HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03608_Well Construction - GW1_20240613 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD � F rInternal Use ONLY. . This form can be!mod for single or multiple..ells I.Well Contractor information: \\A. I 14.WA1RR mats Brian Ewing /ROM TO j oti(RIPttuv tv,11 t'nrtrtctnr K.mw ft. ft. it 4240-B ft. ft. i �< it.,l t nlr.,exir(cnifwalloll bee 15.OUTER CASING(for aiultkatrd neRs)OR LINER(if icabk) /ROM TO DCsSETFR THICKNTSS NATTMAI SAEDACCO ft. (I. ia. Ii,INNER CASING OR T URING j1uelhernal clwe/4a111 FROM TO DL MMETER THICKNESS MA TTQIAL 2.tire((('onstiuiti n Permit F: 0 ft. 8 fR 1 fr. SCH-40 PVC Lost all awls.dhf.•s oil promo,it...County.Sorer,Variance.hen ften rm.! 3,Well I se(check well tlae): FRO‘I I n ' DOOM TER SCOTSIUU _ TNICKiPSs I M.RTPR141. WatcrNnpph Nell: 8 ft 23 II. 1 hr. .010 SCH-40 PVC OAgt i.nitnlal °M►nicipall'Public °Geothermal 4Heating/Cooling Supply) °Residential Water Supply(single) fL I ft in. °Industrial/Commercial °Residential WaterSupply-(shared) IL MOVE,/ROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METTIOD is AMOUNT , °Irrigation fL f4 Nag-Water Supply.Well: n. ft ®Monttonns; ❑Recover - injection Well: ft. • rt. El Aquifer Recharge ❑Groundwater Rei ncdi:aion It sANO4.RAVEL PACK of applicable) °Aquifer Storage antiRccovrn ❑Salinity.Harrier ttRQN In j y1 a rrRr41. F'MPt.4CFyu Nr MFTHOn 6 ft. 23 Ii. FILTER SAND 8 2 °Aquifer Test ❑Slomnaater Drainage ft, It. ❑Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence('nftlrol Ill.DRILLING LOG(attach additional sheets if aecewsars I DGcotltctinai(Closed Loop ❑Tracer ' IRON TO OFSCRI►noN Ruhr,h.ron.•..,.,ion...-t.npcsr sin...,•,...I ❑Gcuthetn tal 4Heaniie Cooling Return) ❑Other(explain under#21 Remarls) 0 ft. 5 h, FILL SILT AND SAND 5 ft. 15 ft. SILT CLAY MOIST 4.Date Waa(s)Completed: 5-14-24 Well 1DllTMW-4 15 fL 20 R SILTY ILTY SAND Sa.Well location: 20 rt. 23 01. WET SILTY SAND/CLAY W. Cumberland St. PCE Site rt, h, Factliry On-ncr Naar Faeiliq iDO(if applicable) R fl. i- r••• JLtl 'IL 1200 West Cumberland St., Dunn, NC , 28334 n. ft. Flown]Address fin.and Zip 2l.REMARKS J V R 1 5 2024 Harnett BENTONITE SEAL 4 TO 6' fount. PaicelIdenutiicationNo (MIhtf01'thc:M "r-4►M:'s Unit Sb.Latitude and Longitude in deTnTs/minutrslscennds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification- flfwcllfsld not I:n•long..,,,ii, test - N W Brian Ewing 5/30/2024 Simone of Certified Well Contractor I 6.ik(are)the well(s): ❑Permanent or ICTemporary Bt signing Mu form.I hereby certify that the twigs!war(,rare)tv attnwted in arrordmrre HIM I SA NCAC 02C,OlfkT or 15A NCAC o2C,0200 Well Conannrtion Standards and that is 7.Is this a repair to au existing well: ❑Yes or IG No ropy of thin record has been provided In the Iwl owner. f/chis,t a repair,fill,nit etymon or11..nt,1„ntia11 isrfory araat.ale!rrp1.ar,t rh,tiara...of far repair under 12I remarks seviian or tat the bark of this!inns. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: Yon mat use the back of this pcilte to provide additional wen site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 .onsini lion details. You inay also attach additional pages if necessary. for mrinpk lrijen?ftal in anal-water.upp!r wells ONLY n',rh file'WM,C nstrUPti.Nl ..:a<oI, Ashur now farm. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below lewd surface: 23 (ft.) 24a. For AR Wells: Submit this form within 3tl days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if different tera.rhple-3@200 and 201001 constniction to the following iI.Stark water ksd below lop of caning: (ft.) Division of Water Resources,information Processing I nit. 1617 Mail Service(•cater,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 I I.Borehole diameter:2.25" (in.) 2-lb.for Injotlon Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 2aaabose. also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: DRIVEN cousinicttoo to the follow iiig tic.auger.rai).cable.direct push cic 1 DKision of Water Resources,Underground injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Sen-Ice Center.Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 13a Yield twill _ . of test: ' lie.For\i Ater.uppls tic Injection Wells: Also submit one coin of this form within iu des s of completion of lib.Disinfection ispe: Au .O well constmctton to the coimta health dclxrnnsent of the cotton n where constructed Form GW-I North Carolina Deportment of Em uuuunnii aid Natural Resources-Di.neon of Water Reoirtm Re.iced.August loll