HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuncombe_Well Abandonment_20240617 (4) WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For lnlerilel Use ONLY. This form can be used for single or multiple wells L Well tantractrir Infornration: WEI.I.ABANDONMENT DETAILS Rich Lemire 7a.Number of cods berry(abanduned: 1 Wdlt'ouwxkx Nam lot wellowrierp.rsonallsAx3ndontngwellon halter properNI h,w multtf,k o1jeth,n, .w k.n-N<uer ropyh rplis ONV rrrh r♦k• a,A"o, ,',owm,0,A ah,a+Amm,'rir,moot lt9r 1w1Vnl1`,Mw Kim 2593A 'b.Appnninutc vulumt:of pater nmainin> m wcll(v1�O (too N('w�dlConlrxinrCcnific:aiinn Nnnircr SAEDACCO FOR WATER SUPPLY N FLLS ON'I.Y: C•onQnin Name 'c. fy pe of diainfirtaiad used: L Well Cwtnictiun Pei Ydt 0:, l isr,dt,gq/IHvAIr arNrmltr 11.P.(uYrYt'.1'r+Nr,J�nWrre Irt/aa4iun,r7c.,,14'm.� d.Amiwnt ul Jisinfatanl u%cd: 3.well usr(check oAtil uses: Water Suppl} Well: 7e Scaling material%uvd wheek All that apply!: CI A_muhural 0%ltmicipa4Pubhoz M Neal Cement Ciniiu M Bcraonitc Chips or Pellets 06cothcmL•il(Hcatinv;'Coohnp SuMINI ❑Rcsicictnu►I Water Supple isingic) ❑ Sand Cement Grout ❑ Dry CLt,, 01►Idustrtal:Conmicicial ❑RL•srdettial Water Supph isharcd) ❑ CommicGrow ❑ DrillCuttinps ❑Irn eon ❑ Spenalh Grout ❑ Gra%cl Nan-Water Supply Well: t_1 Bentoliite Sourer f]Other(explain udder 7g) NklointonnL ❑RL•co%crr Injection Kell: 7f,For each material Klerted ahnre,prosidc ammont of materialsnw-4: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Cirourdsvaler Rentedialtott Neat Cem. :941b ,Wtr:6gal. Sand Cem. :lb ,Wtr:gal. ❑Agmfer Storage and Recos cry ❑Saluurt. Barrier ❑Aquifer'hesl ❑Slomlwalcr Drainage PORTLAND /BENTONITE POWER/BENTO', DExpettmernal I cschnoloK% ❑Subsidicme Cotarol 7R•Prrii like a brief olmription of the abandomincnt pmceilure: ❑Geethennal(Closed l"pf L1Tiacer 1Heatin 'Conlin Retum) I(Other(c� sin under 7 ) BENTONITE PELLETS SLOW RELEASE TO TOP O-F WATER,TEIEM TREMMIE OGeoth:rtnl -- GROUTED TOP OF WATER TO SURFACE. ,i-Date well(-)abandoned: 5-14-2024 Sa.Wto IiKatioa: FORMER ALLIANCE CAROLINA TOOL/MOLD CO. iON S.C'ertirwation: Facitth(1nriCrNamc r•.,cailymN(irapplicabte► itD ka01i: ,ii4rl r+-e.:,yty►�,� UM 125 Glenn Bridge Rd. Arden, NC 28704 DificL,JW/2024 Wdress.C1h.aid Zip SrpMitR of-.»!fled Wta Cnmxmr ar Well 0%act Dote BUNCOMBE By"gmgg fhes,)6rm• I hereby cergly Am the well(s) was tweret rahlunfnned or t.,.ua1 1',i-1kk-Aitx:ilh!iiN, o acecordaw-cwAIJAWACO2C.0100or C.02001E'ellConshwctionst►mclrm/K and shed a caps of&ts reicord lea beers provided to the well owner. Sh•Latitude and longitude in rkRrcrslminutrc scronds or decimal degi-evs: !d ucn I-Lid moo:Lot Gwg r,uffj,tc ri 9•Site diagram wadditional viell defail9: You brio use the be&of this page to prm ide addinoital well site details or well N W' abatitkwntent details. You titan also aitach additional pages if necessan. tONSTRUIEMON DETAILS OF W'ELLISi REIN(:ABANDONED SUBMITTAL.INSTRUCTIONS ... �:r..l7rudnnt nennba{l oawiaMh•. hew mulUplr rn/re txm ru inn•»d1.r wfq•i1 r, r> •il,r1k•,anir arwuUri►fxgt,rf4ankMlMenl.1UY can arhnu!core JuAn. Isla. For all Wells: Subtrut this form imflun 10 days of completion of well -6 ibaridonmeni to the following Disision of Water Rcw-urres,Information Processing l nit. 38 1617 Mail Seesice Center,Raleigh.N('2 769)-1 6 1 7 i,b. I.ot,►I well rkpdc tft.1 10b.For infection Wells: In adduicm to beading lire form to the:ddicss ua lua abuse. also subnut one copy of sous form widrin Yl dins of completion of well t,c.Ro,rehodr diameter:2 tin.) abandomiteni to the tollowntc, Di►ision or Water Revource%.I nders;niund Injeection Cournil Pn1l,ram. i>d.\\stir!es el hrhiw L+rrlund siirtaee: 28 (ft.1 1636 Mail Sinice(enter,Raleigh,N('276"-1636 Ilk. For Water Suoitls & Ini irdiun Wells: In addimm to sending ilk foml to tic.Outer aa.in.lcn'-th tifknowa): (ft•► the address(esi abote. also submit one cops of this fora within Ill dins of ;ouiplction of sell abarriomn:nt to the coumo, health rlepartinetn of ibc county ss I�rc atxrndoilcd I&Inner length!if lcnnwn): i.g.scrccn Icngrh of hriawnI: (ft.) i I 'A- - Noah Caroli►n Dcpanincei of Ent irwinteta aid Nara►rat Resources Di%iston of Water Resoiuecs Res iced Attpusi 201I