tracking shall individual lots within,with include the ability to identify BUA limits based on their chronic violators,and(c) approved stormwater Make available to developers plan,Actual row all relevant ordinances,post- amounts are updated as construction requirements, new development is design standards,checklists, a and/or other materials. pproved for and occurs on individual lots Develop and maintain a 3.6.5 Documentation: comprehensive inventory Measures to maintain of projects that have BUA adequate documentation limits tied to their and standardized inspection and tracking mechanisms to: 'nrmwater management (a)maintain an inventory of or nutrient loading requirements to be used post-construction SCMs and low-density projects,(b) when rev'ewMg new development plans. Document,track and Develop and maintain a 3.Add developments and lots within to maintain records of the list when project as-builts are 3.Permit Years 4-5 3.N/A database BUA limits on inspections and enforcement approved developments and actions.Tracking shall individual lots within,with include the ability to identify BUA limits based on their chronic violators,and(c) approved stormwater Make available to developers plans.Actual BUA all relevant ordinances,post- constroction foonifemeotsi amounts are updated as new development is design standards,checklists, approved for and occurs and/or other materials. on individual lots 3.6.5 Documentation: Measures to maintain adequate documentation and standardized inspection and tracking mechanisms to: (a)Maintain an inventory of post-construction 5CMs and Track the results err regular low-density projects,(b) post-construction SCM Document,track and and low-density/BUA 1.Establish inspection tracking maintain records of inspections to provide mechanism for low-density/BUA 1.Permit Year 4 1.N/A inspections and enforcement documentation and the tracking actions.Tracking shall ability to identify chronic include the ability to identify violators chronic violators,and(c) Make available to developers all relevant ordinances,post- construction requirements, design standards,checklists, and/or other materials. 3.6.5 Documentation: Measures to maintain adequate documentation and standardized inspection and tracking mechanisms to: (a)Maintain an inventory of post-construction SCMs and Track the results of regular low-density projects,(b) post-construction SCM Document,track and and low-density/BUA 2.Continue to track SCM inspections maintain records of inspections to provide and start tracking low-density 2.Permit Years 4-5 2.N/A inspections and enforcement documentation and the inspections actions.Tracking shall ability to identify chronic include the ability to identify violators chronic violators,and(c) Make available to developers all relevant ordinances,post- construction requirements, design standards,checklists, and/or other materials. 3.6.6:Fecal Coliform Reduction:Measures to control,to the maximum extent practicable,sources of fecal coliform per 15A NCAC 021-1.1017(7).At a minimum,the program shall include:(a)A pet waste management component, Adopt an appropriate which may be achieved by ordinance with a pet 1.Establish legal authority through Division 5 Waste 39 revising an existing litter 1.Permit Year 4 1.Yes te management code revision Town Codetord ordinance,and(b) on-site wasfornannanf domestic waste Anwater treatment system component,if applicable, which may be coordinated with local county health department,to ensure proper operation and maintenance of such systems. 3.7.1:Municipal Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program:Measures to manage facilities that are owned and operated by the permittee and have the potential for generating polluted stormwater runoff. The permittee shall maintain a current inventory of Maintain an up-to-date Maintain and update inventory as municipal facilities;perform inventory of municipal Stormwater 40 needed when facilities are added or 1.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 1.Yes facility inspections and facilities with potential to Standard Operating Procedures ISOPs) closed routine maintenance; generate polluted runoff establish specific frequencies,schedules,and standard documentation; provide staff training on general stormwater awareness and implementing pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices 3.70 Municipal Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program:Measures to manage facilities that are owned and operated by the permittee and have the potential for generating Establish inspection polluted stormwater runoff. f d continue The permittee shaii maintain atennena's an a current inventory of o inspsewct Town-owned 1.Establish an SOP/plan for facility municiPai facilities;perform d afcn'iltpieaiiafe'thsftahrea,P:a'feaft'a Inspections,schedul including an inspection OP ermit Year 2 1.Yes facility inspections ane,inspection report Track corrective acti r" documentation,and tracking system tine ma'ten'n' and document restio'ns establish specific when probl darddocumentation; ems are frequencies,schedules,and identified stan provide staff training on general stormwater awareness and implementing pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices 41 3.7.1:Municipal Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program:Measures to manage facilities that are owned and operated by the permittee and have the potential fon generating Establish inspection polluted stormwater runoff, fre,.uende,and aaatinaa The permittee shall maintain " to inspect Town-owned a 7re"'inrnanaY na facilities with the potential . municipal facilities;perform fa panafe atafmwafef. 2.Pertorm inspections according to the 2.Number of inspections 2.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 facility inspections and soP/plan performed(1) Track corrective actions "'tine man'tenanne' and document resolutions establish specific when problems are frequencies,schedules,and identified standard documentation; provide staff training on general storrnwater awareness and implementing pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices 3.7.1:Municipal Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program:Measures to manage facilities that are owned and operated by the permittee and have the potential for generating Develop or identify a staff polluted stormwater runoff, training program and The permittee shall maintain provide to public works a current inventory of department employees. 1.Continue to document a training municipal facilities,perform Ensure training targets program for relevant Town staff on 1.Training date(6/19/24)and 42 facility inspections and litter/yard waste, pollution prevention and good 1.Annually—Permit Years l-5 • number of attendees(21) routine maintenance; nitrogen,sediment,car housekeeping practices establish specific washing, frequencies,schedules,and fertilizer/pesticides/herbic standard documentation; ides,and illicit discharges provide staff training on general stormwater awareness and Implementingpollution prevention and good housekeeping practices 3.7.2:Spill Response Program:Measures for Maintain a list of Town facilities and operations that facilities and operations store and/or use materials Pero storing materials that that have the potential to 1.Update list of Town facilities and would be a pollutant if 1.When necessitated by changes In Stormwater 43 contaminate stormwater w Operations with spill potential when 1.Yes runoff if spilled.The spilled and introduced to facilities or operations are changed facilities or operations Standard Operating Procedures l$DPs) permittee shall maintain the stormwater system and classify by hazard and written spill response quantity procedures and train staff on spill response procedures. 3.7.2:Spill Response Maintains spill Program:Measures for Pi response procedures as part of the facilities and operations that PPGH Plan and train staff store and/or use materials On procedures as well as that have the potential to 1.Train staff at facilities with potential have an organized vehicle 1.Training date(6/19/24),and to for high hazard spills in firs[response 1.Annually—Permi[Vearsl—S number of attendees(21) 06 PP&GH[raining contaminate stormwater spill cleanup response runoff if spilled.The prevent pollutants from actions and reporting procedures permittee shall maintain vehicular accidents from written spill response entering the storm drain procedures and train staff on system spill response procedures. 44 3.7.2:Spill Response Maintain spill response Program:Measures for procedures as part of the facilities and operations that PPGH Plan and train staff store and/or use materials on procedures as well as that have the potential to 2.Annually review and update spill Stormwater courau.are stormwater haves n Organized vehicle response SOP to identify new polluting 2.Annually—Permit Years l-5 2.Yes spill cleanup response[o Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs) runoff if spilled The prevent pollutants from materials or processes permittee shall maintain vehicular accidents from written spill response entering the storm drain procedures and train staff on system spill response procedures. 3.7.3:MS4 Operation and Maintenance Program: Measures to minimize pollutants in the stormwater Develop and maintains collection system.The permittee shall provide Proactive plan for MS4 tand maintenance system maintenance, 1.Develop operation pan SOP that includes requiring regular staff training on stormwater proactive inspection schedules, nspections and Stormwater awareness and pollution standard documentation,staff I.Permit Year I.Yes maiurecacce,Verity, Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs) prevention,perform MS4 esponsibilities,and proper document,and priori tize nspections,maintain the maintenance training collection system including maintenance inspections catch basins and Itlentifled by inspections c onveyances;and establish or citizen reports specific frequencies, schedules,and standard 95 documentation. 3.7.3:MS4 Operation and Maintenance Program: Measures to minimize pollutants in the stormwater Develop and maintains collection system.The permittee shall provide Proactive plan for MS4 system maintenance, operation and maintenance staff training stormwater requiring regular 2.Following g on s wing schedule established In nspections and 2.Perform regular inspections in 2.Number of inspections aware and pollution SOP,once SOP and tracking system are Condition Assessment Dashboard prevenniosn,per orm aintenance.Verify, accordance with the SOP documented(196) t f MS4 m established ze Inspections,maintain the documenance activities collet n system including maintenance by catch basins and identified by inspections conveyances;and establish or citizen reports specific frequencies, schedules,and standard documentation. 3.7.4:Municipal 5CM Operation and Maintenance Program:Measures to manage municipally owned, Maintain an inventory of operated,and/or maintained ruuniclpallyownen structural stormwater structural SCMs.Continue control measures(SCMs) to perform and document that are installed for This year there was Fire Station N3 as well as regular inspection and compliance with the 1.Update the map when new Town- I.Number of Town-owned SCMs MCP Phase maintenanc e 1.AnnuallyPermit Years 1-5 permittee's post- added SCMs are constructed added to the map(2) (Although this hasn't technically been accepted municipally owned 'on program.The mun yet) permittee shall maintains structural O Msalans current g inventory of SCMs, to the &M plans perform 5CM inspections developed for all and maintenance,and shall municipally owned SCMs establish specific frequencies,schedules,and documentation. 3.7.4:Municipal SCM Operation and Maintenance Program:Measures to manage municipally owned, of operated,and/or maintained Maintain an inventory municipally owned structural stormwater structural SCMs.Continue controles(SCMs) to perfor e u and document that are installed for regular inspection and 2.Maintain NC SCM Inspections and 46 compliance with the Town of Morrisville eof Maintenance Certification for 2.Continuously 2.4 permittee's post- mamtallyo Municipal SCM Inventory onstructlon program.The municipally owned appropriate personnel cpermittee shall maintain structural SCOMsalans g current inventory of SCMs, to[he O&M plans perform SCM inspections develope allyo for all and maintenance,and shall municipally owned SCMs establish specific frequencies,schedules,and documentation. 3.7.9:Municipal SCM Operation and Maintenance Program:Measures to manage municipally owned, Maintain an inventory of operated,and/or maintained icipally owned structural stormwater structural SCMs.Continue control measures(SCMs) [p perform and document that aminstalled for regular inspection and 3.Perform inspections and compliance with the 3.Number of Town-owned SCMs Town of Morrisville permittee's post- maintenance of maintenance according to O&M plan 3.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 inspected(22) Municipal SCM Inventory onstructlon program.The municipally owned for each SCM cpermittee shall maintalna structural SCMs according currentinventory of SCMs, to the O&M plans perform SCM inspections developed for all and maintenance,and shall municipally owned SCMs establish specific frequencies,schedules,and documentation. 3.7.5:Pesticide,Herbicide and Fertilizer Management Program:Measures to minimize water quality impacts from the use of Continue to require Citylandscape chemicals.The staff who apply landscape 1.Continue to require staff training in permittee shall provide pollution prevention and chemical use, 1.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 1.Number of staff trained(5) routine pollution prevention chemicals to maintain storage and handling and chemical use,storage, applicator licenses and handling training,and shall ensure compliance with permits and applicator certifications. 3.7.5:Pesticide,Herbicide and Fertilizer Management Program:Measures to minimize water quality impacts from the use of Continue to require City landscape chemicals.The 2.Maintain a list of ce staff who apply landscape d employees 2.Number of certified employees 97 permittee shall provide and update annually to track 2.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 o routine pollution prevention chemicals rlmaintain certifications (5) and chemical use,storage, applicator licenses and handling training,and shall ensure compliance with permits and applicator certifications. 3.7.5:Pesticide,Herbicide and Fertilizer Management Program:Measures to minimize water quality impacts from the use of Continue to require City landscape chemicals.The 3.Maintain a list of certified permittee shall provide staff who apply landscape 3.Number of certified contractors contractors and update annually to 3.AnnualN—Permit Years 1-5 routine pollution prevention chemicals to maintain track certifications (1) and chemical use,storage, applicator licenses and handling training,and shall ensure compliance with permits and applicator certifications. 3.7.5:Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Program: Measures to prevent and minimize oMamination of stormwater runoff from area used for municipal vehicle and equipment Ensure WOES industrial cleaniaintenance and/or facilities comply with ng.The permittee shall permitting requirements. 1.Review industrial NPDES facilities ann ensure that municipal Determine if Spill walla for industrial permit 48 Industrial facilities subject to Prevention,Control,and the irdnce and note if any changes to 1.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 1.N/A NPDES industrial permitting Countermeasure(SPCC) che ndustrial plans or processes are comply with those permit Plans are required for any required requirements,provide facility routine pollution prevention training to staff,perform routine inspections,and establish specific frequencies,schedules,and documentation. 3.7.7:Pavement Management Program: Measuresreduce pollutants n stormwater runoff from municipally owned streets,roads,and Maintain an agreement parking lots within the that includes street permittee's corporate limits, sweeping followings 1.Develop an SOP,including a schedule Stormwater The permittee shall regular schedule In order and plan to document 1.Permit Year 1 1.Yes Standard Operating Procedures ISOPs) implement measures to to reduce pollutants from control litter,leaves,debris, Town maintained streets particulate and fluid and parking lots pollutants associated with vehicles,and establish specific frequencies, schedules,and .n documentation. 3.7.7:Pavement Management Program: Measures to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff from municipally owned streets,roads,and Maintain an agreement parking lots within the that includes street permittee's corporate limits. sweeping following a Stormwater The permittee shall regular schedule in order 2.Implement SOP and documentation 2.Annually—Permit Years 2-5 2.14 tons Standard Operating Procedures ISOOs) implement measures to to reduce pollutants from control litter,leaves,debris, Town maintained streets particulate and fluid and parking lots pollutants associated with vehicles,and establish specific frequencies, schedules,and documentation. 3.7.7:Pavement Management Program: Measures to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff from municipally owned streets,roads,and parking lots within the Monitor leaf collection permittee's corporate limits.activities by a public works I.Monitor leaf collection contractor SO The permittee shall contractor and provide 1.Annually—Permit Years 1-5 1.Total number of collections by activities contractor(26) implement measures to public education about control litter,leaves,debris, yard waste particulate and fluid pollutants associated with vehicles,and establish specific frequencies, schedules,and documenMtion.