HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000619_Application_20240617 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name OMB No.2040-0004 NA NA Divert Recovery Facility Expires 07/31/2026 Form U.S.Environmental Protection Agency 1 �E Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater NPDES C��f•1 GENERAL INFORMATION NPDESSECTION 1.ACTIVITIES REQUIRING AN 1.1 Applicants Not Required to Submit Form 1 1.1.1 Is the facility a new or existing publicly owned 1.1.2 Is the facility a sludge-only facility(i.e.,a facility treatment works or has your permitting authority that does not discharge wastewater to surface directed you to submit Form 2A? waters)? If yes,STOP. Do NOT complete 0 No If yes,STOP.Do NOT complete 0 No Form 1.Complete Form 2A. If the Form 1.Complete Form 2S. facility is also a treatment works treatinq domestic sewage,you must also com fete Form 2S. 1_2 Applicants Required to Submit Form 1 1.2.1 is the facility a concentrated animal feeding 1.2.2 Is the facility an existing manufacturing, IL U, operation or a concentrated aquatic animal commercial,mining,or silvicultural facility that is c production facility? currently discharging process wastewater? z ❑ Yes 4 Complete Form 1 and 0 No ❑ Yes + Complete Form 0 No Form 2B. 1 and Form 2C. A 1.2.3 Is the facility a new manufacturing,commercial, 1.2.4 Is the facility a new or existing manufacturing, mining,or silvicultural facility that has not yet commercial, mining,or silvicultural facility that rr commenced to discharge? discharges only nonprocess wastewater? a ❑ Yes 4 Complete Form 1 and 0 No 0 Yes-i Complete Form 1 0 No a Form 2D. and Form 2E. a1.2.5 Is the facility a new or existing facility whose 1.2.6 Is the facility a new or existing treatment works discharge is composed entirely of stormwater treating domestic sewage that discharges associated with industrial activity or whose wastewater to surface waters? discharge is composed of both stormwater and non- stormwater? 0 Yes+Complete Form 1 and ❑ No 0 Yes +Complete Form 1, r0 No Form 2F unless Form 2S, and exempted by 40 C F R any other 122.26(b)(14)(x)or applicable forms, (b)(15). as directed by your permitting authority. SECTION 2. NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, i r- 2.1 Facility Name c Divert Recovery Facility,Winston Salem 2.2 EPA Identification Number c NA N 2.3 Facility Contact -o Q Name(first and Iasi) Title Phone number a� Thomas Wilkinson Plant Manager (716)984-8625 Email address E R z twilkinson@divertinc.com EPA Form 3510-1 Page 1 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name OMB No.2040-0004 NA NA Divert Recovery Facility Expires 07/31/2026 2.4 Facility Mailing Address Street or P.O,box 23 Bradford St;3rd Floor City or town State Zip code Concord MA 01742 $ 2_5 Facility Location in � w Street,route number,or other specific identifier 3760 Kimwell Drive o County name County code(if known) y Forsyth a City or town State ZIP code Z 1° Winston Salem NC 27103 SECTIONAND •1 4F 3_1 SIC Code(s) Description(optional) 8900 y G1 .p O U U_ Q a 1-2 NAICS Code(s) Description(optional) cv 562998 U SECTION 4. a� OPERATOR INFORMATION 4.i dame of Operator Divert inc. 4.2 Is the name you listed in Item 4.1 also the owner? M E o ❑ Yes 0 No 4.3 Operator Status ❑ Public—federal ❑ Public—state ❑ Other public(specify) 0 0 Private ❑ Other(specify) 4.4 Phone Number of Operator (989)860-5346 EPA Form 3510-1 Page 2 EPA Idenfificalion Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name OMB No.2040-0004 NA NA Divert Recovery Facility Expires07/3112026 4.5 Operator Address g Street or P.O. Box 0 23 Bradford 5t;3rd Floor City or town State ZIP code 0 0 e C7 Concord MA �01742 W oEmail address of operator legal@divertinc.com SECTIONf 5-1 Is the facility located on Indian Land? ❑ Yes ❑ No SECTION '! F 6.1 Existing Environmental Permits(check ail that apply and print or type the corresponding permit number for each) d ❑ NPDES(discharges to ❑ RCRA(hazardous wastes) ❑ LIIC(underground injection of osurface water) Fluids) aD 0 ElPSD(air emissions) ❑ Nonattainment program(CAA) ❑ NESHAPs(CAA) c x ❑ Ocean dumping(MPRSA) ❑ Dredge or fill(CWA Section 404) ❑ Other(specify) us SECTION 7.MAP i 7_'1 Have you attached a topographic map containing all required information to this application?(See instructions for C specific requirements.) ❑ Yes ❑ CAFO—Not Applicable(See requirements in Form 2B.) SECTIONOF i 8.1 Describe the nature of your business. Divert recovers and converts unsold/unsalable food materials from grocery retailers such as distribution centers and stores.The food material to be recovered is usually generated at grocery retail stores.If the food product is not sold N 41 in a timely manner or becomes unsalable,it is placed in lined and sealed shipping containers,which are kept indoors N at a designated location at each retail store. The containers are then transported to the Divert facility,where the co food waste is processed into a liquid that is transported to local energy recovery facilities.Residual wastes are sent m to a landfill. z SECTION !! 9_1 Does your facility use cooling water? ❑ Yes 0 No +SKIP to Item 10.1. 9.2 Identify the source of cooling water.(Note that facilities that use a cooling water intake structure as described at 40 CFR 125,Subparts I and J may have additional application requirements at 40 CFR 122.21(r).Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what specific information needs to be submitted and when.) 0 Cc N/A t EPA Form 3510.1 Page 3 �_._ �I fi A Id•rwilwwa�•rw Mu+L•r F�'t7�iw�wa Fki}rto FwAly km in ZAa.WA NA ILA Drwrt Raawwary Fadtq t*m U7fdtMA • 10 VARIANCE REOUESTS } i 1, do you intend to mqL* f or renew one a ffm of t*vartsrtoes*AhOdZW at 40 5 122-21(m)?(Ova d to ap* Cor"wM your NPDES perrnibV sutho*to deterM to wtwt irhorrr00n needs b be trj mUbd sM whim) ❑ dy d�Aerent lacks(CWA ❑ 4�)} 1`i N mWad~ ntdons(CWA&edm Secton I ❑ Nonoorn+snUmW pdkAr k(CWA ❑ Them}al dad}erW(CWA Secom 3Na)) Section 301(c)and(Q)) > 0 t,Eot applicable SECTI• 11 CHECKLIST AND CERTIFICATION STATEMENT 140 CFR 122 22iAi AND • 11 1 In Cdurm 1 below,nwk the sections d Form 1 Mal you trays oo pWod and are ab rif6rg wM you application. For mch section,spew iy in Cokfrm 2 arty atta lvwft III*you are w daairg to alert the peon96 auft* Noll 0*not al w0wants ark rocpred b *Wdw *. Galan t - -- Cdi 2 0 Sedm t:IcfiMitiea ReWikV an NPDES ❑ wlabdrmts Pw* ❑ Section 2 Name,Maft Addreae,end ❑ w!atzechffwb Location [l Secion 3:SIC Codes ❑ w!wia wwts ✓❑ Sedan 4:Opastor irdwnow ❑ w!altadrrwb I p Sadm 5:Indian Luc ❑ W!attadmerds © Sackn B:Eadng Envlrarmertd Pwm is ❑ wi attune b ® Sadon T.Map 0 wd lopow4ft ffw ❑ wl addrinnat eltar�sner>fia El Sedan& Non of Buairrese ❑ w!abactmer" © Sedan S:Coo"mw lanais 5lruam ❑ w/ettactrrr o { © Section ill=Vutenas Rsquasts ❑ arl ar>is Sedan 11_ChedU and Cerliicaian ❑ w!attactrnents 11-2 Praft g e fobwfrrg oeriA-i" ($ee krstructaan b daWmme the appro WA person to Soft appication) � Certtlfilr�Orl StatMIM11t i t oerr'!y under pertaiy d bw triad#6 d4o�and of A drme►As were prgprad under my diredon or aupm" in aarordanee wBh a gsbm deaip W b asauro Brit retied persona!property pelher and evali b fie inlhrmation a&Aed.iced on my inquiry o1 to pmnem or penm m who mwwpe the gvbm,or chose pwwm cU Y tvaF a at k,tar 9*wiV the i k rms ion, the irrfnnna0on aubnW bd is,io BM beat of my kroowtedge grad belief, rue, aaaaft,and CnnO*. t am awos v that#ere"aim*&#perm"s>Er sr p lire inlarmoom, inc ding the pmawky Of lone ww bnpreconm W br kr A*v wolataow a t+ts m(print a type Val and lost name) btfaat title �eydN Ad ym-Z YP, O(W rrJAJ S Signature � E Date EPA oaa Zvi 1 ��� rmm stm aw m x FEMA!FO 2ONINa ALTA NOTES ENCROACHMENT iV 0.I%•�r.YlY rru rL.rl•Lr•rvr� u`,•yryLnyxer0.LLr Lat< • � � e. ,y•�wwwwsr•�_w mw� ..nn ZRaRC PFO w°wIw•w.ww �iwsiw aww e N LEGAL eLFIVEYORNOTES PAFKMCOIM ••• y .••^ "w u�fiw+ _ .�wLw wq •�ri.�.Iwr r ep.'I r MYI.PMY 6f yyw .m •�. wm La C wwlf Yl a avw • L 6Y << LAI c4 H m wAFFEA r If IV P _ ALTA CERTFICATION TrrLEu�...•...�..L.m...m..L e.. Y� ...._,w,,. ... — . w��wrrw.L.wn�wrw�ryww�w�....wLw.Lw��i1�W 0.�Lr �Tn�swwW���o..L'A��wL�.�iIA� ,�A M.q��r4 Mrw rw Yww��.i�ww••iVRN p`�NIf�1La%+v%xx%L%riw•�... W7i�r.r.�r—I.—✓t�w� LEKIEND OF SYk*K" 4 nu.YYrtL ="II �L.u4NL..w.rw�•wr.rrrrra.•w�rwnwMYL �� ��•••. o.r..—�.r m i wew ..ram.�-an --�u.�s •w rLxro sw`r`w�:��a w� �r •L r...�r+•a® ;. y..rw orr• e�i,',w wToom�w'omL1"` "•ww•"L�..s�i'�" y+,, p� ew—w iP+"e'• •�`� .sS„Fw. .r ,`�.wc a�r'1.waaw�W:Lm°;�,•�•n ":` Sheet 7 of t ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey 3760 Kimwell Dr CUy of WFnstan Salem, Forsyth County, NC M U R P H Y September 22, 2022-Scale 1"=30' n.am�u umrev..rte 4SC I.RNO.PM.I• Yi9�ll4W 41 ..y ucuc l.L..w�.`.ww� M1 r�s®91L1 IY.Ii.(wyoY !weF I,•t•!RL EPA I I -6 1 16 60 HPDES PenvA Nw6m Fpciq t OMB ka 2E3 YJ4" MA NA Divwt ReCan"faddy Egwes 07A1M Farm U-S F.rMrollme W Pmtecbm Apeexy -- -- --- E 2F =.EPA A# for WMS Pannit to Disdurpe Wntmater r NHS STORMWATER DISCHARGES ASSMATED WITH INDUSMAL AC71MTY 11 Prmde informabon on each d the face s ougalls in the table below Number 1 Kimmel branch 36.0�185' 2 Kimmel Branch - 36.04439 41032280 3 Kirwwl Branch 36.04437 -8032168 i j 4 Kimmel Branch 36A4i49 -80.32279 5 KFmrnel branch 36.04479 -8032201 6/7 Kimmel Branch 36.04500/36.04508 -80 32183/-803zI4i3 SECTION -• 2 3 Are you ply re0red by any federal,state,or local audroritY to west an r piemer#adon scheddle for cmMxc6ng,tpgradng,or operating wastewater treaded eg iprned c r practices or try ottl er owkon ax tal i programs that could afted the dscharges descrbed in this appieahm? ❑ Yes Q No 4 SKIP to Sedan 3. 222 Brially bier*each applicable prged m the We below. Fkvd Md,I IN I'I and AttidedOutWk Date DMalpbe of tojKt f f�.i oul(.1 r•.a6es1 m" i 23 H m you sttadvd streets deaaftQ ary addbond water poltubon control proem(or odw&rave WwW prgeds that may affect your discharges)oral you now have=Jen"or plermcf?(optional dam) 13 Ye4 0 No E �i1 id¢ r�6on WDES PeffA �.oba Peaky y - _. ol�b rb LCMA -- MA NA �� Divert Recovery Fadlity ErpFras o7 MYA 1 SECTIONDRAINAGE 1,W i4O —1 HM you attadmi a site drainage nW omtaininq al regiiredlnfamabon to tiffs a anion?(See a to cli"la ran C I "Cift Qkwnoe-) CI Yes 7 SECTION POLLUTANT SOURCES 4L1 Provide inforag im an ate fadW5 pollutant smirces in the talale EOM►. oval heprNas surface Area Tali Whim Ana n ah v Number (wen a tail ra1,-�0 the i (**W a M"radv of 11W i) spe*urn 1 15,530 ft2 15,530 ft2 2 15,405 15,405 Lnb 13AM 3 13,0Bo ft2 4 Gravel area NA 19,1T0 ft2 VOWY un t 5 4900 ' ft2 9775 ft2 _ spg*L8* 4wafy Lnb i 617 Gavel area/Grass Area NA 2,730/14,947 ft2 4.2 Pm"a nartalive dma"on d the faakWs Wykant male W in the space b o w-(See irmtruc>kns for cufttt reqkw.Bnts-) f Divert Inc.started operating at the site In September 2073. The following chemicals are utit ed o"te: -1)ChemStation 5048L poly tank(220 gal)for PH Control_2)Chen-Station 5032 posy Lank (2x 120&3x220 gallons). 3)Simple Green:drum(55 gal)for cleaning 4)Bleach 125%drum(55 gal)drum All chemicals are stored on-site r a inside the facRity and maintained with secondary containment Divert converts food waste into a liquid slurry and contains the slurry within poly tanks inside the facility.1)Food Process Tanks(5x 10,000 gal wjbe>rm&4000 gal 2) wastewater tank(2450 gal)poly tank food waste Is hauled away in a 5000 gal tank truck following SC1Ps and Spill Response Plan. All loading/unloading is performed from docks with drainage that goes back into process drains.No Pesticides u� 44.3 Provide the location aM a deatriptiort of ela WV atrtr#ral and non-sfucdrdi Ca*ol meastres to reduce pollutants in starrwater Tn ft (Sera instructions far s�eeific gudarx --- - Stanmrtter Traatrnrarlt Codes �� tFonr Numbr cog"Meaum and Yreabim EAM JF-t 1 Spill Pollution Prevention Plan.Employee training,Storm drain covers as needed. NA 2 Covering storm drains Spill Pollution Prevention Plan.Employee training. NA 3 Covering storm drains Spill Pollution Prevention Plan.Employee training. NA 4 Spill Pollution Prevention Plan and&nployee Training. NA S Spill Pollution Prevention Plan and Employee Training. NA 6/7 Spill Pollution Prevention Plan and Employee Training. NA F F'A 1deiMioYon Nisi NPDES POW Nun iw '-— —- F•ciRy tl�ne ow ft MAO-WA NA NA Dhwt Recovery Facility EVM 07131/1 M SEVION5 NON •- - 51 Provide the fotk*ng cent kation (See instrarctiorrs to determine the appropnala pm w to or dm appicadan) 1 coldly under penalty of law that the oudal q covered by M grcabon have been tested ct evaluated kr the pnwm of non-stamwater disdrarp t J4loreover, !certify that the ouftk idenbfed as harfnq non-sfa 7mater rischwps are desaibed in either an acoompanymg NPDES Fare 2C, 2D,or 2E application Nam e(pdrd or t�yJpe first and last name} _ of6dd title T. - IPYA�, VP oPwrrl a N S Signature Date 6llIrZpZ` 5522 Provide the testing infcanab416cumted in the ladle below. — irs tJutfall Om"Drainage Poirds Number D••cd*n of Tearing m,d-a Used Dales}of 7"fiy Dhsd y Ob••rved D Teat 1 NA NA .q - 2 NA NA 3 NA NA 4 NA NA 5 NA NA 6 NA NA SECTIONOR i 9 661 Describe any Ogndiwt leaks or spins of topic or hazsr imm pollutants in the fast three years. N/A `o SECTION • - • r Soft ineh dk ns to ditffine the polutants and parantehn you are regtXW to monikr and,in tb M ttre bWW you muss WWIere.Nat al icants need to mcoele each table. 7__1 is this a new source or new( hoW? Yes 4 See irzttruLtons repardng submission of No+See wstu*na moa ft ubmiss m of asbmeW data. &dual data ` Tabi•e A,B,C,and D ?� Flare you=ryleted Table A for each oudatl? r❑ Yes f Y C'PA 1br�Ik�on Nw6�r�--- lR1ES Pmnil N�E�r -___ _�_�f� _. ..-___ OfrB No ?310•dUO� NA NA Divert Recovery Facili;y� fxpin 07131MA ZJ to the WRY subject to an si luerd IM AMW Oiid*v(ELG)or effluent Irritations In an NPDES PWM far ila proms wwewat? ❑ Yes © No 3 SKIP to Item 7.5. 7 4 Have you completed Tanta 8 by provicing quanklaM data for fhooe pollutants that are(1)limited either diredly or kdredty in an ELC ardor(2)subject to effluent Wndations in an NPDES permit for ft taalgs process vrasfemw ❑ Yes 7 5 Do You knew or have maa>ar1 to bdfim arry polut ft in Exhibit 2F-2 are present in the dra&wp? ❑ Yes No i SKIP to Item 7.7. 7 6 Heirs ym listed al poMutents in E)M 2F-2 that you brow or have reason to believe are present in the dscharfle and prodded quanitative data or an w0anation for those pollutants in Tale C? ❑ Yes 7_7 Do you qualify for a small business exempdan urKW the aibm speafied in to Inshclom? ❑ Yes 4SKIP to Item 7.18, 0 No 778 Do you krww or base reason to bWwm arty poluWz in EftA 2F-3 are present m to dsti oW? Cl Yes © No+SKIP to Item 7.10. 76 Have yoau fasted al pollutants in E>etrbit 2F-3 do you know or have remaan to belim are present in the dscharge in Table C? ❑ Yes 7.10 Do you agmt arty of the polutarda in Exhtd 2F-3 0 be dsdogod in aonaerNrabm of 10 ppb or grawa? 25 ❑ Yes [� No 4 SKIP to Item 7.12. 7.1 t Haire you V%4dad querrltathrs data in Table C for those pakdarb in Exhibit 2F-3 that you exped to be d whwged in conoeratab d 10 ppb or Qeater? ❑ Yes 7.12 Do you e4W aaolah airylonitrila,2,4-dritaphend,or 24nethy4-4 ti-Mlnp wnd to be drs h&Vd m aorloerttrslloras d 100 ppb or agefer'1 ❑ Yes © No 4 SKIP to Item 714. 7-13 Have 1m pro kbel quan5tative data In Tahte C for ff1lpdtrt b idantiffed in Item 712 the you expect to be dadaerged in ew carnation of 100 ppb or Sixs 0 Yes 714 Haue you prmiided qumtt*m daia or an agAanefion in Table C for polutanfs you expect to be present in the dscharge at oorloarrtrabons less than 10 ppb(or less flan 100 ppb for the pollutants ider*W in Item 7.12)? ❑ Yes 715 Do you Mow or tears reason to txaYer+a any poMrtar�a in Exhibit 2F-4 are present in the disdlarga? ❑ Yes No 4 SKIP to Item 7.17 MA � MA Divert RecuM VFaaity vl9:am i" 7 Hare you fated in 2F-4 Md ym knu or brefim b be pry in ft dedurps ad puvxbd an # aglu sim in Table C? ii ❑ Yes g 7.17 Halle yw provided Fftmdm for she Sturm ev"s)sairrpied in Table C? I c ❑ Yes 7.t 88 Is any pdUM RsWd on i 2F-2 ttr*2FA a absta u or a ompaw t d a substance ijsed or marn6fted as an irserrme&ft or%nd pmdjd or byprod i d? L ❑ Yes © No+SKl P to S9cfion 8. 7 19 List the poAc&M below,indt&g TCOD 4 q0c able.atach a&Wonal sheets,it necass y. � s 1. 4. 7. ! 2 5 & i 3. 8. 9. SECTION940LOGICAL TOMCITYTESTINGf 8_1 Duo you have any kruMedge or reason to belieMe fuel any bi becd test far acd9 or dum 1r idy has been made on any d VmF dsdwgn or on a receiving water in reWw to your d9terge w Ur the last three yen? n ❑ Yes Q No+SKIP to Secim 9. 82 kb* lasts and a w puposes below. fT pv of y� Su6nairMd to!WOES Di 5ltbrrilled O ~ ❑ Yes ❑ No g ❑ Yes ❑ No o ! ❑ Yes ❑ No SECTtON9 CONTRACTO- • i 9j1 Were any d ft analyses reported in Section 7('m Tables A through C)prfim and by a oor* Wboratay or owatfing firm? ❑ Yes No 4 SKiP lu Section 10. rrevide irfarmaion for each aotsfrect laboratory or oo air rg firm below. t.rbbralory Nue61 Laboratory Ww"2 Labror M Mwnber 3 Name d laboralM/firm c Y address Phone ruTiw a i Pbll"gs)anelynd [PAW -, I NUN"— T 1 FOES FbM ke" Fay ft mm i CNS/a 2G•w KA MA Divert Aecorery Facility E�� CERTIFICATIONSECTION 10 CHECKLIST AND f CFR 122 22A AND f Q1 ; In Calum t bdlow,merit to sect"of Form 2F that yarn how o pleted end am sitxrmr+g wKh yar appmamm For each secbm speaty in Cokrm 2 any alladTno*that you are enclosing to alert the per n&V aaarry Data that not all is arts T94rod to to all sad m or pw&atxadraft Cokmrn f Cokm 2 o Section 1 ❑ vd attactmerxs(e.g.,resport4es for ac kKM outE Q 0 Section 2 ❑ *,go- � � 0 section 3 0 vooft clump mw © section 4 ❑ wi dw*rwft ? El Section 5 ❑ wd madrnenls 0 Section 6 ❑ wl atiadmenla .. El Section 7 Q Table R ❑ rJ STA biainesa exer om►e4jw _ ❑ Tanis B ❑ V walhibcal rm&as are alladTna t ❑ Table C ❑ Table D 0 Section 8 ❑ i 0 section 9 ❑ wl aftKtmwta(ag.,►esponm kr 1 I lkord cortact r7bcralariss or" Section i U -- - - - - jG 102 � Preside the irkr"GertifncmkA(See h*uc6cm to clabi,i the approprease person to 9W the appkafori) won SLtetrot i w ify under pmralty of hm the this docrmrerrt and al aMEt nears wets mperad ar W my dinaci m or supervmm in accordance with a system designed to asmm drat quaffed pa-xnrrel pmpw*gm1w and evaivale tine mk maboa srimiltrd Based ore my mgwyaf gw person or persam who manage ft stem or those persons drs*nmpmdbie I r pothering the idbrmdbk the Krlxmabm m meed m to de bast of my fvrowiedge and W64 Oise,s=nm and compiets.I am awes OW Chars are srprrkwdpenates tr tutartfnp WN w*rmaiM axkx4 dwpossrbiity of kw and imprisarmem for vial bxm i Nam(p-wt or type fird and last nane) Olicsat we ��rrt,,� IC-E�SftnZ Z YP, e _— - lane 917W-�_.— _.-- ESA kle trort Numoer WWS PerrnA Number FwAty Name buiiin N�xnber owls NOG-00f?r NA NA Divert Recovery Facility 2,3,4 CONVENTIONALTA13LE A- 1 NON CONVIE • You mat ide the reeUts of at least one anal is for every pollutant in this table.Cw0ete one We for each outfall. See irrelrucbons for addlbonal detaalls end r remerats. Maximum Daily Discharge Average Daily Dis*ame sallow of (V4K-► Una) r "�Und'} Numb"of fIelrM wennd en Pdlutant or PwwrA r Grob Swriq" FIB FimWeighbed Climb Sampis FDuri� i T F �1 W �s swww ire* OwkV �V «ra►. • 3D Minutes COMPO lb 30 Mirxlba Compomb coM in neaucbwsj 1. Oil and gram <5 rn#A <5 m3/L 1 3 2. BkdwrkW oxygen demand(BODE} 61 m3/L NA 61 m4/L NA i 3 3, Chemical oxygen demand(COD) 43 rry/L NA 43 m3/L NA 1 3 4. Totat suspaded sokh(TSS) 77 mgIL NA 77 mg/L NA 1 3 5, Total phowhonNE 0.3 m3/L NA 03 mQ/L NA 1 3 6, Totd Kiddefal niftM(TKN} o rn�/L NA o,S NA i 3 1. Total nitrogen(as Ny �.5 m3/L NA i 50.5 m3/L NA 1 3 pH(ff**Mn) 6 6 1 3 e pH(gym) a a 1 f Sararp0ng sltai be oonduoted a=ordng to Wftentty eensitave test praoed res Q a..methods)approved awKW 40 CFR 136 for the analysis d pollularda or poludnnt parameters or required under 40 CFR Chapter I,Suxhapter N or 0.See fnatruclians and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). Fes c�rc�1!`2a= ate„ } ATWOOD RD Z5 BURLWOOD.DR-: m 1 �PARMBROOK i S ,' �, r+ �`t r QI�!E RJD z \_ I r It } 1 J 1 BRIAR LAKE RD "�'� `` `J � a 15 r� J� — r al CLEh J' = 5\�'� \� �>�S � 1� �f I ! ! _� - - ,ram-•��-.�: � i �i�\.� --. ' � ! � N USGS 7.5 Minute Winston Salem West, NC Quadrangle KEY. g Subject Property Created: 2019 FIGURE 3. TOPOGRAPHIC MAP PARTNER Project No.23-402162.1