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GW1--03638_Well Construction - GW1_20240618
"1EY.L ®AT3 g`Td�7CT_______Kt� Print Form F er interned Use Oniyo I.Well Contractor Information; David Belcher 84.WATER ZONES 'Won ControctoTNemo _ FROM TO aEfiCRIP6r®� 4594A ` 3cOn° �) t �� i-Yt- r) NC Wen Contractor CertifieationNum oe t�?f';"}� y 0' INN rn .I1'PIl'-fit ire') Aqua Drill,inc. is ts. etCnsimp formal eawa'.lea Nee tleetsrep RIAL Company Nemo _� , a 6t. �- e' SDIrr�( � irr, s1� Gi .,,n ,o z.Well CaatuucNm®teraniC#: 21 Z„ 71 Y 2 niaa x 90 g@ LIs , BP. . t all applicable well carrstrucriarr permits(l.e.UIC,Oiw t/arlmsr Mate. a,OW 30 Weil BJee(cheek well use): ` ---i:1--....-- ft. - ht. Water Supply W a 1-v3 N — Ayticulturaiarnn ays mdAMesEn WAIT MU THICKNESS aaArsaeAt. rcrpaUPmblic tt Ht. §a. I;Geothermal Meeting/Cooling Supply) Elli.fResidential Water Supply(single) - -• • t ittduatriel/Cmmmercial 0° ft. MU Ditesrdcntial Water Supply(altered) Pa.Gnavr M 11f1Y tier{ ,...MI__ _ 41@ � MATERIAL _` EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUIer Non-Water Supply Well: *Monitoring Ili+lte�mvery $ �c5 ,-R} i r6 fir if Cilps-� Nyr•)r:e IAquifer Recharge ;It Groundwater itemedierion Gam flid Aquifer Storage and Recovery ;Utz Salinity Barrier rIL I<ACE ° !_ :11'Aquifer Test ill) EMPLACEMENIWIL'da� ,Storrnwater Drainage a. i i�E perimental Technology °Subsidence Control ft. i _ Geothermal(Closed Loop) oTrace7 2e AGeothemnai(Reating/Cooliag Return) E;,ether(cxplain under#9l Eilomatka) rt - , S4oe+r��►� 4.Date Walks)Com(tleted: S : � Weil ' # ------- ) a' (CADIL �_C S'a. S Sa.Weil London: 610 d 77 m 1 S, Sat /3(i4han l.e/v•`arc). 77 �� Liie f. PaaifigdOwaallaoe Fanny Mg(ifappliceble) s / '�� r r- -tt. �. •`� '"ha-•-�.City,an Zip , O. l i!NI I g ZUZ4 Sus c.(' �3 >a>a t County ?�- n IA Parcel ddendReation No.(PIN) y Ste.]Latitude and Maude ha reeska acres/ers©n (if well field,oes Won is un or aortal degrees:: irlfa ielle m u'��a Q'j 3tgnatnreo C Ged�I/ell Contractor Ds* Z.la(a& `�eatllf� (� Ny alpine!his Egret,1 hereby eta? y Mai 21 se svell(s)was(were)conaattald is amehmea 8 DIM S7 '' IVZ wirn ISA NCAC 02C.0100 or ISAN'CACN'C.0200 Well Consnvulonna avisall/Meta MSra illyailUMaltiallailWUconrtruetlonIsfor zainnandexplaintheharmalike copy sf Mir,ewa;ndham been provided tatlieruehrowxer. reiral'arior ill mod craft anon thebarkafthirform.. El SW Own cif asdlti139curaN via Palle Rai he. L>rar Otoordedirt or mop GeotherasaG Wei:o having the seine 'nu swum the basis of this page to peovide additional well site details or well eaaehnettokl,only 1MN is goaded. nndicate TOTAL WilVl®Rl2 Owens Pao reto ied'sE ats. You:may also anal additional pages''necessary. ailldr ToI:itta>i dill Mid led delheas � imti }�I �tAolatpJa9(a)zOfl' min ®' con.per AA lsbo�t Submit ibis feria within 30 days of uormpletion of well lrulderisest Is dasasuiss am No' aNide did kid law bpif auk. 30 ,_,.,.,bond.) Dletresetlider>inppq,l 15171Adl deniesC Mr,adlly>MC ,i !'� Mira Tom ryikd .11 MA :: to additions to min 111a Ida to es aim k 24a Po.. amulkarr aae�da�-j��► fir,/ Ar-- anima also submit one copy of this tuna with 3O ire of: a[well• S n1146 silt,iatg<rR,eta) ''"" eortesrasceion to the following: r>6<MWA�SUPPLY eNtiv1•a� c — ��� fID15er,1Blaara m>t Wenter L�assourrces,tt>and®rlllarotladlldaellao t7ooltatl4a ICA Heil Service Cstatsr,ha liNaleffell i0d MI6 Matad m4 yes3;- TA , 24e.bliktaappotitAtilialLoins Waft Is addition to sending bit*lo )� 7O�'i. to address(es)above, also submit one copy of ibis form within 30 days of iL — �aa®tt_-.,_i(0.c7 . _ , completion of well construction to the county;iealth department of the county - --�- --...____m__s where nonstnicted.