HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3230701_Response To Comments_20240621 T THOMAS Imi HUTTON June 20, 2024 NCDEQ- DEMLR Attn: Jim Farkas 512 N. Salisbury Street, Office 640M Raleigh, NC 27604 Re: Stewart's Grove Subdivision #SW3230701 Wingate, NC J-31540.0000 To whom it may concern: This letter serves as acknowledgement that we have revised the previously submitted package to address all comments below as follows: General Issues 1. Prior Comment 1 "As designed, the project does not appear to capture and treat sufficient on-site BUA in order for the project to meet Runoff Treatment (15A NCAC 02H.1002(43)). Per the application, the %BUA for the site is shown as 34.76% which would result in approximately 6.33 ac of new BUA whereas the SCM is only capturing & treating approximately 5.14 ac. Please ensure that the net increase in on-site BUA is being captured and treated in one or more primary SCMs. If it is not practicable to capture and treat all of the new BUA, the uncaptured areas of the project can be permitted as a low-density area (provided that they meet all of the low-density requirements outlined in 15A NCAC 02H.1003(2)). Please revise as needed." Please complete the Drainage Areas Page of the Supplement-EZ Form so that this information can be verified. Per the drainage area delineations provided in the calculation booklet, all of the BUA appears to be captured in the SCM drainage areas, we just need to be able to verify this. Supplement-EZ form updated to include Drainage Areas page. 1020 Euclid Avenue I Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 I (980) 201-5505 I thomasandhutton.com T THOMAS HUTTON 2. Prior Comment 2 "Per the Supplement-EZ Form, the total amount of BUA allocated to the subdivided lots for the entire site (Entire Site Column, Line 9) is 153,370 sf whereas the total amount of BUA allocated to the subdivided lots per the deed restriction document is 153,390 sf. Please revise as needed." Please complete the Drainage Areas Page of the Supplement-EZ Form so that this information can be verified. Per the Application Form, the total amount of BUA allocated to the subdivided lots is shown as 96,960 sf (88,640 sf + 8,320 sf = 96,960 sf) whereas the deed restriction form indicates the total amount of BUA allocated to the subdivided lots is 126,720 sf (35 lots @ 3,360 sf/lot & 3 lots @ 3,040 sf/lot). Please revise as needed. Supplement-EZ form updated to include Drainage Areas page. Application Form corrected to match deed restriction form. 3. Prior Comment 5.a. "Please add the following items to the plan set... Drainage area delineation to the SCM. It is noted that a drainage area delineation is provided in the calculations, however, per 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(g)(iv), the drainage area delineation must be included in the main set of plans. Please revise." This item was not provided. Drainage area delineation to BMPs added to plan set. See sheet C3.10. 4. Prior Comment 6.a. — "Drainage Area Page..." Please complete the Drainage Areas Page of the Supplement-EZ Form so that this information can be verified. Supplement-EZ form updated to include Drainage Areas page. 5. Please be aware that DEQ considers the filtering layer of sand and storage provided above the filtering layer of sand (in both the sediment chamber and sand chamber) to be a single SCM, the sand filter and does not consider it to be two separate SCMs (sand filter & dry pond). Please revise the submittal materials as needed. Removed dry pond data from Supplement-EZ form and revised sand filter sheet. 1020 Euclid Avenue I Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 I (980) 201-5505 I thomasandhutton.com T THOMAS HUTTON 6. Please provide hard copies of all of the revised plan sheets. This item is required per 15A NCAC 02H .1042(2)(g). NOTE: Only revised hard copies of plan sheets EC1.0-EC3.3 and C3.7- C3.9 were provided. All revised documents provided as part of this submittal. 7. Per the USGS topographic map for the area, there are surface waters located within the project area (see attached image). Please ensure that this surface water area is accounted for in Section IV, 6 of the Application and Sections IV, 7, 8, & 10 of the Application are revised as needed (to exclude the surface water area). Please also ensure that this surface water area is accounted for on Line 4 of the Cover Page of the Supplement-EZ Form and Line 2 of the Cover Page is revised as needed (to exclude the surface water area). NOTE: The surface water area of a stream is the area between the banks (please also ensure that the vegetated setback is measured from this area and not just the stream centerline). Section IV, Subsections 6-8, 10 updated to account for existing surface water area from ponds and streams on site and to reflect the site layout. Supplement-EZ cover page updated to reflect the corrected project area. 8. Please correct the following issues with the SCM design: a. General: i. Sand Filter MDC 1 - Please provide the SHWT elevation for this SCM. SHWT testing by Southern Engineering did not find evidence of SHWT in the vicinity of either SCM. ii. Sand Filter MDCs 2 & 3- Please provide a stage-storage table for both the sediment and sand chambers of the proposed SCM so that these MDC can be verified. Stage storage tables have been added to the stormwater management report. See appendix J. iii. Sand Filter MDC 8- Per the provided calculations, the filter media coefficient of permeability is shown to be 3.5 ft/day which equals 1.75 in/hour. Sand filter MDC 8 requires the sand filter to be maintained in a manner that results in a drawdown rate of 2.0 in/hr at the sand filter surface. Please revise as needed. The coefficient of permeability has been updated to reflect minimum criteria of 2.0 in/hr. 1020 Euclid Avenue I Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 I (980) 201-5505 I thomasandhutton.com T THOMAS Imi HUTTON b. SCM 1: i. While not required, it is strongly recommended to limit the drainage area of a sand filter to no more than 5 acres (about 8.7 ac is draining to the SCM) and to limit the percent pervious area draining to the sand filter (about 3.9 ac of pervious area is draining to the SCM). You may wish to select a more appropriate SCM for the site or use more, smaller sand filters for this site. Noted. Due to the configuration of the site the sand filters as designed are the only viable option for stormwater treatment. ii. The provided minimum required treatment volume sizing/design calculations do not correspond to the other submittal items. For example, the calculations show a drainage area to the SCM as 8.547 ac (8.71 ac shown in the Application), the calculations show a percent BUA for the drainage area to the SCM as 65% (54.9%shown in the Application, etc... Please revise as needed for consistency. All documents have been revised as necessary to provide consistency. c. SCM 2: i. While not required, it is strongly recommended to limit the percent pervious area draining to the sand filter (about 81% of the area draining to the SCM is pervious). You may wish to select a more appropriate SCM for the site. Noted. Due to the configuration of the site the sand filters as designed are the only viable option for stormwater treatment. ii. The provided minimum required treatment volume sizing/design calculations do not correspond to the other submittal items. For example, the calculations show a percent BUA for the drainage area to the SCM as 65% (19.1% shown in the Application, etc... Please revise as needed for consistency. SCM calculations revised for consistency. iii. Per Part C-6 of the Manual, the entire surface area of the sand chamber should contain sand. Please revise as needed. Plans updated to reflect full surface area coverage by sand within the BMP sand chambers. See sheets C3.18 and C3.19. 1020 Euclid Avenue I Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 I (980) 201-5505 I thomasandhutton.com T THOMAS Imi HUTTON 9. Please correct the following issues with the Application: a. Section IV, 1 - Please remove the references to dry ponds (see earlier comment). Application updated to remove references to dry ponds. b. Section IV, 4, 6, 7, &8- Please revise these values in accordance with the earlier on- site surface water area comment. Line 4 should be the total property area, Line 6 should be the total on-site surface water area, Line 7 is equal to Line 4- Line 6, and Line 8 will need to be recalculated (for a site with no existing BUA, [Percent BUA] = [Proposed BUA] / [Total Project Area] (does not include surface water areas). Application updated to reflect reductions in project area due to existing surface waters. c. Section IV, 10- For a subdivision project, the On-site Buildings/Lots line should exclusively be used for BUA allocated to the individual lots (BUA allocated to common areas, such as the roadway) should be shown in the other applicable lines). Please revise as needed. Tabulations for on-site buildings/lots updated to reflect BUA exclusively allocated to each lot (pad areas and driveways). 10. Please correct the following issues with the Supplement-EZ Form: a. Cover Page: i. Lines 2 & 4-See earlier comments with regard to the project area and on-site surface water area for this project. Line 2 should correspond to Section IV, 7 of the Application and Line 4 should correspond to Section IV, 6 of the Application. Line items corrected to match with revised application. ii. Line 22-See earlier comment with regard to dry ponds. References to dry ponds removed. 1020 Euclid Avenue I Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 I (980) 201-5505 I thomasandhutton.com T THOMAS HUTTON b. Drainage Areas Page: i. Please provide the table that is supposed to be included on this page of the form (BUA accounting for the entire site and drainage areas). NOTE: This spreadsheet uses macros to generate information based on the information entered into the top part of this sheet. You need to enable macros and then click on the "Click to load form" link to generate this table. Drainage Area table completed and included in this submission. c. Sand Filter Page: i. Line 1 -These drainage area values should correspond to the drainage area column on the Drainage Areas Page of the Supplement-EZ Form for the drainage area to each SCM. Drainage areas updated to reflect drainage area page. ii. Line 2-See earlier comment with regard to the minimum required treatment volume calculations for the SCM. Values updated to reflect corrected minimum required treatment volumes. iii. Line 18- Please provide this information (see earlier comment). SHWT testing by Southern Engineering did not find evidence of SHWT in the vicinity of either SCM. iv. Lines 19-21 -The SCM details do not appear to reflect a closed bottomed sand filter design (a closed bottomed sand filter requires an impervious liner separating the sand filter from the surrounding in-situ soils). Please revise as needed. Form updated to reflect open bottom SCM design for both BMPs. v. Lines 23, 26, 30, & 32- Please revise as needed in accordance with the stage- storage tables that will be provided. Lines updated for consistency with stage storage tables provided with this submittal. vi. Line 25-This item refers to the lowest excavated elevation of the sediment chamber. For example, for SCM 1, the plans indicate that this elevation is 534.0' (532.5' is shown). Please revise as needed for each SCM. Line item updated to reflect bottom of sediment chamber. 1020 Euclid Avenue I Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 I (980) 201-5505 I thomasandhutton.com T THOMAS Imi HUTTON vii. Line 27-This item refers to the distance from the excavated bottom of the sediment chamber (Line 25) to the invert of the lowest bypass orifice/weir (Line 35). Please revise as needed for each SCM. Line item corrected per guidance. viii. Line 28-This item is Line 27 minus the depth of any permanent pool provided in the sediment chamber (If there is no permanent pool in the sediment chamber, this value will be the same as Line 27). Please revise as needed for each SCM. Line item corrected per guidance. ix. Line 29-This item refers to the elevation of the top of the weir separating the sediment chamber from the sand chamber. For example, for SCM 1, the plans indicate that this elevation is 535.3' (539.5' is shown). Please revise as needed for each SCM. Line item corrected to match plans regarding sediment chamber berm elevation. x. Line 31 -This item refers to the excavated bottom of the sand chamber and not the top of the sand/washed stone layer (it is used to determine the low point of the system for determining SHWT separation). For example, for SCM 1, the plans indicate that this elevation is 535.3' (539.5' is shown). Please revise as needed for each SCM. Line item updated to reflect lowest excavated point of SCM. xi. Line 33-This item refers to the distance from the excavated bottom of the sand chamber (Line 31) to the invert of the lowest bypass orifice/weir. Line item corrected per guidance. xii. Line 34-This item refers to the distance from the top of the sand layer to the invert of the lowest bypass orifice/weir. Line item corrected per guidance. xiii. Line 35-This item refers to the invert elevation of the lowest bypass device. For example, for SCM 1, the plans indicate that this would be the weir at elevation 536.0' (539.5' is shown). Please revise as needed for each SCM. Line item corrected per guidance. 1020 Euclid Avenue I Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 I (980) 201-5505 I thomasandhutton.com T THOMAS HUTTON xiv. Line 36- Bypass device refers to any device that allows any stormwater runoff to avoid the treatment provided by the SCM. Line item corrected to reflect lowest bypass weirs. xv. Line 37- Please clarify what is meant by this. What mechanism (weir, pipe network, level spreader, etc...) causes stormwater from the sediment chamber to enter the sand chamber as disperse flow? The berm separating the sedimentation chamber from the sand chamber shall be constructed of class B rip-rap to allow for the percolation of water through the berm from the sedimentation chamber into the sand chamber and across the filter surface. d. Dry Pond Page: i. Please remove the dry pond page (see earlier comment). Removed. 11. Please correct the following issues with the O&M Agreement Form: a. Please provide an original, signed & notarized hard copy of this form. This is required per 15A NCAC 02H .1042(2)(j). Original hard copy of the O&M form provided as part of this submission. b. Please remove the references to dry ponds (see earlier comments). Removed. We look forward to receiving the approved certification for the referenced project to allow us to proceed. If you have any questions,comments,or desire additional information, please contact our office at (336) 264-4440. Sincerely, THOMAS & HUTTON Nestor Hernandez, PE 1020 Euclid Avenue I Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 1 (980) 201-5505 I thomasandhutton.com