HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC231589_NOT Closeout Documents_20240617 APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATION FOR PAYMENT AIA DOCUMENT G702 PAGE ONE OF 2 PAGES 1.0 CLIENT: City of Lowell PROJECT: Yorkshire America APPLICATION NO: 6 Distribution to: 101 W.First Street Backfill,Erosion&Sediment PERIOD FROM: 1/1/2024 E1oWNER . Lowell,NC 28098 PERIOD TO: 2/29/2024 1—IARCHITECT F-1CONTRACTOR FROM CONTRACTOR: Trifecta Services Company 1722 Toal Street Job No.: CLT23043 Q Charlotte,NC 28206 Proj No.: Contract: Yorkshire America-Backfill,Erosion&Sediment Control Contract Date: 8/1/2023 CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, Application is made for payment,as shown below,in connection with the Contract. information and belief the Work covered by this Application for Payment has been Continuation Sheet,AIA Document G703,is attached completed in accordance with the Contract Documents,that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor for Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received from the Owner,and that current payment shown herein is now due I. ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM $ 496,577.87 2. Net change by Change Orders $ 0.00 CONTR CTOR: Trifecta Services Company 3. CONTRACT SUM TO DATE(Line I t 2) $ 496,577.87 Joe Stritmatter,Branch Manager 4. TOTAL COMPLETED&STORED TO $ 496,577.87 DATE (Column G on G703) By: Date: 3 22 1214 5. RETAINAGE: a. 0% of Completed Work $ 0.00 State :North Carolina County of Mecklenburg (Column D+Eon G703) Sub bed and sworn to before as,is '.ZRC� day of (rQXem 2t0 2,u b. 0.0 %of Stored Material $ 0 No Public: J�,t 4r�,� Q,�,41.01-0.-{ (Column F on G703) My Commission expires: _. • - • 0 Total Retainage(Lines 5a+56 or t Total in Column 1ofG703) $ 0.00 ARCHITECT'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYM: - DARSHIRI Li CONNOR 6.TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE $ 496,577.87 In accordance with the Contract Documents,based on on-site observation• Notary Public (Line 4 Less Line 5 Total) comprising the application,the Architect certifies to the Owner that to the l Xt`t3f^' , o ilr North Carolina 7. LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR Architect's knowledge,information and belief the Work has progressed as ;it uCa - rC PAYMENT(Line 6 from prior Certificate) $ 389,012.94 the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents,and he Ca b a r r U S County 8. CURRENT PAYMENT DUE $ 107,564.93 is entitled to payment of the AMOUNT CERTIFIED 9. BALANCE TO FINISH,INCLUDING RETAINAGE S 0.00 (Line3lessLine6) AMOUNT CERTIFIED $ 107,564.93 CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS (Attach explanation if amount certified differs from the amomrt applied.Initial all frgrrres on this Total changes approved Application and onthe Continuation Sheet that are changed to conform with the amount certified) in previous months by Owner ARCI IITECT: ENGINEER 03/22/2024 Total approved this Month By. v Date: TOTALS $0.00 This Certificate is not negotiable. a AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the Contractor named herein.Issuance,payment and acceptance of payment are without AIA DOCUMENT 0702•APPUCATION AND CERTIFICATION FOR PAYMENT•1992 EDITION-AIA 01992 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS.1735 NEW YORK AVE.N W..WASHINGTON.DC 200355292 Users may obtain validation of this document by requesting a completed AIA Document D401-Certification of Document's Authenticity from the Licensee. CONTINUATION SHEET AIADOC(IMEM•G703 AIA Document G702,APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATION FOR PAYMI r.captaining APPLICATION NO:6 CceoraUor's signed certification is attached_ APPLICATION DATE:March 12,2024 In tabulations berm,amounts are sealed to the nearest dollar. PERIOD TO:February 29,2024 Usc Column Ion Contracts where satiable reraioogc for lino nano 0my apply. Job Name: A B C D E F G II I -REM DFST:RIPIION OF PORK VALUE %CORI.COMPLETED IOTA1. % BALANCE RLTAINAOE NO. FROM PREVIOUS 11111 PRESENTLY COMPLETED (0•C) TO FINISH (IF VAR1A10.E APPLICATION PERIOD STORED AND STORED (C-O) RATE) (0°F) (NOT IN TO DATE DOR E) (D(E.F) 1 Mobohoolioo 51,500.00 04,300.00 5000 v 54.50000 10/p00% 5000 f000 2 Cntshcr-Ran Aggregate Base Gnaw(For Backfill of Foundation Excavation) 5215,992 09 1113,62038 561,385 01 $375.003.61 V 0.00% (S129.013.32) $0.00 2A Crusher-Run Aggregate Base Coarse(For Backlit'of Foundation Excavation)-Stockpile 53,341.92 S0.00 S3.341.92 0 00% (S3.341.92) $0.00 213 Clasher-Run Aggregate Base Course(For Backfill of Foundation Excavation).Placement 53.340.811 50.00 S3,340.88 0.00% (13,340.88) S000 3 Cnahc-Rtm Aggregate Base Course(For Silt Bags Base) S12,021.71 S0.00 SO CO 5000 0001. S12.02171 S000 4 Borrow Excavation S10.074.30 S0.00 50.00 SO CO 000% S10,07430 $0.00 5 UndUCul H.237.79 S0.00 50.00 st S000 00% 04,237.79 50.00 6 Riprap(Class A) 56,597.60 S0.00 *525.705.54 *S25705.51V (SI9,107.91) $0.00 *Discounted Rate to Contract Sum 6A Riprap(Class A)-Stockpile $000 52.25839 $0.00 S2.268.39 000% (02.268.39) $0.00 613 Riprap(Class A)-Placement $000 S2.26805 So.00 52.268.05 0.00% (S2,268.05) S0.00 7 Gaon:stile for Drainage 5,09560 5000 S0.00 50.00 000% $4,095.60 5000 8 Sediment Control Stone for Inlet Promotion Standard Sine No.57 $5,601 60 10.00 $0.00 f0.00 0 CO!: S5.601.60 S0.00 9 I/4'Hardsvarn Cloth S2,609.83 S000 50.00 S0.00 0.00% $2.609.53 50.00 10 Temporary Silt Fence 51,371.60 50.00 50.00 S0.00 Dar: 51371 60 f000 11 Stabilized Construction Entrance 17,41720 $000 S000 50.00 0.0(5. S7.417.20 S000 12 Construction Entrance Tore Wash S9.18800 50.00 S000 $000 000% $9,88800 50.00 13 NAG SC-75BN Malting S699.00 S0.00 50.00 5000 000% 5699.00 50.00 14 NAG SC-150BN Malting S699.00 50.00 so00 S0.00 0.00% 1699.00 S000 15 NAG SC-250BN Matting 1603 45 so.ao woo S0.00 0 00% S603 48 moo 16 Sill Socks(On Pavement) 57.822 ea 016.11697 So.00 S16.116.97 0.00% ($8,294.17) so00 17 Silt Socks(Off Pavement) 523,255.00 S20,161.11 50.00 520,164.11 000% $3,091.89 00.00 18 Stnctur'22 Silt Bags S770.00 50.00 soon 5000 000% S770.00 S000 19 Structure 28 Sill Bags S460.00 50.00 00.00 S0.00 000% $woon 50.00 20 Structure 34 Silt Bags 53,90000 5000 S000 S000 0005. S3,90000 S0.00 21 Structure31 Silt Bags S230.00 50.00 S0.0o 00.00 0005. $230.00 S000 22 Structaro II Sill Bags $8,47000 $0.00 50.00 50.00 000% $8.47000 $0.00 23 Structure 2 Silt Bags 37.70000 S0.00 50.00 SO CO 000% S7,7o0.00 S0.00 24 Structure I Silt Bags $4.620.00 5000 50.00 50.00 0.00% S4,620.00 50.00 25 Structure 6 Silt Bags 56,160_00 man S0.00 S0.00 0.00% 56,160.00 S000 26 Structure 5 Silt Bags S15.40000 S0.00 S0.00 S0.00 0.005. $15.40000 $000 27 Structure 3A Silt Bags $15.17000 5000 50.00 S000 000. S16.170.00 $000 28 Structure I I Sill Bags 03,850.00 5000 m00 S000 0.003: $3.850.00 SO 00 29 Structure 26A Silt Bags S770.00 m00 50.00 50.00 0.00`. $77000 50.00 30 Structure 26B Silt Bags S1.232 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0005. 51,252.00 $0.00 31 Structure 10 Silt Bags H:18000 5000 S0.00 moo 0005. S4.480,C0 $000 32 $uuclure 13 Sill Bags 54,90000 S000 50.00 $0.00 0.0o% 54.900.00 S0.00 33 Stntct oc 21 Sill Bags S1.28000 $0.00 moo S000 000% S1,280.00 0000 34 Structure 17A Silt Bags 5I,28000 50.00 S000 5000 0.00% $1.280.00 10.00 35 StructureC Silt Bags 1620.00 5000 m00 S0.00 000!. 562600 m00 36 Structure B Sill Bags S1,252.00 m00 5.0.00 $000 0.005: $1.252.00 S0.00 37 Structure 8 Silt Bags S2.56000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000% $2.560.00 S0.00 38 Structure 12 Silt Bags S3.756.00 9100 50.00 50.00 000% S3,75600 m00 39 Structure 9 Silt Bags 56.I60.00 5000 m00 S0.00 000% 56.16000 90.00 40 Structure A Silt Bags 51,280A0 moo 9000 $000 0.00% S1.28000 S0.00 41 Structure 30SillBags 161000 moo S000 S000 000n S640.00 50.00 42 Structure E Silt Bag! 164000 moo 9300 m00 0005. 564000 50.00 43 Structure F Silt Bags S62600 50.00 S000 5000 0.00% 5626.00 S0.00 44 Structure 7 Silt Bags $3.080 C0 $0.03 $0.00 $003 000% S3.030.00 $0.00 45 Selective Undergrowth/Vegetation Clearing and Removal S5.625.00 $13.606.25 80.00 $13,606.25 17300% (S7,981.25) $000 46 Selective Tree Remora!,9 inch S3332.50 S23,11019 5000 $23,11089 480.005: ($19.77839) m00 47 Selective True Removal,lR inch $5,15295 56.85310 soon 56,85340 140.00% (01,70043) 50.00 48 SCICCtiOe Tree Removal,30 inch isms 95 moo 5000 moo 000% 53,908.95 S0.00 49 Seeding and Mulching 5E63200 moo $000 moo 000% $1.63200 S0.00 5o Catch Basin Inlet Promotion,Filter Bag(In Pasemmlt Areas) 51.410.30 T29606 S000 S29606 0.00% S1.18424 $0.00 51 5%Contingency 021,646.57 1000 0000 1000 0.00% S23.646.57 5000 496.577.18 S409.48730 S87.090_56 5496.57787 100.00% 0000 $0.00 a9a DONm74107m-CCM1wW710H SEE,FOR 0702.15m EDO/O1 Au 01557 DE xaERCANel tlmlE O'AA:CA :MS:1733NE3r M.AMAX.Ai W WA`IW4,Cl0c 2000.5312 0703-1/82 STATE/COUNTY SALES/USE TAX STATEMENT PROJECT: Yorkshire America Erosion Control . CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR: Trifecta Services Company PERIOD COVERED:01/1/2024 - 02/28/2024 Invoice Invoice Vendor's Name Amount NC Count Total Invoice County No. Date Before Taxes Tax y Tax Amount Paid None I certify that the above-listed vendors were paid sales tax upon purchases of building material during the period covered by the construction estimate, and the property upon which such taxes were paid were, or will be, used in the performance of this Contract. The list above does not include any taxes paid on purchases of tangible personal property that does not annex to, affix to, or in some manner become a part of the project, building, structure or repairs. Signed: /� Title: Branch Manager Town of Lowell:Former Yorkshire America Demolition Backfill, Erosion & Sediment Control Page 25 CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT RELEASE &WAIVER OF CLAIM STATE OF North Carolina COUNTY OF Mecklenburg Joe Stritmatter , Branch Manager , of (Name) (Title) Trifecta Services Company , being first duly sworn, deposes and says (Contractor) that: The undersigned is authorized to execute this Affidavit, Release and Waiver of Claim on behalf of the Contractor and that he has personal knowledge of all facts set forth herein; This Affidavit, Release and Waiver of Claim is made concerning the construction of the following; Project: Yorkshire America Demolition &AbatementProject No.: All payrolls, material bills, sales tax, social security tax, state and federal unemployment insurance, and all other liabilities and taxes owed by the Contractor and arising in any manner from the above-described project have been paid in full; No claim or lien exists in favor of any supplier of materials or labor or in favor of any subcontractor furnishing materials or labor on the above-described project; Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the City of Lowell, or property of the City of Lowell, is subject to any claim or lien that arises in any manner from the failure of the Contractor to pay any liability described above, the Contractor will indemnify and hold the City of Lowell harmless for any amount that the City of Lowell is required to pay to discharge such lien or settle such claim and, further,will pay the City of Lowell's expenses, costs, and attorney fees incurred in connection therewith; All claims, suits, and proceedings of every name, description, or nature arising out of the above project against the City of Lowell, its officers, employees, and agents have been settled; The Contractor releases and waives any and all claims of every type and description that the Contractor may have against the City of Lowell arising in any manner from the construction of the above-described proje t. This release and waiver is effective through 02/29/2024 and is effective upon payment in full for work performed through that date in accordance with NC Law. By Date: 03/12/2024 Titl : Branch Manager Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1.2th day of Oneircin , 20 7-4 A 2L€Ir i n.1.i.0 A Notary Public My commission expires • DARSHINI O'CONNOR Notary Public •;;.e/ °%; North Carolina Cabarrus County Town of Lowell:Former Yorkshire America Demolition Backfill, Erosion&Sediment Control Page 23 CONTRACTORS' AFFIDAVIT OF PAYMENT OF DEBTS& CLAIMS To: (Owner)City of Lowell Contract For:Trifecta Services Company Project Name and Address: Contract Date:8/14/2023 Yorkshire America Demolition &Abatement State of North Carolina County of Gaston The undersigned hereby certifies that, except as listed below, he has paid in full or has otherwise satisfied all obligations for all materials and equipment furnished, for all work, labor, and services performed, for all sub-contractors services and for all known indebtedness and claims against the Contractor for damages arising in any manner in connection with the performance of the Contract referenced above for which the Owner of his property might in any way be held responsible. Exceptions:Pay App#6 dated 3/12/2024 Contractor: Trifecta Services Company Addre : 1722 Toal St., Charlotte, NC 28206 By: Sub ribed and sworn to before me this I2-i4-, day of tartar r 11. 20 2A Notary Public: L2d.L• en� My Commission Expires: AUQ _ I ?L7_71 J t O' NN0R ,. DARSHINI Notary Public CO 11r` North Carolina '�'% Cabarrus County Town of Lowell:Former Yorkshire America Demolition Backfill, Erosion&Sediment Control Page 24 City of Lowell: Former Yorkshire America Demolition Backfill, Erosion & Sediment Control Prepared by: LaBella Associates Trifecta Services Company 5 6 Total to Date Contract Charlotte,NC Unit Measured Measured Measured Pay#5 Pay#6 Item Spec. Quantity Unit Price Amount Quantity Quantity Quantity Unit Price #5 Amount Unit Price #5 Amount Total to Date No. No. Item Description and Unit Dollars Dollars and Unit and Unit and Unit Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars 1 800 Mobilization 1 LS $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 LS LS LS 1.00 LS $4,500.00 $0.00 $4,500.00 $0.00 $4,500.00 2 520 Crusher-Run Aggregate Base Course(For Backfill of Foundation Excavation) 5648.085 TN $ 43.55 $ 245,992.09 TN 3779.83 TN 1409.53 TN 8610.39 LS $43.55 $164,623.63 $43.55 $61,385.03 $375,005.41 2A 520 Crusher-Run Aggregate Base Course(For Backfill of Foundation Excavation)-Stockpile N/A TN $ 21.78 N/A TN TN TN 153.44 LS $21.78 $0.00 $21.78 $0.00 $3,341.92 2B 520 Crusher-Run Aggregate Base Course(For Backfill of Foundation Excavation)-Placement N/A TN $ 21.77 N/A TN TN TN 153.44 LS $21.77 $0.00 $21.77 $0.00 $3,340.88 3 520 Crusher-Run Aggregate Base Course(For Silt Bags Base) 150 TN $ 80.14 $ 12,021.71 TN TN TN 0.00 LS $80.14 $0.00 $80.14 $0.00 $0.00 4 230 Borrow Excavation 100 CY $ 100.74 $ 10,074.30 CY CY CY 0.00 CY $100.74 $0.00 $100.74 $0.00 $0.00 5 225 Undercut 187.4732 CY $ 22.60 $ 4,237.79 CY CY CY 0.00 TN $22.60 $0.00 $22.60 $0.00 $0.00 6 876 Riprap(Class A) 50 TN $ 131.95 $ 6,597.60 TN TN 225.54 TN 225.54 TN $131.95 $0.00 *$113.97 $25,705.53 $25,705.53 6A 876 Riprap(Class A)-Stockpile N/A TN $ 65.98 N/A TN TN TN 0.00 TN $65.98 $0.00 $65.98 $0.00 $2,268.39 6B 876 Riprap(Class A)-Placement N/A TN $ 65.97 N/A TN TN TN 34.38 TN $65.97 $0.00 $65.97 $0.00 $2,268.05 7 876 Geotextile for Drainage 105 SY $ 39.01 $ 4,095.60 SY SY SY 0.00 TN $39.01 $0.00 $39.01 $0.00 $0.00 8 1632 Sediment Control Stone for Inlet Protection Standard Size No.57 40 TN $ 140.04 $ 5,601.60 TN TN TN 0.00 SY $140.04 $0.00 $140.04 $0.00 $0.00 9 1632 1/4"Hardware Cloth 120 LF $ 21.75 $ 2,609.83 LF LF LF 0.00 TN $21.75 $0.00 $21.75 $0.00 $0.00 10 1608 Temporary Silt Fence 200 LF $ 6.86 $ 1,371.60 LF LF LF 0.00 SF $6.86 $0.00 $6.86 $0.00 $0.00 11 SP-1 Stabilized Construction Entrance 2 EA $ 3,708.60 $ 7,417.20 EA EA EA 0.00 SF $3,708.60 $0.00 $3,708.60 $0.00 $0.00 12 SP-2 Construction Entrance Tire Wash 2 EA $ 4,944.00 $ 9,888.00 EA EA EA 0.00 TN $4,944.00 $0.00 $4,944.00 $0.00 $0.00 13 SP-3 NAG SC-75BN Matting 50 SY $ 13.98 $ 699.00 SY SY SY 0.00 TN $13.98 $0.00 $13.98 $0.00 $0.00 14 SP-3 NAG SC-150BN Matting 50 SY $ 13.98 $ 699.00 SY SY SY 0.00 TN $13.98 $0.00 $13.98 $0.00 $0.00 15 SP-3 NAG SC-250BN Matting 10 SY $ 60.35 $ 603.48 SY SY SY 0.00 SY $60.35 $0.00 $60.35 $0.00 $0.00 16 SP-4 Silt Socks(On Pavement) 780 LF $ 10.03 $ 7,822.80 LF LF LF 1607.00 SY $10.03 $0.00 $10.03 $0.00 $16,116.97 17 SP-4 Silt Socks(Off Pavement) 2610 LF $ 8.91 $ 23,256.00 LF LF LF 2263.00 EA $8.91 $0.00 $8.91 $0.00 $20,164.11 18A SP-5 Structure 22 Silt Bags 1 LS $ 770.00 $ 770.00 LS LS LS 0.00 CY $770.00 $0.00 $770.00 $0.00 $0.00 18B SP-5 Structure 28 Silt Bags 1 LS $ 460.00 $ 460.00 LS LS LS 0.00 SY $460.00 $0.00 $460.00 $0.00 $0.00 18C SP-5 Structure 34 Silt Bags 1 LS $ 3,900.00 $ 3,900.00 LS LS LS 0.00 SY $3,900.00 $0.00 $3,900.00 $0.00 $0.00 18D SP-5 Structure 31 Silt Bags 1 LS $ 230.00 $ 230.00 LS LS LS 0.00 SY $230.00 $0.00 $230.00 $0.00 $0.00 18E SP-5 Structure 18 Silt Bags 1 LS $ 8,470.00 $ 8,470.00 LS LS LS 0.00 EA $8,470.00 $0.00 $8,470.00 $0.00 $0.00 18F SP-5 Structure 2 Silt Bags 1 LS $ 7,700.00 $ 7,700.00 LS LS LS 0.00 LS $7,700.00 $0.00 $7,700.00 $0.00 $0.00 18G SP-5 Structure 1 Silt Bags 1 LS $ 4,620.00 $ 4,620.00 LS LS LS 0.00 LF $4,620.00 $0.00 $4,620.00 $0.00 $0.00 18H SP-5 Structure 6 Silt Bags 1 LS $ 6,160.00 $ 6,160.00 LS LS LS 0.00 LF $6,160.00 $0.00 $6,160.00 $0.00 $0.00 181 SP-5 Structure 5 Silt Bags 1 LS $ 15,400.00 $ 15,400.00 LS LS LS 0.00 SY $15,400.00 $0.00 $15,400.00 $0.00 $0.00 18J SP-5 Structure 3A Silt Bags 1 LS $ 16,170.00 $ 16,170.00 LS LS LS 0.00 SY $16,170.00 $0.00 $16,170.00 $0.00 $0.00 18K SP-5 Structure 11 Silt Bags 1 LS $ 3,850.00 $ 3,850.00 LS LS LS 0.00 EA $3,850.00 $0.00 $3,850.00 $0.00 $0.00 18L SP-5 Structure 26A Silt Bags 1 LS $ 770.00 $ 770.00 LS LS LS 0.00 EA $770.00 $0.00 $770.00 $0.00 $0.00 18M SP-5 Structure 26B Silt Bags 1 LS $ 1,252.00 $ 1,252.00 LS LS LS 0.00 EA $1,252.00 $0.00 $1,252.00 $0.00 $0.00 18N SP-5 Structure 10 Silt Bags 1 LS $ 4,480.00 $ 4,480.00 LS LS LS 0.00 EA $4,480.00 $0.00 $4,480.00 $0.00 $0.00 180 SP-5 Structure 13 Silt Bags 1 LS $ 4,900.00 $ 4,900.00 LS LS LS 0.00 EA $4,900.00 $0.00 $4,900.00 $0.00 $0.00 18P SP-5 Structure 21 Silt Bags 1 LS $ 1,280.00 $ 1,280.00 LS LS LS 0.00 EA $1,280.00 $0.00 $1,280.00 $0.00 $0.00 18Q SP-5 Structure 17A Silt Bags 1 LS $ 1,280.00 $ 1,280.00 LS LS LS 0.00 EA $1,280.00 $0.00 $1,280.00 $0.00 $0.00 18R SP-5 Structure C Silt Bags 1 LS $ 626.00 $ 626.00 LS LS LS 0.00 EA $626.00 $0.00 $626.00 $0.00 $0.00 18S SP-5 Structure B Silt Bags 1 LS $ 1,252.00 $ 1,252.00 LS LS LS 0.00 EA $1,252.00 $0.00 $1,252.00 $0.00 $0.00 18T SP-5 Structure 8 Silt Bags 1 LS $ 2,560.00 $ 2,560.00 LS LS LS 0.00 $2,560.00 $0.00 $2,560.00 $0.00 $0.00 LF City of Lowell: Former Yorkshire America Demolition Backfill, Erosion & Sediment Control Prepared by: LaBella Associates Trifecta Services Company 5 6 Total to Date Contract Charlotte,NC Unit Measured Measured Measured Pay#5 Pay#6 Item Spec. Quantity Unit Price Amount Quantity Quantity Quantity Unit Price #5 Amount Unit Price #5 Amount Total to Date No. No. Item Description and Unit Dollars Dollars and Unit and Unit and Unit Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars 18U SP-5 Structure 12 Silt Bags 1 LS $ 3,756.00 $ 3,756.00 LS LS LS 0.00 LF $3,756.00 $0.00 $3,756.00 $0.00 $0.00 18V SP-5 Structure 9 Silt Bags 1 LS $ 6,160.00 $ 6,160.00 LS LS LS 0.00 LF $6,160.00 $0.00 $6,160.00 $0.00 $0.00 18W SP-5 Structure A Silt Bags 1 LS $ 1,280.00 $ 1,280.00 LS LS LS 0.00 CY $1,280.00 $0.00 $1,280.00 $0.00 $0.00 18X SP-5 Structure 30 Silt Bags 1 LS $ 640.00 $ 640.00 LS LS LS 0.00 LS $640.00 $0.00 $640.00 $0.00 $0.00 18Y SP-5 Structure E Silt Bags 1 LS $ 640.00 $ 640.00 LS LS LS 0.00 CY $640.00 $0.00 $640.00 $0.00 $0.00 18Z SP-5 Structure F Silt Bags 1 LS $ 626.00 $ 626.00 LS LS LS 0.00 SY $626.00 $0.00 $626.00 $0.00 $0.00 18AA SP-5 Structure 7 Silt Bags 1 LS $ 3,080.00 $ 3,080.00 LS LS LS 0.00 SY $3,080.00 $0.00 $3,080.00 $0.00 $0.00 19 SP-6 Selective UndergrowthNegetation Clearing and Removal(5%reduction-no root removal) 900 SY $ 6.25 $ 5,625.00 SY SY SY 2177.00 SY $6.25 $0.00 $6.25 $0.00 $13,606.25 20 SP-6 Selective Tree Removal,9 inch(5%reduction-no root removal) 10 EA $ 333.25 $ 3,332.50 EA EA EA 73.00 EA $333.25 $0.00 $333.25 $0.00 $23,110.89 21 SP-6 Selective Tree Removal, 18 inch(5%reduction-no root removal) 5 EA $ 1,030.59 $ 5,152.95 EA EA EA 7.00 EA $1,030.59 $0.00 $1,030.59 $0.00 $6,853.40 22 SP-6 Selective Tree Removal,30 inch 3 EA $ 1,969.65 $ 5,908.95 EA EA EA 0.00 EA $1,969.65 $0.00 $1,969.65 $0.00 $0.00 23 SP-7 Seeding and Mulching 400 SY $ 4.08 $ 1,632.00 SY SY SY 0.00 EA $4.08 $0.00 $4.08 $0.00 $0.00 24 SP-8 Catch Basin Inlet Protection,Filter Bag(In Pavement Areas) 5 EA $ 296.06 $ 1,480.30 EA EA EA 1.00 EA $296.06 $0.00 $296.06 $0.00 $296.06 Subtotal $ 472,931.30 Subtotal $ 164,623.63 $ 87,090.56 $496,577.87 Y.Contingency $23,646.57 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Amount $496,577.87 Total Amount $164,623.63 $ 87,090.56 $496,577.87 Retainage -5.00% ($8,231.18) $20,474.37 Total Amount Final Payment $156,392.45 Final Payment $107,564.93 $496,577.87